Politics from the historical point of view came from the Greek word, "polis" or city-
state. Aristotle mentioned in his famous book "The Politics" that every polis or city-state
is a kind of association and that "man by nature is a political animal". From this view, it
can be deduced that "the essence of social existencw is politics and that two or more
men interacting with one another are invariably involved in a political relationship.
The science of politics, therefore, has, as its formal object, a basic knowledge and
understanding of the state and of the principles and ideals which underlie its
organization and activities. It is primarily concerned with the association of human
beings into a “body politic”, or a political community (one organized under government
and law). As such, it deals with those relations among men and groups which are subject
to control by the state, with the relations of men and groups to the state itself, and with
the relations of the state to other states. (H. de Leon: Philippine Constitution)
Political Science
Political science is defined by old political scientist as the study of the state in all it's
elements, aspects and relationships. Such elements and aspects include its government
and its organs and institutions through which the state functions. It also includes certain
aspects of human behavior, how governments and people actually conduct themselves
in a political society.
Modern political scientist define political science goes more far beyond the traditional
connotation. Political science is the systematic study of politics which includes the states,
its organs and istitutions or policies and as well as political attitudes of people and their
leaders, controversial issues and other aspects concerning the states. (F. Ayson, D. Reyes;
Fundamentals of Political Science, 2000 Second Edition)
Government is the essential instrument or machinery of the state that carries out its
will, purposes and objectives. Through the goverment the state maintains its existence
and carries on its functions. Government is an institution by which society's needs for
social services are satisfied and by which men's conflicting interests are reconciled.
Governance has been defined as the traditions and institutions that determine how
authority is excercised in a particular country. This includes (1) the process by which
governments are selected, held accountable, monitored and replaced; (2) the capacity of
governments to manage resources efficiently and formulate, implement and enforce
sound policies and regulations; and (3) the respect of citizens and the state for the
institutions that govern economic and social interactions among them. (Kaufmann,
A citizen, according to Aristotle, is one who share in the government of the state and
is entitled to enjoy its honors. A modern definition of a citizen is one who enjoys a
special legal status, which may be acquired at or after birth, including all the obligations
and benefits in relation to a sovereign state. (Zaide, 1992: Political Science)
In the Philippines, to be a Filipino citizen, a person must belong to any of the classes
of citizens as enumerated below:
Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the 1987 Constitution;
Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;
Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
citizeship upon reaching the age of majority; and
Those who are naturalized in accordance with the law.
(F. Ayson and D. Reyes, 2000: Fundamentals of Political Science, Second Edition)
A state is an organization, composed of numerous agencies led and coordinated by
the state's leadership (executive authority) that has the ability or authority to make and
implement the binding rules for all the people as well as the parameters of rule making
for other social organizations in a given territory, using force if necessary. A state, though
often thought of as synonymous with government, is actually broader because it
involves machineries, agencies, jurisdictions, power and rights and that is a network of
systematic relationships. (Morada: Philippine Politics and Governance)
A nation refers to a large group whose members believe they belong together on the
basis of a shared identity as a people. This shared identity allows them to imagine
themselves as belonging to a national community. According to Anderson, a nation is an
"imagined" community. It is imagined because members of a nation, even the smallest
one, would never be able to actually meet every other member; yet as long as they
believe they are part of their nation, they would continue to "imagine" themselves as
socially and politically belonging together. (Morada: Philippine Politics and Governance)
The territory of a state—a state to be such must have territory. There can
be no such thing as a wandering state. The territory of the state consists
Of all land and water within its external boundaries, including all lakes
and rivers that are entirely within its land boundaries, and when these
lakes and rivers are in the boundaries, the portion up to the mid-
Of the sea within a three- mile limit it shores
Of narrow bays and estuaries that indent its coast, and narrow straits
both of whose shores are in its territory and
Of islets fringing its coast
And to enable to meet the needs of international life. As a matter of fact, the
extent of state of territory today ranges all the away from the few hundreds
square miles of United States, China, British and the Russian Empire.
The increase or decrease of its population like the territory it does not affect its
existence as an international personality. Of course, if depopulation is to reduce
the number of its people to one, making it possible for its government to continue
operating and to keep up the with its international duties and obligation, the state
will cease to exist.
The Divine- right theory— the divine- right theory is the oldest according
to the adherents of which God vested political power in certain persons or
groups, who thus became his vice- regents on earth. This doctrine was
widely held in the Middle Age. And in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries, the divine- right theory was capitalized by monarchical
governments, notably of the Stuart kings in England and Bourbon rulers of
France, to bolster up their claim of independence from the people against
the growing ideas of popular sovereignty.
The Contact Theory—is a favourite political doctrine of seventeenth
century, assume that there was a time when men lived in a “state of
nature” without any political organization whatsoever, where the only laws
governing their actions where those distracted by the instinct of reason or
by the nature itself. This theory views the institution of political authority as
a result of the contract or covenant among the members of the community.
Presented by its exponent among whom were Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau,
the compact theory resolves itself into two parts; the social of government
The Instinctive Theory—the proponents of instinctive theory holds that
the political institutions are but the objective expressions of the instinct of
men for association. The state, according to them, was not brought about
by force, nor ordained by God to be erected. Neither was it the result of a
voluntary agreement, but it was the institutionalized expression of the
human instinct for political association, which is inherent in man.
The patriarchal and the matriarchal theories- A third theory is that
accounts for the state as an expansion of the family. According to this
view, the original family expanded through the marriage of the children,
thereby forming new families, but the authority of the father of the first
family, the patriarch, continued to prevail.
The necessity and force theories- By other thinkers, the state is looked
upon as the necessary result of man’s desire for Self- protection. Before
the institution of the state, they emerged among men leaders who held by
virtue of their persuasion or prowess, command over other. The weak
were drawn under the protection of the stronger ones, and in the group
warfare’s that ensued in a struggle of leadership, there emerged a
chieftain who later became King. The leader thus became a chieftain, and
a chieftain, a king, all through the use of threat or compulsion.
The Historical or Evolution Theory- Burgess, a well known authority on
political science, states the theory thus; “The proposition that the state is
the product of History means that this is gradual and continuous
development of human society, out of a grossly imperfect beginning,
through crude but improving forms of manifestation, towards a perfect and
universal organization of mankind.
The Economic Theory- According to the advocates of the economic
theory, the state was erected primarily to take care of man’s multifarious
need. Men found themselves unable when alone to provide all of their
needs, to be absolutely independent of one another. So the State was
The Historical Bases of the State
The Primitive State- the state were first found in the great river of Biles.
Then people of continental Europe were still on the tribal stage of the
development of the state, the people of the orient have already developed
a more or less advance state of civilization with political institution. The
Orientals have already invented the alphabet, a great factor in social
communication; has already learned the use of metals; and has already
developed the art of commerce. A corresponding advance has likewise
been made in political organization
The City- State- while the City State found the home in Asia, the City
State made its appearance in the Italian peninsulas. The Greek leave their
homes along the Eastern part of Caspian Sea to migrate to the island of
Agean Sea. In the course of time, there developed among the people, the
practice of calling the council of old men and also of an assembly to
discuss the advisability of waging war. The Greek City of State was
primarily independent units, each having full power to determine its
external relations. Because of the jealousies obtaining among them, the
Greek City State were never able to coalesce into one single state, the
best political organization attained being temporary federations attained
being temporary federations
Roman Imperial State- what was originally a city state developed, with
more military conquest with their consequent annexation of territories, into
the Roman Imperial State, embracing a vast expense of territory in
habituated of million people. The magnitude of the empire demanded
unity, organization and law in order to weld together all the component
unit, and imperial rather than local unity of the people was one of the
objectives. Consequently, the imperial rulers evolved a system of colonial
organization which for a time held together the lands under their sway, a
system of law of different people. With the rise into the power of the
church, the system of worldwide organization of the imperial state was
adopted for a patter. We find in many of our municipal governments and in
the system of colonial administration of many powers today, governmental
powers today, governmental methods patterned after Roman Imperial
The Feudal Stage- the disintegration of the Roman Imperial State was
brought about by causes of its own making. As the Empire expanded, the
frontiers became more extensive and consequently more difficult to
defend; the rulers incorporated into the army new people, making it less
unified, they suppressed democracy and liberty for the sake of unity and
centralized administration and sovereign organization, thereby creating
discontent among the people and consequently breaking their morale.
The Modern State- the modern state evolved out of the conflict of
territorial sovereign for supremacy. The modern state is built on the
concept on the nationalism which that every state, be it large or small, rich
or small is equally sovereign. The modern states have gradually
developed certain rules and regulations to govern their relation to one
another, defining their rights and their obligation in time of peace as well
as in time of war.
The World State- the development of the career of modern state has
been influenced very largely by dictates of self- interest. In their mad
scramble for a position of supremacy in International relations, nation have
not hesitated to sacrifice their lives of their people, their time, and their
energies. The horrible aspects of these national rivalries have led me to
turn ideal of an national or world state under which differences will be
settled by peaceful rather that by warlike methods. The aim has been
abolish to or reduce to a minimum at least the resource to war in the
settlement of national questions. (Aruego; Principles of Political Science)
The modern state has four (4) essential elements. They are:
This refers to the inhabitants living within the state. Without people there can be no
functionaries to govern and no subjects to be governed. There is no requirement as to
the number of people that should compose a state. Ideally, it should be neither too
small nor too large: small enough to be well-governed and large enough to be self-
Reputedly the smallest state in point of population is the Vatican. Its estimated 900
citizens, mainly clerics and some Swiss guards, are ruled by Pope. The island Republic of
Nauru has a total population of only about 9,000. China is the largest in point of
population placed at 1,314,480,000 at the end of 2006 according to China’s National
Bureau of Statistics.
It includes not only the fixed portion of land over which the jurisdiction of the state
extends (territorial domain), but also the rivers and lakes therein, a certain area of the
sea which abuts upon its coasts (fluvial and maritime domain), and the air space above
the land and the waters. (Aerial domain). Thus the domain of the state may be
described as terrestrial, fluvial, maritime, and aerial.
The smallest state in point of territory is Vatican, located just outside the western
boundary of Rome with an area of only 0.17 square mile or 0.44 square kilometer. It
would fit in Rizal Park in Manila. It is the smallest independent nation in the world. The
Republic of Nauru has an area of about 8 square miles or 21 square kilometers. The
former Soviet Union was the largest state in point or territory with its total land area of
about 8,599,610 square miles or 22,273,674 square kilometers. Canada has an area of
about 3,849,674 square miles or about 9,970,610 square kilometers which covers a
surface nearly as large as Europe.
The Philippines has a total land area of about 115,813 square miles or about 299,955
square kilometers;
It refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and
carried out. The word is sometimes used to refer to the person or aggregate of those
persons in whose hands are placed for the time being the function of political control.
This “body of men” is usually spoken of as “administration”. The ordinary citizens of a
country are a part of the state., but are not part of the government.
The term may be defined as the supreme power of the state to command and enforce
obedience to its will from people within its jurisdiction and corollarily, to have freedom
from foreign control. It has, therefore, two manifestations:
Internal or the power of the state to rule within its territory; and
External or the freedom of the state to carry out its activities without
These internal and external aspects of sovereignty are not absolutely true in practice
because of the development of international relations and consequently, of international
law. (H. de Leon: Philippine Constitution)
The bond between the political scientist and the historian is obvious in the observation
that “history is past politics and politics present history”. The political scientist frequently
adopts a “historical approach” and employs the knowledge of the past when he seeks to
interpret present and probable developments in political phenomena.
Until late in the 19th century, political science and economics (the study of the
production, distribution, and conservation, and consumption of wealth) were coupled
inter the name “political economy”. Today, these fields are jointly concerned with the
fact that economic conditions affect the organization, development, and activities of
states, which in turn modify or even prescribe economic conditions. The political
scientist regularly adopts an “economic approach” when seeking to interpret such
matters as “public financial policies” and government regulation of business.
Geopolitics (a science concerned with the study of the influences of physical factors such
as population pressures, sources of raw materials, geography, etc., upon domestic and
foreign politics) indicates one approach which a political scientist frequently must adopt
to help explain such phenomena as the early growth of democracy in Great Britain and
the United States and its retarded growth in certain Continental Europe, and the rise of
authoritarian governments in developing countries.
Sociology and Anthropology
The political scientist, the sociologist (who specializes in the study of “society as a
whole”), and the anthropologist (who studies “mankind” in relation to physical, social,
and cultural development) are all deeply concerned with the origins and nature of social
control and governmental authority, with the abiding influences of race and culture
upon society, and with the patterns of collective human behavior.
The political scientist as well as the psychologist promotes studies of the mental and
emotional processes motivating the political behavior of individuals and groups. One of
the many topics which the political scientist handles from a “psychological approach” is
that of public opinion, pressure groups, and propaganda.
The concepts and doctrines of Plato, Aristotle and Locke (and other universal thinkers
about the state) are important to the specialist in academic philosophy and also to the
political scientist. These concepts are the underlying forces in the framing of
constitutions and laws. The political scientist considers the branch of philosophy called
ethics, too, when he contemplates the moral background of proposed changes in social
Statistics and Logic
The political theorist must possess a broad scientific background and knowledge of
current political problems, and he must employ scientific methods in gathering and
evaluating data and in drawing conclusions. These involve a proper application of
statistical procedures for the quantitative measurement of social phenomena and of
logical procedures for the analysis of reasoning.
This branch of public law is concerned with the analysis of existing legal systems and also
with the ethical, historical, sociological, and psychological foundations of law. A
comprehension of the nature of law) whether the “natural law” or the “divine law”) and
of statues enacted by legislatures is indispensable to the political theorist.
Law and state are inseparable. All states proclaim laws, effective within their
jurisdictions, and enforce them through a system of penalties or sanctions. To maintain a
full understanding of the facts of political life, the political scientist has to combine the
legal with the extra-legal viewpoints. (H. de Leon: Philippine Constitution)
Political theory
The entire body of doctrine relating to the origin, form, behavior, and purposes of the state
are dealt with in the study of this subject.
Public law
The (a) organizations of governments, (b) the limitations upon government authority, (c) the
powers and duties of governmental offices and officers, and (d) the obligations of one state to
another are handled in the study of public law. In contradistinction to the rules of private law,
which governs the relations among individuals, public law is so specialized that separate courses
are offered in each of its subdivisions – constitutional law (a,b),administrative law (c), and
international law (d).
Public administration
In the study of public administration, attention is focused upon the methods and techniques
used in the actual management of state affairs by executive, legislative, and judicial branches of
government. As the complexity of government activities grows, the traditional distinctions
among the powers of these branches become even less clear-cut 5. Today, legislative bodies have
been forced to delegate greater discretion to executive officers responsible for the conduct of
government policies and powers. (H. de Leon; Philippine Constitution)
Types of Government
Monarchy is a form of government where the ruler is a monarch who comes from a
royal family.His royak title may be king, queen, emperor, empress, tzar o yzarina, or any
royal title of a monarch ruling the state. Monarchy is classified into-absolute monarchy
and limited or constituti9nal monarchy.
Absolute Monarchy
In this type of monarchial governmebt, the monarch exercises absolute power.
He wields executive, legislative, and judicial powers. With absolute and
tremendous powers he rules with an iron hand. He holds the throne by herditary
right, and most especially, according ti King James I of England, 1603-1625, by
divine right. King James declared, "that kings are not only God's lieutenant on
earth," but they are looked at by God as divine. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and
other newly established countries in Africa are some of the countries that
implemented this form of government.
Limited Monarchy
In limited monarchy, the monarch is willing to part with some of his powers and
delegates then to some government agencies. For example, the legislative power
is exercised by the legislative body, the juridicial is ruled by the court, and the
executive power by the king himself. The king rules in accordance with the law or
Limited Monarchy or enlightened monarchy is rated as the best form of
government. It worked most effectively because the monarch under
constitutional rule guaranteed that policies needed to maximize politicak, social
and economic stability were implemented. Japan, the Netherlands, Spain and
Belgium are some of the countries that implemented this form of government.
Dictatorship maybe totalitarian when the dictator controls everything- all the means of
communicatoon, homes, schools and churches, the nation's economy and even the
people's lives, their minds and souls. The modern dictator can exercise vast powers
because he has at hus command tue most modern technological and psycholohical
weapins of controlling the people.
Aristocracy is defined from the Greek etymology "aristo" which means best and "kratia"
or "kratos", means rule. In essence, therefor, aristocracy is the government by the "best"
members of the community. This implies that the arostocrats are presumably the men of
highest intelligence and integrity. They belong to the elite in society. Their social status,
wealth and political power are inherited. These qualities correspond to that of Plato's
philosophy, king, Plato, in his "Republic", viewed the ideal state as governed by wise and
devoted rulers.
Oligarchy is also a government by the wealthy few but they do not come from the
nobility like the aristocrats. The wealthy few in the government, or the oligarchs, believe
that the most importany requisites to the claim of power are wealth, good social
position and education. If these requisites be made the basis for the exercise of
governmental powers, it is unlikely that oligarchy could serve the best interests of the
masses, since the tendency of the very wealthy few would be to use government to
protect and promote even more their wealth to the extent of resorting to brutality and
aggresiveness. That is why oligarchy is a despicable type of government. Aristotle called
this form of government the extreme oligarchy.
The oligarchs are the enemies of the poor. That is why the poor have reason to rebel
againts an oligarchic government that tries to entrench itself in power. The oligarchs
have no qualms of charity for the poor. They ise governent to build economic empires
for themselves and their families. There are oligarchs in a democtacy. Since they form
the politico-economic elite they manage to be the power holders of the body politic.
Both Oligarchy and Aristocracy are both authoritarian, since they are no elections and no
referendums in which the citizens participate.
Democracy is derived from the Greek term "demos" which means people and "kratia" or
"kratos" means rule. In other words democracy means people's rule, or in other words
of great American president, "a governement by the people, of the people and for the
people". This is an ideal democracy which people everywhere is trying to attain.
Unit of government
Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, the Philippines was composed settlements or
villages, each called barangay (consisting of more of less 100 families), named after
balangay, a Malayan word meaning “boat” (thereby confirming the theory that the early
Filipinos came to the Philippines in boats).
Every barangay was virtually a state, for it possessed four basic elements of
statehood. At times, however, some barangays joined together as “confederations”
mainly, for the purpose of mutual protection against common enemies.
Each barangay was ruled by a chief called datu in some places, and rajah, sultan or hadji
in others. He was its chief executive, law-giver, chief judge, and military head. In the
performance of his duties, however, he was assisted usually by a council of elders
(maginoos) which served as his advisers. One could be a datu chiefly by inheritance,
wisdom, wealth, or physical prowess.
In form, the barangay was monarchy with the datu as the monarch.
Cities governed under speciaal charters were also created. Each of these cities
had an ayutamiento or cabildo (City council). Cebu was the first City to be
established in 1565 in the Philippines. The second was Manila, in 1571.
Before Corazon C. Aquino took her oath of office on the morning of February
25, 1986 at Club Filipino, San Juan, Metro Manila, the last day of a four (4) day
“people power” revolt (Feb. 22-25) that culminated in the outsider of President
Ferdinand E. Marcos, she read proclamation No. 1 wherein she declared that
she and her Vice- President were “taking power in the name and by the will of the
Filipino people” on the basis of the clear sovereign will of the people expressed in
the election of February 7, 1986. In her oath, she swore to preserve and defend
the “fundamental law” (not the “Constitution”) and execute “just laws” ( instead of
“its laws”)
The Government was revolutionary because it was instituted not in
accordance with the procedure provided in an existing Constitution. There
is a definite acknowledgment in Proclamation No. 3 that the provisional
government established thereunder was revolutionary in character
(without calling itself as such) having been installed by direct action of the
people or by “people power,” deriving its existence and authority directly
from the people themselves and not from the then operating 1937
De jurelde facto
The first is one constituted or founded accordance with the existing
constitution of the state (according to law), while the other is not so
constituted or founded but has the general support of the people and
effective control of the territory over which it exercises its powers. A de
facto government acquires a de jure status when it gains wide acceptance
from the people and recognition from the community of nations.
At its inception, the revolutionary government was illegal for lack of
constitutional basis not having been sanctioned by either the 1935 or the
1973 Constitution. It was a de facto government but acquired a de jure
status. There was no question then that the revolutionary government had
won continuous public acceptance and support without any resistance
whatsoever anywhere in the Philippines and the recognition of practically
all foreign governments.
Constitutional and transitory
The provisional government was not a purely revolutionary one but a
hybrid constitutional revolutionary government, i.e., a revolutionary
government governing under a provisional or interim constitution the
people could invoke to protect their rights and to promote their welfare, to
exist for a limited period until the ratification and effectivity of a permanent
constitution. There was nothing, however, to prevent the government from
amending, suspending and abrogating the Provisional Constitution and
adopting a new one or operating without any constitution.
In other words, the Provisional Constitution did not have the status of a
supreme of fundamental law because the government was not created by
it and was not bound to obey it.
The provisional government was claimed to be democratic because it
was installed by its direct action of the people as a direct expression or
manifestation of their sovereign will, and, therefore, it was based on the
consent of the governed or the approval of the people.
A revolutionary government being a direct creation of the people,
derives it powers from the people to whom alone it is accountable. It is
said that a revolutionary government is clothed with unlimited powers
because it makes its own laws; it is “ a law unto itself.” However, with the
adoption of the Provisional Constitution, the revolutionary government
opted to abide with and to subject itself to the provisions thereof, pending
approval of a new charter.
The Provisional Constitution
Instead of declaring the 1973 Constitution with certain amendments
and minus certain articles and provisions, as the interin Constitution,
Proclamation No. 3 promulgated a Provisional Constitution to replace the
former, adopting in toto insofar as they are not inconsistent with the
provisions of the proclamation, certain provisions of the 1973 Constitution.
By its very nature, the Provisional Constitution (as well as the
revolutionary government which operated under it) self- destruct upon the
ratification and effectivity of the new Constitution on February 2, 1987.
(Art. XVIII, Sec. 27). (H. de Leon;