ICT Mumbai B.Chem - Engg Syllabus
ICT Mumbai B.Chem - Engg Syllabus
ICT Mumbai B.Chem - Engg Syllabus
The Institute is revamping its academic structure. All the courses will be credit based and the evaluation will be grade based.
Due to these academic reforms the Regulation R.9, passed by the Senate in its meeting held on 10 th May 2007 stands repeal and is
replaced by the new Regulation R.9.
Credit system is a systematic way of describing an educational programme by attaching credits to its components. The
definition of credits may be based on different parameters, such as student workload, learning outcomes and contact hours. It is a
student-centric system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme. It should facilitate
academic recognition of the courses and mobility of the students. Credits assignment is based on the principle that Credits can only be
obtained after successful completion of the work required and appropriate assessment of the learning outcomes achieved. As per the
AICTE norms 2L/week of lectures are 2 credits, while 2h/week of practicals/tutorials are1 credit. This may be taken as the basis.
Student workload consists of the time required to complete all prescribed learning activities such as attendance at lectures/practicals,
seminars, projects, etc. Credits are allocated to all the educational components of a study programme and indicate the quantity of work
each component requires to achieve its specific objectives.
Evaluation is an important component of any teaching-learning process. The Institute gives emphasis on continuous evaluation with
considerable freedom to the teacher in deciding the mode of evaluation of the students. The performance of the student is documented
by a grade at the end of the semester. The grading scale ranks the students on a statistical basis. Therefore, statistical data on student
performance is a prerequisite for applying the grading system.
2. Course Credits
In general a certain quantum of work measured in terms of credits is laid down as the requirement for a particular degree.
The student acquires credits by passing courses every semester, the amount of credit associated with a course being dependent upon
the number of hours of instruction per week in that course.
There are mainly two types of courses in the Institute - lecture courses and laboratory courses. Lecture courses consist of lecture
(L) and tutorial (T) hours. Laboratory courses consist of practical (P) hours. The credit (C) for a course is dependent on the number of
hours of instruction per week in that course, as given below:
(1) 1h/week of lecture (L) or tutorial (T) = 1 credit
(2) 2h/week of Practicals (P) = 1 credit
(3) Credit (C) for a theory course = No. of hours of lectures per week +
No. of hours of tutorials per week = L + T
(4) Credits (C) for a Laboratory course =
½ x No. of hours of laboratory course per week
Credits will be assigned to In-plant, Seminar, Projects and other mandatory course requirements also and these will be mentioned
in the respective syllabi. There may be some non-credit requirements. A student is required to earn credits as mentioned in the
3. Evaluation
(a) The candidates who obtain 40% and more marks of the total marks of a subject head shall be deemed to have passed the respective
subject head.
(b) The candidates who obtain marks less than 40% of the total marks of a subject head shall be deemed to have failed in the
respective subject head (Grade FF).
3.5 Grades:
(a) The performance of a student shall be documented by a Letter grade. Each letter grade has a Grade point associated with it.
The Grades and Grade points shall be assigned to each head of passing and both will be indicated in the mark-list of the semester
(c) The total marks (in-semester + end-semester) of a candidate in a subject head are converted into a letter grade, based on the relative
(and some times the absolute) performance of the student.
Letter Grade
Grade Point
AA 10
AB 9
BB 8
BC 7
CC 6.5
CD 6
DD 5.5
EE 5
(d) For granting class a grade point of 6.0 and above will be considered equivalent to First class.
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(c) The grades to be allotted in the case of students who fail or do not appear at the end-semester examination shall be as under.
- provided he/she intimates the same (i or ii) at least 7 days in advance of the
commencement of the end-semester examination for the respective year.
(d) Grades FF and I are place-holders only and do not enter into CPI/SPI calculations directly. These grades get converted to one of
the regular grades after the end-semester examination.
(e) A candidate with an FR grade is not eligible for any repeat examination in that course and has to re-register for that semester by
paying the appropriate fees.
(f) I grade will not be continued beyond the permissible number of end-semester/repeat examinations [Refer to current Regulation
R.9 (9) and R.9 (10)].In the six consecutive exams conducted by the institute, irrespective of whether the candidate fails to take any of
these exams.
(g) ‘XX' Grade: The grade XX in a course is awarded if – (i) candidate does not maintain the minimum 75% attendance in the
Lecture/Tutorial/Practical classes, (ii) candidate receives less than 20% of the combined marks assigned for continuous assessment
and mid-semester examination, and (iii) candidate indulges in a misconduct/uses unfair means in the examination, assignments, etc.,
of a nature serious enough to invite disciplinary action in the opinion of the teacher.
(Note: Award of the XX grade in the case of g(iii) above shall be done by Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC)).
(h) The names/roll numbers of students to be awarded the XX grade should be communicated by the teacher to the Academic office
as per academic calendar before the last date of submission of the application for end-semester examination.
The grading scale ranks the students on a statistical basis on the basis of the overall performance of the students of a given class
in the given subject head. Therefore, statistical data on students’ performance is a prerequisite for applying the grading system. While
assigning grades in a given subject head, it is essential to know the average marks (AM) obtained by the students who have passed
the subject head and the highest marks (HM) obtained in the same subject head.
3.6.1. If the average marks (AM) obtained by the students who have passed the subject head is <60%, the interval AM shall be
awarded grade CC and the other grades shall be decided as follows:
(i) AA, AB, BB, and BC grades shall be decided between the AM and HM by dividing the range in equal intervals.
(ii) CD, DD and EE grades shall be decided between the AM and minimum marks required for passing the head (i.e. 40%) by
dividing the range in equal intervals.
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3.6.2. If the average marks (AM) obtained by the students who have passed the subject head is such that 60% ≤ AM < 70%, the
interval AM shall be awarded grade BC and the other grades shall be decided as follows:
(i) AA, AB, BB grades shall be decided between the AM and HM by dividing the range in equal intervals.
(ii) CC, CD, DD and EE grades shall be decided between the AM and minimum marks required for passing the head (i.e.
40%) by dividing the range in equal intervals.
3.6.3. If the average marks (AM) obtained by the students who have passed the subject head is ≥ 70%, the interval AM shall be
awarded grade BB and the other grades shall be decided as follows:
(i) AA and AB grades shall be decided between the AM and HM by dividing the range in equal intervals.
(ii) BC CC, CD, DD and EE grades shall be decided between the AM and minimum marks required for passing the head (i.e. 40%)
by dividing the range in equal intervals.
(a) Semester Performance Index (SPI): The performance of a student in a semester is indicated by Semester Performance Index
(SPI), which is a weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses taken by the student in the semester and scaled to a
maximum of 10. (SPI is to be calculated upto two decimal places.)
A Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) will be computed for each semester as follows:
�n �
� � cg �
� i i�
i =1
SGPA = � �
� n �
� � c �
� i�
� i =1 �
‘n’ is the number of subjects for the semester,
‘ci’ is the number of credits allotted to a particular subject, and
‘gi’ is the grade-points awarded to the student for the subject based on his performance as per the above table.
SGPA will be rounded off to the second place of decimal and recorded as such.
(b) Cumulative Performance Index (CPI): An up to date assessment of the overall performance of a student from the time he
entered the Institute is obtained by calculating Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) of a student. The CPI is weighted average of
the grade points obtained in all the courses registered by the student since he entered the Institute. CPI is also calculated at the end of
every semester (upto two decimal places). .
Starting from the first semester at the end of each semester (S), a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be computed as
�m �
� � cg �
� i i�
CGPA = �i = 1 �
�m �
�� i �
� �
� i =1 �
‘m’ is the total number of subjects from the first semester onwards up to and including the semester S,
‘ci’ is the number of credits allotted to a particular subject, and
‘gi’ is the grade-points awarded to the student for the subject based on his performance as per the above table.
CGPA will be rounded off to the second place of decimal and recorded as such.
(c) The CGPA, SGPA and the grades obtained in all the subjects in a semester will be communicated to every student at the end of
every semester / beginning of the next semester.
(d) When a student gets the grade ‘FF’, or I’ in any subject head during a semester, the SGPA and CGPA from that semester
onwards will be tentatively calculated, taking only ‘zero’ grade point for each such ‘FF’ or ‘I’ grade. When the ‘FF’ grade(s) has /
have been substituted by better grades after the repeat examination or subsequent semester examination, the SGPA and CGPA will be
recomputed and recorded.
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5. Repeat End-Semester Examination
5.1. For those candidates who fail in a subject head or are eligible for appearing at the repeat examination, Repeat End-Semester
Examination will be conducted within one month from the declaration of the results of regular end-semester examination, as per
Regulation R.14.
5.2. The marks obtained by candidates in the in-semester examinations (continuous assessment and periodic test) will be carried
forward in such cases.
5.3. Grading the performance in the Repeat Examination: The grades will be assigned as per 3.5 and 3.6 above. However, for a
candidate taking any repeat examination or subsequent regular semester examination or performance improvement examination shall
be awarded one grade lower than that decided on the basis of the actual marks obtained; provided ‘EE’ grade obtained in such an
examination shall remain ‘EE’. For reference see the table below.
Grade obtained in
repeat or subsequent Grade to be
Grade point
end-semester assigned
AA AB 9.0
AB BB 8.0
BB BC 7.0
BC CC 6.5
CC CD 6.0
CD DD 5.5
DD EE 5.0
EE EE 5.0
5.4. Revaluation of end-semester and repeat examination: Candidate’s performance in these examinations will be displayed on
proper notice board and after 3 days of such display the marks will be sent to the Academic Office. No revaluation of these
examinations will be allowed.
A candidate shall be declared eligible for the award of a degree, if he/she has cleared all the semester examinations as given in (6)
8.1 A candidate who has I grade in one or more heads of passing of an odd semester of an academic year shall be allowed to keep
terms for the respective even semester.
8.2. A candidate shall be allowed to keep terms for the subsequent academic year if he/she has FF or I grades in not more than two
heads of passing from all the heads of passing of the two terms of the previous academic year taken together. Such a candidate shall be
declared as FAILED, ATKT.
8.3. A candidate who has not cleared Semester-I and II as per clause 6 above shall not be eligible to register for semester-V and VI.
8.4. A candidate who has not cleared Semester-III and IV as per clause 6 above shall not eligible to register for semester-VII and VIII
9. Repeating a course
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9.1 A student is required to repeat the course of a subject head under the following situations:
(a) A student who gets an XX, FR, or DR grade in a course; or
(b) A student has exhausted all permissible chances to clear the subject head.
9.2 A candidate from second, third and fourth years who remains absent for the regular end-semester examination of a semester and
the corresponding repeat examination for ALL SUBJECTS shall have to take fresh admission for the corresponding year; unless the
candidate has dropped out / terminated from the course.
9.3 If a candidate at the Second, Third or Fourth year fails to pass any semester examination in not more than 4 consecutive
examinations, including the repeat examinations, from the date of registering for the respective year, the candidate shall have to take
readmission for the corresponding year again in which the failure has occurred, provided the course is not changed.
A candidate will be allowed to appear at the entire examination after the regular end-semester examination as per the respective
rules to improve the performance. In such a case if the result of the examination repeated –
1. Is better than the previous one, the previous result shall be declared null and void; and
2. Is worse than the previous one, the result of the subsequent examination shall not be declared.
3. However, awarding of final grade will be made under the provision of sub clause 5.3 above.
11. Exit rules for poorly performing students
(a) If he/she fails to pass any semester examination of the any year of the course in not more than four consecutive attempts
(Examination conducted by Institute) from the date of joining the course.
(b) If he/she does not keep two consecutive terms without giving any reasonable justification (as prescribed by the institute) for doing
(c) If a candidate fails to fulfill all the requirements of his/her respective degree within the prescribed period from the date of taking
admission to the course, the candidate shall be excluded from the course.
12. Miscellaneous
(a) Although CPI will be given in the Semester grade report, the final degree certificate will not mention any Class whatsoever.
(b) Not withstanding anything said above if a course is revised /restructured then transient provisions applicable at the time of revision
/restructuring shall be applicable.
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Proposed Syllabus Details for B. Chemical Engineering Course
Semester I Semester II
No Subjects Hours/ Total No. Subjects Hours/ Total
Week Marks* Week Marks*
1. Inorganic Chemistry 2 50 1. Organic Chemistry-II 3 100
2. Organic Chemistry-I 3 100 2. Analytical Chemistry 2 50
3. Applied Mathematics-I 2 100 3. Material & Energy Balance Calculations 2 100
4. Applied Physics – I 3 100 4. Applied Mathematics-II 2 100
TOTAL: 10 350 5. Applied Physics – II 2 50
5. Engineering Graphics-I 6 100 TOTAL: 11 400
6. Physics Laboratory 3 50 6. Engineering Applications of Computers 3 50
7. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 3 50 7. Organic Chemistry Laboratory 3 50
8. Organic Chemistry Laboratory 3 50 8. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 3 50
TOTAL: 15 250 9. Communication Skills 3 50
9. Tutorials: Inorganic Chemistry 1 TOTAL: 12 200
10. Tutorials: Organic Chemistry-I 1 10. Tutorials: Organic Chemistry-II 1
11. Tutorials: Appl. Physics – I 1 11. Tutorials: Analytical Chemistry 1
12. Tutorials: Appl. Maths – I 2 12. Tutorials: Appl. Physics – II 1
30 600 13. Tutorials: Appl. Maths – II 2
14. Tutorials: M. E. B. C. 2
30 600
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Semester V Semester VI
No. Subjects Hours Total No. Subjects Hours Total
/week Marks* /week Marks*
1. Industrial & Engg. Chemistry 3 100 1. Materials Technology 2 50
2. Heat Transfer 2 50 2. Multiphase Reaction Engineering 2 50
3. Chemical Reaction Eng. 2 100 3. Environmental Engg & Process Safety 2 100
4. Separation Processes 2 50 4. Instrumentation and Process Control 2 50
5. Biochemical Engineering 2 50 5. Elective-II 2 50
TOTAL: 11 350 TOTAL: 10 300
6. Chem. Eng. Laboratory 6 100 6. Chem. Eng. Laboratory 6 100
7. Process Simulation Lab – I 3 50 7. Process Simulation Lab – II 3 50
TOTAL: 9 150 8. Equipment Design and Drawing-I 3 50
8. Tutorials: Ind. & Eng. Chemistry 1 TOTAL: 12 200
9. Tutorials: Heat Transfer 1 9. Tutorials: Env. Eng.& Process Safety 1
10. Tutorials: Chem. Reaction Engg. 2 10. Tutorials: Multiphase Reaction Eng. 1
11. Tutorials: Separation Processes 1 11. Tutorials: Instru. & Process Control 1
12. Tutorials: Biochem. Engg. 1 12. Tutorials: Material Technology 1
26 500 13. Tutorials: Elective – II 1
27 500
No. Subjects Credits Hrs/week Marks
L T P Continuous Assessment Periodic Test Final Exam Total
CHT Organic Chemistry-II 4 3 1 0 30 30 40 100
CHT Analytical Chemistry 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CET Material & Energy Balance 4 2 2 0 30 30 40 100
1501 Calculations
MAT Applied Mathematics-II 4 2 2 0 30 30 40 100
PYT Applied Physics – II 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
MAP Engineering Applications of 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
1201 Computers
CHP Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
1232 – II
CHP Analytical Chemistry 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
1222 Laboratory
HUP Communication Skills 2 0 0 3 50 --- --- 50
Total 26 11 7 12 600
No. Subjects Credits Hrs/week Marks
L T P Continuous Assessment Periodic Test Final Exam Total
GE 201 Energy Engineering 4 3 1 0 30 30 40 100
GE 401 Electrical Engineering and 4 3 1 0 30 30 40 100
CET Chemical Engineering 4 2 2 0 30 30 40 100
1401 Operations
MA 105 Applied Mathematics IV 4 2 2 0 30 30 40 100
CET Chem. Eng. 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
1302 Thermodynamics-II
GE 102 Engineering Graphics -II 4 0 0 6 50 --- 50 100
GE 402 Electrical Engineering and 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
Electronics Laboratory
Total 25 12 7 9 600
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Thermodynamics, P. K. Nag
Heat Engines, P. L. Ballany
Heat Engines, Vasnandani
Heat Engines, Wrangham
I.C. Engines, Morse
Heat Engines, Patel and Karamchandani
Refrigeration, C. P. Arora
Theory of Machines, Beevan
Theory of Machines, Ballany
2. GE 401 – Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Electrical Engineering:
Steady state and transient response of RC, RL and RLC circuits 4
Three phase system of emfs and currents, Star and Delta connections, 4
Three phase power measurement.
Single phase transformers, Principle of working, regulation. 6
A.C.Motors: Working Principles of synchronous and induction motors, 8
their characteristics and starting methods.
Electrical Tariff 4
Power factor improvement. 6
Functional Characteristics of Diode, rectifiers 4
Characteristics of transistors and transistor amplifiers 6
Cathode ray oscilloscope. 2
Digital circuits. 4
Introduction to thyristors. 6
Introduction to (Operational amplifiers) and their applications. 6
Reference books:
Electrical Technology by B.L.Theraja, A.K.Theraja vol I,II,IV
Electronic devices and circuits by Allen Mottershed
Electrical Machines by Nagrath, Kothari
Electronic devices and circuits by Boylstead, Nashelsky
Digital Electronics by Millman, Tob
3. CET 1401 – Chemical Engineering Operations
Absorption: Solubility, choice of solvent, concept of rate approach and stagewise approach, countercurrent and
co-current multistage operations, dilute and concentrated systems, process design of absorption equipments,
performance evaluation of absorbers. Plate and packed columns, packing characteristics / selection.
Distillation : Fundamentals of vapours - liquid equilibrium, Henry's, Raoult's and Dalton's laws; boiling point 8
and dew point curves, X - Y and T-X-Y diagram, partial vaporisation / condensation, performance
evaluation of distillation columns including reboilers and condensers Flash; differential and steam distillation,
staged calculation using McCabe -Thiele method. Batch distillation - Binary systems, constant product /
constant reflux operation. Advanced topics in batch distillation. Distillation: Staged calculations using
enthalpy - concentration diagram, multicomponent distillation
Design aspects of packed columns: sizing, packing selection, design of other internals, efficiency
Design aspects of tray columns: regime of operation in tray towers, sizing of tray towers, efficiency and
entrainment calculations
Drying : Wet bulb, dry bulb and adiabatic saturation temperatures, humidity, drying mechanism, drying rate 8
curves, estimation of drying time and process design of dryers e.g. spray, rotary, tunnel, tray, fluid bed and thin
film, performance evaluation of dryers
Evaporation: Theory of boiling and evaporation, nucleate and film boiling, B.P. rise, expressions for heat 6
transfer coefficients, types of evaporators, multiple effect evaporations and steam economy. Performance
evaluation of evaporators
Humidification/Dehumidification and Cooling Tower: Definitions, usage of psychometric chart, 6
temp/humidity, enthalpy/humidity chart, air conditioning, method of changing humidity and equipments,
cooling tower process design, counter-current, co-current and cross current, mass and heat balances in bulk
and interfaces, estimation of air quality, performance evaluation of cooling towers.
Filtration and Centrifugation : Mechanism of filtration, basic equation, constant volume, constant pressure 8
filtration, rate expressions with cake and filter cloth resistances, compressible and incompressible cakes,
process design of filtration equipments and their performance evaluation, plate and frame, Nutsch, rotary,
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vacuum. Theory of centrifugal separation, design equations, centrifuge types, and performance evaluation.
Leaching: Solid-liquid extraction: Solid - liquid equilibria, efficiency, performance evaluation 6
Size reduction of solids, energy for size reduction, Kick's, Bond's and Rittinger's law, work index, particle size 3
distributions, crushing equipment, their working and energy requirements e.g. Jaw crusher, hammer mill, ball
mill, pulverisers, micronizers
Types of classifiers, sieving operations, types of sieving (dry, wet, vibro), magnetic separators, and froth 8
Reference Books: 7
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, McCabe W. L., Smith J.C., Harriot P.
Chemical Engineering vol. 1 - 7 Coulson Richardson
Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Dutta, B.K.
Fundamentals of Modelling and Separation Processes, Holland C.D.
Fundamentals of Multicomponent Distillation, Holland C.D.
Distillation, Kister H.Z.
Mass Transfer Operations, Treybal R.E.
Mass Transfer Sherwood T.K.
Separation Processes, King J. C.
4. MA 105 – Applied Mathematics IV
Introduction to Optimization 4
Classical Optimization Techniques 6
Linear Programming: Simplex Method, Revised Simplex Method,
Other Advanced Methods 6
Non-Linear Programming 16
Geometric Programming, 4
Dynamic Programming, 4
Integer Programming, 4
Stochastic Programming, 4
Genetic Algorithms, Simulated annealing, 6
Neural network based methods, etc. 6
Reference Books:
Engineering Optimization: theory and practices, S.S. Rao, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
Optimization of Chemical Processes, T.F. Edger & D.M. Himmelblau, McGraw- Hill.
Optimization: Theory and practices, M. C. Joshi, Kannan M. Moudgalya, Narosa
Optimization for Engineering Design, K. Deb, Prentice Hall, India
Artificial Neural Network –A comprehensive Foundation, Simon Haykin, Pearson Education.
Elements of artificial neural networks with selected applications in chemical engineering, and chemical &
biological sciences, Sanjeev S Tambe; B D Kulkarni; Pradeep B Deshpande, Louisville, KY, USA
Handbook of genetic Algorithm, L. Davis, New York Van Nostrand Reinhold
Genetic Algorithm+Data Structure=Evolution Programme, Z. Michaleuwicz, Springer-Verlag
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, R. K. Belew and M. D. Vose, San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, David E. Goldberg, Addison-Wesley
5. CET 1302 – Chem. Eng. Thermodynamics-II
General equations of equilibrium. Vapor - liquid equilibrium in miscible Binary and multicomponent systems.
Models for liquid phase. Prediction and correlation of activity coefficients. 4
Calculations of flash, isobaric X-Y diagrams. Modified Raoults Law 8
Group contribution methods for activity coefficients. 4
Azeotropy. 4
Vapor - liquid equilibria in systems with partially miscible liquid phase. Liquid - liquid equilibria. 2
Solubility of gases in non-polar and polar liquids, and aqueous solutions. Effect of temperature, pressure on 5
solubility of gases.
Solubility of solids in liquids. 3
Chemical reaction equilibria in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. 2
Methods for equilibria in complex multireacton systems. 7
Reference Books: 6
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Sandler S.I.
Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid Phase Equilibria, Prausnitz J.M.
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Smith Van Ness
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Daubert T.E.
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Balzhiser R.E
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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Dodge B.F.
Properties of Gases and Liquids Reid R.C. and Sherwood T.K.
6. GE 102 – Engineering Graphics -II
Use of AUTOCAD or similar softwares for Engineering Graphics
Bearing, shaft and shaft couplings, keys, cotters, pin. Pulleys, stuffing boxes, cottered joints and knuckle
joints. Various flanges and pipe connections. Valves, cocks, traps. Fixed and flexible joints. Expansion
joints and bellows. Different types welded joints.
7. GE 402 – Electrical Engineering and Electronics Laboratory
Suitable no. of experiments out of the following will be conducted :
Electrical Engineering :
Study of RLC circuits
Load test on transformer
Load test on induction motor
Study of 3 phase circuits with (a) Star connected load (b) Delta connected load
Electronics :
Study of C.R.O. and its applications.
Study of half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier circuits
and study of their input and output wave on C.R.O.
Study of input and output characteristics of a transistor.
Study of various logic gates and their application in logic circuits.
Study of UJT and UJT relaxation oscillator.
Study of operational amplifier circuits
No. Subjects Credits Hrs /week Marks
L T P Continuous Assessment Periodic Test Final Exam Total
CET Industrial & Engineering 4 3 1 0 30 30 40 100
1502 Chemistry
CET Heat Transfer 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CET Chemical Reaction Engineering 4 2 2 0 30 30 40 100
CET Separation Processes 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CET Biochemical Engineering 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CEP Chem. Eng. Laboratory 4 0 0 6 50 --- 50 100
CEP Process Simulation Lab – I 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
Total 23 11 6 9 500
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Classification, sampling, analysis, and selection of coal. Carbonisation and complete gasification of coal.
Fuel oil specifications. Combustion of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels.
Reference Books:
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Kirk Othmer
Ulmann’s encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
Industrial Organic Chemistry, Weissermel
From Hydrocarbons to Petrochemicals, Hatch L.F. and Matar S.
Chemical Process Industries, Shreve B, Austin
Chemical Process Technology, Moulijn, M. and van Dippen.
2. CET 1102 – Heat Transfer
Steady state and unsteady state conduction, Fourier’s law, Concepts of resistance to heat transfer and the heat
transfer coefficient. Heat transfer in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, Insulation,
critical radius. 4
Convective heat transfer in laminar and turbulent boundary layers. Theories of heat transfer and analogy
between momentum and heat transfer. Heat transfer by natural convection. 4
Heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow in circular pipes: Double pipe heat exchangers: Concurrent,
counter-current and cross flows, mean temperature difference, NTU – epsilon method for exchanger
evaluation. 4
Shell and tube heat exchangers: Basic construction and features, TEMA exchanger types, their nomenclature,
choice of exchanger type, correction to mean temperature difference due to cross flow, multipass exchangers.
Design methods for shell and tube heat exchangers such as Kern Method, Bell – Delaware method 10
Finned tube exchangers, air-cooled cross flow exchangers and their process design aspects 4
Compact Exchangers: Plate, Plate fin, Spiral, etc.: Construction, features, advantages, limitations and their
process design aspects 2
Condensation of vapours: theoretical prediction of heat transfer coefficients, practical aspects, horizontal
versus vertical condensation outside tubes, condensation inside tubes, Process Design aspects of total
condensers, condensers with de-superheating and subcooling, condensers of multicomponent mixture,
condensation of vapours in presence of non-condensables. 6
Heat transfer to boiling liquids: Process design aspects of evaporators, natural and forced circulation reboilers 4
Heat transfer in agitated vessels: coils, jackets, limpet coils, calculation of heat transfer coefficients, heating
and cooling times, applications to batch reactors and batch processes 4
Basics of Radiative heat transfer and application to Furnace Design 3
Reference Books:
Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Knudsen and Katz
Process Heat Transfer, Kern D.Q.
Heat Exchangers, Kakac S., Bergles A.E., Mayinger F.
Process Heat Transfer, G. Hewitt
3. CET 1201 – Chemical Reaction Engineering
Kinetics of homogeneous reactions, Interpretation of batch reactor data, Single ideal reactors, Design for
single and multiple reactions, Temperature and pressure effects, 20
Non ideal flow, Micro and macromixing of fluids. 10
Non-Catalytic Fluid-particle reactions, 10
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Kinetics of Solid Catalyzed Reactions. Design of gas – solid
catalytic reactors 20
Reference Books:
Chemical Reaction Engineering, O. Levenspiel
Chemical Engineering Kinetics Smith J.M.
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Scott Foggler
Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, Froment G.F., Bischoff K.B.
4. CET 1402 – Separation Processes
Liquid-Liquid Extraction Solvent selections, ternary liquid equilibria, staged calculations, spray columns,
packed, and plate columns, multistage extraction columns, mixer - settlers, analysis on solvent - free basis.
Performance evaluation of extractors 12
Adsorptive Separations and Ion Exchange: Adsorption isotherms, industrial adsorbents with their
characteristics, breakthrough curve, adsorption columns 12
Membrane Separation Processes: Fundamentals, gas separations, Microfiltration, ultrafiltration, Reverse
osmosis, nanofiltration, pervaporation, membrane modules, design of membrane systems 11
Crystallisation: Theory of solubility and crystallisation, phase diagram (temp/solubility relationship),
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population balance analysis, method of moments for rate expressions for, volume, area and length growth,
CSD distribution, MSMPR operation, evaporative and cooling (rate expressions) , most dominant size, ideal
classified bed, melt crystallisation, process design of crystallisers and their operation 10
Reference Books:
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, McCabe W. L., Smith J.C., Harriot P.
Chemical Engineering vol. 1 - 7 Coulson Richardson
Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Dutta, B.K.
Fundamentals of Modelling and Separation Processes, Holland C.D.
Mass Transfer Operations, Treybal R.E.
Adsorption Technology, Slejko,
Mass Transfer Sherwood T.K.
Separation Processes, King J. C.
Transport Mechanisms in Membrane Separation Processes, Bitter J. G. A.
Membrane Technology and Applications, Baker R.
Membrane Processes, Rautenbach R., Albreacht R.
Membrane Separations Technology, Hoffman E. J.
Synthetic Membrane Processes: fundamentals and water applications, Belfort G.
5. CET 1202 – Biochemical Engineering:
Introduction to Biotechnology: Role of chemical engineers in biotechnology 2
Enzymology: Structure function relations of enzymes; Classification, Enzyme kinetics, inhibition and
regulation Mechanism of Enzyme action, Enzyme purification and characterization, Coenzymes 8
Basic of Genetic Engineering and Tissue Culture : Recombinant DNA technology Gene cloning, Plant and
animal cell cultures for the production of biochemicals, monoclonal antibodies 8
Enzyme Technology and Bioprocess Development: Enzymes as industrial catalysts; Immobilized enzymes,
and cells. 6
Biochemical process development and bioreactors using biological catalysts, Analytical applications, medical
applications, Integration of downstream processing with bioprocessing 4
Kinetics of microbial growth, models and simulations, Batch and continuous culture, Mixed microbial
culture , Transport phenomena in bioreactions and bioreactors 8
Fundamentals of fermentation-submerged fermentation, Fermenter design and basic biochemical
engineering aspects of fermentation
Reactor design for biochemical reactions and scale up, Process Design for bioproducts, Bioreactor design,
Scale up of bioreactions/reactors, 9
Reference Books:
Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, Bailey and Olis
Biotransformations and Bioprocesses, Doble,Anilkumar and Gaikar, Marcel Dekker
6. CEP 1701 – Chem. Eng. Laboratory
Flow through pipes, coils and fittings. Flow meters, orifice, venturi, rotameter and turbine meter. Flow
through packed beds. Two phase flow. Compressors, blowers and pumps. Sedimentation. Fluidization.
Solid-liquid separation. Mixing. Heat transfer in shell and tube, and plate heat exchangers. Heat transfer in
packed and fluidized beds. Evaporators. Unsteady state heat transfer.
Suitable number of experiments from the above list will be performed
7. CEP 1702 – Process Simulation Lab – I
Several Examples from Chemical Engineering fields to be solved using self-developed programmes. The
examples include, simulation of reactors with multiple reactions (heat and material balances), conduction /
diffusion, stagewise calculations for unit operations, dynamics of linear and non-linear systems, simulation of
heat transfer equipment, optimisation of equipment, process and plant. Computational fluid dynamics. Use of
design softwares.
No. Subjects Credits Hrs/week Marks
L T P Continuous Assessment Periodic Test Final Exam Total
CET Materials Technology 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CET Multiphase Reaction Engineering 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CET Environmental Engineering and 4 2 2 0 30 30 40 100
1503 Process Safety
22 of 41
No. Subjects Credits Hrs/week Marks
L T P Continuous Assessment Periodic Test Final Exam Total
CET Instrumentation and Process 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
1703 Control
CE Elective-II 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CEP Chem. Eng. Laboratory 4 0 0 6 50 --- 50 100
CEP Process Simulation Lab – II 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
GE 103 Equipment Design and Drawing- 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
Total 24 10 6 12 500
23 of 41
Air-Pollution control: SOX, NOX emissions and their control, Particulate matter control 6
Water- Pollution: Water quality standards, discharge standards, types of pollutants, physical, biological, and
chemical examination techniques. 4
Coagulation and flocculation, filtration (sand, gravity, fluidized sand etc.), clarification (clarifier design,
Lamella clarifier etc.) 2
Biological treatment: Design procedures, HRT, CRT, SVI, MLSS etc., Activated Sludge Process, trickling
filters, types of aerators and their efficiency of oxygen transfer. 10
Tertiary Treatment Processes: Membrane processes, Adsorption and ion exchange, Root-Zone, chlorination,
ozonation 6
Chemical treatment: Chemical oxidation, wet air oxidation, incineration. 2
Treatment of solid and hazardous wastes: Toxics, nuclear, land fill. 2
Introduction to SHE analysis, Life cycle analysis (LCA), ISO 14000, Environmental Audit/ Statutory
Regulations. 4
Industrial hygiene and safety aspects related to toxicity, noise, pressure, temperature, vibrations, radiations,
etc. Explosions including dust, vapour cloud, and mist explosions. 2
Hazard identification, assessment and safety audit including ETA, FTA and Dow fire and explosion index.
HAZOP, HAZAN and consequence analysis. 4
Safety aspects related to (i) transport handling and storage of flammable liquids and gases and toxic materials
(ii) Process equipment including piping (fire, static electricity, pressure, temperature, etc.) Safety aspects at
process development and design stage. Reliability engineering. Hazard mitigation systems Emergency
planning. Case studies. 6
Reference Books:
Wastewater Engineering, Metcalf and Eddy
Industrial and Pollution Engineering, Cavaseno, VinCene N.T.
Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, Rao C.S.
Environmental Engineering, Peavy H. S.
Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals and Applications, Crawl D.A., Louver J.F.
Schaum series
4. CET 1703 – Instrumentation and Process Control
Principles of measurement, principles of transductions., Measurement of pressure; Temperature Level and
flow measuring devices, composition measurements, selection of sensors, Electrical/Electronic/PLC control
systems 4
Introduction to system dynamics, concept of dynamic response, linear systems, First, second and higher order
system, systems with dead time definition of terms such as transfer function, time constant, gain of the process
with practical examples. Response of the process to standard inputs. 8
Introduction to process control: set point, disturbance, closed loop and open loop control, feedback and feed
forward configurations, types of controllers, Poles and zeros of the transfer functions. The effects of controller
action on process response: offset, closed-loop gain, controller gain effect of controller parameters. Stability
Analysis 10
Design of controllers using criteria such as quarter decay, ISE, IAE, ITAE 2
Design of controllers using open loop response, Zigler-Nichols approach, experimental determination of
process model. 6
Introduction of frequency response technique, 2
Design of controllers using frequency response technique, analysis of the systems for stability, Bode and
Nyquist stability criterion. 4
Multiple loop control systems, cascade control design, ratio control, feed forward control designs 2
Introduction to multivariable control system, identification of interaction, design of controllers in interactions,
elimination of interactions 4
Control strategies for common industrial processes such distillation, heat exchangers, etc. Control strategies
for Batch processes 3
Reference Books:
Chemical Process Control An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Stephanopolous G.
Instrumentation in Process Industries, Liptak B.G.
Process Control Systems Shinsky F.G.
Process Systems Analysis and Control, Coughanour and Koppel
Process Modelling, Simulation, and Control for Chemical Engineers, Luyben
Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control, Smith C.A., Corripio A.B.
5. CE – Elective-II
Candidate will have to choose one of the elective subjects offered for that semester from the elective subjects.
24 of 41
A consolidated list of all the elective subjects is given at the end.
6. CEP 1704 – Chem. Eng. Laboratory
Diffusion. Absorption in a packed column. Adsorption isotherms. Drying characteristics. Differential and
steam distillation. Homogeneous kinetics. Kinetics of polymerisation, performance of ideal and non-ideal
reactors. Characteristics of control valves. Controller calibration. Vapour-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium
studies. Calorific values of solid and gaseous fuels. Properties of liquid fuels. Proximate analysis of coal.
Study of spray nozzles, impellers, tower packings, dryers, filters, evaporators. Demonstration of some
phenomena, particularly in mixing, fluid mechanics, etc.
Suitable number of experiments from the above list will be performed.
7. CEP 1705 – Process Simulation Lab – II
Several Examples from Chemical Engineering fields to be solved using self-developed programmes. The
examples include, simulation of reactors with multiple reactions (heat and material balances), conduction /
diffusion, stagewise calculations for unit operations, dynamics of linear and non-linear systems, simulation of
heat transfer equipment, optimisation of equipment, process and plant. Computational fluid dynamics. Use of
design softwares.
8. GE 103 – Equipment Design and Drawing-I
Introduction to various codes used in CPI (Chemical Process Industry) and their application.
Basic Engineering design approach and selection of internal and external pressure vessels components such as
shell, end-closures, dished ends, flat ends, flanges, gaskets nozzles and manholes, etc.
Design of storage tanks for liquid and liquefied gases. Concept of site fabricated tanks. Non destructive
testing sonication, radiography and dye test for lead bonds vessel.
Drawing :
Fabrication drawings of pressure vessel component such as end-closure, nozzles, flanges, etc.
Storage vessel details with bottom layout and shell layout.
Reference Books:
Process Equipment Design, Joshi M.V.
No. Subjects Credits Hrs/week Marks
L T P Continuous Assessment Periodic Test Final Exam Total
CET Chemical Project Engg. & 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
1504 Economics
CET Process Engineering 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
HU 102 Perspectives of Society, Sci. 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
& Tech.
CE Elective – III 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CEP Chem. Eng. Laboratory 4 0 0 6 50 --- 50 100
CEP Process Simulation 2 0 0 3 25 --- 25 50
1707 Laboratory – III
CEP Project 1: Seminar 3 0 0 3 --- --- 30 (Report) 50
1708 20(Presentation)
CEP Project 2: Home Paper – I 3 0 0 3 30 (submissions) --- --- 50
1709 20(Presentation)
CEP Project 3: In-Plant Training 2 0 0 2 30 (Report) 50
1710 Evaluation and Community 20(Presentation)
Total 26 8 4 17 500
No. Subjects Credits Hrs /week Marks
L T P Continuous Assessment Periodic Test Final Exam Total
HU 103 Industrial Psychology and 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
Human Resource Management
HU 104 Industrial Management 4 2 2 0 30 30 40 100
MA 106 Design & Analysis of 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
CE Elective – IV 3 2 1 0 15 15 20 50
GE 104 Equipment Design and 4 0 0 6 50 --- 50 100
CEP Project 4: Home Paper – II 9 0 0 9 50 30(Report) 150
1711 70(Viva-Voce)
Total 26 8 5 15 500
28 of 41
Management of Organizational Behavior, Hersey, Blanchard, Johnson
Essentials of Organizational Behavior, S. Robbins
A Primer on Organizational Behavior, Bowditch and Buono
Managing Human Resources, Bach, S. 2005
Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach, Claydon, T and J. BeardwellFolger, R. and R.
Organisational Justice and Human Resource Management, Cropanzano,.
Foundation of Behavioral Research, Kerlinger, F.N.
2. HU 104 – Industrial Management
1. Introduction: Principles of Management, Evolution, Planning, Motivating, Controlling 6
2. Organisational Process and Behaviour :
Introduction and Meaning of Organisation, Organisation as a process, Span of Control, Authority,
Responsibility and Accountability, Delegation of authority, Decentralisation of authority,
Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness through self and others, Individual Personality & Behaviour, Perception,
Attitudes, Values and Aptitude, Frustration, Conflict, Organisational structure, Organisational culture,
Organisational transformation, Organisational Effectiveness and Assessment 16
3. Operations Management:
Production Management – Modern Approach,
Manufacturing / Operations Strategy – Principles & concept, Operations as competitive weapon -- Investment
strategy, Capacity strategy, Quality strategy, Technology strategy, Customer focus strategy, Facility location
strategy, Product flexibility strategy, Short delivery process strategy, Quick time delivery strategy), Concepts
of Productivity, its Measurement & Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Value Engineering, Business Process
World Class Manufacturing (WCM) - Principles & concepts, Systems, Processes & tools in WCM, Kanban,
JIT, Waste identification & elimination, Poka Yoke system, EHSS management in WCM, HR Dimensions in
WCM, WCM in reference to Indian industry and Indian scenario, Maintenance practices 15
4. Financial Management: Investment decisions, Linking investment to Product Life Cycle, Investment risk
analysis and risk control / mitigation, Balance sheet evaluation, Financial ratios & their evaluation /
significance, Cost control by variable analysis 6
5. Quality Management: Quality – concept / meaning, Modern approach to Quality Management, QA versus
QC, Deming’s 14 points of QM, TQM Principles & implementation, ISO 9001 – 2000 and other ISO 9000
quality standards, Quality By Design (QBD) 8
6. Technology Management: Strategies & their applications in industry, Business specifications versus
Technical specifications, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Introduction to Strategic Innovation 4
7. Others: Marketing management, Brand management, Supply chain management 5
Reference Books:
Industrial Management – I, Jhamb L. C. and Jhamb S.
Industrial Management, Spriegel U.S.
Production & Operations Management – An Applied Modern Approach, Joseph S. Martinich
Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, Richard B. Chase, F. Robert Jacobs, Nicholas Acquilano
Competitive Manufacturing Management Continuous Improvement, Lean Manufacturing & Customer-focused
Quality, John M. Nicholas
World Class Manufacturing - A strategic Perspective, B.S. Sahay, K.B.C. Saxena, Ashish Kumar
Quality Planning and Analysis, Juran and Gryna
Management Finance, Varanasay Murthy
Corporate Finance Management, Varanasay Murthy
Financial Management, Prasanna Chandra
Financial Management, R. M. Srivastava
Financial Management, Kuchhal S. C.
Quality Planning and Analysis, Juran
Essentials of Management,Koontz
Principles of Marketing, Kotler
3. MA 106 – Design and Analysis of Experiments
Overview of statistical analysis of data, Statistical inference. Tests of significance. Regression analysis.
Analysis of variance. 4
Quality control acceptance sampling. 2
Statistical design of experiments. Factorial design. Evolutionary Operation (EvOp) techniques, 12
Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Principal Component Analysis 12
Reference Books:
Response Surface Methodology: Process and Product Optimization using designed experiments, Myers R. H.,
29 of 41
Montgomery D.C.
Design and Analysis of Experiments, Montgomery D. C.
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Montgomery D. C.
Design of experiments in Chemical Engineering, Lazic Z.
The Theory of the design of experiments, Cox D. R.
4. CE – Elective – IV
Candidate will have to choose one of the elective subjects offered for that semester from the elective subjects.
A consolidated list of all the elective subjects is given at the end.
5. GE 104 – Equipment Design and Drawing – II
Mechanical specification of rotary machinery such as pumps, compressors, blowers, centrifuges, etc. Design of
lined vessels.
Mechanical Design of and fabrication drawings of agitated vessels, with internal pressure, Jackets, simple
limpet coil, etc. Shell and tube heat exchangers, Plate and packed towers with internals.
Supports .ladders etc. for the above equipment.
Specification sheets for Centrifugal, Soren and reciprocating Compressors, Blowers, Centrifuges, Pumps, gas,
steam condensing and extraction turbines.
Drawing :
Fabrication drawings of selected process equipment such as reaction vessels, and heat exchanges, distillation
column details, evaporator, piping drawings.
Drafting of Engineering flow sheets and P and I diagrams.
Reference Books:
Process Equipment Design, Joshi M.V.
6. CEP 1711 – Project 4: Home Paper - II
There would be two submissions: (iii) Process Design, (iv) P&ID, Mechanical design, Costing, feasibility. The
submissions will be presented to a panel of faculty members / examiners. The submissions would be given a
weightage of 50 marks. There will be a weightage of 60% for the submissions and 40% for the presentation.
Final report of the home paper would be given a weightage of 30 marks.
There will be a viva-voce after the submission of the report. The weightage for the viva-voce would be 70
Additional details are given at the end.
Additional Details for Project 1: Seminar
(These details are subject to change from time to time with permission from Dept Syllabus Committee)
1. The Seminar work is concerned with a detailed and critical review of an area of interest to Chemical Engineering.
Typically, the report should contain and will be evaluated based on the following points:
(i) Introduction: 2 pages maximum,
(ii) Exhaustive review of literature (including figures): 10 – 12 pages: 50% weightage
(iii) Critical analysis of the literature and comments on the analysis (including figures): 10 – 12 pages: 50% weightage. The critical
analysis of literature should include the following points: are the papers technically correct?; are assumptions reasonable; is the
reasoning logical? If you think it is not, specify what you think is incorrect and suggest the correct approach. Are the methods used in
the literature appropriate? Are there any internal contradictions or computational errors and are there any loopholes in the
observations? If so, please explain. Critical analysis of papers should also contain quantitative comparison of observations, results
and conclusion amongst the various papers.
2. One typed copy of the report on thesis size bond paper (297 mm x 210 mm) is to be submitted to Coordinator on time to be
deciced by coordinator. The detailed time-table for the presentation would be communicated later.
3. The report should be prepared using the Times Roman font (size 12) using 1 1/2 spacing leaving 1 inch margin on all sides
producing approximately 29 lines per page. The report should be typed on one side of the paper and need not be bound in a hard
cover binding. Figures and tables should be shown as a part of the running text. Each figure should be drawn inside a
rectangular box of 12 cm width and 10 cm height. The figures must be sufficiently clear and hand drawn figures will be
acceptable. Particular care must be taken if a figure is photocopied from source. Each figure must have a sequence number and
caption below. Each table must have a sequence number and title at the top.
4. Name of the student, title of the problem and year of examination must be indicated on the top cover. THE NAME OF THE
5. The report must be precise. All important aspects of the topic should be considered and reported. The total number of pages,
including tables, figures and references should not exceed 30. Chapters or subsections need not be started on new pages, while
getting the report typed.
6. Typographical errors in the report must be corrected by the student. The student will be discredited for any omission in the report.
All the symbols used in the text should be arranged in an alphabetical order and given separately after conclusions.
7. The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order of the names of authors. In the text the reference should be cited with
author's name and year. (author - date style) For example:
30 of 41
(i) The flow pattern in gas-liquid-solid fluidized bed has been reported in the published literature (Murooka et.al., 1982).
(ii) Murooka et.al. (1982) have measured flow patterns in gas-liquid-solid fluidized beds. The title of the article should also be
included. The references must be given in the following standard format.
(a) Format for listing references of articles from periodicals: Murooka S., Uchida K. and Kato Y., Recirculation Turbulent Flow of
Liquid in Gas- Liquid-Solid Fluidised Bed", J. Chem.Engg. Japan, 15, 29-34 (1982).
(b) Format for listing references of Books:
Constant R.F.,"Crystallization, Academic Press, New York, pp. 89-90, 1968.
(c) Format for listing Thesis:
Niranjan K., "Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Characteristics
of Packed Columns", Ph.D.(Tech.) Thesis, University of Mumbai, 1983.
(d) Format for listing references of Patents in Chemical Abstracts:
Cananaush R.M., U.S.Patent 2,647,141, Cf. C.A. 48, 82636 (1954).
(e) Format for listing Handbooks, Tables, Symposia etc.:
Kumar R and Kuloor N.R., "Formation of Drops and Bubbles", in Advances in Chemical Engineering, Vol.8, T.B. Drew
et.al. (Eds.) New York, Academic Press, pp.256-364 (1970).
(f) Format for listing Private Communications and other categories:
Sharma, M.M., Private Communication (1984).
8. Consistency of units should be maintained in the written report. SI systems should be used. [For SI system - Ref: Ind. Chem.
Engr., XXIV(1), 32, 3 (1983)]. Units used in the literature (if not SI) should be correctly converted.
9. The time allotted for the oral presentation of seminar is 20 minutes: additional 10 minutes are provided for questions and answers.
10. The programme of presentation will be communicated later.
12. The last date for submission will NOT be extended on any grounds whatsoever.
13. There must not be any acknowledgment about the guidance by the faculty in the Seminar.
14. The Seminar will be evaluated on the basis of i) rational approach to the problem. ii) correctness and completeness of the
written text and iii) performance in the oral presentation.
15. Do not copy word to word from published articles. Use your own language. Do not use flowery language at all.
32 of 41
(i) Rational approach to the problem,
(ii) Accuracy, correctness and soundness of calculations and
(iii) Clarity of presentation and perspectives and
(iv) Performance in the oral examination.
9. There will be an Internal Assessment of the Home Paper depending on stage wise
completion. The total internal assessment is of 50 marks out of 150 marks for the Home paper. Marks are reserved for the
timely submission of stage wise activity. The part wise submission will be checked by the supervisor and returned to the
student within a week period. The student should incorporate the corrections in the final copy.
10 The Home Paper activity should be completed as per the following stages:
Stage No. Activity Date Time
Literature Survey , Process & site selection block
diagram, Kinetics & thermodynamic feasibility
2 Material & Energy Balance
3 Detailed design of the equipment
P & I diagram, controls, safety costing, references,
fabrication drawing
The typed report of the completed stage wise activity should be submitted to the undersigned as mentioned above. The full report
should be submitted to the Head, Chemical Engineering Department as mentioned earlier.
11. Along with the Seminar presentation, an oral presentation is to be made on the
Literature Survey and Process Selection, for which schedule will be given separately.
The elective subjects may be added from time to time with prior approval from UGPC/Senate.
1 PY 104E – Molecular Quantum Mechanics (Applied Physics Department)
Revision of Basic Concepts
Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom, solution in terms of radial and angular wavefunctions,
significance of quantum numbers, atomic spectra.
The quantum harmonic oscillator, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions (no detailed derivation), significance of
‘zero-point’ energy.
Origin of Molecular Spectra
Analysis of diatomic molecule as a rigid rotator, rotational and vibrational energy levels of a simple diatomic
Approximation methods in Quantum Mechanics
Brief introduction to perturbation theory with simple examples, variational theorem, analysis of helium atom
as an example.
Molecular Quantum Mechanics
Molecular orbital and valence bond theories for diatomic molecules, Born-Oppenheimer approximation,
LCAO method in H2+ ion and H2 molecule, valence bond method
2 PY 105E – Statistical Mechanics (Applied Physics Department)
Basic Statistical Approach to a System
Applicability of the statistical approach to a system, equilibrium and fluctuations, irreversibility and approach
to equilibrium, counting of system states – macrostates and microstates, equiprobability postulate, concept of
statistical ensemble, number of accessible states of a system, phase space.
Ensemble approach to Thermodynamics of Physical Systems
Isolated system – microcanonical ensemble, system in contact with a heat reservoir, canonical ensemble,
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution as an example, mean values in a canonical ensemble, partition function for
a canonical ensemble, relation to thermodynamics.
Generalised Interactions
Grand canonical ensemble, systems with variable number of particles, chemical potential, partition function
for a grand canonical ensemble, relation to thermodynamic variables.
Applications to Multi-phase Systems
Stability conditions for a homogeneous system, equilibrium between phases, phase transformations, general
relations for a system with several components, general conditions for chemical equilibrium, chemical
equilibrium between ideal gases, the equilibrium constants in terms of partition functions.
3 CH 403E – Advanced Spectroscopy (Applied Chemistry Department)
UV-VIS spectroscopy - Woodward rules, aromatic and heterocyclic compounds
IR spectroscopy: FT technique, group frequencies, vibrational coupling. NIR spectroscopy. New applications
Raman spectroscopy: Stokes, anti-Stokes and Releigh scattering, rotational and vibrational transitions. Raman
33 of 41
vs IR.
NMR spectroscopy: Pulse technique, FID, and FT. Relaxation and saturation phenomena, quadrupole
relaxation, isotopomers.
H1 NMR: Chemical shifts and factors affecting the same, spin-spin coupling of different systens, different spin
systems, coupling constants.
Simplification of complex spectra: Double resonance and decoupling, lanthanide shift reagents, INDOR
C13 NMR: Basics, doble resonance,
2D NMR: H1-H1- COSY, H1-C13 HETCOR- APT and DEPT, C13-C13 connecticity: INADEQUATE
F19 and P31 NMR
Through space interactions: NOE and NOESY
Solid state NMR and MAS.
Mass spectrometry: Basics, EI and CI techniques. Isotopic abundance, fragmentation, rearrengment of ions,
Maclaferty rearrangement, retrodiels-alder reaction.
Hyphenated techniques: GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-MS-MS, GC-IR, GC-AIS, GC-NMR, LC-NMR
ESR spectroscopy: Theory, experimental technique, Hyperfine splitting
Mossbaur spectroscopy
Structure elucidation using combined stereoscopic methods
Emission: Flame photometry, ICP, Ark-Spark spectra, Phosphorescence, XRF
4 CH 205E – Organometallic Chemsitry (Applied Chemistry Department)
Nature of C-M bond: Metal-carbon bond with main group and transition elements.
Factors controlling metal-carbon bond formation. Methods of M-C bond formation. Nomenclature and heptacity.
Electron counting and 16 and 18 electron rules - applications and exceptions. Stability. Stereochemical
nonrigidity in organometallic compounds.
Structure and bonding of metal alkyls and aryls. Complexes with CO and related ligands, olefins, acetylenes and
related unsaturated molecules. Organic transition metal complexes as protective and stabilizing groups for double
bond, triple bond, propyl cation and short lives species. Complexes with cyclopentadiene and arenes and other
CnHn sandwich and half-sandwich complexes. Hydride, dinitrogen and dihydrogen complexes
Bimetallic and cluster complexes: Structure and applications in catalysis
Basic organometallic reactions: Ligand substitution, oxidative reactions, migratory reactions, migratory
insertion, extrusion, oxidative addition, reductive elimination, reductive elimination –mechanism and
Nucleophilic regents with C-M bond: Li, Mg, Al, Ti and Ce alkyls; Organicuprates, organic zinc reagents
Alkyne complexes: Pauson Khand reaction. The use of stoichiometric transition metal complexes in the synthesis
of complexes organic molecules - enantioselective synthesis via organometallic compounds.
Organo silicon compounds, boranes, carboranes and, metallocarboranes, organo platinum complexes,
Importance of organometallic compounds in Biological systems
5 CH 206E – Green Chemistry & Catalysis (Applied Chemistry Department)
Concept of Green Chemistry: Twelve principles of green chemistry, E factor, Waste management
Types of catalysis: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis. Catalytic cycles
Organometallic compounds used as catalysts: Pd, Rh, and Ru in C-C bond formation. Catalytic properties of
mononuclear compounds
Homogeneous catalysis: Hydrogenation, hydroformylation, hydrocyanation, Hydrosilylation, Wilkinson
catalysts, Chiral ligands and chiral induction, Ziegler-Natta catalysts
Mercuration and oxymercuration
Organopalladium catalysts: Suzuki coupling, Heck coupling and related cross coupling reactions.
Alkene oligomerization and metathesis.
Catalytic oxidations and reductions: Epoxidation, dihydroxylations.
including carbonylation, decarbonylation, olefin isomerization, arylation
Important catalytic reactions: Monsanto acetic acid process, Wacker process, Heck reaction.
6 CH 303 – Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Applied Chemistry Department)
Basics: Wave character and wave functions, De Broglie equation, normalization and orthogonalization,
Quantum mechanical operators, Schrodinger equation, particle in an infinite square well potential, quantum
mechanical harmonic oscillator, angular momentum operator and rigid rotor, Born Oppenheimer approximation,
potential energy surfaces, self consistent field wave functions,
Computauional methods: Molecular mechanics, MO theory, semi empirical and ab initio methods, SCF theory,
Hartree Fock method, DFT.
7 MA 107E – Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (Applied Mathematics Department)
34 of 41
Derivation of equation of momentum, energy, mass transfer in curvilinear coordinate system, constitutive
equation (Newtonian & Non Newtonian fluids), Flow in some simple cases - Flow between two concentric
cylinders, flow between two concentric rotating cylinders, hydrodynamics of bearings lubrication, steady flow
around a sphere (theory of very slow motion).
Singular perturbation theory, derivation of bounder layer equations (using singular perturbation theory), similar
and non similar solutions for some forced, mixed and natural convection problems (using bounder layer theory) .
Flow stability, theory of ordinary diffusion in liquids, diffusion with homogenous chemical reaction, diffusion
into a falling liquids films (forced convection mass transfer).
8 MA 108E – Turbulent Flow and CFD (Applied Mathematics Department)
Derivation of equations of momentum and energy for turbulent flows. Modelling of turbulent flows: kinetic
energy, algebraic stress model, Low Reynolds number model, LES model etc.
Turbulent boundary layer flows and similar solutions
Grid generation
Use of Control volume method, Methods of lines, Finite difference, Finite element and various algorithms
(SIMPLE, SIMPLER & SIMPLEC etc) to solve the momentum, energy and mass transfer equations for
simulation of some practical problems (Simulation of stirred vessel, Natural convection flow inside a closed
chamber etc)
9 GE 303E – Advanced Strength of Materials (General Engineering Department)
Analysis of Trusses - Condition for perfect truss, redundancy, stable, unstable truss. Analysis of truss by method
of joints, method of sections.
Torsion of a circular shaft - concept, basic derivation, shear stress distribution, simple problem.
Short and Long columns (Struts) - Basic concept, crippling load, end conditions. Euler’s and Rankine’s approach
(without derivations)
Thick and Thin cylinders - concept of radial, longitudinal stresses, behaviour of thin cylinders. Problems on thin
cylindrical and spherical shells. Behaviour of thick cylinders (theory only).
Advance stresses and strains – Representation of stress and strain at a point, Stress stain relationship, plane stress
and plane strain. Transformation of stresses and its importance, Principal stresses and strains, maximum shearing
stress, Mohr’s circle its use and construction.
Basics of Engineering Design - Steps in the engineering design, Importance of analysis, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D
analysis and interpretation of results. Design philosophies, factor of safety, Force displacement relationship,
Strain deformation relationship, Introduction to finite element packages. Computer aided analysis and design.
Composite Materials – Types of composite materials, fillers for composites, polymer composites, fibres and
matrix for a composite material, Types of fibres, their properties, woven and non woven fibres, manufacturing of
polymer composite materials. Mechanics of composite materials, Properties and testing of composite materials,
Uses of composite materials.
Advance materials for industrial applications - Advances in materials, Materials used for coatings, anticorrosive
coatings, special purpose floorings, water proofing compounds, Various polymers and epoxies used for industrial
applications. Different types of performance enhancing and special purpose construction chemicals. Plasticizers
and super-plasticizers, air entraining agents, accelerators and retarders, viscosity modifying agents, corrosion
10 HU 105E – Industrial Economics (Humanities)
Nature and Significance of Economics
Demand and supply / elasticity of demand and supply, price determination, demand forecasting
theory of firm : (A) financial aspects : cost analysis, revenue structure, conditions for profit maximisation,
different market structures (B) technical aspects : factors of production, role of entrepreneur, laws of return,
returns to scale.
Money market and capital market, evolution of money and banking, foreign exchange and currency de-
Budget, taxation, public expenditure, borrowing and deficit financing
Development issues and economic planning in India, Role of public sector / liberalisation / privatisation /
11 CET 1506E – Engineering Aspects of Manufacturers of Organic Chemicals (Chemical Engineering
Special features of process parameters and reactors used for typical organic processes such as hydrogenation,
oxidation, alkylation, nitration, sulphonation etc. Different strategies of conducting reactions. Introduction to a
few name reactions such as Friedel Crafts reactions, Sandmeyers reaction, Darzens condensation, etc. Typical
reaction schemes for the synthesis of medium and low volume chemicals, with an emphasis on the alternative
flow sheets of the entire process.
12 CET 1204E – Electrochemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
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Introduction to eletrochemical engineering. Theoretical aspects and special features of electrochemical process.
Role of mass transfer in a variety of electrochemical processes. Some aspects of electrochemical reactor design.
Scale-up and optimization of reactors.
13 CET 1712E – Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Classification of problems in Chemical Engineering. Typical problems from heat transfer, catalysis, mass
transfer with chemical reaction, dynamics of process equipments, etc. Numerical evaluation of Laplace
Separation of variables, Eigen values, Collocation Techniques.
14 CE 713E – Statistical Methods in Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Continuous and discrete probability distributions, normal, chi-square, gamma, Poisson distributions.
Applications. t-Tests, F-Test, Homogeneity tests, Quality Control. Acceptance sampling Linear regression and
lack of fit Contingency tables.
15 CET 1103E – Heat Transfer Equipment Design (Chemical Engineering Department)
Classification of Heat Transfer Equipment, direct, indirect, boiling, fired, Fluidised, geometry, construction.
Thermal design methods of heat exchangers : survey, capital NTU, LMTD concept, temperature approach,
Shell and Tube heat exchangers : thermal, mechanical design, hydraulic design and equations, introduction to
codes and standards
Extended surface heat exchanger design : plates, plate fins, effectiveness factor.
Heat transfer equipment with phase change, two phase flow maps, and design of equipments for heat transfer
and pressure drop.
Fluidised bed and direct heat exchangers design methodology.
Synthesis of optimal heat exchanger networks.
Worked Examples
16 CET 1205E – Mixing (Chemical Engineering Department)
Examples of industrial importance
Flow pattern, power consumption, classification of impellers, internals
Mechanism of mixing, Blending in viscous and turbulent system, Suspension of solid particles, Heat transfer,
Gas-liquid dispersion, Liquid-liquid dispersions, Three phase dispersions, Solid-solid mixing, emulsions, pastes,
Mass transfer at gas-liquid, liquid-liquid, solid-solid and solid-liquid interface
Process design and scale-up considerations case studies
17 CET 1507E – Petroleum Reservoir Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Energy sources, world scenario, oil pricing, Genesis of petroleum and migration, Composition of petroleum and
its classification, Petroleum reservoirs, Exploration and drilling technology, Well logging and well completion,
Core analysis, Capillarity and wettability, Models of pore structure and multiphase flow , Well stimulation and
production strategy, Well pressure behaviour, Gas reservoir engineering, Fluid displacement and frontal
displacement; Buckley-Leverett theory, Material balance, Decline curve analysis, Well patterns and displacement
efficiencies, Primary recovery, Gravity drainage, Waterflooding , Mechanisms of microscopic and macroscopic
flow, Transportation of oil and gas, Production rate, reservoir life, Heavy oil and tar sand technologies, Residual
oil determination, Computer modelling of reservoirs, Tertiary recovery methods
18 CET 1508 – Enhanced Oil Recovery (Chemical Engineering Department)
Residual oil and tracer studies, Defining enhanced oil recovery, Basic equations for fluid flow in porous media,
Petrophysics and petrochemistry, Phase behaviour and fluid properties, Efficiency of waterflooding , Pore level
mechanisms, Mobility control , capillary number, bond number correlations, Heterogeneity of pore structure and
reservoirs, Thermal methods , Steam stimulation, steam flooding and hot water drive, Combustion- forward and
reverse, Ancillaries in thermal methods, Miscible flooding, Surfactant flooding, Microemulsion flooding, Foam
flooding, Polymer flooding, Micellar-polymer flooding, Alkaline flooding, Carbon dioxide flooding, Inert gas
injection, Reactive gas injection, Microbial recovery
19 CET 1104E – Flow Though Porous Media (Chemical Engineering Department)
Relevance of pore structure in science and technology, Examples from oil reservoirs, catalysis, soil science,
membranes, aquifers, foods, polymers, biology, etc., Pore structures and their determination, Capillarity and
wettability, Models of pore structure, Wettability and flow histories, Single phase flow, Multiphase flow,
Percolation processes and network models, Fractal models, Simulations of macroscopic properties, Pore level
mechanisms of flow, Diffusion and dispersion in porous media, Membrane transport, Analysis of trickle and
packed beds, Ultrafiltration, Models of catalyst poisoning and deactivation, Geostatistics
20 CET 1509E – Refinery Science and Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Terminology, Origin, Kerogen, Occurrence, Recovery, Classification, Composition, Evaluation, Fractionation,
Identification, Asphaltic constituents, Refining chemistry, Refining distillation, Thermal cracking, Catalytic
cracking, Hydroprocessing, Reforming, Treatment processes, Gas cleaning, Products, Petrochemicals
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21 CET 1206E – Fundamentals of Catalytic Science and Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Relevance and examples, Atom economy and green chemistry concepts, Homogenous and heterogeneous
catalysis, Fundamentals of homogeneous catalysis and mechanisms and kinetics, Fundamentals of adsorption,
isotherms, energetics, structural and dynamic considerations, Mechanisms, models and kinetics of surface
reactions, Fractal models, Determination of surface structure though modern methods , Significance of Pore
structure and models, Solid and surface chemistry of catalysis, Quantum mechanical, molecular mechanical and
hybrid models, Catalyst design through artificial intelligence and computer modelling, Poisoning, promotion,
deactivation and selectivity , Catalytic process engineering , Measurement of catalytic rates and kinetic
parameters, Types of reactors
22 CET 1207E – Homogeneous Catalysis (Chemical Engineering Department)
Examples, Single phase and multiphase catalytic reactions, Acid--base catalysis, Transition metal catalysis, Bio-
catalysis : Microbes and enzymes, Phase transfer catalysis, Micellar catalysis, Microemulsion catalysis, Electron
transfer catalysis, Heteropoly acid catalysis, Homogeneous polymer catalysis, Heterogenisation of homogeneous
catalysts, Catalysis by microwaves and ultrasound, Catalyst recovery and reuse
23 CET 1208E – Catalytic Green Science and Technology (Chemical Engineering Department)
Green synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis, Metal and supported metal catalysis, metal-support interaction,
Metal oxides and determination of acidity and basicity, Nature and type of supports , Solid acid catalysis, Solid
base catalysis, Catalyst design, preparation and activation, Clay and modified clays, Ion exchange resins, Zeolites
and zeotypes , Heteropoly acids, Inorganic-organic catalysts, Immobilised enzymes, zeozymes, complexes,
Electrochemical catalysis, Photocatalysis, Microwave catalysis, Ultrasound catalysis, Synergistic catalysis,
Important examples from, Refinery industry -FCC, reforming, platforming, hydroforming, polymerisation,
alkylation, isomerisation; hydrodesulfurisation, hydronitrogenation, Pharmaceutical and fine chemical industry,
Dyestuff and intermediate industries, Perfume and flavour industry, Polymer industry, Textile industry, Paint
industry, Edible oil industry, Food industry, Waste water treatment, Catalysis for auto-exhaust pollution
abatement, DeNox, DeSOx technologies
24 CET 1602E – Colloid and Interfacial Science (Chemical Engineering Department)
Capillarity: Definition, Existence of surface tension/surface free energy, Laplace equation, Young Equation,
Capillarity rise phenomena, Measurement of surface tension, Contact angle Wetting characteristics
Surface Thermodynamics : Surface thermodynamic properties, Kelvin Eqn. Gibbs eqn, Surface Excess,
Monolayer phase
Adsorption: Localised vs Mobile adsorption, Adsorption isotherms Langmuir, Freundlich, BET etc., -
Potential theory, Adsorption from solution, Electrical Diffuse Double layer theory, Debye Huckel theory scaled
particle theory, Stern layer, Surfactant adsorption
Micelles: Classes of surfactants, synthesis of surfactants, Micelle structures, Determination of HLB, Models
for micelle formation, Swollen micelles, Hydrotropy
Solubilization in micelles :Location of solubilizate in micelles, Measurement of solubilization, Spectroscopic
methods:NMR, Fluorescence, IR etc, Detergency, selective solubilization
Emulsions :Micro and macro emulsions, Stability of emulsions (Mechanical vs. thermodynamic), Bancroft
rule, deemulsification, HLB for emulsion, multiple emulsions, applications
Foams: Gibbs triangle, Film elasticity, drainage of films, Foam, defoaming, applications of foams
25 CET 1603E – Interfacial Science and Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Definitions: Chemical and physical properties of interfaces, Introduction to surface mechanisms and
thermodynamics, capillarity, meniscus shapes, contact angle, surface tension and its measurement, Laplace
Equation, Young's equation, Kelvin Equation, Gibbs equation, equilibrium criteria, dividing surface, monolayers
and films, mobile and fixed interfaces Interfacial areas and degrees of wetting, aerosols, liquid-liquid and
particulate dispersions, Bubbles,and drops aphrons.
Microphases: Definitions and dynamics, Micelle formation surfactants CMC, structures of micelles,swollen
micelle and microemulsions models, phase diagrams, Macroemulsions, Mechanical vs thermodynamic stability,
HLB, Bancroft rule and other systems, Foams Colloids, Film elasticity, drainage, association, Langmuir-Blodgets
film production. Experimental techniques of measurement of relevant properties: surface tension, solubilization,
thermodynamic properties, spectroscopic techniques
Rheological aspects of two phase (involving microphases) flow and transport, visco-elasticity of surfactant
Solubilization and catalysis by microphases: Models, theories and data, surface potential and equations of
state, double layer theory, layer DebyeHuckel theory, Thermodynamics of solubilization, Hydrotropy
Emulsification and Demulsification, foam breakage, theories of coalescence, and agglomeration, Brownian
motion, shear and other models.
Applications: Adsorption, foam fractionation, froth floatation Enhanced oil recovery, Novel separation
processes, Coagulation, Flocculation, Microelectronics, surface vapour deposition, other applications with
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Monte Carlo simulation for molecular dynamics of structures, graphics software for structural display.,
Diffusion on the surface and in microphases.
26 CET 1403E – Adsorptive Separations (Chemical Engineering Department)
Separation Processes: overview, alternative separation techniques, Mass separating agents
Adsorbents: Molecular sieves activate carbon,zeolites alumina, silica ion exchangers, Polymeric adsorbents
Physical and Reactive adsorption: Selectivity engineering in catalysis, Gaseous and liquid adsorption,
Thermodynamics of adsorption, Statistical thermodynamics of adsorption phenomena, Surface excess, theories of
adsorption. Separations: Bulk separation, purifications, Concentration and recovery from dilute solutions: metals,
organic chemicals, microelectronics
Design of adsorbers: Gaseous and liquid phase adsorption
Theoretical analysis of diffusion in relation to adsorption in micropores
Chromatographic separations: Bulk chemicals separations, Purification, refining operations, Biochemical
Novel separation techniques using adsorbents, Industrial examples
27 CET 1209E – Advanced Biochemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Biotechnology, Biochemistry and microbiology, Enzymatic reactions, cell culturing
Enzyme engineering, enzyme modifications, stability, reactivity and selectivity considerations
Genetics and Genetic engineering, DNA recombinant technology, Hybridoma technology, single cell
proteins, gene manufacturing
Fermentation and design of fermenters with modified organisms
Bioprocess simulations, molecular modelling for protein synthesis and drug design, protein engineering
Applications in fermentation industry, pharmaceutical industry, medical field such as gene therapy,
Biomedical engineering
Bioreactor design, Scale up of bioreactions/reactors, Downstream processing in biochemical industry
Organic synthesis using enzymes
28 CET 1404E – Downstream Processing in Biochemical Industry (Chemical Engineering Department)
Separation processes in biochemical industry, Separation processes for bulk chemicals and proteins, special
needs, Unit operations on biochemical industry, such as filtration, centrifugation, heat and mass transfer , Solvent
extraction: liquid-liquid extractions, phase diagrams, thermodynamics of liquid-liquid extraction, physical vs
reactive extraction, liquid ion exchangers, design of extractors, two phase flow in extractors, modelling and
simulation of extractors, Aqueous two phase extraction, affinity partitioning, dye ligand partitioning, Reverse
micellar extraction of proteins and enzymes, Adsorption: physical and chemical adsorption, theories of
adsorption, ion exchange resins and polymeric adsorbents, adsorption of small molecular weight bioproducts such
primary and secondary metabolic products of cells, Protein purifications, precipitation, affinity precipitation,
adsorptive and chromatographic separations of proteins, design of adsorption columns, Methods of operation.,
Gel permeation chromatography, metal ligand chromatography, dye ligand chromatography, affinity
chromatography, expanded bed chromatography,
Applications in biochemical industry.
29 CET 1405E – Advanced Separation Processes
Membrane Processes : Principles of various membrane processes like Reverse Osmosis, pervaporation, gas
separation and electro-dialysis. Design equations and module design. Concentration polarization.
Adsorption and Ion Exchange Processes : Adsorption and ion exchange equilibria. Various isotherms.
Contact filtration, design of fixed bed adsorber including breakthrough cuurve.
Chromatographic Separations : Principles of chromatographic separation, criteria for effective separation,
supports and methodology and process design.
Separation of Racemic Mixtures : Principles of racemic modification and their application in separation of
racemic mixtures with specific examples.
Dissocaition Extraction, Reactive Extraction
30 CET 1210E – Introduction to Polymer Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Introduction to Polymers : Classification based on application and history, Natural and synthetic polymers
and types e.g. fibres, rubbers, adhesives, resins, plastics, etc.
Classification based on properties/structures : Thermoplastic, thermosetting, crystalline, amorphous,
molecular weights status, transitions, glass transition temperature
Polymer formation/modification : Functionality and reactions, chain, ionic, condensation, co-ordination,
complex polymerisation, Kinetic schemes, Orders of reactions, Cross-linking, Co-polymerisation, Heat effects
Polymerisation Processes and methods of manufacture : Bulk, Solution, Suspension and emulsion polymerisation
with examples, polystyrene, polyethylene/propylene, styrene-Butadiene, poly urethane, Epoxy, PET, Kinetics,
reaction rates, diffusional limitations, Biodegradable polymers.
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31 CET 1604E – Polymer Processing (Chemical Engineering Department)
Plastic Technology : Moulding, (injection, blow) extrusion, cold-not and vacuum forming multipolymer
systems. Equipments design and operating conditions
Fibre Technology : Textile processing, fibre spinning and after treatment. Equipments design and operating
Elastomer Technology : Vulcanisation, Reinforcement compounding
Equipments- design & operating conditions, environmental impact
Recycle of polymers : Reprocessing techniques and limitations
Selection of polymers : domestic & engineering usage
Rheological and mechanical measurements concept of solution viscosity
32 CET 1211E – Polymer Reactor Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Kinetic modelling, concept of reactor design, optimisation and control of polymerisation process, isolation
and separation of monomers/catalyst/by products etc for Bulk polymerisation, Solution polymerisation, Emulsion
polymerisation, suspension polymerisation with case studies
Kinetic modelling of co-polymerisation processes.
33 CET 1605E – Advanced topics in Polymer Chemistry/Physics Characterisation/Analysis of Polymers
(Chemical Engineering Department)
Structure/property relationship : Morphology & Cristallinity Mechanical and Chemical properties
Structure/Rheology relationships
Rheology, elasticity, Viscoelasticity, yield and fracture chemical resistance
Properties of commercial polymers. PE, PP, Acrylic, amides & peptides phenolic & Urethane resins
Role of Additives : Type of additives and their role in altering the properties
Polymer composites : Carbon filled, fibre filled etc. Reinforced polymers
Analysis of polymer solubility, thermodynamics and phase equilibrium of polymer solutions, End group
analysis, Colligative property measurement, Light scattering, Solution viscosity and molecular size and wt
distribution. Spectroscopic methods, microscopy, thermal analysis.
Selection of polymers, domestic and engineering usage.
34 CET 1510E – Fuels Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department)
Classification of fuels : G/L/S
Automotive Fuels Bharat Standards II III & IV
Gaseous Fuels:
Natural Gas: Processing for pipe line specs
CO2/H2S/COS Removal
Gas dehydration
Gas compression for pipe line transport
Coal bed methane, Bio Gas (methane)
CNG : As auto fuel, Compression, CNG stations
LNG : Liquefaction of NG JT effect, closed & open cycle , Storage of
LNG, Transportation of LNG, vessels / truck, terminal, Gasification
of LNG to NG for pipeline transport
Liquid Fuels:
- Refinery sources, Reforming for fuels
- LPG : Domestic and Auto LPG Storage and handling,
- Manufacture and Storage (Partly in I&EC) Petrol, Diesel, Aviation Turbine Fuel, HSD, LDO.
Furnace oil, Fuel oil, LSHS.
- Biofuels : bioethanol, biodiesel
Solid Fuels : Characterization
- Coal
- Biomass
- Residue from Refinery
- Plastic waste
- Municipal domestic waste
Combustion of Fuels :
- Basic equation, air requirement norms for excess air.
- Heating value : GHV/LHV Calculations for mixture of components
- Wobbe number for Gaseous Fuels definition and significance.
- Burners : Gas/Liquid/Hydrogen
- Flue gas composition, Dew point calculations
- Treatment of flue gas to meet local standards,Carbon Credit
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Gasification of i) Coal, Indian Coal
ii) Biomass
iii)Refinery Heavy Residue
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