Psy 3711 First Midterm Questions

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A study finds a zero correlation between two variables based on a large and properly
executed study. What can we conclude? What can’t we conclude?

2. Name two things that would have a negative correlation with each other and name two
things that would have a positive correlation.
Negative- they have an inverse relationship. This means that as one variable increases, the
other decreases, and vice versa. Higher amount of time playing video games each week had
the lowest GPAs.
In a positive correlation, both variables move in the same direction. In other words, as one
variable increases, so does the other. A student who has many absences has a decrease in
3. What are the causes and consequences of restriction of range?
Restriction of range occurs when the sample we are studying has less variability than the
population of interest. occurs when we have selected a group based on some characteristic.
consequence of RR is an attenuation of the effects we are examining (assuming one exists).
That is, the relationship observed in a study is less than if we had a more variable sample.
4. Why do we often do correlational studies in psychology rather than true experiments?
type of non-experimental research in which the researcher measures two variables and
assesses the statistical relationship (i.e., the correlation). they do not believe that the statistical
relationship is a causal one or are not interested in causal relationships. That the statistical
relationship of interest is thought to be causal, but the researcher cannot manipulate the
independent variable because it is impossible, impractical, or unethical. Correlation is also used
to establish the reliability and validity of measurements. Correlations are higher in external
validity than experimental research.
5. In general terms, describe what a meta-analysis does and why they are conducted.
is a quantitative synthesis of a series of studies on (more or less) the same topic? The goal is to
create a single super study. We can use this to see if the differences across studies is due to
sampling error and other artifacts or is real (i.e., a moderator effect). We also gain, in many
cases, a more accurate and robust estimate of the relationship.
6. What are the features of a good theory?
Repeatable – Observable – Testable
Consistent, reasonable and falsifiable. must be able to make predictions and fit what’s
experimentally observed. Theories are never perfect.
7. For job analysis purposes, compare and contrast the critical incidents method
and PAQ or other structured job analysis survey.
Critical Incident Method- Attempts to collect specific and real examples of effective and
ineffective behavior for a particular job.With enough examples of effective and ineffective
behavior one can gain an understanding of the major dimensions of a job
PAQ- are structured information gathering instruments that can be used for job analysis. Gather
information about Information input – sources of information for the worker (e.g., measuring
tools, written materials, touch, sound patterns) – Mental processes – information processing and
decision making (e.g., transcribing information, scheduling, planning) – Work output – (e.g., use
of hand tools, use of powered water vehicles, assembling materials)
8. For job analysis purposes, compare and contrast the O*NET and the PAQ or
another structured job analysis survey.
PAQ position analysis questionnaire- it is a structured information gathering instrument.
advantage you get specific local information about a job actual job setting and location. More
industrial, general jobs.
Well designed and researched – Numerous support materials – Standardized training available
– However PAQ is written at a very high reading level (college graduate) – Not very useful for
professional jobs
ONET is general information, contains worker and job oriented stuff. Has a lot more information.
Contains information on skills, knowledge, values.
Very inexpensive + • Information is based on analyst and incumbent ratings + • Information is
nicely organized and linked to other resources (e.g. ability tests). Useful for beginning a job
9. Describe three pieces of information a job analysis can yield.
1. Identify training needs
2. Identify necessary KSAO's for the job
3. Develop new predictors of job performance
10. Job analyses provide useful information. The results of a job analysis can be
used to information other areas of practice. One of them is personnel selection.
Describe how the information from a job analysis can be used for this area of practice.
What is required from the job and to test and evaluate those things.
– Almost everything we do in practice is related to improving performance
– Almost everything we study in research is related to job performance
11. What is the RIASEC? List the names of each of the 6 elements. Why is this
important for I/O psychology?
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional.
Not only can a person’s interests profile be defined by these six types, but work environments
can also be classified into the same six categories. Aligning one’s work environments with his
or her interests will not only increase satisfaction at work but also enhance the potential for
achieving career success.
12. Job analysis is a broad set of technologies that differ in many ways. Describe
three different dimensions along which job analyses can differ.
Purpose of data collection
Type collected:Task/or KSA
Who we ask? Do we ask customers, supervisors, job analysis? And how do we collect this
13. There are two major types of job analysis. They are the worker oriented and
job-oriented approaches. Give two examples of the types of information gathered by
each approach. (That is, four examples, 2 for each approach).
Worker Oriented- measuring stuff about the person they need to have to do the job.Necessary
knowledge,skill, and ability requirements for a job.
Education, math ability, cognitive skills, physical ability.
Job Oriented- what is done (the tasks), the importance of the tasks, and how often do they
Sticking to rigid schedule, step-by-step planning and reward/punishment systems
14. In what situations might we want to do a task job analysis? a KSA job
analysis? Give an example for each.
KSAO(worker) job- specific: knowledge of hierarchical linear modeling
General: Knowledge of graduate level statistical methods
Task(Job) specific: interviews patient to obtain DSM diagnostic information
General: Obtains information verbally.
15. List two advantages and two disadvantages of using interviews to gather job
analysis data.
Advantages: easy to follow up on questions, good for obtaining great deals of detail
Disadvantages: can be very time consuming and time=money, also very dependent on the
interviewer skills
16. List two advantages and two disadvantages of using observation to gather job
analysis data.
Advantages: Avoids incumbent attempts to bias process, May witnessed aspects of the job
incumbents do not think about.
Disadvantages: Less effective for complex jobs because behavior is difficult to observe, requires
to invest A LOT of time, infrequent yet critical events are unlikely to observe.
17. Excluding considerations of cost, list one advantage and one disadvantage of
using questionnaires to gather job analysis data.
Advantage: Can obtain more standardized information,practical, you get speedy results
Disadvantage: easier for incumbents to bias results(dishonesty), structure may result in missing
aspects of the job.
18. Let’s assume we have hired an analyst to do a job analysis based on her
observations of our mid level managers. At the same time we have also obtained
information from questionnaires we handed out to senior management characterizing the
tasks of the mid-level managers. What might we learn from the questionnaire that we
might not have learned from the observations? What might we learn from the
observations that we might not have learned from the questionnaire?
Observations- will capture behavior that people may even have forgotten about. Observers do
not really have anything to gain or lose by being honest about what they saw.
Questionnaire- simple to administer to large numbers of respondents and usually can be easily
transformed into data files that are ready for statistical analysis.
19. What are the three major pieces of information we attempt to gather in a critical
incident? Why do we gather these three?
Situation – Context for the incident (framing of what's going on)
Behavior or Action- Actual behavior the worker exhibited context- is the behavior good,bad, or
Outcome – Consequence of the behavior (was it effective or ineffective).

Attempts to collect specific and real examples of effective and ineffective behavior for a
particular job.With enough examples of effective and ineffective behavior one can gain an
understanding of the major dimensions of a job.
20. What are the three major pieces of information we attempt to gather in a critical
incident? What other useful information could we collect?
How often does this happen, or how important is this.
21. What is an advantage and a disadvantage of the critical incident method as a
job analysis technique.
Advantage: excellent for obtaining rare but important events, provides great detail about what
goes on in a job.
Disadvantage: Can be very time consuming and labor intensive. Mainly focused on the task
aspects of jobs
22. What is a “retranslation” and why would we do one?
Retranslation- sorting incidences back into categories. When new SMEs are asked to sort the
incidents into an existing model to ensure that a model is accurate and correctly perceived
We do that to make sure we are not judging them wrong. We would do one to make sure that
the sort makes sense to other people and the categories are reasonable.
23. Name four specific pieces of information that we can obtain from the O*NET.
Describe how one of them might be useful for a human resource intervention.
– Skills – Knowledges – Interests – Abilities – Tasks – Work activities
Training programs, career guidance, salary bonuses.
24. Campbell’s model of job performance was discussed in class. What are the
three aspects of motivation within that model?
Give an example for these types of questions. Flossing example. I’m going to floss my teeth.
Choose to act
Persistence over time
Level of Effort Intensity of Effort.
25. The critical incident method has been mentioned as a useful tool for research
and/or practice in several areas of personnel psychology. First, what is the critical
incident method? Second, name two areas in which it can be applied. Third, explain
how it would be used in each area.
Critical Incident Method- Attempts to collect specific and real examples of effective and
ineffective behavior for a particular job,enough examples of effective and ineffective behavior
one can gain an understanding of the major dimensions of a job,Excellent for obtaining rare but
important events.
Can be applied to Performance appraisal, training.

26. Three general job performance models were discussed in class. Name two of
them and explain one similarity and one difference between them.
Viswesvaran model- developed a 10 dimensional model with broad overall job performance
dimension because performances across all job performance dimensions are positively
Borman and Motowidlo model- proposed that there are two broad dimensions: task
performance and contextual performance
27. Robinson and Bennett (1995) came up with a typology of workplace deviance.
What are the two dimensions? Also, describe one phase of their study.
1. Minor: (not serious,not unethical, not harmful to the company or individuals)
Vs Serious: (unethical,harmful to company and individuals)
2. Interpersonal: nor harmful to organization,harmful to individuals
Vs Organizational: not harmful to individuals, harmful to organizations.
Phase 1 – asked 70 individuals to describe two incidents of deviant behavior – edited to create
a pool of 45 behaviors
28. Robinson and Bennett (1995) came up with a typology of workplace deviance.
What are the two dimensions? Give an example of counterproductive work behavior that
might fall in each of the 4 quadrants.
Minor- being rude, ignoring email
Serious- stealing credit, workplace violence
Minor/Organizational- stealing office supplies
Serious/Organizational- embezzlement
29. Turnover can be functional or dysfunctional for an organization. List two costs
to the organization and one scenario when turnover can be functional.
Costs: have to recruit new applicants, training new employees, stress to “survivors”
Functional Turnover: poor performers leave, cost of retaining good performers exceed
30. Compare and contrast the Old School view of job performance with the
exciting new worldview of job performance. Why is this important?
The Old School worldview was that we would b2e in great shape if only we could measure the
“ultimate criterion” of job performance.
The New School View is than we cannot have a single ultimate measure of job performance
because it is many things. This is important because to adequately study and measure job
performance we must consider many dimensions.
31. Differentiate “performance” from “effectiveness” and “productivity” according
to the Campbell model definitions. Use examples if you think they will aid your
Performance – actual behavior that is under the direct control of the individual that is directed
toward organizational goals (picking up the phone and calling potential clients to make a sale)
Effectiveness – an evaluation or outcome of the results of performance (sales volume)
Productivity – ratio of effectiveness to the cost of achieving that level of effectiveness (sales
volume/overhead costs)
32. List the three direct determinants of job performance. What is the relationship
between a direct and indirect determinant *? (From the Campbell model of job
Declarative Knowledge (DK) – knowledge, facts, information, and “knowing what to do” –
Procedural Knowledge (PK) – Skill or “knowing how to do it”
Motivation (M) – Effort choices directed toward a goal with three components • Choice to
perform • Level of effort • Persistence of effort
Different performance components are likely to be predicted by different direct and indirect
33. Borman and Motowidlo proposed a model of job performance. List and
describe the dimensions in their model.
two broad dimensions: task performance and contextual performance
– Task Performance is composed of the core job behaviors. Selling cars, writing reports, ringing
up merchandise.
– Contextual Performance is “doing many things that are not directly related to their main task
34. Why might differentiating between Task and Contextual performance be
that contextual performance was often overlooked and even ignored when considering the
measurement of job performance.
35. Borman and Motowidlo proposed a two dimensional model of job performance.
One dimension is task performance and the other is contextual performance. Given
three examples of contextual performance.
-Volunteering to carry out task activities that are not formally a part of the job
-Helping and cooperating with others
- Following organizational rules and procedures even when personally inconvenient • Endorsing,
-supporting, and defending organizational objectives
36. What is adaptive performance? List four aspects (or sub-dimensions) of adaptive
performance that have been proposed.
Adaptive Performance is differences in successfully handling changing work environment or
tasks either with creative or flexible behaviors or by learning.
– Handling emergencies or crisis situations
– Handling work stress
– Solving problems creatively
– Dealing with uncertain and unpredictable work situations.
37. You have been asked to develop a performance appraisal system that
measures the in-class performance of students. Develop and describe some of its
In class performance
First define in-class performance (taking notes, grades, paying attention) depends on the
situation and setting.
how you will measure it and why you are measuring it in the first place and how you will use the
(Use my judgment, use clickers,)
Then give feedback to people (qualities of good feedback timely, credible.)
38. What are the 4 “key aspects” of performance appraisals? Given an example of
Effective appraisals link an employee's performance to her job description,
expectations and goals.
fair, objective and easy to understand.
Evaluation systems should be consistent
appraisals should tell employees how to improve their performances,
1. Category: checklist or graphic rating scale from high to low
2. Comparative: forced distribution or ranking (order employees from 1st to last)
3. Narrative: critical incidents, essay, field review
4. Work sample: employees do a sample of their job and are evaluated based on their
39. A classic study of typical versus maximal performance was discussed in
class. This supermarket study by Sacket et al (1988) found what? Describe the basic
design and results.
245 new employees: 1st month on job after training
• Maximum performance: Scan items from 6 standardized shopping carts. Average rate of item
scanning. Absolute best they can do during the task
• Typical performance: Computer monitored items per minute for one month. How the person
generally did their job whether they were speeding or not.

Whether scanning items (maximum performance) was related to how well they did the job.

Their really was no relation between maximum performance and typical performance.
But there was a correlation between the test of cognitive ability and the maximal performance
and their was no correlation between cognitive ability and typical performance.
• Correlations between items per minute from week to week: .90
• Correlation between typical and maximal performance: .14
• Correlation between test of cognitive ability and maximal performance: .21
• Correlation between test of cognitive ability and typical performance: .00
40. *What are the perspectives sampled by a multi-rater feedback instrument?
What can be gained from obtaining information from all 4 perspectives?
1. Boss, supervisor
2. Customer or client
3. Subordinate or direct report
4. Peer/coworkers
5. Self
Obtain information about the importance of different aspects of the job from multiple
perspectives. Used for developmental feedback for the individual and decision making.
41. Give 4 reasons for conducting a performance appraisal.
– Compensation
– Termination
– Goal setting
– Feedback for development
42. What are the reasons that some experts have called for the end of the
traditional performance appraisal?
Problems with PA
– Not timely (immediate feedback better)
– Prone to judgment bias (e.g., recency).
– Not flexible for shifting goals (poor goal setting).
– May not be perceived as fair (may damage satisfaction).
43. What can we learn from a multi-rater feedback system that we would not obtain
from a traditional performance appraisal (15 minute chat with the boss).
The multi-rater has Multiple perspectives because we can learn what all of people think and
yourself if you are doing an intervention. These perspectives can provide us a lot of information
that a boss may not be able to give. Obtain information from people who have opportunities to
observe different aspects of a person’s performance in different contexts
Boss may have a bias perspective.
44. What are the three most basic types of performance appraisals?
Trait Based – Evaluations of a person’s internal characteristics. – Personality, attitudes,
interests, general abilities
Behavior Based – Evaluations of the frequency or quality of a person’s behavior – Acts with
integrity, presents material clearly
Results Based – Performance outcomes – Volume of sales, number of patents.
45. There are two fundamental problems that can plague a performance appraisal
system. What are they?
Contamination – Irrelevant sources of information “contaminate” the performance appraisal –
Example – Knowledge of the person’s college GPA causes higher ratings
Deficiency – The appraisal does not include all important aspects of job performance –
Example – Appraisal of task performance with no questions relevant to contextual performance
46. Psychologists have often assumed that raters will do their best to give
accurate assessments during a performance appraisal. What has research found to be
true at least some of the time. Give details.
• As it turns out, raters can sometimes be very focused on certain political or personal goals and
have little interest in being accurate in an absolute sense.
• Longenecker and Gioia (1988) – Raters will intentionally alter ratings to achieve certain goals
•Longenecker, Sims, & Gioia (1987) – Managers feel it is acceptable to give inaccurate
evaluations to protect staff members and maintain group morale.
47. What are the two different kinds of participation in performance appraisals and
what influence do they appear to have on the person being evaluated?
– Instrumental: Employee can influence the outcome of appraisal
– Value-expressive: Employee can express opinions about procedure (no guarantee of
• Found that having participation (both types) was positively related to favorable reactions
48. List three of the conditions for effective feedback?
• Feedback must be focused on specific aspects of performance or performance determinants.
• Feedback should be informative.
• It should not focus on the general outcome. This directs attention away from the task and
toward ego-centered self evaluations.
49. To ensure feedback acceptance, what can we do?
– From a perceived expert
– From a reliable source
– From an attractive source
– From a powerful source
50. Describe 3 general types of rating errors.
• Recency/Primacy Effect – Over weighting events which occurred last or first, respectively
• Central Tendency, Leniency, Strictness Error – Tendency to rate everyone as average, above
average, or below average, respectively. Using only the middle of the scale.
• Rater Bias – A non-performance relevant bias. Example: a fundamental dislike for tall,
scrawny, dishwater blonde, professors. Bias towards an individual or characteristic
51. What is the difference between a halo rating error and a leniency rating error?
Halo Rating Error- Leniency tendency for an individual. Is like an leniency for an individual. Your
mom thinks your smart and beautiful. It's just you and everything is positive about you. Specific
glowing/negative information about an individual which isn't fair.
Leniency Rating Error- is to the tendency to rate everyone as average, above average, below
average respectifcing.
52. What 3 characteristics of performance appraisal systems are associated with
greater legal defensibility?
– when Job analysis is used in development of system
– Behaviorally oriented favored over trait based
– Evaluators have written instructions
– Appraisal results reviewed with employees
We want an appraisal system where everyone is treated fairly.
53. Recruiting does more than let people know a job is available. Describe what
other effect recruiting has on potential applicants.
- Influences applicants' perceptions of the organization
- Influences their intent to apply
- can infer the organizations characteristics from the recruiter behavior.
54. Describe two advantages of effective recruiting. That is, give two examples of
why it is worth spending some time on effective recruiting.
Increase the number of skilled people. Increased the total number of applicants which increases
the selection ratio.
Job candidates infer organizational characteristics from recruiter behavior.
55. What is a realistic job preview? What does research suggest they tend to
idea of the RJP is to give a potential applicant a realistic sense of the nature of the job, the
climate in the organization, etc. The goal is to allow people who will not fit with the organization
to select out of the process. You are encouraging a match between the applicant and the
Research on RJPs meta-analysis states : – Lower Initial Job Expectations – Increase Self-
Selection – Increase Organizational Commitment – Increase Job Satisfaction – Increase Job
Performance – Increase Job Survival.
56. What are the 4 general goals of recruiting?
1. Increase the number of applicants. More choice on who to hire generally gives better results.
2. Increase the proportion of applicants with the necessary KSAs for the job. In other words, get
more qualified people to apply.
3. Increase other characteristics of the applicant group to achieve diversity or other
organizational goals.
4. Convince desirable applicants that your company is a great place to work.
57. What is the evidence for the validity and generalizability of general mental
Validity- is related to job performance, training success, team effectiveness and leaders, also
creative accomplishments.
Generalizability-. It's not just related to academic jobs with book learning and stuff. Getting a
degree, certified that but also related to jobs that don't require as much education. It appears it
generalizes from low complexity to high complexity. It's much stronger in some settings and low
in other settings.
58. Name the four elements in the taxonomy of human abilities described by
Fleishman and colleagues. Given an example of each.
Cognitive (intelligence,reasoning)
Psychomotor (body,limb,digit movements)
Perceptual (visual acuity,sense of touch)
Physical (strength,endurance)
59. What are the four dimensions along which cognitive ability tests differ?
how recent the information/curricula was learned.
The breath of the material sample.
Curriculum represented
Purpose of the assessment
60. Assume I have a powerful selection system (r = .65). I am in a situation where
the base rate of acceptable performance is very high. I am also in a situation where I will
need to hire 90% of all applicants. Characterize the kinds of gains that I will get with my
selection system. Draw the selection situation with the base rate and selection ratio line.
you can’t really get gains because you are hiring almost everyone. Very little gains. Because
nearly everyone is good. We would probably be better off training rather than selecting. It would
take a lot of time, energy, and money.
61. What is a major advantage of a multiple hurdle selection system? What is a
disadvantage of a multiple hurdle selection system?
- Pros: Low cost/Weed out many applicants without using high priced tools. Allows to thin
applicant pool with hopefully low cost tools.
- Cons: May weed out those who would have excelled in later phases of the system. Inflating
the number of false positives and false negatives you get.
62. List and describe two of the three traditional validation strategies discussed in
Concurrent, Predictive, or Quasi
63. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the concurrent
and predictive validation strategies.
Concurrent- Advantages • Convenient – Workers are already there. • Low Risk – We are not
making important decisions using the unproven selection system.
Disadvantages- unrealistic Job incumbents may behave differently than job applicants because
they: – Already know the job – Have little to lose • Not Predictive – Data gathered at the same
point in time
Predictive- Advantage- • Powerful – We can make strong claims about the validity because
there is no criterion contamination. • Low Risk – If the system doesn’t work or (even worse) is
biased, no harm done.
Disadvantage- • Missed Opportunities – If the system does work we may have made some bad
hires. • Not Practical – Organizations hire us to help them make decisions, not put data in
64. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the concurrent
and quasi-predictive validation strategies.
Quasi- predictive: Advantage: • Potential Gains – If we think the system works we can reap its
benefits right away. • Practical – Don’t have to waste incumbents time
Disadvantage: Criterion Contamination – Predictor performance is known, this may bias
evaluations of performance. • Risk – May wind up making bad decisions and/or decisions that
get the company sued.
65. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the quasi-
predictive and predictive validation strategies.
66. In class, the number of correct versus incorrect decisions was presented as an
introductory model for evaluating the efficacy of a personnel selection system. This
model oversimplifies reality in a number of ways. List and describe three of them.
Over Simplistic- Does the good/bad distinction make really sense?
People don’t always apply in nice big groups
Not everyone who gets a job offer will take it
Performances is multidimensional, continuous and complex.
67. Describe the two types of incorrect decisions. Create a simple selection
diagram with a predictor of moderate to strong validity and identify their locations in it.
68. Draw and label the scenario where there is a predictor with moderate to strong
validity. Assume that the selection ratio is .5 and the base rate for acceptable
performance is 50%. Draw in the appropriate cut offs for this condition and label the
correct and incorrect decisions.
69. Draw and label the scenario where there is a predictor with moderate to strong
validity. Assume that the selection ratio is .5 and the base rate for acceptable
performance is 50%. Draw in the appropriate cut offs for this condition and identify the
correct decisions and the false positives and false negatives.
70. Draw and label the scenario where there is a predictor with a strong validity.
Draw in the selection ratio and acceptable performance base rate in such a way to create
a situation where there are no false positives.
71. If we wanted to create a situation in which there were no false negatives
(assuming a predictor that has a strong validity) what, in words, would we have to do to
attain this situation. You may supplement your description with a picture.
Check picture on lecture slide. About false negative, false positive.
To avoid false negatives, Hire so many people that we would eliminate them eventually. Change
our standard so radically to eliminate them. In most applied settings you really can't avoid them.
Find a perfect predictor (almost impossible)
Crossing points come at the top and bottom of the oval.
72. What typically determines the selection ratio?
ratio of the number of people hired to the number of applicants (SR)
– If we have to fill 3 jobs and 4 people apply there is not a lot for us to do (SR=.75)
– If we have to fill 3 jobs and 300 people apply then we can be very choosy (SR=.01)
74. Assume that you are in a hiring situation where you have a large number of job
applicants for a small number of positions. Assume that the base rate of acceptable
performance is right around .50. Given this scenario, what would have to be true for the
selection system to result in an equal number of correct and incorrect decisions. Draw a
diagram to illustrate your point.
75. List four desirable characteristics we would want to have in a selection system.
Maximally valid, unbiased,job relevant,inexpensive, quick to gather
76. Describe 2 of the decisions made by the hiring organization that can affect the
performance of a selection system?
What do we use to predict and how do we combine it to make a decision
Predictors and Process
77. Describe 2 of the decisions made by potential job applicants that can affect the
performance of a selection system?

78. What was Spearman’s g theory of intelligence? On what did he base this?
there was a single overarching ability that accounted for most of important differences across
measures. described it in terms like “mental energy”. Using factor analysis, he argued that
performance on any measure of ability was determined by g plus something specific (s) to a
particular measure and only that measure • So performance on a mental task was g + s
79. What was Thurstone’s multiple intelligences theory of intelligence? (be
Thurstone argued far more strongly in favor of the importance of group factors. His position was
essentially the opposite of Spearman’s. • Verbal Comprehension • Word Fluency • Number •
Space • Memory • Perceptual Speed • Inductive Reasoning
80. For what dimensions of performance does cognitive ability tend to be a
superior predictor? For what dimensions does cognitive ability tend to be less effective
(although still positive)? Cite evidence.
More related to task behaviors. One study is the Project A study which showed the bar graphs
of interest
Not related to conceptual/motivation performance. Not leated for finishing a degree.
81. Is cognitive ability linearly related to job performance? What evidence
supports your statement?
Yes cognitive ability is linearly related to job performance. (evidence)
There is a cut point beyond which some people think are no real gains in job performance are
obtained. It is a little nonlinear and gets stronger at the extreme of abilities.
• In more technical words, the relationship between intelligence and job performance is believed
by some to increase and then reach an asymptote
Coward and Sackett studies between intelligence and job performance.
82. What are two major moderators of the relationship between cognitive ability and job
performance? Explain why one of them occurs?
Job performance is not one thing.
Dimension and aspects of job performances. Nature of the performance itself
Job complexity- higher complexity jobs higher predictive job performance.
83. Sackett and Laczo (2003), Job and Work Analysis Describe three ways in which
competency modeling differs from traditional job analysis methods.
Competency modeling- more strongly tied to the goals of the company. Considered with
characteristics that are more broadly related to the job. Higher order and broader. Not very task
84. Kuncel and Beatty (2013), Thinking at Work paper. Differentiate linear, asymptotic,
and curvilinear relationships in terms of the practical interpretations we would draw from
the relationships (you are welcome to draw graphs to aid your answer). Which of the
three best characterizes the relationship between cognitive ability and performance at
Linear- straight line relationship between two variables
Asymptotic- (plateau) a special kind of monotone relationship where the relationship but flattens
Curvilinear- two variables where as one variable increases, so does the other variable,
but only up to a certain point, after which, as one variable continues to increase, the
other decreases.

85. Kuncel and Beatty (2013), Thinking at Work paper. They specify the situations where
a specific measure of ability is more likely to demonstrate stronger predictive power than
a general measure. List and describe three of these situations.

- Training and educational programs

- Foreign language training

86. Kuncel and Beatty (2013), Thinking at Work paper. The define an ability, aptitude,
and achievement measure. What are their definitions for each (you may quote or
paraphrase them for this answer).
• Ability: General cognitive ability is an individual difference that merely reflects the sample of a
person's current behavioral repertoire. (current capabilities)
• Achievement: Gains in ability over a period of time after an opportunity to learn. (interventions
and maturations)
• Aptitude: And ability that is associated with the amount of gain (learning) demonstrated after
an opportunity to learn. prediction of future behavior.
87. Wernimont & Campbell (1968), signs-samples-criteria paper. Describe the
differences between signs, samples, and criteria, and provide an example of each.
• Ideally our predictors should come as close as possible to measuring the specific behaviors
that we wish to have exhibited on the job (a sample).
• Instead psychology has focused on predictors that tend to indicate that an individual has the
behaviors in her repertoire (a sign).
obtain measures that are as similar to the criterion or criteria

We want to strive to measure samples, not signs (mostly).

it will be much more fruitful to focus on meaningful samples of behavior, rather than signs of pre
dispositions, as predictors of later performance.

Path analysis-

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