8260.3B - U.S Terps

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Effective Date:
National Policy 02/24/2014

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

1. Purpose. This change incorporates existing standards from various policy documents and
revises/deletes obsolete area navigation (RNAV) standards.

2. Who this change affects. The audience for this change is the FAA organization responsible
for instrument flight procedure (IFP) development. The secondary audience includes other IFP
providers, Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Service Area offices, Flight Standards headquarters
and Regional office Divisions/Branches, and the applicable elements in the Department of
Defense (DoD) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) [hereafter referred to as the U.S.
Military or Military].

3. Where you can find this change. You can find this order on the Federal Aviation
Administration’s (FAA) Web site at http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/orders_notices.

4. What this change cancels.

a. TIL 99-003 dated January 15, 1999, “Taxiing Aircraft as Departure Obstructions.”

b. TIL 01-025 dated June 19, 2001, “Turning Area Curve Radii at 10,000 Feet MSL.”

c. TIL 02-043 dated December 4, 2002, “8260.3B United States Standard for Terminal
Instrument Procedures (TERPS) Change 19, Correction #1.”

d. TIL 03-048 dated July 7, 2003, “Interim Correction to Order 8260.3B, United States
Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures.”

f. AFS-400 Memorandum dated December 7, 2001, “Minimum Segment Altitudes and

Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC).”

g. AFS-400 Memorandum dated January 17, 2003, “Implementation of FAA order

8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedure (TERPS), Change 19.”

h. AFS-400 Memorandum dated January 5, 2004, “Clarification of Precision Obstacle Free

Area (POFA).”

i. AFS-400 Memorandum dated March 17, 2005, “Revised Policy for Application of
Volume 4, Paragraph 1.3.”

Distribution: Electronic Only Initiated By: AFS-400

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

j. AFS-400 Memorandum dated December 6, 2005, “Clarification of TERPS Glidepath

Angle Standard.”

k. AFS-400 Memorandum dated April 24, 2007, “Category I Instrument Landing System
(ILS) End Fire Glide Slope (EFGS) Antenna Obstacle Evaluation.”

l. AFS-400 Memorandum dated December 28, 2007, “Implementation of Order 8260.3B,

U.S. Standard for Terminal Instrument procedures (TERPS), Change 20.”

m. AFS-400 Memorandum dated August 17, 2009, “Policy Clarifications Associated with
FAA Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS),
Change 21.”

n. AFS-400 Memorandum dated June 22, 2010, “Clarification on Missed Approach Climb
Gradient Application.”

o. AFS-400 Memorandum dated September 4, 2013, “Proposed Change to FAA Order

8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument procedures (TERPS), Volume 1,
Chapter 1, Paragraph 289, Obstacles Close to a Final Approach Fix”.”

p. AFS-400 Memorandum dated September 4, 2013, “Information on the Future Use of

Touchdown Zone Elevation (TDZE) on Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Charts.”

q. Order 8260.16, Airport Obstruction Surveys, dated July 7, 1969.

r. Order 8260.56, Diverse Vector Area (DVA) Evaluation, dated August 2, 2011.

5. Explanation of changes.

a. General. Deleted references to OPNAV Inst. 3722.16C per U.S. Navy request. Updated
Cover, Foreword, and DoD Distribution and Requisition page to correlate with removing the

b. Volume 1.

(1) Chapter 1. Incorporated TIL 03-048. Revised section 1 text for clarity; deleted
paragraph for existing procedures. In sections 2 through 5, revised text for clarity. In section 6,
clarified procedure identification requirements and added a requirement to specify unique
suffixes to differentiate public and special. In section 7, revised text for clarity; added directive
feedback information.

(2) Chapter 2. Throughout chapter, figures have been updated on pages where the text
was revised as part of this change. Throughout chapter, paragraphs related to altitude selection
and obstacle clearance have been updated to clarify intent and to incorporate policy related to
minimum required obstacle clearance (i.e., December 7, 2001 policy memorandum). Throughout

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

chapter, instances of “shall” have largely been replaced with “must” where other text on the
same page has been revised.

(3) Paragraph 220. Updated paragraph 220 as resolution to Aeronautical Charting Forum
issue 07-01-270.

(4) Paragraph 289. This paragraph has been revised to remove the word “existing” so that
the paragraph is applicable to any obstacle. It has also been revised to incorporate a 3.5:1 slope
(instead of a 7:1 slope) for helicopter only procedures. These changes incorporate policy
contained in AFS-400 memorandums dated September 4, 2013 and December 28, 2007

(5) Chapter 3. Throughout chapter, references to height above threshold (HATh) as used
in the determination visibility have been replaced with height above touchdown (HAT),
consistent with AFS-400 policy memorandum dated September 4, 2013. Definition/examples of
HAT and height above airport (HAA) calculations have been added to paragraph 3.1. Paragraph
3.1.1a and the note have been revised for clarity; sentence related to consideration of the Airport
Reference Code (ARC) in determining authorized approach categories has been removed.
Paragraphs 3.2.2b and 3.2.2b(2)(a) have been revised to incorporate AFS-400 policy
memorandum dated August 17, 2009.

(6) Chapter 9. Incorporates requirement for the missed approach point for a localizer
(LOC) or localizer type directional aid (LDA) approach procedure to be at least 3000 feet from
the LOC/LDA facility.

(7) Chapter 10. Section 1 revised to clarify policy relating procedure/chart development
for single/multi-sensor radar.

(8) Chapter 11. Revised for clarity. Incorporated AFS-400 policy memorandum dated
December 28, 2007.

(9) Chapter 15. Incorporated AFS-400 policy memorandum dated December 28, 2007.

(10) Chapter 17. Incorporated TIL 01-025 to clarify the turn radius used for construction
of en route turning areas at 10000 feet MSL. Incorporated AFS-400 policy memorandum dated
December 28, 2007. Removed requirement to coordinate high altitude holding with the
“Aviation Systems Standards” office.

(11) Removed Appendix 6, Alphabetical Index.

c. Volume 3.

(1) Paragraph 1.1. Edited for clarity. Replaced references to microwave landing system
(MLS) with mobile microwave landing system (MMLS). Removed references to transponder
landing system (TLS), wide area augmentation system (WAAS), local area augmentation system
(LAAS), and barometric vertical navigation (baro-VNAV).

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

(2) Paragraph 1.1. Edited for clarity. Replaced MLS with MMLS. Removed references to

(3) Figure 1-1. Updated figure.

(4) Paragraph 1.2. Removed definitions for Barometric Altitude, Barometric Vertical
Navigation, Departure End of Runway, Flight Path Alignment Point, Flight Path Control Point,
Geoid Height, Ground Point of Intercept, Height Above Ellipsoid, Inner Approach Obstacle Free
Zone, Inner-Transitional OFZ, Lateral Navigation, Object Free Area, Precision Approach,
Precision Approach Radar, Pseudo Ground Point of Intercept, Required Navigation Performance,
Three Dimensional (3D) Point/Waypoint, Two Dimensional (2D) Point/Waypoint, and Wide
Area Augmentation System. Replaced definition of MLS with MMLS. Updated definitions for
Fictitious Threshold Point, Glidepath Intercept Point, Landing Threshold Point, Precise Final
Approach Fix, and Runway Threshold. Added new definition for “Legacy.” Updated figure 1-3
to accompany the revision to the definition of “Runway Threshold.”

(5) Chapter 2. This chapter has been completely revised for editorial clarity, references
have been updated, obsolete criteria have been removed, figures have been updated, and criteria
specific to RNAV have been removed.

(6) Chapter 3. Replaced all figures; no substantive changes.

(7) Paragraph 3.0. Revised for clarity.

(8) Figure 3-1. Updated figure; no substantive changes.

(9) Paragraph 3.1. Revised for clarity.

(10) Paragraph 3.2. Revised for clarity.

(11) Paragraph 3.2.1. Revised for clarity.

(12) Figure 3-3. Title of figure revised for clarity.

(13) Paragraph 3.2.2. Editorial changes.

(14) Paragraph 3.3. Revised title of paragraph and content of paragraph. In particular,
specific requirements related to POFA (currently called the POFZ) have been removed. POFZ
requirements are contained within AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, and also within order
7110.65, Air Traffic Control.

(15) Figure 3-4. Deleted figure depicting “POFA.”

(16) Paragraph 3.6.2. Editorial changes.

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

(17) Paragraph 3.6.3. Revised so adjustment is always mandatory when “Y” surface is

(18) Paragraph 3.7. Editorial changes.

(19) Paragraph 3.8. through 3.8.4. Editorial changes.

(20) Paragraph 3.8.5. Deleted.

(21) Paragraph 3.9 through 3.9.4. This paragraph has been significantly revised to remove
references to RNAV. The ILS missed approach criteria have also been revised to allow
harmonization with localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) missed approach
criteria, while retaining the current standard as an optional method for evaluation.

(22) Chapter 4. Deleted.

(23) Revised appendix 2 to include global navigation satellite system landing system
(GLS) approaches in simultaneous independent parallel instrument approaches (SIPIA) standard.

(24) Revised appendix 3 by changing the title to “Simultaneous Close Parallel (SCP)
Approaches” and by adding guidance for authorizing RNAV and Ground Based Augmentation
System Landing System (GLS) approaches for SCP approaches. Added requirement to obtain
AFS-400 approval for triple and quadruple SCP operations. Removed high update radar
requirement when runway spacing is at least 3600 feet. Removed references to MLS, updated
definitions and figures, removed duplicative information, and provided additional clarifications
and current references.

d. Volume 4.

(1) Removed unneeded definitions from paragraph 1.1.

(2) Paragraph 1.1.24. Deleted definition for “Takeoff Runway Available (TORA).” See
also explanation of change for paragraph 1.4.5 below.

(3) Paragraph 1.3. Remove the option to adjust the origin height of the departure OCS per
AFS-400 memorandum dated March 17 2005.

(4) Paragraph 1.4.5. Removed option to limit TORA and replaced it with option to reduce
takeoff runway length per AFS-400 memorandum dated March 17 2005.

(5) Paragraph 2.3. Deleted paragraph and replaced with chapter 5, Diverse Vector Area
Evaluation (DVA).

(6) Chapter 3. Revised to incorporate TIL 02-043.

(7) Figures 4-1 through 4-4. Replaced figures; no substantive changes.

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(8) Paragraph 4.2.1. Updated paragraph reference within the “climb to altitude” formula.

(9) Paragraph 4.2.2.e(1). Updated paragraph reference within the “climb to altitude”

(10) Chapter 5. New chapter added to replace paragraph 2.3 and to incorporate content
from Order 8260.56, Diverse Vector Area (DVA) Evaluation. The only significant change in
content from order 8260.56 is that climb gradients in excess of 200 ft/NM are no longer

6. Effective Date. Implementation of all changes must be completed no later than 12 months
from the published effective date. Previous editions may be used until implementation has
commenced, not to exceed 12 months from the new effective date.

7. Distribution. We will distribute this change to Washington headquarters to the Group and
Team level in the Air Traffic Organization (Safety, En Route and Oceanic Services, Terminal
Services, System Operations Services, Technical Operations Services, and Mission Support
Services), Offices of Airport Safety and Standards, and Offices of Air Traffic Oversight; to the
branch level in Offices of Airport Safety and Standards; Flight Standards Service; to the
Aeronautical Navigation Products Office (AeroNav Products, AJV-3), and to the Regulatory
Standards Division (AMA-200), at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level
in the regional Flight Standards and Airport Divisions; to all Flight Standards District Offices
(FSDOs); to the Team level in the Air Traffic Organization Service Areas (En Route and
Oceanic, Terminal, and Technical Operations); special mailing list ZVN-826; and Special
Military and Public Addressees.

John S. Duncan
Director, Flight Standards Service

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

iii thru iv 11/15/83 iii thru iv 02/24/14
v thru vi 12/06/84 v thru vi 02/24/14
vii thru x 08/31/11 vii thru xxvi 02/24/14
Volume 1 Volume 1
vii thru xvi 08/31/11
1 thru 2 05/15/02 1 thru 2 02/24/14
3 11/12/99 3 02/24/14
4 thru 6-2 05/15/02 4 thru 6 02/24/14
9 thru 12 02/13/98 9 thru 12 02/24/14
12-1 thru 12-2 11/12/99 12-1 thru 12-2 02/24/14
15 thru 16-2 02/13/98 15 thru 16-2 02/24/14
17 thru 18 05/15/02 17 thru 18 02/24/14
21 02/13/98 21 02/13/98
22 06/05/09 22 02/24/14
23 thru 24 06/05/09 23 06/05/09
24 02/24/14
26-1 thru 26-2 06/05/09 26-1 02/24/14
26-2 06/05/09
27 02/13/98 27 02/24/14
28 05/12/02 28 05/12/02
36-1 thru 36-4 02/13/98 36-1 thru 36-4 02/24/14
3-1 thru 3-2 12/07/07 3-1 02/24/14
3-2 12/07/07
3-5 thru 3-6 12/07/07 3-5 12/07/07
3-6 02/24/14
3-7 thru 3-10 08/31/11 3-7 thru 3-9 02/24/14
3-10 08/31/11
3-15 thru 3-16 08/17/11 3-15 thru 3-16 02/24/14
9-1 thru 9-2 05/15/02 9-1 thru 9-2 02/24/14
10-1 thru 10-2 06/05/09 10-1 thru 10-2 02/24/14

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

10-5 thru 10-6 06/05/09 10-5 02/24/14

10-6 06/05/09
10-7 thru 10-8 06/05/09 10-7 06/05/09
10-8 02/24/14
101 02/79 101 02/24/14
102 thru 104 03/12/93 102 thru 104 02/24/14
15-17 thru 15-20 02/13/98 15-17 thru 15-20 02/24/14
173 12/06/84 173 02/24/14
174 06/80 174 02/24/14
183 05/15/02 183 02/24/14
184 06/80 184 02/24/14
Appendix 6 7/26/90
Page 1 thru 22
Volume 3 Volume 3
i thru vi 05/15/02
1-1 thru 1-8 5/15/02 1-1 thru 1-4 02/24/14
2-1 thru 2-10 5/15/02 2-1 thru 2-12 02/24/14
2-11 thru 2-18 06/05/2009 02/24/14
3-1 thru 3-4 5/15/02 3-1 thru 3-4 02/24/14
3-7 thru 3-18 5/15/02 3-7 thru 3-24 02/24/14
4-1 thru 4-14 5/15/02
A2-1 thru A2-2 03/09/2012 A2-1 thru A2-2 02/24/14
Appendix 3 05/15/02 Appendix 3 02/24/14
Page 1 thru 8 Page A3-1 thru A3-12
Volume 4 Volume 4
i thru iv 05/15/02
1-3 thru 1-8 5/15/02 1-3 thru 1-8 02/24/14
2-5 thru 2-8 5/15/02 2-5 thru 2-6 02/24/14
3-1 thru 3-4 5/15/02 3-1 thru 3-4 02/24/14
4-1 thru 4-4 5/15/02 4-1 thru 4-4 02/24/14
5-1 thru 5-8 02/24/14


Effective Date:
National Policy 03/09/2012

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

1. Purpose. Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS), contains the criteria used to formulate, review, approve, and publish procedures for
instrument flight operations to and from civil and military airports.

2. Who this change affects. The audience for this Order is the FAA organization responsible
for instrument flight procedure (IFP) development. The secondary audience includes third party
service providers, Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Service Area offices, Flight Standards
headquarters and Regional office Divisions/Branches, and the applicable elements in the United
States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard (hereafter referred to as the U.S. Military or

3. Where You Can Find This Order. You can find this order on the Federal Aviation
Administration’s (FAA) Web site at http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/orders_notices.

4. Explanation of changes.

a. Volume 3, Appendix 2. Updated paragraphs 1 and 2 for consistency with revisions to

Air Traffic Directives based on study DOT-FAA-AFS-450-73, Comparative Evaluation of
Lateral Flight Technical Error for Instrument Landing System and Localizer Only Approaches,
which allows for the conditional use of localizer approach during a temporary glideslope outage.

5. Distribution. We will distribute this Order to Washington headquarters to the Group and
Team level in the Air Traffic Organization (Safety, En Route and Oceanic Services, Terminal
Services, System Operations Services, Technical Operations Services, and Mission Support
Services), Offices of Airport Safety and Standards, and Offices of Air Traffic Oversight; to the
branch level in Offices of Airport Safety and Standards; Flight Standards Service; to the
Aeronautical Navigation Products Office (AeroNav Products, AJV-3), and to the Regulatory
Standards Division (AMA-200), at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level
in the regional Flight Standards and Airport Divisions; to all Flight Standards District Offices
(FSDOs); to the Team level in the Air Traffic Organization Service Areas (En-Route and
Oceanic, Terminal, and Technical Operations); special mailing list ZVN-826; and Special
Military and Public Addressees.

Distribution: Electronic Only Initiated By: AFS-400

03/09/2012 8260.38 CHG 25


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

Volume 3, Appendix 2 Volume 3, Appendix 2
A2-l thru A2-2 08/31/11 A2-l thru A2-2 03/09/12

John M. Allen
Director, Flight Standards Service

Effective Date:
National Policy 08/31/2011

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

1. Purpose. Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS), contains the criteria used to formulate, review, approve, and publish procedures for
instrument flight operations to and from civil and military airports. The purpose of this change is
to incorporate Notice 8260.68 and 8260.69 into the order.

2. Audience. The audience for this Order is the FAA organization responsible for instrument
flight procedure (IFP) development. The secondary audience includes third party service
providers, Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Service Area offices, Flight Standards headquarters
and Regional office Divisions/Branches, and the applicable elements in the United States Army,
Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard (hereafter referred to as the U.S. Military or Military).

3. What this Order Cancels.

a. Notice 8260.68, Publication of Circling Minima on Vertically-Guided Instrument


b. Notice 8260.69, Simultaneous Independent Parallel Instrument Approaches [SIPIA] –

Widely Spaced Runways.

c. AFS-400 January 26, 2005 Memorandum, Standard for Decision Altitude (DA)
Rounding Convention

4. Distribution. We will distribute this Order to Washington headquarters to the Group and
Team level in the Air Traffic Organization (Safety, En Route and Oceanic Services, Terminal
Services, System Operations Services, Technical Operations Services, and Mission Support
Services), Offices of Airport Safety and Standards, and Offices of Air Traffic Oversight; to the
branch level in Offices of Airport Safety and Standards; Flight Standards Service; to the
Aeronautical Navigation Products Office (AeroNav Products, AJV-3), and to the Regulatory
Standards Division (AMA-200), at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level
in the regional Flight Standards and Airport Divisions; to all Flight Standards District Offices
(FSDOs); to the Team level in the Air Traffic Organization Service Areas (En-Route and
Oceanic, Terminal, and Technical Operations); special mailing list ZVN-826; and Special
Military and Public Addressees.

Distribution: Electronic Only Initiated By: AFS-420

08/31/2011 8260.38 CHG 24


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

Table of Contents Table of Contents
vii thru x 05/15/02 vii thru x 08/31/11
Volume 1, Chapter 3 Volume 1, Chapter 3
Section Two Section Two
3-7 thru 3-13 12/07/07 3-7 thru 3-13 08/31111
Volume 1, Chapter 3 Volume 1, Chapter 3
Section Three Section Three
3-14 08/17111 3-14 08/31/11
Volume 3, Appendix 2 Volume 3, Appendix 2
1 thru 6 05115/02 A2-1 thru A2-4 08/31/11

John M. Al1en
Director, Flight Standards Service

Effective Date:
National Policy 08/17/2011

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

1. Purpose. Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS), contains the criteria used to formulate, review, approve, and publish procedures for
instrument flight operations to and from civil and military airports. The purpose of this change is
to incorporate Notice 8260.70 and the June 27, 2009 AFS-400 policy memorandum and to
revise/reformat to clarify policies relating to the establishment of takeoff/landing minimums
introduced by Change 20. This revision is not intended to modify or rescind any previous
agreements relating to implementation.

2. Audience. The audience for this Order is the FAA organization responsible for instrument
flight procedure (IFP) development. The secondary audience includes third party service
providers, Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Service Area offices, Flight Standards headquarters
and Regional office Divisions/Branches, and the applicable elements in the United States Army,
Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard (hereafter referred to as the U.S. Military or Military).

3. What this Order Cancels.

a. AFS-400 Memorandum dated June 27, 2009, “Establishing Straight-in and Circling
Visibility Minimums; Clarification of Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal
Instrument Procedures (TERPS), Volume 1, chapter 3, paragraph 3.3.2, 3.3.3, and Table 3-5a as
clarified in AFS-400 Policy Memo dated March 14, 2008.”

b. Notice 8260.70, Change to the FAA Order 8260.3, Vol. 1, chapter 3, table 3-5a.

4. Explanation of Changes. Significant areas of new direction, guidance, policy, and criteria as

a. Volume 1, Chapter 2, paragraph 210. This paragraph has been revised to delete
reference to calculating nautical mile (NM) visibility in overseas locations.

b. Volume 1, Chapter 3, Section 3, Visibility Minimums. This section has been revised to
address inconsistencies with other FAA guidance.

c. Volume 1, Chapter 3, Section 4, Alternate Minimums. This section has been revised to
clarify policies and incorporate guidance from Order 8260.19, Flight Procedures and Airspace.

Distribution: Electronic Only Initiated By: AFS-420

08/17/2011 8260.38 CHG 23

d. Volume 1, Chapter 3, Section 5, Takeoff Minimums. This section has been revised to
add helicopter values to table 3-12.

5. Distribution. We will distribute this Order to Washington headquarters to the Group and
Team level in the Air Traffic Organization (Safety, En Route and Oceanic Services, Terminal
Services, System Operations Services, Technical Operations Services, and Mission Support
Services), Offices of Airport Safety and Standards, and Offices of Air Traffic Oversight; to the
branch level in Offices of Airport Safety and Standards; Flight Standards Service; to the
Aeronautical Navigation Products Office (AeroNav Products, AJV -3), and to the Regulatory
Standards Division (AMA-200), at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level
in the regional Flight Standards and Airport Divisions; to all Flight Standards District Offices
(FSDOs); to the Team level in the Air Traffic Organization Service Areas (En-Route and
Oceanic, Terminal, and Technical Operations); special mailing list ZVN-826; and Special
Military and Public Addressees.


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

Table of Contents, Vol. 1 Table of Contents, Vol. 1
vii thru viii 12/07/07 vii thru viii 08/17111

Volume 1, Chapter 2 Volume 1, Chapter 2

7-3 through 7-4 05/12/02 7-3 through 7-4 08117/11

Volume 1, Chapter 3 Volume 1, Chapter 3

3-13 through 3-28 12/07/07 3-13 through 3-26 08117111

(}~ u./'1~
Director, Flight Standards Service


Effective Date:
National Policy 04/01/2011

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

1. Purpose. Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS), contains criteria that must be used to formulate, review, approve, and publish
procedures for instrument approach and departure of aircraft to and from civil and military
airports. These criteria are for application at any location over which the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) or Department of Defense (DoD) exercises jurisdiction.

2. Audience. The primary audience for this notice is Department of Defense (DoD), Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), and designated third party designers of instrument procedures.
The secondary audience includes other Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Service Area offices and
Flight Standards headquarters and regional office Divisions/Branches.

3. Explanation of Changes. Significant areas of new direction, guidance, policy, and criteria as

a. Volume 1, Chapter 10, Radar Approach Procedures and Vectoring Charts. This
chapter has been revised to incorporate guidance from the Flight Systems Laboratory (AFS-450)
safety analysis report, Technical Memorandum on Risk Associated with Minimum Vectoring
Altitude/Minimum Instrument Altitude (MVA/MIA) Rounding Methods, dated October 6, 2010
with December 15, 2010 addendum. This report concluded that under certain conditions there is
no appreciable increase in risk when the final result of altitude calculations is rounded to the
nearest 100-ft increment. This change rescinds and replaces all previous draft guidance related to
the referenced safety analysis report and has intentionally limited applicability to ATC radar
Vectoring Charts. This guidance does not support altitude selection for any other TERPS

4. Distribution. We will distribute this Order to Washington headquarters to the Group and
Team level in the Air Traffic Organization (Safety, En Route and Oceanic Services, Terminal
Services, System Operations Services, Technical Operations Services, and Mission Support
Services), Offices of Airport Safety and Standards, and Offices of Air Traffic Oversight; to the
branch level in Offices of Airport Safety and Standards; Flight Standards Service; to the
Aeronautical Navigation Products Office (AeroNav Products, AJV-3), and to the Regulatory
Standards Division (AMA-200), at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level
in the regional Flight Standards and Airport Divisions; to all Flight Standards District Offices
(FSDOs); to the Team level in the Air Traffic Organization Service Areas (En-Route and
Distribution: Electronic Only Initiated By: AFS-420
04/01/2011 8260.38 CHG 22

Oceanic, Terminal, and Technical Operations); to special mailing list ZVN-826; and Special
Military and Public Addressees.


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

Volume 1, Chapter 10 Volume 1, Chapter
10-17 and 10-18 06/05/2009 10-17 thru 10-20 04/01/2011

Director, Flight Standards Service
Effective Date:
National Policy June 5, 2009

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

1. Purpose. Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS), contains criteria that must be used to formulate, review, approve, and publish
procedures for instrument approach and departure of aircraft to and from civil and military
airports. These criteria are for application at any location over which the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) or Department of Defense (DoD) exercises jurisdiction.

Note: This change revises criteria in Volume 1, chapter 2 regarding final approach
segment descent angles and circling maneuvering areas, updates table 3-5a in Volume 1,
Chapter 3, replaces criteria in Volume 1, chapter 10 for Radar approaches and Minimum
Vectoring Altitude Charts (MVAC), and revises Volume 3, chapter 3 criteria relating to the
Glideslope Qualification Surface (GQS).

2. Distribution. This change is distributed in Washington Headquarters to the branch level in

the Offices of Aviation Research and Airport Safety and Standards, the Air Traffic Organization
(Safety, En Route and Oceanic Services, Terminal Services, and Technical Operation Services),
and Flight Standards Service; to the National Flight Procedures Office and the Regulatory
Standards Division at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level in the
regional Flight Standards and Airports Divisions; to the Technical Operations Service Areas and
Air Traffic Service Areas; special mailing list ZVS-827, and to special military and public

3. Effective Date. August 27, 2009.

4. Explanation of Changes. Significant areas of new direction, guidance, policy, and criteria
as follows:

a. Volume 1, Chapter 2, General Criteria. The chapter has been revised to incorporate
guidance from TERPS Instruction Letters (TILs) 99-014 and 00-012A which are rescinded.
Additionally, it revises circling approach area criteria to resolve Government/Industry
Aeronautical Charting Forum (ACF) issue #92-02-105. The criteria also includes the
recommendations of the United States Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (US-IFPP) Change 21
Working Group to improve internal consistency and coherence.

(1) Section 5, Final Approach.

Distribution: Electronic Only Initiated By: AFS-420
06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21

(a) Provides clarification of intent related to vertical descent angle (VDA) and
removes redundant requirements related to final approach segment descent gradient.

(b) Provides updated guidance related to the range of acceptable VDAs and
revises/clarifies criteria and figures for VDA calculations in straight-in and circling aligned
approach cases (with and without stepdown fix) incorporating updated terminology and

(c) Updates guidance for establishing, calculating, and marking the Visual
Descent Point (VDP), with consideration to procedures with multiple lines of NPA minima.

(2) Section 6, Circling Approach.

(a) Updates requirements related to the Circling Approach Area, revising the
method of determining the size of the Obstacle Evaluation Area (OEA) to more closely align
with ICAO methodology based ACF issue #92-02-105.

(b) Clarifies intent related to OEA evaluation when circling area restrictions are
established based on ACF issue #92-02-105 and US-IFPP Change 21 Working Group

(3) Section 7, Missed Approach. Updates terminology and clarifies design elements
specified in the missed approach.

b. Volume 1, Chapter 3, Takeoff and Landing Minimums. The chapter has been
revised to incorporate guidance from the March 14, 2008 memorandum subject: Equivalent
Meter Runway Visual Range (RVR) and Visibility with RVR less than 2400 Authorized, which
is rescinded. The revision replaces table 3-5a (including footnotes) in its entirety.

c. Volume 3, Chapter 10, Radar Procedures. The chapter has been revised in its entirety
to incorporate guidance from the canceled Notice 8260.64, Radar Approaches and Minimum
Vectoring Altitudes - Current Guidance and Criteria. It also includes guidance from the
July 21, 2008 AFS-400 memorandum subject: Use of Automated Precipitous Terrain
Algorithms for Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA) and Minimum Instrument Flight Rules
(IFR) Altitude (MIA) Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) Reductions and the
September 10, 2008 AFS-400 memorandum subject: Interim Criteria for Radar Approaches and
Minimum Vectoring Altitudes and Guidelines for Application of Glidepath Qualification
Surface. These memorandums are rescinded. The criteria also includes the recommendations of
the United States Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (US-IFPP) Change 21 Working Group to
improve internal consistency and coherence.

d. Volume 3, Chapter 2, General Criteria. The chapter has been revised to incorporate
guidance from the canceled Notice 8260.65, Guidelines for Application of Glidepath
Qualification Surface (GQS) and the September 10, 2008 AFS-400 memorandum subject:
Interim Criteria for Radar Approaches and Minimum Vectoring Altitudes and Guidelines for
Application of Glidepath Qualification Surface which is rescinded. The criteria also includes the

Page 2
06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21

recommendations of the United States Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (US-IFPP) Change 21
Working Group to improve internal consistency and coherence.

(1) Paragraph 2.9.1, Distance Measure Equipment (DME) incorporates guidance

from the December 12, 2005 AFS-420 memorandum subject: Clarification of Issues Related to
Criteria Coordination Committee Agenda Items related to issue 04-CCC-010.

(2) Paragraph 2.11 , Clear Areas and Obstacle Free Zones (OFZ) has been
intentionally deleted in its entirety.

(3) Paragraph 2.12, Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS) has been renumbered
paragraph 2.11, and:

(a) All criteria and figures revised to clarify that the GQS area originates at the
runway threshold, even when the sloping OCS is offset (i.e., low TCH case).

(b) Paragraph 2.11.1 text and formulas updated to accommodate vertically

guided RNAV procedures (especially those with multiple lines of minima). It specifies that the
assessment(s) of a GQS sloping surface be consistent with the vertical characteristics of each
glidepath associated with the procedure/line of minima.

(c) Paragraph 2.11.1d(2) and figure 2-5g clarifies intent regarding permitted
obstacles (i.e., excluded from consideration during GQS evaluation).

(4) Paragraph 2.13, ILS/MLS Critical Areas was deemed irrelevant to TERPS
evaluations and intentionally deleted.

Page 3
06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated
Volume 1, Chapter 2 Volume 1, Chapter 2
21 02/13/1998 21 thru 26-2 06/05/2009
22, 23 05/15/2002
24 11/12/1999
25, 26 05/15/2002
26-1, 26-2 11/12/1999

Volume 1, Chapter 3 Volume 1, Chapter 3

3-21 thru 3-22 12/07/2007 3-21 thru 3-22 06/05/2009

Volume 1, Chapter 10 Volume 1, Chapter 10

87 thru 98 10-1 thru 10-18 06/05/2009

Volume 3, Chapter 2 Volume 3, Chapter 2

2-11 thru 2-16 05/15/2002 2-11 thru 2-18 06/05/2009

Original Signed By

John H. Allen
Director, Flight Standards Service

Page 4
Effective Date:
National Policy 12/07/07

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

1. Purpose. Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS), contains criteria that must be used to formulate, review, approve, and publish
procedures for instrument approach and departure of aircraft to and from civil and military
airports. These criteria are for application at any location over which the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) or Department of Defense (DoD) exercises jurisdiction. This change
replaces criteria in Volume 1, chapter 3 with internationally harmonized minimums standards.

2. Distribution. This change is distributed in Washington Headquarters to the branch level in

the Offices of Aviation Research and Airport Safety and Standards, the Air Traffic Organization
(Safety, En Route and Oceanic Services, Terminal Services, and Technical Operation Services),
and Flight Standards Service; to the National Flight Procedures Office and the Regulatory
Standards Division at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level in the
regional Flight Standards and Airports Divisions; to the Technical Operations Service Areas and
Air Traffic Service Areas; special mailing list ZVS-827, and to special military and public

3. Effective Date. December 21, 2007

4. Explanation of Changes. Significant areas of new direction, guidance, policy, and criteria
as follows:

a. VOLUME 1, General Criteria. Chapter 3, Takeoff and Landing Minimums. The entire
chapter has been revised to reflect the new standard for determining landing minima, the result of
extensive coordination with European aviation authorities aimed at harmonizing landing minima
affecting United States and European operators. The chapter has also been reformatted to
improve clarity and ease of understanding. Highlights of the major changes in each section of
the chapter are as follows:

(1) Section One, General Information.

(a) Added new groupings for approach lighting systems, aligned with
international specifications;

Distribution: A-W(AR/AS/ND/FS/AT/AF)-3; AJW-32 (200 Cys); Initiated By: AFS-420

AMA-200 (12 Cys); A-X(FS/AF/AT/AS)-3; ZVS-827;
Special Military and Public Addressees
12/07/07 8260.3B CHG 20

(b) Replaced the term Height Above Touchdown (HAT) with Height Above
Threshold (HATh).
(c) Added a table establishing threshold crossing height (TCH) limits for
allowing visibility credit for authorized lighting systems.

Note: Addition of this table rescinds table 2-6 of Order 8260.54A and table 2-2c
of Order 8260.3. Volume 3.

(2) Section Two, Establishing Minimum Altitudes/Heights.

(a) Revised paragraphs on establishing Decision Altitudes/Heights and Minimum

Descent Altitudes;

(b) Added a table prescribing the minimum height above threshold, based on glide-
path angle.

(3) Section Three, Visibility Minimums.

(a) Developed completely new tables and methodology for establishing straight-in
approach visibility minimums;

(b) Authorized minimums to 1800 runway visual range (RVR) to runways

without touchdown zone or centerline lights; authorization is contingent upon the
pilot’s use of a flight director, coupled autopilot, or head-up display (HUD) system
during the instrument approach;

(c) Revised requirements for authorizing “fly visual to airport” on approach


(d) Expanded the HATh range within which minimums of 1800 RVR are
authorized with operable touchdown zone and centerline lights;

(e) Expanded the methodology for establishing circling visibility minimums.

(4) Section Four, Alternate Minimums.

(a) Provided an expanded description of the process for establishing other-than-

standard alternate minimums;

(b) Modified the alternate minimums table and added an example computation.

Page 2
12/07/07 8260.3B CHG 20


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated
i thru ii 05/15/02 i thru ii 12/07/07
Vol 1, i thru xvi 05/15/02 Vol 1, i thru xvi 12/07/07
37 thru 44-2 11/12/99 3-1 thru 3-28 12/07/07

James J. Ballough
Director, Flight Standards Service

Page 3 (and 4)
8260.3B CHG 19


ARMY ...........................................................TM 95-226

NAVY.......................................OPNAV INST 3722.16C
USAF ................................................ AFMAN 11-226(1)
USCG ................................................................CG 318



1. PURPOSE. Change 19 divides Order 8260.3B into five volumes to aid in the efficiency of its
use. The conversion from one volume in revision B to five volumes will be completed in four
steps consisting of Changes 19 through 22. Change 22 will complete the conversion process,
and the document will then be identified as revision “C.” Cross referencing between volumes
will be minimal. This change also transmits new and revised sections of this order (Volume 1).

2. DISTRIBUTION: This change is distributed in Washington Headquarters to the branch level

in the Offices of Airport Safety and Standards; and Communications, Navigation, and
Surveillance Systems; to Flight Standards, Air Traffic, and Airway Facilities Services; to the
National Flight Procedures Office and the Regulatory Standards Division at the Mike Monroney
Aeronautical Center; to the branch level in the regional Flight Standards, Airway Facilities, Air
Traffic, and Airports Divisions; special mailing list ZVS-827, and to special Military and Public

3. CANCELLATION. With the publication of Change 19, the following orders will be canceled:
Orders 8260.36A, Civil Utilization of Microwave Landing System (MLS), dated January 19,
1996; 8260.39A, Close Parallel ILS/MLS Approaches, dated December 29, 1999; 8260.41,
Obstacle Assessment Surface Evaluation for Independent Simultaneous Parallel Precision
Operations, dated September 15, 1995; and 8260.47, Barometric Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
Instrument Procedures Development, dated May 26, 1998.

4. EFFECTIVE DATE: June 14, 2002

5. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. This is the first change to Order 8260.3B that contains
volumes. The volume and paragraph numbers are identified on the inside bottom corner of the
page and chapter and page numbers (example 1-1) are on the outside bottom corner of the
page. Significant areas of new direction, guidance, and policy included in this change are as

a. VOLUME 1, General Criteria (current TERPS order). Installs the current TERPS
Manual as Volume 1 (insert all changes to this portion of the order before adding the other
volumes). This volume contains information and criteria applicable to any instrument approach

Distribution: A-W(AS/ND/FS/AT/AF)-3; AVN-100(150CYS); AMA-200 (80 CYS) Initiated By: AFS-420

A-X(FS/AF/AT/AS)-3; ZVS-827; Special Military and Public Addressees
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

procedure; e.g. administrative, en route, initial, intermediate, terminal fixes, holding, etc.
Volume 1 will be completed with the implementation of Change 21.

(1) Chapter 1.

(a) Paragraph 6a. Adds the word "must" to convey that application of the criteria
is mandatory.

(b) Paragraph 122a. Includes appendix number to the reference.

(c) Paragraph 161a. Clarifies directions for adding the suffix “DME” and noting
the chart accordingly.

(d) Paragraph 173. Adds guidance for TERPS mathematics.

(e) Paragragh 174. Includes information for providing directive feedback.

(2) Chapter 2.

(a) Paragraphs 201, 202, and 203. Adds information and drawings concerning
the TERPS concept of primary required obstacle clearance (ROC) and sloping and level
obstacle clearance surfaces (OCS).

(b) Paragraph 234e(1). Provides guidance for establishing the minimum

published holding altitude.

(c) Table 3 in Paragraph 242b(2). Changes minimum intermediate course


(d) Paragraph 251a(2)(b). Corrects information in this paragraph.

(e) Paragraph 253. Changes application of the visual descent point (VDP).

(f) Paragraph 274d. Brings up to date figures 17 and 18.

(g) Paragraph 275. Adds requirement for construction of turning or combination

straight and turning missed approach areas. Adds note for clarification.

(h) Paragraph 287b(4)(b). Deletes example and figure 30 which is no longer


(i) Paragraph 287c(2). Changes figure 31-2 to reflect the current fix
displacement calculations.

(3) Chapter 3.

(a) Paragraph 324. Adds current guidance concerning decision altitude (DA).

(b) Paragraph 325. Explains decision height (DH) as it relates to DA.

Page 2
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19

(c) Paragraph 350. Changes the title of table 9. TERPS Volume 3 now contains
information for PRECISION minimums.

(4) Chapter 8, paragraph 813c(1). Updates reference to paragraph 523b(3) as all

charts and explanations for solving secondary area obstacle problems have been deleted from
appendix 2.

(5) Chapter 9. This change deletes chapter 9 with the exception of section 5 which
becomes chapter 9, Localizer and Localizer Type Directional Aids (LDA). Paragraphs 951
through 957 become paragraphs 900 through 907. Volume 3 replaces most of chapter 9.

(6) Chapter 10. Volume 3 provides guidance that supersedes information in

sections 2 and 3 of this chapter.

(7) Chapter 11, Paragraph 1105. Clarifies procedure identification of helicopter-only


(8) Chapter 12. This chapter becomes Volume 4 with four chapters; therefore,
chapter 12 in this volume is reserved.

(9) Chapter 15.

(a) Paragraph 1513d(2). Updates reference to 1413d(1) as the ROC applied for
this circling approach should be the same as the criteria applied to other chapters.

(b) Paragraph 1513f. Updates reference to chapter 2, section 8 as section 2 no

longer contains criteria for the use of radio fixes.

(10) Chapter 17, paragraph 1731b. Updates reference to paragraph 1721 as all charts
and explanations for solving secondary area obstacle problems have been deleted from
appendix 2.

(11) Appendix 1. Adds title to appendix and an alphabetical listing of all the acronyms
and abbreviations for old and new aviation terms used frequently throughout this order.

(12) Appendix 2. Deletes appendix 2 as this information is now in Volume 3,

appendix 5.

(13) This change also provides guidance that supersedes chapter 3, section 1 of
Order 8260.48, Area Navigation (RNAV) Approach Construction Criteria, dated April 8, 1999.
The direction and guidance published in this change supersedes RELATED information in
Order 8260.48. A major portion of Order 8260.48 remains in effect.

b. VOLUME 2, Nonprecision Approach Procedure (NPA) Construction, is reserved for

Change 21. It will contain criteria central to nonprecision final approach segment construction.
VHF omnidirectional range (VOR), VOR/distance measuring equipment (DME), nondirectional
beacon (NDB), tactical air navigation (TACAN), airport surveillance radar (ASR), airborne radar
approaches (ARA), localizer, simplified directional facility (SDF), localizer directional aid (LDA),
direction finder (DF), area navigation (RNAV), and lateral navigation (LNAV) systems are
supported. Criteria applicable to the initial missed approach climb unique to nonprecision
approaches will be included in this volume.

Page 3
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

c. VOLUME 3, Precision Approach (PA) and Barometric Vertical Navigation (Baro

VNAV) Approach Procedure Construction. Replaces criteria originally located in chapter 9
and guidance from Orders 8260.36A, 8260.39A, 8260.41, and 8260.48, chapter 2, para-
graphs 2.1, 2.3, 2.5-2.10, 2.12, and chapter 3, sections 1 and 2. This volume contains the final
segment construction criteria for navigational systems that provide vertical guidance, instrument
landing system (ILS), microwave landing system (MLS), transponder landing system (TLS),
precision approach radar (PAR), Global Navigation Satellite landing system (GLS), wide area
augmentation system (WAAS), local area augmentation system (LAAS), and Baro-VNAV.
Obstruction clearance criteria applicable to simultaneous parallel, simultaneous converging, and
Category II/III operations are included. Intermediate segment requirements and initial missed
approach climb criteria unique to precision and Baro VNAV approaches are also contained in
this volume.

d. VOLUME 4, Departure Procedure Construction. Replaces criteria originally located in

chapter 12 of the TERPS order. This volume contains criteria departure obstruction supporting
VOR, NDB, TACAN, ASR, localizer, and RNAV (in Change 21) navigation systems.
Diverse departure, climb visually over the airport, and Air Traffic Control diverse vector areas
are also covered. These criteria will be amended for use in the missed approach segment in
Change 21.

e. VOLUME 5, Helicopter and Powered Lift Instrument Procedure Construction, is

reserved for Change 21. It will contain all guidance for instrument procedure construction
(en route, departure, approach) criteria.

6. PUBLICATION FORMAT. The double column, traditional paragraph numbering scheme of

the TERPS document is changing to a single column, decimal number system more consistent
with RTCA and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The print is clear and
illustrations are larger.


THE BACK OF THIS MANUAL until it is superseded by a revised order.



vii thru xix (and xx) 2/13/98 vii thru x 5/15/02

xxi 7/26/90
xxii thru xxiii 9/10/93
xxiv 3/12/93
xxv 5/7/92
xxvi 9/10/93
xxvii thru xxviii 7/26/90
xxix thru xxx 9/10/93

Page 4
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19



i thru xiv 5/15/02
1 2/13/98 1 5/15/02
2 thru 5 11/12/99 2 5/15/02
3 11/12/99
4 thru 6-1 (and 6-2) 5/15/02
7 thru 8 2/13/98 7-1 thru 7-4 5/15/02
8 5/15/02
13 (and 14) 11/12/99 13 (and 14) 5/15/02
17 thru 18 2/13/98 17 thru 18 5/15/02
21 2/13/98 21 2/13/98
22 thru 26 11/12/99 22 thru 23 5/15/02
24 11/12/99
25 thru 26 5/15/02
27 thru 28 2/13/98 27 2/13/98
28 5/15/02
33 11/12/99 33 5/15/02
34 2/13/98 34 2/13/98
35 thru 36 2/13/98 35 thru 36 5/15/02
38-1 11/12/99 38-1 5/15/02
38-2 2/18/94 38-2 2/18/94
41 2/13/98 41 thru 44 5/15/02
42 11/12/99
43 2/13/98
44 5/21/92
69 thru 70 7/76
71 thru 73 (and 74) 7/76 71 thru 73 (and 74) 5/15/02
75 2/18/94 9-1 (and 9-2) 5/15/02
76 2/79
77 thru 85 2/13/98
86 thru 86-1 (and 86-2) 9/10/93
99 thru 100 4/1/83 99 5/15/02
100 4/1/83
137 thru 138 4/1/83 137 4/1/83
138 5/15/02
183 thru 184 6/80 183 5/15/02
184 6/80
1 thru 3 7/76 1 thru 6 5/15/02
1 thru 6 2/13/98 (Information from Appendix 2 can be found in Volume 3,
Appendix 5)


Page 5
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02



Table of Contents, (i thru vi) 5/15/02
Chapter 1, 1-1 thru 1-8 5/15/02
Chapter 2, 2-1 thru 2-15 (and 16) 5/15/02
Chapter 3, 3-1 thru 3-18 5/15/02
Chapter 4, 4-1 thru 4-13 (and 14) 5/15/02
APPENDIX 2, 1 thru 5 (and 6) 5/15/02
APPENDIX 3, 1 thru 8 5/15/02
APPENDIX 4, 1 thru 9 (and 10) 5/15/02
APPENDIX 5, 1 thru 5 (and 6) 5/15/02

Table of Contents (i thru iii) 5/15/02
Chapter 1, 1-1 thru 1-10 5/15/02
Chapter 2, 2-1 thru 2-7 (and 8) 5/15/02
Chapter 3, 3-1 thru 3-18 5/15/02
Chapter 4, 4-1 thru 4-5 (and 6) 5/15/02


James J. Ballough
Director, Flight Standards Service

Page 6
8260.38 CHG 18


ARMY .................................................... TM 95-226

NAVY ................................ OPNAVINST 3722.16C
USAF ........................................ AFMAN 11-226(1)
USCG .......................................................... CG 318


1. PURPOSE. This change transmits revised pages to Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for
Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS).

2. DISTRIBUTION. This change is distributed in Washington Headquarters to the branch level in the
Offices of Airport Safety and Standards; and Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Systems; to
Flight Standards, Air Traffic, and Airway Facilities Services; the National Flight Procedures Office and the
Regulatory Standards Division at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the branch level in the
regional Flight Standards, Airway Facilities, and Air Traffic Divisions; special mailing list ZVS-827, and
to special Military and Public Addressees.

3. EFFECTIVE DATE. January 20, 2000.

4. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. Significant areas of new direction, guidance, and policy included
in this change are as follows:

a. Paragraph 122a adds wording to ensure requirements in AC-150/5340-1, Marking of Paved

Areas on Airports, and AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, are met during instrument procedure design and
review. The changes in these AC's will impact instrument procedures.

b. Paragraph 161 changes the approach procedure naming convention. Instrument landing system
(ILS) procedures utilizing distance measuring equipment (DME) will no longer have DME in the procedure
name. If DME is required to support ILS localizer minimums, the chart will be noted to indicate DME is
required for localizer (LOC) final. The naming scheme for multiple approaches of the same type to the
same runway is changed to use alphabetical suffixes. The procedure title "area navigation (RNAV)"
indicates wide area augmentation system (WAAS), lateral navigation (LNAV)/ vertical navigation
(VNAV), Flight Management System (FMS), or global positioning system (GPS) approach systems define
the final segment. The title for these procedures is RNAV RWY.XX, etc.

c. Paragraph 234b changes the procedure turn protected airspace to allow it to vary according to the
entry altitude. As the altitude increases, so does true airspeed. This change ensures the obstruction area
will contain the PT maneuver regardless of initiation altitude.

d. Paragraph 251 increases the visual segment obstacle clearance surface (OCS) starting width
associated with straight-in approaches from a total width of 400 feet(± 200 feet) to 800 feet(± 400 feet).

Distribution: A-W(AS/ND/FS/AT/AF)-3; AVN-1 00(150CYS); AMA-200 (80 CYS); Initiated By: AFS-420
A-X(FS/AF/AT)-3; ZVS-827; Special Military and Public Addressees
8260.3B CHG 18 11112/99

e. Paragraph 252 publishes actual descent gradient to threshold crossing height (TCH) where
straight-in minimums are prohibited because of excessive descent gradient. Publishing this value aids
pilots in determining whether or not to attempt a straight-in landing and provides methodology for
accommodating SID fix altitudes above the final approach fix (F AF) to TCH descent.

f. Paragraph 253 adds requirement for the visual descent point (VDP) DME to be collocated with
the facility providing final approach course guidance (U.S. Navy/U.S. Army/U.S. Air Force/U.S. Coast
Guard NA). Wording is changed to clarifY the requirement, but the meaning is not changed.

g. Paragraph 277b provides the "appropriate final required obstacle clearance (ROC)." Previous
version required 250 feet of ROC regardless of facility type.

h. Paragraph 282c adds guidance to ensure marker beacons are used as fixes ONLY when
associated with the facility providing course instructions.

i. Paragraph 334c adds the new guidance in AC 150/5300-13 that requires precision instrument
runway markings for visibility minimums less than 3/4 statute mile, and requires touchdown zone lighting
and runway centerline (TDZ/CL) for runway visual range (RVR) less than 2,400 feet.

j. Paragraph 1028 changes the wording to allow military operations with 100-foot category I height
above touchdown (HAT) on precision approach radar (PAR) procedures.


a. Forward for consideration any deficiencies found, clarification needed, or suggested

improvements regarding the contents of this order to:

Flight Procedure Standards Branch, AFS-420
P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125

b. Your assistance is welcome. FAA Form 1320-9, Directive Feedback Information, is included at
the end of this change for your convenience. If an interpretation is needed immediately, you may call the
originating office for guidance. However, you should use FAA Form 1320-9 as a follow-up to the verbal

c. Use the "Other Comments" block of this form to provide a complete explanation of why the
suggested change is necessary.

6. DISPOSITION OF TRANSMITTAL. This change transmittal should be retained after changed

pages are filed.

Page 2
11/12/99 8260.3B CHG 18



1 thru 6 2/13/98 1 2/13/98

2 thru 5 (and 6) 11/12/99
13 and 14 2/13/98 12-1 thru 14 11/12/99
21 thru 26 2/13/98 21 2/13/98
22 thru 26-1 11/12/99
31 thru 34 2/13/98 31 11112/99
32 2/13/98
33 11112/99
34 2/13/98
37 4/1/83 37 thru 38-1 11/12/99
38 thru 38-2 2118/94 38-2 2118/94
39 thru 43 2/13/98 39 and40 11/12/99
41 2/13/98
42 11112/99
43 2/13/98
44 5/21/92 44 5/21192
44-1 (and 44-2) 4/1183 44-1 (and 44-2) 4/1/83
89 (and 90) 2/13/98 89 (and 90) 11112/99
15-11 and 12 2/13/98 15-11 11112/99
15-12 2/13/98

L. Nicholas Lacey
Director, Flight Standards Service

Page 3

. :.. .

. -·

~' ~

... ~
' .


8U0.3B CHG 17 I

ARMY ................................................... 1M 95-226

NAVY ................................ OPNAVINST 3722.16C
USAF ............................................ AFJMAN 11-226
USCG ......................................................... CG 318


1. PUR.fOSE. This change incorporates criteria contained in AVN Supplements to TERPS. It also corrects
and updates criteria for evaluating the visual portion of an instrument approadl, computing descent gradient,
descent angle, and VlSUal Desc.ent Point (VDP). Area navigation (RNAV) criteria are updated.

l. DISIRIBVTIQN. This change is distributed in Washington Headquarters to the division level of Flight
Standards Service; Air Traffic Service; the Offices of Airport Safety and Standolrds; and Communications,
Navigation, and Surveillance Systems; to the National Flight Procedures Office; the Regulatory Standards and
Compliance Division at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center; to the regional Flight Standards divisions;
and to special Military and Public Addressees.

3. EFFECTIVE DATE. April 20, 1998.

4. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. This change incorporates all AVN Supplements to TERPS, provides
a method for evaluating the visual portion of an instrument approach. and introduces criteria for determining
final segmeot length based on descent angle. It revises ILS and PAR obstacle clearance calculations; adds
criteria contained in FAA Order 8260.34, Glide Slope Threshold Crossing Height Requirements, to chapter 9;
and updates chapter 1S.

5. DISPOSITION QF TRANSMITTAL. After filing, this change transmittal should be retained.



vii (thru ix) 7n6/90
X 9/10/93
xi (thru xili) 7n6/9o
xiv 9/10/93
XV 3/12/93
xvi (thru xx) 7n6/90 vii (thru xix) 2/13/98
1 (thru 4) 4/l/83
s (and 6) 11/15/83 1 (thru 5 and 6) 2/13/98
7 1216/84
8 (thru 10) 4/1/83
11 3/12193
12 (thru 12-2) 5/21/92
13 1216/84

Distribution: A-W(FS/ATIASIND)-2; AVN-100 (100 cys)~ AMA-200 (80 cys) Initiated By: AFS-420
A-X(FS)-2; and Special Military and Public Addressees
8260.3B CHG 17 2/13/98



14 3/12193
IS (thru 21) 3124/86
22 (and 23) 4/1/83
24 11/15/83
25 (and 26) 4/1/83
27 1111"83
28 2179
29 9/10/93
30 4/1/83
31 11/15/83
32 4/1/83
33 (and 34) l1J6184
34-1 (and 34-2) 11/1.5/83
3S(and 36) 12/6184 7 (thru 36-4) 2113/98
39 (and 40) 4/1183
41 517/92
42 11J6/84
43 9/10/93 39 (thru 43) 2/13/98
44 5121192 44 5121192
4S (thru 47) 7/76 45(tbru 47) 2/13/98
48 7176 48 7176
49 (and 50) 7176 49 (and 50) 2113/98
SS (thru 57 and 58) 7176 55 (thru 57 and 58) 2/13/98
59 (thru 63 and 64) 7176 59 (thru 63 and 64) 2/13/98
67 (and 68) 4/1/83 61 (and 68) 2/13/98
77 (and 78) 9/10/93
79 (thru 82) 2179
83 7176
84 (and 85) 3/12193 77 (thru 8S) 2/13/98
86 9/10/93 86 9/10/93
87 (thru 89) 4/l/83
90 11J6/84 87 (thru 89 and 90) 2113/98
15-1 (tbru 15-3) 7126190 15-1 (thru 15-3) 2/13/98
15-4 (and 5) 7126/90 15-4 (and S) 7/26/90
15-6 (thru 15-32) 7126/90 lS-6 (thru 15-27) 2/13/98
I (and 2) 2179
3 (and 4) 4/1/83
5 2179
6 (thru 8) 7176

2113JM 1260.3BOI017



9 9110193
10(dn12) 411113
U·l(llllliU·l) 3112193
13 411183
14 t/10193
15 411.113
16 9110193
17 (IDd 11) ~ 1 ~t~n!}• 211JJ91


ARMY ......................................... TM 95-226 2/18/94

NAVY ........................... OPNAV INST 3722.16C
USAF............ .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .................. AFM 55-9
USCG .............................................. CG 318


1. PURPQSE. This change further refmes criteria in Order 8260.38, chapter 3, section 2, paragraph 323b, Remote
Altimeter Setting Source (RASS). This change also incorporates any editorial requirements occurring in chapter 9
from previous changes.

2. DISTRIBUTION. This change is distributed to all addressees on special distribution list ZVS-827.

3. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. This change provides relief to the stringent requirements published in
change 11 to this order while still meeting the basic tenants of safety in the RASS study on which this change is
based. The concept of nonhomogeneous weather and terrain differentials is absorbed within the computational
formula, and further adjustments for those situations are not required in the application of RASS adjustments. This
change also updates the U.S. Navy addressees for Department of Defense distribution.

4. DISPQSITION OF IRANSMJITAL. Retain this page after changed pages have been filed.



v 12/6/84 v

vi 12/6/84 vi 12/6/84

37 4/1/83 37 4/1/83
38 517192 38
38-1 517192
517/92 38-2
75 9/10/93 75

76 2179 76 2179

. /J#' /J~· /).~

;/fo«4;~y ~
William J. White
Deputy Director. Flight Standards Service

Distribution: ZVS-827 Initiated By: AVN-210/AFS-420

821i0.3B CHi 151
ARMY ....................................... TM 95-226
NAVY ........................... OPNAV INST 3722.16C 9/10/93
USAF.......... .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .................. AFM 55-9
USCG ............................................... CG 318


1. PUI!fQSE. This change deletes the TERPS requirement for middle markers for precision U.S approaches,
thereby, removing the SO-foot penalty for all users of this instrument landing system.

2. DISPOSITIQN OF TMNSMITIAL: Retain this page after changed pages have been filed.



ix 7/26/90 ix 7/26/90
X 7/26/90 X 9/10/93
xiii 7/26/90 xiii 7/26/90
xiv 7/26/90 xiv 9/10/93
xxi 7/26/90 xxi 7/26/90
xxii 7/26/90 xxii 9/10/93
xxiii 3/12/93 xxiii 9/10/93
xxiv 3/12/93 xxiv 3/12/93
XXV 517192 XXV 5/7/92
xxvi .3/12/9.3 xxvi 9/10/93
xxix (and xxx) 3/12/93 xxix 9/10/93
xx:x 9/10/93
29 4/1/83 29 9/10/93
.30 4/1/83 30 4/l/83
43 12/4/90 43 9/10/93
44 5/21/92 44 5/21/92
75 2/79 15 9/10/93
76 2/79 76 2/79
77 4/1/83 77 9/10/93
78 4/1/83 78 9/10/93
85 3112/93 85 3112/93
86 3/12/93 86 9/10/93
87 (and 88) 3/12/93 86-1 (and 86-2) 9/10/93
9, Appendix 2 4/l/83 9, Appendix 2 9/10/93
10, Appendix 2 4/1/83 10, Appendix 2 4/1/83
13, Appendix 2 4/1/83 13, Appendix 2 4/l/83
14, Appendix 2 4/1/83 14, Appendix 2 9/10/93
15, Appendix 2 4/1/83 15, Appendix 2 4/1/83
16, Appendix 2 4/1183 16, Appendix 2 9/10/93

Director. Flipt SJpn"prd! Servjce

Distribution: ZVS-827 Initiated By: AFS-420
8260.38 GIG 141
ARMY . • • • • • • • • • • . • • 'I'M 95-226
NAVY...... OPNAV INST 372l.l6C
USAF • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AFM 55-9
USCG . • • . • . . . • . . • . • . • • CG 318


1. PURPQSE. This change rermes criteria iD chapter 11, section 3, Takeoff and Landing Minimums, to more closely
align with FAR. 97.3(d.l) and applicable military regulations. Separate criteria bave been developed for computing
visibility for "copter-to-runway" approaches to minimum visibility values of one-half the corresponding Cat "A"
faxed-wing value.

2. DISPOSITION OF TRANSMITTAL. Retain this page after changed page bas been filed.



101 2179 101 2179

102 2179 102 3/12/93
103 7176 103 3/12/93
104 7176 104 3/12/93

Director, Flight Standards Service

Distribution: ZVS-827 Initiated By: AVN-540/

*U.S. G.P.0.:1993-343-273:80151
8260.38 (R; 13

ARMY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1M 95-226
NAVY • • • • • • OPNAV INST 3722.16C
USAF • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AJiM 55-9
USCG • • • • • • • • • • • UNNUMBERED


1. PURPQSE. This ebqe adds criteria to dlapter 9, sectioo 9, for triple simultaneous U.S pr.:edures. Previously,
Ibis sedioo covered only dual simultaneous U.S procedures. Existing rJ&Ure 96 becomes rJ&Ure 96A. Fl&ure 96B is Dew.
Exlstiai f'laure 'YI bec:omes f'lpre 97A. Ia flsure 'YIA, coverage of normal operating zones has been increased for elarity.
F~pre 97B II new. 'Ibis change also ineludes corrections to change ll, published S/ll/92.

2. DISfOSI]JON OF TBANSMI'ITAL. Retaio this page after changed page has been filed.



XV 7/26/90 XV 3/12/93
xvi 7/26/90 xvi 7/26/90
xxiii 7/26/90 xx:iii 3/12/93
xx.iv 7/26/90 :xxiv 3/12/93
XXV 5/7/92 XXV 5/7/92
:xxvi 7/26/90 xxvi 3/12/93
xxix (and :XXX) 7/26/90 xxix (and XXX) 3/12/93
11 5/21/92 11 3/12/93
12 5/21/92 12 5/21/92
12-1 (and 12-2) 12/6/84 12-1 (and 12-2) 5/21/92
13 12/6/84. 13 12/6/84
14 12/6/84. 14 3/12/93
83 7/76 83 1/16
84-85 (and 86) 2/79 84-87 (and 88) 3/12/93
AWendix 2 AWendix 2
11 4/1/83 11 4/1/83
12 5/21/92 12 4/1/83
12-1 (and 12-2) 3/12/93

'n'lill"'ft¥11~ c.. .Aocal:di

Director. Pl..ight Stamards Se.I:vi.c.:e

Distribution: zvs-827 Initiated By: AVN-540/AFS-420

lll60.38 CHG 121
ARMY ••••••• TM U-2557-26 5/21/92
USAF • • • • • • • • • • • AFM 55-9


1. PURPQSE. ThJs c:hauage pl"'\'ides a descent &radlent table ror high altitude jet penetrations using arcs of
less tban 15 miles (par l32a). Table 10 Is changed to provide 114 mile eredlt for ODALS on a precision
straight-lB. Appendix l Is changed to provide spedftc pldamce to computed required procedural parameters
for some IDIJltary PAR systems.

l. DISPOSmON OF TRANSMITTAL Retain this JN118 after changed paee bas been ftled.



12/'184 11 5/21/92

u 12/'184

ll-1 (and U-l) 1.21'184

43-44 43 12/4/90

4/l/83 44 5/21/92
Appendix l Appendix l
11-U 4/1/83 ll 4/1183

u 5/21/92

Distribution: Initiated By:

ZVS-817 AVN-540/AFS-420

ARMY ••••••• TM 11-25!7-26

NAVY •• OPNAV INST 3722.168 5/7/92
USAF • • • • • • • • • • • AFM 5.5-'


l. PURPOSE. This change refines criteria In paragraph Jllb for adjustments to minimums required for
obstacle clearance necessary when utUizJng a remote altJmeter settJng source (RASS). The method in which
procedures spec:lallsts apply required adjustments Is changed. The concepts or non-homogeneous weather and
precipitous terrain are absorbed within the computatJonal formula and further adjustments for those
situations are not required. Figure 37B on page 41 was renumbered 37D to accommodate two new figures,
37B and 37C, page 38-l.

l. DISPOSmON OF TRANSMIITAL Retain this page after changed page has been Died.





37 4/l/83 37 4/l/83

38 l/27/84 38


41 ll/6184 41

42 12/6184 42 12/6184

{ n:•;c/ / /; ,·;1; '-

/'' Thomas C. Accardi
Director, Flight Standards Service

Distribution: Initiated By: AVN-540/AFS·420

IU0.3B CIIG 10 I
ARMY ••••••• TM 11·1557·26 12/4/90
USAF • • • • • • • • • • • AFM 55-t


t. PUBPQSE. Tbls clulnp ~~~aka mloor cb.aaaes to table 9, chapter J, Civil Stnlaht-ID Mlnlm111111, u •
follow..yp to Actloo Notke A.S.U0.6. 1be cbaJJ&e ~ rel'ereoce to mlcldle ......_. {MM) ID Dote 3 under
aoopndsloa llllnlmums; rel'erea.ces operations spedllcat10111 reprdlq MM under predlloa a(tpi'UMil (1IDe
14); .... rcduca •o• cateaol')' nanwa7 Yisual mae (RVR) In line 13, predslou approlldl.

2. DlSPOSIDON OF TBANSMfUAL Retain tbll paze after chanpl paze hu been llk4.


43 12/4/90
44 4/1}83

~c.w~ ~
william C. withycom~
Acting Director, Flight Standards Service

Distribution: ZVS~Bl? Initiated By: AVN·540IAFS-4ZO

8160.38 CIIG

ARMY .•••••• TM 11·2551·26

NAVY .• OPNAV INST 3711.168 7/26/90
USAF • • • • • • • • • • • AJo'M 55·9


1. PURPOSE. This ~hange transmits Chapter 15, Area Navigation (RNAV). to the United States Standard
Cor Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS). Order 8260.38; Department or the Army Technl~J Manual.
TM 11·2557-26; Department or the Navy, OPNAV INST 3722.168; Department or the Air Force Manual, AFM
55·9; and the United States Coast Guard manual, unnumbered.

2. SUMMARY OF CIIANGF.S. Chapter 15, Area Navigation (RNAV), is a major change and addition or
criteria. Appendix 6 Is revised to include additional terminology. The Table or Contents Is revised to Include
~hapter 15 with additional figures and tables.

3. DISPOSITION OF TRANSMITTAL. Retain this page afier changed pages have been Died.



vii 4/1/83 vii thru xxlx (and xxx) 7/26/90

viii 3124186

lx thru xx 4/l/tU

xxi, xxii 3/24/86

XXIII 4/l/83

xxiv thru xxv (and xxvi) ll/6/84

15-1 thru 15-31 7/26/90

Appendix 6 4/l/83 Appendix 6

1 thru 19 (and 20) 1 thru 21 (and 22) 7/26/90

'S:>Q--;:, ~ 'Q

Daniel C. Beaudette
Director, Flight Standards Service

Distribution: zvs-827 Initiated By: AVN-540/AFS-420


Army . . . . . . . . . . TM 95-226 3/24/86

Navy . . . . . OPNAV Inst 37~2.16C
Air Force. . AFM 55-9
Coast Guard. . . . . . . . CG 318


PURPOSE. This change adds new. criteria to TERPS to permit course reversal
using non-collocated navigational aids and procedure turn criteria where the
tnrn fix is other than the facility or final approach fix (FAF).


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated
vii 4/1/83 vii 4/1/'d3
viii 12/6/84 viii 3/24/86
xxi and xxu 12/b/84 xxi and xxii 3/24/86
15 and 16 4/1/83 15 and 16 3/24/86
16-1 3/24/86
16-2 3/24/86
17 11/15/83 17 3/24/86
18 4/1/83 18 3/24/86
19 and 20 4/1/83 19 and 20 3/24/86
20-1 3/24/86
20-2 3/24/86
21 and 22 4/1/83 21 3/24/86
22 4/l/'d3

Willidm T. Brennan
Acting Director of Flight Standards

Distribution: ZVS-827 Initiated By: AF0-200/AVN-200

----------- ----------,--------,------- -- ---------------~

For 88le by the Superintendent of Document.., US Gov•rnr.lenl Printing Office
WBihington, DC 20402

Army TM 95-226 12/6/84

Navy OPNAV Inst 3722 16C
Air Force AFM 55-9
Coast Guard • . .CG 318


PURPOSE. This change updates Navy dfstribut;on requirements. updates portions of

the Table of Contents. revises refer~nce to aircraft categories. provides easier
to follow instructions on dead reckoning (DR) initfal segments. gives revised
criteria on step-down fixes. revised holding areas/obstacle clearance. revised
standard alternate minimums. a revised Section 1 for PAR straight missed
approach. and corrects several typographical errors in references in Chapter 17.
Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated
v 11/15/83 v 12/6/84
vi 4/1/83 vf 12/6/84
vii 4/1/83 vii 4/1/83
viii 4/1/83 viii 12/6/84
xxi & xxii 4/1/83 xxi & xxii 12/6/84
xx1i i 4/1/83 xxiii 4/1/83
xxiv 4/1/83 xxiv 12/6/84
xxv (and xxv;) 4/1/83 xxv {and xxvi } 12/6/84
7 4/1/83 7 12/6/84
8 4/1/83 8 4/1/83
11 through 14 4/1/83 11 through 14 12/6/84
33 11/15/83 33 12/6/84
34 11/15/83 34 12/6/84
35 & 36 7/76 35 & 36 12/6/84
41 & 42 4/1/83 41 & 42 1
89 4/1/83 89 af~f~~
90 4/1/83 90 12/6/84
173 6/80 173 12/6/84
174 6/80 174 6/80
177 6/80 177 12/6/84
178 6/80 178 6/80
179 6/80 179 12/6/84
180 6/80 180 6/80

/ // I~
.5.,,HU·; 1 .
Kenneth S. Hunt
Director of Flight Operations

Distribution: ZVS- 827 Initiated By:


Army. • • • • • • • • • TM 95-226
Navy • • • • • OPNAV Inst 3722.16C
Air Fbrc e. • • • • • • • AFM 55-9
Coast Guard • • • • • • • • CG 318


PURPOSE. This change corrects three errors included in previous changes.

It deletes the requirement to applY excessive length of final penalty to
circling procedures, includes the formula for one-half the width of the
primary area in figure 6;, and replaces incorrect NATO STANDARD (C)
lighting figure with figures showing the two systems being usoo.


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

37 and 38 4/1/83 37 4/1/83

38 l/27/84
65 and 66 4/l/83 65 4/1/83
66 1/27/84

l and 2 4/1/83 1 and 2 1/27/84

William T. Brennan
Acting Director of Flight Operations

Distribution: ZVs-827 Initiated By: Aro- 230

8260.3.8 atG S

Army • • • • • • • • • • TM 95-226 11/15/83

Navy • • • • • OPNAV Inst 3722.16C
Air Force. • • • • • • • AFM 55-9
Coast Guard • • • • • • • • CG 318


PURPOSE. This change updates references to Federal agencies, corrects

distribution lists, and makes minor changes to criteria references which were
made necessary by the automation of procedures development. Several minor
typographical errors are also corrected.


Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

iii - iv 2/79 111 - iv 11/15/83

v -vi 4/1/83 v 11/15/83

Vi 4/1/83
5 (and 6) 4/1/83 5 (and 6) 11/15/83
17 and 18 4/1/83 17 11/15/83
18 4/1/83
23 and 24 4/1/83 23 4/1/83
24 11/15/83
27 and 28 2/79 27 11/15/83
28 2/79
31 and 32 4/1/83 31 11/15/83
32 4/1/83
33 and 34 4/1/83 33 through 34-2 11/15/83
181 and 182 4/1/83 181 4/1/83
182 11/15/83

• . ....-?/.:'
,_,-/l';::l'~/-Jt-l!ft~?//r'4 r!
William T. Brennan
·ting Director of Flight Operations

Distribution: zvs-827 Initiated By: AVN-200/ AFU-200



PURPOSE. This change updates references to responsible FAA organizations; defines
the use of shall, should, and may; removes reference to L/MFR; adds Chapter 14 SDF
Procedures; adds Figure 129B PAR, corrects minor typographical errors; and
completely updates Appendix 5, Approach Lightinq Systems and Appendix 6,
Alphabetical Index.
Remove PtlQ.es
Dated Insert Pages Dated
v thru xvi 7/76 V thru XXV 4/1/83
xvii thru xxiii 6/80
1 7/76 1 thru 26 4/1/83
2 and 3 2/79 29 thru 34 4/1/83
4 7/76 37 and 38 4/1/83
5(and 6) 2/79 39 thru 44-1(and 44-2) 4/1/83
7 2/79 65 thru 68 4/1/83
8 10/79 77 and 78 4/1/83
9 thru 11 7/76 87 thru 90 4/1/83
12 2/79 99 and 100 4/1/83
13 7/76 137 and 138 4/1/83
14 thru 16 2/79 175 and 176 4/1/83
17 and 18 7/76 181 and 182 4/1/83
19 and 20 2/79
21 and 22 7/76
23 thru 26 2/79
29 2/79
30 thru 32 7/76
33 2/79
34 7/76
37 and 38 7/76
39 thru 44 2/79
65 thru 68 7/76
77 7/76
78 2/79
87 2/79
88 7/76
89 and 90 2/79
99 7/76
100' 2/79
175 and 176 6/80
181 and 182 6/80

Dlstri bution: Initiated By:

ZVS-827 AVN-200/AF0-700
8?.60.3B CHG 4 4/1/83


Remove Pages ---"JrateCI InserE Pacres Oated
3 and 4 7/76 3 an.-! 4 4/l/B3
9 and 10 7/76 9 thru 17(and 18) 4/1/83
11 2/79
12 7/76
13 thru 16 7/76
1 thru 10 7/76 1 thru 8 4/1/83
1 thru 20 6/80 1 thru l9(and 20) 4/1/83

Director of Flight Operatfons

Page 2

8260.38 CHG 3

Arm¥ •••••••••••••• TM 95-226 6/3/80

Navy ••• OPNAV Inst 3722.16C Cancellation
Air Aorce ••••••••• AFM 55-9 Date: Retain
Coast Guard....... OG 318


PlJRK)SE. 'lhis change incorporates a new Olapter 17, Enroute Criteria

into the TERPs handbook and is concurred in by the TERPs signatories. 1.hese
\ criteria formerly were contained in FAA Handbook 8260.19, Flight P~edures
and Airspace, Chapter 8, Criteria. This administrative action focalizes all
instrument procedures related criteria into the TERPs handbook for reasons
of harogeneity. A change to 8260.19 will be issued to withdraw Olapter 8.
TERPS Olapters 13, 14, 15, aoo 16 are reserved for future use. ·

PAGE (.'()t-.l'ffiOL CHART

ReiOC>ve Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated

xvi~ thru xvii i 2/79 xvii thru xxii i 6/80

xix 7/76 Olapter 17
xx t-.hru xxi 2/79 Pages 173 thru 187 6/80

Appendix 6 Al;pendix 6
Pages 1 thru 11 7/76 Pages 1 thru 20 6/80
12 2/79
13 thru 20 7/76

Director of Flight Operations

Distribution: ZFS-827 Initiated By: AF0-700/500


Army • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '1M 9 5-226

I 8260.JB CHG 2

Navy • • • • • OPNAV Inst .3722.160
Air Force •••••••••••••••• AFM 55-9 Cancellation
Coast Guard ••••••••••••••• 0G 318 Date: Retain


PURPOSE. Provide artwork for Figure 101 and related page revisions
inadvertently omitted in the initial printing process of Change 1.


Remove Pa es Dated Insert Pa es Dated

7 and 8 2/79 7 2/79

8 10/79
91 thru 94 7/76 91 7/.76
92 and 93 l(J/79
94 7 76

Director of Flight Operations

Distribution: ZFS-S27 Initiated By: AF0-700


Army ••••••••••••••••••••• TM 9~226 Cancellation
Navy ••••••••••• OPNAV Inst 3722.16C Date: RETAIN
Air Force ••••••••••••••••• AFM 55-9
Coast Guard ••••••••••••••• CG 31S

PURPOSE. In addition to minor revisions, clarifications, and editorial

corrections, this change transmits a new Table 6, Effect of HAT/HAA on
Visibility Minimums (chapter 2), and adds new Chapter 12, Departure
Remove Pages Dated Insert Pages Dated
iii t.hru vi 7/76 iii tbru vi 2/79
xvii thru .xx 7/.76 xvii thru .xxi 2/79
1 thru 8 7/76 1 7/76
2 thru 8 2/79
11 thru 16 7/76 11 and 12 2/79
13 7fA6
14 thru 16 2 79
19 thru .30 7/76 19 thru 29 2/79
30 7fA6
33 and 34 7/76 33 2 79
39 thru 44 7/76
39thru44 VJ,~
53 and 54 7/76 53 7/76
54 2/79
75 thru 92 7/76 75 thru 92 2/79
95 thru 102 7/.76 95 thru 102 2/79
105 thru 110 7/76 105
106 thru 110
113 (and 114) 7/76 113 thru 124 2/79
Appendix 2 Appendix 2
Pages 1 and 2 7/76 Pages 1 and 2 2/79
5 and 6 7/.76 5 and 6 2/79
11 and 12 7/76 11 and 12 2/79
Appendix 4 Appendix 4
Pages 1 thru 6 7/76 Pages 1 thru 6 2/79
Appendix 6 Appendix 6
Pages 11 and 12

-, t1
_( ~C! -, JJ,~la f)}~.
, . ..- I
7/76 Page 11

!'___..,... _..../J. A. FERRARESE, Acting Director, Flight Standards Service


Distribution: ZFS....827 Initiated By: AFS-700

For sale by the Superintendent ot Documents, U.S. Government Prlntln& Office, W11Shln&ton, D.C. 20C02
National Policy 8260.3B
Effective Date:

SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)

This order prescribes standardized methods for use in designing instrument flight procedures. It
is to be used by all personnel charged with the responsibility for the preparation, approval, and
promulgation of terminal instrument procedures. Compliance with criteria contained herein is
not a substitute for sound judgment and common sense. These criteria do not relieve procedures
specialists and supervisory personnel from exercising initiative or taking appropriate action in
recognizing both the capabilities and limitations of aircraft and navigational aid performance.
These criteria are predicated on normal aircraft operations for considering obstacle clearance

These criteria have been officially adopted and contained as a joint publication between the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the United States Army (USA), the United States Navy
(USN), the United States Air Force (USAF), and the United States Coast Guard (USCG).

For reference, below are the applicable official document numbers.

USA TM 95-226
USAF AFMAN 11-226(I)
USN OPNAV Inst 3722.16C
FAA FAAO 8260.3B

Note: This is a CONSOLIDATED REPRINT including Changes 1 through 26.

Distribution: A-W(AS/ND/AT/AF/FS)-3; A-X(FS/AF/AT/AS)-3; Initiated By: AFS-400

AJW-32 (200 Cys); AMA-200 (12 Cys); ZVS-827; Special Military and Public
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


This publication prescribes standardized methods for designing instrument flight procedures
(IFPs) in the United States and its territories. It is to be used by all personnel charged with the
responsibility for the preparation, approval, and promulgation of terminal instrument procedures.
These criteria are predicated on normal aircraft operation and performance.

These criteria are applicable to the Federal Aviation Administration and have been adopted by
the United States Army, the United States Navy, the United States Air Force, and the United
States Coast Guard.

Recommendations concerning changes or additions should be provided to one of the following

approving authorities as appropriate:

OFFICE OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, FAA, Washington, D.C. 20591 (Civil Procedures)

DIRECTOR, U.S. Army Air Traffic Control Activity, Aeronautical Services Office
(USAATCAASO), Cameron Station, Alexandria, Va. 22314

HEADQUARTERS, U.S. Air Force XOORF, Washington, D.C. 20330

COMMANDANT, (G-OSR-2173) U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C. 20590

Page iii
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14





Brigadier General, United States Army General, United States Army
The Adjutant General Chief of Staff



Colonel, USAF General, United States Air Force
Director of Administration Services Chief of Staff


Rear Admiral, United States Coast Guard
Chief, Office of Operations


Director of Flight Operations
Federal Aviation Administration

Page iv
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


U.S. Army:

In accordance with DMA Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products

Submit requisition to:
Cameron Station
Alexandria, VA 22314

U.S. Air Force

Submit requisition to:

Washington, DC 20315

U.S. Coast Guard:

In accordance with COMDTNOTE 5600.

Submit requisition to:
DOT Warehouse
ATTN: M-494.3
1725/35 15th Street NE
Washington, DC 20002


This Order is in no way restricted, and the employee to whom it is used will make it available for
review by the public upon request. The public may purchase this document from:

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402

Page v
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14


Page vi
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14


Forward ........................................................................................................................... iii-iv

DOD Distribution and Requisition ................................................................................. v-vi
Order Table of Contents.............................................................................................vii-xxvi


Chapter 1 Administrative

Section 1 Scope ..................................................................................................1

1. Purpose of this Order .........................................................................1

2. Audience ............................................................................................1
3. Where I Can Find This Order ............................................................1
4. What This Order Cancels ...................................................................1
5. Types of Procedures ...........................................................................1
6. Word Meanings ..................................................................................1
7.-119. Reserved .............................................................................................1

Section 2 Eligibility, Approval, and Retention ..................................................1

120. Eligibility ...........................................................................................1

121. Requests for Procedures .....................................................................2
122. Approval ............................................................................................2
123. Retention and Cancellation ................................................................2
124.-129. Reserved .............................................................................................2

Section 3 Responsibility and Jurisdiction ..........................................................3

130. Responsibility ....................................................................................3

131. Jurisdiction .........................................................................................3
132.-139. Reserved .............................................................................................3

Section 4 IFP Establishment ..............................................................................3

140. Formulation ........................................................................................3

141. Nonstandard IFPs ...............................................................................3
142. Amendments ......................................................................................3
143.-149. Reserved .............................................................................................3

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Chapter 1 Administrative (Continued)

Section 5 Coordination ......................................................................................3

150. Coordination ......................................................................................3

151. Coordination Conflicts .......................................................................3
152.-159. Reserved .............................................................................................4

Section 6 Identification of Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP).........................4

160. General ...............................................................................................4

161. Straight-In Approach Procedures .......................................................4
162. Circling Approach Procedures ...........................................................5
163. Combined Charting of Approach Procedures ....................................5
164. Departure Procedure Identification ....................................................5
165. En Route Procedure Identification .....................................................5
166.-169. Reserved .............................................................................................5

Section 7 IFP Publication...................................................................................5

170. Submission .........................................................................................5

171. Issuance ..............................................................................................5
172. Effective Date ....................................................................................5
173. Information Update ............................................................................5
174. Mathematics Convention ...................................................................6
175.-199. Reserved .............................................................................................6

Chapter 2 General Criteria

200. Scope ..................................................................................................7-1

Section 1 Common Information.........................................................................7-1

201. TERPS................................................................................................7-1
202. Level OCS ..........................................................................................7-1
203. Sloping Obstacle Clearance Surfaces (OCS) .....................................7-1
204.-209. Reserved .............................................................................................7-3
210. Units of Measurement ........................................................................7-3
211. Positive Course Guidance (PCG).......................................................7-4

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Chapter 2 General Criteria (Continued)

212. Approach Categories (CAT) ..............................................................7-4

213. Approach Category Application ........................................................7-4
214. Procedure Construction ......................................................................7-4
215. Controlling Obstacle(s) ......................................................................9
216.-219. Reserved .............................................................................................9

Section 2 Feeder Routes/Emergency Areas .......................................................9

220. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................9

221. Minimum Safe/Emergency Safe Altitudes (MSA/ESA) ...................9
222.-229. Reserved .............................................................................................10

Section 3 Initial Approach .................................................................................10

230. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................10

231. Altitude Selection...............................................................................10
232. Initial Approach Segments Based on Straight Courses and
Arcs with PCG ...................................................................................10
233. Initial Approach Segment Based on DR ............................................11
234. Initial Approach Segment Based on a Procedure Turn (T)................12-1
235. Initial Approach Based on High Altitude Teardrop Penetration .......13
236. Initial Approach course Reversal using Non-collocated
Facilities and a Turn of 120° or Greater to Intercept the
Inbound Course ..................................................................................15
237.-239. Reserved .............................................................................................16-2

Section 4 Intermediate Approaches ...................................................................16-2

240. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................16-2

241. Altitude Selection...............................................................................16-2
242. Intermediate Approach Segment Based on Straight Courses ............17
243. Intermediate Approach Segment Based on an Arc ............................18
244. Intermediate Approach Segment within a PT ....................................18
245.-249. Reserved .............................................................................................22

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Chapter 2 General Criteria (Continued)

Section 5 Final Approach...................................................................................22

250. Final Approach Segment....................................................................22

251. Reserved .............................................................................................22
252. Vertical Descent Angle ......................................................................22
253. Visual Descent Point (VDP). .............................................................24
254.-259. Reserved .............................................................................................25

Section 6 Circling Approach ..............................................................................26

260. Circling Approach Area .....................................................................26

261. Restricted Circling Area Clearance ...................................................26
262.-269. Reserved .............................................................................................26-1

Section 7 Missed Approach ...............................................................................26-1

270. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................26-1

271. Missed Approach Alignment .............................................................27
272. MAP ...................................................................................................27
273. Straight Missed Approach Area .........................................................27
274. Straight Missed Approach Obstacle Clearance..................................27
275. Turning Missed Approach Area.........................................................28
276. Turning Missed Approach Obstacle Clearance .................................29
277. Combination Straight and Turning Missed Approach Area ..............30
278. End of Missed Approach ...................................................................32
279. Reserved .............................................................................................32

Section 8 Terminal Area Fixes ..........................................................................32

280. General ...............................................................................................32

281. Fixes Formed by Intersection.............................................................32
282. Course/Distance Fixes .......................................................................32
283. Fixes Formed by Radar ......................................................................34
284. Fix Displacement Area ......................................................................34
285. Intersection Fix Displacement Factors...............................................34
286. Other Fix Displacement Factors ........................................................34

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Chapter 2 General Criteria (Continued)

287. Satisfactory Fixes ...............................................................................35

288. Using Fixes for Descent .....................................................................36-1
289. Obstacles Close to a Final Approach or Stepdown Fix .....................36-2

Section 9 Holding ..............................................................................................36-3

290. Holding Patterns.................................................................................36-3

291. Alignment ..........................................................................................36-3
292. Area ....................................................................................................36-3
293. Obstacle Clearance.............................................................................36-3
294.-299. Reserved .............................................................................................36-4

Chapter 3 Takeoff and Landing Minimums

3.0 Application.........................................................................................3-1
3.1 Establishment .....................................................................................3-1
3.2 Establish minimum altitudes/heights .................................................3-7
3.3 Visibility Minimums ..........................................................................3-14
3.4 Establishing Alternate Minimums (Other than Standard) .................3-24
3.5 Civil Standard Takeoff Minimums ....................................................3-26

Chapter 4 On-Airport VOR (No FAF)

400. General ...............................................................................................45

401.-409. Reserved .............................................................................................45

Section 1 Low Altitude Procedures ...................................................................45

410. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................45

411. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................45
412. Intermediate Segment ........................................................................45
413. Final Approach Segment....................................................................45
414. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................47
415.-419. Reserved .............................................................................................47

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Chapter 4 On-Airport VOR (No FAF) (Continued)

Section 2 High Altitude Teardrop Penetration...................................................47

420. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................47

421. Initial Approach Segment (IAF) ........................................................47
422. Intermediate Segment ........................................................................47
423. Final Approach Segment....................................................................47
424. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................49
425.-499. Reserved .............................................................................................49

Chapter 5 TACAN, VOR/DME, and VOR with FAF

500. General ...............................................................................................51

501.-509. Reserved .............................................................................................51

Section 1 VOR with FAF ...................................................................................51

510. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................51

511. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................51
512. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................51
513. Final Approach Segment....................................................................51
514. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................55
515.-519. Reserved .............................................................................................56

Section 2 TACAN and VOR/DME....................................................................56

520. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................56

521. Initial Segment ...................................................................................56
522. Intermediate Segment ........................................................................56
523. Final Approach Segment....................................................................56
524. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................57
525.-599. Reserved .............................................................................................57

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Chapter 6 NDB Procedures On-Airport Facility, No FAF

600. General ...............................................................................................59

601.-609. Reserved .............................................................................................59

Section 1 Low Altitude Procedures ...................................................................59

610. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................59

611. Initial Approach segment ...................................................................59
612. Intermediate Segment ........................................................................59
613. Final Approach Segment....................................................................59
614. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................61
615.-619. Reserved .............................................................................................61

Section 2 High Altitude Teardrop Penetration...................................................62

620. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................62

621. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................62
622. Intermediate Segment ........................................................................62
623. Final Approach Segment....................................................................62
624. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................62
625.-699. Reserved .............................................................................................62

Chapter 7 NDB with FAF

700. General ...............................................................................................65

701.-709. Reserved .............................................................................................65

Section 1 NDB with FAF ...................................................................................65

710. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................65

711. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................65
712. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................65
713. Final Approach Segment....................................................................65
714. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................67
715.-799. Reserved .............................................................................................68

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Chapter 8 VHF/UHF DF Procedures

800. General ...............................................................................................71

801.-809. Reserved .............................................................................................71

Section 1 VHF/UHF DF Criteria .......................................................................71

810. En Route Operations ..........................................................................71

811. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................71
812. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................72
813. Final Approach Segment....................................................................72
814. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................73
815.-819. Reserved .............................................................................................73

Section 2 Communications ................................................................................73

820. Transmission Interval.........................................................................73

821.-829. Reserved .............................................................................................73

Section 3 Minimums ..........................................................................................73

830. Approach Minimums .........................................................................73

831.-899. Reserved .............................................................................................73

Chapter 9 Localizer and Localizer Type Directional Aids (LDA)

900. Feeder Routes, Initial Approach, and Intermediate Segments ...........9-1

901. Use of Localizer Only ........................................................................9-1
902. Alignment ..........................................................................................9-1
903. Area ....................................................................................................9-1
904. Obstacle Clearance.............................................................................9-1
905. Descent Gradient ................................................................................9-1
906. MDA ..................................................................................................9-1
907. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................9-1
908.-999. Reserved .............................................................................................9-1

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Chapter 10 Radar Approach Procedures and Vectoring Charts

10.0 General ...............................................................................................10-1

10.1 Radar Approaches ..............................................................................10-2
10.2 Minimum Vectoring Altitude Chart (MVAC) ...................................10-9

Chapter 11 Helicopter Procedures

Section 1 Administrative....................................................................................99

1100. General ...............................................................................................99

1101. Terminology.......................................................................................99
1102. Deleted ...............................................................................................99
1103. Type of Procedure ..............................................................................99
1104. Facilities for which Criteria are not Provided ....................................99
1105. Procedure Identification .....................................................................99

Section 2 General Criteria ..................................................................................99

1106. Application.........................................................................................99
1107. Point in Space Approach ....................................................................100
1108. Approach Categories ..........................................................................100
1109. Procedure Construction ......................................................................100
1110. Descent Gradient ................................................................................100
1111. Initial Approach Segments Based on Straight Courses and
Arcs with Positive Course Guidance .................................................100
1112. Initial Approach Based on Procedure Turn .......................................100
1113. Intermediate Approach Segment Based on Straight Courses ............101
1114. Intermediate Approach Segment Based on an ARC ..........................101
1115. Intermediate Segment Within Procedure Turn Segment ...................101
1116. Final Approach...................................................................................101
1117. Missed Approach Point ......................................................................101
1118. Straight Missed Approach Area .........................................................101
1119. Straight Missed Approach Obstacle Clearance..................................102
1120. Turning Missed Approach Area.........................................................102
1121. Turning Missed Approach Obstacle Clearance .................................102
1122. Combination Straight and Turning Missed Approach .......................102
1123. Holding Alignment ............................................................................102
1124. Holding Area ......................................................................................102

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Chapter 11 Helicopter Procedures (Continued)

Section 3 Takeoff and Landing Minimums .......................................................102

1125. Application.........................................................................................102
1126. Altitudes .............................................................................................102
1127. Visibility ............................................................................................102
1128. Visibility Credit .................................................................................103
1129. Takeoff Minimums ............................................................................104

Section 4 On-Heliport VOR (No FAF)

1130. General ...............................................................................................104

1131. Initial and Intermediate Segments .....................................................104
1132. Final Approach Segment....................................................................104

Section 5 TACAN, VOR/DME, and VOR with FAF ........................................104

1133. Final Approach Segment....................................................................104

1134. Reserved .............................................................................................105
1135. Missed Approach Point ......................................................................105
1136. ARC Final Approach Segment Radius ..............................................105
1137. ARC Final Approach Segment Alignment ........................................105
1138. Reserved .............................................................................................105

Section 6 On-Heliport NDB, No FAF ...............................................................105

1139. General ...............................................................................................105

1140. Final Approach Segment....................................................................105

Section 7 NDB Procedures with FAF ................................................................106

1141. General ...............................................................................................106

1142. Final Approach Segment....................................................................106
1143. Missed Approach Point ......................................................................106

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Chapter 11 Helicopter Procedures (Continued)

Section 8 Reserved .............................................................................................106

1144.-1149. Reserved .............................................................................................106

Section 9 ILS Procedures ...................................................................................106

1150. General ...............................................................................................106

1151. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................106
1152. Final Approach Segment....................................................................106
1153. Missed Approach Area ......................................................................106
1154. Microwave ILS ..................................................................................106
1155. Localizer and LDA ............................................................................106

Section 10 Precision Approach Radar (PAR) ......................................................107

1156. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................107

1157. Reserved .............................................................................................107
1158. Final Approach Segment....................................................................107
1159. Final Approach Alignment ................................................................107
1160. Final Approach Area ..........................................................................107
1161. Reserved. ............................................................................................107
1162. Final Approach Obstacle Clearance Surface .....................................107
1163. Transitional Surfaces .........................................................................108
1164. Obstacle Clearance.............................................................................108
1165. Glide Slope.........................................................................................108
1166. Relocation of the Glide Slope ............................................................108
1167. Adjustment of DH ..............................................................................108
1168. Missed Approach Obstacle Clearance ...............................................108
1169. Straight Missed Approach Area .........................................................109
1170. Turning Missed Approach Area.........................................................110
1171. Combination Straight and Turning Missed Approach Area ..............110

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Chapter 11 Helicopter Procedures (Continued)

Section 11 Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) .....................................................111

1172. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................111

1173. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................112
1174. Final Approach Segment....................................................................112
1175. Missed Approach Point ......................................................................112
1176.-1199. Reserved .............................................................................................112

Chapter 12 Reserved

Chapter 13 Reserved

Chapter 14 Simplified Directional Facilities (SDF) Procedures

1400. General ...............................................................................................137

1401.-1409. Reserved .............................................................................................137
1410. Feeder Routes.....................................................................................137
1411. Initial Approach Segment ..................................................................137
1412. Intermediate Approach Segment........................................................137
1413. Final Approach Segment....................................................................137
1414. Missed Approach Segment ................................................................138
1415. Back Course Procedures ....................................................................138
1416.-1499. Reserved .............................................................................................138

Chapter 15 Area Navigation (RNAV)

1500. General ............................................................................................. 15-1

1501. Terminology..................................................................................... 15-1
1502. Procedure Construction .................................................................... 15-2
1503. Reserved ........................................................................................... 15-6
1504. Reference Facilities .......................................................................... 15-6
1505. WP’s................................................................................................. 15-6
1506. RWY WP and APT WP ................................................................... 15-7
1507. Holding ............................................................................................ 15-7
1508.-1509. Reserved ........................................................................................... 15-7

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Chapter 15 Area Navigation (RNAV) (Continued)

Section 1 En Route Criteria ............................................................................. 15-7

1510. En Route Obstacle Clearance Areas ................................................ 15-7

1511. Obstacle Clearance........................................................................... 15-10
1512. Feeder Routes................................................................................... 15-10
1513.-1519. Reserved ........................................................................................... 15-11

Section 2 Terminal Criteria .............................................................................. 15-11

1520. Terminal Turning Area Expansion .................................................. 15-11

1521. Initial Approach Segment ................................................................ 15-12
1522. Intermediate Segment ...................................................................... 15-14
1523. Final Approach Segment.................................................................. 15-15
1524.-1529. Reserved ........................................................................................... 15-15

Section 3 Missed Approach ............................................................................. 15-15

1530. General ............................................................................................. 15-15

1531. Missed Approach Segment .............................................................. 15-15
1532. MAP ................................................................................................. 15-16
1533. Straight Missed Approach................................................................ 15-16
1534. Turning Missed Approach ............................................................... 15-18
1535. Combination Straight and Turning Missed Approach ..................... 15-18
1536. Clearance Limit ................................................................................ 15-20
1537.-1539. Reserved ........................................................................................... 15-20

Section 4 Approach Minimums ....................................................................... 15-20

1540. Approach Minimums ....................................................................... 15-20

1541.-1599. Reserved ........................................................................................... 15-20

Chapter 16 Reserved

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Chapter 17 En Route Criteria

1700.-1709. Reserved .............................................................................................. 173

Section 1 VHF Obstacle Clearance Area ............................................................ 173

1710. En Route Obstacle Clearance Areas ................................................... 173

1711. Primary Area ....................................................................................... 173
1712. Secondary Areas ................................................................................. 173
1713. Turning Area ....................................................................................... 174
1714. Application of Turning Area Criteria ................................................. 175
1715. Turn Area Template ............................................................................ 175
1716. Changeover Points (COP) ................................................................... 178
1717. Course Change Effect ......................................................................... 179
1718. Minimum En Route Instrument Altitudes (MEA) .............................. 179
1719. Protected En Route Areas ................................................................... 180

Section 2 VHF Obstacle Clearance..................................................................... 180

1720. Obstacle Clearance, Primary Area ...................................................... 180

1721. Obstacle Clearance, Secondary Areas ................................................ 180
1722. Obstacle Clearance Graph................................................................... 181
1723.-1729. Reserved .............................................................................................. 182

Section 3 Altitudes ............................................................................................. 182

1730. Minimum Crossing Altitudes (MCA) ................................................. 182

1731. En Route Minimum Holding Altitudes ............................................... 183
1732.-1739. Reserved .............................................................................................. 183

Section 4 Navigational Gaps ............................................................................... 183

1740. Navigational Gap Criteria ................................................................... 183

1741.-1749. Reserved .............................................................................................. 185

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Chapter 17 En Route Criteria (Continued)

Section 5 Low Frequency Airways or Routes .................................................... 185

1750. LF Airways or Routes ......................................................................... 185

1751.-1759. Reserved .............................................................................................. 186

Section 6 Minimum Divergence Angles ............................................................. 186

1760. General ................................................................................................ 186

1761. VHF Fixes ........................................................................................... 186
1762. LF or VHF/LF Fixes ........................................................................... 187
1763.-1799. Reserved .............................................................................................. 187

Appendix 1 Appendix Application, Glossary, Acronyms,

and Abbreviations (6 Pages)

1. Appendix Application ............................................................................ 1

2. Glossary ................................................................................................. 1
3. Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................ 3

Appendix 2 Reserved

Appendix 3 References (2 Pages)

1. References .............................................................................................. 1

Appendix 4 Table of Tangents (5 Pages)

1. Table of Tangents .................................................................................. 1

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Appendix 5 Approach Lighting Systems (7 Pages)

1. Approach Lighting Systems ................................................................... 1

2. Nonstandard Systems ............................................................................. 1
3. ALSF-1 (Type A1) ................................................................................. 1
4. ALSF-2 (Type A) ................................................................................... 2
5. SALS ...................................................................................................... 3
6. SSALS, SSALF, and SSALR (Type A3) ............................................... 3
7. MALS, MALSF (Type 44), and MALSR (Type A5) ............................. 4
8. ODALS .................................................................................................. 5
9. LDIN, Lead-In Lighting System ............................................................ 6
10. REIL....................................................................................................... 7
11. HIRL ...................................................................................................... 7
12. MIRL...................................................................................................... 7
13. TDZ/CL.................................................................................................. 7






Chapter 1. General Information

1-0 Purpose..................................................................................................1-1
1-1 Background ...........................................................................................1-1
1-2 Definitions.............................................................................................1-1

Chapter 2. General Criteria

2-0 Policy Directives ...................................................................................2-1

2-1 Calculations...........................................................................................2-1
2-2 Feeder, Initial, and Intermediate Segments...........................................2-1
2-3 General PA Requirements.....................................................................2-4
2-4 Obstacle Clearance Surface ..................................................................2-9

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Chapter 3. Precision Final and Missed Approach Segments

3.0 Final Segment .......................................................................................3-1

3.1 Alignment .............................................................................................3-2
3.2 OCS Slope(s) ........................................................................................3-2
3.3 Airport Design Standards/Obstacle Free Zones (OFZ) ........................3-3
3.4 “W” OCS ..............................................................................................3-4
3.5 “X” OCS ...............................................................................................3-5
3.6 “Y” OCS ...............................................................................................3-6
3.7 Decision Altitude (DA) and Height Above Touchdown (HAT) ..........3-7
3.8 Adjustment of DA for Final Approach OCS Penetrations....................3-8
3.9 Missed Approach ..................................................................................3-9

Appendix 1. Reserved.

Appendix 2. Simultaneous Independent Parallel Instrument Approaches

(SIPIA) – Widely Spaced Runways

1. Overview ............................................................................................A2-1
2. Radar monitoring/Instrument Approaches .........................................A2-1
3. Runway Spacing ................................................................................A2-1
4. Approach Procedures .........................................................................A2-1
5. No Transgression Zone and Normal Operating Zones ......................A2-2

Appendix 3. Simultaneous Close Parallel (SCP) Approaches

1.0 Overview and Background ............................................................ A3-1

2.0 Terminology................................................................................... A3-1
2.1 Automated Alert............................................................................. A3-1
2.2 Breakout ......................................................................................... A3-1
2.3 Close Parallel Runways ................................................................. A3-1
2.4 High Update Radar ........................................................................ A3-1
2.5 Offset Course ................................................................................. A3-1
2.6 Monitor Zone ................................................................................. A3-2
2.7 No Transgression Zone (NTZ)....................................................... A3-2
2.8 Normal Operating Zone (NOZ) ..................................................... A3-2
2.9 Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) ................................................ A3-3

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Appendix 3. Simultaneous Close Parallel (SCP) Approaches (Continued)

3.0 General ........................................................................................... A3-3

3.1 System Components....................................................................... A3-4
3.2 Procedure Naming and Charting .................................................... A3-5
4.0 Feeder Routes and Initial Approach Segment………………A3-5
4.1 Altitude Selection........................................................................... A3-5
4.2 Localizer Intercept Point ................................................................ A3-5
5.0 Intermediate Approach Segment.................................................... A3-5
6.0 Final Approach Segment................................................................ A3-6
6.1 Close Parallel Runway Separation ................................................. A3-6
6.2 High Update Radar ....................................................................... A3-6
6.3 NTZ ................................................................................................ A3-6
6.4 NOZ ............................................................................................... A3-6
6.5 Staggered Runway Thresholds ...................................................... A3-7
6.6 Offset Course Approaches ............................................................. A3-7
7.0 Minimums ...................................................................................... A3-7
8.0 Missed Approach Segment ............................................................ A3-8
8.1 NTZ ................................................................................................ A3-9
8.2 NOZ ............................................................................................... A3-9
9.0 Use of RNAV, RNP AR, or GLS for SCP Approach Procedures . A3-9
10.0 Close Parallel Approaches with at least 3600-foot Spacing ........ A3-10

Appendix 4. Obstacle Assessment Surface Evaluation for Simultaneous

Parallel Precision Operations (9 Pages)

1.0 Background ...........................................................................................1

2.0 Definitions.............................................................................................1
2.1 Course Width (CW) ..............................................................................1
2.2 Parallel Approach Obstruction Assessment ..........................................2
2.3 Parallel Approach Obstruction Assessment Surfaces ...........................2
2.4 Parallel Approach Obstruction Assessment Surface
Penetration ............................................................................................2
2.5 Parallel Approach Obstruction Assessment Controlling
Obstruction ............................................................................................2
2.6 No Transgression Zone (NTZ)..............................................................2
2.7 Normal Operational Zone (NOZ) .........................................................2

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Appendix 4. Obstacle Assessment Surface Evaluation for Simultaneous

Parallel Precision Operations (9 Pages) (Continued)

3.0 General ..................................................................................................2

3.1 Parallel Runway Simultaneous ILS Approaches ..................................2
4.0 PAOA Evaluation .................................................................................4
4.1 Surface 1 ...............................................................................................4
4.2 Surface 2 ...............................................................................................4
4.3 Surface 3 (Category I) ...........................................................................6
4.4 Surface 4 (Category II) 7
4.5 Establish a Latitude-Longitude List ......................................................8
4.6 Parallel Operations Application Requirements .....................................8

Appendix 5. Threshold Crossing Height (TCH), Ground Point Of Intercept

(GPI), and Runway Point Of Intercept (RPI) Calculation
(4 Pages)

Non-Radar Precision TC/GPI/RPI ........................................................3

Precision Approach Radar (PAR) .........................................................4
Precision Radar TCN/GPI/RPI .............................................................5


Chapter 1. General Criteria

1.0 General ..................................................................................................1-1

1.1 Terminology, Abbreviations, and Definitions ......................................1-1
1.2 Departure Criteria Application .............................................................1-4
1.3 Departure OCS Application ..................................................................1-4
1.4 Climb Gradients ....................................................................................1-6
1.5 Ceiling and Visibility ............................................................................1-9
1.6 Initial Climb Area (ICA) .......................................................................1-9

Chapter 2. Diverse Departure

2.0 General ..................................................................................................2-1

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Chapter 2. Diverse Departure (Continued)

2.1 Area .......................................................................................................2-1

2.2 Departure Sectors ..................................................................................2-3
2.3 DVA Evaluation (ASR Required) ........................................................2-6

Chapter 3. Departure Routes

3.0 Straight Route Departure Segments ......................................................3-1

3.1 Dead Reckoning (DR) Departure..........................................................3-1
3.2 Positive Course Guidance (PCG) Departure, 15° or Less ....................3-2
3.3 Localizer Guidance ...............................................................................3-2
3.4 Reserved ................................................................................................3-4
3.5 Turning Segment Construction .............................................................3-5
3.6 Reserved ................................................................................................3-6
3.7 Turn to PCG ..........................................................................................3-6
3.8 Multiple Turns ......................................................................................3-8

Chapter 4. Visual Climb Over Airport (VCOA)

4.0 General ..................................................................................................4-1

4.1 Basic Area .............................................................................................4-1
4.2 VCOA Evaluation .................................................................................4-2
4.3 Ceiling and Visibility ............................................................................4-5

Chapter 5. Diverse Vector Area Evaluation (DVA)

5-1 General ..................................................................................................5-1

5-2 Initial Departure Assessment ................................................................5-1
5-3 Select a DVA Method ...........................................................................5-1




Page xxvi
Army TM 95-226
Navy OPNAV Inst. 3722.16C
Coast Guard CG 318
Air Force AFMAN 11-226(I)







02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1
SECTION 1. SCOPE navigation/vertical navigation (LNAV/VNAV), and
localizer type directional aid (LDA) with glidepath, are
1. PURPOSE OF THIS ORDER. Order 8260.3B, examples of APV procedures.
United States Standard for Terminal Instrument
Procedures (TERPS), contains the criteria used to c. Nonprecision Approach (NPA). An
formulate, review, approve, and publish instrument instrument approach based on a navigation system that
flight procedures (IFPs) for operations to and from civil provides course deviation information, but no glidepath
and military airports. deviation information is considered an NPA procedure.
Very high frequency omnidirectional range (VOR),
2. DISTRIBUTION. This order is distributed to tactical air navigation (TACAN), LNAV, localizer
selected Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) performance (LP), nondirectional radio beacon (NDB),
addresses in Washington headquarters to the Group and localizer (LOC), and airport surveillance radar (ASR)
Team level in the Air Traffic Organization [Safety and approaches are examples of NPA procedures.
Technical Training (AJI), Air Traffic Services (AJT),
System Operations Services (AJR), Technical d. Departure Procedures (DP). Procedures
Operations Services (AJW), and Mission Support designed to provide obstacle clearance during
Services (AJV)]; to the Branch level in the Flight instrument departures.
Standards Service; to the Operations Headquarters
Directorate, AJT-2; to the National Aeronautical 6. WORD MEANINGS. Word meanings as used in
Navigation Products Office, AJV-3; to the National this order:
Flight Data Center, AJV-21; and to the Regulatory
Standards Division, AMA-200, at the Mike Monroney a. Shall or Must means that application of the
Aeronautical Center; to the branch level in the regional criteria is mandatory.
Flight Standards Divisions; to the Team level in the
ATO Service Area Operational Support Groups, and b. Should means that application of the criteria is
special mailing list ZVN-826. For distribution within the recommended.
Department of Defense, see pages v. c. May means that application of the criteria is
find this order on the Federal Aviation Administration’s 7. - 119. RESERVED.
(FAA) Web site at
States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS) 8260.3A, TM 11-2557-26, OPNAV Inst.
3722.16B, JAFM 55-9, and CG 318, dated 02/06/1970, a. Military Airports. Procedures at military
are canceled. airports must be established as required by the directives
of the appropriate military service.
5. TYPES OF PROCEDURES. Criteria are provided
for the following types of authorized IFPs: b. Civil Airports. IFPs must be provided at civil
airports open to the aviation public whenever a
a. Precision Approach (PA). An instrument reasonable need is shown. No minimum number of
approach based on a navigation system that provides potential instrument approaches is specified; however,
course and glidepath deviation information meeting the the responsible FAA office must determine that a public
precision standards of International Civil Aviation procedure will be beneficial to more than a single user
Organization (ICAO) Annex 10 is considered a PA or interest. Private procedures, for the exclusive use of a
procedure. Precision Approach Radar (PAR) and single interest, may be provided on a reimbursable basis
Instrument Landing System (ILS) are examples of PA under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14
procedures. CFR) Part 171, where applicable, if they do not unduly
conflict with the public use of airspace. Reasonable
b. Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV). need is deemed to exist when the IFP will be used by:
An instrument approach based on a navigation system
that is not required to meet the PA standards of ICAO (1) A certificated air carrier, air taxi, or
Annex 10 but provides course and glidepath deviation commercial operator; or
information is considered an APV procedure. Localizer
Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV), lateral

Chap 1 Page 1
Par 1
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
(2) Two or more aircraft operators whose remove obstacles that violate Part 77 surfaces.
activities are directly related to the commerce of the Exception: See chapter 3, section 3.
NOTE: In military procedures, the appropriate military
(3) Military aircraft. directives apply.
d. Weather Information. Terminal weather
121. REQUESTS FOR PROCEDURES. Requests for observation and reporting facilities must be available for
military procedures are processed as described by the the airport to serve as an alternate airport. Destination
appropriate military service. Civil procedures may be minimums may be approved when a general area
requested by letter; therefore, no special form is weather report is available prior to commencing the
required. Send requests to the appropriate Regional or approach and approved altimeter settings are available
Service Area Office. Requests are accepted from any to the pilot prior to and during the approach consistent
aviation source, provided the request indicates the with communications capability.
airport owner/operator has been notified of the request.
(Such notification is necessary only when the request is e. Communications. Air-to-ground communica-
for an original procedure to an airport not already served tions must be available at the initial approach fix (IAF)
by an approach procedure.) The FAA will advise airport minimum altitude and where an aircraft executing the
owners/operators of additional requests for procedures. missed approach is expected to reach the missed
approach altitude. At lower altitudes, communications
122. APPROVAL. Where a reasonable civil need has are required where essential for the safe and efficient
been established or a military requirement exists, a use of airspace. Air-to-ground communication normally
request for an IFP must be approved if the following consists of ultra high frequency (UHF) or very high
minimum standards are met: frequency (VHF) radio, but high frequency (HF)
communication may be approved at locations that have
a. Airport. An airport airspace analysis a special need and capability. Other suitable means of
conducted under Order JO 7400.2, Procedures for point-to-point communication, such as commercial
Handling Airspace Matters, or appropriate military telephone, are also required to file and close flight plans.
directives, as applicable must find the airport acceptable
for instrument flight rules (IFR) operations. The airport 123. RETENTION AND CANCELLATION. Civil
landing surfaces must be adequate to accommodate the instrument procedures must be canceled when a re-
aircraft expected to use the procedure. The airport evaluation of the usefulness of an IAP indicates that the
infrastructure requirements of FAA Advisory Circular benefits derived are not commensurate with the costs of
(AC) 150/5340-1, Standards for Airport Markings, and retaining the procedure. This determination will be
FAA AC 150/5300-13A, Airport Design, paragraph 317 based upon an individual evaluation of requirements
must be met to achieve the lowest possible minimums. peculiar to each specific location, and will consider
Only circling minimums may be approved to airports airport complexity, military requirements, planned
where the runways are not clearly defined. Runway airport expansion, and the need for a backup or
lighting is required for approval of night instrument supplement to the primary instrument approach system.
approach operations. Do NOT deny takeoff and Certain special procedures exist, generally based on
departure procedures at night due solely to the absence privately operated navigation facilities. When a
of runway edge lights. procedure based on a public facility is published, special
procedures for that airport must be canceled unless
b. Navigation Facilities. All instrument and retention provides an operational advantage to the user.
visual navigation facilities used must successfully pass Before an instrument procedure is canceled,
flight inspection. coordination with civil and military users must be
effected. Care must be taken not to cancel procedures
c. Obstacle Marking and Lighting. Obstacles required by the military or required by air carrier
that penetrate 14 CFR Part 77 imaginary surfaces are operators at provisional or alternate airports. Retain or
obstructions and; therefore, should be marked and cancel military procedures as required by the
lighted, insofar as is reasonably possible under FAA AC appropriate military authority.
70/7460-1, Obstruction Marking and Lighting. Those
penetrating the 14 CFR Part 77 approach and 124. - 129. RESERVED.
transitional surfaces should be removed or made
conspicuous under that AC. Do NOT deny instrument
approach procedures due to inability to mark and light or

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Par 120
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1
JURISDICTION in this manual are based on reasonable assessment of the
factors which contribute to errors in aircraft navigation
130. RESPONSIBILITY. and maneuvering. They are designed primarily to assure
that safe flight operations for all users result from their
a. Military Airports. The military services application. The dimensions of the obstacle clearance
establish and approve IFPs at airports under their areas are influenced by the need to provide for a smooth
respective jurisdictions. IFPs established in accordance progression to and from the en route system. Every
with this order are considered equivalent to 14 CFR effort must be made to formulate IFPs in accordance
Part 97 procedures and are normally authorized for civil with these standards; however, terrain, navigation
use. The FAA must be informed when IFPs are canceled information, obstacles, or traffic congestion may require
(see Order 8260.43, Flight Procedures Management special consideration where justified by operational
Program). The FAA may accept responsibility for the requirements. In such cases, nonstandard IFPs that
development and/or publication of military IFPs when deviate from these criteria may be approved, provided
requested to do so by the appropriate military service they are documented and an equivalent level of safety
through an interagency agreement. exists. A nonstandard IFP is not substandard; it has been
approved after special study of the local problems has
b. Civil Airports. The FAA must establish and demonstrated that no derogation of safety is involved.
approve IFPs for civil airports. The FAA Flight Technologies and Procedures Division
(AFS-400), is the approving authority for nonstandard
c. Military Procedures at Civil Airports. civil IFPs. Military IFPs that deviate from standards
Where existing FAA IFPs at civil airports do not meet because of operational necessity, and in which an
user needs, the military may request the FAA to develop equivalent level of safety is not achieved, must be
IFPs to meet military requirements. Modification of an marked “NOT FOR CIVIL USE.”
existing FAA IFP or development of a new IFP may
meet these requirements. The FAA must formulate, 142. AMENDMENTS. Process in accordance with
coordinate with the military and industry, and publish Order 8260.19, Flight Procedures and Airspace.
and maintain such procedures. The military must inform
the FAA when such IFPs are no longer required. 143. - 149. RESERVED.


having jurisdiction over an airport may initiate action
under these criteria to establish or revise IFPs when a 150. COORDINATION. It is necessary to coordinate
reasonable need is identified, or where: IFPs to avoid conflicts and protect the rights of all
airspace users.
a. New navigation facilities or airport
infrastructure are installed. a. Air Traffic Control (ATC) facilities. All new
or revised IFPs must be coordinated with the affected
b. Changes to existing facilities/airport military or civil ATC facilities and other related airspace
infrastructure necessitate a change to an approved IFP. users. See Order 8260.19.

c. Additional IFPs are necessary. b. Airspace. Where action to designate

controlled airspace for an IFP is planned, the airspace
d. New obstacles or operational uses require a action should be initiated sufficiently in advance so that
revision to the existing IFP. effective dates of the IFP and the airspace action will
coincide. See Order 8260.19.
132. - 139. RESERVED.
c. Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). See Order

140. FORMULATION. Proposed IFPs are prepared 151. COORDINATION CONFLICTS. Coordination
under the applicable volume/chapter of this order as conflicts that cannot be resolved with the FAA
determined by the phase of flight and navigation source. organization responsible for IFP development will be
To permit use by aircraft with limited navigational submitted to the Regional Airspace and Procedures
equipment, an IFP should be formulated using a single Team (RAPT) for resolution. Make every effort to
navigation source whenever possible. The use of thoroughly evaluate the comments/objections, determine
multiple navigation sources of the same or different the validity and scope of each issue, and if necessary,
types may be permitted to gain an operational determine the appropriate course of action to resolve the
advantage. conflict. The RAPT will provide a written response

Chap 1 Page 3
Par 130
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
detailing the disposition and actions taken. The RAPT b. Exception. High altitude approaches, prefix
will forward conflicts that cannot be resolved to Flight the navigation system with “HI-.” The “HI-” prefix does
Standards’ Flight Procedure Implementation and not obviate the requirement to use suffixes when more
Oversight Branch (AFS-460) for resolution, and provide than one procedure uses the same navigational guidance
an information copy to commenting agencies/ to the same runway (see paragraph 161d).
organizations. Take parallel actions through military
channels if a problem involves a military procedure. Examples: HI-TACAN RWY 31, HI-ILS X RWY 13

152. - 159. RESERVED. c. PRM Modifier. This element is applicable to

IFPs authorized for closely spaced parallel approach
SECTION 6. IDENTIFICATION OF operations and to procedures established under Order
INSTRUMENT FLIGHT PROCEDURES (IFP) 8260.49, Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approach
(SOIA). Include “PRM” following the navigation
160. GENERAL. IFPs must be uniquely identified to system (and RNAV sensor if applicable) when
permit differentiation on charts/publications, airborne requested by ATC to support closely spaced parallel
equipment displays, and during ATC communications. operations.
This section specifies IFP identification only (i.e.,
procedure naming) and is not intended for other uses. Examples: ILS PRM RWY 35L, RNAV (GPS) PRM
Identification includes the following elements (as
applicable) in the following sequence: d. Duplicate identification suffix. When more
than one procedure to the same runway uses the same
a. Navigation system. The first element is the type of navigation system for lateral guidance within the
navigation system (and RNAV sensor in some cases) final approach segment, differentiate each procedure by
used to provide lateral navigation guidance within the adding a non-repeating alphabetical suffix using the
final approach segment. letters “S” through “Z.” Suffixes are normally assigned
in reverse order starting with “Z,” but may be assigned
(1) Non-RNAV. Identify the applicable as needed to meet operational needs [e.g., all RNAV
ground-based system, e.g., ASR, PAR, NDB, VOR, (RNP) approaches at an airport assigned “Z” suffix, all
TACAN, LOC, LDA, and ILS. For localizer back RNAV (GPS) approaches assigned “Y” suffix, etc.].
course (BC) procedures, identify as “LOC BC.”
Examples: ILS Z RWY 17, ILS Y RWY 17
Examples: ASR RWY 17, ILS RWY 17, LOC RWY
27, LOC BC RWY 31 (1) Category I ILS, Special
Authorization (SA) Category I ILS, Category II ILS, SA
(2) RNAV. Category II ILS, and/or Category III ILS approaches to
the same runway with the same ground tracks and
(a) Procedures with LNAV, LP, altitudes (landing minimums excluded) are not
LNAV/VNAV, or LPV minimums use “RNAV (GPS).” considered duplicates of each other and do not require
separate identification suffixes. For example, no suffix
(b) Required Navigation Performance is required for either the “ILS RWY 16R” or “ILS RWY
(RNP) approach procedures with Authorization 16R (SA CAT I)”, but if the CAT I ILS has a suffix,
Required (AR) use “RNAV (RNP).” then assign the same suffix to the SA ILS, e.g., “ILS Y
RWY 16R” and “ILS Y RWY 16R (SA CAT I)”.
(c) RNAV procedures based solely upon
VOR/DME or VORTAC signals; use “RNAV (2) PRM. Assign the same identification
(VOR/DME)”. suffix to the PRM approach as is assigned to the non-
PRM approach it is based on. For example, title the
(d) Ground Based Augmentation System PRM, “RNAV (GPS) PRM Y RWY 28L” when based
(GBAS) Landing System (GLS) procedures, use “GLS.” on the “RNAV (GPS) Y RWY 28L.” Do not assign a
suffix if the non-PRM approach is published without
Examples: RNAV (GPS) RWY 17, RNAV (RNP) one. For example, title the PRM, “ILS PRM RWY 17”
RWY 17, RNAV (VOR/DME) RWY 17, GLS RWY when based on the “ILS RWY 17.”
(3) RNAV (GPS), RNAV (RNP), and
RNAV (VOR/DME). Duplicate identification suffixes
are required for each procedure with “RNAV” in the

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Volume 1
title when there are two or more such procedures to the 163. COMBINED CHARTING OF APPROACH
same runway. PROCEDURES. A VOR approach may be combined
with a TACAN approach if they share common tracks,
Examples: RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 28L, RNAV (GPS) fixes, and fix altitudes. An ILS approach may be
Y RWY 28L, RNAV (RNP) X RWY 28L, RNAV combined with either a LOC approach, or with an
(VOR/DME) W RWY 28L RNAV (GPS) approach if they share common tracks,
fixes, and fix altitudes (final segment step down
(4) High altitude procedures and other fixes/altitudes excluded). Identify as specified in
procedures using the same final approach guidance to paragraph 161, except the runway number element
the same runway require a suffix unless all tracks and (single suffix for circling) is included only with the last
altitudes are identical. For example, title the high ILS as, approach listed, and identifications are connected by the
“HI-ILS Z RWY 32” and the low ILS as, “ILS Y RWY word “or.”
Examples: ILS or LOC RWY 36L, VOR or TACAN
e. Runway numbers to which the FAC is
RWY 31, ILS Z or LOC Z RWY 18, ILS Z or LOC
aligned and to which straight-in minimums are
RWY 36, ILS Z or LOC Y RWY 28, ILS or RNAV
authorized. Describe as “RWY” followed by the runway

HI-TACAN Y RWY 13. Where approaches meet IDENTIFICATION. For named departures, see Order
straight-in alignment criteria to more than one runway: 8260.46, Departure Procedure (DP) Program.
When the approach does not meet criteria authorizing 7400.2.
straight-in landing minimums, identification includes
the following elements: 166. - 169. RESERVED.

a. The navigation system (and sensor when SECTION 7. IFP PUBLICATION

applicable) as specified in paragraph 161.
170. SUBMISSION. IFPs must be submitted by the
b. A non-repeating alphabetical suffix assigned approving authority on forms provided by the
sequentially. originating agency. A record of coordination must be
maintained by the originating agency. IFPs must be
(1) The first approach established uses the routed under current orders or directives of the
suffix “A” even though there may be no intention to originating agency.
establish additional procedures.
(2) Do not duplicate the alphabetical suffix 171. ISSUANCE. The FAA Administrator (or
where there are multiple circling procedures at the same designee) is responsible for issuing civil instrument
airport, even when the procedures use different procedures. The military approving authorities are
navigation systems; if additional procedures are responsible for issuing military instrument procedures.
established, they must be identified alphabetically in
sequence. A revised approach procedure will use its 172. EFFECTIVE DATE. See Orders 8260.19 and
original identification. 8260.26, or applicable military directive(s). FAA policy
does not permit the issuance of complete civil instrument
approach procedures by Notice to Airmen (NOTAM).
Examples: NDB-A, VOR-B, LDA-C

(3) The alphabetical suffix must not be 173. INFORMATION UPDATE. For your
duplicated at airports with identical city names within convenience, FAA Form 1320-19, Directive Feedback
the same state, regardless of the airport name/navigation Information, is included at the end of this order to
system guidance. provide any comments on deficiencies found,
clarifications needed, or suggested improvements
Example: regarding the contents to this order. When forwarding
State City Airport Procedure name comments to the originating office for consideration,
GA Atlanta KFTY VOR-A please provide a complete explanation of why the
GA Atlanta KCCO NDB-B suggested change is necessary.

Chap 1 Page 5
Par 161
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1

a. Definition of mathematical functions.

a + b indicates addition
a-b indicates subtraction
a × b indicates multiplication
or a/b indicates division
(a × b) indicates the result of the process within the parenthesis
a-b indicates the result of a-b is assigned a positive sign
≈ indicates approximate equality
a indicates the square root of quantity "a"
a2 indicates a × a
tan (a) indicates the tangent of "a" degrees
tan-1 (a) indicates the arc tangent of "a"
sin (a) indicates the sine of "a" degrees
sin-1 (a) indicates the arc sine of "a"
cos (a) indicates the cosine of "a" degrees
cos-1 (a) indicates the arc cosine of "a"

b. Operational Precedence (Order of Operations).

First - Grouping symbols: parentheses, brackets, braces, fraction bars, etc.

Second - Functions: tangent, sine, cosine, arcsine and other defined functions.
Third - exponentiation: powers and roots
Fourth - multiplication and division: products and quotients
Fifth - addition and subtraction: sums and differences
5-3×2=-1 because multiplication takes precedence over subtraction
(5-3)×2=4 because parentheses take precedence over multiplication
=12 because exponentiation takes precedence over division
9+16=5 because the square root sign is a grouping symbol
9 + 16=7 because roots take precedence over addition
sin (30°)
=1 because functions take precedence over division
 30° 
sin   =0.8660254 because parentheses take precedence over functions
 0.5 

1. Most hand-held calculators are pre-programmed to apply these rules of precedence.

2. When possible, let the calculator maintain all of the available digits of a number in memory rather than re-
entering a rounded number. For highest accuracy, only round the final results.

175. – 199. RESERVED.

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Par 174
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200. SCOPE. This chapter contains only that TERPS standard to provide ROC. While the
information common to all types of TERPS. application of TERPS criteria indirectly addresses
Criteria, which do not have general application, are issues of flyability and efficient use of NAVAID's,
located in the individual chapters concerned with the major safety contribution is the provision of
the specific types of facilities. obstacle clearance standards. This facet of TERPS
allows aeronautical navigation in instrument
SECTION 1. COMMON INFORMATION meteorological conditions (IMC) without fear of
collision with unseen obstacles. ROC is provided
201. TERPS. Concept of Primary Required through application of level and sloping OCS.
Obstacle Clearance (ROC). The title of this order,
United States Standard for Terminal Instrument 202. Level OCS. The level OCS concept is
Procedures (TERPS), contains a key word in applicable to “level flight” segments. These
defining the order's content. The word is segments are level flight operations intended for en
"STANDARD;" something set up and established route, initial, intermediate segments, and nonpre-
by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, cision final approaches. A single ROC value is
weight, extent, value, or quality. applied over the length of the segment. These
values were determined through testing and
a. The TERPS document specifies the observation of aircraft and pilot performance in
minimum measure of obstacle clearance that is various flight conditions. Typical ROC values are:
considered by the FAA (the Federal authority) to for en route procedure segments, 1,000 feet (2,000
supply a satisfactory level of vertical protection. over designated mountainous terrain); and for
The validity of the protection is dependent, in part, initial segments, 1,000 feet, 500 feet in
on assumed aircraft performance. In the case of intermediate segments, and 350/300/250 feet in
TERPS, it is assumed that aircraft will perform final segments.
within certification requirements.
a. This method of applying ROC results in a
b. The following is an excerpt from the horizontal band of airspace that cannot be
foreword of this order: "These criteria are penetrated by obstacles. Since obstacles always
predicated on normal aircraft operations for extend upward from the ground, the bottom surface
considering obstacle clearance requirements." of the ROC band is mathematically placed on top
Normal aircraft operation means all aircraft of the highest obstacle within the segment. The
systems are functioning normally, all required depth (ROC value) of the band is added to the
navigational aids (NAVAID's) are performing within obstacle height to determine the minimum altitude
flight inspection parameters, and the pilot is authorized for the segment. The bottom surface of
conducting instrument operations utilizing the ROC band is referred to as the level OCS.
instrument procedures based on the Therefore, level flight segments are evaluated by
the level OCS application standard (see figure 1-1).

Figure 1-1. Minimum Segment Altitude. Par 202a


Highest Obstacle


203. Sloping Obstacle Clearance Surfaces vary throughout the segment. The value of ROC
(OCS). The method of applying ROC, in segments near the runway is relatively small, and the value at
dedicated to descending on a glidepath or climbing the opposite end of the segment is sufficient to
in a departure or missed approach segment, satisfy one of the level surface standards above. It
requires a different obstacle clearance concept follows then, that a sloping OCS is a more
than the level OCS because the ROC value must appropriate method of ROC application.

Chap 2 Page 7-1

Par 200
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

NOTE: Slope ratios are SLOPE RATIO the glidepath. The vertical distance between the
normally expressed in glidepath and the OCS is ROC; i.e., ROC =
terms of rise over run (glidepath height) - (OCS height). The ROC
in engineering and decreases with distance from the final approach fix
professional technical RUN as the OCS and glidepath converge on the
jargon. However, TERPS has approach surface baseline (ASBL) height
traditionally expressed slope ratios in terms of (see figure 1-2). The OCS slope and glidepath
run over rise; e.g., 34:1, 40:1. angle values are interdependent: OCS Slope =
102 ÷ glidepath angle; or glidepath angle = 102 ÷
a. Descending on a Precision Glidepath. The OCS slope. This relationship is the standard
obstacle evaluation method for descent on a glide- that determines the ROC value since
path is the application of a descending OCS below ROC = (glidepath height ) - (OCS height ) .

Figure 1-2. Precision Glidepath Descent. Par 203a.





(1) If the OCS is penetrated, the OCS slope segment (see figure 1-3). For TERPS purposes,
may be adjusted upward, thereby increasing the the MINIMUM climb gradient that will provide
glidepath angle. The glidepath angle would adequate ROC in the climb segment is 200 ft/NM.
increase because it is dependent on the required
slope. (1) The obstacle evaluation method for a
climb segment is the application of a rising OCS
(2) Descent on a glidepath generated by below the minimum climbing flightpath. Whether
systems that do not meet the system precision the climb is for departure or missed approach is
requirements of ICAO PANS-OPs, Annex 10, such immaterial. The vertical distance between the
as barometric vertical navigation (Baro-VNAV), climbing flightpath and the OCS is ROC. ROC for
provide ROC through application of a descending a climbing segment is defined as ROC = 0.24 CG .
sloping surface based on standards using differing This concept is often called the 24% rule. Altitude
formulas, but the concept is the same. gained is dependent on climb gradient (CG)
expressed in feet per NM. The minimum ROC
b. Climbing on departure or missed approach. supplied by the 200 ft/NM CG is 48 ft/NM
The concept of providing obstacle clearance in the (0.24 × 200 = 48 ) . Since 48 of the 200 feet
climb segment, in instrument procedures, is based
on the aircraft maintaining a minimum climb gained in 1 NM is ROC, the OCS height at that
gradient. The climb gradient must be sufficient to point must be 152 feet (200 - 48 = 152 ) , or 76% of
increase obstacle clearance along the flightpath so the CG (152 ÷ 200 = 0.76) . The slope of a
that the minimum ROC for the subsequent surface that rises 152 over 1 NM is 40 (6076.11548
segment is achieved prior to leaving the climb ÷ 152 = 39.97 = 40).

Page 7-2 Chap 2

Par 203
08/17/2011 8260.3B CHG 23

Figure 1-3. Climb Segment. Par 202b.

200 ft per NM 0.24×200=48 ft
Climb Gradient

0.76CG=OCS Height
6076.11548 0.76 x 200 = 152 ft
OCS Slope=
OCS Height

1 NM
6076.11548 feet

(2) Where an obstruction penetrates the progresses. The OCS is applied until at least the
OCS, a nonstandard climb gradient (greater than minimum initial or en route value of ROC is attained,
200 ft/NM) is required to provide adequate ROC. as appropriate.
Since the climb gradient will be greater than
200 ft/NM, ROC will be greater than 48 ft/NM e. Extraordinary circumstances, such as a
0.24  CG  200  ROC  48 . The nonstandard mechanical or electrical malfunction, may prevent
ROC expressed in ft/NM can be calculated using the an aircraft from achieving the 200 ft/NM minimum
climb gradient assumed by TERPS. In these cases,
formula: 0.24 h  0.76 d where "h" is the height
adequate obstacle clearance may not be provided
of the obstacle above the altitude from which the by published instrument procedures. Operational
climb is initiated, and "d" is the distance in NM from procedures contained outside TERPS guidelines are
the initiation of climb to the obstacle. Normally, required to cope with these abnormal scenarios.
instead of calculating the nonstandard ROC value,
the required climb gradient is calculated directly 204.-209. RESERVED.
using the formula: h  (0.76d).
c. In the case of an instrume nt departure, the measurement shall be expressed as set forth below:
OCS is applied during the climb until at least the
minimum en route value of ROC is attained. The a. Bearings, Co urses, and Radials. Bearings
OCS begins at the departure end of runway, at the and courses shall be expressed in degrees
elevation of the runway end. It is assumed aircraft magnetic. Radials shall also be expressed in
will cross the departure end-of-runway at a height of degrees magnetic, and shall further be identified as
at least 35 ft. However, for TERPS purposes, aircraft radials by prefixing the letter "R" to the magnetic
are assumed to lift off at the runway end (unless the bearing FROM the facility. For example, R-027 or R-
procedures state otherwise). The ROC value is zero 010.
at the runway end, and increases along the
departure route until the appropriate ROC value is b. Altitudes. The unit of measure for altitude in
attained to allow en route flight to commence. this publication is feet. Published heights below the
transition level (18,000 ft) shall be expressed in feet
d. In the case of a missed approach above mean sea level (MSL); e.g. 17,900 ft.
procedure, the climbing flight path starts at the Published heights at and above the transition level
height of MDA or DA minus height loss. The OCS (18,000 ft) shall be expressed as flight levels (FL);
starts approximately at the MAP/DA point at an e.g., FL 180, FL 190, etc. See Title 14 of the Code of
altitude of MDA/DA minus the final segment ROC Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 91.121.
and adjustments. Therefore, the final segment ROC
is assured at the beginning of the OCS, and
increases as the missed approach route

Chap 2 Page 7-3

Par 203
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c. Distances. Develop all distances in nautical the airspace and visibility needed to perform certain
miles (NM) (6076.11548 ft or 1852 m per NM) and maneuvers. Because of these differences, aircraft
hundredths thereof, except where feet are required. manufacturer/operational directives assign an
Use the following formulas for feet and meter alphabetical category to each aircraft so that the
conversions: appropriate obstacle clearance areas and landing
and departure minimums can be established in
meters accordance with the criteria in this order. The
feet =      meters = feet × 0.3048
0.3048 categories used and referenced throughout this
order are Category A; B; C; D, and/or E. Aircraft
When applied to visibilities, distances shall be
categories are defined in Part 97.
expressed in statute miles (SM) (5280 ft per SM)
and the appropriate fractions thereof.
(1/8 SM = 660 ft; 1/4 SM = 1320 ft; 3/8 SM = 1980 ft;
The approach category operating characteristics
1/2 SM = 2640 ft; 5/8 SM = 3300 ft; 3/4 SM = 3960;
must be used to determine turning radii minimums
7/8 SM = 4620 ft). Runway visual range (RVR) must
and obstacle clearance areas for circling and missed
be expressed in feet.
d. Speeds. Aircraft speeds must be expressed
in knots indicated airspeed (KIAS).
may have four separate segments. They are the
initial, intermediate, final, and missed approach
e. Determination of Correct ness of Distance
segments. In addition, an area for circling the airport
and Bearing Information. The approving agency is
under visual conditions shall be considered. An
the authority for correctness of distance and bearing
approach segment begins and ends at the plotted
information, except that within the United States, its
position of the fix; however, under some
territories, and possessions, the National Oceanic
circumstances certain segments may begin at
and Atmospheric Administration is the authority for
specified points where no fixes are available. The
measurements between all civil navigation aids and
fixes are named to coincide with the associated
between those facilities incorporated as part of the
segment. For example, the intermediate segment
National Airspace System (NAS).
begins at the intermediate fix (IF) and ends at the
precise final approach fix (PFAF). The order in which
this chapter discusses the segments is the same
PCG must be provided for feeder routes, initial
order in which the pilot would fly them in a
(except as provided for in paragraph 233b),
completed procedure; that is from an initial, through
intermediate, and final approach segments. The
an intermediate, to a final approach. In constructing
segments of a procedure wherein PCG is provided
the procedure, the FAC should be identified first
must be within the service volume of the facility(ies)
because it is the least flexible and most critical of all
used, except where Expanded Service Volume
the segments. Then establish the other segments to
(ESV) has been authorized. PCG may be provided
produce an orderly maneuvering pattern responsive
by one or more of the navigation systems for which
to the local traffic flow and to conserve controlled
criteria has been published.
airspace to the extent possible (see figure 1-4).
Aircraft performance differences have an effect on

Page 7-4 Chap 2

Par 210
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Page 8 Chap 2
Par 214
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Volume 1
215. CONTROLLING OBSTACLE(S). See Order ROC value and must not be less than the altitude
8260.19, Flight Procedures and Airspace, and Order established at the IAF.
8260.46, Departure Procedure (DP) Program, for
documentation and charting requirements. d. Descent Gradient. The OPTIMUM descent
gradient in the feeder route is 250 ft/NM. Where a
216.-219. RESERVED. higher descent gradient is necessary, the MAXIMUM
gradient is 500 ft/NM. The OPTIMUM descent gradient
SECTION 2. FEEDER ROUTES/EMERGENCY for high altitude penetrations is 800 ft/NM. Where a
AREAS higher descent gradient is necessary, the MAXIMUM
gradient is 1000 ft/NM.
220. FEEDER ROUTES. Non-radar feeder routes
should be established when the IAF is not part of the 221. MINIMUM SAFE/EMERGENCY SAFE
en route structure and when preferred over other options ALTITUDES (MSA/ESA). Establish to provide at least
(e.g., radar vectors, TAA). Limit the number of feeder 1000 feet of obstacle clearance for emergency use,
routes where radar vectoring is provided on a 24-hour within a specified distance from the primary navigation
basis, but where practical provide at least one route per facility upon which a non-RNAV procedure is
location to account for radar/communications failure. predicated, and for an RNAV procedure, within a
Feeder routes originate at a navigation facility or named specified distance from an RNAV waypoint (WP). The
fix on an airway and terminate at another feeder fix or at minimum altitudes are identified as minimum safe
an IAF. The feeder route length must not exceed the altitudes or emergency safe altitudes, and are specified
operational service volume of the facilities which in 100-foot increments. When necessary, round to the
provide navigational guidance, unless additional next higher 100-foot increment (e.g., when obstacle
frequency protection is provided. elevation plus ROC equals 1501, round up to 1600).

a. Alignment. When the feeder route or portion a. MSA. Establish an MSA for all procedures
of the feeder route meets “no-procedure turn” (NoPT) within a 25 NM radius of the WP/facility, including the
initial segment descent/alignment standards and is area 4 NM beyond the outer boundary (see figure 2-1).
suitable for terminal operations, consider developing as When the distance from the facility to the airport
a NoPT initial segment instead. The area considered for exceeds 25 NM, extend the radius to include the airport
obstacle evaluation is oriented along the feeder route at landing surfaces up to a maximum distance of 30 NM.
a width appropriate to the type of route; e.g., VOR, When the procedure does not use an omni-directional
NDB, or RNAV. When connecting to a course reversal facility; e.g., localizer back course (LOC BC) with a fix
segment, the area terminates at a line perpendicular to for the PFAF, use the primary omni-directional facility
the feeder course through the course reversal fix. For in the area. Establish a common safe altitude (no
routes based on conventional ground-based NAVAIDs, sectors) for the entire area around the facility or if
the angle of intersection between the feeder route course necessary to offer relief from obstacles, establish sector
and the en route structure must not exceed 120 degrees. divisions. Sectors must not be less than 90 degrees in
The angle of intersection between a conventional spread. Sector altitudes should be raised and combined
ground-based feeder route course and the next segment with adjacent higher sectors when the altitude difference
(feeder/initial) course must not exceed 120 degrees does not exceed 300 feet. A sector altitude must also
except when connecting to a course reversal segment. provide 1000 feet of obstacle clearance in any adjacent
For RNAV routes, apply the current Performance-Based sector within 4 NM of the sector boundary line. For
Navigation (PBN) standard (e.g., Order 8260.58, United RNAV straight-in approach procedures, establish a
States Standard for Performance Based Navigation common safe altitude within a specified radius of the
(PBN) Instrument Procedure Design, or successor) for runway threshold (preferred) or the MAP WP; for
feeder segments. RNAV circling procedures use the airport waypoint
(APT WP) (see figure 2-2).
b. Area. For routes based on conventional
ground-based NAVAIDs, apply chapter 17. For RNAV
routes, apply Order 8260.58 (or successor).

c. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC over

areas not designated as mountainous under Federal
Aviation Regulation (FAR) 95 is 1000 feet. The
minimum ROC within areas designated in FAR 95 as
“mountainous” is 2000 feet. Paragraphs 1720b(1),
1720b(2), and 1721 apply. The published minimum
feeder route altitude must provide at least the minimum Figure 2-1. Non-RNAV MSA. Par 221.

Chap 2 Page 9
Par 215
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
altitude selected must not be below the procedure turn
(PT) altitude where a PT is required. In addition,
altitudes specified in the initial approach segment must
not be lower than any altitude specified for any portion
of the intermediate or final approach segment.



a. Alignment.

(1) Courses. The angle of intersection

between the initial approach course and the intermediate
course must not exceed 120 degrees. When the angle
Figure 2-2. RNAV MSA. Par 221. exceeds 90 degrees, a radial or bearing which provides
at least two miles of lead must be identified to assist in
b. Emergency Safe Altitudes (ESA). ESAs are leading the turn onto the intermediate course (see
normally developed only for military procedures at the figure 2-3).
option of the approving authority. Establish ESA's
within a 100-mile radius of the navigation facility or
WP used as the ESA center, with a common altitude for
the entire area. Where ESA's are located in designated
mountainous areas, provide at least 2000 feet of obstacle

222.-229. RESERVED.



instrument approach commences at the IAF. In the
initial approach, the aircraft has departed the en route
phase of flight and is maneuvering to enter an inter- Figure 2-3. INITIAL APPROACH
mediate segment. When the IF is part of the en route INTERCEPTION ANGLE GREATER THAN 90°.
structure, it may not be necessary to designate an initial Par 232a(1).
approach segment. In this case, the approach
commences at the IF and intermediate segment criteria (2) Arcs. An arc may provide course
apply. An initial approach may be made along an arc, guidance for all or a portion of an initial approach. The
radial, course, heading, radar vector, or a combination minimum arc radius must be seven miles, except for
thereof. Procedure turns, holding pattern descents, and high altitude jet penetration procedures, in which the
high altitude penetrations are initial segments. Positive minimum radius should be at least 15 miles. When an
course guidance (PCG) is required except when dead arc of less than 15 miles is used in high altitude
reckoning (DR) courses can be established over limited procedures, the descent gradient along the arc must not
distances. Although more than one initial approach may exceed the values in table 1. An arc may join a course at
be established for a procedure, the number should be or before the IF. When joining a course at or before the
limited to that which is justified by traffic flow or other IF, the angle of intersection of the arc and the course
operational requirements. Where holding is required must not exceed 120 degrees. When the angle exceeds
prior to entering the initial approach segment, the 90 degrees, a radial which provides at least two miles of
holding fix and IAF should coincide. When this is not lead must be identified to assist in leading the turn on to
possible, the IAF must be located within the holding the intermediate course. DME arc courses must be
pattern on the inbound holding course. predicated on DME collocated with a facility providing
omni-directional course information.
231. ALTITUDE SELECTION. Minimum altitudes
in the initial approach segment must be established in
100-foot increments. The selected altitude must provide
the minimum ROC (plus adjustments as specified by
paragraph 3.2.2b of this volume); e.g., when obstacle
elevation plus ROC equals 1501, round up to 1600. The

Page 10 Chap 1
Par 221
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Volume 1
ON AN ARC 15 NM AND LESS. Par 232a(2). DR. See ILS chapter for special limitations.
MILES MAX FT. PER NM a. Alignment. Each DR course must intercept the
15 1,000 extended intermediate course. For LOW altitude
14 720 procedures, the intercept point must be at least 1 mile
13 640 from the IF for each two miles of DR flown. For HIGH
12 560 altitude procedures, the intercept point may be one mile
11 480 for each three miles of DR flown. The intercept angle
10 400 must:
9 320
8 240 (1) Not exceed 90 degrees.
7 160
(2) Not be less than 45 degrees except when
DME is used OR the DR distance is three miles or less.
b. Area. The initial approach segment has no
standard length. The length must be sufficient to permit b. Area. The MAXIMUM length of the DR
the altitude change required by the procedure and must portion of the initial segment is 10 miles (except
not exceed 50 miles unless an operational requirement paragraph 232b applies for HIGH altitude procedures
exists. The total width of the initial approach segment where DME is available throughout the DR segment).
must be 6 miles on each side of the initial approach Where the DR course begins, the width is six miles on
course. This width is divided into a primary area, which each side of the course, expanding by 15 degrees
extends laterally four miles on each side of the course, outward until joining the points shown in figures 4-1,
and a secondary area, which extends laterally two miles 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, and 4-5.
on each side of the primary area. See volume 1, chapter
2, figure 10. When any portion of the initial approach is c. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC in
more than 50 miles from the navigation facility, the the DR initial approach segment is 1000 feet. There is
criteria for en route airways must apply to that portion. no secondary area. Adjustments for precipitous terrain
must be applied as specified in paragraph 3.2.2b of this
c. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC in volume. See paragraph 231.
the primary area is 1000 feet. The minimum ROC in the
secondary area is 500 feet at the primary boundary, d. Descent Gradient. The OPTIMUM descent
tapering uniformly to zero feet at the outer edge. gradient in the initial approach is 250 ft/mile. Where a
Adjustments for precipitous terrain must be applied as higher descent gradient is necessary, the MAXIMUM
specified in paragraph, 3.2.2b of this volume. See permissible gradient is 500 ft/mile. The OPTIMUM
paragraph 231. descent gradient for high altitude penetrations is
800 ft/mile. Where a higher descent gradient is
necessary, the MAXIMUM permissible gradient is
1000 ft/mile.

 dprimary 
ROCsecondary = 500 ×  1- 
 Ws 
dprimary = perpendicular dist (ft) from primary area
WS = Total width of the secondary area (ft)

d. Descent Gradient. The OPTIMUM descent

gradient in the initial approach is 250 ft/mile. Where a
higher descent gradient is necessary, the MAXIMUM
gradient is 500 ft/mile. The OPTIMUM descent gradient
for high altitude penetrations is 800 ft/mile. Where a
higher descent gradient is necessary, the MAXIMUM
gradient is 1000 ft/mile. Figure 4-1. EXAMPLE DR SEGMENT. Par 233b.

Chap 2 Page 11
Par 232
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Volume 1

Figure 4-2. EXAMPLE DR SEGMENT. Par 233b. Figure 4-4. EXAMPLE DR SEGMENT. Par 233b.

Figure 4-3. EXAMPLE DR SEGMENT. Par 233b. Figure 4-5. EXAMPLE DR SEGMENT. Par 233b.

Page 12 Chap 2
Par 233
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1
234. INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT BASED ON FAC, it must meet the FAC alignment criteria (see
A PT. A PT must be specified when it is necessary to paragraph 250). The wider side of the PT area must be
reverse direction to establish the aircraft on an oriented in the same direction as that prescribed for the
intermediate or FAC, except as specified in PT.
paragraph 234e. A PT begins by overheading a facility
or fix which meets the criteria for a holding fix (see b. Area. The PT areas are depicted in figure 5. The
paragraph 287b), or for a FAF (see paragraph 287c). normal PT distance is 10 miles. See table 1A. Decrease
The procedure must specify the PT fix, the outbound this distance to five miles where only CAT A aircraft or
and inbound course, the distance within which the PT helicopters are to be operating, and increase to 15 miles
must be completed, and the direction of the PT. When a to accommodate operational requirements, or as
teardrop turn is used, the angle of divergence between specified in paragraph 234d. No extension of the PT is
the outbound courses and the reciprocal of the inbound permitted without a FAF. When a PT is authorized for
course must be a MINIMUM of 15 degrees or a use by approach CAT E aircraft, use a 15-mile PT
MAXIMUM of 30 degrees (see paragraph 235a for high distance. The PT segment is made up of the entry and
altitude teardrop penetrations). When the beginning of maneuvering zones. The entry zone terminates at the
the intermediate or final approach segment associated inner boundary which extends perpendicular to the PT
with the procedure turn is not marked by a fix, the inbound course at the PT fix. The remainder of the PT
segment is deemed to begin on the inbound procedure segment is the maneuvering zone. The entry and
turn course at the maximum distance specified in the maneuvering zones are made up of primary and
procedure. Where neither segment is marked by a fix, secondary areas. The PT primary area dimensions are
the final segment begins at the maximum distance based on the PT completion altitude or the highest
specified in the procedure. feeder route altitude, whichever is greater. To allow
additional maneuvering area as the true airspeed
a. Alignment. When the inbound course of the PT increases at higher altitudes, the dimensions of the PT
becomes the intermediate course, it must meet the primary area increase. The PT secondary area is 2 miles
intermediate course alignment criteria (see para- on the outside of the primary area.
graph 242a). When the inbound course becomes the

Figure 5. PROCEDURE TURN AREA, Par 234b.

(See Table 1A to determine radius values.)

Chap 2 Page 12-1

Par 234
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1

PT Length Offset R1 R2 R3 R4
5 2 4 6 5 7
>5-10 2 5 7 6 8
>10-15 β-4 5 7 β β+2
 dprimary 
β = 0.1 × (d - 10 ) + 6 ROCsecondary = 500 ×  1-
Ws 

Where d = PT Length dprimary = perpendicular dist (ft) from primary area
WS = Total width of the secondary area (ft)
>6,000 ≤10,000
PT Length Offset R1 R2 R3 R4
>5-10 2 6 8 7 9
>10-15 β-5 6 8 β β+2 d. Descent Gradient. The OPTIMUM descent
β = 0.1 × (d - 10 ) + 7
gradient in the initial approach is 250 ft/mile. Where a
higher descent gradient is necessary, the MAXIMUM
Where d = PT Length permissible gradient is 500 ft/mile. Where a PT is
established over a FAF, the PT completion altitude
>10,000 should be as close as possible to the FAF altitude. The
PT Length Offset R1 R2 R3 R4 difference between the PT completion altitude and the
5 2 4 6 5 7 altitude over the FAF must not be greater than those
>5-10 2 7 9 8 10 shown in table 1B. If greater differences are required for
>10-15 β-6 7 9 β β+2 a 5- or 10-mile PT, the PT distance limits and
maneuvering zone must be increased at the rate of
β = 0.1 × (d - 10 ) + 8 1 mile for each 200 feet of required altitude.
Where d = PT Length

c. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC in the

primary area is 1000 feet. The minimum ROC in the
secondary area is 500 feet at the primary boundary,
tapering uniformly to zero feet at the outer edge (see
figure 6). Adjustments for precipitous terrain must be
applied as specified in paragraph 3.2.2b of this volume.
The primary and secondary areas determine obstacle
clearance in both the entry and maneuvering zones. The
use of entry and maneuvering zones provides further
relief from obstacles. The entry zone is established to
control the obstacle clearance prior to proceeding
outbound from the PT fix. The maneuvering zone is
established to control obstacle clearance AFTER
proceeding outbound from the PT fix (see figure 5). See
paragraph 231.

Page 12-2 Chap 2

Par 234
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teardrop penetration consists of departure from an IAF on
an outbound course, followed by a turn toward and
intercepting the inbound course at or prior to the IF or
point. Its purpose is to permit an aircraft to reverse
direction and lose considerable altitude within reasonably
limited airspace. Where no IF is available to mark the
beginning of the intermediate segment, it shall be assumed
to commence at a point 10 miles prior to the FAF. When
the facility is located on the airport, and no fix is available
to mark the beginning of the final approach segment, the
criteria in paragraph 423 apply.

a. Alignment. The outbound penetration course shall

be between 18° and 26° to the left or right of the
reciprocal of the inbound course. The actual angular
divergence between the courses will vary inversely with
the distance from the facility at which the turn is m ade
(see table 2).

Figure 6. PT INITIAL b. Area.

(1) Size. The size of the penetration turn area must
e. Elimination of PT. A PT is NOT required when an be sufficient to accommodate both the turn and the
approach can be m ade direct from a specified IF to the altitude loss required by the procedure. The penetration
FAF. A PT NEED NOT be established when an approach turn distance shall not be less than 20 miles from the
can be made from a properly aligned holding pattern. See facility. The penetration turn distance depends on the
paragraph 291. In this case, the holding pattern in lieu of a altitude to be lost in the procedure and the point at which
PT, shall be established over a final or intermediate the descent is started (see table 2). The aircraft should
approach fix and the following conditions apply: lose half the total altitude or 5,000 feet, whichever is
greater, outbound prior to starting the turn. The
(1) I f the holding pattern is established over the penetration turn area has a width of 6 m iles on both sides
FAF (not applicable to RNAV procedures), an of the flight track up to the IF or point, and shall
intermediate segment is not constructed. Ideally, establish encompass all the areas within the turn (see figure 7).
the minimum holding altitude at the FAF altitude. In any
case, the published holding altitude shall not be m ore than
300 feet above the FAF altitude.
(2) If the holding pattern is established over the ALT TO BE DISTANCE COURSE SPECIFIED
IF, the MHA shall permit descent to the FAF altitude LOST PRIOR TURN DIVER- PENETRA-
within the descent gradient tolerances prescribed for the MENCING MENCES (DEGREES) DIST-
intermediate segment (see paragraph 242d). TURN (NM) ANCE (NM)

Table 1B. PT COMPLETION 12,000 Ft 24 18 28

ALTITUDE DIFFERENCE. Par 234d. 11,000 Ft 23 19 27
10,000 Ft 22 20 26
8,000 Ft 20 22 24
15 Mile PT from FAF Within 3,000 Ft of Alt. over FAF 7,000 Ft 19 23 23
10 Mile PT from FAF Within 2,000 Ft of Alt. over FAF
6,000 Ft 18 24 22
5,000 Ft 17 25 21
5 Mile PT from FAF Within 1,000 Ft of Alt. over FAF 5,000 Ft 16 26 20
15 Mile PT, no FAF Not Authorized

10 Mile PT, no FAF Within 1,500 Ft of MDA on Final (2) Penetration Turn Table. Table 2 should
be used to com pute the desired course divergence and
5 Mile PT, no FAF Within 1,000 Ft of MDA on Final
penetration turn distances which apply when a specific

Chap 2 Page 13 (and 14)

Par 234
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1
altitude loss outbound is required. It is assumed that the d. Descent Gradient. The OPTIMUM descent
descent begins at the plotted position of fix. When the gradient is 800 ft/mile. The MAXIMUM gradient is
procedure requires a delay before descent of more than 1000 ft/mile.
five miles, the distance in excess of five miles should be
added to the distance the turn commences. The course e. Penetration Turn Altitude. When an IF is NOT
divergence and penetration turn distance should then be provided, the penetration turn completion altitude must
adjusted to correspond to the adjusted turn distance. not be more than 4000 feet above the FAF altitude.
Extrapolations may be made from the table.
(3) Primary and Secondary Areas. All of the USING NONCOLLOCATED FACILITIES AND A
penetration turns area, except the outer two miles of the TURN OF 120 DEGREES OR GREATER TO
six-mile obstacle clearance area on the outer side of the INTERCEPT THE INBOUND COURSE. See
penetration track, is primary area. See figure 7. The figures 9-1, 9-2, and 9-3.
outer two miles is secondary area. The outer two miles
on both sides of the inbound penetration course should a. Common Criteria.
be treated as secondary area.
(1) A turn point fix must be established as shown
c. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC in the in the figures. The fix error must meet section 8 criteria
primary area is 1000 feet. The minimum ROC in the and must not exceed ± 2 NM.
secondary area is 500 feet at the primary boundary,
tapering uniformly to zero feet at the outer edge. (2) A flightpath radius of 2.8 NM must be used
for procedures where the altitude at the turn point fix is
at or before 10000 feet, or 4 NM for procedures where
the altitude at the turn point fix is above 10000 feet

(3) Descent Gradient. Paragraph 232d applies.

(4) Obstacle Clearance. Paragraph 235c applies.

 dprimary  (5) Initial Distance. When the course reversal turn

ROCsecondary = 500 ×  1-  intercepts the extended intermediate course, and when
 Ws 
where the course reversal turn intercepts a straight segment
dprimary = perpendicular dist (ft) from primary area prior to intercepting the extended intermediate course,
WS = Total width of the secondary area (ft) the minimum distance between the rollout point and the
FAF is 10 NM.
Where no IF is available, a 10 NM intermediate segment
is assumed and intermediate ROC is applied. The (6) ROC Reduction. No reduction of secondary
controlling obstacle, as well as the minimum altitude ROC is authorized in the course reversal area unless the
selected for the intermediate segment, may depend on turn point fix is DME.
the availability of an IF. See figure 8. Adjustments for
precipitous terrain must be applied in the penetration b. Figures 9-1 and 9-2. The rollout point must
turn area as specified in paragraph 3.2.2b of this be at or prior to the IF/point.
volume. See paragraph 231.
(1) Select the desired rollout point on the
inbound course.

(2) Place the appropriate flightpath arc tangent

to the rollout point.

(3) From the outbound facility, place the

outbound course tangent to the flightpath arc. The point
of tangency must be the turn point fix.



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Par 235
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Volume 1


Page 16 Chap 2
Par 236
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Volume 1


c. Figure 9-3 Table 2A. MINIMUM DISTANCE

(1) The point of intersection must be at or prior OF INTERSECTION. Par. 236c(2).
to the IF/point (paragraph 242 applies). The angle must
be 90 degrees or less. ANGLE "a" NM
(2) The distance between the roll-out point and 0 - 15 1
the point of intersection must be no less than the >15 - 30 2
distance shown in table 2A. >30 - 45 3
>45 - 60 4
(3) Paragraph 235 and table 2A should be used >60 - 75 5
for high altitude procedures up to the point of >75 - 90 6
intersection of the two inbound courses.

Chap 2 Page 16-1

Par 236
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Volume 1
(4) Select the desired point of intersection. SECTION 4. INTERMEDIATE APPROACHES
From the outbound facility draw a line through the point
This is the segment which blends the initial approach
(5) At the outbound facility, measure the segment into the final approach segment. It is the
required number of degrees course divergence (may be segment in which aircraft configuration, speed, and
either side of the line through the point of intersection) positioning adjustments are made for entry into the final
and draw the outbound course out the required distance. approach segment. The intermediate segment begins at
Connect the outbound course and the line through the the IF, or point, and ends at the PFAF. There are two
point of intersection with the appropriate arc. types of intermediate segments; the “radial” or “course”
intermediate segment and the “arc” intermediate
(6) Determine the desired rollout point on the segment. In either case, PCG must be provided. See
line through the point of intersection. figure 10 for typical approach segments.

(a) Place the appropriate flightpath arc 241. ALTITUDE SELECTION. Minimum altitudes in
tangent to the rollout point. the intermediate approach segment must be established
in 100-foot increments. The selected altitude must
(b) From the outbound facility draw the provide the minimum ROC (plus adjustments as
outbound course tangent to the flight path arc. The point specified by paragraph 3.2.2b of this volume); e.g.,
of tangency is the turn point fix. when obstacle elevation plus ROC equals 701, round up
to 800. The altitude selected for arrival over the PFAF
237.-239. RESERVED. must be low enough to permit descent from the PFAF to
the airport for a straight-in landing whenever possible.
In addition, the altitude selected for the PFAF must not
be lower than the highest straight-in or circling MDA

Page 16-2 Chap 2

Par 236
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1
b. Area.

(1) Length. The length of the intermediate

segment is measured along the course to be flown.
Where the initial segment joins the intermediate
segment at angles up to 90 degrees, the MINIMUM
length is 5 NM for CAT A/B, and 6 NM for CAT C/D/E
(except as specified in volume 1, chapters 9 and 10, and
volume 3, chapter 2). Table 3 lists the minimum
segment length where the initial approach course joins
the intermediate course at an angle greater than 90
degrees (see figure 3). The MAXIMUM segment length
is 15 NM. The OPTIMUM length is 10 NM. A distance
greater than 10 NM should not be used unless an
operational requirement justifies a greater distance.

(2) Width. The width of the intermediate

segment is the same as the width of the segment it joins.
When the intermediate segment is aligned with initial or
final approach segments, the width of the intermediate
segment is determined by joining the outer edges of the
initial segment with the outer edges of the final segment.
When the intermediate segment is not aligned with the
initial or final approach segments, the resulting gap on
the outside of the turn is a part of the preceding segment
and is closed by the appropriate arc (See figure 10). For
obstacle clearance purposes, the intermediate segment is
Figure 10. TYPICAL APPROACH SEGMENTS. divided into a primary and a secondary area.
Par 232b and 240.
COURSE LENGTH. Par 242b(1).
a. Alignment. The course to be flown in the
intermediate segment must be the same as the FAC, Cat A/B C/D/E
except when the FAF is the navigation facility and it is >90 - 96 5 6
not practical for the courses to be identical. In such >96 - 102 6 7
cases, the intermediate course must not differ from the >102 - 108 6 8
FAC by more than 30 degrees. >108 - 114 6 9
>114 - 120 7 10

c. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC in the

primary area is 500 feet. The minimum ROC in the
secondary area is 500 feet at the primary boundary,
tapering uniformly to zero feet at the outer edge.
Adjustments must be applied as specified in paragraph
3.2.2b and 3.2.2c of this volume. See paragraph 241.

 dprimary 
ROCsecondary = 500 ×  1- 
 Ws 
dprimary = perpendicular dist (ft) from primary area
WS = Total width of the secondary area (ft)

Chap 2 Page 17
Par 241
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
d. Descent Gradients. Because the intermediate
segment is used to prepare the aircraft speed and
configuration for entry into the final approach segment,
the gradient should be as flat as possible. The
OPTIMUM descent gradient is 150 ft/mile. The
MAXIMUM gradient is 318 ft/mile, except for a
localizer approach published in conjunction with an ILS
procedure. In this case, a higher descent gradient equal  dprimary 
ROCsecondary = 500 ×  1- 
to the commissioned GS angle (provided it does not  Ws 
exceed three degrees) is permissible. Higher gradients
dprimary = perpendicular dist (ft) from primary area
resulting from arithmetic rounding are also permissible.
WS = Total width of the secondary area (ft)

NOTE: When the descent gradient exceeds 318 ft/ mile,

the procedure specialist should assure a segment is
provided prior to the intermediate segment to prepare d. Descent Gradients. Criteria specified in para-
the aircraft speed and configuration for entry into the graph 242d apply.
final segment. This segment should be a minimum
length of five miles and its descent gradient should not 244. INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEGMENT
exceed 318 ft/mile. WITHIN A PT.

243. INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEGMENT a. PT Over a FAF. When the FAF is a facility (see
BASED ON AN ARC. Arcs with a radius of less than figure 11).
seven miles or more than 30 miles from the navigation
facility must not be used. DME arc courses must be (1) The MAXIMUM intermediate length is
predicated on DME collocated with a facility providing 15 NM, the OPTIMUM is 10 NM, and the MINIMUM
omnidirectional course information. is 5 NM. Its width is the same as the final segment at the
facility and expanding uniformly to 6 NM on each side
a. Alignment. The same arc must be used for the of the course at 15 NM from the facility.
intermediate and the final approach segments. Turns are
not permitted over the PFAF. (2) The intermediate segment considered for
obstacle clearance must be the same length as the PT
b. Area. distance; e.g., if the procedure requires a PT to be
completed within 5 NM, the intermediate segment must
(1) Length. The intermediate segment must not be only 5 NM long, and the intermediate approach must
be less than five miles nor more than 15 miles in length, begin on the intermediate course 5 NM from the FAF.
measured along the arc. The OPTIMUM length is 10
miles. A distance greater than 10 miles should not be (3) When establishing a stepdown fix within an
used unless an operational requirement justifies the intermediate/initial segment underlying a PT area:
greater distance.
(a) Table 1A must be applied.
(2) Width. The total width of an arc intermediate
segment is 6 miles on each side of the arc. For obstacle (b) Only one stepdown fix is authorized
clearance purposes, this width is divided into a primary within the intermediate segment that underlies the PT
and a secondary area. The primary area extends four maneuvering area.
miles laterally on each side of the arc segment. The
secondary areas extend two miles laterally on each side (c) The distance between the PT fix/facility
of the primary area (see figure 10). and a stepdown fix underlying the PT area must not
exceed 4 NM.
c. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC in the
primary area is 500 feet. The minimum ROC in the (d) The MAXIMUM descent gradient from
secondary area is 500 feet at the primary boundary, the IF point to the stepdown fix is 200 ft/NM. The
tapering uniformly to zero feet at the outer edge. MAXIMUM descent gradient from the stepdown fix to
Adjustments must be applied as specified in paragraph the FAF is 318 ft/NM.
3.2.2b and 3.2.2c of this volume. See paragraph 241.

Page 18 Chap 2
Par 242
2/13/98 8260.3B CHG 17

(2) When establishing a stepdown fix within an

intermediate/initial segment underlying a PT area:

(a) Table 1A shall be applied.

(b) Only one stepdown fix is authorized

within the interm ediate segm ent that underlies the PT
maneuvering area.

(c) The distance between the PT fix/facility

and a stepdown fix underly ing the PT area shall not
exceed 4 NM.

(d) The MAXIMUM descent gr adient f rom

the IF point to the stepdown fix is 200 feet/NM. The
MAXIMUM descent gradient from the stepdown fix to
the FAF is 318 feet/NM.


the Facility. Par 244b.


c. PT Over a Facility/Fix AFT ER the FAF. See
PT AREA. FAF is the Facility.
figure 13.
Par 244a.
(1) The PT facility/fix to FAF distance shall not
b. PT Over a FAF when the FAF is NOT a Facility
exceed 4 NM.
(See figure 12).
(2) The MAXIMUM PT distance is 15 NM.
(1) The intermediate segment shall be 6 NM
wide each side of the interm ediate course at the PT
(3) The length of the intermediate segment is
from the start of the PT distance to the FAF and the
MINIMUM length shall be 5 NM.

Chap 2 Page 19
Par 244
8260.3B OIG 17 2113198

(a) OD.Iy one •tepdown 6x is autboriz.ed

within the intermediate .egment that underlies the PT
maneuvering an&.

(b) 'Ibo dist.anc:e between the PT fix/facility

and a stcpdowo 6x UDdcrlying the PT area shall not

(c) 'J'he MAXIMUM descent pdiCDt from

the IF point to tbc stepdown 6x is 200 CcctJNM. The
MAXIMUM dcsceot gradient from the stepdown 6x to
the FAF is 3 18 fcct/NM.

cL PT Over a Facillty/Fb. PRIOR to Cbe FAF. See

figures 14-1 and 14-2.


THE PT AREA. PT Over lbe
Facillt)'/Fh After lbe FAF. Par 244c.

(4) Intermediate Sepent Area.

(a) PT Over a Facility. The intermediate

segment starta IS NM from the facility at a width of 6
NM each side of the inbound course and COilllects to the
width of the fi.naJ segment at the FAF. The area
coosidc:rod f'or obstacle clearanc:e is from the slart oC the
PT distance to the FAF.

(b) PT Over a Fix (NOT a Facility). 'J'he

intermediate segment starts at the PT distance at a width
of6 NM eac:b side of the inbound course and COiliJCCts 1o
the width of the fi.naJ segment at the FAF. The area
coosideted f'or obstacle clearance is from the slart of the Figure 14-1. INTERMEDIATE AREA WITHIN
PT distance to the FAF. THE PT AREA. PT Over tbe
Fac:illi)'/Fh Prior to lbe FAF. Par 244cl.
(5) The MAXIMUM descent pdlent in the
intamcdiatc sesmeot is 200 Ceet/NM. The PT distance (1) The :MINJMUMPT dbtauce is 5 NM
may be incm!..scd in t NM increments up to 15 NM to
meet descent limitaticm. (2) The J.atb of tbe lotermedla.te 1epeut il
from the start ol the PT dist.anc:e to the FAF and the

I (6) Wbea estabthblng a stepdown ftx within an

intennediatefmitial segment underlying a PT area:

MAXIMUM lcngtb is IS NM.

02/13/98 8260.3B CHG 17

(3) Intermediate Segment Area. (b) The MAXIMUM descent gradient

from the IF point to the stepdown fix is 200 ft/NM. The
(a) PT Over a Facility. The MAXIMUM descent gradient from the stepdown fix to
intermediate segment starts 15 NM from the facility at the FAF is 318 ft/NM.
a width of 6 NM each side of the inbound course and
connects to the width of the final segment at the FAF. e. PT Facility Fix Used as an IF. See figure
The area considered for obstacle clearance is from 14-3.
the start of the PT distance to the FAF.
(1) When the PT inbound course is the
Figure 14-2. Intermediate Area Within same as the intermediate course, either paragraph
PT Area. PT Facility/Fix 244d may be used, or a straight initial segment may
Used as a Stepdown Fix [Par 244d(4)]. be used from the start of the PT distance to the PT fix.

Figure 14-3. Use of PT Fix or IF

[Par 244e].

(b) PT Over a Fix (NOT a Facility). The

intermediate segment starts at the PT distance at a
width of 6 NM each side of the inbound course and
connects to the width of the final segment at the FAF.
The area considered for obstacle clearance is from
the start of the PT distance to the FAF.
(2) When the PT inbound course is NOT
(4) The MAXIMUM descent gradient is the same as the intermediate course, an intermediate
200 ft/NM. If the PT facility/fix is a stepdown fix, the segment within the PT area is NOT authorized; ONLY
descent gradient from the stepdown fix to the FAF a straight initial segment must be used from the start
may be increased to a maximum of 318 ft/NM (see of the PT distance to the PT fix.
figure 14-2). The PT distance may be increased in 1
NM increments up to 15 NM to meet descent (3) When a straight initial segment is
limitations. used, the MAXIMUM descent gradient within the PT
distance is 318 ft/NM; the PT distance may be
(5) When establishing a step-down fix increased in 1 NM increments up to 15 NM to meet
within an intermediate/initial segment underlying a PT descent limitations.
(4) When establishing a stepdown fix
(a) When the PT fix is over a facility/fix within an intermediate/initial segment underlying a PT
prior to the FAF, the facility/fix is the stepdown fix in area:
the intermediate/initial area, and another stepdown fix
within this segment is not authorized.

Chap 2 Page 21
Par 244
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
(a) Only one stepdown fix is authorized
within the initial segment that underlies the PT Calculate VDA based on the distance from the plotted
maneuvering area. position of the FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix to the
plotted position of the final end point (FEP). The FEP
(b) The distance from the PT facility/fix is a point on the FAC equal to the distance from the
and a stepdown fix underlying the PT area must not FAF/PFAF to runway threshold (RWT) coordinates (or
exceed 4 NM. displaced threshold coordinates when applicable) or
from FAF/PFAF to the edge of first usable landing
(c) The MAXIMUM descent gradient surface for circling only aligned procedures. See
from the PT completion point (turn distance) to the figure 14-4.
stepdown fix, and from the stepdown fix to the IF, is
318 ft/NM. Figure 14-4. Final End Point [Par 252].
f. When a PT from a facility is required to Straight-in alignment
intercept a localizer course, the PT facility is pp
c hC

al A
considered on the localizer course when it is located RWT/Displaced

within the commissioned localizer course width.



245.-249. RESERVED. Final End Point (FEP)


Circling alignment al A


Final End Point (FEP) Closed runways are not usable
landing surfaces. Any portion of an

250. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. This is the open runway is considered usable
landing surface, except when not
available for both landing AND takeoff.
segment in which alignment and descent for landing Shortest distance FAF/PFAF
are accomplished. Final approach may be made to a to edge of any
usable landing surface

runway for a straight-in landing or to an airport for a

circling approach. The segment begins at the Final
Approach Fix (FAF)/precise final approach fix (PFAF)
and ends at the missed approach point (MAP) and/or a. Calculating Descent Angle (procedures
Decision Altitude (DA). Criteria for alignment, length, meeting straight-in alignment). Calculate the VDA
obstacle evaluation area (OEA), and obstacle from the FAF/PFAF altitude (or stepdown fix altitude
clearance surface/evaluation are contained in the per volume 1, 1, chapter 2, paragraphs 252c(1) or
chapters/directives specific to the facility/system 252d) to threshold crossing height (TCH) using the
providing navigation guidance. A visual portion within following formula (radian calculations):
the final approach segment is also assessed for all
approaches (see volume 1, chapter 3, paragraph   r + alt  r  180
3.3.2d). = θDESCENT a tan  ln  ⋅ ⋅
  r + TH Re+ TCH  DFIX  π
atan = arc tangent
252. VERTICAL DESCENT ANGLE (VDA). ln = Natural logarithm
Determine the VDA for all NPA procedures except alt = FAF/PFAF alt. or 252c(1) / 252d stepdown alt.
those published in conjunction with vertically-guided THRe = Threshold elevation
r = 20890537
minima or no-FAF procedures w/out stepdown fix(es).
TCH = Use volume 3, table 2-3 value that meets minimum
Optimum VDA is 3.00 degrees. The VDA must be and maximum TCH requirements
within the standard VDA range (see below). Flight DFIX = Dist. (ft) FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix to FEP
Standards approval is required if the VDA is less than
the angle of a commissioned visual glide slope EXAMPLE
indicator (VGSI) installed to the same runway. If the
alt = 2,600 ft MSL
final is circling aligned, or if no VGSI is installed, then THRe = 1,012 ft MSL
design procedures at the optimum VDA when TCH = 46 ft
possible or within the following range: DFIX = 29,420.537 ft or 4.84 NM
θDESCENT = 3.00 degrees (round to nearest 0.01 degrees)
FAA 2.75°-3.77° (IAPS w/ ≤ CAT C mins)
2.75°-3.50° (IAPS w/ CAT D/E mins)
USAF 2.50°-3.50° (All IAPS)
USN 2.50°-3.77° (All IAPS)

Note 1: Minimum VDA N/A to circling only


Note 2: CAT D/E VDA above 3.50 degrees must

be annotated “Not for Civil Use.”

Page 22 Chap 2
Par 244
06/05/09 8260.3B CHG 21

When the maximum VDA calculated in accordance b. Calculating VDAs (procedures not
with volume 1, chapter 2, paragraph 252a is meeting straight-in alignment or straight-in
exceeded and altitudes/fix locations cannot be aligned procedures not authorized straight-in
modified, straight-in minimums are not authorized. minimums). Calculate the VDA from the FAF/PFAF
The procedure may be approved when restricted to or stepdown fix altitude (volume 1, chapter 2,
circling minimums IF less than or equal to maximum paragraphs 252c(2) or 252d) to the lowest CMDA
VDA calculated in accordance with volume 1, chapter using the following formula (radian calculations).
2, paragraph 252b. In this case, when VDA is
  r + alt  r  180°
published, specify the VDA calculated in accordance =
θCIRCLEDESCENT a tan  ln  ⋅D ⋅
 r + CMDA  π
with volume 1, chapter 2, paragraph 252a (published  FIX 

angle MAY exceed the maximum). Where:

ln = Natural logarithm
(1) Determining straight-in FAF/PFAF or r = 20890537
step down fix location to achieve a specified alt = FAF/PFAF or volume 1, chapter 2,
design angle. Use where fix location is flexible; e.g., para. 252c(2) / 252d stepdown fix altitude
FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix may be defined by an area CMDA = Lowest Published CMDA
navigation (RNAV), distance measuring equipment DFIX = Dist. (ft) FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix to FEP
(DME), or intersection fix. Where a VGSI is installed EXAMPLE
and within the range of minimum/maximum VDAs, alt = 2900 feet MSL
select a fix location which permits a VDA equivalent CMDA = 1320 feet MSL
with the VGSI angle. When it is not feasible to DFIX = 29043.83 feet or 4.78 NM
achieve equivalency (e.g., VGSI is not within the θCIRCLEDESCENT = 3.11354 degrees
range of acceptable angles, or VGSI is not installed), (round to nearest 0.01 degrees)
select a fix location to achieve an optimum VDA when
possible or within standard VDA range. Determine the When the MAXIMUM VDA is exceeded, relocate the
FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix location (distance from PFAF/stepdown fix and/or raise the CMDA until the
threshold to fix) using the formula in figure 14-5 angle is compliant.
(radian calculations).
(1) Determining Circling FAF/PFAF
Figure 14-5. Straight-In FAF/PFAF or location to achieve a specified design angle.
Stepdown Fix Distance Based on Procedures designed to circling alignment standards
Altitude and Angle [Par 252a]. are not normally flown using a stabilized descent from
the FAF/PFAF to landing. Therefore, the FAF/PFAF
 r + alt 
ln  ⋅r location is not predicated on VDA; however, the
 r + THRe + TCH  achieved angle must not exceed the maximum VDA.
 π  Establish the FAF/PFAF location in accordance with
tan  θ ⋅
 180 °  the alignment and segment length criteria applicable
to the final approach navigational aid (NAVAID) or
Where: system and calculate the circling VDA.
ln = Natural logarithm
alt = Minimum FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix altitude
THRe = Threshold elevation c. Stepdown Fixes (with FAF procedures
TCH = VGSI or Design TCH and/or procedures published w/out PA/APV
r = 20890537 minima). Establish stepdown fixes at the lowest
θ = VGSI or specified VDA altitude possible that also provides obstacle
clearance. When minimum fix altitudes are above the
alt = 2600 feet MSL
vertical profile of a VDA calculated in accordance with
THRe = 1012 feet MSL volume 1, chapter 2, paragraph 252a or 252b, adjust
TCH = 46.0 the stepdown fix location(s) if feasible. Determine the
θ = 3.00 degrees altitude of the vertical path at a stepdown fix using the
DPFAF = 29420.537 feet or 4.84 NM following formula (radian calculations).

2,600’ MSL  π 
DZ ×tan  θ× 
 180 ° 

Reference Pla
Z vertpath =e r
× ( r + basealt ) -r
th ne
e Plane
Referenc e = base of natural log. (Napier’s constant)
1012’ MSL DZ = dist (ft) from FEP to fix
29,420.54 or 4.84 NM
θ = angle calculated in accordance with
Vol. 1, chapter 2, paragraph 252a/252b
r = 20890537
basealt = THRe + TCH (Vol. 1, chapter 2, paragraph 252a)
basealt = CMDA (Vol. 1, chapter 2, paragraph 252b)

Chap 2 Page 23
Par 252
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
with a PA/APV procedure), with the following
When stepdown fix location(s) cannot be modified, exceptions/limitations:
change the FAF/PFAF location or raise the FAF/PFAF
altitude until stepdown fix(es) are at or below the  Do not publish a VDP when the primary
vertical path of the VDA (must not exceed the altimeter setting comes from a remote
maximum angle). source.
 Do not publish a VDP located prior to a
(1) For straight-in aligned procedures stepdown fix.
ONLY, when no other option is practical, calculate a  If the VDP is between the MAP and the
VDA from each stepdown fix altitude above the runway, do not publish a VDP.
vertical path (apply volume 1, chapter 2,  Do not publish a VDP when the 20:1 surface
paragraph 252a). Publish the greatest VDA and is penetrated (volume 1, chapter 3,
associate it with the applicable stepdown fix. See paragraph 3.3.2d).
figure 14-6.  When feasible, the VDP should be ≥ 1NM
from any other final segment fix (e.g., MAP,
(2) For circling aligned procedures, when stepdown). When not feasible, the VDP
no other option is practical, calculate a VDA from must be at least 0.5 NM from any other final
each stepdown fix altitude above the vertical path segment fix. If < 0.5 NM and the other fix
(apply paragraph 252b) and ensure each angle is less cannot be relocated, do not publish a VDP.
than or equal to the maximum angle. DO NOT increase the MDA to achieve the
≥ 0.5 NM distance.
Figure 14-6. VDA with
Stepdown Fixes [Par 252c]. a. Determine VDP distance. When dual or
multiple lines of NPA minimums are published, use
below ∠
FAF/PFAF the lowest minimum descent altitude (MDA) from any
2,600’ CAT to calculate the VDP distance. Use the following
2,200’ formula to determine VDP distance from RWT
coordinates (radian calculations):
   π  
 ⋅ ( r + THRe + TCH)  
  cos  θ ⋅
1012’ MS
π π  180 ° 
17,268.31’ D VDP = r ⋅  − θ ⋅ − a sin  
2 180°  r + MDA 
23,344.42’    
  
MDA = Lowest Minimum Descent Altitude
(3) DO NOT raise stepdown fix altitudes
THRe = Threshold elevation
higher than needed for obstacle clearance solely to TCH = VGSI or Design TCH
achieve coincidence with the VDA vertical path (USN r = 20890537
N/A). θ = VGSI or specified VDA

(4) DO NOT establish maximum, (1) For runways served by a VGSI

mandatory, or mandatory block altitudes at any final (regardless of coincidence with final VDA), using
segment fix except where operationally required and the VGSI TCH, establish the distance from RWT
approved by AFS-400 or appropriate military coordinates to a point where the lowest published
authority. Flight Standards approval will include a VGSI glidepath angle reaches the appropriate MDA.
check of the final sub-segment descent rates and will
specify necessary restrictions (e.g., do not publish (2) For runways NOT served by a VGSI,
VDA, etc.). using an appropriate TCH from volume 3, chapter 2,
table 2-3, establish the distance from RWT
d. Stepdown Fixes (no-FAF procedures). coordinates to a point where the greater of a three
Apply volume 1, chapter 2, paragraph 252a or 252b to degree or the final segment VDA reaches the
calculate the VDA from the stepdown fix. When there appropriate MDA.
are multiple stepdown fixes, also apply volume 1,
chapter 2, paragraph 252c, except the vertical path is
calculated from the first stepdown fix (farthest from b. Marking VDP Location.
RWT coordinates) instead of from the FAF/PFAF.
(1) For Non-RNAV Standard Instrument
253. VISUAL DESCENT POINT (VDP). The VDP Approach Procedures (SIAPs), mark the VDP
defines a point on an NPA procedure from which location with a DME fix. The DME source must be the
normal descent from the MDA may be commenced same as for other DME fixes in the final segment. If
provided the required visual references have been DME is not available, do not establish a VDP.
acquired. ESTABLISH A VDP FOR ALL STRAIGHT- Maximum fix error is ± 0.5 NM.
IN NPA PROCEDURES (to include those combined

Page 24 Chap 2
Par 252
06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21

(2) For RNAV SIAPs, mark the VDP length using the following formula (radian
location with an Along Track Distance (ATD) fix to the calculations):
MAP. Maximum fix error is ± 0.5 NM.
(V + 25 )

*CAR = 2i +S
(3) If the final course is not aligned with
the runway centerline, use the RWT coordinates as a π
tan( bank angle ⋅ ) ⋅ 68625.4
vertex, swing an arc of a radius equal to the VDP 180
distance across the final approach course (see figure
14-7). The point of intersection is the VDP. (For Where:
RNAV procedures, the distance from the point of VKTAS = true airspeed
intersection to the MAP is the ATD for the VDP.) bankangle = bank angle (from table 4)
S = straight segment (from table 4)
Figure 14-7. VDP Location [Par 253b(3)].
*Minimum CAR = 1.30 NM
VDP distance from
VDP Table 4. Circling Approach
Area Parameters [Par 260a].
Runway centerline and
Final Approach Course Straight
CAT V KIAS Bankangle Segment Length
VDP Distance VDP at the Intersection
of arc and final course
A 90 25 0.4
B 120 25 0.4
Final Approach
Course C 140 20 0.5
Arc Origin is the center
of the threshold D 165 20 0.6
E 200 22 0.7
Runway Centerline
The OEA is constructed by drawing arcs equal to the
VDP marked as ATD to CAR for each CAT from the RWT coordinates (or
MAP if RNAV. displaced threshold coordinates when applicable) of
each runway. Not applicable to permanently closed
254.-259. RESERVED. or other runways not authorized for circling. However,
when only one end of the runway is not authorized for
SECTION 6. CIRCLING APPROACH circling, the OEA is based on the CAR from both sets
of RWT coordinates. Join the outermost arcs with
tangential lines. The resulting enclosed area is the
260. CIRCL ING APPROACH AREA. Where circling circling OEA [no secondary area].
is authorized, evaluate the circling approach area for See figure 15-1.
each CAT published on the procedure. The Circling
Minimum Descent Altitude (CMDA) is based on the b. Obstacle Clearance. Provide 300 ft ROC
results of the circling area evaluation and the plus adjustments over the highest obstacle in the
evaluation of the final segment delivering the aircraft OEA.
to the circling area. Also see Vol. 1, chapter 3,
paragraph 3.2.1b.
Figure 15-1. Circling Approach
OEA [Par 260a].
a. Obstacle Evaluation Area (OEA). The
area for each CAT is based on true airspeed (VKTAS).
The minimum altitude used for true airspeed
conversion is 1,000 ft above airport elevation.
Use the following formula for converting indicated
airspeed (VKIAS) to true airspeed (VKTAS) is:

VKIAS ⋅ 171233 ⋅ (288 + 15)-0.00198 ⋅ ( alt + k )

( 288 - 0.00198 ⋅ ( alt+k ) )

VKIAS = indicated airspeed (from table 4)
alt = airport elevation (MSL)
k = height above airport (1,000 ft minimum)

Calculate the Circling Approach Radius (CAR) based c. CMDA. The published Circling Minimum
on true airspeed, bank angle, and straight segment Descent Altitude (CMDA) may not result in a Height

Chap 2 Page 25
Par 253
8260.3B CHG 21 06/05/2009

Above Airport (HAA) lower than permitted by Vol. 1, b. Complex restricted area. Establish the
chapter 3, table 3-9. restricted area as a single contiguous sector bounded
by the centerlines of intersecting runways (or runways
Where the CMDA results in a HAA greater than extended) continued outward to the OEA boundary,
1,000 ft, re-calculate CAR by increasing k to equal the truncated (figures 15-2b through 15-2d) or expanded
actual HAA and re-evaluate the OEA. If the resulting (figure 15-2f) by a direct line from each set of RWT
HAA value increases, re-calculate and re-evaluate coordinates (or displaced threshold coordinates when
using the higher value. applicable). The chart annotation includes the runway
number and the general orientation of the restricted
Example area from each runway described as a cardinal/inter-
CAT A controlling obstacle = 623 ft cardinal compass direction. See Vol. 1, chapter 2,
Airport Elevation = 600 ft figures 15-2b through 15-2g and Order 8260.19,
CAT A minimum HAA (Vol. 1, chap 3) = 350 ft chapter 8.
ROC = 300
CMDA based on ROC Figure 15-2b. Restricted Circling Area
623 + 300 = 923 (rounds to 940 ft) (Complex <180°) [Par 261b].
CMDA based on min HAA
600 + 350 = 950 ft (rounds to 960 ft) direction
Published CMDA = 960 ft


OEA may be modified to gain relief from obstacles by
establishing a restricted area. This option is only · 584

authorized where the restriction can clearly be Example: “Circling OEA

NA W of RWY 15
described as a portion of the airspace where circling and NW of RWY 6”
is not authorized and the chart is properly annotated.
The OEA excludes the restricted area except the
portion defined by a line originating at the RWT
coordinates (or displaced threshold coordinates when
applicable) of each runway used to define the area
splaying 10 degrees relative to runway centerline
towards the restricted area. Discontinue the splay
when it reaches 4,500 ft in width from runway
centerline extended (see figure 15-2a). Figure 15-2c. Restricted Circling Area,
Circling Aligned
a. Simple restricted area. Establish the (Complex <180°) [Par 261b].
restricted area as the right or left half of the OEA
relative to runway centerline(s) extended to the CAR
boundary. The chart annotation must include the
runway identification (both ends) and the area’s
magnetic direction from runway centerline described
as a cardinal/inter-cardinal compass direction (N, NE,
E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). See Vol. 1, chapter 2, figures · 584

15-2a through 15-2f and Order 8260.19, chapter 8. Example: “Circling

NA W of RWY 15
and NW of RWY6” OEA
Figure 15-2a. Restricted Circling Area
(Simple) [Par 261a].
Splay stops
Buffer areas splay at 4,500’
10° from RWT
coordinates Approach
· 603
Example: “Circling NA
NW of RWY 6-24” Approach
· 584 direction


Splay stops
at 4,500’

Page 26 Chap 2
Par 260
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1
Figure 15-2d. Restricted Circling Area 262.-269. RESERVED.
(Complex < 180°, Intersecting runways)


approach procedure must be established for each
Example: “Circling
NA N of RWY 10” instrument approach procedure (IAP). The missed
and SW of RWY approach must be initiated at the decision altitude
· 781 Approach (DA) or MAP in nonprecision approaches. The missed
approach procedure must be simple, specify a
charted missed approach altitude (altitude at
clearance limit), and a clearance limit fix/facility. When
OEA required by obstacles or deemed operationally
advantageous, the missed approach may also specify
an interim “climb-to” altitude to identify a turn point.
The charted missed approach altitude must not be
lower than the highest DA/MDA (including
adjustments) and be sufficient to permit holding or
en route flight. Design alternate missed approach
Figure 15-2e. Restricted Circling Area procedures using the criteria in this section. The area
(Complex < 180°, Parallel runways) considered for obstacles has a width equal to that of
[Par 261b]. the final approach area at the MAP or DA point and
expands uniformly to the width of the initial approach
(Continued on Page 27)

Example: “Circling
NA SE of RWYs 27
and 36C”

· 1064

Figure 15-2f. Restricted Circling Area

(Complex > 180°) [Par 261b].


· 603

· 584


Example: “Circling NA
NW of RWY 24 and SW
of 33”

· 728

Chap 2 Page 26-1

Par 261
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14

Volume 1


Page 26-2 Chap 2

Par 270

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Volume 1
segment at a point 15 flying miles from the MAP. When 274. STRAIGHT MISSED APPROACH
PCG is available, a secondary area for the reduction of OBSTACLE CLEARANCE. Within the primary
obstacle clearance is identified within the missed missed approach area, no obstacle may penetrate the
approach area which has the same width as the final missed approach surface. This surface begins over the
approach secondary area at the MAP, and which MAP at a height determined by subtracting the required
expands uniformly to a width of two miles at a point 15 final approach ROC and any minimums adjustments,
miles from the MAP (see figure 16). Where PCG is not per paragraph 3.2.2 of this volume from the MDA. It
available beyond this point, expansion of the area ascends uniformly at the rate of one foot vertically for
continues until PCG is achieved or segment terminates. each 40 feet horizontally (40:1). See figure 17. Where
Where PCG is available beyond this point, the area the 40:1 surface reaches a height of 1000 feet below the
tapers at a rate of 30 degrees inward relative to the missed approach altitude (paragraph 270), further
course until it reaches initial segment width. application of the surface is not required. In the
secondary area, no obstacle may penetrate a 12:1 slope
NOTE: Only the primary missed approach procedure which extends outward and upward from the 40:1
may be included on the published chart. surface at the inner boundaries of the secondary area.
See figure 18. Evaluate the missed approach segment to
271. MISSED APPROACH ALIGNMENT. Wherever insure obstacle clearance is provided.
practical, the missed approach course should be a
continuation of the FAC. Turns are permitted, but a. Evaluate the 40:1 surface from the MAP to the
should be minimized in the interest of safety and clearance limit (end of the missed approach segment).
simplicity. The height of the missed approach surface over an
obstacle is determined by measuring the straight-line
272. MAP. The MAP specified in the procedure may distance from the obstacle to the nearest point on the
be the point of intersection of an electronic glidepath line defining the origin of the 40:1 surface. If obstacles
with a DA, a navigation facility, a fix, or a specified penetrate the surface, take action to eliminate the
distance from the FAF. The specified distance may not penetration.
be more than the distance from the FAF to the usable
landing surface. The MAP must NOT be located prior b. The preliminary charted missed approach
to the VDP. Specified criteria for the MAP are altitude is the highest of the minimum missed approach
contained in the appropriate facility chapters. obstruction altitude, minimum holding altitude (MHA)
established in accordance with paragraph 293a, or the
273. STRAIGHT MISSED APPROACH AREA. lowest airway minimum en route altitude (MEA) at the
When the missed approach course is within 15 degrees clearance limit. To determine the minimum missed
of the final approach course, it is considered a straight approach obstruction altitude for the missed approach
missed approach (see figure 16). The area considered segment, identify the highest obstacle in the primary
for obstacle evaluation is specified in paragraph 270. area; or if applicable, the highest equivalent obstacle in
the secondary area. Then add the appropriate ROC (plus
adjustments) for holding or en route to the highest
obstacle elevation. Round the total value to the nearest
hundred foot value.

c. Determine if a climbing in holding pattern

(climb-in-hold) evaluation is required (see paragraph

(1) Calculate the elevation of the 40:1 surface at

the end of the segment (clearance limit). The 40:1
surface starts at the same elevation as it does for
Figure 16. STRAIGHT MISSED APPROACH obstacle evaluations. Compute the 40:1 rise from a point
AREA. Par 270 and 273. on the line defining the origin of the 40:1 surface in the
shortest distance and perpendicular to the end-of-
segment line at the clearance limit.

(2) Compute the ROC surface elevation at the

clearance limit by subtracting the appropriate ROC (plus
adjustments) from the preliminary charted missed
approach altitude.

Chap 2 Page 27
Par 270
8260.3B CHG 19 05/15/02
Volume 1
(3) Compare the ROC surface elevation at the obstacles penetrate the 40:1 surface, take action to
clearance limit with the 40:1 surface elevation. eliminate the penetration.

(a) If the computed 40:1 surface elevation is d. The charted missed approach altitude is the
equal to or greater than the ROC surface elevation, a higher of the preliminary charted missed approach
climb-in-hold evaluation is NOT required. altitude or the MHA established under paragraph
(b) If the computed 40:1 surface elevation is
less than the ROC surface elevation, a climb-in-hold
evaluation IS required. Order 7130.3, Holding Pattern
Criteria, paragraph 35, specifies higher speed groups
and, therefore, larger template sizes are usually
necessary for the climb-in-hold evaluation. These
templates may require an increase in MHA under
paragraph 293a. If this evaluation requires an increase in
the MHA, evaluate the new altitude using the higher
speed group specified in paragraph 35. This sequence of
review must be used until the MHA does not increase, Figure 17. STRAIGHT MISSED APPROACH
then the 40:1 surface is re-evaluated. If OBSTACLE CLEARANCE. Par 274.



275. TURNING MISSED APPROACH AREA. (See a. The dimensions and shape of this area are
volume 3 for special provisions). If a turn of more than affected by three variables:
15 degrees from the FAC is required, a turning or
combination straight and turning missed approach area (1) Width of final approach area at the MAP.
must be constructed.
(2) All categories of aircraft authorized to use
NOTE: If the HAT value associated with the the procedure.
DA/MDA is less than 400 feet, construct a
combination straight and turning missed (3) Number of degrees of turn required by the
approach (see paragraph 277) to accommodate procedure.
climb to 400 feet above touchdown zone
elevation prior to turn.

Page 28 Chap 2
Par 274
2/13/98 8260.3B CHG 17

b. Secondary areas for the reduction of obstacle Table 5. TURNING MISSED

clearance are perm itted when PCG is provided. The APPROACH RADII (Miles). Par 275.
secondary area begins where a line perpendicular to the
straight flightpath, originating at the point of completion Approach Obstacle Clearance Flightpath
of the turn, intersects the outer boundaries of the missed Category Radius (R) Radius (R1)
approach segm ent. The width of the secondary area
expands uniformly from zero to 2 m iles at 15 NM flight A 2.6 1.30
track point. B 2.8 1.40
C 3.0 1.50
c. Primary areas. Figures 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 D 3.5 1.75
show the manner of construction of some typical turning E 5.0 2.50
missed approach areas. The following radii are used in
the construction of these areas: (b) Establish points "A 2" and "B 1" m easur-
ing 6 miles perpendicular to the flightpath at the 15 mile
(1) 90 Turn or Less. Narrow Final Approach point.
Area at MAP. See figure 19. To construct the area:
(c) Now connect "A2" and "B 1" with a
straight line.

(d) Draw an arc with the radius (R) from

point "A" to "A 1". This is the edge of the obstacle
clearance area.

(e) Establish point "B" by measuring

backward on the edge of the final approach area a
distance of 1 mile or a distance equal to the fix error
PRIOR to the FAF, whichever is greater.

(f) Connect points "A1" and "A2", and points

"B" and "B1" with straight lines.

(2) 90  Turn or Less . Wide Final Approach

Area at MAP. See figure 20. To construct the area:


AREA. 90 Turn or Less. Narrow Final
Approach Area at MAP. Par 275c(1).

(a) Draw an arc with the radius (R1) from the

MAP. This line is then extended outward to a point 15
miles from the MAP, m easured along the line. This is
the assumed flightpath (see table 5).


AREA. 90 Turn or Less. Wide Final
Approach Area at MAP. Par 275c(2)

Chap 2 Page 28-1

Par 275
8260.3B CHG 17 2/13/98

(a) Draw an arc with the appropriate radius then continue outward to a point 15 m iles from the
(R1) from the MAP. This line is then extended outward MAP, m easured along this line, which is the assumed
to a point 15 m iles from the MAP, measured along the flightpath.
line. This is the assumed flightpath.
(b) Establish points "A 2" and "C 1" by
(b) Establish points "A 2" and "B 1" by measuring 6 m iles on each side of the assumed
measuring 6 miles perpendicular to the flightpath at the flightpath and perpendicular to it at the 15-mile point.
15-mile point.
(c) Now connect points "A 2" and "C 1" with
(c) Now connect "A2" and "B 1" with a a straight line.
straight line.
(d) Draw an arc with the radius (R) from
(d) Draw an arc with the appropriate radius point "A" to point "A 1" (figure 21 uses 135º ). This is
(R) from point "A" to point "A 1". This is the edge of the outer edge of the obstacle clearance area.
the obstacle clearance area.
(e) Locate point "C" at the inner edge of the
(e) Establish point "B" by measuring final approach secondary area opposite the MAP. (Point
backward on the edge of the final approach area a "A" and point "C" will be coincident when the MAP is
distance of 1 mile or a distance equal to the fix error the facility.)
PRIOR to the FAF, whichever is greater.
(f) Connect points "A1" and "A2", and points
(f) Connect points "A1" and "A2", and points "C" and "C1" with straight lines.
"B" and "B1" with straight lines.
(4) More than 90  Turn. Wide Final Approach
(3) More Than 90 Turn. Narrow Final Area at MAP (see figure 22). To construct the area:
Approach Area at MAP (see figure 21). To construct
the area:


AREA. More Than 90 Turn. Wide Final
Approach Area at MAP. Par 275c(4).
AREA. More Than 90 Turn. Narrow (a) Draw the assum ed flightpath arc with the
Final Approach Area at MAP. Par 275c(3). radius (R 1) from the MAP the required number of
degrees to the desired flightpath or course.
(a) Draw an arc with the radius (R1) from the
MAP through the required num ber of degrees and

Page 28-2 Chap 2

Par 277
2/13/98 8260.3B CHG 17

(b) Establish points "A 4" and "C 1" by point 15 m iles from the MAP, measured along this line,
measuring 6 m iles on each side of the assumed which is the assumed flightpath.
flightpath and perpendicular to it at the 15-mile point.
(b) Establish points "A 2" and "C 2" by
(c) Connect points "A4" and "C 1" with measuring 6 m iles on each side of the assumed
straight lines. flightpath, and perpendicular to it at the 15-mile point.

(d) Draw a 90  arc with the appropriate (c) Now connect points "A 2" and "C 2" with
radius (R) from point " A" to " A1". Note that when the a straight line.
width of the final approach area at the MAP is greater
than the appropriate radius (R), the turn is made in two (d) Locate point "C" at the inner edge of the
increments when constructing the obstacle clearance final approach secondary area opposite the MAP. (Point
area. "A" and point "C" will be coincident when the MAP is
the facility.)
(e) Draw an arc with the radius (R) from
point "D" (edge of final approach secondary area (e) Draw an arc with the radius (R) from
opposite MAP) the required num ber of degrees from point "A" to point "A 1" (180). This is the outer edge of
point "A 2" to point "A 3". Compute the num ber of the obstacle clearance area.
degrees by subtracting 90  from the total turn
magnitude. (f) Connect points "A 1" and "A 2", and
points "C" and "C 1" by straight lines. (The line "A 1-
(f) Connect points "A 1" and "A 2", with a A2" joins the arc tangentially).
straight line.
(6) 180  Turn. Wide Final Approach Area at
(g) Locate point "C" at the inner edge of the MAP (see figure 24). To construct the area:
final approach secondary area opposite the MAP.

(h) Connect point "A 3" with point "A 4", and
connect point "C" with point "C1" using straight lines.

(5) 180 Turn . Narrow Final Approach Area at

MAP (see figure 23). To construct the area:


AREA. 180 Turn. Wide Final Approach
Area at MAP. Par 275c(6).

(a) Draw the flightpath arc with radius (R 1)

from the MAP and then continue the line outward to a
Figure 23. TURNING MISSED APPROACH point 15 m iles from the MAP, measured along the
AREA. 180 Turn. Narrow Final Approach Area at assumed flightpath.
MAP. Par 275c(5).
(b) Establish points "A 4" and "C 1" by
(a) Draw an arc with the radius (R1) from the measuring 6 m iles on each side of the flightpath and
MAP through 180 , and then continue outward to a perpendicular to it at the 15-mile point.

Chap 2 Page 28-3

Par 275
2/13/98 8260.3B CHG 17

(c) Now connect "A4" and "C 1" with a and computing the height based on the 40:1 ratio. The
straight line. height of the missed approach surface over the MAP is
the sam e as specified in paragraph 274. When an
(d) Draw a 90  arc with the appropriate obstacle is in a secondary area, measure the straight-line
radius (R) from point " A" to " A1". Note that when the distance from the nearest point on the line "A-D-B" to
width of the final approach area at the MAP is greater the point on the inner edge of the secondary area which
than the appropriate radius (R), the turn is made in two is nearest the obstacle. Com pute the height of the
increments when constructing the obstacle clearance missed approach surface at this point, using the 40:1
area. ratio. Then apply the 12:1 secondary area ratio from the
height of the surface for the rem aining distance to the
(e) Draw an arc with the radius (R) from obstacle.
point "D" (edge of final approach secondary area
opposite MAP) the required num ber of degrees from
point "A 2" to point "A 3". Compute the num ber of
degrees by subtracting 90  from the total turn

(f) Connect points "A 1" and "A 2", with a

straight line.

(g) Locate point "C" at the inner edge of the

final approach secondary area opposite the MAP.

(h) Connect points "A 3" and "A 4", and

points "C" and "C 1"with straight lines. (The line "A3-
A4" joins the arc tangentially).


CLEARANCE. The methods of determining the height
of the 40:1 m issed approach surface over obstacles in
the turning m issed approach area vary with the amount Figure 25. TURNING MISSED APPROACH
of turn involved. Evaluate the m issed approach segment OBSTACLE CLEARANCE. 90 Turn
to ensure the 40:1 OIS is not penetrated. or Less. Par 276a.

a. 90 Turn or Less. See figure 25. Zone 1 is a 1.6 b. More Than 90 Turn. See figure 26. In this case
mile continuation of the final approach secondary area, a third zone becom es necessary . Zone 3 is defined by
and has identical obstacle clearance requirements. Zone extending a line from point "B" to the extrem ity of the
2 is the area in which the height of the missed approach missed approach area perpendicular to the FAC. Zone 3
surface over an obstacle m ust be determ ined. To do will encom pass all of the m issed approach area not
this, first identify line "A-D-B". Point "B" is located by specifically within zones 1 and 2. All distance
measuring backward on the edge of the final approach measurements in zone 3 are m ade from point "B". Thus
area a distance of 1 m ile or a distance equal to the fix the height of the m issed approach surface over an
error prior to the FAF, whichever is greater. This is to obstacle in zone 3 is determ ined by m easuring the
safeguard the short-turning aircraft. Thus, the height of distance from the obstacle to point "B" and computing
the missed approach surface over an obstacle in zone 2 the height based on the 40:1 ratio. The height of the
is determ ined by m easuring the straight-line distance missed approach surface over point "B" for zone 3
from the obstacle to the nearest point on line "A-D-B" computations is the same as the height of the MDA. For
an obstacle in the secondary area, use the same
measuring method prescribed in paragraph 276a, except
that the original measuring point shall be point "B."

Chap 2 Page 29
Par 282
8260.3B CHG 17 2/13/98

surface starts at the sam e elevation as it does for

obstacle evaluations. Com pute the 40:1 rise from a
point on the “ A-D-B” line in the shortest distance to the
end-of-segment line at the clearance limit.

(2) Compute the ROC surface elevation at the

clearance limit by subtracting the appropriate ROC (plus
adjustments) from the prelim inary charted m issed
approach altitude.

(3) Compare the ROC surface elevation at the

clearance limit with the 40:1 surface elevation.

(a) If the com puted 40:1 surface elevation is

equal to or greater than the ROC surface elevation, a
climb-in-hold evaluation is NOT required.
OBSTACLE CLEARANCE. More Than a (b) If the com puted 40:1 surface elevation is
90 Turn. Par 276b. less than the ROC surface elevation, a clim b-in-hold
evaluation IS required. FAA Order 7130.3, Holding
c. Secondary Area. In the secondary area no Pattern Criteria, paragraph 35, specifies higher speed
obstacles m ay penetrate a 12:1 slope which extends groups, and, therefore, larger tem plate sizes are usually
outward and upward from the 40:1 surface from the necessary for the clim b-in-hold evaluation. These
inner to the outer boundary lines of the secondary area. templates m ay require an increase in MHA under
TERPS paragraph 293a. If this evaluation requires an
d. Evaluate the missed approach segment from the increase in the MHA, evaluate the new altitude using the
MAP to the clearance limit. Terminate the 40:1 obstacle higher speed group specified in paragraph 35. This
clearance surface (OCS) at an elevation corresponding sequence of review shall be used until the MHA does
to the en route ROC below the missed altitude. not increase, then the 40:1 surface is re-evaluated. If
obstacles penetrate the 40:1 surface, take action to
(1) I f the 40:1 OCS terminates prior to the eliminate the penetration.
clearance lim it, continue the evaluation using a level
OIS at the height that the 40:1 OCS was terminated. g. The charted missed approach altitude is the
higher of the prelim inary charted m issed approach
(2) If the clearance limit is reached before the altitude or the MHA established under paragraph
40:1 OCS term inates, continue a climb-in-hold evalua- 274c(3)(b).
tion at the clearance limit.
e. The preliminary charted missed approach ING MISSED APPROACH AREA. If a straight
altitude is the highest of the m inimum missed approach climb to a specific altitude followed by a turn is
obstruction altitude, MHA established IAW paragraph necessary to avoid obstacles, a com bination straight and
293a, or the lowest airway MEA at the clearance limit. turning missed approach area m ust be constructed. The
To determine the minimum missed approach obstruction straight portion of this missed approach area is section 1.
altitude for the m issed approach segm ent, identify the The portion in which the turn is m ade is section 2.
highest obstacle in the prim ary area; or if applicable, the Evaluate the m issed approach segm ent to ensure
highest equivalent obstacle in the secondary area. Then obstacle clearance is provided.
add the appropriate ROC (plus adj ustments) for holding
or en route to the highest obstacle elevation. Round the a. Straight Portion. Section 1 is a portion of the
total value to the nearest hundred foot value. normal straight m issed approach area and is constructed
as specified in paragraph 273. Obstacle clearance is
f. Determine if a climb-in-hold evaluation is provided as specified in paragraph 274 except that
required (see paragraph 293b). secondary area reductions do not apply . The length of
section 1 is determined as shown in figure 27 and relates
(1) Calculate the elevation of the 40:1 surface at to the need to clim b to a specified altitude prior to
the end of the segment (clearance limit). The 40:1 commencing the turn. Point A 1 marks the end of
section 1. Point B 1 is one mile from the end of section 1
(see figure 27).

Page 30 Chap 2
Par 277
11/12/99 8260.3B CHG 18

section 1. Point B 1 is one mile from the end of section 1 exists at the end of section 1, or if no course guidance is
(see figure 27). provided in section 2 (see figure 27).

b. Turning Portion. Section 2 is constructed as c. Evaluate the 40:1 surface from the MAP to the
specified in paragraph 275 except that it begins at the clearance limit (end of the missed approach segment). If
end of section 1 instead of at the MAP. To determ ine obstacles penetrate the surface, take action to eliminate
the height which m ust be attained before com mencing the penetration.
the m issed approach turn, first identify the controlling
obstacle on the side of section 1 to which the turn is to d. The preliminary charted missed approach
be made. Then m easure the distance from this obstacle altitude is the lowest of the m inimum m issed approach
to the nearest edge of the section 1 area. Using this obstruction altitude, MHA established in accordance
distance as illustrated in figure 27, determ ine the height with paragraph 293a, or the lowest airway MEA at the
of the 40:1 slope at the edge of section 1. This height, clearance lim it. To determ ine the m inimum missed
plus the appropriate final ROC, (the sum rounded up to approach obstruction altitude for the m issed approach
the next higher 100-foot increm ent) is the height at segment, identify the highest obstacle in the prim ary
which the turn should be started. Obstacle clearance area; or if applicable, the highest equivalent obstacle in
requirements in section 2 are the sam e as those specified the secondary area. Then add the appropriate ROC
in paragraph 276 except that zone 1 is not considered (plus adjustments) for holding or en route to the highest
and section 2 is expanded to start at point "B" if no fix obstacle elevation. Round the total value to the nearest
hundred foot value.


Chap 2 Page 31
Par 277
8260.3B CHG 17 2/13/98

e. Determine if a climb-in-hold evaluation is re- altitude or the MHA established under paragraph
quired (see paragraph 293b). 274c(3)(b).

(1) Calculate the elevation of the 40:1 surface at 278. END OF MISSED APPROACH. Aircraft s hall
the end of the segm ent (clearance lim it). The 40:1 be assum ed to be in the initial approach or en route
surface starts at the sam e elevation as it does for environment upon reaching minimum obstacle clearance
obstacle evaluations. First, compute the 40:1 rise from a altitude (MOCA) or MEA. Thereafter, the initial
point on the line defining the origin of the 40:1 surface approach or the en route clearance criteria apply.
at the MAP, in the shortest distance and perpendicular to
the end-of-section 1 segm ent. If there is a remote 279. RESERVED.
altimeter setting source (RASS) and the missed
approach instructions do not include a parenthetical SECTION 8. TERMINAL AREA FIXES
climb to altitude then the elevation at the end of section
1 is adj usted by subtracting the altitude difference 280. GENERAL. Terminal area fixes include, but are
between the RASS adj ustments when two remote not limited to the FAF, the IF, the IAF, the holding fix,
altimeter sources are used; or subtracting the RASS and when possible, a fix to mark the MAP. Each fix is a
adjustment for a part-tim e altim eter source. The geographical position on a defined course. Terminal
resulting altitude at the end of section 1 shall not be area fixes should be based on sim ilar navigation
lower than the 40:1 surface height at the MAP. Second, systems. For example, TACAN, om ni-directional radio
compute the 40:1 rise from a point on the nearest edge range tactical air navigation (VORTAC), and
of section 1, in the shortest distance to the end-of- VOR/DME facilities provide radial/DME fixes. NDB
segment line at the clearance limit. Add the two values facilities provide bearings. VOR facilities provide VOR
together and this is the 40:1 surface height at the end of radial. The use of integrated (VHF/NDB) fixes shall be
the segment (clearance limit). limited to those intersection fixes where no satisfactory
alternative exists.
(2) Compute the ROC surface elevation at the
clearance limit by subtracting the appropriate ROC (plus 281. FIX ES FORMED BY INTERSECTION. A
adjustments) from the prelim inary charted m issed geographical position can be determ ined by the
approach altitude. intersection of courses or radials from two stations. One
station provides the course the aircraft is fly ing and the
(3) Compare the ROC surface elevation at the other provides a crossing indication which identifies a
clearance limit with the 40:1 surface elevation. point along the course which is being flown. Because
all stations have accuracy lim itations, the geographical
(a) If the com puted 40:1 surface elevation is point which is identified is not precise, but may be
equal to or greater than the ROC surface elevation, a anywhere within a quadrangle which surrounds the
climb-in-hold evaluation is NOT required. plotted point of intersection. Figure 28 illustrates the
intersection of an arc and a radial from the sam e DME
(b) If the com puted 40:1 surface elevation is facility and the intersection of two radials or courses
less than the ROC surface elevation, a clim b-in-hold from different navigation facilities. The area encom-
evaluation IS required. FAA Order 7130.3, paragraph passed by the sides of the quadrangle form ed in these
35, specifies higher speed groups and therefore, larger ways is referred to in this publication as the "fix
template sizes are usually necessary for the climb-in- displacement area".
hold evaluation. These tem plates m ay require an
increase in MHA under TERPS paragraph 293a. If this 282. COURSE/DISTANCE FIXES.
evaluation requires an increase in the MHA, evaluate the
new altitude using the higher speed group specified in a. A DME fix is formed by a DME reading on a
paragraph 35. This sequence of review shall be used positive navigational course. The inform ation should be
until the MHA does not increase, then the 40:1 surface derived from a single facility with collocated azimuth
is re-evaluated. If obstacles penetrate the 40:1 surface, and DME antennas. Collocation param eters are defined
take action to eliminate the penetration. in FAA Order 6050.32, Spectrum Managem ent
Regulations and Procedures. However, when a unique
f. The charted missed approach altitude is the operational requirement indicates a need for DME
higher of the preliminary charted missed approach information from other than collocated facilities, an
individual IAP which specifies DME may be approved,

Page 32 Chap 2
Par 277
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19

provided th e angu lar d ivergence bet ween the si gnal c. Fixes F ormed by Marker Beacons. Marker
sources at the fix does not exceed 23 ° (see figure 28). beacons are installed to su pport certain NAVAID’s
For lim itation on use of DME with ILS, see that provide course gui dance. A marker beacon is
Volume 3, paragraph 2.9.1. suitable to establish a fix only when it marks an along
course distance from the NAVAID it is associated
b. ATD Fixes . An ATD fi x is an along track with; e.g. localizer and outer markers.
position defined as a d istance in NM, with reference
to the next WP along a specified course.

Figure 28. INTERSECTION FIX DISPLACEMENT. Par 281 and 282a.

Chap 2 Page 33
Par 282
8260.3B CHG 17 2/13/98

283. FIXES FORMED BY RADAR. Where ATC can b. Crossing Course Accuracy.
provide the service, Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR)
may be used for any term inal area fix. PAR may be (1) VOR/TACAN radials, plus-or-minus 3.6.
used to form any fix within the radar coverage of the
PAR sy stem. Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) (2) Localizer course, plus-or-minus 0.5.
may be used for initial approach and interm ediate
approach fixes. (3) NDB bearings, plus-or-minus 5.

284. FIX DISPLACEMENT AREA. The areas NOTE: The plus-or-minus 3.6  (95 percent) VOR/
portrayed in figure 28 extend along the flight course TACAN figure is achieved when the ground station
from point "A" to point "C". The fix error is a plus-or- course signal error and the VOR airborne equipment
minus value, and is represented by the lengths from "A" error are controlled to certain normal tolerances. Since
to "B" and "B" to "C". Each of these lengths is applied the crossing course is not flown, FTE is not a
differently. The fix error m ay caus e the fix to be contributing element. Where it can be shown that either
received early (between "A" and "B"). Because the fix of the error elements is consistently different, VOR
may be received early, protection against obstacles m ust displacement factors smaller than those shown above
be provided from a line perpendicular to the flight may be utilized IAW paragraph 141.
course at point "A".
FACTORS. The intersection fix displacement area is a. Radar. Plus-or-minus 500 feet or 3 percent of the
determined by the system use accuracy of the navigation distance to the antenna, whichever is greater.
fixing systems (see figure 29). The sy stem use accuracy
in VOR and TACAN type systems is determined by the b. DME. Plus-or-minus 1/2 (0.5) m iles or 3 percent
combination of ground station error, airborne receiving of the distance to the antenna, whichever is greater.
system error, and flight technical error (FTE). En route
VOR data have shown that the VOR sy stem accuracy c. 75 MHz Marker Beacon.
along radial 4.5 , 95 percent of occasions, is a realistic,
conservative figure. Thus, in norm al use of VOR or (1) Normal pow ered fan mark er, plus-or-minus
TACAN intersections, fix displacem ent factors m ay 2 miles.
conservatively be assessed as follows:
(2) Bone-shaped fan mark er, plus-or-m inus 1
a. Along-Course Accuracy. mile.

(1) VOR/TACAN radials, plus-or-minus 4.5. (3) Low powered fan marker, plus-or-minus 1/2
(2) Localizer course, plus-or-minus 1.
(4) "Z" marker, plus-or-minus 1/2 mile.
(3) NDB courses or bearing, plus-or-minus 5.
NOTE: Where these 75 MHz marker values are
127( The plus-or-minus 4.5 (95 percent) restrictive, the actual coverage of the fan marker (2
VOR/TACAN figure is achieved when the ground station milliamp signal level) at the specific location and
course signal error, the FTE, and the VOR airborne altitude may be used instead.
equipment error are controlled to certain normal
tolerances. Where it can be shown that any of the three d. Overheading a Station . The fix error involved in
error elements is consistently different from these station passage is not considered significant in terminal
assumptions (for example, if flight inspection shows a applications. The fix is therefore considered to be at the
consistently better VOR signal accuracy or stability than plotted position of the navigation facility . The use of
the one assumed, or if it can be shown that airborne TACAN station passage as a fix is NOT acceptable for
equipment error is consistently smaller than assumed), holding fixes or high altitude IAF’s.
VOR fix displacement factors smaller than those shown
above may be utilized under paragraph 141.

Page 34 Chap 2
Par 283
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19

287. SATISFACTORY FIXES. b. Holding Fixes. Any term inal area fix except
overheading a TACAN m ay be used for holding. The
a. Intermediate, Initial, or Feeder Fix. To be following conditions shall exist when the fix is an
satisfactory as an interm ediate, initial, or feeder intersection formed by courses or radials:
approach fix, the fix error m ust not be larger than
50 percent of the appropriate segm ent distance that (1) The angle of divergence of the intersecting
follows the fix. Measurem ents are m ade from the courses or radials shall not be less than 45°.
plotted fix position (see figure 29).
(2) If the facility which provides the crossing
courses is NOT an NDB, it may be as m uch as 45 m iles
from the point of intersection.

(3) If the facility which provides the crossing

A course is an NDB, it m ust be within 30 m iles of the
intersection point.

B (4) If distances stated in paragraphs 287b(2)

or (3) are exceeded, the minimum angle of divergence of
A ≤ (0.5 B ) the intersecting courses m ust be increased at the
following rate:
Fix Error (A) must not exceed half
the length of the segment (B)
(a) If an NDB facility is involved, 1° for
each mile over 30 miles.
FEEDER APPROACH FIX ERRORS. Par 287. (b) If an NDB facility is NOT involved, 1/2°
for each mile over 45 miles.


Chap 2 Page 35
Par 287
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

c. FAF. For a fix to be satisfactory for use as a FAF,

the fix error should not exceed plus-or-minus 1 mile
(see figures 31-1 and 31-2). It m ay be as large as plus-
or-minus 2 miles when:

(1) The MAP is marked by overheading an air

navigation facility (except 75 MHz markers); OR

(2) A buffer of equal length to the excessive fix

error is provided between the published MAP and the
point where the m issed approach surface begins (see
figure 32).
Figure 32. FAF ERROR BUFFER. Par 287c(2).


Par 287c.

Calculate fix displacement using the following formulas:

E F Formula Example

Angle A 6076.11548 × D × Sin B 6076.11548 × 30 × Sin 3.6°

E= E=
Sin (A + B ) Sin (50 + 3.6°)

E = 14220.10

Angle B
Fix Displacement 6076.11548 × D × Sin B 6076.11548 × 30 × Sin 3.6°
F= F=
Sin (A - B ) Sin (50° - 3.6°)

F = 15805.19


Page 36 Chap 2
Par 287
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1

a. Distance Available for Descent. When applying

descent gradient criteria applicable to an approach
segment (initial, intermediate or final approach areas),
the measuring point is the plotted position of the fix (see
figure 33).



b. Obstacle Clearance After Passing a Fix. It is

assumed that descent will begin at the earliest point the
fix can be received. Full obstacle clearance must be
provided from this point to the plotted point of the next
fix. Therefore, the altitude to which descent is to be
made at the fix must provide the same clearance over
obstacles in the fix displacement area as it does over
those in the approach segment which is being entered
(see figures 34-1 and 34-2).


CLEARANCE. Par 288b.



Chap 2 Page 36-1

Par 288
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
c. Stepdown Fixes. See figure 35.

(1) DME, Along Track Distance (ATD) or

Radar Fixes. Except in the intermediate segment within
a procedure turn (paragraph 244), there is no maximum
number of stepdown fixes in any segment when DME,
an ATD fix, or radar is used. DME and ATD fixes may
be denoted in tenths of a mile. The distance between
fixes must not be less than 1 mile.
(2) Intersection Fixes. FIX. Par 288c.

(a) Only one stepdown fix is permitted in

the final and intermediate segments. Table 5A. STEPDOWN FIXES IN INITIAL
SEGMENT. Par 288c(2)(c).
(b) If an intersection fix forms a PFAF, IF, Length of Segment Number of Fixes
or IAF:

1 The same crossing facility must be 5-10 NM 1 stepdown fix

used for the stepdown fix(es) within that segment.
over 10-15 NM 2 stepdown fixes
2 All fixes from the IF to the last
stepdown fix in final must be formed using the same over 15 NM 3 stepdown fixes
crossing facility.
(c) Apply table 5A to determine the number APPROACH OR STEPDOWN FIX. Obstacles close
of stepdown fixes permitted in the initial segment. The to the PFAF/stepdown fix may be eliminated from
distance between fixes must not be less than 1 mile. consideration if the following conditions are met:
(3) Altitude at the Fix. The minimum altitude at a. The obstacle is in the final approach trapezoid
each stepdown fix must be specified in 100-foot within 1 NM past the point the FAF/stepdown fix can
increments, except the altitude at the last stepdown fix first be received, and
in the final segment may be specified in a 20-foot
increment. b. The obstacle does not penetrate a 7:1 (fixed
wing) or 3.5:1 (helicopter only) obstacle identification
(4) In the Final Segment: surface (OIS).The surface begins at the earliest point the
fix can be received and extends toward the MAP 1 NM.
(a) A stepdown fix must not be established The beginning surface height is determined by
unless a decrease of at least 60 feet in MDA or a subtracting the final segment ROC (and applicable
reduction in visibility minimums is achieved. adjustments from paragraph 3.2.2 of this volume) from
the minimum altitude required at the fix. The surface
(b) The last stepdown fix error must not slopes downward 1 foot vertically for each 7 feet
exceed plus-or-minus 2 NM or the distance to the MAP, horizontally (3.5 feet for helicopter only procedures)
whichever is less. The fix error for other stepdown fixes toward the MAP.
in final must not exceed 1 NM.
c. Obstacles eliminated from consideration by
(c) Minimums must be published both with application of this paragraph must be noted on the
and without the last stepdown fix, except for procedures procedure.
requiring DME or NDB procedures which use a VOR
radial to define the stepdown fix. d. The following formulas may be used to
determine the OIS height at the obstacle or the
minimum fix altitude based on applying the surface to
an obstacle which must be eliminated.

Page 36-2 Chap 2

Par 288
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Volume 1
Fix Alt = MSL altitude at the fix (round up IAW 288c.(3).) b. No reduction in the pattern sizes for ‘on-entry’
Obst Dist = Distance from earliest fix reception to obstacle procedures is permitted.
ROC = Required Obstacle Clearance + adjustments
Obst Elev = MSL obstacle elevation c. Pattern number 4 is the minimum size
Slope = 7 (use 3.5 for helicopter only procedures) authorized.
 Obst Dist 
OIS height = FixAlt − ROC - 
 Slope  d. When holding is at an intersection or RNAV
 Obst Dist  fix, the selected pattern must be large enough to contain
MinFixAlt = ObstElev + ROC +  at least 3 corners of the fix displacement area. See
 Slope 
paragraphs 284 and 285 and figure 37-1.
See figure 36. To determine fix error, see paragraphs e. When paragraph 293b is used, the primary
284, 285, and 286. holding area must encompass the departure or missed
approach segment width at the holding fix (see figure

f. A secondary area two miles wide surrounds the

perimeter of the primary area


Par 289.


290. HOLDING PATTERNS. Criteria for holding

pattern airspace are contained in Order 7130.3, and
provide for separation of aircraft from aircraft. The
criteria contained herein deal with the clearance of Figure 37-1. HOLDING PATTERN TEMPLATE
holding aircraft from obstacles. APPLICATION. Par 292.

291. ALIGNMENT. Whenever practical, holding 293. OBSTACLE CLEARANCE.

patterns should be aligned to coincide with the flight
course to be flown after leaving the holding fix. a. Level Holding. The minimum ROC in the
However, when the flightpath to be flown is along an primary area is 1000 feet. The minimum ROC in the
arc, the holding pattern should be aligned on a radial. secondary area is 500 feet at the primary boundary,
When a holding pattern is established at a FAF and a PT tapering uniformly to zero feet at the outer edge. For
is not used, the inbound course of the holding pattern computation of obstacle clearance in the secondary area
must be aligned to coincide with the FAC unless the see paragraph 232c. Adjustments for precipitous terrain
FAF is a facility. When the FAF is a facility, the must be applied as stated in paragraph 3.2.2b of this
inbound holding course and the FAC must not differ by volume. Establish minimum holding altitudes in
more than 30 degrees. 100-foot increments. The selected altitude must provide
the minimum ROC (plus adjustments as specified by
292. AREA. paragraph 3.2.2b of this volume); e.g., when obstacle
elevation plus ROC and adjustments equals 1501, round
a. The primary obstacle clearance area must be up to 1600 feet.
based on the appropriate holding pattern area specified
in Order 7130.3. b. Climbing in a Holding Pattern. When a climb
in hold is used, as in a departure or missed approach, no
obstacle may penetrate the holding surface. This surface

Chap 2 Page 36-3

Par 289
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14
Volume 1
begins at the end of the segment leading to the holding
fix. Its elevation is that of the departure OIS or missed
approach surface at the holding fix. It rises at a 40:1 rate
to the edge of the primary area, then at a 12:1 rate to the
outer edge of the secondary area. The distance to any
obstacle is measured from the obstacle to the nearest
point on the end of the segment at the holding fix. See
figure 37-2 and Order 7130.3, paragraph 35.


PATTERN. Par 293b.

294. - 299. RESERVED.

Page 36-4 Chap 2

Par 293
Order 8260.3B, Volume 1, Chapter 2
Formulas Addendum

Paragraph 252a Formula Calculating Straight-in Descent Angle

⎛ ⎛ r + alt ⎞ r ⎞ 180
θDESCENT = a tan ⎜ ln ⎜ ⎟⋅ ⎟⋅
⎝ ⎝ r + TH Re+ TCH ⎠ DFIX ⎠ π  
atan = arc tangent 
ln = Natural logarithm 
alt = FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix altitude 
THRe=  Threshold elevation 
r = 20890537 
TCH = VGSI or Design TCH  
DFIX = Distance (ft) from FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix to FEP 
alt  2,400

THRe  85.00

r  20890537  Click here

to calculate
TCH  47.00

DFIX  32,385.000

θDESCENT  4.006

Figure 14.5 Formula Straight-in FAF/PFAF or Stepdown fix
Distance based on Altitude and Angle (Par 252a)
⎛ r + alt ⎞
ln ⎜ ⎟⋅r
DPFAF = ⎝ r + THRe + TCH ⎠
⎛ π ⎞  
tan ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟
⎝ 180 ⎠
ln = Natural logarithm  
alt = Minimum FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix altitude  
THRe = Threshold elevation 
TCH = VGSI or Design TCH 
tan = tangent   
r = 20890537 
θ = VGSI or specified descent angle 
alt  2,600

THRe  1,012.00

TCH  46.00
  Click here
r  20890537  to calculate

θ  3°

DPFAF  29,420.537

Paragraph 252b Formula Calculating Circling Descent Angle

⎛ ⎛ r + alt ⎞ r ⎞ 180
θCIRCLEDESCENT = a tan ⎜ ln ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ ⎟⋅
⎝ ⎝ r + CMDA ⎠ DFIX ⎠ π  
atan = arc tangent 
ln = Natural logarithm 
r = 20890537   
alt = FAF/PFAF or Stepdown fix altitude  
CMDA = Lowest Published CMDA 
DFIX = Distance (ft) from FAF/PFAF or stepdown fix to FEP 

Click here
r  20890537 
to calculate


Paragraph 252c Formula Determining Altitude of Vertical Path at a
Stepdown Fix
⎛ π ⎞
DZ ⋅ tan ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟
⎝ 180 ⎠
Zvertpath =e r
⋅ ( r + basealt ) ‐r  
e = base of the natural logarithm (Napier’s constant) 
DZ = dist (ft) from FEP to fix 
tan = tangent 
θ = angle calculated IAW 252a or 252b 
r = 20890537 
(para. 252a) = THRe + TCH      
(para. 252b) = CMDA 
DZ  29,420.830

θ  3°
Click here
r  20890537 
to calculate
basealt  1,058.00

Zvertpath  2,600.015

Paragraph 253 Formula Calculating VDP distance
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ π ⎞ ⎞⎞
⎜π ⎜ cos ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟ ⋅ (r + THRe + TCH ) ⎟ ⎟
π ⎝ 180 ⎠
D VDP = r⋅⎜ − θ⋅ − a sin ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜2 180 ⎜ r + MDA ⎟⎟  
⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ ⎠⎠
asin = arc sine 
cos = cosine 
θ = VGSI or specified descent angle 
r = 20890537 
THRe = Threshold elevation 
TCH = VGSI or Design TCH  
MDA = Minimum Descent altitude  


MDA  6,840

THRe  6,451.00

TCH  50.00
  Click here
r  20890537  to calculate

θ  3°

DVDP  6,447.404

Paragraph 260 Formula #1 True Airspeed

VKIAS ⋅ 171233  ⋅
  (288 + 15)‐0.00198 ⋅ (alt + k)
(288 ‐ 0.00198 ⋅ ( alt + k ))

VKIAS =   indicated airspeed (from table 4) 
alt     =   airport elevation (MSL) 
k       =   height above airport (1,000 ft minimum) 

alt  0  Click here

k  1,000
  to calculate

VKTAS  93.695

Paragraph 260 Formula #2 Circling Approach Area Radius

(V + 25 )

CAR = 2i + S

tan(bank angle ⋅ ) ⋅ 68625.4
VKTAS =      true airspeed 
tan = tangent 
bankangle =   achieved bank angle  (from table 4)  
S  =        straight segment(from table 4) 
VKTAS  93.695

Bankangle  25°
  Click here
S  0.4
  to calculate

CAR  1.281

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Chapter 3. Takeoff and Landing Minimums.

Section One. General Information.

3.0 Application.

The minimums specified in this chapter are the lowest that can be approved through
TERPS application at any location for the type of navigation facility concerned. Category
(CAT) II/III visibility minima calculation methods and elements are located in volume 3,
appendix 1.

3.1 Establishment.

Establish the lowest minimums permitted by the criteria contained in this order. Specify
minimums for each condition indicated in the procedure; i.e., straight-in, circling,
alternate, and takeoff, as required. List the following minima elements: DA, decision
height (DH), minimum descent altitude (MDA), height above touchdown (HAT), height
above airport (HAA), height above landing (HAL), or height above surface (HAS) as
appropriate, and runway visual range (RVR) or visibility. Alternate minimums, when
specified, must be stated as ceiling and visibility. Specify takeoff minimums when
required, as visibility only, except where the need to see and avoid an obstacle requires
the establishment of a ceiling value. DoD may specify alternate and takeoff minimums in
separate directives.

a. Calculate HAT by subtracting the TDZE (rounded to the nearest foot) from the
DA/MDA. For example, if TDZE is 632.6 and MDA is 1040, then the HAT is 407 (i.e.,
1040 – 633 = 407).

b. Calculate HAA by subtracting the airport elevation (rounded to the nearest foot)
from the CMDA. For example, if airport elevation is 437.4 and CMDA is 920, then the
HAA is 483 (i.e., 920 – 437 = 483).

Note: Ceiling = (DA/MDA - Airport Elevation) rounded to next higher 100 feet
increment. For example, DA 1242 – Airport Elevation 214 = 1028 = Ceiling 1100 feet.

3.1.1 Publication.

3.1.1 a. Publish minimums for each approach category accommodated at the airport.

Note: The Airport Reference Code (ARC) designation of the airport (see Advisory
Circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design),is used for airport planning and design only,
and does not limit the aircraft that may be able to operate safely at the airport. The set
of approach category minimums to publish is made on a case-by-case basis through
the RAPT or by appropriate DoD authority, and must accommodate the approach
speed (straight-in and circling) of all aircraft expected to use the procedure.

12/07/07 8260.3B CHG 20

3.1.1 b. Annotate the chart appropriately when one or more approach categories are not
authorized. Publish minima for each approach category except those not authorized (e.g.,
publish only category A and B straight-in minimums when categories C and D are not

3.1.2 Runway Visual Range (RVR).

RVR is a system of measuring the visibility along the runway. An instrumentally derived
value, it represents the horizontal distance a pilot will see down the runway from the
approach end. RVR is based on the sighting of either high intensity runway lights or the
visual contrast of other targets, whichever yields the greater visual range.

3.1.2 a. Runway Requirements for RVR Approval.

RVR may be published with straight-in landing minima when:

3.1.2 a. (1) RVR equipment is installed to the runway in accordance with the applicable
standard (e.g., FAA Standard 008 or appropriate DoD directive).

3.1.2 a. (2) High Intensity Runway Lights are installed to the runway in accordance with
appropriate FAA or DoD standards.

3.1.2 a. (3) Runway marking and lighting is appropriate for the intended use. Precision
approaches, approaches with vertical guidance (APV), and most nonprecision approach
(NPA) procedures require instrument runway markings or touchdown zone and center-
line lighting (TDZ/CL). When required runway markings are not available but TDZ/CL
is available, RVR equal to the visibility minimum appropriate for the approach light
configuration is authorized. See AC 150/5300-13 and AC 150/5340-1, Standards for
Airport Markings, for further information.

3.1.3 Approach Lighting Systems.

Approach lighting systems extend visual cues to the approaching pilot and make the
runway environment apparent with less visibility than when such lighting is not available.
For this reason, lower straight-in (not applicable to circling) visibility minimums may be
established when standard or equivalent approach lighting systems are present.

3.1.3 a. Standard Lighting Systems.

Table 3-1 provides the types of standard approach and runway lighting systems, as well
as the operational coverage for each type. Table 3-2 provides United States and
international lighting system classifications.

12/07/07 8260.3B CHG 20

Table 3-1. Standard Lighting Systems.

Operational Coverage (°)

Lateral Vertical (above
(±) horizon)
Standard Approach Lighting System with 21.0* 12.0*
Sequenced Flashers 12.5# 12.5#
Standard Approach Lighting System with 21.0* 12.0*
Sequenced Flashers & CAT II Modification 12.5# 12.5#
Short Approach Lighting System 21.0* 12.0*
-- --
Short Approach Lighting System with 21.0* 12.0*
Sequenced Flashers 12.5# 12.5#
21.0* 12.0*
SSALS Simplified Short Approach Lighting System
-- --
Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with 21.0* 12.0*
Sequenced Flashers 12.5# 12.5#
Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with Runway 21.0* 12.0*
Alignment Indicator Lights 12.5# 12.5#
10.0* 10.0*
MALS Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System
-- --
Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with 10.0* 10.0*
Sequenced Flashers 12.5# 12.5#
Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway 10.0* 10.0*
Alignment Indicator Lights 12.5# 12.5#

ODALS Omni-Directional Approach Lighting System 360# 2.0-10.0#

* Steady-burning # Sequenced flashers


HIRL High Intensity Runway Lights

MIRL Medium Intensity Runway Lights

LIRL Low Intensity Runway Lights

TDZ/CL Touchdown Zone and Centerline Lights

Note: See Order 8260.3B, Volume 3, appendix 5 for lighting system


12/07/07 8260.3B CHG 20

Table 3-2. United States and International

Approach Lighting Classifications.

Facility Class Approach Lighting Systems (ALS) ALS Length (ft)

ALS length ≥ 720 m


≥ 2400
(FALS) High or medium intensity and/or flashing lights

ICAO: Calvert or Barette Centre Line Lights, high intensity lights

ALS length 420 - 719 m


≥ 1400 – 2399
(IALS) High or medium intensity and/or flashing lights

ICAO: Simplified Approach Light System, high intensity lights

ALS length 210 - 419 m

Basic U.S.: ODALS

≥700 – 1399
(BALS) High or medium intensity lights and/or flashing lights

JAA: High, medium or low intensity lights, including one crossbar

ALS length < 210 m, or
None or < 700
No approach lights

3.1.3 b. Operational Conditions.

In order to apply approach light credit (e.g., publish visibility from the FALS, IALS,
or BALS column from table 3-5a, 3-6, or 3-7), the following conditions must exist:

3.1.3 b. (1) The runway must have nonprecision instrument or precision instrument (all-
weather) markings or TDZ/CLs as specified in directives of the appropriate approving
authority. Unless otherwise authorized by Flight Standards, precision instrument runway
markings are required in order to publish visibility less than 3/4 statute miles (SM).
Runway marking effectiveness may be degraded when obscured by surface water, snow,
ice, or tire marks. All procedures to the affected runway must revert to no-light
minimums when required markings are removed, or when it is determined the markings
are inadequate for reduced visibility credit. Operational TDZ/CL lights may be
substituted for removed, deteriorated, or obscured runway markings to authorize a
visibility minimum appropriate for the applicable approach light configuration.

3.1.3 b. (2) The final approach course (FAC) must place the aircraft within the lateral and
vertical coverage of the approach lighting system at a distance from the landing threshold
equal to the standard visibility required without lights (NALS column) AND the distance
from MAP/DA to threshold must be less than or equal to 3 SM.

Note: The straight-in (SI) FAC to an “on-airport” facility typically transits all
approach light operational areas within the visibility arc limits, but the FAC from

12/07/07 8260.3B CHG 20

an “off-airport” facility may be restricted to a standard approach light system

(ALSF) or short approach lighting system (SALS) for visibility credit. See
figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. Application of Lateral

Coverage Angles of Table 3-2.



On Airport
Off Airport

3.1.3 b. (3) For PA and APV procedures, the TCH must not exceed the upper limit value
specified by table 3-3.

3.1.3 c. Other Lighting Systems.

Standard system variations, and other systems not included in this chapter, must meet the
specified operational conditions in paragraph 3.1.3.b to receive visibility reduction credit.
The provisions of volume 1, paragraph 141, govern civil airport lighting systems which
do not meet known standards, or for which criteria does not exist. DoD lighting systems
may be equated to standard systems for visibility reduction, as illustrated in appendix 5.
Where existing systems vary from appendix 5 configurations and cannot be equated to a
standard system, consult the appropriate approving authority for special consideration.

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Table 3-3. PA/APV Threshold Crossing Height Upper Limits for Allowing
Visibility Credit for Authorized Lighting Systems.


(Feet) (Feet)
(Degrees) (Feet) (Degrees) (Feet)

# 2.50 - 3.20 75 # 2.50 - 4.90 75

2 3.21 - 3.30 70 3 4.91 - 5.00 71
* 0
3.31 - 3.40 66 0
5.01 - 5.10 66
3.41 - 3.50 63 5.11 - 5.20 61
to 3.51 - 3.60 59 to 5.21 - 5.30 56
3.61 - 3.70 55 5.31 - 5.40 52
2 3
4 3.71 - 3.80 50 4 5.41 - 5.50 48
9 3.81 - 3.90 47 9 5.51 - 5.60 43
3.91 - 4.00 43 5.61 - 5.70 39
4.01 - 4.10 39
4.11 - 4.20 35 3 # 2.50 - 5.60 75
5 5.61 - 5.70 70
# 2.50 - 4.10 75 0 5.71 - 5.80 65
4.11 - 4.20 71 and 5.81 - 5.90 60
5 4.21 - 4.30 67 5.91 - 6.00 55
0 4.31 - 4.40 62 a 6.01 - 6.10 50
4.41 - 4.50 58 o 6.11 - 6.20 45
4.51 - 4.60 54 v 6.21 - 6.30 40
2 4.61 - 4.70 50 e 6.31 - 6.40 35
6 4.71 - 4.80 45
4.81 - 4.90 41
4.91 - 5.00 37

2 # 2.50 - 4.40 75
7 4.41 - 4.50 73
4.51 - 4.60 68
to 4.61 - 4.70 64
4.71 - 4.80 59
9 4.81 - 4.90 55
9 4.91 - 5.00 51

* 100 feet – 199 feet HAT for DoD PAR only

# GPA < 3.0 DoD only

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Chapter 3. Takeoff and Landing Minimums.

Section Two. Establishing Minimum Altitudes/Heights.

3.2 Establish minimum altitudes/heights for each authorized approach CAT.

3.2.1 Minimums altitudes/heights types are:

3.2.1 a. Decision Altitude (DA). A DA is a specified minimum altitude (feet MSL) in a PA

or APV instrument approach procedure at which the pilot must decide whether to initiate
an immediate missed approach if they do not see the required visual references or to
continue the approach. Determine the DA using the appropriate criteria and round the
published value to the next higher one-foot increment (234.10 rounds to 235).

3.2.1 b. Decision Height (DH). RESERVED.

3.2.1 c. Radio Altimeter (RA). See current CAT II/III ILS guidance.

3.2.1 d. Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA). MDA represents the final approach minimum
altitude for NPA instrument approach procedures. Each published MDA must be
expressed in feet MSL rounded to the next higher 20-foot increment. Apply criteria as
specified by the applicable chapter/criteria to determine the MDA.

3.2.1 d. (1) Each straight-in (SI) approach MDA must provide at least the minimum Final
Approach Segment (FAS) and Missed Approach Segment (MAS) Required Obstacle
Clearance (ROC) as specified by the applicable chapter/criteria.

3.2.1 d. (2) Each circling MDA (CMDA) HAA must be no lower than that specified in
paragraph 3.3.3 and table 3-9. Each CMDA must provide the minimum ROC in the
circling maneuvering area and meet the missed approach requirements specified in
paragraph 3.2.1d(1). Each published CMDA must provide the minimum required final
obstacle clearance in the final approach segment and the minimum required circling
obstacle clearance in the circling approach area. Each CMDA must not be above the
PFAF altitude and, when applicable, below the straight-in MDA (same CAT) for the
highest line of NPA minima on the same chart.

Note: When dual minimums are authorized, the CMDA is compared against the SI
MDA associated with the corresponding minima set (i.e., circling with stepdown
minimums checked against SI with stepdown minimums).

3.2.2 Adjustments to Minimum Altitudes/Heights. The MDA or DA/H may require an

increase under the conditions described below:

3.2.2 a. For PA/APV approaches, determine the minimum HAT based on glidepath angle
for each aircraft category using table 3-4.

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Table 3-4. Minimum HAT for PA and APV Approach Procedures.

Aircraft Category

Glidepath Angle A B C D&E

2.50° - 2.99° (Military only) 200
3.00° - 3.10° 200
3.11° - 3.30° 2002,4 250 Not authorized
2,3,4 5
3.31° - 3.60° 200 2704 Not authorized
3.61° - 3.80° 200 Not authorized
3.81° - 4.20° 200 250 Not authorized
4.21° - 5.00° 250 Not authorized
5.01° - 5.70° 300 Not authorized
5.71° - 6.40° 350 Not authorized
Airspeed NTE 80 knots

1. PAR minimum HAT = 100 (Military only)

2. LNAV/VNAV and RNP SAAAR minimum HAT = 250
3. LPV w/GPA > 3.5° = 250
4. LDA w/GS = 250
5. USN = 250

3.2.2 b. Precipitous terrain adjustments. In areas characterized by precipitous terrain, in or

outside of designated mountainous areas, consideration must be given to induced
altimeter errors and pilot control problems. Evaluate and identify terrain as precipitous or
non-precipitous using software implementing the FAA-approved algorithms developed
for this purpose (not applicable to USAF).

Note: FAA precipitous terrain algorithms were designed to evaluate instrument approach
and feeder segments. Do not use software implementing these algorithms for other
TERPS evaluations (e.g., radar vectoring altitude charts, TAA, or other evaluations not
addressed in the June 18, 2004 AFS memorandum, subject Automated Precipitous
Terrain Adjustments). Use manual methods until otherwise directed by AFS-400.

3.2.2 b. (1) Precipitous terrain identified in the final segment. For conventional NPA
approaches, increase ROC values by the amount specified by the software/algorithms
(USAF; by the amount deemed appropriate by the specialist/approving authority). For
PA/non-Baro approaches that permit precipitous terrain in the final segment increase the
HAT by 10 percent of the value determined by evaluation of the final and missed
segments, e.g., 200 feet increases to 220 feet, 350 feet increases to 385 feet, and
recalculate the DA. Do not include adjustments for RASS before determining the
precipitous terrain adjustment.

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3.2.2 b. (2) Precipitous terrain identified in other approach segments will not directly affect
landing minimums, but will impact ROC/minimum altitudes in that segment.

3.2.2 b. (3) Precipitous terrain identified in feeder segments/TAAs in a designated

mountainous area. No increase is required, but ROC may not be reduced from 2000 feet
(see volume 1, chapter 17, paragraph 1720).

3.2.2 b. (4) Precipitous terrain identified in other segments. When the criteria applicable to
the segment requires a precipitous terrain adjustment, increase ROC values by the
amount specified by the software/algorithms. (USAF; by the amount deemed appropriate
by the specialist/approving authority).

3.2.2 c. Remote Altimeter Setting Source (RASS). Not applicable to minimum safe/sector
altitude (MSAs), initials, en route, feeder routes, or segment/areas based on en route
criteria. When the altimeter setting is obtained from a source more than 5 nautical miles
(NM) from the Airport Reference Point (ARP) for an airport, or the Heliport Reference
Point (HRP) for a heliport or vertiport, a RASS adjustment must be considered. A remote
altimeter-setting source is not authorized for a remote distance greater than 75 NM or for
an elevation differential between the RASS and the landing area that is greater than
6000 feet. To determine which formula to apply, evaluate the terrain between the RASS
and the airport/heliport/vertiport for adverse atmospheric pressure pattern effect. Solicit
the best available climatological information from the National Weather Service (NWS),
the National Aviation Weather Advisory Unit (NAWAU), the Center Weather Service
Unit (CWSU), and the local Flight Service Station (FSS).

Note: When a secondary altimeter source must be specified AND either the primary or
secondary altimeter source (or both) is considered remote, establish separate landing
minima. If establishing separate minima is impractical, publish a chart note specifying the
difference between the MDA or DA for primary and secondary sources.

3.2.2 c. (1) Where intervening terrain does not adversely influence atmospheric pressure
patterns, use formula 3-1a to compute the basic RASS adjustment in feet. See figure 3-1a.

Figure 3-1a. Basic RASS adjustment (no intervening terrain).

Heliport / Vertiport
Dr = 6 .4
1200 N M

Airport 1000
Dr = 1 0.8

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Formula 3-1a. Basic RASS Adjustment (no Intervening terrain).

Adjustment = 2.30Dr + 0.14E1

Where Dr = horizontal dist (NM) altimeter source to ARP/HRP*

E1 = elevation differential (feet) between RASS
elevation and airport/heliport/vertiport elevation

* Copter PinS Approaches. When annotated “Proceed Visually”: Dr = Horizontal

distance from altimeter source to HRP. When annotated “Proceed VFR”:
Dr = Horizontal distance from altimeter source to MAP


Dr = 10.8 NM
E1 = 1000 - 800 = 200 feet

(2.30 * 10.8) + (0.14 * 200) = 52.84 feet basic RASS adjustment

In intermediate segment: 52.84 * 0.6 < 200 (no ROC increase)
In PA/APV final segment: DH = 200 + 52.84 = increase DH to 253
In NPA final segment: 1225 (Controlling obs) + 250 ROC + 52.84 = 1540 MDA

Dr = 6.4 NM
E1 = 1200 - 1000 = 200 feet

(2.30 * 6.4) + (0.14 * 200) = 42.72 feet basic RASS adjustment

In intermediate segment 42.72 * 0.6 < 200 (no ROC increase)
In PA/APV final segment: DH = 200 + 42.72 = increase DH to 243
In NPA final segment: 1225 (Controlling obs) + 250 ROC + 42.72 = 1520 MDA

3.2.2 c. (2) Where intervening terrain adversely influences atmospheric pressure patterns, an
Elevation Differential Area (EDA) must be evaluated. The EDA is defined as an area
5 NM each side of a line connecting the ARP/HRP and the RASS, and includes a circular
area enclosed by a 5 NM radius at each end of this line. Use formula 3-1b to compute the
basic RASS adjustment in feet. See figure 3-1b.

Formula 3-1b. Basic RASS Adjustment (Intervening Terrain)

Adjustment = 2.30Dr + 0.14E2

Where Dr = horizontal dist (NM) altimeter source to ARP/HRP*

E2 = the elevation differential (feet) between lowest
and highest elevation points within the EDA
* Copter PinS Approaches. When annotated “Proceed Visually”: Dr = Horizontal
distance from altimeter source to HRP. When annotated “Proceed VFR”:
Dr = Horizontal distance from altimeter source to MAP

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Dr  =  25 NM 
E2  =  5800 ‐ 800 = 5000 ft  
(2.30 * 25) + (0.14 * 5000) = 757.5 ft basic RASS adjustment 
In intermediate segment 757.5 * 0.6 = 454.5 ‐ 200 (254.5 ft ROC increase) 
In PA/APV final segment: DH = 350 + 757.5 = increase DH to 1108 
In NPA final segment: 3052.2 (Controlling obs) + 250 ROC + 757.5 = 4060 MDA 
Dr =  15 NM 
E2 =  5800 ‐ 800 = 5000 ft 
(2.30 * 15) + (0.14 * 5000) = 734.5 ft basic RASS adjustment 
In intermediate segment 734.5 * 0.6 = 440.7 ‐ 200 (240.7 ft ROC increase) 
In PA/APV final segment: DH = 294 + 734.5 = increase DH to 1029 
In NPA final segment: 6000 (Controlling obs) + 250 ROC + 734.5 = 7000 MDA 

Figure 3-1b. Elevation Differential Area (EDA)

Intervening Terrain Influences Atmospheric Pressure Patterns

5 NM

5 NM
5 NM
5 NM
2 800 EDA

5 NM
800 3500

Highest Elevation 5800


Lowest Elevation

3.2.2 c. (3) NPA final segments (including the circling maneuvering area). Increase primary
area ROC by the full basic RASS adjustment.

3.2.2 c. (4) PA/APV final segments. Increase the DA (prior to rounding) by the full basic
RASS adjustment.

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3.2.2 c. (5) For intermediate segments, use 60 percent of the basic RASS adjustment from
formulas 3-1a or 3-1b and increase the intermediate segment primary area ROC by the
amount this value exceeds 200 ft.

3.2.2 c. (6) When the missed approach design utilizes a turn at altitude prior to the clearance
limit and a part-time altimeter source is specified, decrease the turning section Obstacle
Clearance Surface (OCS) starting height by the difference between RASS adjustments for
the two remote altimeter sources. (Where one altimeter source is local, subtract the full
RASS adjustment.) Do not decrease these surface starting heights to less than the OCS at
the missed approach point (MAP). If this results in an OCS penetration that cannot be
resolved by other methods, provide a second climb-to-altitude determined by adding the
difference between the RASS adjustments to the climb-to-altitude and rounding to the
next higher appropriate increment. This application must not produce a turn altitude
above the missed approach clearance-limit altitude.

Example: MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 6000 (6,100 when using Denver Intl
altimeter setting) then…

Note: Combination straight-portion length extension is not required to accommodate

the worst-case altimeter source.

3.2.2 c. (7) Helicopter Point in Space (PinS) Approach. When the MAP is more than 5 NM
from the PinS approach altimeter-setting source for a PinS-VFR approach, or the HRP is
more than 5 NM from altimeter-setting source for a PinS- Special IFR Approach to a
VFR Heliport (IVH) approach, RASS adjustment must be applied. For application of the
RASS formula, define “Dr” as the distance from the altimeter-setting source to the
MAP/HRP accordingly, and define “E1”, or “E2, as specified by formulas 3-1a or 3-1b
whereas E1 = the heliport elevation for both PinS-IVH and PinS-VFR.

3.2.2 c. (8) Minimum Reception Altitude (MRA). Where a minimum altitude is MRA based,
increase the MRA using the RASS adjustment factor value.

3.2.2 c. (9) Where the altimeter is based on a remote source(s), annotate the procedure
and/or publish the appropriate minima lines in accordance with Order 8260.19, Flight
Procedures and Airspace.

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3.2.2 d. Excessive Length, Nonprecision Final Approach. When a procedure incorporates a

final approach fix (FAF), and the final approach segment (FAS) length FAF-to-MAP
exceeds 6 NM (plotted positions), increase FAS primary area ROC 5 ft for each one-tenth
NM over 6 NM.

EXCEPTION: If a stepdown fix exists and the remaining segment length is less than
6 NM, the basic FAS ROC may be applied between the stepdown fix and the MAP. See
formula 3-2 (Excessive Length Adjustment).

Formula 3-2. Excessive Length Adjustment

Adjustment = 50(Lengthfinal - 6)

Where Lengthfinal = horizontal distance in NM from plotted position

of FAF to MAP


Distance FAF to MAP = 6.47

Adjustment = 50(6.47- 6) = 23.5

250 ROC + 23.5 = 273.5 adjusted ROC

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Chapter 3. Takeoff and Landing Minimums

Section Three. Visibility Minimums

3.3 Visibility Minimums.

3.3.1 Authorization.

3.3.1 a. Straight-in visibility minimums are authorized when:

3.3.1 a. (1) Applicable straight-in alignment standards are met, and

3.3.1 a. (2) The final approach segment vertical descent angle does not exceed tolerances
[see paragraph 252].

3.3.1 b. Circling visibility minimums are authorized when:

3.3.1 b. (1) Straight-in alignment cannot be met (e.g., for “Circling-only” procedures not
meeting straight-in alignment requirements) [see paragraph 162].

3.3.1 b. (2) Straight-in alignment requirements are met, but descent angle precludes
publication of straight-in minimums [see paragraph 252].

3.3.1 b. (3) Published in conjunction with straight-in minimums.

Note: Do not establish circling minima when PA or APV procedures are established
without accompanying SI NPA minima.

3.3.2 Establishing Straight-in Visibility Minimums. Establish as RVR where authorized.

Otherwise, establish as a statute mile (SM) value. Meter (M) values are for locations
outside the United States only.

3.3.2 a. Step 1. Find the visibility (RVR or SM) appropriate to the HATh and ALS from the
applicable table(s). When more than one table applies, use the highest value.

3.3.2 a. (1) Table 3-5a specifies standard civil and military straight-in minimums except
for CAT A and B NPA, Category II/III ILS, Special Authorization (SA) Category I/II
ILS, and helicopter approaches.

3.3.2 a. (2) Use table 3-6 exclusively for CAT A straight-in NPA approaches. Use table 3-7
exclusively for CAT B straight-in NPA approaches.

3.3.2 a. (3) Use table 3-8 for CAT C/D/E straight-in NPA approaches after determining the
visibility minimums prescribed by table 3-5a.

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Table 3-5a. Authorized Straight-in RVR/Visibility,

(except CAT A and B NPA, CAT II/III ILS, SA CAT I/II ILS and helicopters).

1. Category I PA with TDZ/CL lights.

2. Category I PA without TDZ/CL lights when authorized by Order 8400.13. See Order 8260.19 for

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Table 3-5b. U.S. Military Standard Minimums

PAR with HAT < 200 feet (all CATs)


1200 - 350 1600 1/4 500 2400 1/2 750 2400 ½ 750

Table 3-6. CAT A Straight-in NPA, Authorized RVR/Visibility


250-880 1 1 1 4000 3/4 1200 4000 3/4 1200 5500 1 1600
2400 1/2 750
881 and above 4000 3/4 1200 5500 1 1600 5500 1 1600 6000 1 1/4 2000
1. RVR 4000, 3/4 SM, 1200m (NDB).

Table 3-7. CAT B Straight-in NPA, Authorized RVR/Visibility.


250-740 1 1 1 2 3/4 1200 4000 3/4 1200 5500 1 1600
2400 1/2 800 4000
741-950 4000 3/4 1200 5500 1 1600 5500 1 1600 6000 1 1/4 2000

951- 5500 1 1600 6000 1 1/4 2000 6000 1 1/4 2000 1 1/2 2400
1. RVR 4000, 3/4 SM, 1200m (NDB).

Table 3-8. Minimum Straight-in RVR/Visibility NPA Procedures CAT C/D/E

Procedure Design:
- Final Course-RWY C/L offset: < = 5°, AND ALL OTHERS
- Final Approach segment > = 3 NM, AND
- With PFAF procedure, AND
- **PFAF to LTP < = 8 NM
(**If time/distance table is published)
2400 1/2 750 4000 3/4 1200

3.3.2 b. Step 2. Determine visibility based on MAP/DA to LTP distance [see figure 3-2]:

3.3.2 b. (1) When the NPA MAP is located at or after the LTP, proceed to Step 3. Otherwise,
determine the distance from the NPA MAP (plotted position) or PA/APV DA to the LTP.
When authorized by paragraph 3.1.3b, subtract the ALS length (2400 feet for FALS,
1400 feet for IALS, and 700 feet for BALS). When this distance is less than or equal to
the visibility from Step 1, use the Step 1 value. When greater than the visibility from
Step 1, use the next higher visibility value (RVR or SM) from the applicable table or the
next higher whole SM when the distance exceeds 3 SM.

08/17/2011 8260.3B CHG 23

Figure 3-2. MAP/DA to LTP distance Straight-in Aligned

3.3.2 c. Step 3. Determine visibility based on evaluation of the visual portion of the final
approach segment. Apply the Standard visual area to runways to which an aircraft is
authorized to circle (either in association with a SI procedure or a Circling only
approach). Apply the Straight-In area to runways with approach procedures aligned with
the runway centerline (less than or equal to ± 0.03°). Apply the Offset visual area to
evaluate the visual portion of a straight-in approach that is not aligned with the runway
centerline (more than ± 0.03°). These evaluations determine if night operations must be
prohibited due to unlit obstacles or if visibility minimums must be restricted.

Note: Assess the appropriate visual area separately for each line of minima on the same
approach plate.

3.3.2 c. (1) Visual Area Types.

3.3.2 c. (1) (a) Standard [see figure 3-3a].

 Alignment. Align with the runway centerline extended (RCL).

 Length. The area begins 200 ft from LTP at LTP elevation and extends 10,000 ft
out RCL

 Width. The beginning width is ± 200 ft either side of RCL. The sides splay
outward relative to runway centerline. Calculate the half-width of the area at any
distance “d” from its origin using formula 3-3a:

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Formula 3-3a. Standard Visual Area 1/2 width

where   ½W = perpendicular distance (feet) RCL to area edge 
d = distance (feet) from origin measured along RCL  

Figure 3-3a. Standard Visual Area

3.3.2 c. (1) (b) Straight-in. (Procedure need not meet straight-in descent criteria) [see
figure 3-3b].

 Alignment. Align with the RCL extended.

 Length. The area begins 200 ft from LTP at LTP elevation and extends to the
calculated DA point for each PA or APV procedure and to the VDP location (even if
one is not published for NPA procedures) [see Vol., para 253].

 Width. The beginning width is ± 200 ft for runways limited to CAT A/B minimums
and ± 400 ft for all other runways. The sides splay outward relative to RCL Calculate
the half-width of the area at any distance “d” from its origin using formula 3-3b:

Note: When multiple NPA minimums are published on the same chart (i.e., dual
minimums or applicable RNAV procedures) use the lowest MDA to determine VDP
location and to determine the length of the visual area. For PA/APV approaches,
calculate the DA point based on the primary altimeter source.

Formula 3-3b. Straight-in Visual Area 1/2 width

½W=(0.138× d)+k  
where   W = perpendicular distance (feet) RCL to area edge 
d = distance (feet) from origin measured along RCL 
k = 200 for Cat A/B, 400 for Cat C/D/E 

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Figure 3-3b. Straight-in Visual Area

3.3.2 c. (1) (c) Offset [see figure 3-3c]: When the final course does not coincide with the
RCL (± 0.03°), modify the straight-in visual area as follows:

 Step A. Draw the straight-in area aligned with the RCL as previously described.

 Step B. Extend a line perpendicular to the final approach course (FAC) from the DA
point or VDP (even if one is not published) to the point it crosses the RCL.

 Step C. Extend a line from this point perpendicular to the RCL to the outer edge of
the straight-in area, noting the length (L).

 Step D. Extend a line in the opposite direction of the line in Step B from the DA/VDP
perpendicular to the FAC for distance (L).

 Step E. Connect the end of the line constructed in Step D to the end of the inner edge
of the area origin line 200 ft from LTP.

Figure 3-3c. Offset Visual Area

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3.3.2 c. (2) Obstacle Clearance. When evaluating a straight-in or offset visual area, apply
both a 34:1 and a 20:1 surface. When evaluating the standard visual area, apply a 20:1 surface
only. Calculate surface height above LTP elevation at any distance “d” from an extension of the
area origin line using formula 3-3c:

Formula 3-3c. Visual Area OIS Height

20:1 Surface Height =  d
34:1 Surface Height =  d

  where   d = distance (feet) from origin line (extended) measured 
along RCL 

3.3.2 c. (2) (a) 34:1 OIS. If penetrated, limit visibility to no lower than 4000 RVR or
3/4 SM.

3.3.2 c. (2) (b) 20:1 OIS. If penetrated, take the following action:

 Lighted Obstacles: Do not publish a VDP and limit visibility to no lower than
5000 RVR or 1 SM.

 Unlighted Obstacles: Do not publish a VDP, limit visibility to no lower than

5000 RVR or 1 SM, and annotate the chart denying the approach or applicable
minimums at night.

o A Visual Glide Slope Indicator (VGSI) may be used in lieu of obstruction

lighting with Flight Standards or Military authority approval. USAF not

3.3.2 d. Step 4. Establish the SI visibility as the highest value determined from Steps 1-3.

3.3.2 d. (1) Visibility greater than 3 SM. Where the HATh is 1000 ft or higher, 3 SM
visibility may be established with Flight Standards approval when the procedure is
annotated “Fly Visual to Airport.”

Note 1: “Fly Visual to Airport” provides relief from visual reference requirements
specified in Part 91.175, and related rules such as 121.651, 135.225, and 125.381. This
option will only be approved where deemed safe and operationally beneficial.

Note 2: Not applicable to procedures developed under Order 8260.49, Simultaneous

Offset Instrument Approaches (SOIA), Order 7110.98 Simultaneous Converging
Instrument Approaches, or Order 7110.110 Dependent Converging Instrument
Approaches (DCIA) With Converging Runway Display Aid (CRDA).

08/17/2011 8260.3B CHG 23

3.3.2 e. When authorized approach light credit, determine the applicability of the U.S
Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP) “Inoperative Components or Visual Aids” (INOP
Components) table. This step is not applicable to the USAF.

3.3.2 e. (1) Determine the visibility required without approach lights.

3.3.2 e. (1) (a) Follow Step 1, except use the visibility from the NALS column.

Figure 3-4. Example U.S. TPP Inoperative Components or Visual Aids Table

3.3.2 e. (1) (b) Follow Step 2, except do not subtract the ALS length.

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3.3.2 e. (2) Add the visibility increase from the INOP Components table to the SI visibility
determined in Step 4. When the result is not equal to or greater than the visibility
without approach lights [paragraph 3.3.2e (1)], annotate the chart in accordance with
Order 8260.19, paragraph 8-54m.

3.3.3 Establishing Circling Visibility Minimums. Establish as a statute mile (SM) value.
Meter (M) values are for locations outside the United States only.

3.3.3 a. Step 1. Determine the minimum HAA based on CAT from table 3-9, and then find
the visibility appropriate to the HAA and CAT from table 3-10.
Table 3-9. Minimum Authorized HAA
CAT  A  B  C  D  E 
HAA  350  450  550 

Table 3-10. Authorized Circling Visibility Minimums

CAT   A  B  C  D  E 
HAA    SM  M  SM  M  SM  M  SM  M  SM  M 
350 ‐ 449  1  1600                 
450 ‐ 549  1  1600  1  1600  1 1/2  2400         
550 ‐ 600  1  1600  1  1600  1 1/2  2400  2  3200  2  3200 
601 ‐ 670  1  1600  1  1600  1 3/4  2800  2  3200  2 1/4  3600 
671 – 740  1  1600  1  1600  2  3200  2 1/4  3600  2 1/2  4000 
741 ‐ 810  1  1600  1  1600  2 1/4  3600  2 1/2  4000  2 3/4  4400 
811 ‐ 880  1 1/4  2000  1 1/4  2000  2 1/2  4000  2 3/4  4400  3  4800 
881 ‐ 950  1 1/4  2000  1 1/4  2000  2 3/4  4400  3  4800  3  4800 
951 and above  1 1/4  2000  1 1/2  2400  3  4800  3  4800  3  4800 

3.3.3 b. Step 2. Determine visibility based on MAP to nearest landing surface distance [see
figure 3-5] (not applicable to circling minimums published in conjunction with SI

3.3.3 b. (1) For procedures meeting straight-in alignment requirements not authorized
straight-in minimums, apply paragraph 3.3.2b.

3.3.3 b. (2) For “Circling-only” procedures not meeting straight-in alignment requirements,
when the MAP is located at or after the nearest landing surface, proceed to Step 3.
Otherwise, determine the distance from the MAP (plotted position) to the nearest landing
surface. When this distance is less than or equal to the visibility from Step 1, use the
Step 1 value. When greater than the visibility from Step 1, use the next higher table value
(next higher whole SM when the distance exceeds 3 SM).

08/17/2011 8260.3B CHG 23

Figure 3-5. MAP to Nearest Landing Surface, Circling Aligned

3.3.3 c. Step 3. Determine visibility based on evaluation of the visual portion of the final
approach segment [see paragraph 3.3.2c].

3.3.3 d. Step 4. For circling minimums published in conjunction with SI procedure, compare
circling visibility to the established SI visibility.

3.3.3 d. (1) The circling visibility may not be lower than the no-light visibility of the SI
visibility of the highest NPA line.

Note: For dual minimums, the circling visibility is compared to the corresponding SI
visibility set (e.g., “UKENE FIX MINIMUMS” circling visibility compared to “UKENE
FIX MINIMUMS” straight-in visibility).

3.3.3 e. Step 5. Establish circling visibility as the highest value determined from Steps 1-4
(as applicable).

3.3.3 e. (1) Visibility greater than 3 SM. Where the HAA is 1000 ft or higher, 3 SM visibility
may be established with Flight Standards approval when the procedure is annotated “Fly
Visual to Airport.”

Note 1: “Fly Visual to Airport” provides relief from visual reference requirements
specified in Part 91.175, and related rules such as 121.651, 135.225, and 125.381. This
option will only be approved where deemed safe and operationally beneficial.

08/17/2011 8260.3B CHG 23

Chapter 3. Takeoff and Landing Minimums

Section 4. Alternate Minimums

3.4. Civil Alternate Minimums [see 14 CFR Part 91.169] (Military – Refer to applicable
Service Directives).

3.4.1 Authorization. To qualify the airport must have local weather disseminated via a
“Service A” reporting network. Do not authorize alternate minimums when the facility
providing final approach guidance is a CAT 3 monitored facility [see Order 8260.19,
paragraph 2-13].

3.4.2 Establishing Alternate Minimums. If a procedure has a stepdown fix predicated on a

CAT 3 monitored facility, base alternate minimums on the minimums without the fix.

3.4.2 a. Determine the need to establish alternate minimums by comparing the ceiling and/or
visibility associated with the no-light minimums (local altimeter) for each approach
category with the standard ceiling and visibility.

3.4.2 a. (1) When both the ceiling and visibility of the applicable no-light minimums are less
than or equal to the standard specified in table 3-11, alternate minimums are not

3.4.2 a. (2) When either the ceiling or visibility from the applicable no-light minimums is
greater than the standard, establish alternate minimums as the higher of the standard or
the no-light value.

Note: Ceiling values are based on the DA/MDA minus airport elevation, rounded to the
next higher 100-ft increment (e.g., 601 through 699 round to 700).

3.4.2 b. When required, alternate minimums are based on the NPA line with the highest
ceiling or visibility on the same chart. For procedures without an NPA line, alternate
minimums are based on the PA/APV line with the highest ceiling or visibility on the
same chart.

3.4.2 c. Specify PA and NPA alternate minimums separately when both lines are published
on the same chart.

08/17/2011 8260.3B CHG 23

Table 3-11. Standard Alternate Minimums

Approach Type  Ceiling  Visibility 

NPA or APV  800  2 

PA  600  2 

Example (NPA or APV) 

Highest no‐light Ceiling/Visibility   Alternate Minimums 

CAT A/B = 700 – 1  Not Published (Both Ceiling/Vis < Standard) 

CAT C = 800 – 2 1/4   800 – 2 1/4  

CAT D    = 900 – 2 1/2  900 – 2 1/2  

08/17/2011 8260.3B CHG 23

Chapter 3. Takeoff and Landing Minimums.

Section Five. Takeoff Minimums.

3.5 Civil Standard Takeoff Minimums.

Title 14 CFR Part 91.175 (f) defines civil takeoff minimums as shown in table 3-12. A
ceiling value may also be required to see and avoid an obstacle. In this case, the
published procedure must identify the location of the obstacle(s) that must be avoided.
See Order 8260.46, Departure Procedure (DP) Program, or appropriate Military
directives for guidance on how and when other than standard takeoff minimums and/or
obstacles are defined.

Table 3-12. Standard Civil Takeoff Minimums

Aircraft type Visibility (SM)

Fixed wing w/ ≤ 2 engines 1

Fixed wing w/ > 2 engines 1/2

Helicopters 1/2

2113/98 8260.38 CHG 17


-400 GENERAL. Thil cbapla" ia divided into two S)OO feet OUlWitd Crom the runway threshold. Allo,
scctioos~ ooc for low altitude procedwa and ooe for wbc:re 1111 opcntiooa.l advantage can be achieved. a FAC
high altitude teardrop penetratioo procedures. These which docs DOt iotcncc:t the runway centerline or
criteria apply to proced'UI'CS based oo a VOR facility intenecta i1 at a distmce pater than S.lOO feet from the
located oo an airport in which DO final approach fix thn:shold may be established. provided that such coonc
(FAF) is established. These procedure~ must inca- lies within 500 feet. lata"&lly, of the ex1eodod nmway
ponte a procedure or a pcncllatioo tum. A1J. ON- ctnltllinc at a poiot 3,000 £ect outward from the runway
AlRPORT facilily is ooc which it located: threshoJd. Stn.ijbt-in catcgocy C, D. and E minimums
are DOt autbcxizccl wbm the final approach coune
L For Stnl&ht-la Approach. Within one mile of iot.crsccts the exlmded nmway centerline at a an angle
the nearest portioo of the landing nmway. greater than u• IDd a distance lest than 3,000 feet (sec
b. For Clrclln& Approach. Within one mile of the
nearest portioo of the usablo landing surface of the (2) ClrdJDc Approach. Wbm the 6nal approach
airport. course alignment docs DOt meet the criteria for straight-
in landing, ooly a circling approach shaU be authorized,
-401.-409. RESERVED. and the course alignment should be made to the center of
the landing area.. Wbal an operational advantage can be
achieved, the fiml approach course may be aligned to
SECTION 1. LOW ALTITUDE PROCEDURES pass through IIJ)' portioo of the usable landing sumcc
(sec figure 39).
-410. FEEDER ROUTES. Criteria for feeder routes
are CODtaincd in pangraph 220. lt. Area. FisuR 40 illustrates the final approach
primary and leCODdaJy areas. The primaJy area is
-41L INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The initial loogitudinally c:c.otaed oo the final approach course, and
approach fix is ~vcd by ovetbeading the navigation is 10 miles loDa- The pimary area ia 1 milca wide at the
facility. The initial approach is a procedure tum (PT). t'acility aod c:xpendt uniformly to 6 miles at I0 miles
The criteria for the PT areas are c:ootaincd in paragraph from the facility. A secoodaly area is oo each side of the
234. primary area. n ia zao milca wide at the W:ility and
expaoda lmil'omdy to J.l-4 milca oo each side of the
-412. INTERMEDIATE SEGMENT. This type of primary area at 10 milca from the facility. When the S-
procedure hu DO intermediate segment Upon milea PT is used, ooly the inDec S milca of the final
completion of the PT. the aircraft is oo final approach. approech area DCOC1 be coosidered.

413. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The final c. Obseade CJearance.

approach beginJ wbcrc the PT intersects the FAC.
(1) Stral&ht-ln. The minimum obstacle clearance
L All&nment. The alignment of the FAC with the in the primary area is 300 feet In the sec:ondaJy area,
runway ccnterl.ino detetmioet whether a tllaight-in ac 300 feet ol obstacle clcaraoco aball be provided at the
circq-only approach may be established. ~ edge, tapering uniformly to zao feet. at the outa"
edge. The minimum RqUircd obstacle clearance at my
(1) Stral&flt-ID. Tbc angle of convergence of the given point in the JCCOOdaJy area ia found in J*llgraph
FAC and the extended runway centerline shall not S23b(J).
exceed 30°. The FAC should be aligned to intersect the
extended nmway centerline 3,000 feet outward from the (2) ClrdlaJ Approach. In additioo to the
nmway thmshold When an operational advantage can minimum requiranents specified in paragraph 413c(l),
be achieved. this point of intersection may be established obstacle clcali.IJCIO in the circling area shall be u
at any point between the nmway threshold and a point presaibed in chapter 2, scctiao 6.

Chap 4 Page 45
ll60.3B CHG 17 2/13/98


lliNW.UCk - -

~ -·~~~~n- - .. --~-+.
_,......., nnn•'(" r---
raw. H!'!OACIJ

-~- - ·


IIWI'li"Af·- ~ - Jl -

StraJ&ht·hl Approach Pro<:edun. Par. 41Ja(l).

d. PT Altitude (Deaceot Graclleat). Tbe PT

completion altitude shall be within l,SOO fcc:t of the
MDA (1000 rcct with a S-mile P1), provided the
distance from the facility to the point wbe:n: the final
apP'OSCh course~ the nmway ccnt.c:d.ine («the
first usablo pation of the landing area Cor ..cin:ling
ooly" pocedun:s) does DOt coo:ecd 2 miles. Whm this
cWtaDcc c:xceed.t 2 mile:~~, the maximum dilfen:oco
betwccD the PT c:anplction altitude md the MDA sbaU
be reduced at lbc rate of 25 fcot for each ooe-teoth of a
mile in c:xceu of2 miles (see figure 41).

F1zure 39. ALIGNMENT OPTIONS FOR FINAL NOTE: For time procedureJ In which the /11141
APPROACH COURSE. On-Airport VOR. No approach dou NOT lnurJeCl 1M a:lmthd 1V1tW4)1
F AF. Cln:IJn& Approa.c:h Procedure. Par 413&(2). cn~Ur/Jne within 5100 foet ofthe l'tlnWClJ' thremold (1ee
paragraph <t/JJli(J)) the (l.fsumed polnl oflnierJeclion
for computing the di.s/Qnce from dw Joci/Jiy Jhall be
3000Jedfrom the noi'WQ)I thl'e:thold. See ftpre 38.


F AF. Par 413b.

Pagc46 Chap.J
2113198 8260.3B CHO 11

stepdown fix altitude, divided by the lpCCi6cd PT

distance. minus tbc raclUty to stcpdown ftl d.ist.m:c.
Obst1clc cleara.t:~ee may be reduced 1D 250 rect fi'om
tile stepdown ftx 1D dlc MAPIPBP. See ftgu.n: 42,
paragraphs 2.51, 2$2, and 2$3.

£ MDA. Criteria fc. dctenninina lhc: MDA ~n~

coota.ioc:d iu cbapta- 3.


the missed appro~eh sesmeot are <XlDtaiocd in cbapt« 2,
section 7. The MAP is the tilcility (sec figure 41). The
m.iued approach .IUtfa.ce lha1l oommeoce owr the
f'acillty at the rcquimi height (see paragraph 274).

41!.-41t. RESERVED.



•UO. FEEDER ROUI"ES. Criteria for feeder ro1.Jtes are

Ff&ur'e 41. PT ALTITUDE. contained in paragraph 220.
On-AirportVOR.No FAF. Par413d.
, ....) IAF is received by overbeadiua the navigatioo facility.
The initial approecb. is a teardrop peaetratioo tum. The
,,..., ....
........ ~­ crilaia !« the peoctratioo tum are cootaincd iu
paragraph 2JS.
......, ,.,«.. ''*' OO*"t . .
-f. . ·3.;...-.. ~·-:;>;-·-- -·- 411. INTERMEDIATE SEGMENT. This procedure
.,..... •'*'
,... - '\.r-'/
_...P bas DO intermediate scgmeo.t. Upon compl.cti.oo of tho
penetratioo tum, the aircraft is oo .fioal aPJlC'Oieh.


-- ..... ..... _ ....... _

is considered to be oo fiM.l approach upon completioo ol
the penetratioa. tum.. Howewr, the tiDal approach
segment begin~ oo tho FAC 10 mila from the facility.
That portioa. oC the penctratioo procedure pric. to lhc:
I ! --..... ~ 10-m.ile point is tteatcd as the initial approach segment
\ ! I

!1,-;;;- Sec figure 43.

- _...
• ...,. ,,., OCJIIN . . .,. - - fllfllll" •
~--~....., .... _.,
··-- -----------------
...tOll l'l»l'IOWN -
I ..., _ .. .. Allpment.
Same as low altitude (paragraph

b. Area. Figure 43 illusb:atcs the final approach

J1&w'e 41. USE OF STEPDOWN FIX. OD-Alrport primary and !!#«!r'!dary areu. Tho piawy area is
VOR. No F AF. Par 4Ue. loogi.tudinally oentcnd ca the FAC and is 10 milct long.
The primal)' area is 2 miles wide at the facility and
e. Use of a Stepdowa Fb. Use of a stepdown fix expands unitormly to 8 miles at a point 10 miles &om
(paragraph 288c) is permitted pro'lided the distance the tBcilil)'. A aooondaay atea is oo eadl lido of the
6un the tacility to the atepdown fix does not exceed 4 primacy area. 11 is zero milea wide at the facility. and
miles. The descent gradient between PT completioo expends unitonnly to 2 miles each aide ot the primary
altitude and atcpdown fix altitude shall DOt oxcced 150 area at a point 10 milea &om the facility.
ftJNM. The desceal gradicm Will bo eanputed based
upoa the ditfercncc in PT completion altitude minus

Chap 4 Page47
8260.38 CHO 17

j • - - 11 NM~r---•-+1....
..... • - - 10NM----eo-~



112 Wp (NM) = .30+1.
jwa(NM)• .20





Figure 43. PENETRATION TURN. On-Airport VOR. No FAF. Par 423.

Page48 Cbap4
2/13198 8260.38 CHG 17

e. Obacacle Clearance. atepdown fix does DDt exc:cod 10 miles (He parappb
(l) Stn.J&bt-Ia. The minimum obstacle clearance
i.u the primal)' area it SOO t'cee. 1D the secoodaly area. £ MDA. lo additioo to the DOmJAJ obetacle c.learanoce
.500 feet of obstacle clearanoc shall be provided at lbc requiremcot ol the 6na1 appl'OII:b tegmeOt (tee
inner edge. taperillg unif'onnly to u:ro feet at the outer pe.ragrapb 423c), the MDA specified lhall provide at
edge. The minimum ROC at any giw:o poi.ut in the Jeut 1,000 fed of clea.rance owr obttaclel iD the portioo
ICCOildaly ara is found in parapph 232.c. ol tho initial approach segmc:ut 'bctwoa:l tho 6Dal
approach sqp:nc:nt lad tbc poi.ut wbe:te Cbo usumcd
(2) ClrciJna Approach. ID additioo to the penetratim tum track int.enlcptl tbe inbouod coune (He
minimum requirement~ specified in paragraph 413c(l), figure 43).
obstacle c:learanc:c in the circling area shall be u
prescribed in chapter l, section 6. 4%4. MISSED APPROACH SEGMENT. Criteria Cor
tho missed •ppoacb ~ a.rc c:ootained in chapter 2.
tl. Pmetradoa Tw-a Altitude (DeJcent Grodl~nt). sectioo 7. The MAP is the facility (sec figure 43). The
The penetration turn completion altitude shall be at least missed approe.cb sur:flu:e shall cor:nmencc owr the
1,000 feet. but not more than 4.000 feet above the MDA f&cility at tbc required height (sec paragraph 274).
on final approach.
425.-499. RESERVED.
e. Use of StepdoWD Fb;. The usc ot the stepdown fix
is permitted provided l.be distaDcc from the 6.cility to tbc

Chap4 Page 49(and 50)

8260.38 Page Sl


500. GENERAL. This chapter applies to approach differs depending on whether the facility is OFF or
procedures based on the elements of the VORTAC ON the airport. See definitions in Paragraph 400.
facility;i.e., VOR, VORJDME, and T ACAN, in
which a final approach fix (FAF) is established. The (1) orr-Airport Facility.
chapt~r is divided into two sections; Section 1 for
VOR procedures which do not use DME as the (a) Straight-In. The angle of conver-
primary method for establishing fixes, and Section 2 gence of the final approach course and the extended
for VORJDME and T ACAN procedures which use runway centerline shall not exceed 30 degrees. The
collocated, frequency paired DME as the sole me- final approach course should be aligned to intersect
thod of establishing fixes. When both the VOR and the runway centerline at the runway threshold.
TACAN azimuth elements of a VORTAC station However, when an operational advantage can be
will support it, a single procedure, identified as a achieved, the point of intersection may be estab-
VOR/DME or T ACAN shall be published. Such a lished as much as 3000 feet outward from the
procedure may be flown using either a VORJDME runway threshold. See Figure 46.
or T ACAN airborne receiver and shall satisfy T A-
CAN terminal area fix requirements. See Paragraph (b) Circling Approach. When the final
286.d. approach course alignment does not meet the crite-
ria for a straight-in landing, only a circling approach
501.-509. RESERVED. shall be authorized, and the course alignment should
be made to the center of the landing area. When an
operational advantage can be achieved, the final
Section 1. VOR with FAF approach course may be aligned to any portion of
the usable landing surface. See Figure 47.
510. FEEDER ROUTES. Criteria for feeder routes
are contained in Paragraph 220. (2) On-Airport Facility.

511. INmAL APPROACH SEGMENT. Criteria (a) Straight-ln. The angle of conver-
for the initial approach segment are contained in gence of the final approach course and the extended
Chapter 2, Section 3. See Figures 44 and 45. runway centerline shall not exceed 30 degrees. The
final approach course should be aligned to intersect
512. INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEG- the extended runway centerline 3000 feet outward
MENT. Criteria for the Intermediate approach seg- from the runway threshold. When an operational
ment are contained in Chapter 2, Section 4. See advantage can be achieved, this point of intersection
Figures 44 and 45. may be established at any point between the thresh-
old and a point 5200 feet outward from the thresh-
513, FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The final old. Also, where an operational advantage can be
approach may be made either "FROM" or "TO- achieved a final approach course which does not
WARD'' the facility. The final approach segment intersect the runway centerline, or which intersects
begins at the final approach fix and ends at the it at a distance greater than 5200 feet from the
runway or missed approach point, whichever is threshold, may be established, provided that such a
encountered last. course lies within 500 feet laterally of the extended
runway centerline at a point 3000 feet outward from
a. Alignment. The alignment of the final ap- the runway threshold. See Figure 48.
proach course with the runway centerline deter-
mines whether a straight-in or circling-only ap- (b) Circling Approach. When the final
proach may be established. The alignment criteria approach course alignment does not meet the crite-

ChapS Par 500

Page 52 8260.38


f!:,;,. l'l'lf\J,tf\ IKK \fMH'"

1'1 Sf~( U'-U\11\ ttl: H. \.1)\llt\


a o-- tfii\IAR'f IKK1NUA11l'
ll :.- IJ;(:O .. Il.4.R'I' .ol:Sl)A.i

.uu I
~ I i
~ I f

R ,f!:OIA.Jf IOI''!OilAII:\'
~.,. U.C'tl:'ll1tMI!I'r W» "flA):'t

NOTE: Legend for low altitude approach seg-


A. Arc initial joining radial intermediate and
E final approach courses. On-Airport VOR.
B. Arc initial joining radial intermediate and
final approach courses. Off-Airport VOR.
. C. Radial approach to an airport at an ex-
tended distance .

' D. Radial initial joining intermediate course
with more than 90 degree turn. Lead
radial used.
' ~ I :
E. Radial Initial joining intermediate course
1.i/tA.tllfT\ with 90 degree turn.
F. Radial initial joining intermediate course
with less than 90 degrees turn.


Par 5ll and 512 Chap 5

8260.38 Page 53

Portion of initial
Secondary area segment after completion
or penetration tum.

Altitude at F AF provides obstacle

clearance in Initial as well as
Intermediate segment wben an
IF i~ not established.

Figure 45. TYPICAL HIGH ALTITUDE SEGMENTS. VOR with F AF. Par Sllll.lld 512.




PROACH COURSE. Off-Airport VOR with FAF.
Straight-In Approach. Par Sl3.a.(l)(al

COURSE. Off·Airport VOR with FAF. Circling Approach.
Par. S 13.a.(l)(b).
- - - - q.JT,!!W~L_u~rr- ...._
-- ... _
ChapS Par Sll and 512
Page 54 8260.38 CHG 1

l ~f'ACil.ITY

-r ------
FIN.U. ,\1'1'1\0Ao.CH COVRSI!:
• liOO'
-=-UM~D POlNT·-.:r-• -30W - RUNWAY---- --~
Straight-In Approach. Par 513.a.(2)(a)

ria for a straight-in landing, only a circling approach

shall be authori:z.ed, and the course alignment should
be made to the center of the landing area. When an
operational advantage can be achieved, the final
approach course may be aligned to any portion of
the usable landing surface. See Figure 49.

b. Area. The area considered for obstacle

clearance in the final approach segment starts at the
final approach fix and ends at the runway or missed Figure 49. ALIGNMENT OPTIONS FOR FINAL AP-
approach point, whichever is encountered last. It is a PROACH COURSE. On-Airport VOR with FAF. Circling
portion of a 30-mile long trapezoid (see Figure 50) Approach. Par 513.a.(2)(b).
which is made up of primary and secondary areas.
The primary area is centered longitudinally on the
final approach course. It is 2 miles wide at the
facility, and expands uniformly to 5 miles wide at 30
miles from the facility. A secondary area is on each
Socondary orca W. (NN ), = .033:1 D

side of the primary area. It is zero miles wide at the ,,J V. W, (NMI• .Gill.>+ I
facility and expands uniformly to I mile on each side W,"'l _!
of the primary area at 30 miles from the facility. W,=s .........!!l!!!."'Y·..<..""';;:;.;;;:..•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ·-f-INN

Final approaches may be made to airports which are IN f

a maximum of 30 miles from the facility. See Figure
S l. The OPTIMUM length of the final approach
l fool•o-----DUt- (D) 30NM----"'1
segment is 5 miles. The MAXIMUM length is 10 Figure 50. FINAL APPROACH TRAPEZOlD.
miles. The MINIMUM length of the final approach VOR with F AF. Par 513.b.

Par 513 Chap 5

1J lJ/"J'IS 826U.JB CHU 17


r------~•• ,.,
-- --- =-=--:--- /-. r-.,n
MapiWe ofT11111 onr Ffldllt7
• -- = ..... ......-- Approc.dt (De&reet)
r: ------- -
'""' ··~ M:GNI!t.tft
20 30

A 1.0 1..5 l.O

8 1.5 2.0 2.5
c 2.0 2.5 3.0
D 1.5 3.0 3.5
E 3.0 3..5 4.0

NOTE: 'lni.J ltlb/1 may b. inl11p0latllll. lf 1M minilmDJf

lengtlu zp«ifi«< in 1M 1Dbl1 a11 not available, .ttraight-in
Figure 51. TYPICAL STRAIGHT-IN FINAL minimamu tD"' ftot avthorlutl. &e figure SJ for typical
jiM/ approadf ai'1IIGI.
segment shall provide adequate distance for an aircraft
to. make the required desceot. and to regain QOUl"$C
e. Use or Flxea. Criteria for the usc of radio fixes are
alignment when a tum is roquircd ova: the facility.
contained in chapter l. sectionS. Where a procedure ia
~ on a Pr and an oo-&irport f"acility is the Pr fix. the
Table 14 shall be used to determine the minimum length
needed to regain the CO!Jl'Je.
dUtancc lh:m the fhcility to the FAF shall not exceed 4
~ Obstacle Ckarance.
t MDA. Criteria for detennining the MDA are
contained in chapter 3. scctioo l.
(l) StraJ&ht·lb. LandJ.n&. The minimum obstacle
clearance in the primary area is 250 feet. In the
secondary area. 150 feet of obstacle clearance shall be
the~ approac:h segment are containod in chapter 2.
provided at the innet odge. tapering uniformly to zero
section 7. For VOR procedures. the MAP and surface
feet at the outer odge. The minimum obstacle clearance
shall be established as follows:
at any giwn point in the secoodary area is:

(1) StnJ&ht·ID. The MAP is a point oo the FAC

Where WI• 'Mdth of Secondacy
fl which is NOT 6uth« fn:al the FAF than the runway
threshold (see 6sure 5.2). 1"bc missod approach surface
sbaU commence over the MAP at the requiied beisbt
d • diCance tom Inner edge
(sec paragraph 274).

(2) Clrellnc Approat.h. The MAP is a point oo

(l) Clrellnc Approacla. In addition
to the
the FAC which is NOT Wthc:r from the FAF than tbD
minimum n:quimneots IJ*itiod in paragraph 513c(l).
first usable ponioo oC the landing area. The missed
obstacle clearance in the circling area shall be as
approach surf'aoo abal1 oommenco ova- the MAP at tho
prescribed in chapter 2. section 6.
required height (see paragraph 274).
J d. Descent Gradleot. Paraanph 252 appUes.

Cbap.S Page SS
Pat 513
7 milca (l' milca tor hisb altitude proccdun:s) and
farther tbao 30 miles trom lhe ftcility sbaU Nor be
used (or 6naJ appraacb. No tum1 are permitted over the

(1) Allpmeot. For straight-in approaches, the

final approach 1111 sbaU pass throUQh the runway
threshold wbeu the angle of COD'YU~Jen<::e of the runway
centerline and the tangent of tbe arc does aot exceed as•.
Wbco the qlecxc:cc:ds ts•. the final approach 1111 sbaU
Flcun 52. MAP. be aligned to pass through the center o( the airport aod
Otf·Airpor1 VOR with F AF. Par 5l.fa(l). only circling minimums shall be autborizc:d.. See figure
b. On-Atrport FaeWtles. The MAP is a point on the
FAC which is NOT fatthet from the FAF than the
facility. The mis.scd approach swface sbaU commenoo
ow:r the MAP at the required heisJu (see paragraph • .....
'sw .,...,_

515.-519. RESERVED.
:II !Of----- I
Ale "''"""" .. tllol'edw!W
,.. as•

S%0. FEEDER ROt.rrES. CriteriA Cor feeder rou~

are contained in paragraph 2l0.
5lL INITIAL SEGMENT. Due to the fixing
capability ol TACAN aDd VORIDME a PT initial
approecb may oot be n:quircd. Criteria for initial , /
approach segments an: contained in chapter 2. section 3. Alc . . . . .

.SU. INTERMEDIATE SEGMENT. Criteria for the ··~·

ol AJrpa1

intermediate segment are contained in cbaptct 2, section

ALIGNMENT. Are AUr;ned to Threshold.
VORIDMB liDal approaches may be based either on
llCI or radials. Tho final appcoacb begins at a FAF and
(l) Area. The area CXXllidered for obstacle
cuds at the MAP. The MAP is always marlced with a clea.rance in tho arc final approach segmeoi1tarts at the
fix. FAF and ends at lbe nmway or MAP, wbichew:r is
encounten:d last. ll should NOT be more than S miles
a. RadW Final Approach. Criteria for the radial loog. lt shall be divided inlo pimaly and secondary
final approecb an: specified in pmgrapb $13. areas. The primary area is 8 miles wide, and ex1eods 4
miles Oil either side oC tbo arc. A seooodaty an:a il Oil
b. An Final Approada. Tho final approach a.ro each side of the primuy area. Tho secondary ~tmS are 2
shall be a continuatico the intermediate arc. It shall miles wide Oil cacb side of tbo pimary area (tee figure
be specified io NM and tenths therco! Arcs closer than 54).

Page 56 Chap .S
Par .Sl4
2/13/98 8260.38 CHG 17

(4) Delead Cndlent. Crilcria tor descent 1

gradients an: specified in parappb 2S2.

(S) Use of Phes. Fixes alona m arc an: restricted

to those formed by radials from the VORTA.C f'acility
wbicb pro-vida lhc DME signal. Criteria for 1\JCh fixes
arc oontaincd in chapter 2. section 8.

(6} MDA. Straight-in MDA's sbal1 not be specified

Ff&ure 54. ARC FINAL APPROACH AREA. lower than circq for b, procedures. Criteria for
TACAN or VORIDME. Par !2Jb(2) determining the circling MDA are aJDtaincd in chapt.e:r
3, section 2.
(3) Obstacle Clearanc:c. The minimWD obstacle
ctcara.oce in the primary area is 500 feet. In the 524. MISSED APPROACH SEGMENT. Criteria for
seoondaly area, SOO feet of obstacle clearance sbaU bo tho missed aptX'OICb sepcnt are cootained in chapter 2.
provided at tho inner edje, taperins uniformly to zero section 7. 'lbc MAP shall be 1 radial/DME fix. 'lbc
feet at the outer edge. missed approecb surface sbaU commc:nce <M:r the fix
and at lbe required bcighL Also see paragraph S 14.

•VOTE: 77w Q1'C •i:utd appi'OQC/t cmmt ltJQ)' M a

fl continuation ofiM jinal approach an:.

!25..-!99. RESERVED.

ChapS Page 57 (and 58)

Par 523
2/13/98 8260.38 CHG 17


AO. GENERAL 'Ibis chapter it divided into two

scctioos: ooc for low altitude procedures and ooc for
approach course intersects tbe extended runway
~tuline at I ID angle greater thaD 1,0 and I
high altitude taJ:drop penetration procedmes. these distanc:c less than 3,000 feet (see &gure SS).
criteria apply to NDB procedures based on a facility
locatld on the airport in wiUcb no FAF is established. (1) Clrd.la.J Approach. When the FAC
Tbesc procedures must incorporate a PT or a penetration alignment docs not meet the criteria for straight-in
tum. A1.1 oo-aifport t'Kility is ooc which is located: landing. only a cin:ling approach shaU be authorized,
and the course alignment should be made to the center of
a. For Strafcbt-la Approach. Within 1 mile of any the landing area. Wbrn an operational ad\utage can be
portion of the landing runway. &Qb.icved. the FAC may be aligned to pe.ss through any
p«tion oCthe usable laDdins surface (see &gure 56).
1t. For ClrdJac Approadl. Within 1 mile of any
portion of the usable Jandina surface on the airport. b. Area. rJS'R 57 illustrate~ the &nal approach
pimary and scmodary areas. The primary area is
601.-609. RESERVED. loogitudinally ceoScred on the FAC IPd is 10 miles l.oag.
The pimary aRa il 2.5 miles wide at the facility and
SECTION 1. LOW ALTITUDE PROCEDURES expends uniformly to 6 miles wide at 10 miles from the
racility. A sccooduy area is on each side of the primary
610. FEEDER ROUTES. Criteria for feeder routes arc area. It is zero miles wide at the facility, and expands
contained in paragraph 220. uniformly to 1.34 miles oo each side of the primary area
at 10 miles lian the facility. When the '-mile PT is
'11. INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The IAF is used, only the im« S miles oC the tina1 approach area
received by overheading the navigation f.acility. The occd be CXlll5idt:mf.
initial approach is aPr. Criteria Cor the Pr areas arc
contained in paragraph 234.

612. INTE.RMEDIATE SEGMENT. This type of (1) StndJbt-la. The minimum obstaelc clearance
procedur:e bas DO intamediate segment Upon in the primary area is 3SO feet. Eseeptlon: Milita.ly
completion of the PT. the airaa.ft is oo final approach. users may apply a minimum obstacle clearance in the
primary area of300 feet. In the sccoodary area. 3SO feet
613. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The final (« 300 feet. u applicable) of clearance sbaU be
approach begins wbcrc the Pr intc:noc:ts the FAC. provided at the imler edge. tapering uniformly to zero
feet at the out« edge. To determine ROC in the
a. Allgnmeul The alignment of the FAC with the secooduy area. use tho foUowing formula:
runway centerline detenniDes wbet.ha' a slnlight-in or
circlins-only approach may be establisbed.

(1) Stn.lgbt-ID. The angle of conw:rgcocc of the

FAC aod the extaldcd run'\\'&)' oeaterline aba11
exceed 30°. The FAC should be aligned to int.crsect the
ROC•350x-- ....
""1 fl
extended nmway centerline 3,000 feet outward &om the d "' dlltanoe tom Inner edge lnMt
runway threshold. Whm an operatiCilll advantage can
be achieved. this point of intersection may be established
at any point between the runway threshold and a point Es.eeptloo: Militaxy users utilize the foUowi.ng formula:
5.200 feet outward &om the runway threshold. Also.
where an operational adVIIDt.agc can be achieved, a FAC
which does not int.crsect the runway centerline or
intersects it at a distance greater than '.200 feet &om the ROC•300x--
~-d ·'~;_j~---
~ ! I
threshold may be established. provided that such course
lies within SOO feet. laterally, of the extended nmway
W'henl WI• v!:
or secondary t
CCD.k:rline at a poinl3,000 feet outward trom the runway
d • distance tum Inner edge
threshold. Straight-in category C. D. and E
minimums are not authorized when the final

Chap6 Page .59

(l) Clrellnl Approada. ID ldditioo to the procodurca) doel DOt ~ 2 m.ilee. Wbcn thia
minimum requirement.t tpeeified in paragraph 613c(l), dista.oce exceeds 2 miles, the maximum ditlCn:.oce
obetacle clcaranco in the circ6ng area abaU be as bctwcea the PI' oompfetioo altitude and the MDA abal1
pescnbed in chapter 1. sectioo 6.

L PT Altitude (Deaceat Cndleat). The PT

completioa altitude abaU be wilhio l.SOO feet of tho
MDA (J.OOO feet wich S mile PI). provided the
be reduced at the rate of 2S t'cct for each ooe-tcnth of •
mile in exce:ss of2 miles {see ligmc SB).

NOTE: Frw tlto:JII ~ In wlriclr 1M FAC Jou 1101

lnten"l 1M G'lllnd«l ~ cenr.rliM 'llt{thJ11 J,100 fut
distance from the facility to tbc point where tbc FAC of 1M I1I1J1WJ)' dU'uhold (paMgrap/1 61 Ja(l), 1M ~
iat4rsecbl 1hc runway ceotcrlino {or the first usable poW of iltlen«:tiOit for compwtlng di.J~ from 1M
portioo of the 1andi.os IR& Cor •circliog onJy• facility shall wJ,OOOfutfrom IN,..,_,. threshold (see


Straight-In Procedu.re. Par 'lla(l).

Pagc60 Cbap6
2113/98 8260.3B CHG 11

·~~_::.,:- ...
-r·-~ na: ~. lltWDN 1'111
I ftoc::la)(ld TVIlf &Ltm."CCC ....
---,.... na: IG)4 W\'ft Ill a&DUCID II ruT
I ......... , rca 1AC:11 .u>ornCH.LI. TPT11 Of A
..... -...
I ..........
I ..............
I ......
I ',,,"aa.' .. ..,...,
: _,.,. f
',I I
.....j_ -
'!!:"- -
. ,-""" tJ/''/
, _ _:::;,..__ ___._
Oo-Alrport NDB. No FAF. -~---to
ClrellnJ Approadl. Par '1la(2). l •• t------------ •t....CI-
_ . . . .Ill:

Figure .5I. PT ALTITUDE.
Oa-AlrportNDB. No FAF. Par 613d.

c. UN of a Stepdowa Ph. Uso of a ltepdowo fix

(paragraph 28&) is permitted provided the distance
fi'om tbe &cllity to tbe stqxlown fix does not exceed .f
miles. The desceot padieol between Pr completioo
altitude and stcpdown 6x altitude shall not c:xcccd ISO
ftiNM. The detceat padieol will be computod hued
upon tbe dift"creoec in Pf completion altitude minus
stepdown fix altitude. divided by the specified Pr
Flcure 51.
FINAL APPROACH PRIMARY AND distance. minus the facility to stcpdown 6x distance.
SECONDARY AREAS. ()a...AJrport NDB. Obstacle clearance may be reduced to 300 feet
No .FAF. Par 613b. (Esc:eptlaa: Milituy 2SO t'tct) fi:om. the stcpdown 6x to
the MAPIFFP. Sco figure 59, paragraphs 251.252. and

£ MDA. Criteria foe det.erminiDg the MDA 1n1 COD•

taincd in cbapkf 3. scctioo 2.


the missed awoach segment arc coataincd in cbapecr 2.
sectioo 7. T'be MAP is the facility. Sec figure 59. The
missed approach surface shall coroJT!C!I1CC over the
W:ility at the teqUin:d W!igbt (see parapph 274).

615.""1'. RESERVED.

Cbap6 Pagc61
Par 613
looaitudinalJy centered oo tho FAC, and it 10 milel
IOD& The pri.muy area is 2.S milc:l wide at tho tacility,

~... ~ - . ! - - · - · - (
- .. and cxpaMk UDitonnly to 8 miles at J0 miles from the
facility. A SCICClDdal)' area il oo each side ot the primary
area. It it ZAIIO miJea wide at tho &cility and expmda
~-- ;,. ...
""" """" ~
uoitonnty to 2 miJea each side oCtbe primary area at 10
miles from the facility.

c. Obstacle Clearance.

(1) StraJ&bt-Ia. The minimum obstacle clearaoce

in the primary area is SOO feet. ID the secooduy area.
500 feet ot oblla.cle clca.ranoe sb&ll be provided at the
inner ec:fae. tapering to zero feet at tbe outa" edge. Tbe
minillWIJl ROC at In)' si'Wlll point io tho IIMOrldal)' area
is t'our:ad in par&gniJlb 232c.

(l) Cl.rdiDc Appi'Oidl. ID additioo to the

minimum requiremeots specified io pe.rappb 623c(l).
Flpro S9. USE OF STEPDOWN FOC Oo-Alrport obstacle clca1"1DC0 in the circq area lhall be u
NDB. No FAF. Par 613e. prescribed in chapter 2. sectioo 6.

SEcriON 2. IUGH ALTITUDE TEARDROP cL Peaetratloa Tuna AICihulc (De.teeat Gradient).

PENETRATIONS The peoctnltioo tum completioo altitude shall be at least
1,000 feet, but DOt I:DOI'O than 4,000 feet above tbo MDA
620. FEEDER ROtrrES. Criteria fO£ feeder routes oo final approac:h.
are contained in paragraph 220.
e. UN of a St.tpdo'tnl Fh. Use of a ltepdowo fix
,21. 1NrriAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The lAF is (paraslapb lSSc) ia permitted. proYided tho distance
received by owrbeadins the navigatioo facility. The from the &cility to the stepdowo fix does not exceed 10
iDitiaJ approach is a teardrop penetration tum. The miles (see parasrapb 25 J).
criteria f'O£ tbo penetration tum are coolaincd in
paragraph 23~. t MDA. In eddilioo to tbc oonnal obstacle clear&JJCC
~ts ol tbo final appoe.cb segmem (sec
'21. INTERMEDIATE SEGMENT. The procedure paragraph 623c). the MDA specified .shall provide at
bas no intermediate segment Upon campletioo of the least 1,000 feet of clearance over obstacles in that
pe:oetralioo turn. tbe ain:raft is on final approech. porti011 of the ini1ial approach segmeot between the final
approach segment llld tbe point wbm tbe assumed
'13. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. An ain::raft peoetratioo tum tmdc intercepta tbo inbound couno (see
is considered to be on tioal approach upoa completion of figure60).
tbo peoetralion tum. However, tho final approach
segment bcains oo the FAC 10 miles from the fi.cility. '24. MISSED APPROACH SEGMENT. Criteria fer
That portion of tbo penetration proc.etduR priO£ to tho tbc missed approadt segmmt are cootaincd in cbapter 2.,
Jo-mile point is tl"eated as the initial approach segment sccti011 7. Tho MAP is the facility (see figure 60). The
(see figure 60). missed appoach surface .shall commence owr tbc
facility at the~ height (see parappb 274).
L ADpmeat. Same as low altitude criteria (see
paragraph 613a). '2!.-4199. RESERVED.

b. Area. Fisure 60 illuswtes the final approach

primary and sccoodary areas. The primary an:a is

Page6l Chap6
Par 614
l/13/98 8260.3B CHO 17

M~l----11 X\1--------

\Ef.\tf.:'\T CO~'\IDUED
.. ... 't. . . . . . . . . . . . .
:. • :'iM ( ·~I
I ... . . .\-

1/t \Y I~Ml = ,tiS D + I.SS
,,: I S~fl = .21> I
, . _ - - - - - U '"("1'U"Jt1Ul .T\ 'AS DISTA'\C'l:)- ~



1.-tJ SM

- _---r-----1---
I I ---

I ""'S:r1J rr: --- =t(ACII.ITT

,- - ~ ---
-- -- IAF

"- - _j_ ---
-- +.p ..
_+_--- socr
\II>A 2000'

l- ~


---.&.. k::'

Flptre 60. PENETRATION TURN. On-Alrport NDB. No F AF. Par 623.

Cbap6 Page 63 (and 64)

4/1183 8260.38 CHG 4


* 700. GENERAL. This chapter prescribes criteria
for NDB procedures which incorporate a final
approach fix. NOB procedures shall be based only
on facilities which transmit a continuous carrier.

701.-709. RESERVED.

Section 1. NDB With F AF

PROACH COURSE. Off-Airport NOB with FAF.
710. FEEDER ROUTES. Criteria for feeder Straisftt-in Approach. Pu 713.a.(l)(a).
routes are contained in paragraph 220


for the initial approach are contained in Chapter (b) Circling Approach When the
2, Section 3. final approach course alignment does not meet
the criteria for straight-in landing. only a circling
712. INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEG- approach shall be authorized, and the alignment
MENT. Criteria for the intermediate approach should be made to the center of the landing area.
segment are contained in Chapter 2, Section 4. When an operational advantage can be achieved,
the final approach course may be aligned to any
713. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The final portion of the usable landing surface. See Figure
approach may be made either FROM or 62.
TOWARD the facility. The final approach
segment begins at the final approach fix and ends
at the runway or missed approach point,
whichever is encountered last.
• ~>!;':!"!- _p---~---
NOTE: Criteria for the establishment of arc final
approaches are specified in paragraph 523b. * (":)E - - - -- -
WP''P !U!A.L ~ 90ll!!!

- - - - '!ri!!N!_... """'"
a. Alignment. The alignment of the final ----
approach course with the runway centerline Figure 62. ALIGNMENI' omoNS FOR FINAL AP·
PROACH COURSE. OfT-Airport NOB with FAF. Circli111
determines whether a strailtht-in or circling-only Approach. Pu 713.1.{1)(b).
approach may be established. The alignment
criteria differs depending on whether the facility
is OFF or ON the airport. See definition in
(2) On-Airport Facility.
paragraph 400.
(I) Off-Airport Facility. (a) Straight-in. The angle of
convergence between the final approach course
(a) Straight-in. The angle of and the extended runway centerline shall not
convergence of the final approach course and the exceed 30 degrees. The final approach course
extended runway centerline shall not exceed 30o. should be aligned to intersect the extended
The final approach course should be aligned to runway centerline 3,000 feet outward from the
intersect the runway centerline at the runway runway threshold. When an operational
threshold. However, when an operational advantage can be achieved, this point of
advantage can be achieved, the point of intersection may be established at any point
intersection may be established as much as 3,000 between the runway threshold and a point 5,200
feet outward from the runway threshold. See feet outward from the runway threshold. Also,
Figure 61. where an operational advantage can be achieved,
a final approach course which does not intersect

Par700 Page65
8260.38 CHG 6 1/27/84

- .. ...
amtWAt<t; - - - ~ IOINT·r-- -31W-=r- - - · - - " aVMWAJ- --~-
I igun· 63 ALJGNMI NT OI'TIONS FOR FINt\1 APPROAC: I On-airport NOB. P~r 713.a.(2)(a).

the runway centerliue, or which intersects it at a

distance greater than 5,200 feet from the r~en.m
threshold, may be established provided such a I
eourse lies within 500 feet laterally of the !.:l
extended runway centerline at a point 3,000 feet
outward from the runway threshold. See Figure
(b) Circling Approach. When the
final approach course alignment does not meet I· igure 64. ALIGNMENT OPTIONS FOR FINAL AP-
the criteria for a straight-in landing, only a PROACH COURSE. On·Airporl NDB with I' AF. Circling
Approach. Par 713.n.(2)(b).
circling approach shall be authorized, and the
course alignment should be made to the center of
the landing area. When an operational advantage
can be achieved, the final approach course may
be aligned to any portion of the usable landing
surface. See Figure 64.
b. Area. The area considered for obstacle
clearance in the final approach segment starts at
the final approach fix and ends at the runway or
missed approach point, whichever is encountered
last. It is a portion of a 15-mile long trapezoid (see
Figure 65) which is made up of primary and
secondary areas. The primary area is centered
longitudinally on the final approach course. It is
2.5 miles wide at the facility and expands
uniformly to 5 miles at 15 miles from the facility. FAF. Par 713.b.
A secondary area is on each side of the primary *
area. It is zero miles wide at the facility, and
Page 66 Par7l3
2/13/98 8260.38 CHG 17

expands unifonnly to 1 mile each side or the primary e. Obstaele Clearance.

area at 15 miles from the facility. Final approaches may
be made to airporta which ate a maximum of IS miles (1) StraJ&bt·l.a. The minimum obstacle clearance
&om the facility. The OPTIMUM length ot the final ia tho primuy ua is 300 feet. Exc:epttoa: Militaty
approach segment itS miles. The MAXIMUM length users may apply a minimum obstacJe clcaraaee in the
i. 10 mile~. The MlNIMUM length of the final prim.azy area of 250 feeL In the seoondary area. 300 feet
approach segment sbaU provide adequate distance for an (or 250 feet. u applic:ablc) of obstacle clearance sball be
ainnft to make tho n::quired descent, and to regain provided at lbe inner edge. tapering uniformly to zero
COUtH ali~WDent when a tum it n::quircd over the feet at the ouU:r qc. The minimum ROC at any given
facility. The following table shall be used to determine point in the secoodary area is:
the minimum Jqtb occdcd to n::pin the ()()UJ#.


Maplhlde otTW"'J oYer Pad1Jtr
\Nhert Wt • V:.: of Secondary
f I
Appro.c:ll (Deena) d • dlsilnce from Inner edge Edge
10 20 30

A 1.0 l-' 2.0 ExcepltoD: Military users utilize the formula to

B l.J 2.0 2.J determine ROC in the secondary area. Annotate joint
c 2.0 2..' 3.0
civilian/military SlAP's that civilian users add 50 feet to
D l.J 3.0 :J.J
E 3.0 .u -4.0 all mini.mJJmS if 250 ROC is used

NOTE: Thu tabu JrSa)' IH inurpolt:lttd. If 111m1 of mOlY

than Jo- are retlllired. 01' I/ the minimum lengtlu rpecified
in the klble ary no1 aw1ilable /01' 1M proc«<ure, .Jt:raight-
111 minlmwn.r DIY NOT authori:l«<. s,, flgvn 66 for
typical Jinal opprOGCh area.s.
VVhert W• • 11\Mth of Secondary
d • dlstanc. from Inner edge
(2} ClrdJn& Approacll. In addition to the
minimum requiRmcols specified in paragraph 7l3c(l),
obstacle clearaooc in rhe ci.reling area shaD be u
prescribed in chapter 2. sectioa 6.

d. Dcscea& Cradlent. Paragraph 252 appUes.

e. Use o(Jihet: Criteria for the use of radio fixes are

contained in chapter 2, section 8. Where a proccdm: it
based on aPT and an on-airport facility is the PT fix, the
distance from lhc facility to the FAF shall not exceed 4

t. MDA.. Criteria for determining the MDA are

contained in chapter 3, section 2.

no.. PA~-:_ ---:..::;
___ ...,._
the missed appoacb segment are contained in chapter 2.
------- ..... I

PnlfA.L lt.II'ROAQI SECfottNT- - - - ....,

section 7. The MAP and surface shall be established u

L Oft-Airport Facilltfes.
AREAS. NDB with FAJ'. Par 7llb.

Chap7 Page67
8260.38 CHG 17 2113/98

(I) Straf&ht-Ia. The MAP is a point on the FAC (2) ClrdJq ApproadL Tho MAP ia I point Oil
which is NOT FARTHER Crom tho FAF lhao the the FAC which ia NOT FARTIIER from the FAF than
ruoway threshold. Tho missed •pproadl aurfacc sbaU the first usable portion ot the Jandins area. Tbc missed
coaunence over the MAP at lhe required height (see approach surface Jha1J c:anmence over lbe MAP at the
paragraph 274 and figure 67). required hcisbt (ICC paragraph 274),

lit. On-Airport FadJJ'* The MAP is a point oo the

FAC which ia NOT FARTHER frcm the FAF tbao the
facility. Tho missed approach surface shaU commence
ova- the MAP at the required height (sec paragraph

71S..·799. RESERVED.

Flzurc i?. MAP.

OfT-Airport NDB wUb FAF. Par 7l4a(l).

Page68 Chap7
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19


800. GENERAL. These criteri a apply to

direction finder (DF) procedures for b oth h igh
and low altitude aircraft. DF criteria shall be the
same as criteria provided for automatic direction SECONDARY AREA

2 NM or WS(NM) = .2D
finder (ADF) procedures, except as specified
herein. As used in this chapter, the word 500' 1000'

“facility” means the DF antenna site. DF FACILITY (MAP) 4 NM

approach procedures are established for use in 3.4 NM


emergency situations. However, where required AREA

by a using agency, DF m ay be used for norm al 4 NM

instrument approach procedures. PRIMARY

2 NM .5WP(NM) = .23D + 1.7

801.-809. RESERVED.
Section 1. VHF/UHF DF Criteria


aircraft under DF control follow a course to t he
DF station as deter mined by the DF controller.
A minimum safe altitude shall be established
which provides at least 1,000 feet (2,000 feet in
mountainous areas) of clearance over all
obstacles within the operational radius of the DF
facility. When this altitude proves unduly
restrictive, sector altitudes may be established to
provide relief from obstacles, which are clear of
the area where flight is conducted. Where sector
altitudes are est ablished, they shall be lim ited to
sectors of not less than 45 degrees in areas Figure 73, HIGH ALTITUDE DF APPROACH
BEYOND a 10-mile radius around the facility. AREA, Par 811.
For areas WITHIN 10 m iles of the facility ,
sectors of NOT LESS THAN 90 degrees shall a. Low Altitude Procedu res. The initial
be used. Because the flight course may coincide approach may be either a 10-m ile teardrop
with the sector division line, the sector altitude procedure turn or the triangu lar procedure
shall provide at least 1,000 feet (2,000 feet in illustrated in figure 72. In either case, the
mountainous terrain) of clearance over 10-mile procedure turn criteria contained in
obstacles in the adjacent sectors within 6 miles paragraphs 234a, b, c, and d apply.
or 20 degrees of the sector division line,
b. High Altitude Procedures. The initial
whichever is the greater. No sector altitude shall
approach may be either the standard teardrop
be specified which is lower than the procedure
penetration turn or the triang ular procedure
or penetration tur n altitude or lower than the
illustrated in figure 73. When the teardrop
altitude for area sectors, which ar e closer to the
penetration turn is used, the criteria contained in
navigation facility.
paragraphs 235a, b, c, and d a pply. When the
triangular procedure is used, the sam e criteria
apply except that the limiting angular divergence
The initial approach fix is overhead the facility.
between the outbou nd course and the reciprocal

Chap 8 Page 71
Par 800
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

of the in bound co urse may be as m uch as (1) Off - Airport Facilities. Para-
45 degrees. graphs 713a(1)(a) and (b) apply.


MENT. Except as outlined in this paragraph,
criteria for the inter mediate segment are con- (1) Low Altitude Procedures.
tained in chapter 2, section 4. An intermediate Figure 74 illustrates the final approach prim ary
segment is used only when the DF facility is and secondary areas. The prim ary area is
located off the airport and the final approach is longitudinally centered o n the final approach
made from overhead the facility to t he airport. course and is 10 miles long. The primary area is
The width of the primary intermediate area is 3.4 m iles wide at the facility and expands
3.4 miles at the facility , expanding uniformly on uniformly to 8 m iles wide at 10 miles from the
each side of the course to 8 m iles wide 10 miles facility. A secondar y area is on each side of the
from the facility . A secondar y area is on each primary area. It is zero miles wide at the facility
side of the primary area. It is zero miles wide at and expands uniformly to 2 m iles on each side
the facility, expanding along the prim ary area to of the primary area at 10 miles from the facility.
2 m iles each side at 10 m iles fro m the facility.
See figure 74. (2) High Altitude Procedures. The
area considered is identi cal to that described in
paragraph 623 b and fi gure 60 except that the
primary area is 3.4 miles wide at the facility.

c. Obstacle Clearance.

(1) Straight-In. The mi nimum

obstacle clear ance in the prim ary area is
500 feet. In the secondary areas, 500 feet of
obstacle clearance shall be provided at t he inner
edge, tapering to zero feet at the outer edge. The
minimum required obstacle cl earance at any
Figure 74. DF INTERMEDIATE APPROACH given p oint i n the secondary area can be
AREA. Par 812.
computed by using the form ula specified in
paragraph 523b.
final approach begins at the facilit y for off-
(2) Circling Approach. In addition to
airport facilities or where the procedure turn
the minimum require ments specified in
intersects the final approach course for on-
paragraph 813c(1), obstacle clearance in the
airport facilities (see paragraph 400 for the
circling area shall be as pres cribed in chapter 2,
definition of on-airport facilities). DF pro-
section 6.
cedures shall not be developed for airports that
are m ore than 10 miles from the DF facility .
d. Procedure Turn Altitude. The pro-
When a facility is located in excess of 6 miles
cedure turn com pletion altitude (m inimum b ase
from an airport, the instrum ent approach shall
leg altitude in triangular procedures) shall be
end at the facility and flight to the airport shall
within 1,500 feet of the MDA on final approach.
be conducted in accordance with visual flight
rules (VFR).
e. Penetration Turn Altitude (Descent
Gradient). The penetration turn altitude (m ini-
a. Alignment.
mum base l eg altitude in triangular procedures)
shall be at least 1,000 feet but not m ore than
(1) On - Airport Facilities. Para-
4,000 feet above the MDA on final approach.
graphs 613a(1) and (2) apply.

Page 72 Chap 8
Par 811
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19

f. Minimum Descent Altitude (M DA). heading and altitude instructions by a ground

The criteria for deter mining MDA are contained station to the aircraft. The MAXIMUM interval
in chapter 3, section 2, except that in high between transmissions is:
altitude procedures, the MDA specified shall
provide at least 1,000 feet of clearance over a. En route Operations. 60 seconds.
obstacles in that portion of the i nitial approach
segment between the final approach segment b. From the Initial Approach Fix to
and the point where the assumed penetration Within an Estimated 30 Seconds of the Final
course intercepts the inbou nd course (see Station Passage or Missed Approach Point.
figure 60). 15 seconds

814. MISSED APPROACH SEGMENT. c. Within 30 Seconds of the Final

Criteria for the missed approach seg ment are Station Passage or Missed Approach Point.
contained in chapter 2, section 7. F or on-airport 5 seconds. (15 seconds for doppler DF equip-
facility locations, the m issed approach point is ment).
the facility. For off-airport facility locations, the
missed approach point is a point on the final 821.-829. RESERVED.
approach course which is NOT farther from the
facility than the first usable landing surface. The
missed approach surface shall co mmence over Section 3. Minimums.
the missed approach point at the required height
(see paragraph 274). 830. APPROACH MINIMUMS. The m ini-
mums established for a particular airport shall be
815.-819. RESERVED. as prescribed by the appropriate approving
agency, but the MDA shall NOT be lower than
that required for obstacle clear ance on final
Section 2. Communications. approach and in the circling area specified in
chapter 2, section 6.
navigation is based on voice transmission of 831.-899. RESERVED.

Chap 8 Page 73 (and 74)

Par 813
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


AND INTERMEDIATE SEGMENTS. These ROC in the final approach area is 250 feet. In
criteria are contained in chapter 2, section 3. When addition, the MDA established for the final approach
associated with a precision approach procedure, area must assure that no obstacles penetrate the 7:1
volume 3, paragraph 2.3 applies. transitional surfaces.


usable glidepath is available, a localizer-only (front
or back course) approach may be approved, provided
the approach is made on a LOC from a PFAF located
within 10 miles of the runway threshold. Criteria in
this section are also applicable to procedures based
on localizer type directional aids (LDA). Back course
procedures must not be based on courses that exceed
six degrees in width and must not be approved for
offset LOC.
Cross Section at
Cross Section between
902. ALIGNMENT. Localizers which are aligned 200-foot point and RWT
50,200' from RWT

within 3 degrees of the runway alignment must be 7:1 Transitional

7:1 Transitional
identified as localizers. If the alignment exceeds Surface
3 degrees, they will be identified as LDA facilities. 250’ROC ROC 250’

The alignment of the course for LDA facilities must 2,500 2,500
300 300
meet the final approach alignment criteria for VOR 700 700 6,076 6,076
on-airport facilities. See chapter 5, paragraph 513,
and figure 48. 905. DESCENT GRADIENT. Paragraph 252 of
this volume applies.
903. AREA. The final approach dimensions are
specified in figure 75. However, only that portion of 906. MDA. The lowest altitude on final approach is
the final approach area that is between the PFAF and specified as an MDA. Apply adjustments as specified
the runway need be considered as the final approach in paragraph 3.2.2 of this volume.
segment for obstacle clearance purposes. The
optimum length of the final approach segment is 907. MISSED APPROACH SEGMENT. The
five miles. The MINIMUM length of the final criteria for the missed approach segment are
approach segment must be sufficient to provide contained in chapter 2, section 7. The MAP is on the
adequate distance for an aircraft to make the required FAC not farther from the PFAF than the runway
descent. The area must be centered on the FAC and threshold (first usable portion of the landing area for
must commence at the runway threshold. For LDA circling approach), and must be at least 3000 feet
procedures, the final approach area must commence from the LOC/LDA facility. The missed approach
at the facility and extend to the PFAF. The MAP for surface must commence over the MAP at the
LDA procedures must not be farther from the PFAF required height (see paragraph 274).
than a point adjacent to the landing threshold
perpendicular to the FAC. Calculate the width of the 908.-909. RESERVED
area using the following formulae:

Perpendicular Width from RCL to the Edge of the

Primary = 0.10752 ( D − 200 ) + 700

Perpendicular Width from RCL to the Edge of the

Transitional Sfc = 0.15152 ( D − 200 ) + 1000

Where D = Distance (feet) from RWT measured

along RCL

Chap 9 Page 9-1 (and 9-2)

Par 900

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Chapter 10. Radar Approach Procedures and Vectoring Charts

Section 1. General Information.

10.0 General.

This chapter applies to radar approach procedures and vectoring charts utilizing
ground-based radar or other approved surveillance systems (i.e., satellite-based).
The types of systems supported are:

10.0.1 Precision Approach Radar (PAR) is a system that graphically displays lateral
course, glidepath, and distance from touchdown information of sufficient
accuracy, continuity, and integrity to provide precision approach capability to a
runway/landing area.

10.0.2 Surveillance Radar is a system that displays direction and distance information
with suitable accuracy, continuity, and integrity to safely provide radar vectoring
capability for departures, arrivals, en route operations, and nonprecision approach
(NPA) airport surveillance radar (ASR) approaches to an airport. The standards in
this chapter are based on the separation minima specified in Order JO 7110.65
paragraph 5-5-4 and/or associated directives. For TERPS purposes, the term
“Single Sensor” applies to configurations/adaptations authorized to use 3 NM
lateral separation and the term “Multi-Sensor” applies to those that require 5 NM.
For configurations/adaptations where both separation standards apply, either
establishes a separate procedure/chart for each standard, or one procedure/chart to
accommodate both standards or one procedure/chart to accommodate the larger

Note: Single sensor separation applies to approved full time reinforced

Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) systems 60 NM or less from
the antenna.

10.0.3 Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). Paragraph 10.0.2

applies, except not authorized for conducting ASR approaches.

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Chapter 10. Radar Approach Procedures and Vectoring Charts

Section 2. Radar Approaches.

10.1 Radar Approaches.

Both ASR and PAR approach procedures may be established where the applicable
Order 8200.1, U. S. Standard Flight Inspection Manual, coverage and alignment
tolerances are met. ASR approaches may be established when the final segment is
adapted for single sensor operations and the radar antenna is not more than
20 NM from;

a. The approach runway threshold (RWT) coordinates when the procedure is

designed to meet straight-in alignment.

b. The airport reference point (ARP) when the procedure is designed to meet
circling-only alignment.

10.1.1 Feeder Routes and Initial Approach Segments.

Feeder and initial segments do not need to be established when navigation

guidance and obstacle clearance are provided by Air Traffic Control radar vectors
during the transition from the en route to the terminal phase of flight.

10.1.1 a. Feeder/Initial Segments based on Routes [Department of Defense (DoD)

Only]. When operationally required, establish feeder routes and/or initial
segments based on conventional navigation, area navigation (RNAV), or radar

10.1.1 a. (1) Conventional/RNAV Feeder/Initial. Develop in accordance with

volume 1, chapter 2 or Order 8260.58, United States Standard for Performance
Based Navigation (PBN) Instrument Procedure Design, volume 6, chapter 1.

10.1.1 a. (2) Radar Feeder/Initial. The route/segment begins at an established fix that
permits positive radar identification and ends at the appropriate termination fix for
the segment. Display the course centerline on a radar video map (e.g., as a
“special use” track per Order 7210.3, Facility Operation and Administration,
chapter 3, section 8 or DoD equivalent).

10.1.1 a. (2) (a) Alignment. Design feeder/initial and initial/initial segment

intersections with the smallest amount of course change necessary for the
procedure. The maximum allowable course change between segments is
90 degrees.

10.1.1 a. (2) (b) Area. The obstacle evaluation area (OEA) begins at the applicable
radar fix displacement prior to the route/segment start fix and extends to the

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segment termination fix. Primary area half-width is equal to the minimum lateral
clearance applicable to the radar adaptation (TERPS, Vol.1, chapter 10,
paragraph 10.0.2) from course centerline. There is no secondary area. The area
has no specified maximum or minimum length; however, the segment must be
long enough to permit the required altitude loss without exceeding the maximum
authorized descent gradient.

Note: When the minimum lateral clearance changes within a segment (e.g.
when transitioning from a multi- to single-sensor adaptation, or at the
applicable distance for a single-sensor adaptation), the OEA half-width also
changes without the need to “splay” or “taper”.

10.1.1 a. (2) (c) Obstacle Clearance. Apply the TERPS Volume 1, chapter 2 standard
applicable to the segment. TERPS Volume 1, chapter 3 precipitous terrain
adjustments apply

10.1.1 a. (2) (d) Descent Angle. Apply TERPS Volume 1, chapter 2 standard
applicable to the segment.

10.1.1 a. (2) (e) Altitude Selection. Apply TERPS Volume 1, chapter 2 standard
applicable to the segment. Do not publish fix altitudes higher than the minimum
required for obstacle clearance or airspace to achieve an “optimum” descent

10.1.2 Intermediate Approach Segment. Establish an intermediate segment when

necessary (e.g., ATC radar vectors not available or MVA too high to support
desired FAF/PFAF altitude). The intermediate segment begins at the intermediate
fix and extends to the PFAF. When there is a preceding conventional /RNAV
route segment, the applicable conventional/RNAV intermediate segment
standards apply, except as specified in TERPS, Vol 1, chapter 10, paragraph

10.1.2 a. Alignment. The intermediate course is an extension of the final approach

course (no course change permitted at the PFAF).

10.1.2 b. Area.

10.1.2 b. (1) Radar Intermediate. When radar is used for course guidance (route or
vector), the OEA begins at the applicable radar fix displacement prior to the
Intermediate Fix (IF) and extends to the PFAF. Primary area half-width is equal to
the minimum lateral clearance applicable to the radar adaptation (TERPS,
Volume1, chapter 10, paragraph 10.0.2) until reaching a point 2 NM prior to the
PFAF, then tapers to the width of the ASR/PAR/PAR without glideslope Final
Approach Segment (FAS) primary OEA width abeam the PFAF (TERPS, Volume
1, chapter 10, paragraph 10.1.4 and TERPS, Volume 3, chapter 3, paragraph 3.0)
(USN NA). There are no intermediate secondary areas. See figure 10-1.

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06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21

Note: When the minimum lateral clearance changes within a segment (e.g.
when transitioning from a multi- to single-sensor adaptation, or at the
applicable distance for a single-sensor adaptation), the OEA half-width also
changes without the need to “splay” or “taper”.

10.1.2 b. (2) Non-Radar Intermediate. When conventional/RNAV navigation is used

for course guidance, apply the intermediate OEA criteria from the applicable
8260-series order with the following exceptions:

10.1.2 b. (2) a. Connection to PAR Final. Connect the outer edges of the intermediate
primary area abeam the IF to the outer edges precision “X” Obstacle Clearance
Surface (OCS) and the intermediate secondary area to the precision “Y” OCS
abeam the PFAF.

10.1.2 b. (2) b. Connection to ASR Final. Connect the outer edges of the intermediate
primary and secondary areas abeam the IF to the outer edge of the ASR area
abeam the PFAF.

Figure 10-1. Intermediate Segment Area.

3 or 5 NM 3 or 5 NM

2 NM
3 or 5 NM 3 or 5 NM

≤ 15 NM

10.1.2 b. (3) Length. The intermediate segment length is normally 6 NM. The
MINIMUM length varies based on course guidance but must always
accommodate the required altitude loss. The maximum length is 15 NM.

10.1.2 b. (3) a. For conventional/RNAV and radar route course guidance, apply
TERPS, Volume 1, chapter 2 for ASR approaches and TERPS, Volume 3,
chapter 2 for PAR approaches. Radar intermediate segments may not be less than
2 NM.

10.1.2 c. Obstacle Clearance. Apply 500 ft ROC over the highest obstacle in the area.
TERPS, Volume 1 chapter 3 precipitous terrain and RASS adjustments apply.
For conventional/RNAV course guidance, apply secondary area ROC criteria
from the applicable 8260-series directive.

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10.1.2 d. Descent gradient. Apply volume 1, chapter 2.

10.1.3 PAR Final Approach Segment (FAS).

10.1.3 a. Inoperative/unused Components. Failure of the azimuth component renders

the entire PAR system inoperative. When the elevation component (glidepath)
fails or is not used (i.e., to support pilot or controller training) the PAR azimuth
may be used to provide an ASR approach. A stand-alone PAR azimuth without
glideslope procedure is not required when ASR minimums are established to the
same runway and used during the approach, the missed approach instructions are
the same, and the ASR missed approach point is identifiable on the PAR scope.

Alternatively, a separate PAR azimuth without glideslope procedure may be

established when required and/or operationally advantageous. Evaluate using the
localizer area and obstacle clearance requirements specified in volume 1, chapter
9. NPA minimums are established according to volume 1, chapter 3, section 3
and documented in accordance with applicable directives.

10.1.3 b. General. Apply the current basic vertically guided final segment general
criteria applicable to instrument landing system (ILS) for glidepath angle (GPA),
threshold crossing height (TCH), precise final approach fix (PFAF), glidepath
qualification surface (GQS), and precision obstacle free zone (POFZ).

10.1.3 b. (1) Use the highest applicable MVA to determine the PFAF distance to
LTP/coordinates when there is no preceding segment.

10.1.3 b. (2) ILS height above touchdown (HAT) and decision altitude (DA) standards
apply (to include volume 1, chapter 3 adjustments), except the minimum HAT
may be 100 feet for DoD-only approaches when the OCS is clear. Adjusting TCH
to reduce/eliminate OCS penetrations is not applicable to PAR FAS evaluations.

10.1.3 c. Obstacle Evaluation Area (OEA)/Obstacle Clearance Surface (OCS).

[USN: See applicable directives.] Apply current ILS FAS criteria for alignment,
OCS slope, width, height, and OEA/OCS evaluation except the OEA extends to
the PFAF (no radar fix tolerance applied). Also, where the PFAF must be located
more than 50200 feet from the RWT coordinates, the OEA continues to splay to
the PFAF or until reaching the minimum lateral clearance applicable to the radar
adaptation (volume1, chapter 10, paragraph 10.0.2).

10.1.3 d. Simultaneous PAR Procedures (DoD only). Where military authority

determines facilities and equipment are adequate, PAR approach procedures to
parallel runways may be established. See applicable DoD directives.

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10.1.4 ASR Final Approach Segment (FAS). Use the highest applicable MVA to
determine the PFAF location when there is no preceding segment.

10.1.4 a. General. Apply the current non-vertically guided final segment general

10.1.4 b. Alignment. Align the final approach course (FAC) with the extended runway
centerline for a straight-in approach, or to the airport reference point for a circling
approach. When an operational advantage can be achieved, the FAC for circling
approaches may be aligned to pass through any portion of the usable landing

10.1.4 c. Area. The final approach begins at the applicable radar fix displacement prior
to the PFAF and ends at the RWT (straight-in)/FEP (circling) or the appropriate
radar fix displacement beyond the missed approach point (MAP), whichever is
encountered last.

10.1.4 c. (1) Determine the primary area half-width (½Wp) using formula 10-1.
Connect the width calculated at the PFAF to the width calculated at the RWT/FEP
(straight line connection). The width at the early or late fix displacement points is
equal to the width at the PFAF and RWT/FEP. See figure 10-2.

Formula 10-1. Final Area Half-Width at PFAF and RWT/FEP (Hw).

HW = 0.1 ⋅ D + 1


D = Distance, FAC point to Antenna (NM)

(HW = 3 NM where D > 20 NM)

10.1.4 c. (2) When the distance of any point on FAC centerline > 20 NM, the primary
area ½Wp is 3 NM. See figure 10-2.

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Figure 10-2. ASR Final Approach Segment.

D = Distance (NM) from ASR antenna

e = Radar Fix Tolerance
20 NM

e e

0.1D + 1 0.1D + 1

3 NM
Direction of Flight MAP MAP PFAF

3 NM
20 M
20 N 0 NM


D > 20 NM
ASR Antenna e



Runway e

10.1.4 d. Length. The segment must provide sufficient length to accommodate required
altitude loss. The minimum length is 3 NM and maximum length is 10 NM.

10.1.4 e. Obstacle Clearance. Apply 250 feet of ROC to the highest obstacle in the
area. Volume 1, chapter 3 precipitous terrain, remote altimeter, and excessive
length of final adjustments apply.

10.1.4 f. Descent Angle. Apply current NPA criteria, except do not publish the VDA.

10.1.4 g. Recommended Altitudes (RecAlt). Determine recommended altitudes at

each mile on final approach for ATC use. Determine RecAlt values using
formula 10-2.

Formula 10-2. Recommended Altitudes (RecAlt).

RecAlt = A - DG

A = PFAF altitude or last RecAlt (unrounded)

DG = (1852/0.3048) x tan [VDA calculated per Vol. 1, Chap. 2, para


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02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

RecAlt values below MDA are not issued. Round recommended altitudes to the
nearest 20-foot increment. See the examples below.


PFAF altitude = 2000 feet, MDA = 660 feet, VDA = 3.00 degrees (318.436/NM)
6 NM (PFAF) = 2000 feet
5 NM recommended altitude: 2000 - 318.436 = 1681.564 (1,680)
4 NM recommended altitude: 1681.564 - 318.436 = 1363.128 (1,360)
3 NM recommended altitude: 1363.128 - 318.436 = 1044.692 (1,040)
2 NM recommended altitude: 1044.692 - 318.436 = 726.256 (720)
1 NM recommended altitude: 726.256 - 318.436 = 407.82 (Not issued)

10.1.4 h. RecAlt with Stepdown Fix above the VDA. When the minimum altitude at a
stepdown fix is above the vertical path of the VDA, calculate RecAlt using the
appropriate VDA for each subsegment (i.e., VDA from PFAF to stepdown
altitude prior to stepdown fix, and VDA from stepdown altitude to TCH after the
stepdown fix).


PFAF altitude = 3300 feet, MDA = 1400 feet, VDA PFAF to stepdown fix =
3.00 degrees (318.436/NM), VDA at 4 NM SDF to TCH = 3.39 degrees
6 NM (PFAF) = 3300
5 NM recommended altitude: 3300 - 318.436 = 2981.564 (2,980)
4 NM recommended altitude: 2981.564 - 318.436 = 2663.128 (2,660)
3 NM recommended altitude: 2663.128 - 359.924 = 2303.204 (2,300)
2 NM recommended altitude: 2303.204 - 359.924 = 1943.280 (1,940)
1 NM recommended altitude: 1943.280 - 359.924 = 1583.356 (1,580)

10.1.5 Missed Approach Segment (MAS).

10.1.5 a. PAR. Apply the current volume 3 Category (CAT) I ILS missed approach
criteria to approaches with HAT values greater than or equal to 200 feet. Apply
current CAT II ILS missed approach criteria for approaches with HAT values
lower than 200 feet, except USN approaches annotated “Not for Civil Use.”

10.1.5 b. ASR. Apply the current volume 1, chapter 2 NPA missed approach criteria.
The MAP is located on the final approach course not farther from the PFAF than
the FEP.

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Chapter 10. Radar Approach Procedures and Vectoring Charts (MVAC)

Section 3. Minimum Vectoring Altitude Charts.

10.2 Minimum Vectoring Altitude Chart (MVAC). An MVAC is used by air

traffic facilities when providing terminal service. An MVAC may be
developed by En Route facilities in selected areas where the MIA chart does
not meet operational needs. An MVAC specifies the lowest MSL altitude at
or above the floor of controlled airspace that provides at least the minimum
ROC over obstacles. The MVAC may be used in lieu of feeder, initial, and
intermediate approach segment(s) for radar approaches.

Note: See Orders 7210.3, Facility Operations and Administration, 7210.37,

En Route Minimum IFR Altitude (MIA) Sector Charts, or DoD directive.

10.2.1 General. Apply current Order 7210.3 criteria (or applicable DoD directive) to
determine when an MVAC is required, the range/coverage of the chart(s) and the
lateral obstacle clearance applicable to the chart and/or specific sectors. When the
area of responsibility is beyond the radar system limits but a vectoring chart is
still operationally necessary, apply Order 7210.37 for the non-radar area.

Note: The current vertical and horizontal obstacle accuracy standards in Order
8260.19 apply.

10.2.2 Single Sensor Adaptation. Center the MVAC on the radar sensor to facilitate
distance measurements (e.g., to determine the minimum lateral clearance).
Define sector boundaries by bearings, point-to-point lines, arcs, and/or circles
relative to a specified point or points (e.g., radar antenna, NAVAID, fix,
latitude/longitude coordinate, etc.). See figure 10-3.

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Figure 10-3. MVAC for Single-Sensor Adaptation.

10.2.3 Multi-sensor Adaptation. Sector boundaries may be defined by any

combination of bearings, point-to-point lines, arcs, and/or circles relative to a
specified point or points (e.g., radar antenna, NAVAID, fix, latitude/longitude
coordinate, etc.). See figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4. MVAC for Multi Sensor Adaptation.

113 133 118

118 148
100 118

108 113 103



148 119 94



10.2.4 Sectors. The MVAC may be subdivided into sectors to gain relief from
obstacles. There is no prescribed limit on the size, shape, or orientation of
MVAC sectors. Where small contiguous sectors with different altitudes do
not serve an operational need, consider combining them.

10.2.4 a. Obstacle Evaluation Area. Adjacent sectors share common boundaries;

however, each sector OEA is stand-alone and evaluated separately. The sector

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OEA includes the volume of airspace contained within it’s defined boundaries.
Except for isolation areas (see TERPS, Volume1, chapter 10, paragraph 10.2.4b),
each sector includes a buffer equal to the minimum required lateral clearance for
the applicable radar adaptation.

10.2.4 a. (1) Single Sensor. An OEA buffer expands outward at least 3 NM from
those portions of the boundary within *40 NM of the radar antenna and at least 5
NM outward from those portions of the boundary equal to or greater than *40 NM
from the radar antenna. When a contiguous sector crosses *40 NM from the
radar antenna, the sector is effectively divided into sub-sectors at the *40 NM arc
and normal OEA/buffers applied to each, except buffers expanding INTO the
sector may be truncated at the boundary. The highest altitude from each sub-
sector applies. See figures 10-5/5a.

*60 NM for approved full time reinforced MSSR systems.

Figure 10-5. Sector Buffer Areas (Single sensor,w/out reinforced MSSR)

Vol. 1 Page 10-11


Figure 10-5a. Buffer Area, Contiguous Sector crossing 40 NM.

(Single sensor,w/out reinforced MSSR)

10.2.4 a. (2) Multi-sensor adaptation. The OEA includes a buffer extending at least
5 NM outward from the boundary, regardless of distance to radar antenna or
MVAC center. See figure 10-6.

Figure 10-6. Multi-sensor Buffer Areas.



EVALUATION AREA NOTE: No additional buffer area
required when sector isolates
74 obstruction(s)
5 NM

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10.2.4 b. Isolating Obstacles. Any obstacle may be isolated to lower the MVA in one
or more standard sectors. The OEA buffers of neighboring sectors still apply in
the isolation area, but exclude the specific feature being isolated (i.e., all other
obstacles must be considered). Truncate an isolation area at the sector
boundary when it expands into a sector requiring a higher MVA. The
dimensions of the isolation area otherwise depends on the feature type and
whether single or multi-sensor adaptation applies.

10.2.4 b. (1) Point Feature (antennas, towers, high-rise buildings, etc). The isolation
area is based on a radius centered on the feature that provides at least the
minimum lateral clearance applicable to the radar adaptation (TERPS, Volume1,
chapter 10, paragraph 10.0.2). Order 8260.19 chapter 2, Section 11 applies.
Isolation areas for multiple point features (i.e., antenna or wind farms) may be
combined, however the minimum required lateral clearance must be provided
from each feature and the MVA must equal the highest required for any
individual feature.

10.2.4 b. (1) (a) Single-sensor adaptations. The isolation area boundary is a 3 NM

radius when the feature is #35 NM or less from the radar antenna, and a 5 NM
radius when the feature is more than #35 NM from the radar antenna. See figure
10-7. When operationally advantageous, the boundary may be reduced to less
than 5 NM for those portions of the isolation area within *40 NM from the
antenna, but not less than the minimum required lateral clearance. See Figure 10-

#55 NM for approved full time reinforced MSSR systems.

*60 NM for approved full time reinforced MSSR systems.

10.2.4 b. (1) (b) Multi-sensor adaptations. Isolation area boundary is a 5 NM radius,

regardless of distance from radar antenna.

Vol. 1 Page 10-13

06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21

Figure 10-7. Isolation Area , Point Feature

1335 1377

(300) 29
3 NM
41 24
5 NM
3125 35 or 55 NM
(2060) from radar


10.2.4 b. (2) Zone Feature (e.g., distinct terrain, topographical contours, etc.). When
determining the sector boundary first define the dimensions of the feature to be
isolated (e.g., mountain from 4,700 ft contour and above).

10.2.4 b. (2) (a) Single-sensor adaptations. Establish the isolation area boundary 3
NM from the feature for points 35 NM or less from the radar antenna, and 5 NM
from the feature for points more than 35 NM from the radar antenna. When
operationally advantageous, the boundary may be reduced to less than 5 NM for
those portions of the isolation area within 40 NM from the antenna, but not less
than the minimum required lateral clearance. See Figures 10-8 and 10-8a.

10.2.4 b. (2) (b) Multi-sensor adaptations. Isolation area boundary is a 5 NM from

the feature, regardless of distance from radar antenna.

Vol. 1 Page 10-14

06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21

Figure 10-7a. Isolation Area, Point Feature, Example construction > 35 NM from Radar
(Single sensor,w/out reinforced MSSR)

35.1 NM 36 NM 37.1 NM


See inset

41 NM
Chord from intersect.
w/ 40 NM radius
43 NM

44 NM

45 NM

Vol. 1 Page 10-15

06/05/2009 8260.3B CHG 21

Figure 10-8. Isolation Area, Zone Feature > 35 NM from Radar (Single
sensor,w/out reinforced MSSR)




Figure 10-8a. Isolation Area, Zone Feature, Example construction > 35 NM

(Single sensor,w/out reinforced MSSR)

Vol. 1 Page 10-16

04/01/2011 8260.3B CHG 22

10.2.5 Obstacle Clearance. Required obstacle clearance depends on the radar adaptation
and the relationship of the obstacle to those areas designated mountainous per
14 CFR Part 95 Subpart B.

10.2.5 a. Non-mountainous terrain. Apply 1,000 ft ROC over obstacles in non-

mountainous areas.

10.2.5 b. Mountainous terrain. Apply 2,000 ft ROC over obstacles in designated

mountainous areas. ROC may only be reduced when a reduction has been
requested, approved, and documented in accordance with current Order 7210.3,
ATC Facility Operation and Administration standards (to include associated
Notices). Standard reduced ROC values are:

10.2.5 b. (1) Single sensor adaptation: Not less than 1,000 ft.

10.2.5 b. (2) Multi-sensor adaptation:

10.2.5 b. (2) a. Terrain. Not less than 1,500 ft (designated mountainous areas of the
Eastern United States, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Hawaii) or 1,700 ft
(designated mountainous areas of the Western United States and Alaska).

10.2.5 b. (2) b. Man-made obstacles. Not less than 1,000 ft over the obstacle, but the
MVA must also provide the minimum required 1,500/1,700 ROC over the terrain
underlying the man-made structure.

10.2.5 c. When a sector/buffer/isolation area overlies both non-mountainous and

mountainous terrain, consider revising sector boundaries. Otherwise, apply the
appropriate ROC based on the location of the obstacle. See figure 10-9.

10.2.6 Adverse Assumption Obstacle (AAO) considerations. (USAF N/A). Apply

AAO to terrain except those areas around primary/satellite airports exempted by
Order 8260.19 and/or when applying 2,000 unreduced ROC.

Vol. 1 Page 10-17

04/01/2011 8260.3B CHG 22

Figure 10-9. Sector/Buffer Overlying Both Mountainous and Non-Mountainous Areas

MOUNTAINOUS (14 CFR Part 95, Subpart B)
(14 CFR Part 95, Subpart B)

SECTOR 2,000 ft ROC

for obs.
SECTOR in this area
2,000 ft ROC 1,000 ft ROC
for obs. for obs. not in
1,000 ft ROC in this area Designated
for obs. not in mountainous


10.2.7 Airspace. Establish sector altitudes (to include isolation areas) to provide at least
a 300-ft buffer above the floor of controlled airspace. When operationally
required, altitudes may be reduced not lower than the floor of controlled airspace.

When consideration of floor of controlled airspace results in an exceptionally high

altitude; e.g., in areas where the floor of controlled airspace is 14,500 MSL and
operationally required to vector aircraft in underlying Class G (uncontrolled)
airspace, two sector altitudes may be established. The first must be based on
obstacle clearance and the floor of controlled airspace. A second lower altitude
that provides obstacle clearance only may be established. The obstacle clearance
only altitude must be uniquely identified; e.g., by an asterisk (*). Do not consider
sector buffer areas for controlled airspace evaluations.

10.2.8 Altitude Selection. Specify sector altitudes (to include isolation areas) in the
100-ft increment that provides ROC over all obstacle(s) in the OEA.

10.2.8 a. (USAF N/A). Sector altitudes may be rounded to the nearest 100-ft increment
over AAO obstacles when operationally required.

10.2.8 b. (USAF and USN N/A). For non-AAO obstacles, sector altitudes may be
rounded to the nearest 100-ft where the entire sector (excluding buffer) or
isolation area is;

10.2.8 b. (1) In the contiguous United States (not authorized in Alaska, Hawaii, or any
other territory or possession) and documented to be within 65 nautical miles (NM)
of an altimeter setting source which is issued by Air Traffic Control in accordance
with Order JO 7110.65 chapter 2, section 7 and either;

Vol. 1 Page 10-18

04/01/2011 8260.3B CHG 22

10.2.8 b. (1) a. Outside of any area designated mountainous by 14 CFR Part 95, or;

10.2.8 b. (1) b. In an area designated mountainous where required obstacle clearance

(ROC) is not reduced, or;

10.2.8 b. (1) c. In an area designated mountainous where for this purpose the terrain is
considered not to be precipitous (i.e. no significant elevation changes greater than
1,500 feet) and at least 951 ft ROC is provided or;

10.2.8 b. (1) d. In an area designated mountainous where rounding provides ROC in

accordance with table 10-1. Interpolation of this table permitted.

Table 10-1. Minimum Obstacle Clearance (ft)

Based on ACT/distance from Altimeter Source.

ACT      Distance 
(°C/°F)  ≤ 65 NM  
‐40/‐40  1851 
‐30/‐22  1651 
‐20/‐4  1451 
‐10/14  1251 
0/32  1051 
2/36  1051* 
7/45  951 
* 951 within 35 NM

Example: The ACT is determined to be ‐30°C. The controlling obstacle is a 2,549 

MSL tower, and ROC is reduced to 1,800 ft. The minimum sector altitude may be
rounded to 4,300 since it provides at least 1,651 ft clearance.

Vol. 1 Page 10-19

04/01/2011 8260.3B CHG 22


Vol. 1 Page 10-20

Order 8260.3B, Volume 1, Chapter 10
Formulas Addendum

Formula 10-1. Final Area Half-Width

at PFAF and RWT/FEP (Hw).

HW = 0.1 ⋅ D + 1
D = Distance, FAC point to Antenna (NM) 
(HW = 3 NM where D > 20 NM)
D  15.000
  Click here
Hw  2.500
  to calculate


Formula 10-2. Recommended Altitudes (RecAlt).

RecAlt = A ‐ DG
A = PFAF altitude or last RecAlt (unrounded) 
DG = (1852/0.3048) x tan [VDA calculated per Vol. 1, Chap. 
2, para 252]
A    3,000.000
Click here
DG    286.000
to Calculate
RecAlt    2,714.000
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19


Section 1. Administrative f. Touchdown zone, as used in helicopter

procedures, is identical to the landing area.
1100. GENERAL. This chapter contains criteria for
application to “hel icopter only” procedures. These 1102. DELETED.
criteria are based on the premise that helicopters are
classified in approach Category A and are capable of 1103. TYPE OF PROCEDURE. HELICOPTER
special maneuvering characteristics. The intent, ONLY PROCEDURES are designed to meet low
therefore, is to provide relief from those portions of other altitude straight-in requirements ONLY.
TERPS chapters that are more restrictive than the criteria
specified herein. However, any criteria contained 1104. FACILITIES FOR WHICH CRIT ERIA ARE
elsewhere in other chapters of t his document may be NOT PROVIDED. This chapter does not include
applied to helicopter only procedures when an criteria for procedures predicated on VHF/UHF DF, area
operational advantage may be gained. navigation (RNAV), airborne radar approach (ARA), or
microwave l anding sy stem (MLS). Procedures using
a. Identification of Inapplicable Criteria. Criteria VHF/UHF DF may be developed in accordance with the
contained elsewhere in this document normally apply to appropriate chapters of this document.
helicopter procedures. Where this chapter changes such
criteria, the changed material is identified. Circling 1105. PROCEDURE IDENTIFICATION. Identify
approach and high altitude penetration criteria do not helicopter-only procedures usi ng t he term “COPTER,”
apply to helicopter procedures. the type of facility or system providing final approach
course guidance, and:
b. Use of Existing Facilities. Helicopter only
procedures based on existing facilities may be developed a. For Approaches to Runways. The abbreviation
using criteria contained in this chapter. RWY, and the runway number; e.g., COPTER ILS or
1101. TERMINOLOGY. The following terms are
peculiar to helicopter procedures and are defined as b. For Approaches to Heliports and a Point-in-
follows: Space. The magnetic final approach course value and
degree symbol; e.g., COPTER ILS or LOC 014°;
a. Height Above Landing (HAL) is the height above COPTER TACAN O97°, COPTER RNAV (GPS) 010°.
landing area elevation.
c. For Approaches Based on an ARC Final. The
b. Height Above the Surface (HAS) is the height of word ARC will be used, and will be followed by a
the MDA above the highest terrain/surface within a sequential number; e.g., COPTER VOR/DME ARC 1.
5,200-foot radius of the MAP in point in space
procedures. d. For separate procedures at the same location.
Use the same type of facility and same final approach
c. Landing Area as used in helicopter operations course, add an alpha suffix starting in reverse
refers to the portion of the heliport or airport runway alphabetical order; COPTER ILS or LOC Z RWY 28L
used, or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff (first procedure), COPTER ILS or LOC Y RWY 28L
of helicopters. (second procedure), COPTER ILS or LOC X RWY 28L
(third procedure), etc.
d. Landing Area Boundary (LAB) is the beginning
of the landing area of the heliport or runway. Section 2. General Criteria

e. Point in Space Approach is an instrument 1106. APPLICATION. These criteria are based on
approach procedure to a point in space, identified as a the unique maneuvering capability of the helicopter at
missed approach point, which is not associated wi th a airspeeds not exceeding 90 knots.
specific landing area within 2,600 feet of the MAP.

Chap 11 Page 99
Par 1100
8260.3B CHC 4 4/1183

1107. POINT IN SPACE APPROACH. Where the (.2) A.ra. The mtmmum arc radius
center of the landing area is not within 2,600 feet of specified in paragraph 232a(2) is reduced to 4 miles.
the MAP, an approach procedure to a point in space The 2-mile lead radial may be reduced to l mile.
may be developed using any of the facilities for See Figure 10.
which criteria are provided in this chapter. In such
procedures the JXlint in space and the missed lll2. INITIAL APPROACH BASED ON
approach point are identical and upon arrival at this PROCEDURE TIJRN. Paragraph 234 applies
JXlinl, helicopters must proceed under visual flight except for all of subparagraph d and the number
rules (or special VFR in control zone as applicable) 300 in subparagraph e(l) which is changed to 600.
to a landing area or conduct the specified missed Since helicopters operate at approach Category A
approach procedure. The published procedure shall speeds the 5-mile procedure tum will normally be
be noted to this effect and also should identify used. However, the larger 10-and 15-mile areas may
available landing areas in the vicinity by noting the be used if considered necessary.
course and distance from the MAP to each selected
:landing area. Point in space approach procedures
will not contain alternate minima. a. De:;cent Gradient. Because the actual
length of the track will vary with environmental
ll08. AP.PROACH CATEGORIES. When conditions and pilot technique, it is not practical to
helicopters use instrument flight procedures specify a descent gradient solely in feet per mile for
designed for fixed wing aircraft, approach Category the procedure tum. Instead, the descent gradient is
··A" approach minima shall apply regardless of controlled by requiring the procedure tum
helicopter weight. completion altitude to be as close as possible to the
final approach fix altitude. The difference between
1109. PROCEDURE CONSTRUCI'ION. Para- the procedure tmn completion altitude and the
graph 214 applies except for the reference to altitude over the final approach fix shall not be
circling approach. greater than those shown in Table 23.

lliO. DESCENT GRADIENT. The descent

gradient criteria specified in other chapters of this
document do not apply. The optimwn descent
gradient in all segments of helicopter approach
procedures is 400 feet per mile. Where a higher
descent gradient is necessary, the recommended
maximum is 600 feet per mile. However, where an
operational requirement exists, a gradient of as
much as 800 feet per mile may be authorized,
provided the gradient used is depicted on approach
charts. See special procedure tum criteria in
paragraph 1112.
Par 1111.
is changed as follows:

u mile PT rzom PAP Yt'liJUa 6000 f't ot alt ~ PAP

a. Alignment. 10 mile Pr &om PAP Withill 4000 ft ol ah cmr PAP
5 111!.1. Pr &om PAP Wil1WI1000 ft ol alt OYC' PAP
U mile P:r, no FAF Not Authorized
(1) Courses. The 2-mile lead radial
specified in paragraph 232a(l) is reduced to 1 mile. 10 mile n. no FAP Yt'liJUa 4000 f'lof NDA oa Pinal
See Figure 3. 5 mile PT, no FAP WU.bm 2000 f'l of'MDA OG Final

<..1lap 11
Page 100 Par 1107
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


paragraph 242 is changed as follows: changed as follows: The normal procedure turn distance
is five miles from the fix or from the facility. This
a. Alignment. The provisions of paragraph 242a produces an intermediate segment five miles long. The
apply with the exception that the intermediate course portion of the intermediate segment considered for
must not differ from the final approach course by more obstacle clearance will always have the same length as
than 60 degrees. the procedure turn distance. A distance greater than five
miles should not be used unless an operational
b. Area. requirement justifies the greater distance. See figure 13,
paragraph 244.
(1) Length. The OPTIMUM length of the
intermediate approach segment is two miles. The 1116 . FINAL APPROACH. Paragraph 250 applies
minimum length is one mile and the recommended except that the word runway is understood to include
maximum is five miles. A distance greater than five landing area and the reference to circling approach does
miles should not be used unless an operational not apply. The final approach course in precision
requirement justifies the greater distance. When the approach procedures must be aligned as indicated in
angle at which the initial approach course joins the paragraphs 1152 and 1159. For nonprecision procedures
intermediate course exceeds 30 degrees (see figure 3), final approach course alignment must be as follows:
the MINIMUM length of the intermediate course is as
shown in table 24. a. Approaches to a Landing Area. The final
approach course should be aligned so as to pass through
1114 . INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEGMENT the landing area. Where an operational advantage can be
BASED ON AN ARC. Paragraph 243 is changed as achieved, a final approach course which does not pass
follows: Arcs with a radius of less than four miles or through the landing area may be established, provided
more than 30 miles from the navigation facility must not such a course lies within 2600 feet of the center of the
be used. landing area at the MAP.

a. Area. b. Point-in-Space Approaches. The final

approach course should be aligned to provide for the
(1) Length. The OPTIMUM length of the most effective operational use of the procedure
intermediate approach segment is two miles. The consistent with safety.
minimum length is one mile and the recommended
maximum is five miles. A distance greater than five 1117. MISSED APPROACH POINT Paragraph
miles should not be used unless an operational 272 is changed to state that the specified distance may
requirement justifies the greater distance. When the not be more than the distance from the final approach
angle at which the initial approach course joins the fix to a point not more than 2600 feet from the center of
intermediate course exceeds 30 degrees (see figure 3), the landing area. The MAP may be located more than
the MINIMUM lengths of the intermediate course is as 2600 feet from the landing area, provided the minimum
shown in table 24. visibility agrees with the increased distance; e.g., MAP
3800 feet from landing area, basic visibility is 3/4 mile.
Table 24. Minimum Intermediate Course Length See figure 108. For point-in-space approaches the MAP
(Not applicable to PAR and ILS) is on the final approach course at the end of the final
approach area.
30 1.0 Paragraph 273 applies with the exception that the length
60 2.0 of the primary and secondary missed approach area is
90 3.0
120 4.0
Note: This table may be interpolated

Chap 11 Page 101

Par 1113
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14

reduced from 15 miles to 7.5 miles and will have the a. Volume 1, paragraphs 3.2.1a, paragraph
width of the appropriate airway at termination. 10.1.3b(2), and volume 3, paragraph 3.7 apply except
that a DH of 100 feet may be approved without
1119. STRAIGHT MISSED APPROACH approach lights; and table 29 in paragraph 1167 governs
OBSTACLE CLEARANCE. Paragraph 274 applies the establishment of the DH.
except that "TDZ or airport elevation" is changed to
"landing area elevation;" the slope of the missed b. Paragraph 3.2.1d(2) does not apply.
approach surface is changed from 40:1 to 20:1; and the
secondary area slope is changed from 12:1 to 4:1. 1127. VISIBILITY. Apply chapter 3 of this volume,
provisions of volume 1, paragraph 275 apply with the a. Nonprecision Approaches.
exception that when applying missed approach criteria
shown in figures 19 through 24, and table 5 of this (1) Approach to Runway. The minimum
volume, change all flight path lengths to 7.5 miles, visibility may be 1/2 the computed straight-in value
missed approach surface slope to 20:1, secondary slopes from chapter 3, table 3-6.
to 4:1, obstacle clearance radius (R) to 1.3 miles, and
flight path radius (R1) to 4000 feet (.66 miles). The area (2) Approach to Landing Area. (Landing
width will expand uniformly to the appropriate airway area within 2600 feet of MAP). The minimum visibility
width. required prior to applying credit for lights may not be
less than the visibility associated with the HAL, as
1121. TURNING MISSED APPROACH specified in table 25. Paragraph 3.3.2 does not apply.
OBSTACLE CLEARANCE. All missed approach
areas described in paragraph 276 and depicted in figures b. Precision Approaches.
25 and 26 will be adjusted for helicopter operation using
the values shown in paragraph 1120. The area width will (1) Approach to Runway. The minimum
expand uniformly to the appropriate airway width. visibility may be 1/2 the computed straight-in value
specified in table 3-5a of chapter 3, but not less then 1/4
applies except that the values shown in paragraph 1120 (2) Approach to Landing Area. The
must be used, and point B is relocated to a position minimum visibility authorized prior to applying credit
abeam the MAP. The area width will expand uniformly for lights is 1/2 mile/2400 RVR. Paragraph 3.3.2 does
to the appropriate airway width. See figure 106. not apply.

1123. HOLDING ALIGNMENT. The provisions of c. Point-in-Space Approaches. The minimum

paragraph 291 apply with the exception when the final visibility prior to applying credit for lights is 3/4 mile. If
approach fix is a facility, the inbound holding course the HAS exceeds 800 feet, the minimum no-lights
must not differ from the final approach course by more visibility is 1 mile. No credit for lights will be
than 90 degrees. authorized unless an approved visual lights guidance
system is provided. See also paragraph 3.1.3c. Alternate
1124. HOLDING AREA. Paragraph 292 applies minimums are not authorized. Table 25 does not apply.
except that the minimum size pattern is No. 1.

Section 3. Takeoff and Landing


1125. APPLICATION. The minimums specified in

this section apply to Helicopter Only procedures.

1126. ALTITUDES. The following changes apply:

Page 102 Chap 11

Par 1118
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

1. MDA is 360 feet MSL based on obstacles in the approach area
2. 1098 feet MSL obstacle is 1 NM (6076 feet) from the near edge of section 1
1. Section 1 length
2. Minimum turn altitude
1. Section 1 length
a. 1 NM (6,076 feet) ÷ 20 = 304 feet
b. 1098 feet - 304 feet = 794 feet MSL, required section 1 end height
c. MDA – (ROC + Adjustments) = 110 feet MSL, section 1 start height
d. 794 feet – 110 feet = 684 feet, required section 1 rise
e. 684 feet x 20 = 13680 feet, required length of section 1
2. Minimum turn altitude
a. (13,680 feet ÷ 15.19) + MDA = 1261
b. Round to next higher 20 feet increment = 1280 feet MSL

1128. VISIBILITY CREDIT. Where visibility as a standard for helicopter approach lighting systems is
credit for lighting facilities is allowed for fixed-wing established. The concepts stated in chapter 3, paragraph
operations, the same type credit should be considered 3.1.3b of this volume apply, except heliport markings
for helicopter operations. The approving authority will may be substituted for the runway marking requirements
grant credit on an individual case basis, until such time specified therein.

Chap 11 Page 103

Par 1127
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14

Table 25. Effect of HAL Height on Visibility

Minimums. Par 1127a

HAL 250-600 601-800 More than 800

feet feet feet
Visibility 1/2 3/4 1

1129. TAKEOFF MINIMUMS. Chapter 3, section 5,

of this volume does not apply. Helicopter takeoff
minimums must be in accordance with the appropriate
FAA regulations and DoD directives.

Section 4. On-Heliport VOR (No PFAF) Figure 107. Final Approach Primary and Secondary
Area. On-Heliport VOR, No PFAF, Par 1132b. See
also Figure 105.
1130. GENERAL. Paragraph 400 does not apply.
Those criteria apply to procedures based on a VOR d. Procedure Turn Altitude. The procedure turn
facility located within 2600 feet of the center of the completion altitude must be in accordance with table 23.
landing area in which no PFAF is established. These
procedures must incorporate a procedure turn. e. Use of Stepdown Fix. Paragraph 413e applies,
except that 4 miles is changed to 2.5 miles.
SEGMENTS. These criteria are contained in section 2 f. Minimum Descent Altitude. Criteria for
of this chapter. determining MDA are contained in section 3 of this
chapter and in chapter 3 of this volume.
413 does not apply, except as noted below. The final Section 5. TACAN, VOR/DME, and
approach begins where the procedure turn intersects VOR with FAF
final approach course inbound.
a. Alignment. Paragraph 1116a applies. 513 does not apply, except as noted below.
b. Area. The primary area is longitudinally a. Alignment. Paragraphs 1116a and b apply.
centered on the final approach course. The MINIMUM
length is five miles. This may be extended if an b. Area. Paragraph 513b applies, except that
operational requirement exists. The primary area is two portion which refers to the minimum length of the final
miles wide at the facility and expands uniformly to four approach segment. The minimum length of the final
miles wide at 5 miles from the facility. A secondary area approach segment is shown in table 26.
is on each side of the primary area. It is zero miles wide
at the facility and expands uniformly to .67 mile on each Table 26. Minimum Length Of Final
side of the primary area at five miles from the facility. Approach Segment (NM)
See figure 107.

c. Obstacle Clearance. Paragraph 4-13c(1) Magnitude of Turn Over Facility

applies. 30° 60° 90°
1.0 2.0 3.0

Note: This table may be interpolated.

Page 104 Chap 11

Par 1128
8260.38 Page 105

c. Obstacle Clearance. Paragraph S13.c.(1) landing area in which no final approach fix is estab-
applies. lished. These procedures must incorporate a proce-
dure tum.
graph 613 does not apply except as noted below. The
1135. MISSED APPROACH POINT. The identi-
fication of the MAP in Paragraph S14 is changed as final approach begins where the procedure turn
follows: The missed approach point is a point on the intersects the final approach course, inbound.
final approach course which is not farther than 2600 a. Alignment. Paragraph 1116.a. applies.
feet from the center of the landing area. See Figure
108. For point in space approaches the MAP is on b. Area. The primary area is longitudinally
the final approach course at the end of the final centered on the final approach course. The MINI-
approach area. MUM length is 5 miles. This may be extended if an
operational requirement exists. The primary area is
1136. ARC FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT 2.5 miles wide at the facility, and expands uniformly
RADIUS. Paragraph S23.b. does not apply. The to 4.25 miles wide at 5 miles from the facility. A
final approach arc shall be a continuation of the secondary area is on each side of the primary area. It
intermediate arc. It shall be specified in nautical is zero miles wide at the facility, and expands uni-
miles and tenths thereof. The minimum arc radius formly to .67 miles wide on each side of the primary
on final approach is 4 miles. area at S miles from the facility. Figure 109 illus-
trates the primary and secondary areas.
AUGNMENT. Paragraph S23.b.(l) does not ap-
ply. The final approach arc should be aligned so as
to pass through the landing area. Where an opera-
tional advantage can be achieved, a final approach
course which does not pass through the landing area
may be established provided the arc lies within 2600
ft. of the landing area at the MAP.



ARY AREAS. On-Heliport NDB. No FAF. Paragraph 1140.

c. Obstacle Clearance. Paragraph 613.c.(l)



d. Procedure Tum Altitude (Descent
Gmdicnt). The procedure turn completion altitude
Figure 108. MISSED APPROACH POINTS. Off-Heliport shall be in accordance with Table 23.
VOR with F AF. Par. I I 35.
c. Use of Stcpdown Fix. Paragraph 613.e.
Section 6. ON-HELIPORT NDB, No FAF applies except that 4 miles is changed to 2.5 miles.

1139. GENERAL. Paragraph 600 does not apply. l Minimum Descent Altitude. Criteria for
These criteria apply to procedwes based on an NOB determining the MDA are contained in Section 3 of
facility located within 2600 feet of the center of the this chapter and Chapter 3.

Chap 11 Par 1133

Page 106 8260.3B CHG 1

Sed:ion 7. NDB Procedures tion need not occur prior to the F AF normally used
with FAF for fixed wing operations.

1141. GENERAL. These criteria apply to proce- a. The optimum length of the final approach
dures based on an NDB facility which incorporates course is 3.0 miles. The minimum length is 2.0 miles.
a final approach fix. A distance in excess of 4.0 miles should not be used
unless a special operational requirement exists.
graph 713 does not apply except as noted below: b. Final Approsch Tennination. The final ap-
proach shall terminate at a landing point (runway)
a. Alignment. Paragraphs 1116.a. and b. or at a hover point between the Decision Height and
apply. the GPI. Where required, visual hover/taxi routes
will be provided to the terminal area.
b. Area. Paragraph 713.b. applies except that
portion which refers to the minimum length of the 1153. MISSED APPROACH AREA. Normally
fmal approach segment. The minimum length is existing missed approach criteria will be utilized for
specified in Table 26. helicopter operations. However. if' an operational
advantage can be gained, the areas described in
c. Obstacl" Clesranre. Paragraph 713.c.(l) Paragraphs 1168 through 1171 may be substituted.
1154. MICROWAVE ILS. Additional criteria will
1143. MISSED APPROACH POINT. The identi- be developed to exploit the capabilities of the micro-
fication of the MAP in Paragraph 714 is changed as wave ILS which is now under development. It is
follows: The missed approach point is a point on the expected that this new equipment will provide glide
final approach course which is not farther than 2600 slope angles in the range from 3 to 12 degrees and
feet from the center of the landing area. See Figure the flexibility to satisfy special aircraft and ground
108. For point in space approaches, the MAP is on siting requirements.
the final approach course at the end of the final
approach area.
llSS. WCALIZER AND LDA. Section 5 of
Section 8. RESERVED. Chapter 9 is changed as noted in this paragraph.

1144. -1149. RESERVED. a. Alignment. Paragraph 952 applies except

that LDA alignment shall be as specified in para-
graphs 1116.a. and b.
Sed:ion 9. ILS Procedures
1150. GENERAL. Chspter 9 is changed as noted in
b. Area. Paragraph 9S3 applies except that
this section. These criteria apply to the present
portion which refers to the minimum length of the
design of instrument landing systems (on airport)
final approach segment. The minimum length of the
final approach segment is shown in Table 26.
MENT. Paragraph 922 applies with the exception c. Missed Approach Point. The identification
that Table 27 specifies the minimum length of the of the MAP in Paragraph 9S7 is changed as fol-
intermediate segment based on the angle of intersec- lows: The missed approach point is a point on the
tion of the initial approach course with the localizer final approach course which is not farther than 2600
course. feet from the landing area. See Figure 108. For
point-in-space approaches, the MAP is on the final
1151. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. Para- approach course at the end of the final approach
graph 930 applies except that glide slope intercep- area.

Par 1141 Chap 11

8260.3B Page 107

Section 10. Precision Approach outward from the GPI. The widths are further
Radar (PAR) uniformly expanded or reduced where a different
length is required as in Paragraph 1160.a. above. See
1156. INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEG· Figure 110. The width either side of the centerline at
MENT. Paragraph 1014 applies with the exception a given distance ..D., from the point of beginning
that Table 27 specifies the minimum length of the can be found by using the formula 250 + .lSD =
intermediate segment based on the angle of intersec- l/2width.
tion of the initial approach course with the interme-
diate course. 1161. RESERVED.
CLEARANCE SURFACE. Paragraph 1021 does
not apply. The final approach obstacle clearance
Angle (Depees) Minimum Length (Miles)
surface is divided into two sections.

30 I
s. Section I. This section originates at the
60 2 GPI and extends for a distance of 775 feet in the
90 3 direction of the FAF.It is a level plane, the elevation
of which is equal to the elevation of the GPI.
NOTE: This tQble moy be interpoltued.
b. Section 2. This section originates 775 feet
outward from the GPI. It connects with Section 1 at
1157. RESERVED. the elevation of the GPI. The gradient of this section
varies with the glide path angle used.
provisions of Paragraph 1020.b.(l) and (2) do not (l) To identify the glide slope angle and
apply. The minimum distance from the glide slope associated final approach surface gradient to clear
intercept point to the GPI is 2 miles. obstacles in Section 2:

1159. FINAL APPROACH ALIGNMENT. Para· (a) Determine the distance "D" from
graph 1020.a. applies with the exception that a final the GPI to the controlling obstacle and the height of
approach course shall be aligned to a landing area. the controlling obstacle above the GPI.
Where required, visual hover/taxi routes shall be
established leading to terminal areas. ,
, ~I


'Jr I

s. Length. The final approach area is 25,000 ·~-~---~---~ I

feet long, measured outward along the final ap-
proach course from the GPI. Where operationally s~ ....I
required for other procedural considerations or for

existing obstacles, the length may be increased or

decreased symmetrically, except when glide slope
usability would be impaired or restricted. See Figure

b. Width. The final approach area is centered

on the final approach course. The area has a total
width of 500 feet at the GPI and expands uniformly
to' a total width of 8000 ft. at a point 25,000 ft. Par 1159 and 1160

Chap ll Par 1156

Page 108 8260.38 CHG 1



Glide Slope Less

Angle (Degrees) Than 3
3 4 s 6 7 8 12

Section 2 obstacle • 1.65 2.51 3.37 4.23 5.09 5.95 9.39

clearance surface
gradient (degrees)

NOTE: This table may be interpolated.

• See Par 11 65.a.

(b) Enter these values in the formula: a. If angles less than 3 degrees are established,
the obstacle clearance requirements shall be arrived
TAN. ANGLE= Obstacle height at in accordance with Paragraphs 1024and 1025.
(c) Convert the tangent angle. This is b. Angles greater than 6 degrees shall not be
the angle of the Section 2 approach surface gradient established without authorization of the approving
measured at the height of the GPI. authority. The angle selected should be no greater
than that required to provide obstacle clearance.
(d) The minimum glide slope angle re-
quired is found in Table 28. c. Angles selected should be increased to the
next higher tenth of a degree, e.g., 4. 71 degrees
1163. TRANSITIONAL SURFACES. Paragraph becomes 4.8; 4.69 degrees becomes 4. 7.
1022 does not apply. Transitional surfaces for PAR
are inclined planes with a slope of 4:1 which extend 1166. RELOCATION OF THE GLIDE SLOPE.
outward and upward from the edges of the final Paragraph 1027 does not apply. The GPI shall
approach surfaces. They start at the height of the normally be located at the arrival edge of the landing
applicable final approach surface, and are perpen- area. If obstacle clearance requirements cannot be
dicular to the final approach course. They extend satisfied, or if other operational advantages will
laterally 600 feet at the GPI and expand uniformly result, the GPI may be moved into the landing area
to a width of 1500 feet at 25,000 feet from the GPI. provided sufficient landing area is available forward
ofthe displaced or relocated GPI.
1024 does not apply. No obstacle should penetrate 1167. ADJUSTMENT OF DH. An adjustment is
the applicable final approach surfaces specified in required whenever the angle to be used exceeds 3.8
Paragraph 1162 or the transitional surfaces specified degrees. See Table 29. This adjustment is necessary
in Paragraph 1163. Obstacle clearance requirements to provide ample deceleration distance between the
greater than 500 feet need not be applied unless DH point and the landing area.
required in the interest of safety due to precipitous
terrain or radar system peculiarities. 1168. MISSED APPROACH OBSI'ACLE
CLEARANCE. No obstacle may penetrate a 20:1
NOTE: The terrain in Section 1 may rise at a missed approach surface which overlies the missed
sradient of75: 1 without adverse effect on minimums
provided the surface is free ofobstacles. Table 29. MlNIMVM DH - GS ANGLE RELATIONSHIP.
1165. GLIDE SLOPE. Required obstacle clear-
ance is specified in Paragraph 1164. In addition, GSAnJle(depoes) upto3.80 3.81to5.70 Over5.70
consideration shall be given to the following in the Minimum DH (feet) 100 150 200
selection of the glide slope angle:

Par 1162 Chap 11

8260.38 CHG 1 Page 109

approach areas illustrated in Figures 113, 114 and Table 30. BEGINNING POINT OF MISSED APPROAOI
115. The missed approach surface originates at the SURFACE. Par. 1168.
GPI. However, to gain relief from existing obstacles
in the missed approach area the point at which the GS AnJle (Depces) 3 6 9
surface originates may be relocated as far backward Dist. below DH point (feet) 100 150 200
from the GPI as a point on the final approach course
which is directly below the MAP. In such cases the NOTE: Thit tobl~ m~~y M interpolot~d.

surface originates at a height below the DH as

specified in Table 30. See Figure 112.

NOTE: When penetration ofthe 20: I surf8ce orig-

inating at the GPI occurs, an upward adjustment to
the DH equal to the maximum penetration of the
surface should be considered.


AREA. The straight missed approach (maximum of MISSED APPROACH SURFACE AT GPI
15 degree turn from final approach course) area
starts at the MAP and extends to 7.5 miles.

a. Primary Area. This area is divided into

three sections.

(1) Section lA is a continuation of the

final approach area. It starts at the MAP and ends at
the GPI. It has the same width as the final approach
(2) Section lB is centered on the missed
approach course. It begins at the GPI and extends to a Figure 112. MISSED APPROACH SURF AC!'
point I mile from the MAP outward along the missed OPTIONS (Par 1168)

approach course. It has a beginning width the same as

the final approach area at the MAP and expands
uniformly to 4000 feet at 1 mile from the MAP.

(3) Section 2 is centered on the continua-

tion of the Section lB course. It begins 1 mile from
the MAP and ends 7.5 miles from the MAP. It has a
beginning width of 4000 feet, expanding uniformly
to a width equal to that of an initial approach area at
7.5 miJes from the MAP.
1---s..;;:; --1

b. Secondary Area. The secondary area begins
f-.- (PA~:~l84) --r at the MAP, where it has the same width as the final
approach secondary area. In Section tA the width
(D) remains constant from the MAP to the GPI, after
which it increases uniformly to the appropriate
Figure 111. FINAL APPROACH AREA SURFACE AND airway width at 7.5 miles from the MAP. See Figure
OBSTACLE CLEARANCE. Paragraphs 1162 and 1164. 113.

Chap 11 Par 1168

Page 110 8260.38

I I _J
I 1 1



1170. TURNING MISSED APPROACH AREA. tion of the tum. They are zero miles wide at the
Where turns of more than 15 degrees are required in point of beginning and increase uniformly to the
a missed approach procedure, they shall commence appropriate airway width at the end of Section 2.
at an altitude which is at least 400 feet above the Positive course guidance is required to reduce obsta-
elevation of the landing area. Such turns are as- cle clearance in the secondary area. See Figure 114.
sumed to commence at the point where Section 2
begins. The turning flight track radius shall be 4000 1171. COMBINATION STRAIGHt AND
feet (.66 miles). TURNING MISSED APPROACH AREA. If a
straight climb to an altitude greater than 400 feet is
a. Primary Ami. The outer boundary of the necessary prior to commencing a missed approach
Section 2 primary area shall be drawn with a 1.3 tum, a combination straight and turning missed
mile radius. The inner boundary shall commence at approach area must be constructed. The straight
the beginning of Section lB. The outer and inner portion of this missed approach area is divided into
boundary sbaU ftare to the width of an initial a~ Sections 1 and 2A. The portion in which the tum is
proach area 7.5 miles from the MAP. made is Section 2B.

b. Secondary Area. Secondary areas for re- a. Stndght Portion. Sections 1 and 2A corre-
duction of obstacle clearance are identified with spond respectively to Sections 1 and 2 of the normal
Section 2. The secondary areas begin after compte- straight missed approach area and are constructed

Par 1170 Chap 11

8260.38 Page 111

' \

' \ \
' \

Primary Area
lOti ;
1.5 MI. Frilm MAP_/



... J
Par 1170.

as specified in Paragraph 1169 except that Section the 20:1 slope at the edge of Section 2A. This height
2A has no secondary areas. ObstacJe clearance is plus 250 feet (rounded off to the next higher 20 foot
provided as specified in Paragraph 1119. The length increment) is the height at which the tum should be
of Section 2A is determined as shown in Figure 115, started. Obstacle clearance requirements in Section
and relates to the need to cJimb to a specified 2B are the same as those specified in Paragraph 1121
altitude prior to commencing the tum. The line except that Section 2B is expanded to start at Point
A' -B' marks the end of Section 2A. Point C' is 5300 C if no fix exists at the end of Section 2A or if no
feet from the end of Section 2A. course guidance is provided in Section 2 (see Figure
b. Turning Portion. Section 2B is constructed
as specified in Paragraph 1169 except that it begins NOTE: The miSS«/ approach areas expand uni-
at the end of Section 2A instead of the end of Section formly to the appropriate airway width.
1. To determine the height which must be attained
before commencing the missed approach tum, first Sec:tion 11. Airport Surveillance
identify the controlling obstacle on the side of Sec- Radar (ASR)
tion 2A to which the tum is to be made. Then
measure the distance from this obstacle to the near- 1171. INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT. Para·
est edge of the Section 2A area. Using this distance graph 104l.a.(l) applies except that 90 degrees is
as illustrated in Figure 115, determine the height of changed to 120 degrees.

Chap 11 Par 1171

Page ll2 8260.3B

----r------ DH is 200' MSL.
1 A 1065' controlling obstocl" is
1 6100' from the neor edge of
I Sec. 2A.
A 20:1 surface which clears the
obstacle has o height of 760'
MSL at the near edge of Section
To determin" minimum altitude
at which the missed approach
aircraft may start the turn add
250' obstacle clearance end
round up the sum to the next
higher '1.0' in.;rement.
760' +250' =101 0'
Rounded up=1020'
To climb 820' from DH 200' to
the turning altitude 11 020' MSL)
ot the 20:1 climb gradient re-
quires 16,400'. Sec. I is 6076'
long; therefore Section 2A is re-
quired to be I 0,324' long.

I '
I ._~ This becomes the boundary if no fix
iS exists at the end of Sec. 'J.A or if no
course guidance is provided in
Sec. 28.


MENT. Paragraph 1042.b. applies with the excep- fication of the MAP in Paragraph 1048 is changed as
tion that the maximum angle of intercept is changed follows. The missed approach point is a point on the
to 120 degrees and Table 24 is used to determine the final approach course which is not farther than 2600
required minimum length of the intermediate feet from the center of the landing area. See Figure
segment. 108. For point in space approaches the MAP is on
the final approach course at the end of the final
1174. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. Para- approach area.
graph 1044 applies except for subparagraphs a., c.(2)
and d.

a. Alignment. Paragraphs lll6.a. and b.

apply. 1176.-1199. RESERVED.

Par 1173 Chap 11

4/1/83 8260.3B CHG 4


1400. GENERAL. This chapter applies to greater than 5,200 feet from the threshold may be
approach procedures based on Simplified Directional established, provided that such a course lies within
Facilities (SDF). “SDF” is a d irectional aid facility 500 feet laterally of th e extended runway centerline
providing only lateral guidance (front or back course) at a point 3,000 feet outward from the runway
for approach from a final approach fix. threshold (see figure 48).

1401.-1409. RESERVED. (2) Circling Approach. When the final

approach course alignment does not meet the criteria
1410. FEEDER ROUTES. Criteria for feeder for a straight-in landing, only a circling approach
routes are contained in paragraph 220. shall be authorized, and the course alignment should
be made to the center of the landing area. When an
1411. INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT. operational advantage can be achieved, the final
Criteria for the initial approach segment are approach course may be aligned to any portion of the
contained in chapter 2, section 3 usable landing surface (see figure 49).

1412. INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEG- b. Area. The area considered for obstacle
MENT. Criteria for the intermediate approach clearance in the final approac h segment starts at the
segment are contained in chapter 2, section 4. final a pproach fix ( FAF) a nd ends at, or abeam , the
runway th reshold. It is a portion o f a 10-mile long
1413. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The trapezoid that is centered l ongitudinally on t he fi nal
final approach shall be made only “TOWARD” the approach course (see figure 14-1). For 6 ° course
facility because of system characteristics. The final width facilities, it is 1 ,000 feet wide at, or abeam, the
approach segment begins at the final approach fix runway threshold and expands uniformly to
and ends at the missed approach point. 19,228 feet at 10 miles f rom th e thr eshold. For 12 °
course width facilities, it is 2,800 feet wide at, or
a. Alignment. The alignment of the final approach abeam, the runway threshold and expands uniformly
course with the runway centerline determines to a width of 21,028 feet at 10 miles from the
whether a straight-in or circling-only approach may threshold. For course widths between 6° and 12°, the
be established. area considered for obstacle clearance may be
extrapolated from the 6 ° and 12 ° f igures t o t he next
(1) Straight-in. The angle of c onvergence of intermediate whole degree. For e xample, the width
the final approach course and the e xtended runway of the obstacle clearance area for a 9° course wi dth
centerline shall not exceed 30 °. The fi nal approach would start at 1,900 feet a nd expand to 20,148 f eet.
course should be aligned to intersect the extended The OPTIMUM length of the final approach segment
runway centerline 3,000 feet outward from the is 5 miles. The MAXIMUM length is 10 miles. The
runway threshold. When an operational advantage MINIMUM length of the final approach segment
can be achieved, this point of intersection may be shall provide adequate distance for an aircraft to
established at any po int between the threshold and a make the required descent, and to regain course
point 5,200 feet o utward f rom t he threshold. Also, alignment when a turn is required over the facility.
where an operational advantage can be achieved, a Table 14 shall be used to determine the minimum
final approach course which does not intersect the length needed to regain the course.
runway center, or which intersects it at a distance

Chap 14 Page 137

Par 1400
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

final a pproach area. The transitional surfaces begin

at a height no less than 250 feet below the MDA .

d. Obstacle Clearance.

(1) Straight-in Landing. The minimum

obstacle clearance in t he final approach area shall be
250 feet. In addition, the M DA established for the
final approach area shall assure that no obstacles
penetrate the transitional surfaces.

(2) Circling Approach. In addition to the

minimum requirements specified in para-
graph 1413d(1), obstacle clearance in the circling
area shall be as prescribed in chapter 2, section 6.

e. Descent Gradient. Criteria for descent

gradient are specified in paragraph 252.

f. Use of Fixes. Criteria for the use of radio fixes

are contained in chapter 2, section 8.

g. Minimum Descent Altitudes. Criteria for

determining the MDA are contained in chapter 3,
section 2.


Criteria for the missed approach segment are
contained in chapter 2, section 7. For SDF pro -
cedures t he missed approach point is a point on the
final approach course that is NOT farther from the
final approach fix than the runway threshold (first
usable portion of the landing area for circling). The
missed approach surface shall commence over the
missed approach point at the required height. See
paragraph 274, missed approach obstacle clearance.


Figure 14-1. FINAL APPROACH AREAS WITH FAF. course SDF procedures may be developed using these
criteria except that the beginning point of the final
c. Transitional S urfaces. Transitional surfaces
approach obstacle clearance trapezoid is at the
are inclined p lanes with a slope of 7:1 that extend
upward and outward 5,000 feet from the edge of the
1416.-1499. RESERVED.

Page 138 Chap 14

Par 1413
1113/98 8260.38 CHG 17


1500. GENERAL Tb.it chapter appl.ie.t to instrument 'chain' cooaista of four transmittina Cacilitiel, • mast«
procedures based on area navigation systems. Separate and tbrco ~. eacb transm.ittins in tho same
criteria arc presented for VORIDME and non· &JOUP n:petitioo inlen'll (GRI).
VORIDME RNA V systems.
(2) Omep. A low frequency oaviptioo system
L VORJDME Systems. This includes systems using using prceisc timed pulsed signals from eight ground
signals based solely upon VORJDME. VORTAC. and transmitting stati0111 spaced . long distances apart.
TACAN facilities. VORIDME is synonymous with the Limited to eo nlUte only.
terms VORTAC or TACAN.
(J) Inertltl Navtption System (INS). A self·
b. Noo-VORJDME S)'ltems. contained system which ut.iJ..izca gyros to determine
aaauJa.r motioo and accelerometers to det.ennioc linear
(1) Self-contained aptems, including inertial DlOlioo.. They arc integrated with computcn to povide
navigation system (lNS) aod Doppler. several COildi.tiooa which include true beading, lnlo air
speed. wind, • ,Udepalh, velocity. and positioa.
(2) Loran-C. Omega and Rho-Rho ground·
based systems. (4) Doppler. A s.elf~ntained system which
detennine.t velocity and position by the frequency shift
(3) Multi--sensor systems. Those which usc a of a signal transmitted from the aircraft. and reflected
combination of input information. tom the surface bsdc to the aircraft..
1501. TERMINOLOGY. The foUowins terms, (S) Glohl PosfdoaJDc Syatem (CPS). A system
peculiar to RNA V procedun::.s, arc defined as foUows: of satellitc:3 po\'iding ~iooal positiQG and
velocity informatioa. Position and velocity int'ormatioo
L APT WP. A WP located on the FAC at or abeam is based oo tho measurement oC the transit time of radio
l.be Lint usable landi.oa IUI'f.ace, which is used roc hquency (RF) signals from sateUitca.
construction of the final approach area for a ci..rcling-ooly
I approach. (LORAN circling approaches ooly). (') Rho-Rha. A system based on two or more
DMB ground l'acilitics.
b. Alongtrack Dl.ttance (ATD). The ATD fuds an
aloogtrack: (ATRK.) position defined as a distance in (1) Multi-Sensor S,.stem. Based on any
NM. with reference to the next WP. VORIDME rx noo·VORIDME certified approwd
syslem rx a combinat.ioo of certified approved systems.
c. ATRK Fb. Dlsplac:ement Tolerance. Fix The non-VORJDME criteria apply.
displacement tolerance aloog the flight track.
1> Reference FacWty. A VORIDME. VORTAC or
d. Crosstrack (XTR.K) Fll Displacement TACAN facility used for the identiticatioo and
Tolerance. Fix displacement tole:rance to the left. or establishment ot an RNAV route. WP. or SlAP.
right of the Digb.t track.
h. RNAv Desceat ADele. A vertical anaJe defining
e. Jmtrument Approach Waypolnt. Fixes used in a desceodina Oigbtpath from the FAF to the RWY WP.
defining RNAV lAP's, including the reeder waypoint
(FWP), the initial approach waypoint (1AWP), lhe L Routes. Two subsequently related WP•s rx AID
intermediate waypoint (IWP), the 6naJ approach fixes define a route segment
waypoint (FAWP), the RWY WP, and lhe APr WP,
wbcn required (1) Jet/VIdor Routes.

r. Noo-VO.RJDME RNA.V i.t DOt dependent upon a (2) Ranllom Routa.. Any airway not established
reference facility aod will hereinafter be referred to as under the jctlvictor desigoatioa. This is oormally used
non-VORIDME, which includes lhe foUowing: to refer to a route lbat is not based oo VOR radials aod
requires an RNAV system.
(l) Lone-Range Navicaflon {Loran-C). Loran·
I C is 1. long-range radio navigation system.
A Loran-C

Chap 15 Page lS-1

Par 1500
8260.JB CHG 17 1Jl3/98

j. RWY WP. A WP located at the runway tbzabold ends, except wbcu the RNA V porti~ of the prccodunl
and used for <lOOStnsctioo or
!.he final approecb area ttnninales at the MAP.I.Dd the MAP is an A1D fix.
when the FAC meets snisht·in alianznmt criteria.
c. Sepleat. Approach segments begin and end at
k. Tancent Point (TP). Tbc poiDt oo the the WP or AID fix.
VORIDME RNA V route centerlino &om which a line
perpendicular to the route centerline would pass through (l) The sepueut area COOJidcnld for obstacle
tho rcfcrcn<:e facility. cleanmcc begins at the earliest poiDt the WP or Am 6x
can be received and. except fer the final appcoadl
L Tancent Point Distance (I'PD). Distanc:c &om acsment. eods at the plotted position of lbc fix.
the reference facility to the TP.
(2) Sqment leogth is based on the distance
m. Time DUTerence (TD) CorreetlollJ. Loran..C between the ploUcd positions of the WP or AID fix
syst.cms uso tho limo or sipl travel from ground de finins the segment coda.
f'a.cilities to tho aircraft to compute distance and position.
Tbc time or sie;nal travel varies seasooally within certain
geographical areas. The 1D corrcctioo factor is I1SCd to
(3) Sepent wlddu arc specified i.n appropriate
paragraph! of thia chapter, but in no ~ will they be
correct these seasonal variations for QCb geographical oarrowcr lban XTRK fix displaccment toiC1"81lCeS for
area. RNAV critma assume JocallD corrections will that segment
be applied.
(4) MJnlmum aegmeat wldtbl are also
a.. Tuna Antklpatloa. The capability oC RNA V detenni.btdllimited in part acccnfing to WP location
syst.cms to detenniDc the poi.ot aJoog a course, poor to a relative to the mfereoco fiacility. This limiting
tum WP. where a tum should be initialed to provide a relatioash.ip is dcpick:d in figure 15-2 and explained in
smooth path to i.oterccpt tho succeeding C:OW"SC, and to !.he note followins figure IS-l.
enunciate the iDformatioo to tho pilot.
d. Fh Dbplacemeat. Except in the cue of the MAP
o. Tu.ra WP. A WP which identities a change from ovcrJappina the R WY WP ot APT WP (sec paragraph
one course to another. 1532), lbc ATRK fix displa=ne.at tolerance shall not
overlap the plotted position oC the adjacent fix.
p. VORJDME RNAV is dependent oo VORJDME. Additiooally, except for a tum at a MAP deliptcd by a ...__
VOR.TAC. or TACAN. It is a system usins radials and WP. WP displacement tolcra.accs sbaU be oriented &loog
dista.oces to compute posilioo and fli&bt tract and will the counea lead.ing to and &-om tho respective WP (see
betein.after be mfemd to u VORIDMS. fisure 1.s- J7).

q. WP. A predetermined scoaraphical position used e. Tuminc Areas. Turning area expansion criteria
Cor route dcfinitioo and progress reporting purposes that shall be applied to aU turns. en route and terminal.
is defined by l.atitudeJloogitudc. For VORIDME wbcrc a change of direction of more than (5• is
systems. it is defined by the radiaVdistance of the involwd. See paragraphs I.SlOcand J520.
position from the rcrerence facility.
£ Coae of Amhlaulty. The primary obstacle
r. WP Dlsplacc:ment Area. The rectangular arc:a clearance area at the minimum segment altitude shall
formed around and centered on the plotted position of a not be within the cooe of ambiguity oC the reference
WP. Its c:limeosioos are plus-aud-minus the appropriate facility. If the prinwy ~ for the desired courae lies
ATRK and XTRK fix dispJacemem tolcnmee values within the cone of ambiguity, the course sbould be
which are found in tables lS-I. lS-2. and tS-l. relocated or tbe ti.cility tligbt inspected to veritY that the
signal iJ adequate within the area. FAA Order 9840.1.
1501. PROCEDURE CONSTRUCTION. RNAV U.S. NatitlO&l Aviation Handbook b' tbc VORIDMFJ
procedural construction requimnent.s are as follows: TACAN Systems, defines tbe wrtic.al a.ngJe coverage.
Azimudl sip information pcnnitting satisfactory
a. Reference FacWI)'. An RNAV approach pctfonnanco ot airtxJmc eompoocnts iJ oot provided
procedure shan be supported by a singJc rcfetence beyond dle following ranaes:
(1) VOR ·beyond 60° above tho radio horizon.
b. WP. A WP shall be used to identify tho point at
which RNAV begins and the point at which RNAV

Page 15·2. Chap 15

Par 1501
2/13/98 8260.38 CHG 17

(l) TACAN ·beyond 40• above tbe tadio horizon

(ace figure IS· I).

1 c. Ute of ATD Fb.et. AID fixes ue oormaUy used

in lieu of approeeh WP'a wbco no courso change is
required at that point. All A1D fix shaD oot be used in
1icu or a RWY WP. The FAF. MAP. and any stepdown
fixes may be defmed by A1D fixes.


Par 1501.

Chap lS Page lS·J

Pat ISOl
8260.38 CHG 17



._ PAR (610

..._ I I
1---t---+---+--1---+---120- [8.9

1-----+---+-----+---H IT SHOULD NOT BE USED AS THE SOLE H--~---1--~----1

fl&ure 15.2. Par lS01.

Page 15-4 Chap 15

Par 1502
7126/90 8260.38 CHO 17

NOTE: Segment width (for instance at a ipecific WP) is based upon a mathematicjj relationship between TPD, and the
AID Crom the TP, at that point This relationship is represented by the two elliptical curws shown oo 68\R IS-2. Ooe
curve encloses the •4 NM ZoNE• wherein the segment primary area width is± 2 miles fiom route centcrtinc. The other
c~ encloses the •s NM zoNE• wbcrcin the sesmcnt primary area width is ± 4 miles from route centerline.

x2 1 2
The (onnuJa (or the 4 NM ZONE cwve is: --+--••
(l$.3)2 (S3)2

xl 1 2
The formula for the 8 NM ZONE cwve is: - - 1+ - - •2 1
(51) (102)

where X =ATO from the TP

and, Y•TPD


4 NM ZONE: To detcnnine lhc maximum acceptable AID value associated with a giveo 11'0 value and still allow
segment primary width at :i: 2 miles.

Given: TPD = 40 miles (this is theY-term)

Find: ATD value (this is the X-tenn)

i.e., for TPD at 40 miles, if the ATO exceeds 16.73 miles, the prinwy area width must be expanded to *4

8 NM ZONE: Given: AID • 30 miles

Find: TPD Maximum for :1: 4 miles width

r •101 1-(lO) -n.49 miles
(51) 2

i.e., for ATD at 30 miles,tbc TPD must not exceed 82.49 miles and still aUow :i: 4 miles width.

APPLICATION: The formulas c:an teU you whether the specific point is inside or outside either zone area. For instance:

Given: A1D =40 miles, and 11'0 =6S miles. Detenn.ine if the location is within the 8 NM ZONE.

The basic fonnula for the 8 NM ZONE is an equation made equal to 1. By substituting the specific values (AID .. 40, and
TPD = 65), the point will be determined to be OtiTSIDE the zone if !he resultant is> 1, and INSIDE the zooe if1hc
resultAnt is < or • to 1.

Chap lS Page 1S-S

Par 1502
8260.38 CHG 17 2/13198

__ __,
x2 .., r2
(n)2 (102)2

by substitution:

2 2
(.CO)l + (fS) •061$+0.406"1.021
(Sl) (101) 2

Since this is >I, the point lies OUTSIDE ~ 8 NM ZONE.

Foe distances beyood I02 miles of the 1PD. the route width expands an additional 0.25 miles each .side of tho route
centerlioe foe each 10 miles the lPD is beyond 102 miles.

Example: 112 NM-102 NM =IONM beyond 1021PD.

L (10 NM/10 NM) X .25 NM (rate per 10 NM) =0.25 incm:asc.

b. 0.25 NM + 4 NM • 4.25 NM each side centerline.

c. 4.2.S X 2 =8..S NM (total width) at the 1121PD.

h. PCG. All RNA V seamenb shaU be based on (!) For VORIDME WP'a, ooe WP must be
PCO, except that a missed approach segment without associated with each rd'e:eoce facility used foe en route
PCO may be developed wbeo considered to provide navigatioo requirements. Ira segmenlleogth exceeds 80
operational advantages and can be aUowcd wilhio. the miles and oo turning requirement exists along the route,
obstacle environment establish a WP at 1hc TP.

1S03. RESERVED. b. WP. WP placement is limited by the type of ___,

RNAV system as foUows:
facilities shaU haw ooUocated VOR aud DlvlE (1) VOR/DME WP'a or route segments sbaU not
compooents. Foe terminal procedun:s, components be established outside of the service volume of the
within 100 feet of c:ach otbc:r arc defined as coUoc:ated. rcfcreocc facility and shall be limited to the values
Foe en route procedures, components within 2,000 feet contained in tables 15-1 and IS-2.
of c:acb other are defined as ooUocated.
(Z) Noa-VORIDME WP's or route segments
IS05. WP'L RNAV WP's are used for navigation sbaU not be established outside of the ana in which tbe
reference IJld Cor ATC operational fixes, similar to particular system signal bas been approved for IFR
VORJDMB 8JOUDd statim~. aod intersections used in opentioo.
the conventional VOR structures.
(3) Self-eoataJaecl a)'Jtenu such u INS and
LEatabllshment. WP's shaU be established along Doppler do DOt have limitatioos oo WP placement.
RNAV routes at the foUowing points:
(4) Fb Dkplac:emeat Tolerueea. Tables I.S-1
(I) At et~d polnb. and lS-2 show fix displacement tolerances foe
VORIDME systalls. Table l.S.3 shows 6x displaco-
(2) At polnb where dJe route daangu coune. ment tolerances for ooo-VORIDMB ~)'Stem~. \Vhea the
6.x ia an ATD &x. the A'I'RX. 6x and XTRK
(3) At boldJnc tlul. displacement lolcnnces arc coosiden::d to be tbc same u
a WP located at tbat fix.
(4) At other polnb of operational bcoeOt, such
as route junction points which require clarity.

Page lS-6 Chap IS

Par 1502
2113/98 8260.3B CHG 17

e. Defined WP RequlremeniL a. VORIDMI Pattem Size Selectloa. For

VORIDME. the distance tiom the WP to the refercoco
(1) VORIDMl WP'1. Each WP shall be defined facility shall be applied as the •fix-to-NA VAID
by: distance• in FAA Order 7130.3. Holding Pattcm
Criteria. figure 3. pattern-template selection.
(a) A VOR ndlal • developed to the nearest
hWldredth of a degree. b. Non-VORID:ME Pattera Size Selection. For
oon-VORIDME. usc the 15·29.9 NM distance c:olwnn
(b) DMl dbtance- developed to the nearest for terminal holding procedwe. and 30 NM or over
huodndth of a mile~ and coJunm for eo route holding. FAA Ordec 7130.3.

(c) Latitudellonptude • in degrees, minutes, 1501.-1509. RESERVED.

and seconds to the nearest hundredth.


delincd by latitude aod loogilude in degrees, minutes,
aod acoooda developed to the nearest hundredth. 1510. EN ROU'J'E OBSTACLE CLEARANCE
Rho-Rho WP's shaU also be developed to the nearest AREAS. En route obataclo clearance areas aR
hundredth of a mile. identified as primary and seooodary. These designatiOOJ
apply to straight and turning scgmc:nt obstacle cle8llUl<:C
(3) Station elevation of the reference facility sbaU areas. The required angle of tum connectins en route
be detmcd and rounded to the nearc;st 20-Coot incremcnl segments to otbcr CD route, feeder. or initial approach
segments sbaU not exceed 12G-. Where the twn exceeds
1506. RWY WP AND APT WP. Straight-in 15•. expanded turnins area coostructioo methods in
proccdurcs shall incorporate a WP at the runway paragraph IS JOe apply.
threshold. Circling procedures sbaU incorporate an APT
WP at or abeam the first usable landing surface. See L Primary Area. The primaty obstacle clearance
figure 15-3. These WP's are used to establish the length area is described u foUows:
and width of the final approach area.
(1) VORIDME Bulc Area. The area u 4 miles
each side of the route centerlioe. when the TPD is 102
miles or less aod the lPOIAID values do not exceed the
limits of the 8 NM zooo. The width inctcases at an
angle of 3..25• as tbc AID incre.asca for that portioo of
the area where the route centerline lies outside the 8 NM
zone. See figure 15-4. Wbcn the 1PD exceeds the
102·mile limit, the minimum width at the TPD expands
greater than ± 4 miles at a rate or 0.25 miles OQ each

;- r
~ ~­
CouneUne ,5'
side of the route far each I 0 miles the TPD is beyond
102 milca. See 6surcs JS-2. 15-S. and table 15-1.
When tbe widths of adjoinina route segments are
unequal for rcasooJ other than transitioo or zooe
boundaries, the following apply:
fl&un 15-3. LOCATION OF APT WP.
Par 1506. (a) It tbe TP of the DIUJ'OWCI' segment is oo
the route centerliDe, the widtb el the narrower segment
1507. HOLDING. Chapter 2, section 9. applies. includes that additional airspecc within the lateral
except for paragraph 292d. When holding is at an extremity oC thc wid« segment. wbcns the route
RNAV fix, tho selected pattcm thaU be large enough to segments join. thence toward tho TP of tho narrower
contain the entire area or the fix displacement tolerance route segment uatil intcrscctins tho boundary of the
within the primal}' area of the holding pattern. narrower segment (see figure 15-6).

Chap IS Page lS-7

Par lSOS
8260.38 CHO 17 2/13/98

INMZONI (J) Tel"'ltJnalloa Polat. An RNAV route

IIOU'IDA&Y tcrminatico point lbaU be at a WP. The primacy area
extends beyoDd the route tamination point. lbo
bounduy of the area iJ defined by an arc which COODeCtt
INN tho two primazy boundaJy lines. The center oC the arc is
located at the most distant point oo the edge of the WP
displaoemeot area oo the route centerline (sec
figure IS~).


Par 1S10a(l)


Par tStOa(t)(b).

Flaure 15-5. VORID:ME BASIC AREA. IJ. Sec:oadSJ1 Area.

Par lSlOa(l) and b(l).

---, l ••
r -·-·-·-·-·
secondary obstacle clearance l.l'ea extends 2 miles oo
each side of the primary area and splays 4.9• where the
pri.ma.ry splays at 3.25•. See figure 15-4. Tbe secondary
area bcgjnning width does llOl increase beyond the
102-m.ile TPD.

(l) Noa-VORJDME Balle Area. The DOD-

-----1..7' VORIDME sccoodazy obstacle cleataiJCe areas are a
constant 2-m.i.le lateral extension oa each side oC the
F1pre 154. UNEQUAL JOINING ROUI'E primaly aea.
SEGMENTS. Par 1510a(t)(a).
(J) Termiuadon Point. 1'he sccoodaty obstacle
(b) It the TP of the narrower segment is on clcaranco area exteDc:b beyond the arc which defines the
tho route centerlioe extcDdcd. the width of the DIUTOwer tenninatioo point primary llRII by an amount equal to
segment includes that additiooal airspace within linea the width of the secooduy area at the latest point the
.&om the lateral cxtranity oC the wider acgmc:m whc:re WP can be rocciwd (ICIO figure lS..a).
the route segment~ join, theoce towud the 1P until
reaching the poiDt where tbo narrower sesment c. C-..Craedola of E~.panllc4 TuraJac Areu.
termiDates. changa dircctioo, or until intersecliDg the Obstacle clearance areas lblll be e:qwoded to
bouodaty of the narrower segment (see figure 15·7). aooommodate turns ot IDCR'I than u•. The primary and
secondary obstacle clea:nmce turning an:u ue expended
(l) Non-VORJDME Balle Area. The area is 4 by outside and inside areas (see figure IS·9). The
miles each side of the route centerline at an points. inside expansion ana is constructed to accommodate
Noo-VORJDME primaJy boundary lines do not splay.

Page lS-8 Chap lS

Par lSlO
2/13/98 8260~38 CHG 17

a tum anticipatioo area. Outside expansion area is base line inSide the inner line of tbe fix displaumeot
provided to accommodate o~oot at high speeds and area to a 30" tangent tiDe to the primary bouDdaly line.
excessive wind conditioos. No portion of the primary From a point where an extension of the bue line
area at the minimum sqpnenl altitude may be in the intersects the primuy area outer bouPdary tine, connect
cone or ambiguity for VORJDME RNA V routes. the 8-mile arc with a line ta.ngent to rhe arc.


•i D'



D' • lAW PARAGJL.\ftl'S 1.5JOc(Z)(bJ It Z. AND 3


Par lSlOe..

(c) S1rike arcs &em the OCI1fa' points used ((J(

the primary aua expansion and provide a parallel
expansion of 2 miles or the secondary area at the bJm.
Par lSlOa(J} and lSlOb(J). (d) Coonect the cxtrc:mitics with a straight-
line tangent to the two associated &l"CC.

(1) Outside Exp&lllloa Area. Determine the (c) Draw the remaining secondary area
expended area at the outside of the tum u follows: bounda.ty l uUlct outside tbe bouDda.ry of the primary
(a) Coosii'Uet a line perpendicular to the route
ctnterline 3 miles prior to the latest point the fix ean be (t) lf't&e width of the primary area at the tum
rccci'YCd or to a line perpeodiculu to tho route centedine point is areaw than B milea. the c.xpaoded area is
at 1be pJoaed positioa of the fix. wbicbcrlla' occurs lasL ooostructed in 1ba samo maooc:r. as outlined in
For altitudes 10,000 feet or pester. c:oo.struct a line paragraph ISIOc(l). using the &Dzwy area width at the
perpeodicular to the plotted position of the tix.. This point when the route cbanscs eouno as the radius of the
pelpelldicular tine is a base line Cor constructing arc arc in place of 8 NM and COD.S'trUctiog the secoadaly
boundaries. area of coo.stallt width equal to the width of the
secondary area at 1be tum point.
(b) From a point oo tho base line. strike an S-
mile are from. the outer 1iDe of the fix displacement area (2) Imide J:sp&DIIoa A rca. Determine the
oo the outside of the tum to a tangent line to a second expanded area at lbe inside of the tum as follows:
S..mto arc. 1'bc socood arc is atnJdc Crom a point on tho

Chap IS Page lS-9

Par 1Sl0
8260.38 CHG 17 2/13/98

(a) Detcrmiuo tbc fix area by application of VORIDME 1Y11em1 do not splay. Obstaclea in tbe
the A'I'R.K. and XTR.K. fix displacement tolerance~. teeaadary ua are mca.sured pcrpeudiculat to tbe couno
centerline. except for tho expeodod tum areu. Obltaclea
(b) Priot to th. earliest point thct WP iD these arou &R meu&nd perpeadicul&r to the primary
(oriented along the oounc leading to the fix) can be area boundary. or its tanscnt. to the obstacle.
received. locate a point on the primary area boundacy at
ooe of the foUowin3 di:sta.ncea: lSU. FEEDER ROUTES. When the IAWP is DOt
part of the en route structure. it may be necessary w
1 Tbn:e miles below 10.000 feet MSL; designate feeder routes from the en route stnx:ture to
thtcc and one-balfmiles when the tum exceeds 112°. another FWP or the IAWP.

1 Seven miles for 10.000 feet MSL up to L The I'CIIulrcd ancfe or b.lm for the Ccedcr-to-
but not including FL 180. ieeder and feeder-to-initial sesment coanectioos shall
not cxcc:cd tW. 'Where the ang.l.e c:xcc:eda rs•. turning
.l Twelve miles for FL 180 and above. area criteria in section 2 apply. En rou1e vertical and
lateral airway obstacle clearance criteria shall apply to
(c) From tb.i.t point. splay the primluy area by fccdc:r I'Otlta. ~ minimum altitudes established fa'
an angle equal to one-bal.f of the course change. feeder routes sbaJ1 not be less than the altitude
established at the lAWP. WP's for feeder routes sba1J be
(d) Draw the ~ry area boundary 2 limited to a TPD ot' 120 miles or less and an AID fix
miles outside the boundary of tbc primary area. from the TP of SO miles or less.

4. TPD/WP Llmitadoa. WP's for the Jet/Victor b. Obatacle Clearance Area.. Obstacle cleanux:c
Airway stn:dU:re shall be limited to tbc 8 NM zone, a an:a3 110 idelltified u primary and sccoodary. 'l'bese
TPD of 70 miles or less. aod an AID fix from the TP of designati001 apply to st:raig.bt segment IJld turning
40 miles or less. WP's Cor random ailway structure sbaU segment obstacle clearance asus.
be Limited to a TPD of 120 miJes or lea and an AID fix
&om the TP of 50 miles. (1) Pri1Dal'1 Area. Tbe primary obstacle
clearance area il derived from figure 1.5·2 and the
e. Jobdna RNAV With noo-RNAV Route Segments. associated formulas. It is descn'bed a.s foUows:

(l) If tbe RNAV ancl noo-RNAV aepents (a) VORJDME Basic Atu. The area is 4
have the same width at the point of transition,. the miles each side of the route centerline when the TPD is
segments are joined at that locatioo and RNAV criteria 102 miles « las and the TPDIA'ID values do DIJt
are continued in the direction of the RNAV sqpnent. exceed the limill of the 8 NM zooc. The lll'Ute width
increases at an qle of 3.2s• as the AID incnases for
(2) It the RNA V ~ep~ent is twTOwer at the that portion oldie llR'II where the route ccntc:rli.oe lies
loeatioo of the transition. the segments shaU be joined outside the 8 NM zooe (see fisum lS-4). Wlla1 the TPD
accordiua to pon.grapb lSllb(l)(b). exceeds the 1Ol-mile limit. the minimum width at tbe
TP increues at a rate of O.lS miles on each 1ide ot the
(3) It &be RNAV sepeat is wider at the route centerline tor each 10 miles the TPD is beyood I02
loeatioo of the transition. the boundaries sbaU taper IIom miles. Meihodology fer joiniug route segments of
the transition location toward the noa-RNAV segment at diJI'ering widths is contained in paragraph lSIOa(l).
an anglo of 3Q- until joioiog the boundaries at the Sec tablelS·l.
RNAV segments. If the loeation of transition includes a
tum. the width of the RNAV aegmc:ot is maintained and (b) Non-VORIDME Basic An:a. The IRa is
tbc turn area coostructec:IIOCOI'ding to this cbapta'. After 4 miles each side ollhe course oe:nteriioe at aU points.
the complctioo of tbc turn area. the boundaries shall except for the 20-mile portion of the counc just priot to
taper at an angle of 30" uatil pusing the non-RNA V the lAWP where it tapers linearly fi'om 4 miles to l
boundaries. miles each side ol c:eu.t«line. Where a WP or a fix is
located less thaD 10 miles prioc to tho IAWP, the taper
1511. OBSTACLE CLEARA:NC'I. Paragraphs 1720 bepu at that point (sec fisuro lS·lO).
and 1721 apply. except that 1bc width of the VORIDME
secooduy area is 2 Dliles at the point of splay initiation (2) Secoacl&ry Area.
and tho vaJua 236 feet for each addiliooal mile in
paragraph 1121 is changed to 176 fcet/NM. Non·

Page 15-10 ChapU

Par 1510
11/12199 8260.38 CHO 18

(a) VORI'DME S.ic Areas. Scc:ondll)'

obstacle clcannoe areas extend latertlly 2 miles on each ?
side of the prillliJ)' area and splay 4.9'" in the region
whm the primary area splays at 3.2S"' (see fiaure IS· II --------~--~-- 1

and pllll"aPph IS12b{l)(a).

(b) Non-YORIOME Basic Area. Non-

VORIDME secondary areas arc a coasiUt 2~mile larenaJ
extenSion on each side of the primary area. eltOept where
lhe '-ic area tlpm. as specified in para-
graph lSllb(l)(b). Over this area. lbe ..econdary ama Apre l!-U•. VOIWME SECONDAR\' AltBAS
rapers linearly from 2 miles each $ide of the prima.ry to SPLAY 4.f0. Plr l5llb(1)(a).
I mile each side of die primary area.
151.,.1519. RESERVED.
'(3) Obseacle.Cieuuee. Parapapb 120 applies.

\ \
SJ()f'il. Obstadc cleiU'IIICe areas shall be ea:panded to
~ wm anticiP*tion. Outside expllllion is

\ \,'-----
'•. ...
not requirecl (Of terminal pmccdwc~ ln5kle expansion
applies to all Cl.ltll$ at more dum IS"' within SlAP's.
tllcept wm1 al die MAP. ParaJnph 1Sl4 Slltisfiea early
'"'-..--_,._,__ -.....,_ tum req~tlremenll for the MAP. Determine the ex·
:pandod area at lhe inside of 1M tum as follows:

a. Dttermlae die ATRK Fix Displ.lcement


b. IAicatt a palata tbc edp Gl tbe ,.-..,area

• a. discance .prior to the ~ point the WP can be
received. The distaDco or tum andetpadoa (DTA) Is
measun=cJ paralelto cbe a:lWlC kldna 'o the n~ and Is
detennincd by lhe tum Ulticipation formula:

DTA.• 2 x tan (tum anale + :Z)

c. ,..._ lids polllt, tplay the primll')' _. b)' an
aql' equal to ®~-half of the course dwisc (sec
fipte 15-12).

.. Staacllr7 Ana Bouadary:

(I) \VIlla the obltade .......... • ...
b<Mindarie& o!dae ~ and followiq se,cmenu of
lhe WP aae pamUel wirh the coune ccmcrtble, CGnsuuct
die IICICODIIary Mea boundary. parallel with die expanded
wrn anticipllion priiiW')' area boundary, us~~~& the width
FJcure 15·18. FEEDER ROUTI'.S CONNECTING of the precedlnc 8qlnCftl SOCOtldlty - .
Par 1512b(l)(b).. (1) Wllta the ebMde ~ ...
bouudaries of !be prec:edinJ Uldlor foUowill& sepenu

Chlp15 Pqel$..11
8260.38 CHG 17 2/13/98

taper, construct the secondary area boundary by Primary area ROC of

connecting the secondary area at points abeam the segment after tum WP
primary expansion area where it connects to the
preceding/following segments of the primary area \ E
Secondary area ROC of
\\ segment after tum WP

\ I

F" 112 Course Change
OTA = 2 NMx TAN F"


Par 1510.
e. When the boundary of the expanding tum area DTA·= 2 x Tan(r)
will not connect with the boundary of the primary area
of the following segment, join the expanded area at the
boundary abeam the plotted position of the next WP or
at the latest reception point of the RWY WP or APT
WP, as appropriate (see figure 15-13).

C. Obstacle Evaluation of the Expanded Area.

Evaluate the primary and secondary expansion areas
using the ROC for the segment following the turn WP
(see figures 15-13 and 15-14). I

initial approach segment begins at the IA WP and ends at
the IWP. See figures 15-15, 15-16, and 15-17. For
-...... --..JI
VORJDME systems, the distance from the reference
facility to the IAWP shall not exceed 53 miles, nor
D I i
exceed the TPD or ATD values associated with the -...... I I
~ '
limits of the 8 NM zone (see figure 15-2). I
NOTE: Secondary area boundary line for
a. AUgnment. The angle of intercept between the expanded area Enclosed areas A. B. C are
initial and intermediate segment shall not exceed 120°. primary areas using ROC of segment following
turn WP Enclosed areas A. C, D. E are
secondary areas using ROC of segment
following turn WP. Obstacle slope in these
areas are perpendicular to lines AC


Par 1510e and r.

Page 15-12 Chap 15

Par 1520
2/13/98 8260.JB CHO 17

lt. Counc RevcnaL When the procedure requires a

coune reversal. a holding pattern abaU be established in
lieu of a PT. It holding is established over the FAF.
pa.ra8J11pb IS07 applies. lt holding i$ established ov.:r
the FAF. the FAF sball be a WP. and paragraph 234e(l)
apptics. The COW'Se alignment shall be within 15° of tho
FAC. If holding u established over the IWP. paragraph
234e(2) applies. The course alignment shall be within
l s• of the intermediate course. \Vbcn: a feeder segment
leads to the course reversal. the feeder segment shall
terminate at the plotted position oC the holding WP (see Flpre 15-1'- INITIAL, INTERMEDIATE, FINAL
Par1S21, 1S2J.
c. Area.

(l) Len&fb. The initial approach segment bas no

standard length. It shall be sufficient to permit any
altitude changes required by the proc:edun: and shall not
exceed 50 miles unless an operational R'lqUirement

~ .... A. .. cr. priula.IT

..,_ ROC of 111p11eat foUowlua tu.rD WP.
AI-. A, C, D. E Ill -.c~Qda17 arM ROC ol
..-& fotlowbac eun:a WP. ~
.&ope Ia thlt ..,... Ill fl'lll*ldkular .. Dae A.C. FJr,ure 15-17. lNITIAL, INTERMEDIATE, FINAL
Flpre 15-l.C. TURN ANTICIPATION AREAS. Par lSll, 1521.
Par 1510£
(1) Wid.._

(a) Priowy area:

1 VORIDME. See tip:e 15·18.

l ln the 8 NM zone. the area a 4

NM on each side of the centerline.
1! In the 4 NM zone. the area is 2
NM on each side of the centerline.


Par 1$1lb.

Chap IS Page 15-13

Par IS21
8260.3B CHO 17 2113/98

; A Jo• splay connects the an:a the primal)' an::a where the rouse ceoterlinc lies within
boundaries, besinnina wbmt tho route centerline crossa the 8 NM zoao. The area bouodarica are coonocted by
the 4 NM zone and splayios out u the ATD increases straisbt liDcs abeam the aamo poio11 whero the primary
until reaching 4 NM each side of the centerline. In area bouodaries COilDeCt. Tbc width of the secondary -.......-/
additica: area at lbo ea.diett point the lAWP can be received is
equal to tbo width It the pJOUcd position.
(l) If the splay cuts across •
I portion of the WP fix displacement area, Rtaio the widlh
of the wider area and directly connect the wider area
Z Non-'IIORIDME • J mile on each side
of the prinwy ua.
boundaiy with the DIUTOWCI'.
d. Obstacle Clearance. Paragraph 2J2c applies.
W If a short segment transits
the 4 NM zone from the 8 NM zooc and reenters the 8 e. Desceat Gradient. Paragraphs 232d and 288a
NM zone, retain the 8 NM zooc. apply.

Q) If tho initial approach and 1522. INTERMEDIATE SEGMENT. The int«·

succeedins segments lie within the 4 NM zone. the 4 mediate ICgiJlCII& begins at tbo IWP and cads at the
NM :rone may be used. FAWPor AIDfixscrvinau the FAF. For VORIDME
systems. tbo distaJlcc from the RCereoce 6t.cility to the
(!) Segmenrs sball not be JWP shall not c:xcecd S3 miles nor exceed lhe TPD or
decreased to 2 NM widths and then incrtased back to 4 A1D values associated with the limits of the 8 NM zone
NMwidths. {see figure I S-2~

a:> The width of the primary area L AJI&tuuad. The CCIQI'Se to be flown in the
at the earliest point the IAWP can be received is equal to intermediate segment should be tbc same u the FAC.
the width at the plotted position. When this i.s Dd practical, tbc intermediate course shall
oot differ &om the FAC by more than 30• and an FAWP
shall be establ.isbed at the tum WP (see tigta'e JS-17).

INMZONE b. Area.
(I) LeftadL The inta'mediate segmeDl shall not
be less tban 3 miles. nor IDCll'e lhan 1S miles in length.
It a tum is IJlOR than 90• at tbc IWP, table 3, chapter 2,

(l) Wid...
<•> Primary area:
f1&ure 15-18. VORJDME BASIC AREA. 1 VORIDME • The width or the
Par 151lc(2)(•)1· intermediate priawy area tba11 equal the width or the
initial primuy IRa at the IWP. It sba1l either taper from
• point abeam 1be IWP linearly to ± 2. miles at the
~ Noo-VORJDME - 2 miles each side FAWP « AID fix or ahaJJ be a coosta.nt ± 2 miles, u 1
or centerline. appropriate. The width at tbo earliest point the IWP can
be received shaD equal the width at the plotted position.
(b) Seooodaly area:
.1 Noo-VORIDME • 2 mila oo each
l VORIDME • 1bc area is l mile cacb side or ccotcrlinc.
side of the pri.maly area .wbcro the route centerline lies
within the 4 NM zooe. 1'bc area is 2 miles each side oC

Page IS-14 Chap IS

Par 1,21
2/13/98 8260.38 CHG 17

1 VORIDMB .. The width of the tho course at lbe earliest positioo the FAWP/ATD 6x
intermediate JCCODdary area lhall bo equal to lhe widlh can be received. See tip:e~ 15-15 and 15-16. lbiJ
of tho initial JCOOrlda.ry area at lhc JWP and sbaU either widch n:ma.iDI coo.stant until the Jatcst point the

taper from a point abeam the IWP linearly Co :1: J mile at
the FAWP Ol A1D fix or shaD be a constant :t 1 mile, as
appropriate. The width of the secondary area at the
earliest point tbc 1WP caa be m;eim1 sbaU equal the
FAWP/ATO fix can be received. It then tapers co the
width ot che IIQ of tho XTR.K 6x displac:emcnt
eoterance at the latest point tbc RWY WP or APr WP
can be RCC.ivoc:f. Fix displacement tolerance dimensions
width at the plotted position. a.rc shown in table lS-2 ror VORIOME systems and in
table I j.J for DCO- VOR.Jt)ME systems.
l NCla•VORIDME • J mile oo each side
of tho primary area. (b) A secondaJy area t mile wide is
established ou eadl side of the primaJy area (sec figures
e. Ohatade Clea1'1111Ce. Parappb 242c applies. IS-IS and JS-16).

d. Dcsca:at Cradfeat Paragraph 242d applies.

1513. FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT. The final (1) Straipt-In. The ROC in tho prinwy an:a is
approec::h segz;ocot begins at the FA WP or AID fix and 250 feet. In the secoodary area, the ROC of tho primary
ends at tho MAP. Wbco the FAC is a continuation or area is provided at the inner edge, tapering uniformly to
the inlemlediate course. an A 'lD fix should be used in zero at the outer edsc.
lieu of a FAWP with additional ATD fixes established.
if ncc:essary. IS stepdowo fixes or the MAP. For (2) CIJ'dln&- A minimum of 300 (cc:t of ROC
VORIDMB systems. cbe FAWP/ATD fix sbaU be sbaU be provided ia the circlins approach area.
limited to a TPD of 30 miles or less and must be within Paragraph 260b applies.
tho limits of the 4 NM l.fXle shown in figure 15·2.
.1. Desceat Cradlmt. Paragraph 2.S2 applia.
a. Abpmeut. Tbo FAC sbaU be aligned through the
RWY or APT WP. For a straight·in app:oacb, the e. Usbq Fha for Descent. Paragraphs 2881. b,
aligmne:ot should be with the JUDway centerline. When c(3). c(4Xa). and 289 apply.
the alignment exceeds I 5•. atntigbt·in minimums are
oct authorized. For a circling approach. the FAC should t:. RNA V Desc:e~~t Ancfe Information. Paragrapb 1
be aligned to tbc oc:uiA::r of Lbc laoding an:a. but may be lSlapplia.
aligned to any partiCla of tbe usable landing surface.
Flpre 15-tt RESERVED
._ Area. 1bc III'C& coosidc:tcd for obstacle clearance
starts at the earliest point of the FAWP or A1D fix 1524.-1519. RESERVED.
displac::emeut area. and for slraight-in approaches, e:tld.J
at the latest point oC the RWY WP fix displacement
area. For circling approaches. the area cads at the latest SECI10N 3. MISSED APPROACR
point the APT WP fix displacc:meot area.
lSJO. GENERAL. For gcnc:tal criteria. refer to cha~
(I) Lca&ifa. The optimum length of the final 2, sectioa 7. In the scc:oodary .mas, no obstacle may
approach ~ measured between plotted fix peoetrate the I1:1 surface extending upwatd and
positioos, ia S miiea. Tho maximum length is I0 miles. outward &om tho 40: I aur&cc at the edge o( the inner
The minimum length sbaU provide adequate distance for bolmdariea at a right angle to the missed approach
an aircraft to ma.ke the rcqui.red desc:ent aud to regain course.
course alignment wbto a tum is required over the
FAWP. Table lS-4 sbaU be used eo determine the 1531. MISSED APPROACH SEGMENT. The
minimum length of the final approach segment. Fix missed approach sepent beaiDJ at the MAP and ends
displacement an:a ove.rlap restrictions stated in at a point de:siptcd by the clearance limit. 'l1lese
paragraph \SOl apply. critma consider two types or mined approaches. 1'bey
arc identified u RNAV and DOO-RNA V MAP's and
(2) WlddL defined IS follows:

(a) The final approach primaiy area is a. RNAV.

centered oa the FAC. Jt is 1 miJcw wide oa each side of

Cbapl5 Page l.S-15

Pat 1522
8260.38 CHG 17 2/13/98

(1) Route. PCO provided by RNAV I)'Stcms i1 qment shall be alipcd with tho FAC. The lcuath oC
required lbrougbout the missed approach ~ Tho the straight 1C1Ctioa abaU be determined by JUbcractina
lcuath or the segment il measured point-to-point the lowest MDA otthe procedure &om the height of the
between the respective (plotted position) WP'1 tuming altitude in the mined approach and multiplyina -..........."
lbrousf:lout the misxd approach procedure. by 40. The distance is measured 6:om the latest point
the MAP can be n:c:eived.
(a) A WP il teqUired at the MAP and at the
end of tbc misxd approach procedure. A twu WP may (d) Tums may exoocd angles of 120•.
be included in the missed approach.
b. Non-RNAV Mlssed Approach Procedures.
(b) A straight. tumins. or combination Chapter 2, scccioa 7, is applicable for non-RNAV
straight and turning missed approach procedure may be missed approach criteria with the foUowing exceptioos:
developed. WP's are teqUired for each segment within abe c:onnecl.ioo t« tho missed approach area and abe
the missed approach procedure. originatioo pointl of the 40: 1 evaluatioo obstructioo
slopo at the MAP, and the area for early tum1 begin at
(c) Turns shaD oot exceed 1204'. the c:arl.icst point the WP or AID fix can be received.
The area CODDeCts at the MAP as described in
(d) A minimum lea length is n:quircd to paragrapba lSll., lS33, 1534. and lSlS. lbe tic-becb
allow the aircraft's stabilizatioo on COUI'3C immediately and evaluatioos are established and coaducted u
after the MAP. See table IS-6 for minimwn distances outlined in this chapter of the RNA V missed approadl
required for each category of aircraft based oa course criteria.
1532. MAP. Thc MAP shall be located on the FAC
(c) For the combinalioo straight and turning and is normally located at the RWY WP or APT WP. u
missed approach. the distance between the latest point appropriate. It may bo designated by an AID fix
the MAP can be received and the earliest point the tum defined relative to the distance &om the RWY or APT
WP can be received shall be sufficic:ot to contain lhc WP. The MAP sbaU be oo furtbc:c from the FAF than
lcuath of tum anticipatioo distance required This tho RWY or APT WP. u appropriate. The area oC the
segment lhaU be aligned within I or lC$$ of the MAP ATRK displacement tolerance may overlap the
extended FAC. plotted positim of the RWY or APT WP. T'be lateral
dimensioo.t for the area of' the AID fix are coosidered
(l) Direct. A direct missed approach may be the same u the Jalaal dimcnsioos of the primary I.RlL
developed to provide a method to allow the pilot to
proceed to a WP that is not connected to the MAP by a 1533. STRAIGHT MISSED APPROACK Straigllt
specified course. PCO is not assumed during the entire missed approach criteria are applied when the missed
missed approach procedure. approach course does not differ more than 15° from the
(a) A:n AID fix may be spceified u the
MAP. a. Ara.

(b) A straight, tumins. or combination (1) Wbea dJe MAP .. at the RWY WP or APT
straight and turning missed appoacb may be developed. WP. the area starts at the earliest point the MAP can be
receiwd and bas the same width as the area for abe WP
(c) The ccmbinatioo straight and turning displacc:mem t.oleranco at the RWY WP or APT WP. u
missed approach procedure shall be a climb fiun the appropriate. l'be ICCOildary ateas are 1 mile each side of
MAP to a specified altitude. The end of the straight the primary area at the earliest point the MAP can be
section shall be established by an altitude. and this recdwd (see figure 15·20).

Page IS-16 Chap 15

Par 1531
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

(4) When a turn of 15 degrees or less causes

the outside edge of the primary missed approach
boundary to cross inside the lateral dimensions of the fix
displacement area of the MAP, that boundary line is
then constructed from the corner of the lateral
dimension of the area abeam the latest point the MAP
can be received. This point is identified as point A at the
MAP when represented by a WP or an ATD fix which is
established as the MAP. See figures 15-22 and 15-23,

b. Obstacle Clearance. The 40:1 missed

approach surface begins at the edge of the area of the
WP displacement tolerance or the displacement area of
the ATD fix of the MAP identified as the line D-A-B-C
Figure 15-20. Straight Missed Approach in figures 15-20 and 15-21. For the triangular area
at the RWY WP. Par 1533a(1). shaded in figures 15-22 and 15-23 resulting from a
skewed course of 15 degrees or less, the 12:1 slope is
(2) When the MAP is at an ATD fix, the area measured from point A. The obstacle slope is
starts at the earliest point the MAP can be received and established by measuring the shortest distance from the
has the same width as the final approach primary and line D-A-B-C to the obstacle (see figures 15-22 and
secondary areas at that point (see figure 15-21). 15-23). The height of the missed approach surface at its
beginning slope is determined by subtracting the
(3) The area expands uniformly to a width of required final approach obstacle clearance and
six miles each side of the course line at a point 15 flight- adjustments specified in paragraph 3.2.2 of this volume
track miles from the plotted position of the MAP. When from the MDA.
PCG is provided, the secondary areas splay linearly
from a width of one mile at the MAP to a width of two
miles at the end of the 15-mile area. The splay of these
areas begins at the earliest point the MAP can be

Figure 15-22. Construction of Straight Missed

Figure 15-21. Straight Missed Approach Approach When Turns ≤ 15° Cause Outside
at an ATD Fix. Par 1533a(2). Boundary to Cross Inside MAP Fix Displacement
Tolerance at RWY WP. Par 1533a(4).

Chap 15 Page 15-17

Par 1533
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14

Connects to the WP or fix displacement area at point C,

which is located at the earliest point the MAP can be
received. See figures 15-25 and 15-27. Point C1, for
turns more than 90 degrees, connects to the corner of the
WP or fix displacement area at the non-turn side at point
D at the earliest point the MAP can be received. See
figures 15-26 and 15-28. Point C1, for turns which
expand the missed approach area boundary beyond line
E-D-Z, connects to point E (see figure 15-29). Point C1,
for turns which expand the missed approach area
boundary beyond line E-Z (parallel to the FAC line),
connects to point E1, a TP of the obstacle boundary arc
(see figure 15-30).

b. Obstacle Clearance. The 40:1 obstacle

clearance surface begins at the edge of the WP or fix
displacement area or the MAP. The height of the missed
approach surface over an obstacle in zone 2 is
Figure 15-22. Construction of Straight Missed determined by measuring a straight-line distance from
Approach When Turns ≤ 15° Cause Outside the obstacle to the nearest point on the A-B-C line and
Boundary to Cross Inside MAP Fix Displacement computing the height based on the 40:1 ratio (see figure
Tolerance at an ATD Fix. Par 1533a(4). 15-26). The height of the missed approach surface in
zone 3 is determined by measuring the distance from the
1534. TURNING MISSED APPROACH. Turning obstacle to point C, as shown in figure 15-26, and
missed approach criteria apply whenever the missed computing the height based on the 40:1 ratio. The height
approach course differs by more than 15 degrees from of the missed approach surface over point C for zone 3
the FAC. computations is the same height as the MDA, less
adjustments specified in paragraph 3.2.2 of this volume.
a. Area.
(1) Zone 1 begins at a point abeam the latest TURNING MISSED APPROACH.
point the MAP can be received (see figure 15-24).
a. Area.
(2) The turning missed approach area should
be constructed by the methods described in paragraph (1) Section 1 is a portion of the normal
275, except as follows: straight missed approach area and is constructed as
specified in paragraph 1533 (see figure 15-31). The end
(a) The radii for the outer boundary is of section 1 is based on a turn at a WP, or a climb to an
constructed from a baseline at the latest point the MAP altitude prior to commencing a turn.
can be received.
(2) RNAV Route Missed Approach
(b) Where the width "d" of the final Procedure. A turn WP is used to base the length of
approach area at the latest point the MAP can be section 1 for a route RNAV MAP.
received exceeds the value of the radius of the outer
boundary R in table 5, use "wide final approach area at
the MAP" construction methodology. If the width "d" is
less than or equal to R, use "narrow" methodology (see
figure 15-24). Point C1, for turns of 90 degrees or less,

Page 15-18 Chap 15

Par 1533
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

1 Points F, T1, T2, and J represent

the end of section 1. For turns 90 degrees or less, point
C1 connects to point J. See figure 15-31. For turns of
more than 90 degrees, point C1 of Section 3 connects to
point T2 (see figure 15-32).

2 The radius for the obstruction

boundary is measured from a baseline at the latest point
the turn WP can be received.

3 The outer boundary line

connects tangentially to the outside radius of the
boundary arc. Then, the secondary area boundary
connects to that line at the point abeam the plotted
position of the turn WP (see figures 15-31 and 15-32).

(3) RNAV Direct Procedure. For an RNAV

direct missed approach, the end of section 1 is based on
a climb to altitude, and secondary area reductions are
not applied.

(a) The end of section 1 is established

as described in paragraph 1531a(2)(c). PCG is not
assumed, and secondary area obstruction clearance may
not be applied. The end of Section 1 is represented by
line H-T3 (see figure 15-33).

(b) Construction.

1 A baseline extension of line

G-D-C separates sections 2 and 3. When point C1 is
established prior to the baseline, C1 connects to point C
(see figure 15-33).

2 When C1 is established beyond

the baseline, but inside line G-Z, C1 connects to point G.
G-Z is established parallel to the FAC line (see figure
Figure 15-24. Wide and Narrow Missed
Approach Methodology. 3 When point C1 is established
Par 1534a(1) and (2). beyond an area of line G-Z, C1 connects to point H (see
figure 15-35).
(a) Secondary area reductions apply
except where the turn exceeds 90 degrees, when the 4 When point C1 is established
reduction applies only on the non-turning side. See beyond an area of line H-Z, C1 connects to point K, a
figure 15-32. tangent point on the boundary arc. H-Z is established
paralleled to the FAC line (see figure 15-36).
(b) For VOR/DME systems, the turn
WP must be limited to a TPD of 30 NM or less and to b. Obstruction Clearance.
within the 4 NM zone.
(1) RNAV route missed approach of turns 90
(c) A turn anticipation area must be degrees or less.
constructed at the turn point.
(a) Obstacles in Section 2 are evaluated
(d) Construction. based on the shortest distance in the primary area from
the obstacle to any point on line T2-T3 (see figure

Chap 15 Page 15-19

Par 1535
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14

(b) Obstacles in Section 2b are

evaluated based on the shortest distance in the primary 1541.-1599. RESERVED.
area from the obstacle to point T3 through Point J (see
figure 15-31).

(2) RNAV Route Missed Approach of Turns

More than 90 degrees. Obstacles in sections 2 and 3 are
evaluated based on the shortest distance in the primary
area from the obstacle to any point on line T2-T3 (see
figure 15-32).

(3) RNAV Direct Procedure. Obstacles in

section 2 are evaluated based on the shortest distance
from the obstacle to any point on line G-H-T3-X.
Obstacles in section 3 are evaluated based on shortest
distance from the obstacle to point X (see figure 15-36).

(4) The height of the missed approach

surface over an obstacle in sections 2 or 3 is determined
by measuring the shortest distance from the obstacle to Figure 15-25. RNAV Turning Missed Approach,
the nearest point on the T2-T3 line for RNAV routes 90 degrees or Less. Par 1534a(2)(b)
missed approach procedures and to the nearest point on
the H-T3 line for RNAV direct missed approach
procedures. Compute the height of the surface by using
the 40:1 ratio from the height of the missed approach
obstacle surface at the end of section 1. The height of
the obstacle surface at the end of section 1 is determined
by computing the 40:1 obstacle surface slope beginning
at the height of the missed approach surface measured
from the latest point of the MAP (see figures 15-32 and

(5) The height of the missed approach surface

over point X for section 3 computations is the height of
the MDA less adjustments specified in paragraph 3.2.2,
plus a 40:1 rise in section 1 as measured from line A-B
to the end of section 1.

1536. CLEARANCE LIMIT. The missed approach

procedure must specify an appropriate fix as a clearance
limit. The fix must be suitable for holding. For
VOR/DME systems, the clearance limit WPs must meet
terminal fix displacement tolerance criteria from table Figure 15-26. RNAV Turning Missed Approach,
15-1. For non-VOR/DME systems, clearance limit WPs More than 90 degrees up to 120 degrees.
must meet en route fix displacement tolerance criteria Par 1534a(2)(b)
from table 15-3

1537.-1539. RESERVED.


1540. APPROACH MINIMUMS. Chapter 3, section

3, applies. Table 15-5 specifies the minimum visibility
based on the XTRK fix displacement tolerance of the
plotted position of the MAP. XTRK values in table 15-2
must be applied for VOR/DME. An XTRK value of 0.6
NM must be applied for non-VOR/DME.

Page 15-20 Chap 15

Par 1535
2113/98 8260.38 CHO 17


POINT C. Par 1534a(l)(b).
APPROACH,> 900. Par1!34a(l)(b).

\ .
POINT D. Par 1S34a(l)(b).

NO"''EE PotDI. C,coueda lO E,t&D&IIIl lO uc wheaiMC.-Eall aallldt

of IDe E-Z. £..Z t. t~Ub~Wacd puaiW lO &.I appi'OfiQ CGIIIM be.


APPROACH> 1800. Parl534a(2)(1»).

Chap lS Page 1S·21

IZOO.JB UtU n l/13/91

Flcwe 15-3L
Figure 15-33. CLIMB TO ALTITVDE,
Par 1S35a(3}.

I \ t;.
'-. i.,,,!.u \ ""'
\ \ i

.l v.. ,
i T ./ ~,


THAN JOO UP TO 1200. APPROACH> 90°. Par 1535a(3).
Par 1S3Sa(l)and b{3).

Page lS-22 Chap 15

2/13/98 8260.38 CHO 17

\··--y--··---·-··--,-...-------,......7 ,---·,...- - -...·-··--··-T·. ···-.. . . . ~-................... ~·····7·•···-•··':'

\ . ! . . \. \I i! ! f
\~ \ I
: I
I II \~ \\ iI :
f !

i ;
\. NOTI!'A•wid.• ~ t•IGit.IIU1Icdaa.
I ,, ..... __,I • /
\\ \\NOna ...........
\ \ ~ \
' \ \
:i -----+---'
\ \ \ t

\ \ \ \

\ \ \

...... :a

\ \ NOTI!'A PobC C C11111MCb co poiDt B wta.

\ l C't ·B oauWe IIDt G-2'. G-Z ..rablbW
\ \ .............. ·~ c:ourMt
.......... ~ l

~....: .....Lt.L ....U


fJ . . . ..J. _,
Fl&ure 1s.JS. CLIMB TO ALTITUDE, NO'I'E: l'llblb eoued& te
STRAIGHT AND '11.JR.NING MISSED .POIMI: wtld\ .1[ .. Olltlldc 11-Z.
a.z ......... ,.,... ..
APPROACH> W. Par 1535a(3). II.MIIIpiii'IIIIClcwJW 1M. .


APPROACH> 180•. Par 153!.(3).

Chap IS Page 15·23

Par 1540
8260.JB CHG 17 2/13/98


0 \0 ao 30 40 &0 6\ 0 \0 20 30 40 ~

l 3
az 21
07 oa
oa l'
10 X'T1lX It I3 1.7 u 21 34 10 XT1UC J2 ll 17 Z2 28 34
AT'RIC oa 0.1 0.1 01 10 l 1 ATIUC 08 01 08 01 I0 JI
20 XTR.K u 14 II 23 u 20 XT'R.K 12 l4 lfl 23 21 34
ATRX I3 13 1.3 14 It ATRIC I3 I3 13 I4 I4 l .s
30 X'T1lX
u 1 .. 1.1 23 28 30 lC1'1tX 12 14 u 23 :u 3!1
II II 1I It 20 ATR.IC II II 11 It 20 20
40 XTRX 13 u 11 23 40 X'I'RX l3
15 Ill u u 35
.t.TR.K 2.4 2.4 24 24 J.TR.K 24 24 24 2$ u
50 X'T1lX '3 IS 50 lCTJtX l 3 IS It 24 2t 35
ATR.IC u 3.0 ATR.IC 21 30 30 30 30 3\
63 XTR.K 13 60 XTR.K I4 u l t 24 30 31
ATRX 3l AT1lX 3$ 3$ :u 31 31 ll
Tununal. 70 XTRIC l 4 u 20 25 30 31
.t.TRIC 4l .. l 4I 4 I 42 42
J/V En Roulc
60 lC1'1tX

.. .,

2.1 . 2$
3 1
ATRX $2 52 !13 !13 S3 53
100 mx I 7 IS u 26 32 37
ATR.K !18 sa !II St !It !19
110 XTR.K 11 \t 22 27 32 38
ATR.IC 14 84 14 14 65 IS
120 XT'IIX 18 20 23 21 33 38
ATU IIJ 70 70 70 70 7 l

Random tn lloule
Talllt •JJI'C•tHa ,.., He-It - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . - ,
. - - - - - - - Tt!IM 1$-l - - - - - - .
........ b.._. 0
i f• II,... tt<oulr~ll: ..,.. •lotlcVtcktoi•••-

I Q' •t u. .. ,..... ... ...\U laNe •lUI \o"ttft\ ,...,
][ t:: 4 - t t ..... ""'""""" ......\neil !tom "'ot""t

!,.., _____ - · - · - - - - - · - · - - · - -+-

Chap IS
Par U40
O"'OV••UJ \....nU 1/



0 1 2 3 4 s 10 1$ 20 a~ 30

0 XTRK 0.7 0.1 07 O.D OIJ l0 u I8 2 I

ATRK OIJ OIJ o.s o.s oe 04 01 oe
I' 0.7 0"1
l XTRK 0"1 01 0.1 01 oe OS l 0 ta t5 18 2 I
ATRK 0' 05 0.5 oe oa oa 04 01 01 0.7 0"1
:z XTRX 0"1 0'7 0."1 07 oa oa I 0 u 1.5 1a 2l
ATRK 0' 05 05 oe oa oe oa o.a 07 07 01
Q 3 XTRK 07 07 08 oa oa oa l 0 12 u 1a 21
II) ATRK 0.6 05 05 oc 06 04 0' 04 0.1 0.7 01
i 4 XTRK 08 01 08 08 08 01 I0 JZ 15 18 2 1

ATRK 01 06 06 06 OIJ OS OS 0.7 0"1 07 08
:::r oe
~ 5 XTRK 08 08 08 08 08 10 u I5 I8 2I
;;;: ATRK 0.6 OS 0.6 06 oe oa 0"1 0.7 0.1 0.8 o.e
10 XTRK 08 08 08 08 08 08 I0 u u 2 I
ATRK 08 08 08 08 oa 08 01 0.8 01 Of 09
15 XTRK 08 08 08 08 08 01 I0 u 1.5 ll 2 I
ATRK 10 l 0 10 t 0 10 10 t.l t.l l.l 12
' 0
20 XTRIC 08 08 o.a 08 09 Of I 0 13 u Ia 2 I

l 3
l 3
l 3
'1 e
1 ;,
"" '.
30 XTRK 09 09 0.9 Ot Ot 09 I I 13 1 e 2 I
ATRK 10 I4 I8 1 a I a I a I a u l t 1I p
' l 9


XTRX/ ATRK value• are :

Table application per s•cmenL·l

Secment Table 15·2
En Route
reeder 0
reeder S/D Q,
T• fln4 Cl'ofttnclr lkD4 alon,lTack toa.ronce
oL llht po<At. IDttr to bit Willi lOIICtlll ,.Ill\
IAWP o.: clnl.u•• ucl 4Jal.oact alonctnck fTom t.onctnl
lnJLaal S/D
IWP 1-[ po•nt -------
Jnlerm.-diale S/D
F'mal SID
:.. -·-·-·-·-
loiAWP/ATD Fuc lC
WA Turn Poan\ )(

Chap 15 Page 15·25

Par 1540
8260.38 CHG 17 2/13/98



XTRK 3.0 20 06
ATRK 2.8 1.7 03
XTRK/ ATRK values are ±

Table application per segment

TABLE 15-3
En Route Terminal Approach
En Route X
Feeder X
Feeder S/D X
Initial S/D X
Intermediate S/D X
Final S/D X
MA Turn Point X
MA Holding X




(T-5· >5"-1-0" >ta-3o-

A 1.8 1.8 2.0
B 1.8 2.0 2.5
c 2.0 2.5 3.0
D 2.5 3.0 3.5
E 3.0 3.5 4.0

Page l~-26 Chap 1~

Par 1540
2113/98 1260.38 CHG 17



CAT o.,. o.a >4.8 -1.0 >1.0 -1..2 >1.2-1., >I.,

A l l 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1.15 1.15
c 1 1 us 1.5 1.5
D I 1.15 u L75 2
E 1 1.15 u 1.75 l




CAT >ts•
~o· :!::45· :!::68• :!3Q• :!::tlO•

Mlnlmum Lee Length, NM. betwea~ MAP and ant WP

A l.O 4.0 5.0 5.J
D 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.3 ~
E 3.0 s.s 7.8 9.5 11.3

Chap 15 Page 15·27 and (15-28)

Par 1540
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


1700. – 1709. RESERVED.

Section 1. VHF Obstacle Clearance Areas


AREAS. Obstacle clearance areas for en route planning are
identified as “primary,” “secondary,” and “turning” areas.
AREA. Application of System Accuracy. Par 1711b.
a. Basic Area. The primary en route obstacle clearance
area extends from each radio facility on an airway or route
c. Termination Point. When the airway or route
to the next facility. It has a width of 8 NM; 4 NM on each
terminates at a navigational facility or other radio fix, the
side of the centerline of the airway or route. See figure 17-1.
primary area extends beyond that termination point. The
boundary of the area may be defined by an arc which
connects the two boundary lines. The center of the arc is, in
the case of a facility termination point, located at the
geographic location of the facility. In the case of a
termination at a radial or DME fix, the boundary is formed
by an arc with its center located at the most distant point of
the fix displacement area on course line. Figure 17-8 and its
Figure 17-1. PRIMARY OBSTACLE inset show the construction of the area at the termination
CLEARANCE AREA. Par 1711a. point.


b. System Accuracy. System accuracy lines are drawn at
a 4.5-degree angle on each side of the course or route. See a. Basic Area. The secondary obstacle clearance area
figure 17-1. The apexes of the 4.5-degree angles are at the extends along a line drawn 2 NM on each side of the
facility. These system accuracy lines will intersect the primary area. See figure 17-3.
boundaries of the primary area at a point 50.8 NM from the
facility (normally 51 NM is used). If the distance from the
facility to the changeover point (COP) is more than 51 NM,
the outer boundary of the primary area extends beyond the
4 NM width along the 4.5-degree line. See figure 17-2.
These examples apply when the COP is at midpoint.
Paragraph 1716 covers the effect of offset COP or dogleg



b. System Accuracy. Secondary area system accuracy

lines are drawn at a 6.7-degree angle on each side of the
course or route. See figure 17-3. The apexes are at the
facility. These system accuracy lines will intersect the outer
boundaries of the secondary areas at the same point as
primary lines, 51 NM from the facility. If the distance from
the facility to the COP is more than 51 NM, the secondary
area extends along the 6.7-degree line. See figure 17-4. See
paragraph 1716.c. and d. for offset COP or dogleg airway.

Chap 17 Page 173

Par 1700
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14

(1) The graph figure 17-5 may be used to

determine if the turning area should be plotted for
airways/routes below 10000 feet MSL. If the point of
intersection on the graph of the “amount of turn at
intersection” versus “VOR facility to intersection
distance” falls outside the hatched area of the graph, the
turning area criteria need not be applied.

Figure 17-4. SECONDARY OBSTACLE (2) If the “amount of turn” versus “facility
CLEARANCE AREAS. Application of System distance” values fall within the hatched area or outside
Accuracy Lines. Par 1712b. the periphery of the graph, then the turning area criteria
must be applied as described in paragraph 1714.

c. Termination Point. Where the airway or route c. Track. The flight track resulting from a
terminates at a facility or radio fix, the boundaries are combination of turn delay, inertia, turning rate, and
connected by an arc in the same way as those in the wind effect is represented by a parabolic curve. For ease
primary area. Figure 17-8 and its inset shows of application, a radius arc has been developed which
termination point secondary areas. can be applied to any scale chart.

1713. TURNING AREA. d. Curve Radii. A 250 knot IAS, which is the
maximum allowed below 10000 feet MSL, results in
a. Definition. The en route turning area may be radii of 2 NM for the primary area and 4 NM for the
defined as an area which may extend the primary and secondary area up to that altitude. For altitudes at or
secondary obstacle clearance areas when a change of above 10000 feet MSL up to but not including 18000
course is necessary. The dimensions of the primary and feet MSL the primary area radius is 6 NM and the
secondary areas will provide adequate protection where secondary area radius is 8 NM. At or above 18000 feet
the aircraft is tracking along a specific radial, but when MSL the radii are 11 NM for primary and 13 NM for
the pilot executes a turn, the aircraft may go beyond the secondary
boundaries of the protected airspace. The turning area
criteria supplement the airway and route segment e. System Accuracy. In drawing turning areas it will
criteria to protect the aircraft in the turn. be necessary to consider system accuracy factors by
applying them to the most adverse displacement of the
b. Requirement for Turning Area Criteria. Because radio fix or airway/route boundaries at which the turn is
of the limitation on aircraft indicated airspeeds below made. The 4.5- and 6.7-degree factors apply to the VOR
10000 feet MSL (14 CFR Part 91.117); some conditions radial being flown, but since no pilot or aircraft factors
do not require the application of turning area airspace exist in the measurement of an intersecting radial, a
criteria. navigation facility factor of plus-or-minus 3.6 degrees is
used. See figure 17-6.

Note: If a radio fix is formed by intersecting signals

from two low frequency (LF), or one LF and VOR
facility, the obstacle clearance areas are based upon
accuracy factors of 5.0 (primary) and 7.5 (secondary)
degrees each side of the course or route centerlines of
the LF facilities. If the VOR radial is the intersecting
signal, the 3.6-degree value stated in paragraph 1713.e.
above applies.

Page 174 Chap 17

Par 1712
4/1183 8260.38 CHG 4


lAS 250k (300k TAS). -t--+--+--+--+--+---+----1
Wind 59k omni
Primary 2 NM
Secondary 4 NM

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 17·5 TURN ANGLE VS DISTANCE Par 1113 h (1) and (2)

01'>111 f AClUllf5
A $.<1' f..:TOI
DIIPI,ACIMlNT h. Computation.~. Computations due to obstac-
-... les actually located in the turning areas will prob-
ably be indicated only in a minority of cases.
These methods do, however, add to the flexibility
of procedures specialists in resolving specific ob-
stacle clearance problems without resorting to the
Figure 17-6 Ji1XDISPLA.CEM£NT Par 1713e use of waivers.
c. Minimum Turning Altitude (MTA). Where
the application of the tum criteria obviates the
use of an MEA with a cardinal altitude, the use of
an MTA for a special direction of flight may be
1714. APPIJCATION OF TURNING AREA authorized. Where this is employed an
CRITERIA. appropriate notation shall be included on the
* FAA Fonn 8260-2, Radio Fix and Holding Data
a. Techniques. Figures 17-8, 17-9, and 17-10 il- Record, for the turning fix. •
lustrate the application of the criteria. They also
show areas which may be deleted from considera- 1715. TURN AREA TEMPLATE. A tum area
tions when obstacle clearance is the deciding fac- template has been designed for use on charts
tor for establishing minimtun enroute altitudes sc·aled at 1:500,000. See Figure 17-7. It is identi-
(MEAs) on airways or route segments. fied as "TA-l."

Par 1714 Page 175
8280.38 CHG 4 4/1/83

(2) Secondary Area "Outside" Curve. The
outside curve of the secondary turning area is the
curve farthest from the navigation facility which ......_,-
provides the intersecting radial. This curve is in-
dexed to the distance from the fix to the enroute
I facility as follows:

(a) Where the fix is less than 51 NM from

the enroute facility, the secondary arc is started at
a point 2 NM outside the primary index with the
parallel dashed lines of the template aligned on
the 4.5 degree line. See Figure 17-8.
F\glue 17-7. TURNtNG &\REA TEMPLATE. Par 1715.

(b) Where the fix is farther than 51 NM

a. Use of Templllte-Intersection Fix. from the enroute station, the arc is started at the
point of intersection of the 3.6 and 6. 7 degree
(1) Primary Area. At an intersection fix the lines with the parallel dashed lines of the template
primary obstacle clearance area arc indexes are aligned on the 6.7 degree line. See Figure 17-9.
placed at the most adverse points of the fix dis-
placement area as determined by the outer inter- (3) Secondary Area "Inside" Curve. The in-
sections of the enroute radial 4.5 degree lines side curve is the turning area arc which is nearest
(VOR) and the cross-radial 3.6 degree lines the navigation facility which provides the inter-
(VOR). See Figures 17-8 and 17-9. H LF signals secting radial. This arc is begun 2 NM beyond the
are used the 5.0 degree system accuracy lines primary index and on the 3.6 degree line. The
apply. The parallel dashed lines on the turn area parallel dashed lines on the turning area template
template are aligned with the appropriate system are aligned with the 4.5 degree line from the en-
acc\Jl'llCy lines and the curves are drawn. route station.


NOW SECONDARY-~t'4::;._(G~"'~~

Figure 17-8 TURNING AREA, INTERSECTION FIX {Facility Distance Less than 51 NM) Par 1715 a and b

Chap 17
Page 176 Par 1715
11/6/84 8260.38 CHG 7

b. Use of Template When Fix Overheads a Fa-

cility. See Figure 17-10. The geographical posi-
tion of the fix is considered to be displaced later-
,... ally and longitudinally by 2 NM at aU altitudes.

J •
..; ~'
I i
(F11l'ility Oi5lllnl-e lleyond 51 NM). Par 1715 a anfl b


• Par 171Sb. •

(a) Where the fix is less than 51 NM from

the enroute facility and the magnitude of the tum
i!'l less thnn 30 degrees, the "inside" curves do not (I) Primary Arcs. The primary arcs are in-
affe<:t the size of the secondary area. dexed at points 2 NM beyond the station and 2
NM on each side of the station. The paral1el dot-
(h) Where the distance from the enroute ted lines on the template are aligned with the air-
ra<:ilitv to the fix is more than 51 NM but the way or route boundaries and the curves drawn.
magnitude or the tum is less than 45 degrees, the
"inside" cmves do not increase the size of the sec- (2) Secondary Arcs. The secondary arcs are
ondary area. indexed 2 NM outside the primary points, and on
a line with them. The parallel dotted lines on the
(c) Where the magnitude of the turn is template are aligned with the airway or route
greater than those stipulated in (a} and (b) above, boundaries, and the curves drawn.
the .. inside" cmves will affect the size of the sec-
om1ary area. (3) Connection Lines. Tangential straight
lines are now drawn connecting the two primary
(d) Whether the secondary area cmves af- and the two secondary arcs. The outer limits of
red the !'lize of the secondary obstacle clearance both curves are connected to the primary and sec-
area or not, they must be drawn to provide refer- ondary area boundaries by intercept Jines which
ence points for the tangential lines described in are drawn 30 degrees to the airway or route cen-
(4) helow. terline. The 30 degree Jines on the template may
be used to draw these intercept lines.
(4) Connecting Lines. Tangential straight
lines are now drawn connecting the two primary c. Deletion Areas. Irregular areas remain on
~m:s and the two se<.'Ondary arcs. The outer limits the outer corners of the tum areas. See Figures
or hoth cmves •tre symmetrically connected to the 17-8, 17-9, and 17-10. These are the areas identi-
respe<:tive primary and secondary area boundaries fied in paragraph 1714 which may be deleted
in the direction of flight by lines drawn at a 30 from consideration when obstacle clearance is the
degree angle to the airway or route centerline. See deciding factor for determination of MEA on an
Figmes 17-R and 17-9. airway or route se&'lllent.

Chap 17
Par 1715 Page 177
Pa~e 178 8260.38 CHG 3

(1) Where the "outside" secondary area overlaps at the MEA, the COP will nonnally be
(·mve is started within the airway or route second- designated at the midpoint. Where radio fre-
ary area boundary (see Figure 17-8), the area is quency interference or other navigation signal
hlcmled hy drawing a line from the point where problems exist, the COP will be at the optimum
the 3.6 de~ree (5.0 with LF facility) line meets the location, taking into t'Onsideration the signal
line whieh forms the enroute secondary boundary strength, alignment error, or any other known
tangent to the "outside" secondary arc. Another condition which affects reception. The effect of
line is drawn from the point where the same 3.6 COP on the primary and secondary obstacle
(or 5.0) degree line meets the line which forms the clearance areas is as follows:
primury boundary, tangent to the matching pri-
mary arc. These two lines now enclose the sec- c1. Short Segments. If the airway or route seg-
ondary area at the turn. The comer which was ment is less than 102 NM long and the COP is
fonne.rly part of the secondary area may be disre- placed at the midpoint, the ohstade clearance
~arcled; the part which was formerly part of the areas are not affected. See Fib'lire 17-11.
primary area may now be considered secondary
area. These areas are shaded in Figure 17-8.

(2) Where the secondary curve is indexed on

the secondary area boundary formed by the 6.7
dc~ree lines, the arc itself cuts the comer and pre-
s<:rihes the deleted area. See Figure 17-9. This
t·ondition occurs when the radio fix is over 51 NM
from the enroute navigation facility.

(3) When overheading the facility, the sec- f'lgnre 17-11. COP EFFECT Short Airway or Route Segment
ondary area corner deletion area is established by
dmwin~ a line from a point opposite the station
index at the secondary area boundary, tangent to
the secondary "outside,. curve. See Figure 17-10.
A similar line is drawn from a point opposite the
station index at the primary area boundary, tan- h. Long Segments. If the distance between two
gent to the plimary turning arc. The corner for- faciliti~s is _over 102 NM and the COP is placed at
merly part of the primary area now becomes sec- the 1mdpomt, the system accuracy lines extend
ondary area. The deletion areas are shown in Fig- beyond the minimum widths of 8 and 12 NM
nrc 17-10 hy shading. and a flare results at the COP. See Figure 17-12. '
have heen defined between navigation facilities
along airway/route segments which are called
"changeover points (COP)." These points indi-
cate that the pilot using the airway/route should
"change over" his navigation equipment to re-
ceive course guidance from the facility ahead of
the aircraft instead of the one behind. These COP
divide a segment and assure continuous reception
of navigation signals at the prescribed. minimum
eni'Oute IFR altitude (MEA). They also assure
that aircraft operating within the same portion of
an airway or route segment will not be using azi-
Figure 17-12. COP EFFECT Long Airway or Route Segment
nmth signals from two different navigation facili- Par 1716 h
ties. Where signal coverage from two facilities

Par 1715 Chap 17

12/6/84 8260.3B CHG 7

c. Off'ict COP. If the changeover point is offset

dne to fncility pcrfonnance problems, the system
ac<:nracy lines must he carried from the farthest
fadlity to a position abeam the changeover point,
and these lines on each side of the airway or route
segment at the COP are joined by 1ines drawn di-
rectly fmm the nearer facility. In this case the an-
gles of the lines drc1wn from the nearer faci1ity
have no specific angle. See Figure 17-13. Figure IH5 COURSE CHANCE EFFEL'T .Par 1717.

first, and govern the width of the airway or wute

at the COP. The app1ication of secondary area
criteria results in a segment similar to that de-
picted in Figure 17-16.

Figurt' 17·1:\ OFFSET COP. Par 1716 c

cl. IJn~ll'f!. Sl·gment. A dog1eg airway or route

segment may I 1e treated in a manner similar to
that given ofrset COPs. The system accuracy lines
will he drawn to meet at a line drawn as the bisec-
tor of the dogleg "bend" angle and the boundaries
of the primary nnd secondary areas extended as
required. Sec Figure 17-14.


• Par 1717


ALTITUDES (MEA). An MEA wiiJ be esta-
blished for each segment of an airway/route from
radio fix to radio fix. The MEA wi11 be established
Fi~trt> 17-H DOGLEGSEGMENT.P11r 17l6d.
based upon obstacfe clearan<:e over the terrain or
over manmade objects, adequacy of navigation fa-
cility performance, and communications require-
ments. Segments are designated West to East and
South to North. Altitudes will be established to
1717. COURSE CHANGE EFFECT. The the nearest 100 foot increment; i.e., 2049 feet be-
<:omplcxity of defining the obstacle clearance comes 2000, and 2050 feet becomes 2100.
are<ts is im:rcased when the airway or route be-
comes more complex. Figure 17-15 shows the NOTE: Care must he taken to insure that all
method of defining the primary area when a radio MEAs based upon flight inspection infoni'Ultion
fix and a COP are involved. Note that the system have been corrected to and reported as tme alti-
4l<'t'Hraev lines are drawn from the farthest facility ttltles a!Jove mean sea level (MSL).

Chap 1'7
Par 1716 Page 179
Pa~e IRO 8260.38 CHG .1

1719. PROTECTED ENROUTE AREAS. As (c) Phenomena conducive to marked pres·

previously established, the enroute areas which sure differentials.
must be <:onsidered for obstacle clearance protec·
tion are identified as primary, secondary, and (d) Type of and distance between naviga-
tum areas. TI1e overall consideration of these tion facilities.
areas is necessary when determining obstacle
clearances. (e) Availability of weather services
throughout the area.

Section 2. VHF Obstacle Clearance (f) Availa[)ility and rcliahility of altimeter

resetting points along airways/routes in the area.
AREA. (2) Altitudes providing at least 1000 feet of
obstacle clearance over towers and/or other man-
a. Nonmounlllinotl.'i Areas. The minimum ob- made obstacles may be authorized within design-
stacle clearance over areas NOT designated as ated mountainous areas providecl such obstacles
mountainous under FAR 9.5 will be 1000 feet over are NOT located on precipitous terrain where
the highest nhstade. Bernoulli Effect is known or suspected to exist.

h. Mountainous Aret~s. Owing to the action of N01'E: When approving MEAs with less thon
BernouUi Effect and of atmospheric eddies, vor- 2f'XJO feet of obstocle clearance in designaletl
tices, waves, and other phenomena which o<:cur mountainous (lrea.~. a record of such approl)(l/ will
in conjunction with the disturbed airflow attend- /Je maintained h!l tile Flight ln.\JW.ction Field Of-
ing the passage of strong winds over mountains, fire.
pressure deficiencies manifested as very steep
hor~zontal pressure hrradients develop over such 1721. OBSTACLE CLEARANCE, SECOND-
re~JOns. Smt·e downdrafts and turbulence are ARY AREAS. In all areas, mountainous and non-
prevalent under these conditions, the hazards to mountainous, obstacles which are located in the
air navigation arc mtdtiplicd. Except as set forth secondary areas will be (.."onsiclered as obstacles to
in (1) and (2) below, the minimum obstacle clear- air navigation when they extend above the sec-
ance over terrain and manmade obstacles, within ondary obstacle clearance plane. This plane be-
areas designated in FAR 95 as "mountainous" will gins at a point 500 feet above the obstacles upon
he 2000 feet. which the ptimary obstacle clearance area MOCA
is based, and slants upward at an angle which will
(1) Obstacle clearance may be reduced to cause it to intersect the outer edge of the second-
not less than 1.500 feet ahove terrain in the de- ary area at a point 500 feet higher. See Figure 17-
signated mountainous areas of the Eastern United 17. Where an obstacle extends above this plane,
States, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the the normal MOCA shall he increased by adding
land areas of the State of Hawaii; and may be to the MSL height of the highest penetrating ob-
reduced to not less than 1700 feet above terrain in stacle in the secondary area the required clear-
the designated mountainous areas of the Western ance (C), computed with the following formula:
United States and the State of Alaska. Considera-
tion mnst be given to the foJJowing points before D' 500 500 X 02
- 2= - - o r C
any altitudes providing less than 2000 feet of ter- D C 01
rain clearance are authorized.
D 1 is the total width of the secondary area.

(a) Areas characterized by precipitous ter- D 2 is the distance from the ohstade to the
rain. OUTER eclge of the secondary area.

(h) Weather phenomena peculiar to the NOTE: Add an extm 1000 feet in mountllinous
area. areas except where MEAs in enroute uirspm:e

Par litH Chap 17

4/1183 8260.3B CHG 4

areas ore reduced under the provisions of par- Example: An obstade which reaches 1875 feet
agraph 1720. In these cases, where the primary MSL is found in the secondary area 6170 feet in-
area MOCA has been reduced to 1700 feet, odd side the outer secondary area boundary and 46
700 feet to the secondary obstacle clearance, and NM from the facility. See Figures 17-17 and 17-
where the primary area MOCA has been reduced 18.
to 1500 feet, a4d 500 feet to the secondary area
clearance value. 0 1 is 12,152 feet.
0 2 is 6170 feet.
0' has a total width of 2 NM, or 12,152 feet out
to a distance of 51 NM from the enroute facility, 500 X 6170
and then increases at a rate of 236 feet for each • = 253.8 (254 feet)
12 152
additional NM.
Obstacle height (1875) + 254 2129.
MOCA is 2100 feet.

Figure 17-19 is a secondary area obstacle clear-
ance graph, designed to allow the determination
of clearance requirements without using the for-
mula. The left axis shows the required obstacle
clearance; the lower axis shows the distance from
the outer edge of the secondary area to the obsta-
de. The slant lines are facility distance references.

Facility distances which fall between the charted

values may be found by interpolation along the
vertical distance lines.
a. Application. To use the secondary area ob-
stacle clearance chart, enter with the value
representing the distance from the outer edge of
the secondary area to the obstacle. In the
problems above this distance was 6170 feet. Pro-
ceed up to the "51 NM or less" line and read the
clearance requirement from the left axis. The
chart reads 254 feet, the same as was found using
riJ • ()j•-• '- OUIU ...... the formula. To solve the second problem, reenter
o~...-.,. ..... the chart at 6170 feet and move vertically to find
68 NM between the 60 and 70 NM facility dis-
tance slant lines. The clearance requirement
shown to the left is 191 feet, the same as found
using the formula.

b. Finding the MOCA. The required clearance,

found by using the graph, is now added to the
MSL height of the obstade to get the MOCA:

(I) 46 NM from facility:

254 + 1875 = 2129 (2100 MSL).
(2) 68 NM from facility:
191 + 1875 = 2066 (2100 MSL).

Chap 17
Par 1722 Page 181
8260.3B CHG 5 11/15/83

C • R.qul..d clecuance

Dl • Width of S.oonclory A-

0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34



1723.-1729. RESERVED.
the farthest displacement from the fix. See Fig-
ures 17-20and 17-21.
Section 3. Altitudes


(MCA). It is necessary to establish MCAs in all
cases where obstacles intervene to prevent a pilot
from maintaining obstacle clearance during a nor- Ot.trvctlon ti•loht
bcp.llr-cl Cl...-.ca
t 2000'
mal climb to a higher MEA after the aircraft pas- MOCA AI Obltructlon
cu ... VoiiHI I
• 6620"
.. 120'
ses a point beyond which the higher MEA applies. MSL
!,¥;A toq,lrod - S900'
•BerNd \ll'fll"' 6 NM@ )20 FT/NM
The same vertical obstacle clearance requirement
for the primary and secondary areas must be con- Figure 17-20 MCA DETERMINATION POINT. Par 1730
sidered in the determination of the MCA. See
paragraph 1718. The standard for determining
the MCA shall be based upon the following climb FIX DISPLACEMENT AREA

rates, and is computed from the flight altitude:

SL through 5000 feet 150 ft!NM

5000 through 10,000 feet 120 ft!NM
10,000 feet and over 100 ft!NM

a. To determine the MCA, the distance from

the obstacle to the radio fix shall be computed
from the point where the centerline of the en
route course in the direction of flight intersects Figure 17-21. DETERMINATION OF MCA Par 1730.

Page 182 Par 1723
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

b. When a change of altitudes is involved b. Obstacle Clearance. The minimum ROC of the
with a course change, course guidance must be provided route must be provided throughout the primary area.
if the change of altitude is more than 1500 feet and/or if The minimum ROC in the secondary area is 500 feet at
the course is more than 45 degrees. the primary boundary, tapering uniformly to zero feet at
the outer edge. For computation of obstacle clearance in
EXCEPTION: Course changes of up to 90 degrees the secondary area, the computation formula specified in
may be approved without course guidance provided paragraph 1721 must be applied. Adjustments for
that no obstacles penetrate the established MEA precipitous terrain must be applied as stated in
requirement of the previous airway/route segment paragraph 3.2.2b of this volume. Establish minimum
within 15 NM of the boundaries of the system holding altitudes in 100-foot increments. The selected
accuracy displacement area of the fix. See figure altitude must provide the minimum ROC (plus
17-22 and paragraph 1740b(2). adjustments as specified by paragraph 3.2.2b of this
volume); e.g., when obstacle elevation plus ROC and
adjustments equals 1501, round up to 1600 feet.

c. Communications. The communications on

appropriate ATC frequencies (as determined by ATS)
must be required throughout the entire holding pattern
area from the MHA up to and including the maximum
holding altitude. If the communications are not
satisfactory at the minimum holding obstacle clearance
altitude, the MHA must be authorized at an altitude
where the communications are satisfactory. For
communications to be satisfactory, they must meet the
standards as set forth in Order 8200.1, United States
Standard Flight Inspection Manual.

d. Holding Patterns On/Adjacent to ILS Courses.

Holding patterns on or adjacent to ILS courses must
comply with Order 7130.3, paragraph 4-7.

1732.-1739. RESERVED.
AT TURNING POINT. Par 1740b(2) Section 4. Navigational Gaps


ALTITUDES. Criteria for holding pattern airspace are a gap in course guidance exists, an airway or route
contained in Order 7130.3, Holding Pattern Criteria, and segment may be approved in accordance with the
provide for separation of aircraft from aircraft. The criteria set forth in paragraph 1740c, provided:
criteria contained in this document deal with the
clearance of holding aircraft from obstacles. a. Restrictions.

a. Area. The primary obstacle clearance area for (1) The gap may not exceed a distance
holding must be based on the appropriate holding which varies directly with altitude from zero NM at sea
pattern airspace area specified in Order 7130.3. No
level to 65 NM at 45000 feet MSL, and
reduction in the pattern sizes for “on entry” procedures
is permitted. In addition, when holding at an intersection
fix, the selected pattern must also be large enough to
contain at least three corners of the fix displacement
area. See paragraphs 284, 285, and figure 37-1. A
secondary area two miles wide surrounds the perimeter
of the primary area.

Chap 17 Page 183

Par 1730
8260.3B CHG 26 02/24/14

(2) Not more than one gap may exist in the (b) When in conflict with paragraph
airspace structure for the airway/route segment, and 1740a(1) or (2) to an altitude where there is continuous
course guidance available.
(3) A gap may not occur at any airway or route
turning point, except when the provisions of paragraph (2) For turning segments. Turns to intercept
1740b(2) are applied, and radials with higher MEA’s may be allowed provided:

(4) A notation must be included on FAA Form (a) The increase in MEA does not exceed
8260-16 which specifies the area within which a gap 1500 feet, and
exists where the MEA has been established with a gap
in navigational signal coverage. The gap area will be (b) The turn does not exceed 90 degrees, and
identified by distances from the navigation facilities.
(c) No obstacles penetrate the MEA of the
b. Authorizations. MEA’s with gaps may only be course being flown within 15 NM of the fix
authorized where a specific operational requirement displacement area (see figure 17-22).
exists. Where gaps exceed the distance in paragraph
1740a(1), or are in conflict with the limitations in (3) When in conflict with paragraph 1740b(1)
paragraph 1740a(2) or (3), the MEA must be increased or (2) to an altitude where there is continuous course
as follows: guidance available.

(1) For straight segments: c. Use of Steps. Where large gaps exist which
require the establishment of altitudes that obviate the
(a) To an altitude which will meet the effective use of airspace, consideration may be given to
distance requirement of paragraph 1740a(1), or the establishment of MEA


Page 184 Chap 17

Par 1740
8260.38 CHG 3 Page 18.5

"stt>ps:' These steps may be established at incre-

ments of not less than 2000 feet below 18,000 feet
MSL, or not less than 4000 feet at 18,000 feet
MSL and above, provided that a total gap does
not exist for the segment within the airspace
structure. MEA steps shall be limited to one step
between any two facilities to eliminate continuous Figure 17·24 LF SEG.MENT PRI~fAIW OBST.\CL£
or repeated changes of altitude in problem areas.
MEA changes shall be identified by designated
radio fixes.

d. Caps. Allowable navigational gaps may be

determined by reference to the graph in Figure

Example: The problem drawn on the chart shows

the method used to determine the allowable gap
on a route segment with a proposed MEA of
27,000 feet. Enter the graph at the left edge with CLEARANCE AREA p..,.l700b
the MEA of 21,000 feet. Move to the right to the
interc-eption of the diagonal Jine. Move to the bot-
tom of the graph to read the allowable gap. In the
problem drawn, a 39 NM gap is aUowable.

1741.-1749. RESERVED. (1) The primary area of LF segments is ex-

panded in the same way as for VHF airways/
routes. Lines are drawn at 5 degrees off the
Section 5. Low Frequency Airways or Routes course {.-enterline from each facilitv, These lines
meet at the midpoint of the segment. Penetration
1750. LF AIRWAYS OR ROUTES. of the 4.34 NM boundary occurs 49.66 (50) NM
from the facility.
a. Usage. LF navigation facilities may be used
to establish enroute airway/route segments. Then {2) The secondary areas are expanded in the
use will be limited to those instances where an same manner as the secondarv areas for VHF air-
operational requirement exists. ways/routes. Lines are drawn' 7.5 degrees on each
side of the segment centerline. These 7.5 degree
b. Obstacle Clearance Areas. See Figures 17-24 lines will intersect the original 8.68 NM secondary
and 17-25. area boundaries at 65.9.'3 (66) NM from the facil-
( 1) The primary obstacle clearance area Policy Memo
boundaries of LF segments are lines drawn 4.34 d. Obstacle Clearance.
NM (5 statute miles) on each side of and parallel Dec 8 2008
to the segment centerline. These boundaries will ( 1) Obstacle clearance in the primary area of
be affected by obstacle clearance area factors LF airways or routes is the same as that required
shown in c. below. for VOR airways/routes. The areas over which
the dearances apply are different, as shown in
(2) The LF secondary obstacle clearance paragraph I750.c.
areas extend laterally for an additional 4.34 NM
on each side of the primary area. The boundaries (2) Secondary area obstacle clearance re-
of the secondary areas are also affected by the ob- quirements for LF segments are based upon dis-
stade clearance area factors shown in c. below. tance from the facility and location of the obsta-
c. Obstacle Cleamnce Area Factors. See Figures cle relative to the inside boundary of the second-
17-24 and 17-25. ary area.

Chap 17 Par l i40

Page 186 8260.:18 CHG :J

{a) Within 2.5 NM of the facility the obsta-

de clearance is based upon a 50: 1 plane drawn I
from the primary area boundary 500 feet above '
1000' !

the obstacle which dictates its MOCA and ex- I I

tending to the edge of the secondary area. When .....L 100o'
obstades penetrate this 50:1 plane, the MOCA I t
for the segment will be increased above that dic- 500'
I SilO'
tated for the primary area obstacle as follows: r T
Distant'e from PrimA~ry Boundary Add to Height of Obstacle
0- 1 statute miles 500 feet
1- 2 statute miles 400 feel
300 feet Figure 17·27 LF SEG~IENT OBST \CLE CLE·\H-\NCE OVER
2 -3 statute miles
J-4 statute miles 200 feet
100 feet Par li50d
4 -5 statute miles

N01'E: See Figure 17-26 for cross section view.

see (c) below.
Section 6. Minimum Divergence Angles

1760. GENERAL.

a. Governing Facility. The governing facility

for determining the minimum divergence angle
depends upon how the fix is determined.

( l) Where the fix is predicated on an off-

course radial or bearing, the distance from the fix
to the facility providing the off-course radial or
bearing is used.

figure 17·26 LF SEGMENT OBSTACLE CLEARANCE (2) Where the fix is predicated on the radials
WITHIN 25 NM OF ENROUTE FACIUTY or bearings of two intersecting airways or routes,
Par 1750 d
the distance between the farthest facility and the
fix will be used to determine the angle.

h. lloUling. Where holding is to be authorized

at a fix, the minimum divergence angle is 45 deg-
(b) Beyond the 25 NM distance from the rees.
facility, the secondary obstacle clearance plane is
flat. This plane is drawn from the primary area 1761. VHF FIXES.
boundary 500 feet above the obstacle which dict-
ates its MOCA and extending to the edge of the a. The minimum divergence angles for those
secondary area. If an obstacle penetrates this sur- fixes formed by intersecting VHF radials are de-
fac:e the MOCA for the segment will be increased termined as follows:
so as to provide 500 feet of clearance over the ob-
stacle. See Figure 17-27. Also see (c) below. (I) When both radio facilities are located
within .3() NM of the fix, the minimum divergence
. (c) Obstacle clearance values shown in {a) angle is 30 degrees.
and (b) above are correct for nonmountainous
areas only. For areas designated as mountainous (2} When the governing fadlity is over :10
add 1000 feet. NM from the fix. the minimum allowable angle
will be increased at the rate of 1 degree pea NM
1751.-1759. RESERVED. up to 45 NM (45 degrees).

Par 1750 Chap 17

8260.:3B CHG :l Page 187 (and 188)

(:l) Beyond 45 N M. the minimum divergence (2) Beyond :}0 NM the mininunu angle must
angle increases at the rate of l/2 degree per NM. be increased at the rate of I degree for each NM,
except for fixes on long overwater routes where
Example: Distance from fix to governing facility the fix will he used for reporting purposes and not
is 51 NM. 51 - 45 6 NM. 6 X l/2 = 3 addi- fm traffic separation.
tional degrees. Add to the 45 degrees reqi:tired at
45 NM and get 48 degrees minimum divergence
angle at 51 NM. E:wmple: The distance from the governing facility
is 51 NM. 51 - 30 ::.:: 21 NM. 21 X 1 = 21. Add
b. A graph (Figure 17-28) may be use.d to de- 21 to 45 degrees required at 30 NM to get there-
fine minimum divergen<.e angles. Using the fore- quired divergence angle o£ 66 degrees.
going example, enter the chart at the bottom with
the facility distan<.e (51 NM). Move up to the
"VHF Fix .. conversion line. Then move to the left
to read the angle - 48 degrees.

1762. LFOR VHF/LF FIXES. b. The graph (Figure 17-28) may he used to de-
fine minimum angles for LF or VHFILF fixes.
a. Minimum divergence angles for LF or in- Using the foregoing example, enter at the bottom
tegrated (VHF /LF) fixes are determined as fol- of the chart with the 51 NM distance between fa-
lows: cility and fix. Move up to the "LF or IN-
TEGRATED FIX" conversion line, then left to
(1) When the goveming facility is within 30 read the required divergence angle, 66 degrees.
NM of the fix, the minimum divergence angle is
45 degrees. 1763.-1799. RESERVED.


Figure 17·28 MINIMUM DIVERGENCE ANGLE FOR fi,\DIO FIX Par 17tH h and 1762 h

Chap 17 Par 1761

5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 1



1. APPENDIX APPLICATION. The m aterial Circling Approach Area. The area in which
contained in t hese a ppendices s upports cri teria aircraft circle to land und er v isual co nditions after
contained in several chapters of this order. Appendix completing an instrument landing approach.
material includes:
Controlling Ob stacle. Th e highest o bstacle
a. Appendix 1, paragraph 2. Glossary. A relative to a prescribed plane within a specified area.
listing of sp ecial term s an d ab breviations to exp lain
their meaning and a pplication t o p rocedures an d NOTE: In precision approach procedures where
criteria. obstacles penetrate the a pproach s urface, t he
controlling ob stacle is th e one w hich results in
b. Appendix 1, paragraph 3. Acronyms and the re quirement f or t he highest decision height
Abbreviations. A listin g of all acro nyms and (DH).
abbreviations used in this order.
Dead Reckoning. The estimating or determining
c. Appendix 2. RESERVED of position by advancing an earlier kno wn position
by t he a pplication of di rection an d spee d dat a. For
d. Appendix 3. References. This ap pendix example, fl ight based o n a headi ng fr om one
contains a list of referenced publications. VORTAC azimuth and distance fix to another is dead
e. Appendix 4. Table of Tangents. A c om-
plete list of tang ents for angles from 0.0 to Diverse Vector. An instruction issued by a radar
9.0 degrees in hund redths of d egrees fo r app lication controller to fly a specific course, which is n ot a part
in solving glide slope problems. of a predetermined radar pattern. Also referred to as
a “random vector.”
f. Appendix 5. Approach Lighting.Systems.
This a ppendix c ontains descriptions of st andard DH Decision Height . T he height, s pecified
approach l ighting systems and l ists of other systems in m ean sea level (MSL), a bove the highest runway
which may be g iven th e same v isibility cred it in the elevation in t he touc hdown zo ne at wh ich a missed
development of military procedures. approach m ust b e initiated if the req uired v isual
reference has not been established. This term is used
g. Appendix 6. Alphabetical Index. only in procedures whe re an electronic glide slope
provides t he reference for de scent, as i n a n
2. GLOSSARY. Definitions shown in the glossary instrument l anding sy stem (ILS) o r precision
apply to term inal in strument procedures criteria in approach radar (PAR).
this order.
DME Distance Measuri ng E quipment Arc. A
AL Approach and Landing (Chart). course, indicated as a constant DME distance, around
a n avigation facility which provides d istance
Angle of Di vergence (M inimum). The smaller information.
of th e ang les form ed by th e i ntersection of two
courses, radials, bearings, or combinations thereof. DME Distance. T he line of sight distance (slant
range) from the s ource of th e DME signal to the
ASBL Approach Surface Baseline. An receiving antenna.
imaginary horizontal line at threshold elevation.
FAC Final Approach Course.
Approving Au thority. Headq uarters representa-
tive of th e various signatory authorities shown in the FAF Final Approach Fix.
Foreword, Page iv.
Flight Inspection. In-fligh t in vestigation and
BC Back Course (Localizer). certification o f certain operational p erformance
characteristics of electroni c and vi sual navi gation

Page 1
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02
Appendix 1

facilities b y an au thorized i nspector in con formance which m ay be expected at a fixed location within a
with O rder 8200.1, U . S. Stan dard Flig ht Inspection prescribed a rea, with re ference t o which vertical
Manual. clearance is or must be provided during flight
operation. For example, with reference to mobile
Gradient. A slope expressed in feet per mile, objects, a m oving vehicle 17 feet high is assumed to
or as a ratio of the horizontal to the vertical distance. be on an I nterstate Hi ghway, 15 feet hi gh on other
For e xample, 40:1 m eans 40 feet horizontally to highways, and 23 feet high on a railroad track, except
1 foot vertically. where limited to certain heights controlled by use or
construction. Th e height of a sh ip’s mast is assumed
GPI Ground Point of Intercept. A point in the according t o the types of ships known to use an
vertical plane on the runway centerline at which it is anchorage.
assumed that the straigh t lin e extension of th e glide
slope in tercepts th e run way ap proach surface Obstacle Cleara nce. T he vertical distance
baseline. between th e lo west au thorized flight altitu de an d a
prescribed surface within a specified area.
HAA Height above airport elevation.
Obstacle Cleara nce Boxes 500 . When u sed in
HAT Height above touchdown zone elevation. figures which depict approach segments, these boxes
indicate the obstacle clearance requirements in feet.
IAC Initial Approach Course.
Operational Advantage. An improvement which
IAF Initial Approach Fix. benefits t he users of a n i nstrument pr ocedure.
Achievement of lower minimums or authorization for
IC Intermediate Course. a straight-in approach with no derogation of safety is
an example of an operational advantage. Many of the
IF Intermediate Fix options in TERPS are specified for this purpose. For
instance, the flexible final approach course alignment
JAL High Altitude Appro ach and Land ing criteria m ay p ermit th e ALS to be used for reduced
(Chart). visibility cred it b y selection of t he prop er o ptional
LOC Localizer. T he c omponent of an ILS
which p rovides lateral gu idance with respect to the Optimum Mo st Favo rable. As used in TERPS,
runway centerline. optimum id entifies th e value, which should b e u sed
wherever a choice is available.
LDA Localizer type directional aid. A facility
of comparable u tility an d accu racy to a LOC, bu t Positive Course Guidance. A continuous display
which is not part of a full ILS and may not be aligned of na vigational data w hich e nable a n ai rcraft to be
with the runway. flown along a specific course line.

LPV - Lateral Precision Performance with Precipitous Terrain. Terrain characte rized by
Vertical Guidance steep or abrupt slopes.

MAP Missed Approach Point (paragraph 272). Precision a nd Nonprecision. T hese term s are
used to d ifferentiate b etween n avigational facilities
MDA Minimum Descen t Altitu de (p ara- which provide a co mbined azim uth and glide slope
graph 310) guidance t o a ru nway (P recision) and those that do
not. Th e term no nprecision refers to facilities
MHA Minimum Holding Altitude. without a gl ide sl ope, and does not imply an
unacceptable quality of course guidance.
NDB (ADF) Non Directional Beaco n (Airb orne
Automatic Directio n Find er). A co mbined term Primary Area. The area with in a seg ment in
which indicates that a n NDB provi des a n electronic which full obstacle clearance is applied.
signal for use with ADF equipment.
ROC Required Obstacle Clearance.
Obstacle. An existing ob ject, object of natural
growth, or terrain at a fi xed geogra phical location

Page 2
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 1

Runway Environment. The runway threshold or AFS Flight Standards Service

approved lighting aids or ot her markings identifiable AFSS Automated Flight Service Station
with the runway. AGL above ground level
AIM Aeronautical Information Manual
Secondary Area. T he a rea within a se gment in ALPA Air Line Pilots Association
which R OC is re duced as distance from the ALSF-1 approach l ighting system wi th se quenced
prescribed course is increased. flashing lights (CAT I Configuration)
ALSF-2 approach l ighting system wi th se quenced
Segment. T he b asic f unctional di vision o f a n flashing lights (CAT II Configuration)
instrument approach procedure. T he se gment i s AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
oriented with respect to t he co urse to b e flown. APV approach with vertical guidance (ICAO)
Specific values for determining co urse align ment, ARA airborne radar approach
obstacle clearance areas , descent gra dients, and ARC Airport Reference Code
obstacle clea rance re quirements are ass ociated with ARDH achieved reference datum height
each segment according to its functional purpose. ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
ARP airport reference point
Service Volum e. T hat volum e of airspace ARSR air route surveillance radar
surrounding a VOR , TACAN, or VORTAC facility ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
within which a signal of u sable streng th ex ists and ASBL approach surface baseline
where t hat sign al is n ot op erationally limited by co- ASOS automated surface observing system
channel interference. The advertised service volume ASR airport surveillance radar
is defined as a simple cylinder of airspace for ease in AT Air Traffic
planning areas of operation. ATA Air Transport Association
ATC Air Traffic Control
TCH Threshold Crossing Hei ght. The height ATD along track distance
of the straight line extension of the glide slope above ATRK along track
the runway at the threshold. ATS Air Traffic Service
AVN Aviation System Standards
TDZ Touchdown Zone. The first 3,000 feet of AWO all weather operations
runway beginning at the threshold. AWOP All Weather Operations Panel
AWO/PM All Weather Operations/Program Manager
TDZE Touchdown Zone Elevation. The highest AWOS automated weather observation system
runway centerline elevation in the touchdown zone. AWS Aviation Weather System
Baro VNAV Barometric vertical navigation
Transition Level. Th e flight level b elow wh ich BC back course
heights are ex pressed i n feet M SL a nd are base d on CAT Category
an approved station altimeter setting. CF course to fix
CFIT controlled flight into terrain
VDP Visual Descent Point. Th e VDP is a CFR Code of Federal Regulations
defined p oint on t he fi nal ap proach c ourse of a CG climb gradient
nonprecision straight-in approach pr ocedure f rom CGL circling guidance light
which normal descent from the MDA t o the runway CHDO Certificate Holding District Office
touchdown point m ay b e co mmenced, pr ovided CIH climb-in-hold
visual reference is established. CMO Certificate Management Office
CMT Certificate Management Team
3. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. Many CONUS Continental United States
acronyms and abbreviations for old and new aviation COP changeover point
terms are u sed throug hout th is order. Users o f this CRM collision risk model
order can refer to the following alphabetical listing of CW course width
frequently used acronyms and abbreviations: CWSU Center Weather Service Unit
CY Calendar Year
AAF Airway Facilities Service DA decision altitude
ABM abeam dB decibel
AC Advisory Circular DCG desired climb gradient
ADF automatic direction finder DER departure end of runway
AFM Airplane Flight Manual DF direct to fix

Page 3
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02
Appendix 1

DF direction finder HAI Helicopter Association International

DG descent gradient HAL height above landing area elevation
DH decision height HAS height above surface
DME distance measuring equipment HAT height above touchdown
DOD Department of Defense HATh height above threshold
DOT Department of Transportation HCH heliport crossing height
DP departure procedure HF high frequency
DR dead reckoning HIRL high intensity runway lights
DRL departure reference line HRP heliport reference point
DRP departure reference point HUD heads-up display
DTA distance turn anticipation IAC initial approach course
DVA diverse vector area IAF initial approach fix
EARTS en route automated radar tracking system IAP instrument approach procedure
EDA elevation differential area IAPA instrument approach procedure
ESA emergency safe altitudes automation
ESV expanded service volume IC intermediate course
FAA Federal Aviation Administration ICA initial climb area
FAATC FAA Technical Center ICAB ICA baseline
FAC final approach course ICAE ICA end-line
FAF final approach fix ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
FAP final approach point ICWP initial course waypoint
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations IDF initial departure fix
FAS final approach segment IF intermediate fix
FATO final approach and takeoff area IF initial fix
FAWP final approach waypoint IF/IAF intermediate/initial approach fix
FDC Flight Data Control IFR instrument flight rules
FDR Flight Data Record ILS instrument landing system
FDT fix displacement tolerance IMC instrument meteorological conditions
FEP final end point INS inertial navigation system
FIFO Flight Inspection Field Office IPV instrument procedure with vertical
FMS flight management system guidance
FPAP flight path alignment point IRU inertial reference unit
FPCP flight path control point ISA International Standard Atmosphere
FPO Flight Procedures Office kHz kilohertz
FR Federal Register KIAS knots indicated airspeed
FSDO Flight Standards District Office LAAS Local Area Augmentation System
FSS Flight Service Station LAB landing area boundary
FTE flight technical error LAHSO land and hold short operations
FTIP Foreign terminal instrument procedure LDA localizer type directional aid
FTP fictitious threshold point LDIN lead-in lighting system
GA general Aviation LF low frequency
GCA ground controlled approach LIRL low intensity runway lights
GH Geoid Height LNAV lateral navigation
GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite LPV Lateral Precision Performance with
System Vertical Guidance
GLS GNSS Landing System LOA Letter of Agreement
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System LOB lines of business
GP glidepath LOC localizer
GPA glidepath angle LOM locator outer marker
GPI ground point of intercept LORAN long range navigation system
GPS Global Positioning System LTP landing threshold point
GRI group repetition interval MALS minimum intensity approach lighting
GS glide slope system
HAA height above airport MALSF minimum intensity approach lighting
HAE height above ellipsoid system with sequenced flashing
HAH height above helipoint

Page 4
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 1

MALSR minimum intensity approach lighting PAPI precision approach path indicator
system with runway alignment indicator PAR precision approach radar
lights PCG positive course guidance
MAP missed approach point PDA preliminary decision altitude
MCA minimum crossing altitude PFAF precision final approach fix
MDA minimum descent altitude PGPI pseudo ground point of intercept
MEA minimum en route altitude PinS point-in-space
MHA minimum holding altitude PLS precision landing system
MHz megahertz POC point of contact
MIA minimum IFR altitudes PRM precision runway monitor
MIRL medium intensity runway lights PT procedure turn
MLS Microwave Landing System PVG positive vertical guidance
MM middle marker PVGSI pseudo visual glide slope indicator
MOA Memorandum of Agreement RA radio altimeter
MOA military operations area RAA Regional Airline Association
MOC minimum obstacle clearance RAIL runway alignment indicator lights
MOCA minimum obstruction clearance altitude RAPCON radar approach control
MOU Memorandum of Understanding RASS remote altimeter setting source
MRA minimum reception altitude RCL runway centerline
MSA minimum safe/sector altitude RDP reference datum point
MSL mean sea level REIL runway end identifier lights
MTA minimum turn altitude RF radio frequency
MVAC minimum vectoring altitude chart RF radius to fix
NAD North American Datum RNAV area navigation
NAS National Airspace System RNP required navigation performance
NAVAID navigational aid ROC required obstacle clearance
NAWAU National Aviation Weather Advisory Unit RPI runway point of intercept
NBAA National Business Aviation Association RRP runway reference point
NDB nondirectional radio beacon RTCA Radio Technical Commission for
NFDC National Flight Data Center Aeronautics
NFDD National Flight Data Digest RVR runway visual range
NFPO National Flight Procedures Office RWP runway threshold waypoint
NM nautical mile RWT runway threshold
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric RWTE runway threshold evaluation
Administration RWY runway
NOS National Ocean Service SALS short approach lighting system
NOTAM Notice to Airmen SATNAV satellite navigation
NOZ normal operating zone SCG standard climb gradient
NPA nonprecision approach SDF simplified directional facility
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board SDF step-down fix
NTZ no transgression zone SER start end of runway
NWS National Weather Service SIAP standard instrument approach procedure
OC obstruction chart SID standard instrument departure
OCA obstacle clearance altitude SM statute mile
OCH obstacle clearance height SSALF short simplified approach lighting system
OCS obstacle clearance surface with sequenced flashers
ODALS omnidirectional approach lighting system SSALR short simplified approach lighting system
OEA obstruction evaluation area with runway alignment indicator lights
OE/AAA Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace STAR standard terminal arrival route
Analysis STOL short takeoff and landing
OFA object free area TAA terminal arrival area
OIS obstacle identification surface TACAN tactical air navigational aid
OM outer marker TCH threshold crossing height
ORE obstacle rich environment TD time difference
OSAP off-shore approach procedure TDP touchdown point
PA precision approach TDZ touchdown zone

Page 5
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02
Appendix 1

TDZE touchdown zone elevation VDA vertical descent area

TDZL touchdown zone lights (system) VDP visual descent point
TERPS terminal instrument procedures VFR visual flight rules
TF track to fix VGA vertically guided approach
TL Transmittal Letter VGSI visual glide slope indicator
TLOF touchdown and life-off area VHF very high frequency
TLS transponder landing system VLF very low frequency
TORA takeoff runway available VMC visual meteorological conditions
TP tangent point VNAV vertical navigation
TPD tangent point distance VOR very high frequency omnidirectional radio
TRACON terminal radar approach control facility range
TSO technical standard order VOR/DME very high frequency omnidirectional
TWP turn waypoint radio range collocated with distance
UHF ultra high frequency measuring equipment
USA U.S. Army VORTAC very high frequency omnidirectional radio
USAF U.S. Air Force range collocated with tactical air
USCG U.S. Coast Guard navigation
USMC U.S. Marine Corps VPA vertical path angle
USN U.S. Navy VSDA visual segment descent angle
VA heading to altitude VTOL vertical take-off and landing
VASI visual approach slope indicator WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
VCA visual climb area WCH wheel crossing height
VCOA visual climb over airport XTRK crosstrack

Page 6
8260.38 Appendix 3
7/76 Page 1

!.REFERENCES c. FAA DirectiYes.

a. Federal Aviation Re1ulations.

l010.3A Selection Order; Runway CL &:
FAR77 Objects Affecting Navigable TDZ Lighting.
Airspace. 1010.11 Selection Order; Separation of
FAR97 Standard Instrument Approach Parallel Runways for Simultane-
Procedures. ous ILS Approaches.
FAR 121 Certification &: Operations: Air 1010.39A Selection Order; Category II
Carriers and Commercial Opera- ALS.
tors of Large Aircraft. 1010.43 Selection Order; MALS.
FAR 171 Non-Federal Navigation 1010.52 Selection Order; Lead-In Light-
Facilities. ing System.
1010.55 Selection Order; US National
b. FAA AdYisory Circulars. Aviation System for the VOR-
AC 70/7460-ID Obstruction Marking and 6700.1 Non-Federal Navigational
Lighting. Facilities.
AC 90-45A Approval of Area Navigation 6700.10B Non-Federal Navigational
Systems for Use in the U.S. Na- Facilities.
tional Airspace System. 6700.12B Criteria for FAA Assumption of
AC 90-70 Straight-in nonprecision instru- Non-federal Navigational and
ment approach procedures vi- Air Traffic Control Facilities.
sual descent point (VDP). 6850.2 Visual Guidance Lighting
AC 91-14B Altimeter Setting Sources System.
AC 91-16 Category II Operations - Gen- 6990.3 Implementation of Standard
eral Aviation Airplanes. FAA STD-008 "Siting and In·
AC 95-1 Airway and Route Obstruction stallation Standards for RVR
Clearances. Equipment for Category I &: II
AC 120-28A Criteria for Approval of Cate- Operations ...
gory Ilia Landing Weather 7130.3 Holding Pattern Criteria.
Minima. 7230.13 U.S. Air Force Special Training
AC 120-29 Criteria for Approving Category Instrument Approach
I and Category II Landing Min- Procedures.
ima for FAR 121 Operators. 7232.50 Reduced Hours of Operation for
AC 150/5300-2C Airport Design Standards -- Site Airport Traffic Control Towers.
Requirements for Terminal Nav- 7400.2B Procedures for Handling Air-
igational Facilities. space Cases.
AC 150/5340-10 Marking of Paved Areas on 0AP8200.1 U.S. Standard Flight Inspection
Airports. Manual.
AC 150/5340-4B Installation Details for Runway
8200.28A Simplified Directional Facilities.
Centerline and TDZ Lighting
Systems. 8260.1 Designated R VR Runway.
AC 150/5340-13B High Intensity Lighting 8260.15A U.S. Army Terminal Instrument
Systems. Procedures Service.
AC 150/5340-l4B Economy Approach Lighting 8260.18A Establishing Requirements for
Aids. Visual Approach Aids.
AC 150/5340-l6B MIRL System and Visual Ap- 8260.19 Flight Procedures and Airspace.
proach Stope Indicators for Util- 8260.24B Category I ILS Threshold Cross-
ity Airports. ing Height.

Par I
Appendix 3 8260.3B
Page 2 7/76

8260.26 Establishing and Scheduling In- 8430.6A Air Carrier Operations lnspec·
strument Approach Procedure tor's Manual.
Effective Dates 8430.10B IFR. Approval of Private-Use
8260.21 Effect of Runway Markings on Microwave Landing Systems.
SlAP Visibility Minimums.
8260.28 IFR. Approval of the Interim
Standard Microwave Landing d. Other
System (ISMLS).
8430.1A Operations Inspection&. Surveil· IACCNo.4 U.S. Government Specifications
lance Procedures - Air Taxi Op- for Flight Information Publica-
erators &. Commercial Operators tions- Low Altitude Instrument
of Small Aircraft. Approach Procedure.

Par 1
8260.38 CHG 1 Appendix4
2/79 Page I


Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent

0.0 = .00000 1.36= .02374 1.82= .03178 2.28= .03981

0.1 = .00175 t.:n- .02392 1.83= .03195 2.29= .03999
0.2 = .00349 1.38= .02409 1.84= .03213 2.3 = .04016
0.3 = .00524 1.39= .02426 1.85= .03230 2.31= .04034
0.4 = .00698 1.4 = .02444 1.86= .03247 2.32= .04051
0.5 = .00873 1.41= .02461 1.87= .03265 2.33= .04069
0.6 = .01047 1.42= .02479 1.88= .03282 2.34= .04086
0.1 = .01222 1.43= .02496 1.89== .03300 2.35= .04104
0.8 = .01396 1.44= .02.514 1.9 = .03317 2.36= .04121
0.9 = .01511 1.45= .02531 1.91= .03335 2.37= .04139
1.0 = .01746 1.46= .02549 1.92= .03352 2.38= .04156
1.01= .01763 1.47= .02566 1.93= .03370 2.39= .04174
1.02= .01780 1.48= .02584 1.94= .03387 2.4 = .04191
1.03= .01798 1.49= .02601 1.95= .03405 2.41= .04209
1.04= .01815 1.5 = .02619 1.96= .03422 2.42= .04226
1.05= .01833 1.51= .02636 1.97= .03440 2.43= .04244
1.06= .01850 1.52= .02654 1.98= .03457 2.44= .04261
1.07= .01868 1.53= .02671 1.99= .03475 2.45= .04279
1.08= .01885 1.54= .02688 2.0 = .03492 2.46= .04296
1.09= .01903 1.55= .02706 2.01= .03510 2.47= .04314
Ll= .01920 1.56= .02723 2.02= .03527 2.48= .04331
1.11= .01938 1.57= .02741 2.03= .03545 2.49= .04349
1.12= .01955 1.58= .02758 2.04= .03562 2.5 = .04366
1.13= .01912 1.59= .02776 2.05= .03579 2.51= .04384
1.14= .01990 1.6 = .02793 2.06= .03597 2.52= .04401
1.15= .02007 1.61= .02811 2.07= .03614 2.53= .04419
1.16= .02025 1.62= .02828 2.08= .03632 2.54= .04436
1.1'1= .02042 1.63= .02846 2.09= .03649 2.55= .04454
1.18= .02060 1.64= .02863 2.1 = .03667 2.56= .04471
1.19= .02077 1.65= .02881 2.11= .03684 2.57= .04489
1.2 = .02095 1.66= .02898 2.12= .03702 2.58= .04506
1.21 = .02112 1.67= .02916 2.13= .03719 2.59= .04523
1.22= .02130 1.68= .02933 2.14= .03737 2.6 = .04541
1.23= .02147 1.69= .02950 2.15= .03754 2.61= .04558
1.24= .02165 1.7 = .02968 2.16= .03772 2.62= .04576
1.25= .02182 1.71= .02985 2.17= .03789 2.63= .04593
1.26= .02199 1.72= .03003 2.18= .03807 2.64= .04611
1.27= .02217 1.73= .03020 2.19= .03824 2.65= .04628
1.28= .02234 1.74= .03038 2.2 = .03842 2.66= .04646
1.29= .02252 1.15= .03055 2.21= .03859 2.67= .04663
1.30= .02269 1.76= .03073 2.22= .03877 2.68= .04681
1.31= .02287 1.77= .03090 2.23= .03894 2.69= .04698
1.32= .02304 1.78= .03108 2.24= .03912 2.7 = .04716
1.33= .02322 1.79= .03125 2.25= .03929 2.71= .04733
1.34= .02339 1.8 = .03143 2.26= .03946 2.72= .04751
1.35= .02357 1.81= .03160 2.27= .03964 2.73= .04768

Par 1
Appendix 4 8260.38 CHG 1
Page 2 2/79

Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent

2.74= .04786 3.22= .05626 3.7 = .06467 4.18= .07308
2.75= .04803 3.23= .05643 3.71= .06484 4.19= .07326
2.76= .04821 3.24= .05661 3.72= .06502 4.2 = .07344
2.77= .04838 3.25= .05678 3.73= .06519 4.21= .07361
2.78= .04856 3.26= .05696 3.74= .06537 4.22= .07379
2.79= .04873 3.27= .05713 3.75= .06554 4.23= .07396
2.8 = .04891 3.28= .05731 3.76= .06572 4.24= .07414
2.81= .04908 3.29= .05748 3.77= .06589 4.25= .07431
2.82= .04926 3.3 = .05766 3.78= .06607 4.26= .07449
2.83= .04943 3.31= .05783 3.79= .06624 4.27= .07466
2.84= .04961 3.32= .05801 3.8 = .06642 4.28= .07484
2.85= .04978 3.33= .05818 3.81= .06660 4.29= .07501
2.86= .04996 3.34= .05836 3.82= .06677 4.3 = .07519
2.87= .05013 3.35= .05854 3.83= .06695 4.31= .07537
2.88= .05031 3.36= .05871 3.84= .06712 4.32= .07554
2.89= .05048 3.37= .05889 3.85= .06730 4.33= .07572
2.9 = .05066 3.38= .05906 3.86= .06747 4.34= .07589
2.91= .05083 3.39= .05924 3.87= .06765 4.35= .07607
2.92= .05101 3.4 = .05941 3.88= .06782 4.36= .07624
2.93= .05ll8 3.41= .05959 3.89= .06800 4.37= .07642
2.94= .05136 3.42= .05976 3.9 = .06817 4.38= .07659
2.95= .05153 3.43= .05994 3.91= .06835 4.39= .07677
2.96= .05171 3.44= .06011 3.92= .06852 4.4 = .07695
2.97= .05188 3.45= .06029 3.93= .06870 4.41= .07712
2.98= .05206 3.46= .06046 3.94= .06887 4.42= .07730
2.99= .05223 3.47= .06064 3.95= .06905 4.43= .07747
3.0 = .05241 3.48= .06081 3.96= .06923 4.44= .07765
3.01 = .05258 3.49= .06099 3.97= .06940 4.45= .07782
3.02= .05276 3.5 = .06116 3.98= .06958 4.46= .07800
3.03= .05293 3.51= .06134 3.99= .06975 4.47= .0'7817
3.04= .05311 3.52= .06151 4.0 = .06993 4.48= .07835
3.05= .05328 3.53= .06169 4.01= .07010 4.49= .07853
3.06= .05346 3.54= .06186 4.02= .07028 4.5 = .07870
3.07= .05363 3.55= .06204 4.03= .07045 4.51= .07888
3.08= .05381 3.56= .06221 4.04= .07063 4.52= .07905
3.09= .05398 3.57= .06239 4.05= .07080 4.53= .07923
3.1 = .05416 3.58= .06256 4.06= .07098 4.54= .07940
3.11= .05433 3.59= .06274 4.07= .07115 4.55= .07958
3.12= .05451 3.6 = .06291 4.08= .07133 4.56= .07976
3.13= .05468 3.61= .06309 4.09= .07151 4.57= .07993
3.14= .05486 3.62= .06327 4.1 = .07168 4.58= .08011
3.15= .05503 3.63= .06344 4.11= .07186 4.59= .08028
3.16= .05521 3.64= .06362 4.12= .07203 4.6 = .08046
3.17= .05538 3.65= .06379 4.13= .07221 4.61= .08063
3.18= .05556 3.66= .06397 4.14= .07238 4.62= .08081
3.19= .05573 3.67= .06414 4.15= .07256 4.63= .08099
3.2 = .05591 3.68= .06432 4.16= .07273 4.64= .08116
3.21= .05608 3.69= .06449 4.17= .07291 4.65= .08134

Par 1
8260.3B CHG 1 Appendix4
2/79 Page 3

Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent

4.66= .08151 5.14= .08995 5.62= .09840 6.1 = .10687

4.67= .08169 5.15= .09013 5.63= .09858 6.11= .10705
4.68= .08186 5.16= .09030 5.64= .09876 6.12= .10722
4.69= .08204 5.17= .09048 5.65= .09893 6.13= .10740
4.7 = .08221 5.18= .09066 5.66= .09911 6.14= .10758
4.71= .08239 5.19= .09083 5.67= .09928 6.15= .10775
4.72= .08257 5.2 = .09101 !t68= .09946 6.16= .10793
4.73= .08274 5.21= .09118 5.69= .09964 6.17= .10811
4.74= .08292 5.22= .09136 5.7 = .09981 6.18= .10828
4.75= .08309 5.23= .09154 5.71= .09999 6.19= .10846
4.76= .08327 5.24= .09171 5.72= .10017 6.2 = .10863
4.77= .08345 5.25= .09189 5.73= .10034 6.21= .10881
4.78= .08362 5.26= .09206 5.74= .10052 6.22= .10899
4.79= .08380 5.27= .09224 5.75= .10069 6.23= .10916
4.8 = .08397 5.28= .09242 5.76= .10087 6.24= .10934
4.81= .08415 5.29= .09259 5.77= .10105 6.25= .10952
4.82= .08432 5.3 = .09277 5.78= .10122 6.26= .10969
4.83= .08450 5.31= .09294 5.79= .10140 6.27= .10987
4.84= .08468 5.32= .09312 5.8 = .10158 6.28= .11005
4.85= .08485 5.33= .09330 5.81= .1017.5 6.29= .11022
4.86= .08503 5.34= .09347 5.82= .10193 6.3 = .I 1040
4.87= .08520 5.35= .09365 5.83= .10211 6.31= .11058
4.88- .08538 5.36= .(>9382 5.84= .10228 6.32= .11075
4.89= .08555 5.37= .09400 5.85= .10246 6.33= .11093
4.9 = .08573 5.38= .09418 5.86= .10263 6.34= .11111
4.91= .08591 5.39= .09435 5.87= .10281 6.35= .11128
4.92= .08608 5.4 = .09453 5.88= .10299 6.36= .11146
4.93= .08626 5.41= .09470 5.89= .10316 6.37= .11164
4.94= .08643 5.42= .09488 5.9 = .10334 6.38= .11181
4.95= .08661 5.43= .09506 5.91= .10352 6.39= .11199
4.96= .08679 5.44= .09523 5.92= .10369 6.4 = .11217
4.9'7= .08696 5.45= .09541 5.93= .10387 6.41= .11234
4.98= .08714 5.46= .09558 5.94= .10405 6.42= .11252
4.99= .08731 5.47= .09576 5.95= .10422 6.43= .11270
5.0 = .08749 5.48= .09594 5.96= .10440 6.44= .11287
5.01= .08766 5.49= .09611 5.97= .10457 6.45= .11305
5.02= .08784 5.5 = .09629 5.98= .10475 6.46= .11323
5.03= .08802 5.51= .09647 5.99= .10493 6.47= .11341
5.04= .08819 5.52= .09664 6.0 = .10510 6.48= .11358
5.05= .08837 5.53= .09682 6.01= .10528 6.49= .11376
5.06= .08854 5.54= .09699 6.02= .10546 6.5 = .11394
5.07= .08872 5.55= .09717 6.03= .10563 6.51= .11411
5.08= .08890 5.56= .09735 6.04= .10581 6.52= .11429
5.09= .08907 5.57= .09752 6.05= .10599 6.53= .11447
5.1 = .08925 5.58= .09770 6.06= .10616 6.54= .11464
5.11 = .08942 5.59= .09787 6.07= .10634 6.55= .11482
5.12= .08960 5.6 = .09805 6.08= .10652 6.56= .11500
5.13= .08978 5.61= .09823 6.09= .10669 6.57= .11517

Par 1
Appendix4 8260.3B CHG 1
Page4 2/79

Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent

6.58= .11535 7.06= .12385 7.54= .13236 8.02= .14090

6.59= .11553 7.07= .12402 1.55= .13254 8.03::::: .14107
6.6 = .11570 7.08= .12420 7.56= .13272 8.04= .14125
6.61= .11588 7.09= .12438 7.57= .13290 8.05= .14143
6.62= .11606 7.1 = .12456 7.58= .13307 8.06= .14161
6.63= .11623 7.11= .12473 7.59= .13325 8.07= .14179
6.64= .11641 7.12= .12491 7.6 = .13343 8.08= .14196
6.65= .11659 7.13= .12509 7.61= .13361 8.09= .14214
6.66= .11677 7.14= .12527 7.62= .13378 8.1 = .14232
6.67= .11694 7.15= .12544 7.63= .13396 8.11= .14250
6.68= .11712 7.16= .12562 7.64= .13414 8.12= .14268
6.69= .11730 7.17= .12580 7.65= .13432 8.13= .14286
6.7 = .11747 7.18= .12597 7.66= .13449 8.14== .14303
6.71= .11765 7.19= .12615 7.67= .13467 8.15= .14321
6.72= .11783 7.2 = .12633 7.68= .13485 8.16= .14339
6.73= .11800 7.21= .12651 7.69= .13503 8.17= .14357
6.74= .11818 7.22= .12668 7.7 = .13521 8.18= .14375
6.75 .11836 7.23= .12686 7.71= .13538 8.19= .14392
6.76= .11853 7.24= .12704 7.72= .13556 8.2 = .14410
6.77= .11871 1.25= .12722 7.73= .13574 8.21= .14428
6.78= .11889 7.26= .12739 7.74= .13592 8.22= .14446
6.79= .11907 7.27= .12757 7.75= .13609 8.23= .14464
6.8 = .11924 7.28= .12775 7.76= .13627 8.24= .14481
6.81= .11942 7.29= .12793 7.77= .13645 8.25= .14499
6.82= .11960 7.3 = .12810 7.78= .13663 8.26= .14517
6.83= .11977 7.31= .12828 7.79= .13681 8.27= .14535
6.84= .11995 7.32= .12846 7.8 = .13698 8.28= .14553
6.85= .12013 7.33= .12864 7.81= .13716 8.29= .14571
6.86= .12031 7.34= .12881 7.82= .13734 8.3 = .14588
6.87= .12048 7.35= .12899 7.83= .13752 8.31= .14606
6.88= .12066 7.36= .12917 7.84= .13769 8.32= .14624
6.89= .12084 7.37= .12934 7.85= .13787 8.33= .14642
6.9 = .12101 7.38= .12952 7.86= .13805 8.34= .14660
6.91= .12119 7.39= .12970 7.87= .13823 8.35= .14678
6.92= .12137 7.4 = .12988 7.88= .13841 8.36= .14695
6.93= :12154 7.41= .13005 7.89= .13858 8.37= .14713
6.94= .12172 7.42= .13023 7.9 = .13876 8.38= .14731
6.95= .12190 7.43= .13041 7.91= .13894 8.39= .14749
6.96= .12208 7.44= .13059 7.92= .13912 8.4 = .14767
6.97= .l222S 7.45= .13076 7.93= .13930 8.41= .14785
6.98= .12243 7.46= .13094 7.94= .13947 8.42= .14802
6.99= .12261 7.47= .13112 7.95= .13965 8.43= .14820
7.0 = .12278 7.48= .13130 7.96= .13983 8.44= .14838
7.0J;::: .12296 7.49= .13147 7.97= .14001 8.45= .14856
7.02- .12314 7.5 = .13165 7.98= .14018 8.46= .14874
7.03= .12332 7.51 .13183 7.99= .14036 8.47= .14892
7.04= .12349 7.52= .13201 8.0 = .14054 8.48= .14909
7.05= .12367 7.53= .13219 8.01= .14072 8.49= .14927

8260.39 CHG 1 Appendix4
2/79 Page 5 (and 6)

Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent Degrees Tangent

8.5 = .14945 8.63= .15177 8.76= .15409 8.89= .15642

8.51= .14963 8.64= .15195 8.77= .(5427 8.9 = .15660
8.52= .14981 8.65= .15213 8.78= .15445 8.91= .15677
8.53= .14999 8.66= .15231 8.79= .15463 8.92= .15695
8.54= .15016 8.67= .15249 8.8 = .15481 8.93= .15713
8.55= .15034 8.68= .15266 8.81= .15499 8.94= .15731
8.56= .15052 8.69= .15284 8.82= .15517 8.95= .15749
8.57= .15070 8.7 = .15302 8.83= .15534 8.96= .15767
8.58= .15088 8.71= .15320 8.84= .1.5552 8.97= .1.578.5
8.59= .15106 8.72= .15338 8.85= .15570 8.98== .15803
8.6 = .15124 8.73= .15356 8.86= .15588 8.99= .15821
8.61 == .15141 8.74= .15374 8.87= .15606 9.0 = .15838
8.62= .15159 8.75= .15392 8.88= .15624

Par I
l/27/84 8260.38 CHG 6
Ap~mli4 5

1. APPROACH LIGHTING SYSTEMS. An 'tundard systems for the pmvose of fonmdating

approach lighting system is a configuration of minimums authorized for military procedures,
signal lights disposed symmetrically about the pl'ovided requirements of paragraph 344 are met.
extended runway centerline starting at the This appendix illustrates several non-U.S.
landing threshold and extending outward into the standard systems and is offered as a guide to the
approach zone. Several systems are designed with determination of equivalency.
rows of lightbars, wing lightbars, and
dJstinguishable crossbars to provide visual cues 3. ALSF-1 (Type A1t. Approach Lighting
for runway alignment, height perception, roll System with Sequenced Flashing Lights,
guidance, and horizon references. Some systems Category I Confib'lu·ation.
are augmented with a single row of flashing lights
aligned on the extended runway centerline. When
a single row of flashing lights is employed as an u. System Desf'l'iption. The category I ALSF
independent system, only the runway alignment (:\ LSF-I) consists of a centerline lighthar
cue is provided. At civil airports, systems used in approximately 13 l/2 feet long with five equally
conjunction with precision approaches (such as an spaced lights at each 100-foot interval, starting
ILS) shall be a minimum length of 2,400 feet at ;}{)() feet from the nmway threshold and
locations which have a glide slope of 2.75o or continuing out to 2,400 or 3,000 feet fmm the
higher. Locations which have a glide slope less tlweshold. The centerline lightbar at 1.000 feet
than 2. 75 o require a 3,000 foot system. For from the t)uesho)d is 100 feet )ong and contains
nonprecision approaches, the systems are 1,400 21 lights. All of the aforementioned lights at·e
feet. Detailed configurational layouts and white. The lightbar 200 feet from the threshold is
specifications are depicted in FAA Handbooks .5() feet long, contains 11 red lights, and is called
6850.2 and 6850.5 for U.S. standard installations. the terminating har. Two lightbars, each
For military airports, see applicable service contnining five red lights, are located 100 feet
directives. fwm the threshold, one on either side of the
centerline, and are called wingbars. A row of
green lights on 5-foot <.-enters is located near the
o. St~quenced Flashers. Those approach threshold and extends across the nmway
lighting systems designated with flashing lights threshold and outwards a distance of
are augmented with a system of sequenced approximately 45 feet from the mnway edge on
flashing lights. Such lights are installed at each either side of the nmway. See Fignre }.34.
eenterline bar nonnally starting 1,000 feet from
the threshold out to the end of the system. These
lights emit a bluish-white light and flash in b. Equivalent Systems. When the
sequence toward the threshold at a rate of twice characteristics described in paragraph 3a exist in
per second. the following systems, the appropriate visibility
reductions may be applied to MILITARY
instrument approach procedures and FAR 121
b. RAIL. Runway Alignment Indicator operations at foreign airports.
Ugllts. RAIL consists of sequenced flashing lights
installed on the extended mnway centerline
heyond the associated approach lighting system.
The first light is located 200 feet from the lighthar Type • Description
farthest from the nmway threshold. Suc<:essive B U.S. Configuration B
units are spaced 200 feet apart O\ltward into the BN Former NATO Standat·d C
<~pproaeh zone for a specified distanc.-e. * BP NATO Standard •
J Calvert (United Kingdom)
0 Ceuterline High Intensity (Europe)
lighting systems other than the U.S. standard T Centre Row DOT Standard High
installations may be considered equivalent to the Intensity (Canada)

Par l Page 1
8200.38 CHG 6 1/27/84

•NOTE: 'Type"
refers to the system
itft·~ttifkution letters assignee/ to approach lighting
(!) I.S. CllfllltlJIII [11 0 CAlVEIJ (IIITISII
as .yJwwn in the Interagency Air Cartographic m ·-··-·-
,_.... ~ .
Committee (IACC) Specification IACC No. 4. ~---.... i ...........
11wse identification letters are shown on the ......,.
Approach Ughting Legerul Sheets published with .....,.
..... o•uu~ .... , ....,.

Cit:il and .\filitary Instrument Approach ..,..

..... -~=~§~~~~~~.


::r.: 00000
000 QOClOO 000 ·~···· •••oHo•oHU
I.X>O 000 000 000
I OQO ..!.. 000
..... ............. u.


........ \(.....
000 ..:.. 000
I ooo•..,..!... _ooo
I 000 ..!.. 000
• .!..
...!.. 000 000

ooo ..!.. ooo·



• .!..



® t:EIIlllll( (!) UIJIE Ill

• IllS! IIT[ISilt I
......... biJ
"T' "l" ...........
.. --_.,.......
-r ""l..

.... I
.,.. ........
-r ......
.,... .......
..... ~s
--.... ·-·-r.


ALS1 4:90k'- tEtOUS
\AVS. t(aQNIO C(NtOf!i

.-)QO()t'((t Wli[ff \iiS Ll 'SS f ... AN? 1'!" lYILlfAIItV U:C.!.IJI)iDI'

wh~n the glide slope angle is 2.75° or higher,

FiWJre 134 APPROACH LIGH11NG SYSTEMS. wh1le the 3,000-foot system is authorized when
the glide slope angle is less than 2.75°. The
terminating bar and wingbars of the category I
configuration are replaced with centerline bars of
five white lights each. In addition, there are
4. ALSF -2 (Type A). Approach Lighting System
lightbars (three red lights each) on either side of
with Sequenced Flashing Lights.
the centerline bars at each light station in the
inner 1,000 feet. These are called siderow bars.
A\so there is an additional bar 5(X} feet from the
a. System Description. The category II
threshold. These lights form a crossbar referred to
ALS:F (ALSF -2) differs from the category I
as the 500-foot bar. The category II configuration
configuration only in the inner 1,000 feet (nearest
is shown in Figure 134.
the threshold) of the system. The outer 1,400 or
2,000 feet of both systems are identical. The
h. Equivalent Systems. None.
2,400-foot system is authorized by Order 6850.9

Page2 Par3
4/1183 8200.38 CHG 4

"' 5. SAIS. (Type A2 ) Short Approach Light Type'Description

a. System Description. The Short Approach AI Centerline and Bar (South America)
Light System is an installation which consists of I Air Force Overrun (U.S.)
the inner 1500 feet of the standard ALSF-1 N Narrow Multi-Cross (British)
TYPE A1 described in paragraph 3 of this E Two Parallel Rows (U.S.)
appendix. The system provides roll guidance, a AF Overrun Centerline High
distinctive marker at 1,000 feet from the Intensity (Europe)
threshold, and distinctive threshold. See Figure D Navy Parallel Row and Crossbar (U.S.)
NOTE: SALS is programed to be phased out or
retrofitted. 6. SSALS, SSALF, and SSALR. (Type A3).
Short Simplified Approach Lighting Syste~;
b. Equivalent Systems. When . t~e Short Simplified Approach Lighting System With
characteristics described in paragraph 5a eXlst m Sequenced Flashers; and, Short Simplified
A proach Lighting ~ystem with. Runway
the following systems, the appropriate visibility
reductions may be applied to MIUTARY ~gnment Indicator L1ghts, respectively. See
instrument approach procedures and to FAR 121 Figure 137.
operations at foreign airports. See Figure 136.
NOTE: SSALS and SSALF are being phased out.

@ CliTUllll I Ill
0 Ill...............
FIICI tllllll

...... ..

...... .
... .......
. ·-·;··.

0 111111 IIUI CIISS

® r•• mmu 111 .....I
..... -I
......... ' ......I• T l
.......... ...............
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·-.. t!

110111 CEIUillll IAn PIIAlUl Ill
.......Ill CIISSIII
. .... ..I
• •• •• • •• • •


: I l
!! ! • ....
•• •• •• ...I g
''""ij" t·-.. .....

••• h I ..I
•• ......i'l·· ·':·..... HQU«MC£0 fLASHING LIGHTS
................ ....... I


ParS Page3
8280.3B CHC 4 4/l/63

• a. Systems Description.
(1) SSALS. The SSALS consists of
seven five-light bars located on the extended
runway centerline with the first bar located 200
feet from the runway threshold. Two additional
five-light bars are located one on each side of the
centerline bar, 1,000 feet from the runway
threshold, forming a crossbar 70 feet long. AU
lights of the system are white.
(!) SSALF. The SSALF consists of a
SSALS with three sequenced flashers that are
located at the last three lightbar stations.
(3) SSALB. The RAIL portion of the
SSALR consists of five or eight sequenced flashers
located on the extended runway centerline. The
first flasher is located 200 feet from the approach
end of the SSALS with successive units located at
each 200-foot interval out to 2,400 or 3,000 feet
from the runway threshold.
b. Equivalent Systems.

(1) SSALS and SSALF. When the

characteristics described in paragraphs 6a (1) and
(2) exist in the systems shown in Figure 138, the Ff&'W'B 138. SYSTEMS EQUIVALENT TO SSALR AND MALSR.
appropriate visibility reduction may be applied to
MILITARY instrument approach procedures.

(2) SSALR. When the character-

istics described in paragraphs 6a (1) and (3) exist
in the systems shown in Figure 138~ the 7. MAI.S, MAI.SF (Type A4 ), and MALSR (Type
appropriate visibility reduction may be applied to A;)). Medium Intensity Approach Lighting
MILITARY instrument approach procedures. System; Medium Intensity Approach Lighting
System with Sequenced F1ashers; and, Medium
Intensity Approach Lighting System with
Runway Alignment Indicator Lights, respectively.
Type Description See Figure 139.

BQ Centre and Double Row RCAF a. Systertl3 Description.

Standard (Canada)
(I) MALS. The MALS consists of seven
BO Centre Row Modified Calvert (Canada) five-light bars located on the extended runway
centerline with the first bar located 200 feet from
the runway threshold and at each 200-foot
interval out to 1,400 feet from the threshold. Two
additional five-light bars, one on each side of the
centerline bar, 1,000 feet from the runway
threshold form a crossbar 66 feet long.

4/1183 8260.3B CHC 4

MALS MALSF MALSR 8. ODALS. Omnidirectional Approach Lighting

a. Sy8tem De.wription. The system
consists of seven strobe lights located in the
approach area of a runway. Five of these strobes
are located on the extended runway centerline
. starting 300 feet from the runway landing

·-- threshold and each 300-foot interval out to and


"t §
including 1,500 feet from the threshold. The other
two strobes are located on the sides of the runway
threshold. The strobe lights flash in sequence
toward the runway at a rate of once per second

- :c..... ····~]- . ~.. ·l -


I §
··- ·.Z.. _-;
1 I
1" ....;
T sj
' :!
with the two units located at the runway end
flashing simultaneously. The strobes have three
intensity steps. See Figure 140.
' •-:- "j"
I .

t !

111£0 $TE.\OY IIUIINIHG WHilE ~IG!1l$ ;. I
•• 1
TEAlS. t.
(!) MALSF. The MALSF consists of a +'
MALS with three sequenced flashers located at I
the last three lightbar stations.
t I
(3) MALSR. The RAIL portion of the b
MALSR consists of five or eight sequenced
Dashers located on the extended runway
<:enterline. The first flasher is located 200 feet
from the approach end of the . MALS with fOl JIO' 'L 'ISH£11
successive units located at each 200-foot interval
out to 2,400 feet from the runway threshold.
b. Equivalent Systems. FlguNJ" 140. OMNlDIREcnON, LEAD-IN, AND RUNWAY END
{1) MALS and MALSF. When the
characteristics described in paragraphs 7a (1) and
(2) exist in the systems shown in Figure 136, the
appropriate visibility reductions may be applied
to MILITARY instrument approach procedures.
(2) MALSR. When the characteristics b. Equivalent Systems. When the
described in paragraphs 7a (1) and (3) exist in the characteristics described in paragraph 8a exist in
systems shown in Figure 136, the appropriate the systems shown in Figure 141, the appropriate
visibility reductions may be applied to visibility reductions may be applied to
MILITARY instrument approach procedures. MILITARY instrument approach procedures. •

8280.3B CHC 4 4/1183
Appendix IS

b. Equivalent Systems. The Hong Kong

• Type Description Curve (British), Type BE, is equivalent to the
LOIN system. See Figure 142.
BG Left Single Row (Canada)
BR Centre Row RCAF (Canada)
S Cross {Europe-Africa)
M Single Row Centerline ® HONG KONG CURVE

(Europe-Asia-South America)
BF Centre Row RCAF (Canada)
X Centerline, Two Crossbars .L
(Europe-Africa) ••
9. LOIN, Lead-In Lighting System. •••
a. System De.scrlption. The LDIN is usually
installed as a supplement to a MALS or SSAI.S.
This portion of the facility consists of a number of
•t••• ....,
sequenced flashing lights beginning at a distance FlgunllO. SYSTEMEQUIVALENT10WJN.
from the threshold detennined by the need and
terrain. These lights flash twice per second in
sequence toward the threshold, have no intensity
contro], and operate on all brightness steps of the
controlling system. The LOIN configuriltion is
shown in Figure 140.

® @ CD
UJl SIIIIU Ill P811Aill APPRDACI caass
. •
..• • •• ••
• ••••••
•• ' •••


® SINGlE Ill CEIUIUIE @ CEITI£ ltl l£&r

•••• •••
•• • ••••••••
•• •••
•• •••••••••

ro U.S. ODALS ~
11.~5. •
Page6 Par8
411183 8260.3B CHG 4
Appendix IS

10. REIL. The Runway End Identifier Lights RlJMWAV LENGTH

consist of a pair of condenser discharge fixtures 1000' ~ooo· L st£ Non 1

identical to the sequenced flasher light system.

The optimum location for the fixtures is at the
runway threshold, 40 feet out on each side,

<t G
<t 4t <t <t II


0 0
1fi;J S££

measured from the runway edge. See Figure 140. I. "A" "< •I• "e.t-J
ll. HIRL. High Intensity Runway Lights are
used to outline the edges of paved runways during
periods of darkness and low visibility. The light
units are elevated and equipped with lenses which
project two main light beams. Standards for
design, installation, and maintenan~ are found in

12. MmL. Medium Intensity Runway Lights are 0 - 9101PI(C'1 IONAI- PIUNWA't C.ENTEftliNE '-'GHT
elevated and omnidirectional fixtures, with clear r 1).· C[NT€RUNE LIGHTS WHIT[ IWI 0~[

lenses. They may be used to light paved runways DIRECTION A~D RED {• I OPPOSIT£
or unpaved landing strips. Standards for design,
installation, and maintenance may be found in NOTE, Thil touchdown zone lightbtm are not requiml to be locattJd
AC-150/5340-24. at 1M same .tatiom tU the centerl4ne Ughtl.

13. TDZ/CL Runway Centerline and

Touchdown Zone Lighting. This system consists

of touchdown zone lights and runway centerline
lights. In the touchdown zone, two rows of
transverse lightbars are located symmetrically
about the runway centerline. The bars are spaced
longitudinally at 100-foot inteJVals. Each lightbar
consists of three unidirectional lights facing the
landing threshold. The rows of lightbars extend to
a distance of 3,000 feet, or onHalf the runway
length for runways less than 6,000 feet, from the
threshold with the first lightbar located 100 feet
from the threshold. The runway centerline
lighting system consists of bidirectional fixtures
installed at 50-loot intervals along the entire
length of the runway centerline. The last 3,000--
foot portion of the lighting system is color coded
to warn pilots of the impending nmway end.
Alternate red and white liglits are installed as seen
from 3,000 feet to 1,000 feet from the runway
end, and red lights are installed in the last 1,000--
foot portion. Installation details may be found in
AC 150/5340-4C.

Par 10
Page 7 (and 8)
Army TM 95-226
Navy OPNAV Inst. 3722.16C
Coast Guard CG 318
Air Force AFMAN 11-226(I)







Army TM 95-226
Navy OPNAV Inst. 3722.16C
Coast Guard CG 318
Air Force AFMAN 11-226(I)




Precision Approach (PA) and

Localizer Directional Aid (LDA) with Glide Slope
Approach Procedure Construction



02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Chapter 1. General Information

1.0. Purpose. This volume contains criteria applicable to conventional instrument approach
procedures with vertical guidance. Apply these criteria to approaches based on instrument
landing system (ILS), mobile microwave landing system (MMLS), precision approach radar
(PAR), and Localizer Directional Aid (LDA) with glide slope.

1.1. Background. ILS meets the PA performance standard and may be authorized CAT I, II,
or III landing minimums. LDA with glide slope only qualifies for APV minimums. PAR and
MMLS meet the PA performance standard, but may be authorized CAT I landing minimums

1.2. Definitions.

a. Approach Surface Baseline (ASBL). A horizontal line tangent to the surface of the
earth at the runway threshold (RWT) point, aligned with the final approach course (see figure

Figure 1-1. Basic Precision Terms

b. Decision Altitude (DA). A specified altitude in reference to mean sea level in an

approach with vertical guidance at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required
visual references to continue the approach have not been established.

c. Fictitious Threshold Point (FTP). The equivalent of the landing threshold point (LTP)
when the final approach course is offset from runway centerline. It is not aligned through the
LTP. It is located on the final approach course the same distance from the intersection of the
final approach course and the runway centerline extended as the LTP. FTP elevation is the same
as the LTP. For the purposes of this document, where LTP is used, FTP may apply when
appropriate (see figure 1-2).

d. Glidepath Angle (GPA). The angular displacement of the glidepath from a horizontal
plane that passes through the LTP/FTP. This angle is published on approach charts (e.g.,
3.00 degrees, 3.20 degrees, etc.).

e. Glidepath Intercept Point (GPIP). The point on the final approach course where the
glidepath of an ILS, MMLS, PAR, or LDA w/glide slope intercepts the intermediate segment

Vol. 3 Page 1-1

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

f. Height Above Touchdown (HAT). The height of the DA above touchdown zone
elevation (TDZE).

g. Landing Threshold Point (LTP). The LTP is the intersection of the runway centerline
and the runway threshold (see figure 1-2). It is defined by latitude/longitude coordinates, and
MSL elevation. LTP elevation applies to the FTP when the final approach course is offset from
runway centerline.

Figure 1-2. Landing Threshold Point and Fictitious Threshold Point

h. Legacy. When text in this volume is prefaced with “(LEGACY),” it indicates a term,
policy, formula, OEA construction, or OCS evaluation associated with a previous standard that is
considered valid until the current standard is implemented in procedure design software.

i. Mobile Microwave Landing System (MMLS) [Military Only]. MMLS can be

configured in two ways; “Split Site” where the azimuth and elevation antennas are sited the same
as an ILS, or “Collocated Site” where the azimuth and elevation antennas are located together
along side the runway. “Split Site” is the normal configuration for “fixed” MMLS locations to
meet the capability of standard MMLS avionics receiver equipment. Aircraft that will use
MMLS procedures configured as a “Collocated Site” must have a special avionics receiver
capable of computing the offset runway centerline location. These procedures will have the
azimuth and glide slope, procedures will be published with the caveat: “FLYING OTHER
UNUSABLE.” MMLS equipment computing capability for “collocated” configuration requires
that all system components (DME/P, AZ, and EL) must be operating, thus the following caveat

Vol. 3 Page 1-2

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

j. Obstacle Clearance Surface (OCS). An inclined obstacle evaluation surface associated

with a glidepath. The separation between this surface and the glidepath defines the MINIMUM
required obstacle clearance.

k. Positive Vertical/Horizontal Guidance. Glidepath or course guidance based on

instrumentation indicating magnitude and direction of deviation from the prescribed glidepath or
course on which obstacle clearance is based.

l. Precise Final Approach Fix (PFAF). For PA/APV approaches, it is the point on the
final approach course where the GPA intercepts the intermediate segment altitude (glidepath
intercept altitude). The PFAF is identified by a fix to define the beginning of the PA/APV final

m. Radio Altimeter Height (RA). An indication of the vertical distance between a point on
the nominal glidepath at DA and the terrain directly beneath this point.

n. Runway Threshold (RWT). The RWT marks the beginning of that part of the runway
usable for landing (see figure 1-3). It extends the full width of the runway. Threshold elevation
(THRe) is equal to the highest MSL point along the RWT line.

Figure 1-3. Runway Threshold

o. Touchdown Zone Elevation (TDZE). The highest elevation in the first 3000 feet of the
landing surface.

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02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


Vol. 3 Page 1-4

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Chapter 2. General Criteria

2-0. Policy Directives. The following directives apply unless otherwise specified in this

a. Order 7130.3, Holding Pattern Criteria.

b. Order 8260.3, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS),
volume 1;

c. Order 8260.19, Flight Procedures and Airspace;

2-1. Calculations. Formulas within this volume require radian calculations.

2-2. Feeder, Initial, and Intermediate Segments. Apply criteria in volume 1 except as

a. Initial Segment.

(1) Procedure Turn (PT). The PT completion altitude must not be lower than the
glidepath intercept altitude or more than 500 feet above the PFAF altitude.

(2) High Altitude Teardrop Penetration Turn. The penetration turn completion altitude
must not be lower than the PFAF altitude or more than 4000 feet above the glidepath intercept

b. Intermediate Segment. The intermediate segment begins at the IF and extends along the
final approach course extended to the PFAF. Where a turn from the initial course to the final
approach course extended is required, the initial course must intercept at or before the IF.

(1) Length. The MINIMUM length of the intermediate segment is 2 NM. Minimum
segment length varies where a turn is required at the IF. The length is determined by the
magnitude of heading change in the turn on to the final approach course extended (see figure 2-1
and formula 2-1). The maximum angle of intersection is 90 degrees unless a lead radial as
specified in volume 1, paragraph 232a, is provided and the length of the intermediate segment is
increased as specified in volume 1, table 3. Where the initial segment is based on an arc and the
DME source is not collocated (see Order 6050.32 for collocation parameters) with the FAC
facility, determine the intercept initial/intermediate segment intercept angle on approach
procedures as follows:

Vol. 3 Page 2-1

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Formula 2-1. Minimum Intermediate Segment Length

θ θ
18 15
where θ = Intercept angle
42 42
Example: = 2.33 NM Example: = 2.8 NM
18 15

Figure 2-1. Minimum Intermediate Segment Length, CAT C, D, E

(a) Use formula 2-2 where the DME source is on the arc side of the FAC extended
(see figure 2-2A).

Formula 2-2. FAC intercept angle, DME Source on Arc Side

90 – |A-B| = Intercept Angle

A = Course from DME source to intercept point
B = Reciprocal of FAC

Example: 90 –|270–285|= 75⁰

Vol. 3 Page 2-2

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Figure 2-2A. DME Source on Arc Side

(b) Use formula 2-3 where the DME source is not on the arc side of the FAC
extended (see figure 2-2B).

Formula 2-3. FAC Intercept Angle, DME Source Opposite the Arc Side

90 + |A-B| = Intercept Angle

A = Course from DME source to intercept point
B = Reciprocal of FAC

Example: 90 +|270–285|= 105⁰

Figure 2-2B. DME Source Opposite the Arc Side

Vol. 3 Page 2-3

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

(2) Width. The intermediate trapezoid begins at the width of the initial segment at the
earliest point the IF can be received, and beginning at the latest point the IF can be received it
tapers to the width of the final segment at the plotted position of the PFAF (see figure 2-3).

Figure 2-3. Intermediate Segment Width

(3) Altitude selection. The intermediate altitude must not be lower than the glidepath
intercept altitude.

2-3. General PA Requirements. See Order 8260.19 for requirements related to GPA/TCH

a. GPA. Utilize a standard 3-degree GPA where possible. GPAs greater than 3 degrees but
not more than the maximum (table 2-1) are authorized without approval when needed to provide
obstacle clearance or to meet simultaneous parallel approach standards. Other cases or GPAs less
than 3 degrees require Flight Standards or military authority approval (USAF not applicable).

Table 2-1. Maximum GPAs

Category GPA
A (80 knots or less) 6.4
A (81-90 knots) 5.7
B 4.2
C 3.6
D&E 3.1

b. TCH. The published TCH (nearest whole foot) should accommodate the largest aircraft
height group normally expected to use the runway and must not be less than the minimum or
exceed the maximum TCH.

Note: 60 feet is the maximum TCH regardless of height group.

Vol. 3 Page 2-4

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

(1) CAT I. The TCH is based on achieving an acceptable wheel crossing height
(WCH). The WCH is the difference between the TCH and the approximate glidepath antenna-to-
wheel height (see table 2-2).

(a) The optimum TCH provides a 30-foot WCH. It must provide a WCH no less
than 20 feet or greater than 50 feet.

(b) Displaced Threshold Considerations. The TCH over a displaced threshold can
result in a WCH of not less than 10 feet if the height of the glide path over the beginning of the
full strength runway pavement suitable for landing falls within the minimum/maximum TCH

(2) CAT II/III. The optimum TCH is 55 feet and must be between 50 and 60 feet
regardless of height group.

Table 2-2. TCH Requirements

Representative Glidepath-to- Recommended Remarks

Aircraft Type Wheel Height* TCH
HEIGHT GROUP 1 10 feet or less 40 feet Normally runways
General Aviation, Small <6,000 long with
Commuters, Corporate reduced widths and/ or
Turbojets, T-38, C-12, limited weight bearing,
C-20, C-21, T-1, Fighter limiting larger aircraft
Jets, UC-35, T-3, T-6 use.

HEIGHT GROUP 2 15 feet 45 feet Regional airport with

F-28, B-737, C-9, DC-9, limited air carrier
C-130, T-43, B-2 service.

HEIGHT GROUP 3 20 feet 50 feet Runways not normally

B-727/707/720/757, B-52, used by aircraft with
C-135, C-141, C-17, E-3, ILS glidepath-to-wheel
P-3, E-8, C-32 heights > 20 feet.

HEIGHT GROUP 4 25 feet 55 feet Most primary runways

B-747/767/777, DC-10, at major airports.
A-300, B-1, KC-10, E-4,
C-5, VC-25

Note: To determine the minimum allowable TCH, add 20 feet to the glidepath-to-wheel height
and to determine the maximum allowable TCH, add 50 feet to the glidepath-to-wheel height (not
to exceed 60 feet).

Vol. 3 Page 2-5

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


(1) Calculate the along-track distance in feet from the LTP/FTP to the PFAF/GPIP using
formula 2-4.

Formula 2-4. Distance LTP/FTP to PFAF/GPIP

 r+PFAFalt 
ln  
 r+LTP 
 elev +TCH 
 π 
tan  GPA×
 180° 

LTPelev = LTP/FTP MSL elevation
PFAFalt = minimum intermediate segment altitude
r = 20890537

(2) Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). The plotted position of a DME fix used to
identify a PFAF/GPIP must be within 16.66 NM of the DME facility. When the DME facility is
not collocated with the facility providing FAC lateral guidance, the angular divergence must not
exceed 6 degrees (Military 23 degrees).

d. Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS). PA/APV approaches are not authorized where
obstacles penetrate the GQS surface, except where mitigated (e.g., approach restricted to Height
Group 1 and 2 aircraft) and approved by Flight Standards or military authority or when obstacles
are permitted by paragraph 2-4c.

(1) Area. The GQS area begins at the LTP and extends to the DA point. Its beginning
width is 100 feet from the runway edges. All width calculations are based on distance measured
along runway centerline. Calculate GQS half-width at DA point using formula 2-5a. Calculate
the half-width at any distance using formula 2-5b (see figure 2-4).

Formula 2-5a. GQS Half-Width at DA Point

0.036D + 392.8
D = LTP to DA point distance (ft)

Vol. 3 Page 2-6

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Formula 2-5b. GQS Half-Width at Specified Distance

 E-k 
 x d  +k
 D 
 
D = LTP to DA point distance (ft)
d = specified distance (ft) from LTP
E = 0.036D + 392.8
k = + 100

Figure 2-4. GQS Area

(2) Offset Area. Where the course is offset from the runway centerline more than
3 degrees, expand the GQS area on the side of the offset as follows, referring to figure 2-5A:

(a) Step 1 - Construct line “BC.” Locate point “B” at the intersection of the runway
centerline extended and a line perpendicular to the final approach course at the DA point.
Calculate the half-width (E) of the GQS for the distance from point “B” to the LTP. Locate point
“C” at distance “E” on a line perpendicular to the final approach course. Connect points “B” and
(b) Step 2 - Construct line “CD.” Locate point “D” abeam the LTP on a line
perpendicular to runway centerline at a point 100 feet from the runway edge. Connect points “C”
and “D.”

(c) Step 3 - Construct line “DF.” Locate point “F” abeam the LTP on a line
perpendicular to runway centerline at a point 100 ft from the runway edge (opposite point “D”).
Connect points “D” and “F.”

(d) Step 4 - Construct line “AF.” Locate point “A” on a line perpendicular to the
runway centerline extended at distance “E” from point “B.” Connect points “A” and “F.”

(e) Step 5 - Construct line “AB.” Connect points “A” and “B.”

Vol. 3 Page 2-7

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Figure 2-5A. Offset GQS Area Construction

e. Calculate the width of the non-offset side at a specified distance using formula 2-6a.
Calculate the width of the offset side at a specified distance using formula 2-6b. See figure 2-5B.

Formula 2-6a. GQS Non-offset Side Width at Specified Distance

 E-k 
 x d  +k
 D 
 

D = distance (ft) LTP to point B
d = specified distance (ft) from LTP
E = 0.036D + 392.8
k = + 100

Vol. 3 Page 2-8

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Formula 2-6b. GQS Offset Side Width, at Specified Distance

  π    π   
 cos  θ x  × sin  θ x  × ( D-i) +E  -k 
  180°    180°   
WOFFSET = d   +k
  π    π  
D-sin  θ x × sin  θ x × ( D-i) +E  
  180°    180°   

d = specified distance (ft) from LTP
θ = FAC offset (degrees)
D = distance (ft) LTP to point B
i = distance (ft) LTP to FAC/RCL intersection
E = 0.036D + 392.8
k = + 100

Figure 2-5B. Offset GQS Area Width at Specified Distance

2-4. Obstacle Clearance Surface.

a. Origin. The surface origin and height is based on TCH. See figure 2-5C.

(1) Where the TCH is > 50 feet, the sloping surface starts at the beginning of the area.
Starting height is TCH - 50 (VOFFSET) above THRe.

(2) Where the TCH ≥ 40 feet and ≤ 50 feet, the sloping surface starts at the beginning of
the area. Starting height is THRe.

Vol. 3 Page 2-9

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

(3) Where the TCH is < 40 feet, starting height is THRe. The area between the RWT and
point XOFFSET is a level surface and must be clear of obstacles except those permitted by the
airport design standard. The sloping surface begins at XOFFSET distance from RWT. Calculate
XOFFSET using formula 2-7.

Figure 2-5C. GQS Surface Origin/Height

Formula 2-7. GQS Sloping Surface XOFFSET Distance

 π 
tan  θ x
 180° 
θ = GPA

b. Slope. The OCS slope is based on 2/3 x GPA.

(1) Calculate the height of the GQS above THRe (hGQS) for distances greater than
XOFFSET using formula 2-8 (adjusts for along-centerline earth curvature):

Formula 2-8. GQS Height above THRe

(r+F+VOFFSET ) cos  23θ x 180

 

 ° 
hGQS = -r
 d-XOFFSET 2θ π 
cos  + x 
 r 3 180° 
r = 20890537
F = THRe
d = distance (ft) greater than XOFFSET from LTP
θ = GPA

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(2) Lateral Earth Curvature. The MSL elevation (OBSMSL) of an obstacle may be reduced
to account for earth curvature based on distance from runway centerline. This reduced value is
termed the obstacle effective elevation (OEE). Calculate OEE using formula 2-9.

Formula 2-9. Obstacle MSL Elevation Adjusted For Earth Curvature

 
 
OEE =OBSMSL- ( r+THRe) x
 1 

 cos OBSY
  
 
 r
 
  
OBSMSL = obstacle MSL elevation
r = 20890537
OBSY = distance (ft) from RCL to obstacle

c. Obstacles and terrain allowed by standard application of AC 150/5300-13, Airport

Design requirements (military equivalent at military airfields) may penetrate the GQS without
mitigation as follows. See figure 2-5D.

(1) Where the TCH is less than 40 feet, obstacles with an effective height at or below an
80:1 surface (or military equivalent) originating at LTP at threshold elevation for a distance of
1000 feet.

(2) Above-ground objects permitted by AC 150/5300-13 (or military equivalent).

Figure 2-5D. GQS Surface Origin/Height

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Vol. 3 Page 2-12

Order 8260.3B, Volume 3, Chapter 2
Formulas Addendum

Formula 2-1. Sloping OCS Origin

40 − TCH
⎛ π ⎞ 
tan ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟
⎝ 180 ⎠
TCH = Threshold Crossing Height associated with procedure  
tan = tangent 
θ = GPA 
TCH  15.000
Click here
θ  3°
to calculate
XOFFSET  477.03

Formula 2-2a. GQS Half-Width at DA.
E = 0.036D + 392.8
D = RWT to DA point dist (ft) measured along RCL extended 

D  3,720.000 Click here
E  526.720 to calculate


Formula 2-2b. GQS Half-Width at RWT.

k = + 100
RWYwidth = Runway width (ft) 

RWYwidth  150.000 Click here
k  175.000 to calculate

Formula 2-2c. GQS Half-Width, any distance (d).

⎛E − k ⎞
w = ⎜ d⎟ + k
⎝ D ⎠
D = RWT coordinates to DA point dist.(ft) 
d = desired distance(ft)from RWT coordinates 
E = Formula 2‐2a output 
k = Formula 2‐2b output
E  526.720

k  175.000
Click here
D  2,766.760
to calculate
d  1,800.000

w  403.822

Formula 2-2d. GQS Offset Side Width, any distance (d).

⎛ ⎛ π ⎞⎡ ⎛ π ⎞ ⎤ ⎞
⎜ cos ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟ ⎢sin ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟ ( D − i) + E ⎥ − k ⎟
⎝ 180 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ 180 ⎠ ⎦
WOFFSET = d⎜ ⎟ + k
⎜ ⎛ π ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ π ⎞ ⎤⎟
⎜ D − sin ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟ sin ⎜ θ ⋅ ⎟ ( D − i) + E ⎥ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ 180 ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 180 ⎠ ⎦⎠

d = desired distance (ft) from RWT coordinates 
cos = Cosine 
sin= Sine 
θ = FAC offset (degrees) 
D = RWT coordinates to Point “B” distance (ft) 
i = RWT coordinates to FAC intersect. dist.(ft) 
E = Formula 2‐2a output 
k = Formula 2‐2b output 

d*((cos(θ *π/180)*(sin(θ*π/180)*(D‐i)+E)‐k)/ 
d  3,682.700

θ  4°

D  3,725.100
Click here
i  2,570.000
to calculate
E  526.900

k  175.000

WOFFSET  605.993

Formula 2-3a. GQS Elevation

⎛ 2θ π ⎞
(r+ F + VOFFSET ) cos ⎜ ⋅ ⎟
ZILS = ⎝ 3 180 ⎠ − r
⎛ d − X OFFSET 2θ π ⎞
cos ⎜ + ⋅ ⎟
⎝ r 3 180 ⎠
r = mean earth radius (ft) 
F = THRe or LTP elevation 
VOFFSET = per paragraph 2.11.1a, otherwise 0
cos = cosine 
d = desired distance (ft) from RWT coordinates 
XOFFSET = per paragraph 2.11.1a, otherwise 0
θ = GPA 

F  1,012.000

VOFFSET  0.000

d  390.000
Click here
θ  3°
to calculate
XOFFSET  290.000

r  20890537 

ZILS  1,015.492

Formula 2-3b. GQS Elevation

(d ‐ XOFFSET ) ⋅ tan ⎛⎜⎝ 23θ ⋅ 180

π ⎞

ZBaro = e r ( )
⋅ r + LTPelev + VOFFSET ‐ r

e = base of the natural logarithm (Napier’s constant) 
d = desired distance (ft) from RWT coordinates 
XOFFSET = per paragraph 2.11.1a, otherwise 0 
tan = tangent 
θ = GPA 
r = mean earth radius (ft) 
LTPelev = LTP elevation 
VOFFSET = per paragraph 2.11.1a, otherwise 0

d  3,000.000

XOFFSET  190.000

θ  3°
Click here
r  20890537 
to calculate
LTPelev  1,012.000

VOFFSET  0.000

ZBARO  1,110.132

Formula 2-4. EC Adjusted Obstacle MSL Elevation.

⎛ ⎞
⎜ 1 ⎟
OEE = OBSMSL − (r + F ) ⋅ ⎜ − 1⎟
⎜ cos ⎛ OBSY ⎞ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎠
OBSMSL = obstacle MSL elevation 
r = mean earth radius (ft) 
F = THRe or LTP elevation 
cos = cosine 
OBSY = perpendicular dist.(ft)from Rwy centerline to obstacle 

OBSMSL  5,000.000

r  20890537
Click here
F  4,999.00 to
OBSY  500.000

OEE  4,999.994

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The area originates 200 feet from LTP or FTP and ends at the PFAF/Glide
path intercept point (GPIP). The primary area consists of the “W” and “X”
OCS, and the secondary area consists of the “Y” OCS. See figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. Final Segment OEA/OCS

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The final course is normally aligned with the RCL extended (±0.03°)
through the LTP/RWT (± 5 feet). Where a unique operational requirement
indicates a need to offset the course from RCL, the offset must not exceed
three degrees. The offset course must intersect the runway centerline at a
point 1100 to 1200 feet inside the DA point (see figure 3-2). For offset
courses the minimum HAT is 250 feet and RVR 2400.

Figure 3-2. Offset Final

Final Course

3° MAX




In this document, slopes are expressed as run over rise; e.g., 34:1.
Determine the OCS slope associated with a specific GPA using the
following formula:

3.2.1 Origin.

The OEA (all OCS surfaces) originates from LTP elevation at a point
200 feet from LTP/FTP (see figure 3-3) measured along course centerline
and extends to the GPIP. The longitudinal (along-track) rising W surface
slope begins at a point 200+d feet from OEA origin. Calculate “d” using the
following formula(s).

where ≥ 954, d equals 0 .
( π
tan GPA × 180° )
where < 954 , calculate d using =
d 954 −
( π
tan GPA × 180° ) 
tan  GPA ×
π 

 180° 

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Figure 3-3. OCS Slope Origin When < 954
( π
tan GPA × 180° )

3.2.2 Revising GPA for OCS Penetrations.

Raising the GPA may eliminate OCS penetrations. To determine the

revised minimum GPA, use the following formula:

 D-(200+d) 
102  + p
 s 
GPArevised =
D = distance (ft) from LTP/FTP
d = value from paragraph 3.2.1
s = W surface slope
p = penetration in feet

Note: Round to the next higher hundredth (0.01) degree to avoid small
penetration values caused by the revised angle.


The airport owner/sponsor is responsible for meeting AC 150/5300-13,

Airport Design OFZ requirements (military directives apply at military
installations). Minimums may be impacted where OFZ requirements have
not been met.

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Figure 3-4. Reserved.

3.4 “W” OCS. See figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5. “W” OCS

3.4.1 Width. The width is 400 feet either side of course at the beginning, and
expands uniformly to 2200 feet either side of course 50200 feet from
LTP/FTP, as defined by the formula:

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D W = 0.036 (D - 200 ) + 400

Where D = the distance in feet from LTP or FTP.

D W = Perpendicu lar distance in feet from course centerline to " W" surface
outer boundary.

3.4.2 Height. The height (ZW) of the "W" OCS above ASBL is defined by the formula:

D - (200 + d)
ZW =

Where D = the distance in feet from RWT

d = d from paragraph 3.2.1 for GPI < 954' , 0 for GPI 954' or greater
S =" W" surface slope

3.4.3 "W" OCS Penetrations. Lowest minimums are achieved when the “W” surface
is clear. If the surface is penetrated by an existing obstacle, adjust obstruction
height, raise the GPA (see paragraph 3.2.2), or displace the RWT to eliminate
the penetration. If the penetration cannot be eliminated, adjust the DA (see
paragraph 3.8).

3.5 "X" OCS. See figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6. "X" OCS

D 3876
300 DX



50200 feet

3.5.1 Width. The perpendicular distance (DX) from the course to the outer boundary of
the "X" OCS is defined by the formula:

D X =0.10752 (D-200 ) + 700

Where D=distance (ft) from LTP or FTP

3.5.2 Height. The "X" OCS begins at the height of the "W" surface at distance "D"
from LTP or FTP, and rises at a slope of 1:4 in a direction perpendicular to the
final approach course. Determine the height (ZX) above ASBL for a specific
location of the "X" OCS using the following formula:

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Par 3.4.1
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

Height of Rise of
" W" Sfc " X" Sfc
D − (200 + d) DO − D W
ZX = +
S 4

Where D = the distance in feet from LTP or FTP,

d = d from paragraph 3.2.1 for GPI < 954' , 0 for GPI 954' or greater
DO = the perpendicu lar distance in feet between course centerline and a specific
point in the " X" surface
D W = the perpendicu lar distance between course centerline and the " W" surface boundary.
 102 
S = Slope associated with GPA  
 GPA 
3.5.3 "X" OCS Penetrations. Lowest minimums can be achieved when the "X" OCS
is clear. To eliminate, avoid, or mitigate a penetration, take one of the following
actions listed in the order of preference.

3.5.3 a. Remove or adjust the obstruction location and/or height.

3.5.3 b. Displace the RWT.

3.5.3 c Raise the GPA (see paragraph 3.2.2) within the limits of table 2-2A.

3.5.3 d. Adjust DA (for existing obstacles only). (See paragraph 3.8).

3.6 "Y" OCS. See figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7. "Y" OCS



300 DY




50200 feet

3.6.1 Width. The perpendicular distance (DY) from the runway centerline extended to
the outer boundary of the "Y" OCS is defined by the formula:
DY =0.15152 (D-200 ) + 1000

Where D=distance (ft) from LTP or FTP

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Par 3.5.2
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3.6.2 Height. The “Y” OCS begins at the height of the “X” surface at distance
“D” from LTP or FTP, and rises at a slope of 7:1 in a direction
perpendicular to the final approach course. The height (ZY) of the “Y”
surface above ASBL is defined by the formula:
D-(200+d) D X -DW D -D
ZY = + + O X
S 4 7
D = distance (ft) from LTP/FTP
d = value from paragraph 3.2.1
DW = perpendicular distance (ft) from FAC to “W” surface
outer boundary
Dx = perpendicular distance (ft) from FAC to “X” surface
outer boundary
DO = perpendicular distance (ft) from FAC to “Y” surface

3.6.3 “Y” OCS Penetrations. Lowest minimums can be achieved when the “Y”
OCS is clear. When the OCS is penetrated, remove the obstacle or
reduce its height. If not possible, take one or more of the following actions:

3.6.3 a. Adjust DA for existing obstacles (see paragraph 3.8).

3.6.3 b. Displace threshold.

3.6.3 c. Offset final course.

3.6.3 d. Raise GPA (see paragraph 3.2.2).



The DA value may be derived from the HAT. The minimum HAT for PA
Category I is 200 feet. The minimum HAT for APV is 250. Calculate
DA/HAT as follows:


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See figure 3-8. The DA may be increased to provide sufficient obstacle
clearance. This adjustment is available for existing obstacles only.
Proposed obstacles must not penetrate the OCS.

3.8.1 DA Distance from LTP/FTP. Determine the distance from LTP/FTP to

the adjusted DA point using the formula:

Dadjusted = +(200+d)
Dadjusted = adjusted distance (ft) from LTP/FTP to DA
d = value from paragraph 3.2.1
h = obstacle height (ft) above ASBL

Note: For obstacles in the “X” surface, subtract “X” surface rise from h.
If obstacle is in the “Y” surface, subtract “X” and “Y” surface rise from h.

Figure 3-8. DA Adjustment

3.8.2 Calculate the adjusted DA. Application of this method need not require a
DA greater than maximum ROC (paragraph 3.8.3) plus obstacle elevation.

 
  102h  TCH 
DA=tanGPA   +(200+d) +  +LTP/FTPelev
  GPA  tan(GPA × π ) 
 180° 
d = value from para. 3.2.1
h = obstacle height (ft) above ASBL

Note: For obstacles in the “X” surface, subtract “X” surface rise from h. If
obstacle is in the “Y” surface, subtract “X” and “Y” surface rise from h.

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3.8.3 Calculate the revised minimum HAT/maximum ROC using the formula:
x 250

3.8.4 Compare HAT based on adjusted DA and Minimum HAT. Publish the
DA associated with the higher of the two.


The missed approach segment begins at DA and ends at the clearance

limit. It is comprised of section 1 (initial climb) and section 2 (from end of
section 1 to the clearance limit). Section 2 beginning width is ± 0.5 NM
(± 3038.06 feet). The OCS begins at the elevation of section 1b at
centerline. The MA procedure is limited to two turn fixes. Apply volume 1,
paragraph 277e for climb-in-hold guidance.

3.9.1 Section 1 (LEGACY). Section 1 is aligned with the final approach course.
It is comprised of 3 subsections, beginning at DA and extending
9860.69 feet (see figure 3-9A).

Figure 3-9A. Missed Approach Sections 1a, 1b, and 1c

3.9.1 a. Section 1a (LEGACY).

3.9.1 a. (1) Area. Section 1a begins at the DA point and overlies the final
approach primary (“W” and “X” surfaces) OCS, extending 1460 feet in the
direction of the missed approach. This section is always aligned with the
final approach course (see figure 3-9A).

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3.9.1 a. (2) OCS. The height of the section 1a surface is equal to the
underlying “W” or “X” surface as appropriate. If this section is penetrated,
increase the DA using the formula (see figure 3-9B).

  
π   p  
Dadjusted = tan(GPA × )x   +d 
180°  1 + GPA  
 28.5 102  
 

d = XO - [distance (ft) LTP/FTP to DAFINAL - 1460]
XO = distance (ft) LTP/FTP to obstacle
p = penetration (ft)

Figure 3-9B. Penetration of Section 1a OCS

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3.9.1 b. Section 1b (LEGACY).

3.9.1 b. (1) Area. Section 1b begins at the end of section 1a aligned with the
final approach course extended. The area starts at the width of the
underlying “W” surface and splays to 1 NM wide at 9860.69 feet from DA
(see figures 3-9A).

3.9.1 b. (2) OCS. Section 1b OCS is a 28.5:1 slope. The beginning height is
equal to the height of the “W” OCS at the end of section 1a. Evaluate
obstacles using the shortest distance from the end of section 1a (see
figure 3-9C).

Figure 3-9C. Section 1b Obstacle Measurement

If this section is penetrated, increase the DA using the formula (see figure

 
π   p 
Dadjusted = tan(GPA × )x  
180°  1 + GPA  
 28.5 102  
 
p = penetration (ft)

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Figure 3-9D. Penetration of Section 1b OCS

3.9.1 c. Section 1c (LEGACY).

3.9.1 c. (1) Area. Section 1c begins at the DA point at the outer edges of
section 1a and extends along both sides of sections 1a and 1b until
terminating at the end of section 1b (see figure 3-9A).

3.9.1 c. (2) OCS. Two inclined planes starting at the DA point and sloping 7:1
perpendicular to the MA course. The inner boundaries originate at the
elevation of the outer edges of the “W” surface at the beginning of
section 1b. The outer boundaries originate at the elevation of the outer
edges of the "X" surfaces at the DA point. These inner and outer
boundaries converge at the end of section 1b (9860.69 feet from the DA
point). Obstacles in section 1c, adjacent to the “X” surfaces, are evaluated
with a 7:1 slope from the elevation of the outer boundaries of the “X”
surfaces. Obstacles in section 1c, adjacent to section 1b, are evaluated
using the 7:1 slope, beginning at the elevation at the outer edge of section
1b. Reduce the obstacle height by the amount of 7:1 surface rise from the
edge of section 1a or 1b (measured perpendicular to section 1 course).
Then evaluate the obstacle as if it were in section 1a or 1b.

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Figure 3-9E. Section 1c Obstacle Measurement

3.9.2 Section 1. (Height Loss and Initial Climb).

Section 1 begins at DA (line CD) and ends at line AB. It accommodates

height loss and establishment of missed approach climb gradient.
Obstacle protection is based on an assumed minimum climb gradient of
200 ft/NM (≈30.38:1 slope). Section 1 is centered on a continuation of the
final approach track and is subdivided into sections 1a and 1b (see figures
3-9F and 3-9G).

3.9.2 a. Section 1a.

Section 1a is a 1460 feet continuation of the FAS OCS beginning at the

DA point to accommodate height loss. The portion consisting of the
continuation of the W surface is identified as section 1aW. The portions
consisting of the continuation of the X surfaces are identified as section
1aX. The portions consisting of the continuation of the Y surfaces are
identified as section 1aY.

Figure 3-9F. Section 1, 3-D Perspective

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Figure 3-9G. Section 1, 2-D Perspective

3.9.2 b. Section 1b.

The section 1b surface extends from line JK at the end of section 1a as an

up-sloping surface for a distance of 8401 feet to the line AB. Section 1b is
subdivided into sections 1bW, 1bX, and 1bY (see figure 3-9G).

3.9.2 b. (1) Section 1bW. Section 1bW extends from the end of section 1aW for
a distance of 8401 feet. Its lateral boundaries splay from the width of the
end of the 1aW surface to a width of ± 3038 feet either side of the missed
approach course at the 8401 feet point. Calculate the width of the 1bW
surface (width1bW) at any distance d1aEnd from the end of section 1a using
the formula.

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d1aEnd × ( 3038-CW )
width1bW = +CW
d1aEnd = along-track distance (ft) from end of section 1a
CW = half-width of 1aW surface at section 1a end

Calculate the elevation of the end of the 1aW surface (elev1aEnd) using
 GPA  
(r+LTPelev ) ×cos atan  102  

elev1aEnd =   -r
 X DA-d-1660  GPA  
cos  +atan  
 r  102  
XDA = along-track distance (ft) from LTP to DA
d = value from para. 3.2.1
r = 20890537

The surface rises from the elevation of the 1aW surface at the end of
section 1a at a slope ratio of 28.5:1. Calculate the elevation of the surface
(elev1bW) using the formula:

 d1aEnd 
 

( )
 28.5 × r 
elev1bW = r + elev1aEnd e -r

x  

d1aEnd = along-track distance (ft) from end of section 1a
r = 20890537

3.9.2 b. (2) Section 1bX. Section 1bX extends from the end of section 1aX for a
distance of 8401 feet. Its inner boundary is the outer boundary of the 1bW
surface. Its outer boundary splays from the end of the 1aX surface to a
width of ± 3038 feet either side of the missed approach course at the
8401 feet point. Calculate the distance from the missed approach course
centerline to the surface outer boundary (width1bX) using the formula:

d1aEnd × ( 3038-C X )
width1bX = +C X
d1aEnd = along-track distance (ft) from end of section 1a
CX = perpendicular distance (ft) from course centerline
to 1aX outer edge at section 1a end

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The surface rises at a slope ratio of 4:1 perpendicular to the missed

approach course from the edge of the 1bW surface. Calculate the
elevation of the 1bX missed approach surface (elev1bX) using the formula:

elev1bX =elev1bW +
a = perpendicular distance (ft) from the MA course

3.9.2 b. (3) Section 1bY. Section 1bY extends from the end of section 1aY for a
distance of 8401 feet. Its inner boundary is the outer boundary of the 1bX
surface. Its outer boundary splays from the outer edge of the 1aY at the
surface at the end of section 1a to a width of ± 3038 feet either side of the
missed approach course at the 8401 feet point. Calculate the distance
from the missed approach course centerline to the surface outer boundary
(width1bY) using the formula:

d1aEnd × ( 3038-CY )
width1bY = +CY

d1aEnd = along-track distance (ft) from end of section 1a
CY = perpendicular distance (ft) from course centerline to 1aY
outer edge at section 1a end

The surface rises at a slope ratio of 7:1 perpendicular to the missed

approach course from the edge of the 1bX surface. Calculate the elevation
of the 1bY missed approach surface (elev1bY) using the formula:

elev1bY =elev1bX +
a = perpendicular distance (ft) from the MA course

3.9.2 c. Section 1 Surface Height Evaluation.

3.9.2 c. (1) Section 1a. Obstacles that penetrate these surfaces are mitigated
during the final segment OCS evaluation. However, in the missed
approach segment, penetrations are not allowed; therefore, penetrations
must be mitigated by:

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02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

• Raising TCH (if GPI is less than 954 feet).

• Removing or reducing obstruction height.
• Raising glidepath angle.
• Adjusting DA (for existing obstacles).

3.9.2 c. (2) Section 1b. The DA is adjusted (raise and consequently move
further away from LTP/FTP) by the amount necessary to raise the 1b
surface above the penetration. For a 1b surface penetration of p ft, the DA
point must move ∆XDA feet farther from the LTP/FTP using the formula:

ΔX DA = 2907 × p
28.5 × GPA + 102
p = amount of penetration (ft)

This increase in the DA to LTP distance raises the DA (and HAT).

Calculate the adjusted DA (DAadjusted), rounding up the result to the next
1-foot increment using the formula:

DAadjusted =tan  GPA × π  × ( X DA +ΔX DA ) +LTPelev +TCH

 
 180° 
∆XDA = DA adjustment from previous formula
XDA = along track distance from LTP/FTP to original DA

3.9.2 d. End of Section 1 Values.

The end of section 1 (line AB) is considered Start of Climb (SOC).

Calculate the assumed MSL altitude of an aircraft on missed approach,
the OCS MSL elevation, and the ROC at the end of section 1 (line AB)
using the formulas:

 π 
AircraftSOC = DA - tan  GPA ×  × 1460 + 276.525
 180° 
 8401 
 

OCSSOC = ( r + elev1Aend ) e
 28.5×r 
 
- r


r = 20890537
DA = Published decision altitude (MSL)
elev1Aend = value from paragraph 3.9.2b(1)
d = value from para. 3.2.1 for GPI < 954, 0 for GPI ≥ 954

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3.9.3 Section 2. Section 2 starts at the end of section 1 centered on the

published missed approach course and ends at the clearance limit.
Secondary areas may be established where PCG is available. Apply
volume 1 paragraph 277d to determine the preliminary charted missed
approach altitude; 277e to assess the need for a climb-in-holding
evaluation. Apply paragraph 277f to determine the charted missed
approach altitude.

3.9.3 a. Straight. Apply to turns of 15 degrees or less from continuation of FAC

(LEGACY) otherwise apply when missed is a continuation of FAC (within
0.03 degrees).

3.9.3 a. (1) Straight Area. The width increases from ± 3038 feet at line AB to
reach ± 6 NM at a point 13.377 NM from the beginning. Where applicable,
secondary areas begin at 0 NM wide and expands to reach 2 NM on both
sides of the primary area at 13.377 NM (see figure 3-10).

Figure 3-10. Section 2, Straight Missed Approach with PCG

3.9.3 a. (2) Obstacle Clearance. Within the primary area, obstacles are
measured shortest distance to line AB. The Section 2 OCS start height is
the section 1 OCS end elevation. The standard OCS is a 40:1 slope
(LEGACY). Otherwise calculate the OCS slope using formula:

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MAOCSslope = 1852
0.3048× ( CG-48 )
CG = Climb gradient (normally 200 ft/NM)

For obstacles in the secondary area, apply the primary OCS slope to a
point abeam the obstacle then apply a 12:1 secondary OCS
(perpendicular to track) from the primary boundary to the obstacle.

3.9.3 b. Turning. Apply to turns of more than 15 degrees from continuation of

FAC (LEGACY) otherwise apply when missed differs from FAC more than
0.03 degrees. Design the procedure to accommodate aircraft turning at an
altitude at least 400 feet above the TDZE, assuming aircraft are 200 feet
above the published DA at the end of section 1b.

3.9.3 b. (1) Turning Area. The inside turn boundary connects to points C, B or
T (when it exists) whichever results in the larger area. Point B is on the
outside turn edge at the end of section 1b. Point C is on the inside turn
edge of section 1a adjacent to DA. Point T (when it can be determined) is
the point of tangency between the outer boundary radius and the inner
boundary expansion line. The outside turn boundary always connects to
point B. The flight track and outer boundary radii must be as specified in
volume 1, paragraph 275 and table 5. The outer and inner boundaries
expand to reach ± 6 NM at a point 13.377 NM from the beginning. Where
applicable, secondary areas begin after completion of the turn at 0 NM
wide and expand to reach 2 NM on both sides of the primary area at
13.377 NM (see figure 3-11).

3.9.3 b. (2) Turning Obstacle Clearance. Apply volume 1, paragraph 276

except Zone 1 is not applicable. In Zone 2, obstacles are measured
shortest distance to the section 1 outer boundary. In Zone 3, obstacles are
measured shortest distance to point C. The OCS start height is the section
1 OCS end elevation. The standard OCS is a 40:1 slope (LEGACY).
Otherwise calculate the OCS slope using formula:

MAOCSslope = 1852
0.3048× ( CG-48 )
CG = Climb gradient (normally 200 ft/NM)

For obstacles in the secondary area, apply the primary OCS slope to a
point abeam the obstacle then apply a 12:1 secondary OCS
(perpendicular to track) from the primary boundary to the obstacle.

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Figure 3-11. Section 2, Turning Missed Approach

3.9.3 c. Combination. Apply where a turn fix is specified beyond the end of
section 1b on a course 15 degrees or less from continuation of FAC
(LEGACY) otherwise a continuation of FAC (within 0.03 degrees) or where
the aircraft turns at an altitude more than 400 feet above the TDZE.

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3.9.3 c. (1) Straight portion. The area and obstacle clearance is as specified in
paragraph 3.9.3a, except sections 1 and 1b (extended) correspond to
sections 1 and 2 of a normal straight missed approach. Extend section 1b
to the turn fix or extend longitudinally 30.39 feet for each foot the turn
altitude is above 400 feet. Do not establish secondary areas in section 1b
extended. Line A’B’ marks the end of section 1b extended.

3.9.3 c. (2) Turning portion. The area and obstacle clearance is as specified in
paragraph 3.9.3b, except that it begins at the end of section 1b extended,

3.9.3 c. (2) a. When the turn is based on an altitude or when no PCG

established in section 2 the inside turn boundary connects to point C, B’,
or T (when it exists) whichever results in the larger area. Point B’ is on the
outside turn edge at the end of section 1b extended. The outside turn
boundary always connects to point B’. In Zone 2, obstacles are measured
shortest distance to the section 1 and section 1b extended outer
boundary. Zone 3 obstacles are measured shortest distance to point C.
The Zone 2 OCS start height is the section 1b extended OCS end
elevation. The Zone 3 OCS start height is the specified turn altitude. See
figure 3-12.

3.9.3 c. (2) b. When a fix is established at the end of the section 1b extended
and there is PCG in section 2. Connect to point D, B,’ or T (when it exists)
whichever results in the larger area. Point D is on the inside turn edge of
section 1b (extended) 9000 feet prior to Line A’B’. Point B’ is on the
outside turn edge at the end of section 1b extended. The outside turn
boundary always connects to point B’. In Zone 2, obstacles are measured
shortest distance to the section 1 and section 1b extended outer
boundary. The Zone 2 OCS start height is the section 1b extended OCS
end elevation. Zone 3 obstacles are measured shortest distance to point
D. The Zone 3 OCS start height is the calculated aircraft altitude at the
turn fix. See figure 3-13.

3.9.4 Missed Approach Climb Gradient.

Where the section 2 standard OCS is penetrated and the lowest HAT is
required, a missed approach climb gradient (CG) greater than 200 ft/NM)
may be specified (military not applicable). Gradients greater than
425 ft/NM require a waiver.

3.9.4 a. Calculate ROC, the altitude at which the ROC for the obstacle is
achieved, and the required climb gradient using the following formulas:

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02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26


Altmin =Oelev + ROCobs

 r + Altmin 
CG= r × ln  
d  r + AircraftSOC

ROCSOC = Value from paragraph 3.9.2d
d = shortest distance (NM) CG origin to obstacle
Oelev = obstacle elevation (MSL)
AircraftSOC = aircraft altitude (MSL) at CG origin (paragraph 3.9.2d)

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Figure 3-12. Combination Straight and Turning,

No Fix at end of Section 1b extended or no PCG in Section 2

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Figure 3-13. Combination Straight and Turning,

Fix at end of Section 1b extended and PCG in Section 2

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Appendix 1




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Appendix 2

Appendix 2
Simultaneous Independent Parallel
Instrument Approaches [SIPIA] – Widely Spaced Runways

1. Overview. This appendix defines requirements for approaches used to support SIPIA
operations to parallel runways where the runway centerlines are separated by 4300 feet or more.
See Order JO 7210.3, Facility Operation and Administration, and Order JO 7110.65, Air Traffic
Control, for operational and equipment requirements. See the Pilot/Controller Glossary for
definition of a parallel runway. Requirements for other simultaneous parallel approach
operations are defined in ATC directives or other Flight Standards criteria.

2. SIPIA operations require:

a. Radar, communications, and procedures as specified by the applicable ATC


b. Approaches designed to support SIPIA operations with at least one line of vertically
guided minima and which include all charting requirements specified by Order 8260.19, Flight
Procedures and Airspace. The following types of approaches support SIPIA operations:

(1) ILS. Include localizer minimums on the same chart unless requested otherwise.

(2) RNAV (GPS) with LPV and/or LNAV/VNAV minimums.

(3) RNAV (RNP) with Authorization Required (AR).

(4) GLS.

Note: The operational advantage from including a line of localizer minimums on an ILS
approach is that SIPIA operations may continue during a temporary glide slope outage (see
Order JO 7210.3, Facility Operation and Administration).

3. Runway Spacing. The required spacing between runways/procedure final approach courses
(FAC) for dual/triple widely spaced SIPIA operations is in accordance with Air Traffic
Directives as established by FAA Flight Standards. Runway spacing for Quadruple SIPIA
operations require a site-specific Flight Standards Flight Systems Laboratory (AFS-450) safety

4. Approach Procedures. Instrument approach procedures used for widely spaced SIPIA
operations must comply with the applicable design standard(s), except as follows:

a. Missed approaches with radius-to-fix (RF) turns require AFS-400 approval.

b. Dual widely spaced SIPIA operations. Missed approach courses must have a combined
divergence of at least 45 degrees.

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Appendix 2

c. Triple widely spaced SIPIA operations. The missed approach course for the center
runway is a continuation of the FAC. The course for each ‘outboard’ runway must diverge at
least 45 degrees from the center runway in opposite directions. At least one outside parallel must
have a turn height specified that is not greater than 500 feet above the airport elevation.

d. Quadruple widely spaced SIPIA operations. Course divergence is as specified by

AFS-450 safety analysis.

e. Where an alternate missed approach has been established for an approach authorized
for use during widely spaced SIPIA operations, it must also comply with the preceding

5. No Transgression Zone (NTZ) and Normal Operating Zones (NOZ) are established by
ATC for each adjacent runway pair used during widely spaced SIPIA operations.

a. The NTZ is 2000 feet wide equidistant between the approach courses for the runway
pair. It begins at the farthest point in the adjacent runway pair where any aircraft established on
the approach is permitted to lose vertical/lateral separation (point “S”). It ends 0.5 NM past the
farthest departure end runway (DER) in the pair or where the missed approach tracks diverge,
whichever occurs last (see figures A2-1 and A2-2).

Note: The NTZ dimensions are not affected by the point where ATC is permitted to discontinue
radar monitoring.

b. The area remaining between the approach courses and the edge of the NTZ is the NOZ.

Figure A2-1. No Transgression and

Normal Operating Zones (Dual Approach)

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Appendix 2
Figure A2-2. No Transgression and
Normal Operating Zones (Triple Approach).

Point S
0.5 NM LTP
2,000’ (NTZ) Rwy
0.5 NM
Center RWY NOZ
(NTZ) 2,000’ Rwy
Left RWY
Point S

Vol 3 A2-3 (and A2-4)

02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Appendix 3
Appendix 3. Simultaneous Close Parallel (SCP) Approaches

1.0 Overview and Background.

Under certain conditions, capacity at the nation’s busiest airports may be

significantly increased by using simultaneous independent close parallel
approaches. This appendix defines requirements for authorizing SCP operations to
parallel runways separated by less than 4300 feet but at least 3000 feet using ILS,
RNAV (with at least one line of vertically guided minima), or Ground Based
Augmentation System Landing System (GLS) approaches. Tests have shown that
a reduction in minimum separation between parallel runways may be achieved by
use of precise navigation capabilities and specific air traffic equipment and
procedures. Apply this appendix when air traffic requests simultaneous
independent close parallel approaches.

Note: For further information about air traffic guidance concerning simultaneous
approaches, see Order JO 7110.65, Order JO 7210.3, and related Notices.

2.0 Terminology.

2.1 Automated Alert.

A feature that provides visual and/or audible alerts to the monitor controller when
an aircraft is projected to enter or has entered the no transgression zone (NTZ).

2.2 Breakout.

A technique/procedure to direct aircraft out of the approach stream. In the context

of close parallel operations, a breakout is used to direct threatened aircraft away
from a deviating aircraft.

2.3 Close Parallel Runways.

Two parallel runways whose extended centerlines are separated by less than
4300 feet, used for simultaneous independent approaches.

2.4 High Update Radar.

High update rate surveillance systems, such as Precision Runway Monitor (PRM),
that are approved by air traffic for SCP approach operations. In this context,
“RADAR” is used for systems such as PRM E-scan radar and also for systems
that include other types of surveillance inputs such as PRM-A multilateration. The
term “high update radar” is used interchangeably in this appendix with “high
update rate radar” both terms apply to the equipment used for NTZ monitoring for
SCP approach operations. Also see PRM (paragraph 2.9).

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Appendix 3
2.5 Offset Course.

An angular offset of the final approach course from the runway extended
centerline in a direction away from the NTZ. An offset course increases the
normal operating zone (NOZ) width as distance increases from the runway.

2.6 Monitor Zone.

The monitor zone is the volume of airspace within which the final monitor
controllers are monitoring the NTZ during SCP approaches.

2.7 No Transgression Zone (NTZ).

The NTZ is a 2000-foot wide zone, located equidistant between parallel runway
final approach courses (FACs) in which flight is not allowed during simultaneous
independent approach operations (see figures A3-1 and A3-2).

2.8 Normal Operating Zone (NOZ).

The NOZ is the operating zone within which aircraft flight remains during normal
independent simultaneous parallel approaches (see figures A3-1 and A3-2).
Figure A3-1. NTZ, NOZ, and FAC for Straight-In Approaches, Less Than 4300-foot Spacing

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Appendix 3
Figure A3-2. NTZ, NOZ, and FAC With an Offset Approach, Less Than 3400-foot Spacing

2.9 Precision Runway Monitor (PRM).

A specialized Air Traffic Control (ATC) surveillance system, using E-scan radar
or PRM A multilateration, providing continuous coverage throughout the monitor
zone. It includes a high accuracy, high update rate sensor system, and for each
runway, a high resolution color Final Monitor Aid (FMA) with automated alerts.
The PRM system provides each monitor controller with a precise presentation of
aircraft conducting approaches and of the NTZ. Also see FAA Pilot/Controller
Glossary. When the term “PRM” is included in the approach designation, it refers
to an SCP operation; however, for runways spaced at least 3600 feet, it no longer
indicates whether PRM equipment is being used (see paragraph 10).

3.0 General.

Criteria contained in this appendix are designed for independent simultaneous

operations to dual parallel runways with centerlines separated by at least
3000 feet, but less than 4300 feet (see figures A3-1 and A3-2). SCP operations at
airport elevations above 1000 feet MSL, “triple” / “quadruple” SCP operations,
and/or deviations from these criteria must not be established without approval
from the FAA, Flight Technologies and Procedures Division (AFS-400). When
runway spacing is less than 3400 feet, but not less than 3000 feet, one of the
FACs in the close parallel runway pair must be aligned at least 2-½ degrees
divergent from the other, but not more than 3.0 degrees (see figure A3-2). When
runway spacing is less than 4300 feet, but at least 3600 feet, high update radar is
not required (see paragraph 10).

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Appendix 3
3.0.1 The point where standard separation is no longer maintained (Point S) on
independent ILS SCP approaches should not be authorized at distances greater
than 10 NM from threshold; however, if ATC systems and procedures are
established which assure minimal probability of NTZ intrusions, this distance
may be extended up to 12.5 NM. Where one ILS course is offset, this distance
may be extended beyond 12.5 NM. Also, when the FAC navigation guidance is
based on RNAV (GPS), RNAV (RNP) AR or GLS, this distance may be extended
beyond 12.5 NM for either straight-in or offset approaches.


1. The reason for limiting the distance for simultaneous parallel ILS procedures
is that as the range and splay increases, the likelihood of an aircraft that is
nominally on course penetrating the NTZ and generating nuisance breakouts

2. The safety studies that support simultaneous close parallel approaches are
based on the assumption that standard separation, either altitude or horizontal,
is maintained until participating aircraft are established on the FAC, or the
extended FAC, and that the NTZ begins at the point where standard separation
is no longer maintained. When air traffic makes a procedure request, we
recommend documenting that point or distance.

3.0.2 a. A separate instrument approach chart described as a “simultaneous close

parallel” procedure must be published for each runway in the close parallel pair of
runways. Identify SCP procedures by including “PRM” in the title in accordance
with volume 1, paragraph 161.


1. With the availability of identical approaches, ATC is provided with the

flexibility to advertise PRM approaches on the ATIS considerably before
traffic density warrants their use and pilots will have ample time to brief the
PRM approach.

2. The availability of the non-PRM Approach will permit flight crews that have
already briefed the PRM approach procedure, but ATC has yet to begin or has
ceased PRM operations, to continue to use the PRM approach chart, during
non-PRM operations, without the need to re-brief the non-PRM approach.

3. For the use of identical approaches with a simultaneous offset instrument

approach (SOIA) operation, see Order 8260.49.

3.0.2 b. If a request for triple independent arrival operations is received and one set
of parallel runways is closely spaced (or if both sets are closely spaced), the
procedures require approval from Flight Standards.

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Appendix 3
3.0.3 A breakout obstacle assessment specified in volume 3, appendix 4, Obstacle
Assessment Surface Evaluation for Simultaneous Parallel Precision Operations,
must be completed as part of the initial evaluation for parallel operations.

3.1 System Components.

System requirements for SCP approach procedures are:

3.1.1 ILS/RNAV/GLS Guidance. A full ILS on each runway or use of RNAV (GPS),
RNAV (RNP) AR or GLS as described in paragraphs 7, 9 and 10.

3.1.2 High Update Radar. High update surveillance, such as PRM, must be used when
the spacing is less than 3600 feet between runways or FACs. When the spacing is
at least 3600 feet, see paragraph 10.

3.2 Procedure Naming and Charting.

3.2.1 Procedure naming for SCP approach procedures uses volume 1, chapter 1,
section 6.

3.2.2 Procedure approach chart notes are specified in Order 8260.19, chapter 8.

4.0 Feeder Routes and Initial Approach Segment.

Apply chapter 2 of this volume for ILS; apply Order 8260.58 for RNAV (GPS),
RNAV (RNP) AR and GLS, except as stated in this appendix. The initial
approach may be made from a NAVAID, fix, waypoint, and/or by radar vector, as
needed by ATC. SCP approaches are normally published without transition routes
(unless requested by ATC). Procedure turns and high altitude penetration
procedures must not be included on an SCP approach procedure.

4.1 Altitude Selection.

Altitudes selected must provide obstacle clearance requirements and a minimum

of 1000 feet vertical separation on the two final approach courses until abeam the

4.2 Localizer Intercept Point.

Apply chapter 2 of this volume, except the optimum intercept angle between the
FAC extended (localizer) and the initial segment (if used) is 20 degrees or less
and the maximum intercept angle must not exceed 30 degrees.

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Appendix 3
5.0 Intermediate Approach Segment.

Apply chapter 2 of this volume for ILS; apply Order 8260.58 for RNAV (GPS),
RNAV (RNP) AR and GLS. Exception: SCP approach procedures must have a
straight intermediate segment aligned with the FAC (no course change allowed at
the PFAF).

6.0 Final Approach Segment.

Apply chapter 3 of this volume for ILS; apply Order 8260.58 for RNAV (GPS),
RNAV (RNP) AR and GLS. In addition to these criteria, SCP approach
procedures require the following:

6.1 Close Parallel Runway Separation.

Approaches must have a minimum of 3400 feet separation between parallel

FACs. When there is less than 3400 feet separation, but at least 3000 feet, use an
offset course as specified in paragraph 3.0 (see figures A3-1 and A3-2).

6.2 High Update Radar.

A PRM or equivalent system must be in operation and providing service if

required by paragraphs 3.1.2 or 10.

6.3 NTZ.

An appropriate NTZ is established between the two FACs/parallel runway

extended centerlines for straight-in FACs; where an offset course is used, the
NTZ is equidistant between the two FACs. The NTZ must begin at or before
Point S- where adjacent inbound aircraft conducting SCP approaches first lose
standard separation (1000 feet vertical separation or applicable horizontal
separation). See paragraph 8 and figures A3-1 and A3-2. If radar coverage in the
portion of the NTZ near the runways is not adequate to support simultaneous
operations according to safety determinations/assessments, the decision altitude
may have to be raised; that determination is made by air traffic and, if applicable,
is to be included in the procedure request.

Note: NTZ monitoring equipment/procedures are specified in air traffic


6.4 NOZ.

An NOZ is provided for each final approach segment. The NOZ must be at least
700 feet wide on the NTZ side of the approach course or runway centerline for a
parallel set of FACs. When one approach course is offset, the minimum NOZ
width is 500 feet. The width of the NOZ is the distance from the edge of the NTZ

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Appendix 3
to the FAC or runway centerline or missed approach course, whichever is nearest
to the NTZ. That width must be equal on each side of the NTZ from point S to the
first missed approach turn point/turn altitude. The length of the NOZ equals the
length of the NTZ (see figures A3-1 and A3-2 and paragraph 8).

Note: When doing the evaluation of simultaneous approaches, it is not necessary

to consider the extent of the NOZ on the side of the FAC or runway centerline or
missed approach course that is opposite the NTZ; only the NOZ on the side
adjacent to the NTZ is relevant for dual simultaneous approach evaluations.

6.5 Staggered Runway Thresholds.

It is recommended that the approach with the higher glide slope intercept altitude
be the runway having the most distant approach threshold (from the point of view
of an aircraft on approach).

6.6 Offset Course Approaches.

Where an offset localizer is utilized, apply chapter 3 of this volume; for an offset
course using RNAV (GPS), RNAV (RNP) AR or GLS apply Order 8260.58. An
offset requires a 50-foot increase in decision height (DH) and is not authorized for
Category II and III approaches. (Autopilots with autoland are programmed for
localizers to be on runway centerline only.) The NTZ must be established
equidistant between the offset and straight-in FACs.

7.0 Minimums.

For SCP procedures, only straight-in precision minimums apply. The lines of
approach minimums that can be authorized for simultaneous independent close
parallel approaches are as follows:

Vol. 3 A3-7
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Appendix 3
Table A-3-1. Authorized Lines of Minimums for SCP Approach Operations

Lines of Minimums for SCP Minima Authorized for Straight-in

Approaches PRM and/or Offset PRM Approaches


1. Use of “LOC only” during simultaneous operations has not been evaluated for
runways spaced less than 4300 feet; the LOC line of minima is not authorized for
SCP approach procedures.

2. For LNAV/VNAV and RNP lines of minima, the supporting safety studies are
based on GPS being a required navigation source; see paragraph 9.

3. LNAV line of minima (without VNAV guidance) is not authorized for simultaneous

4. LP line of minima is not authorized for simultaneous operations.

5. The approach types that are authorized above may be used in any combination
with each other for dual simultaneous approaches.

8.0 Missed Approach Segment.

Apply volume 3 chapter 3 for ILS; apply Order 8260.58 for RNAV (GPS),
RNAV (RNP) AR and GLS, except as stated in this appendix. Missed approach
procedures for SCP approaches should specify a turn as soon as practical.

8.0.1 Missed approach courses for each pair of SCP procedures must diverge by a
minimum of 45 degrees. Example 1: The missed approach for the right runway
is straight ahead and the left runway turns 45 degrees left. Example 2: The right
runway missed approach turns 30 degrees right and the left runway turns
15 degrees left. The 45-degree divergence must be established by 0.5 NM past the
most distant departure end of runway (DER). Exception: A distance greater than
0.5 NM is allowed if the NTZ is extended to the point where the 45-degree
divergence is achieved (see figures A3-3 and A3-4).

8.0.2 The 45-degree divergence is required until other separation can be applied.

Vol. 3 A3-8
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Appendix 3
Figure A3-3. Missed Approach Divergence Within 0.5 NM of DER

Figure A3-4. Missed Approach Divergence Delayed Beyond 0.5 NM

8.0.3 Where an offset course is used, the first missed approach turn point must be
established so that the applicable flight track radius (table 5 in volume 1,
chapter 2), constructed in accordance with volume 1, chapter 2, section 7, for the
fastest category aircraft expected to utilize the offset course must not be less than
700 feet from the NTZ.

8.1 NTZ.

The NTZ must be continued into the missed approach segment. The NTZ ends
0.5 NM past the farthest DER in the pair or where the missed approach tracks
diverge (combined 45-degree divergence), whichever occurs last (see paragraph
6.3 and figures A3-3 and A3-4).

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Appendix 3
8.2 NOZ.

The NOZ must be continued into the missed approach segment, with a length
equal to the NTZ (see paragraphs 6.4 and 8.0 of this appendix and figures A3-3
and A3-4).

9.0 Use of RNAV, RNP AR, or GLS for SCP Approach Procedures.

Simultaneous operations may be authorized, by applicable chart notes, on RNAV

(GPS), RNAV (RNP) AR or GLS approaches when requested by air traffic.

9.0.1 Vertical guidance is required for simultaneous operations (see paragraph 7).

9.0.2 GPS is required to be available and included in the aircraft navigation solution.
The GPS requirement must be in the procedure title for an RNAV (GPS)
procedure; GPS REQUIRED must be charted on the procedure for RNAV (RNP)
AR and for GLS approaches.

9.0.3 Flight Director (FD) or Autopilot (AP) is required during SCP operations and
must be charted on RNAV (GPS), RNAV (RNP) AR or GLS approaches.

9.0.4 Procedure notes must include “Authorization Required” for RNAV (RNP)
AR approaches.

10.0 Close Parallel Approaches With At least 3600-foot Spacing.

High update radar (such as PRM) is not required for simultaneous

independent approach operations if all of the following conditions are met:

1. The runways and FACs are spaced at least 3600 feet.

2. The procedures and system used for monitoring the NTZ meet the
requirements in air traffic directives.

3. All requirements for SCP operations other than high update radar are met.

4. The approach procedure design, types of approach procedures and lines of

minima are as specified in paragraphs 7 and 9 above.

5. Procedure chart notes for SCP approaches are added to the procedure forms as
indicated in Order 8260.19, chapter 8.

Note: PRM, as a specific type of equipment, is no longer required for NTZ

monitoring for spacing of 3600 feet up to 4300 feet; however, since all other
requirements for closely spaced approaches must be adhered to, the SCP approach
procedures are still designated as “PRM” to indicate the type of operation. SCP

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02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Appendix 3
approach procedures are designated as “PRM” regardless of the update rate of the
surveillance system used to monitor the NTZ and the FAA characterizes training
for pilots related to SCP approaches as PRM training.

Vol. 3 A3-11
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26
Appendix 3


Vol. 3 A3-12
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 4




One of the major aviation issues is the steady increase in the number and
duration of flight delays. Airports have not been able to expand to keep pace
with traffic growth. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has taken a
variety of measures to increase airport capacity. These include revisions to air
traffic control procedures; addition of landing systems, taxiways and runways;
and application of new technology. The precision radar monitor (PRM) program
is one of these new initiatives. PRM is an advanced radar monitoring system
intended to increase the use of multiple, closely-spaced parallel runways in
instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) weather by use of high resolution
displays with alert algorithms and higher aircraft position update rate. Monitor
controllers are required for both standard and closely-spaced runway
separations. The primary purpose of radar monitoring during simultaneous,
independent approach operations is to ensure safe separation of aircraft on the
parallel approach courses. This separation may be compromised if an aircraft
blunders off course toward an aircraft on the adjacent approach. For close
parallel operations (3,400 feet but less than 4,300 feet) and for standard parallel
operations (4,300 feet and above), the radar monitoring allows controllers to
direct either aircraft off the approach course to avoid a possible collision.
Resolution of a blunder is a sequence of events: the monitor alerts and displays
the blunder, the controllers intervene, and the pilots comply with controller
instructions; thus, increasing the operational safety, flyability, and airport



The angular course deviation required to produce a full scale (±) course
deviation indication of the airborne navigation instrument. This width is normally
tailored to a parameter of not greater than ±3°. For precision runways longer
than 4,000 feet, a linear sector width parameter of ±350 feet each side of
centerline at RWT applies. Few Category I localizers operate with a course
sector width less than 3° (±1½°). Tailored width may be determined by the

 350 
W = ArcTan   Total Course Width at RWT = 2 × W
 D 
Where : W = Half Width (in degrees) at RWT
D = Distance from localizer antenna to RWT (in feet)

Vol 3 Page 1
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02
Appendix 4


An examination of obstruction identification surfaces, in addition to the ILS

TERPS surfaces, in the direction away from the NTZ and adjacent parallel ILS
runway, into which an aircraft on an early ILS breakout could fly.



PAOA assessment surfaces for identifying obstacles that may impact

simultaneous precision operations.



One or more obstructions that penetrate the PAOAS.



The obstruction within the boundaries of the PAOAS which constitutes the
maximum penetration of that surface.


See Volume 3, appendix 3, paragraph 4.3.


See Volume 3, appendix 3, paragraph 4.4.


This order characterizes criteria used during the interim test phase of evaluating
close parallel operations where early turnout obstacle assessments were
accomplished by contractual means using terrestrial photometric techniques
combined with survey methods of surface evaluation. This assessment
technique is recommended for future evaluations of all independent simultaneous
parallel approach operations. Facility information (glidepath angle (GPA),
threshold crossing heights (TCH), touchdown zone elevation (TDZE), threshold
elevations, etc.) may be obtained from air traffic planning and automation, flight
procedures offices, and/or the systems management organizations for the
regions in which independent simultaneous parallel operations are planned.


Page 2 Vol 3
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 4

The procedures for airports with multiple parallel runways must ensure that an
aircraft approach on one runway is safely separated from those approaching the
adjacent parallel runway. An example of such procedures is depicted in
figure A4-1. Aircraft are directed to the two intermediate segments at altitudes
which differ by at least 1,000 feet. Vertical separation is required when lateral
separation becomes less than 3 nautical miles (NM), as aircraft fly to intercept
and stabilize on their respective localizers (LOC). This 1,000-foot vertical
separation is maintained until aircraft begin descent on the glidepath.

3.1.1 When lateral radar separation is less than the 3 NM and the 1,000-foot
altitude buffer is lost, the aircraft must be monitored on radar. The controllers, on
separate and discrete frequencies, will observe the parallel approaches, and if an
aircraft blunders from the NOZ into a 2,000-foot NTZ, the monitor controller can
intervene so that threatened aircraft on the adjacent approach are turned away in
time to prevent a possible encounter. This maneuver, on the part of the
threatened aircraft, is termed a "breakout" because the aircraft is directed out of
the approach stream to avoid the transgressor aircraft. A controller for each
runway is necessary so that one can turn the transgressing aircraft back to its
course centerline while the other directs the breakout (see figure A4-1).

Figure A4-1. Simultaneous precision parallel

Runway Approach Zones

3.1.2 The 2,000-foot NTZ, flanked by two equal NOZ's, provides strong guidance to
the monitor controller and maneuvering room for the aircraft to recover before
entering the adjoining NOZ. Aircraft are required to operate on or near the
approach course within the limits of the NOZ. If an aircraft strays into the NTZ or
turns to a heading that will take it into the NTZ, it is deemed a threat to an aircraft
on the adjacent course and appropriate corrective action or breakout instructions
are issued (see figure A4-2).

Vol 3 Page 3
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02
Appendix 4

Figure A4-2. Simultaneous ILS No Transgression

Zone and Normal Operating Zone


The PAOA evaluation shall be conducted to identify penetrating obstacles as part

of a coordinated assessment for all independent simultaneous approach
operations to parallel ILS/MLS runways. In these criteria, ILS glidepath/localizer
terms are synonymous to and may be used interchangeably with MLS elevation
glidepath/azimuth (GP/AZ) terms. The surface dimensions for the obstacle
assessment evaluation are defined as follows:

4.1 SURFACE 1.

A final approach course descent surface which is coincident with the glide
slope/glidepath (GS/GP) beginning at runway threshold with the width point
abeam the threshold 350 feet from runway centerline opposite the NTZ, with
lateral boundaries at the outer edge of the LOC/AZ CW, and ending at the
farthest GS/GP intercept (see figure A4-3).

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5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 4

Figure A4-3. Fi nal Approach Descent Surface 1

Beginning Height of Surface 1 Upslope coincident with Glide

Equals Runway TCH. Slope Angle for Runway.
Glide Slope
Intercept 1/2 cw
Edge of LOC/AZ beam width.
350' DH

Glide Slope
350' DH

LOC DER TH 350' Edge of LOC/AZ beam width.

1/2 cw
Beginning Height of Surface 1
Equals Runway TCH. Upslope coincident with Glide
Slope Angle for Runway.

1/2 CW = Perpendicular distance from runway/extended CL to edge of course beam width.

1/2 CW = Distance from Threshold in feet along CL X TAN (1/2 Course Beam Angle) + 350'.
1/2 CW = Distance from LOC/AZ Antenna in feet along CL X TAN (LOC/AZ Beam Angle).
Suface 1 Height – Distance from TH in feet along CL X TAN of the GS/GP angle + TCH.

4.1.1 Length. Surface 1 begins over the runway threshold at a height equal to the
TCH for the runway, and continues outward and upward at a slope that is
coincident with the GS/GP, to its ending at the GS/GP intercept point.

4.1.2 Width. Surface 1 has a width equal to the lateral dimensions of the LOC/AZ
course width. The Surface 1 half-width (see figure A4-2) is calculated using the
following formula:
1  B
W = A × Tan  + 350
2 2
Where W = Width of Surface 1
A = Distance from RWT measured parallel to course
B = Course Width Beam Angle

1  B
W = L × Tan 
2 2
Where W = Width of Surface 1
L = Distance from Azimuth antenna (in feet)
B = Course Width Beam Angle

Vol 3 Page 5
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02
Appendix 4

4.1.3 Surface 1 Height. Surface height at any given centerline distance (d), may be
determined in respect to threshold elevation, by adding the TCH to the product of
centerline distance in feet from threshold times the tangent of the GS/GP angle.

h1 = [ d × Tan(GPA)] + TCH
Where: h1 = surface 1 height above ASBL

4.2 SURFACE 2.

4.2.1 Length. Same as paragraph 4.1.1.

4.2.2 Width and Height. Surface 2 shares a common boundary with the outer edge of
surface 1 on the side opposite the NTZ, and slopes upward and outward from the
edge of the descent surface 1 at a slope of 11:1, measured perpendicular to the
LOC/AZ extended course centerline. Further application is not required when the
11:1 surface reaches a height of 1,000 feet below the MVA, MSA, or MOCA,
whichever is lowest (see figure A4-4).

Figure A4-4. Parallel Approach Obstacle Assessment Surface 2

Further application not required where the 11:1 Surface reaches a height
of 1,000' below the MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is lower.
The outer edge of Surface 2 may not typically be parallel to final course centerline.

11:1 upslope from edge
of Localizer Beam width
Obstacle Upslope coincident with
Glide Slope Angle for rwy.
GS Intercept
350' DH
Edge of COURSE beam width.
NO TRANSGRESSION ZONE (NTZ) 2,000' Course Separation
GS Intercept
350' DH
Edge of COURSE beam width.

Upslope coincident with

11:1 upslope from edge Glide Slope Angle for Rwy.
of Localizer Beam width
Further application not required where the 11:1 Surface reaches a height
of 1,000' below the MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is lowest.
Surface 2 Height = Surface 1 height + Height of 11:1 Slope measured from nearest
edge of the LOC/AZ CW perpendicular to the course centerline.


4.3.1 Length. For category I operations, surface 3 begins at the point where
surface 1 reaches a height of 200 feet above the TDZE and extends to the point
the 40:1 and 11:1 slopes reach a height of 1,000 feet below the MVA, MSA, or
MOCA, whichever is lowest.

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Appendix 4

4.3.2 Width. From the beginning point, the edge of surface 3 area splays at a 15°
angle from a line parallel to the runway centerline.

4.3.3 Surface Height. Surface 3 begins at a height of 100 feet above TDZE (100 feet
lower than surface 1). The surface rises longitudinally at a 40:1 slope along the
15° splay line CD while continuing laterally outward and upward at an 11:1 slope
(line CE is perpendicular to the 15° splay line CD). Further application is not
required when the 40:1 and 11:1 slopes reach a height of 1,000 feet below the
MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is lowest (see
figure A4-5).

Figure A4-5. CAT I Missed Approach Early Breakout

Parallel Approach Obstacle Assessment Surface 3.
The outer edges of Surfaces 2 or 3 may not typically be parallel to each other or runway CL.
Further application not required when the 40:1 and 11:1 surfaces
reach a height of 1,000' below MVA, MSA or MOCA, whichever is lower.
Upslope E
11:1 40:1 11:1
Upslope Upslope 11:1
Obstacle SURFACE 2 Upslope
Obstacle 017
Height=10 Surface 1
15 Upslope Height=20
Parallel to Rwy C 0' Edge of COURSE beam width.
350' C

NO TRANSGRESSION ZONE (NTZ) 2,000 Course Separation

Parallel to Rwy C LOC TH 350' C Edge of COURSE beam width.
15 016 Surface 1
40:1 SURFACE 3 Height=200'
11:1 11:1
Upslope SURFACE 2 Upslope
40:1 E

Further application not required when the 40:1 and 11:1 surfaces reach a
height of 1,000' below MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is lower. Surface 3 Height = Height
of 11:1 Slope measured (fr. 0bs.) perpendicular to Line CD + Height of 40:1 Slope
measured (fr. 0bs.) perpendicular to Line CE + 100 feet.


4.4.1 Length. Surface 4 begins at the point where surface 1 reaches a height of
100 feet above the runway TDZE and extends to the point 40:1 and 11:1 slopes
reach a height of 1,000 feet below the MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is

4.4.2 Width. From the point of beginning, the edge of surface 4 area splays at a 15°
angle from a line parallel to the runway centerline.

Vol 3 Page 7
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02
Appendix 4

4.4.3 Surface Height. Surface 4 begins at the point where surface 1 reaches a height
of 100 feet above the runway TDZE and rises longitudinally at a 40:1 slope along
the 15° splay line CD, while continuing laterally outward and upward at an 11:1
slope (line CE is perpendicular to the 15° splay line CD). Further application is
not required when the 40:1 and 11:1 slopes reach a height of 1,000 feet below
the MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is lowest (see
figure A4-6).

Figure A4-6. CAT II Missed Approach Early Breakout

Parallel Approach Obstacle Assessment Surface 4
The outer edges of Surface 2 or 4 may not typically be parallel to each other or runway CL .
Further application not required when the 40:1 and 11:1 surfaces
reach a height of 1,000' below MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is lower.

11:1 Upslope
001 SURFACE 2 11:1
Upslope 11:1 Obstacles
SURFACE 4 Upslope Upslope
Height=Rwy Elev. Surface 1002
D Upslope Height=100'
Parallel to Rwy C 15 Edge of COURSE beam width.
350' C

Course Separation

Parallel to Rwy C 350' C
L DER TH Edge of COURSE beam width.
Upslope Surface 1
D 40:1 SURFACE 4 Height=100' 006
Height=Rwy Elev. Obstacles
Upslope 11:1
40:1 11:1 Upslope
11:1 SURFACE 2
Upslope Upslope

Further application not required when the 40:1 and 11:1 surfaces reach a
height of 1,000' below MVA, MSA, or MOCA, whichever is lower. Surface 4 Height = Height
of 11:1 Slope measured (fr. Obs.) perpendicular to Line CD + Height of
40:1 Slope measured (fr. Obs.) perpendicular to Line CE.

4.5 ESTABLISH A LATITUDE-LONGITUDE LIST for all obstacles penetrating

PAOA surfaces 2, 3, and 4. Identify locations of surface penetration within the
surface areas (see figures A4-3, A4-4, and A4-5).


PAOA obstacle penetrations shall be identified and, through coordinated actions

of those affected, considered for electronic mapping on controller radar displays.
If possible, penetrations should be removed by facilities considering independent
simultaneous approach operations to parallel precision runways. Where

Page 8 Vol 3
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 4

obstacle removal is not feasible, air traffic operational rules shall be established
to avoid obstacles. If a significant number of penetrations occur, a risk
assessment study shall be required to provide guidance as to whether
independent simultaneous ILS/MLS operations to parallel runways should be
approved or denied.

Vol 3 Page 9 (and 10)

5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 5






The following spreadsheets are a part of this appendix and can be found on
the internet "http:\\terps.faa.gov"

Figure A5-1. Non-Radar Precision TCH/GPI/RPI

Figure A5-2. Precision Approach Radar (PAR) (Scanning Radar)
Figure A5-3. Precision Radar TCH/GPI/RPI

Vol 3 Page 1 (and 2)

5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 5

Version 1.0 Figure A5-1. Non-Radar Precision


1,016.00 A=Distance (ft) from GS antenna to RWT

100.00 a=RWT elevation (MSL)
98.00 c=Elevation (MSL) of runway crown at RPI/TDP
90.00 h=ILS antenna base elevation (MSL)
107.20 p=Phase center (MSL) of elevation antenna
3.00 e=Glidepath angle


51.25 ILS (smooth terrain) tan (e) × A - (a - c )

43.25 ILS (rapidly dropping terrain) tan (e) × A − (a − h)

60.45 MLS tan (e ) × A + (p − a)

50.00 LAAS/WAAS Specify TCH


977.84 ILS (smooth terrain)

825.19 ILS (rapidly dropping terrain) TCH

tan (e )
1,153.38 MLS

954.06 LAAS/WAAS


1,016.00 ILS (smooth terrain)

863.35 ILS (rapidly dropping terrain)

TCH + (a - c )
tan (e )
1,191.55 MLS

992.22 LAAS/WAAS

Vol 3 Page 3
8260.3B CHG 3 5/15/02
Appendix 5

Reflector B
Figure A5-2.
Precision Approach Radar (PAR)
(Scanning Radar)
Radar Unit D Reflector
Version 1.0 B


Threshold [a]: 100 AZ antenna to threshold [A]: 4500
Touchdown Reflector [b]: 105 TD reflector to threshold [B]: 750
RWY Crown in TDZE [c]: 100.7 AZ antenna to centerline [C]: 450
RPI (if known) [d]: 100.5 TD reflector to CLA line [D]: 475
Glidepath Angle [e]: 3 RWY gradient (if required) [E]: 0.00023333

STEP 1: Determine distance from AZ antenna to TD reflector [F].

3,779.96 F= (A - B)2 + D2


STEP 2: Determine threshold crossing height [TCH].

44.14  
TCH = tan (e ) ×  A - F2 - C2  + ( b - a )
 
 
tan (e ) ×  A − F2 − C2 
 
 
tan (e ) ×  A − F2 − C2  Glidepath TCH
  TCH
ASBL (b-a) (b-a)

A− F2 − C2 A− F2 − C2

STEP 3: Determine ground point of intercept [GPI].

842.32 TCH
tan ( e )
STEP 4: Determine runway point of intercept [RPI].

[d] known
TCH − ( d − a )
832.78 RPI = Reflect
tan (e ) Upsloping
[d] unknown
838.59 RPI = for up sloping runway
tan ( e ) + E Down sloping
[d] unknown
846.09 RPI =
for down sloping runway
tan ( e ) − E

Page 4 Vol 3
5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19
Appendix 5

Version 1.0 Figure A5-3. Precision Radar

(Tracking Radar)

100.00 a=RWT elevation (MSL)

98.00 c=Elevation (MSL) of runway crown at RPI/TDP
3.00 e=Glidepath angle


50.00 <== TCH


954.06 <== GPI tan (e )


TCH + (a - c )
992.22 <== RPI
tan (e )

Vol 3 Page 5 (and 6)

Army TM 95-226
Navy OPNAV Inst. 3722.16C
Coast Guard CG 318
Air Force AFMAN 11-226(I)







5/15/02 8260.3B CHG 19



IFR departure procedures may be designed and published for all runways
authorized by the approving authority. For civil procedures, runway/taxiway
separations, and airport obstacle free zones (OFZ) must meet the standards in
Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5300-13, Airport Design, or appropriate military
directives for military procedures for specified departure visibility minimums.
Criteria for RNAV-equipped aircraft are provided in Orders 8260.44, Civil
Utilization of Area Navigation (RNAV) Departure Procedures, and 8260.40, Flight
Management System (FMS) Instrument Procedures Development.


1.1.1 Climb Gradient (CG).

A climb requirement expressed in ft/NM (gradient greater than 200 ft/NM).

1.1.2 Course.

A specified track measured in degrees from magnetic north.

1.1.3 Dead Reckoning (DR).

The navigation of an airplane solely by means of computations based on

airspeed, course, heading, wind direction, speed, ground speed, and elapsed

1.1.4 Departure End of Runway (DER).

The end of the runway opposite the landing threshold. It is sometimes referred to
as the stop end of runway (SER).

1.1.5 Departure Reference Line (DRL).

An imaginary line of indefinite length perpendicular to runway centerline at the


1.1.6 Departure Reference Point (DRP).

A point on the runway centerline 2,000 feet from the SER (see figure 1-1).

Vol 4 Page 1-1

Par 1.0
8260.3B CHG 19 5/15/02

Figure 1-1. Runway Terms


2000 DER


1.1.7 Departure Route.

A specified course and altitude along a track defined by positive course guidance
(PCG) to a clearance limit, fix, or altitude.

1.1.8 Departure Sector.

Airspace defined by a heading or a range of headings for aircraft departure


1.1.9 Diverse Vector Area (DVA).

An area in which a prescribed departure route is not required. Radar vectors

may be issued below the minimum vectoring or minimum IFR altitude. It can be
established for diverse departure, departure sectors, and/or video map radar
areas portraying obstacles and terrain.

1.1.10 Diverse Departure.

A departure without restrictions to the route of flight.

1.1.11 Diverse Departure Evaluation to Establish Sector(s) for Prescribed

Departure Routes.

An evaluation of a diverse area to establish an unrestricted area or sector for

purposes of publishing departure routes, including multi-turns and legs.

1.1.12 Initial Climb Area (ICA).

An area beginning at the DER to provide unrestricted climb to at least 400 feet
above DER elevation.

Page 1-2 Vol 4

Par 1.1.6
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

1.1.13 ICA Baseline (ICAB).

A line at DER, perpendicular to runway centerline, denoting the beginning

of the ICA.

1.1.14 ICA End-Line (ICAE).

A line at end of ICA perpendicular to the departure course.

1.1.15 Obstacle.

See volume 1, appendix 1 definition. Includes taxiing aircraft except where

operational restrictions prevent taxi operations during takeoffs.

1.1.16 Obstacle Clearance Surface (OCS).

An inclined or level surface associated with a defined area for obstacle


1.1.17 Obstruction Evaluation Area (OEA).

Areas requiring obstacle evaluation.

1.1.18 Positive Course Guidance (PCG).

A continuous display of navigational data, which enables an aircraft to be

flown along a specific course, e.g., radar vector, RNAV, ground-based

1.1.19 Reduced Takeoff Runway Length (RTRL).

The calculated distance prior to DER where takeoff must occur in lieu of
using a published climb gradient. An RTRL is provided as an option only
when the OCS is penetrated by 35 feet or less.

1.1.20 Standard Climb Gradient (SCG).

Departure and missed approach obstacle clearance is based on the

assumption that an aircraft will climb at a gradient of at least 200 ft/NM.
This is the standard climb gradient.

1.1.21 Start End of Runway (SER).

The beginning of the takeoff runway available.

Vol. 4 Page 1-3

Par 1.1.13
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

1.1.22 Visual Climb Area (VCA).

Areas around the airport reference point (ARP) to develop a VCOA


1.1.23 Visual Climb over Airport (VCOA).

Option to allow an aircraft to climb over the airport with visual reference to
obstacles to attain a suitable altitude from which to proceed with an IFR


Evaluate runways for IFR departure operations by applying criteria in the

sequence listed below (paragraphs 1.2.1 through 1.2.3).

1.2.1 Perform a diverse departure evaluation to each runway authorized for

IFR takeoff. Diverse departure is authorized if the appropriate OCS is
clear. If the OCS is penetrated, consider development of departure sectors
and/or climb gradients.

1.2.2 Develop departure routes where obstacles prevent diverse departure


1.2.3 Develop a VCOA procedure where obstacles more than 3 SM from DER
require climb gradients greater than 200 ft/NM (see chapter 4).

1.2.4 At locations served by radar, air traffic control may request development
of diverse vector areas to aid in radar vectoring departure traffic (see
chapter 5).


Evaluate the 40:1 departure OCS originating at the DER threshold at DER
elevation. Departure operations are unrestricted if the OCS is clear.
Where obstructions penetrate the OCS, see Order 8260.46 for required

Figure 1-2. OCS Starting Elevation

Page 1-4 Vol. 4

Par 1.1.22
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

1.3.1 Low, Close-In OCS Penetrations.

Do not publish a CG to a height of 200 feet or less above the DER

elevation. Annotate the location and height of any obstacles that cause
such climb gradients.

1.3.2 Calculating OCS Height.

The OCS height is based on the distance measured from the OCS origin
along the shortest distance to an obstacle within the segment.

1.3.2 a. Primary Area. The OCS slope is 40:1. Use the following formula to
calculate the OCS elevation:

hOCS = d + e
d = shortest distance (ft) from OCS origin to obstacle
e = OCS origin elevation

1.3.2 b. Secondary Area. (Applicable only when PCG is identified.) The OCS
slope is 12:1. The secondary OCS elevation is the sum of the 40:1 OCS
rise (a) in the primary area to a point the obstacle is perpendicular to the
departure course, and the secondary OCS rise (b) from the edge of the
primary OCS to the obstacle (see figure 1-3).

hOCS = primary OCS height
b = perpendicular distance (ft) from edge of primary

Vol 4 Page 1-5

Par 1.3.1
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Figure 1-3. Secondary OCS


Departure procedure obstacle clearance is based on a minimum climb

gradient performance of 200 ft/NM (see figure 1-4).

Figure 1-4. Standard Climb Gradient

1.4.1 Calculating Climb Gradients to Clear Obstacles.

Climb gradients in excess of 500 ft/NM require approval of the Flight

Standards Service or the appropriate military authority. Calculate climb
gradients using the following formula:

Page 1-6 Vol 4

Par 1.3.2
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

Standard Formula DoD Option*

CG =
CG =
( 48D + O )-E
0.76 D D

O = Obstacle MSL elevation
E = DER elevation
D = Distance (NM) DER to obstacle

* For use by military aircraft only. Not for civil use.

1.4.2 Calculating the CG Termination Altitude.

When the aircraft achieves an altitude that provides the required obstacle
clearance, the CG restriction may be lifted. This altitude is called the
"climb to" altitude (A). Calculate the climb-to altitude using the following

A = E + (CG × D )
E = Climb gradient starting elevation (MSL)
D = Distance (NM) from DER to obstacle

Example: 1221 + (352 x 3.1) = 2312.20 round to 2400

1.4.3 Climb Gradients to Altitudes for Other than Obstacles, i.e., ATC.

Calculate the climb gradient to the stated “climb to” altitude using the
following formula where (D) is the distance from the beginning of the climb
to the point where the altitude is required:

CG = A - E
A = CG termination altitude
E = Climb gradient starting elevation (MSL)
D = Distance (NM) from DER to obstacle

Example: = 355.8 round to 356 ft/NM

Note: The climb gradient must be equal to or greater than the gradient
required for obstacles along the route of flight.

Vol 4 Page 1-7

Par 1.4.1
02/24/14 8260.3B CHG 26

1.4.4 Multiple Climb Gradients Application.

Do not publish a number of different gradients for a series of segments.

Consider only one climb gradient, which is the most efficient gradient to
represent the entire length of the climb gradient distance that
encompasses all climb gradients required.

1.4.5 Reduced Takeoff Runway Length (RTRL). Where an RTRL is required

by Order 8260.46, calculate using the following formula:

*RWYreduction = 30.38 x (p + 35)

p = OCS penetration (ft)
*Establish in 100 ft increment, round up if required

1.4.6 Effect of DER-To-Obstacle Distance.

1.4.6 a. Where obstacles 3 SM or less from the DER penetrate the OCS:

1.4.6 a. (1) Publish a note identifying the obstacle(s) type, location relative to
DER, AGL height, and MSL elevation, and

1.4.6 a. (2) Publish standard takeoff minimums with a required CG to a

specified altitude, and

1.4.6 a. (3) Publish a ceiling and visibility to see and avoid the obstacle(s),

1.4.6 a. (4) Develop a specific textual or graphic route to avoid the obstacle(s).

Note: Where low, close-in obstacles result in a climb gradient to an

altitude 200 feet or less above DER elevation, only paragraph 1.4.6a(1)

1.4.6 b. Where obstacles more than 3 SM from the DER penetrate the OCS:

1.4.6 b. (1) Publish standard takeoff minimums with a required CG to a

specified altitude, and

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1.4.6 b. (2) Develop a VCOA procedure to an altitude that will provide obstacle
clearance without a CG, and/or

1.4.6 b. (3) Develop a specific textual or graphic departure route to avoid the


1.5.1 Ceiling.

Specify a ceiling value equal to the height of the obstruction above the airport
elevation rounded to the next higher 100-foot increment.

1.5.2 Visibility.

Specify a visibility value equal to the distance measured directly from the DER to
the obstruction rounded to the next higher reportable value. Limit the visibility to
a distance of 3 statute miles.


The ICA is an area centered on the runway centerline extended used to evaluate
obstacle clearance during the climb to 400 feet above DER (minimum climb
gradient 200 ft/NM).

1.6.1 ICA Terms.

1.6.1 a. ICA baseline (ICAB). The ICAB is a line extending perpendicular to the
runway centerline ± 500 at DER. It is the origin of the ICA (see figure 1-5).

1.6.1 b. ICA end-line (ICAE). The ICAE is a line at the end of the ICA perpendicular
to the runway centerline extended. The splay of 15° and length of the ICA
determine its width (see figure 1-5).

1.6.2 Area.

1.6.2 a. Length. The ICA length is normally 2 NM, measured from the ICAB to
the ICAE along runway centerline extended. It may be less than 2 NM in length
for early turns by publishing a climb gradient, or a combination of climb gradient
and reduction in TORA. The ICA may be extended beyond 2 NM to maximum
length of 10 NM. A specified altitude (typically 400' above DER) or the
interception of PCG route must identify the ICAE.

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Par 1.4.6b(2)
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1.6.2 b. Width. The ICA origin is 1,000 feet (± 500 perpendicular to runway
centerline) wide at the DER. The area splays outward at a rate of 15° relative to
the departure course (normally runway centerline).

Figure 1-5. ICA


± 500' 3756.18 *

** 3756.18 *
2 NM
* 500+tan(15°) × 12152.23

** 500+tan(15°) × d

1.6.2 c. OCS. The OCS originates at the ICAB, normally at DER elevation (see
paragraph 1.3). Apply the OCS by measuring the shortest distance from the
ICAB to the obstacle and evaluate per paragraph 1.3. The MSL elevation of the
ICAE is calculated using the following formula:

MSL ICAE elevation=a+b+303.81

where a=DER elevation

b=OCS origin height above DER elevation
(nominally 0)

Example: ICAE elevation=987.24+0+303.81=1291.05

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Evaluate diverse “A” and “B” areas to a distance of 25 NM for nonmountainous

areas (see figure 2-1) and 46 NM for mountainous areas. If obstacles do not
penetrate the OCS, unrestricted diverse departure may be authorized; publish
standard takeoff minimums.

2.1 AREA. The diverse departure evaluation covers three areas:

Initial Climb Area. See chapter 1, paragraph 1.6.

Diverse A. All areas on the DER side of the DRL.

Diverse B. All areas on the SER side of the DRL.

Figure 2-1. Diverse “A” and “B” Areas


25 NM





25 NM

Takeoff Direction

2.1.1 Initial Climb Area (ICA).

Evaluate the ICA under paragraph 1.6.

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2.1.2 Diverse "A" Area.

Calculate the height of the OCS at any given location in the diverse "A" area by
measuring the distance from the obstacle to the closest point on the centerline of
the runway between the DRP and DER, or the closest point on ICA boundary
lines as appropriate (see figure 2-2). The beginning OCS elevation is equal to
the MSL elevation of the ICAE.

where h=OCS MSL elevation at obstacle
d=distance (ft) from obstacle to closest point
a=ICAE MSL elevation

Example: h=1309.77+ = 1759.83

Figure 2-2. Diverse "A" Area Evaluation

f Centerline

Diverse “A”

2.1.3 Diverse "B" Area.

Evaluate obstacles in the Diverse "B" area by measuring the distance in feet from
the obstacle to the DRP (see figure 2-3). Calculate the OCS MSL elevation at
the obstacle using the following formula:

h= + ( b + 400 )
where h=OCS MSL elevation at obstacle
d=distance (ft) from obstacle to DRP
b=Airport MSL elevation

Example: h= + (1283.22 + 400 ) = 1895.72

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Figure 2-3. Diverse "B" Area


Diverse “B”


Where OCS penetrations prevent unrestricted diverse departure, consider

constructing sectors within the diverse areas where departure flight is prohibited.
Departure instructions must assure the aircraft will maneuver clear of the
prohibited sector boundaries. Separate sector boundaries from obstacles via a
buffer established by the 20° splay from the DRP. The minimum angle between
sector boundaries is 30°. The ICA must be protected at all times (see figure 2-4).

Figure 2-4. Minimum Sector Area

20° Bearing 060°

Sector heading or
course may be 060°
thru 120°
RWY extended CL
Bearing 090°
Minimum sector 20°
Bearing 120°
angle 30°

2.2.1 Boundary Based on the ICA.

When the 20° splay from the DRP cuts across the ICA, construct a line 20°
relative to the side of the ICA. To protect the ICA, no obstacle may lie inside this
line (see figure 2-5).

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Figure 2-5. Boundary Based on ICA



2.2.1 a. Outer Boundary involving a Turn. Locate the turn point on runway
centerline (extended) and establish the ICAE. Construct the outer boundary from
the ICAE, using table 1-1 for selection of the outer boundary radius. Construct a
line from the obstacle tangent to the outer boundary radius. Establish the outer
boundary buffer 20° from this line on the maneuvering side. Begin the 20° buffer
at the tangent point where the obstacle line intercepts the arc (see figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6. Outer Boundary


2.2.2 Defining Sector Boundaries.

Construct boundaries to define each sector. Sector boundaries originate at the

DRP, or are defined tangentially from the outer boundary radius (see
figure 2-7A). Define and publish sector boundaries by reference to aircraft
magnetic headings. Sector “headings” shall be equivalent to the magnetic
bearing of the sector boundaries from their origins.

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2.2.3 Sector Limitations.

2.2.3 a. The maximum turn from the takeoff runway in any one direction is
180 degrees relative to takeoff runway heading.

Figure 2-7A. Sector Limitations

Figure 2-7B shows a sector of 360 degrees clockwise to 270 degrees.

Heading 270 degrees could be assigned; however, the maximum turn to
the right is a heading not in excess of the reciprocal of the takeoff runway

Figure 2-7B. Maximum Heading Limitation

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2.2.3 b. Assign a single heading for a sector which has parallel boundaries.
The heading must parallel the boundaries. Figure 2-8 shows heading 360
degrees as the only heading allowable.

Figure 2-8. Parallel Boundaries

2.2.3 c. Do not establish a sector if the boundaries converge. Example: In

figure 2-8, if the bearing from the DRP had been .001 degrees or greater
or the outer bearing 359 degrees or less, the sector could not be

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Straight departures are aligned within 15 degrees of the runway

centerline. The initial climb area (ICA) is aligned along the runway
centerline for at least 2 NM (see paragraph 1.6). If a turn at the departure
end of runway (DER) is desired, expand the obstacle clearance area in
the direction of the turn an amount equal to the departure course degree
of offset from runway centerline (see figure 3-1). Reduce the obstacle
clearance area following the ICA on the side opposite the turn an amount
equal to the expansion on the opposite side.

Figure 3-1. Turn ≤15 degrees at DER


The boundary lines of the departure obstacle clearance surface (OCS)

splay outward 15 degrees relative to the departure course from the end of
the ICA (see figures 3-1 and 3-2). Limit the DR segment to a maximum
distance of 10 NM from DER.

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Figure 3-2. Dead Reckoning



Calculating Obstruction Area Half Widths. Apply the values from table
3-1 to the following formulae to calculate the obstruction primary area half-
width (½W P), and the width of the secondary area (W S).

W =k ×D+A
2 P P

WS =kS ×D

Table 3-1.
½ Width kp ks D A
Dep DR 0.267949 none Distance (ft) from DER 500 feet
Localizer 0.139562 none Distance (ft) from ICAE 3756.18 feet
NDB 0.0833 0.0666 Distance (NM) from facility 1.25 NM
VOR / TACAN 0.05 0.0333 Distance (NM) from facility 1 NM


The obstruction evaluation area (OEA) begins at the initial climb area
end-line (ICAE). The maximum length of the segment is 15 NM from DER.
Evaluate for standard climb gradient (SCG) in accordance with paragraph
1.4.1. If necessary, calculate the required minimum climb gradient using
the formula in paragraph 1.4.2 where D is the shortest distance to the
initial climb area baseline (ICAB) (see figure 3-3).

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Figure 3-3. Localizer Area

3.3.1 NDB Guidance. Evaluate for SCG in accordance with paragraph 1.4.1. If
necessary, calculate the required minimum climb gradient using the
formula in paragraph 1.4.2. Figures 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6 illustrate possible
facility area configurations.

3.3.2 VOR/TACAN Guidance. Evaluate for SCG in accordance with paragraph

1.4.1. If necessary, calculate the required minimum climb gradient using
the formula in paragraph 1.4.2. Figures 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6 illustrate possible
facility area configurations.

Figure 3-4. Facility Area and DR Area Relationship

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Figure 3-5. DER within Primary Area Facility

3.3.3 Secondary Area Obstructions. Secondary areas may be constructed

and employed where PCG is provided.


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3.5.1 General. Construct turning segments when the course change is more than 15°.
Establish an ICA. For outer boundary radius use table 3-2 and apply paragraphs
3.5.1a through 3.5.1d, as appropriate. Use next higher airspeed in table 3-2 if
specific speed is not given.

3.5.1 a. For turns below 10,000 feet mean sea level (MSL), use 250 KIAS unless a
speed restriction other than 250 KIAS is noted on the procedure for that turn.
Use 200 KIAS for a minimum speed for Category C and 230 KIAS for
Category D aircraft.

3.5.1 b. For turns at 10,000 feet and above, use 310 KIAS unless a speed
restriction not less than 250 KIAS above 10,000 through 15,000 feet is noted
on the procedure for that turn. Above 15,000 feet, speed reduction below
310 KIAS is not permitted.

3.5.1 c. When speeds greater than 250 KIAS are authorized below 10,000 feet
MSL, and speeds greater than 310 KIAS are authorized at or above 10,000 feet
MSL, use the appropriate speed in table 3-2.

3.5.1 d. Use the following standard Note to publish a speed restriction: “Do NOT
exceed (speed) until CHUCK (fix).”

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Table 3-2
Primary Area Outer Boundary radius (R1)
Aircraft 90 120 150 175

Turn radii:
Below 10,000′ 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4
10,000′ MSL 1.4 2.0 2.7 3.3
and above

Aircraft 180 210 240 250


Turn radii:
Below 10,000′ 2.5 3.2 3.9 4.2
10,000′ MSL 3.4 4.3 5.2 5.5
and above

Aircraft 270 300 310 350


Turn radii:
Below 10,000′ 4.7 5.6 6.0 7.3
10,000′ MSL 6.2 7.3 7.7 9.3
and above

(Speeds include 60-knot omni winds below 10,000′ MSL; 90-knot omni winds at
10,000′ and above; bank angle 23°.)



3.7.1 Extend the ICA boundaries as necessary to intersect the boundaries appropriate
to the PCG provided. Where the ICA outer boundary will not intersect the PCG
boundary, construct an outer boundary radius from the outer edge of the ICA to
intersect the PCG boundary. For the radius length, use table 3-2 or the width of
the end of ICA, whichever is longer (see figure 3-7).

3.7.2 Specify a course, not aligned with the runway centerline, to intersect a PCG
course. The amount of turn is not restricted.

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Use table 3-1 to establish dimensions of basic trapezoids.

3.8.1 Climb to Altitude and Turn; Turns less than 90°. See figure 3-8. Construct a
line from departure reference point (DRP) to edge of obstacle area at the fix
denoting the second turn point. Extend splay of ICA to line A,B, (perpendicular to
runway centerline extended), where altitude is reached for the turn. Measure out
runway centerline extended using SCG.

3.8.1 a. Align the centerline of trapezoid alpha, through point C (end of ICA on
runway centerline extended).

3.8.1 b. Construct an arc from point A using radius R1 (table 3-2) centered on
point B. Construct a tangent from the arc to the boundary of the secondary area
of the next segment, (trapezoid beta), 30° relative to trapezoid alpha centerline.

3.8.1 c. Construct trapezoid beta. Extend the outer boundary area, radius “d”, to
join trapezoid cocoa. Inside boundaries join at the primary and secondary

3.8.1 d. Construct trapezoid cocoa and its associated segment, if necessary, to join
en route structure.

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Par 3.8.1d
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3.8.2 Climb to Intercept a Course. See figure 3-9. Construct a 15° splay relative to
runway centerline from the departure reference point (DRP) to the secondary
boundary of trapezoid delta (inside of turn) area. System accuracy line of delta
must intercept runway centerline at or beyond DER.

3.8.2 a. Extend the splay of ICA to line A, B. System accuracy line of trapezoid
delta (outside of turn) intercepts the ICA splay at point A.

3.8.2 b. Construct an arc from point A using radius R1 (table 3-2) centered on
point B. Construct a tangent from the arc to the boundary of next segment
(trapezoid echo) 30° relative to trapezoid delta centerline.

3.8.2 c. Construct trapezoids echo and fox as necessary. Provide a 2-NM lead
area when turns are more than 90°, prior to the “VOR” turning into trapezoid fox.
Specify a 2-mile lead when possible with a radial, bearing, or DME. When
unable to identify the lead point, construct and provide a 2-mile lead area for
evaluation of obstacles. Outside protection arc must be as large as the end of
the trapezoid, i.e., "d" at fix jiffy. In the segment containing trapezoid fox, note
primary “line papa” and secondary “line sandy” originate from the 2-mile lead of
trapezoid echo.

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3.8.3 Figure 3-10 illustrates multiple turns more than 90°. Initial course intercepts
positive course of trapezoid gulf after takeoff from DER. The obstacle area
radius is constructed from point A with a tangent 30° relative to the course in
trapezoid gulf. The area formed around the intersection of E with trapezoid hotel
takes precedence over the 2-NM lead requirement. Primary and secondary
areas can be established on the inside of the turn in trapezoid hotel because the
2-mile lead does not cut off any of the primary area.

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3.8.4 Figure 3-11 illustrates multiple turns more than 90°. Publish either a radial,
bearing, or a DME when available. Construct a 2-NM lead even though no
radial, bearing, nor DME is available. This provides a lead area for the pilot’s
early turn. Note how the intersections at E and F form the boundaries of obstacle
clearance areas. Point E is established abeam the 2-mile lead. The dark lines
around point E form a primary area boundary. A secondary area cannot be
established on the inside area of trapezoid juniper because the 2-mile lead forms
the area that takes precedence over the normal primary and secondary areas
at “e”.

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3.8.5 Figure 3-12 illustrates the 2-mile lead not required when lead point is within
primary area of en route course.

3.8.6 Evaluation of Multiple Turn Areas. See figures 3-13 and 3-14.

3.8.6 a. Measure 40:1 straight-line distance from lines d-c-b of the ICA directly to
the obstacles outside of the ICA associated with trapezoid alpha in figure 3-13
and trapezoid gulf in figure 3-14. Measure 40:1 from runway centerline to
obstacles abeam the runway between the DRP and the DER. Points b and c are
at the end of the ICA, a and d at corners of the ICA abeam the DER. In
figure 3-13, no secondary areas exist in trapezoid alpha’s segment, and in
figure 3-14, no secondary evaluation is allowed for the far turn from DER
because the beginning of PCG cannot be determined. However, on the inside
turn area a secondary area evaluation could be allowed for trapezoid gulf's

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3.8.6 b. Measure 40:1 to point E for obstacles in trapezoids beta, figure 3-13, and
hotel, figure 3-14, segments, respectively. Measure 12:1 into secondary area
from edge of primary area perpendicular to the segment’s course. Convert the
secondary area obstacles to primary equivalent at edges of primary area.
Measure 40:1 to the conversion points to assess appropriate obstacle clearance.

3.8.6 c. Measure 40:1 to E, then 40:1 down the edge of the primary area of
trapezoid beta from E to F to obstacles in trapezoid cocoa’s segment. From F
measure 40:1 to obstacles in primary area of trapezoid cocoa, figure 3-13.
Measure along edge of primary area to a point abeam the obstacles in secondary
area. Measure 12:1 from edge of primary area to the obstacle in secondary area
perpendicular to applicable course line. Perform secondary area obstacle

3.8.6 d. Climbing in a Holding Pattern. When a climb in a holding pattern is used,

no obstacle shall penetrate the holding pattern obstacle clearance surface. This
surface begins at the end of the segment, F-G, figure 3-14, leading to the holding
fix. Its elevation is that of the departure OEA at the holding fix. It rises 40:1 from
the nearest point of the F-G line to the obstacle in the primary area. It also rises
40:1 to the edge of the primary area of the holding pattern abeam an obstacle in
the secondary area of the holding pattern. In the secondary area, the surface
rises 12:1 to the obstacle measuring the shortest distance between the obstacle
and the edge of the primary area (see figure 3-14). The holding pattern altitude
must have a level surface evaluation of 1,000 feet.

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VCOA is an alternative method for pilots to depart the airport where aircraft
performance does not meet the specified climb gradient. Development of a VCOA
is mandatory when obstacles more than three statute miles from the departure end
of runway (DER) require a greater than 200 ft/NM climb gradient.


Construct a visual climb area over the airport using the airport reference point
(ARP) as the center of a circle (see figure 4-1). Use R1 in table 4-1 plus the
distance ARP to the most distant runway end as the radius for the circle.

Select 250 KIAS as the standard airspeed and apply the appropriate MSL altitude
to determine the R1 value. Use other airspeeds in table 4-1, if specified on the
procedure, using the appropriate radius for the selected airspeed. Altitude must
equal or exceed field elevation. The VCA must encompass the area of the ICA
from the departure runway(s). Expand the VCA radius if necessary to include the
ICA (see figure 4-2).

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Table 4-1. Radius Values

Altitudes MSL 2,000 ft 5,000 ft 10,000 ft

Speed KIAS
90 2.0 2.0 2.0
120 2.0 2.0 2.0
180 2.0 2.0 2.5
210 2.1 2.5 3.2
250 2.8 3.4 4.2
310 4.2 4.9 6.0
350 5.2 6.0 7.3

(Table 4-1 speeds include 30-knot tail winds up to 2000 feet MSL, 45-knot tail
winds up to 5000 feet MSL, and 60-knot tail winds at 10000 feet MSL; bank angle:


4.2.1 Diverse VCOA.

Identify the highest obstruction within the visual climb area (VCA). This is the
preliminary height of the VCA level surface. Evaluate a 40:1 surface from the edge
of the level surface. If the 40:1 surface is penetrated, raise the VCA level surface
height by the amount of the greatest penetration (see figure 4-3). Determine the
VCOA "climb-to" altitude using the following formula:

c lim
= b to altitude level surface MSL height + 250' ROC + adjustments (vol. 1, para 3.2.2b)

Example: 5124 + 250 + 0 =5374 rounds to 5400'

Where OCS height = 5124

adjustments = 0

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Figure 4-3. Diverse VCOA Evaluation

4.2.2 Departure Routes.

Where VCOA Diverse Departure is not feasible, construct a VCOA departure route.

4.2.2 a. Construct the VCA per paragraph 4.1.

4.2.2 b. Determine the preliminary level surface height as in paragraph 4.2.1.

4.2.2 c. Locate, within the VCA, the beginning point of the route.

4.2.2 d. Construct the departure route using criteria for the navigation system desired.
The 40:1 surface rise begins along a line perpendicular to the route course and
tangent to the VCA boundary (see figure 4-4).

4.2.2 e. OCS Evaluation. Where obstacles penetrate the route 40:1 OCS:

4.2.2 e. (1) Raise the VCA level surface the amount of penetration. Determine the
climb-to altitude using the formula below, or…

= to altitude level surface MSL height + 250' ROC + adjustments (vol. 1 para 3.2.2b)

Example: 5124 + 250 + 0 =5374 rounds to 5400'

Where OCS height = 5124

adjustment = 0

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4.2.2 e. (2) Determine a climb gradient that will clear the obstacle using the formula:
CG =
0.76 × d

where a = obstacle MSL altitude

b = VCA climb - to altitude
d = distance (NM) from 40 : 1 origin to obstacle

3379 - 2100
Example : CG = = 315.15 ft/NM
0.76 × 5.34

Calculate altitude (alt) that the CG may be discontinu ed :

a lt = b + (d × CG)
Example :
alt = 2100 + (5.34 × 316 ) = 3787.44 round up to 3800'

Figure 4-4. Route Out of VCA

4.2.3 Published Annotations.

The procedure must include instructions specifying an altitude to cross a

fix/location over the airport, followed by routing and altitude instructions to the
en route system. Example: "Climb in visual conditions to cross Wiley Post airport

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westbound at or above 6,000′, then climb to FL180 via AMA R-098 to AMA
VORTAC", "Climb in visual conditions to cross DXTER eastbound at 5,000′, then
via LEX R-281 to LEX." (see figure 4-5).

Figure 4-5. VCOA Departure Route


ARP R-281



Publish a ceiling that is the 100-foot increment above the "climb-to" altitude over
the VCA. Obstacles inside the VCA are subject to see and avoid maneuvers.
Obstacles outside the VCA may be avoided by publishing a ceiling above an
altitude that must be attained inside the VCA over a specified fix or identifiable
point. From this altitude, a 40:1 OCS from the VCA boundary clears all obstacles
outside the VCA omni-directionally, or along a route of flight (see figures 4-3, 4-4).
Determine the published visibility from table 4-2.

Table 4-2. Visibility

Altitudes MSL 2,000' 5,000' 10,000'
Speed KIAS
90 1 1 1
120 1 1 1 1/4
180 1 1/2 2 2 1/2
210 2 2 1/2 2 3/4
250 2 1/2 3 3
310 3 3 3
350 3 3 3

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Chapter 5. Diverse Vector Area Evaluation (DVA)

5-1. General. DVA is utilized by ATC radar facilities pursuant to Order JO 7210.3, Facility
Operation and Administration, to allow the radar vectoring of aircraft below the MVA, or for
en route facilities, the MIA. A DVA consists of designated airspace associated with a departure
runway where the utilization of applicable departure criteria has been applied to identify and
avoid obstacles that penetrate the departure OCS. Avoidance of obstacles is achieved through the
application of a sloping OCS within the boundaries of the DVA. Since a sloping OCS is
applicable to climb segments, a DVA is valid only when aircraft are permitted to climb
uninterrupted from the departure runway to the MVA/MIA (or higher). A DVA is not applicable
once an aircraft’s climb is arrested.

a. Evaluate a DVA at the request of an ATC facility for any candidate runway. Candidate
runways are those runways where a diverse departure assessment has identified obstacles that
penetrate the 40:1 OCS that require a climb gradient greater than 200 ft/NM to an altitude more
than 200 feet above the DER elevation. Do not establish a DVA when obstacles do not penetrate
the departure 40:1 OCS, or when the only penetrations are those that require a climb gradient
termination altitude of 200 feet or less above the DER elevation (low, close-in obstacles).

b. No obstacle (except low, close-in) may penetrate the OCS of the DVA unless isolated
in accordance with paragraph 5-3a. See also paragraph 5-4.

c. The OEA must not extend beyond the diverse departure evaluation distance.

d. A DVA is only applicable to the facility that requested it.

DoD Only: DoD radar facilities may require the establishment of a DVA even in the absence of
any 40:1 OCS penetrations.

5-2. Initial Departure Assessment. Assess the runway from which ATC desires to vector
departing aircraft below the MVA/MIA using paragraphs 2.0 and 2.1 of this volume to determine
the location of 40:1 OCS penetrations which are not considered as low, close-in obstacles. The
length of the ICA is based on a climb to 400 feet above the DER. When requested, provide the
requesting ATC facility a graphical depiction of the departure penetrations to assist facility
managers in visualizing the departure obstacle environment (not applicable to the Department of
the Navy).

5-3. Select a DVA Method. Establish a DVA that either: (a) isolates penetrating obstacles;
(b) uses a range of authorized headings to define a sector; (c) climbs to an initial MVA/MIA
within a range of headings, (d) defines an area which avoids penetrating obstacles (DoD option
only); or (e) uses a combination of these methods.

a. Isolate Penetrating Obstacles. This method is generally suitable for isolating single
obstacles, or a group of obstacles in proximity to each other. Boundaries surrounding obstacles
that penetrate a departure runway’s OCS are established that define an area where vectors below
the MVA/MIA are prohibited. Vectors below the MVA which avoid the isolation areas are

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permitted within the diverse departure evaluation area (25/46 NM from DRP as applicable),
minus 5 NM to account for worst case radar separation requirements.

(1) Construct isolation area boundaries around penetrating obstacles using the MVA
sector construction specified in volume 1, chapter 10, paragraph 10.2.4b, except a DVA for an
ARTCC must use an isolation boundary that provides 5 NM of separation from an obstacle.
Consider the ease in constructing and documenting isolation area boundaries when determining
the shape of an isolation area which surrounds multiple obstacles or terrain points (zone feature).
For example, to simplify construction, documentation, and radar video mapping of an isolation
area, it may be preferable to construct the area using only a circle or by using only a minimal
series of points and lines. Figure 5-1 depicts an example with two isolation areas; one is a circle
around a single obstacle and the other is defined by points and lines to define the prohibited area
around a terrain contour of irregular shape.

(2) Isolation areas must not overlie any part of the departure runway between the DRP
and the DER, nor any part of the ICA associated with the departure runway.

(3) Isolation areas must be located so that sufficient room to vector departing aircraft is
provided which would allow ATC to issue vectors as necessary to avoid the areas. This
determination must be made in collaboration with the air traffic facility.

Figure 5-1. Isolation Areas

b. Define a Range of Authorized Headings. An ATC facility may desire the establishment
of a DVA sector which is comprised of a range of authorized headings from the departure
runway. For example, the DVA may permit the assignment of headings 360 clockwise through
110 within the DVA evaluation area. The assignment of radar vectors that exceed the authorized
range of headings is not permitted until the aircraft reaches the MVA/MIA (see figure 5-2).

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Figure 5-2. Range of Headings Sector

(1) Construct lateral sector boundaries from the DRP which correspond to the desired
headings using the Departure Sector criteria of paragraph 2.2.

(2) Connect each lateral boundary with an arc centered on the DRP using radius “R”
which is equivalent to the desired distance for the DVA.

(3) An OEA buffer expands outward from the DVA boundaries. The buffer of the DVA
arc boundary must meet the distance requirements of volume 1, chapter 10, paragraph 10.2.4a,
except a 5 NM buffer always applies to a DVA that will be used by an ARTCC. The lateral
buffers begin at DRP and splay outward from the lateral boundaries by 20 degrees.

(4) Connect the 20-degree buffer splay lines with the buffer of the arc boundary as

(a) When the 20-degree splay line is outside the buffer of the arc boundary, join the
two buffers with an arc centered on the DRP using radius “R” (see figure 5-2).

(b) When the 20-degree splay line is inside the buffer of the arc boundary, extend the
splay line until it intersects and truncates the buffer of the arc (see figure 5-3).

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Figure 5-3. Truncation of Lateral Boundary Buffer

(5) The DVA boundaries must provide sufficient maneuvering area to permit ATC to
vector an aircraft to remain within the DVA until the aircraft can climb to the MVA/MIA.
Determination of sufficient maneuvering area must be made in collaboration with the ATC

c. Climb to an Initial MVA/MIA. ATC may request a DVA based on a range of headings
to an initial MVA/MIA e.g., “009 CW 190 to 3500 ft.” For a DVA of this type, it is necessary to
obtain and refer to the currently approved MVA/MIA chart which depicts the sector boundaries
and minimum altitudes (see figures 5-4 through 5-8).

Note: “Initial MVA/MIA” is defined as the altitude at which the DVA terminates and the
MVA/MIA is used to provide radar vector service. It will be identified by the requesting ATC

(1) Determine the preliminary 40:1 search boundary’s radii (in feet); RA and RB.

(a) RA = (Initial MVA/MIA – DER Elevation – 951 – 304) * 40

(b) RB = (Initial MVA/MIA – Airport Elevation – 951 – 400) * 40

Note: 951 represents the least amount of ROC possible (after rounding) within an MVA sector.

Example calculation where MVA is equal to 3500 and DER equal to 618:

RA = (3500 – 618 – 951 – 304) * 40

= 1627 * 40
= 65080

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(2) Construct a preliminary search area on the Diverse A side of the departure reference
line (DRL). Establish point Y and point Z at distance RA from each corner of the ICAE in the
direction of the departure along a line which is parallel to the runway centerline. Swing an arc
with radius RA centered on each corner of the ICAE from points Y and Z away from the runway
centerline until it intersects the DRL. If the distance from the DRP to the intersection of the arc
and the DRL is less than RA, then the preliminary search area must be expanded. Expand the area
by establishing Points W and X along the DRL at a distance equal to RA and tangentially connect
each arc to each respective point (figure 5-5). Complete the search area with a line that connects
point Y to point Z (see figures 5-4 and 5-5).

(3) Construct a preliminary search area on the Diverse B side of the DRL using the radius
RB. Swing a 180-degree arc centered on the DRP beginning at the DRL to encompass the start
end of the runway (see figure 5-4).

(4) Identify all 40:1 OCS penetrations (other than low, close-in) located within the
preliminary search area boundaries, or 3/5 NM (appropriate MVA buffer distance per volume 1,
chapter 10, or 5 NM for an MIA) beyond the next higher MVA/MIA sector boundary, whichever
is encountered first (see figures 5-6 and 5-7).

(5) Establish lateral boundaries and associated buffers that avoid the 40:1 penetrations
using the Departure Sector criteria of paragraph 2.2. The maximum range of permitted headings
(e.g., 310 CW to 050) corresponds to the lateral boundaries. All headings are available when no
40:1 penetrations are located within the search area boundaries. The final OEA includes those
areas within the boundaries of the search area located between the 20-degree splay lines (see
figure 5-8).

Figure 5-4. Preliminary Search Area Boundary

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Figure 5-5. Construction with Points W and X

Figure 5-6. MVA Chart With Applicable Buffer Areas

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Figure 5-7. Obstacle Search Area

Figure 5-8. Permitted DVA Headings Based on Obstacles

d. Define an Area (DoD Option). An area may be defined which excludes all obstacles
(low, close-in obstacles are permitted) that penetrate the departure OCS (see figure 5-9).

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(1) Construct the area boundary and an OEA buffer using the MVA sector construction
specified in volume 1, chapter 10, section 3. The defined area may take the form of any shape;
however, it must be determined in consultation with the ATC facility to ensure it meets their
operational needs and to ensure it provides sufficient maneuvering area for ATC to vector an
aircraft to remain within the DVA until the aircraft can climb to the MVA/MIA.

(2) The area boundary must fully encompass the entire width of the departure runway
from the DRP towards the DER, as well as the entire ICA associated with the departure runway.

Figure 5-9. Defined Area

5-4. Climb Gradients. A DVA that does not require a climb gradient in excess of 200 ft/NM
is preferred, however operational requirements may necessitate a higher climb gradient. When an
obstacle penetrates the 40:1 OCS within the DVA OEA, establish a climb gradient and climb
gradient termination altitude in accordance with paragraph 1.4.1 of this volume.

Note: Do not establish climb gradients for low, close-in obstacles, or for obstacles that have
been isolated in accordance with paragraph 5-3a.

Vol 4 Page 5-8

Army TM 95-226
Navy OPNAV Inst. 3722.16C
Coast Guard CG 318
Air Force AFMAN 11-226(I)







Directive Feedback Information

Please submit any written comments or recommendation for improving this directive, or
suggest new items or subjects to be added to it. Also, if you find an error, please tell us
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Subject: Order 8260.3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures

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FAA Form 1320-19 (10-98) OmniForm Electronic Version

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