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28 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete


Six models were described in this chapter for the prediction of shrinkage and creep of concrete.
These include ACI 209R-92, B3, GL-2000, CEB 90, CEB MC 90–99, and AASHTO.

2.13.1 ACI 209R-92 Model

The American Concrete Institute recommends the ACI 209R-92 as one of four models [12].
Branson and Christianson [13] first developed this model in 1970. The ACI 209 model was used
for many years in the design of concrete structures. The model is simple to use but limited in
its accuracy.

Shrinkage Calculation. Calculation of shrinkage using the ACI 209R-92 model can be per-
formed if the following parameters and conditions are known: curing method (moist-cured or
steam-cured concrete), relative humidity, H , type of cement, specimen shape, ultimate shrinkage
strain, εshu , age of concrete after casting, t, age of the concrete drying commenced, usually taken
as the age at the end of moist curing, tc .
The shrinkage strain is defined as
t − tc
εsh (t, tc ) = K K ε (2.10)
f + (t − tc ) ss sh shu
t = age of concrete after casting (days)
tc = age of the concrete drying commenced (days)
f = constant in determining shrinkage strain, depends on curing method shape and
size factors according to Table 2.4
Kss = shape and size correction factor for shrinkage according to Eq. 2.11
Ksh = relative humidity correction factor for shrinkage according to Eq. 2.12
εshu = ultimate shrinkage strain 780 × 10−6 (in./in.) or (mm/mm) (for both moist- and
steam-cured concrete)
Shape and size correction factor for shrinkage should be calculated as follows:
For t − tc ≤ one year
⎪ V

⎨ 1.23 − 0.152 (in.-lb)
Kss =   (2.11a)

⎪ V
⎩ 1.23 − 0.006 (SI)

For t − tc > one year

⎪ V

⎨ 1.23 − 0.116 (in.-lb)
Kss =   (2.11b)

⎪ V
⎩ 1.23 − 0.00456 (SI)
V = volume of the specimen (in.3 or mm3 )
S = surface of the specimen (in.2 or mm2 )
30 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete

fc (t0 ) = fcm28 (2.18)
a + bt0
where fcm28 is the average 28-day concrete compressive strength (MPa) a and b are constants
according to Table 2.5.
Creep coefficient, Cc (t), can be determined as follows:
(t − t0 )0.60
Cc (t, t0 ) = C K K K (2.19)
10 + (t − t0 )0.60 cu ch ca cs
t0 = age of concrete at loading (days)
t = age of concrete (days)
Ccu = ultimate creep coefficient = 2.35
Kch = relative humidity correction factor for creep determined from Table 2.6
Kca = age at loading correction factor determined from Table 2.6
Kcs = shape and size correction factor for creep determined from Table 2.7

2.13.2 B3 Model
The model was developed by Bazant and Baweja [14] and is described by ACI [12].
Shrinkage Calculation. Required parameters for calculation of shrinkage strain using the B3
model are concrete mean compressive strength at 28 days, curing conditions, cement type, relative
humidity, water content in concrete, and specimen shape.

Table 2.5 Constants a and b as Function of Cement Type and Curing Method

Type of Cement Moist-Cured Concrete Steam-Cured Concrete

I a=4 b = 0.85 a=1 b = 0.95

III a = 2.30 b = 0.92 a = 0.70 b = 0.98

Table 2.6 Correction Factors for Age of Loading and Relative Humidity

Curing Method t0 (days) H Kca Kch

Moist cured ≥ 1 day ≥ 40% N/A N/A

≥ 7 days ≥ 40% 1.25(t 0 )−0.118 1.27 − 0.0067H
Stem cured ≥ 1 day ≥ 40% 1.13(t 0 )−0.095 1.27 – 0.0067H
≥ 7 days ≥ 40% N/A N/A

Table 2.7 Correction Factors for shape and size

t − t0 Kcs (in.-lb) Kcs (SI)

<1 year 1.14 − 0.092 1.14 − 0.00363
>1 year 1.10 − 0.068 1.10 − 0.023
2.13 Models for Predicting Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete 31

The shrinkage strain can be estimated using the following equation:

εs (t) = (εshu )(Kh )S(t) (2.20)

εshu = ultimate shrinkage strain according to Eq. 2.21
Kh = humidity function for shrinkage according to Table 2.9
S(t) = time function for shrinkage according to Eq. 2.27

Ultimate shrinkage strain can be calculated using the following equation:

εshu = −εsu (2.21)
Ecm(t+τsh )

−α1 α2 [0.025(w)2.1 (fcm28 )−0.28 + 270] × 10−6 (in.-lb)

εsu = (2.22)
−α1 α2 [0.019(w)2.1 (fcm28 )−0.28 + 270] × 10−6 (SI)
α1 = type of cement correction factor according to Table 2.8
α2 = curing condition correction factor according to the Table 2.9
w = water content (kg/m3 ) or (lb/yd3 )
fcm28 = mean compressive concrete strength at 28 days (MPa) or (psi)
Ecm607 /Ecm(t+τsh ) = a factor that accounts for the time dependence of ultimate
shrinkage of concrete.

Type of cement correction factor α1 can be determined using Table 2.8.

Curing condition correction factor α2 can be determined using Table 2.9.

Table 2.8 Correction Factor α1 as Function of Cement Type

Type of Cement α1

I 1.00
II 0.85
III 1.10

Table 2.9 Correction Factor α2 as Function of Type of Curing

Type of Curing α2

Steam cured 0.75

Water cured or H = 100% 1.00
Sealed during curing 1.20
32 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete

Table 2.10 Humidity Function for Shrinkage, Kh

Humidity Kh

H ≤ 98% 1 − (H /100)3
H = 100% −0.2
98% ≤ H ≤ 100% Linear interpolation

Humidity function for shrinkage, Kh , should be determined according to Table 2.10.

57000 fcm28 (in.-lb)
Ecm28 =  (2.23)
4735 fcm28 (SI)
Ecm607 = 1.167Ecm28 (2.24)
t + τsh
Ecm(t+Tsh ) = Ecm28 (2.25)
4 + 0.85(t + τsh )
⎧   2

⎪ −0.08 −0.25 V

⎨ 190.8tc (fcm28 ) 2ks (in.-lb)
τsh =   2 (2.26)

⎪ V

⎩ 0.85tc−0.08 (fcm28 )−0.25 2ks (SI)
where H is relative humidity (%).
Time function for shrinkage, S(t), should be calculated according to the following equation:
t − tc
S(t) = tanh (2.27)
t = age of concrete (days)
tc = age of concrete drying commenced (days)
t − tc = time from end of initial curing
Tsh = shrinkage half-time (days) according to Eq. 2.26
Ecm28 = modulus of elasticity of concrete at 28 days (MPa or psi)
Ks = cross-sectional shape correction factor according to Table 2.11

If type of member is not defined, Ks can be assumed to be 1.

Table 2.11 Correction Factor Ks as Function of Cross-Sectional Shape

Cross-Sectional Shape Ks

Infinite slab 1.00

Infinite cylinder 1.15
Infinite square prism 1.25
Sphere 1.30
Cube 1.55
2.13 Models for Predicting Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete 33

Creep Calculation. The creep function, also called creep compliance, J (t, t0 ) is given by
Eq. 2.28:
J (t, t0 ) = q1 + C0 (t, t0 ) + Cd (t, t0 , tc ) (2.28)
q1 = instantaneous strain, given in Eq. 2.29
C0 (t, t0 ) = compliance function for basic creep composed of three terms, an aging
viscoelastic term, a nonaging viscoelastic term, and an aging flow term
given in Eq. 2.30
Cd (t, t0 , tc ) = compliance function for drying creep, given in Eq. 2.38

q1 = (2.29)
The compliance function for basic creep, C0 (t, t0 ), should be calculated as follows:
C0 (t, t0 ) = q2 Q(t, t0 ) + q3 ln 1 + (t − t0 )0.1 + q4 ln (2.30)
q2 = aging viscoelastic compliance parameter
Q(t, t0 ) = binomial integral
q3 = nonaging viscoelastic compliance parameter
q4 = flow compliance parameter
t0 = age of concrete at loading (days)

86.8(c)0.5 (fcm28 )−0.9 × 10−6 (in.-lb)

q2 = (2.31)
185.4(c)0.5 (fcm28 )−0.9 × 10−6 (SI)
where c is the cement content (kg/m3 ).
 −1/r(t0 )
Qf (t0 )r(t0 )
Q(t, t0 ) = Qf (t0 ) 1 + (2.32)
Z(t, t0 )r(t0 )
Qf (t0 ) = (2.33)
0.086(t0 )2/9 + 1.21(t0 )4/9
ln[1 + (t − t0 )0.1 ]
Z(t, t0 ) = √ (2.34)
r(t0 ) = 1.7(t0 )0.12 + 8 (2.35)
 w 4
q3 = 0.29q2 (2.36)
⎧  a −0.7

⎨ 0.14 × 10−6 (in.-lb)
q4 = c
⎪   (2.37)
⎩ 20.3 a −0.7 × 10−6 (SI)
34 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete

The compliance function for drying creep, Cd (t, t0 , tc ), should be calculated as follows:

Cd (t, t0 , tc ) = q5 exp[−8H (t)] − exp[−8H (t0 )] (2.38)
where q5 is a drying creep compliance parameter that can be calculated from the equation
0.757|εshu × 106 |−0.6
q5 = (2.39)
where εshu is the ultimate shrinkage strain, given by Eq. 2.21. H (t) and H (t0 ) are spatial averages
of pore relative humidity.  
H (t) = 1 − 1 − S(t) (2.40)
H (t0 ) = 1 − 1 − S(t0 ) (2.41)
where S(t) is given by Eq. 2.27 and
t0 − tc
S(t0 ) = tanh (2.42)
and Tsh is given by Eq. 2.26.

2.13.3 GL 2000 Model

The GL 2000 model was developed by Gardner et al. and is described in Refs. 12 and 15.

Shrinkage Calculation. Parameters required for calculation of shrinkage strain using the GL
2000 model are mean 28-day concrete compressive strength, fcm28 , relative humidity, H , age of
concrete at the beginning of shrinkage, tc , type of cement, and specimen shape.
The shrinkage strain can be calculated using the following equation:
εs (t) = εshu β(h)β(t − tc ) (2.43)
εshu = ultimate shrinkage strain according to Eq. 2.44
β(h) = correction term for effect of humidity according to Eq. 2.45
β(t − tc ) = correction term for effect of time of drying according to Eq. 2.46

Ultimate shrinkage strain should be calculated from the following equation:

⎧  1/2

⎪ 4350

⎪ × 10−6 (in.-lb)

⎨ (900)K fcm
εshu =  1/2 (2.44)

⎪ 30

⎩ (900)K f × 10−6 (SI)

K = shrinkage constant, which depends on cement type as shown in Table 2.12
fcm28 = mean 28-day concrete compressive strength (MPa) or psi

Shrinkage constant K can be determined from Table 2.12.

36 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete

Table 2.13 Coefficient a and b as Function of Cement Type

Cement Type a B

I 2.8 0.77
II 3.4 0.72
III 1.0 0.92

Creep coefficient, φ(t, t0 ), can be calculated as shown:

⎧     0.5  0.5

⎪ (t − t0 )0.3 7 t − t0

⎪ φ(tc ) 2 +

⎪ (t − t0 )0.3 + 14 t − t0 + 7

⎪ t0

⎪  0.5 

⎪ t − t

⎪ + 2.5(1 − 1.086h2 ) 0
⎨ t − t0 + 77(V/S)2
φ28 (t, t0 ) =     0.5  0.5 (2.51)

⎪ (t − t0 )0.3 t − t0

⎪ 7

⎪ φ(tc ) 2 +

⎪ (t − t0 )0.3 + 14 t0 t − t0 + 7

⎪  0.5 

⎪ t − t

⎪ + 2.5(1 − 1.086h2 ) 0
⎩ t − t0 + 0.12(V/S)2

If t0 = t c then φ(tc ) = 1 (2.52)

  0.5 0.5
t0 − tc
If t 0 > tc then φ(tc ) = 1 − (in.-lb) (2.53)
t0 − tc + 77(V/S)2
  0.5 0.5
t 0 − tc
If t0 > tc then φ(tc ) = 1 − (SI)
t0 − tc + 0.12(V/S)2
where H is the relative humidity (%).

2.13.4 CEB 90 Model

The CEB 90 model was developed by Muller and Hillsdorf [16].

Shrinkage Calculation. Parameters required for calculation of shrinkage strain using the CEB
90 model are mean 28-day concrete compressive strength fcm28 , relative humidity H , age of
concrete at the beginning of shrinkage tc , type of cement, and specimen shape.
The strain due to shrinkage may be calculated from the following equation:
εs (t, tc ) = εcs0 βs (t − tc ) (2.54)
εcs0 = notional shrinkage coefficient according to Eq. 2.55
βs (t, tc ) = coefficient describing development of shrinkage with time according to
Eq. 2.58
2.13 Models for Predicting Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete 37

Notional shrinkage coefficient is

εcs0 = εs (fcm28 )βRH (2.55)
εs (fcm28 ) = concrete strength factor on shrinkage according to Eq. 2.56
βRH = relative humidity factor on notional shrinkage coefficient according to
Table 2.14
Concrete strength factor on shrinkage, εs (fcm28 ), can be calculated as
⎪ fcm28

⎨ 160 + 10(βsc ) 9 − 1450 × 10−6 (in.-lb)
εs (fcm28 ) =   (2.56)

⎪ fcm28
⎩ 160 + 10(βsc ) 9 − × 10−6 (SI)
βsc = coefficient that depends on type of cement according to Table 2.15.
fcm28 = mean 28-day concrete compressive strength (MPa or psi)

Coefficient βsc dependent on humidity, βRH , should be determined according to Table 2.15,
H 3
βarh = 1 − (2.57)
The development of shrinkage with time is given by

⎪ t − tc

⎪ (in.-lb)
⎨ 350(he /4)2 + (t − tc )
βs (t − tc ) = (2.58)

⎪ (t − tc )

⎪ (SI)
⎩ 0.56(h /4)2 + (t − t )
e c

t = age of concrete (days)
tc = age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage (days)
he = effective thickness to account for volume/surface ratio (mm)

Table 2.14 Determination of Coefficient βRH

Humidity βRH

40% ≤ H < 99% −1.55 × βarh

H ≥ 99% 0.25

Table 2.15 Coefficient βsc

Type of Cement European Type American Type βsc

Slow hardening SL II 4
Normal/rapid hardening R I 5
Rapid hardening, high strength RS III 8
38 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete

Effective thickness, he , can be determined as follows:

2Ac 2V
he = = (2.59)
u S
Ac = cross section of the structural member (mm2 or in.2 )
u = perimeter of the structural member in contact with the atmosphere (mm or in.)

Creep Calculation. Creep compliance represents the total stress-dependent strain per unit
stress. It can be calculated as
1 φ (t, t0 )
J (t, t0 ) = + 28 (2.60)
Ecmt0 Ecm28
Ecmt0 = modulus of elasticity at time of loading t0 (MPa or psi)
Ecm28 = modulus of elasticity at 28 days (MPa or psi)
φ28 (t, t0 ) = creep coefficient
Ecmt0 = Ecm28 exp 0.5S 1 − (2.61)
where S is the coefficient that depends on cement type and can be determined from Table 2.16.

⎪ 3 fcm28

⎨ 3,118,310 (in.-lb)
Ecm28 =  (2.62)

⎪ 3 fcm28
⎩ 21,500 (SI)
Creep coefficient, φ(t, t0 ), can be evaluated from the given equation:
φ28 (t, t0 ) = φ0 βc (t − t0 ) (2.63)
φ0 = notional creep coefficient
βc (t, t0 ) = equation describing development of creep with time after loading
φ0 = φRH β(fcm28 )β(t0 ) (2.64)
where φRH is the relative humidity factor on the notional creep coefficient given by

⎪ 1 − H /100
⎨ 1 + 0.46
⎪ 3
he /4
φRH = (2.65)

⎪ 1 − H /100
⎩1 +
⎪  (SI)
0.64 3 he /100

Table 2.16 Coefficient S as Function of Cement Type

Cement Type European Type U.S. Type S

Slow hardening SL II 0.38

Normal/rapid hardening R I 0.25
Rapid hardening high strength RS III 0.20
2.13 Models for Predicting Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete 39

εas0 (fcm28 ) is the concrete strength factor on the notional creep coefficient given by

⎪ 5.3
⎨ f
⎪ (in.-lb)
cm28 /1450
β(fcm28 ) = (2.66)

⎪ 5.3
⎩ f
⎪ (SI)
cm28 /10

β (t0 ) is the age of concrete at loading factor on the notional creep coefficient given by
β(t0 ) = (2.67)
0.1 + t00.2
An equation describing development of creep with time after loading, βc (t, t0 ), can be calculated
using the following equation:
t − t0
βc (t, t0 ) = (2.68)
βH + t − t0
37.5he [1 + (0.012H )18 ] + 250 ≤ 1500 days (in.-lb)
βH = (2.69)
1.5he [1 + (0.012H )18 ] + 250 ≤ 1500 days (SI)

2.13.5 CEB MC 90-99 Model

The CEB MC 90-99 is a modification of the CEB 90 and is described in Ref. 17.
Shrinkage Calculation. In this new model, total shrinkage contains an autogenous and drying
shrinkage component. In high-performance concrete, autogenous shrinkage is significant and
needs to be considered in prediction of shrinkage. This new approach was necessary so that
shrinkage of normal as well as high-performance concrete can be predicted with sufficient
accuracy [1].
Total shrinkage strain can be calculated using the following equation:
εs (t, tc ) = εas (t) + εds (t, tc ) (2.70)
εas (t) = autogenous shrinkage at time t
εds (t, tc ) = drying shrinkage at time t
Autogenous shrinkage, εas (t), should be calculated as follows:
εas (t) = εas0 (fcm28 )βas (t) (2.71)
εcas0 (fcm28 ) = notional autogenous shrinkage coefficient according to Eq. 2.72
βas (t) = function to describe the time-development of autogenous shrinkage, from
Eq. 2.73
Notional autogenous shrinkage coefficient, εcas0 (fcm ), can be calculated as
⎧  2.5

⎪ f /1450

⎪ −αas cm28
× 10−6 (in.-lb)

⎨ 6 + fcm28 /1450
εas0 (fcm28 ) =  2.5 (2.72)

⎪ f /10

⎪ cm
⎩ −αas 6 + f
⎪ 28
× 10−6 (SI)
cm28 /10
40 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete

αas = coefficient that depends on type of cement
= 800 for slowly hardening cements (SL)
= 700 for normal or rapidly hardening cements (N or R)
= 600 for rapidly hardening high-strength cements (RS)
εds0 (fcm28 ) = mean compressive strength of concrete at an age of 28 days
(MPa or psi)

Function βas (t) should be calculated using the following equation:

βas (t) = 1 − exp − 0.2(t)0.5 (2.73)
where t is the age of concrete (days).
Drying shrinkage, εds (t, tc ), can be estimated by the equation
εds (t, tc ) = εds0 (fcm28 )βRH (H )βds (t − tc ) (2.74)
εds0 (fcm28 ) = notional drying shrinkage coefficient according to Eq. 2.75
βRH (H ) = coefficient to take into account the effect of relative humidity on drying
shrinkage according to Eq. 2.76
βds (t − tc ) = function to describe the time development of drying shrinkage according
to Eq. 2.78

Notional drying shrinkage coefficient, εds0 (fcm28 ), may be calculated from the following
[(220 + 110αds1 ) exp(−αds2 fcm28 /1450)] × 10−6 (in.-lb)
εds0 (fcm28 ) = (2.75)
[(220 + 110αds1 ) exp(−αds2 fcm28 /10)] × 10−6 (SI)
αds1 = coefficient that depends on type of cement
= 3 for slowly hardening cements (SL)
= 4 for normal or rapidly hardening cements (N or R)
= 6 for rapidly hardening high-strength cements (RS)
αds2 = coefficient that depends on type of cement
= 0.13 for slowly hardening cements (SL)
= 0.11 for normal or rapidly hardening cements (N or R)
= 0.12 for rapidly hardening high-strength cements (RS)

Coefficient βRH (H ) should be calculated as follows:

⎧   3 

⎨ −1.55 1 − H
for 40% ≤ H < 99% × βs1
βRH = 100 (2.76)

0.25 for H ≥ 99% × βs1
H = ambient relative humidity (%)
βs1 = coefficient to take into account the self-desiccation in high-performance
2.13 Models for Predicting Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete 41

It can be determined as follows:

⎧ 0.1

⎪ 3.5 × 1450

⎪ ≤ 1.0 (in.-lb)

⎨ fcm28
βs1 =  0.1 (2.77)

⎪ 35

⎩ f ≤ 1.0 (SI)

Function βds (t − tc ) may be estimated as follows:

⎧ 0.5

⎪ t − tc

⎨ 350(h /4)2 + (t − t ) (in.-lb)
e c
βds (t − tc ) =  0.5 (2.78)

⎪ t − tc

⎩ (SI)
0.56(he /4)2 + (t − tc )
tc = concrete age at the beginning of drying (days)
he = 2Ac /u = notional size of member (mm), where Ac is the cross section (mm2 ) and
u is the perimeter of the member in contact with the atmosphere (mm)

Creep Calculation. Total stress-dependent strain per unit stress, also called creep compliance
or creep function, can be determined as follows:
1 φ (t, t0 )
J (t, t0 ) = + 28 (2.79)
Ecmt0 Ecm28
Ecmt0 = modulus of elasticity at age of loading (MPa or psi)
Ecm28 = modulus of elasticity at day 28 (MPa or psi)
φ28 (t, t0 ) = creep coefficient
Ecmt0 = Ecm28 exp 0.5S 1 − (2.80)
where S is the coefficient that depends on cement type and compressive strength and can be
determined from Table 2.17.

⎪ 3 fcm28

⎨ 3,118,310 1450 (in.-lb)
Ecm28 =  (2.81)

⎪ fcm28

⎩ 21,500 3
Creep coefficient, φ(t, t0 ), can be evaluated from the given equation:
φ(t, t0 ) = φ0 βc (t, t0 ) (2.82)
φ0 = notional creep coefficient
β(t, t0 ) = equation describing development of creep with time after loading
φ0 = φRH β(fcm28 )β(t0 ) (2.83)
42 Chapter 2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete

Table 2.17 Coefficient S as Function of Cement Type and Compressive Strength

fcm28 Type of Cement S

≤60 MPa (8700 psi) Rapidly hardening high strength (RS) 0.20
≤60 MPa (8700 psi) Normal or rapidly hardening (N or R) 0.25
≤60 MPa (8700 psi) Slow hardening (SL) 0.38
>60 MPa (8700 psi) All types∗ 0.20
∗ Case not considered in CEB MC 90–99

where φRH is the relative humidity factor on the notional creep coefficient given as

⎪ 1 − H /100
⎪ 1+
⎪  α1 α2 (in.-lb)

⎨ 0.46 3 he /4
φRH =   (2.84)

⎪ 1 − H /100

⎩ 1 + 0.64
⎪ 3
h /100
α1 α2 (SI)

⎧ 0.7

⎪ 3.5 × 1450

⎨ fcm28
α1 =  0.7 (2.85)

⎪ 35

⎩ f (SI)

⎧ 0.2

⎪ 3.5 × 1450

⎨ fcm28
α2 =  0.2 (2.86)

⎪ 35

⎩ f (SI)

β(fcm28 ) is the concrete strength factor on the notional creep coefficient,

⎪ 5.3

⎨ fcm /1450 (in.-lb)

β(fcm28 ) =

⎪ 5.3

⎩ (SI)
fcm28 /10
β(t0 ) is the age of concrete at loading factor on the notional creep coefficient,
β(t0 ) = (2.88)
0.1 + t00.2
t0 = t0,T + 1 ≥ 0.5 days (2.89)
2 + t0,T

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