1) Digital Dentistry in Computer Age
1) Digital Dentistry in Computer Age
1) Digital Dentistry in Computer Age
Background and Overview.
nology will make practice man-
agement more efficient, mainly
omputer technology has brought about so many changes in the by reducing transactional over-
head. Educational software and
last 50 years that many people look at the future with a mix- intelligent assistants will increas-
ture of vague unease and excited anticipation. Considering the ingly support the needs for deci-
sion making in clinical practice.
extent to which computer technology has changed our lives Research will benefit from auto-
mated tools for data acquisition,
within the last generation, it is reasonable to ask ourselves, management and analysis.
“What else will the future bring?” Even the most erudite and well- Conclusions. Dentistry must
actively shape the application of
researched predictions have the tendency to become next year’s humorous technology. It can do this by
anecdotes of computing history. In 1943, Thomas Watson Jr., then developing a cadre of experts in
dental informatics, relying on
chairman of International Business Machines Corp., or IBM, probably for- sound research principles, effec-
tively disseminating best prac-
mulated one of the most poignant ones when he declared that “I think tices and developing strategic
there is a world market for about five computers.” By the end of 1998, 364 objectives for the implementation
of technology.
million personal computers were installed worldwide.1 Clinical Implications. Computer
technology is an essential ingre-
dient for state-of-the-art patient
A second issue is that it is discussion of general computing care. Dentists must stay current
becoming difficult to write about trends, see Howard10 and Miller with this rapidly developing field
any topic with any degree of and Kirchner11). I then extrapolate to make appropriate choices in
authority.2 One of the root causes some of these trends’ effects on their use of technology.
of this problem is that knowledge dentistry and detail others that
is being generated and recorded at are well underway. I conclude the
an exponential rate.3 Much of this article by suggesting a few steps
information is more accessible that the profession could take to
than in the past. This phe- help shape the development and
nomenon is producing new application of technology. Thus,
approaches to the creation, dis- through this article, I hope to
semination and retrieval of scien- stimulate a vigorous discussion of
tific knowledge,4-9 but it also the profession’s future in the dig-
makes the job of the author ital age. Interested readers are
harder. invited to continue this discussion
Thus, this article is like a on ADA ONLINE’s discussion
searchlight sweeping through the forum at “http://www.ada.org”.
night. I illuminate some—but, by
far, not all—trends in computing
technology (for a more detailed Hardware. Few people foresaw
DENTISTRY that the conceptually simple integrated information access in more places. In fact,
circuit one day would play a crucial role in Dick Tracy’s computerized wristwatch
2000 many areas of human life. Miniaturization
of circuits to date has followed
now is a reality. It is called WatchPad and
is developed by IBM.14 In the future, we
Moore’s Law, which was may use such miniature computing
During the 1980s,
derived by Gordon Moore in devices either directly or embedded in
office workers were 1965 when he was research other appliances.
happy just to have and development director at Networking. “The network is the com-
Fairchild Semiconductor.12 puter.” Sun Microsystems’ advertising
personal computers Moore stated that chip den- slogan illustrates how our paradigm of
on their desks. sity—the number of transis- computing has been turned on its head.
tors per square inch—seemed During the 1980s, office workers were
Today, the network
to double at regular intervals. happy just to have personal computers on
connection is the Thus, 1975’s 8080 processor their desks. Today, the network connec-
essential accessory. with about 10,000 transistors tion is the essential accessory. In addition,
has evolved into today’s Pen- few people foresaw the transformation of
tium III with approximately an obscure research project into today’s
7.5 million transistors. Ex- Internet,15 which is a global network of sev-
Te c h n o l o g y
perts expect that there will be 1 billion eral hundred million computers. Figure 2
transistors on a chip by the year 2010.11 shows a visualization of data traffic over
Figure 1 shows a 6-millimeter-long wood the Internet in the United States during
ant carrying an integrated circuit that is 1 September 1991. Traffic ranges from zero
mm2. The microchip’s smallest features bytes for local connections to up to 100
are 300 nanometer—300 billionth of a gigabytes for the transcontinental back-
meter—wide. bones—high-capacity communication lines
Miniaturization and integration, how- that connect regions and countries—per
ever, have not been limited to computer month. Today, data traffic and the number
chips. Sensors, storage devices and periph- of access points have multiplied by several
erals such as monitors have become orders of magnitude. The Internet already
smaller as a result of their components has reshaped our society, from economics
shrinking. For instance, the average hard and business to education and social
drive of a desktop com-
puter currently stores
approximately 4 giga-
bytes (1 gigabyte is
approximately 1 billion
bytes or characters) of
information. Ten years
from now, the average
capacity will be closer
to 200 gigabytes.11
Developments such as
these have made pos-
sible the existence of
personal digital assis-
tants, high-resolution
flat-panel screens, sub-
notebooks and wear-
able computers.13
Smaller, more
capable computing
Figure 1. Scanning electron micrograph of a wood ant (Formica
devices translate into fusca) with an integrated circuit that is 1 square millimeter, magnifi-
increasingly versatile cation ×10 (Andrew Syred, Science Source/Photo Researchers).
Te c h n o l o g y
intelligence of their own. Such
“smart” networks will dynami-
Figure 2. Visualization of U.S. data traffic over the Internet
in September 1991. The colors represent traffic volume cally and independently react
ranging from zero gigabytes (purple) to 100 gigabytes to specific situations, much as
(white) (NCSA, University of Illinois; Science Source/Photo
an experienced taxi driver
selects an alternative, faster
lives.16-18 Future changes will make today route in response to a sudden traffic jam
seem like a period of relative stability. during a routine trip. On demand, such
For the foreseeable future, networking networks will route information to us or
will advance through three trends: higher connect us with other people, as well as
bandwidth, more access points, and sometimes anticipate our needs.
increasingly versatile and dynamic net- Software. In the near future, software
works. Bandwidth is the amount of data will evolve in two major directions. Soft-
that can be transmitted in a fixed amount ware will become smarter, and we will
of time19 and is similar to a pipe’s ability to interact with it differently. These changes
carry water. Instead of viewing still shots will be gradual, but they are well under
or a miniature video of an ant colony,20 in way. More and more software incorporates
the future, we will be watching the ants the ability to “reason” or “think” about
live on the screen. An increase in the specific problems. Many users of Microsoft
number of access points will result in Word may wonder at its increasing
more computing devices connected to a propensity to do things such as changing
network and, by extension, to the capitalization and suggesting document
Internet. Some examples of information formats. This functionality uses mathe-
access anywhere, anytime are smart matical probabilities to predict outcomes
refrigerators that reorder groceries auto- and is a method commonly used in artifi-
matically over the Internet, Web-enabled cial intelligence applications. Researchers
cellular phones and hand-held computers, are developing intelligent assistants that
and automotive navigation systems that learn from a user just as a human appren-
point the way to the nearest fast-food tice would.22 Such assistants then can
outlet. make routine decisions and leave more
Such networks will be increasingly ver- complex problems to their human counter-
satile and dynamic. In the future, inter- parts. Our interaction with software and,
acting with computer networks will be as thus, computers will change to methods
common as using the telephone is today, that are more natural for us. The develop-
but more powerful and natural. Forgot ment of the keyboard and the mouse pri-
your favorite book on a weekend trip? marily was driven by the need for char-
DENTISTRY acter- and pointer-based input. During computer in the dental office. Dental soft-
recent years, speech input has quietly ware companies also are working on
2000 matured into a technology being accepted
by mainstream computer
exchanging patient information over the
Internet, potentially revolutionizing the
users.23 In combination with way in which practitioners share patient
Dental software
domain-specific speech pro- data. These changes parallel the trend to
companies are cessing applications,24 speech an increasingly networked health care
working on recognition can effectively sup- system.30,31
port application areas such as The Internet’s power comes from the
exchanging patient dentistry. Speech, however, fact that it connects people. By the year
information over the will not remain the only way of 2000, approximately 130 million people
interacting with computers. will be using the Internet in the United
Internet, potentially
Face and gesture recognition,25 States. In 1997—the latest year for which
revolutionizing the biometrics26 and virtual envi- figures are available—about 25 percent of
way in which ronments will make inter- dentists had Internet access in their
acting with computers much offices.32 Physically, dentists are in a very
practitioners share more natural and convenient “unconnected” profession. Fully 67 percent
patient data. than it is now. of all dentists are in solo practices,33 and
many lack easy access to colleagues and
resources such as libraries. Being able to
communicate with a colleague at a
Te c h n o l o g y
I now turn to look at how current and moment’s notice is invaluable. Many den-
future innovations affect clinical practice, tists already are using the Internet to
practice management, education and access diagnostic and therapeutic informa-
research. My discussion is limited to a few tion, discuss clinical cases and keep up
considerations that can serve as starting with new developments.34-36 The Internet
points for future in-depth discussions and provides copious resources that can be
analyses. used in clinical dentistry18,37,38; however,
Clinical practice. Many innovations the quality of resources must be examined
articulated in Preston’s28 vision of com- carefully before they are used.39-44
puters in dental practice are becoming Devices and software that are directly
reality. The paperless patient record has used in the clinical care process—such as
come to life through smaller, more pow- digital image sensors, mechanical and bio-
erful computing devices and sophisticated chemical sensors and probes, simulators,
software. The fact that it is not in and computer-aided design or computer-
widespread use attests to the multidimen- aided manufacturing equipment—will
sionality and complexity of dental infor- continue to develop. Their usefulness,
mation and environmental factors rather however, will rise to a greater degree if
than technical limitations. Falling prices they are imbedded in an overall system
for mass electronic storage have made it rather than used alone.
possible to store an entire year’s worth of a Practice management. Practice man-
dental practice’s radiographs on an afford- agement is the functional area in den-
able hard disk. New sensors, laser scan- tistry most highly penetrated by computer
ners and intraoral cameras allow us to technology. As of 1997, 79.5 percent of all
convert all artifacts associated with tradi- dental practices were computerized.32
tional patient care documentation into dig- More than 90 percent of those practices
ital form. use computers for practice management.
Where and how we store patient infor- Practice management encompasses many
mation will become significantly more flex- different functions, such as billing and
ible in the future. Dental software compa- insurance processing, patient communica-
nies are beginning to market Web-based tion and scheduling, inventory and supply
patient records,29 which store patient data management, and personnel and financial
on a central Web server instead of on a management.
Economic constraints may force dental programs available anywhere and at any- DENTISTRY
offices to become more automated. In the
early 1990s, double-digit inflation of
Dental education and con- 2000
health care expenditures prompted signifi- tinuing education will be
cant changes in the health care system reshaped by three trends: Computer technology
aimed at reducing costs. As increasing increasingly realistic learning can lower practice
automation in other sectors demonstrates aids, intelligent tutoring sys-
economic benefits, the health care system tems and the merging of overhead by
in general, and dentistry in particular, learning systems with clinical automating routine
must consider new ways to become more decision support. For instance,
tasks such as
efficient. Computer technology can lower in a virtual reality environ-
practice overhead by automating routine 27
ment, the human heart can sending appointment
tasks such as sending appointment be observed not only statically reminders,
reminders, reordering supplies and moni- but also in function. Such
toring practice finances. Automation may realistic learning systems can reordering supplies
prove to reduce costs, as well as to make content come alive and and monitoring
improve clinical outcomes through system- improve students’ under-
atic, comprehensive and periodical anal- standing and comprehension. practice finances.
ysis of health outcomes, for example. Intelligent tutoring systems
Education. Computers and the will recreate a very effective
Te c h n o l o g y
Internet are revolutionizing the process of model of education that, for the most part,
education at all levels.45-47 Not only are has lain dormant for several centuries:
computers becoming a key tool in the edu- that of the personal tutor. Such systems
cational process, they also make education work like the personal tutor who gets to
available in places and at times in which know the strengths and weaknesses of a
it was previously inaccessible. Students in particular student very well and remedies
the health professions now dissect them personally. These systems also con-
cadavers on the computer screen,48 pre- stantly assess the knowledge and perfor-
pare teeth with real-time feedback from a mance of their students, select the appro-
computer49 and practice surgical proce- priate learning materials to help them
dures in simulators.50 Distance education improve, and even adapt to the students’
makes single courses and whole degree learning styles.
Over time, the line between
education and practice will
become much less distinct.
Researchers are beginning to
integrate continuing education
into clinicians’ daily work
flow.51,52 Both education and
practice use the same raw
materials: knowledge and expe-
rience. The challenge for infor-
maticians is to devise systems
that can effortlessly change
shape in an instant—from
explaining the details of a ther-
apeutic procedure one moment
to helping formulate a differen-
tial diagnosis for a patient the
Research. Computers have
Figure 3. A biochemist using a virtual reality system to
investigate molecular interactions (Geoff Tompkinson, been an essential tool in
Science Source/Photo Researchers). research for a long time. Figure
DENTISTRY 3 shows an example of applied virtual- e-mail message when a related article is
Dental informatics is computer. We now are entering What future information technology will
an era in which computer pro- bring to our profession depends not so
an exciting new field grams will perform much of the much on how technology evolves, but
that seeks to use discovery for us. Dental mate- rather on how we apply it. The profession
rials research already has capi- must turn from being an observer into
information talized on the capability to test being a creator of phenomena induced by
technology to materials on the computer vs. new technologies. Doing so is a matter of
by in vitro or in vivo methods.53 survival, not convenience. History offers
improve processes
Swanson and Smalheiser54 few lessons, but some measures may help
and outcomes in described a system that facili- achieve a successful union of dentistry and
dental practice, tates the discovery of previ- computer technology.
ously unknown cross-specialty Develop a cadre of people with
education and information of scientific formal training in dental informatics.
research. interest that allows Dental informatics is an exciting new field
researchers to discover new that seeks to use information technology
correlations between variables to improve processes and outcomes in
with the help of a computer program. dental practice, education and research.
Te c h n o l o g y
Computers also increasingly are used to Like a prism in reverse, dental informatics
acquire and analyze research data unites several fields, including dentistry,
directly. This creates new alternatives by cognitive sciences (how humans obtain,
making details normally hidden to the store and retrieve information), computer
human eye or mind accessible.55 For science (how computers and programs
instance, the human eye can distinguish should be designed) and telecommunica-
between approximately 40 shades of gray tion (how information should be trans-
on a radiograph. Digital image analysis mitted) to create novel solutions to prob-
programs, on the other hand, can process lems in dentistry (Figure 4).
thousands of shades of gray. To make dental informatics into a core
Research results are of little value competency and a broad enabling disci-
without effective dissemination. Online pline in support of the dental profession,
journals—such as the British Medical we must invest in qualified people.56 In
Journal at “http://www.bmj.com”—address 1997, the National Institute of Dental and
the method, timeliness and scope of dis- Craniofacial Research recognized this
semination. For instance, readers can reg- need by establishing the first fellowships
ister their topics of interest with the in dental informatics.
British Medical Journal and receive an Build a culture of scientific investi-
gation based on sound research principles. One reason cited for this trend is
While it is possible to conceive of an ingenious that the health care industry has
software application on the spur of the moment or been slow to adopt computers,
through undirected experimentation, it is the prompting patients to take mat-
exception rather than the rule. As in many other ters in their own hands. Patients
fields, dental informatics must advance through appreciate that they can make
Dr. Schleyer is an
systematic research that consistently increases their health information avail- associate professor
the theoretical and practical foundation of dental able to any health care provider and chairman,
practices effectively. Knowledge of what works their own sake. Quite a few com- Address reprint
requests to Dr.
and what does not work in dental informatics puting technologies have turned Schleyer.
must be shared. As recently as 1995, 31 percent of out to be a solution in search of a
all software projects in the United States were problem. Critical appraisal and analysis must
canceled before completion, and 53 percent of all precede adoption, even if our understanding of
software projects overran their cost estimates by potential effects remains limited.
189 percent.61 Even in a dental practice, the Regarding information technology, one thing is
hidden costs of unsuccessful or only partially suc- certain: The new millennium will bring plenty of
cessful computing projects can be tremendous. surprises. ■
Best practices and research findings must be dis-
The author would like to thank Dan Boston, Roger Kenney and
seminated widely and effectively to allow all prac- Hikmet Umar for their comments during the preparation of this paper.
titioners to benefit. With the recent establish-
Readers who are interested in discussing the future of computers in
ment of an Informatics and Technology section, dentistry further may join the author in the ADA ONLINE discussion
JADA has provided an avenue to do so. forum at “http://www.ada.org” to continue the discussion of how infor-
mation technology will affect the dental profession. The discussion
Develop a strategy and goals to imple- thread is titled “Digital dentistry” and will begin when JADA readers
ment computer technology in dentistry. receive this issue.
Computer technology currently sets few limits on 1. Computer Industry Almanac Inc. Computer Industry Almanac says
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