MN 2 011 54
MN 2 011 54
MN 2 011 54
This Marine Notice (MN) outlines the revised requirements for conducting surveys and issuing
international convention and national certificates by or on behalf of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”).
It supersedes Rev. Aug/2023. The document has been amended throughout to address the change
of the RMI yacht inspections program.
This MN applies to all Private Yachts Limited Charter (PYLC) regardless of size.
This MN uses terminology defined in the RMI Maritime Regulations and the RMI Yacht Code
2021 ( the “Yacht Code”).
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Inquiries concerning the subject of this Marine Notice should be directed to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator,
11495 Commerce Park Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1506 USA. The most current version of all Republic of the Marshall Islands Marine
Notices may be found at
MI-01, Rev. Apr/2016
1.1 Owners, managers, and Captains of private yachts with a PYLC compliance are
responsible for verifying that charter operations of private yachts are permitted in
the jurisdiction where they plan to charter.
1.2 They must consult with the local port State control (PSC) and other relevant
authorities, such as the customs and tax authorities, and seek permission to charter
under the RMI PYLC compliance.
All unclassed PYLCs must have their applicable international convention statutory
surveys and certification carried out by Class or an AR.
Flag State inspections and Compliance Verifications must be conducted by one of the
following individuals acting under the authority of the RMI:
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4.1 General
.4 All newly registering private yachts of less than 400 GT wishing to obtain a
PYLC Compliance Certificate, may, at the discretion of the Administrator,
initially register as a private yacht for no more than 30 days before the initial
Compliance Verification is completed and the Compliance Certificate is
issued. Under these circumstances, a separate pre-registration inspection is
not required and a Certificate of Registry valid for 30 days will be issued.
.8 PYLCs that carry a tender must comply with §5.0 of this Notice.
4.2 Re-Registration
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Tenders carried on board any size PYLC must be issued a Tender Statement of Compliance
per MN 2-011-43.
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