Hydra-Matic 1952-53
Hydra-Matic 1952-53
Hydra-Matic 1952-53
This supplement covers only those design changes which differ for the
H-53, J-53, Z-52 and Z-53 transmissions and the resultant changes in
operation, oil flow and repair procedures affected by these design changes.
The principal changes involve the transmission case, front servo, rear pump
and governor oil delivery pipe.
The dis-assembly, inspection and assembly procedures for the new front
servo and control valve are covered in this supplement. All other units of
the H-53, J-53, Z-52 and Z-53 transmissions are similar in design to those
used in the H-52, T-52 Hydra-Matic transmissions and are covered in detail
in the Hudson Hydra-Matic Transmission Service Manual.
Hydraulic action and oil flow for the new transmissions are illustrated
in simplified schematic line drawings.
Manual Control Linkage 47
Neutral Safety Switch 47
Throttle Control Linkage Adjustment
1C - 2C 39
Throttle Control Linkage Adjustment
1C - 2C With Twin Carburetors 40
Throttle Control Linkage Adjustment
4B, 4C, 5B and 5C 41
Throttle Control Linkage Adjustment
4B, 5B, 4C, 5C With 262 Engine With Twin Carburetors 42
Throttle Control Linkage Adjustment
6B, 7B and 7C 42
Throttle Control Linkage Adjustment
6B, 7B and 7C With Twin Carburetors 45
Assembly 24
Disassembly 22
Operation 5
Removal 22
Compensator Pressure 18
Downshift - Forced (2 - 1) 21
Downshift - Forced (3 - 2) 20
Downshift - Forced (4 - 3) 19
First Speed - Hydraulic Action 10
Fourth Speed - Hydraulic Action 13
Modulated Main Line Pressure 17
Neutral - Engine Not Running 8
Neutral - Engine Running 9
Regulated T.V. Pressure 17
Reverse - Hydraulic Action 16
Second Speed - Hydraulic Action 11
Second Speed - "LO" 15
Third Speed - Hydraulic Action 12
Third Speed - "Drive - 3" 14
FOR Z-52 H-53 J-53 Z-53 The 3-4 shift valve assembly has been
replaced by a new 3-4 shift valve
TRANSMISSION CASE eliminating the 1 o c k out valve
assembly and auxiliary shift spring.
To simplify service the main line
exhaust valve has been removed from the A new shuttle has been added to the
transmission case and added to the front control valve which allows either detent
servo valve body. The main line exhaust or "DR-3" oil to close the 3-4 shift
valve sleeve and the valve sleeve valve.
remover tool have been eliminated, the
one-two shift oil passages have been A compensator auxiliary plug has been
altered. added to all H-53, J-53 and Z-53 control
valve outer valve bodies to improve
shift characteristics.
The front servo has been changed by A double transition valve spring is
adding a valve body which contains the used in the J-53 and Z-53 control valve
line exhaust valve and over-run control assemblies. The double transition valve
valves. In the 52 transmissions the line spring is not used in the 11-53 control
exhaust was located in the case and the valve assembly.
over-run control valve in the front
servo body. A new leaf type check valve with a
metering orifice replaces the orifice
This new location for these valves which was drilled in the outer valve
sim- plifies service by combining them body.
into an easily accessible valve body. The new control valves can be identified
On past models, only two bolts held as follows:
the release cylinder to the servo body.
The 11-53 control valve assembly has
Three bolts attach the release cyl- the numeral "4" stamped on the outward
inder to the servo body to improve end of the T.V. shaft.
sealing and eliminate the use of a
gasket. The front servo piston assembly The J-53, Z-52 and Z-53 control
includes only the apply piston and valves have the numeral "1" stamped on
compensator piston, the release piston the outward end of the T.V. shaft.
is now a separate part. A booster has
been added which acts on the release REAR PUMP
piston. This improves band release and
clutch apply action. The rear pump has been designed for
The orifice in the 4-3 downshift greater capacity. This is accom-
valve has been eliminated. This orifice plished by an increase in the width of
is now located in a passage by-passing the pump gears. As a result, lower
the valve. The slot in the end of the starting speeds are obtainable when it
valve and the hair pin retainer have is necessary to tow or push the vehicle.
been eliminated.
A new pressure regulator plug is now
The design and operation of the quick being used. Higher pressure T.V. and
dump in the rear servo has been changed. pressure regulator plugs are used which
One-two shift oil closes the rear servo increases main line pressure at all
exhaust valve and spring pressure opens speeds (approximately 10 pounds more)
it. under full throttle.
These changes provide smoother "DR" The new plug shown at "B" has a
to"LO" and quicker neutral to "DR" milled groove in the outside diameter
shifts. Faster rear servo action for of the bore of the pressure regulator
rocking can still be obtained by shift- plug and the undercut of the T.V. plug
ing from Reverse to Drive range. is tapered at both ends.
10. Install the release cylinder assem- 4. Remove the two screws attaching the
bly on the servo body, inserting outer valve body to the inner valve
the apply piston assembly stem into body.
the bore in the band release piston. 5. Separate the outer and inner valve
11. Install and tighten the three bodies and remove the spacer plate
screws (1) attaching the release (33), Figure 32.
cylinder assembly to the front
servo body. NOTE: Carefully lift the outer valve body and spacer
12. Install the band adjusting hole plate from the inner valve body. The outer valve body
plug (11) in the front servo body. contains a 3-2 timing valve restrictor of the leaf type
which contacts against the spacer plate. Do not lose the
16. Remove the three screws attaching 19. Shake the outer valve body to check
the detent plunger retainer (57) to for freedom of the compensator
the outer valve body (48) and auxiliary plug (53), Figure 42, in
remove the retainer (57) and plate the outer valve body bore. If the
plug is free, removal of the p lug
(56), Figure 38. is not required. Plug can be pu s he
d out of bore in outer valve body
17. Remove the "T" valve (52), throttle with a 1/8 inch diameter brass rod
valve spring (51), throttle valve after removing the compensator aux-
(50) and double transition valve iliary plug stop pin (54).
(55), Figure 38.
plate. Lay a straight edge across the NOTE: To assure correct installation of control valve
restrictor and press down against the as s e mbly springs, identify each spring by checking
outer valve body to check proper the outside diameter (O.D.) and free length as shown
contact when assembled. Position the in Figure 41.
spacer plate over the outer valve body
and check alignment of the restrictor 1. Install the compensator valve spring
valve orifice with the hole in the (47), compensator valve (45), detent
spacer plate. plug (46) and the outer valve body
front plate (44) with the three
attaching screws, Figure 42.
2. Install the double transition valve
3. Place the throttle valve (50) on a
1/8" brass rod and position in the
center bore of the outer valve body
(48). Install the throttle valve
spring (51) in the bore in the "T"
valve (52) and insert both in the
valve body center bore.
4. Align the detent plunger retainer
plate (56) and the detent plunger
retainer (57) with the outer valve
body and install three attaching
1. Timing Valve H-52,J-52,Z-52,H-53,1-53,Z-53. 9. T.V. Regulator Valve H-53.
2. 3-4 Shift Valve H-52,J-52,Z-52. 10 Compensator Valve H-52,J-52,Z-52,H-53,J-53,Z-53.
3. 3-4 Auxiliary Shift H-52,J-52,Z-52. 11. 3-4 Shift Valve H-52,J-52,Z-52.
4. 2-3 Shift Valve H-52,1-52,Z-52,H-53,J-53,Z-53. 12. Throttle Valve H-52,J-52,Z-52,H-53,1-53,Z-53.
5. 2-1 Detent Plug H-52,J-52,Z-52,H-53,J-53,Z-53. 13. T.V. Regulator Valve H-52,1-52,Z-52.
6. 2-1 Detent H-52,J-52,Z-52,H-53,J-53,Z-53. 14. Double Transition Valve J-53,Z-53.
7. 3-4 Over Control Valve H-53. 15. T.V. Regulator Valve J-53,Z-53.
8. 1-2 Regulator Plug H-52,J-52,Z-52,H-53,J-53,Z-53. 16. "T" Oil Check Valve H-52,I-52,Z-52,H-53,J-53,Z-53.
NOTE: Carefully guide the auxiliary valve stem into 17. Position the front valve body plate
the bore to prevent cocking of valve on the governor (7) on the front valve body and
sleeve counterbore. install the three attaching screws
and lockwashers.
7. Install the 3-4 governor plug (32). 18. Install the 3-2 timing valve (22),
Use a brass rod in the plug bore to 3-2 timing valve spring (23),
assist in inStallation of plug. timing valve plug (24), and the
plug retainer pin (25) into the 3-2
8. Install the 2-3 governor plug (29), timing valve body (21).
2-1 detent plug spring (30) and the
2-1 detent plug (31). 19. Align and install the 3-2 timing
valve body assembly (21) on the
9. Position the rear valve body spacer inner valve body assembly (26)
plate (34), rear valve body (35) on (attached with two screws).
the inner valve body (26) and
20. Hold the outer valve body (48) in
install with three attaching
one hand with the flat inner
screws. surface upward and install the 3-2
timing valve restrictor, Figure 40.
10. Install the 2-3 shift valve (18),
the 1-2 shift valve (19) and the 21. Install the valve body spacer plate
1-2 regulator plug spring (16). (33) on the outer valve body (48).
Check carefully to be sure the 3-2
11. Install the 3-4 shift valve (20), timing valve restrictor orifice is
and the 3-4 shift valve spring (17). aligned with the hole in the spacer
12. Install the T.V. regulator valve
spring (8), the T.V. regulator 22. Install the spacer plate (33) and
the outer valve body assembly (48)
valve (9), the 1-2 regulator plug on the inner valve body (26).
(10), the 3-4 regulator plug (11) Insert the control valve assembly
and the shuttle valve (12) in the to transmission case mounting bolts
front valve body (6). through the outer and inner valve
bodies for alignment. Install and
13. Install the front valve body tighten the two outer to inner
separator plate (13) holding it in control valve body attaching screws.
place to the front valve body with
the three attaching screws. 23. Install the manual shaft inner
steel washer (36) over the manual
14. Place the inner valve body assembly control shaft (with dish up). 24.
on a clean flat surface, and while Install the manual shaft seal outer
holding the front valve body (6) steel washer (37) with the large
and separator plate (13), bring the inside diameter over the manual
two assemblies together. control shaft (42) (with dish down).
CAUTION: All springs must line up with the respec- 25. Install the rubber seal (38) over
tive valves and bores and attaching screws should be the shaft with the seal lip down-
tightened alternately to bring the two valve body as- ward, extending into the inside
semblies together. diameter of the outer washer.
C-1 Bands should be adjusted externally
DIAGNOSIS AND to factory specifications. Occa-
TESTING sionally a transmission may be
encountered that will not take a
UPSHIFTS TOO HIGH good external adjustment.
If a transmission with normal pressure
B-1 Throttle linkage too short. shifts roughly after a linkage and
B-3 Outer throttle lever bent. external band adjustment, the bands
G-1 Valves sticking in control valve should be adjusted internally.
G-3 Incorrect control valve assembly. SLIPS — HEAVY THROTTLE
I-1 Valves sticking in governor or UPSHIFTS
improper valve travel.
I-2 Governor oil de livery pipe leaking B -2 Throttle linkage too long.
at connections. B-3 Outer throttle lever bent.
I -3 Incorrect governor installed. C-1 Bands should be adjusted externally
to factory specifications, occa-
UPSHIFTS TOO LOW sionally a transmission may be
encountered that will not take a
B-2 Throttle linkage too long. good external adjustment.
B-3 Outer throttle lever bent. If a transmission with normal
G-1 Valves sticking in control valve pressure shifts roughly after a
assembly. linkage and external band adjust-
G-2 Internal leak in control valve ment, the bands should be adjusted
assembly possible loose screws or internally.
E-1 Check line pressure in all ranges.
mating surfaces require lapping. Watch pressure through complete
G-3 Incorrect control valve assembly. shift pattern.
I -2 Governor oil delivery pipe leaking G-1 Valves sticking in the control
at connections. valve assembly.
I -3 Incorrect governor installed. G-2 Internal leak in control valve
assembly-possible loose screws or
UPSHIFT ROUGH mating surfaces require lapping.
K-1 Compensator leak in Front Servo,
B-1 Throttle linkage too short. between case and servo, or at rear
B-2 Throttle linkage too long. servo compensator pipe connection.
B-3 Outer throttle lever bent. Check for leak with air pressure.
C-1 Bands should be adjusted externally L-1 Compensator passage leak in rear
servo. Check with air pressure.
to factory specifications. Occa-
sionally a transmission may be
encountered that will not take a SLIPS — 1-2 MISSES 2nd
good external adjustment.
L-2 Leak in 1-2 oil passage to exhaust
If a transmission with normal valve in rear servo (1953 Models).
pressure shifts roughly after a K-4 Leak in front servo release passage.
linkage and external band adjust- Check with air pressure.
ment, the bands should be adjusted S-1 Loose bearing cap bolts in case
internally. allowing leak between oil delivery
E-1 Check line pressure in all ranges. sleeve and cap. Check for leak at
Watch pressure through complete this point by applying air pressure
shift pattern. to front and rear clutch apply
G-1 Valves sticking in control valve passages in case after removing
assembly. valve body. If a leak exists, with
G-2 Internal leak in control valve cap bolts at recommended torque,
assembly. dress down cap to provide snugger
Possib1e loose screws or mating sur- fit to oil delivery sleeve.
faces require lapping. Q-1 In correct number of clutch plates
or wrong annular piston in front
unit. Also worn or damaged clutch
UPSHIFTS S-2 Oil passages not drilled or inter-
connected in case. Remove valve body
B-2 Throttle linkage too long. and air check all case passages
S-3 Broken ring-oil delivery sleeve. UPSHIFTS TO 4th IN "DR-3"
SLIPS — 2-3
D Shift linkage.
B-2 Throttle linkage too long. G-1 Valves sticking in control valve
C-1 Bands should be adjusted externally assembly.
to specifications. Occasionally a G-4 Passages not machined in control
transmission may be encountered valve assembly.
that will not take a good external
adjustment. If a transmission with UPSHIFTS TO 3rd IN "LO"
normal pressure shifts roughly AT LOW SPEEDS
after a linkage and external band
adjustment, the bands should be D Shift linkage.
adjusted internally. G-1 Valves sticking in control valve
E-1 Check line pressure in all ranges. assembly.
Watch pressure through complete G-2 Internal leak in control valve
shift pattern. assembly - possible loose screws or
C-2 Adjust bands by internal method. mating surfaces require lapping.
G-1 Valves sticking in control valve
assembly. ROUGH 3-2 or 3-1 — DOWNSHIFT
G-2 Internal leak in control valve (Closed Throttle)
assembly-possible loose screws or
mating surfaces require lapping. A Engine idle.
K-1 Compensator leak in front servo, be- B-1 Throttle linkage too short.
tween case and servo, or at rear C-2 Adjust bands by internal method.
servo compensator pipe connection. L-3 Leak in rear servo release passage.
Check for leak with air pressure. Check release passage with air pres-
K-6 4-3 downshift valve stuck in closed sure.
position. L-4 Broken or misaligned rear servo
L-3 Leak in rear servo release passage. check valve.
Check release passage with air L-5 Rear servo exhaust valve sticking
pressure with servo mounted on case. open.
Make certain servo applies and G-1 Valves sticking in control valve
releases freely without tendency to assembly.
stick or chatter. G-2 Internal leak in control valve
S-1 Loose bearing cap bolts in case assembly.
allowing leak between oil delivery
sleeve and cap. Check for leak at NO 4-3 FORCED DOWNSHIFT
this point by applying air pressure
to front and rear clutch apply B-2 Throttle linkage too long.
passages in case after removing B-3 Outer throttle lever bent.
valve body. If a leak exists, with G-1 Valves sticking open in control
cap bolts at recommended torque, valve assembly.
dress down cap to provide snugger Q-3 Gear failure locking front unit in
fit to oil delivery sleeve. direct drive.
Q-1 In correct number of clutch plates
or wrong annular piston in rear NO 3-2 FORCED DOWNSHIFT
unit. Also worn or damaged clutch
plates. B-2 Throttle linkage too long.
R-2 Rear unit annular piston seals or B-3 Outer throttle lever bent.
expanders damaged. G-1 Valves sticking open in control
S-2 Oil passages not drilled or inter- valve assembly.
connected in case. Remove control
valve and air check all case passages. SLIPS 4-3 - FORCED DOWNSHIFT
S-3 Broken ring-oil delivery sleeve.
K-3 4-3 downshift valve retainer spring
SLIPS — 3-4 out of place (Models through 1952).
K-4 Leaks between front servo valve body
NOTE: See Slips 1-2. and front servo (1953 Models)
K-5 Front servo by -pass apply passage MISSES 2nd AND 4th
not drilled through in servo body
(1953 Models). K-2 Leak in front servo release passage.
Check with air pressure.
ROUGH 4-3 FORCED DOWNSHIFT L-2 Leak in 1-2 oil passage to exhaust
in rear servo (1953 Models).
C-1 Bands should be adjusted externally S-1 Loose bearing cap bolts in case
to factory specifications. Occa- allowing leak between oil delivery
sionally a transmission may be sleeve and cap.
encountered that will not take a Check for leak at this point by
good external adjustment. applying air pressure to front and
If a transmission with normal pres- rear clutch apply passages in case
sure shifts roughly after a linkage after removing
and external band adjustment, the valve body. If a leak exists, with
bands should be adjusted internally. cap bolt s at recommended torque,
E-1 Check line pressure in all ranges. dress down cap to provide snugger
Watch pressure through complete fit to oil delivery sleeve.
shift pattern. S-2 0il passages not drilled or inter-
G-1 Valves sticking in control valve connected in case. Remove control
assembly. valve assembly and air check all
K-7 4 -3 downshift valve stuck in the case passages.
open position. Q-1 Incorrect number of clutch plates
or wrong annular piston in front
ROUGH DOWNSHIFT AFTER unit. Also worn or damaged clutch
Q-2 Front annular piston seals or
B-4 Throttle linkage binding. expanders damaged.
G-1 Valves sticking in control valve
assembly. MISSES 1st AND 3rd
S-2 0i1 passages not drilled or inter-
connected in case. Remove control Q-3 Gear set failure locking front unit
valve assembly and air check all in direct drive.
case passages.
WILL NOT LOCK IN "R" WITH N- Neutral, 1st, 3rd and reverse speeds
ENGINE OFF (51-53) only.
C- Front unit planetary gears.
H-2 Parking blocker piston stuck.
N- Reverse Gear acceleration only.
C- Reverse unit planetary gears.
12 M.P.H. N- Reverse gear deceleration only.
C- Reverse unit planetary gears.
H-2 Parking blocker piston stuck. N- Metallic scraping at front of tramis-
SLIPS IN "DR-3" WHEN USING C- Excessive end play - torus members.
ENGINE AS A BRAKE N- Vehicle coasting 20 to 35 M.P.H.
engine not running - selector in
K-8 Over-run control valve sticking. neutral.
(1952-1953.) C- Rear oil pump.
Source of
Date Subject
LINKAGE ADJUSTMENTS of the transmission case with the
THROTTLE CONTROL LINKAGE edge of the checking gauge against
ADJUSTMENT the back surface of the transmis-
sion case with the edge of the
(Models 1C-2C) checking gauge against the the
transmission side cover, Figure 44.
1. Place selector lever in "N" (b) With the transmission outer
(Neutral) position, with engine at throttle lever held against its
normal operating temperature and stop (toward rear of transmission),
transmission warm, adjust the engine the outer throttle lever hole
idle speed to 490-510 R.P.M. (lower hole) should be centered on
2. Install gauge pin 1-2544 in lever the small diameter of the gauge pin
bellcrank at (E), Figure 43, and (I) and the in side face of the
adjust the throttle bellcrank shaft throttle control lever should just
operating rod (A) to 2-9/32" mea- touch the large diameter of the
gauge rod. DO NOT FORCE the outer
sured from centerline of throttle lever against its stop and DO NOT
control bellcrank to carburetor rod try to bend this lever unless you
clevis pin and the top of the have the proper bending tool.
machined surface of the cylinder
head. After adjustment, lock jam nut
3. With the throttle return spring
attached and idle adjustment screw
against its stop and the 1-2544 gauge
pin still in place in the lower a
bellcrank, adjust the throttle con-
trol bellcrank to carburetor rod (B)
until the clevis pin slides freely
through the holes in clevis and the
hole in the bell- crank. Lock jam