Apollo MOR Supplement 0769
Apollo MOR Supplement 0769
Apollo MOR Supplement 0769
MISSION OPERATION REPORTSare published expressly for the use of NASA Senior
Management, as required by the Administrator in NASA Instruction 6-2-10, dated
15 August 1963. The purpose of these reports is to provide NASA Senior Management
with timely, complete, and definitive information on flight mission plans, and to
establish official mission objectives which provide the basis for assessmentof mission
Initial reports are prepared and issued for each flight project just prior to launch.
Following launch, updating reports for each mission are issued to keep General
Management currently informed of definitive mission results as provided in NASA
Instruction 6-2-10.
July 1969 i
Apollo Supplement
July 1969 ii
Apol Io Supplement
July 1969 iv
Apollo Supplement
July 1969 v
Apollo Supplement
The primary flight hardware of the Apollo Program consists of a Saturn V Launch Vet_icle
and an Apollo Spacecraft. Collectively, they are designated the Apollo/Saturn V Space
Vehicle (SV) (Figure 1).
i 363FT INTER-
i S-IC
- Fig. 1
The Saturn V Launch Vehicle (LV) is designed to boost up to 285,000 pounds into a
105-nautical mile earth orbit and to provide for lunar payloads of 100,000 pounds.
The Saturn V LV consists of three propulsive stages (S-IC, S-II, S-IVB), two interstages,
and an Instrument Unit (IU).
S-IC Stage
The S-IC stage (Figure 2) is a large cylindrical booster, 138 feet long and 33 feet
in diameter, powered by five liquid propellant F-1 rocket engines. These engines
develop a nominal sea level thrust total of approximately 7,650,000 pounds. The
stage dry weight is approximately 295_300 pounds and the total loaded stage weight
is approximately 5,031,500 pounds. The S-IC stage interfaces structurally and
electrically with the S-II stage. It also interfaces structurally_ electrically, and
pneumatically with Ground Support Equipment (GSE) through two umbilical service
arms, three tail service mastst and certain electronic systemsby antennas. The
S-IC stage is instrumented for operational measurementsor signals which are
transmitted by its independent telemetry system.
The S-IC structural design reflects the requirements of F-1 engines, propellants,
control, instrumentation, and interfacing systems. Aluminum alloy is the primary
structural material. The major structural componentsare the forward skirt, oxidizer
tank, intertank section, fuel tank, and thrust structure. The forward skirt inter-
faces structurally with the S-IC/S-II interstage. The skirt also mounts vents,
antennas, and electrical and electronic equipment.
The 47,298-cubic foot oxidizer tank is the structural link between the forward skirt
and the intertank structure which provides structural continuity between the oxidizer
and fuel tanks. The 29,215-cubic foot fuel tank provides the load carrying structural
llnk between the thrust and intertank structures. Five oxidizer ducts run from the
oxidizer tank, through the fuel tank, to the F-1 engines.
The thrust structure assembly redistributes the applied loads of the five F-1 engines
into nearly uniform loading about the periphery of the fuel tank. Also, it provides
support for the five F-1 engines, engine accessories, base heat shield, engine
fairings and fins, propellant lines, retrorockets, and environmental control ducts.
The lower thrust ring has four holddown points which support the fully loaded
Saturn V Space Vehicle (approximately 6,483,000 pounds) and also, as necessary,
restrain the vehicle during controlled release.
RECEIVERS (2) -_- 33 FT
//,/_120.7 IN FORWARD
i -- SKIRT
_/' _ i 76 IN OXIDIZER
BAFFLES _ 262.4 IN
w ,]51 IN TANK
HEAT '/ \
Fig. 2
The normal infllght engine cutoff sequence is center engine first, followed by the
four outboard engines. Engine optical-type depletion sensorsin either the oxidizer
or fuel tank initiate the engine cutoff sequence. In an emergency, the engine
can be cut off by any of the following methods: Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
Command Cutoff, Emergency Detection System, or Outboard Cutoff System.
Propellant Systems
The propellant systemsinclude hardware for fill and drain, propellant conditioning,
and tank pressurlzation prior to and during flight, and for delivery to the engines.
Fuel tank pressurization is required during engine starting and flight to establish
and malntain a Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) at the fuel inlet to the engine
turbopumps0 During flight, the source of fuel tank pressurization is helium from
storage bottles mounted inside the oxidizer tank. Fuel feed is accomplished
through two 12-inch ducts which connect the fuel tank to each F-1 engine. The
ducts are equipped with flex and sliding joints to compensate for motions from
engine glmbaling and stage stresses.
Gaseous oxygen (GOX) is used for oxidizer tank pressurization during flight. A
portion of the LOX supplied to each engine is diverted into the engine heat
exchangers where it is transformed into GOX and routed back to the tanks. LOX
is delivered to the engines through five suction lines which are supplied with flex
and sliding joints.
Flight Control
The 5-1C thrust vector control consists of four outboard F-1 engines, glmbal blocks
to attach these engines to the thrust ring, engine hydraulic servoactuators (two
per engine), and an engine hydraulic power supply. Engine thrust is transmitted
to the thrust structure through the engine gimbal block. There are two servo-
actuator attach points per engine, located 90 degrees from each other, through
which the gimbaling force is applied. The gimbaling of the four outboard engines
changes the direction of thrust and as a result corrects the attitude of the vehicle
to achieve the desired trajectory. Each outboard engine may be gimbaled -+5°
within a square pattern at a rate of 5 ° per second.
The electrical power system of the S-IC stage consists of two basic subsystems:
the operational power subsystemand the measurements power subsystem. Onboard
power is supplied by two 28-volt batteries. Battery number 1 is identified as the
operational power system battery. It supplies power to operational loads such as
valve controls, purge and venting systems, pressurization systems, and sequencing
and flight control. Battery number 2 is identified as the measurement power system.
Batteries supply power to their loads through a common main power distributor, but
each system is completely isolated from the other. The S-IC stage switch selector
is the interface between the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) in the IU
and the S-IC stage electrical circuits. Its function is to sequence and control
various flight activities such as telemetry calibration, retrofire initiation, and
Eight retrorockets provide thrust after S-IC burnout to separate it from the S-II
stage. The S-IC retrorockets are mounted in pa|rs external to the thrust structure
in the fairings of the four outboard F-1 engines. The firing command originates
in the IU and activates redundant firing systems. At retrorocket ignition the for-
ward end of the fairing is burned and blown through by the exhausting gases. The
thrust level developed by seven retrorockets (one retrorocket out) is adequate to
separate the S-IC stage a minimum of six feet from the vehicle in less than one
S-II Stage
The S-II stage (Figure 3) is a large cylindrical booster, 81.5 feet long and 33 feet
in diameter, powered by five liquid propellant J-2 rocket engines which develop
a nominal vacuum thrust of 230,000 pounds each for a total of 1,150,000 pounds.
Dry weight of the S-II stage is approximately 80, 115 pounds. The stage approximate
loaded gross weight is 1,059t640 pounds. The S-IC/S-II interstage weighs 11,490
pounds. The S-II stage is instrumented for operational, and research and development
measurementswhich are transmitted by its independent telemetry system. The S-II
stage has structural and electrical interfaces with the S-IC and S-IVB stages, and
electric, pneumatic_ and fluid interfaces with GSE through its umbilicals and antennas.
Major S-II structural components are the forward skirt_ the 37,737-cubic foot fuel
tank, the 12,745-cubic foot oxidizer tank (with the common bulkhead), the aft
skirt/thrust structure, and the S-IC/S-II interstage. Aluminum alloy is the major
structural material. The forward and aft skirts distribute and transmit structural
loads and interface structurally with the interstages. The aft skirt also distributes
F the loads imposed on the thrust structure by the J-2 engines. The S-IC/S-II inter-
stage is comparable to the aft skirt in capability and construction. The propellgnt
tank walls constitute the cylindrical structure between the skirts. The aft bulkhead
of the fuel tank is also the forward bulkhead of the oxidizer tank. This common bulk-
head is fabricated of aluminum with a fiberglass/phenolic honeycomb core. The
insulating characteristics of the common bulkhead minimize the heating effect of
the relatively hot LOX (-297°F) on the LH2 (-423°F).
The S-II stage engine system consists of five single-start, high-performance_ high-
altitude J-2 rocket engines of 230,000 pounds of nominal vacuum thrust each.
Fuel is liquid hydrogen (LH2) and the oxidizer is liquid oxygen (LOX). The four
outer J-2 engines are equally spaced on a 17.5-foot diameter circle and are
capable of being gimbaled through 4-7 degrees square pattern to allow thrust vector
control. The fifth engine is fixed and is mounted on the centerline of the stage.
A capability to cutoff the center engine before the outboard engines may be pro-
vided by a pneumatic system powered by gaseous helium which is stored in a
sphere inside the start tank. An electrical control system that usessolid state
logic elements is used to sequence the start and shutdown operations of the engine.
Electrical power is stage-supplied.
! / i "\ z TANK
,,_, i _ / (37,737 CU FT)
'_i"_----/i 56 :EET
i L
1 (12,745.5 CU _)
18-1/4 FEET
1541 "
/- Fig. 3
The J-2 engines may receive cutoff signals from several different sources. These
sources include engine interlock deviationss Emergency Detection System automatic
or manual abort cutoffs, and propellant depletion cutoff. Each of these sources
signals the LVDC in the IU. The LVDC sendsthe engine cutoff signal to the S-II
switch selector, which in turn signals the electrical control packages which controls
all local signals necessary for the cutoff sequence. Five discrete liquid level
sensorsper propellant tank provide initiation of engine cutoff upon detection of
io propellant depletion. The cutoff sensorswill initiate a signal to shut down the
engines when two out of five engine cutoff signals from the same tank are received.
Propellant Systems
The propellant systemssupply fuel and oxidizer to the five engines. This is
accomplished by the propellant management components and the servicing,
conditioning, and engine delivery subsystems. The propellant tanks are insulated
with foam-filled honeycomb which contains passagesthrough which helium is forced
for purging and leak detection. The LH2 feed system includes five 8-inch vacuum-
jacketed feed ducts and five prevalves.
During powered Flight, prior to S-II ignition, gaseous hydrogen (GH2) for LH2
tank pressurization is bled from the thrust chamber hydrogen injector manifold of
each of the four outboard engines. After S-II engine ignition, LH2 is preheated
in the regenerative cooling tubes of the engine and tapped off from the thrust
chamber injector manifold in the form of GH 2 to serve as a pressurizing medium.
The LOX feed system includes four 8-1nch, vacuum-jacketed feed ducts, one
uninsulated feed duct, and five prevalves. LOX tank pressurization is accom-
plished with GOX obtained by heating LOX bled from the LOX turbopump outlet.
The propel lant management system monitors propellant massfor control of propel lant
loading, utilization, and depletion. Components of the system include continuous
capacitance probes, propellant utilization valves, liquid level sensors, and elec-
tronic equipment. During flight, the signals from the tank continuous capacitance
probes are monitored and compared to provide an error signal to the propellant
utilization valve on each LOX pump. Basedon this error signal, the propellant
utilizaHon valves are positioned to minimize residual propellants and assure a
fuel-rich cutoff by varying the amount of LOX delivered to the engines. The
proceding description is termed "closed loop" operation. Some missions may k_e
flown "open loop" whereby the propellant utilization valve is shifted in accord-
ance with a predetermined schedule.
Flight Control
The electrical systemis comprised of the electrical power and electrical control
subsystems. The electrical power subsystem provides the S-II stage with the
electrical power source and distribution. The electrical control subsysteminter-
faces with the IU to accomplish the mission requirements of the stage. The LVDC
in the IU controls inflight sequencing of stage functions through the stage switch
selector. The stage switch selector outputs are routed through the stage electrical
sequence controller or the separation controller to accomplish the directed operation.
These units are basically a network of low-power transistorized switches that can
be controlled individually and, upon command from the switch selector, provide
properly sequenced electrical signals to control the stage functions.
"- Ordnance
To ensure stable flow of propellants into the J-2 engines, a small forward acceleration
is required to settle the propellants in their tanks. This acceleration is provided by
four ullage rockets mounted on the S-IC/S-II interstage. Each rocket develops a
nominal thrust of 23,000 pounds and fires for 3.75 seconds. The ullage function
occurs prior to second-plane separation.
The S-II Propellant Dispersion System (PDS) provides for termination of vehicle flight
during the S-II boost phase if the vehicle flight path varies beyond its prescribed
limits or if continuation of vehicle flight creates a safety hazard. The S-II PDSmay
._ be safed after the Launch Escape Tower is jettisoned. The fuel tank linear-shaped
charge, when detonated, cuts a 30-foot vertical opening in the tank. The oxidizer
tank destruct charges simultaneously cut 13-foot lateral openings in the oxidizer
tank and the S-II aft skirt.
S-IVB Stage
The S-IVB stage (Figure 4) is a large cylindrical booster 59 feet long and 21.6
feet in diameter, powered by one J-2 engine. The S-IVB stage is capable of
multiple engine starts. Engine thrust is 203,000 pounds. This stage is also
unique in that it has an attitude control capability independent of its main
engine. Dry weight of the stage is 25,090 pounds. The launch weight of the
stage is 259, 160 pounds. The interstage weight of 8100 pounds is not included
in the stated weights. The stage is instrumented for functional measurementsor
signals which are transmitted by its independent telemetry system.
The major structural components of the S-IVB stage are the forward skirt, propellant
_- tanks, aft skirt, thrust structure, and aft interstage. The forward skirt provides
structural continuity between the fuel tank walls and the IU. The propellant tank
walls transmit and distribute structural loads from the aft skirt and the thrust
structure. The aft skirt is subjected to imposed loads from the S-IVB aft interstage.
The thrust structure mounts the J-2 engine and dlstributes its structural loads to the
circumference of the oxidizer tank. A common, insulated bulkhead separates the
2830-cubic foot oxidlzer tank and the 10,418-cubic foot fuel tank and is similar to
the common bulkhead discussed in the S-II description. The predominant structural
material of the stage is aluminum alloy. The stage interfaces structurally with the
S-II stage and the IU.
Main Propulsion
The high-performance J-2 engine as installed in the S-IVB stage has a multiple
start capability. The S-IVB J-2 engine is scheduled to produce a thrust of
203,000 pounds during its first burn to earth orbit and a thrust of 178,000 pounds
(mixture massratio of 4.5:1) during the first 100 secondsof translunar injection.
The remaining translunar injection acceleration is provided at a thrust level of
203,000 pounds (mixtore massratio of 5.0:1). The engine valves are controlled
by a pneumatic system powered by gaseoushel|um wh|ch is stored in a sphere
inside a start bottle. An electrical control system that usessolid stage logic
elements is used to sequence the start and shutdown operations of the engine.
Electrical power is suppl|ed from aft battery No. 1.
During engine operation, the oxidizer tank is pressurized by flowing cold helium
(from helium spheres mounted inside the fuel tank) through the heat exchanger in
the oxidizer turbine exhaust duct. The heat exchanger heats the cold helium,
causing it to expand. The fuel tank is pressurized durlrig engine operation by GH2
from the thrust chamber fuel manifold. Thrust vector control in the pitch and yaw
planes during burn periods is achieved by glmbaling the entire engine.
The J-2 engines may receive cutoff signals from the following sources: Emergency De-
° tection System, range safety systems, "Thrust OK" pressure switches, propellant deple-
tion sensors, and an IU-programmed command (veloclty or timed) via the switch selecto_r.
The restart of the J-2 engine is identical to the initial start except for the fill
procedure of the start tank. The start tank is filled with LH2 and GH2 during the
first burn period by bleeding GH2 from the thrust chamber fuel injection manifold
and LH2 from the Augmented Spark Igniter (ASI) fuel line to refill the start tank
for engine restart. /Approximately 50 secondsof mainstage engine operation is
required to recharge the start tank.)
To insure that sufficient energy will be available for spinning the fuel and oxidizer
pump turbines, a waiting period of between approximately 80 minutes to 6 hours
is required. The minimum time is required to build sufficlent pressure by warming
r the start tank through natural meansand to allow the hot gas turbine exhaust system
to cool. Prolonged heating will cause a loss of energy in the start tank. This loss
occurs when the LH2 and GH2 warm and raise the gas pressure to the relief valve
setting. If this venting continues over a prolonged period the total stored energy
will be depleted. This limits the waiting period prior to a restart attempt to six
/OX is stored in the aft tank of the propellant tank structure at a temperature of
-297°F. A slx-inch, low-pressure supply duct supplies LOX from the tank to the
engine. During engine burn, LOX is supplied at a nominal flow rate of 392 pounds
per second, and at a transfer pressure above 25 psla. The supply duct is equipped
with bellows to provide compensating flexibility for engine gimbaling, manufacturing
tolerances, and thermal movement of structural connections. The tank is prepres-
surlzed to between 38 and 41 ps|a and is maintalned at that pressure duri_ngboost
and engine operation° Gaseous helium is used as the pressurizing agent.
The LH2 is stored in an insulated tank at less than -423°F. LH2 from the tank is
su.ppljed to the J-2 engine turbopump by a vacuum-jacketed, low-pressure, 10-inch
duct. This duct is capable of flowing 80 pounds per second at -423°F and at a
transfer pressure of 28 psia. The duct is located in the aft tank side wall above the
common bulkhead joint. Bellows in this duct compensate for engine gimbaling,
The Flight Control System incorporates two systemsfor flight and attitude control.
During powered flight, thrust vector steering is accomplished by glmbaling the
J-2 engine for pitch and yaw control and by operating the Auxiliary Propulsion
System (APS) engines for roll control. The engine is gimbaled in a-+7.5 degree
square pattern by a closed-loop hydraulic system. Mechanical feedback from the
actuator to the servovalve provides the closed engine position loop. Two actuators
are used to translate the steering signals into vector forces to position the engine.
The deflection rates are proportional to the pitch and yaw steering signals from the
f_ Flight Control Computer. Steering during coast flight is by use of the APS engine
The S-IVB APS provides three-axis stage attitude control (Figure 5) and main stage
propellant control during coast flight. The APS engines are located in two modules
180° apart on the aft skirt of the S-IVB stage (Figure 6). Each module contains
four engines: three 150-pound thrust control engines and one 70-pound thrust
ullage engine. Each module contains its own oxidizer, fuel, and pressurization
system. A positive expulsion propellant feed subsystemis used to assure that
hypergolic propellants are supplied to the engines under "zero g" or random
gravity conditions. Nitrogen tetroxide (N204) is the oxidizer and monomethyl
hydrazine (MMH) is the fuel for these engines.
Fig. 5
o /
f- 150 LB.PITCH
Fig. 6
The electrical system of the S-IVB stage is comprised of two major subsystems:
the electrical power subsystemwhich consists of all the power sources on the stage;
and the electrical control subsystemwhich distributes power and control signals to
various loads throughout the stage. Onboard electrical power is supplied by four
silver-zinc batteries. Two are located in the forward equipment area and two in
the aft equipment area. These batteries are activated and installed in the stage
during the final prelaunch preparations. Heaters and instrumentation probes are
an integral part of each battery.
The S-IVB ordnance systemsinclude the separation, ullage rocket, and Propellant
Dispersion System (PDS) systems. The separation plane for S-II/S-IVB staging is
located at the top of the S-II/S-IVB interstage. At separation four retrorocket
motors mounted on the interstage structure below the separation plane fire to
decelerate the S-II stage with the interstage attached.
To provide propellant settling and thus ensure stable flow of fuel and oxidizer
during J-2 engine start, the S-IVB stage requires a small acceleration. This
acceleration is provided by two jettisonable ullage rockets for the first burn. The
APS provides ullage for subsequent burns.
The S-IVB PDS provides for termination of vehicle flight by cutting two parallel
20-foot openings in the fuel tank and a 47-inch diameter hole in the LOX tank.
The S-IVB PDS may be safed after the Launch Escape Tower is jettisoned. Following
S-IVB engine cutoff at orbit insertion, the PDS is electrically safed by ground
Instrument Unit
The Instrument Unit (IU) (Figures 7 and 8), is a cylindrical structure 21.6 feet in
diameter and 3 feet high installed on top of the S-IVB stage. The unit weighs 4310
pounds. The IU contains the guidance, navigation, and control equipment for the
launch vehicle. In addition, it contains measurementsand telemetry, command
communications, tracking, and Emergency Detection System components along with
supporting electrical power and the Environmental Control System.
6D30 6040
"A" "C"
. • .56 VOLT POWER
I i
The Saturn V Launch Vehicle is guided from its launch pad into earth orbit pri-
marily by navigation1 guidance, and control equipment located in the IU. An
all-inertial system utilizes a space-stabilized platform for acceleration and
attitude measurements. A Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) is used to
solve guidance equations and a Flight Control Computer (FCC) (analog) is used
for the flight control functions.
In the event of failure of the ST-124-M3_ the crew may select the Command
Module Computer (CMC) and the Command Module Inertial Measurement Unit as
a guidance reference by placing the guidance switch to the "CMC" position.
Prior to S-IC/S-II staging_ space vehicle attitude error signals are generated
automatically in the backup mode. After first stage separation_ attitude error
signals are generated by the crew utilizing the Rotational Hand Controller and
spacecraft attitude and performance displays. These induced attitude error
signals are routed via the LVDC, LVDA, and FCC to the launch vehicle control
system. The backup guidance capability is dependent upon a prior sensedfailure
of the ST-124-M3 platform except for S-IVB orbital coast phases.
signals, are then combined with measureddata from the various control sensors.
The resultant output is the command signal to the various engine actuators and
APS nozzles. The final computations (analog) are performed within the FCC.
The FCC is also the central switching point for command signals. From this point,
the signals are routed to their associated active stages and to the appropriate
attitude control devices.
The Command Communications System (CCS) provides for digital data transmission
from ground stations to the LVDC. This communications link is used to update
guidance information or command certain other functions through the LVDC.
Command data originates in the Mission Control Center (MCC) and is sent to
remote stations of the Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN) for transmission to
to the launch vehicle.
The Saturn V IU carries two C-band radar transponders for tracking. Tracking
capability is also provided through the CCS. A combination of tracking data
from different tracking systemsprovides the best possible trajectory information
and increased reliability through redundant data. The tracking of the Saturn V
Launch Vehicle may be divided into four phases: powered flight into earth orbit,
orbital flight, injection into mission trajectory, and coast flight after injection.
Continuous tracking is required during powered flight into earth orbit. During
orbital flight, tracking is accomplished by S-band stations of the MSFN and by
C-band radar stations.
The Emergency Detection System (EDS) is one element of several crew safety
systems. There are nine EDS rate gyros installed in the IU. Three gyros monitor
each of the three axes (pitch, roll, and yaw) thus providing triple redundancy.
The control signal processor provides power to and receives inputs from the nine
EDS rate gyros. These inputs are processedand sent on to the EDSdistributor and
to the FCC. The EDS distributor serves as a junction box and switching device to
furnish the spacecraft display panels with emergency signals if emergency con-
/_ ditions exist. It also contains relay and diode logic for the automatic abort
Electrical PowerSystems
EnvironmentalControl System
The Apollo Spacecraft (S/C) is designed to support three men in space for periods up to
two weeks, docking in space, landing on and returning from the lunar surface, and
safely reentering the earth's atmosphere. The Apollo S/C consists of the Spacecraft-
LM Adapter (SLA), the Service Module (SM), the Command Module (CM), the Launch
Escape System (LES), and the Lunar Module (LM). The CM and SM as a unit are
referred to as the Command/Service Module (CSM).
Spacecraft-kM Adapter
The SLA (Figure 9) is a conical structure which provides a structural load path
between the LV and SM and also supports the LM. Aerodynamically, the SLA
smoothly encloses the irregularly shaped LM and transitions the space vehicle
diameter from that of the upper stage of the LV to that of the SMo The SLA also
encloses the nozzle of the SM engine and the high gain antenna.
t (2) (4 PLACES)
Fig. 9
The SLA is constructed of 1.7-inch thick aluminum honeycomb panels. The four
upper jettisonable, or forward, panels are about 21 feet long, and the fixed lower,
or afb panels about 7 feet long. The exterior surface of the SLA is covered com-
pletely by a layer of cork. The cork helps insulate the LM from aerodynamic
F heating during boost. The LM is attached to the SLA at four locations around the
lower panels.
SLA-SM Separation
The SLA and SM are bolted together through flanges on each of the two structures.
Explosive trains are used to separate the SLA and SM as well as for separating the
four upper jettisonable SLA panels. Redundancy is provided in three areas to
assure separation_redundant initiating signals, redundant detonators and cord
, ,,{_ trains, and "sympathetic" detonation of nearby charges.
Pyrotechnic-type and sprlng-type thrusters (Figure 10) are used in deploying and
:_f?. _ jettisoning the SLA upper panels. The four double-piston pyrotechnic thrusters
: are located inside the SLA and start the panels swinging outward on their hinges.
The two pistons of the thruster push on the ends of adjacent panels thus providing
two separate thrusters operating each panel. The explosive train which separates
the panels is routed through two pressure cartridges in each thruster assembly. The
pyrotechnic thrusters rotate the panels 2 degrees establishing a constant angular
velocity of 33 to 60 degrees per second. When the panels have rotated about
45 degrees, the partial hinges disengage and free the panels from the aft section
of the SLA, subjecting them to the force of the spring thrusters.
F !
/_-_-_J UPPER
- / /\/ _JPPERHINGE "--IF'
The spring thrusters are mounted on the outside of the upper panels. When the
panel hinges disengage, the springs in the thruster push against the fixed lower
panels to propel the panels away from the vehicle at an angle of 110 degrees to
the centerllne and at a speed of about 5-1/2 miles per hour. The panels will then
depart the area of the spacecraft.
SLA-LM Separation
+ Spi'ing thrusters are also used to separate the LM from the SLA. After the CSM
has docked with the LMt mild charges are fired to release the four adapters which
secure the LM in the SLA. Simultaneously, four spring thrusters mounted on the
lower (fixed) SLA panels push against the LM Landing Gear Truss Assembly to
separate the spacecraft from the launch vehicle.
Service Module
The Service Module (SM) (Figure 11) provides the main spacecraft propulsion and
maneuvering capability during a mission. The SM provides most of the spacecraft
consumables (oxygen, water, propellant, and hydrogen) and supplements environ °
mental, electrical power, and propulsion requirements of the CMo The SM remains
attached to the CM until it is jettisoned just before CM atmospheric entry.
The basic structural components are forward and aft (upper and lower) bulkheads,
six radial beams, four sector honeycomb panels, four Reaction Control System honey-
comb panels, aft heat shield, and a fairing. The forward and aft bulkheads cover
the top and botton of the SM. Radial beam trussesextending above the forward
bulkhead support and secure the CM. The radial beamsare made of solid aluminum
alloy which has been machined and chem-milled to thicknesses varying between 2
inches and 0.018 inch. Three of these beamshave compression pads and the other
three have shear-compression pads and tension ties. Explosive charges in the center
sections of these tension ties are used to separate the CM from the SM.
II_ C*'*) I
_- Fig. 11
An aft heat shield surroundsthe service propulsion engine to protect the SM from
the engine's heat during thrusting. The gap between the CM and the forward
bulkhead of the SM is closed off with a fairing which is composed of eight Elec-
trical Power System radiators alternated with eight aluminum honeycomb panels.
The sector and Reaction Control System panels are one inch thick and are made of
aluminum honeycomb core between two aluminum face sheets. The sector panels
are bolted to the radial beams. Radiators used to dissipate heat from the environ-
mental control subsystemare bonded to the sector panels on opposite sides of the
SM. These radiators are each about 30 square feet in area.
The SM interior is divided into six sectors and a center section. Sector one is
"_ currently void. It is available for installation of scientific or additional equip-
ment should the need arise. Sector two has part of a space radiator and an Reaction
Control System (RCS) engine quad (module) on its exterior panel and contains the
Service Propulsion System (SPS)oxidizer sump tank. This tank is the larger of the
two tanks that hold the oxidizer for the SPSengine. Sector three has the rest of
the space radiator and another RCSengine quad on its exterior panel and contains
the oxidizer storage tank. This tank is the second of two SPSoxidizer tanks and
is fed from the oxidizer sump tank in sector two. Sector four contains most of the
electrical power generating equipment. It contains three fuel cells, two cryogenic
oxygen and two cryogenic hydrogen tanks and a power control relay box. The
cryogenic tanks supply oxygen to the environmental control subsystemand oxygen
and hydrogen to the fuel cells. Sector five has part of an environmental control
radiator and an RCSengine quad on the exterior panel and contains the SPSengine
fuel sump tank. This tank feeds the engine and is also connected by feed lines to
the storage tank in sector six. Sector six has the rest of the environmental control
radiator and an RCSengine quad on its exterior and contains the SPSengine Fuel
storage tank which feeds the fuel sump tank in sector five. The center section
contains two helium tanks and the SPSengine. The tanks are used to provide
helium pressurant for the SPSpropellant tanks.
Additional SM Systems
The umbilicals consist of the main plumbing and wiring connections between the
CM and SM enclosed in a fairing (aluminum covering), and a "flyaway" umbilical
which is connected to the Launch Escape Tower. The latter supplies oxygen and
nitrogen for cabin pressure, water-glycolr electrical power from ground equipment,
and purge gas.
Seven lights are mounted in the aluminum panels of the fairing. Four lights (one
red, one green, and two amber) are used to aid the astronauts in docking, one is
a floodlight which carl be turned on to give astronauts vlsibility during extra-
vehicular activities, one is a flashing beacon used to aid in rendezvous, and one
is a spotlight used in rendezvous from 500 feet to docking with the LM.
SM/CM Separation
Separation of the SM from the CM occurs shortly before reentry. The sequence of
events during separation is controlled automatically by two redundant Service
Module Jettison Controllers (SMJC) located on the forward bulkhead of the SM.
Physical separation requires severing of all the connections between the modules,
transfer of electrical control, and firing of the SM RCSto increase the distance between
the CM and SM. A tenth of a second after electrical connections are deadfaced,
the SMJC's send signals which fire ordnance devices to sever the three tension ties
and the umbilical. The tension ties are straps which hold the CM on three of the
compression pads on the SM. Linear-shaped charges in each tension tle assembly
sever the tension ties to separate the CM from the SM. At the same time, explosive
charges drive guillotines through the wiring and tubing in the umbilical. Simul-
taneously with the firing of the ordnance devices, the SMJC's send signals which
fire the SM RCS. Roll engines are fired for five seconds to alter the SM's course
from that of the CM, and the translation (thrust) engines are fired continuously
until the propellant is depleted or fuel cell power is expended. These maneuvers
carry the SM well away from the entry path of the CM.
Command Module
The Command Module (CM) (Figure 12) serves as the command, control, and
communications center for most of the mission. Supplemented by the SM, it pro-
vides all life support elements for three crewmen in the mission environments and
fo_ their safe return to earth's surface. It is capable of attitude control about
three axes and some lateral lift translation at high velocities in earth atmosphere.
It also permits LM attachment, CM/LM ingress and egress, and serves as a buoyant
vessel in open ocean.
The CM consists of two basic structures joined together: the inner structure
(pressure shell) and the outer structure (heat shield). The inner structure, the
pressurized crew compartment, is made of aluminum sandwich construction con-
sisting of a welded aluminum inner skin, bonded aluminum honeycomb core and
outer face sheet. The outer structure is basically a heat shield and is made of
stainless steel-brazed honeycomb brazed between steel alloy face sheets. Parts
of the area between the inner and outer sheets are filled with a layer of fibrous
f insulation as additional heat protection.
The interior of the CM must be protected from the extremes of environment that
will be encountered during a mission. The heat of launch is absorbed principally
through the Boost Protective Cover (BPC), a fiberglass structure covered with cork
which encloses the CM. The cork is covered with a white reflective coating.
The BPC is permanently attached to the Launch Escape Tower and is jettisoned
with it.
The insulation between the inner and outer shells, plus temperature control pro-
vided by the environmental control subsystem, protects the crew and sensitive
equipment in space. The principal task of the heat shield that forms the outer
structure is to protect thecrew during reentry. This protection is provided by
ablative heat shields of varying thicknesses covering the CM. The ablc_tive
material is a phenolic epoxy resin. This material turns white hot, chars, and then
melts away, conducting relatively little heat to the inner structure. The heat
shield has several outer coverings: a pore seal, a moisture barrier (white reflective
coating), and a silver Mylar thermal coating.
_X +Y
-Y -X
+X _y
+Z _-Z
-Y -X
COUCH "X__tI'_:rr._\X..'ZEOU,,MENT _-_,c _.alll' ,n,___,,,',, CREW
F- Fig.12
Forward Compartment
The forward compartment is the area around the forward (docking) tunnel. It is
separated from the crew compartment by a bulkhead and covered by the forward
heat shield. The compartment is divided into four 90-degree segments which con-
tain earth landing equipment (all the parachutes, recovery antennas and beacon
light, and sea recovery sling_ etc.), two RCSengines, and the forward heat shield
release mechanism.
The forward heat shield contains four recessed fittings into which the legs of the
Launch Escape Tower are attached. The tower legs are connected to the CM
structure by frangible nuts containing small explosive charges, which separate
the tower from the CM when the Launch EscapeSystem is jettisoned. The forward
heat shield is jettisoned at about 25_000 feet during return to permit deployment
of the parachutes.
Aft Compartment
The aft compartment is located around the periphery of the CM at its widest part1
near the aft heat shield. The aft compartment bays contain 10 RCSengines; the
fuel, oxidizer, and helium tanks for the CM RCS;water tanks; the crushable ribs
_- of the impact attenuation system; and a number of instruments. The CM-SM
umbilical is also located in the aft compartment.
Crew Compartment
The crew compartment has a habitable volume of 210 cubic feet. Pressurization
and temperature are maintained by the Environmental Control System (ECS). The
crew compartment contains the controls and displays for operation of the spacecraft,
crew couches, and all the other equipment needed by the crew. It contains two
hatches, five windows, and a number of equipment bays.
The equipment bays contain items needed by the crew for up to 14 days, as well
as much of the electronics and other equipment needed for operation of the space-
craft. The bays are named according to their position with reference to the couches.
The lower equipment bay is the largest and contains most of the guidance and
navigation electronics, as well as the sextant and telescope, the Command Module
Computer (CMC), and a computer keyboard. Most of the telecommunications sub-
system electronics are in this bay, including the five batteries, inverters, and
battery charger of the electrical power subsystem. Stowage areas in the bay con-
tain food supplies_ scientific instruments, and other astronaut equipment.
The left-hand equipment bay contains key elements of the ECS. Space is provided
in this bay for stowing the forward hatch when the CM and LM are docked and the
tunnel between the modules is open. The left-hand forward equipment bay also
contains ECS equipment, as well as the water delivery unit and clothing storage.
The right-hand equipment bay contains Waste Management System controls and
equipment, electrical power equipment, and a variety of electronics_ including
sequence controllers and signal conditioners. Food also is stored in a compartment
in this bay. The rlght-hand forward equipment bay is used principally for stowage
and contains such items as survival kits, medical supplies_ optical equipment_ the
° LM docking target_ and bioinstrumentation harness equipment.
The aft equipment bay is used for storing space suits and helmets_ life vests, the
fecal canister, Portable Life Support Systems (backpacks), and other equipment,
and includes space for stowing the probe and drogue assembly.
The two CM hatches are the side hatch, used for getting in and out of the CM,
and the forward hatch, used to transfer to and from the LM when the CM and LM
F are docked. The side hatch is a single integrated assembly which opens outward
and has primary and secondary thermal seals. The hatch normally contains a small
window_ but has provisions for installation of an airlock. The latches for the side
hatch are so designed that pressure exerted against the hatch serves only to increase
the locking pressure of the latches. The hatch handle mechanism also operates a
mechanism which opens the access hatch in the BPC. A counterbalance assembly
which consists of two nitrogen bottles and a piston assembly enables the hatch and
BPC hatch to be opened easily. In space, the crew can operate the hatch easily
without the counter balance_ and the pi-ston cylinder and nitrogen bottle can be
vented after launch. A second nitrogen bottle can be used to open the hatch after
landing. The side hatch can readily be opened from the outside. In case some
deformation or other malfunction prevented the latches from engaging, three jack-
screws are provided in the crew's tool set to hold the door closed.
The forward (docking) hatch is a combined pressure and ablative hatch mounted at
the top of the docking tunnel. The exterior or upper side of the hatch is covered
witha half-inch of insulation anda layer of aluminum foil. This hatch hasa six-
point latching arrangement operated by a pump handle similar to that on the side
hatch and can also be opened from the outside. It has a pressure equalization
valve so that the pressure in the tunnel and that in the LM can be equalized before
the hatch is removed. There are also provisions for opening the latches manually
if the handle gear mechanism should fail.
The CM has five windows: two side (numbers I and 5), two rendezvous (numbers
2 and 4), and a hatch window (number 3 or center). The hatch window is over
the center couch. The windows each consist of inner and outer panes. The inner
windows are made of tempered silica glass with quarter-inch thick double panes,
separated by a tenth of an inch. The outer windows are made of amorphous-fused
silicon with a single pane seven tenths of an inch thick. Each pane has an anti-
reflecting coating on the external surface and a blue-red reflective coating on the
inner surface to filter out most infrared and all ultraviolet rays. The outer window
. glass has a softening temperature of 2800°F and a melting point of 3110°F. The
inner window glass has a softening temperature of 2000°F. Aluminum shades are
provided for all windows.
Impact Attenuation
During a water impact the CM deceleration force will vary considerably depending
on the shape of the waves and the dynamics of the CM's descent. A major portion
of the energy (75 to 90 percent) is absorbed by the water and by deformation of the
CM structure. The impact attenuation system reduces the forces acting on the crew
to a tolerable level. The impact attenuation system is part internal and part external.
"_- The external part consists of four crushable ribs (each about four inches thick and a
foot in length) installed in the aft compartment. The ribs are made of bonded
laminations of corrugated aluminum which absorb energy by collapsing upon impact.
The main parachutes suspend the CM at such an angle that the ribs are the first
point of the module that hits the water. The internal portion of the system consists
of eight struts which connect the crew couches to the CM structure. These struts
absorb energy by deforming steel wire rings between an inner and an outer piston.
Docki ng
Fig. 13
separation occurs as the probe capture latches and extension latches are remotely
unlocked during probe extension. Final separation of the unmanned LM is accom-
plished by explosively severing the docking ring from the CM at the CM/docklng
ring interface. The jettisoned LM carries away the docking ring and probe (if
instal led).
controls and
for control, propulsion,
such subsystems crew
as stabil- _'_,-,,,_I'_[_/,/,//"",,.N,,,-I_JI///"_
safety, earth landing, and emergency _ "\ /" \', //
detection. One of two guidance and "/ 7",
navigation computer panels also is Io- COMMANDER CMPILOT LMPILOT
cated here, as are velocity, attitude,
and altitude indicators. Fig. 14
The CM Pilot faces the center of the console and thus can reach many of the flight
controls, as well as the system controls on the right side of the console. Displays
and controls directly opposite him include reaction control, propellant management,
caution and warning, environmental control, and cryogenic storage systems.
The LM Pilot couch faces the rlght-center and right side of the console. Com-
munications, electrical control, data storage, and fuel cell system components
are located here, as well as service propulsion subsystempropellant management.
Other displays and controls are placed throughout the cabin in the various equipment
bays and on the crew couches. Most of the guidance and navigation equipment is
in the lower equipment bay, at the foot of the center couch. This equipment,
including the sextant and telescope, is operated by an astronaut standing and using
a simple restraint system. The non-tlme-crltlcal controls of the Environmental
Control System are located in the left-hand equipment bay, while all the controls
of the Waste Management System are on a panel in the right-hand equipment bay.
The rotation and translation controllers used for attitude, thrust vector, and trans-
lation maneuvers are located on the arms of two crew couches. In addition, a
rotation controller can be mounted at the navigation position in the lower equipment
Two switches on the MDC affect the launch vehicle. They are the S-II/S-IVB
LV stage switch and the guidance switch. The S-II/S-IVB LV stage switch allows
the crew to initiate early staging of the S-II from the S-IVB if an incipient failure
of the S-II is observed. This switch may also be used to initiate manual cutoff of
the S-IVB engine during third-stage flight. The guidance switch has two positions,
"IU" and "CMC," which select one of two guidance reference systemsfor the
launch vehicle. The "IU" position selects the primary system which uses the
Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) and the ST-124-M3 Inertial Platform
in the IU for the generation of launch vehicle attitude error signals. The "CMC"
position utilizes the CMC and the CM Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to
generate LV attitude error signals via the /VDC. During S-IC stage flight, the
vehicle automatically follows a stored program in the CMC. During S-II and
S-IVB stage flight, attitude error signals are generated by the crew by deflecting
the Rotational Hand Controller in responseto attitude and performance displays.
Except for S-IVB orbital coast phases, the "CMC" capability is dependent and
interlocked with a sensed failure of the ST-|24-M3 Inertial Platform.
_SMC_'_ W_LsS
MSFN.EVA& 't' ½ _sQ. 7 MC
& DATA M_ _AMP[ :lfR
TO PCM22/2.5
-- , uPv_mCE.
Fig. 15
The astronauts' headsets are used for all voice communications. Each astronaut
has an audio control panel on the Main Display ConSole which enables him to
control what comes into his headset and where he will send his voice. The three
headsetsand audio control panels are connected to three identical audio center
modules. The audio center is the assimilation and distribution point for all
_- spacecraft voicesignals. The audio signals can be routed from the center to the
Two methods of voice transmission and reception are possible: the VHF/AM
transmitter-receiver and the S-band transmitter and receiver. The VHF/AM
equipment is used for voice communications with the Manned Space Flight
Network during launch, ascent, and near-earth phasesof a mission. The
S-band equipment is used during both near-earth and deep-space phasesof
a mission. When communications with earth are not possible, a limited
number of audio signals can be stored on tape for later transmission. The
CSM communication capability with regard to range is depicted in Figure 16.
? I
UP-DATA ! i i !
BACKUPVOICE & . I #_r I 220 KN_ _L
I , i _ 200Kt¢_
TM ILOWBIT P_T_= !' "'1 I i J J J i f_ t :
"_ TM (HIGH BIT RATE: : _22.000_ , .
BEAh_ - t[ i
; BEAM i
• _ j BEAM
Fig. 16
systems, and some voice communications, may be stored For later transmission
or for recovery after landing. Stored data can be transmitted to the ground
simultaneously with voice or realtime data.
The equlpment provides for voice transfer between the CM and the ground,
between the CM and LM, between the CM and extravehicular astronauts,
and between the CM and recovery forces. Telemetry can be transferred
between the CM and the ground, from the LM to the CM and then to the
ground, and from extravehicular astronauts to the CM and then to the ground.
Ranging information consists of pseudo-random noise and double-Doppler
ranging signals from the ground to the CM and back to the ground, and of
f X-band radar signals from the LM to the CM and back to the LM. The VHF
beacon equipment emits a 2-second signal every 5 seconds For line-of-sight
direction finding to aid recovery forces in locating the CM after landing.
There are nine antennas (Figure lWOSCIMITARVHF FOURS-BAND
17) on the CSM, not counting (1800EGREESAPART)
The ECS provides oxygen and hot and cold water1 removes carbon dioxide and
odors from the CM cabin1 provides for venting of waste, and dissipates excessive
heat from the cabin and from operating electronic equipment. It is designed so
that a minimum amount of crew time is needed for its normal operation. The main
unit contains the coolant control panel, water chiller, two water-glycol evaporators,
carbon dioxide odor-absorber canisters, suit heat exchanger, water separator, and
• compressors. The oxygen surge tank, water glycol pump package and reservoir, and
control panels for oxygen and water are adjacent to the unit.
The system is concerned with three major elements: oxygen, water_ and coolant
(water-glycol) . All three are interrelated and intermingled with other systems.
These three elements provide the major functions of spacecraft atmosphere, thermal
control, and water management through four major subsystems: oxygen, pressure
suit circuit, water, and water-glycol. A fifth subsystem, postlanding ventilation,
also is part of the ECS_ providing outside air for breathing and cooling prior to
hatch opening.
During prelaunch and initial orbital operation, the suit circuit supplies pure
oxygen at a flow rate slightly more than is needed for breathing and suit leakage.
This results in the suit being pressurized slightly above cabin pressure, which pre-
vents cabin gases from entering and contaminating the suit circuit. The excess
oxygen in the suit circuit is vented into the cabin.
The Earth Landing System (ELS) (Figure 18) provides a safe landing for the astro-
nauts and the CM. Several recovery aids which are activated after landing are
part of the system. Operation normally is automatic, timed, and activated by the
Sequential Control System. All automatic functions can be backed up manually.
For normal entry, about 1.5 secondsafter forward heat shield jettison, the two
drogue parachutes are deployed to orTent the CM properly and to provide inltial
deceleratlon. At about 10,000 feet, the drogue parachutes are released and the
three pilot parachutes are deployed; these pull the main parachutes from the
forward sectlon of the CM. The maln parachutes inltlally open partlally (reefed)
for 10 secondsto llmlt deceleration prior to full-dlameter deployment. The main
parachutes hang the CM at an angle of 27.5 degrees to decrease impact loads at
landlng. After landing the crew releases the main parachutes.
A sea recovery sling of steel cable is provided to llft the CM aboard a recovery
ship. Three inflatable uprlghtlng bags_ stowed under the main parachutes, are
available for uprlghting the CM should it stabilize in an inverted floating position
_- after landing.
Guidance and navigatlon is accomplished through ]'hree major elements: the inertial,
optical, and computer subsystems. The inertial subsystemsensesany changes in the
velocity and angle of the spacecraft and relays this information to the computer
which transmits any necessarysignals to the spacecraft engines° The optical sub-
system is used to obtain navigation sightlngs of celestial bodies and landmarks on
the earth and moon° It passesthis information along to the computer for guidance
and control purposes. The computer subsystemuses information from a number of
sources to determine the spacecraft position and speed and, in automatic operation,
to give commandsfor guldance and control.
T_:NS_T'0N O0--N_ _NAV _:N _0 C0NTN0L SOl_4_J :_p!J_011N J_ I
Fig. 19
The Stabilization and Control System (SCS) operates in three ways: it determines
the spacecraft's attitude (angular position); maintains the spacecraft's attitude;
and controls the direction of thrust of the service propulsion engine. Both the
GNCS and SCS are used by the computer in the CM to provide automatic control
of the Spacecraft. Manual control of the spacecraft attitude and thrust is provided
mainly through the SCS equipment.
The Flight Director Attitude Indicators (FDAI) on the main console show the total
angular position, attitude errors, and their rates of change. One of the sources
of total attitude information is the stable platform of the Inertial Measurement
Unit (IMU). The second source is a Gyro Display Coupler (GDC) which gives a
reading of the spacecraft's actual attitudes as compared with an attitude selected
by the crew. Information about attitude error also is obtained by comparison of
the IMU gimbal angles with computer reference angles. Another source of this
information is gyro assembly No. 1, which sensesany spacecraft rotation about
any of the three axes. Total attitude information goes _o the CMC as well as to
the FDAI's on the console. If a specific attitude or orientation is desired, attitude
error signals are sent to the reaction jet engine control assembly. Then the proper
reaction jet automatically fires in the direction necessary to return the spacecraft
_ to the desired position.
The CMC provides primary control of thrust. The flight crew pre-sets thrusting
and spacecraft data into the computer by meansof the display keyboard. The
forthcoming commands include time and duration of thrust. Accelerometers sense
the amount of change in velocity obtained by the thrust. Thrust direction control
is required because of center of gravity shifts caused by depletion of propellants
in service propulsion tanks. This control is accomplished through electromechanical
actuators which position the gimbaled SPSengine. Automatic control commands
may originate in either the guidance and navigation subsystemor the SCS. There
is also provision for manual controls.
Reaction Control Systems
Both the CommandModule and the Service Module have their own independent
Reaction Control System (RCS) - the CM RCSand the SM RCS, respectively. The
SM RCShas four idenHcal "quads" mounted around the SM 90 degrees apart.
Each quad has four 100-pound thrust engines, two fuel and two oxidizer tanks,
and a helium pressurization sphere. The SM RCSprovides redundant spacecraft
attitude control through cross-coupling logic inputs from the stabilization and
guidance systems. Small velocity change maneuvers can also be made with the
SM RCS. The CM RCSconsists of two independent subsystemsof six 94-pound
thrust engines each. Both subsystemsare activated after separation from the SM;
one is used for spacecraft attitude control during entry. The other serves in
standby as a backup. Propellants for both CM and SM RCSare monomethyl
hydrazine fuel and nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer with helium pressurization. These
propellants are hypergolic, i.e., they burn spontaneously when combined without
need for an igniter.
Three silver-zinc storage batteries supply power to the CM during entry and
after landing, provide power for sequence controllers, and supplement the fuel
cells during periods of peak power demand. These batteries are located in the
CM lower equipment bay. A battery charger is located in the same bay to assure
a full charge prior to entry.
1. Lossof thrust on two or more engines on the first stage of the LV.
2. Excessive vehicle angular rates in any of the pitch, yaw, or roll planes.
The EDS will automatically initiate an abort signal when two or more first-stage
engines are out or when LV excessive rates are sensed by gyros in the IU. The
abort signals are sent to the master events sequence controller, which initiates
the abort sequence. The engine lights on the Main Display Console provide the
following information to the crew: ignition, cutoff, engine below pre-speclfled
thrust level, and physical stage separation. A yellow "S-II Sep" light will
illuminate at second-stage first-plane separation and will extinguish at second-
plane separation. A high-lntenslty, red "ABORT" light is illuminated if an abort
is requested by the Launch Control Center for a pad abort or an abort during llft-
off via updata link. The "ABORT" light can also be illuminated after llftoff by
the Range Safety Officer or by the Mission Control Center via the updata link
from the Manned Space Flight Network.
The Launch Escape System (LES) (Figure 20) includes the LESstructure, canards,
rocket motors, and ordnance. The LES provides an immediate meansof separating
the CM from the LV during pad or suborbital aborts up through completion of second
stage ignition. During an abort, the LESmust provide a satisfactory earth return
trajectory and CM orientation before jettisoning from the CM. The jettison or
abort can be initiated manually or automatically.
Fig. 20
The forward or rocket section of the system is cylindrical and housesthree solid-
propellant rocket motors and a ballast compartment topped by a nose cone and
"Q-ball" which measuresattitude and flight dynamics of the space veh|cle. The
500-pound tower is made of titanium tubes attached at the top to a structural skirt
that covers the rocket exhaust nozzles and at the bottom to the CM by meansof
explosive bolts. A Boost Protective Cover (BPC) is attached to the tower and com-
pletely covers the CM. It has 12 "blowout" ports for the CM reaction control engines,
Vents, and an 8-1nch window. This cover protects the CM from the rocket exhaust
and also from the heat generated during launch vehicle boost. It remains attached
to the tower and is carried away when the assembly is jettisoned. Two canards
mounted near the forward end of the assembly aerodynamically tumble the CM in
the pitch plane during an abort so that the heat shield is forward. The assembly
is commonly referred to as the LET (Launch Escape Tower) or simply "tower."
Three solid propellant motors are used on the LES. They are:
3. The tower jettison motor, which is used to jettison the LET, provides
31,500 pounds of thrust for one second.
System Operation
The Launch EscapeSystem is activated automatically by the EDS in the first 100
secondsor manually by the astronauts at any time from the pad to jettison altitude.
The assembly is jettisoned at about 295,000 feet, or about 30 secondsafter
ignition of the second stage. After receiving an abort signal, the booster is cut
f off (after 30 secondsof flight), the CM-SM separation charges are fired, and the
launch escape motor is ignited. The launch escape motor lifts the CM and the
pitch control motor (used only at low altitudes) directs the flight path off to the
side. Two canards are deployed 11 secondsafter an abort is initiated. Three
seconds later on extreme low-altitude aborts, the tower separation devices are
fired and the jettison motor is started. Theseactions carry the LET, BPC, docking
ring, and probe away from the CM's landing trajectory. Four-tenths of a second
after tower jettisoning, the CM's Earth Landing System is activated and begins its
sequence of operations to bring the CM down safely. All preceeding automatic
sequencescan be prevented, interrupted, or replaced by crew action.
During a successful launch the LETwith attached BPC is jettisoned by the astronauts,
using the digital events timer and the "S-II Sep" light as cues. The jettisoning of
the LETdisables the EDSautomatic abort circuits. In the event of tower jettison
motor failure, the launch escape motor may jettison the LET.
Lunar Module
The Lunar Module (LM) (Figure 21) is designed to transport two men safely from the
CSM, in lunar orbit, to the lunar surface and return them to the orbiting CSM.
The LM provides operational capabilities such as communicatlons, telemetry,
environmental support, the transport of scientific equipment to the lunar surface,
and the return of surface sampleswith the crew to the CSM. Physical character-
istics are shown in Figure 22.
-- 14' I"
(DPS) 17,920LB.
_- 3 ! .0'
Apollo Supplement
The Lunar Module consists of two stages; the Ascent Stage, and the Descent
Stage. The stages are attached at four fittings by explosive bolts. Separable
umbillcals and hardllne connections provide subsystemcontinuity to operate both
stages as a single unit until separate Ascent Stage operation is desired. The LM
is designed to operate For 48 hours after separation from the CSM, with a maximum
lunar stay time of 44 hours.
Ascent Stage
The Ascent Stage (AS) (Figure 23) accommodates two astronauts and is the control
center of the LM. The stage structure provides three main sections consisting of
a crew compartment and mld-section, which comprises the pressurized cabins and
the unpressurized aft equipment bay. Other component parts of the structure con-
sist of the Thrust Chamber Assembly (TCA) cluster supports and antenna supports.
The cylindrical crew compartment is of semi-monocoque, aluminum a|l_y construc-
tion. Large structural beamsextend up the front face and across the top of the
crew compartment to distribute loads applied to the cabin structure. The structural
concept utilizes beams, bulkheads, and trussesto "cradle" the cabin assembly.
The cabin volume is approximately 235 cubic feet.
The entire Ascent Stage structure is enveloped by a vented blanket shield suspended
at least two inches from the main structure. The thermal and micrometeoroid shield
consists of multlple-layer aluminized mylar, nickel foil, inconel mesh, inconel
sheet, and, in certain areas, H-film. The shield nominally provides thermal in-
sulation against +350° F temperatures; with H-film, provides protection up to
The flight station area has two front windows, a docking window, window shades,
supports and restraints, an Alignment Optical Telescope (AOT), Crewman Optical
Alignment Sight (COAS), data files, and control and display panels. Two hatches
are provided for ingressand egress. The inward-opening forward hatch is used for
extravehicular activity exit and entry. The overhead hatch seals the docking
tunnel which is used for the transfer of crew and equipment internally between
the docked CSM and LM.
The Ascent Stage isthe nucleus of all LM systems. Two Portable Life Support
Systemsare stowed in the LM and provisions have been made for their replenishment.
Stowage is provided for docking equipment, extravehicular visors, extravehicular
gloves, lunar boots, and crew provisions in general.
The Ascent Stage also provides external mounting for a CSM-active docking
targeb tracking and orientation lights, two VHF antennas, two S-band inflight
antennas, an S-band steerable antenna, and a rendezvous radar antenna.
1. Abort sensor assembly
2. Alignment optical telescope 21. Signal.conditioning and electronic replaceable
3. Inertial measurement unit assembly No. 2
4. Pulse torque assembly 22. Pulse-code-modulation and timing equipment assembly
5. Cabin dump and relief valve (upper hatch) 23. Signal-conditioning and electronic replaceable assembly No. !
6. CSM/LM electrical umbilical fuiring 24. RCSquadrant 2
7. Aft equipment boy bulkhead 25. Gaseous oxygen tank
8. Watertank 26. Heliumtank
9. Rendezvaus radar electronics assembly 27. RCSfueltank
10. Propellant quantity gaging system control unit 28. APS fuel tank
11. Caution and warning electronics.assembly 29. RCShelium tank
12. Electricalcantralassembly 30. RCStank module
13. Attitude and translation control assembly 31. Helium pressurisation module
14. S-bond power amplifier and diplexer 32. Oxidizer service panel
15. S-band transceiver 33. RCSoxidizer tank
16. Abort electranic assembly 34. RCSquadrant|
17. Signal pracester assembly 35. Lighting control ascembly
18. VHF transceiver and diplexer 36. Auxiliary switching relay box
19. Inverter 37. Cabin dump and relief valve (forward hatch)
20. Batteries 38. RCSquadrant 4
,,_, Fig. 23
The Ascent Propulsion System provides for major +X axis translations when
separated from the Descent Stage and a Reaction Control System (RCS) provides
attitude and translational control about and along three axes.
Descent Stage
, , ._; . The Descent Stage (DS) (Figure 24) is the unmanned portion of the LM. It provides
_ :._
.... : for major velocity changes of the LM to deorbit and land on the lunar surface.
:"i_ _ The basic structure consists of four main crossed-beamswhose ends define the
octagon shape of the stage. The major structural material is aluminum alloy.
Thermal and micrometeoroid shielding is similar to that used on the Ascent Stage
but with additional base heat shielding of nickel foil, H-film, Fibrocel, and
Fiberfrax protecting the stage base from engine heat radiation.
Fig. 24
The Descent Stage has a landing gear systemto absorb landing shock and to support
the Descent Stage which must serve as a launch pad for the Ascent Stage. The
Descent Stage engine nozzle extension is designed to collapse up to 28 inches
and will not have any influence on LM lunar surface stability. Impact attenuation
is achieved by compression of the four main struts against crushable aluminum honeycomb.
The landing gear trussesalso provide the structural attachment points for securing
the LM to the lower (fixed) portion of the Spacecraft-LM Adapter (SLA). A ladder,
integral to a primary landing gear strut, provides access to and from the lunar surface
_" Fromthe ten-foot high forward hatch platform.
The Descent Stage contains the Descent Propulsion System as well as electrical
batteries, landing radar, supplements Forthe Environmental Control System, six
batteries for the Portable Life Support Systems, spare lithium hydroxide canisters,
a storage area for Scientific equipment, an erectable S-band antenna, pyrotechnics,
and a Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly.
The Guidance, Navigationz and Control System (GN&CS) provides vehicle guidance,
navigation, and control required for a manned lunar landing mission. The GN&CS
utilizes a Rendezvous Radarand a Landing Radar to aid in navigation. The major
-- subsystemsof the GN&CS system are designated Primary Guidance and Navigation
Subsystem, Abort Guidance Subsystem, and the Control Electronics Subsystem.
The GN&CS has a primary and alternate system path. The primary guidance path
comprises the Primary Guidance and Navigation Subsystem, Control Electronics Sub-
system, Landing Radar, RendezvousRadar, and the selected propulsion system. The
alternate system path comprises the Abort Guidance Subsystem, Control Electronics
Subsystem, and the selected propulsion system. The term Primary Guidance, Navi-
gation, and Control System (PGNCS) appears in certain technical mission document-
ation and connotes use of systemsin the primary path of the LM Guidance, Navigation,
and Control System.
Primary Guidance and Navigation Subsystem- The Primary Guidance and Navi-
ation Subsystem(PGNS) establishes an inertial reference for guidance with an
Inertial Measurement Unitt usesoptics and radar for navigation, and a digital
LM Guidance Computer (LGC) for data processing and generation of flight control
signals. The inertlally stabilized accelerometers sense incremental changes of
velocity and attitude. Comparison of sensedinstantaneous conditions against
software programs generates corrections used to control the vehicle. The reference
for the inertial system is aligned using the Alignment Optical Telescope, stars,
horizons, and the computer. The PGNS, in conjunction with the CES, controls
LM attitude, ascent or descent engine firing, descent engine thrust, and thrust
F vector. Control under the PGNS mode ranges from fully automatic to manual.
Landing Radar - The Landing Radar (LR) provides the I.GC with slant range and
velocity data for control of the descent to the lunar surface. Slant range data is
available below lunar altitudes of approximately 25,000 feet and velocity data is
available below approximately 18,000 feet.
Main Propulsion
Main Propulsion is provided by the Descent Propulsion System (DPS)and the Ascent
Propulsion System (APS). Each sytem is wholly independent of the other. The
DPSprovides the thrust to control descent to the lunar surface. The APScan
provide the thrust for ascent from the lunar surface. In case of mission abort, the
APS and/or DPS can place the LM into a rendezvous trajectory with the CSM from
any point in the descent trajectory. The choice of engine to be used depends on
the cause for abort, on how long the descent engine has been operating, and on
the quantity of propellant remaining in the Descent Stage. Both propulsion systems
use identical hypergollc propellants. The fuel is a 50-50 mixture of hydrazlne and
unsymetrical-dimethylhydrazine and the oxidizer is nitrogen tetroxide. Gaseous
helium pressurizes the propellant feed systems. Helium storage in the DPS is at
_ cryogenic temperatures in the super-crltlcal state and in the APS it is gaseousat
ambient temperatures.
' Ullage Forpropellant settling is required prior to descent engine start and is pro-
vided by the +X axis reaction engines. The descent engine is gimbaled, throttle-
able and restartable. The engine can be throttled from 1050 pounds of thrust to
6300 pounds. Throttle positions above this value automatically produce full thrust
to reduce combustion chamber erosion. Nominal full thrust is 9870 pounds. Gimbal
trim of the engine compensatesfor a changing center of gravity of the vehicle and
is automatically accomplished by either the PGNS or AGS. Automatic throttle
and on/off control is available in the PGNS mode of operation. TheAGS commands
on/off operation but has no automatic throttle control capability. Manual control
capabillty of engine firing functions has been provided. Manual thrust control over-
_ ride may, at any time, command more thrust than the level commanded by the LGC.
The ascent engine is a fixed, non-throttleable engine. The engine develops 3500
pounds of thrust, sufficient to abort the lunar descent or to launch the Ascent Stage
from the lunar surface and place it in the desired lunar orbit. Control modesare
similar to those described for the descent engine. The APS propellant is contained
in two spherical titanium tanks, one for oxidizer and the other for fuel. Each
tank has a volume of 36 cubic feet. Total fuel weight is 2008 pounds of which
71 pounds are unusable. Oxidizer weight is 3170 poundsof which 92 pounds
are unusable. The APS has a limit of 35 starts, must have a propellant bulk
temperature between 50°F and 90°F prior to start, must not exceed 460 seconds
of burn time, and has a system life of 24 hours after pressurization.
The Reaction Control System (RCS)stabilizes the LM, provides ullage thrust for the
DPSor APS, helps to maintain the desired trajectory during descent, and controls
LM attitude and translation about or along three axes during hover. Sixteen engines
termed Thrust Chamber Assemblies (1"CA's)of 100 pounds thrust each are mounted
symmetrically around the LM Ascent Stage in clusters of four. The RCScontains
two independent, parallel systems(A&B) controlling two TCA's in each cluster.
Each system, operating alone, can perform all required attltude control require-
ments, however translational performance is slightly degraded under single system
operation. The independent propellant systemshave a crossfeed capability For
increased operational dependability. During APS thrusting, APS propellant can
_ supplement the RCSsystem. The propellant tanks utilize bladders to achieve
positive expu|slon feed under zero-g gravity conditions. Malfunctioning TCA
pairs can be deactivated by manual switches.
Thlrty-two heaters are used to heat the 16TCA's. TCA temperature requlrements
ranging from 132°F to 154°F are important to safe and proper TCA operation.
Propellant capacity of each system of the RCSis: oxidizer (nitrogen tetroxlde)-
207.5 pounds, 194.9 pounds usable; fuel (50-50 mixture of monomethyl hydrazine
,_ and unsymetrical-dimethylhydrazi ne)-106.5 pounds, 99.1 pounds usable.
In order to ensure reliable RCSoperation, firing time for each TCA must not exceed
500 seconds with firing times exceeding one second, and 1000 secondsof pulses with
firing times less than one second. RCSoperation requires propellant tank tempera-
tures between 40°F and 100°F. Firing time of vertically mounted thrusters is limited
to prevent damage to Descent Stage insulation or the Ascent Stage antennas.
The Electrical Power System (EPS)contains six batteries which supply the electrical
power requirements of the LM during undocked mission phases. Four batteries are
located in the Descent Stage and two in the Ascent Stage. Batteries for the
Explosive Devices System are not included in this system description. Postlaunch
LM power is supplied by the Descent Stage batteries until the LM and CSM are
docked. While docked1 the CSM suppl|es electrical power to the LM up to 296
watts (peak). During the lunar descent phase1 the two Ascent Stage batteries are
paralleled with the Descent Stage batteries for additional power assurance. The
Descent Stage batteries are utilized for LM lunar surface operations and checkout.
The Ascent Stage batteries are brought on the line just before ascent phasestaging.
All batteries and bussesmay be Jndlvidually monitored for load, voltage, and
failure. Several isolation and combination modesare provided.
Two Inverters, each capable of supplying full load, convert the dc to ac for
115-volt, 400-hertz supply. Electrical power is distributed by the following
buses: LM Pilot's dc bus, Commander's dc bus, and ac busesA & B.
The four Descent Stage silver-zlnc batteries are identical and have a 400 ampere-
hour capacity at 28 volts. Because the batteries do not have a constant voltage
at various states of charge/load levels, "high" and "low" voltage taps are provided
for selection. The "low voltage" tap is selected to initiate use of a fully charged
battery. Cross-tie circuits in the bussesfacilitate an even discharge of the
batteries regardless of distribution combinations. The two silver-zinc Ascent Stage
batteries are identical to each other and have a 296 ampere-hour capacity at 28
volts. The Ascent Stage batteries are normally connected in parallel for even
discharge. Becauseof design load characteristics, the Ascent Stage batteries do
not have and do not require high and low voltage taps_
Nominal voltage for Ascent Stage and Descent Stage batteries is 30.0 volts.
Reversecurrent relays for battery failure are one of many components designed
into the EPSto enhance EPSreliability. Cooling of the bat_erles is provided by
the Environmental Control System cold rail heat sinks. Available ascent electrical
energy is 17.8 kilowatt hours at a maximum drain of 50 amps per battery and descent
energy is 46.9 kilowatt hours at a maximum drain of 25 amps per battery.
The Water Management Subsystem (WMS) supplies water for drinking, cooling,
fire extinguishlng, and food preparation_ for refilling the PLSScooling water
tank_ and for pressurization of the secondary coolant loop of the HTS. It
also provides for delivery of water from ARS water separators to HTS subllmators
and from the water tanks to ARS and HTSsublimators. The water tanks are
pressurized before launch to maintain the required pumping pressure in the
tanks. The Descent Stage tank supplies most of the water required until staging
occurs. After staging, water is supplies by the two Ascent Stage storage tanks.
A self-sealing "PLSS DRINK" valve dellvers water for drinking and food
The Heat Transport Subsystem (HTS) consists of a primary coolant loop and a
secondary coolant loop. The secondary loop serves as a backup loop and
functions in the event the primary loop fails. A water-glycol solution clrcu-
lates through each loop. The pr|mary loop provides temperature control for
batteries, electronic equipments that require active thermal control, and for
the oxygen that circulates through the cabin and pressure suits. The batteries
and electronic equipment are mounted on cold plates and rails through which
coolant is routed to remove excess heat.
The cold plates used for equipment required for mission abort contain two
separate coolant passages, one for the primary loop and one for the secondary
loop. The secondary coolant loop serves only abort equipment cold plates.
In flight, excess heat rejection from both coolant loops is achieved by the
primary and secondary sublimators which are vented overboard. A coolant
pump rec|rculation assembly contains all the HTS coolant pumpsand associated
check and relief valves. Coolant flow from the assembly is directed through
parallel clrcuits to the cold plates for the electronic equipment and the oxygen-
to-glycol heat exchanger in the ARS.
Communications System
The Communications System (CS) provides the links between the LM and the Manned
Space Flight Network (MSFN), between the LM and the CSM, and between the LM
and any extravehicular astronaut. The following information is handled by the CS:
tracking and ranging, Voice, PCM telemetry (LM status); biomedical data, computer
updates, Morse code, television, EVA/LM EMU data, and LM/CSM telemetry
retransmission. The communications links and their functions are listed in Figure 25.
The CS includes all S-band, VHF, and signal processing equipment necessary to
• transmit and receive voice, tracking, and ranging data, and to transmit telemetry
and emergency keying.
Link Mode Band Purpoee
f LM-CSM Low-hit-rate talemetry VHF (one way) CSM record and retrans-
mtt to earth
MSFN-LM Upiink data or upllnk voice backup S-band Update LGC or voice
backup for in-flight
corn municatio_
EVA-I_M-EVA Voice and data; voice VHF duplex EVA direct communica-
Fig. 25
Two separate cartridges are provided for each EDS function. Each cartridge is
sufficient to perform the function without the other. The EDS supports the main
propulsion systemsby clearing the valves isolating pressurantsand propellants.
Other pyrotechnic devices guillotine i nterstage umbillcals in addition to the
structural connections. System performance is indicated to the crew by instru-
s mentation and to the MSFN by telemetry. The two EDS batteries use silver-zinc
plates and are rated at 0.75 ampere-hour. Battery outl_ut/voltage status is displayed
to the crew. One battery is located in the Descent Stage and one is in the Ascent
Instrumentation System
The combination of items a crewman wears varies during a mission (Figure 26). There
are three basic configurations of dress: unsuited, suited, and extravehicular. A brief
description of each item is contained in the latter part of this section.
This mode of dress is worn by a crewman in the Command Module (CM) under conditions
termed "shirt-sleeve envlronment." The crewman wears a bioinstrumentation harness,
a communications carrier, the Constant Wear Garment (CWG), the Inflight Coverall
Garment (ICG), and booties. This unsuited mode is the most comfortable, convenient,
and least fatiguing of the dress modes. When unsuited, the crewman relies on the CM
Environmental Control System to maintain the proper cabin environment of pressure,
temperature and oxygen.
This mode enables a crewman to operate in an unpressurized cabin up to the design life
I of the pressuresuit of 115 hours. The intravehicular configuration includes: the
PressureGarment Assembly (PGA) made up of a torso-limb suit, pressure helmet, and
pressure gloves; the Fecal Containment System (FCS); CWG; bioinstrumentation harness;
communications carrier; Urine Collection and Transfer Assembly (UCTA); and a PGA
with an integral Thermal Meteoroid Garment (TMG).
The CM Pilot does not participate in full extravehicular activity, permitting substitution
of a lighter, fire-resistant covering over the PGA in lieu of the TMG. Various suit
fittings and hardware required for Lunar Module (LM) and extravehicular operations are
also omitted from the CM Pilot's suit.
GLOVE _ _J " _""',IF--
..EMBLY, --
_, _ _&
Apol Io Supplement"
Item Description
Torso-Limb Suit
The torso-limb suit is the basic pressure envelope for the astronaut. It contains
connectors for oxygen, water (for the LCG), communication, biomedical data,
and urine transfer.
The pressure helmet provides visibility and continues the environmental envelope.
It is basically a polycarbonate plastic shell. It contains a vent manifold and an
alr-tlght feed port for eatingt drinking, and purging. The astronaut can turn his
head within the fixed helmet.
PressureG love
The pressure glove provides for required digital dexterity and continues the
environmental envelope. It is basically made of nylon tricot dipped in neoprene.
A fingerless glove, inner and outer covers, and a restraint system complete the
assembly. The extravehicular glove is a modified pressure glove with additional
F layers of thermal and protective material.
The integral TMG provides external thermal and micrometeoroid protection for the
astronaut. This garment is sewn over the torso-limb suit. Construction utilizes
multilayered combinations of Beta cloth, aluminized Kapton film, Beta Marquisette,
neoprene-coated nylon Ripstop, and ChromeI-R. Snap-secured covers are located
for inner access to some PGA areas and pockets are provided for specified items.
The LM restraint rings are integrated into the hip area. Bootsare attached over
the PGA with slide fasteners and loop tape.
Lunar Boot
The lunar boot is worn over the PGA boot and meets the extensive, additional,
thermal, and protective requirements for a lunar excursion. Materials used in its
construction are teflon-coated Beta cloth, Kapton film, Beta Marquisette, Beta
felt, silicon rubber, and ChromeI-R.
The LEVA is a light- and heat-attenuatlng assembly which fits over and clamps
_-- around the base of the pressure helmet assembly. It is designed to provide heat
insulation and added protection from micrometeoroids, solar radiation and
ConstantWear Garment
The CWG is an undergarment for the flight co_,erallsand the [ntravehlcular space
suit configuration. It is fabricated in one piece, encloses the feet, and has short
sleeves, a waist-to-neck zipper, and lower torso openings front and rear.
The ICG is the outer garment for unsuited operation. It is of two-plece Beta cloth
construction with zipper and pockets.
Bootiesare worn with the ICG and have Velcro hooks that engage Velcro pile
patches attached to the floor to hold the crewman in place during weightlessness.
They are made of Beta cloth and have the Velcro hook material bonded to the soles.
The UCTA is a truss-like garment which functions by useof a urinal cuff, storage
compartment, and tube which connects to the external collection system. It is
worn over the CWG or/CG.
The FCS is an elastic underwear with an absorbent liner around the buttock area.
This system is worn under the LCG or CWG to allow emergency defecation when
the PGA is pressurized. Protective ointment is used on the buttocks and perineal
area to lessen skin irritation.
;_- A detachablet non-rechargeable OPS attaches to the top of the PLSS. The system
can supply 30 minutes of regulated flow to the PGA independent of the PISS for
contingency operations. The OPS may be removed from the PISS and used as an
emergency source of oxygen at any time. The OPS also serves as a mount for the
PISS antenna.
Food supplies in the LM and CM are designed to supply each astronaut with a balanced
diet of approximately 2800 calories per day. Most of the food is either freeze-dried or
concentrated and is carried in vacuum-packaged plastic bags. Each bag of freeze-dried
food has a one-way valve through which water is inserted and a second valve through
which food passes. Concentrated food is packaged in bite-slze units and needs no
reconstitution. Several bags are packaged together to make one meal bag. The meal
bags have red, white, and blue dots to identify them for each crewman, as well as
labels to identify them by day and meal.
The food is reconstituted by adding hot or cold water through the one-way valve. The
astronaut kneads the bag and then cuts the neck of the bag and squeezesthe food into
his mouth. A "feed port" in the pressure helmet allows partaking of liquid food and
water while suited. Food preparation water is dispensed from a unit which supplies
150°F and 50°F water in the CM and 90°F and 50°F water in the LM.
Drinking water comes from the water chiller to two outlets: the water meter dispenser
and the food preparation unit. The dispenser has an aluminum mounting bracket, a
72-1nch coiled hose, and a dispensing valve unit in the form of a button-actuated
j0istol. The pistol barrel is placed in the mouth and the button is pushed for each half-
ounce of water. The meter records the amount of water drunk. A valve is provided to
shut off the system in case the dispenser develops a leak or malfunction.
Command Module
The astronaut couches are individually adjustable units madeof hollow steel tubing
and covered with a heavy, fireproof, fiberglass cloth. The couches rest on a head
beamand two slde-stabilizer beamssupported by eight cycllc-type attenuator struts
(two each for the Y and Z axes and four for the X axis) which absorbthe impact of
landing. These couchessupportthe crewmenduring acceleration and deceleration,
position the crewmen at their duty stations, and provide supportfor translation and
rotation hand controls, lights, and other equipment.
The cQuchescan be folded or adjusted into a numberof seat positions. The one used
mostis the 85-degree position assumedfor launch, orbit entry, and landing. The
F 170-degree (flat-out) position is used primarily for the center couch, so that crewmen
can move into the lower equipment bay. The armrests on either side of the center
couch can be folded footward so the astronauts from the two outside couches can slide
over easily. The hip pan of the center couch can be disconnected and the couch can
be pivoted around the head beam and lald on the aft bulkhead floor of the CM. This
provides room for the astronauts to stand and easier access to the side hatch for extra-
vehicular activity.
Two armrests are attached to the back pan of the left couch and two armrests are
attached to the right couch. The center couch has no armrests. The translation and
rotation controls can be mounted to any of the four armrests. A support at the end of
each armrest rotates 100 degrees to provide proper tilt for the controls. The couch
seat pan and leg pan are formed of framing and cloth, and the foot pan is all steel.
The foot pan contains a restraint device which holds the foot in place.
The couch restraint harness consists of a lap belt and two shoulder strapswhich connect
to the lap belt at the buckle. The shoulder straps connect to the shoulder beam of the
couch. Other restraints in the CM include handholds, a hand bar, hand straps, and
patches of Velcro which hold the crewmen when they wear booties.
The astronauts may sleep in bags under the left and right couches with heads toward
the hatch or in their couches. The three sleeping bags are made of lightweight Beta
fabric 64 inches long, with zipper openings for the torso and a 7-inch diameter
opening for the neck. They are supported by two longitudinal straps that attach to
storage boxes in the lower equipment bay and to the CM inner structure. The astro-
nauts sleep in the bags when unsuited and are restrained on top of the bags when suited.
Lunar Module
The crew support and restraint equipment _n the LM includes armrests, hand holds,
Velcro on the floor to interface with the PGA Boots, and a restraint assembly operated
_ by a rope-and-pully arrangement that holds the LM crewmen in a standing position.
The restraint assembly attaches to "D" rings located at the hips of the astronaut's suit
and holds him to the cabin floor with a force of about 30 pounds (Figure 27). The
armrests restrain the crewmen laterally. The LM crew membersrest positions are
shown in Figure 28.
Fig. 27 Fig. 28
Hygiene equipment includes wet and dry cloths for cleaning, towels, toothbrushes,
ingestible toothpaste, and the Waste Management System (WMS). The WMS controls
and disposesof waste solids, liquids, and gases. The major portion of the system is
in the right-hand equipment bay. The system stores feces, removes odors, dumps
urine overboard, and removes urine from the space suit. In the CM, urine is dumped
overboard, whereas in the LM, it is stored.
Operational aids include external tracking and orientation lights, floodlights, utility
lights, flashlights, the Crewman Optical Alignment Sight (COAS), a monocular, data
files, tools, window shades, calibrated window reference marks, storage bags, straps,
tape, space suit repair kit, and labels. Also included are provisions for using the
urine system hose for vacuuming liquid and a brush head for the vacuum hose connected
to the cabin air inlet of the Environmental Control System for general housekeeping as
part of the decontamination procedure.
Emergency equipment includes fire extinguishers, oxygen masks, medical supplies, and
survival equipment. The CM has one fire extinguisher located adjacent to the left-hand
and lower equipment bays. The extinguisher weighs about 8 pounds. The extinguishing
agent is an aquaeous gel expelled in 2 cubic feet of foam for approximately 30 seconds
at high pressure. Fire ports are located at various panels so that the extinguisher nozzle
can be inserted to put out a fire behind the panel.
Oxygen masksare provided for each astronaut in case of smoke, toxic gas, or other
hostile atmosphere in the cabin while the astronauts are out of their suits in the CM.
s_ Oxygen is supplied through a flexible hose from the emergency oxygen/repressurization
unit in the upper equipment bay.
survival equipment, intended for use in an emergency after landing, is stowed in two
rucksacks in the right-hand forward equipment bay. One of the rucksacks contains a
three-man rubber life raft with an inflation assembly, a carbon dioxide cylinder, a sea
anchor, dye marker, and a sunbonnet for each crewman. The other rucksack contains
a beacon transceiver, survival lights, desaher kits, a machete, sun glasses, water cans,
and a medical kit. Thesurvival medical kit contains the same type of supplies as the
emergency medical kit: six bandages, six injectors, 30 tablets, and one tube of all-
purpose ointment.
Each crewman is provided a 64-cubic inch container for personal items, and a two-
compartment temporary storage bag. A special tool kit is provided which also contains
three jack screws for contingency hatch closure.
Launch Complex 39 (LC-39), located at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, is the facility
provided for the assembly, checkout, and launch of the Apollo/Saturn V Space Vehicle.
Assemblyand checkout of the vehicle is accomplished on a Mobile Launcher in the
_ controlled environment of the Vehicle AssemblyBuilding. The space vehicle and the
Mobile Launcher are then moved as a unit by the Crawler-Transporter to the launch
site. The major elements of the launch complex shown in Figure 29 are the Vehicle
Assembly Building (VAB), the Launch Control Center (LCC), the Mobile Launcher (hAL),
the Crawler-Transporter (C/T), the crawlerway, the Mobile Service Structure (MSS),
and the launch pad.
Vehicle AssemblyBuilding
The VAB provides a protected environment for receipt and checkout of the propulsion
stages and IU, erection of the vehicle stagesand spacecraft in a vertical position on
the ML, and integrated checkout of the assembledspace vehicle. The VAB, as shown
s in Figure 30, is a totally enclosed structure covering eight acres of ground. It is a
structural steel building approximately 525 feet high, 518 feet wide, and 716 feet
long. The principal operational elementsof the VAB are the low bay and high bay
areas. A 92-foot wide transfer aisle extends throughthe length of the VAB and divides
the low and high bay areas into equal segments. The low bay area provides the facilities
for receiving, uncrating, checkout, and preparation of the S-II stage, S-IVB stage, and
the IU. The high bay area providesthe facilities for erection and checkout of the S-IC
stage; mating and erection operationsof the S-II stage, S-IVB stage, IU, and spacecraft;
and integrated checkout of the assembledspacevehicle. The high bay area contains
four checkout bays, each capable of accommodatinga fully assembledApollo/Saturn V
Space Vehicle.
The LCC, Figure 30, servesas the focal point for overall direction, control, and
monitoring of space vehicle checkout and launch. The LCC is located adjacent to
the VAB and at a sufficient distance from the launch pad (three miles) to perrrllt the
safe viewing of liftoff without requiring site hardening.
The LCC is a four-story structure. The ground floor is devoted to service and support
functions. The second floor housestelemetry and tracking equipment, in addition to
instrumentation and data reduction facilities. The third floor is divided into four
F-_ separate but similar control areas, each containing a firing room, a computerroom,
Fig. 29
_ii _
Fig. 30
a mission control room, a test conductor platform area, a visitor gallery, and offices.
The four firing rooms, one for each high bay in the VAB, contain control, monitoring
and display equipment for automatic vehicle checkout and launch. The display rooms,
offices, Launch Information Exchange Facility (LIEF) rooms, and mechanical equipment
are located on the fourth floor.
The power demandsin this area are large and are supplied by two separate systems,
industrial and instrumentation. This division between power systemsis designed to
protect the instrumentation power system from the adverse effects of switching transients,
large cycling loads and intermittent motor starting loads. Communication and signal
cable troughs extend from the LCC via the enclosed bridge to each ML location in the
VAB high bay area. Cableways also connect to the ML refurbishing area and to the
Pad Terminal Connection Room (PTCR)at the launch pad. Antennas on the roof provide
an RF llnk to the launch pads and other facilities at KSC.
Mobile Launcher
The ML (Figure 31) is a transportable steel structure which, with the C/T, provides the
capability to move the erected vehicle to the launch pad. The ML is divided into two
functional areas, the launcher base and the umbilical tower. The launcher base is the
platform on which a Saturn V Vehicle is assembled in the vertical position, transported
F_ to a launch site, and launched. The umbilical tower provides access to all important
levels of the vehicle during assembly, checkout, and servicing. The equipment used in
the servicing, checkout, and launch is installed throughout both the base and tower
sections of the ML.
The launcher base is a steel structure 25 feet high, 160 feet long, and 135 feet wide.
The upper deck, designated level 0, contains, in addition to the umbilical tower, the
four hold-down arms and the three tail service masts. There is a 45-foot square opening
through the ML base for first stage exhaust.
The base has provisions for attachment to the C,/1", six launcher-to-ground mount
mechanisms, and four extenslble support columns. All electrical/mechanlcal inter-
faces between vehicle systemsand the VAB or the launch site are located through or
adjacent to the base structure. The base housessuch items as the computer systems
test sets, digital propellant loading equipment, hydraulic test sets, propellant and
pneumatic lines, air-conditlonlng and ventilating systems, electrical power systems,
and water systems. Fueling operations at the launch area require that the compart-
ments within the structure be pressurized with a supply of uncontaminated air.
: ! i
Fig. 31
July 1969 Page 73
Apollo Supplement
The primary e|ectrical power supplied to the ML is divided into four separate services:
instrumentation, industrial, in-translt, and emergency. Emergency power is supplied
by a diesel-drlven generator located in the ground facilities. It is used for obstruction
lights, emergency lighting, and for one tower elevator. Water is supplied to the ML
for fire, industrial, and domestic purposes.
The umbilical tower is a 380-foot high, open steel structure which provides support
for eight umbilical service armsl Apollo Spacecraft access arms 18 work and access
platformss distribution equipment for the propellant, pneumatic, electrical, and
instrumentation subsystems,and other ground support equipment. Two high-speed
elevators service 18 landings from level A of the base to the 340-foot tower level.
_ The structure is topped by a 25-ton hammerhead crane. Remote control of the crane
is possible from numerous locations on the ML.
The four holddown arms (Figure 32) are mounted on the ML deck, 90°apart around the
vehicle base. They position and hold the vehicle on the ML during the VAB checkout,
movement to the pad, and pad checkout. The vehicle base is held with a pre-loaded
force of 700,000 pounds at each arm. At engine ignition, the vehicle is restrained
until proper engine thrust is achieved. The unlatching interval for the four arms should
not exceed 0.050 second. If any of the separators fall to operate in 0. 180 second,
release is effected by detonating an explosive nut llnk. At launch, the holddown arms
s quickly release, but the vehicle is prevented from accelerating too rapidly by the
control led-release mechanisms (Figure 32). Each controlled-release mechanism basically
consists of a tapered pin inserted in a die which is coupled to the vehicle. Upon vehicle
release, the tapered pin is drawn through the die during the first six inches of vehicle
travel. There are provisions for as many as 16 mechanismsper vehicle. The precise
number is determined on a mission basis.
The three Tall Service Mast 0"SM) assemblies (Figure 32) support service lines to the
S-IC stage and provide a meansfor rapid retraction at vehicle liftoff. The TSM
assembliesare located on level 0 of the ML base. Each TSM is a counterbalanced
structure which is pneumatlcally/electrlcally controlled and hydraulically operated.
Retraction of the umbilical carrier and vertical rotation of the mast is accomplished
simultaneously to ensure no physical contact between the vehicle and mast. The
carrier is protected by a hood which is closed by a separate hydraulic system after
the mast rotates.
The nine service arms provide access to the space vehicle and support the service lines
that are required to sustain the vehicle, as described in Figure 33. The service arms are
designated as either preflight or inflight arms. The preflight arms are retracted and
locked against the umbilical tower prior to liftoff. The inflight arms retract at vehicle
liftoff. Carrier withdrawal and arm retraction is accomplished by pneumatic and/or
hydraulic systems.
NO. 2 I\_ _
_______ MAST I-2
STA 113.31
/,:\ /_ BRACKET
Fig. 32
S-IC (preflight). (preflight).
_> fill Intertank
and drain interfaces. Provides
lox 19) Command
_ Provides access
Module Access
to spacecraft
Arm through en-
withdrawal by pneumatically driven com- vironmental chamber. Arm may be retrac-
pound parallel linkage device. Am may be ted or extended from LCC. Retracted 12°
reconnectedto vehicle from LCC. Retract park position until T-4 minutes. Extend
time is 8 seconds. Reconnect time is ap- time is 12 seconds from this position.
proximately 5 minutes.
_> S-IVB
lox Aft (inflight).
transfer, Provides
electrical, LH2 and
air-conditioning interfaces. Umbilical
withdrawal systems same as S-IVB Forward.
Also equipped with line handling device.
Retract time is 7.7 seconds (max).
Launch Pad
The launch pad (Figure 34) provides a stable foundation for the ML during Apollo
Saturn V launch and prelaunch operations and an interface to the ML for ML and
vehicle systems. There are presently two pads at LC-39 located approximately three
miles from the VAB area. Each launch site is approximately 3000 feet across.
S _
Fig. 34
The launch pad is a cellular, reinforced concrete structure with a top elevation of
42 feet above grade elevation. Located within the fill under the west side of the
structure (Figure 35) is a two-story concrete building to house environmental control
and pad terminal connection equipment. On the east side of the structure within the
fill, is a one-story concrete building to house the high-pressure gas storage battery.
On the pad surface are elevators, staircase, and interface structures to provide service
to the ML and the MSS. A ramp with a five percent grade provides access from the
crawlerway. This is used by the C/I" to position the ML/Saturn V and the MSS on the
support pedestals. The azimuth alignment building is located on the approach ramp in
the crawlerway median strip. A flame trench 58 feet wide by 450 feet long bisects the
pad. This trench opens to grade at the north end. The 700,000 pound, mobile, wedge-
f_ type flame deflector is mounted on rails in the trench.
Fig. 35
The Pad Terminal Connection Room(PTCR) (Figure 35) provides the terminals for com-
"'-_ munication and data llnk transmissionconnections between the ML or MSS and the
launch area facilities and between the ML or MSS and the LCC. This facility also
accommodatesthe electronic equipment that simulates functions for checkout of the
facilities during the absence of the launcher and vehicle.
The EnvironmentalControl System(ECS)room, located in the pad fill west of the pad
structure and north of the PTCR(Figure 35), housesthe equipmentwhich furnishes
temperature and/or humldity-controlled air or nitrogen for space vehicle cooling at
the pad. The ECS room is 96 feet wide by 112 feet long and housesair andnltrogen
handling units, liquid chillers, air compressors,a 3000-gallon water-glycol storage
tank, and other auxiliary electrical and mechanical equipment. The high-pressure
gasstorage facility at the pad provides the launch vehicle with high-pressurehellum
and nitrogen.
, _H2
F- Fig. :36
The Apollo emergency ingress/egress and escape system provides access to and from
the Command Module (CM) plus an escape route and safe quarters for the astronauts
and service personnel in the event of a serious malfunction prior to launch. The
system includes the CM Access Arm, two 600-feet per minute elevators from the 340-
foot level to level A of the ML, pad elevator No. 2, personnel carriers located
adjacent to the exit of pad elevator No. 2, the escape tube, and the blast room.
The CM Access Arm provides a passagefor the astronauts and service personnel from
the spacecraft to the 320-foot level of the tower. Egresslngpersonnel take the high-
speed elevators to level A of the ML, proceed through the elevator vestibule and
corridor to pad elevator No. 2, move down this elevator to the bottom of the pad, a.d
enter armored personnel carriers which remove them from the pad area.
When the state of the emergency allows no time for retreat by motor vehicle, egresslng
personnel_ upon reaching level A of the ML, slide down the escape tube into the blast
room vestibule, commonly called the "rubber room" (Figure 37). Entrance to the blast
room is gained through blast-proof doors controllable from either side. The blast room
floor is mounted on coil springs to reduce outside acceleration forces to between 3 and
5 g's. Twenty people may be accommodated for 24 hours. Communication facilities
are provided in the room, including an emergency RF link. An underground air duct
from the vicinity of the blast room to the remote air intake facility permits egressfrom
the pad structure to the pad perimete r. Provision is made to decrease air velocity in
the duct to allow personnel movement through the duct.
320. LEVEL
BUNKER / c_.,_.
• _ "_ WINCH
The RP-1 facility consists of three 86,000-gallon steel storage tanks, a pump house, a
circulating pump, a transfer pump, two filter-separators, an 8-inch stainless steel
transfer line, RP-1 foam generating building, and necessary valves, piping, and con-
trols. Two RP-1 holding ponds (Figure 32), 150 feet by 250 feet, with a water depth
of two feet, are located north of the launch pad, one on each side of the north-south
axis. The ponds retain spilled RP-1 and discharge water to drainage ditches.
The LH2 facility (Figure 34) consists of one 850, O00-gallon spherical storage tank, a
vaporizer/heat exchanger which is used to pressurize the storage tank to 65 psi, a
vacuum-jacketed, lO-inch invar transfer line and a burn pond venting system. Internal
tank pressure provides the proper flow of LH2 from the storage tank to the vehicle with-
out using a transfer pump. Liquid hydrogen boil-off from the storage and ML areas is
directed through vent-piping to bubble-capped headers submerged in the burn pond
where a hot wire ignition system maintains the burning process.
The LOX (liquid oxygen) facility (Figure 34) consists of one 900,000--gallon spherical
storage tank, a LOX vaporizer to pressurize the storage tank, main fill and replenish
pumps, a drain basin for venting and dumping of LOX, and two transfer lines.
The azimuth alignment building (Figure 34) housesthe auto-collimator theodolite which
senses, by a light source, the rotational output of the stable platform in the Instrument
Unit of the launch vehicle. This instrument monitors the critical inertial reference
system prior to launch.
Photography Facilities
These facilltJes support photographic camera and closed circuit television equlpment to
provide real-time vlewing and photographic documentation coverage. There are six
camera sites in the launch pad area. These sites cover prelaunch activities and launch
operations from six different angles at a radial distance of approximately 1300 feet from
the launch vehlcle. Each site has four engineering, sequential cameras and one fixed,
hlgh-speed metrlc camera.
The pad water systemfacilities furnish water to the launch pad area for fire protection,
cooling, and quenching. Specifically, the systemfurnisheswater for the industrial
water system,flame deflector cooling and quench, MI. deck cooling and quench, ML
tower fogging and service arm quench, sewage treatment plant, Firex water system,
liquid propellant facilities, ML and MSS fire protection, and all fire hydrants in the
pad area.
The MSS (Figure 39) providesaccess to thoseportions of the space vehicle which
cannot be serviced from the ML while at the launch pad. The MSS is transportedto
the launch site by the C/T where it is usedduring launch pad operations. It is removed
from the pad a few hoursprior to launch and returned to its parking area 7000 feet from
the nearest launch pad. The MSS is approximately 402 feet high and weighs 12 million
pounds. The tower structure restson a base 135 feet by 135 feet. At the top, the
tower is 87 feet by 113 feet.
The structure contains five work platforms MOB ILE SERVICE STRUCTURE
which provide access to the space vehicle.
The outboard sections of the platforms open
to accept the vehicle and close around it
to provide access to the launch vehicle and
spacecraft. The lower two platforms are
vertically adjustable to serve different
parts of the launch vehicle. The upper
three platforms are fixed but can be dis-
connected from the tower and relocated as
a unit to serve different vehicle conflg-
urations. The second and third platforms
from the top are enclosed and provide
environmental control for the spacecraft.
The C/1" can be operated with equal facility in either direction. Control cabs are
located at each end. The leading cab, in the direction of travel, has complete control
of the vehicle. The rear cab, however, has override controls for the rear trucks only.
Maximum C/T speed is 2 mph unloaded, 1 mph with full load on level grade, and 0.5
mph with full load on a Five percent grade. It has a 500-foot minimum turning radius
and can position the ML or the MSS on the facility support pedestals withln_+2 inches.
The Saturn V Launch Vehicle propulsive stages and the IU are, upon arrival at KSC,
transported to the VAB by special carriers. The S-IC stage is erected on an ML in
one of the checkout bays in the high bay area. The S-II and S-IVB stagesand the IU
are delivered to preparation and checkout cells in the low bay area for inspection,
checkout, and pre-erection preparations. All componentsof the space vehicle,
including the Apollo Spacecraft and Launch Escape System, are then assembled vertically
on the ML in the high bay area. Following assembly, the space vehicle is connected to
the LCC via a hlgh-speed data link for integrated checkout and a simulated flight test.
When checkout is completed, the C/T picks up the ML with the assembledspace vehicle
and moves it to the launch site via the crawlerway.
At the launch site, the ML is emplaced and connected to system interfaces for final
_- vehicle checkout and launch monitoring. The MSS is transported from its parking area
by the C,/1"and positioned on the side of the vehicle opposlte the ML. A flame de-
flector is moved on its track to its position beneath the blast opening of the ML to
deflect the blast from the S-IC stage engines. During the prelaunch checkout, the
final system checks are completed, the MSS is removed to the parking area, propellants
are loaded, various items of support equipment are removed from the ML, and the vehicle
is readied for launch. After vehicle launch, the C,/T transports the ML to the parking
area near the VAB for refurbishment.
Mission execution involves the following functions: prelaunch checkout and launch
operations; tracking the space vehicle to determine its present and future positions;
securing information on the status of the flight crew and space vehicle systems(via
. telemetry); evaluation of telemetry information; command|ng the space vehicle by
transmitting real-time and updata commandsto the onboard computert and voice
communication between flight and ground crews.
These functions require the use of a facility to assemble and launch the space vehicle
(see Launch Complex); a central flight control facil|ty; a network of remote stations
located strategically around the world; a method of rapidly transmitting and recelv_ing
information between the space vehicle and the central flight control facility; and a
realtime data display system in which the data is made available and presented in
usable form at essentlallythe same time that the data event occurred.
The flight crew and the following organizations and facilities participate in mission
control operations:
2. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Cape Kennedy, Florida. The space vehicle
is launched from KSC and controlled from the Launch Control Center (LCC),
as described previously. Prelaunch, launch, and powered flight data are
collected at the Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) at KSC from the launch
pads, CIF receivers, Merrltt Island Launch Area (MII_A), and the downrange
Air Force EasternTest Range (AFETR)stations. This data is transmitted to
MCC via the Apollo Launch Data System _ALDS). Also located at KSC (ETR)
is the Impact Predictor (IP), for range safety purposes.
A block diagram of the basic flight control interfaces is shown in Figure 41.
Flight operations are controlled from the MCC. The MCC has two flight control rooms.
Each control room, called _"Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR), is used inde-
pendently of the other and is capable of controlling individual Staff Support Rooms
(SSR's)located adjacent to the MOCR. The SSR'sare manned by flight control specialists
who provide detailed support to the MOCR. Figure 42 outllnes the organlzat|on of the
MCC for fl|ght control and briefly describes key responslbilltleSo Information flow
within the MOCR is shown in Figure 43.
I - ]
1 I 1 1_
i 1 i I
I J 1t
Fig. 42
_ I T I '1
' I _ _ 1
0 "_IDP ]
The consoles within the MOCR and SSR'spermit the necessary interface between the
flight controllers and the spacecraft. The displays and controls on these consoles and
other group dlsplays provide the capability to monitor and evaluate data concernlng
the mission and, based on these evaluations, to recommendor take appropriate action
on matters concerning the flight crew and spacecraft.
Problems concerning crew safety and mission successare identified to flight control
personnel in the following ways:
The facilities at the MCC include an input/output processor designated as the Command,
Communications, and Telemetry System (CCATS)and a computational facility, the Real-
Time Computer Complex (RTCC). Figure 44 shows the MCC functional configuration.
i coATs
The CCATS consists of three Univac 494 general purpose computers. Two of the com-
puters are configured so that either may handle all of the input/output communications
for two complete missions. One'of the computers acts as a dynamic standby. The
third computer is used for nonmissionactivities.
The RTCC is a groupof flve IBM 360 large-scale, general purposecomputers. Any of
the five computersmay be designated as the MissionOperations Computer (MOC). The
MOC performsall the required computationsand display formatting for a mission. One
of the remaining computerswill be a dynamic standby. Another pair of computersmay
be usedfor a secondmissionor s,mulat,on."
From llftoff of the launch vehicle to insertion into orbit, accurate position data are
required to allow the Impact Predictor (IP) to function effectively as a Range Safety
device, and the RTCC to compute a trajectory and an orbit. These computations are
required by the flight controllers to evaluate the trajectory, the orbit, and/or any
abnormal situations to ensure safe recovery of the astronauts. The launch tracking
• data are transmitted from the AFETRsite to the IP and thence to the RTCC via high-
speed data communications circuits. The IP also generates spacecraft inertial positions
and inertial rates of motion in real-time.
During boost the trajectory is calculated and displayed on consoles and plotboards in
the MOCR and SSR's. Also displayed are telemetry data concerning status of launch
vehicle and spacecraft Systems. If the space vehicle deviates excessively from the
nominal flight path, or if any critical vehicle condition exceeds tolerance limits, or
if the safety of the astronauts or range personnel is endangered, a decision is made to
abort the mission.
During the orbit phase of a mission, all stations that are actively tracking the space-
craft will transmit the tracking data through GSFC to the RTCC by teletype. If a
F_ thrusting maneuver is performed by the spacecraft, hlgh-speed tracking data is also
Command System
The Apollo ground command systemshave been designed to work closely with the
telemetry and trajectory systems to provide fl!ght controllers with a method of "closed-
loop" command. The astronauts and flight controllers act as links in this operation.
To prevent spurious commandsfrom reaching the space vehicle, switches on the Command
Module console block uplink data from the onboard computers. At the appropriate times,
the flight crew will move the switches from the "BLOCK" to the "ACCEPT" positions
and thus permit the flow of uplink data.
With a few exceptions, commandsto the space vehicle fall into two categories: real-
time commands, and command loads (also called compUter loads, computer update,
loads, or update).
Command loads are generated by the real-time computer complex on request of flight
controllers. Command loads are based on the latest available telemetry and/or tra-
jectory data. Flight controllers typically required to generate a command load include
the Booster SystemsEngineer (BSE), the Flight Dynamics Officer (FDO), the Guidance
Officer (GUIDO), and the Retrofire Officer (RETRO).
The MCC is equipped with facilities which provide for the input of data from the
MSFN and KSC over a combination of high-speed data, low-speed data, wlde-band
data, teletype, and televlslon channel_. These data are computer processed for dis-
play to the flight controllers.
Several methodsof displaying data are used including television (projection TV, group
displays, closed circuit TV, and TV monitors), console digital readouts, and event
lights. The display and control system interfaces with the RTCCand includes computer
request, encoder multiplexer, plotting display, slide file, digltal-to-TV converter,
and telemetry event driver equipments.
A control system is provided for flight controllers to exercise their respective functions
for mission control and technical management. This system is comprlsed of different
'_ groups of consoleswith television monitors, request keyboards, communicationsequip-
ment, and assorted modules added as required to provide each operational position in
the MOCR with the control and display capabilities required for the particular mission.
Planning for a mission begins with the receipt of mission requirements and objectives.
The planning activity results in specific plans for prelaunch and launch operations,
preflight training and simulation, flight control procedures, flight crew activities,
MSFN and MCC support, recovery operations, data acqulsition ancl flow, and other
misslon-related operations. Numerous simulations are planned and performed to test
procedures and train flight control and flight crew teams in normal and contingency
After launch and from the time the space vehicle clears the ML, the detection of
slowly deteriorating conditions which could result in an abort is the prime responsibility
of MCC; prior to this time, it is the prime responsibility of LCC. In the event such
conditions are discovered, MCC requestsabort of the mission or, circumstances per-
mitting, sends corrective commands to the vehicle or requests corrective flight crew
actions. In the event of a noncatastrophic contingency, MCC recommendsalternate
,_ flight procedures, and missionevents are rescheduled to derive maximum benefit from
the modified mission.
In order to perform flight control monitoring functions, essential data mustbe collected,
transmitted, processed, displayed, and evaluated to determine the space vehicle's
capability to start or continue the mission.
ParametersMonitored by LCC
The launch vehicle checkout and prelaunch operations monitored by the Launch Control
Center (LCC) determine the state of readiness of the launch vehicle, ground support,
telemetry, range safety, and other operational support systems. During the final count-
down, hundreds of parameters are monitored to ascertain vehicle, system, and component
performance capabilities. Among these parameters are the "redlines." The redline values
must be within the predetermined limits or the countdown will be halted. In addition
to the redlines, there are a numberof operational support elements such as ALDS, range
instrumentation, ground tracking and telemetry stations, and ground support facilities
which must be operational at specified times in the countdown.
ParametersMonitored by BoosterSystemsGroup
The Booster SystemsGroup (BSG) monitors launch vehicle systems(S-IC, S-II, S-IVB,
s and IU) and advises the flight director and flight crew of any system anomalies. It is
responsible for confirming inflight power, stage ignition_ holddown release, all
engines go, engine cutoffs, etc. BSG also monitors attitude control, stage separations,
and digital commanding of LV systems.
The Flight Dynamics Group monitors and evaluates the powered flight trajectory and
makes the abort decisions based on trajectory violations. It is responsible for abort
planning, entry time and orbital maneuver determinatlons, rendezvous planning,
inertial alignment correlation, landing point prediction, and digital commanding of
the guidance systems.
The MOCR positions of the Flight Dynamics Group include the Flight Dynamics Officer
(FDO), the Guidance Officer (GUIDO), and the Retrofire Officer (RETRO). The
MOCR positions are given detailed, spec!alized support by the Flight Dynamics SSR.
The surveillance parameters measuredby the ground tracking stations and transmitted
to the MCC are computer processed into plotboard and digital displays. The Flight
Dynamics Group compares the actual data with premissiont calculated, nominal data
and is able to determine mission status.
The Life SystemsGroup is responsiblefor the well-being of the flight crew. The group
is headed by the Flight Surgeonin the MOCR. Aeromedical and environmental control
specialists in the Life SystemsSSRprovide detailed supportto the Flight Surgeon. The
group monitors the flight crew health status and envlronmental/blomedlcal parameters.
The Apollo Launch Data System (ALDS) between KSC and MSC is controlled by MSC
and is not routed through GSFC. The ALDS consists of wlde-band telemetry, voice
coordination circuits, and a high-speed circuit for the Countdown and Status Trans-
mission System (CASTS). In addition, other circuits are provided for launch coordination,
tracking data, simulations, public information, television, and recovery.
The Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), by meansof the Launch Information Exchange
Facility (LIEF) and the Huntsville Operations Support Center (HOSC), provides real-tlme
support of launch vehicle prelaunch, launch, and flight operations. The MSFC also pro-
vides support, via LIEF, for postfllght data delivery and evaluation.
In-depth, real-tlme support is provided for prelaunch, launch, and flight operations
from HOSC consoles manned by engineers who perform detailed system data monitoring
and analysis.
Prelaunch flight wind monitoring analysis and trajectqry simulations are jointly per-
formed by MSFC and MSC personnel located at MSFC during the terminal countdown.
_ Beginning at T-24 hours, actual wind data is transmitted periodically from KSC to the
During the prelaunch period, primary support is directed to KSC. At llftoff prlmary
w support transfers from KSC to the MCC. The HOSC engineering consoles provide
support as required to the Booster SystemsGroup for S-IVB/IU orbital operations by
monitorlng detailed instrumentation for the evaluation of system inflight and dynamic
trends, assisting in the detection and isolation of vehicle malfunctions, and providing
0 advisory contact with vehicle design specialists.
The Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN) (Figure 45) is a global network of ground
stations, ships, and aircraft designed to support manned and unmanned space flights.
The network provides tracking, telemetry, voice and teletype communications, command,
recording, and television capabilities. The network is specifically configured to meet
the requirements of each mission.
MSFN stations are categorized as lunar support stations (deep-space tracking in excess
of 15,000 miles), near-space support stations with Unified S-Band (USB)equipment,
and near-space support stations without USBequipment. The deep-space S-band
capability is attained with 85-foot antennas located at: Honeysuckle Creek, Australia;
Goldstone, California; and Madrid, Spain. MSFN stations include facilities operated
by NASA, the United States Department of Defense (DOD), and the Australian Depart-
ment of Supply (DOS). The DOD facilities include the EasternTest Range (ETR),
Western Test Range (WI"R), Range Instrumentation Ships (RIS), and Apollo Range
Instrumentation Aircraft (ARIA).
Range instrumentationShips
The MSFN coverage by ground stations is supplemented by the four Range Instrumentation
Ships. The number and position of the ships is determined for each mission. The USNS
Vanguard, USNS Redstone, and USNS Mercury support earth-orbital insertion and trans-
lunar injection phasesof a mission. The USNS Huntsville supports reentry phasesof a
mission. The ships operate as integral stations of the MSFN, meeting target acquisition,
tracking, telemetry, communications, and command and control requirements.
The USNS Huntsville has no telemetry computer: command control system,
mission control center, or satellite communications terminal. The DOD operates the
_ _ ..
ls_,6 ... -J
3o ,4 _\',,-J
oc - I ,
"" r \m' O 3 5' 0
L -"-_'_
\ /
' f 9o
ships in support of NASA/DOD missions with an Apollo priority. The Militaty Sea
Transport Service provides the maritime crew and the WI"Rprovides the instrumentation
crews by contract. The WI"Ralso has the operational management responsibility for the
ships. The ships may contribute to the recovery phase as necessary for contingency
Eight modified C-135 aircraft supplement the ground stations and instrumentation ships
as highly mobile "gap fillers." The ARIA support other space and missile projects when
o not engaged in their primary mission of Apollo support. The ARIA provide two-way
relay of voice communications between the spacecraft and surface stations and reception,
recording, and retransmlssion of telemetry signals from the spacecraft to the ground
(postpass). The aircraft are used: shortly before, during, and shortly after injection
burn_ from initial communications blackout to final landing_ for coverage of a selected
abort area in the event of a "no-go" decision after injection_ or for any irregular reentry.
The ARIA have an endurance of about 10 hours and a cruise airspeed of about 450 knots.
Each MSFN USB land station has a minimum of five voice/data circuits and two tele-
type circuits. The Apollo insertion and injection ships have a similar capability
through the communications satellites.
Fig. 46
The recovery of Apollo flight crews and Command Modules with their contained lunar
materials and mission equipment from the lunar landing missionsrequires rapid retrieval,
maintenance of biological isolation during postflight operationst and special handling
equipment for the preservation and preliminary examination of lunar samples prior to
their distribution to principal investigators. The following is a description of the prime
recovery equipment and facilities, the Mobile Quarantine Facility, and the Lunar
Receiving Laboratory.
The Recovery Control Room(RCR)at the Mission Control Center is the command and
control center for all recovery operations. Department of Defense (DOD) personnel
command and control the recovery forces and NASA personnel interchange recovery
information for mission support requirements. Primary command and control functions
are exercised through two major Recovery Control Centers (RCC's) mat Kunai, Hawaii
(Task Force 130) and at Norfolk, Virginia (Task Force 140).
The primary recovery ship (PRS)is an aircraft carrier-type ship. Its primary purpose is
retrieval of the Command Module (CM) and recovery of the astronauts within allowable
limits of access/retrieval times in the primary landing area. The PRSis also utilized
to support the secondary landing areas on the mid-Pacific recovery line during the
translunar coast phase of the lunar landing mission. It is provided with specialized
equipment in accordance with the requirements of each mission. The specialized
equipment and facilities may include search and rescue helicopters with swimmer
personnel, one or more Mobile Quarantine Facilities, medical personnel and facilities,
a complete bioastronautic recovery sett firefighting equipment capable of containing
hypergolic fuel firest and communications circuits to coordinate recovery, medical,
and public affairs activities.
The recovery ship usesexisting equipment to hoist the CM onto the spacecraft dolly.
Post-recovery equipment required after a lunar landing includes a Mobile Quarantine
Facility (MQF) and a transfer tunnel, tractor trailer flat-beds for the ground transport
of the CM and MQI:, and aircraft transport of the CM and MQl: to the Crew Reception
Area (CRA) of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) at MSC, Houston, Texas.
Support Aircraft
Airborne elements in the primary landing area during recovery operations will include:
The recovery helicopters are equipped with "Billy Pugh" Rescue Nets (BIPURN)
(Figure 47) and transport specially trained underwater demolition team swimmers.
Recovery units are equipped with flotation collars for the spacecraft, an auxiliary
recovery loop (nylon) to supplement the integral recovery loop attached to the spoce-
craft for hoisting (Figure 18), a 7-man liferaft, Biological Isolation Garments, dis-
infectant, and appropriate communication and direction finding equipment. The CM
may be in the Stable I position (apex up), or in the Stable II position (apex down).
The Biological Isolation Garment (BIG) (Figure 48) provides biological isolation of
the wearer from his environment. The garment is a Ioose-fltting, one-plece garment
with an integral hood, face mask, boots, and gloves which completely cover the
wearer. The garment is constructed of BARBACmaterial. Inhalation and exhalation
is accomplished through check valves and filters. The face mask portion of the hood
is designed to permit it to be torn away in an emergency. The BIG's are normally
lowered into the raft alongside the CM. Breathing valve flow is arranged so that
BAGS(3)...--"---. FLOTATION
", A_.C
k_'' f"-"- ........
- 7 MAN
Fig. 47
Fig. 49
The MQF (Figure 50) is 35 feet long, 9 feet wide, 8.5 feet high and weighs approxi-
mately 6 tons with personnel. Accommodations for six occupants are provided. In
addition to six bunks, there is a galley, a lounge, and a lavatory/shower. Aircraft-
type seats with safety behs are consistent with air transport requirements. Provision
has been made for accidental loss of aircraft pressurization. Power is supplied from
the ship or aircraft, the MQF Auxiliary Power Unit (diesel), or emergency batteries.
The communication system is compatible with ship and aircraft communication systems
, to satisfy medical coordination, debriefing, public affairs information, radiotelephone,
and general intercom requirements.
Also provided in the MQF are pressure, power, and oxygen alarms; fire extinguishers;
* a unified control panel for systems;two air conditioners; and two heaters.
Human metabolic wastes are stored in the MQF; other waste is treated and disposed of
A Flight Surgeon and a Recovery Technician occupy the MQF with the crew and are
aided from the exterior as necessary. Failure modes, spare parts, and repair procedures
have been anticipated.
Transfer Tunnels
Transfer tunnels (Figure 49_ are provided to interface the MQF entrance with the CM
aboard ship and to the CRA entrance at the LRL. A transfer tunnel is used for main-
taining biological isolation when entering the recovered spacecraft for microbial
sampling, shutdown of CM systems, recording of switch positions, photography, and
removal of Sample Return Containers, flight film, tape recorders, flight bags, and
water samples. In add|tion, the hatch dump valve must be removed and replaced with
the special fitting for later decontamination procedures at the LRL. Special 0.3-micron
filters are also installed at this time to the steam duct and urine dump nozzles. The
other tunnel is used to maintain isolation during personnel transfer to quarantine in
the CRA.
The Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) (Figure 51) is a facility designed, constructed,
and equipped to support the post-recovery phase of a lunar landing mission under
quarantine conditions.
Fig. 51
The basic objectives of the LRLare to ensure protection of the public's health,
S- agriculture, and other living earth resourcesand to preserve the scientific integrity
of the samplesand provide for their distribution to approved scientific investigators.
The LRL is located at MSC, Houston, Texas. The facility is divided into three
distinct areas: the Crew Reception Area (CRA), including spacecraft storage area;
a Sample Operations Area (laboratories); and an Administrative and Support Area.
The LRL objectives may be expanded into five basic functions: to preserve, store,
and account for the lunar samples; to provide for quarantine operations and tests; to
examine samplesto support distribution decisions; to perform time-crltical experiments;
to collect incidental information gathered from preliminary testing; and to serve as a
central data center for lunar sample information.
A primary and secondary biolog|cal barrier system has been implemented in the LRL.
The primary barrier is established with cabinets operated at lessthan laboratory
pressure. The secondary barrier is formed by the carefully sealed building structure
separately enclosing the Sample Operations Area and the CRA. The secondary barrier
primarily depends upon the reduced interior pressure for biological isolation. The
secondary barrier integrity has been tested with fluorescent particles. Ultraviolet
light airlocks are built into the CRA and Sample Operations Area for the introduction
of samples. Showers, change rooms, controlled access to the LRLSample Operations
s_ Area, and complete quarantine of the CRA minimizes compromiseof the secondary
All air exhausted from the primary barrier is piped to one of five microbe incinerators
in the mechanical equipment room of the LRI, where it is heated to 500°F and is forced
through an absolute biological filter to the outside. Air filtration and pressure dif-
ferential for the secondary barrier is accompllshed by the air-conditioning system.
The Radiation Counting Laboratory and the Administration and Support Areas are not
included in the biological barriers.
All liquid effluent from the CRA or Sample Laboratory is routed to. the LRL tank farm
where it is heat-sterillzed prior to transfer to the MSC sewage treatment plant. The
tank farm is classed as part of the secondary biological bcirrier. All system elements
within the primary and secondary biological barriers may be sterilized to permit
replacement or repair should a failure occur.
There are three electrical power supplysystemsm normal, continuous, and emerqency.
The normal systemis supplied by two 1000-KVA transformers. If this is interrupted,
the 30-KW continuousgenerator automatically suppliesthe most critical loads until
the 350-KW emergency generator can be brought on the line as a prime power system.
The LRI. is identified as a critical facility at MSC and in an emergency haspriority
for the supply of power, steam, and water.
Crew ReceptionArea
The Crew Reception Area (CRA) provides living accommodations, office space, and
equipmentfor the crew, medical team, and other supportpersonnel. The CRA will
normally be occupied by approximately 12 personnelfor about 14 days. If a biological
spill or break occurs in the primary biobarrier, the CRA can accommodateup to 120
people for a considerable duration of quarantine.
The transitional areas of the CRA are: the interface with the docked MQF; the storage
area for the spacecraft and its related decontamination equipment; the change room
sealed door and a two-door sterilizer and dunk tank; and a double-door sterilizer and
airlock to the service area and loading dock.
Vacuum Laboratory
Samples are introduced, weighed, sterilized, and opened in a glove chamber where
contained residual gas is analyzed. After preliminary microscopic examination,
the samplesare photographed and repackaged for transfer under vacuum to the gas
analysis, biological preparation, physical-chemlcal tests, and radiation counting
laboratories. Samples are vacuum transferred in cold-welded aluminum and copper
cans. In an air environment, they are transferred in polyethylene vials or heat-
sealed teflon bags. Most of the sample remains in the vacuum lab where monopole,
magnetics,, and reflectance experiments are performed. Test activities are monitored
on closed-clrcuit television by observers not physically present in the lab. The
vacuum laboratory cabinet utilizes gloves to enable vacuum handling of the
sample in a vacuum of 10-7 Torr (millimeters of mercury). An ultra-high vacuum
chamber is rated at 10-!1 Torr and usesmechanical manipulators to processthe
S-_ special lunar samples. Transfer of materials is accomplished through vacuum
locks. Samples are stored in vacuum carousels for extended periods. This
laboratory prepares the lunar Sample Return Containers prior to flight to assurea
minimum of terrestrial influence on the sealed interior which is only opened to
the lunar environment after preparation.
Samples are tested for their reactions to atmospheric gasesand water vapor.
Detailed studies of the mineralogic, petrologic, geochemical_ and physical
properties of the sample will be performed. Among the techniques of analysis
utilized are X-ray fluorescence and diffraction, and optical emission spectrographs.
The lab contains a darkroom for processing photographic film and spectrographic
plates. Sub-laboratorles are termed the Thln-Section Lab which mechanically
prepares samplesfor analysis and the Mineral Separation Facility which extracts
identified minerals for analysis by specialists. Both sub-labs work with samples
after quarantine release.
Lunar samplesundergo tests to determine if there is life present that may replicate.
This laboratory analyzes a selected sample of lunar material designated "Bio-Prime"
for the specific purpose of establishing the quarantine clearance recommendation.
Germ-free animals (mice) and plants will be exposed to the lunar material. The
biological test lab is subdivided into smaller labs -- bioprep, bioanalysis, germ-
free t histology, normal animals (amphibia and invertebrates), incubation r anaerobic
and tissue culture, crew microbiology, and botanical laboratories. Possibly
pathogenic material is transferred across the secondary biological barrier to
"Class II1" cabinets through autoclaves. The Class Ill cabinets are designed to
permit processing of the most highly pathogenic material known without exposure
to operating personnel.
The gas analysis lab will measureamounts and types of gases produced by lunar
samples. A survey will be made of any rare, inorganic, or lightly-bound gases
or volatile organic compounds possibly contained in the samples.
The Radiation Counting Lab (RCL) extends to 50 feet below the LRL ground floor.
This lab conducts low-background radioactive assaysof lunar samples, using gamma
ray spectrometry techniques. The lab tests for short-lived, cosmic ray-induced
radloactivitles_ sensesthe natural activities of potassium, uranium, and thorium
s-_ in the sample, and provides for whole-body radiation counts of the astronauts.
The RCL is the most advanced low-level radiation counting facility known in the
world. The primary task of the RCL is to investigate for the rapldly-decaying,
cosmic ray-lnduced radlonuclldes in the lunar material.
Each Apollo mission contributes to the data base which advances knowledge in many
engineering and scientific disciplines. "State of the art" systems, materials, and
dynamic calculations mature under environmental conditions which are difficult to
simulate on earth. Information acquisition that is unique to the space or lunar environ-
ment is acquired through instrumentation and telemetry, "live" televisionr photography,
_ crew observationt and sample acquisition and analysis.
The primary useof the Data Acquisition Camera is to obtain interior or exterior
sequential photographic data during manned flights. The camera is electrically
powered from the spacecraft 28-vdc utility receptacles through a 108-inch power
cable. The camera features an externally mounted film magazine containing 140 feet
of film_ permitting a maximum run time of 93 minutes at 1 frame per second. Other
rate selections available are 6_ 12t and 24 frames per second. Shutter speed selections
are 1/60; 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, and 1/1000 of a second. The camera may be operated
hand-held or boreslght-mounted to record through the Command Module rendezvous
s- windows or the right Lunar Module window. The camera is designed for gloved hand opera-
tion. Five interchangeable lenses may be substituted: 5mm f/2 for extreme wide angle,
close range data; 10mmmedium wide angle for internal detail data; 18mmfor intra-
and extravehicular general use; 75mm f/2.5 for medium telephoto use on distant
objects and ground terrain; and 200mm f/5.5 for extreme telephoto requirements of
recording detail at long ranges. A right-angle mirror is provided to align the optical
axis properly out the rendezvous window when 75mm and 18ramlens are installed.
70ramHasselbladElectric Camera
The 70mm Hasselblad is primarily used for high resolution still photography and may be
operated hand-held or bracket-mounted. It is powered by internal batteries that power
a motor that advances film and cocks the shutter after an exposure. An intervalometer_
powered by the camera batteries, may be externally mounted to activate the camera
automatically every 20 seconds. Two types of magazines are used -- one for thln-base
film and the other for standard-base film. Each film magazine has a capacity for
200 frames of thln-base black and white film or 160 frames of thin-base color film.
Two lenses are interchangeable -- an 80mm f/2.8 is usually installed but a 250mm f/4
telephoto lens may be selected for high resolution photography of distant subjects. The
telephoto lens provides a 3x magnification over the 80ramlens. Shutter speed selection
ranges from 1 second to 1/500 second. Filters are provided to reduce or enhance
optical effects on certain film types. A red filter is used for terrain photography when
using black and white panchromatic film to reduce haze effects. A polarizing filter
The Hasselblad Electric (EL) Data Camera is intended for extravehicular use on the
lunar surface. The EL Data Camera is operationally the same as the Hasselblad
° Electric Camera but has a Reseaugrid installed in front of the focal plane to provide
photogrammetricinformation. The camera is equipped with a 60mm lensand has an
aperture range from f5.6 to f45.
Automatic Spotmeter
The Apollo Lunar Surface Close-Up Camera (ALSCC) is a 35ramstereo camera used for
photographing details of geographic features on the lunar surface. The camera can
resolve 40 micron particles and obtain data on the undisturbed arrangement of matter
and dust particles on the lunar surface. It has a motor-driven mechanism, powered by
four nickel-cadmium batteries, that advances film and cocks the shutter after an
exposure. A subject contact hood provides a fixed-focus reference and an electronic
flash provides exposure light. A long handle is provided to eliminate stooping or
bending by the operator during placement. The fixed aperture has a rating of f/22.6.
The film magazine is capable of providing 100 stereo pairs with SO368 film. The
camera is intended to be discarded on the lunar surface.
Two types of television cameras are usedin the Apollo program -- one type for color
and the other for black and white. The black and white camera is intended for lunar
surface operations, weighs 7.25 pounds, and consumes6.5 watts of 28-vdc power.
Light control is automatic and adjusts video gain to within 10% of the scanned scene.
The scan rate is 10 or .625 frames per second at 320 lines per frame. The camera
dimensions are 10.6 x 6.5 x 3.4 inches. Two lenses are provided, a wide angle (80°)
and a lunar day lens (35°), designed for the recording of lunar surface data. A pair
of polaroid filters allows variation of admitted light from 100% to zero. The black and
white camera is stowed in the Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly (MESA)
,_ designedinto the Lunar Module (LM) Descent Stage. The camera is automatically
aligned upon deployment of the MESA to transmit data on the exit of the crew from the
LM to the lunar surface. A cable and tripod is provided for placement of the camera to
record experimental activities.
The color television camera is operated in the Command Module (CM). It weighs 12
poundsand is equipped with a zoom lens. A 3-inch-screen black and white monitor
may be mounted in the CM or on the camera. The color camera is synchronized to the
¢ standard 30-frame per second, 525-11ne per frame scan rate.
The Descent Stage quadrants of the Lunar Module (LM) provide an adequate volume
for the stowage of equipment intended for use on the lunar surface. Quadrant 1 pro-
vides an attachment point for the S-band erectable antenna and the stage electrical
power system components° Quadrant 2 housesan Early Apollo Scientific Experiments
/f_ 4
Package (EASEP)besides an Environmental Control System water tank. On LM-6
through LM-9, an Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP)will replace
the EASEPpackage. Quadrant 2 provides an external mounting for a fuel cask to
power a radioisotope thermoelectric generator, wh|ch provides a long-term electrical
power source for ALSEP on LM-6 through LM-9. Quadrant 4 housesthe Modularized
Equipment Stowage Assembly.
The Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly (MESA) (Figure 52) pallet is located in
Quadrant 4 of the Descent Stage. The MESA is deployed by the extravehicular astro-
naut when the LM is on the lunar surface. The pallet contains spare Portable Life
Support System (PLSS)batteries and lithium hydroxide cartridges, a television camera,
tripod, cable, tools for obtaining lunar geological samples, containers in which to
store the samples, and other scientific devices. A work table folds out and _lso
serves as a hanger for the equipment transfer bag and a support for Sample Return
Containers. The transfer bag is used to transfer the PLSSbatteries and lithium
hydroxide cartridges to the cabin.
Fig. 52
The Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (E,_EP) (Figure 53) is carried in the
LM-5 DescentStage. it contains two experiments: PassiveSeismic and Laser Ranging
PassiveSeismic Experiment
_=_ (MESA)
(_) _ "
Each axis of the long-period seismometerdetects low frequency seismic signal and
tidal signal. The short-period seismometer detects seismic signal only. The
temperature of the sensor is monitored. A total of eight digital signals, therefore,
are telemetered to earth. The data rate from the passive seismic experiment is
800 bits per second.
The retro-reflector array (Figure 55) conslsts of 100 retro-reflector corner cubes
held in an aluminum panel with 10 corners on a side. The reflectors are made of
highly homogeneous fused silica 3.8 cm (1.5") in diameter. The reflectors are
uncoated and use total internal reflection. Control of the temperature gradient
is achieved by recessing each reflector by one-half its diameter into a circular
socket. Each reflector is mounted with a teflon ring to provide thermal isolation.
The reflectors will perform under essentially isothermal cond|tlons throughout lunar
nights and most of lunar days. At no time during a lunar day are temperature
gradients expected to degrade the optical performance to less than 40% of the
maximum value. The package has been designed to provide a useful life of 10
years or more. An astronaut will ori_entthe array towards the center of the earth's
Iibratlon pattern ta an accuracy of 5° or better.
Fig. 55
1he scientific objective of the Solar Wind Composition (SWC) experiment is to determine
the elemental and isotopic composition of the noble (inert) gasesin the solar wind.
The purpose of this experiment is to gather data on the lunar geological processesby
sampling, photogrdphy, and crew observation.
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the energy of cosmic rays on the astro-
haut helmet. Postflight analysis of the pressure helmet will measure the effects of
_ radiation exposure to heavy energy particles from the sun and cosmic rays. No special
activity or attention is required of the astronaut in conducting this experiment.
The purpose of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) is to facilitate
the determination of the structure and state of the lunar interior, the composltion and
structure of the lunar surface and modifying processes, and the evolutionary sequence
of events leading to the present lunar configuration. To accomplish this purpose the
ALSEP has been designed to perform eight scientific experiments in varying combinations
to measure the geophysical characteristics of the moon. The resulting subsystemsare
as follows:
The Magnetometer Experiment (ME) will provide data pertaining to the magnetic
field at the lunar surface by measuring the magnitude and temporal variations of
the lunar surface equatorial vector magnetic field. Electromagnetic disturbances
originating in the solar wind, plasma current informatlon, and subsurface magnetic
material near the magnetometer site will also be detected.
The Solar Wind Experiment (SWE)will provide data pertaining to certain properties
of the solar wind plasma at the lunar surface. It will measure temporal and
directional variations in the flux, and the energy of the positive ions and the
electrons that strike the lunar surface. The SWEwill use an array of seven
modified Faraday cups to measure the numbert direction_ and energy of charged
particles impinging on it.
The Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) subsystemwill provide data pertaining to the
structure_ possible stratification_ and heat balance of subsurface materials by
measuring the net outward heat flux from the interior of the moont thermal con-
ductivity and dlffusivlty of lunar surface material, and heat fluctuations at the
F- lunar surface. Two 2-section probes with heat sensorsand a heater at each end
of each section are used in conjunction with the HFE electronics package to
measure absolute and differential temperatures and thermal conductivity of the
lunar material. The probes are inserted into holes bored 3 meters deep into the
lunar surface by the astronaut using the Apollo Lunar Surface Drill (ALSD). Use
of the heaters to create a known quantity of heat at a known distance from a
sensorestablishes the heat-conductivity of the lunar subsurface material by
sensing and measuring the amount of heat that travels the known distance per
unit of tlme.
The Cold Cathode Gauge Experiment (CCGE) subsystemwill provide data pertaining
f_ to the density of the lunar ambient atmosphere, including temporal variations, and
the rate of lossof contamination left in the landing area by the astronautsand the
LM. The CCGE usesa transducer, powered by a 4000-volt power supply, to
detect the density of particles of the ambient atmosphereand to develop a pro-
portional direct current signal which is converted from analog to digital data for
downlink transmission.
Structure/Thermal Subsystem
Electrical PowerSubsystem
Data Subsystem
The data subsystemreceives, decodes, and applies discrete logic commands from
the MSFN to the deployed units of ALSEP. These commandsare used to perform
power switching, thermal control, operating mode changes and experiment control.
The data subsystemaccepts and processesscientific data from the experiments,
engineering status data from itself and all the subsystems,and transmits the data
to the MSFN receiving stations. The data subsystemalso performs the function of
switching and distributing operating power to the experiment and support subsystems.
The Apollo Lunar Surface Drill (ALSD) subsystemwill provide data on the physical
properties of lunar surface and subsurface materials by extraction of cores obtained
while boring emplacement holes for the HFE probes. The ALSD will be used to
bore two holes 3 meters deep with a diameter of 2.54 to 2.86 centimeters. Cores
produced from the holes will have a minimum diameter of 1.27 centimeters and a
minimum solid length of 2.54 centimeters.
f-" The Apollo Lunar Hand Tools (ALHT) subsystemwill contribute to the overall
geophysical exploration of the moon by facilitating the location, collectlon,
measurement, and removal of representative samplesof the lunar surface. The
samplescollected will be stowed in special containers and transported to earth
for examination and study.
The experiment and support subsystemsof the A/SEP system are mounted in two sub-
packages as shown in Figures 58 and 59 for storage and transportation in the LM. The
deployment arrangement is shown in Figure 60.
The ALSEP packages, including fuel capsule and cask, weigh approximately 282 earth
pounds and, exoludlng the fuel capsule and cask, the two packages each measure
approximately 25" x 27" x 22".
The A/SEP will be deployed on the "H" Mission series at different landing sites to
form a seismic network. The "H" Mission series will emphasize lunar surface science
NO. 1
NO. 2
i_ _ " TTACHMENT;.
_-_, ; TOOL
FEET _'_
°% %
• _'%.
/ _,S
SIDE % _"
,_ .
3 to 5 FEET % APPROX.
Fig. 60
ac Alternating Current
AEA Abort Electronics Assembly
AFB Air Force Base
AFETR Air Force Eastern Test Range
AGS Abort Guidance Subsystem
" ALDS Apollo Launch Data System
ALHT Apollo Lunar Hand Tools
ALSCC Apollo Lunar Surface Close-up Camera
ALSD Apollo Lunar Surface Drill
ALSEP Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package
AM Amplitude Modulation
AOT Alignment Optical Telescope
APS Auxiliary Propulsion System (S-IVB)
APS Ascent Propulsion System (LM)
ARIA Apollo Range Instrumentation Aircraft
ARS Atmosphere Revitalization Subsystem
AS Apol Io/Saturn
AS Ascent Stage (LM)
ASA Abort Sensor Assembly
"_ ASE Active Seismic Experiment
ASI Augmented Spark Igniter
BIPURN "Billy Pugh" RescueNet
BIG Biological Isolation Garment
BPC Boost Protective Cover
BSE Booster SystemsEngineer
BSG Booster SystemsGroup
CASTS Countdown and Status TransmissionSystem
CCATS Communications, Command, and Telemetry System
CCGE Cold Cathode Gauge Equipment
CCIG Cold Cathode Ion Gauge
CCS Command Communications System
CDP Command Data Processor(MSFN Site)
CES Control Electronics Subsystem
CIF Central Instrumentation Facility
CM Command Module
CMC Command Module Computer
COAS Crewman Optical Alignment Sight
CPLEE Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment
CRA Crew Reception Area
CS Communications System
CSM Command/Service Module
_. CSS Central Status Station