Operation - Rimfire - Mekton Zeta - Conversions

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ADAPTING OUR MOST POPULAR MEKTON CAMPAIGN TO THE NEW EDITION BY THE STAFPWE R. T¥SORIAN GAMES poration Rimfire went on sale in 1993, when Mek- ton IT was still the latest edition of the Mekton system cules. Te was the first American attempt to produce an “anime” sevies in a game format, featuring 22 “episodes,” roman tic subplots, and a sophisticated plot fine containing intrigue and mecha action, It used the Mekton II rules, and ‘was set in the fictional world of Algol, which had been developed in the Mekton products over the years. Operation Rinfire has been one of our best-selling Mekton products, and it continues to do well for us here at RTG. However, now that Mekton Zeta is ‘out, some of the information in Rimire has suddenly become outdated. So we've decided to take this opporninity to update things a little. For the most past, Operation Rimfire can be played using Mekton Zera’s new rules, but there are a few holes that need to be filled which we will address here. ‘The first notable change which occurred in the transition from Melton Ito Mekton Zeta was the addition of a new Seat for characters: Empathy. While there are dozens and dozens of NPCs in Operation Rimfire, only the primary cast members will relly need this new Stat during play, so we list them below. EMP5 -EMP7 + Tammis Ver “EMP 6 + Eiran Alestain: ... EMP3 .-. EMP8 -EMP9 EMP7 All of the characters in Operation Rimfire have many more points than the Average Mekton charscter—this can be attributed to cinematic license and play balance concerns. For the purposes of IP all of the characters ag0) are considered to be (regardless o Professionals Another important change in Mekton Zeca which aflects Operation Rimjire is the refined Starship design system. Below are the stats for the Rimfire spaceship in Mekton Zeta. eeeee «67,025 tons Weight. Engines . MA 15(13,000km/day) Turn Radius. . 1 side per 5 Hexes Hull. ... Medium Striker (400K) Asmor... . Heaxy Striker (SP50) Crow... A-Grade (16+1D10) = 10 Mektons - -266 tons ‘Mecha Bay .. Cargo Bay. Weapons: Medium Batteries (2F,2R) Deluxe CIDS (A) 2x Missile Bays (Range: 50, WA -1, Damage 20K, 20 Shots each, Are: A) The third important change is, of course, the new mecha construction rules, The following pages contain revised write ups on the mecha from Operation Rimfire using the new Mekton Zeta forms. These designs are completely consistent with Mekton Zeta and the new Mekton Technical System as it appears in Mekton Zeta Plus. Note that the Stallion mechabike isnot listed; that’s because the Stallion can be found on page 85 of Mekton Zora We hope to present more Rinfire material in these pages ind have several “lost episodes” and a possi- ble continuation of the story (Rinmfite IP). If you are interested in seeing any of these things, or have any oth ments about the Anime Gaming section of the magazine, please drop usa line at: R.Talsorian Games, Ine. P.O. Box 7356 Berkeley, CA 94707 Attn: Anime Gaming Dept. Wulard aeuk [CONFIGURATION Fyrbid Macha Mucnpucr System [CP x ? lPowenruane]xS: © | OF MECHA Prorins Heavy Fydraulce (le) [MECHA Fierrine | ‘Space Provection IMecHa MELEE “Tecina-Orgarios Mecha GUNNERY A Level “5, vorbfolio-B. Mecha Missues 52 RVOS & ARMOR SP | Kis [Servo TLevet| Space| Cosi] Axmor, [ Fiead Ms | 4 | 4 | Noo oreo us [aos | 4 [Ss Rigit Amn | Mo | 5/0 Left Arm | Ms | 5/0 Right Wing | HS | 5/0. Lefe Wing | us| 3/0 = . z = [Cocker #UREW | Grnions | Space ICP Brain Nore | None_[ 1 10 Bunacsewauce: Toc | Space] EP] Kl] Croce-tin (ini-Bastorey] - | © | 2 fo ‘Agger Weewr | Cost Scout 223: | 268 26 ae of zz. 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