PPT-Q A For Steel and Concrete
PPT-Q A For Steel and Concrete
PPT-Q A For Steel and Concrete
C.E. AP R&B Retired
Quality Assurance In
Reinforcement steel and Concrete
Steel Reinforcement
The reinforcement shall be of mild steel
and high yield strength deformed bars, hard
drawn steel bars, deformed bars, cold
twisted steel bars, hard drawn steel wire
fabric or structural steel sections conforming
to the respective Indian Standard
All the reinforcement shall be clean and
free from rust, mild scales, dust, paint, oil,
grease, adhering earth or any other material
or coating that may impair the bond between
the concrete and the reinforcement, or cause
corrosion of the reinforcement or
disintegration of concrete.
Steel reinforcement is routinely used in reinforced
concrete (RC) structures to augment the relatively low
inherent tensile strength of concrete.
It is also used:
1. to carry shear, compressive and torsional forces in
excess of concrete’s capability without
2. to control cracking of concrete members under
working loads or as a result of early thermal effects.
3. to minimise or prevent spalling of concrete in fire
conditions, as a result of seismic effects, or in the
highly stressed regions around anchorages in
prestressed concrete construction.
Reinforcement, plays a vital role in ensuring the
safety, integrity and durability of almost all concrete
1) Galvanised reinforcement
The strength as well as elongation and bond properties of
galvanised reinforcement are not adversely affected by galvanising.
2) Epoxy-coated reinforcement
Reinforcing bars conforming to IS 1786 can be coated by
fusion bonded epoxy conforming to IS 13620-1993. The bond of
coated reinforcement is lowered by upto 20 percent of that of
uncoated reinforcement. In detailing of steel the lap length and
anchorage lengths should be increased by 25 percent.
3) Stainless steel reinforcement
Properties of stainless steel reinforcement shall not be
inferior to the carbon steel reinforcement of corresponding strength
class. For bond properties reference should be made to the relevant
code or established on basis of tests
Standard Code for steel reinforcement
Carbon 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.3
Sulphur 0.060 0.045 0.045 0.055 0.040 0.040 0.055 0.040 0.040
Phosphorus 0.060 0.045 0.045 0.055 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.040 0.040
Sulphur &
0.11 0.085 0.085 0.105 0.075 0.075 0.100 0.075 0.075
Note: The figures following Fe indicate the specified minimum 0.2% proof
stress or yield stress in N/mm2
The letters D and S following the strength grade indicates the category
with same specified minimum 0.2% proof stress/ yield stress but with
enhanced additional properties
Important Terminology
The increase in length of a tensile test piece under stress.
The elongation at fracture is conventionally expressed as a
percentage of the original gauge length of a standard test
Nominal The diameter of a plain round bar/wire having the same
diameter/ size mass per meter length as deformed bar/wire.
The mass of bar/wire of nominal diameter and of a density
Nominal mass
0.00785 kg/mm2 per meter.
0.2% proof The stress at which a non-proportional elongation equal to
stress 0.2% of the original gauge length takes place.
The maximum load reached in a tensile stess divided by
cross-sectional area of the gauge length portion of the test
Ultimate tensile
Stress at which elongation first occurs in the test piece
without increasing the load during the tensile test. In the
Yield Stress
case of steels with no such definite yield point, proof stress
shall be applicable.
Nominal cross sectional Area and Mass as per IS:1786
Cross section Area mm2 Mass per Meter
size (mm)
4 12.6 0.099
5 19.6 0.154
6 28.3 0.222
8 50.3 0.395
10 78.6 0.617
12 113.1 0.888
16 201.2 1.58
20 314.3 2.47
25 491.1 3.85
28 615.8 4.83
32 804.6 6.31
36 1018.3 7.99
40 1257.2 9.86
45 1591.1 12.49
50 1964.4 15.42
Tolerance on Nominal Mass as per IS:1786
Nominal size
% Tolerance on the nominal mass
Batch sample for
coils only
Up to and
including ±7% -8 ±8
over 10 mm &
upto 16mm
±5% -6 ±6
Over 16 mm ±3% -4 ±4
Note: For individual sample plus tolerance is not specified.
For coils batch tolerance is not specified
Requirements of Bond (IS:2770 part 1)
For high strength deformed bars/ wires, the mean area of
ribs (in mm2) per unit length (in mm) above the core of the
bar/wire, projected in on a plane normal to the axis shall not be
less than following values:
0.12φ For φ ≤ 10 mm
For φ more than 10mm and ≤
0.17φ For φ > 16mm
The mean projected area of transverse rib alone shall be
not less than one-third of the values given above.
When subjected to pullout testing in accordance with IS
2770 part1, the bond strength calculated from the load at
measured slip of 0.025mm and 0.25mm for deformed bars/
wires shall exceed that of a plain round bar of the same size by
40% and 80 % respectively.
Bend Test (IS:1599-1985)
The bend test shall be performed in accordance with the
requirements of IS 1599 and the mandrel diameter as given
Maximum Mandrel diameter for different grades
Fe Fe
mm Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
415 415 Fe 600
415 500 500D 500S 550 550D
Up to and
including 3φ 2φ 2φ 4φ 3φ 3φ 5φ 4φ 5φ
Over 20 4φ 3φ 3φ 5φ 4φ 4φ 6φ 5φ 6φ
Rebend Test
How do you do a tensile test?
The ductility of a sample is determined by conducting a tensile
strength test on a Universal Testing Machine. Samples of the material
are placed in a Universal Testing Machine, gripped by the ends, and
a vertical force is applied until they break; they are pulled apart.
During the stretching process, the machine measures the load (ρ), or
the force applied to the sample, and the displacement of the sample
(s); along with the original cross sectional area of the sample (Ao)
and the original length (Lo), an engineering stress-strain curve can
be created. Stress (δ), computed by dividing the load by the cross
sectional area, is plotted against strain (ε), derived by dividing the
displacement (s) by the length:
δ = ρ/Ao, ε = s/Lo
When the graph is analyzed, it is found that the strain
hardening of the material increases up to a certain maximum point,
after which the strain begins to deform the material, softening it until it
breaks. Graphically, it is the highest point on the engineering stress-
strain curve. The maximum point is known as the Ultimate Tensile
Strength, or UTS, and is used in measuring the ductility of metals.
Stress Strain curve for Structural Steel
Tensile Test Values:
Young's Modules:
This is the slope of the linear portion of the stress-strain
curve, it is usually specific to each material; a constant,
known value.
Yield Strength:
This is the value of stress at the yield point, which is
calculated by plotting young's modules at a specified per
cent of offset (usually offset = 0.2%).
Ultimate Tensile Strength:
This is the highest value of stress on the stress-strain
Percent Elongation:
This is the change in gauge length divided by the
original gauge length.
Elastic Limit
The elastic limit is the limit beyond which the material will no
longer go back to its original shape when the load is removed, or
it is the maximum stress that may e developed such that there is
no permanent or residual deformation when the load is entirely
Elastic and Plastic Ranges
The region in stress-strain diagram from O to P is called the
elastic range. The region from P to R is called the plastic range.
Yield Point
Yield point is the point at which the material will have an
appreciable elongation or yielding without any increase in load.
Ultimate Strength
The maximum ordinate in the stress-strain diagram is the
ultimate strength or tensile strength.
Rupture Strength
Rupture strength is the strength of the material at rupture. This is
also known as the breaking strength.
Mechanical properties of HYSD bars and wires
Grade of Steel
Property Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
Fe 415 Fe 550 Fe 550 D Fe 600
415D 415S 500 500D 500S
0.2% proof
415 415 415 500 500 500 550 550 600
0.2% proof
stress, - - 540 - - 625 - - -
Elongation, %
minimum on a
gauge length of
5.65A, where 14.5 18 20 12 16 18 10 14.5 10
A is cross
section area of
test piece
Total elongation
at max force - 5 10 - 5 8 - 5 -
TS/YS ratio
1.1 1.12 1.25 1.08 1.10 1.25 1.06 1.08 1.06
Mechanical properties of HYSD bars and wires with enhanced
elongation as per IS 1608 read in conjunction with IS 2062
Grade of Steel
Fe 415D Fe 500D Fe 550D
0.2% proof stress/yield
415 500 550
stress, minimum in MPa
Elongation, % minimum on a
gauge length of 5.65A,
18.0 16.0 14.5
where A is cross section area
of test piece
For casts/
For Casts/
Heats of 100
Nominal size heats below
tonnes or
100 tonnes
Ultimate Elongation
0.2% Proof Tensile over a gauge
Diameter Stress Strength length of ‘5
% Carbon
(mm) (N/sq.mm) (N/sq.mm) dia’ (%)
Ultimate Elongation
0.2% Proof
Diameter Tensile over a gauge
% Carbon Stress
(mm) Strength length of ‘5
(N/sq.mm) dia’ (%)
Coarse Aggregate
Fine Aggregate
Ordinary Portland Cement ( IS:456-2000)
And IS:269-2015 OPC Specification
Grades Of Concrete
Test for Consistency (IS: 4031 part - 4), initial setting time and final
setting time (IS: 4031 part - 5) using Vicat Apparatus
As per IS: 4032 part – 6
Mortar cube compressive
Strength test on 70.6mm
1:3 cement mortar cubes
to determine the
grade of cement
sand shall be as per IS:650
Average value of 3
specimens represent a
sample result. If the
results of 3 specimens
show more than 15%
variation with average Cube after failure
value, it be ignored
Permissible limits for solids in Water
Cl. 5.4 of IS: 456-2000
Permissible limt
Tested as per
Organic IS 3025 part 18 200 mg/l
Inorganic IS 3025 part 18 3000 mg/l
Sulphate as SO3 IS 3025 part 24 400 mg/l
IS sieves:
and 6.3mm
Aggregate Impact test
IS; 2386 part 4
material passing 12.5
mm sieve and retained
on 10 mm sieve is
placed in mould in 3
layers by tamping 25
times for each layer.
After 15 blows,
material passing 2.36
mm sieve is weighed
and compared with
sample weight in %.
Requirements of coarse (single size) Aggregate
Part of table 2 of IS: 383
(Not for use in concrete without grading)
IS Cumulat
Sieve %
mm passing
40 92 85-100
20 9 0-20
10 2 0-5
40 mm HBG graded metal for concrete-IS:383 or MOSRT&H
Mixture of 40, 20 and 12.5 single sizes
IS Cumulat %
Sieve ive% passi
mm passing ng
40 95
20 50 30-70
10 26 10-35
4.75 2 0-5
20 mm HBG single size metal for concrete-IS:383
IS Cumulati %
Sieve ve% passing
mm passing
40 100 100
20 92 85-100
10 9 0-20
4.75 2 0-5
20 mm HBG graded metal for concrete.
Mixture of 20, 12.5 and 6.3mm single sizes
IS Cumulativ %
Sieve e% passin
mm passing g
40 100 100
20 97 95-100
10 40 25-55
4.75 5 0-10
Limits of deleterious materials as per IS: 383-1970
Fine aggregates Coarse aggregates
Properties % by weight % by weight
Bulkage of sand=100(200-y)/y
Silt content test
Fill 200 ml jar up to 100
ml level with sand.
a) Structural design,
b) Study of environment in which structure is
c) Water cement ratio, cement content, concrete
d) Cover and cover block quality,
e) Materials quality and mix design
f) Workability and cohesiveness of concrete mix
g) batching, mixing, transporting, compacting and
h) Maintenance and usage in service life
Minimum Cement content, Minimum Grade of Concrete
and maximum water-cement ratio for different exposure
Table 5 of IS: 456-2000
Plain Concrete Reinforced Concrete
Minimum Minimum Maximum
Maximum Minimum Minimum
Exposure cement cement free water
free water Grade of Grade of
content content cement
cement ratio concrete concrete
kg/CuM kg/CuM ratio
M 20 46 37 47 38
M 25 39 32 41 33
M 30 37 29 38 31
M 35 32 26 34 27
M 40 30 24 30 24
Development length (ld)= factor× bar dia
Lap length in flexural tension= greater of ld or 30 ø
Lap length in direct tension = greater of 2 ld or 30 ø
Lap length in compression = greater of ld or 24 ø
Requirements of good detailing
Compaction by Vibration
Sampling frequency
Acceptance criteria as per Table 11 of IS-456
Quantity No. of
of samples
In cum Mean of 4 non-
Individual test
1-5 1 Grade results
consecutive test
6-15 2 results in N/mm2
16-30 3
≥ fck + 0.825 SD
M 15 ≥ fck -3 N/mm2
31-50 4 or fck + 3 N/mm2
51 and per M 20 or ≥ fck + 0.825 SD
≥ fck -4 N/mm2
above Additional above or fck + 4 N/mm2
Acceptance criteria as per as per MORTH 2013(5th
Mean strength
determined from any
Strength of any Individual
group of 4 consecutive
test sample is not less than
test results should
exceed fck - 3 N/mm2
fck by 3 N/mm2
Soil in
Air gap below
plinth beam
Brick on edge to cover
air gap of 100mm