Penelitian Pengantar Pengkajian Kebudayaan (Seruit)
Penelitian Pengantar Pengkajian Kebudayaan (Seruit)
Penelitian Pengantar Pengkajian Kebudayaan (Seruit)
Seruit has long become a prominent food of Lampungnese people. It comes with various
variations which correspond the people who live in certain area. It also depicts the culture in
which Lampungnese people live in there. Thus, this paper aims to develop understanding
among the people of Lampung about Seruit and its significance in holding cultural identity of
Lampungnese people. The paper used quantitative research to obtain information from
various Lampungnese people who lived in three different areas, Bandar Lampung, Krui,, and
Way Kanan. The quantitative research of this paper is using question-based interview that
will be answered by the people who lived in that three areas. The information that has been
obtained by interview, will be in analyzed process with ethnographic point of view in order to
draw a solid conclusion about seruit.
Keywords: Seruit, Culture, Lampung, Ethnography, Quantitative Research.
I. Introduction
i. Background
In Lampungnese society, there is a traditional food called Seruit that along with Siger,
and Tapis, had become the symbols of Lampung province and Lampung people. Typically,
Seruit consist of main ingredients and additional ingredients. The main ingredients are fish,
and sambal terasi while the additional ingredients are come from many ranges of vegetables,
fruits, and combination between both of them. This makes seruitunique and different from
another traditional foods. It is not because the used of fruits as a food, because many of foods
in Indonesia, traditional or non-traditional, are widely and frequently used fruits as both main
and additional ingredients. It is its simplicity that profoundly give a sense of uniqueness
within is form. But to think that food is merely a food is a wrong assumption. Such case is
also happen with Seruit.
Food can be seen as a culture that refers to the practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well
as the networks and institutions surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of
food. It encompasses the concepts of food ways, cuisine, and food system and includes the
fundamental understandings a group has about food, historical and current conditions shaping
that group’s relationship to food, and the ways in which the group uses food to express
identity, community, values, status, power, artistry and creativity. It also includes a groups’
definitions of what items can be food, what is tasty, healthy, and socially appropriate for
specific subgroups or individuals and when, how, why, and with whom those items can or
should be consumed (Simons. S. W. 1988).Food is an important part of culture. Traditional
cuisine is passed down from one generation to the next. It also operates as an expression of
cultural identity. People bring the food of their countries with them wherever they go and
cooking traditional food is a way of preserving their culture when they move to new places or
passing it down to their next generation in their area create their own unique. Continuing to
make food from their culture for family meals is a symbol of pride for their ethnicity (Nurti.
2017). People also connect to their cultural or ethnic group through similar food patterns.
People often use food as a means of retaining their cultural identity. People from different
cultural backgrounds eat different foods. The ingredients, methods of preparation,
preservation techniques, and types of food eaten at different meals vary among cultures. The
areas in which families live— and where their ancestors originated—influence food likes and
dislikes. These food preferences result in patterns of food choices within a cultural or
regional group (Almerico. 2014).
According to Foster and Anderson (2006), food is part of human, and their culture
itself.“[....] food in every culture, act as an expressive action that strengthen the social
interactions, ties, believes, and religion, and also as the determiner for economics’ pattern
[....]”Because food emerged from within the society, it becomes a picture of society in which
every aspects whiting them can be seen and traced. In other hand, food is a culture that
certain society invented as the result of another cultures within the society interact with it.
Against that backdrop, the researchers want to analyze seruitas a culture that has been
influenced by other Lampungnese cultures. In addition to that, the purpose of this paper is
also about to find the answer of the question.
ii. Research Question
What are the cultural picture that can be found inside seruit?
iii. Research Objective
This research aims to know the cultural picture of Lampung society in seruit.
2. Krui Region
VII. Conclusion
After doing this research, we found two findings about seruit. From the premise
and notion that we have built, we found something new. We thought we will find
symbolism in every components of seruit, but instead, we find it in different way.
Seruit is not like any other traditional foods that follow some pattern, and
consistent in shape and ingredients. Seruit evolved from one shape to others, using
a certain kind of fish, and others. It influenced by the environments that
Lampungnese people live in, and it captures that differences in its shapes,
ingredients, and even lalapanand fruits that accompanied its journey. It capture
the history by depicting the way people cook the ingredients. It also depicting the
value of Lampungnese people in form of the way seruit should be served. In the
end, it is indeed a mirror for us to look Lampung culture deeper.
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