Good morning. code can be matched. This remark is also applicable to directory
My name is Cristian Bursasiu and I applied for the Software comparison – we can have files that are moved and renamed an
Engineering Master as I believe that I reached the point in my career modified so the degree of the content modifications will determine
where a formal study of this field is required. the ability of an application to correctly identify matches.
In the following minutes I will present the project proposal that I
would like to accomplish by the end of this master in the event that I Software engineering challenges
am accepted as a student. In order to implement a better comparison tool I foresee some
The study is called Comparison algorithms and techniques and is engineering difficulties that I would like to point out:
related to the well known comparison tools, or diff tools that A good engineering approach is to build an expandable, open
software engineers use with various occasions. framework that will easily permit third party or future adaptation –
this can be achieved by providing a plug-in system that will cover as
Agenda much as possible of the foreseen future development.
The presentation will contain Another issue that I would like to study are ways to present higher
- a short introduction, logic comparison results to the user without removing the possibility
- some issues related to content comparison to fallback to the text level comparison/editing. The result
- a few software engineering challenges presentation issue is also interesting to consider/investigate if the
- and a few algorithmic / theoretical challenges regarding application would be able to compare other types of files like
content comparison that have to do with specialization and machine images, MS word documents, visual studio project files, etc.
learning A feature that current comparison tools do not approach is file
- Q&A specialization: Images, Video, Code (language specific), XML, etc. The
- In the final there is the bibliography that I used to plug-in system could prove an effective solution for specialization
compose this presentation. even for the specialized presentation issues.
Comparison issues 3
There are many other examples of modification that a current diff
tool will not notice – mainly because the current tools only operate
at text level and not at the higher logic of the file.
More complex issue arise if a part of the code was moved and then
modified – also the amount of the modification applied to the code