10 - Chapter 3 PDF
10 - Chapter 3 PDF
10 - Chapter 3 PDF
The study of a water body is incomplete without the study of its basin. Lakes
are intimately linked to their basin. The flux of materials drained into lakes, which is
inputs, has a substantial impact on the lake chemistry (Noges et aI., 2003). The basin
characteristics, namely, physiography, lithology, soil, slope, and land use, have a
dominant role in the lake water quality. The population density in the basin affects the
water quality to a great extent. The morphometric features of a lake system are
important as they can directly or indirectly affect the Iimnological processes (Winona,
2008). The seasonal variation in climatological factors also causes significant variation
in water quality. The biophysical, demographic, land use, and climatological factors of
the AV lake system are discussed. The sources of pollution in the lake basin have been
identified. The pollution potential area in the lake basin is assessed by integrating
geomorphology, lithology, soil, slope, land use, and population density maps using
because the shape of the water body affects the physical, chemical, and biological
the lake's water quality and productivity levels (WOW, 2004). Bathymetric maps can
lake are given in Table 3.1. The bathymetry map is shown in Figure 3.1.
Lake surface area is used to predict the potential effects of wind on a lake and
it also influences the dilution capacity of the lake system (Lakewatch, 2001). The lakes
with greater surface area are subjected to larger waves during windy conditions and
the larger waves have the ability to mix water at greater depths (Lakewatch, 2001).
Lakes with greater surface area have a greater dilution capacity than lakes with a
smaller surface area. For the AV lake, the surface area is very small (0.76 km 2 ) and
smaller waves are generated during windy conditions. These waves have the ability to
mix water at smaller depths only. Hence, resuspension of sediments due to wind
action is not prominent. Further, as the lake surface area is small, less water is
available to dilute the contaminants entering the lake and hence the dilution capacity
2. Lake area km 0.76
9. Shore length km 7
10. Volume m 373,927.41
11. Watershed area km 143.9
( A
T. S. c.n. .
.3-3.5 ~
.1.1.5 ~
The maximum length is important because it can influence the depth at which
waves can mix water and bottom sediments in a lake (Lakewatch, 2001). AV lake has a
maximum length of 3.2 km and a maximum width of 0.52 km with a mean depth of
0.9m (Table 3.1). As the maximum length of the lake is small, waves are prevented
from becoming very large and mixing of water is reduced. The narrow shape in some
portion of the Veli lake also restricts the formation of wind induced wave action.
Hence the mixing of water and bottom sediments is less due to wind induced wave
action. Comparatively maximum width is observed in the Akkulam lake and minimum
in the Veli lake. Hence wind induced wave action is more in the Akkulam lake than in
(Lakewatch, 2001). Shallow lakes are more productive than deeper lakes. As per the
standards (MPCA, 2005), lakes having maximum depth less than 15 feet (4.57 m) or if
the littoral zone (area where depth is less than 4.57 m and able to support emergent
and'submerged rooted aquatic plants) covers at least 80% of the lake's surface area
are defined as shallow lakes. For the AV lake, almost the entire area has depth less
than 4.57 m and falls under shallow lake category. The mean depth of the Akkulam
lake is 0.34 m and that of the Veli lake is 1.3 m. This shows that the Akkulam lake is
more shallower than that in the Veli lake. The bund in between the two lakes is
responsible for the partial obstruction to the flow from the Akkulam lake to the Veli
lake causing siltation in the former. The bathymetry map (Figure3.1) shows the
sediments found at the bottom of a lake. The sediments usually move into the deep
areas and if these areas are filled in with sediment and the remaining sediments go
back and forth across the lake bottom or into the water column or resuspend them in
water column. The maximum depth observed is 5.8 m in the downstream portion of
The total lake volume influences lake's dilution capacity (WOW, 2004). The
volume of water available in the entire AV lake is 373,927.4 m (Table 3.1). The
volume of water in the Akkulam lake is 155,663.6 m 3 and that in the Veli lake is
218,263.8 m . Since the lake volume is very small, the dilution capacity of the lake is
also very little. The dilution capacity of the Veli lake is more when compared with that
amount of interface between a water body and the surrounding land. Shoreline
development refers to the length of a lake's shoreline relative to a circle of the same
area. For the AV lake, the shoreline length is 7 km and the shoreline development is
2.3 i.e. the interface between the lake and the surrounding land is more. Hence, the
buffer zone around the lake shall be notified and steps shall be taken for shoreline
the littoral (inshore area where light penetrates to the bottom) effect on basin
volume. The lakes with IBP less than 0.1 are dominated by rooted aquatic plants which
is an indication of excessive shallowness, high water colour, and high total phosphorus
(Lakewatch, 2001). For the AV lake, IBP (Index of basin permanence) is 0.05 indicating
that rooted aquatic plants are dominated in the lake system.
Fetch is the distance that wind travel over water before intersecting the land
mass. This can be used to predict the depth of wave mixing height (Lakewatch, 2001).
Fetch measured is 1.5 km in the Akkulam lake. The maximum wind speed upto 28
kmph was observed in the lake basin (Table 3.5). The depth of wave mixing height is
obtained as 2.2 m for the maximum fetch of 1.5 km and for the maximum wind speed
of 28 kmph. But the large beds of aquatic plants in the AV lake reduce the amount of
turbulence within the plants beds. Plant beds can interfere with the development of
waves in a lake. This results in the accumulation of fine particles in shallow areas that
are dominated by plants. Thus shallow lakes filled with plants may not develop large
waves and the fine sediments will be protected from resuspension.ln the AV lake, lake
area, maximum length and width, and fetch are small and a large portion of the lake is
covered with aquatic plants. Hence the formation of wind induced wave action is
The area of the lake basin also plays an important role in the environmental
status of a lake (WOW, 2004). If the basin area is more, there will be more input of
pollution load into the lake, causing its degradation. The greater the lake area and
volume, the greater is the ability for a lake to withstand water quality impacts from
surrounding land use. Lakes have natural buffering potential when their surface area is
larger than 500 ha, mean depth is greater than 5 m, and the ratio of watershed to lake
area is less than 5:1 (WOW, 2004). For the Akkulam-Veli lake, surface area is only 0.76
km ; mean depth is only 0.55m; and the watershed to lake ratio is 189:1. This shows
that the lake has no natural buffering potential. The land use in the watershed causes
From the bathymetry map (Figure 3.1), it can be seen that a major portion of
the Akkulam lake has depth less than O.5m and in its downstream portion, the depth is
in between 0.5 m and 1m. The existence of bund can be observed between the
Akkulam and the Veli lake. Then up to the middle portion of the Veli lake, the depth is
in between 0.5 and 1m. The factory of the English Indian Clays (EI Clays) is located
near the middle portion of the Veli lake. Though this portion of the lake is narrow, the
water depth is also low. This may be due to the draining of clay from the factory into
the lake during monsoon season. Then a rise in water depth can be observed beyond
this area. A major portion of the downstream portion of the Veli lake has depth
around 3m.
b. Administrative divisions
Nedumangad taluk, lie in the AV lake basin. The basin consists of a major portion of
the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation area (54 wards), the entire area of the
Sreekaryam (22 wards), and some portion of the panchayaths of Andoorkkonam (10
wards), Pothankode (12 wards) Vembayam (12 wards), and a few wards in the
c. Demography
The population density of the lake basin plays a significant role in the
area is the most thickly populated area in the lake basin with a population density of
5004 persons per km (Census, 2001) (Figure 3.3). It is followed by the Panchayaths of
Andoorkkonam (2044 persons per km 2 ) and Karakulam (1867 persons per km 2 ). The
Table 3.2 Population Density in the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin (Census, 2001)
Total population
Area Population density
No. Administrative units 2 2
(km ) (persons per km )
Male Female Total
• z ...... .. • 21<.rn.
~1' e lAgend
~~ Panch/Corp., Popul.tlon density (Parson-'Sq.km)
...~ AndooI1tonam. 20«
_ K11l11llulam. 1867
Kudappanakkunnu .964
_ Polhankode. 1326
SrMk.rly.m. 2071
- ThINva~nlhaporam Corp, 5004
Vembayll/Tl, 1157
OfJlOI8llon - - Stl1l.mlRlver
7twO"! 7t'$SV'E
d. Climate
The AV lake basin enjoys a tropical humid climate (Arunkumar, 2007). The area
monsoonal cycle, the year has been divided into three seasons namely premonsoon -
January). The annual average of climate data of the Thiruvananthapuram district for
the period from 1901 to 2000 is given in the archive of India Meteorology Department
(IMD, 2009).The climatic data for the monitoring station of the Indian Meteorological
have been gathered for the study period from December 2007 to March 2009. A brief
As per the archive of India Meteorological Department (IMD, 2009), the annual
average rainfall in the Thiruvananthapuram district from 1901 to 2000 was 1497 mm
with the maximum rainfall of 343.5 mm in June. During the study period, the total
rainfall received was 1823.7 mm in the year 2008. The season wise average rainfall in
this region during MON is 739.8 mm, followed by 673.8 mm during POM and 410.4
mm during PRM. The monthly highest rainfall of 444 mm has been occurred in
October, 2008, followed by 246.5 mm in March, 2008 and 223.2 in July, 2008 (Table
3.3 and Figure 3.4). The rainfall obtained from the South West monsoon was 739.8mm
As per the archive of India Meteorological Department (IMD, 2009), the mean
During the study period, the temperature ranges between 34.9°C (March,
2008) and 19°C (March, 2009). The annual seasonal average is 27.5°C. The season
wise average of the temperature is maximum during PRM (28.2°C), followed by MON
Table 3.3 Rainfall Data of AV lake Basin (Period - December 2007 to March 2009)
(Source: India Meteorological Department, Thiruvananthapuram)
In Thiruvananthapuram, the wind is mainly from the north west (IMD, Pune).
Generally, winds from northeast and east prevail in the morning while in the
afternoon it is from west and northwest. The wind speed may even attain 40-50
km/hour during and before the monsoon rains. The wind direction/speed in the study
area in 2006 is given in Table.3.5. Wind speed is high in the evening than in the
morning. The wind speed was maximum in June, 2006 and is low in February.
Table 3.4 Temperature Data of AV Lake Basin
(Period - December 2007 to March 2009)
(Source: India Meteorological Department, Thiruvananthapuram)
E 300
.5 250
= 200
Feb.2008 .Apr. June AlJg. Oct. Dec. Feb.2009
Cl 25
-c: Ul~ 20
-41 15
Q. 10
..... 5
Feb Apr. June Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb.
Table 3.5 Wind Data of AV Lake Basin in 2006
(Source: Indian Meteorological Department, Thiruvananthapuram)
Wind dlrectlon/speed(kmph)
A maximum humidity of 98% in July and October, 2008 and January, 2009 and
a minimum humidity of 45% in February, 2008 have been observed in the study area
(Table 3.6). In the evening, the humidity varies from 98% in March 2008 to 48% in
January, 2008 in the evening. The average humidity was maximum (87.6%) in July,
2008 and minimum (69.7%) in January, 2008 in the morning. In the evening, a
maximum (80.9%) average humidity was recorded in July, 2008 and a minimum
(63.5%) in February, 2009. The annual average humidity is 79.4% in the morning and
Table 3.6 Relative Humidity from December 2007 to March 2009
(Source: Indian Meteorological Department, Thiruvananthapuram)
Year Month Relative humldlty(%) at 8 30 Hrs Relative humidity (%) at 1130 Hrs
2001 December 76 95 61 66 81 49
February 75.4 92 45 70 81 53
August 82.5 93 65 80 90 69
September 81 93 67 73.8 96 64
February 70 85 57 62.9 75 41
e. Physiography
entire area of the basin (143.9 sq.km) lies in the lowland (<7.5 m) midlands (between
75 m & 7.5 m) and some portion in the high lands (> 75 m).
f. Drainage
The major streams that drain into the AV lake include the Kannamoola stream
and the Kulathur stream (Figure 3.6). The Kannamoola stream is formed by the
confluence of the Ulloor stream, Pattom stream and the Amayizhanchan canal near
Pattoor. The Ulloor stream originates from Vattappara and Arasumud area and flows
through Paudikonam, Ulloor and Kesavadasapuram and joins the Pattom stream near
Pattoor. The Pattom stream originates from the Kudappanakunnu-Mannanthala area
and flows through Kuravankonam, Plamood, and Gowreeshapattom and meets the
Ulloor stream and the Amayizhanchan canal at Pattoor. The Amayizhanchan canal
starts from Vellayambalam (backwash of filters from the water treatment plant of
Kerala Water Authority) and passes through Thampanoor, East Fort, Vanchiyoor and
Pattoor i.e. through the midst of the Thiruvananthapuram city. Thus the Pattom
stream, Ulloor stream and Amayizhanchan canal join to form Kannamoola stream and
it then flows through Kannamoola, and joins with the upstream portion of the
Akkulam lake. Medical College channel joins the Kannamoola stream before it joins
Chengottukonam area, and it joins the Veli lake on its northern shore. It passes
quantities of fresh water to the lake during SW and NE monsoon. The TS canal
connects the lake with two estuaries, namely, the Kadinamkulam lake in the north and
g. Drainage Basin
Amayizhanchan basin, Pattom basin, Ulloor Basin, Medical College basin, Kulathur
basin and the TS canal basin (Figure 3.7). Among these, Ulloor basin (19.71%), the
Pattom basin (10.8%), the Amayizhanchan basin (6.11%) and the Medical College
basin (5.65%) together constitute the Kannamoola basin and is the largest basin
Thampanoor, Statue, Palayam, and East Fort lie in this basin. When the
Amayizhanchan canal passes through this urban area, it is being fouled by sewage and
garbage and becomes a dirty gutter. The overflow from the sewerage system in the
establishments situated on either sides of the canal are the main sources of pollution
in this area. The stagnation of waste water makes the situation pathetic. This
contaminated canal is one of the main reasons for the deterioration of water quality
of the AV lake. In the Medical College basin, Medical College is the main source of
situated in the Ulloor basin are Arasmud, Vattappara, Ulloor, and Kesavadasapuram.
Thumba are located in this basin. Improper sanitation facilities in the area is the main
reason for degradation of water quality of TS Canal. Domestic waste water including
sewage generated in the Thiurvananthapuram city also reaches the T. S. Canal. The
major portion of the Kulathur basin (39.79%) comes under the rural area.
main places located in this basin. Kulathur stream after passing through this area
h) Lithology
rocks and tertiary sediments, which are laterised and covers major portion of the area
(Figure 3.8 and 3.9). The important rocks include garnetiferious biotite, garnet-biotite
gneiss with migmatite, coastal sand and alluvium, and sandstone and clay. The tertiary
formation comprises of sandstone intercalated with clay and the valley contains
quarternary deposits. About 60.5% of the entire lake basin is covered by garnetiferous
biotite, followed by coastal sand alluvium (26.1%), sandstone with clay (5.6%) and
• • 1 ....
_ 0 lKnw •
! ~
~~~ ..,
.. N ~m
Akkulam·Veli Lake
Amayi1hanchan Basin
Kulathur Basin
~. ."., ",
Legend _ Pattom Basin
_ TS Canal Basin
- - Stream/River
r Ulloor Basin
_ Akkulamveli
70"Sal7'E 7O"SSVE
I - - Drainage
7O'517l7'E 7e~l7'E
Figure 3.6 Drainage Map of Akkulam-Veli Lake Figure 3.7 Sub-drainage Basin Map ofthe Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin
Of the total area of the basin (143.9 km 2 ), garnetifierous biotite covers an area
of 31.8% in the Kannamoola basin and 29% in the Kulathur basin (Table 3.7 and 3.8).
Coastal sand and alluvium covers 17.5% in the TS Canal basin and 5.4% each in the
Kannamoola and Kulathur basins. Garnet biotite gneiss with migmatite covers 4.5% in
the Kannamoola basin and 0.13% in the Kulathur basin. Sandstone and clay covers the
almost throughout the khondalite terrain of South Kerala as concordant bands within
the khondalite (Soman, 1997). Khondalites are the oldest and the most wide spread
crystalline rocks. The rainfall falling on this metamorphic rock moves as surface runoff
and groundwater directly downhill toward the nearest stream unless diverted by
pumping wells, lost to eva po-transpiration or taken into storage (Cinotto et aI., 2005).
Garnet-biotite gneiss with migmatite covers a small portion in the Kannamoola basin.
Migmatitic rocks are rich in ferromagnesian minerals and are found as small patches in
(Anonymous, 2008).They are excessively drained with very high hydraulic conductivity
(Bhosale and Kumar, 2002). The tertiary formation of sandstone is intercalated with
Entire area of the TS Canal basin is covered by coastal sand and alluvium
(17.5% of the total basin area), where the porosity and permeability are very high.
Here the surface run off is less and groundwater recharge is more. Hence even a small
quantity of pollutant can enter the ground water in this basin and reach the TS Canal.
Water bodies in the TS Canal basin are highly prone to pollution. 5.4% of the
Kannamoola basin and 5.3% of the Kulathur basin are also covered by coastal sand
and alluvium. More thrust is to be paid for the prevention of pollution in this area.
Garnetiferous biotite covers 31.8% of the Kannamoola basin and 29% of the
Kulathur basin. The permeability of the garnetiferous biotite is less compared to the
coastal sand and alluvium. The surface runoff is more and there is more chance of
Lithology of the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin
~ 35
~ 30
~ 25
~ 20
CIl 15
<{ 10
Gametiferous Coastal sand Gamet-Biotite Sand stone and Chamakite
Biotite and Alluvium Gneiss with Clay
Lithological units
Lithology Kannamoola TS Canal Kulathur Basin(km )
2 2
Basin (km ) Basin(km )
Charnakite 1.03(0.7%) 0 0
.- ~V...,_
CoMtJII ...-.cf end AlwlI.m
O. J<
I . 1
• ......
~-&CCIIe Gne<. \Mlh ,..""""••
Gamet>t• .,.. _ .
eM 464
11111 110 53
s.n<t Itone end ca.v 7115 553
TOIaI 143.110 100.00
e ~
! !
_ typo, T....." •• alope
K02, Sandy, Very gentle
_ Chamalute
KOS. Clay. Very gentlll
c: Coastal sand and AJuvtum _ K07. Gravelly clay, Gentle
_ Gamet-Biotite Gneiss Wlth Mlgmibte _ K09. Gravelly clay. Moderately steep
_ Gamebferous BIotite K12. Gravelly clay. Gentle
Sand stone and Clay _Settlement
_ Aklwiam-Veiliake _ Akkulam-Vel
Figure 3.9 Lithology Map of the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin Figure 3.10 Soil Map of the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin
Table 3.8 Subbasin-wise Lithological Distribution in Akkulam-Veli basin
Sub-basin lithology Area (km ) Area (%)
In the Kulathur basin, 5.6% of the total basin area consists of sandstone and
clay. Surface runoff is less in this basin when compared to that of Garnetiferous
biotite. The infiltration is more and ground water recharge is moderate in this area.
I. Soil
A major portion of the basin consists of gravelly clay soil of gentle slope
(Figure.3.i0 and Table 3.9). Gravelly clay with moderate surface gravelliness on gentle
slope (K12) covers 68.5% of the entire basin area. Gravelly clay soils on gently sloping
coastal laterites (K07) covers 7.7% and the gravelly clay soils with moderate surface
graveliness on moderately steeply sloping laterite mounds covers 6.8% of the lake
basin. Gravelly clay of types K07, K09, and K12 are well drained as per the
classification of Land Use Board, Kerala given in Table 3.9. Almost the entire area of
the Kannamoola basin falls in the category of K12 type soil. The runoff through the
settlement area is also more. In urban centers, floods become a greater problem due
percentage paved area and blockage of waterways (Jimoh and Iroye, 2009).
4. K09 Very deep, well drained, Clayey-skeletal, Clayey-skeletal,
gravelly clay soils with Kaolinitic, Oxic Kaolinitic, Ustic Depth-very deep
moderate surface graveliness Humitropepts Kandihumults
Texture- Gravelly
on moderately steeply
sloping laterite mounds with
moderate erosion; Slope-Moderately steep
j. Geomorphology
The lake basin consists of lateritic lower plateau, valleys, flood plain, old coastal
plain, and young coastal plain (Figure 3.11 and Table 3.10). Of the total basin area of
143.9 km 2, laterite lower plateau covers an area of about 60.35%, followed by 14.42%
of valleys, 14.06% of young coastal plain, 10.27% of old coastal plain and 0.06% of
flood plain (Table 3.10). A large portion of water runs off quickly after the rains from
this plateau region. Around 14% of the lake basin is covered by valleys and they are
formed by a complex reaction of fluvial processes. Valleys are restricted between two
linear ridges or along linear depressions. It occupies the low lying areas (ENVIS, 2007).
Valleys act as good zones for groundwater storage and are also the best for
Raghuwanshi, 2007). Normally valleys are filled with alluvial materials and cultivated
with paddy. Now this area is also densely populated. Coastal Plain covers around 30%
• 2K_
• 2K_
iii:ii ~
Legend E
,; --40
~~ ~ 60
FlOOd Plain
<l'~~ - Lateotlc Lower Plateau
- Old Coastal Plain 100
_Valley --120
Young Coastal Pla,n 140
- Akkulam-Vell Lake --160
C=:J PanchayaVCorporation - - Drainage
The coastal plain is any flat, low-lying geographical region that is situated near the sea.
It consists of sandy plain with alternating ridges and swales and a narrow modern
beach (ENVIS, 2008). The modern beach is also termed as young coastal plain. The
Units Origin Area (km ) Area in %
The TS Canal basin and the Amayizhanchan basin are having contour less than
20m basin (Figure 3.12). High contour lines of 120 m are situated on the upstream
portion of the Ulloor basin. Slope refers to the degree of inclination from the
present study based on the degree of steepness (Table 3.11 and 3.12 and Figure 3.13).
They are level gentle (0-5%), moderately sloping (5-15%), strongly sloping (15-35%),
• • 1~
• • 1~
'._do '-.
~11 e _
128.889 - 144.444
~~ 1-
/~ - 113.333 - 128.889 ~o
1- _ 97.778 - 113.333 ~~
Legend U'~ 82.222 - 97.778 ~A)
Slope Clltegory, Slope(%) ~
_ 66.667 - 82.222 U'~
level to genUe, 0-5 _ 51.111 - 66.667 ~
Moderately sloping, 5-15
_ 35.556-51.111
- Moderately steep to steep sloping, 15-35
_ Strongly sloping, 35-70 20 - 35.556
- - Drainage - - Drainage
70"!5aO"E 70"55'O"E
Figure 3.13 Slope Map of the Figure 3.14 Digital Elevation Model of the
Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin
Table 3.11 Distribution of Slope of the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin
In the AV lake basin, the category of slope is level gentle in 54.8% of the basin
area followed by 31.8% in the moderately sloping and 12.7% in the strongly sloping
category (Figure 3.13). The majority of the lake basin is level gentle. (Table 3.11 and
Of the sub basin, the entire area in the TS canal basin, a major portion of the
Amayizhanachan basin and a half of the Medical College basin and Kulathur basin lie
in the level gentle area. A major portion of the Pattom basin lie in the category of
moderately sloping whereas that of the Kulathur basin lie in the category of strongly
sloping. In the lake basin, less than 9% of the entire lake basin has steep slope (slope
The elevated areas can be easily identified using a digital terrain model (DTM). Figure
3.14 gives the DTM of the Akkulam-Veli lake basin. It is revealed that elevated areas
are located in the upstream portion of the Ulloor stream. The TS Canal basin and the
m. Land Use
affects the infiltration and other hydrological processes like water flow, runoff, and
soil erosion (Dar and Romshoo, 2007). Lakes are strongly linked to their basin through
the transport of materials carried by surface runoff and many studies have
demonstrated that land use composition can affect nutrient loading to lakes (Sorrano
et aL, 1996; Arbuckle and Downing, 2001; Jones et aL, 2004). Developed lands
a watershed, which promotes excessive runoff and reduces the potential nutrient
attenuation in the area (Sorrano et aL, 1996 and Carpenter et aL, 1998).
Area under Various Land use in 2008
.>0; 20
.;;; 15
Land use
• Kannarroola • TS Canal. Kulathur basin(sq.km)
·Settlement with mixed tree crop
Table 3.13 Land Use Category of the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin (Period: 2008)
Rubber 1.0452
, •
·~~~)I I
2 2Kmo
- -
..-... l2ttII - 01..".
C."...... 5
'43 0118
o:z 0,
043 OJO
002 00'
oeo '0,"
mktd ... CftlD III eo
,- ~i 1
387 211I
\ {
\ Kulathur Basin
<:.:>aslal aand
Land with scrub
i '91\
11'~ ~
Land without lICrub
-M1nlngaraa ~
- Mixed bUIM-up
.,...". settlement with milled trell crop
- Reclaimed aria
sendy beach
2 Legend
- ~Iomeraled lIenlementarea
- RlverlWalerbody No. of beds In hospitals
" -Rubber • >200
6 - Banen rocky/Slony wasle/Sheet rock
• 50-200
II Pumping station
77'01TE 711WCTE
Table 3.14 Landuse(2008) of the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin
Sub-basins Landuse (2008) Area (Sq.km) Area (%) to the area of subbasin
2.9057 18.70
Mixed built-up
(Muscutt and Withers} 1996). The land use type} built-up land is a critical source of
fecal indicator organisms in the Ribble drainage basin in U.K. (Kay et al.} 200S).The
reclamation of paddy fields leads to flooding rainy season and cause lowering of water
table in the area. The reduction in paddy fields leads to the reduction of infiltration
area and the increase in runoff through the soil (Kannan et aI., 2003). The nitrogen
content in surface runoff from the agricultural field is more when compared with
In the AV lake basin, settlement with mixed tree crop (62.4%), mixed built up
(10.3%) and commercial areas (10.1%) are the predominant land use (Table 3.13 and
3.14 and Figure 3.15 and 3.16). In the Amayizhanchan basin, commercial use (59%) is
the predominant use, followed by settlement with mixed tree crop (36.1%). In the
Medical College basin, settlement with mixed tree crop (45.8%) and mixed built-up
(40.7%) are the predominant uses. In the Pattom basin, settlement with mixed tree
crop (45.7%) is the predominant land use followed by commercial use (22.2%).
Settlement with mixed tree crop is the predominant activity in the Ulloor basin (67%)
a. Domestic Pollution
sewage, sullage, and garbage into the water bodies. The generation, treatment and
In the City, people mostly depend on piped water supply. About 80-85% of the
water consumed is returned to public drainage system as waste water as sullage and
maintenance of sewerage schemes are vested with the Kerala Water Authority (KWA).
The details of the sewage generated as well as the existing sewerage scheme is given
in Table 3.15. The four lift up stations at Mudavanmugal, Arannoor, Thaliyal and
fifth lift up station at the Medical college campus pumps the sewage into the main
pumping station at Kannammoola. The sewage from the main pumping stations
chamber at Valiyathura and is disposed thorugh sewage farming in a land of 80 acres.
The farm is maintained by the Dairy Development Department and is used for fodder
cultivation and the leachate is being discharged into the T. S. Canal. The pumping
stations and lift-up stations in the AV lake basin are given in Figure 3.16.
was designed in such a way that the overflow, i.e. excess sewage above the holding
capacity in the pumping stations due to pumping breakdown caused by power failure,
break down of pump sets etc., should reach the nearest canal/rivers. 30% of the city
area is only covered under the sewerage scheme. Now the population and the
number of houses in the City have increased many folds and the inflow into the
sewage pumping stations also has increased. The system has exceeded its designed
capacity resulting in the discharge of a large quantity of raw sewage as overflow into
the Karamana river through the Killiyar, the Akkulam-Veli lake through the
although the sewerage scheme is designed for disposal of sewage and sullage.
manholes, sump wells in the pumping stations reaches the Akkulam-Veli lake through
the Amayizhanchan stream and the T. S. Canal due to the inadequacy of the existing
Only some part of the total quantity of sewage reaches the sewage farm. The
sewage farm which is in use since 1940 can take care of a small quantity of sewage.
Hence no proper treatment facilities are provided for the disposal of sewage
The houses situated on either sides of the Ulloor stream, Pattom stream and
the Amayizhanchan stream and T. S. Canal discharge waste water containing sewage
directly in to these streams. The streams discharge the wastes into the Akkulam lake
causing further degradation of water quality. No proper sanitation facility exists in this
area. Sewage disposal methods from the households in un-sewered areas of the
Corporation include septic tanks, borehole latrines and community toilets. There are
also many houses without any sanitation facilities. Moreover, slums are located on the
banks of the tributaries of the AV lake (Table 3.16). There is more chance for the
8. Number of households under sewerage scheme in the AV lake basin No. 44100
Table 3.16 Details of Slums
(Source - Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram)
Rajajinagar colony
In Thiruvananthapuram Corprotion, 266 t of garbage is generated daily. Of
which, 66 tid of garbage was disposed at source and the rest of 200 tid of garbage
was disposed in Municipal stream (Anonymous, 2005). The Corporation has now
garbage generated in the City. A manure factory was commissioned at Vilappilsala for
the treatment and disposal of garbage. But in the commercial areas and in the
settlements near the tributaries especially in the Amayizhanchan canal and the T. S.
Canal of the AV lake, a considerable amount of solid wastes is thrown into these
sewage and garbage. Here, septic tank, soak pit, borehole latrines, and community
toilets are provided for the disposal of sewage. No facilities are provided for the
b. Hospitals
sewage, and garbage are the wastes generated from hospitals. Biomedical wastes
Include human anatomical wastes, animal wastes, discarded medicines, waste sharps,
liquid and solid wastes. In the Akkulam-Veli Lake basin, about 14 hospitals (having 200
or more beds) and 14 hospitals having 50 or more beds (Figure 3.17). The largest
among them is the Govt. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram and the Shri. Avittam
Thirunal Hospital, Medical College compound. In the majority of the hospitals, sewage
Is discharged into the sewerage system maintained by the Kerala Water Authority. The
In the manure factory at Vilappilsala. The sewage treatment plant of KIMS hospital is
c. Industrial Pollution
The Veli industrial area is situated near the banks of the lake (Figure 3.18). The
factories of English Indian Clays and the Travancore Titanium Products Limited are the
major factories situated in the vicinity of the lake. The effluent from the factory of
Thiruvananthapuram Dairy, Ambalathara, reaches the T.S.Canal leading to the lake.
This factory has provided effluent treatment plant for treating the effluent. Table 3.17
d. Agricultural Pollution
The Akkulam-Veli lake basin lies in the low land and mid land. Coconut is the
main plantation in the low land regions. The other cultivation include rubber and
paddy. Chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides are being used for increased
Methyl parathion, Malathion, BHC are the pesticides used for paddy cultivation. BHC,
Carbaryl, Aluminium phosphide, Malathion, Quinalphos are the pesticides used for
cultivation of coconut. Phorate, Aldrin and carbofuran are used for banana
The characteristics of the lake basin is the main cause of pollution of a lake
system Hence the entire lake basin is classified into 'very high', 'high', 'moderate',
'low' and 'very low' zones based on its pollution potential. The principal sub criteria
that are used for identification of pollution potential area are lithology,
geomorphology, slope, land use and population density in the lake basin. Of several
weighted approach has been adopted that allows a linear combination of probability
weights of each thematic map (Wt) and different categories of derived thematic maps
have been assigned rank (Wi), depending upon their impact on pollution. The rank and
weights were assigned after consulting with experts in the field of geology,
Models were developed with the different rank and weight age prescribed by these
experts. Finally the feasible model was selected which has more than 90% accuracy
with the actual field conditions on the subsequent ground truth verification.
Weights and ranks assigned for analysis are given in Table 3.18. Spatial analyst
extension of Arc GIS 9.1 is used for converting the features to raster and also for final
analysis. The pollution potential map has been generated by the integration of
geomorphology, lithology, land use, soil, slope, and population density using GIS. The
total weights of the final integrated map were derived as sum of product of the
weights assigned to the different layers according to the impacts. Pollution potential
zones are delineated 'very high', 'high', 'moderate', 'low' and 'very low'. The
weightage for each pollution potential zone is consolidated in Table 3.19. Thus the
- • 2ter.
• • 2Km1
i i
Atu l%l
• Large industries e
• Medium industries
Small industries
Micro industries Legend
SUb Basin Pollution Intensity
urgo Medium 19monl Micro 1Total
Amavizh8nd"l1rl Saln o - Very high
11 ~I <161 S1
Kutathur Basin
01 31 111 1S
Medical Colleo. Bason o 01 21 121 1~ -Moderate
Pdom Basin
11 71 181 28
T S Conal BaSIn low
3131 191 ZT
Ullocr Basin
31 1~1 17
Total - Akkulam-Veli Lake
221 1201 150
78'5O'1TE - - Stream/River
Figure 3.18 Industries in the Akku/am-Ve/i lake Basin
Figure 3.19 Pollution Potential Map of the
Akku/am-Veli lake basin
Table 3.18 Weightage and Rank for the Lake Basin Characteristics
Table 3.19 Weightage for each Pollution Potential Zone
In general. in the AV lake basin, 26.87% of the total area comes under 'very
high' pollution potential zone, 45.2% comes under 'high' pollution potential zone,
26.23% comes under 'moderate' and the rest of 1.17% under low pollution potential
area. This shows that around 72% of the lake basin comes under 'very high' and 'high'
The pollution potential map (Figure 3.19) indicates that out of the total basin
area (Table 3.20), 'very high' polluted zone exists in 8.37% in the Kannamoola basin,
16.14% in the T. 5. Canal basin, and 1.35% in the Kulathur basin. 'High' polluted zone
exists in 23.68% in the Kannamoola basin, 1.32% in the T.5. Canal basin and 20.82% in
the Kulathur basin and the 'Moderate' polluted zone exists in 9.62% in the
Kannamoola basin and 16.98% in the Kulathur basin and 'Low' polluted zone lies in
high' and 'high'pollution potential zone (Figure 3.20). 'Very high' pollution zone does
not exist in the panchayath areas. 'High 'pollution potential zone exists in the
Figure 3.21 shows the percentage of the lake sub-basin area in the 'very high'
pollution potential zone of the AV lake basin. Of the 'very high' pollution potential
zone, 63% lies in the T.S. Canal basin; 20% lies in the Amayizhanchan basin, 6% in the
Pattom basin, 5% each in the Kulathur and Medical College basin, and 1% in the Ulloor
basin. Figure 3.22 shows the percentage of the lake sub-basin area in the 'high'
pollution potential zone of the AV lake basin. Of the 'high' pollution potential zone,
45% lies in the Kulathur basin; 20% lies in the Ulloor basin, 20% in the Pattom basin;
10% in the Medical college basin and 3% in the TS Canal basin and 2% in the
Amayizhanchan basin. Of the 'moderate' pollution potential zone (Figure 3.23), 64%
lies in the Kulathur basin and 36% in the Ulloor basin. Of the 'Low pollution potential
zone', 55% lies in the Kulathur basin and 45% in the Ulloor basin (Figure 3.24).
A major portion of the T. S. Canal basin and the Amayizhanchan basin lies in the
category of 'very' high pollution potential zone. A major portion of the Kulathur basin
and the Ulloor basin are least polluted. Hence more thrust is to be given for the
Almost the entire T. S. Canal basin and a major portion of the Amayizhanchan
basin exist as 'very high' pollution potential zone. This includes almost the entire
use and settlement with mixed tree crop, level and gentle slope (low slope) are the
factors that are responsible for high pollution potential. The Amayizhanchan canal,
joins the Kannamoola stream. This stream joins the Akkulam-Veli lake in its upstream
portion causing deterioration of water quality. T. S. Canal also passes through the
highly polluted area before joining the upstream portion of the Veli lake. Water
quality in the entire AV lake is deteriorated during all seasons. Priority shall be given
for the control of pollution in the T. S. Canal basin and the Amayizhanchan basin. Then
Table 3.20 Pollution Potential of the AV Lake Basin
Area Total
Pollution Intensity Basin type Area (km ) Area (%) (%) area
Kannamoola 0.54
Ulloor Basin Basin 0.78 0.54
Low Polluted Zone
I Very high
I High
II Moderate
• Armyizhanchan
,_ Arreyizhanchan 20% a~
_Me 45%
• Pattorn
_ Pattom bas"
o Uloor
I 0 lJIoor bas"
_ TS canal basin .T8
_ Ku\athur basin o Kulathur
Figure 3.21 Very high Polluted Potential Zone Figure 3.22 High Polluted Potential Zone
in the Akkulam-Veli Lake Basin in the Akkulam-Veli lake Basin
• Arreyizhanchan
o Pattorn 45%
Figure 3.23 Moderate Polluted Potential Zone Figure 3.24 Low Polluted Potential Zone
of the AV lake Basin of the AV lake Basin 81
Akkulam-Veli lake (AV lake) have been studied in detail. The pollution sources in the
lake basin has been ascertained. Based on the basin characteristics namely lithology,
geomorphology, slope, land use and population density in the Akkulam-Veli lake basin,
pollution potential area in the basin has been identified. The major findings are
summarized as follows:
1. The AV lake is a shore perpendicular lake with a surface area of 0.76 km 2 . As the
surface area is small, smaller waves are generated during windy condition and
the resuspension of sediments due to wind action is not prominent. The wind
induced wave action in the Akkulam lake may be comparatively more than that in
the Veli lake since the maximum length of the former is high. But the large beds
of aquatic plants restrict the formation of wave and cause the accumulation of
2. The AV lake is a shallow lake (mean depth=0.9m). The mean depth of the Akkulam
lake is 0.55 m, whereas that of Veli lake is 1.3m. The bund separating these two
lakes is causing obstruction to the flow from the Akkulam to the Veli lake and
3. The dilution capacity of the lake is generally low due to the small lake area.
However, the Veli part of the lake has more dilution capacity compared to the
4. For the AV lake, the shoreline length is 7 km and the shoreline development is
2.3, implying that the interface between the lake and the surrounding land is
more. Hence the buffer zone around the lake shall be notified and steps shall be
taken for shoreline planting to prevent soil erosion. The low index of basin
permanence of 0.05 indicates that rooted aquatic plants are dominated in the
lake system.
5. The low surface area (0.76 km ) and mean depth (0.9m) of the AV lake and the
high ratio of area of lake basin to the area of lake (189:1) indicating that the lake
has no natural buffering potential and the land use in the watershed causes
6. As the majority of the AV lake basin lies in the low land and mid land J weathering
7. The AV basin and its environs enjoy a tropical humid climate with an annual
(27°C). The annual seasonal average is 27.5°C. The prevailing wind is NW wind.
Wind speed is high during and before the monsoon rains. The average humidity is
8. The major streams that drain into AV lake include Kannamoola and Kulathur
streams and these have many tributaries. The AV lake basin consists of
Pattom basin (10.8%), Ulloor basin (19.71%), and Medical College basin (5.65%).
of the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation and the sewage and garbage from this
basin has made the Amayizhanchan canal a dirty gutter. T. S. Canal basin covers
the thickly populated areas of the Thiruvananthapuram city and is polluted due to
improper sanitation facilities in the area. A major portion of the Kulathur basin
(60.53%) followed by coastal sand and alluvium (28.05%), sandstone and clay
The entire area of the T.S. Canal basin consists of coastal sand and alluvium.
garnetiferous biotite. Hence the runoff is more in this area causing the escape of a
10. A major portion of the AV lake basin consists of gravelly clay of gentle slope and
plateau (60.35%) followed by valleys (14.42%), young coastal plain (14.06%), old
coastal plain (10.27%), and flood plain (0.6%). This causes the escape of wastes
from the lateritic region when compared with that of the other geomorphic
12. The TS canal basin and the Amayizhanchan basin are having contour less than
20m. The maximum contour lines of 120 m are located on the upstream portion
of the Ulloor basin. The elevated area of the basin is situated on the upstream
portion of the Ulloor stream. The entire area of the TS Canal basin and the
13. About 54.83% of the lake basin lies in the category of level gentle; 31.82% lies in
the category of moderately sloping, and 12.87% lies in the category of strongly
sloping. As the category of level gentle is more, the runoff is lesser in this area.
14. Settlement with mixed crop (62.4%), mixed built-up (10.3%) and commercial uses
(10%) are the predominant land use in the AV lake basin. As the settlement, built-
up and commercial area are more in the Kannamoola basin, the intensity of
15. The ab'sence of sewage treatment plant and the inadequate collection of sewage
from the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation are the main reason for the
hospitals, hotels and other establishments situated on either sides of the Ulloor
stream, Pattom stream, the Amayizhanchan canal and the T. S. Canal discharge
16. The disposal of garbage into the streams from the commercial areas and from the
17. The absence of sewage treatment plant causes the discharge of sewage from the
hospitals in the Medical College area through the Medical college channel in to
the AV lake. The factory of the English Indian Clays is situated besides the lake.
During rains, there is chance of draining of clay from their plant and storage yard
18. A major portion of the T. S. Canal basin and Amayizhanchan basin has 'very high
pollution potential' whereas a major portion of the Kulathur basin and Ulloor
basin has 'low pollution potential'. Action is to be taken for the control of
19. Entire lake basin area which falls under Thiruvananthapuram Corporation comes
under the category of 'very high' and 'high' pollution potential zones.