LSSGB-template-Udemy - Black Belt
LSSGB-template-Udemy - Black Belt
LSSGB-template-Udemy - Black Belt
1. Define 2. Measure
Project charter Data collection plan
To do
Process map Pareto chart
5 Why
5. Control
Control plan
Benefits calculation
Re-measuring Y
Project charter - YouTube video
Project charter Help
Project title Improve the productivity of the "Headrests" Process Use verb in project title to describe action: improve, reduce.
Process Headrests Finishing Stations X52 / X87 / J92, 3 Stations Name the process, frequency, number of people involved.
Problem statement The problem is production time of the Headrests to the customer What is the problem in the process? Time, quality, risk?
Project scope Autonomous Production Zone 1, Team 2 What is the part of the process/country/team to be included into project?
Project sponsor TAZIN AHMED (Manufacturing Manager ) Someone senior, interested in the project's success, approves scope.
Team members ELGHERBI Rabie,Driss El asri, OULAD SAID Mohammed Names of team members involved in the project
Important: Project charter is about the "current state" process. Please do not include ideas for improvement here or
"future state" plans. The Project sponsor approves Project charter.
Suppliers Inputs Req. Process Outputs Req. Customers
T5 factory covers textile
Finishing Stations
Important: Change Management is critical to your project success. Make sure you keep on in
people impacted by the change from the very beginning of the project.
Project objectives
Reduce time spent to product one Headrest team 2
Improve the efficiency of people of the zone 1 team 1
Data Collection Plan - YouTube video
Measure Definition
the time starting when operation begins to the point of time when the operation ends.
Is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the utilization, performance, and quality of
the workforce and its impact on productivity.
Be very specific here - add details and requirements
Project objectives
Current state data
164 Seconde per Headrest (data from July-August 2017)
49 % (data from July-August 2017)
Who will measure
When? the data?
data from July 2017 Oulad saaid/Mohammed
re what to measure.
YouTube video - Data, VOC & VOP
Productivity of the team per shift (8
ity day
X87 Function
How to find it in excel Result
=min(data) 143
=max(data) 161
=average(data) 152
=stdev(data) 3
You collected your data. The sample size - in this case 5 months - depends on your
process frequency and the availability of data. There is no need to have data for 3 years
if your process is daily but in the same time you cannot take data for 2 months if your
process is monthly. Now try to play with the data - create average number in total 5
year: average number of minutes per invoice per invoice type, average number of
incorrect invoices. Now please create run chart and ask Customer what is the target
-Voice of the Customer (VOC)
Pareto rule is 80/20 - e.g. 80% of the time you wear 20 % of your cloths. It
helps us to understand where to concentrate on - in case of our project we
should look closer at category C. It means you don't need to analyze all
data - just the one that has the biggest impact on the project objectives.
Gemba walk & 7 Wastes- YouTube video
7 Wastes
T Transport
I Inventory
M Motion
W Waiting
O Overprocessing
O Overproduction
D Defect
Unused creativity of
8th Waste people
Please follow GEMBA approach - GEMBA means go and see. Go to the place here the process is run, login to
procedure and observe them. Look for Waste in the process, learn how the process in run in real time. Look al
time reduction? Good! In this case please look at your process and look for all Waiting. Please check also Pare
should go and see.
ba walk & 7 Wastes- YouTube video
Meaning Describe wastes in your process
Unnecessary movement of items, data,
equipment. 1-transfert des chars
1-Take the foam from the lathe and place it on the packing support
2-Place the bag on the AT and start the aspiration
Unnecessary movement of people 3-Engage the cap on the AT and waiting the breathing
4-Maintain and center the cap and engage it towards the po
eans go and see. Go to the place here the process is run, login to the application used in the process, ask people to follow ste
in the process, learn how the process in run in real time. Look also at your Project charter again - do you have objectives rela
k at your process and look for all Waiting. Please check also Pareto chart - it helps you to understand where to use GEMB - w
should go and see.
cribe wastes in your process
g crates
oard packing
Cause Stop for lack of No exploitation of
Lack of Visual management operator the SAP system
Lack of training Cause No optimization s
-lack of the Headdresses
Objectives section as well. The
root casuses of the problem.
em in 6M view.The best way to
on with people from SIPOC -
n all the root causes on post it
eboard). Start discussion about
ot cause.
ause identification
n! If it's my idea I
ment it!
5 Why - YouTube video
Cause 1. Why? 2. Why?
Lack of stirrups
lack oh the Foam Stop Carrousel
Out of stock
lack of the Headdresses No replenishment requests
Stop for change of Packing Bag Waiting for maintenance Lack of tools for bag change
5 Why is used if the cause from Fishbone diagram does not go enough deep. Please select all causes from your
Why? As many times as needed to get to the root cause.The root cause is marked in green. Remember it’s no
good people in bad processes the outcomes don’t imp
3. Why? 4. Why 5. Why?
. Please select all causes from your Fishbone Diagram and decide if the are root causes. If not ask
marked in green. Remember it’s not about the people – it’s about the process and that if you put
processes the outcomes don’t improve.
Impact difficulty matrix - YouTube video
low high
Difficulty of implementation
Create a list of improvements as a
List of identification, Gemba walk and co
Impact/Difficulty Matrix. Start implem
2 improvements your project objectives and low difficulty
be implemented with low im
Reinstatement of Finishing
2. Stations
The implementation of the
self-maintenance: The
3. repairs of the first level are
done by the operators
4. Recruitment of Three
People For Project X52
mentation 6.
reate a list of improvements as a result of root cause analyzes, 7 Waste
dentification, Gemba walk and correlation check. Now allocate them on
ct/Difficulty Matrix. Start implementation with the one with high impact on
roject objectives and low difficulty. Don't implement improvements difficult to
be implemented with low impact on your project success.
1. Actions
2. Trainings
Training objectives
3. Communication
Procurement procedure
Storage procedure
Implementation plan - YouTube video
Participants Place
Owner Action
5/15/2017 100%
5/16/2017 100%
6/11/2017 100%
6/11/2017 100%
Improve the efficiency of people of the zone 1 team 1 49 % (data from July-August 2017)
You have changed your process! Congratulations! Now you need to measure the process again to confirm with
better. Don't start measuring the data just after implementation - give people some time (depends on the pr
adopt to the change. Please calculate project benefits based on new data - show how many hours were save
reduced per month - it's all about data. It's also about people - have a meeting - report out - to present your pr
involved in the project, to project sponsor. Celebrate your success with others! Please send the file up
Project objectives and benefits
Project benefits - a difference
Current state data (before improvement) Future state data (after improvement) the old and the new pro
164 Seconde per Headrest (data from July- 52 secande per Headrest 112 secondes per Headrest
August 2017)
need to measure the process again to confirm with data that your process has changed - for
ntation - give people some time (depends on the process frequency - at list one month) to
sed on new data - show how many hours were saved per month, how many defects were
le - have a meeting - report out - to present your project results, say thank you to all people
te your success with others! Please send the file updated with your project data to
Project benefits - a difference between
the old and the new process
112 secondes per Headrest
21% of improvement