Sheva Brachot
Sheva Brachot
Sheva Brachot
During the week following a wedding, a series of seven blessings (Sheva Brachot) is
recited at any festive meal for the bride and groom that is attended by a minyan.
Following the completion of the meal, a cup of wine is used to lead the Grace After
Meals. After the Grace After Meals, a second cup of wine is filled and people are
honored with reciting each of the first six blessings. Then, the person who led Grace
After Meals recites the seventh blessing over the first cup of wine, and drinks some.
Finally, the wine from the two cups is mixed together, and given to both the bride
and groom – and anyone else wishing to partake of this "cup of blessing."
First Blessing
Båruch Atå Adonoy
Eloheinu Melech hå’olåm,
. Sheh’hakol bårå lich’vodo.
Second Blessing
Båruch Atå Adonoy
Eloheinu Melech hå’olåm,
. Yo’tzayr hå’ådåm.
Fourth Blessing
, Sos tåsis v’tågail hå’akårå,
. b’kibutz bå’neh’hå l’tochå b’simchå.
, Båruch Atå Adonoy,
. m’samay’ach Tzion b’vånehå.
Bring intense joy and exultation to the barren one through
the ingathering of her children amidst her in gladness.
Blessed are You, Lord, Who gladdens Zion through her children.
Fifth Blessing
, Samay’ach t’samach ray’im hå’ahuvim,
. k’samay’chachå y’tziri’chå b’Gan Eiden mikedem
Båruch Atå Adonoy,
. m’samay’ach chåtån v’chalå.
Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened
Your creature in the Garden of Eden from aforetime.
Blessed are You, Lord, Who gladdens groom and bride.
Sixth Blessing
Båruch Atå Adonoy
Eloheinu Melech hå’olåm,
, asher bårå såsson v’simchå,
, chåsån v’chalå,
, , , geelå, reenå, deetzå v’chedvå,
. , ahavå v’achavå, v’shålom v’ray’ut.
M’hayrå Adonoy Eloheinu
yishåma b’åray Yihudå uv’chutzot Yerushålåyim
, kol såsson v’kol simchå,
, kol chåtån v’kol kallå,
, kol mitz’halot chasånim may’chupå’såm,
. un’årim mi’mishtay n’ginåtåm.
Båruch Atå Adonoy,
. m’samay’ach chatån im hakallå.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who created joy and
gladness, groom and bride, mirth, glad song, pleasure, delight, love, brother-
hood, peace, and companionship. Lord our God, let there soon be heard in the
cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of
gladness, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the
grooms’ jubilance from their canopies and of the youths from their song-filled
feasts. Blessed are You, Lord, Who gladdens the groom with the bride.
Seventh Blessing
Båruch Atå Adonoy
Eloheinu Melech hå’olåm,
boray p’ri ha’gåffen.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe,
Who creates the fruit of the vine.