D&D 5e - Optional Rules
D&D 5e - Optional Rules
D&D 5e - Optional Rules
Cobertura de +2
Breaking Objects (p246-7 DMG)
Chases (p252 DMG)
Climb on to Creatures (p271 DMG)
Critical Hits & Fumbles
Descanso Largo, tirar Hit Dice (p267 DMG)
Desecrated Ground (p110 DMG)
Diagonales (p252 DMG)
DownTime (p187 PHB)
Expenses (p126 DMG)
Exploration (p242 DMG)
Facing (p252 DMG)
Falling (p77 XGtE)
Fear (p266 DMG)
Flanqueo (p251 DMG)
Haversting Poison: DC 20 Nature Check (p258 DMG)
Healer's Kit for Short Rests (p266 DMG)
Healing (p266 DMG)
Hero Points (p264 DMG)
Horror (p266 and p258 DMG)
Indentifying a Spell(p85 XGtE)
Iniciativa en cada turno (p270 DMG)
Item Identification (p136 DMG)
Lingering Injuries (p272 DMG)
Madness (p258, p264 DMG & p22 Out of the Abyss)
Magic Ammunition (p150 DMG)
Magic Item Rarity (p135 DMG)
Massive Damage (p273)
Multiple Ability Checks (p237 DMG)
Quicksand (p110 DMG)
Scrolls Price (p200 DMG)
Selling Magic Items (p129 DMG)
Sewer Plague (p257 DMG)
Sleep (p77 XGtE)
Shadowfell (p51 DMG)
Sowing Rumors (p131 DMG)
Dash up to 3 + Con mod times during the chase. DC 10 Constitution check after that
or take a level of exhaustion. Short or long rest to remove.