CKSci G3 U1 Investigating-Forces SR
CKSci G3 U1 Investigating-Forces SR
CKSci G3 U1 Investigating-Forces SR
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or a Pull
Think about how you start your day.
You wake up and push yourself out of
Big Question
bed. You pull a box from the shelf and
What are balanced
pour cereal into a bowl. You lift a milk
and unbalanced
carton and pour the milk. Then, you pull forces?
spoonfuls of cereal to your mouth.
You might not wake up thinking that you
force, n. a push or
are using forces, but you are. A force is a
a pull
push or a pull. Each time you push or pull
something, you use a force. Every time something starts to move,
stops moving, or changes direction, forces are involved.
What forces does the girl use to prepare and eat her breakfast?
Forces Change Motion
Forces Can Be Balanced or Unbalanced
When two equal teams play tug-of-war, the rope may not move at
all. There is no motion. If you add up all the forces acting on the
rope, they are equal. The pull from one side equals the pull from
the other side. The forces on the rope are balanced forces.
The rope does not move when the two teams pull with equal force.
What happens to the rope when one side pulls with greater force
than the other side? Forces on the rope become unbalanced.
Unbalanced forces cause an object’s
motion to change. One team will begin
balanced forces, n.
to win the tug-of-war. a collection of
forces acting on an
Imagine the tug-of-war rope sitting still object that cancel
on the ground. You might be surprised that each other out and
produce no change
forces are acting on it. The force of gravity in the object’s
is pulling the rope down all the time. The
ground also pushes up against the rope. The forces, n. a
two forces are equal but acting in opposite collection of forces
acting on an
directions. How could you make the forces object that result
unbalanced and change the motion of the in a change in the
object’s motion
rope? By pulling on it to pick it up!
Gravity Is a Pulling Force
Forces are all around you. You can see or feel many of them,
especially when they are unbalanced. You feel forces when
someone pushes you on a swing. You feel a pull when someone
tugs on your shirt.
You might not see or notice it, but the force Vocabulary
of gravity pulls on you all the time. Earth’s gravity, n. a force
that pulls objects
gravity is a force that pulls objects down toward Earth’s
toward the ground. surface
A Force Has Direction
The dogs in the picture play tug with the rope toy. When the
dogs pull the toy with the same amount of force, the toy does not
move. The forces are balanced. The balanced forces have the same
strength. But the forces pull in opposite directions.
The dogs pull the rope with the same amount of force but in different directions.
A Force Has Strength
Look at the picture. Which dog do you think will win the tugging
match? The brown and white dog on the left is bigger. It can
probably pull with a stronger force.
These are unbalanced forces because one dog pulls with a stronger force.
Friction Is a Force Chapter
This sign warns that there may be little There is little friction between the bottom
friction between your shoes and the of the sled and the surface of the snow. The
surface you are walking on. Watch out! sled slides easily.
Surfaces in Contact Make Friction
and slide on
Feet in socks slip
Feet in socks do no a smooth floor.
t slip against the
rough material of
Look at the picture of the block on the ramp. Are there forces
at work there? Yes, there are. The force of gravity is pulling the
block downward.
Now, what would happen if you lift the ramp higher at one end?
At some point, the force of gravity would overcome the force of
friction. The forces would become unbalanced. Movement occurs
as the block slides down the ramp.
The block stays at rest on this piece of wood. Why doesn’t the block slide down the slope?
Friction Produces Heat
Have you ever been outside in the cold and rubbed your hands
together to try to warm them up? If so, you were making use
of friction. Any time two surfaces rub against each other, heat
may occur.
You can feel the heat produced by friction between your moving
hands. The longer you rub them together and the harder you
press them against each other, the warmer they will feel. If two
surfaces only rub
against each other
briefly, the friction
does not cause very
much heat. Often
the amount of heat
produced is too little
to notice. Do your
socks feel warm after
you slide across a
tile floor?
Sometimes friction
can result in a great
deal of heat. It is
possible to rub string
and wood together in
a way that the friction
can start a fire. To start a fire using only string and wood, the friction
must continue steadily for a long while. The friction
must also be concentrated in a small area.
Friction Can Be Harmful
each other, so they are affected by the force of friction. The friction
results in heat. Over time, friction and heat weaken the parts of
machines. The parts can wear out and break.
Friction Can Be Helpful
Engineers don’t always try to reduce friction. Often they design
ways to make use of friction. For example, tires are designed with
bumps and grooves on the surface that rolls on the road. Those
bumps are called tread. Tread increases the friction between the
surfaces of tires and the road. Without tread, a bicycle rider might
slip and slide instead of rolling over a very smooth surface.
Squeezing a bicycle hand brake causes the brakes to press and rub
against the bike wheel’s rim. The force of friction that results makes
the bike slow down or stop.
Don’t touch a bicycle brake just after a bike has been stopped by the brake. It is likely hot
from the friction.
Predicting Patterns Chapter
of Motion
Forces can get things moving. A force can
also change the speed or direction of an
object’s motion. When regular forces help Big Question
move an object up and down, side to side, Can we predict the
motion of an object
back and forth, or in a zigzag motion, you that moves in
may be able to notice a regular pattern of regular patterns?
motion as a result.
Other forces will also affect her motion as she swings. Air brushes
across her. The hinges on the swing rub against the chain of the
swing. If the girl does not use her muscles to keep swinging,
friction will slow her down and eventually cause her to stop.
Up and Down
To predict is to say something that is
expected to happen. Knowing about an
predict, v. to say
object’s pattern of motion helps you predict that something is
expected to happen
how it will move next.
In a moment, the lower girl will push herself up with the force of
the muscles in her legs. It is easy to predict how she will move and
how the other girl will move because these movements are part of
a regular pattern.
Based on what you know about the movement of a seesaw, can you predict what will
happen next? Can you identify the forces that change the seesaw’s motion?
Back and Forth
Patterns of Motion Are Predictable
Around and Around
This boy and girl are playing tetherball. They are using the muscles
in their arms to move the ball. The goal of the game is to wrap the
rope around the pole.
The girl has made the ball go around the pole three times. Predict
what the ball will do when she pushes it again. If her opponent
never hits the ball, the ball will go around
and around in the same direction of
the push given to it by the girl. It’s
easy to predict possible motion
once you understand a
regular pattern.
Magnetism Is Chapter
a Force
You place a magnet on a refrigerator door,
and it sticks there. Why? It sticks because of
a force called magnetism. Big Question
What are the
You hold a magnet over a pile of iron characteristics of
paper clips, and the clips move toward the the force called
magnet. Magnetism is the invisible force
that pulls on some metal objects.
magnet, n. a
material that
applies the force
of magnetism
magnetism, n. a
force that can push
or pull on some
materials without
touching them
Most forces exist between objects that are touching each other.
Magnetism is different, though. Magnetism acts across a distance.
Objects that are affected by magnets do not have to be touching
the magnets.
Magnets Attract Many Kinds of Metal Objects
People can turn some metals into magnets, though. This process
is called magnetizing an object. Magnets are most often made of
iron, but other types of metal can be magnetized, too. A metal
that has been magnetized is called magnetic.
Magnets contain metal, and they often affect other metal objects.
That is true even if those other metal objects are not magnetic
themselves. Your refrigerator door is not magnetic, but you can
hang pictures on it using a magnet. Magnets do not affect objects
that aren’t metal. Wood, water, and plastic are examples of things
not attracted by magnets.
The force of magnetism does not affect objects that do not contain any metal.
Magnetism Is a Force That Can Push and Pull
Other times, magnets pull each other. The pulling force makes
them move closer together. Magnets that pull each other will
usually move closer together until they touch. Very strong
magnets can be hard to pull apart.
In this picture the toy car has a magnet taped to its top. The magnet is being pulled by the
other magnet. Which direction do you think the toy car will move?
Every Magnet Has Two Poles
North and south poles attract. When south and south poles are near each other,
they repel each other. When north and north poles are near each other, they repel
each other.
Strength of Magnetism Changes with Distance
Magnetism Can Be Useful
Compasses use magnets to show Jewelry clasps are small and hard to
direction. The needle of the compass hook together. By using the attraction
is magnetic and is affected by the of magnets, a magnetic clasp is easy to
Earth’s magnetic field. put together. You just put the ends of a
magnetic jewelry clasp near each other,
and they pull together.
Solving Problems Chapter
with Magnets
People make notes to remind themselves
of important things. One problem is that
it can be easy to forget about a reminder Big Question
note. The note has to be in a place where What problems
can be solved with
you are likely to see it. magnets?
A refrigerator magnet is a
solution designed to solve
a problem. It’s a simple
solution, but it works!
Though the studs are made of wood, they contain many hidden
nails and screws. Nails and screws are made of metal.
How can you find a wooden wall stud? That is a problem. Engineers
design solutions to problems. Engineers solved this problem by
designing stud finders. A stud finder has a magnet inside. The
magnet is attracted to metal nails in the studs behind the solid
wall. It detects where nails are. This reveals where the studs are
and where you can securely place a picture hook. Engineers used
magnetism to design and build stud finders—and they really work.
Engineers use the properties of a magnet to solve the problem of finding where a nail in a
stud is behind a wall.
Magnets Are Important for Modern Railroads
• Time: How long will it take to solve the problem? Is that time
used worth the result?
• C
ost: How much will it cost to solve the problem? Will the
solution cost more money than it saves? Can it be done with the
amount of money available?
• M
aterials: What materials are needed to solve the problem? Is it
easy to get the tools needed?
• Limits: What are some things I can’t do or am not allowed to do?
Forces and Trains Chapter
Words to Know
Some slaves used the Underground The Industrial Revolution was a
Railroad to escape to freedom. period of rapidly developing
It was not a real railroad. It was a technology growth that occurred
system of roads and hiding places. in the 1800s.
A Strong Force Is Needed to Move a Train at Rest
Starting a train moving takes force. But keeping it moving also takes force to
overcome friction and gravity.
Words to Know
A patent is a government document that gives someone the ownership
and rights to an invention. Thousands of new patents for engineering
design solutions were filed during the Industrial Revolution.
Modern Trains
How Maglevs Work
Same poles in the magnets in the train and the track keep the two from touching.
attract, v. to pull something closer (22) oppose, v. to work against (7)
balanced forces, n. a collection of forces pattern, n. something that keeps
acting on an object that cancel each repeating (16)
other out and produce no change in the
object’s motion (3) predict, v. to say that something is expected
to happen (15)
C problem, n. a want or need that requires
a solution (25)
contact force, n. a push or pull between two
objects that are touching each other (8)
F repel, v. to push away from (22)
force, n. a push or a pull (1)
friction, n. a force that occurs between
the surfaces of two objects that are solution, n. a plan or object that solves a
touching (7) problem (25)
gravity, n. a force that pulls objects toward unbalanced forces, n. a collection of forces
Earth’s surface (4) acting on an object that result in a change
in the object’s motion (3)
lubricant, n. a substance that reduces friction
between objects in contact (11)
magnet, n. a material that applies the force
of magnetism (19)
magnetic poles, n. the places on a magnet
where the magnetic force is strongest (22)
magnetism, n. a force that can push or pull on
some materials without touching them (19)
motion, n. the process of an object changing
position (2)
CK Sci™
Core Knowledge Science™
Series Editor-in-Chief
E.D. Hirsch Jr.
Editorial Directors
Daniel H. Franck and Richard B. Talbot
Subject Matter Expert
Martin Rosenberg, PhD
Teacher of Physics and Computer Science
SAR High School
Riverdale, New York
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CK Sci™
Core Knowledge Science™
A comprehensive program in science, integrating
topics from Earth and Space, Life, and Physical Sciences with
concepts specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence
(content and skill guidelines for Grades K–8).
Investigating Forces
Life Cycles, Traits, and Variations
Habitats and Change
Weather and Climate