Laporan PKL
Laporan PKL
Laporan PKL
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................ i
A. Background
One of the final goals of undergraduate S1 education is to be skilled in the world of work,
especially in fields that are in accordance with what students learn during the lecture process. But
during the lecture process, the material learned by students was mostly still theoretical and
laboratory practice. So that students do not have synchronous skills in the world of work.
Therefore students are required to practice field studies in accordance with the courses taught.
The practice of this field course will later be aimed at training students to be skilled in the world
of work.
Besides that, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education English Study Program
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang will not only get a teacher's certificate but also get a
companion diploma as a tour guide, entrepreneur, and translator. Therefore this field practice is
carried out to support their diploma
B. The objectives of the practice of field studies are as follows:
1. Learn how to manage travel management, and hotel management
2. Learn the techniques needed to become a guide
3. Learn to be a good tour guide
4. Learn about Lampung city tourism
C. The benefits of implementing field studies are as follows
1. Providing experience and knowledge about tourism
2. Providing knowledge and understanding of the techniques needed to become a tour
guide and how to be a good tour guide
3. Provide knowledge and knowledge about hotel management
D. Time and place of practice in field study activities
The timing of the field practice is carried out for 3 days and 3 nights, namely on 8 -
11 January 2019
The place
This field practice activity was held in the city of Lampung
07.00 –08.00 Go to Tanjung Karang station and comeback to Palembang
city events in the city which were explained directly by the tourism secretary of the city of
Lampung. After getting an explanation of tourism in Lampung city we were given the opportunity
to ask questions about tourism.
5. Tour Guide by HPI Lampung, trip to Sakura Hill, Puncak Mas, Buy a souvenir in Askha
After the visit tourism office Lampung city, we were guided by HPI of Lampung city,
Mr. Agus to get around Lampung city the first place that we visited is Sakura Hill, then we
went to Puncak Mas and the last time we visited the center gift of Lampung, the central is
Aska Jaya. The distance from the tourist office of Lampung city is approximately 1 hour.
During the trip of Mr. Agus explained that many things we needed and done to become a
professional guide. He also shared his experience when he became a tour guide who could
motivate us to follow in his footsteps to become a guide. He said if we want to be a guide
we must have a lot of knowledge about whatever the history of the city is, the tourist
destinations that are there, people who we will guide and many more that you needed.
Breakfast, Trip to Pahwang Island (snorkeling, pasir timbul, Pahawang kecil, lunch) Buy a
sourvenir in Banana Foster, Back to hotel.
Before we go to Pahawang Island we have to breakfast first and then around 7 o'clock we
prepare to continue the trip to the Pahawang Island. Trip from the hotel to the Ketapang pier to
cross into the Pahawang Island takes approximately 1 hour. During the trial we were still guided
by the HPI, namely Pak Agus. Here, Mr. Agus explained the things or techniques that we need to
become a tour guide. He said that the first technique we need to become a guide is to have
knowledge, here science is really needed if we want to become a tour guide. The second is skill,
skills are needed for how we can encourage our guests. And the last is attitude how we speak,
and behave with guests. some tips from Mr. Agus if we combine tourism in the bus we have to
choose a strategic and comfortable place for us to stand like opening both legs and holding on to
the bench, and do not let us disturb the comfort of passengers with our standing position. When
we arrived at Ketapang pier, we were given a direction when we crossed to the island of
Pahawang. We are encouraged to continue to use buoys to maintain our own safety, then we will
continue our journey by using a boat to reach the island of Pahawang, approximately 40 minutes
to 1 hour. the tourist attractions that we visited first on Pahawang Island were snorkeling about
1-1.5 hours, then we went to sand to arise and the journey ended on the small Phawang island to
have lunch together. Around 3 o'clock we ended our trip on the island of Pahawang by returning
to the Ketapang pier. Then we returned to the city of Lampung to rest before returning to the
hotel we stopped by the banana foster souvenir center of Lampung and then back to hotel to take
a rest.
From this field practice I could find out many things starting from
The role of the tour guide
1. As the spearhead in giving an image of the nation / state and determining the success
of all tourist travel services in a country / region
2. Someone gives information on explanations and instructions during the tour of
traveler service in a country / region
Kinds of tour guide
1. Freelance Guide / Part Time Guide
2. Tour Guide
3. Local Guide
4. Individual Guide
5. Group Tour Guide
6. Domestic Guide
Guide type based on specifications
1. Profession
2. Travel agent activity
3. Number of Travelers: Individuals and Groups
4. Type of Tour: Domestic and Foreign Countries
Guide qualification
1. Physik.Mental.Pancasila
2. Leadership, Sense of Numbers, Understanding.
3. Language skills
4. Understand the rules
5. Problem Solving
6. Expert Tour & Travel Agent
Code of Ethics for Guides
1. Tourists as Duta Bangsa
2. Tourists must be able to provide professional explanations
3. Tourists must be able to control themselves, Polite, according to Indonesian
4. Tourists Must be able to understand the origin of tourists
5. Guides must be able to provide services and equal treatment to tourists and may not
defame the company, partner partners and HPI organizations.
Code of Conduct for Guides
1. Guiding on the way
2. Provide information about the trip
3. Give advice to tourists about travel
4. Provide Interpretation of Tourist Attraction
5. Introduce something that is encountered on the trip
6. Affect tourists to be able to take trips
Function tour guide
1. Guide travel with tourists
2. Give information
3. Introducing
4. Give suggestions
A guide's personality
1. Have high spirits and earnest
2. Hospitality and manners
3. Have confidence
4. Considering the needs and desires of tourists
5. Flexible attitude and patience in anticipation
6. Honesty
7. Having a sense of humor
8. Knowledge and communication skills
9. Ability in making decisions permanently and quickly
10. Physical and spiritual health
11. Has a strong influence on leadership
Successful guides have an awareness of things:
1. Look for duties and responsibilities
2. Realizing that this work provides service to humans
3. Able to involve feelings and thoughts on service assignments
4. This work is a source of livelihood
A guide's big mistake when:
1. Feeling as an important person and very needed by tourists
2. Feeling the center of attention and asking attention from tourists
3. Showing personal and not company / profession
4. Feeling to be the person who knows best
Treatment that must be established in guiding services
1. Treating costumers with apathy
2. Showing the attitude of rejection to the costumer
3. Unfriendly attitude
4. Look down on a tourist
5. The treatment of communication style that has been packaged "memorized and
6. Too tight to hold on to the rules in the user guide without seeing situation and
7. Let costumer in uncertainty and confusion
In the practice of field studies (PKL), writers can get a lot of new knowledge that is not
obtained in college. In addition, if we only study the theory of tour and travel management
courses and guiding techniques in this field practice, we will directly learn the application of the
theories that we have learned. In addition to that, this field practice is also done so that students
are familiar with the work environment that will be faced after graduating later.
Based on the details of the field study practice report it can be concluded that:
1. The application of the theories that have been obtained on campus during the learning
2. With the practice of field studies it is expected that students are ready to work in the field
of tour guides
3. With the existence of this field study program, faculty students majoring in English
language study and education are able to compete in the real world of work.
4. Discipline to be able to finish well and on time