Career Astrology PDF
Career Astrology PDF
Career Astrology PDF
Next we need to examine the condition of the luminaries, the Sun and Moon.
Since they are fundamental to the personality, they will often find expression
in the career. If the Sun is placed in Gemini conjoining Mercury aspected by
Mars, this might suggest a computing career or something else that blends
the notion of information, communications, and technical knowledge. Or
maybe the Moon is placed in Virgo, the sign of healing, and rules the 6th
house of Cancer and is placed in the 8th house. This combination may give
an interest in the health field, especially the areas of alternative health and
life extension as represented by the 8th house. Moreover, let’s say this
combination was aspected by the first lord Saturn, thus linking it back to the
first house or the person as a whole. This is precisely the combination we
see in the chart of Deepak Chopra.
Another strategy is to find the best house, the best sign, and the best planet
in a chart. Perhaps there is there an exalted planet in the horoscope. If there
is, it may exercise a strong influence on career selection particularly if it’s
dispositor and nakshatra dispositors are well placed. The same goes for
swakshetra planets, or planet in its own sign. Jupiter in Sagittarius may
guide the native towards law, academics and religion if it is closely aspected
by Mercury or Venus and its nakshatra dispositor (Ketu, Venus or Sun
depending on where in Sagittarius it is) are well placed and associated with
the 10th house.
Careers by planet
Sun authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government
employees, doctors, jewelers
Moon nursing, the public, women, children, travelling, marine, cooks,
restaurants, import/export.
Mars fire, energy, metals, initiative, weapons, construction, soldiers, police,
surgeons, engineers.
Mercury intellect, writing, teaching, merchandise, clerks, accountants,
editors, transport, astrologers.
Jupiter finance, law, treasury, scholars, priests, politicians, advertising,
psychologist, humanitarian.
Venus pleasures, luxuries, beauty, art, music, entertainment industry, sex
industry, hotels.
Saturn the aged, death, real estate, labour, agriculture, building trades,
mining, monk.
Rahu researchers, engineers, physicians, medicine/drugs, speculators,
aviation, electricity, waste.
Ketu idealism, enlightenment, religion, secret affairs, poisons, metaphysics.
Uranus scientists, inventors, computing, astrologers, lab technicians,
Neptune photographers, movies, marine, oil, pharmaceutical, psychics,
Pluto research, investigators, insurance, death, longevity-related
technology, espionage.
Careers by sign
Aries army and police, surgeon, mechanics, iron and steel, firefighting,
industrialists, athletes.
Taurus luxury goods, jewelry, cosmetics, music, actors, banking, tailors,
fashion, property.
Gemini media and journalism, accountants, representatives, translators,
Cancer naval and marine, fishing, nursing, interior design, food, petroleum,
Leo government jobs, politics, religion, investing, diplomacy.
Virgo computing, astrology, accounting, media, doctors, healing.
Libra judges, artists, cosmetics, fashion, receptionists, advertising, interior
decorating, prostitutes.
Scorpio chemicals, drugs, liquids, insurance, doctors, nurses, police, occult.
Sagittarius law, religion, banking and finance, entrepreneurs, athletes,
clothing and shoes.
Capricorn raw material extraction and processing such as lumber and
Aquarius advisors, consultants, philosophers, astrologers, engineers,
Pisces doctors, marine related, chemicals, oil, painters, hospital, prisons.
Careers by house
First self-employment, politics or the public at large, the body (e.g. health
Second banking, investments, accountants, restaurants, teaching,
consultants, psychologists, writing
Third communication, arts, sales, advertising, computing, writing,
Fourth agriculture, building trades, real estate, vehicles, water, geology and
Fifth politics, stockbrokers, religious rituals, entertainment, authorship
Sixth lawyers, military, police, labour, health related professions, food,
Seventh business, trade, merchant, females, foreign business.
Eighth insurance, research, death-related, metaphysics (e.g. astrology), sex
Ninth law, university teaching, travel, religious professions, foreign
Tenth government jobs, dealing with public and the masses, managers,
Eleventh trade and business, accountants, financial institutions, group
Twelfth foreign, jobs requiring secrecy, travels, hospitals, prisons, charities,
Case study: Graham Greene
[Please note I use the sidereal zodiac and whole sign houses. The unequal
houses cusps are shown for comparative purposes only.] There are no
simple rules or formulas to put together these influences into a single
comprehensive picture. Here are a few ideas that I have found helpful. So
we not only have to look at strong unafflicted planets if possible, but also
connections between planets that reinforce dominant themes in the chart.
For example, in a writer’s chart, we would expect to see Mercury and Venus
prominent in some way, along with the 2nd, 3rd and 5th houses. Signs are
of least importance, but we could include Gemini as well as the Venus ruled
signs, Taurus and Libra, since they are associated with aesthetic
sensibilities. The key in a writer’s chart is that there is usually a connection
between these factors. Mercury’s sign or nakshatra dispositor may be placed
or ruling the creative houses.
We can see how these chart factors combine in the chart of famed British
novelist Graham Greene (Oct 2 1904 10.15 am GMT Berkhamsted, England).
First, we look at the condition of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Note that
both Sun and Moon are placed in signs owned by Mercury, the planet that
governs communication. Sun is placed in Virgo in the 12th house in the
nakshatra of Hasta, which is ruled by the Moon. Moon, in turn, is in Gemini,
the sign of writing par excellence. The Moon is given extra career importance
because it is 10th lord is very well placed in the 9th, aspecting the 3rd
house. This supports the notion of the career connected with writing since
the 3rd is associated with communication and writing. The Moon also closely
conjoins Neptune which produces a strong imagination. The Libra ascendant
is ruled by Venus, the planet linked with the arts. Venus itself is strong by
virtue of its placement in its own sign of Libra. The Ascendant is aspected by
3rd lord Jupiter and 5th lord Saturn. While the 3rd rules communication, the
5th is often associated with the intellect and authorship. Ketu’s trine aspect
to the Ascendant magnifies some of these themes since it is placed in the
5th house and its nakshatra dispositor Jupiter rules the 3rd.
Rahu and is close to the MC. Rahu magnifies the Mercury and its placement
in the 11th house suggests that it is a source of gains. Its placement close to
the MC, the unequal 10th house cusp, also tells us that Mercury-related
matters such as writing will be expressed in the career.
The 2nd house is also closely associated with writing and not surprisingly,
we see Greene’s 2nd lord Mars placed in the 10th house of career. Its
dispositor Sun is also in a Mercury-ruled sign Virgo in the 12th house. This is
more evidence of a writerly orientation and may also relate to Greene’s
double life as a British intelligence agent while visiting many far-flung
places. The 12th house is connected to secrecy and foreign countries.
Moreover, Mars and the 2nd house are strengthened immensely by a very
favourable aspect from Jupiter.
This chart analysis shows how several different houses are often involved in
a single profession. In my experience, this is a necessary way of doing
astrology. However much we may want to keep things simple, we also have
to recognize that astrology does not lend itself well to simply deductive rule-
based systems. Although individual houses may be connected to individual
professions, (e.g. writing and the 3rd, health and the 6th), in practice we
generally look for combinations of houses.
So here are some rough and ready rules for career selection. It’s nearly
impossible to suggest which factors are most important since each depends
on several other subsidiary associations. It’s best to simply make note of
each of them and watch for repeating themes.
1. House and sign of Sun, Moon and ascendant and ascendant ruler
(lagnesh). Look for repeating patterns e.g. A Jupiter-dominated
horoscope might have Sun’s dispositor conjunct Jupiter and Moon in
Sagittarius with Pisces rising.
2. All aspects to these. e.g. a close square from Mars to the Moon will
often lend a definite martial flavour to the person and influence career
choices in that direction.
3. Any houses with 3 or more planets (outers excluded). This house and
the one opposite will usually be connected with career in some basic
4. 10th house and its lord and aspects thereto. Also planets in close
aspect to MC.
5. The strongest planet in the chart such as one that is exalted and
unafflicted or receives a close aspect from Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury.
Also planets that are heavily aspected by several planets are like
pivots for the whole chart. Similarly, slow (less than 20% of normal
speed) or stationary planets exercise an undue influence. If connected
to the 2nd or 11th houses representing money, strong planets will
probably provide the best avenue in life for prosperity.
O’Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court in the summer of 1981 and
was sworn-in in September of that year. This coincided with the running of
the Saturn-Mars dasha. Although these are two natural malefics, we can see
good results from the periods of these planets as long as they are strong in
the horoscope. In this case, they are. Saturn is 2nd and 3rd lord well placed
in the first house, unaspected except for a wide trine from Rahu and a tight
square from Uranus. The Rahu influence needn’t be negative for occupation
at all since Rahu is associated with ambition and material gain. The Uranus
influence is also not a hindrance for career matters and may describe the
sudden or tumultuous nature of life events throughout the period. Saturn is
further strengthened by virtue of its placement in Purvashada, a nakshatra
owned by Venus. Venus, as we know, is very strong by exaltation and placed
in a kendra with the Sun. Finally, the favourable 9th and 10th lords Sun and
Mercury are both placed in Uttara Bhadrapada, a nakshatra ruled by Saturn.
This enhances the results of the Saturn dasha, especially as they pertain to
career advancement (10th house) in legal matters (9th house).
The bhukti lord Mars is a crucial factor here. 5th lord Mars is placed in the
3rd house and is aspected by Saturn, lord of the 2nd house of status and
wealth. Its dispositor Saturn is strong in the first house. Its nakshatra lord
Rahu is also strong since it is placed in the favourable 5th house. Moreover,
the benefic Moon is placed in Dhanista, a Mars-ruled nakshatra. The two
dasha lords, Mars and Saturn are in a very auspicious 3-11 house
relationship with each other which also helps the results for this period.