Astrological Compatibility Calculator
Astrological Compatibility Calculator
Astrological Compatibility Calculator
Astrological assessment of compatibility between two people is known as synastry. There are several different approaches to synastry and not
all astrologers agree on the most effective procedure.
The most detailed and sophisticated methods involve making a series of comparisons of the two individual birth charts, or drawing up a
composite chart to represent the combination of both persons' astrological tendencies.
While opinions on synastry differ, most astrologers agree that the most important features to consider are the respective positions of the
Ascendant, Sun, Moon, and faster-moving planets in the two charts. This is the approach taken here.
To get maximum benefit from this tool, you will need to know each person's zodiac signs at birth of the Ascendant (Rising Sign), Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
If you do not know these, you can find them by calculating each person's natal chart using the free and instant birth chart calculator shown below.
Note that the three outermost planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) move so slowly through the zodiac signs that their influence on relationships is
marginal. They are, therefore, not included in this compatibility analysis.
Simply select the relevant zodiac signs for each person. As you enter data, the results will be continually recalculated and updated. You do not
need to enter all requested information, but the analysis will be more interesting and useful the more data you can provide.
You do not need to provide your real names, and can use initials or an alias if you prefer - or just leave the Name fields blank.
Your astrological compatibility will be shown instantly
SUN signs indicate TEMPERAMENT compatibility (how your natural personalities interact).
MERCURY signs indicate INTELLECTUAL compatibility (how you communicate and share thoughts).
MARS signs indicate PHYSICAL compatibility (how you interact physically or sexually).
JUPITER signs indicate IDEOLOGICAL compatibility (how you react to each other's beliefs, values and opinions).
SATURN signs indicate LONG-TERM compatibility (how your relationship may develop and be sustained over time).
Note: 'All Services' lists other astrological analyses available from (many of which require payment).
Psychic Science takes no responsibility for these third-party services..
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Compatibility Calculator
Person A Person B
Name Name
Ascendant Sign: Ascendant Sign:
Select 89% Select
Sun Sign: Sun Sign:
Select 44% Select
Moon Sign: Moon Sign:
Select 44% Select
Mercury Sign: Mercury Sign:
Select 44% Select
Venus Sign: Venus Sign:
Select 44% Select
Mars Sign: Mars Sign:
Select 33% Select
Jupiter Sign: Jupiter Sign:
Select 33% Select
Saturn Sign: Saturn Sign:
Select 44% Select
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ID 47% CY
(Negative Fixed Water) (Negative Fixed Water)
Ascendant in Scorpio indicates someone who is socially Ascendant in Scorpio indicates someone who is socially
closed, controlling and often overbearing. They find it difficult to closed, controlling and often overbearing. They find it difficult to
form casual friendships and tend to be suspicious and form casual friendships and tend to be suspicious and
resentful. resentful.
(Negative Mutable Earth) (Negative Fixed Water)
Sun in Virgo indicates someone whose nature is cautious, Sun in Scorpio indicates someone whose nature is intense
reserved and modest. and who is driven by powerful secret passions.
(Negative Fixed Earth) (Negative Mutable Water)
Moon in Taurus indicates someone who is emotionally warm Moon in Pisces indicates someone who is emotionally
and easy going, but who can also be stubborn. sensitive, empathetic and sentimental. They react instinctively
to events and may be moody, melancholic and emotionally
(Negative Mutable Earth) (Negative Fixed Water)
Mercury in Virgo indicates a studious person who thinks Mercury in Scorpio indicates someone who has an
systematically and likes to analyse situations. They are investigative mind. Sceptical and judgmental, they scrutinize
precise, meticulous, and perfectionist, with a keen eye for everything with suspicion. Often their investigations can
detail. Generally sceptical, they can also be sarcastic and become an obsession.
Romantic Compatibility (Venus)
ID 44% CY
(Positive Fixed Fire) (Negative Cardinal Earth)
Venus in Leo indicates someone who has a naïve, playful, Venus in Capricorn indicates someone who approaches
childlike approach to romantic relationships. They are romantic liaisons with caution and unease. They can be matter-
affectionate, loving and faithful. of-fact, pragmatic or fatalistic about relationships and often
appear cold and unloving. Occasionally they may be lecherous.
(Positive Mutable Air) (Negative Fixed Water)
Mars in Gemini indicates someone who is physically active, Mars in Scorpio indicates someone who has strong physical
restless and playful. and sexual desires. They may also sometimes have a
tendency towards physical cruelty and violence.
(Positive Cardinal Fire) (Negative Cardinal Water)
Jupiter in Aries indicates someone with pioneering views who Jupiter in Cancer indicates a partisan person who holds
expresses them loudly and enthusiastically. traditional values and beliefs. They may also be
impressionable and easily swayed by those in positions of
(Positive Fixed Fire) (Negative Cardinal Earth)
Saturn in Leo indicates someone who is loyal and whose Saturn in Capricorn indicates someone who is reliable,
relationships usually endure. responsible and consistent. They are likely to form long-term
In traditional astrology, each zodiac sign is considered either positive or negative, depending on
whether its influence is largely active or passive (yang or yin). Polarity alternates through the 12
signs, beginning with Aries (positive) and ending with Pisces (negative).
Positive Signs (Active, Yang, Light) - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius,
Negative Signs (Passive, Yin, Dark) - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn,
Each zodiac sign is also associated with one of the classical four elements (Fire, Earth, Air and
Water). Again, these cycle through the zodiac, beginning with Aries (Fire) and ending with Pisces
Another traditional cyclical grouping of zodiac signs is based on how each contributes to the seasonal, developmental, or gestatory process.
Three 'qualities' (or modalities) are traditionally recognised - Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are the creative initiators. Fixed signs
provide a stable environment and foster maturation. Mutable signs shake things up and allow transformation to occur.
Because each quality comprises four signs, these groupings are known in astrology as the Quadruplicities. Relationships between the three
qualities are complex, and astrologers can have different opinions about which qualities are compatible.
Caution and Disclaimer
All astrological assessments made using this calculator, including compatibility scores and textual descriptors, are provided for
entertainment purposes only. No claim is made concerning the accuracy of these assessments. By using this Compatibility Calculator
you agree to accept any and all risks and liabilities that may result from its use.
Note that the calculated compatibility scores are not exact measurements, but rather approximate values. Further insight into the astrological
dynamics and interpretation of a compatibility score may be obtained by considering the associated textual descriptors.
Finally, please bear in mind that human relationships are complex and, while it may be interesting and entertaining to explore astrological
dimensions, they provide, at best, only a partial perspective. They should not be taken too seriously. Also, don't be surprised if they appear wide
of the mark. If they seem inaccurate, they probably are. In these circumstances, it is much better to trust your own judgements about people and