CP3P Prepration & Execution Exam - Candidate Guidance v5.0
CP3P Prepration & Execution Exam - Candidate Guidance v5.0
CP3P Prepration & Execution Exam - Candidate Guidance v5.0
1.1 The CP3P Preparation Practitioner examination is intended to assess the knowledge and
skills that demonstrate proficiency in applying and analysing the PPP Framework and PPP
project identification, screening, appraisal and preparation processes in a given context
described in a scenario.
1.2 The CP3P Execution Practitioner examination is intended to assess the knowledge and skills
that demonstrate proficiency in applying the structuring and drafting process to PPP tender
documents and the PPP contract, the tendering and awarding of PPP contracts, and the
management of PPP contracts during the Construction and Operations Phases described in a
1.3 The Practitioner exam uses objective test questions that require a candidate to choose a
response to a question from a set of choices, only one of which is correct except where clearly
stated (ref 4.2).
The following paragraphs explain the format of the question papers, and the different types of
question asked. There are also some suggestions on how to approach answering the various
types of question.
2.1 The Scenario Booklet will contain one scenario providing a description of the organization, the
business rationale for the project and the project objectives. The Scenario Booklet
may also provide additional information for one or more of the four questions. Where
additional information is to be used, this is clearly stated in bold within the question.
Additional information is only to be used for the question to which it relates.
If there is no reference to additional information or the Scenario within a question, then
candidates should answer the question using only the information contained within the
question. In this case the Scenario provides the background and context to the overall
project but not the facts required to answer the question.
2.2 The Question Booklet will contain four questions, each covering a different syllabus area
which will be clearly identified at the beginning of each question. Each of the four questions
contains 20 question lines, each of which attracts 1 mark, giving a total of 80 marks. The pass
mark is 40 (50%). Each of the four questions will be sub-divided into parts. Each of the ‘part-
questions’ will identify the portion of the 20 marks allocated to it. Candidates are expected to
answer all questions and part-questions.
2.3 The Answer Booklet will contain the answer sheets on which the answers must be given.
There will only ever be one answer to each question unless it is clearly stated otherwise
within the question. If more than one answer is given in the answer booklet, but not required
by the question, the response line will be void.
The CP3P Foundation qualification covers the Introduction and Overview syllabus area and is
a prerequisite for both of the CP3P Practitioner qualifications. The CP3P Practitioner
qualification is split into two examinations, the Preparation Practitioner and the Execution
The CP3P Practitioner syllabus contains 8 syllabus areas covering the establishment of a PPP
framework, project identification and screening, project appraisal, structuring and drafting the
tender and contract, tendering and awarding the contract, and contract management during
construction and operations.
The table below shows how the CP3P Practitioner syllabus areas will be combined/split in the
examination questions:
The Structuring and Drafting the Tender and Contract (SC) syllabus area will be split and
examined in both the Preparation and Execution Practitioner examinations for continuity. The
PPP syllabus shows how the topics are split between each qualification.
Within the PPP Execution Practitioner, the Contract Management syllabus area (CM) will be
combined with both the Contract Management and Construction (CC) and the Contract
Management and Operations (OM) questions. The full PPP syllabus is available from the APM
Group or from an Accredited Training Organization.
4.1 Classic Multiple Choice – ‘choose one from a list of possible options’. The correct response
is to be selected from a list of 3 or 4 options.
Using the additional information provided in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following
4.2 Multiple Response – ‘choose two correct options from a list of 5 options’. This question
follows exactly the same format as the ‘Classic style’, but more than one answer is required. It
is the only question type that requires more than one response to gain a mark. Both
responses must be correct to gain a mark. If more or fewer than 2 responses are given, then
the answer will be void.
Column 1 is a list of key decision criteria to be met across the PPP process. For each key decision
criteria in Column 1, select from Column 2 the process in which it should be met. Each selection from
Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 All significant risks can be identified and allocated to A Identify projects and screening
the most appropriate party.
B Appraise the project
2 The project is economically feasible.
C Structure the procurement
3 The project is economically viable and fiscally process and project contract
D Tender and award
4 Qualified private partners have been given ample E Manage the contract -
opportunity to express their interest and develop construction, service delivery and
proposals. hand back
Consider the activities required to carry out a Cost Benefit Analysis listed in Column 1 and identify the
sequence in which they should take place. Match your answer to the options provided in Column 2.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Qualify unvalued benefits. A First activity
2 Identify relative price adjustments and bias/risk adjustments. B Second activity
3 Define list of positive and negative externalities. C Third activity
4 Identify shadow prices and opportunity costs. D Fourth activity
5 Incorporate risk and uncertainties. E Fifth activity
4.5 Assertion Reason Classic - ‘evaluate three items each consisting of two statements, an
assertion and a reason that are linked by the word 'BECAUSE' and select the item where
Statement A is true BECAUSE Statement B is true.
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about the proposed oversight and
transparency of the Government’s PPP Program.
1 Which statement identifies a true assertion about the Government’s Supreme Audit Entity and
correctly explains why that assertion is true?
A The Government’s infrastructure PPP projects should NOT be considered within the
remit of its supreme audit entity BECAUSE the projects are privately financed.
B The Government’s supreme audit entity should carry out regulatory audits on all
SPVs BECAUSE it will assess the Governments effectiveness and efficiency.
C The Government’s supreme audit entity only audits the Government’s finances and
performance BECAUSE it typically does NOT have the right to audit the SPVs.
Generic Know key facts, Understand key Be able to apply key Be able to analyse
Definition terms and concepts concepts from the concepts relating to and distinguish
from APMG from the manual/guidance the syllabus area for a between appropriate
Learning manual/guidance given scenario and inappropriate use
Outcomes of the
Assessment method/guidance for a
Model given scenario
PPP Learning Recall PPP Guide Understand the PPP Apply PPP guidance Differentiate between
Outcome terms and key facts Guide concepts, to PPP project finance appropriate and
Assessment about concepts, roles, principles, for a given scenario. inappropriate use the
Model roles, principles, model types and PPP Guide within the
model types and approaches relating context of a given
approaches relating to PPP project scenario.
to PPP project finance
Within a question, the part-questions will be assembled in order of ascending learning level.
Knowledge and comprehension (learning levels 1 and 2) are dealt with in the Foundation
examination. The Practitioner examinations focus on application and evaluation (learning
levels 3 and 4). Within the Practitioner examinations there may be a maximum of 10 (out of
80) marks allocated to comprehension (learning level 2) providing a link between the
foundation and practitioner level.
The exam is 150 minutes in duration. Candidates must manage their time in order to complete
all questions. As a general guide, candidates may wish to spend the first 5 minutes reading
the scenario information and getting familiar with the layout of the paper. If 35 minutes is then
allocated for each of the four questions, this will allow 5 minutes tolerance for additional
reading required for some questions. This suggested timing is for guidance only. It is
expected that some questions may take longer to answer than others due to the question
styles and use of additional information.
Reference to the candidates own annotated PPP Guide is permitted during the exam. No
additional support material is permitted; this includes post it notes (other than tabulation of
the sections of the manual) and stapled sheets. Candidates should be aware of the time
constraint upon them. Whilst the manual is there for support, as in real life, the time pressure
of the exam means that the questions have not been designed on the basis that candidates
are required or even expected to use the manual to answer questions. Its use is optional. As a
guide, a candidate might check the manual once or twice in an exam for a specific point but
any more than that is likely to be counter-productive and is not advised.
Given the scenario information provided, the project may or may not be suitable for delivery as
a PPP. Use of “should” requires the reader to evaluate this.
“must” is used when talking about something that is “necessary” or “has” to occur, i.e.
something that is mandatory.
“will” and “is” however are used to express something definite or indisputable facts about
PPPs, e.g. to describe generic facts about the PPP processes and techniques, e.g. “The asset
will be shown on the governments balance sheet”.
Each of the following questions includes true statements about the project but, only 2 statements are
appropriate entries for that heading of the Business Case
1 Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Costs heading?
A The project will be funded by the private partner.
B No project cost information can be provided until the Project Plan has been approved.
C Project costs are estimated to be a total of €26 million.
D The cost of printing and distribution will be recorded in the Production Cost Forecast.
E 10 further orders with an average profit of €2,000 will deliver a benefit of €20,000 in
the first year.
When the expression ‘true statements’ is used in a question, no evaluation of whether the
statements are consistent with the scenario or additional information is required.
In example 7.3 there is no need in option A and C to check the scenario to see if the project is
being funded by the private partner or that the costs are €26 million. As it is known from the
question header that the statement is true, the assessment required is whether, according to
the recommended content of a Business Case, the “Costs heading” is the correct place for
recording this information.
Definitions are derived from Michael Swan's 'Practical English Usage'
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© The APM Group Ltd 2017. This document is not to be re-produced or re-sold without express permission from The APM
Group Limited.
The Answer Booklets will be read electronically and the results generated by computer. It is
therefore essential that candidates follow the instructions given and mark their answers
accordingly. Failure to do so may lead to delay and, in some cases, answers being void.
All answers are given by the candidate filling in ‘ovals’ that relate to their chosen response,
The oval must be filled in IN PENCIL, NOT PEN. If a pen is used, the answers will not be
Acceptable ways to complete the answer sheets are either:
completely filling in the oval or drawing a line through the centre of the oval,
ensuring that between 80-100% is filled.
Any other method, including ticks or crosses, is not acceptable and may not be marked.
If a candidate wishes to change their answer during the exam, the incorrect answer should be
erased completely and the correct answer indicated. If more than one answer is given by the
candidate, and the question only requires one answer, the question will score zero.