My Activities During The Study Tour
My Activities During The Study Tour
My Activities During The Study Tour
We give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT. who has bestowed His grace and
guidance so that we can share our experiences during the study tour.
We also do not forget to thank the teachers who have contributed to this study tour
As a writer, I realize that there are still shortcomings, both in the preparation and
grammar of the presentation in the paper I have written. Therefore, I humbly accept
suggestions and criticism from readers so that I can improve this paper.
I hope that the experience during the study tour that I have described will provide
benefits and inspiration for readers.
CHAPTER 1 (INTRODUCTION)…...………………………………………………………………….1
CHAPTER 2 (DISCUSSION)…………………………………………………………………………..2
CHAPTER 3 (CLOSING)………………………………………………………………………………3
On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, I woke up at 04:38, then I showered, put on clothes, and ate.
After that, I woke up my father so he could take him to school to gather while waiting for the bus. After
waiting a few minutes, the buses finally arrived, and I boarded bus 01, then we were made to wait a few
minutes because there were still buses temporarily filled with students from other classes. After a few
minutes, the bus finally left, at 08:XX.
Then, the question is, what are the activities while there?
-What did you learn?
-What did you do?
-What places did you visit?
-What is the purpose of taking a study tour?
The aim of this study tour is so that students can study outside of school and increase their
knowledge not only at school. Study tours are not just about studying outside of school, but also visiting
historical places, museums, etc.
After the bus left, I went to sleep because I felt sleepy, and I fell asleep, I woke up when the bus stopped
near Indomaret, I got off the bus to pee, after that, I went back to the bus and when it started walking, a few
minutes later I fell asleep again, and I woke up again while in the resting area, then the bus continued towards
Manado along a winding road.
Arriving in Manado, the bus was immediately directed to go to the North Sulawesi Provincial Museum UPTD,
then, after leaving the museum, we continued our journey to the tomb of Tuanku Imam Bonjol, after leaving the
tomb of Tuanku Imam Bonjol, we went straight to the Hajj dormitory to shower and change clothes. After 1 hour,
we got on the bus and headed to one of the shopping places in Manado, I just bought snacks and 5 milk, then I
went out and had snacks with my friend. After waiting for several minutes outside the mall, finally everyone got
back on the bus and returned to the Hajj dormitory to rest.
The next day, I woke up at 05:37, then I woke up my friends to take a shower, after everyone showered, I
went downstairs to get the yellow rice breakfast given by the teacher, after finishing breakfast, we had time to take
photos before going up. bus and go to PT. Indofood ICB Sukses Makmur Tbk which is in Bitung, then we lined up
and entered the noodle making factory, we were explained some material about the biggest noodle company and
how to make it, after seeing the process of making noodles and guided by a guide and explained how to do the
event making noodles, we went into the room to eat noodle soup (POP MIE), then we went out and waited for
several more people to come in, after that, we got back into the bus and ate, after that the bus started and went to
the harbor in Bitung.
When we got there, we rested for a while and saw the activities at the port, after leaving there, we continued
to go to the Kowil Dam to take photos and see the dam, after from there, we went to Malalayang for dinner, and
headed school. I fell asleep shortly after eating, and I woke up when the bus was in the lobby, and when I arrived
at school, my parents picked me up.
A. Conclusion
Tourism is a means that can cure all kinds of life's fatigue, especially since the tourist attraction refers to
education which can increase insight and knowledge in an interesting way. This is what is applied to every
Comprehensive Field Study activity at MTs N1 Kotamobagu, where the tourist objects visited dominate the
improvement of thinking skills which have various elements. Among them:
1. UPTD Museum The North Sulawesi Provincial Museum is a museum used to document the results of
geological investigations in North Sulawesi. Such as historical fossils, ancient stones, and ancient miniatures, and
many more.
2. Imam Bonjol's grave and his relics are evidence of the spread of Islam in North Sulawesi.
3. PT. Indofood ICB Sukses Makmur Tbk is a manufacturing factory located in the city of Bitung, this factory
produces noodles and noodles in containers or POP MIE, and produces noodles with various flavor variants.
B. Suggestions
Based on the observations that have been made, suggestions that can be given include:
1. For tourism managers:
a. Create new innovations to increase visitor attraction.
b. Improve existing facilities
c. For educational tours, it is best to be accompanied by a guide so that visitors get a clearer understanding
2. For teachers or school officials:
a. It would be better for accompanying teachers to increase supervision of their students
b. It is best for accompanying teachers to provide clear directions to their students in carrying out an activity.