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ELEMENTS OF FICTION • Kinds of Characters:

A. According to Principality:
FICTION 6. Protagonist - the character with
- A narrative in prose that shows an whom the reader empathizes.
imaginative recreation and 7. Antagonist - the character that
reconstruction of life goes against the main character,
- Presents human life in two levels: usually the protagonist.
- The world of objective reality, 8. Deuteragonist - happens when
made up of human actions and there are more than one
experiences antagonist, 2nd lead.
- The world of subjective reality,
deals with human apprehension B. According to Development:
and comprehension 1. Dynamic - exhibits character
- A manipulated story which is not development
presented as objectively as possible 2. Static - exhibits no changes and
- Unrealistic, transports readers to a development
make-believe world
- Resembles the world C. According to Personality:
- Categorized either as a novel or 1. Round - displays different / multiple
short-story personalities
2. Flat - reveals conventional traits,
SETTING remains the same throughout the
- The time and place in which the story, does not grow.
events of a story occur
- Local Color: evocative portrayals of PLOT
a region’s distinctive ways of - The sequence of events in the story,
thoughts and behaviors; arranged and linked by causality.
distinctively found in only one place
• Kinds of Plot
CHARACTERS 1. Linear - moves with the natural
- Representation of a human being in sequence of events where actions
a story are arranged sequentially.
- The complex combination of both 2. Circular - a kind of plot where
inner and outer self linear development of the story
- Characterization: The method used merges with an interruption in the
by the writer to reveal the chronological order to show an
personality of the characters. event that happened in the past.
3. En Medias Res - a kind of plot
•Ways of Revealing Literary where the story commences in the
Characters: middle part of the action
1) Actions of the characters,
2) Thoughts of the characters, • Parts of a Plot
3) Description of the characters, 1. Exposition
4) Description of other characters, - the part of the plot that sets the
5) Description of the author scene by introducing the situation
and settings and lays out the
characters by introducing their
environment characteristics,
pursuit, purposes, limitations, 2. T h i r d - P e r s o n O m n i s c i e n t - a
potentials, and basic assumptions narrator that tells the story from an
all-knowing point-of-view. They see
2. Complication the mind of all the characters.
- The start of the major conflict or 3. Third-Person Limited - a narrator
problem in the plot. that tells only what they can see or
- Conflict: the opposition of persons hear. Known as the ‘camera
or forces in a story that give rise to technique narrator’ as they don’t
the dramatic action in a literary reveal what the characters are
work. The basic tension, thinking and feeling
predicament, or challenge that 4. T h i r d - P e r s o n C e n t r a l - l i m i t s
propels a story’s plot narration to what the central
- Types of conflict: Person vs Person, character thinks, feels, does, and
Person vs Society, Person vs Self, what and whom the central
Person vs Nature, Person vs Fate. character observes.
5. Third-Person Editorial - comments
3. Crisis on the action by telling the
- The part that establishes curiosity, readers its significance or
uncertainty, and tension; requires a evaluating the behavior of the
decision. characters.

4. Climax THEME
- The peak of the story which leads to - The main subject being discussed or
an affirmation, a decision, an described in the story.
action, or even a realization. This is - May be a significant truth about life
the point of greatest emotional and its nature which takes place in
intensity as well as suspense. the illustrations of the actions, pre-
occupations, and decisions of the
5. Denouement characters.
- The finishing of things right after the - Principles in stating the theme:
climax, and shows the resolution of reports for all major details, may be
the plot avowed in more than one way,
stated in a complete statement,
6. Ending asserts a sweeping statement
- The part that brings the story back about life, and avoid stating it using
to its equilibrium a popular saying.


- Determines the narrator of the story, • Flashback
the one who tells it from different - Interruption of the chronological
point of view sequence of a story to related
incidents which occurred prior to
• Types of POV the beginning of the story
1. First Person - a character-narrator
who tells the story in the ‘I’ voice, • Foreshadowing
expressing their own views. Can - Hints or clues to indicate events
be a minor or main character. that will occur later. This creates
DEAD STARS • Doña Adela
- A short story by Paz Marquez Benitez - Sister of Julia
- The short story is about a man
named Alfred Salazar, a lawyer • Calixta
whois troubled choosing between - Note carrier
what he should do---to choose and
marry his 4-year fiancée, Esperanza--- • Brigida Samuy
or choosing what he wanted to do--- - The woman Alfredo was looking for
to love Julia Salas, a woman she fell in
love with despite being engaged
with Esperanza.
1. Exposition
- He decided to marry Esperanza after - At Don Julian’s house Carmen was
eight years because he is afraid of
asking about Alfredo and
what other people will say to him if
he chose the other. However, when - Alfredo reminisced how he met
Alfred went to Sta. Cruz to find
Julia Salas.
someone important for his court
defense, he and Julia accidentally
2. Complication
met since Julia lives there. That’s - Alfredo had gone with Don Julian
when he realized that he is no longer
to Judge Del Valle’s house where
in love with her. He even compare his
he met Julia Salas.
memories of love to a dead star. - Feelings between Julia and Alfredo
now develop.
SETTING - Conflict: Person vs Self
- It foreshadows the social make-up
and dominant views of the place 3. Crisis
at that time. - Alfredo then realized that he is in
- Christian Community love with her in spite being engage
with Esperanza.
• Alfredo Salazar 4. Climax
- Son of Don Julian; Over thirty years - Julia and Esperanza finally found
out that Alfredo has been
• Esperanza cheating. He has been flirting with
- Fiancee/wife of Alfredo Julia despite being engaged with
• Julia Salas
- Sister in law of Judge Del Valle 5. Denouement
- He finally chose to stay with his
• Don Julian Salazar promise, remain loyal to his
- Father of Alfredo commitment and married
- 8 years after, Alfredo needing to
• Carmen
find a woman named Brigada
- Sister of Alfredor
Samuy who can help him for his
defense in court, found himself at
• Judge Dionisio Del Valle Julia’s place.
- Brother in law of Julia
- He met Julia again and realized • Dodong
that he is not in love with her, his - Protagonist, dynamic, and round.
love for her is like a dead star. - The character who desperately
wants to go against his father’s
• Type of Plot decision and be with his beloved
- En Medias Res despite his very young age.


- Third-Person Central POV - Antagonist, dynamic, flat
- Though he did not really
THEME contradicted the intentions of
- Love is not just an emotion; it is also Dodong to marry, he was still
a responsibility of remaining faithful against the idea of his son marrying
no matter what at a young age.
- Motifs: love, responsibility, infidelity
• Teang
LITERARY DEVICES - Deuteragonist, dynamic, flat
- Flashback
- The second lead in the story and
the wife of Dodong, she too was
young when Dodong married her
and impregnated her.
- A story by Jose Garcia Villa
- Dudong asserts his supposed maturity • Inay
and marries Teang at the age of 17. - Extra, static, flat
He thinks they are old enough to - Dodong’s Mother who helped
take on this responsibility, but after Teang give birth to their first child,
they have several children they both Blas.
bemoan the dissolution of their youth
and the dreams that came along • Blas
with it. Teang wonders how things - Extra, static, flat
could have at the age of 17. He - Dodong and Teang’s oldest son
thinks they are old if she’d married who followed his parents’ footsteps
another of her suitors. At the end, in the end. He contemplated to
Dudong’s son Blas approaches his marry Tona when he was 18.
father wanting to marry at about the
same age, even though Dudong • Tona
doesn’t want Blas to make the same - Extra, static, flat
mistake he did. However, history ends - Blas’ lover
up repeating itself.
• Lucio
SETTING - Extra, static, flat
- The setting is not explicitly stated, but - Teang’s former suitor
it is in a rural area (Farm/Province)
where they work as farmers.
1. Exposition - Nick Joaquin
- Dodong intended to tell his father
that he wants to marry Taeang. SETTING
- 1847; 1890; Intramuros, Manila - in
2. Complication a room with a mirror on May Day
- Dodong wanted to marry Teang Eve
- Conflict: Person vs Person
3. Crisis • Anastasia
- Dodong’s want to turn away from - Old woman, Maga; believes in
his early paternal responsibilities. superstitious beliefs

4. Climax • Agueda / Doña Agueda

- When Blas was at his eighteen years - Pretty, long dark hair; young
of age, he asked permission to his woman who is curious; brave;
father Dodong to marry Tona. wants to know her future husband
- hard, bitter, vengeful; bold,
5. Denouement liberated, non-conformist; old;
- Dodong gave his consent to his son emotional
to marry Tona
• Agueda’s daughter
6. Ending
- His father (Dodong) felt sorry for his - Vain curious girl ;wants to know her
mother’s past
son (Blas)

• Type of Plot • Don Badoy Montiya

- LINEAR PLOT: the actions are - Young man with curly hair, a
arranged sequentially and moves mustache and a scar on his cheek;
with the natural sequence of units. vain, promiscuous, a stereotypical
machismo man
- Third-Person Omniscient POV • Voltaire
- Grandson of Don Badoy; curious
THEME about his future wife
- Young people will blindly follow
their heart’s desire and tend to PLOT
regret their actions in the end. 1. Exposition
- Motifs: Passion, desire, - A party was held in Montiya's
consequences house and the girls were to stay in
that house. Anastacia, told the girls
LITERARY DEVICES of a legend where if they recite
- Foreshadowing "mirror, mirror, tell me whose
woman, I will be" in front of the
mirror at midnight while holding a
candle, they will see the person
they were to marry on their but if
gone wrong, they will see the devil
2. Complication Y’ MISS PHATHUPATS
- Agueda, being hardheaded tried - Written by Juan Crisostomo Soto
the incantation to prove it wrong A.K.A Crissot
but she did not say the right words - The short story is about Yeyeng, a
- Conflict: Person vs Person young poor Kapampangan woman,
who had the chance to study English
3. Crisis in a school opened by the American
- Don Badoy suddenly entered the military government, courtesy of a
house and saw Agueda so he soldier who teaches there. When the
approached her but she was young woman became fluent in
startled and began crying. When English she was sent to a town to be
Badoy tried to comfort her, she bit a teacher there. As time passed by
him and ran Miss Yeyeng said that she forgotten
how to speak in Kapampangan
4. Climax anymore, as such she was given the
- Fast forward to the present time, name ‘Miss Phathupats’ a reference
Don Badoy saw his grandson trying to her wide hips that she constricts
the incantation in front of the mirror with a corset which resembles a
and scolded him. Voltaire told patupat or suman. 
Badoy on how his grandmother did - Once in a fiesta in a town in Bacolor
the incantation, saw the devil, and she saw people reading a
described how the devil looked like Kapampangan newspaper called
‘Ing Emangabiran’ eliciting her
5. Denouement disapproving statement that she find
- Badoy reminisced the time he saw it difficult to speak in Kapampangan
Agueda in front of the mirror and anymore much less read it. She was
fell in love with her but as time went teased because she was more of an
by he was blinded with hatred American than a Kapampangan,
thus she is now Miss Phathupats. They
6. Ending made her cry, and when she wiped
- After contemplating, he realized away her tears her make-up came
that he still loves her but it was too off, they laughed harder, ashamed
late because Agueda was already Miss Phathupats walked out.
• Type of Plot: Circular Plot
 - The story takes place in Pampanga
during the American Colonial Period.
- Third-person Omniscient Point of View CHARACTERS
• Yeyeng
THEME - Protagonist, dynamic, and round.
- Intense remorse by wrong decision - Also know as Miss Phathupats
like believing in superstitions, “Magic - A young Filipino born in Pampanga,
realism” who claims to have forgotten to
speak in her native language
LITERARY DEVICES (Kapampangan) after she learned
- Flashback and taught English
• American Soldier 3. Crisis
- Static, flat - During a fiesta in town X, Miss
- A costumer of Miss Yeyeng who Phathupats saw some people
urged her to study English at the reading "Ing Emangabiran" a
school where he was teaching Kapampangan newspaper
published in Bacolor. However the
• Towns People miss was disappointed that the
- Antagonist, static, flat newspaper was in Kapampangan,
- The people from a town in Bacolor and disapporivngly said “I can't
understand Kapampangan.” in
who ridiculed Miss Yeyeng for being
a hypocrite.
- Someone replied to her mockingly
and the people smiled at the
• Yeyeng’s Parents remark. The miss however
- Extra, static, flat continued even though she knew
- Born in one of the smallest towns in people were laughing at her, the
Pampanga who lived in poverty speech she gave however caused
the people to laugh harder as she
PLOT "sounded like a fish vendor's wife,"
1. Exposition which angered Miss Phathupats
- The story started by introducing
the main character Yeyeng, "a 4. Climax
young Kapampangan woman - Miss Phathupats was heavily
who paints a heavy coat of rouge mocked by the people for not
on her face and due to her family knowing Kapampangan anymore.
being poor, she sells guinatan or One of those standing by said “Do
bichu-bichu for living." not wonder that the Miss does not
- The soldier was introduced as well know Kapampangan: first, because
as he urged Yeyeng to study shehas long associated with the
English in the school where he was American soldiers, and secondly,
teaching. she is no longer Kapampangan.
The proof of this is that her name is
2. Complication Miss Phathupats.”
- As time have passed, Miss Yeyeng - That made the miss so mad that she
hardly ever spoke Kapampangan cursed them in Kapampangan,
because according to her she had and the listeners said “Aha! So she is
already forgotten how. Upon a Kapampangan, after all,”
hearing Miss Yeyeng, the people followed by “Yes, didn’t you know?
who knew her immediately began She is the daughter of old Gading
to poke fun at her behind her back, the Braggart from my barrio.”  That
they named her "Miss Phathupats." caused an uproar and made Miss
A reference to her wide hips which Phathupats cry and when she
she tries so hard to constrict by wiped her tears her makeup came
means of wearing a tight corset off and revealed her darker skin
resembled a patupat or a tightly color which made the laughters
bound suman. grew louder.
- Conflict: Person vs Society
5. Denouement
- Miss Pathupats' pretention that she CHARACTERS
can no longer speak in • Lilia
Kapampangan was finally - An 80 year old bachelorette who
uncovered because of her rage. moved to another town in hopes of
When she could'nt take the insults finding her lover who left days
anymore, Miss Phathupats stumbled before they are planned to flee
out saying, "Mi no vuelve en esta
casa" and the people waved her • Carlos
goodbye saying, "Adios, Miss-who- - An 80 year old bachelor who
doesn't-know-kapampangan", decided not to get married
"Adios, Miss Alice Roosevelt", "Adios, because the love of his life
Miss Pathupats." betrayed him

6. Ending • Claudio
- That is how they ganged up on her - Lilia’s one great love
and the poor Yeyeng left muttering
to herself, feeling defeated and
• Lourdes
- The woman who own’s Claudio’s
• Type of Plot
- LINEAR PLOT: the actions are
arranged sequentially and moves • Rich Young Man
with the natural sequence of units. - Soon to be husband of Lilia


- Third-Person Omniscient POV 1. Exposition
- As the sun sets, a child
THEME accompanied an old lady to a
- Young people will blindly follow garden in the city proper. After
their heart’s desire and tend to walking, the old lady sits on a
regret their actions in the end. bench where an old man is also
- Motifs: Passion, desire, seated. The two began to talk of
consequences the younger years especially their
experience of love. The old lady
LITERARY DEVICES shared her story with Claudio.
- Foreshadowing
2. Complication
- The parents of the old lady made a
fixed marriage between her and a
SiSILIM rich guy dated on May 25. So Lilia
- Diosdado Pangan Macapagal (the old lady) planned to run away
with Claudio on May 15, the day of
SETTING her birthday.
- At a public garden at the city - Conflict: Person vs Society
around late afternoon before
3. Crisis
- As their day of eloping drew nearer, 6. Ending
Lilia noticed a change in Claudio - As the dawn approaches, under
as he refrained from meeting and the light of the stars reflected in the
writing letters. Lilia dreaded that ocean, Carlos walked Lilia home.
Claudio’s love for her is not real and Although they did not accomplish
his knowledge of her fixed marriage their first plan to elope, love worked
will lead him to leave her. mysteriously and a path was forged
for them once again.
4. Climax
- On May 15, Claudio did not show POINT OF VIEW (POV)
up so Lilia went to his house where - Third-Person Central POV
she discovered from her sister that
Claudio has already left 5 days ago THEME
without leaving any letter or - True love does not count the pain
explanation. Without finding but sees the bliss worthy of suffering
Claudio, she remained unmarried
and kept Claudio in her heart. After LITERARY DEVICES
Lilia shared her story, Carlos, the old - Flashback
man told her of his love, Lourdes
who was wealthy but he did not
love her for her wealth but for who
she was. Like Lilia’s story, they fell in POETRY
love in a garden and planned to - A patterned form of verbal or
elope but things changed when he written expression of ideas
saw an announcement of Lourdes’ concentrated, imaginative, and
wedding in a newspaper. He felt rhythmical terms that often contain
betrayed that Lourdes chose a the elements of sense, sound, and
wealthy man so he wandered just structure.
so he can feel something other - Regarded as the oldest literary form
than the pain of betrayal. He met a - Has implied meaning/s which are
lot of women along the way but his evoked in the carefully selected
heart still belonged to Lourdes thus words.
until then, he had no plans on - Is often considered as the most
getting married. difficult and most sophisticated of
all literary genres
5. Denouement - Briefly written but suggests many
- After telling their stories, the old lady connotations
realized that they had the same - More musical compared to there
story. The old man remained silent. literary forms
When the old lady was about to
leave, she told him that the real SENSE OF THE POEM
name of her beloved is Carlos. The - Is revealed through the meaning of
old man was startled and asked if words, images, and symbols.
the old lady’s name was Lilia. That’s
when they realized that they were • Denotation
talking about themselves. - Is the dictionary meaning of a word
• Connotation - Is the naming of parts to suggest
- Is the suggested or implied the whole
meanings associated with a word - Ex: respect is due for snowy hair
beyond its dictionary definition
4. Simile
• Imagery - Is a comparison between two
- Use of sensory details or descriptions unrelated things using the word
that appeal to one or more of the ‘like’ or ‘as’
five senses; otherwise known as the - Ex: Hungry as a bear
senses of the mind
- Using words to create a picture in 5. Metaphor
the reader’s mind. - Is an implied comparison between
two usually unrelated things
• Figurative Language - Ex: Her mind is a computer
- Language used for descriptive
effect in order to convey ideas or 6. Onomatopoeia
emotions which are not literally true - The use of words that spell out
but express some truth beyond the sounds;
literal level - Ex: hiss, pop, crack, boom
7. Personification
FIGURATIVE SPEECH - Is giving human characteristics to
- A kind of figurative language that inanimate objects, ideas, or animals
uses words, phrases, and sentences - Ex: The earth laughs
in a non-literal definition but rather
gives meanings in abstractions 8. Hyperbole
- Is an exaggeration for the sake of
1. Allusion emphasis
- Is a reference in a work of literature - Ex: I may sweat to death
to a character, a place, or a
situation from references. 9. Litotes
- Ex: Noah’s Rule, Achilles heel - Is a deliberate sarcasm used to
affirm by negating its opposite
2. Apostrophe - Ex: It was not too bad.
- Is an address to an inanimate
object, an idea, or a person who is 10. Antithesis
absent/long dead. - Is a disparity of words or ideas,
- Ex: where, o death thy victory? presentation of natural opposites in
a balanced or parallel construction
3. Metonymy - Ex: Love is an ideal thing, marriage
- Is the use of one word to stand for a is a real thing
related term or replacement of
word that relates to the thing or 11. Irony
person to be named for the name - Is a contrast or discrepancy
itself between appearance and reality;
- Ex: remained loyal to the crown opposite of what you mean
- Ex: a pilot has a fear of heights
4. Synecdoche
12. Oxymoron
- Is putting together two opposite
ideas in one phrase or statement • Symbol
- Ex: Busy doing nothing - An image that becomes so
suggestive that it takes on much
14. Paradox more meaning than its descriptive
- Is a phrase or statement that seems value.
to be impossible or contradictory - A word or image that signifies
but is nevertheless true, literally or something other than what is
figuratively literally represented
- Ex: the beginning of the end

1. Narrative Poem
- Is a poem that tells a story
- Ex: epic, metrical romance, ballad

2. Lyric Poem
- Is descriptive or expository in nature
where the poet is concerned
mainly in presenting a scene in
words, conveying sensory richness
of his subject, or the revelation of
ideas or emotions.
- Ex: ode, elegy, song, sonnet and

3. Dramatic Poem
- Is a poem where a story is told
through the verse dialogue of the
characters and a narrator

4. Free Verse
- Poetry that follows no rules. No
rhyme, no rhythm, no meter


• Tone
- The writer’s attitude towards their
subject, mood, and moral view.
- The feeling that the poem has
created in the reader.
- Communicated by the writer’s or
speaker’s attitude toward their
subject, their imagined audience,
of themselves.
- The emotional coloring of the work
which is indicated by the inflection
of the speaker’s voice

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