PR2 GR12
PR2 GR12
PR2 GR12
Education is a vital tool for us to strive for economic development. We
educate ourselves because of our dreams and goals in life. Doctors, engineers
and nurses many other professions are possible because of educators.
Educators transmit information to learners they are responsible for the
academic performance of the students.
Below are some theories in teaching. You do not need to adhere to each
style, nor do you need to teach exclusively using a single style. The resources
below are here to provide guidance, inspiration, and help you explore your
teaching. If you have any questions about the content in these pages, feel free
to consult with a member of the Teaching Centre about them.
The basis of this theory is that learning occurs when the learner makes
connections between the stimulus and response (what is taught or experienced
in the learning environment versus how the student reacts) This theory also
suggests that learning can depend on learning identical concepts in new
learning situations.
ability of the student to compare the same element in two different situations
provides them with the opportunity to compare and contrast the element and
make connections between the two situations regarding the element.
This theory states that learning is an active process in which the learner
constructs knowledge based on the information they experience. New
information is constructed in relation to prior knowledge the learner has.
4. The main idea behind multiple intelligences is that each learner may have
different forms of intelligence, and each learner has varying degrees of
intelligence in each form. This theory originated with Howard Gardner’s
5. linguistic
Gardner’s theory suggests that teaching and learning should focus on the
intelligences that the particular learner possesses.
The basis of this theory, is that we do not learn in isolation, but rather learn
from our interactions with others. Cognition, behavior and environment all
contribute to the learners understanding of a subject.
1. Learners observe and/or rehearse modeled behaviour. They then code this
modelledbehaviour into words, labels, categories and images.
Research Locale
College instructors- Through this study they can assess themselves if they
are using an effective methods towards imparting knowledge to their students.
This study also provides them an opportunity to choose on what particular
methods they’re going to use in their discussion process for the efficacy of the
teaching-learning process.
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Related Literature
from the Latin word “integer” which means whole. An integrated strategy will put
together the parts of a while in order to arrive at a holistic, complete and more
accurate view of realities. Let’s recall the story of the four blind men who were
made to touch an elephant and who after were asked what it was that they
touched. The first who held one ear said it is a fan. The second who touch the
body said it’s a wall the third that held one lea said it’s a column and the fourth
who touch the tail said it’s a rope. Of the four blind men nobody gave a correct
That is exactly happens when we study just a part of reading like when we
put a wall to shut science from math, language from values, music from civics.
That is what we do when we teach the subject in isolation from one another we
are far from the truth and we are for from reality. To arrive closer to what is true
heath, grammar and math when we teach science. We teach science, values
and math when we teach grammar. After all these math are all part and parcel
curriculum requirements.
the varied learning styles and daily experience of the learners. Its use also
means empowering learners to become life belong learners and active makes
The proponents of this integrated teaching assert that the teaching learning
process should touch the facts level, the concepts-level, and values level. On
the facts level the students learn isolated facts on the conceptual level the
fragmented and meaningless facts are viewed and organized into concepts
fewer than the facts while on the values level the knowledge acquired are
intelligence with just one or two that are dominantly expressed. The ideal is for
every learner to have a balance development of all the eight intelligences. If this
is the case then we have been unfair to many of our students for the past years.
Np doubt, our teaching and testing strategies in the past have been biased in
words written or oral. This was to the disadvantage of students whose dominant
recall hearing about learning style in my high school days, much less in my
instruction in my pre service education in the early seventies but I could not
mind can do this in two ways, through thinking and feeling. When we judge with
our feeling, we tend to be subjective. Instead connections thar make life rich
his dominant intelligence and learning style, it is best that we have a pool
finding about the brain and learning. Some research findings about the brain:
experience to ‘hook ‘them to. The eyes contain nearly 70 percent of the body’s
sensory receptors and send million of signals every second along the optic
nerves to the visual processing of the brain, the capacity of the long-term
memory for pictures seems almost unlimited; there is little doubt that when
situations wherein they will gain information, develop skills and values through
their own time and effort. Strongly motivated and guided by the teachers, their
interests are aroused and sustained throughout the learning activity. In the end,
used in this presentation properly selected, its impact on the attention and
sustained interest of student has long been recognized to a point that this wide
collection of teaching tools earned the title ‘sub-strategies “ it is hot surprising to
improves listening skill, easy to operate, safe way of storing information, can be
used for big or small groups, best used to improve speech skills and it will
prepared by the teacher or the students. Iit enables the teachers to maintain
eye contact while the transparency is on. It is on reusable and can be used with
way of motivating the students. The attractive display can allow a number of
drawn even during a discussion. An eraser can easily keep it clean and ready
for continuous use. Charts, mock-ups, regalia, video tapes/films, models and
theCanfield Learning Styles Inventory, they collected data from 1,000 students at
shownon 12 of 16 profile scales with respect to age group. Older students preferred
affiliation withpeers and teachers, iconics, direct experience, and inanimates. Some
15courses. Using the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory and Canfield Instructional
StylesInventory, Hunter found that students preferred listening and direct experience
asopposed to reading.
learning style preferences. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Social
experimental group and l5were assigned to the control group. Students in the control
University todetermine if there was a link between teaching styles and learning styles
and the effect ofany link on student learning. This study included 600 students, 20
facto design--prior todata collection no controls were instituted. Their findings indicated
that “the larger thedivergence between teaching style and learning style, the lower the
student’s gain in achievement”. Implications for education as a result of their study are
possess similar learning and teaching styles. Because students react variously to
different methods of teaching as a result of their varied learning styles, “some students
may gain,but others may lose, from using a new teaching method....Researchers may
be able todiscover which types of students gain (or lose) from different types of
teaching methods”when there is a match between learning styles and teaching styles
Battle (1982) conducted research to “investigate the extent to which variations ingrade
offirst year students in colleges and universities. The association of learning style
thesocial/applied, independent/applied and social styles had higher grades than did
studentswith other styles.Students with neutral preference had the lowest grade point
and conceptual)differed significantly from the averages in the low category (neutral
significantdifferences existed between the teaching styles of math instructors and the
learning stylesof their students. Raines also compared the learning styles inventories
method was related to grade. To obtain this result, Hunter investigated therelationship
the North Central Accreditation Region. Subjects consisted of five teachersand 285
betweenlearning styles, teaching styles, and course grade. Scerba used the Canfield
InstructionalStyles Inventory and the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory, a posttest
College, NorthCampus, who were placed in one of five teaching style settings as
determined by theresults of their Learning Styles Inventory. Scerba concluded that due
to the limitations ofhis study, the trait-treatment interaction model that was used to
was in effective.
Learning StyleInventory was used to determine their learning styles. Students’ final
style and high academic achievement in all courses under study. According toCarthey,
“Individuals with learning styles (Convergers and Assimilators) that employabstract