Cbjeenss 01
Cbjeenss 01
Cbjeenss 01
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions informed about weather conditions. Car drivers
that follow: [8] can be given alternative routes when there are
1. One of the greatest advances in modern technology traffic jams. It will also be possible to make tiny
has been the invention of computers. They are translating machines. This will enable people who
widely used in industries and in universities. Now do not share a common language to talk to each
there is hardly any sphere of human life where other without any difficulty or to read foreign
computers have not been pressed into the service publications.
of man. We are heading fast towards the day when 1.1 Attempt any eight of the following questions :
a computer will be as much part of man’s daily [1 # 8 = 8]
life as a telephone or a calculator (1) Computers need detailed instructions from ..........
2. Computers are capable of doing extremely to operate.
complicated work in all branches of learning. (a) other computers
They can solve the most complex mathematical (b) machines
problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in (c) human beings
order. These machines can be put to varied uses. (2) What complicated work are computers capable of
For instance, they can provide information on doing?
the best way to prevent traffic jams. This whole (a) solve complex mathematical problems
process by which machines can be used to work (b) cooking food
for us has been called ‘automation’. In the future (c) none of these
automation may enable human beings to enjoy (3) How can the ordinary people get benefit by using
more leisure than they do today. The coming of computers?
automation is bound to have important social (4) The process by which machines can be used to
consequences. work for us is called
3. Some years ago an expert on automation, Sir Leon (a) formation
Bagrit, pointed out that it was a mistake to believe (b) automation
that these machines could ‘think’. There is no (c) oscillation
possibility that human beings will be “controlled (5) What is the greatest advancement in modern
by machines”. Though computers are capable of technology?
learning from their mistakes and improving on (a) invention of light
their performance, they need detailed instructions (b) invention of paper
from human beings to operate. They can never, as (c) invention of computers
it were, lead independent lives or “rule the world” (6) How can computers help people going on holiday?
by making decisions of their own. (7) What was the prediction of Sir Leon about
4. Sir Leon said that in the future, computers would computers in the future?
be developed which would be small enough to (8) How would computers as translating machines
carry in the pocket. Ordinary people would help people?
then be able to use them to obtain valuable (9) Write one use of computers.
information. Computers could be plugged into Ans :
a national network and be used like radios.
(1) (c) human beings
For instance, people going on holiday could be
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(2) (a) solve complex mathematical problems (b) To what will you attribute Napoleon’s failure in
(3) When computers would be small enough to carry Russia? Why?
in the pocket, they can be used by the ordinary (c) How can one avoid the risk of failure?
people to obtain valuable information. (d) Why should people be ‘cut down to size’ ?
(4) (b) automation (e) When do, sometimes, situations get out of control?
(5) (c) invention of computers Ans :
(6) They could be informed about weather conditions.
(a) Overconfidence is a flaw in one’s character because
(7) He said that in the future, computers small
such people live within their own thoughts. They
enough to carry in a pocket would be developed.
know themselves, but they are unaware of others.
(8) People who do not share a common language will
(b) Napoleon’s success in battles made him
able to talk to each other.
overconfident of his powers. He failed to find out
(9) They can provide information on the best way to
the dangers of attacking Russia during winter and
prevent traffic jams.
failed miserably in the battle.
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions (c) One can avoid the risk of failure by planning well,
that follow: [12] not to ignore external factors and foresee future
1. Why does a person become overconfident? The developments.
reason lies in over assessment of his capabilities. (d) If people are ‘cut down to size’, they will become
Sometimes people over-assess their competence realists and modest. They will not take rash
and jump into situations that are beyond their actions but be cautious in what they do.
control. (e) When people become overconfident, they over-
2. Napoleon Bonaparte who became Emperor of assess their competence. So, they do not make a
France would say that the word ‘impossible’ was correct judgement of their abilities and situations
common only amongst fools. The overconfident get out of control.
Napoleon invaded Russia in the winter of 1812. 2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in
This proved to be a big disaster any two of the following blanks with appropriate
3. Overconfidence generally leads people into words/phrases: 61 # 2 = 2@
misadventures, endangering their chances in life. (a) Overconfident people are always at _____
It is wisely said that any achievement is a result of (b) Overconfident people live within their own
two factors—one’s personal planning and support _____
from the external world. People, take into account (c) Overconfidence leads people into _____
only their planning, generally ignoring external Ans :
factors. As a result, they are unable to foresee
future developments. Hence, a great risk of failure. (a) risk
4. Then there is the question: How can one manage (b) thoughts
overconfidence? The formula is very simple. (c) misadventures
Before taking a decision, discuss the matter with 2.3 Find out the words that mean the same as under.
other informed people with an objective mind and Attempt any two of the following : 61 # 2 = 2@
when it is proved that you are about to go off the (1) putting someone at risk / at risk (paragraph 3)
path, accept reality and say without delay, “I was (a) endangering
wrong”. (b) external
5. Overconfidence is a flaw characterising people (c) ignoring
who lack the virtue of modesty. Modesty makes (2) a sudden accident that causes damage to life
you a realist; you become a person who is cut (paragraph 2)
down to size. People of this kind become very (a) impossible
cautious; before taking action they assess the (b) disaster
whole situation. They adopt a realistic approach. (c) none of these
6. Overconfident people live within their own (3) sensible (paragraph 5)
thoughts. They know themselves but they are (a) flaw
unaware of others. Living inside their own cell (b) modesty
they are unable to make use of the experiences of (c) realistic
others. This kind of habit is highly damaging to
Ans :
all concerned.
7. There is a saying that the young man sees the rule (1) (a) endangering
and the old man sees the exception. With a slight (2) (b) disaster
change, I would like to say that the overconfident (3) (c) realistic
person sees the rule and the confident person sees
the exception. Overconfident people are always at
risk. It is said that taking risk is good, but it
must be well calculated otherwise it becomes very
2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage,
answer any four of the following questions in 30-
40 words each: [2 # 4 = 8 ]
(a) Is overconfidence a flaw in one’s character?
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(b) (i) reduce (ii) reduces (iii) reduced (iv) reducing Before Missing Word After
(c) (i) like (ii) similar to (iii) as (iv) alike
(a) cash which was
(d) (i) or (ii) from (iii) of (iv) as
(b) kept in a
(e) (i) and (ii) or (iii) but (iv) if
(c) who did not
Ans :
(d) trust each other
(a) (ii) in
(b) (i) reduce (e) locks on the
(c) (iii) as
7. Rearrange any four of the following word clusters to
(d) (i) or
make meaningful sentences. 4
(e) (i) and
(a) very impatient / makes / an energetic man / slow
6. In the following passage, one word has been omitted progress
in each line. Write the missing words in any four (b) to the / there are / culprit / many clues / real /
sentences of the given paragraph, along with the pointing
words that come before and the words that come after (c) the / find / murderer / who / real / out / is
it in the space provided. 4 (d) can be / two / blamed /persons / the murder /
Before Missing After
Word (e) read / I / the / the / in / paper / that / had /
been / thief / caught
A company cash was (a) _____ _____ _____
Ans :
kept a safe was owned by (b) _____ _____ _____
8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions (ii) tiger
that follow: 61 # 4 = 4@ (iii) lion
No one is born hating another person because of the (b) Whom is the tiger frightening?
colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. (i) the villagers
People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to (ii) poachers
hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more (iii) visitors
naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Even (c) What does ‘white fangs’ refer to in the above
in the grimmest times in prison, when my comrades lines?
and I were pushed to our limits, I would see a glimmer (d) Find out a word that means ‘showing the teeth
of humanity in one of the guards, perhaps just for a and making fearful sound’.
second, but it was enough to reassure me and keep me Ans :
going. Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden
(a) It is easy to learn to love because love comes more
but never extinguished.
naturally to the human heart than hate.
(a) Why is it easy to learn to love?
(b) Mandela’s opinion about the man’s goodness is
(b) What was the opinion of Mandela about the
that it can be hidden but not extinguished.
man’s goodness?
(c) (i) in prison
(c) Where did Mandela and his friends have the most
(d) (ii) grimmest
unpleasant time?
(i) in prison
(a) (ii) tiger
(ii) in school
(b) (i) the villagers
(iii) none of these
(c) ‘White fangs’ refer to pointed white teeth of a
(d) Trace a word from the extract that means ‘severe’.
(i) hate
(d) snarling
(ii) grimmest
(iii) flame 9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40
or words each: 62 # 5 = 10@
He should be snarling around houses (a) How did the otter appear for the first time when
At the jungle’s edge, he was taken out of the sack?
Baring his white fangs, his claws, (b) Why did Anne’s teacher ask her to write another
Terrorising the village! essay for the third time? Who helped her and
(a) Who is ‘he’ referred to in the above stanza? why?
(i) poet (c) How did Lencho’s hope change to despair?
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(d) How do people think of the world? Take reference have been instances that prove his existence. God
to the poem, ‘Fire and Ice’. acts through men, women, children, animals and
(e) Why did Matilda feel unfortunate? through the rest of nature. In Lencho’s case, we
(f) Horace Danby was not an ordinary thief. How can can believe that it was God who inspired the
you say this? postman to take such an initiative and raise money
Ans : for Lencho. Lencho’s faith in God deeply moved
the postmaster. He didn’t want to shake this faith
(a) The otter had been brought after all for the author.
in God. That is why he sent him the money with
He was taken out of the sack. He resembled a very
the help of his subordinates in the post office. He
small dragon. He looked very beautiful. However,
signed the letter ‘God’ to make Lencho believe
he was coated with pointed scales of mud. These
that God had sent the money. Unlike man, God
spread over his body from the head to the top of
doesn’t demand man’s acknowledgement or
the tail. Between the tips was visible a soft velvet
thanks. He does good without the least desire for
fur like that of a mole.
name and fame.
(b) Mr Keesing, her mathematics teacher, had asked
her to write another essay in lieu of punishment, 11. Answer one of the following questions in 100-150
as she was continuously talking in the classroom words: [8]
premises. Anne desired to write with something (a) What was the mystery behind imprints?
real, so she took help from Sanne, her friend, who or
hinted her to write the essay in poetry style. (b) Presence of mind and intelligence are more
(c) Rain brought a complete disaster to Lencho’s life. powerful than a gun. How far is it true in case of
His happiness did not last long. The raindrops Ausable, the secret agent?
changed into hailstones which covered everything. Ans :
Not a single leaf remained on the trees. The corn (a) Two boys in London were surprised when they
was totally destroyed. So, his hope changed to saw footprints without feet. They saw the imprints
despair as he had nothing to eat for the whole of a pair of bare feet and were left amazed and
year. shocked. When they gazed, suddenly muddy
(d) Some people think that the world will end in the imprints appeared from nowhere. After this,
fire while others think that the world will end in they chased the imprints going down the streets.
ice. Lastly, they disappeared. This led to a mystery
(e) Matilda was a dreamy woman. She gave much behind these imprints. Though we clearly know
value to her dreams. She overlooked the realities as a reader that these impressions of footprints
of life. She felt as if she was meant for all delicacies were discovered when Griffin invented a rare drug
and luxuries in life. She felt unfortunate to have of being invisible and drank a portion of it. This
married a petty clerk. made him unseen by anyone.
(f) Horace Danby was a typical thief. He robbed only or
one safe every year. Moreover, he robbed only (b) It is not necessary that a good secret agent should
those who had a lot of money. He didn’t hurt be handsome, attractive and smart. Physical
anybody, so he didn’t carry any weapon. strength can be an advantage but certainly not
10. Answer one of the following questions in 100-150 the essential one. Detectives have to face many
words: [8] critical situations at every step. Though the
(a) Describe the Coorgi people and their descent. appearances and traits of Ausable didn’t match
or up to be a detective, with the presence of mind,
(b) From another point of view, it was God who had he was able to outwit Max. One midnight when
sent Lencho seventy pesos. Explain. Ausable entered his room with Fowler who was
Ans : a romantic writer, he found Max, another secret
agent in his room. Ausable was not the least afraid
(a) The Coorgi people are fiercely independent and
of Max’s presence. At once, he used this presence
brave. According to one theory, they are of Greek
of mind and made a false story of a balcony. He
descent. It is said that they are the successors of
convinced Max to believe in this fake story. After
a part of Alexander’s army who came to Southern
some time, they heard a knock at the door, and
India and settled there when their return became
Ausable told Max that it was the police who came
impractical. According to another theory, they are
for his security. Max without wasting time rushed
of Arab descent. There is a resemblance between
towards the window and dropped to the non-
Kuppia that the Coorgi people wear, and Kuffia
existent balcony and met his tragic end. In this
that the Arabs and Kurds wear.
way, Ausable won over the critical situation by his
sheer presence of mind.
(b) God has been an abstract term throughout since
men and women began to pray to Him, yet there
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