Weight Slurry
Said Zaki El zeghaty-ADMA-OPCO, Amjad Babasheikh - Schlumberger, Abdulhameed Mohsen - Schlumberger
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Cementing any annulus when high pressure zone exist
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isolate it from upper zones later on.
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Few wells drilled in this offshore filed so far, Gulailah water In this new high performance slurries both in it is light
pressure was ranging from 1.32 SG EMW up to more than density (ranging from 8.0 to 12.0 ppg) version and high
1.95 SG EMW, and the formation pressure could change density version (up to 24 ppg) , performance of the slurry is
dramatically from one well to another which are just around. dependent on optimization of packing volume fraction –PVF-
which is a function of the shape, size, and the amount of solids
Conventional high density slurry per given volume. In this system, there is much more solids
In conventional slurry systems, the cement slurry density can per unit volume than conventional slurry, the higher
be increased by reducing mixing water, and more dispersing percentage of solids is resulting from having three or four
is required to insure mixability, but reduced water slurry has different size particles based on (granulometry theory) –fig.1-
some disadvantages such as difficulty to maintain good fluid which enable better packing for solids in the same volume
loss, solid settling and high rheology, on the other hand the than if we have only one size particles.
main limitation of reduced mixing water system , is that the
slurry can not go beyond density of 18.0 ppg (2.16 SG) The small and medium particles which their size are
accurately engineered will fill the voids around the bigger
If higher density (more than 18.0 ppg) slurry is required, size particles, and provide a bearing surface for different
heavy weight materials (weighting agents); like Hematite, particles to slide on each other easier, and relatively at low
Barite, or Illuminate can be added to the slurry to increase it’s rheological values, and final desired density is controlled by
density without reducing mixing water, this requires that dry the weight of the different particles not by water to cement
cement with weighting agent to be blended (dry mixed) ratio.
together at certain ratio for the desired density then to be
transported to the rig site. In other words; the different properties of the slurry and later;
the mechanical properties of set cement is driven by the dry
Segregation of cement and heavy materials during blend design , which means; it is been disconnected from
transportation to the rig site is another challenge beside the water to cement ratio, and this enable us to maintain
settling down of the heavy materials when the cement is in plus/minus certain slurry properties regardless the final
liquid phase, also the final compressive strength and the density of the slurry, as these properties are function of the
tensile strength of the cement will be dropped due to less packing volume fraction, i.e. size, shape, and amount of
amount of cement in the system. particles not water to cement ratio.
Both liquid slurry and set cement properties of conventional Also, this new slurry will build earlier compressive strength,
slurry is mainly a function of water to cement ratio. has higher final compressive strength with much lower
Mixability, pumpability, satiability, plastic viscosity, and yield permeability and porosity, and does not require any special
point of any given conventional slurry is directly affected by equipment or special mixing procedure, also it’s density can
water to cement ratio. be adjusted by more than +/- 1.0 ppg at any time as quick as
adding an additive to the slurry.
In neat conventional slurry at 15.8 ppg (1.9 SG) for example;
44% water by weight of cement is API standard required The operation
water to cement ratio, but in fact only about half of this
amount is necessary for cement hydration process, the other BHCT prediction
half is added just to overcome pumpability problem by The simulation of the Cementing software used to
covering the surface area around cement particles to enable predict the cooling effect of mud circulation on BHCT
these particles to slide on each other, as all the spaces between (Bottom hole static temperature, and compared to API
cement particles has to be filled with water to make it BHCT (Bottom hole circulating temperature) – fig. 2.
The simulated BHCT is a function of down hole static
However this excess amount of water will negatively affect temperature, mud circulation flow rate, circulation
early building of compressive strength , and final compressive duration, mud surface temperature, well deviation and
strength which the set cement will reach, also it increases annular geometry.
permeability and porosity.
In the lab, the slurry thickening time tested with
Chemical additives are aiding in minimizing the effect of maximum value between Cementing software simulated
water to cement ratio on some slurry properties but only up to BHCT and the API BHCT.
a limit.
Quality check
New high density high performance slurry: As it is known QC (quality check ) is key factor of the
success of any cementing operation and especially for
3 Isolating Gulailah High Pressure High Temperature Water Zone Using New Heavy Weight Slurry
such a critical operation, thus; three samples taken from balances, and the rheology of the slurry measured at the rig
the dry blend after the last transfer between bulk silos, laboratory and showed similar readings to lab mixing.
the samples taken from the beginning, middle, and end
of each batch while transferring to the bulker trucks, Structured pre-job meetings both in town office and on the rig
before delivering it to supply boats, and the homogeneity site held , and comprehensive contingency plans prepared to
of the blend confirmed by checking the samples solve any un-expected events, the job performed smoothly in
specific gravity in the laboratory. 6 hours with out any problems, the U-tube effect and surface
pressure during execution was matching what has been
Another blend sample has been sent to the base predicted by cementing simulation software.
laboratory after it arrived to the rig site along with mixing
water sample and final mud sample. Job Evaluation
Thickening time test, rheological readings, free water
test, fluid loss test, settling test, compatibility tests with Very hard cement found at top of liner about the expected
mud and spacer, and finally the compressive strength height, positive and negative pressure tests performed to
test has been repeated on the rig’s samples and all the check for any leak in liner over lap and both proved good
tests results confirmed matching with the original blend sealing, USIT (Ultra Sonic Imager Tool) cement logs results
results. showed good to excellent bond with acoustic impedance
values similar to what been predicted by the simulation
Execution software, and it proved good zonal isolation for the different
9 5/8” Liner shoe was set at 13,722 ft (12,080ft TVD) with formations including Gulailah High water pressure formation,
maximum deviation of 40 deg, estimated job volume was 460 No annular pressure exists, and no remedial work required.
bbls of slurry at density of 20.83 ppg (2.5 SG).
Proper and effective mud removal was one of the main
factors in success of this critical operation , for this the Based on optimized packing volume fraction theory, this new
rheology of the mud planned to be dropped to the minimum high density high performance system, has got many superior
possible values with out inducing any settling of the mud advantageous over conventional slurry systems.
weighting agents, then the rheology and density of the spacer
ahead of the slurry and the slurry it self carefully engineered Both liquid slurry and set cement properties helped in
to fulfill the criteria’s required for effective laminar placement achieving the objectives of cementing the 9 5/8” liner from the
technique and to insure well control during and after the first time and with excellent results, the density flexibility of
cement operation fig. 3-. this new system mitigated the risk of needing to change the
blend due to required density variation thus; saved rig time,
Cementing computer aided design software used to optimize and the very early and high compressive strength (7000 psi in
the densities, rheologies, placement techniques, pumping 24 hrs) exceeded the requirements, also the low permeability
rates, and spacer volumes and types to improve mud removal, and porosity will provide more protection to the casing from
also the software used for optimizing the centralizes abrasive fluids and will extended the life of the well more and
placement to achieve more than 86 % stand off ratio more before any need for remedial work.
between casing and formation annulus. fig. 4
Later, on another nearby well, the same system used for
The slurry designed to have very good fluid loss control with similar condition, and the same level of success repeated
zero operational free water (at bottom hole condition), and 24 again.
hours compressive strength of 7000 psi
The job executed in very complex environment, six upgraded 1- Erik B. Nelson “Well Cementing” 1990.
slurry batch mixers has to be set up on the offshore rig
platform which is known by it is space limitation –fig. 5-, and 2- Bipin Jain, A.M.P. Raiturkar, Chris Holmes, Andrew
in order to minimize the time required to mix 460 bbl of slurry Dahlin “Using ParticleSize Distribution Technology for
in the batch mixers, additional bulk plant mobilized to the rig Designing high-Density, High -Performance Cement
platform to enable parallel bulk supply , and this reduced time slurries in Demanding Fortier Exploration Wells in South
required for mixing by 50%. Oman” Paper SPE/IADC 59134 presented at the 2000
IADC/SPE Drilling conference held in new Orleans,
And for QC reasons on actual mixed slurry, the density of the Louisiana, 23-25 February.
slurry measured by two pre-calibrated pressurized mud
3- Eric Moulin, Philippe Revil and Bipin Jain, : ‘’ Using
4 Saeed ZAKI, Amjad BABASHEIKH, and Abdul hameed. MOHSEN
Concrete Technology to improve the performance of 2. Amjad Babasheikh is Cementing Technical Engineer,
Lightweight Cement” Paper SPE/IADC 39276 presented at working in Abu Dhabi-UAE.
the 1997 SPE/IADC Middle East Oil Technical – Schlumberger Dowell
Conference , Manama, Bahrain, November 23-25. – He is a SPE member.
1. Mr. S. Zaki El – Zeghaty is the cement engineering 3. Abdulhameed Mohsen, is senior Lab Engineer.
section leader with ADMA-OPCO drilling division. In – Schlumberger Dowell
his capacity Mr. El – Zeghaty is fully responsible for all – He is SPE member
operational and technical aspects of the cementing
processes in ADMA-OPCO drilling operation. Mr. El-
Zeghaty has 36 years of experience with ZADCO,
Dowell Schlumberger, Halliburton and Eygptian
Petroleum Cooperation.
- He is a SPE member and has published numerous
SPE papers
5 Isolating Gulailah High Pressure High Temperature Water Zone Using New Heavy Weight Slurry
Fig.1, Showing packing volume fraction optimized by using different particle size
6 Saeed ZAKI, Amjad BABASHEIKH, and Abdul hameed. MOHSEN
D epth = 13730 ft
Geoth.Prof ile
A nnulus
Tubular Fluids
Mud Tem p. History (degF)
225 200 250
0 25 50 75 100 125
Time (min)
(x 1000) psi
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Min. Hydrostatic
Max. Dynamic
Min. Dynamic
Fig. 3 Dynamic Well Security Graph, showing max. and min. dynamic pressures
8 Saeed ZAKI, Amjad BABASHEIKH, and Abdul hameed. MOHSEN
% ton
0 50 100 0 50 100 150
Betw een Cent. Hookload Up
At Cent. Hookload Dow n
Drag Force
Fig. 4
The Liner
ratio and
Fig. 5 The offshore platform, showing the layout of the 6 batch mixers and extra bulk plan
9 Isolating Gulailah High Pressure High Temperature Water Zone Using New Heavy Weight Slurry