QualNet 4.0 InstallationGuide
QualNet 4.0 InstallationGuide
QualNet 4.0 InstallationGuide
0 Installation Guide
December 7, 2006
Phone: 310-338-3318
Fax: 310-338-7213
Copyright Information
All other trademarks and trade names used are property of their respective companies.
Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................... v
QualNet 4.0 Installation Guide describes the system requirements, installation process, compilation,
running, and debugging QualNet on Windows and UNIX/Linux systems.
QualNet 4.0 API Reference Guide This reference guide describes the function and parameters of
QualNet APIs.
QualNet 4.0 Distributed Reference Guide This guide gives instructions for running QualNet on a distributed
QualNet 4.0 Installation Guide This guide provides detailed steps for installing QualNet 4.0 on
UNIX/Linux/MAC and Windows platforms.
QualNet 4.0 Product Tour This document is designed to quickly cover the basic features of
QualNet 4.0 for experienced network modelers. It includes
exercises and example scenarios.
QualNet 4.0 Programmer’s Guide This is a guide to the QualNet programming interface and functions,
allowing users to develop and customize protocol models.
QualNet 4.0 User’s Guide This guide is a detailed look at the QualNet 4.0 environment and
works in combination with the new QualNet Model Libraries set of
documents to provide extensive information on QualNet protocols
for the 4.0 release.
Preface v
QualNet 4.0 Model Libraries This set of documents contains detailed reference information on all
of the protocols and models used in QualNet 4.0. The set of
documents includes the following protocol libraries. See QualNet
4.0 Index to Model Libraries for an alphabetical list of all our
protocols and models and a reference to which library they can be
found in.
Advanced Propagation - ALE/ASAPS
Advanced Propagation - TIREM
Advanced Propagation - Urban Propagation
Advanced Wireless
Military Radios
Multimedia and Enterprise
Network Emulation Interface
Standard Interfaces
Document Conventions
QualNet documents use the following conventions:
Book Title The title of a book. On the web and on the Instant
Information CD, it may be a hot link to the book itself.
Command Input A command name or qualified command phrase, daemon,
file, or option name.
Command Output Text displayed by the computer.
Note: Information of special interest.
Preface vii
viii QualNet 4.0 Installation Guide
1 Installation Guide for Windows
This section covers the system requirements, installation process, compilation, running, and debugging
QualNet on Windows.
Item Requirements
CPU x86 compatible (including Intel Core Duo, Pentium, Xeon,
and AMD Athlon).
AMD64 compatible (including AMD Opteron, Athlon 64, Intel
Core 2 Duo, and Pentium/Xeon EM64T) .
Memory - 512 MB for simulations of networks with up to 100 nodes.
- 768 MB for simulations of networks with up to 250 nodes.
- 1 GB for simulations of networks with up to 1000 nodes.
Disk 500 MB free disk space.
Java Sun Java™ 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.4.2 or higher.
C++ Compiler Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002 or higher.
a. The examples in this installation guide use the filename for the QualNet 4.0 Commercial
Release. Users may need to modify the filename to match the name of the file delivered.
b. For help with installation procedures or problems, contact support@scalable-networks.com.
5. Select the components to install in the Choose Components dialog box.The default type of install is
Full. Click Next. (It is recommended that you select Desktop Shortcuts. Although this is not required, it
will make compilation from command line easier.)
6. The Destination Folder dialog box is displayed. Select an installation folder and click Install to begin
the installation.
Note: The default folder is C:\qualnet\4.0.
In the rest of this guide, QUALNET_HOME refers to the folder where QualNet is installed.
Note: If any of the setup information needs to change, click Back to make those changes.
8. The installer will ask the user to copy the license file to the license directory so that QualNet may be
executed after the installation is complete.
If a license server is not used, the license file name is of the form qualnet-<date>.lic, where <date> is
the license expiration date. For example, the license file may be named qualnet-2007.03.31.lic. If a
license server is used, the license file name is of the form client-<ip-address>.lic, where <ip-address> is
the IP address of the client.
Copy the license file into QUALNET_HOME\license_dir, where QUALNET_HOME is the directory
where QualNet is installed.
a. Be sure to check the file extension on your license file. It should end in “.lic”. Depending on
your system and method of copying, you may end up with an extra extension, such as qualnet-
-2007.03.31.lic.txt, which will not work.
b. If this file cannot be located, inquire with the purchaser of QualNet. For users with the
evaluation version of QualNet, the license file is sent as an email attachment from Scalable
Network Technologies.
c. If a license server is used, follow the instructions provided with the license files to install the
server and client license files.
9. Once the installation process has finished, the following screen will be displayed:
Click Next.
The Installer will place the following two icons on the desktop if the Desktop Shortcuts option was selected
in Step 5:
To use Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, Windows Platform SDK must also be installed. Both
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition and Windows Platform SDK are available as free downloads
The INCLUDE and LIB environment variables must be set to their respective paths within the Windows
Platform SDK installation (see Section 1.4).
In addition, if you are using Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, then update the following
environment variables (this assumes that Windows Platform SDK was installed at the default location):
4. Update the INCLUDE environment variable to include the following:
C:\Program File\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include
5. Update the LIB environment variable to include the following:
C:\Program File\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib
To compile the 32-bit QualNet from the command line, perform the following steps:
1. If QualNet desktop shortcuts are installed, open the QualNet Developer command window by clicking
on the following icon on the desktop.
Verify that the environment variables are properly set by typing the following command: cl.
The following output verifies that the configuration is correct:
(The compiler version in the above output may differ depending on which version of C++ is installed.)
If the configuration is correct, then skip step 2 and go to step 3.
If a “file not found” error is displayed, then go to step 2.
2. If QualNet desktop shortcuts are not installed or a “file not found” error was displayed in step 1,
open a command window using one of the steps listed below.
• For Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2002 or higher), use the following command:
Start > All Programs > Visual Studio .NET > Visual Studio Tools > Visual Studio
.NET Command Prompt
• For Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition with Windows Platform SDK, use the following
Start > All Programs > Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition > Visual Studio Tools >
Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt
• For Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2005 or Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition with Windows
Platform SDK, use the following command:
5. Compile QualNet by using the following command (it takes several minutes for QualNet to compile):
This creates the QualNet executable in the QUALNET_HOME/bin directory. In Windows, the
executable is qualnet.exe.
To recompile QualNet, run nmake again. However, it is sometimes useful to delete all object files before
recompiling. Use the following commands to remove all object (.obj) files and recompile:
nmake clean
To compile the 64-bit QualNet from the command line, perform the following steps:
1. Open a command window using one of the steps listed below.
Start > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 > Visual Studio Tools >
Visual Studio 2005 x64 Win64 Command Prompt
• For Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition with Windows Platform SDK, use the following
Start > All Programs > Microsoft Platform SDK ... > Open Build Environment
WIndow > Windows Server 2003 64-bit Build Environment > Set Win Svr 2003
x64 Build Env (Debug)
4. Compile QualNet by using the following command (it takes several minutes for QualNet to compile):
This creates the QualNet executable in the QUALNET_HOME/bin directory. In Windows, the
executable is qualnet.exe.
To recompile QualNet, run nmake again. However, it is sometimes useful to delete all object files before
recompiling. Use the following commands to remove all object (.obj) files and recompile:
nmake clean
1. Launch Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. Navigate to Tools > Options > Projects and
Solutions > VC++ Directories.
2. For each listing of Executable files, Include files, and Library Files, add the corresponding Platform SDK
paths Bin, Include, and Lib, respectively.
3. Create a file named Makefile in the QUALNET_HOME directory. This Makefile contains commands to
redirect to a makefile in QUALNET_HOME/main.
cd main
nmake -f Makefile-windows-vc8
rebuild: clean
nmake -f Makefile-windows-vc8
cd main
nmake -f Makefile-windows-vc8 clean
5. Press Finish.
Once Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 GUI has been configured, it can be used as follows:
• Select Build > Build Solution to build QualNet.
• Select Build > Rebuild Solution to clean the object files and rebuild QualNet.
• Select Build > Clean Solution to clean the object files.
qualnet default.config
Note: If errors are displayed stating "Invalid (inconsistent) license key" or "Invalid
host", please see the FAQ at http://www.scalable-networks.com/distributions/license/faq.php.
This section provides instructions for installing and activating addons on Windows systems.
a. The following instructions are suffcient to install most addons. Some addons may require
additional steps (typically, to install third-party software required by the addon). See the
documentation for the addon for any additional steps that need to be peformed to install the
b. The section uses the Satellite Library addon as an example. The name of the file for the
Satellite Library addon is qualnet-4.0-Satellite-installer.exe. Users should modify the filename
to match the name of the addon file they want to install.
c. If you purchased QualNet and the addon together, your license file should allow you to run
scenarios with the additional addon functionality. If you purchased the addon separately (at a
later date) and did not receive an updated license file with your purchase, please contact
1. Download the installation package (file qualnet-4.0-Satellite-installer.exe) from the QualNet download
page or load it from the installation CD.
2. Double click on the file qualnet-4.0-Satellite-installer.exe.
3. The ReadMe information dialog box is dsiplayed. Click Next.
4. If you have installed QualNet in the default folder, C:\qualnet\4.0 (step 6 of Section 1.2), then the
addon’s files are automatically placed in the appropriate subdirectories of the QualNet installation
directory. If QualNet was installed in a different lfolder, you will be prompted for the installation location.
5. Once the installation is complete, you will have the option to launch the addon documentation file. Click
Note: Check this file for any additional installation instructions and requirements before continuing.
2. Locate and uncomment the include statement for Makefile for the addon:
For the Satellite Library, change the line
#include ../libraries/satellite/Makefile-windows
include ../libraries/satellite/Makefile-windows
Note: Delete all object (.obj) files before recompiling by using the nmake clean command.
1.7 Debugging
If QualNet crashes, a dialog box message is displayed that gives the user two options.
• Press the OK button to exit the debugger and QualNet.
• Press the Cancel button to start the debugger.
To run the debugger, QualNet must be compiled with the debug option. Perform the following steps to
recompile QualNet with the debug option and run the debugger:
1. Make sure that the QUALNET_HOME environment variable is properly defined. To print the location of
the QualNet root subdirectory, open a command window and run the command:
• Disable the OPT line by inserting a ‘#’ character at the beginning of the line so it is displayed as:
nmake clean
Perform the steps described in Section 1.7.1 if you are using Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002 or later.
Perform the steps described in Section 1.7.2 if you are using Microsoft Visual C++ 2005.
Note: Make sure the working directory is set to the directory where the configuration file is placed. The
location of the source files does not matter.
5. Start the program by selecting Build > Start Debug > Step Into.
6. When starting the program, several messages in one of the debugger status windows may be displayed
that look like the following:
This is normal.
7. If the following error occurs, the configuration file specified in the Project > Settings window is not in
the working directory specified:
Note: The source code for the main program and many of the utility functions is not available to the
debugger. However, wherever source is available, the breakpoints can be set and the code can be
stepped through.
The program should run until it gets to the cursor in the open file. Breakpoints can be set in several files
using the normal Visual C++ Debugger method.
2. Select Projects > properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging. Set the debug
executable and arguments to qualnet.exe and the .config file, respectively.
3. Set the breakpoints as desired and debug using the commands listed in the Debug menu.
Note: This installation guide does not cover the requirements and instructions for installing, compiling,
and running the distributed version of QualNet. See QualNet 4.0 Distributed Reference Guide
for the requirements and instructions for the distributed version of QualNet.
2.1.1 Linux
QualNet is officially supported on Fedora Core 4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, SUSE Linux versions 9.3,
10.1, and Ubuntu 6.06 on AMD64 and x86 compatible systems. QualNet is also known to work on other
distributions of Linux with glibc version 2.3 and gcc versions 3.2 and higher. The minimum platform
requirements to run QualNet on a Linux system are listed in Table 2-1.
Item Requirements
CPU x86 compatible (including Core Duo, Pentium, Xeon, and
AMD64 compatible (including Opteron, Athlon 64, Core 2
Duo, and Pentium/Xeon EM64T) .
Memory - 512 MB for simulations of networks with up to 100 nodes.
- 768 MB for simulations of networks with up to 250 nodes.
- 1 GB for simulations of networks with up to 1000 nodes.
Disk 500 MB free disk space.
Java Sun Java™ 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.4.2 or higher.
C++ Compiler gcc 3.2 or later.
2.1.2 Solaris
The minimum platform requirements to run QualNet on a Solaris system are listed in Table 2-2.
Item Requirements
CPU Sun SPARC II or higher.
Operating System Solaris 8 or higher.
Memory - 512 MB for simulations of networks with up to 100 nodes.
- 768 MB for simulations of networks with up to 250 nodes.
- 1 GB for simulations of networks with up to 1000 nodes.
Disk 500 MB free disk space.
Java Sun Java™ 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.4.2 or
C++ Compiler gcc 3.3.
2.1.3 Mac OS X
The minimum platform requirements to run QualNet on a Mac OS X system are listed in Table 2-3.
Item Requirements
CPU Apple PowerPC G4 or G5, Intel Core Duo or Xeon.
Operating System Mac OS X 10.4.
Memory - 512 MB for simulations of networks with up to 100 nodes.
- 768 MB for simulations of networks with up to 250 nodes.
- 1 GB for simulations of networks with up to 1000 nodes.
Disk 500 MB free disk space.
Java Sun Java™ 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 1.4.2 or
C++ Compiler gcc 4.0 from Xcode 2.3.
a. QualNet is small enough that each user can install a separate copy of the software in their
home directory. QualNet need not be installed in /usr/local or other shared directories.
b. The examples in this installation guide use the filename for the QualNet Commercial Release.
Users may need to modify the filename to match the name of the file delivered.
c. For help with installation procedures or problems, contact support@scalable-networks.com.
1. Download the installation package (file qualnet-4.0-commercial.tar.gz) from the QualNet download
page or load it from the installation CD.
2. Go to the home directory, and extract QualNet using the following command:
UNIX users with GNU tar can also use the following command:
a. Be sure to check the file extension on your license file. It should end in ”.lic”. Depending on
your system and method of copying, you may end up with an extra extension, such as qualnet-
2007.03.31.lic.txt, which will not work.
b. If this file cannot be located, inquire with the purchaser of QualNet. For users with the
evaluation version of QualNet, the license file is sent as an email attachment from Scalable
Network Technologies.
c. If a license server is used, follow the instructions provided with the license files to install the
server and client license files.
rpm -q glibc
• For bash
Open ~/.bashrc and add the following lines:
export QUALNET_HOME=~/qualnet/4.0
• For sh
Open ~/.profile and add the following lines:
Note: Replace/home/username with the absolute path to the home directory if necessary.
3. On some UNIX distributions (e.g, Fedora and Ubuntu), Java may be installed at a non-standard
location. In that case, update the environment variable JDK_HOME to the directory where Java is
Assuming that Java is installed in the directory ~/myjavadir, edit the shell startup script as follows:
• For csh and tcsh
Add the following line to ~/.cshrc:
• For bash
Add the following line to ~/.bashrc:
export JDK_HOME=~/myjavadir
• For sh
Add the following line to ~/.profile:
To test that JDK_HOME has been set correctly, type the following command: $JDK_HOME/bin/java. This
should displayJava’s usage.
- For 32-bit Linux machines running gcc versions 3.2 to 3.4, use the following command:
cp Makefile-linux-glibc-2.3-gcc-3.2 Makefile
- For 32-bit Linux machines running gcc version 4.0, use the following command:
cp Makefile-linux-glibc-2.3-gcc-4.0 Makefile
- For 64-bit Linux machines running gcc versions 3.3 and 3.4, use the following command:
cp Makefile-linux-x86_64-glibc-2.3-gcc-3.3 Makefile
- For 64-bit Linux machines running gcc version 4.0, use the following command:
cp Makefile-linux-x86_64-glibc-2.3-gcc-4.0 Makefile
• For Solaris SPARC using gcc 3.3, use the following command:
cp Makefile-solaris Makefile
• For Mac OS X using gcc 4.0 on PowerPC, use the following command:
cp Makefile-darwin-ppc-gcc-4.0 Makefile
• For Mac OS X using gcc 4.0 on Intel, use the following command:
cp Makefile-darwin-x86-gcc-4.0 Makefile
4. Compile QualNet by using the following command (it takes several minutes for QualNet to compile):
This creates the QualNet executable in the QUALNET_HOME/bin directory. In UNIX, the executable is
To recompile QualNet, run make again. However, it is sometimes useful to delete all object files before
recompiling. Use the following commands to remove all object (.o) files and recompile:
To test the QualNet installation on UNIX, use the following commands after compiling:
./qualnet default.config
This section provides instructions for installing and activating addons on UNIX systems.
a. The following instructions are suffcient to install most addons. Some addons may require
additional steps (typically, to install third-party software required by the addon). See the
documentation for the addon for any additional steps that need to be peformed to install the
b. The section uses the Satellite Library addon as an example. The name of the file for the
Satellite Library addon is qualnet-4.0-Satellite-tar.gz. Users should modify the filename to
match the name of the addon file they want to install.
c. If you purchased QualNet and the addon together, your license file should allow you to run
scenarios with the additional addon functionality. If you purchased the addon separately (at a
later date) and did not receive an updated license file with your purchase, please contact
1. Download the installation package (file qualnet-4.0-Satellite-tar.gz) from the QualNet download page or
load it from the installation CD.
2. Copy the compressed archive file qualnet-4.0-Satellite-tar.gz to the QualNet installation directory, ~/
3. Extract the contents of the package using the following command:
UNIX users with GNU tar can also use the following command:
Note: Check the addon documentation for any additional installation instructions and requirements
before continuing.
#include ../libraries/satellite/Makefile-unix
include ../libraries/satellite/Makefile-unix
Note: Delete all object (.o) files before recompiling by using the make clean command.
2.7 Debugging
QualNet can be run from within gdb or dbx.
The UNIX Makefiles already contain the -g compiler option to include debugging information in the
QualNet executable.