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Risk and Exploration

All adventures, especially into new territory, are scary.
—Sally Ride


Risk and Exploration

In this collection, you will
encounter individuals who
must confront a compelling
question: How far is too far?
hm om



After reading the selections in this collection, you will consider the risks
of exploration in extreme conditions and present an argument on
whether it is worth the costs.

Study the words and their definitions in the chart below. You will use these words
as you discuss and write about the texts in this collection.

Word Definition Related Forms

complex consisting of many interwoven parts complex number, complexity,
(k≤m´pl≈ks´) adj. that make something difficult to complicate, complicated
potential capable of doing or being potent, potentiality, potential
(p∂-t≈n´sh∂l) adj. something; having possibility energy
rely to depend on something or someone reliable, reliability, reliance,
(rΔ-l π´) v. for support, help, or supply reliant
©PhotoSpin, Inc/Alamy; (bg) ©Corbis

stress to put emphasis on something stress fracture, stressed,

(str≈s) v. stressed-out, unstressed,
valid convincing or having a sound reason invalid, invalidation, validate,
(v√l´Δd) adj. for something validation


Background In 1957, the country then known as the Soviet Union

launched the first satellite to orbit Earth. The Soviet Union and
the United States were bitter enemies at the time. After becoming
the 35th president of the United States in 1961, John F. Kennedy
was determined to equal the Soviet’s knowledge of space. Well
known for many accomplishments as president, Kennedy is also
remembered as an inspirational speaker. He gave this speech the
day before his assassination in November 1963.

Remarks at the
Dedication of the Aerospace
Medical Health Center
Speech by John F. Kennedy

SETTING A PURPOSE As you read, pay attention to the points

President Kennedy is making. Why does he think the United As you read, mark up
States should be involved with space research? the text. Save your
work to myNotebook.
t Highlight details
t Add notes and

M r. Secretary, Governor, Mr. Vice President, Senator,

Members of the Congress, members of the military,
ladies and gentlemen:
t Add new words to
(t) ©John F. Kennedy Library; (b) ©HoughtonMifflinHarcourt; (bg) ©Corbis

For more than 3 years I have spoken about the New

Frontier.1 This is not a partisan term, and it is not the
exclusive property of Republicans or Democrats. It refers,
instead, to this Nation’s place in history, to the fact that we
do stand on the edge of a great new era, filled with both crisis
and opportunity, an era to be characterized by achievement
10 and by challenge. It is an era which calls for action and for the
best efforts of all those who would test the unknown and the

New Frontier: term Kennedy used in his presidential campaign.

Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center 185

uncertain in every phase of human endeavor. It is a time for
pathfinders and pioneers.
I have come to Texas today to salute an outstanding group
of pioneers, the men who man the Brooks Air Force Base
School of Aerospace Medicine and the Aerospace Medical
Center. It is fitting that San Antonio should be the site of this
center and this school as we gather to dedicate this complex of
buildings. For this city has long been the home of the pioneers
20 in the air. It was here that Sidney Brooks, whose memory we
honor today, was born and raised. It was here that Charles
Lindbergh and Claire Chennault,2 and a host of others, who,
in World War I and World War II and Korea, and even today
have helped demonstrate American mastery of the skies,
trained at Kelly Field and Randolph Field, 3 which form a
major part of aviation history. And in the new frontier of
outer space, while headlines may be made by others in other
places, history is being made every day by the men and
women of the Aerospace Medical Center, without whom there
30 could be no history.
Many Americans make the mistake of assuming that
space research has no values here on earth. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Just as the wartime development of
radar gave us the transistor, and all that it made possible, so
research in space medicine holds the promise of substantial
benefit for those of us who are earthbound. For our effort
in space is not, as some have suggested, a competitor for the
natural resources that we need to develop the earth. It is a
working partner and a coproducer of these resources. And
40 nothing makes this clearer than the fact that medicine in
space is going to make our lives healthier and happier here on
I give you three examples: first, medical space research
may open up new understanding of man’s relation to his metabolism
environment. Examinations of the astronaut’s physical, and (mΔ-t√b´ ∂-liz´∂m) n.
mental, and emotional reactions can teach us more about the The metabolism of a
living thing is all the
differences between normal and abnormal, about the causes processes that allow
and effects of disorientation, about changes in metabolism for growth and life.

Sidney Brooks . . . Charles Lindbergh . . . Claire Chennault (sh∂n´ôlt): Sidney
Brooks was a young flyer killed in a training accident. Charles Lindbergh was
the first transatlantic solo pilot, and Claire Chennault was an important figure
in the development of air-war theories.
Kelly Field and Randolph Field: airfields in the San Antonio area where many
military pilots were trained.

186 Collection 4
which could result in extending the life span. When you
50 study the effects on our astronauts of exhaust gases which can
contaminate their environment, and you seek ways to alter
these gases so as to reduce their toxicity, you are working on
problems similar to those we face in our great urban centers
which themselves are being corrupted by gases and which
must be clear.
And second, medical space research may revolutionize
the technology and the techniques of modern medicine.
Whatever new devices are created, for example, to monitor
our astronauts, to measure their heart activity, their breathing,
60 their brain waves, their eye motion, at great distances and
under difficult conditions, will also represent a major advance
in general medical instrumentation. Heart patients may even
be able to wear a light monitor which will sound a warning if
their activity exceeds certain limits. An instrument recently
developed to record automatically the impact of acceleration
upon an astronaut’s eyes will also be of help to small children
who are suffering miserably from eye defects, but are unable to
describe their impairment. And also by the use of instruments impairment
similar to those used in Project Mercury, this Nation’s private (Δm-pâr´ m∂nt) n.
An impairment is an
70 as well as public nursing services are being improved, enabling injury or weakness.
one nurse now to give more critically ill patients greater
attention than they ever could in the past.
And third, medical space research may lead to new
safeguards against hazards common to many environments.
Specifically, our astronauts will need fundamentally new
devices to protect them from the ill effects of radiation which
can have a profound influence upon medicine and man’s
relations to our present environment.
Here at this center we have the laboratories, the talent,
80 the resources to give new impetus to vital research in the life impetus
centers. I am not suggesting that the entire space program (Δm´pΔ-t ∂s) n. The
impetus is the driving
is justified alone by what is done in medicine. The space force or motivation
program stands on its own as a contribution to national behind an action.
strength. And last Saturday at Cape Canaveral I saw our new
Saturn C-1 rocket booster,4 which, with its payload, 5 when it
rises in December of this year, will be, for the first time, the
largest booster in the world, carrying into space the largest
payload that any country in the world has ever sent into space.
booster: a rocket used to launch a spacecraft.
payload: the load carried by a rocket or other vehicle.

Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center 187

I think the United States should be a leader. A country as
90 rich and powerful as this which bears so many burdens and
responsibilities, which has so many opportunities, should be
second to none. And in December, while I do not regard our
mastery of space as anywhere near complete, while I recognize
that there are still areas where we are behind—at least in one
area, the size of the booster—this year I hope the United States
will be ahead. And I am for it. We have a long way to go. Many
weeks and months and years of long, tedious work lie ahead. tedious
There will be setbacks and frustrations and disappointments. (t∏´d∏-∂s) adj.
Something that is
There will be, as there always are, pressures in this country tedious is boring.
100 to do less in this area as in so many others, and temptations
to do something else that is perhaps easier. But this research
here must go on. This space effort must go on. The conquest
of space must and will go ahead. That much we know. That
much we can say with confidence and conviction.
Frank O’Connor, the Irish writer, tells in one of his books
how, as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across
the countryside, and when they came to an orchard wall that
seemed too high and too doubtful to try and too difficult to
permit their voyage to continue, they took off their hats and
110 tossed them over the wall—and then they had no choice but
to follow them.
This Nation has tossed its cap over the wall of space, and
we have no choice but to follow it. Whatever the difficulties,
they will be overcome. Whatever the hazards, they must be
guarded against. With the vital help of this Aerospace Medical
Center, with the help of all those who labor in the space
endeavor, with the help and support of all Americans, we will
climb this wall with safety and with speed—and we shall then
explore the wonders on the other side.

120 Thank you.

COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION Kennedy makes several points

about why he thinks the United States should be involved with
space research. Do you think the points he makes are valid? Does
his speech inspire you to support space research? Discuss your
ideas with a partner.

188 Collection 4
EL A RI.7.5, RI.7.8
Trace and Evaluate an Argument ELD PI.7.7, PII.7.1

The speech you’ve just read is an argument, in which the speaker states a
claim supported by reasons and evidence. A claim is the speaker’s position
on a problem or an issue. The strength of an argument relies not on the claim
but on the support. Support consists of reasons and evidence used to prove
the claim. Reasons are declarations made to explain an action or belief.
Evidence includes specific facts, statistics, or examples.
To trace, or follow the reasoning of, an argument:
t Identify the claim, which may be stated directly or implied.
t Look for reasons and evidence that support the claim.
t Pay attention to the way the author connects the claim, reasons, and
t Identify counterarguments, which are statements that address
opposing viewpoints. A good argument anticipates opposing
viewpoints and provides counterarguments to disprove the opposing
Some arguments have more than one claim, which might only be
determined after careful examination of the text. To trace the argument
in Kennedy’s speech:

Divide the speech Examine each Summarize the two

into sections: lines section for a part claims suggested
1–30, 31–78, 79–104, of the argument. in lines 31–78
105–120. and 79–104.

To evaluate an argument, or decide whether it makes sense and is

t Consider whether the evidence logically supports the claim.
t Examine the logic to ensure the ideas make sense and are in a proper
t Consider whether the opposing view has been adequately addressed.
t Identify persuasive techniques such as appeals to emotion.

Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center 189

EL A RI.7.1, RI.7.4, RI.7.5, RI.7.7, RI.7.8,
W.7.2, W.7.7, W.7.8, SL.7.3 ELD PI.7.1,
Analyzing the Text PI.7.6, PI.7.7, PI.7.10, PII.7.1

Cite Text Evidence Support your responses with evidence from the text.
1. Interpret Kennedy refers to his audience as pathfinders and pioneers and
mentions the New Frontier. Why might Kennedy use these words?
2. Cite Evidence Using a chart like the one shown, identify two opposing
viewpoints that Kennedy anticipates in lines 31–42 and cite Kennedy’s
counterarguments to those viewpoints.

Opposing Viewpoints Kennedy’s Counterarguments

3. Draw Conclusions Reread lines 64–68. How does Kennedy describe the
children who might benefit from medical space technology? What might
Kennedy be trying to accomplish through his choice of language?
4. Draw Conclusions Examine lines 79–88. Describe Kennedy’s shift in
focus. Why might Kennedy make this shift in his argument?
5. Cite Evidence Examine lines 112–119. Identify phrases that Kennedy
repeats. What ideas is he emphasizing with this repetition?
6. Evaluate Considering the audience and purpose of Kennedy’s speech,
is his argument convincing? Do his conclusions arise logically from the
reasons and evidence he has cited?

Speaking and Listening

Listen to an audio version of President Kennedy delivering the speech you
have just read. How is hearing the speech different from reading it? With a
partner or small group, choose two sections of the speech and discuss how
the delivery of the speech conveys the meaning of the words.

Writing Activity: Research Report t Identify one mission and write a
Research a recent or planned space brief description of its purpose
mission for medical research by NASA and outcome.
(National Aeronautics and Space t Explain whether or not it is in
Administration). keeping with Kennedy’s views
about space research.
t Share your findings with the class.

190 Collection 4
EL A L.7.4a, L.7.4c, L.7.4d
Critical Vocabulary ELD PI.7.6

metabolism impairment impetus tedious

Practice and Apply Choose the response that best answers each question.
Then discuss with a partner why the other choices are incorrect.

1. If a person’s metabolism were 3. Which would NOT serve as an

not functioning properly, what impetus to study harder?
symptom might be present? a. a chance to play on a team
a. toned muscles b. a mention on the honor roll
b. labored breathing c. a reward from a parent
c. tanned skin d. a speech on physical fitness
d. shiny hair

2. Which condition would be 4. Which task might be the most

considered an impairment? tedious?
a. sensitive taste buds a. walking your dog
b. a slight limp b. redecorating your room
c. 20/20 vision c. shopping for groceries
d. a photographic memory d. planning a party

Vocabulary Strategy: Using Context Clues

When you encounter an unfamiliar word, look at its context—or the
surrounding words, phrases, or sentences—to try to understand its meaning.
Look at the following example:
We have a long way to go. Many weeks and months and years of
long, tedious work lie ahead.
The work described as “tedious” is also described as “long” and lasting for
“many weeks and months and years.” Work that lasts a very long time has
the potential to be difficult, boring, or tiring. Checking the word’s meaning
in the dictionary confirms that tedious means “tiresome” or “boring.”
Practice and Apply Reread Kennedy’s speech and find the following words:
host, substantial, impairment, profound. Look at the surrounding sentences for
clues to each word’s meaning. Then fill out a chart like the one shown.
Guessed Dictionary
Word Context Clues
Definitions Definition

host (lines 21–24)

substantial (lines 31–36)
impairment (lines 64–68)
profound (lines 73–78)

Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center 191

EL A L.7.2
Language Conventions: Capitalization ELD PI.7.10

In your writing, you will need to apply the rules of capitalization to proper
nouns—the names of specific people, places, and things—including
organizations, historical documents, and events. In the following example,
note which proper nouns are capitalized.
In “Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical
Health Center,” President Kennedy honored the Brooks Air
Force Base School of Aerospace Medicine. He also mentioned
that Americans demonstrated “mastery of the skies” in World
War I, World War II, and the Korean War.
Note that when writing a title, the articles and and the remain lowercase,
as do the prepositions at and of. The chart below shows three types of
proper nouns that require capitalization. When events or organizations
are abbreviated, their abbreviations are also capitalized.

Capitalization of Proper Nouns Abbreviations

American Library Association ALA
World Health Organization WHO

World War II WW II
Presidents’ Day

Bill of Rights
Declaration of Independence

Practice and Apply These sentences include proper nouns that lack correct
capitalization. In each sentence, indicate which proper nouns should be
capitalized. Consult reference materials for terms or titles that are unfamiliar
to you.
1. Each January, the President of the United States delivers a speech called
the state of the union.
2. Once a year, we observe Martin Luther King Jr. day to celebrate the great
civil rights leader.
3. In 1969, Apollo 11 was the first manned space mission to land on the
Moon. The details of the mission are preserved in a document called the
Apollo 11 flight plan.
4. In 2011, five top scientists were selected by nasa, the national aeronautics
and space administration, to investigate discoveries on the planet Mars.

192 Collection 4
Background Today, concerns over the ocean environment
and potential economic and technological benefits are spurring
greater interest in deep-sea exploration. Philippe Cousteau
(b. 1980) is the grandson of Jacques Cousteau, the explorer
whose 1960s television show revealed undersea wonders.
Philippe Cousteau shares his grandfather’s passion for ocean
conservation, and he reports regularly on environmental and
humanitarian stories from around the world.

Why Exploring
the Ocean Is
Mankind’s Next Giant Leap
Commentary by Philippe Cousteau

SETTING A PURPOSE As you read, consider whether Philippe

Cousteau’s reasons for further ocean exploration are valid.
Write down any questions you may have while reading.
(t) ©Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images; (b) ©Jeffrey Rotman/Corbis; (bg) ©Gary Bell/Corbis

“S pace . . . the final frontier.” Not only has this classic

phrase dazzled the many millions of fans of the Star
Trek franchise, some could argue it has defined a big part
of the American ideal for the last 50 years. The 1960s were
dominated by the race to the moon and Americans were
rightfully proud to be the first nation to make it there.
However, another incredible feat happened in 1960 that
is largely forgotten today. For the first time in history, on
January 23, 1960, two men, Lt. Don Walsh and Jacques Picard,
10 descended to the deepest part of the ocean, the bottom of the
Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench located in the western
Pacific Ocean. While this feat made international news, the
race to the depths of this planet was quickly overshadowed
by the race to the moon—and no one has ever gone that
deep since.

Why Exploring the Ocean Is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap 193

And for the last 50 years, we have largely continued to look
up. But that trend may be changing.
In July 2011, the space shuttle program that had promised
to revolutionize space travel by making it (relatively)
20 affordable and accessible came to an end after 30 years. Those
three decades provided numerous technological, scientific and
diplomatic firsts. With an estimated price tag of nearly $200 diplomat
billion, the program had its champions and its detractors. (dΔp´l∂-m√t´) n.
A diplomat is a
It was, however, a source of pride for the United States, person appointed
capturing the American spirit of innovation and leadership. by a government to
With the iconic space program ending, many people have interact with other
asked, “What’s next? What is the next giant leap in scientific
and technological innovation?”
Today a possible answer to that question has been
30 announced. And it does not entail straining our necks to
look skyward. Finally, there is a growing recognition that
some of the most important discoveries and opportunities for
innovation may lie beneath what covers more than 70 percent
of our planet—the ocean.
You may think I’m doing my grandfather Jacques Yves-
Cousteau and my father Philippe a disservice when I say
we’ve only dipped our toes in the water when it comes to
ocean exploration. After all, my grandfather co-invented
the modern SCUBA system and “The Undersea World of
40 Jacques Cousteau” introduced generations to the wonders of
the ocean. In the decades since, we’ve only explored about
10 percent of the ocean—an essential resource and complex
environment that literally supports life as we know it, life
on earth.
We now have a golden opportunity and a pressing need
to recapture that pioneering spirit. A new era of ocean
exploration can yield discoveries that will help inform
everything from critical medical advances to sustainable sustain
forms of energy. Consider that AZT, an early treatment (s∂-st∑n´) v. If things
sustain, they remain
50 for HIV, is derived from a Caribbean reef sponge, or that a in existence.
great deal of energy—from offshore wind, to OTEC (ocean
thermal energy conservation), to wind and wave energy—is
yet untapped in our oceans. Like unopened presents under the
tree, the ocean is a treasure trove of knowledge. In addition,
such discoveries will have a tremendous impact on economic
growth by creating jobs as well as technologies and goods.

194 Collection 4
A submersible, a craft designed for deep-sea research, glides just above the ocean floor.

In addition to new discoveries, we also have the

opportunity to course correct when it comes to stewardship steward
of our oceans. Research and exploration can go hand in glove1 (st◊´∂rd) n. A
steward is a person
60 with resource management and conservation. who supervises and
Over the last several decades, as the United States has manages something.
been exploring space, we’ve exploited and polluted our oceans exploit
at an alarming rate without dedicating the needed time or (≈k´sploit´) v. If you
exploit something,
resources to truly understand the critical role they play in you use it selfishly.
the future of the planet. It is not trite to say that the oceans
are the life support system of this planet, providing us with
up to 70 percent of our oxygen, as well as a primary source of
protein for billions of people, not to mention the regulation
of our climate.
70 Despite this life-giving role, the world has fished, mined
and trafficked the ocean’s resources to a point where we are
actually seeing dramatic changes that are seriously impacting
today’s generations. And that impact will continue as the
world’s population approaches 7 billion people, adding strain
to the world’s resources unlike any humanity has ever had to
face before.
In the long term, destroying our ocean resources
is bad business with devastating consequences for the
© Ralph White/Corbis

global economy, and the health and sustainability of all

hand in glove: in close combination with something else.

Why Exploring the Ocean Is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap 195

80 creatures—including humans. Marine spatial planning,
marine sanctuaries, species conservation, sustainable fishing
strategies, and more must be a part of any ocean exploration
and conservation program to provide hope of restoring health
to our oceans.
While there is still much to learn and discover through
space exploration, we also need to pay attention to our
unexplored world here on earth. Our next big leap into
the unknown can be every bit as exciting and bold as our
pioneering work in space. It possesses the same “wow” factor:
90 alien worlds, dazzling technological feats and the mystery of
the unknown. The United States has the scientific muscle, the
diplomatic know-how and the entrepreneurial2 spirit to lead
the world in exploring and protecting our ocean frontier.
Now we need the public demand and political will and
bravery to take the plunge in order to ensure that the oceans
can continue to provide life to future generations.
Today is a big step in that direction and hopefully it is just
the beginning.

COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION What does Philippe Cousteau

want you to realize after reading this commentary? What does he
want you to do? Is his evidence convincing? Talk about your ideas
with other group members.

entrepreneurial (≤n´ tr∂-pr∂ -n≥r´ ∏ ∂l): business-starting.

196 Collection 4
EL A RI.7.5, RI.7.8
Analyze Structure: Sound Reasoning ELD PI.7.7, PII.7.1

Strong arguments use sound reasoning and evidence to support any claims.
A carefully constructed written argument includes the following elements:
t claim: the writer’s position on an issue or problem
t reasons: logical statements that explain an action or belief
t evidence: facts, examples, quotations, experiences, and other pieces of
information that support the claim
t counterargument: reasons and evidence given to disprove
an opposing viewpoint
An argument may appear to be persuasive, but it may be based on faulty
reasoning. A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that often starts with a
false assumption or mistaken beliefs. Here are a few logical fallacies:

Logical fallacy Definition Example

Circular reasoning Repeating an idea rather than I am too tied to my cell phone
providing evidence. because I can’t put it down.
Either/or fallacy A statement that suggests there Either the city should provide
are only two choices available in recycling bins or throw out the
a situation that really offers more Recycling Act.
than two options.
Overgeneralization A generalization that is too broad. A ballet dancer would be a
natural at gymnastics.

Assess the reasoning in an argument by determining whether

t the argument presents a clear claim
t the reasons make sense and are presented in a logical order
t the evidence is valid and adequately supports the claim
t there are no instances of logical fallacies or faulty reasoning

EL A RI.7.4
Determine Meanings ELD PI.7.8

The tone of a written work expresses the author’s attitude toward his or her
subject. For example, the tone can be described as angry, sad, or humorous.
An author’s choice of words, phrases, and details signal the tone of the work.
This sentence from Philippe Cousteau’s commentary includes words that
reveal his attitude about ocean exploration:
We now have a golden opportunity and a pressing need to
recapture that pioneering spirit.
What words in this sentence show an enthusiastic tone?

Why Exploring the Ocean Is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap 197

EL A RI.7.1, RI.7.2, RI.7.4, RI.7.5, RI.7.8,
W.7.7, W.7.8, SL.7.1, SL.7.4
Analyzing the Text ELD PI.7.3, PI.7.6, PI.7.7, PI.7.8, PI.7.9

Cite Text Evidence Support your responses with evidence from the text.
1. Compare What comparison does the author develop in the first five
paragraphs, and what is his purpose?
2. Interpret Reread lines 26–34. Which sentence presents the author’s
claim? Assess the clearness of the claim by restating it in your own words.
3. Assess Reasoning Reread lines 45–56. Do the examples of support seem
valid? Explain.
4. Infer Reread lines 61–84. What is the author’s tone? Which words and
phrases in the paragraphs reveal that tone?
5. Analyze How does the author describe both past events and future
events to persuade readers to agree with him?
6. Evaluate Examine lines 85–93. How sound is the author’s reasoning here?
Explain your assessment.

Speaking Activity: Informal Debate rules to follow. You may want to use
Philippe Cousteau begins by a moderator, for example, and have a
mentioning the 1960 exploration of time limit for each speaker.
the Mariana Trench. Would further
t First, research the Mariana Trench
exploration of this deep-sea region be
and any attempts to explore it in
worthwhile? Divide your group into
recent years.
two teams to informally debate that
t Investigate the potential for benefits
in exploring the region.
In an informal debate, speakers t Identify the potential risks involved.
from each side take turns presenting Find out if any issues or problems
and supporting valid claims and have been reported.
countering opposing claims. The t Listen well to any opponent’s points
whole group can decide on the to help you prepare your responses.

198 Collection 4
EL A L.7.4b, L.7.6
Critical Vocabulary ELD PI.7.6, PI.7.12

diplomat sustain steward exploit

Practice and Apply Choose the situation that is the better match with the
meaning of the vocabulary word. Give your reasons.
1. diplomat a. Leaders discuss policy with leaders of other countries.
b. Political leaders are chosen on Election Day.
2. sustain a. Laws limit the kinds of fish that can be caught.
b. Fishing boats overfish local fishing stocks.
3. steward a. The city ignores its local fishing industry.
b. Citizens rely on their city to clean up polluted areas.
4. exploit a. Young children attend school for six hours a day.
b. Young children work long hours in factories.

Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes

A prefix is a word part added before a word or a root. Readers can use
their knowledge of prefixes to analyze words and find familiar parts and
relationships. This chart shows two common prefixes.

Prefix Meaning Example Words

dis- not, lack of, opposite of dishonest, disgrace, disinfect, discourage, dispute, distract
ex- not, out, away from exchange, exhale, exclude, expose, extract, external

Notice the words with prefixes in this sentence from Cousteau’s commentary:
You may think I’m doing my grandfather Jacques Yves-Cousteau
and my father Philippe a disservice when I say we’ve only dipped
our toes in the water when it comes to ocean exploration.
You can see that disservice has the prefix dis-. A disservice is the opposite of
a helpful service. The word exploration has the prefix ex- before a Latin root;
the original meaning of the Latin word is “to search out.”

Practice and Apply Complete each word with the prefix dis- or ex-. Check
a print or digital dictionary to make sure the word makes sense.
1. People have always ploited natural resources.
2. Marine animals that are posed to pollutants may become ill.
3. Overfishing may cause some fish to become tinct.
4. There are tinct actions to take to protect oceans.

Why Exploring the Ocean Is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap 199

EL A L.7.1a
Language Conventions: Adjective Clauses ELD PII.7.5

An adjective is a part of speech that modifies a noun or a pronoun. It answers

the question What kind? Which? or How many? A clause is a group of words
that has a subject and a predicate—the two main parts of a complete
sentence. An adjective clause acts like an adjective to modify a noun or
pronoun in the rest of the sentence.
In an adjective clause, the subject is often a relative pronoun—a
pronoun that relates, or connects, adjective clauses to the words they modify
in a sentence. Relative pronouns include who, whom, whose, which, and that.
Notice the relative pronoun in this sentence from “Why Exploring the Ocean
Is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap”:
However, another incredible feat happened in 1960 that is
largely forgotten today.
The relative pronoun that introduces the adjective clause that is largely
forgotten today. The clause modifies the noun feat, answering the question
What kind of feat?
When you write, you can use adjective clauses to tell more about a noun
or a pronoun in a sentence. The adjective clause is underlined in each of these

Lt. Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard descended to Challenger

Deep, which is the deepest part of the ocean. (The adjective
clause tells more about Challenger Deep.)

Jacques Piccard, who was a Swiss engineer, developed

underwater vehicles. (The adjective clause tells more about
Jacques Piccard.)

More people know about the astronauts who traveled to the

moon than about these two explorers. (The adjective clause tells
more about astronauts.)

Practice and Apply Use the relative pronoun in parentheses to introduce

an adjective clause that tells about the underlined noun or pronoun.
Write the new sentence.
1. Scientists study the ocean. (who)
2. Ocean exploration will be the next giant leap. (that)
3. Discoveries about ocean life will affect everyone. (who)
4. Our pioneering spirit is still strong. (which)

200 Collection 4
Background For many years, it was nearly impossible to
study life at the bottom of our oceans. Therefore, very little
was known about deep-sea habitats. But recent 20th-century
technological advances have allowed scientists to begin to
discover surprising forms of life in the ocean depths. In her
writing, Cheryl Bardoe likes to draw back the curtain to reveal
how scientists explore the unknown. She presently lives in
Chicago, Illinois, where she once worked at the city’s famous
Field Museum of Natural History.


Science Article by Cheryl Bardoe

SETTING A PURPOSE As you read, notice how scientific study

has altered past beliefs about Earth’s oceans. Write down any
questions you have while reading.
(l) ©Cathryn Montoya; (r) ©TsuneoMP/Shutterstock; (bg) ©Willyam Bradberry/Shutterstock

When a Whale Falls

Imagine the moment when a great blue whale, undernourished
and exhausted from migrating, grunts out its last breath
somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.
Then, as the pressure of the surrounding water squeezes
the last air reserves from the whale’s lungs, this massive
creature begins to sink.
It plunges 700 feet (200 meters) through the ocean’s top
layer, the warm “sunlight zone” where algae kick-start life’s
food chain with photosynthesis. It drops another 2,600
10 feet (800 meters) through the cold twilight zone, where no
plants live and fish have extra-large eyes to catch the faintest
glimmers of sun. It descends down, down, down through
3,300 feet (1 kilometer) or more of the midnight zone. Here,
temperatures hover close to freezing; deep-sea creatures must

from Living in the Dark 201

flash their own lights to break the darkness; and the weight
of the water feels like about 500 bowling balls pressing in on
every square inch of the whale’s carcass.
The tiny flecks of dead plankton that are called marine
snow may drift for months before reaching the ocean floor.
20 But this great blue whale plummets so quickly that scavengers
barely get a nibble. Its 160-ton carcass thumps down nearly
intact, depositing as many nutrients as several thousand years’
worth of marine snow—all in one fell swoop.
This cache of resources, called a whale fall, will become cache
the center of a unique habitat. First, it attracts deep-sea (k√sh) n. A cache is an
amount of something
scavengers. Hagfish—unsightly creatures also called slime that has been hidden
eels—wriggle inside the carcass and begin to eat it from the away.
inside out. Squat lobsters, sleeper sharks, and crabs tear at the
whale’s flesh and scatter crumbs into nearby sediments. Then
30 mollusks colonize those sediments. Meanwhile, fantastical
worms, slugs, and bacteria bore into the whale’s bones to feast
on fatty marrow.
Finally come bacteria that transform the chemicals leaking
out of the decaying bones into food for themselves and others.
Much as plants use energy from the sun to make their own
nourishment, these “chemosynthetic” bacteria use energy
from chemical reactions to create the basic building blocks of
life. Within months this whale carcass may support more than
40,000 creatures; it might keep this chemosynthetic ecosystem
40 going for up to a century.
The living things that take up residence on this whale fall
are similar to those that live near undersea geysers (called geyser
hydrothermal vents) or cracks that leak natural gas into the (gπ´z∂r) n. A geyser is
a natural hot spring
ocean (called cold seeps). Together, these three habitats have that shoots hot water
completely changed how scientists think about the basic rules and steam into the
for life. air.

Life Where Life Isn’t Possible

For most of human history, the ocean’s secrets have been
beyond reach. Gazing across the water’s rippling surface,
who could have guessed what truly lay beneath? In the 1840s,
50 British naturalist Edward Forbes dredged the Aegean Sea1
100 times to find out. The deeper his device went, the less it

Aegean Sea (Δ-j∏´∂n s∏): an arm of the Mediterranean Sea between Greece and

202 Collection 4
dragged up, and Forbes concluded that nothing at all lived
below 1,600 feet (500 meters) deep. This theory fit perfectly
with what others had observed on land. If the extreme
climates of the Arctic and high mountain peaks snuffed out
life, then the cold, dark, deep sea must be empty too.

Within months this whale

carcass may support more than
40,000 creatures.

Over the next century, people challenged this

theory. Corals were hauled up from 2,500 feet (750 meters)
deep; starfish and oysters were gathered from 7,500 feet
60 (2,300 meters). One expedition collected 4,700 new species
from as deep as 16,000 feet (5,000 meters)—that’s more
than three miles underwater! Because photosynthesis isn’t
possible at such depths, scientists decided that marine snow
provided the base of the food chain for these animals. Sure,
they acknowledged, life was possible in the deep sea. But
scientists assumed that life forms living off such scraps would
be meager. And so they continued to believe that life couldn’t meager
survive in the most extreme ocean-floor conditions. (m∏´g∂r) adj. If
something is meager,
Then everything changed. it is small or deficient
70 In 1977, a team of geologists squeezed into the research in quantity.
mini-sub called Alvin, hoping to confirm whether geysers
(like Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park) existed on
the ocean floor. The hydrothermal vents were there, all right.
So was a “Garden of Eden,”2 as the scientists called it, of
mussels, anemones, and 7-foot (2-meter) worms with crimson,
feather-like plumes. The stunned researchers gathered samples
and called biologists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute (WHOI) in Massachusetts.

Garden of Eden: the garden that was the first home of Adam and Eve according
to the Bible.

from Living in the Dark 203

On the sea floor, a spider crab, mussels, and worms are revealed by the light of a
submersible vehicle.

“It was predicted that vents would exist,” explains Santiago

80 Herrera, a biologist currently working at WHOI. “What wasn’t
predicted was that there would be anything living there.”
Scientists had found an ecosystem that didn’t rely on the sun
for energy. Not only that, but its inhabitants were thriving in a
place that would be toxic for any other known organism. Ideas
about the origins and requirements for life on Earth were
suddenly turned upside down. ©I. MacDonald/National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Hydrothermal Vents
You can often find undersea volcanic activity where Earth’s
tectonic plates are pulling apart. As the planet’s crust tectonic
stretches thin, molten rock breaks through to create new (t≈k-t≤n´Δk) adj.
If something is
90 crust. Meanwhile, water soaks into the crust through nearby tectonic, it relates to
cracks, dissolving rocks and heating up to temperatures of 660 the deformation of
degrees Fahrenheit (350 degrees Celsius) before rising again Earth’s rocky crust.
through a “chimney” on the ocean floor. When the mineral-
rich, super-hot water from the geyser meets the oxygen-rich,
frigid water of the deep sea, a chemical reaction is triggered
that forms hydrogen sulfide. This smells like rotten eggs and
looks like black smoke spewing into the ocean.

204 Collection 4
Scientists now know that some bacteria release energy by
breaking down these sulfides spewing from the geysers. These
100 same bacteria then harness that energy to turn carbon dioxide
and oxygen from the ocean water into sugars—that is, food
energy. Ta-da! Here’s the foundation for an entire deep-sea
food chain.
These chemosynthetic bacteria may be food for other
creatures themselves, or may live in symbiosis3 with other
deep-sea dwellers. The giant tube worms, for example, have no
mouths or stomachs, but get their food by hosting billions of
bacteria within their bodies. Many clams and mussels living
near these vents get their food the same way.
110 Hydrothermal vents have been a constant source of
surprises, ranging from the single-celled microbe that actually
lives inside a vent (and tolerates temperatures of 250 degrees
Fahrenheit, or 120 degrees Celsius) to the white crab with such
furry arms that it was dubbed the “yeti crab.”

Cold Seeps
Scientists discovered a second type of deep-sea chemosynthetic
habitat in 1984. This time, bacteria were breaking down the
hydrogen sulfide and methane that oozed from cracks in
the ocean floor near Monterey Bay, California. Scientists
have since identified three sources for these “cold seep”
120 communities: large deposits of oil or natural gas beneath the
seabed; deep trenches created by one tectonic plate sinking
below another; and undersea landslides or erosion that expose
chemical deposits in the seabed.
Cold seep communities play a major role in shaping
Earth’s climate, Herrera says. “If they did not exist, a lot of
methane would end up in the atmosphere.” Without bacteria
breaking down methane from the ocean floor, this greenhouse
gas4 would escape from the ocean and make Earth warmer.
Cold seep habitats develop like those at hydrothermal
130 vents do, but with different species. Chemosynthetic bacteria
arrive first, forming large white mats on the sea floor. Crabs
and shrimp come to scavenge dead bacteria, and mussels
arrive that live with symbiotic bacteria. Over time, the

symbiosis (sΔm´b∏-∫´sΔs): a relationship between two living things that benefits
both of them.
greenhouse gas: a gas in the atmosphere that traps heat.

from Living in the Dark 205

chemosynthetic bacteria produce a hard material called
carbonate, which offers tube worms a firmer ground to grip
than the muddy sea floor. Then tube worms build up their
hard, protective branches, providing living space for even
more organisms.

Whale Bones, Stepping Stones

So far, whales are the only animals we know of that can affect
140 life on the ocean floor the same way shifting tectonic plates
do. Besides their hefty size, whales are unique in that fats
make up 60 percent of their bone weight. (For comparison,
humans are born with almost no fat in their bones.) In life,
this bone fat helps whales float and store energy. In death,
these fats are decomposed by bacteria that give off hydrogen decompose
sulfide—sound familiar? Once the chemosynthetic (d∏´k∂m-p∫z´) v.
When things
community that lives off these sulfides is in full swing, whale decompose, they
falls host an average of 185 different species—the highest decay and break
number yet observed in such deep-sea communities. down into their basic
150 Whale falls might explain how species travel across vast
ocean spaces from one hydrothermal vent or cold seep to the
next. “There are specialists in each habitat, but there is also
overlap,” says Craig Smith, a professor at the University of
Hawaii, who discovered the first whale fall in 1987. “Some
species may use whale falls as stepping stones.”
Smith says that seeing the same kinds of communities at
hydrothermal vents, cold seeps, and whale falls shows us how
connected the oceans really are. “The connectivity is across
widespread spaces from seemingly isolated habitats.”

At the Whims of the Waves

160 Thirty-five years have passed since the discovery of the first
hydrothermal vent—but study of the deep sea has really just
begun. The main obstacle is getting there.
Fieldwork in the ocean requires tremendous resources. For
starters, scientists need a ship and a crew. Reaching a field site
may take weeks at sea. Then scientists need high-tech
equipment to open a window onto the watery world. Even if
everything comes together, success is at the whims of weather
and waves. Herrera remembers one expedition where an
unmanned, remotely operated vehicle (called an ROV) drifted
170 into the wrong place at the wrong time and was destroyed

206 Collection 4
The Alvin submersible begins its descent under water.

by the ship’s propellers. “Every time you put something

overboard on a ship,” he says, “it’s basically a miracle that you
get it back.”
Under such conditions, scientists must balance the thrill
©Gavin Eppard/National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

of discovery with persistence and patience. Smith knows

what that’s like. His team discovered the first whale fall at the
tail end of the last Alvin dive on a research trip. “Within ten
minutes of Alvin’s return, we knew what we had,” he says, “but
we had to wait a year to get back and investigate it.”
180 Fortunately, improvements in technology are giving
scientists more ocean access than ever. In 2010, Herrera sailed
to the Coral Triangle, near Indonesia. This is the most diverse
marine ecosystem on the planet, and scientists wonder if the
deep-sea communities underlying the coral reefs there might
be the reason. Herrera was one of only a few scientists on
the ship, but video footage of his ROV dives was transmitted
to Massachusetts, Maryland, and Washington, plus Canada

from Living in the Dark 207

and Indonesia. Dozens of scientists worldwide witnessed and
discussed the dives as if they were all present on the ship.
190 The goal of this expedition was to explore unseen waters
and identify places worth returning to for in-depth research.
Scientists saw far more than they expected. Monitoring video
from most exploratory dives means watching hours of flat
and empty (which is to say, boring) seabed scroll by, hoping
to spot something exciting. But on this expedition, Herrera
says, “we were never bored because we were constantly
seeing amazing species. We suspect this is one of the areas of
highest biodiversity5 on Earth.” Scientists will definitely be
going back—just as soon as they can find the money to fund
200 another expedition.
To date, scientists have identified more than 1,300 species
in deep-sea chemosynthetic habitats. These organisms have
introduced us to completely new ways of life and expanded
our view of how adaptable life can be. Yet they raise as many
questions as they answer. Smith predicts that scientists will
find life popping up in even more surprising locations: “We
haven’t exhausted the list of processes that create these kinds
of ecosystems.”
The oceans cover 70 percent of Earth’s surface, yet less
210 than 5 percent of this resource has been explored. “This
is definitely worth investing your whole life to study,”
Herrera says.

COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION The author tells how scientists

react to evidence that challenges ideas they had long accepted
as possibilities. How have scientists reacted to the discoveries
of deep-sea habitats? Talk about your ideas with other group

biodiversity: the range of living things within an environment.

208 Collection 4
EL A RI.7.3, RI.7.5
Analyze Structure ELD PI.7.6, PII.7.1

Science writing usually presents relationships between events or ideas.

Events can show cause-and-effect relationships, in which one event brings
about, or causes, the other. The event that happens first is the cause; the one
that follows is the effect.
Readers of science writing can grasp cause-and-effect relationships
by thinking about what happens and why. One of the main clues readers
can look for are signal words. Words or phrases that signal causes are due
to, because of, or since. Words or phrases that signal effects are as a result,
therefore, and led to. Sometimes the cause-and-effect relationship is not
obvious, and readers must look deeper for implied causes and effects. This
involves making inferences based on clues in the text.
Organizing information into a chart can help you to connect causes
and effects. This chart shows a cause-and-effect chain based on ideas in
the section “Cold Seeps” of the excerpt from “Living in the Dark.”

e Effect
e Effect
e Effect
cold seep bacteria break methane can’t potential
communities down hydrogen escape from global warming
form sulfide and ocean floor is reduced

Reread lines 1–13 from the section “When a Whale Falls.” Organize the
information into a chart that shows a cause-and-effect chain.

EL A RI.7.2, RI.7.3
Determine Central Ideas and Details ELD PI.7.6

Paraphrasing is the restating of information in your own words. When you

read science texts, you may encounter complex ideas and new vocabulary.
To check your understanding, use paraphrasing to restate the language in the
text. For example, reread lines 33–40 of the excerpt from “Living in the Dark.”
Then read this paraphrase of the sentence comparing green plants and deep-
sea bacteria:
Plants make their own food using the sun’s energy, but these
“chemosynthetic” bacteria use chemical energy to make food.
Look back at lines 33–40 again. Tell what a “chemosynthetic ecosystem” is
in your own words.

from Living in the Dark 209

EL A RI.7.1, RI.7.2, RI.7.3, RI.7.5, RI.7.6,
W.7.1, W.7.4, W.7.8, W.7.10
Analyzing the Text ELD PI.7.6, PI.7.10, PI.7.11, PII.7.1

Cite Text Evidence Support your responses with evidence from the text.
1. Cause-Effect What are the major effects of a giant whale’s death on
ocean life?
2. Cause-Effect Reread lines 87–97. Note the cause-and-effect connections
in that paragraph. Paraphrase the information in the form of a chart
that shows the cause-and-effect chain. Label the first box as “Cause” and
complete it with this entry:
Water soaks into cracks in Earth’s stretched crust.
3. Compare What are the three types of habitats described in this article,
and how are they alike?
4. Interpret Reread lines 104–109. How would you paraphrase the
information in the first sentence of this paragraph?
5. Cite Evidence Reread lines 79–86 from the section “Life Where Life Isn’t
Possible.” What ideas were “suddenly turned upside down,” and why?
6. Evaluate Why might the author have decided to end the article using
the scientist’s quotation?

Writing Activity: Argument t In your introduction, state your
Think about Santiago Herrera’s opinion, or claim, clearly.
statement at the end of the excerpt t In the rest of the essay, present
from “Living in the Dark.” Why does valid reasons for your opinion and
he have that opinion? Why might support them with evidence from
someone else have a different the text and other sources that you
opinion? Do you agree with Herrera’s can rely on.
statement? Use your answers to those t Try to present and refute one
questions to write a one- to three- counterargument to your claim.
paragraph argument.

210 Collection 4
EL A L.7.4b, L.7.4c, L.7.6
Critical Vocabulary ELD PI.7.6, PI.7.12

cache geyser meager tectonic decompose

Practice and Apply Complete each sentence to show that you understand
the meaning of the vocabulary word.
1. It’s wise to keep a cache of . . .
2. Scientists study geysers to learn . . .
3. If you ate a meager meal, you . . .
4. Everywhere on Earth, tectonic . . .
5. Bacteria will decompose . . .

Vocabulary Strategy: Greek Roots

A root is a word part that came into English from an older language. You can
check a print or digital dictionary to learn about roots; the entry for a word
often gives details about the word’s origin. Roots from ancient Greek are
often called combining forms because they are combined to form words,
especially terms in science and technology.

hydro (water) therm/thermo (heat)

photo (light) logy (study)

syn/sym (together) Roots geo (Earth)

scope (see) tecto (building)

micro (small) bio (life)

In the excerpt from “Living in the Dark,” you read about Earth’s tectonic plates.
What do tectonic plates have to do with the meaning of the Greek root
tecto, “building”? The movements of the plates are responsible for building
continents, mountains, and oceans.

Practice and Apply Read each phrase and identify the word made from
Greek combining forms. Refer to the chart for the root’s meaning. Then
define the phrase. Use a print or digital dictionary to check your ideas.
1. hydrothermal vents 4. symbiotic bacteria
2. photosynthesis in green plants 5. hydrogeological events
3. microscopic organisms

from Living in the Dark 211

EL A L.7.1a
Language Conventions: Verbal Phrases ELD PII.7.5

A verbal is a verb form that is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. An

infinitive is a verbal that begins with to and has the base form of a verb. The
infinitive is underlined in each of these sentences.
t Our plan is to sail. (The infinitive acts like a noun and tells what our plan
t There may be whales to photograph. (The infinitive acts like an adjective
to modify whales and tell what kind.)
t To breathe, whales come to the surface. (The infinitive acts like an
adverb to modify come and tell why.)
A verbal phrase is made of a verbal and any other words that complete
its meaning. The infinitive phrase is underlined in each of these sentences.
The whole phrase in each sentence acts the same way as the infinitive alone.
t Our plan is to sail tomorrow.
t There may be whales to photograph from the boat.
t To breathe the air they need, whales come to the surface.
Note the infinitive phrase in this sentence from “Living in the Dark”:
Meanwhile, fantastical worms, slugs, and bacteria bore into the
whale’s bones to feast on fatty marrow.
The infinitive phrase acts like an adverb to modify the verb bore. It tells
why bacteria bore into the whale’s bones.

Practice and Apply Read each group of words and the question in
parentheses. Add an infinitive phrase to answer the question and complete
a sentence using the words. Refer to the excerpt from “Living in the Dark” for
ideas to include.
 deep-sea scientists want (What do they want?)
 fish of the deep sea have extra-large eyes (Why do they have such eyes?)
 crabs and shrimp come to the ocean floor (Why do they come?)
 scientists need equipment (What kind of equipment?)
 the goal of a deep-sea expedition (What is the goal?)

212 Collection 4
Your World
Poem by Georgia Douglas Johnson

Georgia Douglas Johnson (1880–1966) was one of the most

famous African American women writers of the early 1900s. She
is associated with the Harlem Renaissance—an African American
literary and cultural movement of the 1920s and 1930s. Johnson
wrote four volumes of poetry as well as plays and fiction.

SETTING A PURPOSE Sometimes a poem contains a message

designed to inspire. As you read, consider the poet’s message
and how it may inspire others to take risks.

Your world is as big as you make it

I know, for I used to abide
In the narrowest nest in a corner
My wings pressing close to my side.

5 But I sighted the distant horizon

Where the sky-line encircled the sea
And I throbbed with a burning desire
To travel this immensity.

I battered the cordons1 around me

10 And cradled my wings on the breeze
Then soared to the uttermost reaches
With rapture, with power, with ease!

COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION In what ways does this poem

©Ikon Images/SuperStock

teach a lesson about risk-taking? Share your ideas with other

group members.
cordons (kôr´dnz): lines or borders stretched around an area, indicating that
access is restricted.

Your World 213


EL A RL.7.4
Determine Meanings ELD PI.7.8

In the poem “Your World,” the poet conveys a comparison of two unlike
things through the speaker, or the voice that “talks” to the reader. Because
this figurative comparison is carried through the entire poem, it is called an
extended metaphor, a figure of speech that compares two essentially unlike
things at some length and in several ways.
The poet also uses imagery, words and phrases that appeal to
the senses, to engage the reader and develop the extended metaphor.
In these two lines, the descriptions encourage readers to use their senses:
line 6: Where the sky-line encircled the sea
line 10: And cradled my wings on the breeze
Look back at the poem. Find additional examples of imagery and lines that
give clues about the extended metaphor.

EL A RL.7.1, RL.7.2, RL.7.4, W.7.2, W.7.9a

Analyzing the Text ELD PI.7.6, PI.7.8, PI.7.10

Cite Text Evidence Support your responses with evidence from the text.
1. Interpret What words in the second stanza appeal to the senses?
2. Interpret What does the speaker mean when she says, “I battered the
cordons around me”?
3. Compare Through the extended metaphor, what comparison does the
poet make?
4. Draw Conclusions A poem’s theme is a message about life or human
nature that the poet shares with the reader. What is the theme of “Your

Writing Activity: Analysis Think t What words and phrases show the
about the extended metaphor in this comparison throughout the poem?
poem. Write at least one paragraph t Why might the poet have chosen
analyzing the extended metaphor. this comparison?
These questions may help you t What feelings are suggested by the
organize your thoughts and writing: comparison?

214 Collection 4
Interactive Lessons
COLLEC TION 4 To help you complete this
task, use:
PERFORMANCE TASK t Writing Arguments
t Giving a Presentation

EL A W.7.1a–e, W.7.7,
Present an Argument W.7.8, W.7-10, SL.7.4,
SL.7.4a, SL.7.5, SL.7.6
ELD PI.7.4, PI.7.9, PI.7.11,
Persuasive speeches such as John F. Kennedy’s “Remarks at PI.7.12, PII.7.1, PII.7.2
the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center” can
have powerful effects. In the following activity, you will draw
from Kennedy’s speech and other texts to prepare and present
an argument. You will try to persuade others whether major
exploration is worth the risk.
A successful argument
t contains an engaging introduction that establishes the claim
t supports key points with reasoning and relevant evidence
pulled from a variety of solid, credible sources
hm om
t uses language that effectively conveys ideas and adds interest
Visit to
t concludes by forcefully summing up the claim explore your topic and
enhance your research.

Use the annotation
Choose Your Position Think about the texts you read in this tools in your eBook
to find evidence that
collection and the various points made by the writers concerning supports your claim.
Save each piece of
risk and exploration. Then choose a position either for or against evidence to your
major exploration based on the risks involved, and write out your
claim in a statement.
Gather Information Focus on the selection(s) that have
As you plan and
information you can cite to support your position. Jot down present your speech,
important details that support your claim. Consider the following: be sure to use the
academic vocabulary
t What are your reasons for taking the position you took? words.
t What evidence can you use as quotes to support your claim? complex
t What might others say to oppose your claim? How would you potential
try to convince them to agree with you? rely
t What do you want your audience to understand? stress

Collection Performance Task 215

Do Further Research Research additional print and digital
sources to find solid, credible evidence for your argument.
t Search for facts, quotes, and statistics that support your claims.
t Try to find sources that don’t agree with you. Develop a
counterargument to address an opposing view.

Organize Your Ideas Think about how you will organize your Interactive Lessons
For help in
speech. This can help you to present your ideas coherently. incorporating
evidence, use:
tWritng Arguments:
Mentor Text Read this passage from President Kennedy’s Creating a Coherent
speech, which shows how word choices can engage the audience. tWritng Arguments:

“all those
It is an era which calls for action and for the best efforts of
who would test the unknown and the uncertain in

every phase of human endeavor. It is a time for pathfinders and


Write your
Draft Your Argument Use the information you have rough draft in
gathered to help you write your argument. Focus on getting
your ideas down,
t Introduce your claim. Begin with an attention-grabbing rather than
perfecting your
comment or an unusual or funny quote, statistic, or story. choice of language.

t Organize your reasons and evidence logically. For example, will

it work better to start with your weakest or strongest argument?
t Be sure to include quotes and other data from your sources.
t Use words and phrases such as because, therefore, and for that
reason to make your argument clearer and more cohesive.
t Conclude your argument. Summarize your main points in a
restatement, and connect them to your introduction.

Language Conventions: Using Pronouns for Cohesion

Cohesive writing flows smoothly from one sentence to another. Using pronouns is
a cohesive way to avoid unnecessary repetition. Read the following quotation from
the speech, “Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center.”

For this city has long been the home of the pioneers in the air. It was here that
Brooks, whose memory we honor today, was born and raised.

Notice how the pronoun It refers to the noun city, in the first sentence. This helps to
connect an idea in one sentence to another.

216 Collection 4
Prepare Visuals Select multimedia resources to create charts,
graphs, or pictures that clarify and strengthen your claims. Make
sure that all visuals are large enough to be read easily.

Have your partner

Practice Your Argument Present your argument aloud. or a group of peers
review your draft in
Try speaking in front of a mirror, or make a recording of your myWriteSmart. Ask
your reviewers to
presentation and listen to it. Then practice with a partner. note any reasons that
do not support the
claim or lack sufficient
Evaluate Your Argument Work with your partner to evidence.

determine whether your argument is effective.

Interactive Lessons
Questions Tips Revision Techniques For help in practicing
your delivery, use:
tGiving a Presentation:
Did I clearly state my Highlight the claim. Revise the existing Delivering a
claim? claim to make your Presentation
position more clear.
Is my claim supported Underline the reasons. Add more reasons, if
logically? Highlight your your argument lacks
evidence. support. Replace
weak evidence with
stronger examples,
facts, or quotes.
Is the style of my Underline any use of Focus on specific
argument formal informal language, such words to improve.
enough? as contractions. Write out any
contractions to sound
more precise.
Is my response to Highlight any Use transitions
an opposing claim counterarguments. to set off your
understandable? Note the wording of counterargument
your response. from an opposing
Does the conclusion Underline the Add a restatement of
have a strong conclusion. the claim, if needed,
restatement? to clarify. Make your
point forcefully.


Deliver Your Speech Finalize your argument and present it

to the class.

Collection Performance Task 217

Ideas and Evidence Organization Language




218 Collection 4

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