GRMN 104 Syllabus Easter 2020
GRMN 104 Syllabus Easter 2020
GRMN 104 Syllabus Easter 2020
Easter 2020
SCHEDULE: Section A: MWF 8-8:50, T 12:30-1:20
Section B: MWF 9-9:50, T 1:30-2:20
FACULTY: Corinna Kahnke
Office: Gailor 209
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30, Wednesday and Friday 10-11, or by appointment
Course Goals
German 104 further develops the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) in a highly
authentic cultural context. In this course you will learn to communicate in German about everyday topics,
including education, health, entertainment, and travel. You will learn to interpret authentic German language
texts from a variety of media and enhance your knowledge of the cultures of Austria, Germany, and
German 104 covers Units 6-10 and “the best of” Units 11 and 12.
This version of the German 103 syllabus is subject to change. The entire syllabus—including topics for journal
assignments, powerpoints from class, and other vital materials—is accessible through Blackboard. Every
student enrolled is expected to check the course page on a regular basis. Anyone having technical difficulties
with Blackboard, should contact the Help Desk and inform me as soon as possible.
You will be responsible for all material included in the syllabus as well as any additional homework
assignments given in class. Be prepared to put in at least one and one-half hours outside of class for every hour
spent in class. Since the Interactive and grammar homework offer clear explanations, grammar will regularly be
treated in summary fashion in class. Completing the assigned Interactive and textbook homework prior to every
class will increase your comprehension of the material and leave us more time to practice speaking German.
I expect you to complete the assignments carefully. However, it is natural to make mistakes on your homework.
These will not affect your grade. If you complete your interactive and textbook homework in timely fashion you
will receive a high grade. Assignments that are late or are incomplete will receive a low grade. Make sure to ask
if you don’t understand a specific assignment.
You must understand that this regular practice will help to prepare you for class, increase your retention of the
culture, vocabulary and grammar reviewed in class, and reduce the amount of work demanded of you at the end
of each unit.
You are responsible for two different kinds of homework on a daily basis. They include:
1) Interactive Software (online)
2) Textbook homework (written in your textbook and when indicated, on separate sheet of paper)
1) The Interactive software includes myriad audio and video files that you can listen to on your computer. Be
sure to listen carefully and frequently and repeat what you hear aloud, as this exposure to spoken German will
improve your overall command of German. PDF Transcripts of the Interactive work are to be submitted on
paper1 as indicated in the syllabus.
2) Textbook homework is due every day. Often these assignments will serve as the basis for our work in class
that day. Failure to complete these activities will delay the class and weaken your ability to participate fully.
Your copy of Auf geht’s will be collected on every test day and will be graded for completeness.
Grammar Explanations: In each subunit, you can find a green box that contains explanations of the grammar
topics in English. Activities that practice these topics are marked throughout each unit. At the end of each
subunit, e.g. 6.1, there are additional activities that reinforce the grammar point.
At the end of each unit, students will write a short essay composed in German that brings together the
vocabulary, structures, and topics of that unit. The prompt from Auf geht’s! is listed in the syllabus. Each
journal assignment is due on the test day for that unit. Your entry should be composed using the vocabulary and
grammar covered up to that point in the course. There should be little need to consult online translators, native
speakers, or other outside resources to complete these. If you do need to look up words, please underline them
in your text and note where you found the word (e.g. google translate, Each journal entry is equivalent
to two homework assignments (e.g. EL printout).
Successful participation in a beginning language class requires regular preparation of homework. Time spent
learning vocabulary, carefully reading through grammar explanations, and completing work in the Lernbuch
will be rewarded by a more engaging and less stressful classroom experience. Good participation does not mean
perfect language production. In fact, I want you to make mistakes in class. This shows that you are pushing your
limits and discovering them. Class meetings are opportunities to experiment with new structures and explore
what is possible in the language.
Make-ups for exams will be permitted only in the most exceptional cases when students make an appeal in a
timely fashion.
Learning a language and culture is best done in a community. This course requirement acknowledges this by
integrating this type of learning into your grade. The German department, the German house, and other campus
groups host events and presentations throughout the semester. You will receive information about these
opportunities through email, blackboard and/or announced in class.
To complete this portion of the course, you must accumulate a total of 50 points. For each event, you can earn
a set point value (5, 10, or 20). To document your participation in an event, complete a short form in German2
available via link on Blackboard. Complete the form within one week after the event3 and aim to have 50
points before the break for Thanksgiving.
The University of the South is committed to fostering respect for the diversity of the University community and
the individual rights of each member of that community. In this spirit, and in accordance with the provisions of
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the University
seeks to provide students with disabilities with the reasonable accommodations needed to ensure equal access to
the programs and activities of the University. Any student with a documented disability needing academic
adjustments is requested to speak with Student Accessibility Services and the instructor, as early in the semester
as possible. If you have already requested accommodations, it is your responsibility to present your instructor
with a copy of your academic accommodations letter from Student Accessibility Services which is located in
the Dean of Students Office (931.598.1229). Accommodations will not be provided without this documentation,
and accommodations cannot be applied retroactively. Additional information about accommodations can be
found at
I communicate with this class via email and I expect you to check your Sewanee email account daily. The
quickest way to contact me is via email. I check my account frequently during the week and will make every
effort to answer you within 24 hours. On the weekend (Friday 5 pm—Monday 8 am), my response might take
somewhat longer.
32% Unit Tests (4x8%)
12% Final Exam
12% Oral Exam and Presentation (2x6%)
12% Homework and Journals
16% Class Participation & Attendance
16% Co-Curricular Wanderweg