Rules of Prediction On Education
Rules of Prediction On Education
Rules of Prediction On Education
1. the houses are goods for education are 4 , 9, 10 and 11. and negative for
education are 3 , 8, 12 .
2. mercury is the significator of education , so see which house mercury signify.
3. then see the sub – lord of 4th house and which house the sub – lord signify.
4. then see the sub – lord of 9th house and which house the sub – lord signify.
5. then dasa lord during the education period .
if mercury and sub lord of 4th signify 4 , 10 ,11 then it indicate that the person will
able to complete his primary, and secondary education or graduation.
And if they indicate 9th house also then he will be able to complete higher education .
Then examine the job prospect of the native , according to his job you advise the
person of his job oriented education . the details of rules of prediction of job will be
given in other pages.
Besides this rules you should examine of planet which signify some specific subject
of education :--
Mathematics : - mercury must be strong to be good in mathematics and be the
significator of 2 or 4 or 9 .
Law and logic :- sub –lord of 4th and 9th indicate mars, mercury and mars .