Feed Enhancement Technology For Low Bulk Density Material

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Thorsten Stirner, Coperion GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany

Abstract channels. At the same time as the Do/Di increases. the

angle of the conveying flight profile with respect to the
Effectively feeding low bulk density material into a axis of the screw gets closer to 90° (vertical, i.e. more like
co-rotating twin-screw extruder has always been a the previously mentioned undercut SK elements) and the
challenge. However with the introduction of even finer resulting pushing force has an increased down channel
particle size fillers (sub-micron in some cases) as well as component, i.e. it is more parallel to the longitudinal
new generations of polymer reactor resins, the issue has direction of the screw. However, even with utilization of
become even more problematic. Additionally as bulk the previously noted techniques as well as an extruder
density decreases, the materials tend to fluidize more with an increased free volume geometry, the process
easily. Fluidization lowers the “effective” bulk density eventually reaches a feed volume limitation, which more
even further and exacerbates feeding issues. Typical unit often than not is well below an economically viable
operations within the compounding process where production rate
material is more susceptible to fluidization are: transfer
from storage vessel to feeders, from feeder to twin-screw Over the past several years utilization of small
extruder and within the feed zone conveying section of the particle size lower bulk density fillers, as well as the
twin-screw extruder. While there are methods to minimize demand for improved productivity for finishing lines
the potential for fluidization such as dense phase processing polyolefin reactor resin powder, has increased.
conveying from storage to feeder, minimization of the Consequently, the issue of feeding fine particle materials
feeder height above the extruder feed opening, at an economical rate has become even more challenging.
incorporating a vent into the feed hopper, extending the For example, even if the compounder is able to introduce
length of the conveying zone in the extruder feed section, the fine particle material at the maximum bulk density
the process eventually reaches a feed volume limitation, possible, i.e. minimal included air, as the mass of particles
which more often than not is well below an economically are being compressed and transformed into a melt, the
viable production rate. This paper will review a new Feed remaining included air is released. The only way for this
Enhancement Technology (FET) that provides significant air to exit the compounding line is to flow counter-current
improvement for the introduction of fine particle / low to the incoming material. This is not an issue for pellets.
bulk density materials into the extruder. However, the lower the bulk density of the entering
feedstock or filler, the more easily it tends to fluidize. This
Introduction results in an even lower “effective” bulk density which
further exacerbates feeding issues.
Effectively feeding low bulk density material into a
co-rotating twin-screw extruder has generally presented a Scale up is another key issue impacted in processes
challenge to compounders. Andersen [1, 2] reviewed feeding low bulk density materials. The general guideline
many of the “standard” techniques used by compounders for scale up of a polymer compounding process is that the
to stave off the onset of a feed volume limitation. These rate increases by the ratio of the diameter cubed of the
include but are not limited to dense phase conveying from larger vs. smaller extruder. If one were to scale from a 50
storage to feeder, minimization of the feeder height above mm to 100 mm compounding extruder, the expected scale
the extruder feed opening, incorporation of a vent into the up would be 23, or 8. However, the x-sectional area
feed hopper, use of higher pitch elements (2 times increases only be the square of the diameter, in this case,
extruder diameter), use of increased free volume undercut 4. Therefore, a higher backflow air velocity countercurrent
profile “pushing” SK type elements in the feed opening, to the incoming feedstock would be required to eliminate
and extending the length of the conveying zone in the all the included air. This will further exacerbate feeding.
extruder feed section. Kapfer et al. [3] reviewed the Even if a process appears to have no fluidization or feed
advantages of using an extruder with a greater outer limitation issues on a lab or development line, there could
diameter to inner diameter ratio (Do/Di), i.e. deeper be issues on scale up.
channel screw elements and therefore more free internal
volume per unit length. However improved solids Feed Enhancement Technology, FET, is an
conveying does not result solely from the deeper screw advancement of the conveying portion of feed system
design that provides significant improvement for the
introduction of fine particle and low bulk density materials maximum conveying angle for an element occurs at the
into the extruder. point where the conveying direction is orthogonal to the
helix (c).
Feed Technology Variables
The objective of any feed enhancement technology is
to improve the effective coefficient of friction between the
material and the barrel wall in the solids conveying section
of the extruder. As shown in Figure 1, the solids
conveying capacity is a function of several factors which
are interrelated in various combinations. For example, the
free cross-sectional area (F) of the extruder, the pitch of
the element (H), and the rpm (n) determine a “theoretical”
conveying factor. The bulk density and the fill factor
Figure 2: Helix or pitch angle (a), Conveying angle (b) for
combination is an indication of the potential for material
powder, maximum conveying angle (c).
in the solids conveying section to fluidize. That is,
fluidization potential increases as either the bulk density
drops and or the degree of fill approaches 1. In the former Feed Enhancement Technology
there is more air to be eliminated in the feed zone and in
the later as the unfilled cross-section of the screw profile The objective of FET is to increase the feed intake /
is reduced, the escaping air velocity increases and feed zone throughput capacity for difficult to feed
enhances the probability of fluidization. Another materials by improving the conveying efficiency through
interesting point is that as the degree of fill in the feed an increase in the coefficient of friction between the feed
section approaches 1, rpm has a negative influence on feed and barrel wall i.e. minimize/eliminate wall slip.
intake. For example, the rate/rpm flood point decreases as
rpm increases, i.e. the higher the rpm, the more the feed The conveying efficiency / coefficient of friction
material is fluidized. Finally, the conveying efficiency is increase is achieved by “adhering” a layer of feedstock
directly proportional to the “dynamic” coefficient of material to a portion of the barrel wall through the
friction, the higher the coefficient of friction, the greater application of vacuum to a specially designed section of
the conveying efficiency. It is important to note that the barrel wall in the feed zone which is porous and
neither the actual bulk density of material nor the actual permeable to the gas, but not to the feed product.
coefficient of friction in the conveying section can be Therefore the pore size of the porous section of the barrel
accurately determined from static feedstock wall relative to the particle size of the powder is very
measurements. crucial. Additionally the optimum vacuum level applied
to the device depends on particle size and shape of the
feedstock. If particles were to penetrate the pores, the
efficacy of the process would be reduced. However, if

powder were to penetrate the pores it could be back
flushed out by applying a pressure through the vacuum
line(s). While powder infiltrating the porous barrel wall
Throughput Free X-section Pitch Product Degree of Fill Conveying
in Efficiency
rpm could be problematic, even more critical would be the
Density Feed zone presence of polymer melt or other fluid. Both of these
materials would smear over the porous surface or even
penetrate the pores and clog the porous structure.
Impacts Impacted by
Coefficient of Coefficient of
Friction Friction While it would be possible to construct an entire
Figure 1: Solids conveying variables in a Twin-screw barrel from a porous material, the more economically
viable solution is to install an insert (or inserts) made from
Relative conveying efficiency for a feedstock can be or containing the porous material into an “open” style
approximated by measuring the material flow angle barrel. This insert design concept provides additional
(conveying angle) for a particular pitch element. Figure 2 benefits. First, the insert can more easily be continuously
illustrates this point. The larger the conveying angle (b), and intensively cooled to avoid melting of the compacted
the more the material is being transported in the axial polymer powder filter cake layer or any particles that may
direction rather than the circumferential. Thus if the infiltrate the pore structure. Second, in the unlikely event
coefficient of friction can be increased, the conveying that the unit would become damaged, it can more easily
angle and therefore conveying capacity will increase. The and cost effectively be replaced.
The working principle of FET is illustrated in Figure Machine Configuration Options
3. By applying the vacuum through the porous material,
air surrounding the polymer or filler is evacuated as it There are several options for location of the FET
passes the FET barrel section insert. As the air is sucked insert, Figure 5. It can be installed upstream of the feed
toward the insert, it entrains and carries the particles location and be used as a back vent for feed stocks
toward the insert surface. The air goes through but the containing pellets. It can be installed downstream of the
material remains behind to coat the surface. This coating, feeding point but before the melting section. As mentioned
or filter cake, of densified polymer powder has the effect previously, because of the nature of the filtration medium,
of increasing the coefficient of friction between the wall the FET can only be used in the solids conveying section.
surface and the bulk of the material. The layer of material It can not be used at any point where there is a melt.
adhering to the barrel wall due to the vacuum is Finally, to accommodate use of the technology for
continuously renewed by the rotating screws. introduction of filler in the downstream portion of the
Additionally, the bulk density of the powder is increased extruder, the FET insert can be installed in the barrel of a
as it passes the insert. These two effects combine to side-feeder.
improve the conveying efficiency.
In the feed section In the feed section
vacuum of the TSE of the TSE
Air FET insert upstream of the downstream of
Filter cake: feeding point feeding point

FET can only be used for
• air is removed  higher bulk density
In the side
solids conveying! feeder

• friction is changed in the area of insert

Figure 5: Installation options for FET
Figure 3: FET operating principle
Experimental Set up / Results

To verify the viability of the technology, the three

system set up variations were evaluated. The downstream
configuration (FET insert placed in main extruder barrel
section downstream of the main feed location) was
evaluated for an HDPE powder resin. This was first run in
the lab, but subsequently the system was installed on a
ZSK 240 production unit. The result was that the
throughput rate was increased from 14 to a torque limited
17 t/hr.

The back vent version (FET insert placed in main

extruder barrel section upstream of the main feed location)
was tested in the lab but then installed on a 92 mm
production line for an HFFR (Halogen Free Flame
Retardant) material. The upstream feed was a blend of
polymer, ATH and additives being fed into barrel 2.
Additional components including oil and a second ATH
Figure 4: Improved conveying angle with activation of addition were introduced subsequently in the downstream
FET portion of the line. The result was an increase of more
Figure 4, illustrates the impact of this technology. The than 50% from 1.4 t/hr to over 2.2 t/hr. In addition to the
conveying angle improves significantly with engagement increased rate, this set up also eliminated powder leakage
of FET.
back through the packing between the first barrel and the g/cc) at 43% and graphite (0.08 g/cc) at 50%. In each case
lantern. there was a significant increase in rate as shown in Figure
The most typical use for the device is to enhance
productivity for highly loaded mineral filled compounds.
For these materials the most common set up for the
technology is to install the device in the side-feeder.
Figure 6 illustrates a typical set up for these materials.
Note that for most efficient performance the side-feeder
has inserts on both the top and bottom of the barrel. Figure
7 shows the modified side-feeder containing the FET unit
(arrow). The vacuum connections are attached to the top
and bottom of the barrel.


Figure 8: Rate enhancement data from 40 mm TSE
laboratory line

Figure 9 shows results for a 92 mm production line

used to incorporate talc. The two talc products were 1)
FET: Sidefeeder Luzenac T1CA (particle size d50 of 1.6-2.1 μm) and 2)
IMIFabi HM05 (0.25 g/cm3, particle size d50 of 1.4 μm).
While in each in instance, the rate could be increase by a
significant percentage with FET, the limit for each was the
talc feed intake. The absolute talc feed intake for each
formulation was approximately 670 kg/hr.

+ 40% without FET
Figure 6: Set up for side-feeding feed enhancement 3,5
with FET - ZSB
Throughput [t/h]


+ 30%

650 Rpm 700 Rpm
PP + 20% Talcum Luzenac T1 C A PP + 48% Talcum HM05

20 % Luzenac T1CA 48 % Luzenac HM05

Figure 9: Rate enhancement data from 92 mm TSE

production line

The previous results showed that the overall

production rate could be increased by incorporating FET.
However, there are other impacts of the technology.
Figure 7: Side feeder modified for FET Similar to the advantages shown by Andersen [4] of using
a higher torque capacity compounding unit, increasing the
Several sets of experiments were run on laboratory as rate of the filled polymer line while all else remains the
well as production equipment to verify the productivity same, results in a lower overall energy consumption per
advantages. The first were run on a 40 mm TSE unit of product produced. Lower unit energy translates
compounding unit using the same basic set up as shown in into lower product temperature, which in turn would mean
Figure 6. The base polymer was a polyamide 6. The fillers
used were talc (0.25 g/cc) at 60%, HFFR powder (0.20
less potential for material degradation or stabilizer
package consumption. • Effect of FET always depends on the type of
product, its particle size distribution and the
Figure 10, further illustrates this point. This data is particle shape
for an 40% talc (Luzenac 1445) filled PP run on the new
generation Coperion Mc18 ZSK 45 mm twin-screw • The extruder and its auxiliaries have to be
compounding extruder. Without the FET technology, the adapted to higher capacity, e.g.
compounder can not take advantage of the higher torque
capacity of the extruder. However, by implementing the - installed motor power,
FET, the system runs at full torque (~85%), the throughput - screw design,
has been increased more than 50% and the discharge - feeding system,
temperature lowered significantly. - degassing system,
- pelletizer,
- pellet cooling, conveying and handling system


1200 With FET

Throughput [kg/h]

Torque= 85%
Specific Energy = 0.129 kWh/kg

600 1. P.G. Andersen, Plastics Compounding, D.B. Todd

Throughput increase: 50+ %
T = minus 15°C
ed., 71-124 (1998)
Torque= 54% 2. P.G. Andersen, Encyclopedia of Chemical
Specific Energy = 0.134 kWh/kg
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Processing, 3167 (2006)
Screw speed [1/min] 3. K. Kapfer, E. Haering, SPE-ANTEC Tech. Papers,
Figure 10: Impact of improved feed intake on rate and 48, (2002)
material temperature 4. P.G. Andersen, E. Haering, K. Kapfer, SPE-ANTEC
Tech. Papers, 43, (1997)
Key Words: Twin-screw, compounder, feed enhancement,
While compounders will continue to have issues with powder filler
handling low bulk density feed material, they now have an
additional tool to utilize. Advantages demonstrated for
feed limited processes are:

• Line production capacity can be increased

• Specific energy can be reduced for improved

product stability, electrical consumption and
overall line economics

• Use of finer / non compacted fillers (less

expensive) is possible

• Processes can be stabilized by eliminating or

reducing the impact of feed-stock particle size

• Installation of smaller machine size possible.

Additional points to be considered are:

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