Second Marriage Astrology
Second Marriage Astrology
Second Marriage Astrology
Remarriage is a marriage that takes place after a previous marital union has ended, as through
divorce or widowhoo- d. Some individuals are more likely to remarry than others; the likelihood
can differ based on previous relationship status (e.g. divorced vs. widowed), level of interest in
establishing a new romantic relationship, gender, race, and age among other factors.
7th house/lord
1. If 7th house/lord falling in in dual signs [Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces] indicates
two marriages. (your case Shani is 7th house lord sitting in Virgo sign)
2. 7th house falling in evil sign and lord of 7th house occupying a sign of depression or in
acondition of retrogression or a malefic joining the 7
th house will cause two marriages, but not in the case of beneficial planet/s aspect
3. 7th lord form ascendant/Moon placed in a dual sign and having conjunction with Venus
in birth and navmansha chart indicates two marriages.
4. Rahu placed in 7th house chance for remarriage increases manifold.
5. Malefic influences on 2nd and 7th house/lord indicates multiple marriages.
6. Lords of 7th and 11th house are in conjunction/aspect/quadrant/tr- ine indicates more than
two marriages.
7. Two planets placed in 7th house increases the possibility of second marriage.
8. Lord of 7th house placed in 4th house or lord of 9th house placed in 7th house indicates
second marriage.
9. Mars in 7th house and Saturn/Rahu in 8th house without having any benefic aspect
represents second marriage.
10. Lord of 7th house placed in 6th/8th/12th house and malefic planet like Saturn/Mars /Rahu
occupying 7th house and a weak Venus conjoined with a natural benefic planet indicates
possibility for second marriage .
11. Mars + Venus placed in 7th house and lord of 7th house placed in 8th house and Saturn
posited in 12th house indicates multiple marriages.
12. Retrograde Jupiter in the 7th with Mars and one of them in debilitation.
13. Venus, Saturn, the Moon and Mars in the 7th house is responsible for multiple marriages.
14. Saturn + Rahu placed in 7th house without having any beneficial aspect indic- ates
11t- h house/lord
1. More than two planets placed in 11th house increase the chances of second marriage
Other combinations
1. 2nd and 7th house heavily afflicted by malefic planet/s and Mars placed in 7th house and
Saturn placed in 8th house indicates possibility of two marriages.
2. Lord of 6th/8th house placed in 7th house/ascendant and heavily influenced by malefic/s
indicates severe sickness or death of first wife.
3. Saturn and Mercury conjunction in 7th house and two or more planets placed in 11th house
indicate two marriages.
4. Lord of ascendant placed in 8th house and Saturn posited in 12th house indicates multiple
5. Lord of ascendant placed in 8th house and 2nd and 7th house/lords are in affliction
indicates more than one marriage.
6. Lords of 2nd and 12th house conjoined in 3rd house and aspected by Jupiter/lord of 9th
house, the native will have many spouses.
7. 7th and 8th house occupied by malefic planet/s having bad aspects and Mars placed in 12th
house increases the opportunity for second marriage.
8. In female horoscope if Saturn is occupying 7th house Sun is placed in trine and Jupiter
conjunct /aspect Moon in 12th house and 4th and 12th house are in heavily affliction
indicates chances of remarriage.
9. Leo as Ascendant and the 7th lord in the 9th with lord there of
10. Aquarius as Ascendant and the Sun in the 9th associated with the lord of the 8th
11. Libra as Ascendant and Mars in Ascendant and Jupiter in the 7th or aspecting the 7th
12. Virgo as Ascendant and the 7th lord associated with the Sun—Venus aspected by Saturn
and Rahu in the 3rd
13. Pisces as Ascendant, lord of the 7th with the Sun in the 2nd, Venus and Rahu in the 4th,
the Moon in the 9th
14. Cancer as Ascendant, Saturn in the8th, Mars in the 4th, Saturn in the 7th from Venus
15. Taurus as Ascendant Saturn in the 8th the 7th lord in debilitation the Sun in the 2nd
1. Second marriage takes place during the Mahadasha /Antardasha of lord of 3rd/9th house
or planet/s related to 3rd/9th house/lord.(you running Maha-dasha of 9 house)
Geeta Jha