Skylab - A Guidebook
Skylab - A Guidebook
Skylab - A Guidebook
Skylab will be the first manned project in the space program of the
United States with the specific purpose of developing the utility of space
flight in order to expand and enhance man's wellbeing on Earth. Experi-
ments and observations will be carried out on Skylab in a number of
different areas, among them observations of the Earth, solar astronomy,
stellar astronomy, space physics, geophysics, biomedical studies, zero-gravity
biological studies, zero-gravity technology studies, and spacecraft
In all these areas, exciting observations and discoveries already have
been made during the brief history of space flight. However, Skylab will
offer decisive improvements over earlier space projects. It is an experi-
mental space station that will provide a comfortable shirts|eeve environ-
ment for its three-man astronaut-scientist crew. Three crews will occupy
Skylab in three shifts for periods of 28, 56, and 56 days. During Skylab's
eight-month operational lifetime, some instruments will work in automated
modes, transmitting their data directly to Earth or storing them on tapes
or film. Other instruments will be operated or monitored by the astronauts.
In these observations, man will contribute his unique capabilities for on-the-
spot judgment, decision-making, analyzing and interpreting unusual situa-
tions, recognizing unexpected developments, changing the course of an
experiment, selecting a new target of study, adjusting and reorienting instru-
ments, learning quickly from experience, adapting readily to new conditions,
and discussing his observations with specialists on the ground. These quali-
ties, so valuable to the scientist on Earth, will give the scientist in space
the power to advance research far beyond the limits set by the earthly
environment. The Skylab mission will utilize man as an engineer and as a
research scientist, and it will give him the opportunity of assessing his
potential capabilities for future space missions.
Skylab will have several distinct goals: to enrich our scientific knowledge
of the Earth, the Sun, the stars, and cosmic space; to study the effects of
weightlessness on living organisms, including man; to develop methods for
the processing and manufacturing of materials utilizing the absence of
gravity; and, in perhaps its most important objective, to develop means of
observing and monitoring the Earth's surface in support of earthly needs.
In addition, a program of student projects will be carried out on Skylab,
designed to stimulate interest in science and technology among high school
students. More than 3,400 boys and girls in secondary schools submitted
proposals for space experiments and demonstrations on Skylab; 19 of these
proposed experiments were selected to be carried out during the Skylab
With a total length of about 35 meters (117 ft.),1 Skylab has the size of
an average house. Its launch weight is 90,606 kilograms (199,750 lbs.).2
Skylab's orbital altitude will be 432 km (268 statute miles or 234 nautical
miles) ;3 it will orbit the Earth once every 93 minutes. With its relatively
steep orbital inclination of 50 degrees, it will be visible from the earth under
lighting conditions which prevail during several hours after sundown and
before sunrise, in all regions other than the Arctic and Antarctic. The orbital
trajectories of Skylab will sweep out an area which covers 75 percent of the
Earth's surface, 80 percent of its food-producing regions, and 90 percent of
its population.
Skylab will represent a milestone of paramount importance in the Ameri-
can space program. It may turn out to be the beginning of man's permanent
foothold and settlement in space. This booklet will give a brief overview of
Skylab, its history, its design, its operation, and its program of experiments
and observations.
Skylab is the most diversified and most complex orbiting spacecraft of the
U.S. space program so far; its potential returns in experience and knowledge
will be of decisive value to science, and they will help us in our effort to cope
with many of the problems which beset man's life on Earth.
V. RESEARCH PROGRAMS ON SKYLAB ........................ 114
1. Space Science Projects .............................. ll5
a. Solar Studies .................................... 115
b. Studies in Stellar Astronomy ...................... 135
c. Space Physics Studies ............................ 139
2. Earth Resources Experiment Program ................. 145
a. Photography .................................... 148
b. Infrared Observations ............................ 153
c. Microwave Studies ............................... 155
3. Life Sciences Projects ............................... 157
4. Space Technology Projects ........................... 185
a. Astronaut Tools and Equipment ................... 186
b. Materials Science and Manufacturing in Space ...... 187
c. Zero-Gravity Systems Studies ...................... 196
d. Spacecraft Environment .......................... 201
5. Skylab Student Project .............................. 210
6. Postflight Data Evaluation ........................... 218
Skylab will fly ovei: about 75 percent of the Earth's surface. Each of its
93-minute orbital tracks will be repeated every five days. Photographic,
infrared, and microwave equipment will provide pictures and measurements
of the terrain underneath the spacecraft. The decisive advantage of viewing
from a satellite orbit, rather than from airplane altitude, lies in the fact that
a satellite sees a large area on Earth at the same time and under the same
lighting conditions. Comparison of different parts of an area with regard to
cloud cover, plant growth, irrigation, land use, urban expansions, crop con-
ditions, natural resources, air pollution, water management, topographical
features, geological formations, and other surface properties will be much
easier with the "synoptic" 1 capability of a satellite. As an example, Figure 1
t "Synoptic" is the capabiliw of seeing several different things at the same time and
under the same conditions.
shows two pictures of the same surface feature, a huge volcanic structure in
Mauritania in Central Africa. The first picture (a) is a composite of numer-
ous photographs taken from an airplane; the second (b) was taken from a
satellite. The superiority of satellite pictures is obvious. This superiority is
further enhanced by the rapidity with which satellite pictures can be taken
and transmitted to Earth.
One of the picture-taking systems on the Earth Resources Technology
Satellite, launched in July, 1972, is capable of transmitting a photograph of
the Earth every 95 seconds, covering a square of 185 by 185 km (115 by 115
statute miles), with a resolution of about 30 meters (100 ft). One of the
Skylab cameras will cover squares of 109 km by 109 km (68 by 68 statute
miles) with a resolution of 11.5 meters (35 ft). Skylab, during its three
mission periods, will take almost 40,000 photographs with its several cameras.
In conjunction with aircraft and ground-based observations, these photo-
graphs will allow an analysis and assessment of man's interaction with his
environment unprecedented in previous studies.
and spacecraft components developed for Apollo. One of the possibilities
considered at that time was the use of an Apollo Command and Service
Module (CSM) to carry an assembly of small solar telescopes into orbit,
to deploy and operate them on the Service Module with the assistance of
the astronauts, and to return the exposed films to Earth on board the Com-
mand Module (Fig. 3 ) . This assembly was named Apollo Telescope Mount
(ATM) in 1963. From these early efforts to extend the use of Apollo for
further applications, a permanent organization evolved. O n August 6, 1965,
the Apollo Applications Office was established at NASA Headquarters in
Washington, D.C. The Apollo Applications program was to include long
duration Earth orbital missions during which astronauts would carry out
scientific, technological, and engineering experiments. After completion
of the Apollo program, spacecraft and Saturn launch vehicles originally
developed for the lunar exploration program would be modified to pro-
vide the capability for crews to remain in orbit for extended periods of time.
As these studies progressed, plans for more elaborate observations of
the Sun with a group of solar telescopes mounted on Apollo-related space-
craft also developed further. A first schedule, established in March, 1966,
envisioned three Experimental Modules consisting of Saturn S-IVB spent
stages which would be converted to “Workshops,” and four Apollo Tele-
scope Mounts. The Saturn S-IVB stage serves as second stage of the Saturn
IB launch vehicle and also a third stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle.
According to these plans, a workshop in orbit would be installed in the
empty S-IVB stage. This stage would ascend into space as part of the
Saturn IB launch vehicle, carrying a manned Command and Service
Module. After the S-IVB stage had used up its fuel, the astronauts
in the CSM would dock with the stage and enter the stage’s hydrogen tank
through an airlock passageway. A number of biomedical experiments would
be performed in the Command Module on this mission. No crew quarters
were planned at that time in the S-IVB stage workshop; activities would
be limited to familiarization with moving about in a controlled and en-
closed environment under zero gravity. This concept of using the S-IVB
stage was the precursor of the present Skylab.
On July 7, 1966, NASA announced the establishment of new Apollo
Applications Program Offices at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
and the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. A new schedule, released
on December 5, 1966, called for launches of two Saturn IB vehicles about
one day apart; the first unmanned, the second manned. The astronauts
would make the S-IVB stage of the first vehicle habitable by installing
equipment and introducing a life-supporting atmosphere in the stage's
hydrogen tank so they could live and work there without the need for space
suits. The hydrogen tank would be equipped before launching with two
floors, some basic equipment, and an inner wall.
An Airlock Module (AM) would be attached to the S-IVB stage, and a
Multiple Docking Adapter (MDA) would provide the attaching point for
the Command Module carrying the astronauts to the stage. The stage, the
Airlock Module, and the Multiple Docking Adapter constituted this first
concept of the Orbital Workshop.
This plan also introduced the "cluster concept" which envisioned ad-
ditional components to be attached to the Workshop. A modified Lunar
Module ascent stage (LM) of the kind that carried astronauts from the
Moon's surface in the Apollo Program and an Apollo Telescope Mount
(ATM) would be launched together on one vehicle. The LM would be the
control center for the ATM in orbit. This first launch would be followed
by a manned launch. Lunar ascent stage and ATM would be attached to
the Workshop at a docking port on the side of the Multiple Docking
Adapter. The Command and Service Module with the astronauts would
dock at the end of the docking port of the MDA.
This Workshop was called the "Wet Workshop" because the S-IVB
stage to be used for the Workshop would be launched "wet," that is, filled
with fuel to be consumed before reaching orbit. The empty hydrogen tank
would be purged of remaining fuel and then filled with a life-supporting
In March, 1967, it was decided that the Orbital Workshop would have
solar panels to produce electric power. This increase in electric power
production was required as a result of astronauts living in the Wnrksbop,
Before this change was made, the Command and Service Module was
planned to provide the Workshop's power except for the Apollo Telescope
Mount which was to have its own solar-electric power supply.
Limited funds for the Apollo Applications Program led to a reduction
of the number of launches and the extension of launch dates further into
the future.
Plans for two Saturn V launches with two Workshops and two ATMs,
and for seven Saturn IB launches, were announced in 1969. The first
Workshop launch was planned for July 1972.
The program was renamed on February 24, 1970, when the Apollo
Applications Program became the Skylab Program. The Skylab cluster
was to consist of the S-IVB Orbital Workshop, Airlock, Multiple Docking
Adapter, and Apollo Telescope Mount. Early in 1971, the planning date
for the launch was set for April 30, 1973.
The Skylab Program Office in the Office of Manned Space Flight in
NASA Headquarters is responsible for overall management of the pro-
gram (Fig. 4).T h e Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) at Huntsville,
Alabama, has responsibility for developing and integrating most of the
major components of the Skylab including the Orbital Workshop, Airlock
Module, Multiple Docking Adapter, Apollo Telescope Mount, Payload
Shroud, and most of the experiments. Further, MSFC has overall systems
engineering and integration responsibility to assure the compatibility and
integration of all system components for each flight. During and after the
Skylab mission operations, MSFC will provide support for launch and flight
operations. MSFC is also responsible for the Saturn IB and Saturn V launch
The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) at Houston, Texas, is
responsible for flight operations, recovery, crew selection and training,
assigned experiments, and development of the modified Command and
Service Modules and the Spacecraft Launch Adapter (SLA). I n addition,
JSC developed crew systems, medical equipment, food, and other crew-
supporting components, and provided for stowage in the CSM of experi-
mental data and samples to be returned from orbit. JSC also is respon-
sible for overall mission analysis and evaluation, particularly from the
viewpoint of crew performance.
The John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida is responsible
for launch facilities for all Skylab flights, checkout procedures, and the
planning and execution of launch operations, two of them within 24 hours.
Most of the design and manufacturing for Skylab was done by a large
number of industrial companies under contract either directly to NASA,
or as subcontractors to one of the major contractors. Fig. 5 shows the major
Skylab contracts managed by NASA Centers. However, an extremely close
cooperation between NASA, scientific investigators, and industry, extending
over all levels of the program structure, existed from the beginning of the
project. In fact, the work teams were so tightly integrated that it often would
have been difficult to differentiate within these teams between contractors,
NASA members, and university-type scientists as the project proceeded
from its early concepts through development, manufacturing, testing, final
assembly, and checkout.
Planning and early design work for Skylab started at a time when Project
Mercury had ended and when the Gemini missions were beginning to
accumulate experience in manned space flight. As plans for the project
evolved during the 1960's, a number of other space projects of that period
provided flight experience, technical data, and scientific results that proved
most valuable for Skylab. In particular, the flights of the Apollo Program
helped shape the profile of the Skylab mission. More than any other space
flight project so far, Skylab encompasses a variety of mission elements of
considerable complexity, among them the longest periods of weightlessness
for the astronauts, the manned operation of a sophisticated solar observatory,
a series of engineering tasks, scientific experiments inside Skylab, observa-
tions of the Earth, and biomedical studies by and of the astronauts. More
than 270 different scientific and technical investigations will be supported
by Skylab during its eight-month lifetime. In this chapter, the broad objec-
tives of Skylab, the principal features of the huge spacecraft, and the basic
plan for mission operations will be described.
Skylab has the prime purpose of making spaceflight useful for man's
endeavors on Earth. It will put knowledge, experience, and technical sys-
tems developed during the Apollo Program in service for a wide range of
scientific and technological disciplines. Elements of spaceflight systems which
have proven their capabilities on Apollo flights include propulsion systems,
space power sources, guidance and control systems, communications and
data systems, scientific sensors, life support system, Earth return capability,
and ground support equipment. Skylab, representing the next big step in
spaceflight development, has integrated these proven elements into a space
system whose purpose is the practical utilization of space flight for earthly
needs. These earthly needs cover a broad spectrum of human activities,
including the expansion of our scientific knowledge in physics and astronomy,
the study of our celestial environment, the production of new materials, the
observation and monitoring of the Earth's surface, and research on living
organisms, including man, under weightlessness.
Design and operation of Skylab aims at the following objectives (Table 2) :
Thelaboratory in orbitoffersa uniqueopportunity toobserve phenomena
in the upper atmosphere, on the Sun, on other celestial bodies, and in the
space between them, because Skylab will not be surrounded by the atmos-
pheric filter that severely limits observational capabilities from the surface
of the Earth.
I n many respects, experience gained with Skylab will have a decisive in-
fluence on the further structure and conduct of space flight.
Fig. 7 shows Skylab in orbit. Its largest element is the Orbital Workshop
(OWS), a cylindrical container of 15 meters (48 ft) length and 6.5 m (22
f t ) diameter. The basic structure of this OWS is the third stage, or S-IVB
stage, of the Saturn V which served as launch vehicle in the Apollo Program.
FIGURE7.-Skylab in orbit.
This stage has been modified internally to work as a large orbiting space
capsule rather than a propulsive stage. I n designing the OWS as a place
where a three-man crew can live and work for periods up to eight weeks,
emphasis had to be shifted from the spartan austerity of earlier spacecraft
to roomier, more comfortable accommodations.
Crew members will spend most of their time in the OWS, conducting
experiments, making observations, eating, sleeping, and attending to their
personal needs and wants.
Two further important elements are the Airlock Module ( A M ) (Fig. 8)
and the Multiple Docking Adapter (MDA), (Fig. 9 ) . The AM enables crew
members to make brief excursions outside Skylab as required for experiment
support. Separated from the Workshop and the MDA by doors, the AM can
be evacuated for egress or ingress of a space-suited astronaut through a side
hatch. Oxygen and nitrogen storage tanks needed for Skylab’s life support
system are mounted on the external trusswork of the AM. Major components
in the AM include Skylab’s electric power control and distribution station,
environmental control system, communications system, and data handling
and recording systems. The AM may be called the “nerve center” of Skylab.
8.-Airlock Module ( A M ) .
FIGURE11.-The Apollo Telescope Mount ( A T M ) .
Skylab, consisting of Orbital Workshop, Airlock Module, Multiple Dock-
ing Adapter, and Apollo Telescope Mount, will be launched as one unit
with a two-stage Saturn V launch vehicle (Fig. 1 4). After arrival in orbit,
[ 1 [ 2 1 3 [ 4 [ 5 ] 6 [ 7 [ 8 ]
FIGURE18.-Coverage of a broad region on the earth’s surface by Skylab.
FIGURE19.-Separation of the Skylab (with shroud) from the second stage of the
Saturn V vehicle.
The astronaut crew will enter and activate Skylab for its manned mis-
sions. Only the essential elements of communications, instrumentation, and
thermal control systems of the CSM will remain in operation.
During the 28 days of the first manned mission, the astronaut crew
on Skylab will conduct experiment programs and evaluate the habita-
bility of Skylab (Fig. 2 3 ) . It is planned to obtain data from all but a few
experirnents during this mission. At the end of the 28-day period, the
astronaut crew will prepare the cluster for unmanned operation, transfer
to the CSM, and separate from Skylab. A deceleration maneuver, exe-
FIGURE20.-Launch and deployment phases of Skylab during the first mission day.
cuted by firing the Service Module engine, will cause the CSM to lose
velocity and reenter the atmosphere. Shortly before reentry, the Command
Module will separate from the Service Module and a little later will
descend by parachute to the Pacific recovery area (Fig. 24).
The second manned mission will start with another Saturn IB launch
from Complex 39B approximately 60 days after return of the first crew.
Orbit insertion, rendezvous, and docking procedures will follow the pattern
of the previous flight. Activities performed by the crew after transfer to
Skylab will be similar to those in the previous mission; however, more
emphasis will be placed on solar astronomy and Earth resources obser-
vations. The mission duration will be increased to 56 days, with recovery
again in the Pacific.
The third manned mission again will be launched from Launch Complex
39B about 30 days after the second crew has returned. I n this mission, also of
56 days, the Skylab experiment program will be continued, and additional
statistical data will be obtained on the crew’s adaptability and performance.
Recovery of the Command Module with crew and data will occur in the
mid-Pacific area.
Owing to its orbital inclination of 50 degrees, the trajectory of Skylab
sweeps over a large portion of the Earth‘s surface. Crew and instruments on
Skylab will be able to see about 75 percent of the Earth, including all of
Africa, China, and .\ustralia, almost all of South .4merica, most of North
‘Imerica, and much of Europe and northern i\sia. The pattern of ground
tracks, illustrated in Figs. 25 and 26, will repeat itself every five days. .At least
one ground tracking station will be overflown during each orbit. However,
there are periods up to about an hour’s duration on each orbit during which
Skylab ivill not be Lvithin radio or telemetry reach of a n y station. During
FIGURE21.-Saturn IB with the manned Command and Service Module (CSM) on
the launch tower.
these periods, voice and data will be recorded on tape for quick replay and
transmission while Skylab is in contact with one of the ground stations.
A more detailed description of the data and communication system will be
given in Chapter IV.2.c.
Unique in the Skylab Program is the ability to rescue astronauts in space,
if the need should arise. This rescue capability exists because the Orbital
Workshop offers long-duration life support in Earth orbit. The Skylab rescue
capability is described in the next section.
The Skylab Program includes the capability to rescue astronauts under
certain circumstances.
of launch rendezvous and desking of the Command and Service
Module (CSM) with the orbiting Skylab during the second day of the Skylab
FIGURE24.-Undocking, deorbiting, separation, reentry, and splashdown of the
Command and Service Module (CSM) during the last day of the first manned
During each of the three Skylab visits, the astronauts will be transported
to and from the orbiting cluster in a modified Apollo Command and Service
Module. After docking the Skylab activation, the CSM will be powered
down, but it will remain available for life support and normal crew return.
I t always will be ready for quick occupation by the astronauts in the event
of a serious failure in the cluster.
The Skylab cluster’s ample supplies and long-duration life support capa-
bility make it possible to rescue the astronauts in the event that the CSM
which brought them up to the cluster becomes unuseable for recovery.
Therefore, the only failures to be considered for rescue requirements are loss
of CSM return capability or loss of accessibility to the CSM. I n either of
thse events, a second CShl would be launched with two men on board and
with room for the three astronauts to be picked up in orbit. The rescue CSM
would then return with five crew members.
How long the Skylab astronauts would have to wait for rescue would
depend on the time during the mission schedule when the emergency devel-
ops. The waiting time could vary from 10 to 48 days.
The three manned launches in the Skylab Program will be about 90 days
apart. After each of the first two manned launches, the next vehicle in
normal preparation for launch would be used for rescue, if needed. After the
third and final manned launch, the Skylab backup vehicle will be kept ready
for possible use as a rescue spacecraft.
If the need for rescue arose on the first day of Skylab’s occupancy or re-
occupancy, present work schedules indicate that it would take 48 days for
the launch crews to ready the rescue launch vehicle and spacecraft. This time
includes 22 days which would be required to refurbish the launch tower at
Pad €3 of Complex 39 following the previous launch. During this period, the
specially-developed Command Module rescue kit would be installed, a task
which would take only about eight hours.
90 100 120 140 160 E 180W 160 140 120 10(3 80 60 20 WOE 20 40 60 80 90
' _ _Y- I _ I • -- 80
_ 40
N •
68 _ _ _ 60
70 _ • 70
, !" .\-X'x : /o
60 60
FIGURES 25 & 26.--Ground tracks of Skylab during selected days of its mission.
The later during a mission the need for rescue arises, the sooner the rescue
vehicle could be made ready for launch. Launch readiness time will be re-
duced to 98 days at the end of the first manned visit and to 10 days at the
end of the third mission.
To convert the standard CSM to a rescue vehicle, the storage lockers would
be removed and replaced with two crew couches to accommodate a total of
five crewmen. (Fig. 27.)
Prior to rescue, the stranded Skylab crew members would don pressure
suits and enter the Multiple Docking Adapter, seal it off from the remainder
of the cluster, and depressurize it. Then they would install a special spring-
loaded device to separate the disabled CSM from the axial port of the MDA
at sufficient velocity to move it out of the way of the arriving rescue GSM.
However, this is not absolutely necessary. The arriving CSM could also dock
at the radial (side) docking port of the MDA. In this position, which is a
contingency mode, limited but sufficient stay time would be available for full
rescue operations.
Providing rescue modes for all conceivable emergency situations would
require instantaneous rescue response, a capability not feasible with present
space vehicles because of elaborate launch preparations. Faster response
must await a new generation of space transportation systems such as the
Space Shuttle. However, the planned rescue techniques for Skylab will
cover the most likely emergency situations, adding a new dimension of
flexibility and safety to manned space flight.
During each of the manned periods, a typical crew day consists of eight
hours per crewman for experiment activities; eight hours for eating, personal
hygiene, systems housekeeping, mission planning, and off-duty functions ;
and eight hours for sleeping (Fig. 28 and 29). As a rule, the three crewmen
will sleep during the same period of eight hours when all the functions
on board Skylab will be automatic. During eating and off-duty periods,
crewmen may slightly shift their activities in such a way that one member
of the crew is always available for Sun viewing at the ATM console. Planned
schedules for operation of the experiments during the first manned mission
are illustrated in Fig. 30.
Some experiments will be operative continuously, others will operate on
several or all days for limited periods, and still others will have only one
short period of operation during a mission.
Upon rendezvous and docking with Skylab, the astronaut crews will be
primarily concerned with the following activities :
Activating, operating, and monitoring Skylab systems ;
Conducting numerous experiments in the medical, scientific, engineer-
ing, technology, and earth resources categories;
Conducting Extravehicular Activities (EVA) ;
Personal activities.
These activities are discussed in detail in following paragraphs.
HOURS liD0 )200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300
HOURS 2300 2400 0100 0200 0S0O 0400 6500 0600 0700 0000 0900 1000 1100
FIGURE 29. Schedule of activities for the three astronauts during a typical day of
the Skylab mission.
TABLE 3.--Manned Activation Schedule: First Manned Period
hour, minute Action
Activation Schedule: First Manned Period--Continued
hour, minute Action
FIGURE 30.--Schedule showing time allocations for Skylab experiments during first
manned mission.
the astronauts will utilize such major equipment as the Lower Body Negative
Pressure Device; Ergometer and Vectorcardiogram for cardiovascular ex-
periments; Metabolic Analyzer for the pulmonary experiment, which also
uses the Ergometer; the Rotating Chair for the vestibular (neurophysiology)
experiment; and the Experiment Support System which supports several
medical experiments with displays, data handling, controls, and power
supplies. These experiments are further described in Chapter V-3.
Scientific experiments will feature observations of the Sun with the
Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM). This solar observatory has several tele-
scopes for studies of the Sun over a wide range of the spectrum. Astronauts
will, through onboard displays, visually scan the Sun to locate targets of
scientific interest (Fig. 33). They will assist in the alignment and calibration
of the instruments, point them to the appropriate targets, make judgments
of operating modes, and generally conduct a comprehensive program of
solar investigation. The crew is to compensate as much as possible for any
equipment failure to preserve the value of the ATM's scientific returns.
Crew members will retrieve, through extravehicular activity, the photo-
graphic films on which solar data will be recorded.
Skylab's Earth Resources Observations will permit simultaneous remote
sensing from orbital altitudes in the visible, infrared, and microwave spectral
regions. Data thus obtained will be correlated with information obtained
simultaneously about some of the same sites from aircraft and by ground
FIGURE32.-Work area for medical experiments within Orbiting Workshop (OWS).
measurements. The astronauts will acquire preselected primary or alternate
targets, operate equipment associated with the Earth Resources Experiment
Package (EREP) such as sensors and cameras, and supply and retrieve film
from the Earth Terrain Camera. Another major function of the crew will
involve coordination with ground-based activities and Mission Control to
update EREP operations.
The technological experiments will also be conducted in the MDA. I n
most instances, the involvement of man is a critical element in the success-
ful accomplishment of these technological experiments. Data from these
studies are extremely important in the development of future space projects
for the conduct of scientific experimentation.
34.-Astronaut retrieving film during Extravehicular Activity (EVA)
if needed. The third astronaut will stay in the Airlock Module during
EVA where he will perform monitoring and housekeeping activities.
Personal Activities
FIGURE35.-Astronaut training on the wheelless bicycle (Ergometer) within
Primary and backup crews for all Skylab missions have received identical
training. If a need should arise for crew replacement, substitutions can
be made for a total crew or on an individual basis with minimum delay.
Obviously, crew training is an indispensable factor in assuring the success
of a mission.
Over 2,000 hours of formally scheduled training are required to develop
the crews’ operational and scientific abilities. This is equivalent to the
classroom hours needed for a four-year college degree. These hours do
not include the time of training-related activities for which a record cannot
be readily established, such as study, physical exercise, informal briefings,
and aircraft proficiency flying.
, 37
Manyareasmustbecovered in training:theSaturnIB launchvehicle
system anditsfunctions; operation of thespacecraft,includingtheOrbital
Workshop andall theexperiments; medicaltrainingforthosepossible com-
plications thatcanbediagnosed andtreatedin orbit; photography; mov-
ingoutsidetheSkylab(EVA,Extravehicular Activity)andinsidetheSky-
lab (IVA, IntravehicularActivity) underthe weightlessness of space;
spacecraft fire training;inflight maintenance of Skylabsystems; plane-
tariumtrainingfor starfields,constellations, andspecific celestialobjects
needed for navigation andfor certainexperiments; Skylabrescue opera-
tions;andmodesof leavingthe spacecraft underall preflight,inflight,
andpostflightordinaryandemergency situations
on the launchcomplex,
in flight, andin the water.
Theastronauts receivedtheirtraininginfourways. First,theyparticipated
in numerous spacecraftandexperiment testsconductedto insurefaultless
performance ofallsystems.
Thisparticipation gavethecrews valuableoperat-
ing experience. Second, briefings on all Skylab systems were given to the
astronauts in the form of lectures and demonstrations. Third, crew mem-
bers participated in many of the reviews held during the development, manu-
facturing, and testing of Skylab components. On numerous occasions,
astronauts suggested modifications of equipment and instruments which
led to changes in the design of these components. The astronauts also took
part in activities to develop operating procedures for instruments and sys-
tems. Fourth, the crews underwent systematic operational training, using
training models and facilities, to learn how to perform all operational tasks,
routine and emergency (Fig. 36).
Specially built simulators or trainers were used in many of these activities;
by simulating major systems or components of Skylab, these training facili-
ties enabled the crew members to practice operating procedures on earth
(Fig. 37). A significant part of all crew training was done in these trainers.
the Command Module Simulator which can simulate all the maneuvers
of the actual Command Module;
the Skylab Simulator which was designed to provide systems and proce-
dures training for Workshop functions;
the Command Module Procedures Simulator which was used primarily
to develop skill in rendezvous and entry procedures;
the Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator which supplemented the use
of the Command Module Procedures Simulator and enabled the crews
to practice launches and launch aborts.
38.-Astronauts having meal at the food table in the wardroom trainer.
FIGURE39.-Workshop Trainer with biomedical equipment.
FIGURE41.-View of the large water tank at the George C. Marshall Space Flight
Center with a submerged Skylab mockup, used as a neutral buoyancy simulator.
FIGURE42.-Full-size wire mesh mockup of Multiple Docking Adapter, used inside
the water tank for neutral buoyancy training exercises.
FIGURE43.-Two astronauts in space suits and a supporting diver during neutral
buoyancy training exercises in water tank.
I 45
FIGURE44.-Astronaut within Multiple Docking Adapter mockup during neutral
buoyancy training exercises in water tank.
FIGURE45.-Astronaut exchanging film camera during simulated Extravehicular
Activity (EVA) under neutral buoyancy in water tank.
46.-Prime crewmen for the three manned Skylab missions.
There are three manned missions in the Skylab program. The first, be-
ginning in May 1973, is a 28-day mission. Crew members for this mission
are :
Backup crew:
The second manned mission will begin in August 1973. This will be a
56-day mission. Crew members are:
The backup crew, which also serves as backup crew for the third manned
mission, consists of:
Crew members for the third manned mission, also a 56-day mission, are:
FIGURE47.-Charles Conrad, Jr. FIGURE
48.-Joseph P. Kerwin.
49.-Paul J. Weitz. 50.-Russell L. Schweickart.
51.-Story Musgrave. FIGURE
52.-Bruce McCandless.
53.-Alan L. Bean. FIGURE
54.-Owen K . Garriott.
’ .
55.-Jack R. Lousma. FIGURE
56.-Vance D. Brand.
57.-William B. Lenoir. 58.-Don
59.-Gerald P. Carr. FIGURE
60.-Edward G. Gibson.
61.-William R. Pogue.
First Skylab Mission
Charles (Pete) Conrad (Fig. 47) flew on Gemini 5 and 11 and on Apollo
12, the second manned lunar landing mission, for a total of 506 hours of space
flight. He holds the rank of Captain in the U.S. Navy. He received a Bachelor
of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Princeton University
in 1953; a Master of Arts degree from Princeton in 1966; an honorary
Doctor of Laws degree from Lincoln-Wesleyan in 1970; and an honorary
Doctor of Science degree from Kings College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania,
in 1971. He was born on June 2, 1930, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
This first Skylab mission will be the first flight in space for Dr. Joseph P.
Kerwin (Fig. 48), a Commander in the Navy Medical Corps. He received
a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from the College of the Holy Cross,
Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1953, and a Doctor of Medicine degree from
Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois, in 1957. He
served also as a naval aviator, earning his pilot's wings at Beeville, Texas, in
1962. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois, February 19, 1932.
The third crew member of Skylab's first manned mission, Paul J. Weitz
(Fig. 49), is also a Commander in the U.S. Navy. As a naval aviator, he
received five awards of the Air Medal and the Navy Commendation Medal
for combat flights in the Vietnam area. He received a Bachelor of Science
degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in
1954 and a Master's degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S.
Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, in 1964. He was born
in Erie, Pennsylvania, on July 25, 1932. He has not flown in space before.
Bruce McCandless II (Fig. 52) is a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S.
Navy. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Naval Sciences from {he U.S.
Naval Academy, received in 1958; a Master of Science degree in Electrical
Engineering from Stanford University, received in 1965. He was designated
a Naval Aviator in March of 1960. He was born June 8, 1937 in Boston,
Massachusetts. He has not flown in space as yet.
Alan L. Bean (Fig. 53) is a Captain and a pilot in the Navy. He was the
lunar module pilot of Apollo 12, November 14-24, 1969, a mission that lasted
244 hours and 36 minutes. During this mission, Captain Bean spent 7 hours
and 45 minutes EVA on the lunar surface. He holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Texas, received
in 1955. He was born in Wheeler, Texas, on March 15, 1932.
Dr. Owen K. Garriott (Fig. 54), Science Pilot on the second manned mis-
sion, holds a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University,
received in 1960. He also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical
Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, received in 1953, and a
Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford, received
in 1957. He'has not yet flown inspace. Dr. Garriott was born November 22,
1930, in Enid, Oklahoma.
Jack Robert Lousma (Fig. 55) is a pilot holding the rank of Major in the
Marine Corps. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from the Univer-
sity of Michigan in 1959 and the degree of Aeronautical Engineer from the
U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in 1965. He was born February 29, 1936,
in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has not flown in space before.
Vance D. Brand (Fig. 56), Commander for the backup crew for these mis-
sions, was a commissioned officer and naval aviator with the Marine Corps
from 1953 to 1957. When he joined NASA, he was an experimental test
pilot and leader of a Lockheed Aircraft Corporation flight test advisory
group. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from the University
of Colorado, received in !953 ; a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical
Engineering from the University of Colorado in 1960; and a Master's degree
in Business Administration from the University of California at Los Angeles
in 1964. Mr. Brand was born in Longmont, Colorado, on May 9, 1931.
Should he be called upon to fly on Skylab, he will have his first mission
in space.
Dr. William E. Lenoir (Fig. 57), Science Pilot, is a graduate of the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, where he received a Bachelor of Science
degree in 1961, a Master of Science degree in 1962, and a Doctorate in 1965.
He has served as instructor at MIT and in 1965 was named Assistant Pro-
fessor of Electrical Engineering. He is acting as an investigator in several
satellite experiments and has continued his research in the areas of space
engineering and physics while serving as an astronaut. He has not yet flown
in space. Dr. Lenoir was born on March 14, 1939, in Miami, Florida.
Dr. Don L. Lind (Fig. 58), Pilot, before his selection as an astronaut in
1966, worked as a space physicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
He is a former naval aviator, earning his wings in 1955. Dr. Lind received a
Bachelor of Science degree with high honors in Physics from the University
of Utah in 1953 and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in High Energy Nuclear
Physics in 1964 from the University of California at Berkeley. He was born
May 18, 1930, in Midvale, Utah. He has not yet flown in space.
Final assembly of the complete Skylab cluster took place in the Kennedy
Space Center early in 1973. Airlock Module and Multiple Docking Adapter,
after being joined together at the McDonnell Douglas Corporation in St.
Louis, were flown to KSC in the new Commercial Guppy airplane designed
specifically to fly large cargoes. The plane, under contract to NASA, is oper-
ated by Aero Spacelines, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. The Super Guppy
(Fig. 62), somewhat smaller than the new Guppy, transported the Com-
mand and Service Module from Downey, California, to KSC on July 18,
1972, and the Apollo Telescope Mount from JSC, where thermo-vacuum
testing was performed, to KSC on September 22, 1972. The Instrument Unit
was shipped by Super Guppy from the George C. Marshall Center to KSC
500-721 0 - 73 - 5
FIGURE62.-Air transport plane Super Guppy, transporting large Skylab components
from manufacturing and test sites to Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
on October 26, 1972. The four solar arrays for the ATM arrived at KSC in
two separate trips in mid-December, 1972.
The Orbital Workshop with its solar power arrays, too big for air trans-
port, was loaded on a specially-equipped ocean-going vessel provided by the
US. Navy’s Military Sealift Command, the USNS Point Burrow (Fig. 63)
and shipped from Seal Beach, California, to Port Canaveral, Florida, through
the Panama Canal. The Payload Shroud was part of the same shipment.
The voyage took approximately 14 days.
Assembly and successive testing procedures of the Skylab cluster are
described in Chapter IV-1. The Skylab spacecraft was “stacked” on the
Saturn V launch vehicle in the Vertical Assembly Building at KSC (Fig. 64)
late in January; meanwhile, the CSM was mounted on the Saturn IB launch
vehicle. The components of the Saturn V and Saturn IB launch vehicles had
arrived at KSC by covered barge from the Michoud Plant in New Orleans
on July 26, 1972, and on August 22, 1972. Integrated space vehicle testing of
Skylab, including simulated flight tests of all systems, was performed during
the month of February (Fig. 65). Early in April, the huge Saturn V launch
vehicle with its payload was transported by crawler from the Vertical Assem-
bly Building to the launch pad (Fig. 66). The Saturn IB arrived on its
launch pad in March. The crawler transporter is a very large tracked vehicle
(Fig. 67). It has a flat top surface 40 meters (131 ft) long and 34.8 meters
(114 f t ) wide on which it carries Saturn launch vehicles to the pads. Final
tests of all components, and of the complete systems, extended over a period
of two-and-one-half months in the Vertical Assembly Building. Particular
care had to be taken during the last phase on the pad that the various instru-
ments, particularly the solar telescopes in the ATM canister, did not suffer
horn environmental contamination.
Countdown for launch will begin about one week before lift-off time. The
major steps of the countdown, such as fueling, battery charging, pressuriza-
tion of the Workshop, and final checks, are listed in Table 4. The complete
countdown list as used for the actual Iaunching is a book with about 200
pages and 1500 individual line items (sequential operations).
FIGURE65.-Inside Vertical Assembly Building with the Orbital Workshop being
put atop the Saturn V vehicle.
FIGURE66.-Launch Pad 39A used for th launching of Saturn V vehicles.
TABLE 4.--Major Steps of Countdown for Launch (Times before L_toff)
Arrival on pad--
Saturn IB on pad 39B ...................... 71 0 0 0
Saturn V on pad 39A ...................... 30 0 0 0
Storage bottles for gaseous oxygen and nitrogen
filled ..................................... 18 0 0 0
Countdown demonstration test completed ....... 12 0 0 0
Move mobile service structure from pad 39A to
pad 39B for first manned launch ............. 6 0 0 0
Installation of ordnance (explosive charges)
completed ................................ 3 2 30 0
Installation and activation of stage batteries ..... 2 10 0 0
Validation of communication link for launch
support completed ......................... 20 0 0
Clearing of launch pad ............................... 6 30 0
Launch vehicle propellant loading start ................. 5 30 0
Range safety checks .................................. 4 0 0
Thruster attitude control system (TACS) cover
jettison ........................................... 2 30 0
Built-in hold ........................................ 2 0 0
Launch vehicle power transfer test .............................. 39 0
Spacecraft (Skylab) switched to internal power ................... 8 0
Spacecraft (Skylab) final status checks .......................... 3 7
Automatic thermlnal sequence start (firing com-
mand) .................................................... 3 7
Launch vehicle transfer to internal power ............................... 50
Verify launch sequence ............................................... 30
Retraction of Saturn first stage (SIC) forward
swing arm ........................................................ 16. 2
Final checkout of systems (verify Saturn first
stage [SIC] engine thrust) ........................................... 1.9
Launch commit ...................................................... T-- 0
Liftoff (first motion) .................................................. T+0. 3
Historically, the design of Skylab and the concept of its functions have
evolved through several phases of increasing complexity. From the begin-
ning, however, Skylab was to be a laboratory in orbit where men could live
and work for extended periods. Man was to contribute to the accomplish-
ments of Skylab in four major ways: as a scientific observer, as an experi-
menter, as an operator, and as the object of biomedical studies. The Skylab
Project will offer its crew members the opportunity of intimate involve-
ment in these four areas of activity.
It will form the basis from which many of the future space systems for
science, technology, Earth observations, applications, and exploration will:
The following sections describe details of the design and the functions of
the major Skylab system components, and of the subsystems needed for
Skylab operation.
The Skylab cluster, first U.S. space station, will be the largest manned
spacecraft ever placed in Earth orbit. With the Command and Service
Module docked to it, the Skylab cluster will be approximately 35 meters
(117 ft.) long; it will have a mass of 90,606 kilograms (199,750 lbs.) and
contain a habitable volume of about 354 cubic meters (12,700 cubic ft.)
(Fig. 69). Major Skylab cluster elements include the following:
The Orbital Workshop (OWS) houses the crew quarters, most of the
stored expendables, and a large experiment area. It supports the large solar
arrays, and it contains the cold gas tanks and thrusters for secondary atti-
tude control.
The Airlock Module (AM) has an airlock for extravehicular activities,
the main systems for communication and data transmittal, environmental
and thermal control systems, and the electric power control system.
The Multiple Docking Adapter (MDA) provides the docking ports for
the Command and Service Module (CSM) ; it houses the control console
for the Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM), controls and sensors for Earth
resources viewing, and a number of other experimental facilities.
The Apollo Telescope Mount carries the solar telescopes, the control
moment gyros (CMG) for primary attitude control, and four solar array
FIGURE69.-Skylab cluster in orbit, showing major components and interior
Q @ ® ®
E nvpronmental Control
Control E xperlment
& D,splavs Uti_i W Center
E ×Iravehicular
A, ct ivit y Porl
FIGURE71.-Basic elements of Orbital Workshop (OWS).
FIGURE72.-Arrangement and major components of interior installations of Orbital
Workshop, showing the two floors of the living area.
FIGURE73.-First (lower) floor of Orbital Workshop, showing crew quarters and
medical experiment work area.
FIGURE75.-Second (upper) floor of Orbital Workshop, showing scientific airlock,
hand rails, and other installations.
Vacuum Vent
Line Quick Disconnect
Airlock Pressure
Vent Position
Outer Door Handle
Skylab's atmosphere will be a mixture of 25,000 Nm -2 (Newtons per square
meter) (0.25 atm. or 3.7 psi) partial pressure oxygen and 9,000 Nm -2
(0.09 atm. or 1.3 psi) partial pressure nitrogen. Relative humidity will be
controlled to about 26% at 29 ° C (85 ° F) ; room temperature can vary
between 13 ° (3 and 32 ° (3 (55 ° F and 90 ° F) (See Chap. IV-2-b).
The workshop is connected with the rest of the Skylab cluster through
the Instrument Unit, as illustrated in Fig. 79.
Control of the Saturn V launch vehicle during launch and powered flight
will be accomplished by guidance and control systems located in the Instru-
ment Unit (Figs. 79, 80). This function will be maintained by the IU
throughout Skylab orbit insertion and deployment. Equipment in the IU
will first guide the launch vehicle from the moment of liftoff through the
separation of Skylab from the second stage of the Saturn V booster. After
separation, the IU will provide commands to various Skylab systems which
in turn will rotate the Skylab by 180 °, turn on refrigeration systems, jettison
the payload shroud, roll the Skylab until the Apollo Telescope Mount points
toward the Sun, deploy the meteoroid shield that envelops the Workshop,
and pressurize all the compartments with oxygen (Skylab will be filled only
with nitrogen during launch). The solar arrays on AIM and on OWS will
be deployed upon command from the IU or by command from the ground.
All these functions will be completed about 7.5 hours after orbit insertion.
The batteries energizing the IU will be depleted soon after this time. From
then on, the Instrument Unit will be passive.
18 ft _
Trunnion Drive
T ............ _ "_-II LJ ]
Mirror System
Rotation Control
-- III
biter face
Tilt Dis01ay
FIOURE 78.--Movable mirror outside the airlock, as needed for certain scientific
FIGURE79.-Instrument Unit, showing guidance, control, and power systems
~ ~~ ~~
/N 2 ContrOl t'a_,_,
EleCtrical 0
power and
02 Connector
Stowage Module
ActiVitY Hatch
instrument Panels
Light and
Handrail Assembly
Duct To
Orbital Woq
Lock Compartment
Tunne _,Lights
Recharge ProVisiOn
for Nitrogen T_
FIGURE85.-Wall of Airlock Module, showing EVA hatch for exit and entrance
during extra-vehicular activities.
will roll the canister by manually controlled switches until one of the cassette
doors faces his EVA work station at the ATM rack (Fig. 94).
The telescope-bearing canister is not attached directly to the roll ring.
Another concentric ring (gimbal ring), mounted between roll ring and
canister and connected to the canister and to the roll ring in the fashion of a
universal joint, will permit the canister axis to move relative to the rack axis
around two perpendicular axes in order to achieve fine pointing and attitude
stabilization of the telescopes. These angular motions need not be large
because the Skylab cluster as a whole will always achieve coarse pointing.
Maximum canister axis deflections relative to the rack axis will be t 2 ” .
The bearings allowing these angular motions consist of flexure pivots (Fig.
95) which provide small angular deviations by flexing metal bands rather
than by moving parts. Rotational motion of the canister around the two
“universal joint” axes will be accomplished by electric torquers (Fig. 95)
upon manual or automated signals.
FIGURE86.-Multiple Docking Adapter (MDA) with major components and
FIGURE87.-Inside view of Multiple Docking Adapter with major components.
/ ,
tr m
89.--Skylab Shroud during separation in orbit.
on the upper right, power controls on the lower right and alert indicators
above the center panels. Two T V screens on the panel will show selectively
images from five different viewing instruments ; they will enable the astro-
nauts to select targets, to correct for pointing errors or drifts, to follow
visually the development of active areas on the Sun, and to compare findings
with observers on the ground by voice link.
FIGURE91.-Apollo Telescope Mount showing external rack with conttol moment
gyroscopes and solar panels, and internal canister with telescopes.
During launch and ascent, the Skylab cluster will be covered by the
Payload Shroud (Fig. 100).
FIGURE94.-Apollo Telescope Mount (rack) with opening, showing canister inside
the rack with a hatch to exchange film cassettes.
and descent. During the time of docking in orbit. CSM systems, which include
data and communications systems, ivill be supported by the Skylab supply
The Command Module, 4 m (13 ft) in diameter and 3.6 m ( 1 2 ft) high,
contains a crew compartment for three astronauts, a docking tunnel to the
top of the cone-shaped module, and a hatch that can be opened from the
inside after docking with the Multiple Docking Adapter. Tivelve latches
at the outside of the tunnel end ivill attach the Command Module firmly to
the port of the MDA before crcw transfer can begin (Fig. 103).
! I
BLAO S--/! I
INNER HOUSING _ < "":" ):):'):'""'"":" ::""
FIGURE 95.--Flexure pivot bearings of the ATM canister, permitting fine attitude
Inside the Command Module are the guidance and control system, electric
batteries, oxygen containers, control and display panels for the combined
CSM, couches for the three crew members, stowage for the consumables
needed during ascent and descent, and provisions for the stowage of equip-
ment to be transported to or from Skylab. A heat shield, coated with ablative
material, will protect the Command Module against the heat produced during
reentry (Fig. 104). Except for tile last half hour during reentry, the Service
Module will remain firmly attached to the Command Module. It contains
___- I
; - .* I .
FIGURE 96.-ATM canister, showing gimbal rings and the internal spar which
carries the telescopes.
service systems and supplies that do not require access by crew members
during flight, such as the main propulsion system, a maneuvering system,
fuel cells for electric power, part of the oxygen for breathing, and radiators
for cooling. After separation from the Command Module shortly before
reentry, the Service Module will heat up in the atmosphere and burn com-
pletely; only ashes will reach the ground.
X-Ray Event and Spectrographic
Analyzer Assembly Telescope (SO54)
XUV Spectrograph
UV Scanning Polychromator
Telescope Installations
FIGURE 97.--Cross section through ATM canister, showing the cruciform spar and
the telescopes.
FIGURE98.-Apollo Telescope Mount front end a t the moment of film retrieval by
astronaut. Telescope orifices are closed.
FIGURE 99.----Console for monitoring and controlling the telescopes in ATM.
From the beginning of Skylab, the desire for a high probability of success
has made it necessary that careful attention be given to all aspects of reliabil-
ity and quality assurance. Experience gained in many previous space projects
formed the basis for a comprehensive reliability program established specifi-
cally for Skylab. Quality and reliability requirements were carefully docu-
mented in numerous plans which controlled all phases of the Skylab from
design through production, test, launching, and operation in space. These
reliability requirements were imposed uniformly upon all contractors and
suppliers who participated in Project Skylab.
FIGURE100.-Payload shroud, needed to protect the front part of Skylab during
i00-;21 0 - 73 - i
101.-Command and Service Module ( C S M ) launch configuration.
FIGURE102.--Semice Module showing major components and equipment. ( M M H is
monomethyl hydrazine, N,O, is nitrogen tetroxide, UDMH is unsymmetrical di-
methylhydrazine, H e is helium).
FIGURE103.-Command Module with major components and installations.
r--- R--=- --
104.-Command Module with parachutes shortly before splashdown.
FIGURE1O5.-Flow of Skylab components from manufacturing to testing, integration,
and launch.
Ei.-Pointing Accuracy of A T M Solar Telescope Canister
System axis Pointing accuracy Stability
X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 2 . 5 arc sec.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 2 . 5 arc sec/l5 min.
Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 - 5 arc sec.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 2 . 5 arc sec/l5 min.
Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 10 arc min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f7.5 arc mini15 min.
6.-Pointing Accuracy of Entire Skylab Cluster
System axis -- - __
Solar Earth or sky During docking
X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f6 arc min, . . . . . . . . f2 degree, . . . . . . . . . & 6 degree.
Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f6 arc min. . . . . . . . . f2 degree. . . . . . . . . . f 12 degree.
Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 10 arc min.. . . . . . . f2 degree.. . . . . . . . . f 6 degree.
Window Name Location
Controlling the attitude of Skylab will be tile task of the Attitude and
Pointing Control System. This function will include rotating the Skylab
cluster to the desired orientation, holding this orientation as long as neces-
sary, and providing the high precision pointing control for the Apollo Tele-
scope Mount. In order to execute these actions, the Attitude and Pointing
Z ×
Control System uses sensors to read out the existing attitude with respect to
reference directions and a mechanism to change the attitude in a con-
trolled fashion.
Skylab will use rate gyroscopes as basic sensing elements for its attitude
control system. Rate gyroscopes measure the rate of angular rotation of
Skylab around each of the three principal axes. By intergrating these angular
rates over a given time, the angular changes during this period will be ob-
tained. Reference directions from which angular changes can be counted
will be provided by Sun and star seekers (Figs. 110, 111). The Sun seeker
which monitors the solar reference direction will aim at the center of the
solar disc. The star seeker will aim at one of three stars, preferably at Canopus
in the southern constellation Argus.
FIGURE1 1 1.-Star seeker for angular guidance.
and each CMG rotor axis will slowly tilt. Should the control torque persist
long enough, the tilting motions would continue until the rotor axis of each
gyro eventually would be parallel with the axis of the control torque. From
that moment on, none of the CMGs could continue to react to the control
torque of the torque motor by further precession. If all three CMG rotor
axes should be parallel with their torque axes, the CMG system would bt,
“saturated” and would no longer be capable of controlling the attitude of
Skylab. I n order to avoid this saturation, a desaturation procedure is pro-
vided which utilizes the gravity field of the Earth as generator of a counter-
acting torque.
_3 (2)
_ _ (TYPICAL12 PLACES) _ _
FIOURE 113.--Reaction nozzles for angular control, using compressed nitrogen. Paral-
lel and series valves for each nozzle increase reliability through redundancy.
Sun is not visible, proper signals are generated for the CMGs which turn
the Skylab cluster into an attitude that produces an appropriate gravity
gradient torque. The Attitude and Pointing Control System, in an effort
to maintain this attitude, generates control torques against the gravity gradi-
ent torque in such a manner that the precession axes of the CMGs tilt until
their previously accumulated precession angles are completely used up. This
desaturation maneuver normally will suffice to restore the capability of the
CMGs to fully control Skylab. Should the amounts of accumulated preces-
sion angles exceed the amounts that can be neutralized by the gravity gradi-
ent torque, the TACS will be energized to neutralize the difference.
It is anticipated, though, that desaturation of the CMGs by TACS opera-
tion will occur very rarely. This will help keep the external environment
of Skylab reasonably free from gases and other contaminants.
During the first 7.5 hours after orbit insertion, Skylab will carry out sev-
eral directional maneuvers (Fig. 20). Gyro platform and digital computers
in the Instrument Unit (see Chapter IV-l-b) will generate the necessary
control signals, and the thruster attitude control system will execute the
maneuvers. After this initial period, the Instrument Unit will transfer the
control authority to the ATM digital computer which will use the Control
Moment Gyros as the prime system for attitude control and the thruster
system only when needed for CMG desaturation. This combined system will
suffice for the accuracy requirements of Skylab as listed in Table 6. Higher
accuracies as required by the solar telescope canister in ATM (Table 5),
will be provided by the Experiment Pointing Control Loop which consists
of the canister flexure pivots and associated torque motors. Signals for the
attitude control of the ATM canister are derived from fine Sun sensors and
rate gyros on the canister and processed in the Experiment Pointing Elec-
tronic Assembly. By overriding these signals, the astronauts can move the
ATM canister to a specific target on the Sun with a hand controller from
the ATM Control Console in the MDA (Fig. 99). At any selected position,
the Experiment Pointing Control Loop system will keep the pointing ac-
curacy and stability within the necessary limits.
TABLE 7.--Environmental Conditions in Crew Quarters
Launch and ascent. 5 40 ..... 1.6 x 105 23.5 1.6 100_o N2.
to to to to to
43 110 1.8 xl0_ 26.5 1.8
115.-Carbon dioxide removal system, using reusable zeolite beds.
second, data in the form of signals such as audio, telemetry, and video sig-
nals. Physical data will be brought back from Skylab on the Command
Module. Transmittable data will be sent from Skylab to Earth, and also frlwn
the Earth to Skylab, through a system of transmitters and receivers on Skylab
and in the Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network ( S T D N ) .
Fig. 116 shows the locations and the approximate ranges of 13 STDN
stations, 11 of them fixed, one ship-borne, and one air-borne. The Skyiab
communications system, whose characteristics are listed in Table 8, provides
the links between Skylab and the STDN. I n addition to real-time telemetry,
which will be available during about one-fourth of the time with an average
contact time of 6.5 minutes per station, delayed time data and voice will be
recorded on board for playback while Skylab is over a ground station. The
playback system has the capability to dump two hours of stored data in 5.45
minutes. Periodic television transmission for the five ,4TM cameras and for
the portable T V cameras will be achieved through the frequency-modulated
S-band link on the Command and Service Module. ‘4 video tape recorder
system \vi11 be available in the Multiple Docking .idapter. The portable color
cameras, either hand-held or bracket-mounted (Fig. 118), have 525 scan
lines at 30 frames per second. They can operate within a wide range of
Some of the scientific data, such as solar ultraviolet spectral measurements
of Experiment S055, will be recorded on tape and transmitted to ground
when Skylab is in line of sight for one of the receiving stations. Measure-
ments taken by the numerous control instruments on Skylab, including
housekeeping information on temperature, pressure, and humidity, and bio-
medical data from sensors worn by the astronauts, will be processed by
90 100 120 140 160 E 180W 160 140 120 100 80 60 20 W 0 E 20 40 60 80 90
' 234 _mi ALTITUDE
,. t ;_, L/ 60
( - C"i')l J
70 _ _ _'
90100 120 140 160 E180W 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 WOE 20 40 60 80 90
8.-Skylab External Communications
1 T=Transmitter, R=Receiver.
The supply of photographic films for the complete Skyl_b mission includes
about 280 cassettes, most of them with 400 ft-reels of 16 mm film; 64
magazines with 16 mm, 35 mm, or 70 mm film; and a number of packs
and rolls with films of special sizes and varying lengths.
Weights of films, tapes, specimens, and other physical data expected to be
brought back from Skylab in the three Command Modules are listed in
Table 9.
d. Crew Accommodations
500 721 0 - 73 - 8
Type of material I 11 HI
normal utensils and food trays. The table also supports components of
the water system, including the water chiller and the wardroom water
heater. The water chiller provides cold water for cold reconstitution of
dehydrated foods and beverages and also for drinking purposes. The ward-
room water heater prov'_de,_ hot water for hot reconstitution of dehydrated
FIGURE12 1.-Main floor of Skylab, showing hatch for waste disposal (formerly oxy-
gen tank) in foreground, and waste management subsystem (toilet) in rear center.
FIGURE. 122.-Galley equipment, including food table and food storage lockers.
foods and beverages. Each eating station has a foot and thigh restraint to
hold the crewman in a comfortable position while eating.
One portable food tray per crewman is used to heat frozen food in large
food cans, and to serve the complete meal (Fig. 124). Magnets, dispersed
about the surface of the food tray, retain the reusable utensils while they
are not in use. One utensil set consisting of knife, spoon, and fork is allocated
to each crewman. Disinfectant-moistened pads, obtained from a galley-
located tissue dispenser, will be used to cleanse the utensils after each use.
The wardroom food preparation and serving table also provides support
in other activities, such as writing and playing games, when body restraint
and restraint for objects are needed. A window in the wardroom, designed
to accommodate several experiments which require exterior viewing, also
affords a look to the ouside for the crew (Fig. 125) .
The Waste Management Area (toilet) is shown in Fig. 126. Waste
management facilities presented a unique challenge to spacecraft designers.
I n addition to collection of liquid and solid human wastes, there is a
medical requirement to dry all solid human waste products and to return
the residue to Earth for examination. Liquid human waste (urine) will be
sampled and frozen for return to Earth. Total quantities of each astronaut’s
liquid and solid wastes will be precisely measured.
L ’
FIGURE123.-Hatch for disposal of waste in former oxygen tank.
In the case of solid waste, a bag with a special filter is installed in the
suction line of the toilet, allowing gases to pass through, and retaining
only feces. Upon collection, the weight will be determined on a special
spring-pendulum scale, and .the bag will be placed in an electrically heated
compartment where the contents are dried. The bag containing solid
residue wilt then be stored for return to Earth.
Liquid waste will be processed with a centrifugal device installed in the
suction line which imparts to the liquid sufficient force to actuate a precise
liquid quantity meter. A constant volume (approximately 120 milliliters)
of the liquid will then be separated and stabilized by freezing until it is
returned to Earth.
Cabin air will be drawn into the toilet and over the waste products to
generate a flow of the waste in the desired direction. The air will then be
filtered for odor control and for antiseptic purposes prior to being dis-
charged back into the cabin.
The washing facility is also illustrated in Figure 127. The crewman will
wet a washcloth by placing it over the water discharge, apply soap to the
cloth, and bathe and rinse as he would at home. The wet cloth will be dis-
carded after use. A body shower will be taken by each crewman about
once a week, the limit being set by the water storage capacity on Skylab (six
pints per shower). Water will be discharged through a showerhead at
the end of a flexible hose. Showers will be taken inside a cylindrical com-
partment (Fig. 127). The floating water droplets will be driven into a
water collection system by air flow. Towels and tissues will be supplied
as well as antiseptic cleaning agents.
Electric or safety razors may be used for shaving. A mirror is provided
above the lavatory (Fig. 126).
Each crewman is assigned a small space for sleeping, as shown in Fig-
ure 128. Because of the absence of gravity, sleeping comfort can be achieved
in any position relative to the spacecraft; body support is not necessary.
Sleeping, therefore, can be accommodated quite comfortably in a bag
which holds the body at a given place in Skylab and also encloses it in a
manner which is psychologically and physically pleasing.
Finally, the main floor includes an experiment work area in addition to
the wardroom and the waste management and sleeping areas described
above. This work area is shown in Figures 129 and 130. Medical experi-
ments will be conducted in this area (Chapter V-3).
Solar energy is the prime source of electric power on Skylab. Two sys-
tems of solar-electric cell arrays, one on the Workshop and one on the
Apollo Telescope Mount, will be deployed after the Skylab cluster has
reached orbit. The OWS system consists of two wing-like structures which
are folded and packed against the Workshop wall during ascent. The ATM
system, folded in a similar way during ascent, deploys in the shape of a
four-bladed windmill (Fig. 131).
FIGURE124.-Food tray and eating utensils for Skylab crew. By contrast, Apollo astro-
nauts had only the food packets shown in the foreground.
components will consume a certain portion of power. Under the influence
of all these factors, the OWS array will produce an average usable power
of about 3.8 kw, and the ATM array an average usable power of about
3.7 kw.
The Airlock Module will serve as the power center for the Workshop,
the MDA, and the AM. Power from the OWS array is routed to the AM
where batteries and power conditioning components are located. The
ATM power conditioning equipment is mounted on the ATM rack; it
will be controlled from the ATM Control and Display Console located in
FIGURE127.-Shower compartment within Workshop.
the MDA. Although the two power systems are self-contained, they are
interconnected in a parallel mode to allow maximum utilization of the
available capacity. I n addition to the permanently wired power-consuming
systems, there are 28-volt utility outlets in the OWS, the AM, and the
MDA for lights, tools, equipment, and even a vacuum cleaner.
Power for the Command and Service Module will be provided by
hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells during ascent. After docking, the CSM power
line will be connected to the Workshop network. O n the return flight to
Earth, the CSM will draw its electric power from batteries.
I ' I
FIGURE129.-Work area with litter chair for rotation of an astronaut (mockup).
FIGURE131.-Unfolding of solar arrays of Apollo Tclescope Mount (ATM) in orbit.
liquid surface forming, crystal growing, casting of composites, welding, and
flame propagation, which are influenced by gravitational forces on Earth,
will be different in space. Some of the familiar methods of manufacturing
and assembly will require new techniques under space conditions; on the
other hand, some processes which cannot he achieved on Earth, such as the
aUoying of metals with greatly different densities or the formation of certain
glasses, may become easy under weightlessness. A series of experiments to
study such processes will be carried out on Skylab.
For the firt time in the space program, Skylab will offer an opportunity to
systematically study the problems of life and work of man under prolonged
exposure to space conditions. Numerous experiments were prepared to ob-
serve physical and mental functions of the astronauts, environmental con-
ditions inside and outside the spacecraft, habitability features of the Work-
shop, the utility of tools, interfaces between astronauts and instrumentation,
and the functioning of auxiliary systems. Many of these experiments are
_iomedical in character; their results will help us understand how man will
adapt to the unique environment of a laboratory in space and how future
space stations and deep space probes should be equipped to assure a com-
fortable and productive existence for astronauts. At the same time, experi-
ments in this program will teach us how to build and equip spacecraft of
the future in such a way that they offer optimum technical conditions for
scientific research, for Earth observations, for zero-gravity technology, and
as a habitat for the astronauts.
Experiments on Skylab will be described in four groups according to their
objectives: science, Earth observations, life sciences, and space technology.
Sections on the Skylab student project and on the postflight evaluation of
Skylab data will follow.
The numbers listed with each experiment are the official designations for
the Experiment Program; see also Chapter VIII, Listing of Skylab
a. Solar Studies
Skylab's total man-attended time of 140 days, spread out over a period of
eight months, will provide a unique opportunity to observe the Sun and its
many surface phenomena in wavelength regions which are not accessible
from Earth. Fig. 132 shows a portion of the Sun as viewed from Earth in
the red light of hydrogen. Skylab instruments will be able to view such
active areas also in ultraviolet and X-ray light. I n orbit, seeing conditions
are always flawless; the image quality depends only on the resolving power
of the optical system, the pointing stability of the instrument, and the capa-
bility of the sensor.
Eight different telescopes on ATM will observe details of the Sun in various
wavelength regions, as indicated in Fig. 133 which shows the spectral cover-
age of the instruments and also the transmissivity of the Earth's atmosphere
as a function of wavelength. ATM will attack a wide variety of problems in
solar physics (Fig. 134) through coordinated observations with such instru-
ments as a white light coronagraph which will photograph the corona out
to about six solar radii, a spectrograph for the 97 to 394 nm range, a
spectrometer-spectroheliometer for the 30 to 140 nm range, a spectro-
heliograph for the 15 to 62.5 nm range, two X-ray telescopes covering the 0.2
to 6 nm range, and two H-alpha cameras (656.3 nm) which will provide
images of the Sun's disc in the red light emitted by excited hydrogen atoms
(Fig. 135). All of these instruments are rigidly mounted on the spar inside
the ATM canister (see Chapter IV-1-e) . The canister can be fine-pointed
within pitch and yaw movements of 2" relative to the rest of the Skylab.
These movements will permit the exact orientation of the telescopes to any
point on the Sun; the solar disc subtends an angle of 0.5" when seen from
points on or near the Earth.
FIGURE132.-Photograph of a portion of the sun, taken in the red light of the hydro-
gen alpha spectral line (625.3 nanometer or 6253 A ) . Courtesy of California Insti-
tute of Technology Observatory a t Big Bear L?ke, California.
10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 _0 7 10 8
0.1 I
1 110 10I 2 [ 3
10 1/0 4 10I 5 10I 6 10I 7
- ..
._ ,_n
:: t t t
134.-Areas of solar research from Skylab.
FIGURE135.-View of a small area on the solar disc, taken in different wavelength
regions. The granular structure on the top pictures is seen in white light; the bottom
pictures in monochromatic (red) hydrogen light show areas of strong emission
(light) and absorption (dark) of hydrogen clouds. Courtesy of Sacramento Peak
Observatory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Sunspot, New Mexico.
FIGURE136.-Active areas on the Sun with violent outbursts of super-hot plasma, on
July 26, 1972, photographed in the red light of the hydrogen-alpha line.
FIGURE137.-Left: Major zones inside and outside thc Sun; Right: absorption and
transmission of various solar radiations in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Although this experiment is less significant than the ATM experiments, i t is listed
first because of the numbering system applied to the experiments.
Sunlight will enter a narrow slit and impinge upon a grating under a very
small angle of incidence. Under conditions of grazing incidence, gratings
reflect sufficient energy even in the one to 10 nm wavelength region (soft
X-ray region) to make film recordings feasible when long-time exposures
can be made. Thin metallic films in front of the slit will block out un-
desired ultraviolet and visible light.
The instrument is mounted in the solar airlock of the Orbital Workshop,
facing the Sun. A finder telescope will enable the crew member to place
the solar image on the slit of the spectrograph. Exposures will last up to
one hour.
*// L<
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Riccardo Giacconi
Dr. Giuseppe Vaiana
American Science and Engineering Corporation
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Obtain X-ray images of the Sun over a wavelength range from 0.2 to 6
nm (2 to 60 Angstrom). Record X-ray emissions of flares with a spatial
resolution of two arc sec. Use selective filters and a transmission grating
to obtain spectral information. Follow the evolution of active areas and
correlate X-ray emissions with solar events observed in ultraviolet and
visible light.
Solar X-rays are emitted from flares and also from other regions of
activity, such as plage areas, prominences, and the corona. Two basic
I FIGURE14 1 .-Experiment S054, Spectrographic telescope for X-rays.
142.-Experiment S054, diagram showing constructional details.
processes of the Sun seem to be responsible for most of the X-ray emission,
the heating of plasmas, and the sudden acceleration or deceleration of
X-ray sources can be imaged with mirror optics utilizing very flat angles
of incidence below about 0.5 degrees (Fig. 143). This experiment uses
two cylindrical, coaxial mirrors of this kind with diameters of 31 and 23
cm (12.3 in and 9.2 i n ) , with a total collecting area (two concentric
rings) of 42 cm2 (6.7 inz), and with a focal length of 213 cm (85 i n ) .
The transmission grating is mounted behind the rear end of the cylindrical
mirrors; it will produce spectra on both sides of the zero-order image of
a source (Fig. 144). A filter wheel mechanism will permit the insertion
of selective filters into the path of the X-rays, thus providing broad-band
spectral filtering of the flux. X-ray images will be recorded on 70 mm film.
A 7.6 cm ( 3 in) diameter, coaxial X-ray mirror will produce an X-ray
image of the Sun on a scintillator crystal where it will be sensed by the
5 I
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/ :'.: THIRD
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Leo Goldberg, Director
Kitt Peak National Observatory
Dr. Edward Reeves
Harvard College Observatory
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Objective :
Obtain photometric data of six spectral lines (O IV, Mg X, C III, O VI,
H I, C II) 1 and the Lyman continuum _ in the wavelength region from
t Three times ionized oxygen, nine times ionized magnesium, doubly ionized
carbon, five times ionized oxygen, ionized hydrogen, and singly ionized carbon.
= Light below 912 A emitted by hydrogen atoms.
FIGURE145.-Experiment S055, Spectrometer for ultraviolet radiations.
Principal Investigator:
James Milligan
NASA-George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, Alabama
Project Scientist:
Dr. James Underwood
Aerospace Corporation
E1 Segundo, California
Photograph the solar disc in X-ray light (0.6 to 3.3 nm or 6 to 33
Angstrom) with high resolution in space and time, and modest spectral
resolution. Attempt to obtain pictures during quiet and active periods.
Monitor the total solar X-ray flux with proportional counters in the 0.2
to 0.8 nm (2 to 8 ,_ngstrom) and the 0.8 to 2.0 nm (8 to 20 ,_ngstrom)
regions. Correlate the X-ray pictures with measurements of ultraviolet,
visible, and microwave radiations from the Sun.
FIGURE147.-Experiment S056, X-ray telescope.
148.-Experiment S056, diagram showing constructional detail.
A cylindrical X-ray mirror with paraboloid-hyperboloid surface and graz-
ing incidence, built of quartz, will form an image of the Sun on photo-
graphic film. Broad spectral discrimination will be achieved with five
filters of beryllium, titanium, and aluminum, mounted on a filter wheel.
Filters will be selected by astronaut decision.
Two proportional counters with mechanical collimators to improve
the signal-to-noise ratio will continuously record the total X-ray intensity
from the Sun in two wavelength regions. Their pulses will be pulse-height-
analyzed and recorded on tape.
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Richard Tousey
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, D.C.
Obtain UV spectra (97 to 394 nm or 970 to 3940 Angstrom) of small
portions of the solar surface with high spatial and spectral resolution.
Photograph spectra at various locations on and off the disc and across
the limb, from 12 arc sec below to 20 arc sec above the limb. Try to
obtain spectra of flares and other active areas on the Sun.
FIGURE15 1 .-Experiment S082B, Spectrograph for ultraviolet radiations.
152.-Experiment S082B, diagram showing constructional detail.
For reasons of stray light elimination, a predisperser grating assembly
with two gratings will generate a light beam containing only the desired
wavelength regions. The main grating, a concave mirror ruled at 600
grooves per mm, will produce a spectrum on photographic film with a
resolution of 0.004 nm (0.04 Angstrom) in the 97 to 197 nm (970 to
1970 A) range and a resolution of 0.008 nm (0.08 Angstrom) in the 194
to 394 nm ( 1940 to 3940 A) range. The entrance slit will admit light from
a 2 arc see by 60 arc sec area on the Sun.
Several operational modes can be selected by the crew members, such
as the boresight mode which will permit an astronaut to point at a specific
area on the solar disc, the limb scanning mode which will produce a se-
quence of exposures across the limb by stepwise angular motion of the
primary mirror, and the flare mode in which the instrument will take a
preprogrammed series of exposures of flares or other active areas when
commanded by a crew member. Pointing of the instrument to a desired
area will be accomplished by moving the experiment canister with the
hand controller on the ATM Control Console. Using the solar limb as a
reference, the movable crosshair in one of the hydrogen-alpha telescopes
will be adjusted so that its position coincides with the limb at the same
time that the limb falls on the spectrometer slit, as viewed on the slit jaw
image 1 with the white light TV system. After adjustment, the crosshair
in the hydrogen-alpha telescope will always mark that point on the image
of the solar disc which falls in the middle of the spectrograph slit.
1 The jaws of the slit of a spectrometer, being located in the focal plane of the
imaging mirror of the spectrograph, carry an image of the light source, in this case
the Sun. By making the surface of the slit jaws reflective, the solar image will be re-
flected and can be viewed by a TV camera. The spectrograph slit appears in
this image as a thin black line. Inspection of the image will help identify the
precise location ' on the solar disc where the spectrum was taken.
FIGURE153.-Telescopic Camera for photographs in the red light of the hydrogen-
alpha line.
154.-Telescopic Camera for hydrogen-alpha photography, constructional
Hydrogen-alpha Telescope I will provide simultaneous photographic and
TV pictures; its resolution is one arc sec at a field of view of 4.5 arc min-
utes. Telescope I1 \vi11 operate only in the TV mode, with a resolution of
about 3 arc sec. Each telescope has a zoom capability, varying the field
of view between 4.5 and 15.8 arc min for telescope I and Ibetween 7.0 and
35 arc min for telescope 11. Selection of the desired spectral line (656.28
nm or 6562.8 Angstrom) is accomplished with a Fabry-PCrot filter which
contains a solid glass flat with coated surfaces as interference gap. Band-
pass is 0.07 nm (0.7 A) for both telescopes. Polarizing elements in the
optical path will permit polarization studies with both telescopes.
' X P E R V ' U T I N S T A L L E D IN S C l E W T l F i C A I R L O C K
E X P E R I M E N T SO19
>no 7 2 1 o -7 10
Obtain ultraviolet spectra from stars, using a reflecting telescope and an
objective prism in front of a 35 mm camera. The image of each star will
be drawn out into a small spectrum. Evalute large numbers of spectra
for spectral classes, temperatures, and compositions of stars. Obtain
spectra of nebulae, interstellar dust, and stellar gas shells.
Mounted in the anti-solar airlock of the Orbital Workshop, the telescope
will look at different portions of the sky by means of a movable flat mirror.
Photographs will be taken only while Skylab is on the dark side of its
orbit. The field of view of the system is so large that a number of star
spectra are photographed with each exposure. Films will be developed
and evaluated on the ground.
The telescope has a 15 cm (6 in) mirror, and a field of view of 4 °
by 5 ° . Several different prisms can be inserted in front of the telescope,
depending on the desired spectral resolution and sensitivity. The instru-
ment is sensitive in the spectral region from 300 to 140 nm (3000 to
1400 A). Details can be resolved to about 20 arc seconds.
FIGURE 156.--Experiment S150, Detector for the recording of X-ray sources within
our galaxy.
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Georges Court,s
Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale
Marseilles, France
Obtain UV photographs with spectral information of selected stars, star
fields, stellar clouds, and galaxies. This experiment will furnish a large
amount of data not avialable from Earth. Star fields in two UV bands
(150 to 210 nm and 270 to 330 nm or 1500 to 2100 Angstrom and 2700 to
3300 Angstrom) will show the distribution of stars and of other celestial
objects with strong ultraviolet emission. Color indices of these objects will
be calculated from the photographs, and interstellar reddening will be
determined from the color indices for about 1000 stars. Color indices will
also be determined for star clusters, unresolved areas of the Milky Way,
and selected galactic nuclei; statistical interpretation of large stellar popu-
lations will thus be possible.
The UV Panorama Telescope will be mounted in the antisolar scientific
airlock for operation, similar to Experiment S019. Scanning of the sky will
be achieved with the articulated mirror used for S019.
FIGURE157.-Experiment S183, Telcscopic camera for ultraviolet star photography.
Spectral photometry of star fields requires the combination of a wide angle
imaging system with a spectrum-producing element. The UV Panorama
Telescope uses reflecting mirrors and a plane grating. In order to make the
system insensitive against angular drifting of the pointing direction, a
mosaic of small lenses is placed in the focal plane of the telescope. A pho-
tographic plate in the focal plane of these small lenses will record minute
images of the entrance pupil of the telescope. Only those of the small
lenses which receive a star image in the focal plane of the telescope will
produce bright pupil images on the plate.
As shown in Fig. 158, the grating will disperse the beam of light in such
a way that the spherical mirror receives a spectrum. Two rectangular
openings in a diaphragm in front of this mirror will admit only the two
desired wavelength regions, with the result that each star produces two
images, one for each wavelength region.
\\ __a [__f__/ GRAT'NG '
: li I
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brightness even at night which makes the observation of faint luminosities
almost impossible. Observations from Skylab will avoid these difficulties.
Most of the meteoroids entering the Earth's atmosphere burn up before
they reach the surface. However, in free space even small meteoroidal par-
ticles present a potential hazard to spacecraft because they can inflict damage
to surfaces and container walls. Skylab will carry an experiment that will
record impacts of micrometeoroids. It is expected that exposure times offered
by Skylab will be long enough to permit statistical evaluations of abundance
and mass of at least small micrometeoroids in the submicrogram category.
- .L...,.
FIGURE 159.-Experiment SOO9, Emulsion layers for the detection of cosmic ray
Two stacks of emulsion layers are arranged like the two sides of an
open book. After arrival in orbit, one of the astronauts will open the
“book” and deploy it inside the Multiple Docking Adapter, pointing to-
ward outer space. While Skylab is moving through areas of high back-
ground radiation, the “book” will be closed. The emulsion layers will be
exposed for about 240 hours during the first manned period and returned
to Earth with the first crew.
Upon photographic development, the tracks of particles in the emulsion
turn black because nuclear particles activate silver bromide crystals in
their paths, similar to the way light activates an ordinary photographic
emulsion. The thickness of a nuclear track corresponds to the ionization
rate of the particle, which in turn is a function of its charge-to-mass
ratio and of its energy.
FIGURE161.-Experiment S073, Camrra to photograph faint luminosities in the sky.
nautical miles) . Any halo around the spacecraft will curtail astronomical
observations while Skylab is exposed to sunlight.
These observations will be made with the photometer built for the
Contamination Measuring System TO27 (Fig. 209). The photographic
camera of TO27 will provide star pictures for sky region identification.
Observations will be made through both the solar and the anti-solar
scientific airlocks.
$228, Trans-Uranic Cosmic Rays
Principal Investigator:
Dr. P. Buford Price
University of California
Berkeley, California
Record the tracks of heavy cosmic rays from iron (atomic number Z----26)
to trans-uranic nuclei (atomic numbers Z_92) in layers of plastic material
(Lexan). Determine the relative abundance of nuclei with atomic num-
bers above 26. Determine the energy spectrum of cosmic ray particles
with atomic numbers from Z= 26 to Z-numbers as high as possible. Par-
ticle energies from about 150 MeV 1 to more than 1500 MeV per nucleon
are expected.
Cosmic ray particles with atomic numbers representing the heavy ele-
ments are extremely rare. However, measurement of their abundance and
energy spectra will provide very valuable information about the synthesis
of heavy elements in stars. Also, results of these measurements will be use-
ful in the design of detectors for ultra-heavy cosmic rays proposed for future
space projects.
Tracks of very heavy cosmic ray particles have been found in meteor-
ites. Observations with high-altitude rockets have also provided some data
on cosmic ray :particles with high atomic numbers. The atmosphere pre-
vents such particles from reaching the Earth's surface.
The heavy cosmic ray particle detectors are completely passive. They
consist of stacks of identical layers of Lexan plastic sheets, mounted inside
the thin walls of the Orbital Workshop. After returning to Earth, the
Lexan sheets will be chemical etched. Etch pits develop at the top and
bottom surfaces of each sheet where cosmic ray particles have entered and
left the plastic layer. The length of a pit is proportional to the square of
the ionization rate of the particle. By observing the track of a particle
through many layers of a stack, atomic number and energy of the particle
can be derived. The two stacks of Lexan sheets have a mass of 30 kg (66
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Don L. Lind, Astronaut
NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Dr. Johannes Geiss
University of Bern, Switzerland
Collections of helium, neon, and argon by exposing metal foils to the
particle fluxes encountered by Skylab while traveling through the magneto-
sphere. In this sphere, which extends from about 160 km (100 statute
miles or 90 nautical miles) to several Earth radii, the Earth's magnetic
field strongly influences the trajectories of charged particles. The sources
of charged particles to be collected by Skylab sensors include the Van
Allen Belt radiation, possibly the solar wind, and the interstellar gas.
Charged particles, particularly ions of atmospheric gases, may even reach
orbital altitudes from the upper layers of the atmosphere.
Exposed foils will be returned to Earth after the second and the third
Skylab missions. Implanted particles will be released by heating and
analyzed with mass spectrometers. Particle energies can be estimated by
employing layered foils, and by determining the depth of particle penetra-
tion by separate analysis of the different layers.
It is known that isotope ratios of noble gases in the Earth's atmosphere
are very different from the ratios in the solar wind and probably in inter-
stellar gas clouds. By determining isotope ratios in the collecting foils, par-
ticle fluxes of terrestrial, solar, and interstellar origin can be distinguished.
Charged particles of the solar wind have been successfully captured by
metal foils in several Apollo experiments on the surface of the Moon and
in rocket probe experiments. The experiment on Skylab will consist of
sheets of collecting foils mounted on flexible plastic substrates. Collectors
of aluminum, aluminum oxide, and platinum will be used. They will
be mounted in the form of two "double cuffs" on a truss of the ATM
supporting frame before launch. Each of the six collectors has a size
of 0.35 by 0.48 m (14 by 19 inches).
After return to Earth, parts of each foil strip will be heated and finally
melted in ultra-high vacuum systems, and the evolving gases will be
analyzed in mass spectrometers.
Except for EVA retrieval, this experiment is entirely passive.
FIGURE163.-Earth observation studies from Skylab.
handle data irom each sensor, a control and display panel, and primary and
spare tape recorders.
EREP photography will greatly improve resolution of Earth resources
phenomena by virtue of simultaneous exposures using six matched cameras,
and by precise photometry that can provide more accurate knowledge of
light intensity levels of various bandwidths in each survey photograph.
The infrared spectroscopic survey will operate in wavelengths not record-
able on photographic film and will provide data from which recognizable
spectral signatures of the observed phenomena can be plotted. By simul-
taneously operating in frequencies transmitted by the atmosphere and in
those attenuated by atmospheric moisture, atmospheric moisture density
profiles can be generated.
The microwave radiometry equipment, because of its low sensitivity to
atmospheric moisture, will provide an all-weather source of information on
surface moisture and temperature and on vegetation distribution. Micro-
wave radiometry over the oceans will provide information on wind and
sea conditions.
Two crewmen are required to operate the sensors. The control and
display panel contains individual switches which activate and select the
operating modes for five of the EREP sensors. Also included are master
power switches and the controls for the tape recorder. The assigned crew-
man will be responsible for operating each of the sensors from the control
and display panel during its functional period. Other functions of the
crew involve positioning the S190A boresighted camera array over the
photographic viewing window, changing film/filter combinations, and
changing lens dessicants and f-stops as required. Supply and return of
film cassettes for the S190A array and the 16 mm camera, used with the
S191 Infrared Spectrometer, will also be required. A crewman will operate
slewing control of the tracking telescope to bring targets into the field of
view of the S191 Spectrometer. The S190B Earth Terrain Camera will
be deployed by the third crewman to view through the scientific airlock
opposite the Sun in the Workshop. Film supply and retrieval to and from
this instrument will also be accomplished by this crewman.
Another major function of the crew will involve coordination with
ground-based activities and Mission Control to update EREP operations.
Real-time decisions will be required because of local weather and cloud
cover conditions. This important astronaut function will optimize the utili-
zation of the _REP and, therefore, maximize Skylab's contribution of useful
data to the Principal Investigators. An artist's conception of the ground
coverage of the EREP is shown on Fig. 164.
The six sensors comprising the EREP package can be categorized under
the headings of photography, infrared observations, and microwave studies.
A description of each sensor follows.
3 11.1 K M
a. Photography
FIGURE165.-Experirnent S190A, Multispectral camera for earth observations.
Wavelength Film
Nanometer Micrometer
500 to 600. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 to 0.6 Pan X black and white.
600 to 700. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6 to 0.7 Pan X black and white.
700 to 800. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.7 to 0.8 Infrared black and white.
800 to 900. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8 to 0.9 Infrared black and white.
500 to 800.. . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 to 0.8 Infrared color.
400 to 700. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4 to 0.7 High resolution color.
., H3 *
*\l %
L WIN 3 \lH
[CURE 167.-Experiment S190B, Camera with small field of view for high resolution
mile) DIAMETER _ _-_ /
$)/SQUAR _
b. Infrared Observations
ties 45" forward, 10" aft, and 20" to either side, and a field of view of
0.46 km (one-quarter statute mile) in diameter. The astronaut will use
a viewfinder and tracking telescope with zoom capability to find interesting
ground sites at nadir that usually will be in his field of view for less than
a minute.
i / '
c. Microwave Studies
temperature) of land and ocean areas, obtain altimetry data relating
sensor response to actual oceanic state. Data will provide information
relative to seasonal changes in snow cover and the border between frozen
and unfrozen ground, gross vegetation regions and their seasonal changes,
flooding, feasibility of measuring soil types and texture, heat output of
metropolitan areas, regions of lake and sea ice, and ocean surface charac-
teristics. The transmitter for the radar signals and the receiver for reflected
radar signals and emitted microwave radiation will operate at a frequency
of 13.9 GHz. Brightness temperature and backscattering will be measured
as functions of incidence angle. The instrument will operate in several
modes; the maximum forward pointing is 48", and the maximum side
pointing is 48" to either side. The ground area coverage at nadir is
11.1 km (6.9 statute miles) in diameter. The pulse radar altimeter, which
shares the antenna assembly with the microwave experiment, will record
normal return radar pulses. Their evaluation will provide information
about ocean state effects on pulse characteristics. The altimeter has a
nadir alignment capability which will give the altimeter a more accurate
alignment with the vertical than the vehicle could provide.
111 KM.
1.43 GHz. Measurements of the brightness temperature of the Earth's
surface will supplement the S193 experiment. Effects of cloud cover on
radiometric measurements can be determined by comparing measure-
ments at both S193 and S194 frequencies (13.9 GHz and 1.43 GHz). The
instrument will survey ground swaths 111 km (69 statute miles) wide.
From the beginning of manned space flight, there has been concern about
the ability of man to survive a flight through space and to perform satisfac-
torily in the space environment. Specific concern has centered around the
exposure of the human body to launch accelerations, its adaptation to weight-
lessness, its ability to withstand reentry loads, and its readaptation to full
gravity following the return to Earth.
The first decade of manned space flight was devoted to the preparation of
man for the Apollo Program and to his qualification for lunar landing mis-
sions. During the Gemini III mission, limited medical experiments were con-
ducted to study man's physiological reactions during a two-week mission.
The other Gemini and Apollo flights were used for studies of physiological
effects on man through pre- and postflight medical experiments.
Before long-duration programs of explorations and operations in space
can be undertaken, man's viability and usefulness under space conditions
must be further assured. This can only be accomplished through careful
quantitative studies of man's physiological, psychological, and social adjust-
ments as they occur during flight. Limiting influences exercised by the space
environment on the capabilities of crew members must be studied, and
proper levels of performance for any given time during a flight must be
established. These studies will result in time profiles of the adaptation of men
to space conditions, and they will show whether long-term adjustments
eventually lead to new stable levels, or whether the need for continual adjust-
ments threatens to exceed man's reserve capacity for meeting stress. Even if
the crew members do successfully adapt to space conditions, the return to
Earth involves an additional adaptive change about which more must be
The Skylab Program offers the first opportunity to study these questions in
depth. The 28- and 56-day missions are long enough for a study of acute
effects which could threaten man's safety, and also for the observation of
slower biological processes. The biomedical experiments on Skylab have been
designed to study the suspected changes and to investigate the basic mecha-
nisms involved in these changes. The experimental investigations are much
more comprehensive than previous investigations which served only medical
safety monitoring purposes. Medical safety monitoring will be performed
operationally on Skylab by known and fully tried bioinstrumentation, medi-
cal techniques and procedures.
The Skylab medical program represents an intensive study of normal,
healthy men and their reactions to the stresses of space flight. Seldom has
such a comprehensive examination been performed in ground-based studies
and never under the unusual stresses of prolonged space flight. As an addi-
tional benefit, preparing and conducting these multi-man extended missions
will lead to advances in Earth-based medicine in such areas as non-invasive
biosensors (medical probes which do not have to be inserted into the body)
and biotelemetry where significant contributions to medical diagnosis and
treatment are expected.
A basic set of biomedical data has been collected as a safety monitoring
procedure on all manned flights of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo pro-
grams. Heart and respiration rates, and at times body temperature and blood
pressure were recorded. These data were supplemented by a variety of
pre- and postflight measurements of such factors as exercise capability, car-
diovascular stress response, hematological-biochemical changes, immunolo'gy
studies, and microbiolo,@calevaluations. In the Gemini program, medical
experiments of limited scope were conducted in flight to investigate the time
course of the changes which had been noticed before and after previous
The following physiological effects of space flight on man have been
observed :
A consistent loss of body weight; a small and inconsistent loss of bone cal-
cium and muscle mass; and generally after return to Earth, a reduction in
the ability of blood vessels to actively distribute blood to those parts of the
body that need it (orthostatic intolerance) .
These effects completely reversed themselves within a few days after return
to Earth. So far, they have shown no consistent relation to flight duration
( u p to 14 days). However, some concern remains that continued exposure to
flight conditions on extended missions could significantly reduce man's effec-
tiveness in space and increase the difficulty of re-adapting to the gravity
conditions on Earth or on another celestial body.
Each manned mission in the U.S. space program was built upon the cumu-
lative experience of preceding flights. Skylab will expose more men, in a
larger spacecraft, with more varied activities, and for longer times to the
weightlessness of orbital flight than any previous space project. It will allow
more thorough evaluation of biomedical observations under extended periods
of zero gravity, and it will use more rigorous evaluation techniques, than has
previously been possible (Fig. 173) .
173.-Medical studies carried out on Skylab and on the ground.
The Skylab biomedical program will cover four areas:
• The project will achieve extended stay times of nine men in space, three
at a time, with the associated operational medical monitoring and the obser-
vations of crew performance in a wide variety of scientific and operational
• The medical experiments are designed to investigate in depth those
physiological effects and their time courses which were observed in previous
• The biology experiments are designed to study fundamental biological
processes which may be affected by the weightless environment.
• The biotechnology experiments are directed toward advancing the ef-
fectiveness of man-machine systems in space operations and improving the
technology of space-borne bioinstrumentation.
The knowledge and experience gained from all four parts of the program
will help establish criteria for incremental increases in the duration of
future manned missions after the 28- and 56-day Skylab flights.
Two animal experiments on Skylab (S071, S072) will help determine
whether the force of gravity may have an influence on the regulators of
some of the fur, damental rhythms in living organisms. A small colony of
mice and a sampling of pupae of the vinegar gnat will be flown on Skylab
and observed for changes in specific life cycles under the zero-gravity con-
dition of space.
Principal Investigator:
G. Donald Whedon, M.D.
National Institutes of Health,
Washington, D.C.
Leo Lutwak, M.D.
Cornell University
Ithaca, N.Y.
Principal Coordinating Scientist:
Dr. Paul C. Rambaut,
NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas.
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Collect data for a predictive understanding of the effects of space flight
on the muscle and skeletal system by measuring the day-to-day gains or
losses of pertinent biochemical constituents.
The following data are to be collected: daily body weight; accurate
food intake (quantity and composition) ; accurate fluid intake; volume
of a 24-hour urine output; samples of pooled 24-hour urine output; and
preflight, inflight and postflight blood samples taken for analysis. Also,
all feces and all vomitus (if any) will be collected, weighed, processed,
and stored for return and postflight analysis.
Urine will be analyzed for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium,
potassium, chlorine, nitrogen, urea, hydroxyproline, and creatinine. Feces
will- be analyzed for calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium,
and nitrogen. Blood will be analyzed for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
alkaline phosphotase, sodium, potassium, total protein, glucose and hy-
droxproline, creatinine, chloride, and electrophoretic pattern.
All instruments used in this experiment are parts of other systems. They
will be described in the appropriate sections. These instruments include
the following:
Urine Measurement and Collection System ( a part of the Habita-
bility Support System).
Fecal Collection System ( a part of the Habitability Support System) .
Specimen Mass Measurement Device ( a part of M074).
Body Mass Measurement Device ( a part of M172).
Food system.
Inflight blood collection equipment.
Principal Investigator:
John M. Vogel, M.D.
U.S. Public Health Service Hospital
San Francisco, California
Dr. John R. Cameron
University of Wisconsin Medical Center
Madison, Wisconsin
Development Center:
Assess the effects of the spaceflight environment on the occurrence and
degree of bone mineral changes in the left heel and forearm (radius) by
measuring bone masses before and after Skylab flights. These measure-
ments will indicate the degree of calcium deposition (calcification) in
the bones. Normal chemical activity in bones is stimulated by the pulling
force of attached muscles and by gravitational forces acting upon the
body. Both forces are altered during weightless flight.
Measurements of bone masses will be taken only on the ground, before
and after flight. A scanning probe, using the soft gamma radiation of the
radioactive isotope iodine-125, a gamma ray detector, and a multichannel
analyzer will take radiograms of the bones; by comparing postflight with
preflight pictures, the changes can be determined. Calibration will be
achieved by comparing the bone absorption, mostly due to calcium, with
the absorption in test layers of known thickness and composition. Measure-
ments will be taken of all crew members and of control group members.
FIGURE177.-Control Panel to support medical experiments.
'FIGURE 178.-Experiment M092, Lower Body Negative Pressure instrument
training on the ground.
165 -
The Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBN) experiment imposes a
slight reduction of external pressure to the lower half of the body. This
"negative" pressure (negative with respect to the environment of the
upper half of the body) will have a blood pooling effect in the lower part
of the body, similar to the effects of the normal hydrostatic pressure of
the blood column in a person standing upright in the Earth's gravity field.
The experiment will test how the cardiovascular system reacts to a con-
trolled amount of blood pooling during weightless flight.
The LBNP experiment utilizes three basic units: (1) a cylindrical tank
with a waist seal which encloses the lower half of the astronaut under test.
The pressure in the tank can be lowered by as much as 15 to 20 percent
below the ambient cabin pressure, thus exposing the lower body to a con-
trolled series of negative pressures. (2) a leg volume measuring system
(Leg Volume Plethysmograph) which senses the expansion of the legs
by measuring the circumference of each leg at the level of the calf muscle.
The amount of expansion is a measure of the amount of blood pooling
in the legs. (3) the Blood Pressure Assembly, consisting of a pressure
cuff attached to the upper arm, a microphone to pick up the sounds of
blood flow, and the necessary electronic systems. A programming unit
cycles the pressure cuff automatically. Recording and calibrating is ac-
complished through the Experiment Support System.
The experiment uses the Vectorcardiogram equipment from M093 and
the Body Temperature Measuring System from M171. It will be per-
formed on each astronaut every three days. The entire experiment takes
about 60 minutes to perform; an attending astronaut is needed to assist
the subject.
Principal Investigator:
Newton W. Allebach, M.D.
USN Aerospace Medical Institute
Pensacola, Florida
Raphael F. Smith, M.D.
School of Medicine
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Measure the activity of the heart by recording electric signals (vector-
cardiographic potentials) of each astronaut during preflight, inflight, and
postflight periods to obtain information on changes in heart functions
induced by the flight conditions. Vectorcardiograms will be taken at regu-
- -a- *-
lar intervals throughout the mission while the crewmen are a t rest, and
before, during, and after specific exercise periods with a bicycle ergometer
(part of Experiment M17 1) . This instrument will enable an astronaut to
exercise a t selected levels of energy consumption.
The Vectorcardiogram system consists of a harness with eight electrodes,
a signal-shaping network (Frank Lead Network), calibration and timing
circuits, and three Electrocardiogram ( ECG) signal conditioner chan-
nels. The system provides three ECG signals and a heart rate signal to
the spacecraft system and to the Experiment Support System
(ESS) . The ESS will provide power, additional signal conditioning, and
recording facilities.
FIGURE181.-Experiment M093, Recording of vectorcardiograms during physical
exercise in orbit.
Chromosomes, located
in thenucleiofcells,providethebasis
of mostof thebiochemical functionsandactivities
aresusceptibletochange undertheinfluence
reagents,andsomeotherenvironmental factors,
Periodic blood samples will be taken before and after the flight, beginning
one month before and ending three weeks after recovery. The leukocytes
will be placed in a short-term tissue culture. During the first cycle of cell
division in the isolated cultures, standard chromosome preparations of the
leukocytes will be made.
The leukocytes from the cell culture will be removed during metaphase
and "fixed." A visual analysis will be performed which involves counting
the chromosomes, the number of breaks, and possibly the types of breaks,
and then comparing the identifiable chromosome forms with groups of
chromosomes comprising the normal human complement.
This experiment will provide chromosome aberration frequencies as
they are found postflight in nine men. The relation between radiation
dose experienced by each man and the number of chromosome breaks
will be studied on the basis of these data.
Principal Investigator:
Stephen E. Ritzman, M.D.
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas
William C. Levin, M.D.
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Determine any changes in man's cell chemistry that may result from pro-
longed exposure to weightlessness. Study the changes in humoral and
cellular immunity as reflected by the concentration of plasma and
blood cell proteins, blastoid transformations, and synthesis of ribonucleic
(RNA) and desoxyribonucleic (DNA) acids by the lymphocytes.
An organism's ability to combat infections or to repair injured tissues
may be influenced by the lack of gravity as a consequence of a change in
cell chemistry caused by zero gravity.
Data reflecting normal cell metabolism will be obtained 21, seven, and
one day before launch from the crewmen, and from a control group com-
posed of three men physically similar to the crewmen. This group will
also serve as the ground control group during the flight. Inflight blood
samples will be taken four times from each crewman during the first
mission and eight times from each crewman during the second and third
missions. Seven days and 21 days after recovery, samples again will be
taken from each crewman.
Blood will be analyzed for kinetics of lymphocyte RNA and DNA,
RNA and DNA distribution in lymphocytes, observation of blastoid for-
mation, lymphocyte morphology and antigen response, lymphocyte
functional response to antigen quantitation of plasma constituents,
presence of immunoglobulins, albumin and globulin concentration, and
total plasma protein. The Inflight Blood Collection System will provide
the capability to draw venous blood and to centrifuge the samples for
preservation. The blood samples will be frozen and returned to Earth
for postflight analysis. The data from preflight, inflight, and postflight
samples will be compared to detect any significant changes caused by the
conditions of orbital flight.
Ml13, Blood Volume and Red Cell Life Span (Fig. 182)
Principal Investigator:
Phillip C. Johnson, M.D.
Baylor University
College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Determine the effects of weightlessness on the blood plasma volume and
the red blood cell population. Particular attention is to be paid to
changes in total mass of red cells, red cell destruction, red cell life span,
and red cell production rate.
Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the
body. Decreases in the total mass of red cells will necessitate increased
heart and breathing rates.
This experiment has four parts; in each, a different radioisotope tracer
will be injected into crewmen's veins and into veins of a control group
with similar physical characteristics on the ground.
The site of red blood cell (RBC) production in the mature adult is
the marrow of membranous bones (e.g. sternum and vertebrae). The
rate of production is dependent on metabolic demands and on the cur-
rent red cell population. The rate of RBC production will be measured
quantitatively by injection of a known quantity of a radioactive ion
tracer into crew members.
Since the rate of RBC production acts with RBC loss to increase or
decrease the total RBC mass present at a given time, any changes in
the rates of RBC production and destruction will be necessarily reflected
in the red cell mass. Such changes in red cell mass will be measured and
analyzed in the flight crew members by injection of red cells tagged with
radioactive chromium (in the form of sodium chromate).
Ml14, Red Blood Cell Metabolism
Principal Investigator:
Charles E. Mengel, M.D.
University of Missouri
School of Medicine
Columbia, Missouri
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Study the effects of gravity on the membrane and the metabolism of the
human red blood cell. Determine whether any metabolic changes or mem-
brane modifications occur as a result of exposure to the space flight envi-
ronment. This experiment will complement Experiment Ml13.
Blood samples of each crewman will be taken preflight (21, seven, and
one days before launch), inflight (four times during the first and eight
times during the second and third manned missions), and postflight
(recovery day, one, and 14 days after recovery).
Blood will be analyzed for methemoglobin, glyceraldehyde-6-phosphate,
dehydrogenase, phosphoglyceric acid kinase, reduced gluthathione,
adenosine triphosphate, gluthathione reductase, lipid peroxide levels,
acetylcholinestecase, phosphofructokinase, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, and
The Inflight Blood Collection System will provide the capability to
draw venous blood and to centrifuge the samples for preservation. The
blood samples will be frozen and returned to Earth for postflight analysis.
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Stephen L. Kimsey
Craig L. Fischer, M.D.
NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Examine critical physiological blood parameters relative to a stable state
of equilibrium between certain blood components and evaluate the
effects of weightlessness upon these parameters. Provide other data on
blood and blood circulation which will assist in the interpretation of
hematology and immunity experiments (Mlll series) and of nutrition
and musculoskeletal function experiments (M071 series). The red blood
cell represents a model system for the evaluation of physiological changes
that might occur in man during prolonged exposure to weightlessness.
Blood studies made on Gemini and Apollo astronauts have shown that
changes in red cell mass, blood constituents, and the fluid and electrolyte
balance can be expected as a result of the space environment.
Blood samples of each crewman will be taken preflight (21, 14, seven,
and one days before launch), inflight (four times on the first and eight
times on the second and third manned missions), and postflight (recov-
ery day, one, three, seven, 14, and 21 days after recovery).
Blood will be analyzed for sodium, potassium, single cell hemoglobin,
red blood cell hemoglobin, RNA, protein distribution, hemoglobin char-
acterization, electrophoretic mobility, red blood cell age profile, red blood
cell electrolyte distribution, membrane and cellular ultrastructure, acid
and osmotic fragility, critical volume, volume distribution, red blood cell
count, white blood cell count, differential white cell count, micro-
hematocrit, platelet count, hemoglobin, and reticulocyte count.
The Inflight Blood Collection System will provide the capability to
draw venous blood and to centrifuge the samples for preservation. The
blood samples will be frozen and returned to Earth for p0stflight analysis.
M131, Human Vestibular Function (Fig. 184)
Principal Investigator :
Ashton Graybiel, M.D.
USN Aerospace Medical Institute
Pensacola, Florida
Co-Investigator :
Dr. Earl F. Miller
USN Aerospace Medical Institute
Pensacola, Florida
Development Center :
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Examine the effects of weightlessness on the vestibular system, i.e. the
system of semicircular canals of the ear which provides the perception of
balance and orientation. Determine any changes in man's sensitivity
to motion and rotation and any variations in his ability of coordination
under prolonged weightlessness.
Test the astronauts' susceptibility to motion sickness in the Skylab
environment, acquire data fundamental to an understanding of the
functions of human gravity receptors under prolonged absence of grav-
ity, and test for changes in the sensitivity of the semicircular canals. The
following data are to be collected: threshold perception of rotation,
motion sickness symptoms caused by out-of-plane head motions while
being rotated, and ability of a crewman to determine his orientation
with respect to spacecraft reference points without visual cues. Data will
be collected before, during, and after flight.
The inflight equipment includes:
Rotating Litter Chair--This chair is a framed seating device which is
convertible for operation in either a rotating or a tilt litter mode.
Drive Motor for Chair Rotation--This motor has the capability of
rotating the seated subject within the limits of 1 to 30 rpm at an accuracy
of ± 1 percent.
Control Console--The console contains mode selector, speed selector,
tachometer, indicators, timers, other devices for control, and a response
matrix for coding a subject's response to the rotational tests.
Otolith Test Goggle--This device is used to measure the visual space
orientation in two dimensions. It provides the visual target for the
oculogyral illusion test.
Custom Bite Boards--The bite' boards are used to hold the otolith test
goggle precisely and comfortably in position over the observer's eyes.
Reference Sphere and Magnetic Pointer with Readout Device--These
devices are used for measuring spatial localization using nonvisual clues.
A magnetic pointer is held against the sphere and moved by the subject.
This will determine the subject's ability to judge his orientation. The
pointer position is measured by the three-dimensional readout device.
Principal Investigator:
James D. Frost, Jr., M.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Determine the quantity and quality of an astronaut's sleep during long
periods of weightlessness through an analysis of electroencephalographic
(EEG) and electro-oculographic (EOG) activities. This information will
complement other investigations concerning reactions of the central nerv-
ous system under space flight conditions. The following data are to be
collected: preflight EEG and EOG data of a crewman for three consecu-
tive nights of sleep, periodical inflight EEG and EOG data throughout a
crewman's sleep period, and postflight sleep EEGs and EOGs on approxi-
mately the first, the third, and the fifth day after recovery.
One of the astronauts, selected for this experiment, will wear a fitted cap
during his sleep periods with electrodes for electroencephalographic mea-
surements of brain waves (EEG signals), with accelerometers to record
motions of the head, and with electrodes near one eye (electro-oculograph)
to sense rapid movements of the eyeball during sleep. Signals from these
senors, recorded on magnetic tape and analyzed after return to Earth, will
permit conclusions regarding the depth and length of the sleep stages.
Signals will also be telemetered to the ground station in near real time.
Inflight recordings will be compared with preflight and postflight observa-
tions made on the same crew member with the same sensors.
FIGURE185.-Experiment M133, Monitoring of sleep and sleep reactions of astronaut.
M151, Time and Motion Study (Fig. 186)
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Joseph F. Kubis
Fordham University
Bronx, New York
Co-Investigator :
Dr. Edward J. M c L a u g h h
NASA Headquarters, OMSF
Washington, D.C.
Development Center :
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Observe astronauts in motion. Compare their mobility and dexterity in
various activities under weightlessness with their mobility and dexterity
in similar activities under Earth conditions. Evaluate their zero-gravity be-
havior for designs and work programs of future spacecraft.
The following tasks have been selected for this observation:
Study the locomotion of crewmen as they move in the zero-gravity en-
vironment with and without loads.
Study the fine and gross motor activities of crewmen in performing op-
erations with and without the use of restraints.
Study crewmen performing tasks which require visual, tactile, or audi-
tory feedback, or combinations of feedbacks.
Study intravehicular (IVA) and extravehicular (EVA) activities.
Study repeated activities performed early, midway, and late in the
missions which will show adaptation to the zero-gravity environment.
Recording of this experiment will be achieved with the 16 mm movie
camera, and with a portable high intensity photographic lamp, both of
which will be used also for other purposes. I n addition, verbal information
by the astronauts about their experiences in zero-gravity operations will be
tape-recorded for later evaluation.
Similar recordings have ' k e n made on the ground during crew training.
Physiological responses to physical activity will be deduced by analyzing
inhaled and exhaled air, pulse rate, blood pressure, and other selected
variables of a crew member performing controlled amounts of physical
work with a bicycle ergometer.
Evaluate the bicycle ergometer as an exerciser on long-duration
Collect data on ergometer work rate, ergometer RPM, oxygen uptake,
carbon dioxide output, minute volume, 1 vital capacity, respiratory
quotient, heart rate, blood pressure, vectorcardiogram, body weight, body
temperature, and Skylab environmental parameters.
Main component of this experiment is an ergometer (wheelless exercising
bicycle) whose pedal wheel friction is controlled by a cardiotachometer
in such a way that a preselected heart rate of the crew member remains
constant. It can also be controlled for a constant, preselected workload.
Equipment further includes a respiratory gas analyzer, a blood pressure
measuring system, a body temperature measuring system, and a vector-
cardiogram system (see Experiment M093). A metabolic analyzer, con-
taining a spirometer and a mass spectrometer, will measure oxygen uptake,
carbon dioxide output, and minute volume.
Each crew member will perform this experiment five times during the
28-day mission, and eight times during the 56-day missions.
Principal Investigator:
William E. Thornton, M.D.
NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Development Center:
JSC; Integration Center: MSFC
Determine the body mass of each crew member; observe changes in body
masses during flight. Demonstrate the proper functioning and assess the
utility of the Body Mass Measuring System in daily use.
Knowledge of exact body mass variations throughout the flight will
greatly help in the correlation of other medical data obtained during
Mass measurements under zero-gravity conditions can be achieved by
application of Newton's second law (force equals mass times accelera-
tion). The force is provided by a spring; the mass is attached to a platform
suspended as a pendulum by four parallel flexing strips. An optical
pickup and an electric timer measure the period of the spring-loaded
pendulum. In order to achieve a measurement, the astronaut sits in a
FIGURE188.-Experiment M172, Determination of body mass.
compact posture on the platform, cocks the spring, and releases the
platform which will oscillate with a sinusoidal motion. Time signals
are converted to provide a readout directly in kilograms. (See Experiment
M074). The Body Mass Measurement Device has been calibrated before
launch with known masses up to 100 kg (220 lbs) .
FIGURE189.-Experiment S015, Study of zero gravity effects on human cells.
DNA=Dioxyribonucleic acid
RNA=Ribonucleic acid
These substances are basic components of live cells (see glossary)
Instruments used for this experiment include a microscope-camera as-
sembly and a growth curve module subsystem, both enclosed in a single
hermetically sealed package. Two phase-contrast microscopes with mag-
nifications of 20 and 40, each focused on its own specimen chamber, will
provide images to the two 16 mm time-lapse cameras. The cameras
will be cycled automatically by a built-in timing mechanism; each will
run at 5 frames per minute for 40 minutes twice per day for the entire
28-day mission.
The specimen chambers will provide temperature-controlled environ-
ments for the cell cultures. Each chamber will have its own independent
media exchange assembly to provide fresh nutrients to the cultures twice
each day.
The Growth Curve Module consists of two operationally independent
assemblies, each capable of maintaining living cells in nine chambers.
At preprogrammed times, a fixative will be injected into eight chambers,
one at a time. The cells will be returned for postflight analysis.
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Robert G. Lindberg
Northrop Corporation Laboratories
Hawthorne, California
Development Center:
Ames Research Center; Integration Center: JSC
Determine whether the daily physiological rhythms of a mammal (pocket
mouse, Fig. 140) are changed by a zero-gravity environment. Circadian
rhythms (24-hour physiological wake-and-sleep cycles) of animals and
man are suspected to be influenced to some extent by gravitational forces.
Should an influence be discovered, this would be an indication that
biorhythms at least of animals are timed and controlled by factors which
include gravity.
Changed or affected rhythms alter the basic control of metabolism.
It is important that normal _,,o,ogma,
_: _ " 1 rhythms in man be maintained lulL"
his well-being and effectiveness during space flight. If normal physiological
rhythms are found to continue in the test animals, the conclusion can be
drawn that space flight does not impose biorhythm restriction and that
man can work in space without a degradation of his performance due to
biorhythm disturbance.
The experiment includes six pocket mice placed in a completely dark
cage at 15 ° C (60 ° F) temperature, relative humidity of 60 ° percent,
and an atmospheric pressure equal to sea level pressure.
Three weeks before the mission, the mice will be placed in the cage.
Body temperature and activity level will be automatically monitored to
establish the natural period, phase, and stability of the rhythms under
ICE H O l J ' , l \ O I
5 0 0 - 7 2 1 0 - 7 3 - 13
Earth gravity conditions. The cage will be installed in the Service Module
shortly before launch. The same measurements will be made during the
flight. Data will be automatically recorded and telemetered to Earth for
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Colin S. Pittendrigh
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Development Center:
Ames Research Center; Integration Center: JSC
Determine whether the daily emerging cycle of the vinegar gnat
(drosophila) from the pupa to the fly is the same under weightlessness and
on Earth.
Extensive experiments have shown that even though gnats in the pupa
stage develop at different rates depending on temperature, the adult gnats
will not emerge from their pupae until some kind of internal signal is
given. This triggering signal is somehow timed to occur at an exactly
fixed time delay after a flash of light. The signal occurs at the same con-
stant time interval after the flash, independent of the temperature.
The experiment will measure the emergence times of four groups at 20 °
C (68 ° F) to find out whether space flight conditions change the mecha-
nism which keeps the rhythm constant despite changes in temperatures.
Each group of pupae is divided into two subgroups. Flashes of light will
initiate the emergence of the two subgroups at two different times. If the
delayed subgroup shows the same rhythm of emergence response as the
earlier group, it is probable that no external factor contributes to the
rhythm and that the rhythms are internally synchronized with the light
This experiment is conducted in conjunction with the pocket mice ex-
periment (S071). If rhythms of both experiments are disrupted or altered
during space flight, it can be assumed that space flight disrupts or alters
the common basic rhythm mechanisms, and that man's biological rhythm
mechanism is probably also affected by zero gravity.
This facility (Fig. 192), located in the Orbital Workshop, will provide
normal power, special regulated power, controls and displays, data manage-
ment, recording facilities, programmed time signals, pressurized gas, and
calibration commands for the biomedical experiments M092, M093, M131,
and M171. Specific subsystems will support blood pressure measurements,
leg volume measurements, and vectorcardiogram measurements.
The Experiment Support System was developed and integrated by
Material Science and Manufacturing in Space
M479 Zero-gravity Flammability
M512 Materials Processing in Space
M551 Metals Melting
M552 'Sphere Forming
M553 Exothermic Brazing
M555 Gallium Arsenide Crystal Growth
M518 Multipurpose Electric Furnace System
M556 Vapor Growth of II-VI Compounds
M557 Immisciple Alloy Compositions
M558 Radioactive Tracer Diffusion
M559 Microsegregation in Germanium
M560 Growth of Spherical Crystals
M561 Whisker-Reinforced Composites
M562 Indium-Antimonide Crystals
M563 Mixed III-V Crystal Growth
M564 Halide Eutectics
M565 Silver Grids Melted in Space
M566 Copper-Aluminum Eutectic
Spacecraft Environment
screwdriver bits. Also included are a vise, a speeder handle, a spin-type
handle, a ratchet handle, a pin straightener, and other common handtools.
A repair kit is also installed in a standard stowage locker. This kit contains
the necessary types and sizes of blister patches to repair structural leaks.
Additional items provided include flat patches, Teflon tape, sealant putty,
Velcro fasteners, restraints, scissors, and tape for repairing air duct damage.
Another support kit includes tension and compression scales, a steel meas-
uring tape, a sound level meter, a frequency analyzer, two surface tempera-
ture digital thermometers, three ambient thermometers, and an air velocity
measuring instrument.
'Cameras using both film and television are provided. To support the film
cameras, there is a film vault to provide protection from radiation (Fig. 194) .
Photographic lights, power and signal cables, versatile mobile restraints, and
convenience outlets are provided. The film cameras available for use inside
the Skylab include a 16 mm Data A4cquisitionCamera (frame rates 2, 4, 6,
12 and 24 frames per second with shutter speeds from 1/60 to 1/1,000 of a
second), 35 mm, and 70 mm still cameras. Speed, resolution, and coverage
depend upon film and lens selected.
,* 2 7L
_ _J'_')_--- HINGE
NO. 3 ---_ _ .._ _FILM VAULT
FIGURE 194.----Film
Vault for storageof photographic films.
material, control of voids, and the ability to use electrostatic and magnetic
forces otherwise masked by gravitation open the way to new knowledge of
material properties and processes and ultimately to the production of valu-
able new materials for use on Earth. These potential products range from
composite structural materials with specialized physical properties to large
and highly perfect crystals with valuable electrical and optical properties.
In addition, it will be possible to evaluate the feasibility of using electron
beam and thermo-welding under zero-gravity conditions.
Practical experience with principles and problems of development and
integration which has been gained in developing the Skylab materials proc-
essing facility has already proved very valuable in the concept planning of
an improved and enlarged facility for incorporation into the Space Shuttle
Program. Final facility design for Shuttle missions will be based upon the
evaluation of the Skyiab program results, and after detailed user require-
ments have been specified.
Principal Investigator:
J. H. Kimzey
NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
FIGURE196.-Experiment M479,Flammability under zeru gravity.
M512, Materials Processing Facility (Fig. 197)
Principal Investigator :
P. G . Parks
'NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, Alabama
Objective and Instrumentation:
Perform fundamental research on the effects of zero-gravity on molten
metal processing. All the tasks belonging to this experiment involve the
melting of materials by the application of heat. On Earth, the density
differences caused by temperature differences result, under the influence
of gravity, in convection. For many purposes, this is a hindrance on Earth;
however, in zero gravity there will be no convection due to temperature
Another effect of gravity that will be avoided in space processing is
the separation of different density materials in the preparation of com-
posites. Certain materials of superior characteristics could be produced
if a uniform or other preferred mixture of substances of different den-
sities could be attained. O n Earth, fibers or particles embedded in a
melt will either float or settle if their density differs from that of the
matrix, but in space this will not occur.
The place where materials processing and a number of other experi-
ments on manufacturing in space will be carried out is the M512 facility.
This facility, mounted in the MDA, consists of a vacuum work chamber
with associated mechanical and electrical controls, an electron beam
subsystem (Fig. 198), and a control and display panel. The vacuum
chamber is a 40-cm (16-in) sphere with a hinged hatch for access. It
is connected to the space environment by a 10-cm ( k i n ) diameter line
containing two gate valves. The electron beam subsystem is mounted to
the chamber so that the beam traverses the sphere along a diameter
parallel to the plane of the hatch closure. The chamber wall contains a
cylindrical well accommodating the small electric furnaces used for the
M555 experiment. A receptacle above the well provides power and instru-
mentation lead connections to the control panel. Auxiliary provisions
include ports for a floodlight and the 16 mm data acquisition camera,
a bleed line, a repressurization line, and a port for a vacuum cleaner
to remove debris from the chamber. A subsystem is also provided for
spraying water into the chamber during some runs of the M479
The electron beam operates nominally at 20 kilovolts and 80 milliam-
peres. Focusing and deflection coils can be operated from the control
panel to adjust the size and position of the beam impingement spot on
the experiment samples.
The control panel contains controls and displays for all experiments
to be performed in the facility, including a pressure gauge for the vacuum
chamber, voltage and current meters for the electron beam, and a ther-
mocouple temperature indicator.
Project Engineer:
Arthur Boese
NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, Alabama
* Compounds formed of elements of the I1 and the VI group of the Periodic System
of Elements. Such compounds are mostly semiconductors.
of improvement that can be obtained in the perfection and chemical
homogeneity of crystals grown by vapor transport under weightless con-
ditions. Principal Investigator: Dr. H. Wiedemeier, Rensselaer Poly-
technic Institute, Troy, New York.
M557--Immiscible Alloy Compositions--Determine the effects of near
zero-gravity on the processing of material compositions which segregate
in the melt on Earth because of density differences. Principal Investigator:
J. Reger, Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Redondo Beach, California.
M558---Radioactive Tracer Diffusion--Measure self-diffusion and im-
purity diffusion effects in liquid metal under zero gravity, and characterize
the disturbing effects, if any, as a consequence of spacecraft acceleration.
Principal Investigator: Dr. T. Ukanwa, NASA-Marshall Space Flight
Center, Huntsville, Alabama.
M559--Microsegregation in Germanium--Determine the degree of
microsegregation of doping impurities in germanium caused by convection-
less directional solidification under conditions of weightlesseness. Principal
Investigator: Dr. F. Padovani, Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas.
M560--Growth of Spherical Crystals--Grow doped germanium crystals
of high chemical homogeneity and structural perfection, and compare
their physical properties with theoretical values for ideal crystals. Prin-
cipal Investigator: Dr. H. Walter, University of Alabama in Huntsville,
Huntsville, Alabama.
M561--Whisker-Reinforced Composites--Produce void-free samples of
silver and aluminum reinforced with oriented silicon carbide whiskers.
Principal Investigator: Dr. T. Kawada, National Research Institute for
Metals, Tokyo, Japan.
M562--Indium Antimonide Crystals--Produce doped semiconductor
crystals of high chemical homogeneity and structural perfection, and
evaluate the influence of weightlessness in attaining these properties. Prin-
cipal Investigator: Dr. H. Gatos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
M563--Mixed III-V Crystal Growth 1--Determine how weightlessness
affects directionality of binary semiconductor alloys.
If single crystals are obtained, determine how their semiconducting prop-
erties depend on alloy composition. Principal Investigator: Dr. W. Wilcox,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.
M564--Halide Eutectics--Produce samples of the fiberlike sodium
chloride-sodium fluoride eutectic, and measure its physical properties. In
particular, optical parameters of the space-produced material will be of
interest. Principal Investigator: Dr. A. Yue, University of California at
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.
M565--Silver Grids Melted in Space--Determine how pore sizes and
pore shapes change in grids of fine silver wires when they are melted and
resolidified in space. Principal Investigator: Dr. A. Deruythere, Catholic
University of Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium.
1 Compounds formed of elements of the III and V group of the Periodic System
of Elements.
M566--Copper-Aluminum Eutectic--Determine the effects of weight-
lessness on the formation of lamellar structures in eutectic alloys when
directionally solidified. Principal Investigator: E. Hasemeyer, NASA-
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama.
Principal Investigator:
C. C. Johnson
NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Objective and Instrumentation:
Evaluate the features of Skylab's living quarters, crew provisions, and
support facilities as they affect the crew's comfort, safety, and operating
efficiency. Equipment, procedures, and habitat design concepts derived
from experience on Earth and from previous short-duration orbital flights,
may require modification. This evaluation is a multidisciplinary set of
systematic observations, and it serves as a test and validation of design con-
cepts and technical features. The following aspects of system design and
operation will be studied: physical environment (temperature, humidity,
light, noise); architecture (volume and layout of working and living'
areas) ; mobility aids and personal restraints (translation, worksite support,
sleep stations) ; food and water (storage, preparation, quality) ; personal
garments (comfort, durability, design); personal hygiene (cleansing,
groonfing, collection and disposal of body waste) ; housekeeping (habitat
cleansing, waste control and disposal) ; off-duty activities (exercise facili-
ties, individual and group recreation, privacy features) ; and
Instruments used in this study include a portable surface temperature
digital thermometer, sound level meter, frequency analyzer, air velocity
meter, measuring tape, and ambient thermometers. Motion picture cam-
eras, lights, and tape recorders will be available from other experiments.
Data will be recorded in the form of motion picture films and voice tape
comments. The data will be evaluated on Earth after they are returned.
to be a routine supporting element in future manned space flight. EVA
is expected to play a major role in such areas as space rescue, inspection
and repair of parent and satellite spacecraft, personnel and cargo trans-
port, and space structure erection. The addition of maneuvering aids to
such EVA tasks is expected to reduce crew fatigue and stress, cut time
requirements, offset pressure suit mobility limitations, and facilitate atti-
tude orientation and stabilization.
The astronaut maneuvering equipment of Experiment M509 consists of
two jet-powered aids for maneuvering in a zero-gravity space environment.
The first is a back-mounted, hand-controlled Automatically Stabilized
Maneuvering Unit (ASMU) ; the second a Hand-Held Maneuvering
Unit ("MU). A backpack, serving both units, contains a rechargeable
or replaceable high pressure nitrogen propellant tank. I t will be worn for
the ASMU and for the H H M U (Fig. 201). The electrical systems within
the backpack are powered by a rechargeable or replaceable battery. The
astronaut dons the backpack over either a pressurized space suit or flight
coveralls, using a quick release harness similar to that used for parachutes.
The Automatically Stabilized Maneuvering Unit is maneuvered in six
degrees of freedom (X, Y, and Z axis translation, and pitch, yaw, and roll)
by means of 14 fixed thrusters located in various positions on the back-
pack. Control of the thrusters is achieved by two hand-controllers mounted
on arms e*ending from the backpack. The controllers are identical to
those used in the Apollo spacecraft. The Hand-Held Maneuvering Unit
is a simple, small, lightweight, completely manual device similar to the
one used in Gemini. It consists of a hand grip and controls for a pair
of tractor (pull) thrusters and an opposing single pusher thruster; the
assembly is connected to the ASMU propellant tank by a short hose. To
orient and propel himself in any attitude or direction, the operator points
the HHMU, aligns it so that the thrust vector passes approximately
through his center of gravity, and triggers the tractor or pusher thrusters as
indicated by his visual cues. Maneuvering with the ASMU and the
HHMU on Skylab will be performed within the Orbital Workshop.
The ASMU is instrumented to record numerous engineering and bio-
medical data during the pressu_-suited runs. These data will be sensed,
collected, and telemetered from the free-flying ASMU to a receiver within
the Orbital Workshop. Together with recorded voice commentary, the
data will be telemetered from the OWS to ground stations. Additional
experiment data will be provided by inflight television, postflight still
and motion picture data, and logbook entries. It is expected that M509 will
provide a wide range of valuable information on maneuvering unit han-
dling qualities, operating techniques, consumable requirements, capabili-
ties, and limitations.
Principal Investigator:
R. L. Bond
NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
To investigate crew performance in zero gravity, long-duration missions,
primarily through observations of normal Skylab tasks. This experiment
is oriented toward the design of future space equipment and work pro-
visions rather than basic human performance. The experiment calls for
systematic documentation of man's performance during prolonged weight-
less space flight, acquisition and evaluation of inflight maintenance data,
and evaluation of data relative to design criteria for future manned mis-
sions. There is no requirement for any special equipment solely for this
experiment. Data will be acquired for normal Skylab inflight activities.
They will be recorded by film, voice tapes, logbook entries, TV transmis-
sions, and telemetry.
Principal Investigator:
Robert J. Randle
NASA-Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, California
Objective and Instrumentation:
Investigate the effects of the space flight environment (including long-
mission time) on the navigator's ability to take space navigation measure-
500-7210 - 73 - 14
curacies of fractions of a second of arc. One of the most significant
hindrances to achieving this accuracy will probably be the movement of
the astronauts operating the spacecraft. Adequate design of the pointing
control system for these future vehicles demands accurate knowledge of
these effects. In this experiment, the forces exerted on the spacecraft by
specific astronaut body and limb movements will be precisely measured.
A limb motion sensor, attached to a suit, will measure the relative mo-
tions of the body, upper arm, lower arm, and upper and lower leg. The
astronaut performing the experiment will be attached to a device that
measures the force exerted on the Skylab structure by his activities. The
limb movements and forces will be recorded on tape, and the activity will
be photographed on motion picture film.
Principal Investigator:
Donald E. Hewes
NASA-Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
Objective and Instrumentation:
Evaluate an astronaut maneuvering device that does not require use of
the astronaut's hands. The Foot-Controlled Maneuvering Unit (FCMU)
is a research apparatus for examining the maneuvering dynamics of a cold
gas jet-powered personal propulsion system in a zero-gravity space en-
vironment. The FCMU is propelled by high pressure nitrogen supplied
from the M509 back-mounted tank. The operator, wearing either a pres-
surized space suit or flight coveralls, will control pitch, yaw, roll, and
translation along his head-foot axis through a combination of toe and
foot commands. Both the FCMU propellant tank and battery are re-
chargeable or replaceable units; they are shared with the astronaut
maneuvering equipment of Experiment M509. Most of the data collection
will be accomplished by two motion picture cameras, one mounted in the
workshop dome and a battery-powered, forward-looking camera mounted
within the FCMU frame. Additional data will be supplied by recorded
voice commentary and logbook entries. It is expected that the information
derived from this experiment will add valuable engineering inputs into
future maneuvering unit design.
d. Spacecraft Environment
FIGURESOS.-Experiment T020, Foot-controlled maneuvering unit for extravehicular
Principal Investigator:
Capt. Andrew D. Grimm, USAF
Kirtland AFB, New Mexico
D024, Thermal Control Coatings (Fig. 205)
Principal Investigator :
Dr. William Lehn
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Dayton, Ohio
Objective and Instrumentation:
Expose samples of thermal control coating materials to the space environ-
ment in order to compare results with ground-based simulations, and to
determine mechanisms of degradation due to the space environment and
space radiation. This experiment measures degradation that occurs only
while the Skylab is in or near Earth orbit; Experiment M415 measures
launch and pre-launch effects. The instrumentation consists of two panels,
each containing 36 thermal control coating samples (Discs of 2.5 cm or 1
inch diameter). The panels will be protected by covers and will be ex-
posed only to the space environment. One panel will be retrieved and
placed in a hermetically sealed container and then returned to Earth for
analysis of the first manned mission; the other will be returned to Earth
on the second manned mission.
air through the measuring chamber and measuring the amount of light
each particle scatters to a photodetector, and also the number of light
pulses which corresponds to the number of particles. Measurements at
a main location will be taken three times a day. Every ten days, measure-
ments are made at several other predetermined stations. Ten more
measurements can be made anywhere at any time at the crew’s discretion.
The filters used in each measurement will be returned to Earth for
graphed. Of essential interest is the amount of background “fog” pro-
duced by stray light falling on the film during exposure. Film will be
returned to Earth for analysis.
Through the Skylab Student Project, high school students of the United
States were given the opportunity to participate in the Skylab scientific
program. All students in the ninth through the twelfth grades in all United
States public, private, parochial, and overseas schools were eligible. The
Project's purpose is to stimulate interest in science and technology by di-
rectly involving secondary school students in a space research program.
In October 1971, the National Science Teachers Association, under the
auspices of NASA, distributed announcements of the science opportunity and
of the method of participating in the Skylab Program. As a result, over 3,400
proposals for experiments were received. The National Science Teachers
Association then selected 25 proposals as the national winners, announcing
their names in April, 1972. The 25 national finalists from 16 states took part
in a week of preliminai T design review at the George C. Marshall Space
Flight Center where they, their parents, and their teacher/sponsors were
joined by Skylab scientists, engineers, technicians, and project oflCicials.
After a detailed review by NASA, 19 out of the 25 experiments selected
as national winners were approved for Skylab. The NASA review deter-
mined that, because of Skylab performance requirements and schedule
restrictions, the other six experiments could not be accolnmodated. This
experiment evaluation and flight selection process involved NASA Skylab
personnel from the Marshall Space Flight Center, the Johnson Space Center,
and the Kennedy Space Center. The 19 students whose experiments were
selected for research participated closely in the development of necessary
experiment instrumentation and in the detailed planning of their investiga-
tions including data retrieval and processing, flight planning, and crew train-
ing. After the mission, the students will evaluate their data and report on
their experiments. These student experiments, which are handled by Skylab
project management in a manner very similar to the handling of main Sky-
lab experiments, reflect remarkable technical abilities. The names of the
student experimenters, description of their experiments, and the experiment
numbers follow:
Package (Experiments S190A, S190B, S191, S192). The data will be
compared with ground-based data to determine whether remote sensing
can detect increased thermal radiation which may precede an imminent
volcanic eruption.
JEANNE L. LEVENTHAL, Berkeley, California
Berkeley High School, Mr. Harry E. Choulett, Teacher/Sponsor
"X-Ray Emission from the Planet Jupiter," ED25.
The purpose of this study is to detect X-rays emitted from Jupiter. The
X-ray emission, if detected by Skylab, will be correlated with solar activity
and Jupiter's radio emission to derive more information on the radiation-
emitting mechanisms of this planet. Pictures taken by the ATM Experi-
ment S054 will be used.
has to make electric contacts with a hand-held stylus through a pattern
of holes in a punch-board-like plate. Total time need for this procedure
is a measure of coordination efficiency. Results will be recorded on tape.
FIGURE21 1.-Experiment ED52, Study of web-building by spiders under zero gravity.
CHERYL A. PELITZ, Littleton, ‘Colorado
Arapahoe High School, Mr. Gordon B. Scheels, Teacher/Sponsor
“Cytoplasmic Streaming in Zero-Gravity,” ED63 (Fig. 212).
Microscopic observation will be performed by an astronaut on leaf cells
of elodea plants in zero gravity to determine if there is a difference between
the motion of intracellular cytoplasm under weightlessness and intercellular
cytoplasmic motion in similar leaf cells on Earth. Cytoplasm is the protoplasm
of a cell exclusive of the nucleus.
Eloda is a bright green, fast growing plant found in fresh water ponds.
jOO-iZ1 0 - 73 - li
ROGER G. JOHNSTON, St. Paul, Minnesota
Alexander Ramsey High School, Mr. Theodore E. Molitor, Teacher/
“Capillary Action Studies in a State of Free Fall,’’ ED72 (Fig. 213).
The purpose of this experiment is to determine if the zero-gravity environ-
ment induces changes in the characteristics of capillary and wicking action
from the familar Earth-gravity characteristics. The motion of liquids through
capillary tubes will be recorded photographically.
VINCENT W. CONVERSE, Rockford, Illinois
,Harlem High School, Miss Mary J. Trumbauer, Teacher/Sponsor
“Zero-Gravity Mmass Measurement,” ED74 (Fig. 214).
This experiment complements the existing Skylab specimen mass and
body mass measurement devices. The equipment consists of a simple leaf
spring anchored at one end and with the mass to be measured a t the other
end. T h e experiment operates on the same principle as the biomedical Skylab
mass measurement devices.
TERRY C. QUIST, San Antonio, Texas
Thomas Jefferson High School, Mr. Michael Stewart, Teacher/Sponsor
"Earth Orbital Neutron Analysis," ED76
Detectors inside Skylab will record neutrons from three potential sources;
Earth albedo neutrons, high energy neutrons from the Sun, and neutrons from
secondary processes on Skylab. The detectors mounted on the inboard faces
of the Skylab water tanks will record neutrons which have been moderated
during their passage through the water in the tanks, and then produce fission
particles which generate ionization tracks in a plastic material. Detectors
mounted elsewhere in the Skylab will furnish control data. Chemical treat-
ment of the plastic after return to Earth will reveal readily identifiable tracks.
Strip charts, tabulations, and pictures will be made from tapes.
Logs and voice recordings will be transcribed.
Supporting data on Skylab performance will be documented.
Films and other records will be furnished to Principal Investigators.
Teams will make "quick look" evaluation.
Preliminary results will be furnished to Science Analysis Teams, Mission
Planning, and NASA Public Affairs Offices.
Supporting Projects
Early in 1971, NASA began to solicit proposals from solar astronomers
for ground-based observations that would support and extend solar observa-
tions on Skylab. Many organizations submitted proposals; nine of them
were selected for implementation.
The participating astronomical observatories and their proposed projects
are as follows:
a. The University of Hawaii's Institute of Astronomy at Haleakala (Fig.
215) is constructing a photometer for observations of active regions in the
corona. This instrument will measure simultaneously the intensities of several
visible coronal lines in a study to determine the rates of energy loss and gain
from the active regions and the effects of flare events on the corona.
b. The Lockheed Missiles and Space Company a t Palo Alto, California,
will operate at Kitt Peak's McMath solar observatory (Fig. 216) a spec-
troheliograph capable of mapping physical parameters of the solar atmos-
phere. I n conjunction with the Kitt Peak solar telescope and vacuum
spectograph, a wide-exit aperture and a specially constructed movie camera
with rapid film advance will be used to obtain spectral maps of active
regions of the solar disc with high spatial resolution (to one-half arc sec-
ond). A high speed microdensitometer-computer system will be set up to
allow rapid analysis of the spectral data to obtain solar plasma velocity
and magnetic field maps of regions of interest.
c. The National Bureau of Standards is upgrading calibration capabilities
in support of ATM-related measurements in the following areas:
(1) A hydrogen arc source of known radiant flux for the calibration
of spectrometric detector systems over the region from 50 to 370 nm (500
to 3700 A) is being developed.
(2) A study is being conducted to determine the effects on photo-
cathodes caused by removal or addition of mono-layers of contaminants
in vacuum; wavelength region of interest is 50 to 150 nm (500 to 1500 A ) .
(3) A capability is being established for radiometric calibration down
to 20 nm (200 A) by utilizing the National Bureau of Standards' synchro-
tron facility. Windowless diodes are being developed as transfer standards in
this spectral range.
FIGURE2 17.-Solar Observatory at Big Bear Lake, California.
FIGURE220.-Radh Telescope of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
"Ground truth" data will be obtained by direct observations on the ground
of those areas, objects, and phenomena which will also be observed by Sky-
lab instruments from orbit. Nearly simultaneous observations will be made of
weather, lighting conditions, and other environmental factors which may
influence the data gathered from Skylab. By comparing ground truth ob-
servations with orbital observations of a test site, calibration factors will
be established which will allow the proper interpretation of orbital data from
many sites.
The concept to be followed in obtaining ground truth data to correlate
with Skylab observational data from the Earth Resources Experiment
Package is to employ each individual Principal Investigator's own ground
truth capability. Principal Investigators will furnish their ground truth data
to the Skylab Ground Truth Office at JSC where they will be included
in the archives together with the space-acquired data.
The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center will establish a communications
system so that Principal Investigators will be notified of the times Skylab
will overfly their areas. Thus, they can acquire ground truth measurements
synchronized with EREP overflight data.
Ground truth data to be acquired in support of EREP observations will
include photographs, temperature measurements, terrain data, weather ob-
servations, and descriptive material identifying plant growth, soil conditions,
snow depth, status of crops, geological features, and other specific details.
NASA-operated and private aircraft will be used to obtain data over the
sites to be observed by Skylab. These aircraft will carry a variety of cameras
and imaging devices which generally approximate the capabilities available
on board Skylab. Like the ground truth data, data acquired by high altitude
aircraft underflights will be used to analyze and understand the space-
acquired data.
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CARD1OTACHOMETER--An instrument for counting or recording the heart beats over
long periods of time.
CARDIOVASCULAR--Heart and vessel system.
CHROMOSPHERE--Layer of the solar atmosphere, about 14,000 km (8000 naut. mi.)
thick, which surrounds the Sun's visible surface (photosphere). It is best observable
during an eclipse or other occultation of the solar disc.
CIRCADIAN RHYTHM--A rhythm with a period of about 24 hours, applied especially
to the rhythmic repetition of certain phenomena in living organisms at about the
same time each day.
CONTROL MOMENT GvRoscopw--A large and heavy gyroscope suspended by a two-
axis gimbal system. The outer gimbal axis is connected with the spacecraft through
a torque motor, the inner axis is free to precess. By energizing the torque motor,
the spacecraft attitude can be controlled.
CONVECTION--Mass motions with a fluid (liquid or gas) resulting in transport and
mixing of the components of that fluid. Thermal convection results from tempera-
ture differences within the fluid.
CORONA--The tenuous envelope of the Sun, beginning about 14,000k m (8000 naut.
mi.) above the solar surface and extending many millions of kilometers into space.
The corona is visible only when the solar disc is occulted.
CRAWLER--A large tracked vehicle also called Transporter. It is similar to machines
used in strip mining operations. The vehicle moves on four double tracks and trans-
ports the Saturn V with the Skylab and mobile launcher, and also ttle Saturn 1B,
from the Vertical Assembly Building to the launch pad at the Kennedy Space
CYTOOENETICs--The branch of genetics devoted to the study of the cellular constitu-
ents which are concerned with heredity (chromosomes and genes). Also, the scien-
tific study of the relationship between chromosomal aberrations and pathological
DECmEL--The decibel is a ratio of two numbers, equal to the tenth root of ten or
about 1.259. It is mostly used as the ratio of two power levels. If a radio receiver,
playing at a certain "volume" level, is turned up until the acoustic power output
has increased by 25.9%, its new level is one decibel above the original level.
DEOREES K--Degrees Kelvin. A degree of temperature on the Kelvin scale, also called
"absolute scale." The Kelvin zero point is approximately --273.1 ° Centigrade.
A degree Kelvin is equal in magnitude to a degree on the Centigrade scale.
DEHYDROOENASE--An enzyme which mobilizes the hydrogen of a substrate (the base
on which an organism lives) so that it can pass to a hydrogen acceptor.
DEs SICANT--A drying agent.
DxenROlc--The property of a substance to appear in one color by reflected light and
in another by transmitted light.
DIVFUSION--In an atmosphere, as in any gaseous system, the exchange of fluid parcels
between regions, in apparently random motions of a scale too small to be treated
by the equations of motion.
DNA--Deoxyribonucleic acid, a complex organic acid of high molecular weight con-
sisting of chains of alternate units of phosphate and a pentose sugar (a sugar having
five oxygen atoms) which has a purine and pyrimidine base attached to it. In DNA
the sugar is 2-deoxyribose. DNA is believed to carry all the hereditary traits of a
species coded in the sequence of atomic groups along its length. See RNA.
DOSIMETER--An instrument for measuring the accumulated flux of particle or photon
radiations, such as protons in the Van Allen Belts, or X-rays in solar radiation.
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM--A written or printed record of the heart's action, made by an
electrocardiograph, an instrument for recording the changes of electrical potential
occurring during the heartbeat.
ELECTROLYTE--A solution which conducts electricity. Passage of current is accom-
panied by liberation or consumption of matter at the electrodes. Also, a substance,
as an acid, base, or salt, that becomes such a conductor when dissolved in a suitable
solvent, or fused. The current is carried by charged particles (ions).
ELECTROPHORESls--The movement of molecules or other very small particles through
a fluid under the action of an external electric field. Positively charged particles
(metallic oxides, basic dyestuffs) migrate to the cathode, and negatively charged
particles (metals, sulfur, metallic sulfides, acid dyestuffs) migrate to the anode.
EMISSlVITY--A property of a material, characterizing its capability to emit electro-
magnetic radiation as a consequence of its inherent thermal energy.
ENDOCRINE GLA.n_---A ductless gland whose secretions pass directly into the lymph
or blood stream. These glands produce hormones which control action and devel-
opment of other parts of the body either by activation or by inhibition.
ENZYmE--An organic compound, frequently a protein, capable of accelerating or
producing by catalytic action some change in an organic substance for which it
is often specific. An activating enzyme activates a given amino acid by attaching
it to the corresponding transfer ribonucleic acid.
EPHEMERIS--Periodical publication which lists the predicted positions of celestial
bodies at regular intervals, and the times of astronomical occurrences. It also
contains other data of interest to astronomers.
EPINEPHRINE COXCENTRATIONS--Concentrations of adrenaline (compound occuring
naturally as the adrenal hormone). In certain concentrations the compound
causes an increase in blood pressure and in the sugar content of the blood.
ERGO'METER--A device for measuring energy expended or work done.
EUTECTIC--In certain ranges of metal alloys there is one mixture which melts at
a lower temperature than any other alloy in the series. Such an alloy is termed the
EXOTHERMIC--A process which releases, rather than absorbs, heat energy.
FABRY-PI_ROT INTERFEROMETER--An instrument utilizing the wave nature of light
to cause constructive or destructive interference of light by passing a light beam
between two parallel, partially reflecting surfaces.
FIBRIN--A whitish, insoluble protein which forms the essential portion of the blood
FIBRINOLYSIs--The splitting up of fibrin by enzyme action.
FIBRINOLYTIc--Pertaining to, characterized by, or causing fibrinolysis.
FILAMENT--In solar physics, filament designates a quiet prominence or plasma cloud
high'above the chromosphere, visible as a dark narrow patch against the bright
solar disc.
FLARE A violent eruption on the Sun's surface (chromosphere), accompanied by
emissions of protons and other particles and of electromagnetic radiation.
FRAUNHOFER Li._Es_Dark lines in the spectrum of solar radiation, produced by the
absorption of light by gases in the outer portions of the Sun.
GEGENSeHEIN--A faint light observed from the dark side of the Earth in a direction
opposite to the Sun. It results from sunlight reflectd by dust particles which orbit
the Sun at planetary distances.
GEOCORONA_That region around the Earth which extends from a height of about
600 km (330 naut. mi.) to about 3000 km (1700 naut. mi.). It consists mainly of
helium in the lower regions, and of hydrogen in the upper regions.
GI._IBAL--A ring or frame with two mutually perpendicular and intersecting axes
of rotation, providing free angular movement in two directions, on which a rocket
engine, or a gyroscope, or another instrument may be mounted.
GLucosE--Chemical name for a natural sugar found in fruits and in the blood.
GLUTATHIONE--Co-enzylne of glyoxalase which acts as a respiratory carrier of oxygen.
GLVCERALDEHYDE--A compound formed by the oxidation of glycerol, a mixture of
glycerin and acetanilid powder.
GRANOLATION--A net-like pattern of irregular cells on the solar surface, visible in
white light. The cells are caused by plasma convection within the photosphere.
Cell diameters are 800 km (450 naut. mi.) to 3000 km (1700 naut. mi.); each
individual cell has a lifetime of several minutes.
GREENWICH MEAN TIME--Mean solar time at the Greenwich meridan, used by most
navigators, and adopted as the prime basis of standard time throughout the world.
GROUND TRUTH_Definition of Earth surface conditions through direct measurements
or visual inspections for calibration or evaluation of remote sensing observations
made from satellites or aircraft.
HEMATOCRIT--An instrument for determining tile relative amounts of plasma and
corpuscles in blood, generally some form of centrifugal apparatus.
H_._ATOLOGY--A branch of medicine concerning the study of the blood, the blo_cl-
forming tissues, and the diseases of the blood.
HEMOLYSIs--The dissolution of red blood corpuscles with liberation of their hemo-
globin, an iron-containing protein respiratory pigment occurring in the red blood
H_.XOKINASE---An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a high-energy phosphate
group of a donor to D-glucose, producing D-glucose-6-phosphate.
HuMoRAL--Pertaining to fluid or seimfluid substances in the body.
IMMUNOLOOY--The medical, bacteriological, and chemical study of the phenomena
and causes of immunity.
IONOSPHERE--Region of ionized gases surrounding the Earth and extending from
about 60 km (33 naut. mi) to distances up to several hundred kilometers. The
ionization in this region is due to bombardment by ultraviolet radiation and X-rays
from the Sun, and by cosmic rays. The existence of this region makes possible long-
range radio communications through reflection of terrestrial radio transmission.
ISOTOPE--Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons in their nuclei,
and hence represent the same element, but they differ in the number of neutrons
and therefore in mass number.
KINAsE--An organic substance (enzyme) which activates other substances to develop
into chemical ferments or enzymes.
LEUKOCYTE--White blood corpuscle.
LIME--The outer edge or a portion of the edge of a celestial body such as the Moon,
Venus, or the Sun, as seen from a distance.
LVIDE (Lipid)--A fatty acid insoluble in water.
LYMAN CONTINUUM--The ultraviolet region of the spectrum of the hydrogen atom
immediately adjacent to the Lyman line spectrum with wavelengths shorter than
912 A.
LYMPHOCYTE--Lymph cell or white blood corpuscle without cytoplasmic granules.
MAONETOSPHERE--The region around the Earth above about 160 km (90 naut. mi.)
and below the magnetopause (about 15 earth radii in the solar direction, and at
least 40 earth radii in the antisolar direction). Inside the magnetosphere, the
Earth's magnetic field is dominant; outside, the interplanetary magnetic field
MAss SPECTROMETER----An instrument which determines the masses of atoms and
METABOLIC CHANOEs--The sum of all physical and chemical changes which take
place within an organism; all energy and material transformations which occur
within living cells.
METABOUsM--The interchange of materials between living organisms and the environ-
ment, or within a living organism, by which energy for maintaining life is secured.
M_TAPrlAS_.---The stage during cell division in which the chromosomes are arranged
in an equatorial plate.
METEoR--The light resulting from the transition of a solid particle (meteoroid)
from space through the Earth's atmosphere, commonly called a "shooting star" or
"falling star."
METEORIT_--A solid particle from space which enters the Earth's atmosphere and
reaches the surface. Meteorites are classified as iron meteorites (siderites) and
stone meteorites (aerolites) according to their compositions.
METEOROIO----A solid object moving through interplanetary space of a size consid-
erably smaller than an asteroid and considerably larger than an atom or molecule.
When the object glows while traveling through the Earth's atmosphere, it is called
a meteor; when it reaches the surface of the Earth, it is called a meteorite.
METH_MOOLOBIN---A soluble brownish-red, crystalline compound from which the
oxygen cannot be removed in a vacuum. It is formed by the spontaneous decompasi-
tion of blood, and also by the action on blood of various oxidizing reagents, as oxone,
MICRoN--A unit of length equal to one-millionth of a meter or one-thousandth of a
millimeter, usually called micrometer.
of biology dealing with the form and structure of animals
and plants. It includes anatomy, histology and organography, and also the non-
physiological aspects of cytology and embryology.
MULTISPECTaAL--Utilizing radiation from several discrete bands of the spectrum
NADIR The direction vertically downward (opposite to zenith).
NANoMETER--One-billionth of a meter (10 -_ meter).
NOaEPINEPHaINE----A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stimu-
lation in the viscera, and stored in granules that stain strongly with chromium
salts. Granules are released predominantly in response to hypotension (diminished
tension or lower blood pressure).
OCCULTATION----The disappearance of a celestial body behind another body of equal
or larger apparent size, such as the occultation of the Sun by the Moon as viewed
by an Earth observer during a solar eclipse. Also, the covering of the image of a
celestial body by a disc whose size is equal to or larger than the size of the image.
OCULOOYRAL ILLUSION_An illusion developed by the movement of the eye about an
axis from the front to the rear of the head.
ORTHOSTATIC---The upright, or erect, position of the human body.
OSMOLALITY The property of a liquid to exercise an osmotic pressure because it
contains an electrolyte in solution.
OUTGASSINO----The emanation of gas from a material. This process is usually enhanced
in vacuum.
PERIOEE--That point on the trajectory of an orbiting body which is nearest the Earth
when the Earth is the center of attraction. Also, used in connection with orbits of
celestial bodies around other celestial bodies.
PHOTOM_TEa An instrument for measuring the intensity of light by comparing it
with a standard.
PHOTOMULTIPLmR TUBE_An electron tube that produces electrical signals in re-
sponse to light. In the tube, the electric signal is amplified to produce a measura-
ble output signal even from very small quantities of light.
PHOTOSPHERE--Intensely luminous surface layer of the Sun in which the sunspots
and several other solar phenomena occur.
PLAoEs---Bright regions in the chromosphere of the Sun, usually near sunspots, indi-
cating areas of enhanced magnetic field strength (10 to 100 Gauss*) and in-
creased solar activity. Plages are best observed in monochromatic light of hydrogen
or calcium.
PL^S_A--A gas composed of ions, electrons, neutral atoms, and molecules. The inter-
actions between particles of a plasma are mainly electromagnetic. Although many
of the individual particles are electrically positive or negative, the plasma as a
whole is neutral.
PLASMA RENIN--Plasma is the fluid portion of the blood in which the corpuscles
are suspended. Renin is an enzyme involved in changing proteins into other
PLETHVSMOORAPH--An instrument for determining and registering variations in the
size of an organ part or limb, and in the amount of blood present or passing
through it.
POLARIMET_.R----An instrument for determining the degree of polarization of electro-
magnetic radiation, specifically the polarization of light.
POLARIZATXoN_The state of electromagnetic radiation when the transverse oscilla-
tions take place in some regular manner, e.g., all in one plane.
PRECESSION--The angular motion (tilting) of the axis of a spinning or rotating body
caused by a torque whose axis is not parallel with the axis of rotation.
PRINCIPAL INVESTmAToR--The researcher responsible for defining an investigation
or experiment as part of a NASA science or technology project, and for ensuring
that the investigation of the experiment meets with its specific objectives.
PaOMINENcE--A plasma protuberance above the surface of the Sun, originating
in the chromosphere and extending sometimes to a height of several hundred
thousand kilometers.
*For comparison, the Earth's magnetic field near the surface is 0.6 Gauss.
PRoToN--Positively-charged nuclear particle which forms a significant part of all
atomic nuclei. The nucleus of a normal hydrogen atom is a proton. It is 1,837
times heavier than the electron.
RADIOMETER---An instrument for detecting and measuring radiant energy.
RASTER--A geometric pattern followed by the sending element of a detector system,
or by the electron beam of a television transmitter or receiver.
RATE GYRO--A gyroscope with one free gimbal axis (precession axis). Motion
around this axis is constrained by a spring. The second gimbal axis is tied to the
spacecraft. An angular motion of the spacecraft around this axis produces an
angular excursion of the precession axis against the spring force; the angle of
excursion is proportional to the rate of angular rotation in radians per second.
REDUCTASE--An enzyme that has a reducing action on chemical compounds.
REDUNDANCY--Originally "exceeding what is necessary or normal;" technically a
back-up system which takes over when the prime system fails.
RESOLVING POWER (LIGHT)--The ability of an optical system to separate adjacent
points and lines in the image and to show fine detail of the target.
RNA--Ribonucleic acid, a nucleoprotein found in the cell's cytoplasm. It probably
controls protein synthesis under the regulatory influence of DNA. See DNA.
S-BAND----A range of frequencies used in radar and communications that extends
from 1,550 to 5,900 megahertz (wavelength region from 0.06 m to 0.2 m).
SClNTILLATION--A flash of light produced in a phosphor by an ionizing particle
or photon.
SINGLE CRYSTAL--A crystal having a homogeneous, undisturbed lattice structure
SLEw--To change the direction of an antenna or telescope in order to follow a
moving target, or to change from one target to another.
SOLAR wxNn----Streams of particles (mostly ions of hydrogen and helium, and elec-
trons) emanating from the Sun and flowing approximately radially outward at
velocities from 300 to 800 km per sec.
SPECTROSCOPE--An optical instrument which spreads a beam of electromagnetic
radiation into a spectrum of different wavelengths for visual inspection.
SPECTROGRAPH--Modification of a spectroscope in which the spectrum is photo-
graphed or recorded electronically.
SPECTROHELIOGRAPH--A modification of the spectrograph which permits taking
pictures of the complete solar disk in monochromatic light.
SPIROMETER--An instrument to measure the breathing volume.
SuNsPOTs--Dark, irregular areas on the solar surface with strong magnetic fields
(1000 to 2000 Gauss) surrounded by gray zones (penumbra). Sunspots occur
mostly in pairs, with opposite magnetic polarity; they persist for periods of days,
weeks, or months. Their temperatures are about 2000 ° K lower than the tempera-
ture of the surrounding photosphere (5780 ° K). The frequency of sunspots fol-
lows an eleven-year cycle.
SUPERORANULATION--A net-like pattern of irregular cells, 15,000 km (800 naut.
mi.) to 40,000 kill (?.2,000 naut. mi.) in diameter, superimposed upon the
photospheric granulation network, and caused by plasma convection within the
chromosphere. Cell lifetime is about 20 hours. Supergranulation is best observed
in the monochromatic light of a calcium spectral line.
SYNoPTIc--Observing different objects, or different aspects of one object, at the
same time.
SYmNGE--An instrument for injecting or extracting liquids into or from any vessel
or cavity, such as a vein in the human body.
TERRESTRIAL--Of or pertaining to the Earth.
TOXIN--A soluble poison produced and liberated by certain bacteria, insects, snakes,
and plants. Toxins are usually protein substances which may be destroyed by heat.
VECTORCARDIOGRAPH--An instrument for taking a graphic record of the magnitude
and direction of the electrical potentials of the heart.
VELGRO----A fastener for quick attachment (and subsequent detachment) of an ob-
ject to another object, or to a surface. It has two parts, a pad consisting of velvety,
loopy pile made of Teflon, and a pad consisting of little hooks resembling a
cockleburr, made of polyester. Attachment by pressing the two pads together, de-
tachment by pulling them apart.
VESTIBULAR--Pertaining to the organs o_ the inner ear that provide a sense of
equilibrium for animals and man.
ViDEo--Pertaining to the picture signals in a television system, or to the information-
carrying signals which are eventually presented on the cathode ray tubes of a radar
ZEOLITE--A group of hydrous silicates of aluminum, containing sodium and calcium,
and giving off water upon heating; technically, a substance capable of absorbing
large quantities of carbon dioxide.
ZODIACAL LIGHT--A faint light emanating from a region in the night sky roughly
defined by the zodiac. This light results from sunlight scattered by fine dust particles
that orbit the Sun at planetary distances; it is enhanced in the vicinity of the Sun.
PI--Principal Investigator.
PS--Payload Shroud.
RNA--Ribonucleic Acid.
RPM--Revolutions Per Minute, also Roll Positioning Mechanism.
SAL--Scientific Airlock.
SAS--Solar Array System.
SM--Servicc Module.
STDN--Spacccraft Tracking and Data Network.
TACS--Thruster AttitudeControl System.
TCS---Thcrmal Control System.
VHF--Very High Frequency.