PPT-Q A For Steel and Concrete

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D.V.Bhavanna Rao. M.Tech., F.I.E.

C.E. AP R&B Retired

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Quality Assurance In
Reinforcement steel and Concrete
Steel Reinforcement
The reinforcement shall be of mild steel
and high yield strength deformed bars, hard
drawn steel bars, deformed bars, cold
twisted steel bars, hard drawn steel wire
fabric or structural steel sections conforming
to the respective Indian Standard
All the reinforcement shall be clean and
free from rust, mild scales, dust, paint, oil,
grease, adhering earth or any other material
or coating that may impair the bond between
the concrete and the reinforcement, or cause
corrosion of the reinforcement or
disintegration of concrete.
Steel reinforcement is routinely used in reinforced
concrete (RC) structures to augment the relatively low
inherent tensile strength of concrete.

It is also used:
1. to carry shear, compressive and torsional forces in
excess of concrete’s capability without
2. to control cracking of concrete members under
working loads or as a result of early thermal effects.
3. to minimise or prevent spalling of concrete in fire
conditions, as a result of seismic effects, or in the
highly stressed regions around anchorages in
prestressed concrete construction.
Reinforcement, plays a vital role in ensuring the
safety, integrity and durability of almost all concrete

1. Reinforcement steel shall possess the required

physical and metallurgical properties

2. It shall be of acceptable quality

3. It is stored, handled, cut and bent so as to avoid

corrosion, damage and contamination

4. It is properly and accurately fixed.

Products with improved corrosion resistance as per IRC 112-2011

1) Galvanised reinforcement
The strength as well as elongation and bond properties of
galvanised reinforcement are not adversely affected by galvanising.
2) Epoxy-coated reinforcement
Reinforcing bars conforming to IS 1786 can be coated by
fusion bonded epoxy conforming to IS 13620-1993. The bond of
coated reinforcement is lowered by upto 20 percent of that of
uncoated reinforcement. In detailing of steel the lap length and
anchorage lengths should be increased by 25 percent.
3) Stainless steel reinforcement
Properties of stainless steel reinforcement shall not be
inferior to the carbon steel reinforcement of corresponding strength
class. For bond properties reference should be made to the relevant
code or established on basis of tests
Standard Code for steel reinforcement

Indian Standard IS 1786:2008

including Amendment issued in 2012
High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and
Wires for
Reinforcement – specification
(Fourth Revision)
Application of IS:1786-2008
1. Deformed bars produced by re-rolling finished
products such as plates and rails (virgin or used or
scrap), or by rolling material for which the
metallurgical history is not fully documented or not
known, are not acceptable as per this standard.
2. It applies to reinforcing bars and wires which may
be subsequently coated.
3. it applies to reinforcing bars and wires supplied in
coil form but its requirements apply to the
straightened product.
4. It applies to hot rolled steel with or without
subsequent treatment.
Chemical Requirements
Maximum Limits as per IS1786-2008
Percent, Maximum
Constituent Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
Fe 550 Fe 600
415 415D 415S 500 500D 500S 550D

Carbon 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.3

Sulphur 0.060 0.045 0.045 0.055 0.040 0.040 0.055 0.040 0.040

Phosphorus 0.060 0.045 0.045 0.055 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.040 0.040

Sulphur &
0.11 0.085 0.085 0.105 0.075 0.075 0.100 0.075 0.075

Note: The figures following Fe indicate the specified minimum 0.2% proof
stress or yield stress in N/mm2
The letters D and S following the strength grade indicates the category
with same specified minimum 0.2% proof stress/ yield stress but with
enhanced additional properties
Important Terminology
The increase in length of a tensile test piece under stress.
The elongation at fracture is conventionally expressed as a
percentage of the original gauge length of a standard test
Nominal The diameter of a plain round bar/wire having the same
diameter/ size mass per meter length as deformed bar/wire.
The mass of bar/wire of nominal diameter and of a density
Nominal mass
0.00785 kg/mm2 per meter.
0.2% proof The stress at which a non-proportional elongation equal to
stress 0.2% of the original gauge length takes place.
The maximum load reached in a tensile stess divided by
cross-sectional area of the gauge length portion of the test
Ultimate tensile
Stress at which elongation first occurs in the test piece
without increasing the load during the tensile test. In the
Yield Stress
case of steels with no such definite yield point, proof stress
shall be applicable.
Nominal cross sectional Area and Mass as per IS:1786
Cross section Area mm2 Mass per Meter
size (mm)
4 12.6 0.099
5 19.6 0.154
6 28.3 0.222
8 50.3 0.395
10 78.6 0.617
12 113.1 0.888
16 201.2 1.58
20 314.3 2.47
25 491.1 3.85
28 615.8 4.83
32 804.6 6.31
36 1018.3 7.99
40 1257.2 9.86
45 1591.1 12.49
50 1964.4 15.42
Tolerance on Nominal Mass as per IS:1786

Nominal size
% Tolerance on the nominal mass
Batch sample for
coils only
Up to and
including ±7% -8 ±8
over 10 mm &
upto 16mm
±5% -6 ±6

Over 16 mm ±3% -4 ±4
Note: For individual sample plus tolerance is not specified.
For coils batch tolerance is not specified
Requirements of Bond (IS:2770 part 1)
For high strength deformed bars/ wires, the mean area of
ribs (in mm2) per unit length (in mm) above the core of the
bar/wire, projected in on a plane normal to the axis shall not be
less than following values:

0.12φ For φ ≤ 10 mm
For φ more than 10mm and ≤
0.17φ For φ > 16mm
The mean projected area of transverse rib alone shall be
not less than one-third of the values given above.
When subjected to pullout testing in accordance with IS
2770 part1, the bond strength calculated from the load at
measured slip of 0.025mm and 0.25mm for deformed bars/
wires shall exceed that of a plain round bar of the same size by
40% and 80 % respectively.
Bend Test (IS:1599-1985)
The bend test shall be performed in accordance with the
requirements of IS 1599 and the mandrel diameter as given
Maximum Mandrel diameter for different grades
Fe Fe
mm Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
415 415 Fe 600
415 500 500D 500S 550 550D
Up to and
including 3φ 2φ 2φ 4φ 3φ 3φ 5φ 4φ 5φ
Over 20 4φ 3φ 3φ 5φ 4φ 4φ 6φ 5φ 6φ

The test piece, when cold, shall be doubled over the

mandrel by continuous pressure until the sides are parallel. The
specimen shall be considered to have passed the test if there is
no rupture or cracks visible to a person of normal or corrected
vision on the re-bent portion.
Rebend Test (IS;1786-2008)
The test piece shall be bent to an included angle of 135⁰
using a mandrel diameter given below. The bent piece shall be
aged by keeping in boiling water (100⁰C) for 30 minutes and then
allowed to cool. The piece then shall be bent back to have an
included angle of 157½⁰.

Nominal Size of Maximum Mandrel diameter

specimen Fe 415 and Fe 415d, 415S, Fe 550 and
mm Fe 550D
Fe500 500D &500S 600
Up to and including
5φ 4φ 7φ 7φ
Over 10mm 7φ 6φ 8φ 8φ

The specimen shall be considered to have

passed the test if there is no rupture or cracks visible
to a person of normal or corrected vision on the rebent
φ represents the nominal size of the test piece

Rebend Test
How do you do a tensile test?
The ductility of a sample is determined by conducting a tensile
strength test on a Universal Testing Machine. Samples of the material
are placed in a Universal Testing Machine, gripped by the ends, and
a vertical force is applied until they break; they are pulled apart.
During the stretching process, the machine measures the load (ρ), or
the force applied to the sample, and the displacement of the sample
(s); along with the original cross sectional area of the sample (Ao)
and the original length (Lo), an engineering stress-strain curve can
be created. Stress (δ), computed by dividing the load by the cross
sectional area, is plotted against strain (ε), derived by dividing the
displacement (s) by the length:
δ = ρ/Ao, ε = s/Lo
When the graph is analyzed, it is found that the strain
hardening of the material increases up to a certain maximum point,
after which the strain begins to deform the material, softening it until it
breaks. Graphically, it is the highest point on the engineering stress-
strain curve. The maximum point is known as the Ultimate Tensile
Strength, or UTS, and is used in measuring the ductility of metals.
Stress Strain curve for Structural Steel
Tensile Test Values:
Young's Modules:
This is the slope of the linear portion of the stress-strain
curve, it is usually specific to each material; a constant,
known value.
Yield Strength:
This is the value of stress at the yield point, which is
calculated by plotting young's modules at a specified per
cent of offset (usually offset = 0.2%).
Ultimate Tensile Strength:
This is the highest value of stress on the stress-strain
Percent Elongation:
This is the change in gauge length divided by the
original gauge length.
Elastic Limit
The elastic limit is the limit beyond which the material will no
longer go back to its original shape when the load is removed, or
it is the maximum stress that may e developed such that there is
no permanent or residual deformation when the load is entirely
Elastic and Plastic Ranges
The region in stress-strain diagram from O to P is called the
elastic range. The region from P to R is called the plastic range.
Yield Point
Yield point is the point at which the material will have an
appreciable elongation or yielding without any increase in load.
Ultimate Strength
The maximum ordinate in the stress-strain diagram is the
ultimate strength or tensile strength.
Rupture Strength
Rupture strength is the strength of the material at rupture. This is
also known as the breaking strength.
Mechanical properties of HYSD bars and wires
Grade of Steel
Property Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
Fe 415 Fe 550 Fe 550 D Fe 600
415D 415S 500 500D 500S
0.2% proof
415 415 415 500 500 500 550 550 600
0.2% proof
stress, - - 540 - - 625 - - -

Elongation, %
minimum on a
gauge length of
5.65A, where 14.5 18 20 12 16 18 10 14.5 10
A is cross
section area of
test piece
Total elongation
at max force - 5 10 - 5 8 - 5 -

TS/YS ratio
1.1 1.12 1.25 1.08 1.10 1.25 1.06 1.08 1.06
Mechanical properties of HYSD bars and wires with enhanced
elongation as per IS 1608 read in conjunction with IS 2062

Grade of Steel
Fe 415D Fe 500D Fe 550D
0.2% proof stress/yield
415 500 550
stress, minimum in MPa
Elongation, % minimum on a
gauge length of 5.65A,
18.0 16.0 14.5
where A is cross section area
of test piece

10% more 8% more

12% more
than actual than actual
than actual
Tensile strength, minimum, 0.2% p.s. 0.2% p.s.
0.2% p.s. and
MPa and not less and not
not less than
than 565 less than
500 MPa
MPa 600 MPa
Frequency of Testing

For casts/
For Casts/
Heats of 100
Nominal size heats below
tonnes or
100 tonnes

For all sizes 2 3

For checking nominal mass, mechanical

properties, bend test and rebend test, test specimen of
sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the
finished bar/ wire at random at a frequency not less than
the specified above.
Should any one of the test pieces first selected
fail to pass any of the tests specified in the standard,
two further samples shall be selected for testing in
respect of each failure. Should the test pieces from
both these additional samples pass, the material
represented by the test sample shall be deemed to
comply with the requirements of that particular test.
Should the test piece of either of these additional
samples fail, the material represented by the samples
shall be considered as not having complied with this
standard, IS 1786-2008
Manufacturer’s Certificate

1) Place of Manufacture of the reinforcing steel

2) Nominal diameter of the steel
3) Grade of the steel
4) Rolled-in marking of the steel
5) Cast/ heat number
6) Date of testing
7) Mass of the testing lot
8) Individual test results for all the properties
Quality Control Checklist for
Steel Manufacturer

1) Tolerances on diameter and sections

2) Geometrical dimensions of the section with
minimum values or guaranteed tolerance
limits(height, longitudinal spacing and length
of ribs)

3) Guaranteed yield point

4) Tensile strength
5) Elongation at fracture
6) Bending, rebending capacity
Checklist for initial scrutiny of drawings and schedules .

• Can the reinforcement as detailed be fixed?

• Does the detailing permit sensible location of construction joints?
• Is the reinforcement congested?
• Would alternative detailing provide greater flexibility or ease of
• Is there scope for prefabrication?
• What is the best sequence?
• Is the reinforcement detailed to provide sufficient rigidity and
stability of cages during fixing?
• Are set-up bars, bracing bars, chairs, spacers etc. required?
• Do schedule agree with drawings?
• Does reinforcement in one member clash with that in an
adjacent member?
• Are scheduled bending dimensions compatible with member
dimensions and specified concrete cover?
• Are starter bars detailed?
Delivery checklist

1. Ensure adequate offloading space

2. Check weights given on delivery ticket (by
calculation and bar count)
3. Ensure correct handling during unloading
4. Check reinforcement is of correct type
5. Check bundles are correctly labelled
6. Check reinforcement is of correct grade
7. Check bar size (for example, by gauge or
8. Check extent of scale and pitting.
Storage checklist

1) Ensure storage area is spacious and well

2) Ensure reinforcement is stored clear of the
3) Keep reinforcement free of mud, oil, grease
4) Provide a loose protective cover over the
5) Ensure good air circulation around the steel
6) Store materials according to construction
7) Avoid long term storage of reinforcement on
Bending checklist

1) Use a steel tape when marking bars for bending

2) A site bending yard must be properly planned
and set up
3) Reinforcement should be bent cold on a proper
powered bending machine
4) Do not permit high yield steel to be heated on
site before bending
5) Check the bent shape for dimensional accuracy
(for example, against a full size template), bend radii
and for signs of fracture.
Pre-concreting checklist

1. Ensure correct number of bars have been

fixed check that all laps are of the correct
2. Ensure correct use of cover blocks, spacers
etc. check cover to reinforcement is correct at
all locations
3. Ensure that all twisted ends of ties are bent
inwards away from concrete faces
4. Ensure adequate access for concrete
Site actions necessary to avoid wasteful costs

1) Ordering in good time in economic loads

2) Minimising damage by careful handling and storage
3) Minimising wastage by intelligent cutting and
accurate bending
4) Minimising loss by providing secure storage
5) Accuracy in cutting and bending
6) Slinging of reinforcement must be done carefully,
7) Prefabrication, either on or off site
8) Storing reinforcement in reverse sequence to use to
avoid double handling
9) Avoidance of site welding reduces costs.
Identification and Marking
The manufacturer or suppler shall have ingots, billets
and bars or bundles of bars/wires marked in such a way that
all finished bars/ wires can be traced to the cast from which
they were made. Every facility shall be given to the purchaser
or his authorised representative for tracing the bars/ wires to
the cast from which they were made.
For each bundle/ coil of bars/wires a tag shall be
attached indicating the cast/lot number, grade and size.
All bars/wires should be identified by marks/brands
introduced during rolling which indicate the name of
manufacturer or their brand name.
Each bundle containing the bars/wires may also be
suitably marked with the Standard Mark in which case the
concerned test certificate shall also bear the Standard Mark.
Field test for Checking TMT bars
1. Concrete and Rebars are the two vital
components in any reinforced concrete
2. Safety and durability of such constructions is
directly dependent on the quality of Concrete
and / or Rebars.
3. The main problem in India today, is defective,
substandard and fake rebars in the market.
The two major types of rebars in Indian Market are:
Thermo-processed (TMT) rebars; and
 Cold Twisted Deformed (CTD) rebars
1. Thermo-processing technique is essentially
‘Controlled water quenching of rebars’ by
passing Rebars through ‘specially designed
quenching tubes’.

2. The quenching is controlled by appropriate

adjustments in temperature, pressure and
volume of water in the tube.

3. The strength of Rebars after quenching,

increases to about 450 N/sq.mm.
CTD Bar before and after twisting
TMT Bar before and after processing
1. In CTD rebars, bars are twisted to
predetermined pitch, when the strength
level gets enhanced to about 450 N/sq.mm.
2. In case of CTD bars, it is fairly easy to
visually identify twisted rebars from
untwisted or inappropriately twisted rebars.
3. Whereas, in case of TMT rebars, it is
difficult to identify ‘Controlled water
quenched rebar’ from a ‘non-quenched
rebar’ or ‘inappropriately quenched rebar’.
Fake and substandard (TMT) rebars
1. While producing TMT rebars, if the prescribed
methods of production are not appropriately
adopted, whatever the reasons may be, it results
in fake or substandard TMT rebars.

2. It is generally not possible to make out the fake

and the substandard rebars by mere physical

3. Standard, Fake and Substandard rebars look

alike, misguiding the users.
Fake & Substandard (TMT) rebars can be
classified into 3 specific categories:

1. TMT rebars (?) with no quenching at all (Fake


2. TMT rebars with abrupt quenching in water tanks

(Fake rebars); and

3. TMT rebars with inadequate / improper

quenching in quenching tubes (Substandard
1. There has been a continuous search for a
simple ‘Cursory Field Test’ to identify easily
these fake or substandard TMT rebars in

2. Although well-defined laboratory tests are

available, they are involved and time

3. Whereas in case of CTD rebars, physical

observation of rebars is good enough to
identify substandard rebars.
The cursory test – outline of test
Whenever a rebar under a high temp is
quenched under controlled conditions and cooled in
air subsequently, due to metallurgical
transformation, two distinct phases (shades) show
Tempered martensite in the form of a ring with
definite width forms the outer case (ring), whereas
the inner core remains pearlite / ferrite.
The outer case (ring) and inner core are
distinctly visible, when the cross-section of rebar is
C/s of a sample before Tempered martensite (outer
Pearlite / ferrite case)
controlled quenching (inner core)

Rebar before and after Thermo-Processing

The Cursory Field Test - test procedure
Following are the steps for carrying out the test;

1.Cut ‘small length samples’ from a few randomly

selected TMT rebars of any lot, preferably in a
cutting machine, if not, by hack-saw cutting.

2.Cross-sections of test samples shall be mirror

finished with any suitable polishing device.

An ideal polishing device is a unit with rpm of

about 3000, wherein an emery sheet can be
mounted on the rotating circular disc.

Polishing of cross-sections shall be done for

atleast about 10 minutes.
The cursory field test – Test procedure (Contd/…..)

3. The c/s shall be smeared (etched) with drops of

‘Nitrol Solution’.
It is nothing but a synthesis of ’10 % of Conc.
Nitric Acid’ and ‘90 % of Ethyl Alcohol’.

Soon after etching, two distinct phases (Shades)

with uniform thickness are clearly visible on the c/s, if the
rebars are ‘Genuine TMT Rebars’.

If the two phases are not distinct, the rebars are

either ‘Substandard’ or ‘Fake’ TMT rebars.

Note: It is essential that the c/s be examined soon after

etching. In case of delay, etching to be redone.
Appearance of Genuine Thermo-processed
(TMT) rebars after etching with Nitrol
Appearance of Fake Thermo-processed (TMT)
rebars after etching with Nitrol
Appearance of (inadequately / inappropriately
quenched) Thermo-processed (TMT) rebars after
etching with Nitrol
Chemical properties of Geniune Thermo-Processed
(TMT) Rebars

Ultimate Elongation
0.2% Proof Tensile over a gauge
Diameter Stress Strength length of ‘5
% Carbon
(mm) (N/sq.mm) (N/sq.mm) dia’ (%)

12 0.174 602 696 20

16 0.152 567 685 24

25 0.160 513 629 23

Note: The test results satisfy the requirements of

IS:1786-2008 for rebars.
Chemical Properties of Fake Thermo-Processed (TMT)
Ultimate Elongation
0.2% Proof
Tensile over a gauge
Diameter % Carbon Stress
Strength length of ‘5
(mm) (N/sq.mm)
(N/sq.mm) dia’ (%)

12 0.204 353 552 32

16 0.186 314 520 35

20 0.198 390 556 29

Note: The test results do not satisfy the requirements of

rebars as per IS:1786-2008
Chemical properties of Thermo-Processed (TMT) Rebars

Ultimate Elongation
0.2% Proof
Diameter Tensile over a gauge
% Carbon Stress
(mm) Strength length of ‘5
(N/sq.mm) dia’ (%)

12 0.230 388 630 30

16 0.221 375 538 29

20 0.233 359 539 25

25 0.204 363 516 30

Note: The test results do not satisfy the requirements of

rebars as per IS:1786-2008
Ingredients of
Cement Concrete

Coarse Aggregate
Fine Aggregate
Ordinary Portland Cement ( IS:456-2000)
And IS:269-2015 OPC Specification

Grades:33, 43, 43S, 53 and 53S

Grades Of Concrete

i) Ordinary Concrete:M10, M15 and M20

ii) Standard Concrete:M25, M30, M35, M40,

M45, M50 and M55

iii) High Strength Concrete: M60, M65,

M70, M75 and M80
Plunger for consistency: If penetration is 5 to 7 mm from
bottom of mould (40mm), water added is of correct quantity
for standard consistency ( 25 to 32% ). 1 mm square needle
for IST: Initial setting time is time between addition of water to
cement and when the needle ceases to penetrate
completely (about 5 ± 0.5 mm from bottom of mould). Needle
with annular collar: Final setting time after water is added to
cement and when needle makes an impression but not the
collar on cement mould.

Test for Consistency (IS: 4031 part - 4), initial setting time and final
setting time (IS: 4031 part - 5) using Vicat Apparatus
As per IS: 4032 part – 6
Mortar cube compressive
Strength test on 70.6mm
1:3 cement mortar cubes
to determine the
grade of cement
sand shall be as per IS:650

Grade number is 28 days’

compressive strength in
MPa or N/mm2
1MPa=10.21 Kg/cm2
Compressive Strength
of cubes as per IS: 516
3 specimens of 150mm
cubes from the same
concrete are to be
tested for compressive

Average value of 3
specimens represent a
sample result. If the
results of 3 specimens
show more than 15%
variation with average Cube after failure
value, it be ignored
Permissible limits for solids in Water
Cl. 5.4 of IS: 456-2000
Permissible limt
Tested as per
Organic IS 3025 part 18 200 mg/l
Inorganic IS 3025 part 18 3000 mg/l
Sulphate as SO3 IS 3025 part 24 400 mg/l

2000 mg/l for PCC

Chloride as cl IS 3025 part 32
500 mg/l for RCC

Suspended matter IS 3025 part 18 2000 mg/l

pH value of water shall not be less than 6.

Water for mixing and curing
Potable water (pH value 6 to 8 as per
MORD802.5) is generally considered satisfactory for
both mixing and curing. PH value shall not be less
than 6 (IS:456)
In case of doubt, 28 days average compressive
strength of at least three 150mm cubes prepared
with water proposed to be used shall not be less
than 90% of the average strength of 3 similar cubes
prepared with distilled water.
Initial setting time of test block made with
water proposed to be used shall not be less than 30
minutes and shall not differ by ± 30 minutes from
the initial setting time of test block prepared with
distilled water.
Checking pH of water.
Shape of aggregates
Flakiness Index
IS: 2386 part 1
Thickness of
flaky material is
less than
0.6 times mean

IS sieves:
and 6.3mm
Aggregate Impact test
IS; 2386 part 4
material passing 12.5
mm sieve and retained
on 10 mm sieve is
placed in mould in 3
layers by tamping 25
times for each layer.
After 15 blows,
material passing 2.36
mm sieve is weighed
and compared with
sample weight in %.
Requirements of coarse (single size) Aggregate
Part of table 2 of IS: 383
(Not for use in concrete without grading)

Percent by Weight Passing the Sieve

IS Sieve Size 40 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm
63 mm 100 -- --
40 mm 85-100 100 --
20 mm 0-20 85-100 --
16 mm -- -- 100
12.5 mm -- -- 85-100
10 mm 0-5 0-20 0-45
4.75 mm -- 0-5 0-10
Requirements of coarse (graded size) aggregate as per table
2 of IS: 383 (MORD table 800.1 or MORT&H 1000-1)
IS Percent by Weight Passing the
Sieve Sieve
Size 40 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm
63 mm 100 -- --
40 mm 95-100 100 --
20 mm 30-70 95-100 100
12.5 mm -- -- 90-100
10 mm 10-35 25-55 40-85
4.75 mm 0-5 0-10 0-10
Maximum size of Coarse aggregate may be as large as
possible within the limits specified, but in no case greater than ¼th
of minimum thickness of member or 10mm less than the clear
distance between individual reinforcement or 10mm less than clear
cover to any reinforcement.
40 mm HBG single size metal for concrete-

IS Cumulat
Sieve %
mm passing

40 92 85-100

20 9 0-20

10 2 0-5
40 mm HBG graded metal for concrete-IS:383 or MOSRT&H
Mixture of 40, 20 and 12.5 single sizes

IS Cumulat %
Sieve ive% passi
mm passing ng
40 95
20 50 30-70

10 26 10-35

4.75 2 0-5
20 mm HBG single size metal for concrete-IS:383

IS Cumulati %
Sieve ve% passing
mm passing
40 100 100
20 92 85-100
10 9 0-20
4.75 2 0-5
20 mm HBG graded metal for concrete.
Mixture of 20, 12.5 and 6.3mm single sizes

IS Cumulativ %
Sieve e% passin
mm passing g
40 100 100
20 97 95-100
10 40 25-55
4.75 5 0-10
Limits of deleterious materials as per IS: 383-1970
Fine aggregates Coarse aggregates
Properties % by weight % by weight

uncrushed crushed uncrushed crushed

Coal and lignite 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Clay lumps 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Material finer
than 3.00 15.00 3.00 3.00
75 micron
Shale 1.00 - - -
Total % of all
Deleterious 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00
Fineness Modulus of fine aggregates: 2.0 to 3.5
Zone-IV sand not suitable for RCC works (IS:456)
MORD and MORTH specify Zone I to III for concrete

In a 250 ml cylinder pour damp

sand duly shaking up to
200 ml mark. Fill cylinder with water y
sufficient to submerge sand fully
and stir the sand well. It can be
seen that sand surface is below
original level

Bulkage of sand=100(200-y)/y
Silt content test
Fill 200 ml jar up to 100
ml level with sand.

h Pour water up to 150

ml level and shake
vigorously . Allow it for
H 3 hours to settle.
Silt content =
h/H х 100
Fine Aggregate as per Table 4 0f IS: 383 (MORD table
800.2 or MORT&H table 1000-2 for Zone I, II and III)

Percent passing for

IS Sieve
Designation Grading Grading Grading Grading
Zone-I Zone-II Zone-III Zone-IV
10mm 100 100 100 100
4.75mm 90 – 100 90 – 100 90 – 100 95 – 100
2.36mm 60 – 95 75 – 100 85 – 100 95 – 100
1.18mm 30 – 70 55 – 90 75 – 100 90 – 100
600microns 15 – 34 35 – 59 60 – 79 80 – 100
300microns 5 – 20 8 – 30 12 – 40 15 – 50
150microns 0 – 10 0 – 10 0 – 10 0 - 15
Zone-I sand Zone-II sand
FM=3.32 F M =3.08

Zone-III sand. Zone-IV sand

F.M =2.75 FM=2.24
Sand Sieving Machine
Water - Cement ratio
Many feel that controlling W/C means reduction of water
and there by production of stiff unworkable concrete mix. It is
unfortunate that many in the field of concrete production have
not realised that workability can be maintained at the desired
level even while maintaining strict control over the low W/C. In
simple words, if water is required to be increased, cement
should also be increased such that specified W/C does not
increase. Another simple way is to reduce the aggregate
quantity or in other words to reduce the aggregate to cement
ratio of the concrete mix.
It has been observed that cement water paste with more
volume of water will also occupy greater total volume of space
and after completion of hydration process will therefore end up
with larger volume of capillary pores.
As the capillary pores in cement paste reduces the
strength and increases and permeability of the concrete or
mortar prepared using the paste decreases.
Coefficient of Permeability for
different W/C ratios:
Coefficient of
S.No W/C ratio

1 0.35 1.05 x 10-3

2 0.50 10.30 x 10-3

3 0.65 1000 x 10-3

Function of Plasticizers

Fine cement particles being very small clump

together and flocculate when water is added to
concrete. This ionic attraction between the
particles trap considerable volume of water and
hence water required for workability of concrete
mix is not fully utilised. Negative charges are
induced on the fine cement particles causing flocs
to disperse and release the entrapped water. Water
reducing admixtures or plasticizers therefore help
to increase the flow of the concrete mix
Dispersion of entrapped air with the addition of plasticizer
Factors to be controlled
for producing durable concrete

a) Structural design,
b) Study of environment in which structure is
c) Water cement ratio, cement content, concrete
d) Cover and cover block quality,
e) Materials quality and mix design
f) Workability and cohesiveness of concrete mix
g) batching, mixing, transporting, compacting and
h) Maintenance and usage in service life
Minimum Cement content, Minimum Grade of Concrete
and maximum water-cement ratio for different exposure
Table 5 of IS: 456-2000
Plain Concrete Reinforced Concrete
Minimum Minimum Maximum
Maximum Minimum Minimum
Exposure cement cement free water
free water Grade of Grade of
content content cement
cement ratio concrete concrete
kg/CuM kg/CuM ratio

Mild 220 0.60 - 300 0.55 M20

Moderate 240 0.60 M15 300 0.50 M25
Severe 250 0.50 M20 320 0.45 M30
severe 260 0.45 M20 340 0.45 M35
Extreme 280 0.40 M25 360 0.40 M40
Development length factors of bars for limit state method
as per IS: 456-2000
Mild steel bars Deformed bars
Grade Tension Compression Tension Compression

M 20 46 37 47 38
M 25 39 32 41 33
M 30 37 29 38 31
M 35 32 26 34 27
M 40 30 24 30 24
Development length (ld)= factor× bar dia
Lap length in flexural tension= greater of ld or 30 ø
Lap length in direct tension = greater of 2 ld or 30 ø
Lap length in compression = greater of ld or 24 ø
Requirements of good detailing

 Simple to fabricate and place

 Control cracks (width as well as length)
 Joints as strong as members
 Along stress trajectories (deviation <
 Bar sizes as few as possible
 Spacing module (bars, stirrups, and ties)
 Ready Mix Plant (RMC), Hyderabad
OPC 53 Grade 150 Kgs/M3
Ground Granulated 150 Kgs/M3
Blast furnace Slag
Sand 360 Kgs/M3
Crusher Dust 360 Kgs/M3
Aggregates 10 mm 500 Kgs/M3
20 mm 650 Kgs/M3
Water/Binder Ratio 0.62
Slump 80 mm
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
28 Days 41.50
Concrete Mix Design with GGBS
HI TECH CITY, Hyderabad

 Construction Company : L & T, ECC
PARTICULARS Grade M 50 Grade M 50
OPC 53 Grade 250 Kgs/M3 350 Kgs/M3
Duncan GGBS 250 Kgs/M3 150 Kgs/M3
Sand 757 Kgs/M3 757 Kgs/M3
Aggregates 10 mm 421 Kgs/M3 421 Kgs/M3
20 mm 505 Kgs/M3 505 Kgs/M3
Water/Binder Ratio 0.33 0.33
Slump 80 mm 95 mm
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
7 Days 38.90 47.30
21 Days 51.90 59.0
28 Days 58.40 60.0
Some Control concrete mixes used in ORR works
Grade of Cement W/C % of % of
Si.no. OPC53 Admixture Brand % of
Concrete Qty. Ratio CA FA
Grade Admixture
16. M25 RCC Vasavadatta 350 0.45 Shaliplast SP 431 1.0 62 38
17. M 30 RCC RAMCO 380 0.45 BASF 861 M3(M) 0.8 63 37
18. M 30 RCC RAMCO 380 0.45 Shaliplast SP 431 0.8 63 37
19. M 30 RCC Maha Gold 380 0.45 Shaliplast SP 431 0.8 63 37
20. M 30 RCC Maha Gold 380 0.45 BASF 861 M3(M) 0.8 63 37
21. M 30 RCC Vasavadatta 380 0.45 Shaliplast SP 431 0.8 63 37
22. M 30 RCC Vasavadatta 380 0.45 BASF 861 M3(M) 0.7 63 37
23. M 35 RCC RAMCO 400 0.40 1.0 64 36
861 M3 (M)
24. M 35 RCC RAMCO 400 0.40 Shaliplast SP 431 1.0 64 36
25. M 35 RCC Vasavadatta 400 0.40 0.8 64 36
861 M3 (M)
26. M 35 RCC Vasavadatta 400 0.40 Shaliplast SP 431 1.0 64 36
M 35 RCC BASF 1100i Super
27. Vasavadatta 420 0.42 1.2 60 40
(for plies) Plasticizer
28. M 40 RCC RAMCO 420 0.38 0.8 64 36
861 M3 (M)
BASF 1100i Super
29. M 40 PSC Vasavadatta 420 0.36 0.8 60 40
30. M 45 RCC RAMCO 420 0.38 0.7 64 36
861 M3 (M)
BASF 1100i Super
31. M 45 PSC Vasavadatta 450 0.36 0.8 60 40
Weigh batching Concrete mixing plant – control panel
Weigh batching Concrete mixing plant – bins and transit
Weigh batching Concrete mixing plant – concrete failing on
conveyer belt
Weigh batching Concrete mixing plant – conveyer belt
Weigh batching Concrete mixing plant – loading transit mixer
Conventional concrete mixer using weigh batcher
Mobile Ready Mix Plant with weigh batching
Capacity: 60 tons per day
Mobile Ready Mix Plant with weigh batching
Capacity: 60 tons per day
Nominal Cover to Meet Durability Requirements
as per IS:456-2000
Exposure Nominal Concrete Cover in mm not less than
Mild 20
Moderate 30
Severe 45
Very sever 50
Extreme 75
Notes: 1.For main reinforcement up to
12mm diameter bar for mild exposure
Cover the nominal cover maybe reduced by
blocks 5mm. 2.Unless specified otherwise,
actual concrete cover should not deviate
from the required nominal cover by
+10mm/0mm 3.For exposure condition
‘severe’ and ‘very severe’, reduction of 5
mm may be made, where concrete grade
is M35 and above.
Cover blocks shall be of same grade of concrete as that of
the concrete member.
Cover blocks shall be of same grade of concrete as that of
the concrete member. Curing tank for cubes and cover blocks
Workability of Concrete
Degree of
Placing conditions Slump (mm)
Blinding concrete, Shallow
Very low Factor: 0.75
sections; Pavements using pavers
to 0.80
Mass concrete; Lightly rein-forced
sections in slabs, beams, walls,
columns, Floors, Hand placed Low 25 to 75
pavements; Canal lining; Strip
Heavily reinforced sections in 50 to 100;
slabs, beams, walls, columns; Medium
Slip form work; Pumped concrete 75 to 100
Trench fill; In-situ piling High 100 to 150
Tremie concrete Very high Flow method
Slump Test: concrete mix placed in mould in four layers.
Each layer tamped 25 times by 16mm dia tamping rod
Requirement of Formwork
 To get required shape, size, finish, position and
alignment of concrete members
 To have load carrying capacity without
 To have design for quick erection and removal
 To handle easily using available equipment and
 Joints between formwork must be tight enough
to prevent leakage
 To provide easy and safe access for concrete
handling and placing
 To avoid damage to concrete or formwork itself
while stripping

Workmanship: The formwork shall be robust and

strong and joints are leak proof. Close watch shall
be maintained to check for settlement of formwork
during concreting. Any settlement of formwork
during concreting shall be promptly rectified.

Reuse of formwork: When formwork is dismantled

and before reuse all components shall be cleaned of
deposits of soil, concrete or other unwanted
materials. All bent steel props shall be straightened
before reuse and the maximum deviation from
straightness is 1/600 of the length.
Cement slurry coating for reinforcement prevents rusting
before concreting is done
Cement slurry coating for reinforcement prevents rusting
before concreting is done
Ensuring SBC at foundation level before taking up foundation
work is necessary.
PCC concrete for foundation
Good shuttering and maintaining proper lines and alignment
is very important
Good shuttering and maintaining proper lines and alignment
is very important
Good shuttering and maintaining proper lines and alignment
is very important. Cover shall be equal on all sides
Good shuttering and maintaining proper lines and alignment
is very important. Cover shall be equal on all sides
Proper safety measures shall be taken at work site
Steel Formwork
Good centering arrangements for external plinth beam
Single stage Shuttering for
columns is giving good finishing
Single stage Shuttering for
columns is giving good finishing
Good finishing and curing arrangements
Ugly finish due to
improper stage
shuttering for
Poor workmanship, improper shuttering and no control on
quality gave an ugly appearance to the building
Placement of Concrete
Concrete shall be mixed in a miller for about 2
Concrete when deposited shall have a
temperature not less than 5°C and not more than 40°C.
It shall be compacted before the initial setting of the
concrete but not later than 30 minutes of discharge from
the mixer.
Except where otherwise agreed by the engineer,
concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to a
compacted depth of 450mm when internal vibrators are
used and not more than 300 mm in other cases.
The method of placing of concrete shall be such as to
preclude segregation. Care shall be taken to avoid
displacement of reinforcement or formwork.
Concrete shall not be dropped freely from a height
exceeding 1.5m.
Stripping Time (11.3 of IS:456)
Minimum Period Before
Type of Formwork
Striking Formwork
(a) Vertical formwork to columns, wells, 16 – 24 hrs
(b) Soffit formwork to slabs
(Props to be refixed immediately after 3 days
removal of formwork)
(c) Soffit formwork to beams
(Props to be refixed immediately after 7 days
removal of formwork)
(d) Props to slabs:
1) Spanning up to 4.5m 7 days
2) Spanning over 4.5m 14 days
(e) Props to beams and arches:
1) Spanning up to 6m 14 days
2) Spanning over 6m 21 days
The chemical action between cement and water
which results in the setting or hardening of concrete or
mortar. Although there is normally adequate quantity of
water for full hydration when the mortar or concrete mix
is prepared, it is important to ensure that the water is
either retained or replenished to enable the chemical
reaction to be continued till such time the required
strength is gained. In order to help the hydration
process to continue, water in the capillaries should be
prevented from evaporating.
Curing plays a very significant role in concrete and
mortar performance and needs full attention of the
persons involved in the construction. Since cement
hydration is very rapid in the first few days, it is very
important for enough water to be retained in the
Curing methods

By maintaining the presence of mixing water

during the early hardening period. Methods
generally deployed are Ponding or Immersion,
Spraying, Sprinkling, fogging, wet covering using
Hessian cloth or gunny bags etc.,

By preventing loss of mixing water by sealing the

exposed surface of concrete. The exposed surfaces
are generallly covered by curing compound,
impervious paper, plastic sheets or by leaving
formwork in place.
Curing as per MORD 810.1

Sea water shall not be used. After I or 2 hours

of concreting, the concrete shall be protected from
quick drying by covering with moist gunny bags,
canvas, hessian or similar material as approved by
the engineer. After 24 hours, all exposed concrete
surfaces shall be kept continuously in a damp or wet
condition by ponding or by covering with a layer of
sacks, canvas, hessian or similar materials and shall
be kept constantly wet for a period of not less than
14 days from the dated of placing of concrete.
Curing by Ponding for roof slab
Curing by Ponding for culvert slab
Curing by Hay tying
Curing by covering with gunny bag covers
Curing of cubes along with the structure to know about the
representative strength of concrete.
Compaction of Concrete
Compaction is necessary to remove entrapped air present in
concrete after it is mixed, transported and placed.
Compaction also eliminates stone pockets and remove all
types of voids that may possibly left in the concrete, causing
reduction in strength and durability.

Compaction by Vibration

On vibration, concrete mix gets fluidized resulting in

entrapped air raising to the surface and conctrete denser

Internal Vibrators ( Pin Vibrators) and

External Vibrators( Form Vibrators, Vibration tables and
Surface Vibrators) are available
Guidelines for compaction with Pin Vibrator

1) Insert poker quickly and allow it to penetrate by

its own weight to the bottom of layer so that the
entrapped air is removed uniformly.
2) Leave the poker in concrete for 10 seconds.
Compaction time depends on slump.
3) Poker must be inserted quickly, but withdrawal
must be slow so that the hole left by the poker is
filled up as it is being withdrawn.
4) Locations of poker insertion should be staggered.
5) Avoid touching the form work and reinforcement
with poker.
6) Poker should extend upto 100mm into the
previous layer.
7) It is safer to over vibrate than under vibrate.
Compaction by plate vibrator.
Compaction by pin vibrator.
Concrete level checking.
Sampling and Acceptance Criteria
Test result of a sample = average strength of 3 specimens
Individual variation = not more than ± 15% of average

Sampling frequency
Acceptance criteria as per Table 11 of IS-456
Quantity No. of
of samples
In cum Mean of 4 non-
Individual test
1-5 1 Grade results
consecutive test
6-15 2 results in N/mm2

16-30 3
≥ fck + 0.825 SD
M 15 ≥ fck -3 N/mm2
31-50 4 or fck + 3 N/mm2

51 and per M 20 or ≥ fck + 0.825 SD
≥ fck -4 N/mm2
above Additional above or fck + 4 N/mm2
Acceptance criteria as per as per MORTH 2013(5th

When both the following conditions are met, the

concrete complies with the specified compressive

Mean strength
determined from any
Strength of any Individual
group of 4 consecutive
test sample is not less than
test results should
exceed fck - 3 N/mm2
fck by 3 N/mm2

Note: Sampling frequency is the same as per IS:456-2000

If the above condition is not satisfied or in case of any
doubt cores shall be taken as per IS:1199
Core cutting machine
for concrete and BT
surfacing with
cores and saw.
Compressive strength
of cores shall not be
less than 85% of cube
Brick Work
APPS 501

Bricks must have correct size, shape and sharp square

edges. Bricks shall not break when dropped from 1m height,
shall give ringing sound when struck with each other and
leave no impression with finger nails.
1)Mortar joint thickness shall not exceed 10mm in Ist
class bricks and 12mm in 2 nd class bricks.
2) Crushing strength shall not be less than 35 Kg/Sqcm
for bricks for second class bricks and water absorption shall
be less than 20%
3) Bricks shall be soaked at least for 1 hour before use.
4) Brick work should be raised uniformly and height of
work in a day shall be less than 1.5m. Difference in height
between two different portions shall be less than 1m.
5) When the mortar is green, the face joints should be
raked to a depth of 12 to 19 mm.
Water absorption < 20%. Dry bricks for 4 hours at 100 to
110º C, weigh(W1), immerse in water for 24 hours at 27 ± 2ºC
and weigh again(W2). WA = (W2 - W1) ÷ W1 х 100
Compressive strength: Grind the 2 long faces,apply cement
mortar, wrap with gunny bag for 24 hours, immerse in water
for 3 days. Measure the brick and place it in testing machine
with 3mm plywood planks on top & bottom
Buildings of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
All the buildings in the sprawling compound were
constructed about 30 years back and are without any
plastering or finishing. Some cracks upto 2mm wide are
Stone Masonry
APSS 601
1) Bond: A stone in any course shall over lap the stone
in the course below, i.e. Joints parallel to the pressure
in two adjoining courses shall not lie too closely in the
same vertical line.
2) Bond stones shall be built in the walls at intervals of
2M in length and 0.6 M in height and shall run
through the wall if the wall is not more than 600 mm
in thickness. If the wall is more than 600 mm thick a
line of headers shall be laid from face to back, each
header overlapping the other by at least 150 mm. The
bond stones shall be clearly marked on both the
Filling basement with gravelly soil is to be done with extreme
care. It has to be spread in thin layers, watering by sprinkling
only and compaction by earthen compactors. If soaking is
done, gravel becomes very slushy and it is impossible to
compact. Even after drying for a long time, only top layer will
be dried and that too will not regain original state. Here, holes
drilled to the bottom of fill and flooded with water. Entire
gravelly soil has to be removed as the wet soil remains in soft
plastic condition and creates problems for flooring
It is very difficult to even set foot on it as gravelly
soil has absorbed water fully and became plastic as
water content crossed plastic limit value.
If gravelly soil is proposed for top of the basement fill, it has
to be compacted thoroughly by maintaining water content
around Optimum Moisture Content. Care should be taken to
sprinkle water in such a way that at no place water content
exceeds plastic limit value.
Soil in

Soil in
Air gap below
plinth beam
Brick on edge to cover
air gap of 100mm

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