Sensor Dan Aktuator 2 PDF
Sensor Dan Aktuator 2 PDF
Sensor Dan Aktuator 2 PDF
TEGUH Pudji Purwanto
Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT-UGM
Sensor Terminology
• Sensitivity
• Range
• Precision
• Resolution
• Accuracy
• Offset
• Linearity
• Hysteresis
• Response Time
• Dynamic Linearity
• The sensitivity of the sensor is defined as the slope of the output
characteristic curve (DY/DX in Figure 1) or, more generally, the
minimum input of physical parameter that will create a detectable
output change. In some sensors, the sensitivity is defined as the
input parameter change required to produce a standardized output
change. In others, it is defined as an output voltage change for a
given change in input parameter. For example, a typical blood
pressure transducer may have a sensitivity rating of
10 mV/V/mm Hg; that is, there will be a 10-mV output voltage for
each volt of excitation potential and each mm Hg of applied
• Sensitivity Error
The sensitivity error (shown as a dotted curve in Figure 1) is a
departure from the ideal slope of the characteristic curve. For
example, the pressure transducer discussed above may have an
actual sensitivity of 7.8 mV/V/mm Hg instead of 10 mV/V/mm Hg.
• The range of the sensor is the maximum and minimum
values of applied parameter that can be measured. For
example, a given pressure sensor may have a range of -
400 to +400 mm Hg. Alternatively, the positive and
negative ranges often are unequal. For example, a
certain medical blood pressure transducer is specified to
have a minimum (vacuum) limit of -50 mm Hg (Ymin in
Figure 1) and a maximum (pressure) limit of +450 mm
Hg (Ymax in Figure 1). This specification is common,
incidentally, and is one reason doctors and nurses
sometimes destroy blood pressure sensors when
attempting to draw blood through an arterial line without
being mindful of the position of the fluid stopcocks in the
system. A small syringe can exert a tremendous vacuum
on a closed system.
• The concept of precision refers to the degree of
reproducibility of a measurement. In other words, if
exactly the same value were measured a number of
times, an ideal sensor would output exactly the same
value every time. But real sensors output a range of
values distributed in some manner relative to the actual
correct value. For example, suppose a pressure of
exactly 150 mm Hg is applied to a sensor. Even if the
applied pressure never changes, the output values from
the sensor will vary considerably. Some subtle problems
arise in the matter of precision when the true value and
the sensor's mean value are not within a certain distance
of each other
(e.g., the 1-s range of the normal distribution curve).
This specification is the smallest
detectable incremental change of input
parameter that can be detected in the
output signal. Resolution can be
expressed either as a proportion of the
reading (or the full-scale reading) or in
absolute terms.
• The accuracy of the sensor is the
maximum difference that will exist
between the actual value (which must be
measured by a primary or good secondary
standard) and the indicated value at the
output of the sensor. Again, the accuracy
can be expressed either as a percentage
of full scale or in absolute terms.
• The offset error of a transducer is defined as the output
that will exist when it should be zero or, alternatively, the
difference between the actual output value and the
specified output value under some particular set of
conditions. An example of the first situation in terms of
Figure 1 would exist if the characteristic curve had the
same sensitivity slope as the ideal but crossed the Y-
axis (output) at b instead of zero. An example of the
other form of offset is seen in the characteristic curve of
a pH electrode shown in Figure 2. The ideal curve will
exist only at one temperature (usually 25°C), while the
actual curve will be between the minimum temperature
and maximum temperature limits depending on the
temperature of the sample and electrode.
• The linearity of the transducer is an expression of the extent to which the actual
measured curve of a sensor departs from the ideal curve. Figure 3 shows a
somewhat exaggerated relationship between the ideal, or least squares fit, line and
the actual measured or calibration line (Note in most cases, the static curve is used to
determine linearity, and this may deviate somewhat from a dynamic linearity)
Linearity is often specified in terms of percentage of nonlinearity, which is defined as:
• where
Nonlinearity (%) is the percentage of nonlinearity
Din(max) is the maximum input deviation
INf.s. is the maximum, full-scale input
The static nonlinearity defined by Equation 6-1 is often subject to environmental
factors, including temperature, vibration, acoustic noise level, and humidity. It is
important to know under what conditions the specification is valid and departures
from those conditions may not yield linear changes of linearity.
• A transducer should be capable of following the changes
of the input parameter regardless of which direction the
change is made; hysteresis is the measure of this
property. Figure 4 shows a typical hysteresis curve. Note
that it matters from which direction the change is made.
Approaching a fixed input value (point B in Figure 4)
from a higher value (point P) will result in a different
indication than approaching the same value from a
lesser value (point Q or zero). Note that input value B
can be represented by F(X)1, F(X)2, or F(X)3 depending
on the immediate previous value—clearly an error due to
Response Time
• Sensors do not change output state immediately when an input
parameter change occurs. Rather, it will change to the new state
over a period of time, called the response time (Tr in Figure 5). The
response time can be defined as the time required for a sensor
output to change from its previous state to a final settled value within
a tolerance band of the correct new value. This concept is
somewhat different from the notion of the time constant (T) of the
system. This term can be defined in a manner similar to that for a
capacitor charging through a resistance and is usually less than the
response time.
The curves in Figure 5 show two types of response time. In Figure
5a the curve represents the response time following an abrupt
positive going step-function change of the input parameter. The form
shown in Figure 5b is a decay time (Td to distinguish from Tr, for
they are not always the same) in response to a negative going step-
function change of the input parameter.
Dynamic Linearity
• The dynamic linearity of the sensor is a measure of its ability to follow rapid
changes in the input parameter. Amplitude distortion characteristics, phase
distortion characteristics, and response time are important in determining
dynamic linearity. Given a system of low hysteresis (always desirable), the
amplitude response is represented by:
• F(X) = aX + bX2 + cX3
+ dX4 + ••• + K (6-2)
In Equation 6-2, the term F(X) is the output signal, while the X terms
represent the input parameter and its harmonics, and K is an offset constant
(if any). The harmonics become especially important when the error
harmonics generated by the sensor action fall into the same frequency
bands as the natural harmonics produced by the dynamic action of the input
parameter. All continuous waveforms are represented by a Fourier series of
a fundamental sinewave and its harmonics. In any nonsinusoidal waveform
(including time-varying changes of a physical parameter). Harmonics
present will be that can be affected by the action of the sensor.
Measurement Fundamentals
Basic Analog Circuits
Analog Sampling Basics
Sampling Quality
Windowing: Optimizing FFTs Using Window Functions
Dithering, Layout, and High-Quality Components: Tools to Decrease the Noise Floor
Ground Loops and Returns
High-Voltage Measurements and Isolation
Low Frequency and DC Measurements
Basic Analog Circuits
• Ohm's Law and Basic Analog Circuit
• Capacitance Calculations
• Inductance Calculations
• Analog Amplifier Circuits
• Analog RC Filters
Ohm's Law and Basic Analog
Circuit Concepts
C = Q/V
C = Capacitance in farads
Q = Accumulated Charge in Coulombs
V = Voltage difference between the plates
Series configuration:
Q1 = C1 * V
Q2 = C2 * V
Q = Q1 + Q2
Q = V * (C1 + C2)
Ceq = C1 + C2
Inductance Calculations
• Series Configuration:
E1 = L1 (dI/dt)
E2 = L2 (dI/dt)
LT = L1 + L2
Where dI/dt is the change of current over time
• Parallel Configuration:
Z L jL
i n
ZT Z i
i 1
i n
1 1
ZT i 1 Z i
Analog Amplifier Circuits
1) Differential Amplifier: An amplifier whose output is proportional to the difference
between the input signals.
Where, Vout(s) and Vin(s) are the output and input voltage signals and s is the complex
frequency variable.
The magnitude of transfer function is called amplitude response or frequency response
especially in radio applications.
3) Output Buffer
Inverting Amplifier
Vppout = Peak to peak Voltage of the output waveform
Vppin = Peak to peak Voltage of the input waveform = 1 V (in the
above example)
-3 = 20 LOG (Vppout / 1)
Vppout = 0.7079 V = 0.7 V approximately
Typical 100 MHz Digitizer Input
Theoretical amplitude error of a
measured signal
• It is recommended that the bandwidth of your digitizer be
3 to 5 times the highest frequency component of interest
in the measured signal to capture the signal with minimal
amplitude error (bandwidth required = (3 to 5)*frequency
of interest). The theoretical amplitude error of a
measured signal can be calculated from the ratio (R) of
the digitizer's bandwidth (B) in relation to the input signal
frequency (fin).
R = B / fin
Using equation 1, the error in amplitude when measuring
a 100 MHz sine wave with a 100 MHz high-speed
digitizer, which yields a ratio R=1, is approximately
29.3%. Referring to figure 1, this would mean that if the
input waveform has peak to peak amplitude of 1 V, then
the output waveform would have peak to peak amplitude
of approximately 0.707 V.
digitizer’s ADC converts M-series Data Acquisition 700 kHz Up to 1.25 16 bits, 18
MS/s bits
the input signal, after the
signal has passed S-series Data Acquisition 1.3 MHz Up to 10 12 bits, 14
MS/s bits, 16
through the analog input bits
path, to digital values. High-Speed Digitizers 150 MHz 200 MS/s 8 bits to 21
Example :Sampling of a sine
wave using a 3 bit digitizer
Nyquist Theorem and Nyquist
• Nyquist Theorem: Sampling rate (f s) > 2 *
highest frequency component (of interest) in the
measured signal The Nyquist theorem states
that a signal must be sampled at a rate greater
than twice the highest frequency component of
interest in the signal to capture the highest
frequency component of interest; otherwise, the
high-frequency content will alias at a frequency
inside the spectrum of interest (pass-band).
• Nyquist Frequency describes the highest
frequency component allowed to avoid Aliasing
for a given sampling frequency.
Effects of various sampling rates while
sampling a signal
Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing Filters
If a signal is sampled at a sampling rate smaller than twice the
Nyquist frequency, false lower frequency component(s) appears in
the sampled data. This phenomenon is called Aliasing.
ABS means the absolute value
• Real-world signals often contain frequency components that lie above the
Nyquist frequency. These frequencies are erroneously aliased and added to
the components of the signal that are sampled accurately, producing
distorted sampled data. In systems where you want to perform accurate
measurements using sampled data, the sampling rate must be set high
enough (about 5 to 10 times the highest frequency component in the signal)
to prevent aliasing, or an optional anti-aliasing filter (a low pass filter that
attenuates any frequencies in the input signal that are greater than the
Nyquist frequency) must be introduced before the ADC to restrict the
bandwidth of the input signal to meet the sampling criteria.
For example, in the NI 4461 Dynamic Signal Acquisition device, the analog
inputs have both analog and digital filters implemented in hardware to
prevent aliasing. Input signals are first passed through a fixed analog filter to
remove any signals with frequency components beyond the range of the
ADCs. Then digital anti-aliasing filters automatically adjust their cutoff
frequency to remove any frequency components above half the programmed
sampling rate.
Assume fs, the sampling frequency, is 100 Hz and that the input signal contains the
following frequencies: 25 Hz, 70 Hz, 160 Hz, and 510 Hz. These frequencies are shown
in the following figure.
Accuracy = 200 µV
Therefore, the reading should be within 200 µV of the actual input voltage.
Accuracy can also be defined in terms of the deviation
from an ideal transfer function as follows:
A data acquisition device is often specified as:
NoiseUncertainty = 18 µV
• Single ended is the “default” configuration for most data acquisition devices,
modular instruments, and stand-alone devices. Figure 6a show an example
of Single Ended configuration. In contrast to the Differential mode, channels
in Single Ended modes require only a single analog input channel. The
second lead is common and used by all channels. This configuration has the
advantage that the channel count is doubled. This results from the fact that
all the channels that were used in Differential mode as the negative channel
inputs are now available. However, single-ended systems are very
susceptible to ground loops, for more information about removing ground
loops from your system please read the Measurement Configuration section
There are essentially two main types of Single-Ended measurement
• Ground Referenced Single Ended (GRSE) or simply called Referenced
Single Ended (RSE) refers to single-ended systems in which the common
channel is connected to ground. Figure 6a below depicts a Reference Single
Ended system in which all the channels are referenced to AIGND which
represents the system ground.
Ground Referenced Single-Ended (GRSE) or Referenced Single Ended (RSE)
In a Non-Referenced
Single-Ended (NRSE)
system, all the channels
are still referenced to a
common point. However,
the common channel in
this case is not grounded.
Figure 6b below shows
an example of a Non-
Referenced Single Ended
system where all the
channels are referenced
to AISENSE which is not
connected to system
Signal Source - Measurement
System Configurations
with temperature.
Within a limited
α = temperature coefficient of resistance
temperature range,
this resistivity
increases linearly
with temperature:
• Platinum RTDs are made of either IEC/DIN grade platinum or
reference grade platinum. The difference lies in the purity of the
platinum. The IEC/DIN standard is pure platinum that is intentionally
contaminated with other platinum group metals. The reference grade
platinum is made from 99.999+% pure platinum. Both probes will
read 100Ω at 0°C, but at 100°C the DIN grade platinum RTD will
read 138.5Ω and the reference grade will read 139.24Ω in RdF's
maxiumum performance strain-free assemblies. International
committees have been established to develop standard curves for
RTDs. Only platinum RTDs have an international standard.
Standards for any other metal are local. The committees have
adopted a mean temperature coefficient between the 0°C and
100°C resistance values as the (“alpha”) for industrial platinum
RTDs conforming to the relationships below.
• IEC/DIN grade platinum: α = 0.00385 Ω/Ω/°C
• Reference grade platinum: α = 0.003926 Ω/Ω/°C (max.)
• The relationship between resistance and temperature can be
approximated by the Callendar-Van Dusen equation:
RTD Materials
The coiled element sensor, made The thin film sensing element is
by inserting the helical sensing made by depositing a thin layer of
wires into a packed powder-filled platinum in a resistance pattern on
insulating mandrel, provides a a ceramic substrate. A glassy layer
strain-free sensing element. is applied for seal and protection.
RTD Construction
RTD Measurement
Cable Lead : Source of Error
Three Wire Configuration
Four Wire Configuration
When discussing RTDs, several
specifications must be considered:
Wiring configuration (2, 3 or 4-wire)
Response time
Wiring Configuration
Two-wire RTDs are typically used only
with very short lead wires, or with a
1000Ω element.
T = temperature in kelvin
To= reference temperature in kelvin
β = a constant of the material that represents the change in
lnRt as a function of temperature
for extrinsic conduction
• There are two types of thermistors – negative temperature
coefficient (NTC) thermistors, whose resistance decreases with
increasing temperature, and positive temperature coefficient (PTC)
thermistors, whose resistance increases with increasing
temperature. NTC thermistors are much more commonly used than
PTC thermistors, especially for temperature measurement
• A main advantage of thermistors for temperature measurement is
their extremely high sensitivity. For example, a 2252 W thermistor
has a sensitivity of -100 W/°C at room temperature. Higher
resistance thermistors can exhibit temperature coefficients of -10
kW/°C or more. In comparison, a 100 W platinum RTD has a
sensitivityof only 0.4 W/°C. The physically small size of the
thermistor bead also yields a very fast response to temperature
• Another advantage of the thermistor is its relatively high resistance.
Thermistors are available with base resistances (at 25° C) ranging
from hundreds to millions of ohms. This high resistance diminishes
the effect of inherent resistances in the lead wires, which can cause
significant errors with low resistance devices such as RTDs. For
example, while RTD measurements typically require 3-wire or 4-wire
connections to reduce errors caused by lead wire resistances, 2-
wire connections to thermistors are usually adequate.
Resistance-Temperature Curve of a Thermistor
Thermistor Measurement Circuits
Surface Temperature Probes
Gas or Air Temperature Probes
Liquid Temperature Probes
Semiconductor Temperature
• the Analog Devices TMP36 (-40 to 150C).
Its very similar to the LM35/TMP35
(celsius output) and LM34/TMP34
(farenheit output).
PEC – UET Lahore Dr. Shahid Naveed 4. April 2014 / Dr. –Ing Naveed Ramzan 154
Radiation Pyrometer
Radiation pyrometers
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Radiation Pyrometer
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Expansion Thermometers
• Bimetallic Thermometer
(Expansion of solids)
• Bimetallic Thermometer
(Expansion of solids)
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Expansion Thermometers
• Bimetallic Thermometer
(Expansion of solids)
Thermal expansion methods: Bimetallic sensors
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Expansion Thermometers
Capillary tube
Pressure element
Spiral Type
Bourdon Tube
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Expansion Thermometers
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Expansion Thermometers
PEC – UET Lahore Dr. Shahid Naveed 4. April 2014 / Dr. –Ing Naveed Ramzan 162
Various Temperature Sensor
• What Is Strain?
• The Strain Gauge
• Strain Gauge Measurement
• Signal Conditioning for Strain Gauges
• DAQ Systems for Strain Gauge
• Relevant NI Products
TOOLS of the electrical measurement technique applied to the
measurement of mechanical quantities. As their name indicates,
they are used for the measurement of strain. As a technical term
"strain" consists of tensile and compressive strain, distinguished by
a positive or negative sign. Thus, strain gages can be used to pick
up expansion as well as contraction. The strain of a body is always
caused by an external influence or an internal effect. Strain might be
caused by forces, pressures, moments, heat, structural changes of
the material and the like. If certain conditions are fulfilled, the
amount or the value of the influencing quantity can be derived from
the measured strain value. In experimental stress analysis this
feature is widely used. Experimental stress analysis uses the strain
values measured on the surface of a specimen or structural part to
state the stress in the material and also to predict its safety and
endurance. Special transducers can be designed for the
measurement of forces or other derived quantities, e.g., moments,
pressures, accelerations, and displacements, vibrations and others.
The transducer generally contains a pressure sensitive diaphragm
with strain gages bonded to it.
What Is Strain?
• Strain can be positive (tensile) or negative
(compressive). Although dimensionless, strain is
sometimes expressed in units such as in./in. or mm/mm.
In practice, the magnitude of measured strain is very
small. Therefore, strain is often expressed as microstrain
(μe), which is e x 10-6.
• When a bar is strained with a uniaxial force, a
phenomenon known as Poisson Strain causes
the girth of the bar, D, to contract in the
transverse, or perpendicular, direction. The
magnitude of this transverse contraction is a
material property indicated by its Poisson's
Ratio. The Poisson's Ratio ν of a material is
defined as the negative ratio of the strain in the
transverse direction (perpendicular to the force)
to the strain in the axial direction (parallel to the
force), or ν = εt/εL . Poisson's Ratio for steel, for
example, ranges from 0.25 to 0.3.
L = Longitudinal, t = transversal
Some elements of a bar
under uniaxial tension
undergo elongation and
contraction. These
elements lie in principal
Other elements undergo
distortion as well.
Principal Direction and
Principal Strain
Principal Direction
And Principal Strain
Piezoresistive Foil Gages
A small change in
resistance is given by the
first-order terms of a
Taylor’s series expansion,
Then :
Then :
Gage Factor : G
From this equation, it is apparent that when R1/R2 = R4/R3, the
voltage output VO will be zero. Under these conditions, the bridge is
said to be balanced. Any change in resistance in any arm of the
bridge will result in a nonzero output voltage.
Therefore, if we replace R4 with an active strain gauge, any
changes in the strain gauge resistance will unbalance the bridge
and produce a nonzero output voltage. If the nominal resistance of
the strain gauge is designated as RG, then the strain-induced
change in resistance, DR, can be expressed as DR = RG·GF·e.
Assuming that R1 = R2 and R3 = RG, the bridge equation above
can be rewritten to express VO/VEX as a function of strain. Note the
presence of the 1/(1+GF·e/2) term that indicates the nonlinearity of
the quarter-bridge output with respect to strain.
Quarter Bridge Configuration
Temperature Compensation
• Strain gauge manufacturers attempt to minimize sensitivity to temperature
by processing the gauge material to compensate for the thermal expansion
of the specimen material for which the gauge is intended. While
compensated gauges reduce the thermal sensitivity, they do not totally
remove it.
• By using two strain gauges in the bridge, the effect of temperature can be
further minimized. For example, Figure below illustrates a strain gauge
configuration where one gauge is active (RG + DR), and a second gauge is
placed transverse to the applied strain. Therefore, the strain has little effect
on the second gauge, called the dummy gauge. However, any changes in
temperature will affect both gauges in the same way. Because the
temperature changes are identical in the two gauges, the ratio of their
resistance does not change, the voltage VO does not change, and the
effects of the temperature change are minimized.
Half Bridge Circuit
The sensitivity of the bridge to strain can be doubled by making both
gauges active in a half-bridge configuration. For example, Figure 6
illustrates a bending beam application with one bridge mounted in
tension (RG + DR) and the other mounted in compression (RG -
DR). This half-bridge configuration, whose circuit diagram is also
illustrated in Figure below, yields an output voltage that is linear and
approximately doubles the output of the quarter-bridge circuit.
s = 6.0 in
εa = 80×10-6 m/m
εb = 60×10-6 m/m
εc = 20×10-6 m/m
εx = εa εy = εc γxy = 2εb - (εa + εc)
εx = 80×10-6 m/m
εy = 20×10-6 m/m
γxy = 20×10-6 rad
Mohr's Circle for Principal
Calibration With Cantilever Beam
• Specification of Strain Indicator used in this
Make : Measurements Group - Instruments division
Model : P 3500
Gage factor range: 0.5 to 9.99
Type of strain gages: 120 W and 350 W strain gages
Operation: Battery Operated
Readings: Displays strain as micro strain
The instrument supports the strain gages to be
connected as Quarter, Half and Full bridge circuits.
The display can be set normal display (absolute value)
or with a magnification factor of 10.
Lead Wire Contribution
• The strain gauge's resistance (Rgauge) is not the only resistance
being measured: the wire resistances Rwire1 and Rwire2, being in
series with Rgauge, also contribute to the resistance of the lower
half of the rheostat arm of the bridge, and consequently contribute to
the voltmeter's indication. This, of course, will be falsely interpreted
by the meter as physical strain on the gauge.
Lead Wire Compensation
Because the third wire carries practically no current (due to the voltmeter's extremely
high internal resistance), its resistance will not drop any substantial amount of
voltage. Notice how the resistance of the top wire (Rwire1) has been "bypassed" now
that the voltmeter connects directly to the top terminal of the strain gauge, leaving
only the lower wire's resistance (Rwire2) to contribute any stray resistance in series
with the gauge. Not a perfect solution, of course, but twice as good as the last circuit!
• The equations given above for quarter, half, and full-bridge
strain gauge configurations assume that the lead wire
resistance is negligible. While ignoring the lead resistances
may be beneficial to understanding the basics of strain gauge
measurements, doing so in practice can be a major source of
error. For example, consider the 2-wire connection of a strain
gauge shown in Figure 8a. Suppose each lead wire connected
to the strain gauge is 15 m long with lead resistance RL equal
to 1 W. Therefore, the lead resistance adds 2 W of resistance
to that arm of the bridge. Besides adding an offset error, the
lead resistance also desensitizes the output of the bridge.
• You can compensate for this error by measuring the lead
resistance RL and accounting for it in the strain calculations.
However, a more difficult problem arises from changes in the
lead resistance due to temperature fluctuations. Given typical
temperature coefficients for copper wire, a slight change in
temperature can generate a measurement error of several me.
Using a 3-wire connection can eliminate the effects of
variable lead wire resistance because the lead
resistances affect adjacent legs of the bridge. As seen in
Figure 8b, changes in lead wire resistance, R2, do not
change the ratio of the bridge legs R3 and RG.
Therefore, any changes in resistance due to temperature
cancel each other.
Signal Conditioning for Strain Gauges
To ensure accurate strain measurements, it is
important to consider the following:
• Bridge completion
• Excitation
• Remote sensing
• Amplification
• Filtering
• Offset
• Shunt calibration
• Bridge Completion :Unless you are using a full-bridge
strain gauge sensor with four active gauges, you will
need to complete the bridge with reference resistors.
Therefore, strain gauge signal conditioners typically
provide half-bridge completion networks consisting of
high-precision reference resistors. Figure 9 shows the
wiring of a half-bridge strain gauge circuit to a
conditioner with completion resistors R1 and R2
• Excitation – Strain gauge signal conditioners typically
provide a constant voltage source to power the bridge.
While there is no standard voltage level that is recognized
industry wide, excitation voltage levels of around 3 and 10 V
are common. While a higher excitation voltage generates a
proportionately higher output voltage, the higher voltage can
also cause larger errors because of self-heating.
• Remote Sensing – If the strain gauge circuit is located a
distance away from the signal conditioner and excitation
source, a possible source of error is voltage drop caused by
resistance in the wires connecting the excitation voltage to
the bridge. Therefore, some signal conditioners include a
feature called remote sensing to compensate for this error.
Remote sense wires are connected to the point where the
excitation voltage wires connect to the bridge circuit. The
extra sense wires serve to regulate the excitation supply
through negative feedback amplifiers to compensate for
lead losses and deliver the needed voltage at the bridge.
• Amplification – The output of strain gauges and
bridges is relatively small. In practice, most
strain gauge bridges and strain-based
transducers will output less than 10 mV/V (10
mV of output per volt of excitation voltage). With
10 V excitation, the output signal will be 100 mV.
Therefore, strain gauge signal conditioners
usually include amplifiers to boost the signal
level to increase measurement resolution and
improve signal-to-noise ratios.
• Filtering – Strain gauges are often located in
electrically noisy environments. It is therefore
essential to be able to eliminate noise that can
couple to strain gauges. Lowpass filters, when
used in conjunction with strain gauges, can
remove high-frequency noise prevalent in most
environmental settings.
• Offset Nulling – When a bridge is installed, it is very unlikely that the bridge
will output exactly zero volts when no strain is applied. Slight variations in
resistance among the bridge arms and lead resistance will generate some
nonzero initial offset voltage. Offset nulling can be performed by either
hardware or software:
1. Software Compensation – With this method, you take an initial
measurement before strain input is applied, and use this offset to
compensate subsequent measurements. This method is simple, fast, and
requires no manual adjustments. The disadvantage of the software
compensation method is that the offset of the bridge is not removed. If the
offset is large enough, it limits the amplifier gain you can apply to the output
voltage, thus limiting the dynamic range of the measurement.
2. Offset-Nulling Circuit – The second balancing method uses an adjustable
resistance, a potentiometer, to physically adjust the output of the bridge to
zero. By varying the resistance of potentiometer, you can control the level of
the bridge output and set the initial output to zero volts.
• Shunt Calibration – The normal procedure to verify the
output of a strain gauge measurement system relative to
some predetermined mechanical input or strain is called
shunt calibration. Shunt calibration involves simulating
the input of strain by changing the resistance of an arm
in the bridge by some known amount. This is
accomplished by shunting, or connecting, a large resistor
of known value across one arm of the bridge, creating a
known DR. The output of the bridge can then be
measured and compared to the expected voltage value.
The results are used to correct span errors in the entire
measurement path, or to simply verify general operation
to gain confidence in the setup
Table 1. SCXI-1520 Features for Strain Gauges
Number of channels 8
Multiplexer scan rate Up to 333 kS/s1
Amplifier gain 1 to 1000
Excitation voltage 0.0 to 10.0 V in 0.635 V
source increments
Excitation current drive 29 mA throughout
excitation voltage range
Half-bridge completion Yes
The SI unit for pressure is the Pascal (N/m2), but other common units of pressure
include pounds per square inch (PSI), atmospheres (atm), bars,
inches of mercury (in Hg), and millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
Head pressure
• Head pressure(or pressure head) measures the static pressure of a liquid in a tank or
a pipe. Head pressure, P, is a function solely on the height, h, of the liquid and weight
density, w, of the liquid being measured as shown in Figure 1 below.
The pressure on a scuba diver swimming in the ocean would be the diver's depth
multiplied by weight of the ocean (64 pounds per cubic foot). A scuba diver diving 33
feet into the ocean would have 2112 pounds of water on every square foot of his
body. The translates to 14.7 PSI. Interestingly enough, the atmospheric pressure of
the air at sea level is also 14.7 PSI or 1 atm. Thus, 33 feet of water create as much
pressure as 5 miles of air! The total pressure on a scuba diver 33 feet deep ocean
would be the combined pressure caused by the weight of the air and the water and
would be 29.4 PSI or 2 atm.
• 1 psi= 51.714 mmHg
= 2.0359 in.Hg
= 27.680 in.H2O
= 6.8946 kPa
1 bar= 14.504 psi
1 atm. = 14.696 psi
Example: Convert 200 mmHg to psi:
200 mmHg • 1 psi/51.714 mmHg = 3.867
Absolut Pressure Sensor Gauge (relative)
Pressure Sensor
Pressure Sensor
Gauge Selection Guide
The typical pressure sensor has
three functional blocks.
Pressure Sensor
Mechanical and Electromechanical
Pressure Sensor
A pressure sensor may be modeled as:
VOUT = kO + k1P
kO = offset
k1= pressure sensitivity in V/pressure unit
C = µA/d
µ= dielectric constant of the material
between the plates
A = area of the plates
d= spacing between the plates
The basic capacitive pressure sensor
consists of two plates with
a vacuum between them.
p gH
Given the following error terms:
Linearity = 1% F.S.
Null calibration = 1% F.S.
Sensitivity calibration = 1% F.S. Temperature errors are sometimes
given as coefficients per ºC referenced to 25ºC. Simply multiply the
coefficient by the temperature range of the application to obtain the
total error.
Temperature error = 0.5% F.S.
Repeatability and hysteresis = 0.1% F.S.
Worst case error is equal to the sum of all the maximum errors:
Worst case error = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.1 = 3.6%
Level devices operate under different
principles. They can be classified into
three main categories that measure
• the position (height) of the surface.
• the pressure head.
• the weight of the material through load
RF capacitance, conductance, hydrostatic tank gauging, radar, and ultrasonics
are the leading sensor technologies in liquid level tank measurement
and control operations. Making the wisest selection for your own application
requires a basic understanding of how these devices work.
Measurements Using the Effects of Density
• Displacer
Displacers measure the
buoyancy of a solid body that
is partially submerged in the
liquid. The change in weight is
Gaya Apung
• The result for level Ld, related to the lower
edge of the displacer is:
Pressure Gage
The hydrostatic head, or differential pressure, method can add
measurements (at left) for hydrostatic tank gauging (HTG).
Balance Method
Impedance Z R
j 2fC
In the RF capacitance method of liquid level measurement,
the electrode sensor connects directly to an RF transmitter
outside the tank.
A small change in
specific volume
( ΔVol/Vol)
Turbulent ***
Re < 2000
Re > 4000
• Laminar Flow - Is Characterized By Concentric Layers Of
Fluid Moving In Parallel Down The Length Of A Pipe. The
Highest Velocity (Vmax) Is Found In The Center Of The
Pipe. The Lowest Velocity (V=0) Is Found Along The Pipe
• Untuk mematuhi prinsip konservasi massa,
pengukuran akhir dilakukan atas dasar massa,
namun, karena sejarah praktek-praktek business ,
biasanya dilaporkan di volumetrik (atau energi)
unit pada kondisi dasar
• Dalam sistem SI, satuan utama dari massa adalah
kilogram, yang standar utama adalah balok logam
platinum-iridium (disimpan di Paris) disebut
prototipe kilogram internasional. Dalam kebiasaan
AS (USC) , unit utama massa adalah pound-
massa, yang langsung dapat ditelusuri ke
prototipe kilogram internasional.
Dalam sistem USC, dasar (atau standar)
volume gas alam adalah kaki kubik. Ini berasal
dari unit USC panjang, kaki. Kaki kubik standar,
bila diterapkan pada gas alam, berarti jumlah
gas pada kondisi dasar suhu dan tekanan
yang menempati volume 1 kaki kubik. Unit
volume dikenal sebagai seribu kaki kubik
standar (MSCF) dan juta kaki kubik (MM SCF)
yang umum digunakan di industri gas alam
Amerika Utara untuk tujuan fiskal.
Dalam Sistem Internasional (SI) , dasar
(atau standar) volume untuk gas alam
adalah meter kubik. Ini berasal dari unit SI
panjang. Meter didefinisikan oleh jumlah
tertentu panjang gelombang tertentu jenis
radiasi atom. Standar meter kubik (Nm3),
bila diterapkan pada gas alam, berarti
jumlah gas pada kondisi dasar suhu dan
tekanan yang menempati volume 1 meter
Kondisi Standar
Dalam sistem USC, dasar (atau standar)
kondisi biasanya dinyatakan sebesar :
• Tekanan 14.73 psia (101,560 kPa)
• Suhu 60.O oF (15.56 oC)
Dalam satuan Internasional (SI) kondisi
standar biasanya dinyatakan sebesar:
• Tekanan 101,325 kPa (14,696 psia)
• Suhu 15.OO oC (59.OoF)
• Untuk perhitungan densiti dan kandungan
energi dari analisis komposisi, persentase
mole dari air dianggap nol.
• Untuk perdagangan, volume dasar dan
kandungan energi selalu berdasarkan
kondisi kering, karena biasanya spesifikasi
untuk kandungan air sangat rendah, yaitu
sekitar 7 lbm per MMSCF
Satuan Energi
• BTU (British Thermal Unit) : Jumlah kalor yang
diperlukan untuk menaikan suhu 1 lbm air sebesar
1 oF pada kondisi lingkungan bersuhu 60 oF dan
tekanan 14,73 psia.
• Joule = Nm
• Kalori : Jumlah kalor yang diperlukan untuk
menaikan suhu 1 grm air sebesar 1 oC pada
kondisi lingkungan bersuhu 15 oC dan tekanan
101,325 kPa.
• Kiliwatt Jam (kWh)
• Konversi 1 kalori = 4,1868 Joule = 0,0039683
• Lower Heating Value (LHV) atau disebut juga Net
Heating Value (NHV) : Jumlah energi yang dilepaskan
pada waktu pembakaran gas alam sebesar 1 kaki
kubik standar, satuannya BTU. Panas pengembunan
air tidak dimasukan, karena air dianggap dalam
bentuk uap.
• Higher Heating Value (HHV) atau disebut juga Gross
Heating Value (GHV) : Jumlah energi yang dilepaskan
pada waktu pembakaran gas alam sebesar 1 kaki
kubik standar, satuannya BTU. Panas pengembunan
air sebagai produk pembakaran dimasukan.
• HHV dihitung per satuan volume pada kondisi standar,
tekanan 14,73 psai dan suhu 60 oF.
• Hukum Bernoulli Menjelaskan Perilaku
Dari Fluida Ideal Dalam berbagai Kondisi
Dalam Sistem Tertutup. Ini Menyatakan
Bahwa Energy Keseluruhan Dari fluida
tersebut Saat Memasuki Sistem adalah
sama dengan Energy Keseluruhan Saat
keluar sistem.
• PE1 + KE1 = PE2 + KE2
PE = Potential Energy
KE = Kinetic Energy
• Untuk fluida ideal, Hukum Bernoulli
diungkapkan dalam rumus berikut:
Energy Per Unit Volume Before = Energy Per Unit Volume After
1 1
P1 +
rV12 + rgh1 = P2 + 2
rV22 + rgh2
Kinetic Potential
V1, P1 Pressure
Per Unit
Per unit
Volume Volume
V2, P2
V2 > V1
P2 < P1
Increased Fluid Speed
Decrease Fluid Pressure
Installation – Straight Run
Straight run requirements
Minimum 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream required to get
proper flow profile
The most frequently used flow sensor is the orifice meter. What is the basic
principle for this device?
Bernoulli says
Principles of the orifice meter
Porifice=P1 – P3
Sensors: Principles of the orifice meter
Bernoulli’s eqn.
Multiply signal by
meter constant K K FC
Sensors: Are there limitations to orifices?
v = velocity
Relate the
pressure drop F = volumetric flow rate
to the flow f = frictional losses
= density
A = cross sectional area
Reynolds number
Sensors: Is there a downside to orifices?
What is a key
disadvantage of the
orifice meter?
Ploss = P1 – P2
Pressure loss!
When cost of pressure
increase (P1) by pumping or
Porifice=P1 – P3 Non-
compression is high, we want
recoverabl to avoid the “non-
e pressure recoverable” pressure loss.
Sensors: Factors in selecting an orifice meter
Type of Flowmeters
Working Principle
The coil is a permanent magnet and the turbine blades are made of a material attracted to
magnets. As each blade passes the coil, a voltage is generated in the coil. Each pulse
represents a discrete volume of liquid. The number of pulses per unit volume is called the
meter's K-factor.
A permanent magnet is embedded in the rotor, or the blades of the rotor are made of
permanently magnetized material. As each blade passes the coil, it generates a voltage pulse. In
some designs, only one blade is magnetic and the pulse represents a complete revolution of the
Capacitive sensors produce a sine wave by generating an RF signal that is amplitude-modulated
by the movement of the rotor blades.
Hall-effect transistors also can be used. These transistors change their state when they are in the
presence of a very low strength (on the order of 25 gauss) magnetic field.
Type of Flowmeters
Type of Flowmeters
Type of Flowmeters
Bernoulli’s Equation
For Pitot Tube:
P = Static Pressure
ρ = Density of Fluid
v = Velocity of Fluid
g = Gravitational Acceleration (9.81m/s2)
h = Height
Pemakaian Pitot Tube untuk mengukur
distribusi kecepatan pada ducting
Rectangular Duct
Pitot Tube
Direct Measurement
• Coriolis
• Thermal Dispersion
Thermal Dispersion
Principle of Operation
• Thermal dispersion technologies are based on the operational principle that
states the rate of heat transfer by a flow stream is proportional to its mass
flow. The flow measurement is accomplished by precisely measuring the
cooling effect as the mass (molecular) flow passes the heated sensor. The
sensor consists of two elements:
• The reference, which measures the temperature of the gas.
• A second element, which is heated at a variable power to maintain the
desired temperature difference between the two sensors.
Two Principle of Operation
Principles of flow through a closed
In typical processes, we manipulate the flow to achieve desired
operating conditions
Flow = F2 (m3/min)
Pressure = P2 (kPa)
Flow = F1 (m3/min)
Pressure = P1 (kPa)
Flow principles: Let’s look at a typical centrifugal pump
here? F1 F2
Flow = F2 (m3/min)
= Pressure = P2 (kPa)
> P1 P2
Flow = F1 (m3/min)
Pressure = P1 (kPa)
Flow principles: Let’s look at a typical centrifugal pump
here? F1 = F2
Flow = F2 (m3/min)
= Pressure = P2 (kPa)
> P1 < P2
Flow = F1 (m3/min)
Pressure = P1 (kPa)
Principles of flow through a closed
speed P0 = constant
Head at pump outlet
Flow rate
Principles of flow through a closed
speed P0 = constant
Steady-state flow
rate at given
“system” curve,
pressure drop vs
flow rate
Flow rate
Head at outlet of pump
Flow rate
Friction Factor for Smooth, Transition,
and Rough Turbulent flow
L 2 U 2
f 0.079Re0.25
1 D
4.0 * log 2.28
Rough pipe, [ (D/)/(Re√ƒ) <0.01]