Tadeu Magalhaes - 250 Gags & Jokes For Comedy Magicians
Tadeu Magalhaes - 250 Gags & Jokes For Comedy Magicians
Tadeu Magalhaes - 250 Gags & Jokes For Comedy Magicians
250 gags and one liners for magicians Copyright © 2019 by Tadeu
Duarte de Lucena Ribeiro Magalhães. All rights reserved.
You might be asking yourself: Why would someone publish something like
this material?
Just kidding… I decided to publish this e-booklet to help other magicians,
but I’m not going to complain if I can make a little change on the way.
At first I thought about making it free, especially because if I were to actually
charge for what I consider this material to be worth it would be much more
than the spare change I’m charging for it.
So why am I charging for it?
I figured that, by charging a very small amount I could advertise on the
internet and try to accomplish my goal: help magicians. By charging a little I
could make sure everyone gets to know about this and can use it.
(Also, the extra money I hope to make will help cover the expenses of the
course I’ll be releasing in a month or two. It’ll be over 3 hours of material
and that’s just the first part of it. It’s something I’ve been working on for the
past 9 months or so and I’m very excited to share with everybody, but that’s
for later)
My overall intention is to help you increase the entertainment value of your
show by adding comedy to it as well as give you a few hundreds of options
for when you need to misdirect the audience with humor.
I believe that these lines will eventually save you when you least expect!
Without going too deep on a discussion about originality, I don’t claim to be
the comedian that thought those jokes. They’re but a simple compilation I
did over many years of watching and performing magic.
These are some of best gags and jokes I’ve gathered from many different
kinds of artists – not only magicians but also comedians, mimes, musicians,
actors and so on.
With that being said, virtually every single item has been edited (and
hopefully improved) over the course of a few years.
You might not find some of these funny, but try them out once or twice
before you completely discard them.
It’s important to make sure you’re interpreting the jokes and not just flat out
reading them. Practice in front of a mirror and try a different timing for the
jokes… Personalize them, make them yours and adapt them to the moment.
Keep in mind that right now they’re just random jokes but when inserted at
the right moment, with the right context, these can kill the audience in
I think it’s a very good idea to select your favorite jokes, maybe even rate
them from 1 to 5 stars. After you’ve done that, study all of these jokes (or at
least your favorite ones) so you know everything without having to look at it.
If you do so they should pop in your head involuntarily while you’re doing
magic and something reminds you of a joke. Your brain will do the
connection automatically.
Should be very helpful.
Thank you for buying this (you bought this, right?!) and I really hope you like
it and that it turns out as useful to you as it is to me.
If you wish to find me you can do so at
Without any further ado:
The words in italic are very flexible so experiment changing them for funnier
and more personal options to you!
If you liked this and would like a Volume 2, please tell everybody and let me
If you hated it and want your money back, please don’t tell anyone!
Again, if you would like to get in touch with me you can find me at:
Tadeu Magalhães.