Microstructure Towards Plastic Behavior
Microstructure Towards Plastic Behavior
Microstructure Towards Plastic Behavior
IAP-action: phase V
2002 - 2006
Project P5/08
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
This report contains an overview of the main scientific activities, carried out during
the first year of the IAP P5/08 project. The results are reported per work package.
On the experimental side, materials have been prepared (WP1), forming tests (WP2),
mechanical tests (WP3) and microstructural characterization (WP4) have been started.
Several of these tests had an “explorative” character, in the sense that some test
procedures had to be established and characterization methods had to be optimized.
Most activities concerning modeling work, were related to the exchange and
integration of existing programs and/or subroutines. The first concepts for integrated
models have been established and discussed. The connection between the
experimental work and the modeling work will be optimized in 2003.
1. Titanium-alloys
The main alloy chosen for the present project is Ti 6Al 4V. The first samples were
prepared by partner 7 from sheet material. This sheet was annealed after hot and cold
rolling, and has a grain size of 10 µm. Starting from this condition, thermal treatments
were carried out in order to generate different microstructures, as required for this
- heating to a homogeneous temperature of respectively 850, 950 and 1000 °C
- quenched, air cooling and furnace cooling.
This material will further be used by partners 1, 4 and 7
Partner 2 has focused considerable attention on the properties of metastable beta
titanium alloys. Recently, a new alloy, Timetal LCB, Ti-6.8Mo-4.5Fe-1.5Al (in
wt.%), has been introduced. This material is expected to be used in automotive and
aerospace industry since its production cost is relatively low while its mechanical and
working properties are excellent. The alloy is beta-metastable since it preserves a
metastable bcc lattice structure (beta phase) when it is solution heat-treated above the
beta-transus and subsequently quenched. Annealing of the alloy below Tbeta then
causes the precipitation of the alpha phase in much finer form than is the case in
alfa/beta alloys like Ti-6Al-4V. This results in better mechanical properties (yield
strength and ductility). Furthermore, depending on the thermo-mechanical conditions,
the alpha phase nucleation could arise from the existence of a transition phase, omega,
allowing still finer precipitation and dispersion of the alfa phase.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
preparation method, the axis of these cylinders corresponds with the former rolling
direction, but the transverse direction and the normal direction are lost.
The ECAE technique (Equal Channel Angular Extrusion) was used to refine the grain
size of the samples by severe plastic deformation. Route C (sample rotation over 180°
after each pass) was chosen because of its tendency to develop a substructure after
fewer ECAE passing then the other routes.
The final step in material preparation is cutting the samples for further analysis.
Depending on the test that will be performed, different samples will be cut out. In the
first phase, all sections are transverse sections. Starting and ending piece: these
samples are preserved but not prepared for further analysis, because this part of the
material was not in a steady state deformation. For heat treatment, small samples of a
few millimeters thick are cut out. These samples also serve for microstructural
characterisation and hardness measurement. The samples are cut out of the middle of
the ECAE-material, because this is thought to be the most homogenously deformed
zone. Samples for compression tests are taken from the outer zones, after cutting of
the starting and ending pieces.
This fine grained material will in the next year be further characterized by partner 1
and used in WP6 (phenomenological modeling) by partners 1 and 4.
1 3 2 3 1
end start
Figure 1 - Different zones of the ECAE sample for further analysis. (1) rejected, (2) heat
treatment, hardness measurement, microstructural characterisation, (3) compression testing.
3. IF-steels
Partner 1 has received IF steel as 65% hot rolled material with initial grain size of 100
µm. From these slabs cylindrical samples with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 4
cm to 5 cm were machined. The ECAE technique was used to refine the grain size.
The ECAE die had an angle of 90° (corresponding to an equivalent strain of 1,15 per
pass). The processing temperature was 200°C. On one hand, samples were prepared
with an effective strain of 9.2 following route BA (rotation of +90° after steps 1 and 3
and rotation of –90° after steps 2 and 4) in order to study the grain fragmentation at
large strains. On the other hand the 4 classical ECAE routes A, BA, BC and C were
used to prepare samples in order to study the influence of the strain path followed
during severe plastic deformation.
4. TRIP-steel
After hot and cold rolling following classical practice, the heat-treatments to generate
the required multiphase microstructures were carried out on samples oriented in the
rolling direction. The times and temperatures of the intercritical annealing and of the
bainitic holding were adjusted depending on the required microstructure.
Several specimens presenting different microstructures for which key parameters,
such as the volume fraction of the phases and the austenite stability, were processed
by partner 2, following different heat-treatment conditions. This material was further
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
5. TWIP steels
Two partners are involved in the research on TWIP steels (partner 1 and partner 2).
Three different materials are studied, all based on Fe-Mn-Al-Si alloys.
Two of the alloys have already been mentioned in the description of the materials for
the TRIP-research (cf. paragraph 4: Mn15 and Mn20 alloys). These materials are also
integrated in the TWIP research because the martensitic transformation and
mechanical twinning are competing deformation mechanisms, depending on
experimental conditions (stability of austenite). Details of their processing have been
given above.
The third material, studied by partner 1 is a Fe-30Mn-3Al-3Si alloy that was melted in
a vacuum induction furnace and ingot cast. Plates were cut from the ingot,
homogenised in an air furnace at 1200°C (1 hour), hot rolled and air cooled. The
plates were hot rolled in 6 passes: total strain of 80% (20mm to 4mm). The hot rolling
start and end temperature were 1100°C and 800°C, respectively. The hot rolled plates
were annealed at 1100°C for 20 min and water quenched. The SFE of the material is
about 42 mJ/m2.
6. Pearlite
No material has been prepared yet.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Bending is a process by which a metal is stressed beyond the yield strength but below
the ultimate tensile strength. In order to increase the quality and performance of
bending it is necessary to know the materials characteristics. For this purpose, the
sheet specimen must be bent with a pure couple and simultaneously the bending
moment and curvature of the specimen are measured. This measurement yields the
unit moment curve, which is the appropriate material characteristic to study the
bending process. During the first year of this project, the bending characteristics of
TRIP steel has been investigated by partner 6. The material was received from
partners 1 and 2 and the results returned to them.
A special bending machine has been used to apply a pure moment on a test strip
(figure 2). Details about the experimental set-up can be found in: R. Aerens,
Characterisation of materials by bending, WTCM-CRIF Center for scientific and
technical research in metal manufacturing and Z. Marciniak, J. L. Duncan,
Mechanics of Sheet Forming, edited by Edward Arnold, London, 1992, ISBN 0-340-
56405-9. A test strip i.e., a steel sheet, of a definite size (57.8 mm x 57.8 mm) is
clamped with two drums. The drums are lying horizontally on a layer of ball bearings
which allows almost frictionless movement. Since very negligible friction occurs
between drums and balls, the weight of the drums has no effect on the couple
The moment-curvature diagram is derived from measurement of load and the cross-
member displacement of the machine. During bending tests, the tensile force is
measured on-line with a load cell, and an image of the bend is recorded with a CCD
camera and an image processing system. To get an exact view of the curvature at the
core of the bend but not at the edge where anti-clastic effect occurs, the samples are
chamfered at 45°. Nevertheless a small correction factor needs to be applied in
curvature measurements. To have better contrast in imaging, the chamfered edge of
the samples was painted half an hour before the bending test. With the image
processing system, a series of points belonging to the contour of the bend is
determined. These points are then exported to a CAD system where points, not strictly
belonging to the inner and the outer radii, are deleted. Subsequently, using the method
of the least squares, the values of the radii of the two concentric circles which fits best
the two series of points are computed.
Unit moment measurements
The unit moment (σ*) vs. strain (εb) curves have been determined on TRIP-steel with
a sheet thickness of 1 mm. In order to compare the unit moment of TRIP steel with
other steels, tests were performed on 304 stainless steel, St-12 and St-14 steels.
Experimental data for two repeated tests on each steel, are exhibited in figure 3. TRIP
steel distinctly shows better performance compared to other steels, but the
reproducibility of the results is less. To investigate the influence of strain rate on unit
moment, tests were performed at different strain rates. No remarkable influence of
strain rate on unit moment could be observed.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Unit Moment σ
σ*= b.s
M = ρ.F
Ri Re
s Ri + Re
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Deformation speed C″ n
1 495.6 0.296
TRIP steel 4 476.5 0.251
(Thickness: 1 mm) 15 474.3 0.235
40 457.3 0.243
St-14-03 4 168.9 0.260 (roll direction)
(Thickness: 1 mm) 165.4 0.260 (perpendicular)
ST-12 4 178.1 0.260 (roll direction)
(Thickness: 1 mm) 179.7 0.260 (perpendicular)
INOX 304 4 245.5 0.47 (roll direction)
(Thickness: 2 mm) 255.9 0.47 (perpendicular)
The tested TRIP-steel is a very promising material because of its very high strength.
But the strain-hardening coefficient (n) measured in this investigation is in the range
of most steels. The repeatability of bending test data is poor. TRIP-steel exhibited a
larger springback compared to stainless steel. No cracks could be generated for a
maximum bending angle of 40°.
Using the current experimental set-up, bending at larger deformation rate is not
possible due to the lack of a quicker imaging system. It would be interesting to check
the influence of larger deformation rate on unit moment. Phase transformations at
different bending angle are yet to be evaluated. Hardness measurements along cross
section of bent samples are vital. Influence of different sheet thickness can be an
added value for this research. Repeatability of tensile test data is also required to be
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
1. Titanium alloys
Tensile tests were performed in a tubular furnace with inert atmosphere at different
temperatures (room temperature, 500 and 960°C) and at different strain rates (5.10-4
and 5.10-3). Room temperature tests were reproducible, but at higher temperatures
several experimental problems had, and still have, to be resolved. A comparison
between the experimental facilities of partner 7 and 1 have been carried out and
exchange of expertise between partner 4 and 7 is planned for next year.
Figure 4. Compressive stress as function of true strain for CP-Al after different ECAE passes
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
3. IF-steel
As a preliminary mechanical characterisation, the Vickers micro-hardness was
measured for the 4 classical routes after 1 pass, 2 passes, 4 passes and 8 passes (i.e. up
to an equivalent strain of 9,2) (partner 1). For each route the hardness increases with
increasing number of passes. The increase is most significant during the first pass, and
decreases during the following passes so that the hardness tends to saturate at the
highest strain level investigated.
After 8 passes the hardness for the 4 routes are significantly different, and can be
classified as follows: BA > BC > A > C.
4. TRIP-steel
Transformation Kinetics
In order to assess the influence of the stress state on the kinetics of the mechanically-
induced martensitic transformation, several mechanical tests were performed on
different multiphase steels: uniaxial tensile tests, tensile tests on DENT and notched
specimens, Marciniak tests, balanced biaxial test and simple shear tests. For each type
of tests, the austenite volume fraction has been measured as a function of the
equivalent strain using X-ray diffraction or scanning electron microscopy, coupled
with image analysis.
Influence of Heterogeneous Stress State on the TRIP Effect
A special bending machine has been designed at the PMA Division of the KUL
(partner 6) and used to apply a pure moment on a test strip (cf. work package 2).
Mechanical Tests of Highly Alloyed Steels
Tensile tests were performed on samples of the Fe-Mn steels annealed in the 4
conditions reported in the Materials Preparation section. The mechanical properties of
the Fe-Mn steels are better after the annealing treatments. It seems that a large TRIP
effect is accompanying the plastic deformation. From 50 to 75% of the initial
austenite content is indeed transformed into martensite at necking. Some Twinning-
induced plasticity seems also to take place in steel Mn20 as shown by TEM.
Steel 301L also exhibits a mechanically-induced martensitic transformation. Some
301L samples were also strained in tension at different testing speeds, together with
the in situ measurements of the temperature rise. These tests show that the mechanical
properties are strongly influenced by the deformation speed. Temperatures as high as
100°C can be reached for crosshead speeds of 25mm/min. This temperature rise
stabilises the austenite and thus reduces the transformation phenomenon. Interrupted
tensile tests were also carried out on steel 301L in order to determine the martensitic
transformation kinetics.
5. TWIP-steel
1. Fe-15Mn-3Al-3Si and Fe-20Mn-3Al-3Si: see above, “Mechanical Tests of Highly
Alloyed Steels”.
2. Fe-30Mn-3Al-3Si: The hot rolled and annealed material was used to carry out cold
rolling at room temperature. Eight different strains were applied, varying from 0,1 to
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
2,5. The rolling direction was the same as for the hot rolling and the cold rolling was
done without reversing the rolling direction.
6. Pearlite
No mechanical tests have been performed yet.
1. Titanium
Preliminary tests on the microstructures generated for workpackage 1 were done by
partner 7, using the OIM (Orientation Imaging Microscopy) facility of partner 1. A
suitable specimen preparation procedure for OIM measurements was determined and
the different phases (α, β and even the martensitic α’) could be successfully
The metastable β-titanium alloy (Timetal LBC) has been investigated by partner 2.
The microstructure of Ti LCB consists of equiaxed β grains, 5 µm in size, with
dispersed finer grains of α, 1 µm in size. The microstructure of this alloy has also
been investigated by X ray diffraction and the results confirm the presence of the two
phases, α and β, respectively.
3. IF steel
Fined grained IF steel has been chosen as one of the ‘model materials’ in this IAP
project. Before delivering material to other work packages, the samples prepared by
partner 1 by ECAE (cf. WP1), have to be investigated after different ECAE passes
and as function of different ECAE routes.
The evolution of the substructure of IF steel with strain was followed up to an
effective strain of 9,2 for route BA by partner one, using OIM. It was found that the
degree of fragmentation differs from grain to grain even up to a strain of 9.2. This
non-uniform fragmentation of the initial grains during ECAE is in agreement with the
results of Seefeldt and Van Houtte [1] who modeled the fragmentation in aluminum
during ECAE and found that for some orientations the structural fragmentation into
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
new texture elements was counteracted by the textural rotation during the
deformation, whereas for other orientations they assist each other, resulting in an
orientation dependence of fragmentation. The orientation dependence of
fragmentation will be further investigated experimentally.
From the comparison of IF steel samples processed to a strain of 9.2 by ECAE via the
4 classical routes, a significant influence of the strain path was established. Routes BA
and BC, corresponding to cross loading, produce a higher hardness and finer structure
than routes A and C which correspond to continuous and reverse loading respectively.
The classification of the hardnesses for the 4 routes after 8 passes (BA > BC > A > C)
can be interpreted in terms of the different strain paths realised by the routes. The
change of strain path from one ECAE pass to another can be quantitatively expressed
by the α parameter introduced by Schmitt:
ε&p ⋅ ε&
ε&p ⋅ ε&
where ε& and ε&p are the strain rate tensors of the consecutive passes. Route A
corresponds to an approximately continuous strain path (α = 1) regardless of the die
angle. For a die angle of 90°, route C corresponds to reverse loading (α = -1) and both
routes B correspond to cross loading (α = 0). These values for α correlate with the
hardness of the 4 routes. Reverse loading during route C leads to an inferior hardness
with respect to the continuous loading during route A, because in each pass the same
slip systems are activated as in the previous pass, but in the reverse sense. The
resistance to glide is therefore smaller, and fewer dislocations need to be generated to
accomplish the applied strain. Cross loading during routes BA and BC necessitates the
activation of new slip systems, and the dislocations have to cut through the existing
dislocation pattern. Therefore more dislocations are generated, yielding a higher
hardness. This may also explain the higher fraction of transverse boundaries in the
route B samples, when compared to the route A sample. The difference between the 2
route B samples may be explained by the fact that the initial grain boundaries are
elongated during route BA, leading to an extra increase in high angle boundary
fraction. After 4n (where n is an integer) passes via route BC on the other hand, the
original volume elements are restored to their initial shape, and no extra grain
boundary area is introduced by this geometrical mechanism.
[1] M. Seefeldt and P. Van Houtte, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, in press.
4. TRIP steel
Characterisation of Acicular Ferrite Microstructures
The microstructure of the steel grades devoted to the formation of acicular ferrite
(presented in the Materials Preparation section) was characterised by SEM after
mechanical polishing and nital etching. Acicular ferrite was found only for the steel
grade containing some Ti. The evolution of the microstructure was studied as function
of the holding temperature. At 450°C, the microstructure is fully bainitic. For
intermediate temperatures, there is a competition between intergranular and
intragranular nucleation so that the microstructures consists of a mixture of bainite
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
and acicular ferrite. Small amounts of pearlite can form on the prior austenite grain
boundaries. Finally, the decomposition of austenite into pearlite takes place at the
highest temperature (580°C).
1 0 µm
Figure 5. Typical SEM micrograph of steel H-TRIP2 and corresponding strain distribution
5. TWIP steel
Fe-15Mn-3Al-3Si and Fe-20Mn-3Al-3Si: Before and after the annealing treatment the
microstructure was characterised optically and by transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) to reveal the grain boundaries and analyse the morphology of the different
phases. The volume fraction of the different phases was determined using XRD
measurements. As the annealing temperature increases the volume fraction of
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Figure 6. Evolution of the volume fraction of ferrite (black) and austenite (grey) with respect
to the annealing temperature (XRD).
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
The main purpose of work package 5 is to summarise the new scientific knowledge
and understanding, generated by the experimentalists and to transfer this knowledge
to the modelers. Work package 5 was planned to become “active” in the project
month 18. It is clear that a large part of the experimental work carried out in the first
project year, was mainly devoted to the optimization of test procedures and
characterization methods and to the exploration and comparison of each others
experimental facilities and know-how. Nevertheless, some preliminary remarks and
conclusions about the experimental work can already be attempted.
1. Titanium alloys
Microstructural characterization of Ti alloys seems to go well and the generation of
different microstructures (e.g. equiaxed and lamellar grains) is possible. A good
cooperation between partners 1, 2 and 7 is established. Mechanical tests at room
temperature seems possible, but at higher temperature a number of problems remain
to be solved. A ‘brain storming’ between partners 1, 2, 4 and 7 about sharing facilities
and expertise is planned in March 2003 in Liège.
3. IF steel
The work on submicron IF steel was already initiated before the start of the IAP
program. The ECAE technique was optimized by partner 1 as well as the EBSD
(OIM) analysis procedure. Thermal stability of this submicron material will be further
investigated and mechanical tests will be carried out and in cooperation with partner
4, phenomenological modeling will be initiated.
4. TRIP steel
A very intensive cooperation between partners 1 and 2 has been developed during the
first year of the project. Sharing know-how, samples and test facilities has become the
standard procedure. Additional cooperation with partner 6 for bending tests has also
been established. Knowledge about material preparation and about mechanical and
microstructural characterization is already well developed and co-ordination between
the development of micromechanical models and multilevel models (WP 8) and the
generation of well chosen test results has started.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
TWIP steel
As for the TRIP steels, a close collaboration between partners 1 and 2 has been
established for the study of TWIP steels.
6. Pearlite
Due to lack of manpower (a foreign researcher engaged for this project could not
start), the work on pearlite will start in the course of 2003.
This last point is not as simple as one could imagine. A bibliographic work has been
devoted to kinematic hardening. Different choices are possible:
- classical phenomenological models: Ziegler, Prager, Armstrong & Frederick;
- phenomenological model based on microscopic knowledge: Teodosiu & Hu .
Partner 4 analysis shows that the latter model is in fact an association of Ziegler and
Armstrong & Frederick models and that it verifies the thermodynamic frame as
established by the Chaboche & Lemaître model. The interests of Teodosiu & Hu’s
model are the following ones:
-it takes into account evolution of dislocation substructures;
-it simulates the strain hardening stagnation and the influence of the pre-strain
-it allows to model Bauschinger effect and strong path changes.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
During this year 2002, ULG (partner 4) has coupled two kinematic hardening models
with its 3D Hill model: Armstrong & Frederick hardening and Teodosiu & Hu one.
The latter model has been developed by professor Teodosiu who belongs to the team
of Monique Gasperini (partner 9 ). Previous cooperation between Van Houtte (partner
1) and Teodosiu and between Paul van Houtte (partner 1) and ULG team (partner 4)
were quite helpful to get direct access to precise details. Fortran 90 modules were
exchanged about this Teodosiu’s model.
TexMic and TexIso laws were implemented in the frame of this IAP in the
LAGAMINE code by partner 4. They have been developed by partner 1 in
collaboration with partner 9. Partner 1 has provided the Fortran 90 routines to partner
4 for this implementation. A publication in NUMISHEET conference shows the
comparison of simulation results. The authors are Liège scientists (partrner 4) and E.
Hoferlin the researcher who has developed these laws during his PhD in KUL (partner
1) but who left t KUL team before 2002. Not well aware of the required explicit
mention of IAP P5/08 in the acknowledgement, this publication is however not
eligible to belong to the list of publications of IAP, but from a scientific point of view
it should be included as it is a result of the strong collaborations between IAP
Test B interests both Monique Gasperini (partner 9) and ULG (partner 4) teams. The
studied shear test is associated to an experimental device currently developed in
Liège. The test equipment will allow to simultaneously apply cyclic shear and tensile
loading. Such a device has already been developed in the Netherlands (team of prof.
Huétink, member of the follow-up committee). Another type of device with no tensile
load is also available in Paris (partner 9). These experiments are necessary to identify
the kinematic hardening models. In a first step, the current simulations performed in
ULG are just focused on simple cyclic shear test. They use LAGAMINE code with
Hill 3D yield locus coupled with Teodosiu’s hardening that allows to separate clearly
the effect of isotropic, kinematic and mixed hardening. For large shear (larger than 60
%), material axes present strong rotations and some decreasing force has appeared at
saturation. This phenomena not noticed in identical simulations performed by partner
9 is currently investigated. It is believed that this phenomena is linked to current
choice to define material axes rotation.
In the near future the interests of the different partners about phenomenological laws
for fine grained aluminium alloys and for titanium alloys will be further defined.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Multi-level models aim at integrating into a single model the relevant microstructural
features and micro-(or even nano-) mechanical phenomena that affect the response of
a material subjected to macroscopic loading. With respect to other mechanical
properties, plasticity is extremely complex to deal with as it involves lots of physical
scales from the atomistic dislocation level to the scale of a large aggregate of grains
representative of the distribution of crystallographic orientations.
There are two mains types of scale transition "building blocks" that can be used to
develop a multi-level model :
a. numerical simulation of representative volume elements (RVE)
b. semi-analytical homogenization methods for RVE
These approaches can be coupled or enhanced in order to account for more than two
physical scales, which is usually mandatory for solving macroscopic boundary value
problems on volume much larger than an RVE, e.g. structural parts undergoing
forming steps. For instance, the FE2 model of the TUE group relies on a FE
framework to solve the micro-meso and meso-macro scale transitions while the
approach at KULeuven or UCL aims at developing constitutive laws (micro-meso) to
be implemented in FE code (meso-macro). The aspect of coupling numerical methods
(typically finite element methods) and micro-macro models is the purpose of work
package 9.
Of course, a significant part of this research activity, especially during the 2 first
years of the project, is undertaken in each group by working "separately" on the
development of the micro-macro model (setting up the model, writing programs to
integrate the model, solving for simple cases, ...).
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Sub-task 7.1
Development of a multi-level model for IF steels and aluminium (single-phase, fine
grained, metallic, polycrystalline), based on dislocation mechanics and crystal
Progresses for this sub-task have been made at KULeuven, UCL and University of
Groningen. Strong interactions already take place between KULeuven and UCL, in
particular through the work of Dr. L. Delannay on the Lamel model.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Grain β
y2 Region 2
Region 1
Grain α
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
parallel with the rolling plane. This makes the Advanced Lamel Model applicable to
any deformation mode. However, the relaxations do sometimes relax non-zero
components of the prescribed macroscopic strain rate tensor (when it is expressed in
the y1 y2 y3 frame). It was found that this can be tolerated, on condition that a single-
crystal hardening law is used (for every region separately) during the simulation.
∫[f ]
( g ) − f exper ( g ) dg
I( f) = model
g is a crystal orientation. The integrals are taken over entire orientation space. The
value of I(∆f) is zero if the two ODFs are identical. I(∆f) can if desired be normalized
by dividing it by the texture index Iexper (integral of the square of the ODF) of the
experimental texture. The results of deformation texture simulations are sets of
weighted discrete orientations. They are converted into continuous ODF's by putting a
Gaussian distribution of the type exp(ψ/ψ0)2 with a spread of ψ0=7° upon each of the
orientations. Table I shows results obtained for an IF steel after 70% rolling. some of
these results have been described elsewhere in much greater detail (Van Houtte et al,
1999, 2002). It should be pointed out that prior to cold rolling, the IF steel was hot
rolled in the ferritic range. As a result, the as-hot rolled microstructure was not
equiaxed. It was attempted to take that into account in one of the two Alamel-
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Material AA5182
Reduction 40% 63% 86% 95% 98%
FC 0.29 1.43 2.58 2.84 4.53
RCP 1.89 0.84 2.60 3.37 3.89
CPFEM2 0.16 0.76 1.41 2.51 3.72
VPSC 0.57 1.33 1.92 2.18 2.68
GIA 0.12 0.35 0.90 1.67 2.51
Lamel1 0.46 1.15 1.66 2.41 2.83
Alamel1 0.27 1.09 1.29 1.70 2.08
Iexper 1.96 2.64 3.17 3.99 5.10
c. Dislocation dynamics.
The Groningen group has had many activities during the last few years in the area of
discrete dislocation modeling. Making use of a superposition technique, developed by
Van der Giessen and Needleman in 1995, a number of boundary-value problems for
discrete dislocation plasticity have been addressed (E. van der Giessen and A.
Needleman: Micromechanics Simulations of Fracture, Annual Review of Materials
Research 32 (2002) 141-162). Particular emphasis has recently been on the role of
dislocations during crack propagation, either during monotonic or cyclic loading.
Another class of activities has been the comparison of discrete dislocation results with
non-local plasticity models, in order to assess the adequacy of such models and to
estimate the value of the length scale parameter in non-local models. While these
simulations were two-dimensional, a three-dimensional version of the discrete
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
dislocation model came available very recently (D. Weygand, L.H. Friedman, E. van
der Giessen and A. Needleman: Aspects of boundary-value problem solutions with
three-dimensional dislocation dynamics. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 10 (2002)
The link with the other activities in this sub-task (or with other sub-task) will be
initiated in the following years.
Sub-task 7.2
Development of multiphase models for α−β Ti alloys, based on crystal plasticity
Progresses related to this sub-task have been made at UCL with the development of
constitutive models for multi-elastoplastic-phases materials.
Sub-task 7.3
Development of multiphase models for TWIP and pearlitic steel based on crystal
A researcher will be hired in the first half of 2003 to perform this task.
Sub-task 7.4
Development of multiphase models for TWIP steel based on crystal plasticity due to
both dislocation glide and mechanical twinning, using a thermodynamical model for
assessing the tendency to mechanical twinning
This task will be started once the first results of task 7.4 are available.
Sub-task 7.5
Development of multiphase models for TRIP and TWIP and pearlitic steel based on a
thermodynamical model for phase stability and on crystal plasticity
Important progresses have been made in this sub-task owing to a joint research effort
between UCL and KULeuven (cf. part 2: organization of the network).
The transformation model of Fischer (F.D. Fischer and G. Reisner: Acta Mater. 46
(1998) 2095) was applied in the case of strain-induced martensitic transformation in
multi-phase TRIP steels. The model was only adapted to account for the multi-phase
character of the TRIP steel, since the model was developed for single-phase austenitic
steels (e.g. maraging steels). Input data of the different phase present in the material
(ferrite, austenite and martensite) were taken from experiments carried out by
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
researchers at UCL. The agreement between the calculated results and experimental
data (P. Jacques, Q. Furnémont, T. Pardoen and F. Delannay: Acta Mater. 49 (2001)
139) was rather good. It was, however, noticed that some experimental features could
not be accounted for by Fischer's model. The model of Fischer was adapted to
incorporate specific features of low-alloyed, multi-phase TRIP steels, namely burst
transformation of martensite, the occurrence of multiple martensitic variants in an
austenite grain, the influence of plastic deformation on the nucleation of martensite.
The model was implemented by Tim Van Rompaey (KULeuven), and calculations
were performed and compared with experimental data obtained by Quentin
Furnémont (UCL) on the influence of different loading conditions on the kinetics of
strain-induced martensitic transformation. Two joint publication have already been
published on that part of the project (Van Rompaey et al., 2002)
In parallel, the same transformation criterion has been introduced by Frederic Lani
(Ph. D. student at UCL) within a micro-macro code developed for two-phase elasto-
plastic materials, based on the deformation theory of plasticity (Lani et al., 2003). A
first part of this research consisted in the development of a micro-macro model for the
mechanical behavior of dual-phase elasto-plastic materials: the shape induced plastic
anisotropy has been studied by looking at the variation of the coefficient of anisotropy
as a function of straining for uniaxial loading along the transverse direction. R
changes significantly during deformation. The shape induced anisotropy is intensified
when the inclusions remain elastic, i.e. for high yield ratios. The model and the
analysis of the model has been the subject of a paper submitted to International
Journal of Plasticity (Lani et al., 2003). An experimental validation on multiphase
steels exhibiting elongated second phases has started end of 2002 in the context of a
master thesis work.
In a second step, the micromechanical criterion for the transformation inspired by
the work of Fischer has been implemented and the parameters of the model have been
identified by comparison with experimental measurements performed on a TRIP
assisted multiphase steel. Using these parameters and the version of the model
including phase transformation, we have been able to predict the overall stress-strain
curve and the evolution of the austenite volume fraction of the steel. The
transformation of the reinforcing phase has a strong effect on the global mechanical
response of the material. The predictions in terms of transformation kinetics as a
function of the overall stress triaxiality and macroscopic stress-state are in agreement
with the experimentally observed trends, i.e. increasing the stress triaxiality promotes
the martensitic transformation.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
phase (martensite) in a softer matrix (ferrite). An other important result indicates that
the accommodation of the material plays a very important role in the transformation
criterion. This part of the work will be intensively continued in 2003.
One important perspective for 2003 is also to extend the micro-macro models to
accommodate multi-phase elasto-plastic composites and to implement phase
transformation models within the incremental micro-macro formulation explained in
the next section, point (b).
Generic developments
Those are progresses and developments of models or methods that are useful for the
whole work package and not related to a specific subtask.
a. FE2 at TUE.
During the previous period, the research activities (related to the IAP project) of
the partner group in Eindhoven University of Technology (partner 3) concentrated on
the development, implementation and evaluation of the computational
homogenization approaches (which is also a part of the Scientific Research Program
of the Netherlands Institute for Metals Research). A novel, second-order
computational homogenization procedure has been developed. The second-order
scheme is based on a proper incorporation of the gradient of the macroscopic
deformation tensor into the kinematical micro-macro framework. The most important
property of the second-order computational homogenization method is in fact that the
relevant length scale of the microstructure is directly incorporated into the description
on the macrolevel. Including the size of the microstructure allows to describe certain
phenomena that cannot be addressed by the classical computational homogenization
scheme (as well as conventional homogenization methods), such as size effects and
macroscopic localization. Several microstructural analyses show that the second-
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Although the coupling between damage and plasticity in single and multi-phase
metals does not constitute a sub-task of the project, it is a key issue when considering
the limit of homogeneous deformation and the transition to fracture (i.e. the ductility
of the material, which is the purpose of work package 8). Progresses have been made
this year at UCL in the development of multi-level models accounting for void growth
in plastically deforming metals (Pardoen et al. 2002, 2003, Pardoen and Hutchinson,
2002, 2003).
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
The first activity of this work package has been a workshop in which the following
partners have participated:
Partner 1: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, departement materiaalkunde (KUL-MTM)
Partner 2: Université Catholique de Louvain, Unité de physico-chimie et ingénierie
des matériaux (UCL-PCIM)
Partner 3: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Mechanical Engineering (TUE)
Partner 4: Université de Liège, département MSM (ULg-MSM)
Partner 9: Université Paris 13, LPMTM-CNRS (UP13)
Background knowledge
This is of course the most general category; typical examples are "necking" in tensile
tests and localized or diffuse necking in sheet metal deformation.
There were three points of view:
(ii) "Necking and ductile fracture in thin plates and round bars” (Thomas Pardoen,
Partner 2). This approach makes use of fracture mechanics, mechanical metallurgy,
and continuum mechanics. From a conceptual point of view, the approach is less
general than (i), but it is closer to particular problems, and considers crack-
propagation types of phenomena, which (i) and (iii) do not. Validated for Al alloys.
In shear banding, the strain is zero in one of the three dimensions. It is phenomenon
that is often observed in processing of bulk materials (as opposed to sheet material).
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
(i) ”Shear banding at several scales in aluminium alloys” (Monique Gaspérini, Partner
9). The study of shear banding in shear tests is one of the focal points of the research
activities of Partner 9. Extensive experimental results on al alloys are available,
mainly about shear banding during shear testing. Current work focuses on the physical
explanation of the observed phenomena. Cooperation with other partners more
specialized in modeling activities is sought.
(ii) "Texture-induced anisotropy as a driving force for shear banding in rolling and
torsion” (Paul Van Houtte, Partner 1). Shear bands during rolling have been studied
using metal-physics type models. The approach focused on the texture softening
effect as driving force for shear banding. This is not a model where "shear banding"
emerges as a possible deformation pattern for a given material with a given
constitutive model and under given boundary conditions. Rather, it assumes that shear
banding might occur, proposes a geometrical model for it, and then studies the
contribution of work softening or work hardening (including texture-induced effects)
to the possibility of the bands to develop.
(iv) Benchmarking:
It has been agreed upon that strain localization predictions in sheet metal forming will
be conducted by different methods, in order to compare the results (partner 1 and 2).
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
With the help of other partners (1 and 9) who have transmitted FORTRAN 90
routines, partner 4 has implemented multilevel models in LAGAMINE. To be
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
clear let us describe which models were available before IAP projects and which ones
have been implemented in the IAP P5/08 frame.
Models available before IAP P5/08:
ANI3VH model (PhD thesis Winters, 1996, Partner 1) Anisotropic yield locus based
on texture and crystal plasticity. This yield locus is described by a 6th order yield locus
in stress space. This analytical law is identified thanks to a minimization based on
macroscopic TAYLOR factors. The latter coefficient is a quantitative value telling the
level of slip system activities during a specific strain rate. For one single crystal the
microscopic TAYLOR factor can be computed by crystal plasticity model. In the
current approach, the Taylor-Bischop-Hill model is applied. For polycrystal behavior,
a set of representative crystal orientations is selected according texture measurements
that provide the Orientation Distribution Function, characteristic of the polycrystalline
material. Then the Taylor assumption telling that each representative crystals is
submitted to the same strain rate (the macroscopic one) is applied and one can reach
the macroscopic TAYLOR coefficient, characteristic of one texture and one strain
rate. The definition of the 6th order yield locus is based on Taylor coefficients
associated to thousands of different strain rate modes. During FEM simulation, this
model assumes that the texture does not evolve which is wrong. This yield locus is
coupled with isotropic hardening.
Minty model + isotropic hardening (DEA thesis Duchêne 2000 partner 4) Here
no analytical function describing the whole yield locus is used. The yield locus is only
known locally. In practice, 5 points of the yield locus are computed by a similar
approach as explained in ANI3VH. Then an interpolation method is used as long as
the strain rate stays in the local zone identified by these 5 points. When the strain rate
is strongly modified, 5 new points must be computed to describe a new zone of the
yield locus. Such an approach allows to take texture evolution into account during FE
simulations, as it means only to update the 5 points currently used in the local yield
locus description. This yield locus is coupled with isotropic hardening.
TexIso model (PhD thesis Hoferlin 2001 partner 1) is a 6th order yield locus described
in strain rate space. The ideas are similar to ANI3VH but working in strain rate space
and not in stress rate space allows to take into account more easily texture updating.
The drawback is that the computation of stress state requires an additional
minimization to go from strain rate space to stress rate space which slows down the
computation. This yield locus is coupled with isotropic hardening.
TexMic model (PhD thesis Hoferlin 2001 Partner 1) is identical to TexIso but
coupled with the kinematic hardening of Téodosiu & Hu (partner 9).
Another transfer from partner 1 to partner 4 worth to mention is also the software
ODFLAM which selects the representative set of crystals when the Orientation
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
In their current work, Laurent Duchêne and Paolo Flores compare the different
constitutive models on cup deep drawing simulations. Different cases have been
studied: the hemispherical punch case of NUMISHEET benchmark, the experiments
performed in RDCS in the frame of a previous Region Walloon project with
cylindrical punches. Let us note that these simulations are possible only because the
parallel version of LAGAMINE has been developed, previous attempts to perform
such simulations with texture evolution had failed in 2001. Details on these
comparisons can be found in following publications,:
Again the link with IAP P5/08 in the acknowledgment has been forgotten for these
2002 publications, so these publications are not eligible to belong to the list of
publications of IAP, but they cover research belonging to IAP project.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
General Context
The CCD-camera displacement field has to provide the necessary experimental data
for the elasto-plastic model parameter identification. Some important conclusions
were taken from the preliminary tests:
• good surface preparation is necessary (a combination of white powder paint
with small gray particles yielded the best results)
• curve fitting of the measured displacement field is necessary
A detailed report with a discussion about the precision and possible measurement
ranges is in preparation.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Curve fitting of the displacement field, estimation of the precision of the obtained
experimental results
The aluminum test specimens used for CCD-camera testing will be modeled in FEAP.
A simple material model (Von Mises) will be adopted in a first attempt. The type of
elements and the necessary number of elements to reach convergence will be verified.
The data interface between the CCD camera and the FE-package FEAP will be
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
General organization
The experimental work of this IAP project is organized around 6 “model materials”.
For each material, several partners are involved, as shown in the table below. For each
material a “material coordinator” is responsible for the organization of data transfer,
cooperation between partners and contact between experimentalists and modelers.
The modeling work is mainly organized according to the work packages. In these
activities the ‘work package coordinator’ plays a crucial role. A formal link between
experiments and models is accounted for in work package 5 and is supervised by the
main promoter of the network.
Each year two “joint meetings” are organized for the whole network in order to
discuss the general progress of the work and to initiate new activities are re-orient
ongoing activities when needed.
A more detailed account of joint activities and links between partners, is given below.
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Meetings of subgroups
During the “Grasmech” course in February 2002, partners 2,3 and 4 (Issam Doghri,
Marc Geers and AM Habraken) have discussed and compared different
homogenisation techniques which should be used in the modeling part of this project.
8 February 2002: delegates of most partners attended the PhD defense of Bart Peeters
(Promotor P. Van Houtte, partner 1). The models developed in this PhD thesis are an
important input for the present IAP project
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
14 July 2002: meeting at VUB by partners 4, 5 and 7 about FEM Tools and a
description of a possible platform for inverse modeling
8 October: meeting in Louvain-la- Neuve between partner 2 and partner 6. During this
meeting, the research program concerning the influence of complex loading
conditions on the mechanical behavior of TRIP steels was defined. The specimens
were processed at the PCIM and then tested by bending at the PMA. They will be
returned to the PCIM for characterization of the deformed microstructure.
Dr ir Kurt De Proft is paid by partner 7 (KMS). This researcher spends about 50% of
his time at KMS and 50% of his time in VUB, but his total work deals with the work
package 10; he is guided in a direct way by Prof H. Sol, the work package leader.
ir David Lecompte is not paid by the IAP budget, but is an employee of the Min of
Defense (partner 7 KMS). He works for the IAP project in work package 10, in the
context of the preparation of a PhD-thesis at the VUB (Promotor Prof H. Sol of
VUB). He divides his time working at VUB and at KMS.
Several meetings were and are still organized between researchers of partner 2 (UCL)
and partner 1 (KUL-MTM)in order to define the experimental procedure for the pre-
straining tests carried out in Leuven or the calculation of phase diagrams of Fe-Mn-Si-
Al alloys. TRIP steel specimens have been processed in Louvain-la-Neuve and are
currently used by partner 1. The characterization and interpretation of results are
discussed commonly.
Partner 2 (UCL) provided TRIP steel sheet for bending tests to partner 6 (KUL-
PMA); after bending these samples return to UCL for characterization
Several members of the team of partner 6 (KUL-PMA) regularly use the equipment in
the lab of partner 1 (KUL-MTM)
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Numerous mails about Textiso and Texmic constitutive laws have been exchanged
between partner 4 (Ulg) and Dr. E Hoferlin, researcher now in OCAS but having
developed these routines in the team of Paul van Houtte (partner 1).
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
Partner 1 (KUL-MTM)
P. VAN HOUTTE and B. PEETERS: "Effect of deformation-induced intragranular
microstructure on plastic anisotropy and deformation textures", (Proc. ICOTOM 13),
Mat. Sci. Forum 408-412 (2002) 985-990.
A. VAN BAEL and P. VAN HOUTTE: "Convex fourth and sixth order plastic
potentials derived from crystallographic texture", Non Linear Mechanics of
Anisotropic Materials (Proc. EMMC6), S. Cescotto, Ed., Dept. MSM, Univ. Liège,
Belgium (2002), pp. 51-58.
Partner 2 (UCL)
I. DOGHRI and A. OUAAR, “Homogenization of two-phase elasto-plastic composite
materials and structures. Study of tangent operators, cyclic plasticity and numerical
algorithms”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, in press (2003)
T. PARDOEN and J.W. HUTCHINSON “Micromechanics-based model for trends in
toughness of ductile metals”, Acta Materialia, 51/1 (2003) 133-148
versus transgranular ductile failure”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,
51/4 (2003) 637-665
“Modèle micromécanique du comportement plastique de matériaux biphasés avec
transformation de phase : application au cas d'aciers multiphasés à effet TRIP”,
Matériaux 2002 – De la conception à la mise en oeuvre, Premier congrès
interdisciplinaire sur les matériaux (CD-ROM edited by the French Materials
Societies, ISBN 2-914279-08-6) 21-25 Oct 2002, Tours, France, CD-ROM Ref CM-
“Micromechanical modeling of plastic anostropy and strain induced phase
transformation in dual-elastoplastic phase materials”, EMMC6, 6th European
Mechanics of Material Conference - Non Linear Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials
(S. Cescotto ed.) 9-12 Sep 2002, Liège, Belgium, 169-177
T. PARDOEN and J.W. HUTCHINSON, “Microstructure-based model for linking
fracture toughness and microstructure in ductile metals”, ECF14, 14th European
Conference on Fracture (Neimitz A., Rokach I.V., Kocanda D., Golos K. eds.) 8-13
Sep 2002, Cracow, Poland, Vol. III, 635-644
boundary versus transgranular failure in aluminium alloys” ,ECF14, 14th European
Conference on Fracture (Neimitz A., Rokach I.V., Kocanda D., Golos K. eds.) 8-13
Sep 2002, Cracow, Poland, Vol. III, 625-634
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002
b. List of co-publications
IAP P5/08 Progress Report 2002