System Network Guide: Opspace
System Network Guide: Opspace
System Network Guide: Opspace
Revision 01
Barco OpSpace System Network Guide
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of their respective holders. All brand and product names mentioned in this manual serve as comments or ex-
amples and are not to be understood as advertising for the products or their manufacturers.
Please refer to the Warranty policy page on the Barco website:
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1 Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Product definition ............................................................................................................................................ 6
4 Product implementation requirements ...................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Pre-install required network hardware .............................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Pre-install required network services ................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Pre-install network design recommendations ................................................................................................ 7
5 Supported network topologies ..................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 One network with local sources ......................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Single network with remote RDP and VNC sources ..................................................................................... 8
5.3 Multiple networks with remote RDP and VNC sources ................................................................................ 9
5.4 Multiple networks with Corporate Layer 3 uplink........................................................................................... 9
5.5 Interface bonding ................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.6 On premise topology configuration ................................................................................................................ 10
6 OpSpace-specific port information ............................................................................................................11
6.1 OpSpace Device Agent ....................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Barco BaseOS ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 OpSpace virtual environment............................................................................................................................ 12
6.4 OpSpace System Manager................................................................................................................................. 12
6.5 OpSpace Application Service ............................................................................................................................ 12
6.6 OpSpace workstation .......................................................................................................................................... 12
6.7 OpSpace client appliance................................................................................................................................... 13
6.8 Keyboard/mouse .................................................................................................................................................. 13
6.9 Audio ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.10 Session Gateway Service (SGS) ....................................................................................................................... 14
6.11 Media Service ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.12 Barco encoders................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.13 Full connection diagram ................................................................................................................................... 15
7 Contact ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
1 Preface
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Acronym Signification
2 Introduction
With the network driven solution OpSpace brings, networking infrastructure becomes very important. And
before we get into the hardware and software requirements, it's important to understand when your infra-
structure can offer a benefit.
It has nothing to do with speeding up web browsing or the upload and download of files from the internet,
because those activities are limited by the speed of your broadband connection, not your local network.
Network infrastructure refers to the hardware and software resources of an entire network that enable net-
work connectivity, communication, operations, and management of an enterprise network. The network in-
frastructure provides the communication path and services between users, processes, applications, services,
and external networks/the internet.
The OpSpace system is based on streaming technology. Streaming or media streaming is a technique for
transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. As streaming is a real time
process, the occurrence of packet loss will result in a noticeable video degradation.
For streaming to work, the client side receiving the data must be able to collect the data and send it as a
steady stream to the application that is processing the data and converting it to video and audio.
This means that if the streaming client receives the data more quickly than required, it needs to save the ex-
cess data in a buffer. If the data does not come quickly enough, however, the presentation of the data will not
be smooth.
Optimal configuration/implementation of this infrastructure should in turn result in less congestion and better
overall performance of the system.
This document is designed to provide network information about the OpSpace solution and such ensur-
ing that network documentation is complete and current.
This document will help collect the needed information about the network infrastructure to implement
the system in the intended way.
This document should complement system management and recovery by ensuring that documentation
is available in the event of systems needing to be rebuilt.
3 Product definition
OpSpace provides control rooms staff with a personal, ergonomically optimized, secure, collaborative, inte-
grated visualization, and interaction space.
The version of OpSpace contains:
Keyboard Video Mouse (KVM) – allowing control of multiple systems from a single keyboard, video moni-
tor and mouse
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Support – seamless integration of virtualized desktop operating sys-
tems and applications
Multi-Viewer – offering a multi-monitor environment for complete situational awareness at one desk
Single Workspace – creating a unified pixel space for unsurpassed versatility and flexibility
Supported current hardware components:
OPS-100, OPS-110, OPS-210, OPS-220, EMS-200, Dell R330, Dell R340, NGS-D200, NGS-D320
Supported Source Formats:
V2D, H.264, VNC and RDP
Gateway: ___.___.___.___
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Block diagram
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6.8 Keyboard/mouse
Keyboard and mouse is routed transparently via network across several PC based appliances in an OpSpace
Keyboard and mouse are connected to the master appliance, but HID information reaches all machines con-
figured within a master-slave setup.
6.9 Audio
Audio sources are routed via network from the OpSpace client appliances (OpSpace Audio Client) where the
audio is decoded to the OpSpace Audio Master Appliance (OpSpace Audio Server), which has a speaker or
headphone connected.
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The NGS-D220 is a networked H.264 encoder and decoder, both for DVI and DisplayPort content, with
audio but no integrated keyboard and mouse control.
The NGS-D320 is a networked H.264/V2D encoder and decoder, for HDMI / DVI and DisplayPort content,
with audio but no integrated keyboard and mouse control.
If the System Sync Manager is used, the System Management Services of respective systems com-
municate over port 27017 via TCP with each other. This port needs to be opened between these System
Management Services. The System Management Services open the port only for the synchronization
and close them afterwards automatically.
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7 Contact
Barco N.V.
Beneluxpark 21 – 8500 Kortrijk (Belgium)
Registered Office:
Barco N.V.
Pres. Kennedypark 35 – 8500 Kortrijk (Belgium)
RPR Kortrijk - BE0473191041
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