EAPP 1st Major Performance Task
EAPP 1st Major Performance Task
EAPP 1st Major Performance Task
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
1. Class will be divided into 8 groups. (by row)
2. The student shall be given a copy of a research article from the Philippine Science High School- Western Visayas
Campus Research Journal Batch 2019.
3. By applying their knowledge on Outlining and Paraphrasing, Foundations in Writing a Review, each group should be
able to write a minimum of 300-word essay and be able to rate the academic paper using the provided rubric. (The
rubric shall also serve as their guide in writing their essay)
4. The content of their essay should at least contain 3 paragraphs. (introduction, body and conclusion)
5. Deadline of Submission is on November 22, 2019 on or before 4:00 PM. Deduction of points shall be observed for
late papers. (note: except for those students who will be representing the school in RFOT, Science Fair and RSPC,
they should be able to submit it before the Christmas break)
6. The subject teacher will collect the outputs from their class president. The class president shall submit a sheet of
paper indicating the list of groups who were not able to submit their output.
7. A rubric shall be used in rating the group’s output.
8. The format of the paper is given below:
a) DOCUMENT HEADING- On the upper left corner of the first page of your book review, you should type
your name, the instructor's name, your class, and the date as follows (single-spaced):
Dela Cruz J., Pilato C.E., Ricarde G., Elizarde K, Bato M.J.,
Mr. Ivan Jayson A. Macabenta
SHS 12- STEM Apollo
18 November 2019
b) DOCUMENT MARGINS- Papers submitted for review or grading should have 1” margins except for the left
with 1.25-inch margin.
c) INDENTATION/TYPESETTING- The first line of each paragraph should be automatically indented.
d) FONT- Papers should be in 12- point Times New Roman font size.
e) ALIGNMENT- The text of your paper should be left aligned, NOT justified. Do not choose "Justify."
f) DOCUMENT SPACING- The entire paper should be single-spaced, including the heading.
g) PARAGRAPH SPACING- Papers should have 1 extra spacing after paragraphs.
h) PAGE NUMBERS- Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right corner of each
page of your essay, including the first page. (e.g. Dela Cruz et., al 1)
CRITERIA 20-18 17-14 13-10 9-0
Content There is one clear, well- Thesis is clear but Thesis is somewhat Vague or unclear thesis.
focused thesis. supporting information clear but more Inadequate command of
Excellent command of is general. supporting details are subject matter.
subject matter. A reasonable command needed. Unexamined, cliched
Evidence of independent of subject matter. Relative absence of thinking. Inadequate
thought. A capacity for independent thought. substantiation of claims.
Supporting arguments independent thought, Inconsistent Supporting details are a
relate to main claim & are though not fully substantiation of seemingly random
well organized. realized. claim. collection of information,
Thesis stands out and is Sufficent substantiation Supporting details and unclear, or not related to
supported by details. of claim. information are the topic.
Relevant, telling, quality Supporting details are somewhat relevant,
details give important relevant, but one or but key points are
information, going beyond more key issues is unsupported.
the obvious or predictable. unsupported.
Organization Details are in logical order. Details are in logical Significant lapses in Poor, hard-to-follow
Conclusion is strong and order but may be organization. organization.
states the point of the presented in less Some details not in There is no clear
paper. interesting ways. logical or expected conclusion, the paper just
Conclusion is order and this is ends.
recognizable and ties distracting. Little or no employment
up almost all loose Conclusion is of supporting evidence -
ends. recognizable but does
not tie up all loose
Style Extremely fluent and Reasonably fluent Problematic written Incoherent relation of
articulate relation of ideas; relation of voice (possibly halting, ideas; essentially no
effective, powerful tone and ideas; attempt at tone blunt, confusing, thought behind tone and
language use; structural and language use nonacademic) - ideas language use;
design versatile and somewhat effective; unclear; inappropriate Faulty and inappropriate
complex. Structure lacks variety and/or mundane tone structural makeup and
A variety of thoughtful and/or complexity. & language use; grammatical sense.
transitions show how ideas Transitions clearly show no attempt at Inadequate transitions
are connected. how ideas are sentence variability; between ideas and
Pacing is well-controlled. connected, but there is generally repetitious paragraphs.
little variety. tone and language. Pacing is uneven, same
Pacing is well- Some transitions work point repeated, or too
controlled, but there is well; connections much time on details.
a lack of elaboration in between other ideas
some areas. are fuzzy.
Pacing is well-
controlled, but
sometimes the same
point is repeated.