Kotak Insurace
Kotak Insurace
Kotak Insurace
We acknowledge with thanks, receipt of Rs. 62326 via Net banking towards renewal of your policy.
Plan Component Premium Service Tax Applicable Cess Revival Charge Total Premium Paid
(Late Fee)
Kotak Capital Multiplier Plan 61278 1048 0 0 62326
Total 62326
1. Service Tax and Applicable Cess are levied at the applicable Tax rates in accordance with the prevailing Tax Laws, from time to time
Premium is eligible for deduction under Income Tax act 1961, as per the prevailing tax laws.
2. For cheque payments the receipt is subject to clearance and for electronic mode of payment upon the credit in company’s account.
3. Service Tax Registration Number : AAACO3983BST002
4. In respect of premium received up to 3 pm by the insurer the closing NAV of the business day on which
premium is received shall be applicable.
5. In respect of premium received after 3 pm by the insurer the closing NAV of the next business day shall be applicable.