Creating Effective Online
Creating Effective Online
Creating Effective Online
Journal of Marketing
2019, Vol. 83(2) 98-119
Creating Effective Online ª American Marketing Association 2018
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Creating effective online customer experiences through well-designed product web pages is critical to success in online retailing.
How such web pages should look specifically, however, remains unclear. Previous work has only addressed a few online design
elements in isolation, without accounting for the potential need to adjust experiences to reflect the characteristics of the products
or brands being sold. Across 16 experiments, this research investigates how 13 unique design elements shape four dimensions of
the online customer experience (informativeness, entertainment, social presence, and sensory appeal) and thus influence pur-
chase. Product (search vs. experience) and brand (trustworthiness) characteristics exacerbate or mitigate the uncertainty
inherent in online shopping, such that they moderate the influence of each experience dimension on purchases. A field experiment
that manipulates real product pages on affirms these findings. The results thus provide managers with clear strategic
guidance on how to build effective web pages.
online customer experience, online design elements, online retailing, Taguchi design, web design
Online supplement:
With more than 350 million products listed on that this experience goes beyond cognitive (informativeness)
alone (360pi 2016), success in the increasingly competitive and affective (entertainment) dimensions typically conceptua-
online domain depends on sellers’ ability to orchestrate verbal lized in extant research (Novak, Hoffman, and Yung 2000) and
and visual stimuli (i.e., design elements) on product web pages also includes social (social presence; Wang et al. 2007) and
to effectively convert page visitors into buyers (Schlosser et al. sensory (sensory appeal; Jiang and Benbasat 2007a) dimen-
2006). Insights into which design elements make for effective sions. Furthermore, we identify 13 web page design elements,
product web pages are however still largely based on manag- such as product descriptions, photos, and comparison matrices,
ers’ intuitions or, at best, ad hoc A/B testing. Academic that each may help shape the online experience and are ubiqui-
research typically focuses on a single design element or just tous in a wide range of industries and web page formats. This
a few across a limited number of products or brands. It also multidimensional framework more closely resembles the con-
often neglects the mechanisms through which design elements ceptualization of offline experiences (Brakus, Schmitt, and
affect purchase or employs theoretical perspectives (e.g., infor- Zarantonello 2009; Lemon and Verhoef 2016) and helps more
mation processing) that conceptually limit their effects a priori accurately capture the mechanisms by which design elements
to a single function (e.g., information transmission). Yet each affect product purchase.
encounter with a product web page—the virtual space that How effectively each experience dimension elicits pur-
presents a product and illustrates its value to the customer— chases, however, may vary depending on characteristics of the
evokes a multidimensional experience that goes beyond a pure offered products and brands that exacerbate or alleviate the
conveyance of factual information (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zar- uncertainty inherent in online shopping (Bart et al. 2005;
antonello 2009; Lemon and Verhoef 2016). The objective of Schlosser et al. 2006). First, the degree to which consumers
this research is therefore to understand how online design ele-
ments shape multidimensional customer experiences to influ-
ence purchase and how these experiences should be customized Alexander Bleier is Assistant Professor of Marketing, Frankfurt School of
depending on the products or brands sold. Finance & Management (email: Colleen M. Harmeling is
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Florida State University (email:
The online customer experience at the heart of this research Robert W. Palmatier is Professor of
comprises a customer’s subjective, multidimensional psycho- Marketing, John C. Narver Chair of Business Administration, University of
logical response to a product’s presentation online. We argue Washington (email:
Bleier et al. 99
can evaluate a product solely on the basis of factual information and how to negotiate and assess contracts for premium content
(search qualities) rather than needing direct physical experi- with online retailers.
ence (experience qualities) implies the level of uncertainty
associated with assessing that product online (Hong and Pavlou
2014). Second, customers may also be uncertain about the Dimensions, Moderators, and Antecedents
accuracy and truthfulness of sellers’ product presentations, yet of the Online Customer Experience
a brand’s trustworthiness may alleviate this uncertainty In contrast with brick-and-mortar retail, customers assess prod-
(Pavlou, Liang, and Xue 2007). We leverage our multidimen- ucts online not through physical interaction but through verbal
sional online framework of the online customer experience to and visual stimuli (design elements) deployed on product web
investigate how these two primary sources of uncertainty deter- pages. A broad stream of research conceptualizes offline
mine the effects of each experience dimension on purchase experiences as consisting of multiple, separate, but related
(Dimoka, Hong, and Pavlou 2012). dimensions (e.g., cognitive, affective, sensory, social, physical)
To ensure the broad scope and generalizability of our (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zarantonello 2009; Lemon and Verhoef
research, we collaborate with a specialized online content 2016; Schmitt 1999; Verhoef et al. 2009). Yet research has
agency and four Fortune 1000 firms, diverse in their industries, treated online experiences far more simplistically (Novak,
brands, and products (i.e., consumer packaged goods, con- Hoffman, and Yung 2000; Steenkamp and Geyskens 2006),
sumer electronics, industrial electronics, and consumables). often a priori limited to their informativeness (see Table 1).
In Study 1, we conduct large-scale online experiments that In line with the four basic systems—cognition, affect, rela-
involve 16 products from 11 brands, for which the online con- tionships, and sensations—commonly studied in psychology
tent agency created 256 unique “Amazon look-alike” product and sociology (Anderson 1985; Pinker 1997), we conceptualize
web pages. On these pages, we manipulated 13 design elements the online customer experience as consisting of four dimen-
according to an orthogonal array design (Taguchi 1986) and sions: informativeness (cognitive), entertainment (affective),
then tested the pages among 10,470 randomly assigned respon- social presence (social), and sensory appeal (sensory). Consis-
dents. With the resulting data, we estimate a joint model that tent with our multidimensional perspective, we do not expect a
isolates the relative influences of each design element on each one-to-one relationship between any specific design element
dimension of the online customer experience, the relative and an experience dimension (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zaranto-
effects of each experience dimension on purchase, and the nello 2009).
moderating influences of product type and brand trustworthi- We next introduce and review each dimension of the online
ness on the effects of the dimensions on purchase. A field customer experience. Then, we explain why the influence of
experiment in Study 2 tests these effects with real Amazon each dimension on consumers’ purchase decisions might
product pages, on which we used design elements to create depend on the uncertainty associated with specific products
specific experiences to observe the effects on sales. or brands. Finally, we present the design elements that manag-
We offer three main contributions to the literature. First, ers can use to build product web pages to shape customer
data from 16 experiments in Study 1 expand insights into experiences (see Figure 1).
online customer experiences and identify four dimensions—
namely, informativeness, entertainment, social presence, and
sensory appeal—that act as the underlying mechanisms by
Dimensions of the Online Customer Experience
which design elements influence purchase (Novak, Hoffman, Defined as “the extent to which a website provides consumers
and Yung 2000; Rose, Clark, and Hair 2012). Prior online with resourceful and helpful information” (Lim and Ting 2012,
research has mainly focused on informativeness and entertain- p. 51), informativeness is the primary cognitive dimension of
ment; however, we show that the effects of social presence are the online customer experience. It captures a web page’s con-
just as strong as those of informativeness, and sensory appeal tribution to helping the consumer make a pending purchase
offers additional insights. Second, we find that uncertainty decision, which involves thinking, conscious mental process-
about the offered product and its seller’s brand influences the ing, and, typically, problem solving (Gentile, Spiller, and Noci
effects of the customer experience dimensions on purchase. 2007). Informativeness captures the functional aspect and
Using actual product web pages on, a field value of the experience to the customer (Verhoef et al. 2009)
experiment in Study 2 validates the lab results to show that and is generally impersonal, outcome oriented, and objective
search products benefit from a more informative experience (Schlosser, White, and Lloyd 2006). This fact-based dimension
but experience products benefit from a more social experience. pertains to the information that remains after interacting with a
Third, we establish an online customer experience “design web page, which can improve attitudes toward a website
guide,” with actionable advice for marketers on how to strate- (Hausman and Siekpe 2009; Hsieh et al. 2014).
gically orchestrate design elements to shape effective online Customer interactions with products online can evoke affec-
experiences in an era of increased web design importance tive responses and might be enjoyed for their own sake, without
(Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2003). Specifically, we depict how regard for functional considerations. Entertainment, or the
to evaluate the design elements that currently constitute their immediate pleasure the experience offers, regardless of its abil-
digital inventory, which new elements to invest in and develop, ity to facilitate a specific shopping task (Babin, Darden, and
Table 1. Relevant Research on the Effectiveness of Design Elements on Product Web Page Performance.
Categorization of Design Elements Based on Form
Combined Verbal
Verbal Elements Visual Elements and Visual Elements
Tested Underlying
Mechanisms Product
(Design Element Web Page
Linguistic Style
Descriptive Details
Bulleted Features
Return Policy Information
Product Feature Crop
Lifestyle Picture
Picture Size
Product Video
Expert Endorsement
Comparison Matrix
Customer Star Ratings
Recommendation Agent
Content Filter
Studies Theoretical Perspective Function) Performance Key Findings
Cooke et al. 2002 P P Information processing None Product evaluation When unfamiliar products are presented independently, additional descriptive
detail improves product evaluations. When presented alongside other
attractive products from a recommendation agent, descriptive detail worsens
product evaluations.
Häubl and Trifts P P Information processing None Purchase decision quality The use of recommendation agents and comparison matrices decreases the size
2000 but increases the quality of customers’ consideration sets and also improves
purchase decision quality.
Hauser et al. 2009 P P P Information processing None Purchase intentions Website content can be customized through the strategic selection of design
elements to maximize purchase intentions, based on customer information-
processing styles inferred from past browsing behaviors.
Huang, Lurie, and P P P Information processing Search depth (time spent on Likelihood of product Customer star ratings, expert endorsements, and multimedia presentations (e.g.,
Mitra 2009 website) purchase product videos) are more effective for experience than search goods in driving
Ludwig et al. 2013 P P Information processing None Conversion rates Linguistic style can signal a customer’s similarity to other customers of a product,
which can influence purchase.
Roggeveen et al. P Vividness Sensory appeal Product preference, Product videos increase a web page’s vividness and create experiences that mimic
2015 willingness to pay real products, ultimately enhancing customers’ preferences and willingness to
Shi and Zhang P Information processing None Consumer price and Recommendation agents vary in effectiveness, depending on the customer’s past
2014 promotion sensitivity experience and decision processes.
Song and Zinkhan P P Social presence Website communication, Website effectiveness Content filters that hinder access to information on a website can reduce
2008 (interactivity) controllability, (satisfaction, loyalty, responsiveness of the site. A more conversational linguistic style increases
responsiveness attitude, quality) perceptions of the website as communicative, controllable, and responsive,
which enhance perceptions of website effectiveness.
Wang et al. 2007 P P Social presence (social Website socialness, pleasure Website patronage Social presence, website informativeness, and entertainment are key dimensions of
response theory) and arousal, and flow intentions the online experience that interact to increase patronage intentions. More
conversational linguistic styles can increase perceived social presence and
encourage purchases.
Zhu and Zhang P Unspecified None Product demand The influence of customer star ratings on product demands is weaker for popular
2010 products and for products designed for offline use.
This study P P P P P P P P P P P P P Multidimensional Informativeness, Product purchase Design elements can be used to create four distinct experience dimensions
customer experience entertainment, social (informativeness, entertainment, social presence, and sensory appeal) that vary
presence, sensory appeal in the degree to which they influence purchase. based on a product’s search
versus experience qualities and the trustworthiness of the brand.
Notes: To derive a list of relevant research, we examined articles pertaining to online product marketing published in the last ten years in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Journal of
Consumer Research. To be included, the research needed to be empirical in nature and focus on product web page design elements available to manufacturers that sell through a retailer website. We exclude studies of
retailer-controlled website design elements (e.g., navigation), email marketing, online advertising, word of mouth, or search.
Bleier et al. 101
Visual Elements (affective)
• Product feature crop
• Lifestyle photo Customer Purchase
• Photo size
• Product video Social Presence
Verbal/Visual Elements
• Customer star ratings
• Expert endorsement
• Comparison matrix Sensory Appeal
• Recommendation agent (sensory)
• Content ilter
Griffin 1994), is thus a key dimension of the online customer performance (Weathers, Sharma, and Wood 2007) and purchase
experience. Entertainment reflects an appreciation for the intentions (Schlosser 2003).
“spectacle” experienced on the web page, involves the fun and
play of online shopping, and accords more than just an
achievement-oriented purchase opportunity (Childers et al. Uncertainty and the Moderating Role of Product Type
2001; Mathwick, Malhotra, and Rigdon 2001). As such, enter- and Brand Trustworthiness
tainment can trigger arousal in web page visitors (Hsieh et al.
Online shopping often comes with uncertainties that do not
2014) and reduce cart abandonment in online stores (Kukar-
arise offline and that might affect how certain experience
Kinney and Close 2010).
dimensions influence purchase (Dimoka, Hong, and Pavlou
To match the benefits of offline experiences, online sellers
2012; Pavlou, Liang, and Xue 2007). First, online, customers
increasingly work to provide a sense of social presence on their
cannot touch and feel the merchandise in which they are inter-
web pages (Wang et al. 2007). Social presence refers to the ested, which can create uncertainty in product assessment
warmth, sociability, and feeling of human contact that a web before purchase (Kim and Krishnan 2015). This uncertainty
page confers (Gefen and Straub 2003). Extant research shows tends to be more severe for experience products, for which the
that the social presence of a website can increase perceived most relevant attributes are discoverable only through direct
tangibility and feelings of psychological closeness to a product physical contact, than for search products, whose most relevant
(Darke et al. 2016). It can also increase pleasure, arousal, and attributes are assessable from presented information without
flow during online shopping (Wang et al. 2007), as well as physical interaction (Hong and Pavlou 2014; Weathers,
purchase intentions (Hassanein and Head 2007) and loyalty Sharma, and Wood 2007). How consumers attend to and inter-
(Cyr et al. 2007). pret product information differs between search and experience
Finally, the sensory component of the customer experience products (Huang, Lurie, and Mitra 2009). Thus, the most effec-
includes aspects that stimulate sight, sound, smell, taste, or tive type of experience for selling these two types of products
touch (Gentile, Spiller, and Noci 2007). Zajonc (1980) suggests might also differ. For example, Weathers, Sharma, and Wood
that sensory-level processing and retrieval occurs automati- (2007) show that web pages that appeal to the senses may be
cally and drives preferences. In an online environment, sensory more beneficial for experience products, whose evaluation
appeal refers to “the representational richness of a mediated requires sensory information.
environment as defined by its formal features” (Steuer 1992, Second, the physical separation between customers and
p. 81) or the way a web page stimulates the senses. Perception products requires customers to have faith in the accuracy and
of beauty and aesthetically pleasing stimuli are part of sensory truthfulness of the product web page. Yet they may experience
appeal (Schmitt 1999). Although the online environment limits uncertainty about online sellers’ ability and integrity to convey
the scope of sensory experiences, sensations can be evoked product information, depending on the trustworthiness of the
through imagery (e.g., pictures, videos) (Elder et al. 2017). seller brand (Pavlou, Liang, and Xue 2007). Trust reflects the
Thus, sensory appeal can affect perceptions of product “willingness to rely on an exchange partner in whom one has
102 Journal of Marketing 83(2)
confidence” (Moorman, Zaltman, and Deshpande 1992, and consumer perceptions of website effectiveness (Ludwig
p. 315). A significant stream of research shows the importance et al. 2013; Song and Zinkhan 2008). Song and Zinkhan
of trust online (Urban, Sultan, and Qualls 2000), in which (2008) provide preliminary evidence that these effects occur
sellers’ trustworthiness determines customers’ research and through the impact of linguistic style on social presence. To
purchase decisions (Gefen, Karahanna, and Straub 2003; Hoff- capture the degree of elaboration of the product descriptions on
man, Novak, and Peralta 1999). Trust online is also closely a web page, we examine descriptive detail. Providing more
connected with web design (Shankar, Urban, and Sultan attribute information generally increases product evaluations
2002; Urban, Amyx, and Lorenzon 2009). Several studies sug- and purchase likelihood (Cooke et al. 2002; Hauser et al.
gest that low trustworthiness can be overcome through purpo- 2009). The number of bulleted features indicates how many
seful web page design (Schlosser, White, and Lloyd 2006; product features appear in an abbreviated list at the top of the
Wang, Beatty, and Foxx 2004) or by customizing content to web page. Though prevalent on many product web pages, to
customers’ preferences (Urban et al. 2009). Specific experience our knowledge, research has not empirically investigated its
dimensions might also be instrumental to alleviating low trust- effects on purchase. Return policy information refers to
worthiness. Bart et al. (2005) show that entertaining online whether the web page contains information about the terms
experiences may compensate for an initial lack of trust in a by which customers may return the product.
brand. Social presence may serve a similar purpose (Gefen and
Straub 2003). Extant work suggests that the product- and Visual elements. Visual elements subsume all content presented
brand-related uncertainty inherent in online shopping can influ- in photographic or illustrated form and can convey symbolic
ence the effects of experience dimensions on purchase. We thus meaning and pictorial information (Scott 1994). We investigate
focus our moderation analysis on product type and brand trust- feature crops, lifestyle photos, photo size, and product videos.
worthiness as the respective primary determinants of these two Unlike pictures of the product as a whole, feature crops zoom
types of uncertainty (Hong and Pavlou 2014; Pavlou, Liang, in on a key product feature that would otherwise not be visible.
and Xue 2007), instead of other product, brand, or service Lifestyle photos connect the product with customers’ lives,
attributes. such as by depicting people using it or living with it in a regular
setting. They explicitly capture or imply human interaction
with the product (Babin and Burns 1997). We also investigate
Design Elements That Create the Online Customer photo size. Park, Lennon, and Stoel (2005) show that larger
Experience product images can increase purchase intentions. Finally, a
The product web page is at the heart of the online customer product video can demonstrate the product and its key features.
experience. It consists of basic design elements, defined as Videos including human voices can serve as cues for human
verbal and/or visual stimuli that provide the building materials characteristics and influence perceptions of social presence and
for any given page. To identify the most important elements, sensory appeal (Moon 2000; Roggeveen et al. 2015).
we reviewed ten years of research on website design published
in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Mar- Combined verbal and visual elements. Customer star ratings,
keting Science, and Journal of Consumer Research, as well as expert endorsements, comparison matrices, recommendation
various specialized journals. Our focus was on design elements agents, and content filters all combine verbal and visual quali-
that relate directly to the product presentation and are typically ties. Customer star ratings are aggregations of user-generated
available to firms selling through retailers such as Amazon; we product ratings, depicted visually with a series of stars and next
excluded structural elements, such as navigation, menus, icons, to the total number of reviews (Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006).
and overall organization, that operate at the website level and Expert endorsements are also product evaluations, but assem-
are under the control of the host retailer. Although they operate bled from distinguished experts in the category, such as product
through many aliases, we identified 13 elements that we clas- testing firms, and generally include a graphic depiction, such as
sify by their form (see Appendix A) into three groups: verbal a seal (Ansari, Essegaier, and Kohli 2000). Comparison
elements that use text and typographical features, visual matrices are tables to compare the focal product with other
elements that use images and pictures, and combinations of products from the same category on multiple characteristics.
both. Table 1 summarizes research on each of these 13 design Product information is typically presented as pictures of alter-
elements. natives (columns) and text describing attributes (rows). Rec-
ommendation agents combine verbal and visual information to
Verbal elements. Verbal elements involve the written word. In generate a list of alternatives to the focal product (Lamberton
this category, we consider linguistic style, descriptive detail, and Stephen 2016). Comparison matrices and recommendation
the number of bulleted features, and return policy information agents can improve purchase decision quality (Häubl and Trifts
statements. The most basic aspect of textual elements is the 2000; Knott, Hayes, and Neslin 2002). Content filters, such as
way information is presented. The linguistic style in which “show more” buttons, allow customers to dictate what, when,
verbal content is conveyed or the characteristics of the text— and how much verbal and visual content appears on the web
including word choice and use of questions, certain pronouns page (Hauser et al. 2009; Mathwick and Rigdon 2004). Of the
(you, your), and adjectives—can affect product conversions combined elements, star ratings have received most empirical
Bleier et al. 103
attention, though studies typically test their effects directly on everywhere?”) (Ahluwalia and Burnkrant 2004; Ludwig et al.
purchase, without considering underlying mechanisms (Cheva- 2013). Although linguistic style determines how product
lier and Mayzlin 2006; Hauser et al. 2009; Ludwig et al. 2013; descriptions convey information, it does not affect the actual
Zhu and Zhang 2010). Table 1 shows evidence for the effects of amount of information presented. To manipulate this facet, we
design elements on purchase, while the underlying mechanisms used the descriptive detail design element. At Level 1, product
remain mostly unclear. descriptions contained approximately one-third the amount of
information (i.e., number of attributes discussed) that they con-
Testing Product Web Page Design, the tained at Level 2. We manipulated bulleted features as either
three (Level 1) or five (Level 2) bullets on the web page;
Online Customer Experience, and Purchase previous research indicates that these numbers are relevant
We extend research on design elements and the online cus- (Shu and Carlson 2014). Return policy information was the
tomer experience with two studies. In Study 1, we aim to (1) absence (Level 1) or presence (Level 2) of the statement
understand the relative importance of each of the four online “Return Policy: Items can be returned within 30 days of
customer experience dimensions as key mediators in the rela- receipt” on the page.
tionship between web page design elements and customer pur- For visual elements, we manipulated the feature crop ele-
chase, (2) determine which of the 13 design elements are most ment by either not replacing (Level 1) or replacing (Level 2)
useful in creating each experience dimension, and (3) assess one of the product hero shots with a close-up picture of a
how product type and brand trustworthiness influence the specific feature of the product. A lifestyle picture, which con-
effects of the experience dimensions on purchase. In Study 2, nects the product with the real world in an actual usage situa-
we manipulate real Amazon product pages from the insights tion, was either not included (Level 1) or included (Level 2) to
gleaned from Study 1 to assess the effects on actual sales. replace one of the hero shots. At Level 2 of the picture size
design element, all pictures were 25% larger than at Level 1.
Study 1: Design, Dimensions, and Product video indicated the absence (Level 1) or presence
(Level 2) of a video about the product.
Implications of Online Customer Experiences
For combined verbal and visual elements, we manipulated
We partnered with four Fortune 1000 firms in multiple indus- customer star ratings, by either excluding (Level 1) or includ-
tries (i.e., consumer packaged goods, consumer electronics, ing (Level 2) the average star rating for the product.2 We
industrial electronics, and consumables) (Appendix B) and manipulated expert endorsement using a quality seal from a
tested our conceptual model with 16 products (4 per firm), fictitious third-party product rating agency, to avoid any poten-
representing 11 brands. Together with a specialized online tial effects of familiarity with existing agencies, that might
content agency, we designed and created mock Amazon prod- differ across respondents. At Level 1, there was no seal, while
uct web pages for each product that varied the 13 design ele- at Level 2, this seal replaced one of the hero shots. We manipu-
ments on two levels each, according to an orthogonal array lated the comparison matrix element as the absence (Level 1)
design (Taguchi 1986). On, vendors can select or presence (Level 2) of a table that compared the focal product
from a range of module templates and then manage the content with similar products from the same firm and category on key
of each module within the retailer’s restrictions. Appendix C product characteristics. The recommendation agent featured
shows an example web page.1 either the absence (Level 1) or the presence (Level 2) of a
section that displayed links to related products, again from the
Experimental Stimuli same firm and category. For these two elements, we purposely
used products from the same manufacturer, to avoid any influ-
Appendix A provides a summary of the two manipulated levels ences of additional brands for which consumers might hold
for each of the 13 design elements. For verbal elements, we distinct views. The content filter element either did not permit
manipulated linguistic style as either a journalistic tone (Level (Level 1) or permitted (Level 2) consumers to control the
1) or conversational tone (Level 2). For the journalistic tone, amount of verbal and visual content shown on the page, using
the neutral product descriptions featured few or no adjectives, “show more” buttons to reveal or hide parts of the modules.
no self-relevant words (e.g., “you,” “your”) (Carmody and
Lewis 2006; Song and Zinkhan 2008), no questions, and no
exclamation points. For the conversational tone, the descrip-
tions were more engaging and included adjectives, self-
Experimental Design
relevant words, words that insinuate instantaneous gratification Testing the effects of such a large number of elements poses a
(e.g., “fast,” “instant,” “quickly”), and self-reflective questions considerable empirical challenge. A full-factorial design would
(e.g., “Wouldn’t it be great to have high-speed Internet have required building and analyzing 131,072 experimental
1 2
We designed this study to align with the context of, the largest To assess the unique effects of this element, we included no actual written
online retailer; most online retailers follow a similar approach. We disguised customer reviews on the page, used 4.5/5 stars for all manipulations, and held
the brand to protect the confidentiality of the participating firm. the number of reviews constant across conditions.
104 Journal of Marketing 83(2)
Variable M SD CR CA 1 2 3 4 5
cells as web pages (213 combinations of design elements per correlations of the focal construct with any other construct (see
product 4 firms 4 products). With such an approach, we Table 2).
could have investigated all potential interaction effects among To evaluate multicollinearity among the experience dimen-
design elements, but it would have been infeasible to execute. sions, we first calculated the variance inflation factors for each
We therefore adopted a Taguchi (1986) orthogonal array construct. All values (informativeness ¼ 1.55, entertainment ¼
design, which reduced the required number of cells to 256 2.18, social presence ¼ 2.01, sensory appeal ¼ 2.58) fall below
(16 combinations of design elements per product 4 products the critical value of 5. Next, we examined the eigenvalues of
4 firms). Thus, we can feasibly investigate the simultaneous, their correlation matrix. The condition number (k ¼ 7.15) is
causal direct effects of all 13 design elements. well below the critical threshold of 30. Altogether, these results
indicate that multicollinearity does not pose a concern. Last, we
conducted an exploratory factor analysis, which confirmed that
all items loaded onto their intended constructs (see Web
Appendix A). For the remaining analysis, we calculated com-
Sample and procedure. We recruited 10,470 workers via Ama- posite scores using the average of all scale items for each
zon Mechanical Turk for our 16 experiments (one per product). construct.
Respondents, randomly assigned to one of the 16 experimental To investigate the extent to which product type and brand
cells within each experiment, were presented with the corre- trustworthiness moderate the effects of the experience dimen-
sponding web page and instructed to explore it for at least 45 sions on purchase, we collected additional data.3 To capture a
seconds. Next, they completed a questionnaire with demo- product’s search versus experience focus (i.e., its type) unaf-
graphic questions, items for manipulation and realism checks, fected by the web pages on which it appeared in our experi-
and preexisting scales to measure purchase intentions and the ments, we first presented 452 respondents with randomly
four experience dimensions (see Appendix D). selected hero shots of the 16 products and then asked them to
complete a questionnaire with corresponding search and expe-
Measures. Appendix A contains the results of our manipulation rience quality measures (Weathers, Sharma, and Wood 2007).
checks, which are all significant (p < .01), indicating success- Each respondent rated two products. We then computed the
ful manipulation of the design elements. In addition, we used average of the difference between the two items, which cap-
two items to assess the realism of our web pages: “I could tured each product’s search and experience qualities over all
imagine an actual web page to look like the one I just saw” respondents. We similarly captured brand trustworthiness by
and “I believe that this web page could exist in reality” (a ¼ presenting 341 respondents with the logo of one of the 11
.90) (Darley and Lim 1993). Respondents’ answers to these brands in our sample, along with a list of its associated product
items, on a seven-point scale (1 ¼ “strongly disagree,” and categories. Each respondent rated a single brand on six trust-
7 ¼ “strongly agree”), indicated that our created web pages worthiness items (Schlosser, White, and Lloyd 2006), which
established sufficient realism (M composite score ¼ 5.41, we then averaged across respondents. Appendix D shows all
SD ¼ 1.29). measurement items.
To assess the accuracy of our measures, we first conducted a
confirmatory factor analysis. The results indicate a good fit of
our measurement model to the data (w2(80) ¼ 2441.75, con- Results
firmatory fit index [CFI] ¼ .98, Tucker–Lewis index [TLI] ¼ To test our conceptual model, we combine the data from our 16
.98, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] ¼ .05, experiments (one for each product) and estimate a joint model
standardized root mean residual [SRMR] ¼ .03). Moreover, in
support of convergent validity, all standardized factor loadings
are greater than .70 and significant at the 1% level. For each Though not part of our conceptual framework, in an exploratory analysis we
construct, the average variance extracted (AVE) exceeds .50, also tested for the moderating effects of product type and brand trustworthiness
on the relationships between each design element and experience dimension.
and the composite reliability is greater than .70. Cronbach’s Consistent with our conceptualization, only 11 of the 104 potential moderating
alpha values above .70 indicate internal consistency. In support effects were significant, confirming the nomological validity of our model (see
of discriminant validity, all AVEs are greater than the squared Web Appendix B).
Bleier et al. 105
using covariance-based structural equation modeling with comparison matrix (b ¼ .081, p < .01), more bulleted features
maximum likelihood estimation. This approach allows us to (b ¼ .077, p < .01), descriptive detail (b ¼ .064, p < .01), or
test the relative importance of each experience dimension as product video (b ¼ .056, p < .01). Using a conversational
a mediator of the link between design elements and purchase linguistic style (b ¼ .052, p < .01) and including a product
intentions, while controlling for customer heterogeneity in feature crop (b ¼ .049, p < .05) also drive entertainment.
terms of age, gender, income, and education. Column 7 of Table 4 shows that ten elements are relevant for
social presence. The most important are picture size (b ¼ .171,
Mediation tests. To confirm the relevance of each experience p < .01), linguistic style (b ¼ .165, p < .01), customer star
dimension as a mediator of the effects of design elements on ratings (b ¼ .162, p < .01), and lifestyle pictures (b ¼ .144,
purchase, we ran a series of nested models and compared their p < .01). Comparably less important are bulleted features and
chi-square values with that of our proposed model (Table 3). product feature crops (both b ¼ .042, p < .05). The effect
Model 1 is our proposed model with all four experience dimen- strengths of product videos (b ¼ .089, p < .01), descriptive
sions as mediators. Models 2–5 test a set of three-dimension detail (b ¼ .088, p < .01), and a comparison matrix (b ¼ .064,
models in which we removed the paths from each experience p < .01) lie somewhere in between. Including content filters
dimension to purchase intentions, one by one. Models 6–15 test significantly decreases social presence (b ¼ –.087, p < .01).
all other possible combinations of experience dimensions. Ten elements are also relevant for sensory appeal, as Col-
Model 1 achieves good fit (w2 (16) ¼ 437.77, p < .01; umn 8 of Table 4 shows. The most important are picture size
CFI ¼ .980; TLI ¼ .880; RMSEA ¼ .050; SRMR ¼ .009) and (b ¼ .190, p < .01) and product video (b ¼ .184, p < .01).
performs significantly better than any alternative model; each Linguistic style (b ¼ .069, p < .01), lifestyle pictures
experience dimension partially mediates some design ele- (b ¼ .062, p < .01), product feature crops (b ¼ .055,
ments. We thus focus on the results of Model 1 with all four p < .01), and recommendation agents (b ¼ .048, p < .05) exert
experience dimensions in the remainder of our analyses.4 positive but weaker effects. In between are the effects of cus-
tomer star ratings (b ¼ .131, p < .01), a comparison matrix
Effects of experience dimensions on purchase. Columns 1–4 in (b ¼ .104, p < .01), and more descriptive detail and bulleted
Panel A of Table 4 represent the effects of experience dimen- features (both b ¼ .099, p < .01).5
sions on purchase intentions. In general, entertainment exhibits
the strongest effects (b ¼ .387, p < .01), followed by informa-
tiveness (b ¼ .118, p < .01), social presence (b ¼ .118, Moderators of the relationship between experience dimensions and
p < .01), and sensory appeal (b ¼ .060, p < .01). purchase intentions. Panel C of Table 4 reports the moderation
results of our joint model. For search (experience) products, the
Effects of design elements on experience dimensions. Panel B of informativeness dimension of the experience becomes more
Table 4 contains the effects of each design element on each (less) important (b ¼ .019, p < .05), consistent with extant
experience dimension, while accounting for the effects of all research suggesting that consumers extract only minimal direct
other design elements. Customer star ratings emerge as a strong information from advertisements for experience goods (Nelson
driver of all experience dimensions (all bs .131, all ps < .01). 1974) and that information is more pertinent for search than
The same is true for picture size (bs .147, ps < .01). When experience goods (Franke, Huhmann, and Mothersbaugh
we control for the impact of all other elements, return policy 2004). To assess experience goods, product attribute informa-
information and expert endorsement do not contribute signifi- tion is less useful, perceived purchase risk is often high (Maity
cantly to any experience dimension (ps > .05). and Dass 2014), and consumers turn to alternative signals on
Column 5 of Table 4 further indicates that eight design the web page (Eroglu, Machleit, and Davis 2003). Accordingly,
elements exert significant effects on the informativeness we find that social presence (b ¼ –.023, p < .05) and sensory
dimension. The strongest effects stem from including customer appeal (b ¼ –.022, p < .05) are less (more) important for search
star ratings (b ¼ .211, p < .01), more bulleted features (experience) products. Heightened social presence and greater
(b ¼ .181, p < .01), a comparison matrix (b ¼ .168, sensory appeal can reduce perceived performance uncertainty
p < .01), more descriptive detail (b ¼ .153, p < .01), and larger (Cyr et al. 2009; Weathers, Sharma, and Wood 2007), so they
pictures (b ¼ .152, p < .01). Including a product video are more important for purchase decisions involving experi-
(b ¼ .058, p < .01), a recommendation agent (b ¼ .049, ence products. For search products, consumers instead can
p < .05), and a lifestyle picture (b ¼ .047, p < .05) also drives gather sufficient factual information from the web page, so
this dimension, though to a lesser extent. social presence and sensory appeal become less vital.
Column 6 of Table 4 shows that nine design elements In addition, for more (less) trustworthy brands, informative-
substantially influence entertainment. The most important are ness is a more (less) important dimension of the online expe-
picture size (b ¼ .147, p < .01) and customer star ratings rience (b ¼ .022, p < .05), while entertainment becomes less
(b ¼ .135, p < .01), which exert much stronger effects than a (more) important (b ¼ –.028, p < .01). This finding aligns well
4 5
Web Appendix C contains the results of the univariate effects for each of the Web Appendix D presents the indirect effects of design elements on purchase
16 experiments. intentions through each experience dimension.
106 Journal of Marketing 83(2)
Notes: P indicates an existing path between the experience dimension and purchase intentions. AIC¼ Akaike information criterion. The D w2 and D AIC refer to differences of a specific model relative to Model 1.
with previous research showing that information and argu-
ments provided by credible sources are more persuasive to
consumers (Petty, Cacioppo, and Heesacker 1981). Thus, the
136.339 (1)**
more trustworthy a brand, the more consumers actually engage
1155.399 (1)**
127.41 (1)**
31.658 (1)**
2544.655 (3)**
474.295 (3)**
2248.39 (3)**
2134.725 (3)**
246.004 (2)**
1413.216 (2)**
1593.852 (2)**
212.316 (2)**
264.24 (2)**
1619.397 (2)**
D Chi-Square
with the information on its product web pages, and the more
they find this information relevant and helpful to their purchase
Discussion: Creating Effective Customer Experiences
Finding that a product’s type and brand trustworthiness affect the
Although customer star ratings and picture size are relevant for
all experience types, we highlight specific design elements that
other dimensions).
Sensory experiences activate consumers’ senses and are
Experience Dimensions
A: Effects of Experience Dimensions on Purchase Intentionsa
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Experience dimension ! purchase intentions .118** (12.004) .387** (35.422) .118** (11.154) .060** (5.246)
Verbal Elements
Linguistic style ! experience dimension .035 (1.830) .052** (2.686) .165** (8.573) .069** (3.583)
Descriptive detail ! experience dimension .153** (7.998) .064** (3.298) .088** (4.571) .099** (5.170)
Bulleted features ! experience dimension .181** (9.443) .077** (3.986) .042* (2.206) .099** (5.131)
Return policy information ! experience dimension .031 (1.627) –.005 (–.257) .006 (.336) .009 (.445)
Visual Elements
Product feature crop ! experience dimension .007 (.371) .049* (2.529) .042* (2.205) .055** (2.844)
Lifestyle picture ! experience dimension .047* (2.437) .037 (1.916) .144** (7.514) .062** (3.205)
Picture size ! experience dimension .152** (7.946) .147** (7.591) .171** (8.916) .190** (9.906)
Product video ! experience dimension .058** (3.016) .056** (2.882) .089** (4.633) .184** (9.550)
Combined Verbal and Visual Elements
Customer star ratings ! experience dimension .211** (11.023) .135** (6.947) .162** (8.442) .131** (6.830)
Expert endorsement ! experience dimension .023 (1.223) .016 (.823) .036 (1.896) .019 (.972)
Comparison matrix ! experience dimension .168** (8.782) .081** (4.166) .064** (3.325) .104** (5.416)
Recommendation agent ! experience dimension .049* (2.534) .019 (1.001) –.024 (1.249) .048* (2.475)
Content filter ! experience dimension –.014 (–.751) –.011 (–.588) –.087** (4.532) –.023 (1.183)
Experience dimension product type (search/experience) ! purchase intentions .019* (1.981) .002 (.183) –.023* (2.105) –.022* (1.960)
Experience dimension brand trustworthiness ! purchase intentions .022* (2.211) –.028** (2.598) .000 (.042) .005 (.417)
*p < .05.
**p < .01.
Controlling for direct effects of design elements and consumer demographics.
Direct effect of product type (search/experience) on purchase intentions: b ¼ .152** (19.385); direct effect of brand trustworthiness on purchase intentions: b ¼ .044** (5.441).
Notes: Columns denote affected experience dimensions; b represents the standardized coefficient; z-values are in parentheses. Model fit: w2(d.f.) ¼ 1475.63 (106), CFI ¼ .94, RMSEA ¼ .04, SRMR ¼ .02.
108 Journal of Marketing 83(2)
Study 2: Field Experiment to Test the Effect relative to the control page by supplementing our analyses with
of Online Experience Designs on Sales controls for observable selection variables.
The experimental design thus employs two treatment con-
Study 1 provides a framework for designing online customer ditions and a control condition. Treatment 1 tests the effective-
experiences and customizing them to specific product or brand ness of a more informative experience by increasing the
factors. The lab experiments provide strong internal validity descriptive detail on the page, adding additional bulleted fea-
across design elements, experience dimensions, and modera- tures, and adding a comparison matrix. Treatment 2 tests a
tors. In Study 2, we also aim to provide a compelling test of more social experience, created through a conversational tone
external validity. We conduct a field experiment with real and the addition of lifestyle photos, in line with Study 1. The
products and sales on to test the finding from control product web page remained unchanged. To measure the
Study 1 that, for products high in search qualities (search prod- performance of each web page, our partner firm provided
ucts), an informative experience can increase product sales access to Amazon Premium Analytics, from which we obtained
while a social experience may suppress them. daily sales and customer star rating data one month before the
launch of the treatment pages (prelaunch) and one month after
Experimental Design and Research Context (postlaunch).
Effect Size
.14 .14
.12 .12
.10 .10
.08 .08
.06 .06
.04 .04
.02 .02
.00 .00
Descriptive detail
Picture size
Lifestyle picture
Content ilter
Linguistic style
Product video
Bulleted features
Comparison matrix
Recommendation agent
Descriptive detail
Picture size
Lifestyle picture
Linguistic style
Product video
Content ilter
Bulleted features
Comparison matrix
Recommendation agent
Customer star ratings
Effect Size
.12 .12
.10 .10
.08 .08
.06 .06
.04 .04
.02 .02
.00 .00
Content ilter
Descriptive detail
Picture size
Product feature crop
Lifestyle picture
Linguistic style
Product video
Bulleted features
Comparison matrix
Recommendation agent
Descriptive detail
Picture size
Lifestyle picture
Customer star ratings
Linguistic style
Product video
Content ilter
Bulleted features
Comparison matrix
Recommendation agent
Customer star ratings
this earlier period with the prelaunch period to determine the detrimental effects of a social experience for search products.8
trends across the three experimental groups, before the treat- Together, these field results corroborate our insights from
ments. The interaction between the period and experimental Study 1: Search products benefit from more informative
group is nonsignificant (p > .10), confirming the parallel trends experiences, while more social experiences can have detrimen-
and supporting the comparison of the treatment and control tal effects on sales of these products.
Because b1 represents a product fixed effect, it eliminates
time-invariant, product-specific unobservable variables and General Discussion
reduces the threat of bias (Gill, Sridhar, and Grewal 2017). In
addition, although each product may attract slightly different In an era in which web design is becoming increasingly impor-
customers, suggesting that a selection bias is possible, we hold tant (Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2003), sellers’ success depends on
the firm-controllable page entry decision criteria (product their ability to employ design elements on product web pages to
name, hero shot, SKU, and price) constant throughout the evoke effective customer experiences that not only convey
experiment. Thus, customer characteristics across conditions information but also entertain, imply human interactions, and
should be time invariant, and we can interpret b1 as a customer mimic sensory experiences from the offline world. Through 16
fixed effect that reduces this self-selection bias. However, large-scale experiments and a field study, we show how firms
some page entry criteria, such as a product’s average star rating can use online design elements to drive purchase behaviors by
or number of reviews (Mudambi and Schuff 2010), are outside customizing experiences according to the product or brand
the firm’s control and time variant, so they could introduce being sold. Our findings offer important theoretical contribu-
some customer differences across experimental conditions that tions to customer experience management (e.g., Grewal, Levy,
b1 would not capture. To address this potential bias, we add a and Kumar 2009; Verhoef et al. 2009) and actionable manage-
vector of control variables Xjt to Equation 1, which we use to rial implications.
calculate the daily difference in average customer star rating
and number of reviews for each treatment page compared with Theoretical Contributions: Understanding the Online
the control condition: Customer Experience
Pjt ¼ b0 þ b1 Ij þ b2 It þ b 3 Ij It þ dXjt þ ejt : ð3Þ Our multidimensional conceptualization of the online customer
experience reveals why the effectiveness of any given design
element may vary with the offered product or brand. It adds to
extant research that examines the direct effect of design ele-
Results ments on purchase decisions without addressing their underly-
Model-free evidence. Before the launch, sales did not differ ing mechanisms (Cooke et al. 2002; Hauser et al. 2009). It also
between the control condition and the informative product page moves beyond unidimensional, predominantly information-
(Treatment 1), but the social product page (Treatment 2) processing perspectives (see Table 1). Although informativeness
achieved higher sales (Mcontrol ¼ 3, Minfo ¼ 3, Msocial ¼ is a key dimension by which design elements affect purchase
734).7 After the treatment launch, in support of our findings decisions, social presence is just as important, and entertainment
in Study 1, sales increased for the informative page (Minfo ¼ is even more so. Accounting for sensory appeal adds further
152), decreased for the social page (M social ¼ 394), and insights. We show that the function of design elements is not
decreased slightly in the control condition (Mcontrol ¼ .1), rela- limited to the cognitive information they convey, because they
tive to the counterfactual trend we calculated on the basis of the also carry affective (entertainment), social (social presence), and
time trend in the control condition and the sales levels of each sensory (sensory appeal) value that influences purchases. We
experimental condition before the experiment. also show that only a multidimensional perspective can help
determine the most effective use of design elements for a given
Difference-in-differences analysis. To test these effects more for- product or brand. Further research should thus account for and
mally, we run two separate models, one for Treatment 1 (infor- test the multiple ways design elements drive purchase.
mative) and one for Treatment 2 (social), in which we account The multidimensionality of our research also led to the dis-
for possible time-variant changes among customers who visit covery of unexpected relationships that may guide researchers
the product pages (Equation 3). In Model 1 (Table 5), the in the online domain toward identifying emerging, substantive
treatment effect of the informative experience is positive and trends and relevant constructs. For example, the effects of
significant (b3 ¼ 151.980, p < .01); increasing web page infor- social presence on purchase are just as strong as those of infor-
mativeness improves sales of search products. By contrast, in mativeness, an insight that provides a foundation for examining
Model 2, the treatment effect of the social experience is nega- recent trends such as the inclusion of chat options on websites
tive and significant (b3 ¼ –337.180, p < .01), confirming the
As a robustness check, we tested a single model in which we dummy-coded
We transformed all values by a constant, in accordance with our each treatment condition versus the control condition. The substantive results
nondisclosure agreement. remained unchanged.
Bleier et al. 111
Table 5. Study 2 Results: Field Experiment Testing Customized Online Customer Experiences.
Model 1: Model 2:
to enable visitors to interact directly with firms. Firms now use Managerial Implications: Designing the Online
chatbots, based on artificial intelligence, that can conduct con- Customer Experience
versations via voice or text. An information-processing view
might regard chatbots as merely providers of product or trans- The product web page is a key tool for managers, who can
actional information, but our findings suggest that they can also strategically use design elements to create a customer experience
convey social presence. Further research might examine how that turns web page visitors into buyers. Our findings apply to
the linguistic style (a key driver of social presence) of a chatbot both sellers showcasing their offerings through online retailers’
should be calibrated to optimize the customer experience. websites and the retailers themselves. The production, curation,
Moreover, our consolidation of design elements, addressing and publishing of high-quality photos, videos, and copywriting
the many labels used in extant work, and our test of their are nontrivial tasks that require significant resources.
relative effects reveal which elements have the greatest impact We offer a two-step design guide to show how sellers can
on the customer experience and thus suggest priorities for generate sales through effective online customer experiences.
research. In allowing each design element to freely influence First, sellers must determine the most beneficial experience,
each experience dimension, we were able to identify the core based on the search versus experience focus of the product to
function of each element (information, entertainment, social be sold and the trustworthiness of their brand. The measures we
presence, or sensory appeal). Lifestyle photos, for example, are employ can help firms gather this information from current and
a key driver of social presence. In our study, they were pro- potential customers. Second, firms should leverage this product
duced by the seller. Yet companies such as Rent-the-Runway and brand knowledge and apply the design guide derived in
encourage customers to post photos of themselves using the Study 1 (Figure 2) and validated in Study 2, to select relevant
firm’s products (clothing) directly on product web pages. Fur- design elements for their product web pages. For experience
ther research could examine the implications of customer- ver- products, social experiences should be built by employing a
sus firm-produced lifestyle photos. Our framework may also conversational linguistic style and lifestyle photos. Sensory
guide research on emerging features that allow customers to try experiences are also beneficial and can be built through product
products virtually using webcams (e.g., glasses at FramesDir videos and product feature crops. These and other forms of in-page product trials war- Firms need to consider the customer experience in assessing
rant further investigation to determine their value for each their existing digital assets. Managers often default to a logic
dimension of the online customer experience. that suggests that if a design element exists in the firm’s digital
Our research also provides insights into the role of product inventory, it should be used on the page (more-is-better
type and brand trustworthiness online, by showing how they approach). Yet we show that certain design elements can
influence the relevance of each experience dimension for pur- induce unfavorable customer experiences for specific products
chase decisions. Search products benefit more from informa- or brands. An essential part of the process is thus to also deter-
tive experiences but less from social experiences. Highly mine which elements not to use. If the firm does not already
trustworthy brands benefit from more informative experiences, own certain design elements, our design guide suggests where
but less trustworthy brands gain from more entertaining experi- it should allocate its resource investments to produce valuable
ences. The finding that brand trustworthiness may increase new elements. For example, investing in high-quality imagery
consumers’ willingness to process greater amounts of informa- can benefit any product or brand, but the most appropriate
tion demands further examination, especially as research sug- amounts of textual detail and linguistic style depend on the
gests a decline in brand value when other sources of product type (search vs. experience focus).
information become more readily available to consumers Our design guide can also inform contract negotiations
(Simonson and Rosen 2014). between sellers and retailers. Many retailers offer premium
112 Journal of Marketing 83(2)
content options that require additional financial investments without limitations. Our results show no effects of return policy
from sellers. Amazon, for example, offers multiple tiered cate- information or expert endorsement on any experience dimen-
gories (e.g., Basic Aþ Content, Premium Aþ Content) that sion, after we account for the impact of the other elements.
provide access to additional design elements or configurations. Additional research might explore these elements further to
For some products, these investments grant access to necessary determine any circumstances in which they prove effective.
design elements; for other products, investing in premium con- In addition, no design element exerts a particularly strong
tent might not be necessary or could even be disadvantageous. effect on the entertainment dimension. Thus, research could
For example, premium content modules might support larger analyze other design elements that might prove especially
pictures and more visually stimulating content (e.g., scrolling instrumental in shaping this dimension. Although purchase is
pictures), but they also restrict the number of characters avail- our final outcome of interest, an extended version of our frame-
able to describe product features and benefits. Such designs can work might address how product web page design elements
induce social or sensory experiences, but they likely are less influence consumer decision-making quality, long-term satis-
effective at creating informative experiences. Thus, a lower- faction, product returns, or social media behavior (Häubl and
cost alternative may be more attractive to a seller that wants to Trifts 2000; Simonson and Rosen 2014).
provide mainly informative experiences. Researchers could also investigate how the effects we find
Our design guide is also relevant for retailers. The more translate to mobile environments and whether the same design
conversions sellers generate on a retailer’s website, the greater elements induce similar or different experiences. We focus on
are its earnings. Yet retailers also must provide an infrastruc- design elements most relevant to the product presentation, and
ture to support the digital content and guarantee adequate page thus website elements such as navigation warrant further inves-
load and transaction speeds. Helping sellers build effective web tigation. Research could also examine the design of landing,
pages as efficiently as possible is in the retailer’s best interest.
overview, or checkout web pages, which we do not consider in
With our design guide, retailers can develop tutorials to help
our study. Our experimental design is based on a Taguchi
sellers improve the effectiveness of their product web pages, as
(1986) orthogonal array design, which is rare in marketing
well as recommend available design elements to those sellers,
research. We recommend its application in similar, seemingly
based on the products and brands they market. This approach
intractable research settings to facilitate the simultaneous
could improve conversions but also lessen storage demands, by
manipulation of multiple experimental factors, as might be
reducing ineffective content. With our design guide and a dedi-
required for advertising or product design studies. We focus
cated customer experience mindset, sellers and retailers can
work together strategically to maximize the performance of on product web pages, but a design perspective could also
their product web pages. improve understanding of other domains in which verbal and
visual stimuli build customer experiences, such as user manuals
or mobile apps. As online shopping environments continue to
Limitations and Future Research Directions approach the richness of the offline retail world, research
Although our research setting and design allowed us to deter- should further investigate the value of design for providing
mine the effects of various design elements on dimensions of unique experiences, customized to the specific characteristics
the online customer experience and purchases, this work is not of the products and brands sold.
Appendix A. Manipulated Constructs, Definitions, Operationalizations, and Manipulation Checks.
Operationalizations Means
Level Level
Design Elements Aliases Definition Level 1 Level 2 1 2 t-Value p-Value
Verbal Elements
Linguistic style Socio-oriented, concept-oriented, Characteristics of the text, including Product descriptions Product 2.97 3.51 –16.03 .00
functional content, social content, word choice, elements such as have primarily an descriptions have
linguistic style, message questions, certain pronouns (you, unemotional tone. primarily an
personalization your), and adjectives (Ludwig et al. emotional tone.
Descriptive detail Item-specific information The degree of elaboration of the Baseline number of Number of words of 4.66 5.24 –20.01 .00
product descriptions on the web words of product product description is
page (Cooke et al. 2002) descriptions. 25% more than at
Level 1.
Bulleted features Product claims Product features that appear in Web page contains a list Web page contains a list 3.72 6.13 –5.96 .00
abbreviated list form on the web of three bulleted key of five bulleted key
page (Shu and Carlson 2014) product features. product features.
Return policy Transaction facilitation information Visibility of product return Web page shows no Web page shows 3.13 5.27 –40.20 .00
information procedures and instructions product return policy product return policy
(Bower and Maxham 2012; Song information. information.
and Zinkhan 2008)
Visual Elements
Product feature Cropped objects Compared with photos that show the No picture with only a At least one picture 3.72 4.76 –18.02 .00
crop whole product, feature crops zoom specific part of the shows only a specific
in on a certain aspect of the product. part of the product.
product (Peracchio and Meyers-
Levy 1994).
Lifestyle picture A photo of the product in use (Babin No picture shows the At least one picture 2.34 3.22 –16.21 .00
and Burns 1997) product in use. shows the product in
Picture size Static picture The portion of the page with visual Baseline picture size Pictures are 25% larger 4.03 4.74 –28.91 .00
elements (Jiang and Benbasat than at Level 1.
2007a; Park, Lennon, and Stoel
Product video Multimedia presentations, dynamic Video of the product in use (Huang, Web page contains no Web page contains at 1.83 5.06 –61.75 .00
product presentation Lurie, and Mitra 2009; Roggeveen product video. least one product
et al. 2015; Weathers, Sharma, and video.
Wood 2007)
Customer star Online reviews, customer reviews Aggregated user-generated product Web page contains no Web page contains 2.34 5.51 –85.98 .00
ratings ratings posted on the product web consumer star rating. consumer star rating.
page in the form of stars (1 to 5)
and number of ratings (Chevalier
and Mayzlin 2006; Ludwig et al.
2013; Mudambi and Schuff 2010;
Appendix A. (continued)
Operationalizations Means
Level Level
Design Elements Aliases Definition Level 1 Level 2 1 2 t-Value p-Value
Notes: All means and t-values are calculated using 10,470 observations.
Bleier et al. 115
Number of Number of
Annual Number of Products Online Firm Private/
Firm Sales ($B) Employees Online Type of Products Channels Age Headquarters Public
A $1.6 1,725 2,000 SKUs Consumer electronics, home networking 16 32 U.S. Private
B $3.2 13,300 1,000 SKUs Supplements 5 44 U.S. Private
C $12.0 13,000 2,000 SKUs Consumer packaged goods, personal care, household 5 129 U.S. Private
D $33.1 185,965 1,000 SKUs Business electronics, consumer electronics 30 179 France Private
Notes: Data provided by Private Company Financial Intelligence ( and COMPUSTAT.
1. Linguistic style
(journalistic; conversational)
2. Descriptive detail
(less; more) 6. Picture size
(small; large)
4. Product feature
13. Recommendation agent
11. Expert
endorsement 5. Lifestyle picture
12. Comparison
All design elements manipulated as absent (Level 1) vs. present (Level 2), except where noted.
Appendix D. (continued)
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