Aircraft Structures

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1 Buckling of columns: Differential equation approach

2 Approximate techniques
3 Beam-columns: Differential equation approach
4 Buckling strength of flat sheets in compression
Combined stress
5 Local buckling of composite shapes
Buckling of sheet-stiffener combination
6 Buckling strength of mono coque cylinders, stiffened
un stiffened curved panels
7 Diagonal tension and semi-tension field beams
8 Axial constrained stresses, shear lag and warp less
Text books 1Elastic stability NGR Iyengar –Mac Millen
2 Principles of structural stability-A Charges-Printice hall

The analysis is based on the main assumption that the
any where in the column are with in the elastic limit
Introduction: In general a body is performing a certain
function such as staying at a place, moving, carrying
loads, etc. if a certain small disturbance is imposed on it
a very short time, the body is said to be
Stable: if it has a tendency to return to its undisturbed

Stable Unstable Neutrally

Unstable if has a tendency to further go away from its
undisturbed position
Neutrally stable if it stays at the disturbed position

For a column- stable if the column under the load

when disturbed laterally shows a tendency to
come back to its
Undisturbed position

Consider a a thin structure, a column under axial

load P. P –axial compressive load
At a certain load it bends laterally(y) x
And the bending becomes large at a
Load which is known as buckling load P
or critical load. leading to failure
Just before failure the column will
be in neutrally stable condition or equilibrium.

Analysis (Euler-1744)
Assumptions1 The column has the locus of centre of
as its axis which is a single line
2 Its length is much larger compared to other
3 Axial compressive load is applied along the axis
4 It is disturbed laterally with out violating the
boundary conditions
Boundary conditions are classified as
1 Geometric: Specifying displacements and slopes
2 Force: Specifying shear force and bending moments
At the two ends of the column

Simply supported end –displacement is zero and

is zero
Clamped end – displacement and slope are zero
Free end –shear force and bending moment are zero

Consider a column with constant EI, axis straight with

pinned-pinned ends, which is known an Euler Column

Buckling load of an Euler Column

Beam equation is EI ∂2v/∂x2 =-M =-Pv
∂2v/∂x2 +(P/EI)v =0
General solution is v= A sin kx +B cos kx P v
Bc’s are v=0 at x=o and L
First B=0
Second gives sin kL=0 P
k2= Pcr/EI = (nΠ/L)2 Pcr=EI(Π/L)2 n=1 P
n=1 – Natural, basic, first mode
n=2 – second,higher mode Pcr=EI (2Π/L)2 etc

Pe= EI (2Π/L)2 = Π2EI/L2 = Euler load P


EQUIVALENT LENGTH : It is the length between two
successive hinge in the column. It is also the length of
an Euler column which has the same buckling load.
For a column of length L,equivalent length Le depending
on bc’s isS
Boundary conditions Le Pcr
Pe=Π2EI/L2 Hinged-
hinged(H-H) L Pe
Fixed- free(C-F) 2L Pe/4
Fixed-ixed(C-C) L/2 4Pe
Hinged- fixed(H-C) L/√(2) 2Pe

Columns with other boundary conditions

Differential quation method If EI is constant
EI ∂2v/∂x2 =-M =-Mc-Mb=-Pv +Mb.. Differenciating
EI ∂3v/∂x3 +P∂v/∂x=-∂Mb/∂x =-V V shear force
EI ∂4v/∂x4 +P∂2v/∂x2=-∂2M/∂x2 =-∂V/∂x =q = intensity of
lateral load
EI ∂4v/∂x4+ P∂2v/∂x2 =-∂2M/∂x2 =-∂V/∂x =q
EI ∂4v/∂x4+ P∂2v/∂x2=0 if q=0
v= A sin kx +B cos kx +Cx + D k2= P/EI
A,B,C,D –to be evaluated using boundary conditions
Hinged-hinged column
V=0 at x=0 B+D=0
V=0 at x=L A sin kL+B cos kL+CL+D=0
∂2v/∂x2= -k2(A sin kL+B cos kL)
∂2v/∂x2= at x=0 B=0
∂2v/∂x2 =0 at x=L A sinkL =0 Pcr= Pe=Π2EI/L2
Alternately forming the determinate out of the
A,B,C,D equating it to zero leads to Pcr


0 1 0 1
sinkL coskL L 1 =0 sin kL=0
0 1 0 0
sinkL coskL 0 0

Clamped- Free Bc’s are v=0 at x=0 B+D=0

∂v/∂x=0 at x=0 k(A cos kL-B sin kL) +C=0
M is proportional to ∂2v/∂x2=0 at x=L
A sin kL+B cos kL=0
V is proportional to ∂3v/∂x3 =0 at x=L
-A cos kL+B sin kL =0 at x=L and the determinant is

0 1 0 1 cos kL = 0
cos kL -sin kL 1 0 =0
sin kL cos kL 0 0
-cos kL sin kL 0 0 Pcr= Π2EI/4L2

Clamped-clamped Bc’s are v=0 at x=0 and x=L

∂v/∂x=0 at x=0 and x=L and the determinant is
0 1 0 1
cos kL -sin kL 1 0 =0 cos kL=1
sin kL cos kL L 1 Pcr= 4Π2EI/L2
cos kL -sin kL 1

Clamped- hinged Bc’s are v=0 at x=0 and x=L

∂v/∂x=0 at x=0 and M proportional to ∂2v/∂x2=0 at
Determinant is

0 1 0 1
sin kL cos kL L 1 =0 tan kL=kL
cos kL -sin kL 1 0 Pcr= 2Π2EI/L2
sinkL coskL 0 0
Procedure: For the cross-section calculate cg, Imin
Calculate Le, Use the formula Pcr=Π2EI/Le2

Note:1 If the column is free to bend laterally, then it

Bends in a direction perpendicular to the line through
cg about which I is minimum. Then I=Imin otherwise
I about a line perpendicular to the direction in which
it is allowed to bend

Hinged- Hinged : EI ∂2v/∂x2=-Pv
Same result Pcr= Π2EI/L2 P
Clamped-Free a
EI ∂2v/∂x2 =-P(a-v) v=A sin kx+B cos kx+a
Enforcing bc’s gives cos kL=0
EI ∂2v/∂x2 = -Pv+Mo Mo- moment at the fixed end
V= A sin kx +B cos kx+Mo/P
Enforcing bc’s leads to Pcr=4Π2EI/Le2

EI ∂2v/∂x2 = -Pv +H(L-x)
v= A sin kx +B cos kx+H(L-x)/P
Enforcing bc’s leads to Pcr= 2Π2EI/L2
Numerical Examples:
1 An aluminium column of 1.2m length, rectangular
Cross-section of 4mmx 20mm,H=H ends is loaded in
compression compression. Calculate its Failure load
H-H Le=L=1.2m Imin=12x43/12 =64 mm4=64x10-12m4
Pcr=Π2EI/L2 =30.7 N
2 A column with c-c ends is of mild steel,2m long has
Cross-section as hown(channel)
a=100mm, h=100mm, t=2mm cg at 33.333mm
Ixx=52083.4mm4 Iyy=444422.36mm4 Ixy=0 Imin=Ixx
Le=1.2m E=210Gpa
Pcr= Pcr=Π2EI/Le2=760.2 kN

3 Angle section 5cmx5cmx2mm ab=2mm

Bc=5cm cd=5cm de=2mm E=70Gpa Le=0.8m
Xcg=Ycg=1.325cm Ixx=4.92cm4=Iyy Ixy=2.94cm4
Imin=1.98cm4 Pcr=Π2EI/Le2 =2165.6N,ge=8mm Cg at mid width
3.857mm below ab Ixx=260.8 Iyy41.33 Ixy=0
a E=70Gpa b Le=0.6m Pcr=Π2EI/Le =79.31N
b a
g d
f c c f e
h e d

b a a a b

c d b c c
5 A Z -section ab=5cm bc=8cm cd=5cm
Ixx=40.533 cm4 Iyy=16.67 cm4 Ixy= -20 cm4
Imin=5.31 cm4
E=70Gpa Le=0.8m
cr=Π2EI/Le2 =57321N
Approximate method: Energy method
A structure can store strain energy when it is
strained.Strain energy per unit volume is
Total strain energy is over the volume U=
Strain energies of structures under different
1 Bar under axial force P:U=1/2∫(P2/AE)dx
0to L

2 Beam under moment M U=∫(M2/2EI)dx

o toL
U=∫(1/2)(d2v/dx2)2 dx 0 to L

3 Shaft under torque T U=∫(T2/2GJ)dx o

to L
V=1/2 P (movement o load) =(1/2)P∫(dv/dx)2dx
In a column the strain energy
And potential energy V=(P/2)∫(dv/dx)2dx
x=0 to L ∂(U-V)/∂A=0
W is the assumed mode shape which satisfies
the geometric
boundary conditions (v and dv/dx) and force
conditions (V,M) if possible.
Boundary conditions
Simply supported end –displacement is zero and
moment is zero
Clamped end – displacement and slope are zero
Free end –shear force and bending moment are zero
Note 1 The result will be exact if the assumed mode is
the real one
2 Will be close to exact if the mode is close to actual
3 will be either exact or higher than exact value

Example – Euler column V=A sin (Πx/L) satifies

Hence it is an admissible mode
dv/dx= AΠ/L cos (Πx/L)d2v/dx2 = -AΠ2/L2 sin (Πx/L)
U=(1/2)∫EI(d2v/dx2)2dx=( EI/2) (AΠ2/L)2
V=(1/2)P∫(dv/dx)2dx =(P/2)( AΠ/L)2
Pcr= Π2EI/L2 which is exact
If v = A x(L-x) Pcr=12EI/L2 compared to Π2EI/L2
Other mode shapes are v= A x2(L-x) A x(L-x) 2

Cantilever column:at x=0 v=0and dv/dx=0

v=A cos(1-Πx/2L) dv/dx=-AΠ/2sin(1-Πx/2l) ..
Pcr= Π2EI/4L2 correct value
If v=(Ax2/2L3)(3L-x) Pcr=2.471EI/L2

=σcr=Pcr/A= Π2EI/ALe2 = Π2EI(Le/ρ)2

Critical stress
(Le/ρ) – slenderness ratio σcr=Pcr/A = Π2EI(Le/ρ)2
Euler column formula

BEAM-COLUMN:It is a structure which is subjected

Beam(shear V, bending moment M) as well as
type(axial P) of loads
x Q
Q-beam lateral P P
load R1 v R2

EI ∂2v/∂x2 =-M=-Mc-Mb=-Pv-Mb
Mc-moment due to column loads
Mb- moment due to beam loads

v = A sin kx +B cos kx +vp

vp- particular integral depending on Mb
A, B to be determined based on boundary conditions

Simply supported beam-column with a load P at a

Distance s from left support . Span is
v1 = A sin kx +B cos kx –Qsx/L k2 =P/EI 0<x<s

v=0 at x=0 B=0

v2=A sin kx +B cos kx –(Q/kL)(L-s)(L-x) s<x<L
v=0 at x=L C=-D tan kL
v1=v2 at x=s deflections are same
slopes are same at x=s
v1 =Q(sin ks/Pk sin kL) sin kx –Qsx/PL 0<x<s
v2= Q(sin k(L-s)/Pk sin kL) sin k(L-x) –Q(l-s)(L-x)/PL

If s=L/2 vmax=(Q/2Pk) tan (kL/2) –(QL/4P)

Beam-column with uniformly distributed lateral
load q
EI ∂2v/∂x2 =-M =-pv-qLx/2 +qx2/2
V=A sin kx )Bcos kx =(q/2P)(x2-Lx-2/k2)
=(q/Pk2)(cos kx +(i-coskL)sin kx/sinkL)+(q/2P)(x2-Lx-
2/k2) vmax=q/Pk2(seckL/2- 1) –qL2/8P Mmax=q/k2(1-

Beam-Column with end moments A

Ma –moment at A (clock wise)
Mb - moment at B (anticlock wise)

v=Mb/P(sin kx/sin kL –x/L)=Ma/P(sin(L-x)/sin kL –(L-x)/L)

In a column or beam-column the resultant stress is

σ = - P/A ± My/I

Bending and Buckling of bent columns

First Principle: The partial derivative of the total
energy of the structure due to all the loads taken
respect to any load P (or M ..) leads to the
deflection at P
in the direction of P ∂U/∂P =δP
Second Principle: The partial derivative of the
total strain
energy of the structure due to all the loads taken
respect to any deflection δ leads to the load P at
δ in its direction.
First principle is very often used to calculate the
Deflections in determinate structures and unknown
forces in indeterminate structures


Consider a thin plte with its axes x,y,z reffered to its

middle plane


The plate is quite often represented by its middle plane
Assumptions 1 Assumptions of the classical theory
2 plate is thin and bends in z-direction when bending
Are applied
3 Neutral plane is at mid plane of the plate
u= -z ∂w/∂x =-zw,x v= -z ∂w/∂y=-zw,y
ɛx=∂u/∂x=-z w,xx ɛy= ∂v/∂y=-z w,yy
Ɣxy= ∂v/∂x+∂u/∂y=-2zw,xy

σx =E(ɛx +µ ɛy) /(1-µ2) σy=E(ɛy +µ ɛx) /(1-µ2) Ƭxy=G

= -Ez(w,xx+ µ,yy)/(1-µ2) etc
Nx=∫ σx dz over the thickness -h/2 to+h/2,Ny.. Nxy..
Mx= ∫ σx z dz =-Eh3(w,xx+ µ,yy) /12(1-µ2)
My= ∫ σy z dz =-Eh3(w,yy+ µ,xx) /12(1-µ2)
Mxy=∫ Ƭxy zdz =-2Gh3 w,xy/12
Moment equilibrium about x-axis leads to Mx,x=Vx
Moment equilibrium about y-axis leads to My,y=Vy
Force equilibrium in z-direction leads to Vx,x+Vy,y=-q
Finally D(w,xxxx+2w,xxyy+w,yyyy)=q
D= Eh3 /12(1-µ2)-bending rigidity of the plate/unit width
Nx- force resultant per unit width due to σx
Ny- force resultant per unit width due to σy
Nxy- force resultant per unit width due to Ƭxy
q-lateral load intensity per unit area of plate
If inplane force resultants Nx, are included
D(w,xxxx+2w,xxyy+w,yyyy)=q +Nx w,xx +Ny w,yy
If q = ΣΣqmn sin Πx/a sin Πy/b Let w= ΣΣAmn sin Πx/a sin
Amn= qmn/ ((mΠ/a)2+ (nΠ/b)2)2
D(w,xxxx+2w,xxyy+w,yyyy)= Nx w,xx +Ny w,yy
For a plate with 3 edges simply supported
w= ΣΣAmn sin Πx/a sin Πy/b
Nx(mΠ/a)2+Ny(nΠ/b)2= -D((mΠ/a)2+ (nΠ/b)2)2
Special cases 1 Interaction curve
If Ny=0 Nx = -D((mΠ/a)2+ (nΠ/b)2)2/(mΠ/a)2
If Nx=0 Ny = - D((mΠ/a)2+(nΠ/b)2)2/(mΠ/b)2 y
(Nx/Nx) +(Ny/Ny) = 1 linear (Nx/Nx) 1
Interaction curves can be nonlinear
(Nx/Nx)m +(Ny/Ny)n = 1 (Ny/Ny)
x 1
Buckling stress σcr= Ncr/h depends on so many
a,b-plate dimensions, m,n –wave numbers D ..Special case
2 Buckling of plates with 4edges simplySupported under
unidirectional compression (x–direction)a-length, b-


Let n=1 and m=m Nx= -D((mΠ/a)2+(Π/b)2)2/(mΠ/a)2

σcr= Ncr/h =Eh2((mΠ/a)2+(Π/b)2)2/(mΠ/a)2 =KE (h/b)2
K=buckling constant,depends on n,m,a/b,h (see graph)

4 edges simply supported 3 edges simply

supported,1 free
K values depend on n,m,a/b mainly and to be obtained
from the curves. When a/b is large(>4) asymptotic value
can be safely assumed as
K values for 4 simple supports =3.62 : 3 simple supports,
one free =0.384
K values Flat panel-4ss=3.62, 3ss+1f =0.385 in single
direction compression
Local Buckling: when thin sheets are compressed they
buckle in to shapes
as shown with n=1 and m=1,2,3,..for different values of
a/b values. K value has

to be taken from curves or as asymptotic val

The division will be approximately squares

Examples: If a=9cm b=2cm there will be 4 cups

Example: 4edges s-s a=50cm, b=10cm,h=0.2cm,E=70Gpa

a/b=5 K=3.62 σcr= KE (h/b)2=101.36MPa P=20272N

Crippling load of a column
If a column is made of 2 or more 3
plates different loads, the final load 1 2
is the sum of the different loads(crippling load)
Example:a=40cm, b=5,8,5cm,t=0.2cm, E=70GPa

a b Area=bt a/b Bc K Critical


1 40 5 1.0 8 3ss,1f 0.384


2 40 8 1.6 5 4ss 3.62


3 40 5 1.0 8 3ss,1f 0.384

Ultimate load=ΣAb = 738.864MPa

Total load at crippling =

491.56MPa OF STIFFENED PLATES:Thin plates are very
weak in
compression and hence to increase their ability in
compression they are
stiffened by adding solid sections
as shown

a-height of panel, b1,b.-width of different panels
Let the stress level in the stringers be σs w1=equilvalent
width of outer panel
σ cr1 –buckling stress of the outer panel w= equilvalent
width of interior panel
σcr2 –buckling stress of interior panel
At stringers stress level σs < σ cr1 or σ cr2
Load carried by the panel =P1= σs (2b1+nb)t n-number of
interior panels
At stringers stress level σs > σ cr1 < σ cr2 P2=t(2w1σ cr1 +nb
σs )
At stringers stress level σs > σ cr1 > σ cr2 P3=t(2w1σ cr1 + nw
σ cr2 )
Finally ultimate load Pu = σu( 2w1+nw)t
Note: w1, w are to be calculated if σs is greater than the
Buckling stresses
Ultimate load:

Tension Field Beam Theory

Beams cosist of 1 Flanges to carry tension or compression
2 Webs to carry shear
Thin webs carry shear and they develop tension and
compression in mutually perpendicular directions but they
are weak in compression and hence buckle. But they can
carry tension beyond the buckling in compression.The
By considering their compressive strength or ignoring it is
the theory of tension field beam theoryand is divided in to
1 Pure tension field beam theory
2 Semi-tension field beam theory
Pure tension field beam theory:In this theory the
compression carrying ability of the web is neglected


fy 20
fy=q cos2 450=q/2 fx=q sin2450 =q/2
These stresses and the forcer out of them are resisted by
stiffeners and they undergo compression , bending. Design
has to take care of that.

Semitension Field Beam Theory: In this the

compressive stress carrying ability is not neglected


The diagonal tension factor=k=tanh(0.5 log (q/q cr))

Shear Lag:Assumptions made in the theory of bending
such as Plane sections remaining plane is not valid
always as it leads to having no shear deformation. This
is violated largely in thin walled beams and stiffened
thin walled beams. The effect of shear
deformation on the redistribution of bending

eviating from linear) is known as Shear Lag effect.

A-Define or briefly explain
1 Stability, instability, meta stability, neutral
2 Buckling load, ultimate load, failure load
3 Ideal, Euler, eccentric, pratical column
4 Boundary conditions
5 Euler, critical, loads
6 Equivalent length, slenderness ratio
7 Eccentric load, end moments, lateral loads
8 Resultant stress
9 Load deflection curve
10 Elastic stability

B- Briefly explain
1 Assumptions of elastic stability
2 Different end conditions and equivalent lengths
3 Euler column, Euler load, critical load
4 Effect of boundary conditions on critical load
5 Effect of eccentricity on critical load
6 effect of end moments on critical load
7 Effect of lateral load on critical load
8 Euler curve
9 Load deflection curves for ideal, curved columns

C- Derivations
1 Derive expression for Euler load
2 Derive expression for Euler load for general bc’s
3 Derive expression for Euler load curved column
4 Derive expression for Euler load by energy
5 Derive expression for Euler load by differencial
6 Derive expression for critical stress variation with
7 Derive expression for deflection of a beam-column
with single
Lateral load, uniformly distributed load, end

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