Thesis Proposal
Thesis Proposal
Thesis Proposal
1.1 Background and Significance of the Problem
accrue to him.2 These four wheels are also known as ‘sampatticakka’- the wheels of
prosperity or happiness as mentioned in Pāthikavaggaaṭṭhakathā “cattārimāni,
bhikkhave, cakkāni, yehi samannāgatānaṃ devamanussānaṃ catucakkaṃ
pavattatī”ti idaṃ sampatticakkaṃ.3 The ‘sampatticakka’ literally means the
condition that leads one to take rebirth in good realms having a prosperous life as it
is stated in Sīlakkhandavaggaabhinavaṭīkā - caranti etena sattā sampattibhavaṁ
sampattibhavesūti vā cakkaṁ.4 The four wheels have been declared, but should be
classed as the one moment, in the sense of occasion (or, conjuncture), for they are the
occasion for the production of merit.5 These four wheels are also described as the
highest blessings in Mahamangala-sutta. These four wheels can make the significant
correlation between our present life kamma and our future dhamma perception and
grant great assurance for every individual whosoever is wandering in the ocean of
The wheel symbol is used to signify the doctrine as well as many other
concepts associated with Buddhism such as the cycle of births (saṃsāra or bhava) in
close association with the doctrine of Dependent Origination (paṭiccasamuppāda).
The wheel symbol is accepted widely as the most appropriate symbol of the
Buddhists, both in physical as well as metaphysical spheres. The Pali commentaries
of Sri Lanka refer to a number of wheels recognized by Buddhists. Buddhaghosa
mentions sampatti-cakka, the wheel of happiness, lakkhaṇa-cakka, the wheel symbol
on the soles of the Buddha’s feet, rathaṅga-cakka, the chariot wheel, Iriyāpatha
Cakka, the wheel of movement or postures, dāna-cakka, the wheel of liberality,
ratana-cakka, the ideal wheel of a universal monarch, dhamma-cakka, the wheel of
law of the Buddha, and urasi-cakka, the wheel of torture.6 The word ‘cakka’ in
Bikkhu Bodhi (Trans.), The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, (Boston: Wisdom
Publication, 2012) p.419.
T.W.Rhys David and J. Estlin Carpenter, ed. W.Stede, The Sumaṅgala-Vilāsinī: Buddhaghosa's
Commentary on the Dīgha-Nikāya Part III, (London: PTS, 1971), p.1058.
Sīlakkhandavagga-abhinavaṭīkā, Paṭhamo Bhāgo, (Yangon: Buddhassāsanā Society, 2008)
Pe Maung Tin (tr.), The Expositor (London: PTS, 1976), p.77.
Papañcasūdanī Majjhimanikāyaṭṭhakathā Part 2, (P.T.S.), p. 27
Sampattiyaṃ lakkhaṇañca—rathange iriyāpathe
Dāne ratana dhammūra— cakkādīsu ca dissati.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English Dictionary, (Delhi: Motilal Barnarsidass,
Patirūpadesavāsa, a good and suitable locality can be the place that has
favourable climatic conditions, easy to acquire wealth lawfully, where the sasana
flourishes and the Triple Gems are respected and revered. Living in befitting places
(patirūpadesavāso) is living where the four kinds of assembly are found, where the
grounds for making merit beginning with giving exist, and where the Master’s
Dispensation with its nine factors is in evidence; Living there is called a good omen
because it is a good condition for creatures’ making merit.11 A suitable locality is
conducive for wholesome actions, bodily, verbal and mental. One can perform
charity, observe precepts and practice meditation. Therefore, patirūpadesavāsa, the
first wheel needs to be turned in order to come in contact with triple gem and be able
to do meritorious deeds that leads to the prosperity of our life.
The second wheel emphasizes to associate with the virtuous people which is
very important to perform meritorious deeds. Good person that should be associated
and worthy of reliable is the buddha himself and his disciples. Sappurisāvassayoti
buddhādīnaṃ sappurisānaṃ avassayanaṃ sevanaṃ bhajanaṃ.12 Their association
can lead one to listen to their valuable advice and teachings, which can help in surging
faith (saddhā) and arouse urgency (saṁvega) to develop one’s virtue. Therefore, to
accompany with and have the support of virtuous people is also the wheel need to be
turned in order to do meritorious deeds and leads the prosperity of our life.
The third wheel attasammāpaṇidhi means putting oneself in right direction by
using dhamma. Right direction in self-guidance is stated thus: ‘here someone that
was unvirtuous establishes himself in virtue, that was the faithless establishes himself
in the excellence of faith, that was avaricious establishes himself in the excellence of
generosity. This is called ‘’right direction in self-guidance’’. That is also a good
omen. Why? Because it is a cause for attaining the numerous benefits both here and
Nyanatiloka, Buddhist Dictionary: A Manual of Buddhist Terms and Dictionaries, ed.
Nyanaponika, (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1980), p.80.
Pali-English Dictionary, ed. T. W. Rhys Davids, William Stede, (Oxford: PTS, 1921) p.291
Manorathapurani Vol.II, (London:PTS, 1967), p.63.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English Dictionary, (Delhi: Motilal Barnarsidass,
2009), p.285.
Ven. Ñanamoli (Trans.), The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning,
(London: PTS, 1978), p.143.
Manorathapūraṇī Vol.II, (London:PTS, 1967), p.64.
now and in the life to come that are due to the abandoning of risk.13 We can regulate
ourselves correctly and set ourselves on the right course if we reflect on the basic
principle: 'Good actions bring good results: bad actions bring bad results'.
We do not earn the above three wheels of blessings freely. Our past merits have
sent us to a suitable place where we have the opportunity to meet good people and
from the good people, we can learn good dhamma by which we can skillfully mould
ourselves. Pubbe ca katapuññatāti pubbe upacitakusalatā. idameva cettha pamāṇaṃ.
yena hi ñāṇasampayuttacittena kusalakammaṃ kataṃ hoti, tadeva kusalaṃ taṃ
purisaṃ patirūpadese upaneti, sappurise bhajāpeti, so eva ca puggalo attānaṃ
sammā ṭhapeti.14 This Pubbekatapuññatā is the most important and the major cause
for the rest three wheels to get turned. The past merit that has been done with the
consciousness that is associated with wisdom, will send us to a suitable place, helping
us to meet with good people and allowing us to follow their right path, setting us to
have the right self-guidance. Thus, the cycle of four wheels rotate. Although, the past
merits are extremely important, we can suffer if the third wheel of self-regulation is
not fulfilled, the cycle will be disrupted and one will fall into misery. This research
is aimed to offer a detail explanation of the definition, and analysis of the
interpretation, application and impact of the role of four cakkas based on the
cakkasutta of Aṅguttara-Nikāya.
The Mangalasutta, known as the “Discourse of Blessings”, which can be found
in the Khuddaka Nikaya Sutta Nipata in the Tipitaka, is very close related with the
doctrine of cakkasutta where it includes about the thirty- eight blessings; moral
principles or rules of conduct for our benefit in the present life up to attaining nibbana.
The teaching of the Mangala sutta is timeless and universal. According to the Buddha,
Mangala has two meanings: 1) To remove all evil deeds, evil speech and evil thoughts
from within us. 2) To accumulate all good deeds, good speech and good thoughts
from within us.15 Everyone is searching for peace, happiness and prosperity and it
can only be possible if we keep ourselves motivated on cultivating good deeds, good
speech and good thoughts and remove evil deeds, evil speech and evil thoughts. The
researcher will further explore about all suttas related to the doctrine of Cakkasutta.
The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning, Trans.Ven. Ñanamoli,
(London: PTS, 1978), p.143.
Sumaṅgala-Vilāsinī III, (London: PTS, 1971), p.1058.
Dr. Ashin Nyanissara, The Mangala Sutta “Discourse on Blessings”, (Myanmar: Sitagu
International Buddhist Academy,1996), p.8.
1.2.2 To explore the supportive doctrines to four cakkas and their interpretation
by various scholar
1.3.1 What is the concept of four cakkas and their interpretation by various
1.3.2 What is the doctrine of the four cakkas expounded in the Cakka Sutta and
related suttas?
1.3.3 How are four cakkas analyzed and applied into our daily life?
The researcher mainly focuses on the doctrine of four wheels that appeared in
Cakka Sutta of Aṅguttara-Nikāya. Among the primary sources, the researcher will
use Tipitaka, commentaries and sub-commentaries in the Pali Text Society’s English
translations series. Among secondary sources, the researcher will use Buddhist
textbook, journals and later interpretations by modern scholars.
In this content, the researcher will focus on the four wheels as expressed in the
Pali canon and by modern Buddhist scholars. It will explore the context and origin of
the Cakka Sutta in the Aṅguttara Nikāya, where the Doctrine of four wheels in
Theravada Buddhism is expressed.
1.5.1 Cakka: Wheel, figuratively means for ‘blessing’. There are four such
auspicious wheels or blessings: living in a suitable locality, company of good people,
meritorious acts done in the past, right inclinations.16
1.5.2 Prosperity is the state of being happy, healthy, wealthy, success and
1.5.3 Cakka Sutta is the discourse that the Buddha expounded in Aṅguttara-
1.5.5 Sappurisūpanissaya is to have a good companion who can lead one to the
right path.
1.5.6 Attasammāpaṇidhi is to guide oneself to restrain from all evil deeds and
to perform the wholesome things and purify one’s mind.
1.5.7 Pubbe Katapuññayatā is having done the merits in the previous lives that
can contribute the person to reborn in a favorable environment.
1.6 Review of Related Literature and Research Works
Nyanatiloka, Buddhist Dictionary: Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines, ed.
Nyanaponika, (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1988), p.80.
Patirūpe vase dese ariyamittakaro siyā
Sammāpaṇidhisampanno pubbe puññakato naro
Dhaññaṃ dhanaṃ yaso kitti sukhañcetaṃdhivattatīti. (A.II.32)
The Aṅguttara-Nikāya II, ed. Rev. Richard Morris, (London: PTS, 1888).
The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, trans. by Bhikkhu Bodhi, (Boston: Wisdom
Publications 2012), p.17.
Bhikkhu Ñanamoli, Bhikkhu Bodhi(tr.) The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (kandy:
Buddhist Publication Society, 1995).
Ven. Ñanamoli (tr.), The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning,
(London: PTS, 1978).
E.W. Burlingame (tr.), Buddhist Legends, (London: PTS,1995).
mentioned that no parents and relatives are really reliable but only the mind that is
directed in the right way can be far reliable for all the prosperity and success.
1.6.7 How to Live as a Good Buddhist23
This book is a good guide in understanding and practising the teachings of the
Buddha. A harmonious system of teaching, learning and practising is essential here.
It explains starting off right from the fundamentals of dhamma culture in imparting
the correct behavior for the youth up to the maturity and excellency in attainment of
right view and right conduct with the sacred practice of calm(samatha) and vipassana
insight. It includes the social duties for all human being in accordance with the
siṅgāla sutta and further shows the six practices causing ruin of wealth,
consequences of associating with bad companion and lays out the qualities of a true
hearted friend.
1.6.8 Life’s Highest Blessings24
This book offers some studies of the important discourse of Mahā Maṅgala
Sutta, which provides a plan, true at all times, for the material and spiritual well-
being of individuals in a democratic society. The is a rewarding text for the
wholesome shaping of complex human civilization. The discourse provides lessons
of direct practical application, capable of immediate and fruitful use by people in all
walks of life, irrespective of differences of sex or status, race or religion. The Mahā
Maṅgala Sutta is absolutely relevant with the cakka sutta, which has been referred
as the unsurpassable supreme blessing for the devas and mankind.
This research will be documentary and qualitative research. This study will be
based on the canonical analysis and interpretations based on the four wheels in
Theravada Buddhism.
U Han Htay , U Chit Tin (trs.), How to Live as a Good Buddhist, (Yangon: The Union of
Myanmar, 2002)
Dr. R. L. Soni (tr.), Revised by Bhikkhu Khantipālo, LIFE’S HIGHEST BLESSINGS: The
Mahā Maṅgala Sutta, (kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1987).
1.8.2 Knowing the doctrine of four cakkas expounded in the Cakka Sutta and
related suttas.
1.8.3 Knowing the analysis of four cakkas and the way in applying them in our
daily life
List of Abbreviations
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Introduction
1.1Background and Significance of the Problems
1.2 Objectives of the Research
1.3 The Problems to know in this Research
1.4 Definition of the terms used in the research
1.5 Scope of the Research
1.6 Research Methodology
1.7 Review of Related Literature and Research Works
1.8 Advantages Expected to Obtain from the Research
Chapter II: The concept of four cakkas and their interpretation by various scholars
2.1 The meaning of the four cakkas
2.2 The characteristic of the four cakkas
2.3 The advantages of the four cakkas
2.4 The interpretation of four cakkas by various scholars
2.5 Concluding remark
Chapter III: The doctrine of four cakkas expounded in the Cakka Sutta and related
3.1 The Concept of patirupadesavasa in the cakkasutta
3.1.1 The concept of patirupadesavasa in the Maṅgalasutta
3.1.2 The concept of patirupadesavasa in the Visuddhimagga
3.1.3 The concept of patirupadesavasa in the Dhammasanganiatthakatha
3.2 The concept of suppurisupanissaya
3.2.1 The concept of sappurisupanissaya in Mangalasutta
3.2.2 The concept of sappurisupanissaya in Samaññaphalasutta
3.2.3 The concept of sappurisupanissaya in Pannavuddhisutta
3.2.4 The concept of sappurisupanissaya in Culapuṇṇamasutta
3.3 The concept of attasammāpan ̣idhi in the Cakkasutta
3.3.1 The concept of attammāpaṇidhi in the Paññāvuddhisutta
3.3.2 The concept of attammāpaṇidhi in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta
Chapter IV: An analysis of four cakkas and the way in applying them in our daily
4.1 Role of a suitable place
4.2 Accompanying with good person
4.3 Setting oneself in the right direction
4.4 Significance of merits done in the past
Bikkhu Bodhi (tr.) The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, Boston: Wisdom
Publication, 2012.
Rev. Richard Morris, M.A., LL.D. (eds), The Aṅguttara-Nikāya part II, London:
M. Walleser and H. Kopp (eds.), Manorathapurani 5 volumes, London: PTS, 1876.
Bhikkhu Ñanamoli, Bhikkhu Bodhi(trs.) The Middle Length Discourses of the
Buddha, kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1995.
Ven. Ñanamoli (tr.), The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate
Meaning, London: PTS, 1978.
Ven. Ñanamoli (tr.), The Pitaka-Disclosure (Petakopadesa), London: PTS, 1964.
Gil Fronsdal (ed.), The Dhammapada: Teachings of the Buddha, Boston:
Shambhala Publications, 2008.
E.W. Burlingame (tr.), Buddhist Legends, London: PTS,1995.
Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids (tr.), A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics London:
Ven. Ñanamoli (tr.), The Guide (London: PTS, 1977).
Pe Maung Tin (tr.), The Expositor (London: PTS, 1976).