System Network Guide: Opspace

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System Network Guide

Revision 01
Barco OpSpace System Network Guide

R591916, Current Version

Title: OpSpace System Network Guide
ID No.: R591916
Revision: 01
Date: July 2022

This manual refers to OpSpace 1.9.5 software release and beyond.

Brand and product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks, registered trademarks, or copyrights
of their respective holders. All brand and product names mentioned in this manual serve as comments or ex-
amples and are not to be understood as advertising for the products or their manufacturers.

Copyright © 2021 by Barco

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, or translated. It shall not otherwise
be recorded, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of Barco.

Please refer to the Warranty policy page on the Barco website:

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Contents

1 Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Product definition ............................................................................................................................................ 6
4 Product implementation requirements ...................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Pre-install required network hardware .............................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Pre-install required network services ................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Pre-install network design recommendations ................................................................................................ 7
5 Supported network topologies ..................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 One network with local sources ......................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Single network with remote RDP and VNC sources ..................................................................................... 8
5.3 Multiple networks with remote RDP and VNC sources ................................................................................ 9
5.4 Multiple networks with Corporate Layer 3 uplink........................................................................................... 9
5.5 Interface bonding ................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.6 On premise topology configuration ................................................................................................................ 10
6 OpSpace-specific port information ............................................................................................................11
6.1 OpSpace Device Agent ....................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Barco BaseOS ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 OpSpace virtual environment............................................................................................................................ 12
6.4 OpSpace System Manager................................................................................................................................. 12
6.5 OpSpace Application Service ............................................................................................................................ 12
6.6 OpSpace workstation .......................................................................................................................................... 12
6.7 OpSpace client appliance................................................................................................................................... 13
6.8 Keyboard/mouse .................................................................................................................................................. 13
6.9 Audio ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.10 Session Gateway Service (SGS) ....................................................................................................................... 14
6.11 Media Service ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.12 Barco encoders................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.13 Full connection diagram ................................................................................................................................... 15
7 Contact ............................................................................................................................................................. 16


OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Preface

1 Preface
Abbreviations and Acronyms

Acronym Signification

V2D Video 2 Data

VNC Virtual Network Computing

RDP Remote Desktop Protocol

KVM Keyboard Video Mouse

VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

LAN Local Area Network

VLAN Virtual LAN

IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol

IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

PIM Protocol Independent Multicast

CLI Command Line Interface

SSH Secure Shell

NTP Network Time Protocol


OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Introduction

2 Introduction
With the network driven solution OpSpace brings, networking infrastructure becomes very important. And
before we get into the hardware and software requirements, it's important to understand when your infra-
structure can offer a benefit.
It has nothing to do with speeding up web browsing or the upload and download of files from the internet,
because those activities are limited by the speed of your broadband connection, not your local network.
Network infrastructure refers to the hardware and software resources of an entire network that enable net-
work connectivity, communication, operations, and management of an enterprise network. The network in-
frastructure provides the communication path and services between users, processes, applications, services,
and external networks/the internet.
The OpSpace system is based on streaming technology. Streaming or media streaming is a technique for
transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. As streaming is a real time
process, the occurrence of packet loss will result in a noticeable video degradation.
For streaming to work, the client side receiving the data must be able to collect the data and send it as a
steady stream to the application that is processing the data and converting it to video and audio.
This means that if the streaming client receives the data more quickly than required, it needs to save the ex-
cess data in a buffer. If the data does not come quickly enough, however, the presentation of the data will not
be smooth.
Optimal configuration/implementation of this infrastructure should in turn result in less congestion and better
overall performance of the system.
 This document is designed to provide network information about the OpSpace solution and such ensur-
ing that network documentation is complete and current.
 This document will help collect the needed information about the network infrastructure to implement
the system in the intended way.
 This document should complement system management and recovery by ensuring that documentation
is available in the event of systems needing to be rebuilt.


OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Product definition

3 Product definition
OpSpace provides control rooms staff with a personal, ergonomically optimized, secure, collaborative, inte-
grated visualization, and interaction space.
The version of OpSpace contains:
 Keyboard Video Mouse (KVM) – allowing control of multiple systems from a single keyboard, video moni-
tor and mouse
 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Support – seamless integration of virtualized desktop operating sys-
tems and applications
 Multi-Viewer – offering a multi-monitor environment for complete situational awareness at one desk
 Single Workspace – creating a unified pixel space for unsurpassed versatility and flexibility
 Supported current hardware components:
OPS-100, OPS-110, OPS-210, OPS-220, EMS-200, Dell R330, Dell R340, NGS-D200, NGS-D320
 Supported Source Formats:
V2D, H.264, VNC and RDP

OpSpace provides best-in-class user experience for:

 Robustness - responsive and reliable software fit for mission critical environments
 Low Latency Performance - real-time mouse movements for “normal” accessibility of applications
 Effective User Interface – Reduced, but clear, concise, consistent, and responsive UI tailored for all Op-
Space purposes
 Mouse Behavior - enhanced mouse visibility and traceability for cross-screen movements on a large can-


OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Product implementation requirements

4 Product implementation requirements

4.1 Pre-install required network hardware
 The network must be Gigabit Ethernet (GbE or 1 GigE) as defined IEEE 802.3 standard.
 All OpSpace devices must be connected using Cat5e network cabling or higher.
 The necessary amount network connections should be available.
 Network infrastructure cut-through switching preferred.
 Hardware driven L3 switches/routers preferred.

4.2 Pre-install required network services

 Sufficient IP addresses on the applicable network(s) must be reserved.

 IP network address ranges configuration:

Network address: ___.___.___.___

Subnet mask: ___.___.___.___

Gateway: ___.___.___.___

The default gateway must be pingable for redundancy server operation.

 NTP server: ___.___.___.___

It is required to have an NTP server configured on all OpSpace devices.

The primary and/or secondary NTP server is expected to reside in the customer network.

 Preferred locale time zone:

 DHCP server: ___.___.___.___

For installation/configuration purposes it is required to have a DHCP enabled network.

The DHCP server is expected to reside in the customer network.
The DHCP server is expected to hand out a valid gateway.

 (Optional) multicast range: ___.___.___.___ - ___.___.___.___

 (Optional) DNS server: ___.___.___.___

4.3 Pre-install network design recommendations & prerequisites

 OpSpace devices in the same subnet are auto discovered.
 Route the traffic least possible for optimal data flow.
 Manage multicast video traffic using IGMP (v2 /v3).
 MTU size of 1500 by default.
 We recommend disabling the topology-change notification (TCN).
 Enable spanning-tree Port Fast in all switch access ports
 Ensure the correct transport and distribution of traffic across any WAN network.
 When using IGMP routing make sure to take Barco system address ranges into account.


OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Supported network topologies

5 Supported network topologies

5.1 One network with local sources

5.2 Single network with remote RDP and VNC sources


OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Supported network topologies

5.3 Multiple networks with remote RDP and VNC sources

5.4 Multiple networks with Corporate Layer 3 uplink


OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Supported network topologies

5.5 Interface bonding

Except for the Media Services all OpSpace devices support Layer 2 network interface bonding by default.
OpSpace currently only supports switched network redundancy and no routed network redundancy.
For technical details, please have a look at Chapters 11.1 High Availability in a Single Switch Topology and 11.2
High Availability in a Multiple Switch Topology in the Linux Kernel documentation (https://www.ker-
Interface bonding is configured in active-backup mode.
Active-backup mode does not require any configuration of the switch.
Active-backup policy is set so that only one slave interface in the bond is active. A different slave becomes ac-
tive if, and only if, the active slave fails. The bond's MAC address is externally visible on only one network in-
terface to avoid confusing the switch.

5.6 On premise topology configuration

On this page sketch a drawing of the network configuration on site based on the above example configura-

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco OpSpace-specific port information

6 OpSpace-specific port information

The device specific network information section below provides the information required to answer typical
questions as:
 What does this device do?
 What services does this device host?
 What communication ports does it use?
 When firewalls are in place which traffic should pass?
The goal is to have all parties informed about the device and capabilities, and understand the parameters re-
quired to make it function.
A more detailed list of all ports can be found in the document TDE11445 ‘OpSpace Security Guide.

Block diagram

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco OpSpace-specific port information

6.1 OpSpace Device Agent

Barco provides a generic device agent as part of the BaseOS to handle device detection and configuration
within the System Management Service.
OpSpace Devices (Virtual & Hardware Appliances) self-register at the System Management Service for Device

6.2 Barco BaseOS

The BaseOS is a tailored Debian based Linux system which is supposed to run on Barco PC appliances.

6.3 OpSpace virtual environment

The system kit contains an USB stick as boot medium for the installation of the virtual environment on a DELL
R330 server. Included in the delivery volume is a USB stick containing four .ova files (open virtual appli-
These files are the System Management Service, OpSpace Application Service, Deployment & Upgrade Server,
and the Session Gateway Service, which must be imported into the virtualized environment.
For detailed information, consult section "Installing OpSpace software" in the "OpSpace Setup and Configura-
tion Manual".

6.4 OpSpace System Manager

The OpSpace System Manager is the browser based graphic user interface of the System Management Service
which serves to configure, customize, and maintain the network, devices, and workplaces in the OpSpace sys-
The user interface is intuitive and largely self-explanatory due to the detailed tooltips available.
For detailed information, consult section "OpSpace System Manager" in the "OpSpace Setup and Configura-
tion Manual".

6.5 OpSpace Application Service

The OpSpace Application Service hosts the business logic, manages all subsystems and the communication
with and on behalf of the thin client workstations.
 Operators use the full-screen browser(s) on their OpSpace workstation to access the client-side JavaScript
 The OpSpace application allows the operator to view and interact with the different type of sources in the
OpSpace system.

6.6 OpSpace workstation

The OpSpace workstation is the physical representation of the Operator Workspace Solution (OpSpace). A
workstation consists of several OpSpace client appliances each connected to one display.

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco OpSpace-specific port information

6.7 OpSpace client appliance

The OpSpace client is a PC based appliance connected to one display.
We distinguish between master and slave appliances. Depending on the size of an OpSpace workstation there
will be always one master and zero, one or several slave appliances.
A master appliance has keyboard/mouse and optionally loudspeakers or a headphone actively connected.
Each display connected to an appliance is driven by one Browser Engine performing the rendering of the con-
tent visible on that display.
Rendering of graphics and video/date sources will be done in HTML5 and supported by plugins to allow dis-
playing of different streaming sources for each type of content.
Synchronizing session-specific content between browsers of one workstation requires communication be-
tween the different browsers.

6.8 Keyboard/mouse
Keyboard and mouse is routed transparently via network across several PC based appliances in an OpSpace
Keyboard and mouse are connected to the master appliance, but HID information reaches all machines con-
figured within a master-slave setup.

6.9 Audio
Audio sources are routed via network from the OpSpace client appliances (OpSpace Audio Client) where the
audio is decoded to the OpSpace Audio Master Appliance (OpSpace Audio Server), which has a speaker or
headphone connected.

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco OpSpace-specific port information

6.10 Session Gateway Service (SGS)

The Session Gateway Service is a Gateway for RDP & VNC sources and converts standard RDP/VNC into
RDP/VNC-over-WebSocket allowing to display one single RDP/VNC session several times at different locations
and to control it from different ends.
Since the OpSpace workstation consists of different appliances and different browser instances the SGS is a
way to use RDP/VNC in an easy way within OpSpace.
RDP connections are established via web socket between OpSpace Clients and the Session Gateway Service,
ports from the Ephemeral port range (port 32768 – 60999) are negotiated.

6.11 Media Service

The Media Service is a streaming platform used as a gateway for any 3rd party sources in OpSpace.

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco OpSpace-specific port information

6.12 Barco encoders

 NGS-D200
The NGS-D200 is a networked V2D (Video-to-Data codec) encoder for DVI content, with or without audio
and integrated keyboard and mouse control.

 NGS-D220
The NGS-D220 is a networked H.264 encoder and decoder, both for DVI and DisplayPort content, with
audio but no integrated keyboard and mouse control.

 NGS-D320
The NGS-D320 is a networked H.264/V2D encoder and decoder, for HDMI / DVI and DisplayPort content,
with audio but no integrated keyboard and mouse control.

6.13 Full connection diagram

If the System Sync Manager is used, the System Management Services of respective systems com-
municate over port 27017 via TCP with each other. This port needs to be opened between these System
Management Services. The System Management Services open the port only for the synchronization
and close them afterwards automatically.

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01
Barco Contact

7 Contact

Visit Barco at

For Professional Support visit

For Sales or other Contact information visit

Barco N.V.
Beneluxpark 21 – 8500 Kortrijk (Belgium)

Registered Office:
Barco N.V.
Pres. Kennedypark 35 – 8500 Kortrijk (Belgium)
RPR Kortrijk - BE0473191041

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OpSpace System Network Guide, Document No. R591916_01

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