MN-7-047-1 STCW PDF

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REPUBLIC OF Marine Notice


No. 7-047-1


SUBJECT: STCW Seafarer Certification and Training.
References: (a) STCW Convention, 1978, as amended, and the STCW Code
(b) Publication MI-118, Requirements for Merchant Marine Personnel
(c) IMO MSC/Circ.918
(d) Marine Notice 7-038-2, Minimum Safe Manning Requirements for
(e) High Speed Craft Code
(f) IMO Resolutions MCS.66(68) and MSC.67(68)
This Notice advises all shipowners, operators, seafarers, agents and recognized organizations
of the requirements concerning the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended, and of the requirement
for seafarers on Marshall Islands flagged vessels to hold STCW Certification. This Notice
supersedes Rev. 11/06. Previous references to “Rest Periods” have been removed and are now
addressed in Marine Notice 7-051-2.
This Notice applies to all seafarers serving aboard Marshall Islands flagged vessels and
concerns certification and training.
1.0 STCW Certification
1.1 Formats
Two (2) forms of Marshall Islands STCW certificates are issued:
.1 an STCW certificate is issued on the basis of examination given by the Deputy
Commissioner’s Office (DCO) of the Republic of the Marshall Islands; and
.2 an STCW endorsement is issued on the basis of an acceptable national STCW
certificate issued by a country on the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
“White List” of countries in compliance with the provisions of the STCW
Convention. Endorsement certificates are valid until the expiration date of the
original national certificate only.

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Inquiries concerning the subject of this Notice should be directed to the Office of the Maritime Administrator, Republic of the Marshall
Islands, c/o Marshall Islands Maritime & Corporate Administrators, Inc., 11495 Commerce Park Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1507 USA.
MI-01, 8/06
1.2 Control Procedure and Certificate Recognition

.1 “Regulation I/4, paragraph 1.1, of the STCW Convention limits the control exercised
by a duly authorized port state control officer under Article X to verification that all
seafarers serving on board a vessel of the flag state who are required to be
certificated in accordance with the Convention hold an appropriate certificate or a
valid dispensation, or provide documentary proof that an application for an
endorsement has been submitted to the Administration in accordance with regulation
I/10, paragraph 5.”

.2 “Regulation I/10, paragraph 5, of the STCW Convention provides that the

Administration may, if circumstances require, allow a seafarer to serve in a capacity,
other than radio officer or radio operator, except as provided by the Radio
Regulations, for a period not exceeding three (3) months on board a ship entitled to
fly its flag, while holding an appropriate and valid certificate issued and endorsed as
required by another party for use on board that Party’s ships but which has not yet
been endorsed so as to render it appropriate for service on board ships entitled to fly
the flag of the Administration. Documentary proof shall be readily available that
application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration.” The
following facilities are available from the Administration to serve this purpose.

1.3 Issuance of Certificate of Receipt of Application (CRA)

When an application for a Marshall Islands officer certificate based on an acceptable national
officer certificate is submitted to a Marshall Islands Regional Marine Safety Office, the
applicant may request the issuance of a Certificate of Receipt of Application. If the
application and all required support documents, including a valid national certificate of
competency, are in proper form, the applicant will promptly be issued an official CRA to
serve in an eligible capacity. The CRA should be signed by the applicant and the Master of
the assigned vessel when reporting aboard ship. While holding this CRA and a valid
national certificate, the applicant is authorized to serve aboard a Marshall Islands Flag vessel
for a period not exceeding three (3) months while an application for a Marshall Islands
STCW Endorsement Certificate is being processed. The validity of Marshall Islands CRAs
can be verified at any time by visiting and clicking on
“Officer/Seafarer Verification.”

1.4 Urgent Authorization (UA) for an Officer to serve on Assignment

In instances where an officer is joining a Marshall Islands vessel on short notice, and cannot
make application through a Marshall Islands regional office, the following procedure shall be

.1 The shipowner, operator or crewing agent may fax or email a completed officer
application, along with a copy of the officer’s valid national certificate of
competency, to Seafarers’ Documentation for review. Documents should be sent to

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.2 The application will be reviewed, and if accepted, an Urgent Authorization with an
assigned officer certificate number will be returned to the shipowner, operator or
crewing agent indicating the capacity of Marshall Islands STCW endorsement
certificate for which the officer is approved. The UA should be signed by the
applicant and the Master of the assigned vessel when reporting aboard.

.3 Urgent Authorizations issued by the Administration will provide temporary authority

for an officer to serve in the capacity stated for a period not exceeding three (3)
months while his/her officer application is being processed. A completed application
and all required support documents, including a valid national certificate of
competency must be received by the Administration within ten days or the
Authorization may be invalidated. The validity of Marshall Islands CRAs can be
verified at any time by visiting and clicking on
“Officer/Seafarer Verification.”

1.5 Display of Certificate of Competence, Temporary Permit or Authorization.

Every certificated officer shall cause his or her Certificate of Competence, Temporary Permit
or Authorization to be displayed on board in a conspicuous location. Said certificate,
temporary permit or authorization shall be framed under glass or other suitable transparent
covering and shall be so displayed as soon as practicable after reporting on board a vessel for
duty and shall remain displayed during the service of the certificate or permit holder. Willful
failure of any officer to comply with this provision may be grounds for the suspension or
revocation of his or her Certificate, Temporary Permit or Authorization.

1.6 Terminology

.1 Certificates & Certification - Wherever the words “license,” “licensed” or

“licensing” are used in the Maritime Act and thereunder, the reference shall be to
“certificate,” “certificated” or “certification” respectively.

.2 Certificate(s) of Competence - Wherever the words “License” of an officer and

“License of Competence” are used in the Maritime Act and thereunder, the reference
shall be to “Certificate(s) of Competence.”

.3 Seafarers - Means those persons who are employed, engaged or work in any capacity
on board any vessel unless specified otherwise;

.4 Crew - Means collectively the persons other than officers and Master, serving in any
capacity on board a vessel.

.5 Master - Includes every person or officer (except a pilot) having command or in

charge of a vessel and, in relation to a fishing vessel or yacht, means the skipper;

.6 Officer - Means a person other than a master ranked as an officer by national law or

.7 Rating - Means a member of the crew other than an officer;

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2.0 Evidence of Training

2.1 National Certificates

National Certificates containing the relevant STCW endorsements or training course

certificates, acceptable to the DCO, shall be considered evidence of completion of the
training requirements for all certification.

2.2 On Board Training

The on board training of candidates for certificates as “deck/navigational” or “engineer”

watch officers shall be closely supervised and monitored by a qualified and certified deck or
engineer officer, as appropriate, aboard the ship on which the seagoing service is performed
for at least six (6) months. Such training shall be recorded in an approved training record
book. The training record books available from the International Shipping Federation (ISF)
and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are currently approved by the DCO for
this purpose.

3.0 Standards of Competence

3.1 Certification

Both forms of certificates will specify the “Functions” the candidate has been qualified to
perform and also the “Level of Responsibility.”

3.2 Functions

Abilities are defined by these seven (7) functions:

.1 Navigation
.2 Cargo handling and stowage
.3 Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board
.4 Marine engineering
.5 Electrical, electronic and control engineering
.6 Maintenance and repair
.7 Radio communications

3.3 Levels of Responsibility

Three (3) “levels of responsibility” are now being applied:

.1 Management level - Master, Chief Mate, Chief Engineer, First Assistant Engineer;
.2 Operational level - Second Mate, Third Mate, Second Assistant Engineer, Third
Assistant Engineer, Mate, Assistant Engineer, Radio Operator; and
.3 Support level - Ratings, capacities, other uncertificated crew members.

4.0 Publication MI-118

Interested parties are strongly urged to refer to the revised “REQUIREMENTS FOR
other changes.

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5.0 Certification of Officers

5.1 Functions Required

5.1.1 Master and Deck/Navigation Officers:

.1 Navigation
.2 Cargo Handling and Storage
.3 Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board

5.1.2 Engineer Officers:

.1 Marine Engineering
.2 Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering
.3 Maintenance and Repair
.4 Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board

5.1.3 Radio Officers - Radio communications

5.1.4 Alternative Certification

A candidate shall first complete all functions described in either 5.1.1 or 5.1.2. Further
functions may be added provided the candidate officer completes, as appropriate, additional
relevant education and training and meets the standards of competence prescribed for the
functions concerned.

5.2 Requirements

5.2.1 Advanced Firefighting Training

Every candidate for a master or mate’s certificate or an engineer officer certificate for
service on vessels of over 750 kW propulsion power must submit proof of completion of an
advanced marine firefighting course.

5.2.2 Radar Simulator Training

Applicants for a Master’s certificate or mate’s certificate must submit proof of completion of
a marine radar simulator course approved by the DCO.

5.2.3 GMDSS Certification

Every applicant for a Third Mate or Second Mate certificate must hold GMDSS

5.2.4 First Aid Training

Every applicant for a Second Mate/Third Mate’s certificate on vessels over 500 gross tons,
every applicant for a Master’s/mate’s certificate on vessels less than 500 gross tons, and
every applicant for an engineer officer’s certificate on vessels of over 750 kW propulsion
power must have completed first aid training.

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5.2.5 Survival Craft/Rescue Boat Training

Every applicant for a Master’s and all other deck/navigational officer certificates for vessels
of all tonnages, and every applicant for engineer officer certificates on vessels of over 750
kW propulsion power, must complete survival craft/rescue boat training.

5.2.6 Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) Training

Every applicant for a Master’s and all other deck/navigational officer certificates must
complete ARPA training.

6.0 Special Qualification Certificates (SQCs)

6.1 “New Seafarers”

SQCs issued by this Administration to seafarers who have begun their sea going training and
service on or after 1 August 1998, must comply with STCW requirements. The certificates
will be inserted in the Marshall Islands SEAFARER’S IDENTIFICATION AND RECORD

6.2 Date of Expiry

6.2.1 Effective Date

Masters’, officers’, and certain ratings’ SQCs will be issued with dates of expiry.

6.2.2 Period of Validity

Certification based on examination and evaluation by this Administration will be valid for
five (5) years 1 . Endorsement certification based on “equivalency” to an original national
document 2 will be valid only for the period of validation remaining on the equivalent

6.3 Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch

6.3.1 Navigation Watch Ratings

The symbol “II/4” will appear after the designation “Able Seaman,” “Ordinary Seaman,”
“Bosun,” “GP-1” and “GP-2” to indicate that the seafarer’s function at the Support level is
that of a qualified rating forming part of a Navigational Watch in accordance with STCW
Code Section II/4.

6.3.2 General Purpose Ratings

A “General Purpose - 1” (“GP-1”) certification will be issued to applicants who fulfill all the
requirements for both “Able Seaman” and “Oiler/Motorman.” This SQC was created for
vessels having “GP-1” ratings on their Minimum Safe Manning Certificates.

Ratings will not be required to revalidate watch standing and “Survival
Craft/Rescue Boat Crewman” Special Qualification Certificates.
Only Certificates and Endorsements from “IMO Listed” nations will be accepted.

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A “General Purpose - 2” (“GP-2”) certification will be issued to applicants who fulfill all
requirements for “Ordinary Seaman” and “Oiler/Motorman”, for assignment to vessels with
a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate calling for “GP-2” ratings.

A “General Purpose Trainee (“GPT”) certification will be issued to applicants who are 16
years old or older, without any seatime, and can meet the physical examination requirements
for a Deck/Navigation Officer or Engineer Officer certificate of competence.
6.4 Ratings Forming Part of an Engine Room Watch
6.4.1 Designation
The symbol “III/4” will appear after the designation “Oiler/Motorman,” “Fireman/Water
Tender,” “GP-1” and “GP-2” to indicate that the seafarer’s function at the Support level is
that of a qualified rating forming part of an Engine Room Watch in accordance with STCW
Code Section III/4.
6.4.2 Ratings
The SQC ratings of “Oiler” and “Motorman” have been replaced by a single SQC called
“Oiler/Motorman.” In addition, “GP-1,” “GP-2” and “GPT” ratings are available. (See 6.3.2
6.5 Tankerman Certification
6.5.1 General Requirements
The STCW Convention, 1978, as amended, Regulation V/1 paras. 1 and 2, specifically
requires the master, chief engineer, chief officer, and first assistant engineer aboard a tank
vessel to have completed training courses appropriate to the type of tanker they are to serve
aboard. It also requires officers and ratings that have duties and responsibilities in
connection with cargo and cargo handling equipment to be similarly trained.
6.5.2 Firefighting
All personnel, including ratings, seeking SQCs as “Tankerman” (Oil, Chemical, Liquefied
Gas, Crude Oil Washing/Inert Gas), must have completed an approved, shore based
firefighting course appropriate to the certificate being sought.
6.5.3 Functions
The minimum ability required will be Cargo Handling and Stowage.
6.5.4 Certification Levels
For “Level of Responsibility,” refer to section 4.3. All Tankerman SQCs will have the
appropriately stated “Level.”

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6.5.5 Types of “Tankerman” Certification
Four (4) types of “Tankerman” certificates are issued:
.1 “Tankerman (Chemical)”
.2 “Tankerman (Liquefied Gas)”
.3 “Tankerman (Oil)”
.4 “Tankerman (Crude Oil Washing/Inert Gas)”

6.5.6 Certification for Tankers Carrying Vegetable Oil and MTBE

Vegetable oils and MTBE are oil-like products that have been allowed to be carried for many
years in all types of tank vessels requiring those officers and ratings that have duties and
responsibilities in connection with cargo and cargo handling equipment to hold at least
“Tankerman (Oil)” certification. Effective 1 January 2007, amendments to MARPOL
Annex II require certain vegetable oils or MTBE to be carried in type 2 or type 3 chemical
tankers. This now imposes a requirement upon those individuals certified only as
“Tankerman (Oil)” or “Tankerman (Crude Oil Washing/Inert Gas)” and participating in
cargo operations involving these products to be certified “Tankerman (Chemical).” After 1
January 2007, the Administration shall provide, upon application and subject to satisfactory
proof of having served in a relevant capacity on board the type of tank vessel concerned for a
period of not less than one (1) year within the preceding five (5) years, without specialized
training, a chemical endorsement to “Tankerman (Oil)” or “Tankerman (Crude Oil
Washing/Inert Gas)” certification limited to employment on tank vessels concerned the
Certificates of Fitness of which are endorsed for the carriage of vegetable oils and MTBE

6.5.7 Limitations Applying

In this section of the SQC, “Person in Charge” or “Person Assisting” will appear. Officers
will receive “Person in Charge” at the Management or Operational level and ratings will
receive “Person Assisting” at the Support level.

6.6 Advanced Firefighting

6.6.1 Mandatory minimum training in advanced firefighting

Seafarers designated to control firefighting operations and seeking SQCs in “Advanced

Firefighting” must have successfully completed advanced training in the techniques for
firefighting, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command.

6.6.2 Officer Exemption

A separate SQC for “Advanced Firefighting” is not required by this Administration for any
certificated officer since advanced marine firefighting training is a prerequisite for
certification and is therefore optional.

6.6.3 Certification Levels

SQCs for “Advanced Firefighting” are offered at three (3) levels of responsibility,
“Management,” “Operational” and “Support.”

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6.7 Fast Rescue Boats

6.7.1 Prerequisite

Applicants for this certification must have previously received a “Proficient in Survival
Craft/Rescue Boat Crewman” certification or possess a Marshall Islands Deck Navigational
Officer’s Certificate of Competence.

6.7.2 Certification Levels

Certification is issued in the three (3) levels of responsibility, “Management,” “Operational”

and “Support” as defined in subsection 4.3 above. Applicants must have completed an
approved training course in “Fast Rescue Boat” operations.

6.8 Medical First Aid Provider

6.8.1 Officer Exemption

A separate SQC for “Medical First Aid Provider” is not required by this Administration for
any certificated officer since First Aid Training is a prerequisite for certification (see §
5.2.4). Certification is therefore optional.

6.8.2 Certification Levels

SQCs for “Medical First Aid Provider” are offered at three (3) levels of responsibility,
“Management,” “Operational” and “Support.”

6.9 Medical Care Person in Charge

6.9.1 Certification of Responsible Officer

Advanced Medical Training is required for the Person in Charge of shipboard medical care.
One (1) seafarer on board each vessel must have this certification.

6.9.2 Prerequisite

Applicants must submit proof of successful completion of an approved Advanced Medical

Training course.

6.9.3 Certification Levels

SQCs are issued at the “Management” and “Operational” levels of responsibility for
“Medical Care Person in Charge.”

6.9.4 Ship’s Doctors

Since it is expected that such persons will be properly licensed and practicing physicians,
that license shall substitute for this SQC as documentary evidence that the holder has
attended a course of training in medical first aid or in medical care, precluding any need or
requirement for or issuance of this SQC to any ship’s doctor or nurse practitioner. It shall
be the responsibility of the shipowner or operator to verify the validity of any such licensing.

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6.10 High Speed Craft

6.10.1 Certificate

A type rating certificate is issued to officers who have completed the training as specified in
the High Speed Craft (HSC) Code, Section 18.3. This HSC Certificate will be specific to the
type of craft, model, and route of service and shall be in addition to the appropriate
certification already required of the officers by the STCW Convention.

6.10.2 Certification Levels

Certification is issued at two (2) levels of responsibility: “Management,” and “Operational,”

and limited to the master and all officers having an operational role.

6.10.3 Period of Validity

HSC type rating certificates are issued for a period of two (2) years. The certificates may be
renewed upon application showing at least six (6) months sea service aboard the same type
craft within the previous two (2) years. An acceptable refresher training course may be
substituted for the sea service.

6.11 Recertification

Certificates issued at the “Management” and “Operational” levels will have a five (5) year 3
date of expiry. Certificates will be renewed upon application showing at least one (1) year of
relevant sea service within the previous five (5) years. Appropriate refresher training may be
substituted for the sea service.

7.0 Training

7.1 Basic Training

7.1.1 Requirement


Book) must show evidence of having received “Basic Training” in:

.1 personal survival techniques;

.2 fire prevention and fire fighting;

.3 elementary first aid; and

.4 personal safety and social responsibility.

Except for High Speed Craft. (See § 6.10.3.)

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7.1.2 Passenger Vessels

The Basic Training requirements are limited to those seafarers who are regularly assigned or
required to perform routine ship safety and pollution prevention related duties. Therefore,
those certain hotel staff personnel not so assigned will not be required to comply with these

7.1.3 Certification

Upon receipt of appropriate documentation, a Certificate evidencing the completion of this

training will be issued by the DCO.

7.2 Familiarization Training

7.2.1 Requirement

All persons employed or engaged aboard a sea going vessel shall receive “Familiarization
Training.” This training shall be the responsibility of and be accomplished by the shipowner
or operator in accordance with the guidelines in STCW Regulation VI/1, Code Section A-
VI/1. It is the intent that the training be completed after a seafarer is assigned to a vessel and
prior to the seafarer assuming routine duties aboard that vessel.

7.2.2 Certification

No certificate will be issued to the seafarer by the DCO attesting to the completion of this
training. The training shall be documented by shipboard log entry or other acceptable
written verification available for review by proper authorities and ISM Code auditors.

7.3 Onboard Training and Instructions

7.3.1 Onboard training in the use of the ship’s life-saving appliances, including survival craft
equipment, shall be given as soon as possible but not later than two (2) weeks after a crew
member joins the ship. However, if the crew member is on a regularly scheduled rotating
assignment to the ship, such training shall be given not later than two (2) weeks after the
time of first joining the ship.

7.3.2 Instructions in the use of the ship’s life-saving appliances and in survival at sea shall be
given at the same interval as the drills. Individual instructions may cover different parts of
the ship’s life-saving system, but all the ship’s life-saving equipment and appliances shall be
covered within any period of two (2) months. Each member of the crew shall be given
instructions as set forth in Chapter III, Regulation 18 of SOLAS.

7.3.3 Onboard training in the use of davit-launched life rafts shall take place at intervals of not
more than four (4) months on every ship fitted with such appliances. Whenever practicable
this shall include the inflation and lowering of a life raft. This life raft may be a special life
raft intended for training purposes only, which is not part of the ship’s life-saving equipment;
such a special life raft shall be conspicuously marked.

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7.3.4 Documentation
This training shall be documented by shipboard log entry or other acceptable written
verification available for review by proper authorities and ISM Code auditors.

7.4 RO-RO Passenger Vessels

7.4.1 Requirements
Masters, officers, ratings and other personnel designated on muster lists to assist passengers
in emergency situations aboard ro-ro passenger vessels engaged on international voyages
shall receive, prior to being assigned shipboard duties, mandatory minimum training as
appropriate in:
.1 crowd management as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code;
.2 vessel familiarization as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code;
.3 safety for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces as
specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code;
.4 passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity for masters, chief mates, chief
engineer officers, second engineer officers and any person assigned immediate
responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, loading, discharging or
securing cargo, or closing hull openings as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 4 of
the STCW Code; and
.5 crisis management and human behavior for masters, chief mates, chief engineer
officers, second engineer officers and any person having responsibility for the safety
of passengers in an emergency situation as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 5 of
the STCW Code
This training shall be the responsibility of and be accomplished by the shipowner or operator
in accordance with the guidelines in STCW Regulation V/2, section A-V/2.
7.4.2 Documentation
The shipowner/operator shall ensure that documentary evidence of the training which has
been completed is issued for every person found qualified under the provisions of this
Regulation V/2 and is available for review by proper authorities and ISM Code auditors.

7.5 Passenger Vessels

7.5.1 Requirements
Masters, officers, ratings and other personnel designated on muster lists to assist passengers
in emergency situations aboard passenger vessels, other than ro-ro passenger vessels,
engaged on international voyages shall receive, prior to being assigned shipboard duties,
mandatory minimum training as appropriate in:
.1 crowd management for personnel designated on the muster list to assist passengers in
emergency situations as specified in section A-V/3, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code;

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.2 vessel familiarization for masters officers and other personnel assigned specific
duties and responsibilities as specified in section A-V/3, paragraph 2 of the STCW

.3 safety for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces as

specified in section A-V/3, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code;

.4 passenger safety for masters, chief mates and every person assigned immediate
responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers as specified in section A-
V/3, paragraph 4 of the STCW Code; and

.5 crisis management and human behavior for masters, chief mates, chief engineer
officers, second engineer officers and any person having responsibility for the safety
of passengers in emergency situations as specified in section A-V/5, paragraph 5 of
the STCW Code.

This training shall be the responsibility of and accomplished by the shipowner or operator in
accordance with the guidelines in STCW Regulation V/3, section A-V/3.

7.5.2 Documentation

The shipowner/operator shall ensure that documentary evidence of the training which has
been completed is issued for every person found qualified under the provisions of this
Regulation V/3 and is available for review by proper authorities and ISM Code auditors.

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