Final-Research Proposal Group 7

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A Research Proposal

Presented to the

Faculty of the Graduate School

St. Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course




September 22, 2019

SPUP Graduate School

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


We, the researchers, are wholeheartedly delighted to

all people who had been the source of inspiration, for their
priceless assistance for the completion of this work.

To Mr. Bryan B. Echanique, our professor, for his

effort and patience in guiding us in the process of making
this research, for all his words of wisdom in addressing his
concern from the beginning up to the end.

To our loving families, friends and classmates, for

showing their unending love and support;

To our participants for their time and willingness to


And above all, to our Almighty Father, for His Divine

assistance in this study.


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St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


To our beloved family and friends,

To ever supportive research professor,
To all those who imparted their time and effort in
completion on this work,
And to our Almighty God, the giver and source of knowledge,
To you we offer the fruit of our hardships,
This is for you,
This is for us.

The researchers

SPUP Graduate School

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Title Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Review of Related Literature and Studies . . . . . 6

Conceptual Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Scope and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10



Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Participants of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Data-Gathering Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Curriculum Vitae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Photo Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

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Chapter 1



“The emergence of social media has created a new avenue

for facilitating daily information and communication needs.

As technology grows and expands our range of communication,

social media is becoming a vital tool for daily social

interaction. It creates opportunity for people to interact

with each other in a way that is both helpful and essential

to socially motivate people. The rapid fire quick

communication style that captivates the millennials and

other generation has shifted our conversations from ‘face-

to-face’ instances to ‘through –the-screen’ ones.”


Social Media is described as the collection of online

communication channels dedicated to community based input,

interaction, content sharing and collaboration. Some of the

commonly known communication websites are Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and Pinterest. With the help of this websites

people can share memories, reconnect with friends, plan

events, and communicate almost instantaneously. The social

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media has positive as well as negative impacts on

communication skills.

Social networks have become the central facilitator for

daily communication with peers, family and acquaintances. It

is affecting our relationships and decreases the quality of

inter-personal communication. Another impairment of

communication skills caused by the extensive use of social

media platform is the impoverishment of language. Using

messengers’ people often use shortened versions of words in

order to type and deliver their messages as quickly as

possible. Shortened versions like “k”, “ttyl”, “ur”, “der”,

“gr8”,”cu”,”tc” and so on completely ruins the grammar and

syntax. It also develops the use of slang terms and

sometimes people tend to forget that they are neglecting the

beauty of language when they are online busy with the social


Social media and online communication is believed to be

having adverse effect on social skills and communication

among adolescents. Long ago, the time when social media did

not exist and social communication and interaction were the

only way of communication. In the era of technology, social

media interactions now dominates both online and offline

conversations. In a society where interacting and over-

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sharing is the norm, you are probably more likely to speak

to friends and family through electronic devices than face-

to-face. Often at events or parties, guests are attached to

their smart phones twitting or texting, but no one is truly

engaging or interacting with the people around them. As more

generations are born into the social age, social media will

continue to be the favored communication form among young

people. However, this shift may begin to affect their

ability to properly communicate in person with peers.

“Communication is constantly evolving, some people are

used to seeing their friend’s online avatar as if the face”.

There is a greater desire to share with other people you

barely know, than actually hanging out with friends and

making memories. At the end of the day, nothing can replace

face-to-face conversation and interaction. Despite the

explosion of online endorsements and social media dialogue

between individuals and brands, researchers have found word-

of-mouth exchanges and in-depth conversations are still most


Whether or not people want to accept it, social media

has several negative impacts on their daily lives. We cannot

deny the fact that social platform is very helpful providing

news, gossips, and to keep in touch with friends and family,

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but we cannot afford it to become the focal point of our

lives. The access that people have on the internet and

social media specifically has become too easy. It has made

the language lazy and thus resulting people uninterested in

meeting others in person, which eliminates any chance of

deep and meaningful conversation. People have started losing

their ability to communicate efficiently, which is a

testament, to what kind of total control social media has

over their lives. Overall, social media can be beneficial if

used wisely and in the proper proportion. So, it is easy to

conclude that the negative impact of social media far

outweigh any benefits that they may provide to society at

this juncture.

In this modern world, millennial can access the

Internet and social media applications from many different

entry points, including iPads, tablets, desktops, laptops,

and smartphones. The rise of social media in the 21st

century brought mankind to a wider range of knowledge,

interests and access to communication to any part of the

world. It brought people nowadays to quick gathering of

facts, knowledge and ideas of other people as everything is

posted in the internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

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Snapchat, You Tube and Google Plus and a lot more social

media platforms.

Deng and Tavares (2013) noted that social

networking has become an integral part of our millennial’s

social life; it is now seen as a learning platform that

could be utilized to enhance student engagement and

performance. Social networking and media tools offer school

children the opportunity to communicate, get in touch,

access information, research, and chat (Abdulahi et al.,

2014, Ahn, 2011).

Social networks sites (SNSs) have changed today the way

the human communications. From simple beginnings as a

platform for sharing photos, discussing common interests,

and supplementing traditional social interactions, they have

become the source of change in different fields. They have

revolutionized the way people interact, the way they

communicate, and even the way they think.

Everywhere, people from different walks of life engage

themselves in social networking. People form new social ties

for many reasons and under many conditions. Exposure to

people of similar age, socioeconomic status, or education

level in schools, and workplace means that people are likely

to encounter others who share interest or opinions.

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This study will focus on the effect of social media on

the reading and writing skills of students.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

According to Junco et al (2010), social media are a

collection of internet websites, services, and practices

that support collaboration, community building,

participation, and sharing”. The growing dimension of the

use of social media among the youth of today cannot be over

emphasized. Over the years, social networking among second

cycle students has become more and more popular. It is a way

to make connection not only on campus, but with friends

outside of school. Social networking is a way that helps

many people feels as though they belong to a community. Due

to the increased popularity of it, economists and professors

are questioning whether grades of students are not being

affected by how much time is spend on these sites (Choney,

2010). According to Lenhart et al., (2010), about 57% of

social network users are 18-29 years old and have a personal

profile on multiple social media websites. In a study by

Pempek, Yermolayeva, and Calvert (2009), the amount of time

spent daily on social network sites varied greatly. However,

an analysis of the data indicated most participants spent

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approximately thirty minutes a day socializing, mostly

during the evening hours between 9p.m to 12a.m students

spent an average of forty seven minutes a day on Facebook.

More than 50% of college students go on a social networking

sites several times a day (Sheldon, 2008). Quan-Haase and

Young (2010), found that 82% of college students reported

logging into Facebook several times a day. Younger students

tended to use Facebook more frequently than older students

to keep in touch with friends from high school or from their

hometown (Pempek et al., 2009) Many researchers such as

Choney (2010), San Miguel (2009) and Enriquez (2010) studies

on students’ use of the social media sites revealed a

negative effect of the use of social media sites on

students’ academic performance. Nielsen Media Research study

conducted in June 2010 stated that almost 25% of students’

time on the internet is spent on social networking sites

(Jacobsen & Forste 2011).The American Educational Research

Association conducted a research and declared at its annual

conference in San Diego California (2009), that social media

users study less and generate lower grade (Abaleta et al,

2014). San Miguel (2009), focused on the relationship

between time spent on Facebook and the academic performance

of students. The overall findings indicated “more time on

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Facebook equals slightly lower grades”. In his study, the

average facebook user had a GPA of 3.0 to 3.5, while the non

facebook user had a GPA of 3.5 - 4.0. Also, the average

facebook user study for 1 – 5 hours per week, while the non

facebook user would study 11 – 15 hours per week Enriquez

(2010), revealed that students who multi-task between social

networking sites and home work are likely to have 20% lower

grades than a student who does not have a social networking

site. He believes that even running a social networking site

on the background on a student’s PC while studying or doing

homework could lower a student’s grade. He believes that

“the problem is that most people have Facebook or other

social networking sites, their e-mails and may be instant

messaging constantly running in the background while they

are carrying out their tasks” Choney (2010), in looking at

the time spend on facebook and its effect on academic

performance said a user of Facebook has an average “GPA of

3.06, while non users have an average GPA of 3.82”.

Furthermore, a study conducted by Karpinski and Duberstein

(2009), of Ohio Dominican university on college students who

use social network have significantly lower grade point

averages (GPAs) than those who do not. They also mentioned

that among various unique distractions of every single

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generation, Facebook remains a major distraction of current

generation. According to Khan (2009), facebook users often

time experience poor performance academically. Similarly,

Englander et al., (2010), posit that social media is

negatively associated with academic performance of student

and is a lot more momentous than its advantages. Internet

addiction consequently gave rise to internet usage within

the last couple decades. Nalwa and Anand (2008), recommended

that addicted users prefer using internet setting back their

personal and responsibilities which ultimately leads to poor

academic performance. According to Kubey et al., (2010),

impairment of educational performance and internet

dependency are correlated by utilizing synchronous

communication programme including internet sites and forums.

Jocabsen and Forste (2011), found a negative relationship

between the use of various media, including mobile phones,

and self-reported GPA among first year university students

in the United States. In Taiwan, Yen at el. (2009),

identified an association between mobile phone use and

respondents and report that respondents have allowed phone

use to interfere with their academic activities. Similarly,

Hong et al. (2012), reported that daily use of mobile phones

is correlated with self-reported measure of academic

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difficulty among a sample of Taiwanese university students.

In a survey of Spanish high school students Sanchez-Martinz

and Otero (2009), found a correlation between “intensive”

mobile phone use and school failure. However, other studies

like Ahmed and Qazi (2011), Hanqittai and Hsich (2010),

Pasek and Hanqittai (2009), conducted on the same topic

revealed no correlation between social media and students’

academic performance. A study conducted at Whittemore school

of Business and Economic on one thousand, one hundred and

twenty seven students revealed that there is no correlation

between how much time is spent on social networking sites

and grades (Martin, 2009). Again, University of New

Hampshire (2010) study also revealed that students’ use of

social media sites do not affect grades. A recent survey

showed that approximately ninety percent of teens in the

United States have Internet access, and about seventy-five

percent of these teens use the Internet more than once per

day (Kist, 2008). This study also showed that approximately

half of all teens who have Internet access are also members

of social networking sites, and use the Internet to make

plans and socialize with friends (Kist, 2008). In September

2005, out of the total adult internet users (18-29 years)

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16% were using social networking site but this percentage

increased to 86% in May, 2010 (

Social media has exploded as a category of online

discourse where people create content, share it, bookmark it

and network at a prodigious rate. Because of its ease of

use, speed and reach, social media is fast changing the

public discourse in society and setting trends and agenda in

topics that range from the environment and politics to

technology and the entertainment industry(Asur and Huberman,

2010). In the last ten years, the online world has changed

dramatically, thanks to the invention of social media, young

men and women now exchange ideas, feelings, personal

information, pictures and videos at a truly astonishing

rate. Seventy-three percent of wired American teens now use

social media websites (Oberst, 2010). Martn, (2008) & Lusk,

(2010) share the same concept of social media. To them

social media is the use of Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, My

Space and LinkedIn for the purpose of communication, sharing

photos as well as videos. However for the purpose of this

study social media is captured within the use of internet

through Facebook, Whatsap, Twitter, Skype, MySpace as well

as Yahoo Messenger for communication sharing of ideas,

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sharing of photos and videos by users. The increased use of

Social Networking Websites has become an international

phenomenon in the past several years. What started out as a

hobby for some computer literate people has become a social

norm and way of life for people from all over the world

(Boyd. 2007). Teenagers and young adults have especially

embraced these sites as a way to connect with their peers,

share information, reinvent their personalities, and

showcase their social lives (Boyd, 2007). In the past years,

social media websites have become common; giving young

people a new way to interact with each other and communicate

with the world. Social networking became popular between

2004 and 2006, after Facebook and MySpace were created.

Facebook, for example has over 500 million members and it is

still growing and approximately 85% of undergraduate

students are Facebook users (Schneider, 2009). These numbers

are expected to grow since Facebook users will continue to

grow. And this is not only true for Facebook, numbers for

YouTube users closely follow as well (University of New

Hampshire, 2009). Social networking websites provide tools

by which people can communicate, share information, and

create new relationships. With the popularity of social

networking websites on the rise, our social interaction is

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affected in multiple ways as we adapt to our increasingly

technological world. The way web users interact and talk to

each other has changed and continues to change. These users

now socialize through the internet and it takes away from

the person socialization that has been around forever.

Social networking websites have affected our social

interaction by changing the way we interact face-to-face,

how we receive information, and the dynamics of our social

groups and friendships (Asur and Huberman, 2010).

Communicating through the internet and social networking

websites is quite different from communicating inperson- to-

person situation. When users communicate through these

websites, they use things like instant message (IM) and

chatting as well as status or Twitter updates to talk to

friends and express themselves (Kaitlin, 2010). Kaitlin

(2010) further opines that social networking websites also

affect the way we receive information and news. The sites

open up different portals through which we get information

and create more diverse news outlets. Most of the studies,

Choney (2010), San Miguel, (2009) Enriquez (2010), Karpinski

& Duberstein (2009), Khan, (2009), Kubey et al (2010),

conducted on students’ use of the social media sites and its

impact on academic performance focused on students in the

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developed world. It is against this background that it has

become necessary to conduct this research aimed at

investigating students’ use of social media sites and their

impact on academic performance among Polytechnic students in

Ghana. This is largely because; no empirical study has been

conducted in Ghana to find out the impact of students’ use

of social media sites on academic performance of Polytechnic

students in Ghana.

The term Millennials generally refers to the generation

of people born between the early 1980s and 1990s, according

to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Some people also include

children born in the early 2000s.

The Millennial Generation is also known as Generation

Y, because it comes after Generation X — those people

between the early 1960s and the 1980s. The publication Ad

Age was one of the first to coin the term "Generation Y," in

an editorial in August 1993. But the term didn't age well,

and "Millennials" has largely overtaken it. But the terms

basically mean the same thing. Millennials have been

characterized in a number of different ways. On the negative

side, they've been described as lazy, narcissistic and prone

to jump from job to job. The 2008 book "Trophy Kids" by Ron

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Alsop discusses how many young people have been rewarded for

minimal accomplishments (such as mere participation) in

competitive sports, and have unrealistic expectations of

working life.

A story in Time magazine said polls show that

Millennials "want flexible work schedules, more 'me time' on

the job, and nearly nonstop feedback and career advice from

managers." Another Time story in May 2013, titled "The Me Me

Me Generation," begins: "They're narcissistic. They're lazy.

They're coddled. They're even a bit delusional. Those aren't

just unfounded negative stereotypes about 80 million

Americans born roughly between 1980 and 2000. They're backed

up by a decade of sociological research." The article also

points out that Millennials may be simply adapting quickly

to a world undergoing rapid technological change.

A 2012 study found Millennials to be "more civically

and politically disengaged, more focused on materialistic

values, and less concerned about helping the larger

community than were GenX (born 1962-1981) and Baby Boomers

(born 1946 to about 1961) at the same ages," according to

USA Today. "The trend is more of an emphasis on extrinsic

values such as money, fame, and image, and less emphasis on

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intrinsic values such as self-acceptance, group affiliation

and community." The study was based on an analysis of two

large databases of 9 million high school seniors or entering

college students.

They have also been described in positive ways. They

are generally regarded as being more open-minded, and more

supportive of gay rights and equal rights for minorities.

Other positives adjectives to describe them include

confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to

new ideas and ways of living.

Though viewed as more liberal, some Millennials are

bucking the trend. A study published March 31, 2017 by the

Council on Contemporary Families found that high school

seniors increasingly believe that the man should be the

bread-winner in a relationship and a woman should care for

the home. "It's been a steady reversal," said study co-

author Joanna Pepin, a doctoral candidate in sociology at

the University of Maryland.

In addition, it seems that this generation may be

having less sex that any other generation before it. In a

survey of more than 26,000 American adults, about 15 percent

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of Millennials between 20 and 24 reported having no sexual

partners since the age of 18. Only 6 percent of GenXers

(people born in the 1960s) could claim the same. The Youth

Risk Behavior Survey by the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention in 2016 also found that teen Millennials were

less sexually active that previous generations.

Millennials are also more likely to use public

libraries than other generations, according to the Pew

Research Center. There is a spirited, if not tiresome,

debate about whether Millennials are self-entitled

narcissists or open-minded do-gooders; surely the truth lies

somewhere in-between. Generally, however, there does seem to

be more of an emphasis on the self than in previous

generations, one reason why this group has been called

Generation Me. Research presented at the 2016 annual meeting

of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

in San Diego found that Millennials themselves do believe

that they are more narcissistic that previous generations,

but they don't like it. Also, the uptick in narcissism is

only very slight when compared with other generations.

"We are not talking about two generations ago, people

were just completely selfless, and in this generation we're

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trying to kill each other to watch the next season of

something on Netflix," Joshua Grubbs, a doctoral candidate

at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio. [Millennials See

Themselves As Narcissistic, Too (And It Bothers Them)]

The self-centered life approach may be due to the rise

of individualism in society. "There is a very consistent and

reliable trend where all indicators of individualism [have]

been on the rise over the course of the last 100 years,"

Igor Grossman, a psychologist at the University of Waterloo,

told an audience at the SPSP meeting.


Based on the aforementioned related readings, social media

have become the central facilitators of communication with

peers, family and acquaintances. It is affecting our

relationships and decreases the quality of interpersonal

communication and can affect the academic performance of

students. The different literatures and studies will help

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the researchers to broaden and deepen their understanding

that will guide them in conducting their study.

Conceptual Framework


Grade Level
(reading and
Social Media

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the relationship of social

media on the communication skills of Pattao National High


Specifically, it seek to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the participants in terms of :

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1.1 Age,

1.2 Gender,

1.3 Grade Level?

2. To what extent do the participants use the following

social media platforms for communication?

2.1 Facebook

2.2 Instagram

2.3 Twitter

2.4 Snapchat

2.5 Youtube

2.6 Google

2.7 My Space

2.8 Yahoo

3. Is there a significant difference in the participants’

extent of use of the identified social media platforms for

communications when grouped according to profile variables?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the

participants’ profile variables and their communication


5. Is there a significant relationship between the

participants’ extent of social media use and their

communication skills?

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1. There is no a significant difference in the participants’

extent of use of the identified social media platforms for

communications when grouped according to profile variables.

2. There is no significant relationship between the

participants’ profile variables and their communication


3. There is no significant relationship between the

participants’ social media use and their communication


Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on determining the relationship

between social media and communication skills of students.

Participants will be the grade 7, grade 8, grade 9,

grade 10 and Senior High School who are enrolled in Pattao

National High School within the school year 2019-2020.

Significance of the Study

This study will give insight on the relationship

between the social media and their communication skills.

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Participants. This study will make students to know the

effect of social media on their communication skills

specifically in reading and writing skills.

School Authorities/Teachers. It will make students realize

the advantages and disadvantages of social media and help

the school design appropriate actions regarding this.

Parents. It will give them awareness of the possible effect

of the use of social media on the communication skills of

their children.

Future Researchers. It will give them baseline data that can

help them in conducting similar or correlated studies.

Definition of Terms

To provide the readers a more comprehensive

understanding of this study, the researchers hereby present

the following terms with their operational definition:

Students. They are the junior and senior high school

students of Pattao National High School

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Social media. These are the platforms, such as facebook,

twitter, snapchat, instagram, tiktok among others that

students use for communication purposes.

Communication Skills. They refer to the two macro-skills

(reading and writing) that are the focus of the study.

Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the research design use in this

study, the selection of the participants, the research tool,

the data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment

employed in the analysis of the data gathering.

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Research Design

The researchers will use the descriptive associational

research design. To describe the profile of the

participants’ extent to which they use the identified social

media platforms, the relationship between their profile

variables and their communication skills as well as the

relationship between their social media use and their

communication skills.

Participants of the Study

The participants will be the Junior and Senior High

School of Pattao National High School. Below are the sample

size of the participants.

Table 1
Officially Enrolled Grade 7 to Grade 10 for the AY 2019-
Grade Level Frequency
Grade 7 198
Grade 8 187
Grade 9 193
Grade 10 176
Senior High School 135
Total 889

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Note: Data from Registrar’s Office of Pattao National High


Table 2
Sample Population Size for Each Grade Level
School/Department Frequency Percentage Sample
Grade 7 198 22 61
Grade 8 187 21 58
Grade 9 193 22 61
Grade 10 176 20 55
Senior High School 135 15 41
Total 889 100.0 276


The researchers will used self-made and adopted

questionnaire in gathering data pertinent to the study. A

letter explaining the purpose of the study accompanied the


The Primary instrument used to gather the needed data

is a questionnaire consisting of twenty (28) items.

The Questionnaire has four (4) parts. Part I describes the

profile of the participants. Part II determine what social

media they use and to what extent they are using these

social media platforms that contains (8) eight items.

Part III describes their writing skills consist (10)

ten items. Part IV describes their reading skills that

consist (10) ten items.

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To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, the

researchers consulted with ten (10) institutional discipline

experts who rated the items as to their relevance to the

research subject and thrust.

Data-Gathering Procedure

In gathering data the researchers will undertake the

following steps:

First, the researchers will seek the permission from the

principal for the conduct of the study. Next, researchers

will obtain the participants’ informed consent. Then they

will personally float the questionnaire to the participants.

Data Analysis

This will be used to describe the profile of the


Frequency and Percentage. This will be used to provide the

profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex and grade


Weighted Mean. The researchers will used to determine the

extent participants’ to which the participants use of social

media platforms through four point likert scale below.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 27

T-test. It will be used to test the significant difference

in the participants’ extent of use of the identified social

media platforms when grouped according to gender.

ANOVA. It will be used to test the significant difference in

the participants’ extent of use of the identified social

media platforms when grouped according to age and grade


Pearsons r. It will be used to determine the relationship

between the participants’ social media use and their age and

grade level.

Chi-Square. It will be used to determine the relationship

between the participants’ social media use and their gander.

Table 3.

Scale for determining the extent to which the participants

use the social media platforms for communication.

Mean Range Descriptive


3.25 – 4.00 Always

2.50 – 3.24 Often

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 28

1.75 – 2.49 Sometimes

1.00 – 1.74 Never


Baker,S.”Beware, social media snake oil” Bloomerg Business

Week pp 48-51, (2009)

Falcis, M.O. & Pidlaoan, P.”Top 8 most visited social mdia

sites by teens” September 11,2013 (updated)

Kaplan, M. “Users of the world unite! The challenges and

opportunities of social media” Business Horizons 53(1): 59-

68, (2010)

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St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 29

Lenhart,A.”Teens, social media and technology overview”

tweet (2014)

Quan-Haase, A., & Young, A. L. (2010). Uses and

gratifications of social media: A comparison of facebook

and instant messaging. Bulletin of Science, Technology &

Society, 30(5), 350-361. doi:10.1177/0270467610380009

“Use of social media by college students: Relationship to

communication and self concept Megan Sponcil Youngstown

State University Priscilla Gitimu Youngstown Sate


Stanley, M. “Mobile internet report”, (2009)

Rachna, J. (2010). “4 ways social media is changing your

relationships”. Retrieved December 17, 2011 from


Notley, T.M. &Tacchi, J.A. (2005).”online youth Networks:

researching, the experiences of peripheral” young people in

using New Media Tools for creative participation and

Representation. In 3 media: Journal of community, Citizen’s

and Third sector Media and Communication, (1). Pp.73-81.

Internet Sources

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 30





Letter to the respondents

Pattao National High School

September 22, 2019

Dear Participants,

SPUP Graduate School

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 31

Attached herewith is a questionnaire to gather the data

and/or information for our research work content: EFFECTS OF



In this connection, may we solicit your kind indulgence and

consideration by answering every questions included in this

questionnaire. Rest assured that any information you will be

treated with outmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for sharing your precious time and


Respectfully yours,





September 23, 2019

Aida D Verdillo,Principal III

Pattao National High School

Dear Ma’am;

Greetings in the name of Peace and Love!

SPUP Graduate School

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 32

The undersigned are currently undertaking a research study

entitled “Effect of Social Media on the Communication Skills

of Pattao National High School-Main Students”

In this connection, may we request permission from your good

office to conduct this study in your school under your able

supervision? The data that will be gathered from these

schools shall be treated for research studies and

educational purposes.

Thank you very much! More Power!

Respectfully yours,






Part I.

Name(Optional):_____________________ Sex: ___________

Put a check mark (/) in the box that is applicable to you.


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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 33

[ ] 12-14 years old

[ ] 15-16 years old

[ ] 17-19 years old

[ ] 20-21 years old

Year level:

[ ] Grade 7

[ ] Grade 8

[ ] Grade 9

[ ] Grade 10

[ ] Senior High School

Part II. Rate the extent of use of the social media sites by

using the following scale below.

4 – Always 3 – Sometimes

2 – Often 1 – Never

Item 4 3 2 1






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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 34


My space


III. Writing Skills

Check the box which best express your personal usage for

each listed.

4 3 2 1
Are you conscious about
1. grammar when you chat/give
caption to your post?
Do you spell words
2. correctly?
Do you use short form in
3. formal writing? Like you
use in status/comments.
Do you use informal words
4. in writing essay?
5. Do you use figure of

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 35

speech in writing?
Do you use words posted in
6. social media in writing?
Do you think online
7. chatting help you to
improve your writing?
Does the language of
8. social media influence
your formal writing?
Do you write informal
9. words/phrases in your
Do you think social media
10. is improving your overall

IV. Reading Skills (Part I)

4 3 2 1
Do you like watching
1. movies on social media?
Do you prefer reading
2. story or watching it in
social media?
D you find reading long
3. stories and essay boring?

Watching videos in social

4. media makes me understand
better than reading it?

Do social media your

5. social media skills?

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 36

4 – Always 3 – Sometimes

2 – Often 1 - Never

IV. Reading Comprehension Skills (Part 2)

Directions: Read carefully each paragraph then answer the

questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer on

the answer sheet provided.

I thought life on the farm with my grandmother would be

dull, until one morning. When Nelly started neighing, all of

us went to the barn. It was dark in the barn, but

grandfather brought an old woollen blanket to keep Nelly

warm. In the light of the lamp, we could make up poor Nelly

on her bed of hay. Nelly would not drink. She lay there

like a child in pain until her baby came, a brown colt.

Who is Nelly in this selection?

A. barn

B. little boy

C. grandmother

D. horse

2. What is there to keep warm?

A. hay

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 37

B. lamp

C. brown cow

D. woollen blanket

B. Rosario’s personality set her apart. She seemed older

than anyone else at school. When we might giggle at some

classmate’s silliness, Rosario frowned in disapproval. When

we were noisy and rude, Rosario was quietly controlled. The

meaner kids teased her, the nicer ones ignored her. But

there was no doubt in any of our minds, Rosario was

different and our teacher appreciated her maturity.

3. The selection was related by Rosario’s _________.

A. teacher

B. friend

C. brother

D. Classmate

4. Rosario was different from her classmate because she was


A. old fashioned

B. snobbish

C. intelligent

D. mature

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 38

5. When her classmate did some foolishness, Rosario just


A. smiled

B. ignored

C. frowned

D. giggled

Curriculum Vitae

Address: Roma Sur, Enrile, Cagayan
Email Address:


ELEMENTARY: Roma Sur Elementary School

Roma sur, Enrile, Cagayan
Secondary: Enrile Vocational High School
Centro, Enrile, Cagayan

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 39

Tertiary: Cagayan State University

Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City
Age: 21
Date of Birth: May 31, 1997
Place of Birth: Roma Sur, Enrile, Cagayan
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino


Address: Lapogan , Tumauini, Isabela
Email Address:


ELEMENTARY: Lapogan Elementary School

Lapogan Tumauini Isabela
Secondary: Lalauanan High School
Lalauanan Tumauini Isabela
Tertiary: Isabela State University
Echague, Isabela
Age: 25
Date of Birth: October 12, 1993

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St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 40

Place of Birth: Lapogan Tumauini Isabela

Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino


Address: Malagnat, Pinukpuk, Kalinga
Email Address:


ELEMENTARY: Malagnat Elementary School

Malagnat, Pinukpuk, Kalinga
Secondary: Saint Theresita’s High School
Junction, Pinukpuk, Kalinga
Tertiary: Isabela College of Arts and Technology
Tagaran, Cauayan City, isabela
Age: 28
Date of Birth: September 17, 1991
Place of Birth: Malagnat, Pinukpuk, Kalinga
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino


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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 41

Address: Buguey< Cagayan

Email Address:


ELEMENTARY: San Lorenzo Elementary School

Secondary: Pattao National High School

Tertiary: Cagayan State University

Age: 24
Date of Birth: January 23, 1995
Place of Birth: Buguey, Cagayan
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino

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