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MLT Anatomy

Multiple choice questions:

Question A B C D

1 Fingerprints are form in which stratum? Basale Corneum Granulosome Lucidum

2 Dermis is the skin mainly composed of ? Muscular Adipose Connective Epithelial
tissue tissue tissue tissue

3 Which one cause healing of wound ? St.cornium St.malphigia Both None

4 An acidic covering of skin that protect it Cover mantle Skin mantle Acid mantle None
from bacterial invasion is called

5 Epidermis also called the cuticle layer of Dermis Oil glands Hair follicle Sub-Cutis
scarfi skin is 25 times thinner than

6 The layer of epidermis that is made of St.lucidum Albinism Light layer Papillary
translucent cells that allow the light to pass layer
through is called
7 Papilari and Reticular layers are the two Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous St.cornium
layers of tissue
8 Nerve that recorganize the heat touch light Sensory nerve Secretory Motor nerve Arrector
and pain are called nerve nerve
9 The fatty layer underneath the dermis also True skin Subcutaneous Epidermis St. tucidum
called adipose tissue that provides a tissue
protective cushion to the skin is
10 Nerve of the skin that regulate the oil and Epidermis True skin St.lucidum Subcutaneous
sweat production are tissue
MLT Anatomy

Question A B C D

1 Who first discover animal cell Robert Hook Leewan Lorenz Robert
Hoek Oken Brown
2 Non-living material present in cell Lysosomes Mitochondria Protoplast Cell

3 Outer membrane of mitochondria Rough Smooth All of these None

4 Membrane less organelles are Mitochondria Golgi Ribosomes Lysosomes


5 When cell membrane is absent then it is called Protoplast Protoplasm Cytoplasm Centriols

6 Mitochondria is also called ATP Mill Electron Cristae Semi-

transport autonomous

7 The ratio of lipds and protein in inner 1:2 1:1 1:3 1:4
membrane of mitochondria is
8 Who discover Cell wall Lorenz Oken Robert August Robert
Brown Weismann Hook
9 Largest cell Organelle is Mitochondria Lysosomes Chloroplast Ribosomes

10 F1 particle is play essential role in Protein Synthesis of Synthesis of Synthesis

synthesis lipids fats of ATP
MLT Anatomy

1: The membrane around vacuole is called --------?

1: Tonoplast 2: Elaioplast 3: Cytopplast 4: Amyloplast

2: Microfilaments are composed of protein called -----?

1: Tubulin 2: Actin 3: Myosin 4: Chitin

3: A plant cell is mainly composed of ----?

1: Protein 2: Cellulose 3: Lipid 4: Starch

4: The oxygen and carbon dioxide crosses the plasma membrane by the process
of ----? 1: Active Diffusion 2: Facilitated Diffusion 3: Passive Diffusion 4: Random

5: A cell without cell wall is called---?

1: Tonoplast 2: Protoplast 3: Symplast 4: Apoplast

6: The function of centrosome is ----?

1: formation of spindle fibers 2: Osmoregulation 3: secretion 4: Protien Synthesis 7:

Lysosomes are known as suicidal bags because?

1: Parasitic Activity 2: Catalytic Activity 3: Presence of food Vacuole 4:

Hydrolytic Activity

8: The cell is not applied for ----?

1: Algae 2: Bactria 3: Virus 4: Fungi

9: The resting potential is determined by ---?

1: Potassium ion gradient 2: Sodium ion gradient 3: Bicarbonate ion gradient 4: NACL

10: The oxygen and carbon dioxide causes plasma membrane by process of ---?

1: Active Diffusion 2: Facilitated Diffusion 3: Passive Diffusion 4: Random

MLT Anatomy
1. Brocas area involved in air ability to?
(a) See
(b) Speak
(c) Hear
(d) Touch
2. Corpus Callosum connects?
(a) Hypothalamus
(b) Thalamus
(c) Hemispheres
(d) Epithalamus
3. Body temperature is regulated by?
(a) Cerebellum
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Temporal
(d) Medulla
4. The bulging center part of brain stem is?
(a) Medulla
(b) Pon’s
(c) Cerebrum
(d) Spinal Cord
5. Cerebral aqueduct contains how many ventricles?
(a) 1st to 3rd
(b) 3rd to 4th
(c) 5th to 7th
(d) 7th to 8th
6. The nerves that carry impulse away from CNS
(a) Sensory Nerves
(b) Motor Nerves
(c) Spinal Nerves
(d) Cervical Nerves
7. Layers of cerebrum involved in which disease?
(a) Huntington’s Disease
(b) Partinson’s Disease
(c) Alzheimeris Disease
(d) Epilepsy Disease
8. Fascicles in the nerves are bound together by?
(a) Endoneurium
(b) Perineurium
(c) Epineutim
(d) Myelin Sheath

9. Parasympathetic actives?
(a) Store Energy
(b) Conserves Energy
(c) Release Energy
(d) None
10. Meningeal Layer is the?
(a) Inner Covering
(b) Outer Covering
(c) Middle Layer
(d) Surface Layer
MLT Anatomy

1) Higher motor commands originate in all the following centers, except :- a-

cerebral cortex b- thalamus c- caudate nucleus

d- cerebellum

2) A reflex action :-

a- is a fast brief response to a sensory stimulus b- is involved in

regulation of voluntary movements c- includes at least three sequential sets

of neurons in its pathway

d- is always initiated whenever its specific receptors are effectively stimulated

by a specific stimulus

3) Reflex actions could be classified according to :-

a- the type of sensory receptors initiating them b- the
type of afferent nerves mediating them c- the type of
efferent nerves mediating them d- the type of
neurotransmitters mediating them

4) Events of reflex actions include all the following,

except :- a- stimulation of sensory receptors b-
stimulation of central synapses c- inhibition of sensory
d- inhibition of central synapses

5) A reflex arc includes :-

a- at least two sets of sequential neurons b- at least

two sequential sets of central synapses c- at least two

types of sensory receptors

d- at least two types of efferent neurons

6) The central terminals of afferent neurons mediating spinal reflexes are distributed
within the spinal cord, so that :-
MLT Anatomy
a- all of them terminate in the same spinal segment of their entry to the cord b- all of
them terminate on interneurons c- all of them subserve spinal reflexes

d- they provide pathways for divergence of the incoming sensory impulses

7) Interneurons :- a- provide communication between the central

ends of afferent neurons b- provide communication

between dendrites of the efferent neurons c - influence the

rate of discharge fr om the alpha motor neurons d - participate
in ascending sensory pathways

8) The divergence function of interneurons is involved in

: - a - temporal summation b - spatial summation c -
d - irradiation

9) Interneuron after - discharge cir cuits prolong the duration of : -

a - sensory input to the spinal motor centers b - synaptic delay in
central synapses c - discharge of efferent neurons
d - conscious perception of the evoked sensation

10) A flexor withdrawal reflex shows all the following properties, except : -
a - recruitment b - prepotent c - non - fatigable
d - irradiation
MLT Anatomy
1) All of the following are descending motor tracts, except :- a- Rubrospinal
tract b- Spinotectal tract c- Reticulospinal tract

d- Corticobulbar tract

2) Corticospinal tract originates from all the following areas, except :- a- premotor
area in the frontal lobe b- prefrontal area in the frontal lobe c- supplemental motor
area in the frontal lobe

d- somatic sensory area in the parietal lobe

3) The cranial motor nuclei which receive innervation only from the

contralateral corticobulbar tract are :- a- nuclei of the trigeminal

and vagus nerves b- nuclei of the vagus and glossopharyngeal
nerves c- nuclei of the facial and hypoglossal nerves

d- nuclei of the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves

4) Axons of the lateral corticospinal tract synapse mainly with :-

a- lateral motor
neurons b- medial motor neurons c- intermediolateral neurons d-

5) The lateral motor system includes :- a- the lateral Reticulospinal tract b- the
lateral corticospinal tract c- the lateral vestibulospinal tract d- all the above

6) The corticobulbospinal tract is involved in all the following, except :-

a- voluntary
movements b- postural adjustment c- automatic movements d- initiation of
tendon jerks

7) The Rubrospinal tract :- a- originates from
the pontine reticular formation b- descends
contralaterally c- controls activity of axial muscles
d- is a component of the medial motor system

8) The reticulospinal tracts :- a- are inhibitory

to muscle tone b- are excitatory to muscle tone
c - are either excitatory or inhibitory to muscle tone d -
have effect on muscle tone

9) Vestibulospinal tracts : -
a - adjust the discharge of vestibular receptors b -
adjust muscle tone
c - antagonize the effects of rubrospinal tract
d - terminate on the lateral motor neurons in the spinal cord

Tectospinal tract : - a - originate mainly from the inferior colliculus b - originate

mainly from the medial geniculate body c - mediate responses initiated by sudden
changes of head position d - terminate in the cervical segments of the cord
I) Cell is a stovciural and of a life?

(a)Basic Unit (b) Functional Unit (c) Life Unit (d) B & C

II) Who discover the cell?

(a) Theodor Scnoann (b) Matthias Scheiden (c) Rudolf Virchor (d) Robert Hook

III) All living thing are made up of

(a) Ribosome (b) Organism (c) Cells (d) Molecules

IV) Size of Human red blood cell

(a) 7-8µm Diameter (b) 6-8µm Diameter (c) 1-9µm Diameter (d) Both A&B

V) Size of chloroplast

(a) 2-10µm (b)1-10µm (c)8-10µm (d)only B

VI) How much types of cell?

(a) Two types (b) three types (c) four types (d) five types

VII) Proraryotes have small ribosomes of

(a) 205 (b) 605 (c) 705 (d) 805

VIII) Cell membrane composed of chemically

(a)Protein (b) Lipids (c) Both A&B (d)None

IX) Hydrophilic region mean by

(a) naies loving (b) naies repeilani region (c) only naies repellant (d) None

X) Shape of nucleus?

(a)regular (b)irregular (c)irregular/Spherical Shape (d)None

1. The total body weight of integumentary system is?
(a) 14%
(b) 15%
(c) 16%
(d) 17%
2. The inner component of the cutaneous membrane is?
(a) Epidermis
(b) Dermis
(c) Matrix
(d) F1 Particle
3. Skin involved in the production of?
(a) Cytosine
(b) Myosine
(c) Keratin
(d) Protein
4. How many layers of Keratinocytes in Thin skin?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
5. Markel cells found in?
(a) Hairing Skin
(b) Hairless Skin
(c) Thick Skin
(d) Thin Skin
6. Melanocytes contain the pigment?
(a) Melanin
(b) Keratin
(c) Thymine
(d) Histamine
7. Stratum Corneum is also known as?
(a) The Grainy layer
(b) Clear Layer
(c) Horn layer
(d) Spiny Layer
8. The Papillary Layer Contain?
(a) Small Capillaries
(b) Lymphatic’s
(c) Sensory Neurons
(d) All of these

9. Stratum Granulosum produce?

(a) Protein Fiber
(b) Lipid
(c) Carbohydrate
(d) None of these
10. Keratinocytes contain large amounts of?
(a) Keratin
(b) Melanin
(c) Cytosine
(d) Thymine
What is the skeletal system?

All the bones in the body

All the muscles and tendons

All the body's organs, both soft and hard tissue

All the bones in the body and the tissues that connect them

How many bones are there in the average person's body?




It varies by the individual.

Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

Bone is where most blood cells are made.

Bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals.

Bone is a dry and non-living supporting structure.

Bone protects and supports the body and its organs.

Which bone protects the brain?


The cranium

The cerebrum

The cerebellum

Besides the brain, the skull also protects ...

the lungs the diaphragm

the body's cells the sense


The purpose of the rib cage is to...

protect the stomach

protect the spinal cord

protect the heart and lungs

provide an object to which the lungs can attach

What makes bones so strong?



Blood and marrow

Calcium and phosphorous

What is the difference between cartilage and bone?

Bone is rubbery, and cartilage is firm.

Cartilage is rubbery, and bone is firm.

Bone is a more primitive tissue than cartilage.

Bone is inside the body, and cartilage is outside.

The hollow space in the middle of bones is filled with ...



bone cells

bone marrow

What is the difference between compact bone and spongy bone?

They have different bone marrow.

They are made of different materials.

They have different sizes of bone cells.

They have different arrangement of bone cells.

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