Liénard-Wiechert Potentials Describe The Classical
Liénard-Wiechert Potentials Describe The Classical
Liénard-Wiechert Potentials Describe The Classical
The explicit expressions for potentials related to moving dipoles and quadrupoles in the
same way as the Liénard-Wiechert potentials are related to a point charge were
computed by Ribarič and Šušteršič in 1995.[2]
[edit] Implications
The force on a particle at a given location r and time t depends on the position of the
source particles at an earlier time tr due to the finite speed, c, at which electromagnetic
information travels. For example, a particle on Earth 'sees' a charged particle on the
Moon as it was 1.5 seconds ago and a charged particle on the Sun as it was 500 seconds
ago. This earlier time in which an event happens such that a particle at location r 'sees'
this event at a later time t is called the retarded time, tr. The retarded time varies with
position; for example the retarded time at the Moon is 1.5 seconds before the current time
and the retarded time on the Sun is 500 s before the current time. The retarded time can
be calculated as:
where R is distance of the particle from the source at the retarded time.
[edit] Equations
[edit] Definition of Liénard-Wiechert potentials
The Liénard-Wiechert potentials Φ and A, where Φ is the scalar potential field and A is
the vector potential field, forms a potential representation of the fields of a moving point
charge having a charge q such that (in cgs units):
where (Beta) is the charge's velocity divided by c and is the vector position of the
charge. The 'ret' emphasises that we are considering only the retarded solutions.
We can calculate the electric and magnetic fields directly from the potentials using the
The calculation is non trivial and requires a number of steps. The equation for the electric
field is (in non-covariant form):
where γ is the Lorentz factor and is a unit vector pointing from the retarded position of
the charge to the observer. The magnetic field can be found by taking the curl of this.
[edit] Derivation
In the case that there are no boundaries surrounding the sources, the retarded solutions for
the scalar and vector potentials (cgs units) of the nonhomogeneous wave equations are
(see Nonhomogeneous electromagnetic wave equation)
is a Dirac delta function and the current and charge densities are
radiation are and (i.e. no incoming waves from infinity) in the Lorentz gauge are
( ,t) =
The charge and current densities of a point charge q at position 0(t) are
( ,t) q ( - 0(t))
( ,t) = (2)
Plugging in the charge and current densities, the integral can be done immediately to
( ,t) =
dx (f (x)) = .
Applying this to the integrals above gives
( ,t) =
( ,t) = (5)
It simplifies the notation (although the first two hide some of the dependencies) to write
(t) = - 0(t)
= f (tret)
= (7)
( ,t) = ret
( ,t) = ret
3 The Fields
The fields can be calculated by taking the derivatives
= x
= (9)
- - .
so the rest of this section simply describes taking these derivatives carefully using the
chain rule.
Expanding the equation for the retarded time keeping constant gives the differential as
dtret = dt + [ ]retdtret
= ret
Expanding keeping t,y,z constant gives
=- ret
ret ret
= (14)
=q ret
and to the gradient of the scalar potential
=q ret
the electric field is
=q -
ret ret
To get this into more standard form, write
[( x - )x ]=( - ) - (1 - )
which shows that the numerator of the second term can be rewritten to give
=q ret + ret
which agrees with Jackson Eq. 14.14.
x =
-q ret - ret
= (20)
-q ret - ret
and comparing with Eq. 17 the magnetic induction is
=[ x ] ret (21)
which agrees with Jackson Eq. 14.13.
4 Larmor formula
To find the radiation from the moving particle as a function of its time, look far from the
particle for fields that go like r - 1. These are given by the last term in the field expressions
above. The energy radiated into solid angle d in time interval dt is given by the
Poynting vector at large distances, or
dE =
( x )dtd
= (22)
dtd .
Generally we are not interested in the energy detected by an observer in time interval dt
far from our charge. Rather we are interested in the amount of energy the particle loses to
radiation in a particular direction during a change in the particles time. That is, we want
dE/dtparticle not dE/dt , and since the particle is evaluated at the retarded time, the power
radiated into solid angle d by the particle is then
= (23)
where the extra factor 1 - is dt/dtret calculated above. This is Jackson Eq. 14.38.
| x [( - )x ]|2 = ( )2(1 + )-( )2 - 2( )2 + 2 -( )2 - ( [ x ])2
Taking the z axis along , the integrations are trivial and the integrals needed to find
the total power radiated are of the form
= (25)
with the results
d 1+ )
= (26)
d .
= (27)
5 Nonrelativistic Limit
Taking the nonrelativistic limit where 1 , the angular distribution and the total
power radiated are the Larmor results
| x |2
P = (28)
| |2 .
It is considerably easier to derive these results from the potentials by taking their
nonrelativistic limit first and dropping the velocity dependent terms in the derivatives.
Taking the curl will give the magnetic induction. Since derivatives of R will give terms
that go like 1/r 2 etc., they will not contribute to the radiation field. Derivatives of R with
respect to tret will give terms higher order in the velocity, and these can be dropped in the
nonrelativistic limit. The only term that survives is the derivative of the velocity in the
numerator of with respect to tret and the gradient of ctret gives - . The radiation field
for nonrelativistic motion is therefore
( ,t) - .
With dtret/dt = 1 nonrelativistically, the radiated power per solid angle is
= | ( ,t)|2 = | x |2
and integrating over solid angle gives the usual Larmor formula.