SSG Action Plan 2019 - 2020
SSG Action Plan 2019 - 2020
SSG Action Plan 2019 - 2020
Monthly Meeting To regularly update MONTHLY SSG Officer and 100% of the Minutes of
of SSG Officers and the students on the Adviser, Working, Classroom, Meeting
Classroom incoming activities Classroom Organization
President of the school President and SSG
Federation Federation Officer
SSG Bulletin Board To regularly post MONTHLY Pictures of the SSG Officer Monthly Bulletin Board
Maintenance the upcoming Different maintenance
events and Activities of the
activities bulletin
Election of SSG To elect two Grade JUNE Election SSG Officer, SSG 100% New Set of Officers
Grade 7 7 students who will paraphernalia COMELEC and participation for the Grade 7 -
Representative serves as the Adviser of the Grade Representative
representative of 7 students
Grade 7 level
School Clubs To encourage the JULY Speaker and SSG Officer and 100% Membership of the
Orientation participation of Microphone Adviser, President participation Grade 7 students at
Grade 7 students in of Club and of the Grade the different
recognized co Organization 7 students clubs/organization
and activities
Loyalty Day To promote unity JULY Speaker and SSG Officer and 100% Team building
Microphone Adviser, President participation among students
among the new
every section and
of Club and and
students and old foster camaraderie
Organization attendance among students
of students coming from
different year levels
Symposium on Anti To identify JULY Resource SSG Officers and Participation Awareness on the
Bullying different signs of Speaker Adviser, Red Cross and prevention of
bullying and be able Youth, cooperation bullying
to manage the of the
incidence (if any) selected
Intramural Games To nurture the AUGUST Tarpaulin, SSG Officer and Student School
talents of Sports Adviser, Working, attendance representative for
Palalenians in sport paraphernalia Classroom on every the tri meet
President game
Leadership Training Develop love of SEPTEMBER Tarpaulin SSG Officer and Participation Development of
Program God and country, Adviser, Working, of classroom, students -
moral character, Classroom club and confidence and
President organization leadership style
Federation officer
leadership and
efficiency among
its members;
Train members
for effective and
First Aid Training To equipped the OCTOBER Medical SSG Officers and Participation Skills on First Aid
students with the Supplies/Equip Advisers, School of the Training
necessary ment Nurse, Red Cross selected
information on Youth students
First Aid
Symposium on To raise awareness NOVEMBER Resource SSG Officers and Attendance Awareness on the
Drug Addiction on illegal drugs & Speaker Advisers, DSWD, of the different illegal
identify different PNP selected drugs
forms of drugs and students
the effects of
substance abuse
Christmas Party To share the love DECEMBER Raffle SSG Officer and 100%
through many materials, Adviser, Working, participation
kinds of activities Gifts Classroom of the
participated by President students
students Federation
Gift – giving to To inculcate the DECEMBER Gift Packs SSG Officers and Participation Gift packs
Community value of giving and Adviser of the
sharing classroom
officers and
Balik Eskwela To motivate JANUARY Tarpaulin SSG Officers and Attendance Registration for
Campaign elementary Advisers, School of the Grade the incoming
students to enroll Head and Guidance 6 and Grade Grade 7 and 11
in school Counselor 10 students students
To develop the
love of learning
High School Days To develop FEBRUARY Tarpaulin, WPNHS Family Participation Different programs
Celebration camaraderie Speaker and of the and activities
among students Microphone students
which will in the
future encourage
them to work
together, thereby
achieving a set of
common goals
MAKAKALIK “Hiwalay Kung To improve solid WEEKLY Box, Paper, SSG Officers and 100% Proper
ASAN Hiwaly, Sa Plastic waste Plastic Bottles Adviser, YES - O participation segregation of the
ka sa Bote Ako”: A management in the and Tarpaulin of the waste
Solid Waste school through students
Management proper waste
Project segregation and
regular garbage
#OOTD: Officer of To create a WEEKLY Cleaning SSG Officers and 100% Cleanliness of the
the Day responsible and Materials Adviser, YES - O participation school
ecofriendly student of the
Fund Raising for To collect a paper WEEKLY Box SSG Officers and 100% Trashketball
Trashketball and plastic bottles Adviser, YES - O participation
for the trashketball of the
Red Tag: Cleanness To maintain the MONTHLY SSG Officers and 100% Cleanliness of the
Classroom Contest cleanliness of the Adviser, YES – O, Participation classroom
classroom Classroom Officers of the
Taniman is Real “ A To lead/participate SEPTEMBER Trees planting SSG Officers and 100% Tree Planting
Tree Palnting in the national materials Adviser, participation
Project” greening program Mapagkawanggaw of the
and others a, YES – O selected
To develop love for students
the environment
MAKABANS SSG Election of To lead the filing of FEBRUARY Election SSG COMELEC 100%
A Candidates for the certificate of Paraphernalia participation
New set of SSG
new SSG Officers candidacy, the of the
Officers for S.Y.
campaign and the students 2020- 2021
election proper
Prepared by:
Noted by:
SSG Adviser
Approved by:
Principal I, WPNHS
City Schools Division of Tayabas
Brgy. Palale, Tayabas City