Beyond Learning Profile V5 PDF
Beyond Learning Profile V5 PDF
Beyond Learning Profile V5 PDF
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Beyond Learning
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• Training, Workshops,
& Activities
• Awarness Programs
& Interventions
• Inspirational Products
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Throughout history, the tree has served as
a symbol of life, growth, and intellectual development.
Reaching towards the sky with its roots firmly in the
ground, it is the embodiment of our philosophy.
Philosophy 5
The Nine Pillars of Beyond Learning
We exemplify LEADERSHIP
As a company we emphasize the importance of setting an example for others in the field. We venture
confidently into new opportunities and know what is important for getting the job done.
Hammad began to use his experience and continuing education to coordinate and create more
rewarding, custom-built consultation and capacity building projects with schools, universities, NGOs, and
institutions around the MENA region through which he could practice his passion
for motivating and empowering others.
Finding success and inspiration, Hammad began to form an idea that required the work of a few
committed and experienced individuals. Together they would contribute to the development
of society and raise awareness about the life long learning capacity in all of us.
In 2012 Beyond Learning was formed, a consultancy specializing in educational management and
youth leadership. Our team understands that school and youth leaders, educators, youth, and parents
are the foundations for community. We also know that positive social change can be motivated and
inspired by attending to their knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values. With this in mind, we have branched
out to include a large number of educational, motivational, and training services, all geared towards
building a life worth living.
Foundations 9
Beyond Learning L.L.C. is an educational We do not believe in offering you a pre-packaged
management and youth leadership consultancy. formula and applying it to your situation.
We specialize in providing strategic We try to understand your needs and adapt our
consultation, educational and capacity building services to them. Our individualized services are
services, as well as programs and training for based on good research and practiced methods.
schools, NGOs, universities, youth clubs,
and associations. As Beyond Learning continues to grow, we have
It’s not where you start -
Beyond Learning builds on more than ten years
expanded our services to include character and life
skills-building camps and programs for youngsters
It’s where you finish that counts.
of field experience to collaborate with, motivate, and parents, as well as Get Inspired® our line of
framed inspirations. We are also developing a larger
and train educational and community leaders
range of inspirational and motivational products for ~Zig Ziglar
from Lebanon and the Middle East through
positive interventions, raising awareness, civil you and your establishments.
society development, and sustainable community
Beyond Learning
“The vision must be followed by the venture.
It is not enough to stare up the steps -
we must step up the stairs.”
~Vance Havner
Please contact us to find out more about any of these services and how they can be tailored to your
venture. We are happy to provide you with our services anywhere in the Middle East and North Africa.
Educational & Leadership Consultation
School Systems
Turn your school into a supportive educational We offer strategic plans in several areas, some of We also create evaluation standards to monitor
environment, where your educators and staff them are: and measure the success of the programs we
work as effective teams within a smoothly running introduce, find places that might need work, and
administrative system. We can advise you in help optimize your capabilities.
developing your school policies, regulations, Sometimes just enhancing an organization’s
and procedures in ways that benefit all of your 21st century education systems communication system can have a radical effect
stakeholders and create the right conditions on its synergy. Additionally we specialize in helping
for your institution to flourish. You can design Faculty development
educational institutions design and develop
and develop your entire school system with School staff development extra-curricular community outreach programs in
Beyond Learning. which all school stakeholders can get involved. We
We base our educational consultation on research School administrative systems help your organization really make a difference
as well as on your particular needs. Our foundations in society in a way that will bring pride to you
in strategic leadership and educational Competency and skill development for students and your school community. Creating the right
management give us the experience we need scholastic environment will ultimately benefit
Student services and facilities
to provide consultation that actually helps. not only you, but also your students. In the right
Development of extra-curricular programs surroundings and with the right support they can
be motivated to reach up and grab life’s greatest
Student leadership and character education opportunities.
Curriculum assessment and development
Youth & Student
Leadership & Development Research
For us at Beyond Learning, the development of We can help you create support, opportunities, We undertake a number of professional research
youth into the leaders of tomorrow is our highest and the quality education your young leaders and research related activities for NGOs, CSOs,
aim. On the journey to adulthood a young deserve. Beyond Learning can design, implement, and educational institutions.
person must gain essential life skills and build their and monitor:
character. We help your organization These include compiling proposals, manuals, and
(non-governmental, civil society, or academic) guidelines, as well as conducting academic
Life skills-based education curricula
empower youth to learn to meet their own personal literature reviews on chosen topics.
and social needs and contribute positively to the Character education programs
Student leadership initiatives and departments
The outcome is something we want to see in all of
our young people: a feeling of mastery and hope Youth centered environments
for the future, high self worth and self awareness,
the ability to lead, a sense of structure, belonging,
to enhance student and youth leadership
membership, and spirituality. We consult you in
at the school and community levels and guide
the proper way to foster such character in your
young leaders in helping themselves and others.
students or youth community leaders as well as
We also offer training workshops and programs
ways to help them build important life skills
for developing youth leaders (see the following
and to live with purpose.
Training, Workshops, & Activities
Beyond Learning provides your educational institution or civil society organization with professional
training programs, workshops, and other activities to enhance productivity, efficiency, and leadership
capacities. We have supported successful development in schools, universities, companies, non-profits,
and proudly, with our flourishing youth leaders in rural regions of Lebanon.
We use research to guide our focused programs and execute them with experienced competence.
We have supported successful development in schools, universities, companies, non-profits, and proudly,
with our flourishing youth leaders in rural regions of Lebanon.
With us, you can design a professional development plan that fits your organization.
Our services ultimately rely on which areas you need to develop in your teachers, staff, youth-leaders,
youth, or students.
We design and implement a number of training Strong leadership and professionalism in an With Beyond Learning, your school can also host
programs, workshops, and seminars for teachers educational institution sets the right environment purposeful retreats for your faculty and staff. We
and educators at the school level around the for an effective team and student development. design and manage activities that work to build a
MENA region. This service covers topics such as: Beyond Learning’s leadership and professional community, teach a more we, less I approach, and
interventions can help your organization’s foster a collaborative work culture in a fun and
managing team, friendly environment.
Frames of leadership Self-development for personnel
‘The Power of Littles’ is one special strategic
Character development Using gratitude in education plan and training program designed by Beyond
Enhance your capacities as leaders Learning. In this program, your administration
Student empowerment, development, and capacity Improving academic performance and fostering and/or your support staff realize the importance
building a healthy school Develop motivation among the school community and value of combining their efforts instead of
working independently. When efforts are joined
Student-leadership capacity buidling Life-skills based education Build effective teams and manage conflict
and learning shared there is more fun, engagement,
Manage the day to day running of business efficiency, and productivity. We help you create that
Instilling core ethical values in students Custom topics designed for you
positive synergy within your organization.
Expectations, challenges, and new roles for school Maintaining a safe and engaging learning Survive through chaos, crisis, and change
supervisors environment We also offer tailored staff training programs that
Oversee a healthy teaching-learning experience cater to your specific requirements and to all levels
Effective strategies for dealing with student of your educational institution.
Infuse inspiration in to your scholastic environment
For your student leaders
& youth
Beyond learning’s training and workshops for These workshops, training modules, and activities
student and youth leaders can help the youth cultivate the knowledge, attitude, and skills of
in your community, or the students of your school, participating young leaders. Some of the themes
assume the responsibility of leading themselves. we present are efficient teamwork and leadership,
We offer guidance and prepare young people the ‘More We, Less I’ approach, and the ‘Leadership
to create their own initiatives Daily Recipe’. We collaborate with you on the goal
and engage in positive extra-curricular activities of inspiring and empowering responsible young
and community service. leaders to create positive change in schools
and communities.
Our training modules and workshops, which we
design and direct, include: We do this by empowering young people to think,
plan, act, and lead. Beyond Learning helps youth
leaders design visions that respond to student
‘Empowerment and Capacity Building’ training and youth input, needs, and concerns.
for student and youth leaders
The training and workshops align students with
‘Leadership Capacity Building’ training program their school’s philosophy and objective and
for all ages youth with their communities. By bringing students,
teachers, administrators, volunteers, and youth
‘Life Skills-based Education Training’ workshops leaders together as one supportive learning
and retreats for youth leaders community, we can inspire youth and involve them
in developing themselves, their schools, and their
For your non-governmental, ‘Youth Leadership Camp’ for young leaders environment.
civil society, or non profit ‘Leaders for Democracy’ programs for youth
Whether your organization is looking to host forums, Our role in these workshops is to train and enable ‘Student Leadership in 21st Century High Schools’
seminars, and workshops or training for employees, the members of your organization or community for student leaders
volunteers, or members of the community, we offer members in:
‘Extra-curricular and Community Involvement’
hassle-free and effective service.
Our youth leadership, life skills training, and Working directly with young people in exploring
capacity building workshops, for example, their rights and readiness to lead
guide youth leaders of all ages in how to help
young people learn and excel in a non-formal Helping youth acquire values and citizenship
organizational context. We also offer empowerment qualities
and community involvement workshops, which
Working with adults on community and individual
develop leadership competencies, and help
participants understand the dynamics of
leadership in their communities. Successfully planning and advertising fundraising
Motivating volunteerism
Awareness Programs & Interventions
Building equitable and sustainable societies starts with spreading knowledge to all levels of the
community. This holds true for institutions as well.
We present you with awareness programs, forums, seminars, and talks on a number of topics for all those
who matter to your educational institution or civil organization. These interventions and lectures are
tailored to each audience. They are designed to raise awareness and community involvement as well as
inspire dialogue among educators, parents, school leaders, school staff, youth, or the community.
We create a space of trust and safety where the community can talk about the things important to them
and take action.
Some of our topics to this date are: Our role is to keep your staff, students, youth, and
stakeholders well informed and get them involved,
boost morale, and motivate them to contribute to
The need for life skills-based education your efforts.
Our awareness programs and interventions create
Raising children of character a sense of community, meaning, and purpose, while
shedding light on relevant issues. We can organize
Self-awareness and improvement them alone or as part of a project or event you
are organizing.
Organizational behavior You can also request special awareness programs
to be integrated within our consultation or training
Student and youth leadership
Youth empowerment
Conflict resolution
Non-violent communication
Time management
Life Skills & Character Building for Youngsters
We understand that character building begins at a very young age and that many children Sindibad Winter & Spring Programs
and teenagers do not get proper training to build the life skills they need in today’s world.
With Beyond Learning’s camps and programs, your children or students will get the chance to gain
information and people skills, while having fun and staying safe. Learning a sense of community involvement After the success of Loompaland, Beyond Learning launched the Sindibad
and personal responsibility is at the heart of these programs. Beyond Learning considers parents to be our Winter Program- Legend of the 7 days and the Sindibad Spring Program-Prince
partners, and we collaborate with them to create the best possible experience for our young learners. of the Forest, for kids aged 4 to 12. Both programs are conveniently hosted
during school vacations. The Sindibad Winter Program is a one-week program,
which focuses on character building and skills training through enjoyable,
educational activities. The Sindibad Spring Program is a shorter, four-day
program that focuses on educational activities that develop outdoor
We are makers
and survival skills through fun and adventure.
of music, and we are the For more information on both programs, please find our ‘Sindibad Winter Program’ and ‘Sindibad Spring Program’
Facebook pages.
dreamers of dreams.
~Roald Dahl
We all need some daily motivation, whether we are in the office, working at a café, or even at home.
We offer you a special range of products to help you get inspired and inspire others along the way.
Beyond Learning can furnish your work environment, café, school, or home with As Beyond Learning continues to branch out,
our special line of ‘Get Inspired®’ Frames – messages, quotes, and images from we are planning to launch our very own ‘Get
local and international photographers tailored just for you and tastefully Inspired’ magazine. A monthly publication full of
designed for your space. motivational and inspirational articles and stories,
as well as useful information on character building,
A number of studies have shown that being surrounded by positive words life skills, education, psychology, and more. The ‘Get
and images can help boost morale and motivation. These framed inspirations Inspired’ magazine will cater to schools, NGOs,
promote positive thinking, finding meaning and purpose, a stress free and educational institutions, yet is a fun magazine
environment, and creativity. that anyone can enjoy. It will serve as a resource
on topics such as:
They are also sure to infuse your space with character and a touch of art.
At the up and coming ‘Get Inspired’ shop, you will be able to find a number
of gifts and items that appeal to the soul and boost positivity. The essence of leading
Charge yourself or the people around you with a positive attitude and deal Personal goal setting
out a daily dose of motivation. Find photo frames, posters, postcards, and
calendars at very affordable prices. Finding purpose
Staying connected
Get Inspired - Mobile Application The power of dreams
Community involvement
Beyond Learning’s ‘Get Inspired’ app (available soon in Apple and Android
app stores) is an interactive platform that adds a little inspiration to your Time management
day. Find great sharables; videos, quotes, and much more that will inspire
and motivate you with the swipe of a finger. Connect to a global community Handling stress
that shares the things that inspire them the most. ‘Get Inspired’ is a delightful Interpersonal communication
resource for educators, parents, youth, and anyone who wants a little
inspiration. You will find lots of interesting and stimulating tidbits to share Managing conflict
and inspire others.
Faith and hope
“The object of education Projects and Consulting
is to prepare the young
‘Character Education Concept, programs, Educational Programs
to educate themselves Program’ – ASAMIAH and management Design & Institutional
International School, consulting of ‘Super Development –
throughout their lives.” Jordan Me’ – Super Me, Academy of Young
Lebanon Muslims, Lebanon
‘Youth Leadership
~Robert Maynard Hutchins and Life Skills- The ‘Dibeyye New ‘Educational Online
Based Educational School’ Project – Services’ – eSkool,
Curriculum’ – World Al-Yusr Development, Lebanon
Vision, Bekaa, Lebanon Lebanon
Design and ‘Character Education
‘Azm and Saade development ‘Student Program’ – New
Educational Complex Life Department’ – Century School,
Feasibility Study Lebanese Lebanon
(Phase II)’ – American International School,
University of Beirut Lebanon
(AUB), Lebanon
Design and
development ‘Student
Life Department’ –
Al Hayat International
School, Lebanon
Credentials 29
‘Character Education ‘The Power of Littles: ‘Life Skills Project ‘Enhancing Youth ‘The White Weekend’ ‘Sindibad’, Life Skills TAMAM Project –
Program’ – ASAMIAH Towards a Positive Coordinators Leadership Cedars Ski Trips – Winter Program – American University
International School, Team Culture’ – New Capacity Building and Community Wellspring Learning Beyond Learning, of Beirut (Education
Jordan Century School, program’ – World Involvement Community Lebanon Department), Lebanon
Lebanon Vision, Lebanon Opportunities (TOT)’
‘Youth Leadership Workshop - USAID Educational ‘Sindibad’, Outdoor- ‘Proposal Writing
and Life Skills-Based ‘Community ‘Youth Leadership Office of Transition Adventures Oriented Educational Manual: Guidelines
Education’ Training Empowerment and Life Skills-Based Initiatives, Lebanon through Lebanon – Spring Program – and Criteria’ – Ahdaf,
Program - World Vision, Workshop for Refugees’ Education’ Training International School Beyond Learning, NGO for Development
Bekaa, Lebanon – The Danish Refugee Program – Al Ittihad ‘Poser un Regard of Choueifat (SABIS), Lebanon and Studies, Egypt
Council (DRC), Bekaa, Youth Groups, Professionel Positif Koura, Lebanon
‘A la Recherche Lebanon Lebanon sur l’Autre’ - Lycée
de L’Adaptation: Franco-Libanais, ‘Loompaland’,
Construire une ‘The Student ‘Enhancing Education’ Verdun, Lebanon Educational
Relation Solide Parent- Leadership’ Workshop Training Retreat – Character Building
Enseignant’ – Lycée – American University Right to Play, Lebanon ‘Community Summer Camp –
Franco-Libanais, of Beirut (AUB), Empowerement Beyond Learning,
Verdun, Lebanon Lebanon The Borders Club, Workshops for Students Lebanon
Majdal Anjar: and Parents’ - World
‘Supervisors ‘Leaders for ‘Enhancing Youth Vision, Akkar, Lebanon
Empowerment and Democracy Fellowship Leadership,
Capacity Building Program’ – The Middle Volunteerism, ‘Youth Educators
Training Program’ – East Partnership and Community Capacity Building
Al Mustafa Schools, Initiative’s Leaders for Involvement Training Program’ - Al
Lebanon Democracy Middle Opportunities’ Training Fourquan Youth World,
East Project, American Workshops – USAID Lebanon
‘Creating a Student Life University of Beirut Office of Transition
Department and Code (AUB), Lebanon Initiatives, Lebanon ‘Character Education
of Conduct’ Training – The Lebanese Program’ – New
Al Hayat International ‘Animators and Association for Century School,
School, Lebanon Educators Capacity Students, Baalbek, Lebanon
Building Program’ – Lebanon
Designed Development World Vision Child
‘Student Life Friendly Space, Bekaa,
Department’ – Lebanese Lebanon
International School,
Lebanese Scout Association (LSA) Public Speaking
Many of the ethical values we hold dear at Spreading awareness is very important to
Beyond Learning stem from a long commitment the Beyond Learning team. We believe that
to the Scouts. Scouting has helped all of the knowledge is the key to social change,
members of the Beyond Learning team grow. and that it is our responsibility to share the
Our founder, Hammad Sioufi served as a Boy knowledge we have with others. We each use
Scout, a Scout Troop and Group Leader, the our professional experience to speak to the
LSA Leadership Development Commissioner, public and offer motivation and leadership
and the LSA Beirut District Commissioner. skills as often as we can.
We are always prepared.
Hammad has participated in numerous school,
university, and NGO workshops and retreats
as a guest speaker and makes regular
appearances on various educational and
social television and radio programs.
“Individual commitment to a group effort -
that is what makes
a team work, a company work,
a society work, a civilization work.”
~Vince Lombardi
Company Information 37
Beyond Learning L.L.C. The Movers & Shakers
Educational Management and Youth Leadership Hammad Sioufi Rayane Sleimane
Consultancy Established 2012. Founder and Partner and
Managing Director Operations Manager
Our Shareholders
Ghayath Sioufi Houssam Hajj
Partner Partner
Business Development Legal Consultant
“I must do something
always solves more problems
than something must be done.”
Contact Information 41
For a Life Worth Living!