Curves in Four-Dimensional Space (Lee Mun Yew) PDF
Curves in Four-Dimensional Space (Lee Mun Yew) PDF
Curves in Four-Dimensional Space (Lee Mun Yew) PDF
§l Introduction to Curves
Figure 1.1
*Revised version of a report submitted in connection with the Science Enrichment Programme
jointly organized by the Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore and the Ministry of Edu-
cation, Singapore.
Some examples of curves in three dimensions are :-
(1) Straight line : f3(t) = (p1 + q1 t, p2 + q2 t, p 3 + q3t) where Qi =j:. 0 and
P1, P2, P3, Q1, Q2, q3 are constants.
(2) Circle: f3(t) = (acost,asint,O). This is a circle on the x-y plane
with radius a and centre (0, 0, 0).
(3) Circular helix: f3(t) = (acost,asint,bt). (See Figure 1.2.)
Figure 1.2
1.2 Description of a Curve
In examining a curve, what is important is the shape and not the speed
of the particle moving along the curve. Therefore, given any curve we can
force the particle to move at a constant speed of one unit per second, i.e.,
ITI = 1. By reparametrizing its coordinates, we turn (3 from a function of
time, t, into a function of distance along the curve, s. dT Ids now measures
the rate of change of direction of T but not its magnitude.
In Figure 1.3, at point A, JdT I dsJ is small but at B, JdT I dsJ is large.
Therefore, JdT I dsj should be a good measure of curvature. Kappa, K., is
defined as
""=~~~I= ~~~I·
So K. is a function -of s.
Figure 1.3
K. =I~~I= V 2
cos s + sin s
§2 The Frenet Formulae
Similarly, N · N = 1 implies
ds · .
Now any vector x can be expressed as (x · y)y + (x · z)z where y and
z are perpendicular unit vectors. Therefore,
~ · T) T + ( ~ · N) N = -r;,T.
ds (
So we get
dT dN
ds = ~tN, -ds = -r;,T'
which are the Frenet Formulae in two dimensions.
2.2 The Frenet Formulae in Three Dimensions
dN _ ( dN .
ds ds
r) T _ ( dN . N) N
ds = -KT + rB.
ds = aT + bN + cB.
By taking dot product with T, N, B and differentiating B · T = 0, B · W =
0, B · B = 0, we find that a = 0, b = -r, c = 0. Thus the Frenet formulae
dT dN dB
ds = KN, -ds = -KT+rB ' ds = -rN.
To extend into four dimensions, we follow the same procedure till we reach
dNIds = - KT + r B. By the same principle, we let D be a unit vector
perpendicular toT, Nand B. Then for some scalar u,
u D = dB -
(r . dB) T -
(N .dB) N -
(B .dB) B.
Differentiating T · B = 0, N ·B = 0, B ·B = 1, we get
dT dB dB dB
ds · B + ds · T = (KN) · B + ds · T = 0, i.e., -·T=O·
ds '
dN dB dB dB
ds · B + ds · N = (-KT + r B)· B + ds · N = 0, t.e., -·N=-r·
ds '
and 2 ds · B = 0.
ds = -rN +aD.
ds = aT + bN + cB + dD.
By taking dot product of both sides with T, N, B and D and differenti-
ating T · D = 0, N · D = 0, B · D = 0, D · D = 1, we get a = b = d = 0,
c = -a. Thus the Frenet formulae in four dimensions are:
dT dN dB dD
ds = KN, -ds = -KT+rB ' -
· = -rN+aD
' ds = -aB.
From the above, we can see that the Frenet formulae for higher di-
mensions are likely to have the same general pattern. In fact, it can be
proved by the same procedure that in each dimension, the same pattern
will occur.
§3 Properties of K, r and a
3.1 Properties of a
Proof Let f3 be a curve confined to three dimensions. Then, there exist
vectors x andy such that ((3(8)- x) · y = 0 for all 8. Differentiation yields
(3' (8) · y = 0 or T · y = 0. Differentiating again, we get dT I d8 · y = 0. So by
the Frenet formulae (~tN) · y = 0, or N · y = 0. Differentiating once more,
we have dN / d8 · y = 0. By the Frenet formulae, ( -~tT + r B) · y = 0. But
T · y = 0, so B · y = 0.
T·y = 0, N ·y = 0, B·y = 0 imply that y is perpendicular toT, Nand
B. Hence D can be written as ± : • Differentiating, we get dDid8 = 0.
1 1
dDjd8 = uB by the Frenet formulae. Therefore, uB = 0. Now B i= 0, so
this implies that u = 0.
Conversely, if u = 0, then dD I d8 = -u B = 0. This means that D
must be a constant. Define a function f such that /(8) = ((3(8) - (3(0)) · D
for all 8. Then
is = (3'(8) · D =T ·D = 0.
Thus, /(8) has the same value for all 8. Taking 8 = 0,
Therefore, ({3(8)- (3(0)) · D = 0 for all 8. From here, we conclude that the
curve f3 must lie entirely in the three-dimensional space orthogonal to the
vector D.
The cylindrical helix is defined as a curve for which there exists a fixed
unit vector u such that T · u is constant along the curve. By the definit~on
of dot product,
T .u = IT II u Icos 0 = cos 0
Now dujds = 0, so dT jds · u = 0. From the Frenet formulae we get
K-N · u = 0. Assuming that "' =j:. 0, we have N · u = 0, and
1 = Iu I = y'cos 2 (} + a2 + 12 ,
I.e., a 2 + 1 2 = sin 0.
We then obtain
But sin fJ is a constant. If sin fJ = 0, then (J = 0 or 7r. So T = ±u. Thus
T is a straight line in the direction of u. This case is not of interest. So
from (4) we have
sin¢= 0 or ds +u = 0.
cos 4> = 0 or ds +u = 0.
But sin</> and cos</> cannot be equal to zero at the same time, so d</> Ids+ u
must be zero. This yields d</> Ids = -u. Since we are interested in four-
dimensional curves, so u ¥- 0, which means that </> is not a constant. From
cos (J
• (J A. = cot fJ sec </>.
sm cos 'f'
Now cot (J is a constant but not sec</>. Thus r I K. is not constant.
The significance of the above discussion is that the result obtained is
different from the situation in the thi:ee-dimensional case where a cylin-
drical helix always has r I K. as a constant.
In the previous sections, we saw that the four-dimensional Frenet
formulae and their properties resemble those of the three-dimensional for-
mulae. The above result shows, however, that we cannot always guess the
behaviour of the four-dimensional case from the three dimensional case.
Figure 3.1
By the way, the angle¢ does have some geometric significance. Since
u is fixed, as we move along the curve, the vectors T, N, B and D will
move about u in a certain way. If we neglect the vector N and fix the
frame T, Band D, we will get Figure 3.1. From the figure, we see that¢
represents the angle as shown.
§4 Simplest Curves
.B(s) =
Tds = -TcosAs
X .
+ TsmAs +C.
Although W, X and C are arbitrary constant vectors, they must satisfy
ITI = 1 because we assumed this in our derivation of the Frenet formulae
(refer to Section 2). Therefore, the only possible value for W and X are
(1,0) and (0,1) respectively. In this case
4.2 Simplest curves in Three Dimensions
dT dN dB
ds = ICN, -ds = -ICT+rB, - =-rN.
Differentiating the first expression, we have
dT .
ds = WsmAs +X cos As.
T = - ~ cos AS + ~ sin AS + Y.
Integrating this, we get
4.3 Simplest Curves in Four-dimensions
A simplest curve in four dimensions should be one with K., r and u constant
and non-zero. The Frenet formulae in four dimensions are
dT dN dB dD
ds = ~tN, -ds = -~tT+rB ' -ds = -rN +uD, -
= -uB.
d?T dN
= ~t- = -~t 2 T + ~trB. (6)
ds ds
d 3T 2 dT dB
= -K.-
= - K2 dT (
. - +~tr -rN +uD
dT dT
= -K.2 - - r2 - + ~eruD.
ds ds
Let T = V cos >.s +W sin >.s where V and W are arbitrary constant
vectors. Then
d2 T
ds 2 = ->. 2 (V cos >.s + W sin >.s) = ->. 2 T, (8)
Since T =f 0, we have the following quartic polynomial equation
which can be reduced -to a quadratic equation in ..\2 • Solving, we have
The discriminant
since K,, r, u =f 0. Hence ). 2 has two real and unequal values. Furthermore
Hence ..\ 2 has two real, unequal and positive values. ). can therefore take
four values, ..\ 0 , -Ao, ..\1, -..\1.
When .A= -Ao,
Since V and W are arbitrary, the solution is similar to that where ). = ..\0 •
Therefore, we need only consider two values of .A : ..\0 and ..\ 1 •
T 0 = V cos A0 s + W sin.A 0 s,
T1 = X cos A1 s + Y sin ..\ 1 s.
Since T 0 and T1 are two solutions of the differential equation (7), we get
Take V = ~(1,0,0,0), W = ~(0,1,0,0), X= ~(0,0,1,0),
Y = ~(0,0,0,1), Z = (0,0,0,0), and we get the following curve:
I.BI =
-21 ( -1 -r2u2
u2 + r;,2
1 )
- +r;,2
- •
Since r;,, r and u are all constant, we see that the curve lies on a four-
dimensional sphere. When r;, or u increases, then I.BI decreases, hence the
sphere is sma:ller. However when r increases, the sphere becomes larger.
When r;, = r = u, I.BI = ;~.
Although it is impossible for us to have a true picture of what the
curve is actually like in four dimensions, we can try to have a glimpse by
examining the curve with one dimension 'cut off'. Since ,B(s) is given by
(12), cutting off any dimension will produce the same type of curve. Let's
cut off the last dimension, to obtain
A rough sketch of the curve is shown in Figure 4.1 resembling a spring
with both ends packed together. The derivation of this sketch is as follows.
The x and y coordinates correspond to a circle. The z coordinate is a sine
function which means that a particle moving along the curve travels faster
in the middle than at the ends.
Figure 4.1
>. { 2n7r- >.os- .A 0 a
2n7r + >.os + .A 0 a. (16)
where m, n are integers. (13) and (15) cannot be true for all s. So (14)
and (16) must be true which means that -.A 0 a = 2m1r. Similarly, by
comparing the third and the fourth components, we get -.A 1 a = 2n1r.
Thus, .A 0 /.A 1 = mjn. Since m and n are integers, the value .A0 /.A 1 must
be a rational number in order for the curve to repeat itself. Referring to
(11), we find that
[1] Barrett O'Neill, Elementary Differential Geometry, Academic Press,
[2] B R Iyer & C V Vishveshwara, The Frenet-Serret Formalism and
Black Holes in Higher Dimensions, Classical and Quantum Gravity 5
(7), 1988.
[3] Eisenhart Luther Pfahler, An Introduction to Differential Geometry,
Princeton University Press, 1947.